Newspaper Page Text
1 1 • . -
of Quality!
We offer yon only
Clothes that you can be
sure of.
The Season s
Choicest Models
Are hero and the styles
were never handsomer
or more attractive.
The Depositors in the
Equitable Banking & Loan Co.
•r# Invited to Immediately communi
Mti with Hon. Jo# Hill Hall for thoir
mutual protoetion. Tho Protactivo
Commute# hop# to aoeur# for tho Da*
pooitor# a much larger proportion
(nearly double) 0 f tha aaoeta if prompt
aotion ia taken by tha Depositors.
Plaoaa immadlatoly pive Hon. Joo
Hill Hall authority to aot for your best
it lx>an Company, which announce
ment appeared In yeaterdny'n Tele-
grap. wn« not Insert*'! by me, nor with
my knowledge, but waa <1«ine by an
other party interested In the aclnctloh
of a receiver. However, I will attend
to the Intereata of those who hnvo ap
plied to nt* as a result of thin an
nouncement. If they so desire It.
(Baltimore, Md.)
. . All Subscribe re In
District of Columbia. Virginia,
.Vwth and South Carolina.
Pennsylvania, Delaware
A»d Throughout the United State* Can
Gat the HUN by Mail at 1 Cent a
Oopy. '
I. T*h. Hlph-Cl... p,p, r m
The United States.
RUN 8 Special correapondenta
innmanoiit the United Htntea, ns well ns
In Europe. Chinn. Houtli Africa, the Phil-
tppinea. for to lllco, Cuba and every other
pari of the world, make It tho greatest
tiewriwper that can l* printed.
It* Washington and New York bureau*
Tlhe h*«t In the United Plate*.
- ■ The Him a reader* tli
Information upon nil Important ...
1 “1 fed liliHnclal center* of
and glv
Informal.-.. ....
the legislative
Near-boar License Will Probably Re
main the Game—Proposition to In
ere mo tho Tax on Dogs, Especially
Bull Dogs—May Ba Tan Dollara Par
Tho llcena# and tax ordinance for
tho year 1109 la In the hands of tho
printer, and proof sheets will soon
be given to tho committee ao that
tho entire ordinance can be submitted
to the mayor and council for pass*
age before the first of January.
The committee have been at -work
for several lays on thle ordinance,
starting at It early that It might be
perfected and printed In time for the
It Is understood that* so far as the
committee la concerned, there will be
but few changes In the license* for
the new year. They have gone care
fully over the ochedule. Item by Item,
and had with them License Inspector
Herrington, who has given them the
benefit of his experience and obser
Ho far as can be learned there will
be no Increases. Tho near-beer li
cense, fdr instance, will remain ao
Inst year, $100 for retail and $230
for the wholesale.
One of the changes will bo In tha
taking off of tho license on the-bmall
contractor that was put on last year.
For Instance, under the present sched
ule, the painter or tha carpentar, or
the house mover, or any other person
who does work under live hundred
dollars, must take out & license. This
Includes the carpenter who mends a
fenc« for twenty dollars or such sum,
or the man who paints a Jlouso for
one hundred dollara. The committee
are of the opinion that only the con
tractor who takes Jobs oyer five hun
dred dollara should be required to pay
license, and It Is probable that thla
will be so fixed as to exempt all''do
ing work under fire hundred dollara.
It Is also probable that there .will
he some change as to tha fruit street
stands. Under the present ordinance
puch stands are prohibited, but this
Is gotten around In various ways. V
Is intended that they will be positive
ly prohibited by the law being niada
to cover all evasions, or that they
will be allowed and recognised as la*
Ultimate place* of business Just tha
same as any store.
In addition to these changes there
may be n number fit additions that
have been made necessary by the
many new kinds of businesses that
spring up. and of wnlch the license
Inspector baa taken note during the
Another nuttier that may come up
for discussion before the tax ordi
nance |a passed, Is an Ipofeasod tax
on dogs. There are some who think
thnt ono dollar Is a very small amount
to allow dogs to run the street Thla
opinion has been brought about by
the number of mad dogs during' the
past summer, and the number of pro
pie that were'bitten and were com
polled to take tho Pasteur treatment
at considerable expense. Another rea
son Is given why thla tax ehould be
Incrense,! is because of the number
of vlrloiis dogs being brought Into
and kept In the city.' It Is clallned
that tho man who keeps o hull dog
ought »to be made to pay more than
one dollar to keep him. One life,
they claim. Is worth all the bub dogs
op earth, and yet the owner Is al
lowed to keep one and to lat him run
the streets, ready to bits a child,
or even a grown person, for only rtne
dollar. Another reason for Increasing
thla tax Is that there are too many
dogs anyhow.
It Is rlalmad that the city has lesa
revenue from this sourre than any
other for the renaon that when the
cost of Imposing and collecting, thla
tax ta considered, the dog tax la a
burden on the city government, a bur
den on the dog. and a burden on the
dog catcher, it la proposed to make
the tax ten dollars, and to fine the
dog catcher bwenty-flve dollarator
every dog he falls to catch and fclfi.
H Cllnchfleld—the Coal of quality/*
Two Gold Fish and an Aqna-
riura given away with each box
of our grcasless Cold Cream.
Taylor-Bayne Drug Co.
Christian Chureh.
Corner Grange and High atreets. Run
ty school 9:30 a. ni.; morning sermon
look. •‘The Trend of Rellgiuua
jht. Tbl* eermon will deal with
...oriorn movements pointing ta the union
of Christian forces, using as an Illustra
tion the recent federal council of the
church** of Christ In America held ta
Phlladelnhla. "The Secret Of Happineas’* ,
‘ “ a at 7:N
earliest J Thought
lorn i ,
the country. " ^ forces, using as
The Fanner’s Paper
The Hun’s market reports an t commer
cial columns are complt-ie «nd reliable,
and put the rainier, the merchant and the
broker In touch with the markets of Hal*
tlmore. Norfolk. Charleston. New York.
Chicago. Philadelphia and nil other Ini- - ...
portunt point* tn the United Htatee and'" 1 *.4& a. m.. J. J. McKay, superintend-
other countrIre. All of which the reader rn *: preaching at It o'clock, subject,
get* for one cent. ••pillowing Christ;" evening service a*
TllO Woman** Pnrtor I*10. subject. "Ae Much as tn Me la?
_. w 0 AI V woman S rapor I Th all of the** services the public Is enr-
1 h« Rim I* the best type of a newspaper dlally Invited. Free pews and a cordial
morally and Intellectually, in addition to welcome,
tlj. new* of the day. It puhlUhee the beat
f< <nt<tca that can be pre*rntrd, such as
fashion articles and miscellaneous writ-1 rv
tna* from «•••* **•>■* -* —• •' - v
*|!| be the theme for the eermon i
i. nt.
Flret Presbyterian Church.
K. Dougins, jaetor^ Snhhat^ school
van Ing "earvice at
r (by „ ntr .
.**/ M ?L' •£-* Sun. $3 a year: In*
sSn ;..v. nd .vA“"' ** *°- t — *->•
osy Sun alone, $1.90 « year.
My s
Publishers and Proprietor*.
MACON. ou.un c . m „vanna rail.
Effective March is, nos.
Sr rr.'sr.#^
General Peeeencer Ag%nL
The Concrete Boat.
The very latest thing tn boats ta the
reinforced concrete kind, which were
«ret built last yra* and operated on the
Tiber et Rome. tn% famous old eteemer
having the honor of bearing on It* boeom
the newest experiment in navigation.
Recently n Arm In Kan»«a CUy tx-wan
espertmenttnc with model* of auch boats
made dear that the
difference In weight between steel and
c-nnercte ta boat construction t> very
•hght., It has also found that concrete
offer* lee# resistance te propulsion tn the
weter, that Is apparently has leea frte*
than wo>*4
required end the cost ef eu
more than half that of
while tlie maintenance coal
readily *oe. ta nothing.
>n painting la
■h boota le no
* may
. . Italian gov ... w ._
pertmeni not long age with reference to
the p>«rr of tlie retufoi.^d concrete
Umt to stand ontltslna. A l.Nt>tiw U*at
of that kind wee rammed by a much
larger ateel boat and the result wee that
tl e Steel Inset got the worst td it The
eu.veea of the steel and concrete boats
baa ben ewp> dwar bo<H>4 ouotKm In
Italy and we have M deutd that tt wilt
he WidelyndrMed tn America without
delay.-liutaie New a.
itas#, the new pastor. Senior Bpwerth.
e:ta p. m.*. Rundav school. 3 p. m. Mu
sic led by choir of 10 children drilled hjf
J O. Iloone. Hptendld Sunday school or
chestra. All cordially Invited.'
Second Baptist Church.
-rtsAW* fXR>. .VSTnl?«?1
Itamta and Phllathea classes aeeeaabie
In class rooms at to a. m.; the publlo la-
' It et knd all members urged to be pres
ent at tha hour.
1 Teaching by tha pastor at II a. m.
and 7:11 p. m. At the morning service
“Dumbness In the Presence of the Judge/'
An extended wmg service will precede
each sermon. The public Invited.
■ —r—s I •
Has Been Adopted by the Southern
Railroad and Will Be Effective
on Its Lino After First
of January.
All ahlppera over tha Southern
Railway In Macon will be Interested
to know that the uniform bill of lad
ing prescribed and required by th«
Interstate commerce commission will
go Into effect on Its lines on and after
January J. 1909, w'lth slight modifi
cations which will, however, be In ac
cord with the commission's rulings.
The announcement !* made by the
Houthern Railway so that its patrons
will have plenty of time In which
to have similar bills of lading forma
printed In the required style and
terms. Every effort will be made by
the Houthern Railway In co-operation
with the merchants to insure the stto-
cess of the new bill of lading.
The following letter from Freight
Traffic Manager J*. Green, of tht
Houthern Railway, explains the attl-
tudn of the company:
"To Agents and Connections: Please
bo ndvlacd that It has been deter
mined not to put the uniform bill
of lading Into use at points on *tl
Houthern Rallwoy until January 1.
"It la our Intention to usa the bill
of lading approved by the Interstata
commission at all points on the Houth
ern Railway on and after January 1.
"An effort la now being made by
Interests representing the water and
rail routes to bring about aome alight
modification In the term* of the so-
called uniform bill of lading necea
nary to Its application to water and
rail traffic, and some other slight
modifications to meet local condition!.
None of these prospective changea
shall affect the terms approved by the
Notice to Our Customers.
We are pleased to announce that
Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs,
colds and lung troubles Is not affect
ed by the National Pure Food and
Drug law an It contains no opiates
or other harmful drugs, and we re
commend It aa a safe remedy fop chil
dren and adults: H. J. I^imar & Co.,
near Fourth National Rank.
Two clerkn have been detailed to as
sist tho registry clerk at the lorat post-
office as this department In now hav-
Ipg Itn bindent season of the year.
Registry Clerk Slocum states that
already the sending of money to for
eign lands ban commenced, and that
within th© last few days he hnn han
dled orders for persons In China. Ja
pan. Abyssinia and other places equal
ly as dlntant. These orders are near
ly always sent by foreigners residing
In thla country, but sometimes the
senders are people whose relatives are
missionaries or foreign agents, and
who must not now be forgotten At
Christinas time. Whllo the bulk of
the business of th© registry depart
ment at this time of the year Is con
fined to letters containing money, there
are a great number of packages, small
Christmas gifts and remembrances,
also handled. Only yesterday a box
containing two bolls of cotton was
*ent to Paris. France, the tender -being
a native of that country but tempor
arily located in Macon.
The Indications are that the registry
business of the Macon postoffice will
b© heavier this year than ever before,
tha ruth having commenced earlier
than la usual.
The best to be HAD are those from
Albert McKay. .Importer of men's
clothes. Cherry St.
The Daughters of Isabella held their
annual election at the Knights of Co
lumbus hall.
It was with much regret thnt owing
to other business, the grand regent. Mrs.
Joseph Campbell, would not accept the
office again. Under her guidance the
Daughters hare had a most successful
-ear, both socially and financially.
This Is a Catholic organisation, com-
When toif catch
Do.not take chances on it wearing away or experiment with some unknown preparation
which may leave the bronchial tubes and lungs weakened and susceptible to attack from
thd germs of Pneumonia or Consumption.
Foleys Honey^TXr
not only stops the cough but heal3 and strengthens the lungs and prevents serious results
from a £old. Contains no opiates.
Ba Sure You Oat Foley's
There are substitutes made to sell oa the good name of JFoley’s
" Honey and Tar; Beware of them. You should have confidence
I V in is cough cure that has been sold with universal satisfaction for
IJ thirty-five years. The genuine Foley*a Honey and Tor k in
a yellow Package. See that you get it.
k Mother TostlflBB
This is to certify that my daughter was down for almost one year
with a cold. The doctors finally pronounced it consumption. We had
given up hope for her recovery. I was given a sample bottle of Foley’s
Honey and Tar. I gave it all to her in about three hours. It stopped
the cough, and gave her rest. 1 sent next day and bought a 50c. bottle
and began giving it. In three month’s time she was well. There can
not be too much said in favor of Foley’s Honey and Tar. It saved my
child’s life. Mrs. George Batson, Fountain Grove, Mo.
Three sixes — 25c, 50c and $1.00. The 50-cent size contains two and one-half times as much as the small sire
and the $1.00 bottle almost six times as much.
H. J. Lamar & Co., Agents, Near Fou rtb National Bank, Macon, Georgia.
Tho local companies of the national
guard of' Georgia ar« diligently pre
paring for the annual Inspection which
will 1>l* mad©’here about the first of
March. Unless fur special reasons, no
member Is allowed to absent himself
from regular drills and on these nights
squads are Bent out to “corral'' delln
quent members, who are often found
at the theater or In moving picture
show*. They are mad© to at ones
report to the company. Now that
Col. Harris has returned from Phila
delphia, there la expected to be still
greater activity In militia circles.
Macon militiamen arc Interested In
the official orders just Issued by tho
military department of the state
dering the Inspection of state troops
to commence on January 20. Members
\vb»> are absont without caus<v on th<
occasion of the Inspection will bo fin
ed ten dollars, this decree being em
bodied In special order No. 14. -Major
Fred D. Palmer will conduct tho In
spection* for Jthe government. -Hi
will al*o represent the state.
The Inspections will begin at Mon
roe. Walton county, om January 20th,
and will continue through April.
of leud. of railways, of oil and heaven
knows whut beside* take themselves se
riously and divide their government with
thenr snobblsm into departments with
their snobblsm Into departments with
affairs and so on 1* simply a matter of
laughter to Europeans who visit the
United States." declare
Thle le Worth Reading.
Deo F. Zell nek I. of W Gibson street,
Buffalo, N. Y., says: "I cured the
moat annoying cold sore I ever had,
with Fucklen's Arnica Halve. T ap
plied thla Salve once a day for two
days, when every trace of the sore
was gone." Heats all sores. Hold un
der guarantee at all drug stores. 25c.
again, tinder her guidance
„..ter* hare had a most auect
year, both socially and financially.
This Is a Catholic organisation.
posed of some of the noblest women of
tat denomination.
The following , officers were unant-
musly elected:
Grand Regent—MIsa Gertie Kenning-
Vice Regent—lira. John Harrison.
Prophetree—Mrs. John Hughe*.
Historian—Mias Kate 1/m|.
Financial Secretary—Miss W. MofflL
Treasurer—lire. J. O. McMillan.
Monitor—Miss Aurelia VannuccL
Sentinel-Mrs. Patrick I .von*.
Organist—Ml*s KUen O'Hara.
Chaplain—Rev. Father Madden.
i Trustee#—Mr*. K. Kennlnston, Mrs. A.
Long, Urn. M. Burke. Mrs. Bennett,
m. F. Marhwaltrr, Mrs, Holmes Reddy.
If You Are a Trifle Sensitive
About the alas of yowr shoe*. tt*a some
satisfaction to know that many people
San wear Shoe# a site smaller by sprtnV
dng Allen's FOot-Fkee into them. Just
the thing for dancing nnrtle*. patent
leather shoe*, and for breaking In new
times. When rubbers or overshoes be
come necessary and your shoes pinch.
Alien's Fout-Eaae gives Instant relief.
Bold everywhere, lie. Sample FREE.
Address Allen 8. Olmated. I.* Ro»\ N. Y.
Don't accept any substitute.
Cot. N. E. Haris to Give Descriptive
And Instruetiva Lecture to Sunday
8chool Class.
Tomorrow morning at 9:4$ o'clock
In the auditorium of the Mulberry
Street Methodist Church, Colonel X. K.
Harris will deliver to the Adult Bible
Class of tho Sunday school ht> popular
lecture on "King Holoipon's Temple.**
A formal invitation has been rxtend.
, td to the Masonic lodges of th* city.
Preaching at II a. nt. and 7:30 p. and nil the members of that fraternity
m. by the pastor. Kiev. W. H- Rudd. *•> meet with th* data on thla occasion.
Sunday school t:*t a. m. KpworthiTh* student body of the two large
League l:U 9. m. I business colleges of Macon hnvo aka
. . been Invited. Everybody le Invited.
A Daitnereus Operation 1 Cel. Harris* rare gifts as an sto
le the removal ef the appendix by a I quent end impressive speaker, com.
surgeon No one who tahre Dr. King s j Mned with hla brood scholarship equip
New Life p!Ua Is ever subjected to him In an unusual degree as teaokar
this frightful ordeut. They work eolqf the Adult Bible Class, fPr the work
quietly you don’t feel (hem. They I be is now so successfully conducting,
cures constipation, headache, bilious-j Hi* lectures on the Sun lay Kh x*l Ma
ltese and malaria. He at ill dmgluuou are uplifting and Inspiring n*|
•lures. I wall as interesting anJ Instructive*
Vlncvllte Presbyterian.
C. P. Coble, pastor. Sunday school 9:20
a. m.. T. 8. Ls.wry, superintendent;
l>rcarhlng at It a. m. and 7:JO n, m.:
morning sermon, subject "The FnUf and
Danger of Pelf-Com mentis Hon/’ evening
sermon, subject, "The Necessity Of Cun-
feasing Christ.** The public la luritad to
attend three sendee*.
Flret BaptuTchurth.
R. C. Dargmn pastor, fender school
at 9:Se a. m. E. BT Daria, superintend
ent all grades of classes, interesting ex
ercise*. General invitation extended.
Morning worship at tl o'ckvk. with
preathlng by the paster an "Why Join
(he Church r* Evening service# at t:tO
oYloek, with aertnon on "Judas the Tral-
Firet Street Methodist.
Petition of Director* of Tho Equitable
Banking Company Before Judge
Felton Thla Morning at 10
O’clock. •
Before Judge Felton this morning at
10 o’clock the petition of the directors
of the Kqultublc Banking and Loan
Coinjkiny for the appointment a
permanent receiver Will be heard. As
the association has already suspended
business and Is now In the hands of
a temporary receiver, there will be no
opposition to the granting of the di
rectors' application.
It is expected, however, that there
will be an effort made by depositors
and h'olderii of certificates of deposit
to secure tha appointment of a re
ceiver of their choice. The creditors
of the institution are hopeful that they
will realise about 40 per cent on their
claims. The hearing will be attended
by a large number of depositors, bank
officials and others.
For Shad, Blue Point Oys
tors, Dressed Poultry and Tur
keys, phone 463.
SAVANNAH. Oa. TVc. 11—Arriv.S:
Steamer* Albuera, <Br.), Lockhart,
Hamburg: Kansas City. Dtehl. New
YoVk; schooner J. 8. Hoskins. Gates.
Navy York.
Arrived: At Tybee. unknown bark
(supposed Normandy).
Sailed: 8chouncra Orlando V. Woot
en, St oilman. iNew *Yi*rk; Marjory
Brown, Thompson. New York:; Jose
phine, Mcgec, Brunswick.
CHARLESTON, s. C.. Doc. 11.—
Arrlv*<li Steamers Mohawk. Kemble.
New York, and proceeded for Jack
sonville; Huron. Ingram, Jacksonville,
and proceeded for New York.
NEW YORK. N. Y.. Doo. lL-^Al-
rlred: Steamer CUy of Savannah, 8a-
Salted: Steamer Bsrenfels. Savan
nah; Ampahoe. Charleston.
Asthma Sufferer* Snould Know Thla.
Foley’s Honey and Tar haa cured
many cases Of asthma thnt werf# -con
sidered hopeless. Mrs. Adolph Buss
ing. Ttl West Third street, Davenport,
bat. writes: A severe cold contract
ed twelve year* ago wag neglected
until tt finally grew Into asthma. The
beet medbal skill available could not
give me more than temporary relief,
itotey's Honey and Tar was reconi
mended and one fifty-cent bottle en-
rirely cured jne of asthma which had
been growing oa me for twelve year*.
If ! bad ukgn It at the atari I world
have been saved year* of suffering"
H. J. Lamar A Co, near Itourth Na
tional Bank.
Vico Mantegaxxa
... .... the Abrusxt-Elklns court
ship. which ban been copied and ap
plauded by tho whole Italian press. "But
for heavep’K sake do not let th«m come
over to act the-sovereign In Europe. That
is too much. All the more *a because
tiny believe their money enable© them
to do ns they like and that their millions
give them the right to treat as an equal
each and every person.
Must Abandon America.
"It Is not known positively yet whether
the Duke of the Abrqssl and Miss Elkins
will marry or not. But If they do and If
Miss Elkins should take the rank of prin
cess, sho must' certulnly abandon forever
nny Idea of returning to America, even
for a short visit.
"And the Elkins family must renounce
tho right of coming to Italy, or., at any
rate, to thnt part of It where the court
resides. Otherwise, they place not only
themselves, but others In an embarrass
ing position. . •
"For It certainly would not bo pleasing
to Italians to have a royal princess dis
cussed tn the Journal* nor to read tele
graphic messages of the kind that were
flying about some months ago In which
It was said that three officer* of the
American navy are returning from China
to dispute the hand of Miss Elkins with
the Duke of the Abruxsl.
Insults Hurled at Duke.
"Two weeks ago the Vita, reproducing
a telegram from the Corrlero. sent by
Its Now York correspondent (In which
the latter gave examples of tho coarse
zl and his engagement by the most Im-
... which the rest
of mankind accomplish with simplicity,
we hope that even the pretext for these
dull fancies will ho panting to these
linkers of beer. 0>
If the Duke of the Abruxxl had been
Ing her tho rank of royal highness,
Atnerlenn girl had been content, ,«»
tpany other women have been, to be-
Imitators Flatter..
If you want the real genuine and only
drink that stands the test, drink Bottled
At All Good Dealers 5c
Five-room Swelling on lot 76x193. Just one block
from city limits’ in South Macon. House has just been
thoroughly overhauled, new roof, painting and plaster
ing iij. excellent condition. Rents for $150 per annum,
and is a bargain at $1,250.00. We can arrange easy,
terms on this place to a prompt purchaser.
Wadley Investment Co.
Grand Building, Phone 627.
(Schatzman’s Old Stand.)
All Kinds of Building and Repairing of Carriages and
, Wagons.
come simply the wife of th#
loves, of the enthusiastic rallor and cour
ageous explorer, the marriage would have
already been celebrated and no one would
have bothered.
Girl Want# Too Much.
But Miss Elkina doe# not Intend to
resign herself to be simply tho wife of
his royal highness. And though she has
always resisted the temptation of talking
• of making known her own sentiments.
•It is -extraordinary that, having given
..j spectacle of ao much loquacity tn
.arlous circumstances, neither the father.
the grandfather
„ any member of the
Elkins family has ever allowed even by
chance, a courteous word tO'eecepe their
lips concerning either the family to which
the prince belongs or the prince himself,
showing thus a certain stupid acorn for
tho Insults and vlleneaa of which the
prince has been tho object, not only by
American journalists, but even In cafes
a prince disembarking In America In
search of dollars and ao on.
Not Even Leading Snobs. *
"Tho Elkins family (which doe# not
even belong tcu that group of families
which have the aunllflcatlon* of being,
according to American snobblsm. the
highest aristocracy) ha# been always ex
cessively anti-European. Th# word may
seem exaggerated to those who do not
know the habitual contempt which
Is a little higher in price than other Limes, but it is
PURE LIME, and by far the best;'and most economical
for Brick Work and Plastering.
Cheap Lime is dear at any pricet
Write us for Delivered Prices.
Carolina Portland Cement Co.
Southern Distributors.
Charleston, S. 0.
tain American circles apeak of the old
"Mlaa Elkins has never dissimulated
that exngg> rated sentiment oT national
ism which leads Americana to Judge with
contempt the persons and things of the
continent. Mlaa Elkina 'pushes her keen
chauvinism to the point of affirming that
English, pure English, should he spoken
with the American pronounclatlon and
with the words that have, little by lit-
A couple of years ago there was a
small society Incident In which Miss El
kin* thought proper to »how her national
sentiments, caring little about wounding
the fsellnse ef a number of persons. On
that occasion Miss Elkins refused to give
arm to Count Richey, a perfect and
hed gentlemen, not on accoent of
personal dleanetnoattana, but simply.
os she said, becauae she would pot give
her arm to a foreigner.
Family Long Boycotted. '
"On account of thle the hoots of th*
Elkins family waa for some time boycot
ted by the members of the diplomatic
service, but Miss Elkins refused to lay
aside her patriot!* sentiment*
_ “It would be annoying to officer* to
have to Kgeeent arm* to the daughter of
Mr. Etktns. and the ladle* who bear his-
fiWrto bow
tortc names would be humiliate,
before an American become prii
much so that It a matter of
extreme difficulty to And a lady of 'good
blood witting to become meld of honor
to the new ducheo*.
';crkar* things will change, but a*
as there Is a monarchy and a court
^n" ImorohaMe. BuL supposing thla
le ms and the marriage takes piac*. It Is
clear that a princess ef American birth
at our court would have a difficult posi
tion. and. taking Into account her family
and education, it would he necessary for
her relative* to keep themes hr ee (hr dis
tant from the royal rirrie."
Savannah and Augusta • 2:30am
Savannah, Augusta
Covington and Eatonton * 1:15pm
Eatonton and Miiiedgevllle..t 9:00am
Athens and Madison .....*11:00am
Athene and Madison • 7:46pm
Atlanta, Chicago, SL Louis. .•12:05am
Atlanta and Griffin • 1:05am
Atlanta and Griffin • 2:35am
Atlanta and Griffin *11:20am>
Atlanta and Griffin • 7:35pm
Birmingham and Columbus. .• 1:16am
Birmingham and Columbus..* 4:35pm
Montgomery and Albany * 1:25am
Montqomery and Albany • 4:25pm »
Amerlcus * 7:15am
john w. blount.
Current schedules corrected to date. District Passenger Agent. 603 Cherry SL
Savannah, Augusta
Covington and Eatonton.
Eatonton and Mllledgevlll
Athens and Madison * 7:40am
* 7:25am
Atlanta and Griffin • 1:35pm
Atlanta and Griffin 4:40pm
The Empire Electric Co.
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England Wrecking a Nation.
Great Britain never had such a chance
Lyszr jryrsjss w®:
If «n» nation nor. than untlwr bu
loatmd and rncourwM th. in. of thla
iwulcton* drtic .motif th. Mttr. CM-
re arigjVisjfBi
h»r t»l EtiiUr.t hu 4oS
I*hat ah. could u .stand th. lama
! rptum nthiknt. and China ha. I»*« ! • r
" ,b 3(
I If timid. . - - . •
The Earthquake Expert.
Prof. John Milne, who boa recently been
awarded a medal of the Royal Society
for hla eminent sendees In the modem
tlerelepmen* of setsmoloclca! science, la
the leading earthquake expert of the day.
The professor has been a great trave, ,t.
but he now lives quietly In th* Isle tl
Wight, Yrhero he keeps hie seismograph,
the wonderful. Instrument that records
on dbrthquaLh*. no matter at what spit
of the globe It may occur. Prof. Miin
*i oho en* of the greatest living ‘
geological and mining *n_ _
th# late H!r Edwin Arnold, the prof»»*«>r
married a Jaj.tnc«e lariv. and their e*d*
i ded Ufa he# beta idcaliy Lap;*/.