Newspaper Page Text
of practical, sensible gift giving.
The day has arrived when “Amer
ican sense” is asserting itself, and men,
women and children have learned that
the giving of expensive and perishable EACH NEW
trifles, is a useless and extravagant
American* Greatest Users ofi
Street Transportation in
the World.
Csfl«- .Hotel visitors find tho. brilliancy
of Broadway and the convenience ot
lt» great hotel* to theaters rand trans
portation ‘lines preferah!* to Fifth ave
nue., which is dim.and gomparatlvely
deserted after nightfall and from which
it ip more Inconvenient to reach either
the. business or amusement centers.
Students of the city's hlstonr point out
(Hit Ttfth* avepne baa Just about com
pleted what seems to bo the allotted
of any fashionable residence asc-
Nnw York, which is confined to
generation. * **"
span of a
tton In N
a single |
Having acquired the record for sky
scraping construction. New York Is
now after one of exnctly the op
posite sort Not content with having
buildings which reach further abovo
the earth's surface than any
others, the city now proposes to hav<j
one which goes further below the aur
as r- nr- S (.ran nit ninn :< *°* Mne.than any now existing. New
$15,85 A YEAR ON CARS SSAftsrittL'St'SSSS
___ (completed for a building which In nd-
^ r 1 dltlon to having forty-three etorles
Often a mere gratification of the Th « Av. r . B , Numb , r „ Ri d e . M:
* ‘ On. of Gotham'. Inhabitant. Duf-! „exx. It will roach ill feet abnve
_ . „ ... around and 73 feet below It. Thla
lng Pa.t Year Waa 317—This Jiivea j mean , that ,hi. recordbreakln* ground
Total of 1^30J76,1«5 Rid.. Dunn,
giver’s vanity, or a desire to outshine
Be original and individual in your
gift giving.
Let thought and knowledge of real
needs be your guide, and choose
Remember, one cannot have too
much of the good things to wear, and
then there are no vain “after regrets, "
We offer a few suggestions of the
useful, practical, and always welcome.
th* Year, and is Almost Equal to the
Entire Number of Passengers Han
dled by the Tramway 8ystems of
England and Wales—Other Live
Topics that Engags th* World’s At
Bath Robes
Lounging Gowns
$5.00 to $10.00
Night Robes
50c to $6.00
Silver or Gold Mounted
$1.00 to $6.00
Fancy Hosiery
25c to $6.00
$15.00 to $40.00
Fancy Shirts
Dress Shirts
$1.00 to $3.00
Silk Handkerchiefs
Linen Handkerchiefs
25c to $1.50
' Club Ties
50c to $3.00
Suit Cases
Hand Bags
$3.50 to $50.00
Walking Canes
$1.00 to $25.00
$1.00-to $5.00
Street Gloves
Auto Gloves
$L50 to $10.00
We know that any of the above would prove acceptable,
and we feel confident that the men folks would prefer yoii
buy them from a man’s store, one which studies the wants and
knows the whims and fancies of most of the Macon men.
We cordially invite the ladies, both married and single, to
pay us a visit.
NEW YORK. Dec. 12—Americans are
the greatest users of street cars* In the
world and figures which have Just been
compiled show that this city is the
)} | greatest oar-rldlng community In the
country. The average numbers of rides
for each one of Its , Inhabitants
men. woman and children, during the
S it year was 317. This gives a to-
I of 1,3*0,771,165 rides during the
year, or nearly a tenth of the total
for the whole country which la about
fifteen billion. It is almost equal to
the entire number of passengers han
dled by tramway system of England
and Wales. In other words th* aver
age yearly expenditure of each New
Yorker for' car fare haa reached the
very considerable sum of gl5.SK while
the total amount spent In the shape of
the billion and a third of nickels col
lected by conductors every year Is 366,-
518,877. Every day 3,500,000 passen
gers are carried, the great majority
during the morning and evening rush
hours. In spite of the Inadequacy or
the existing facilities to meet the pres
ent demand, the riding habit Is getting
a stronger grip on the city every day.
About* 150,000 more persons now rldo
each day than In 1006. As against
the averar* of 317 rides a year for
each person In the past year, five years
ago was only 26G rides. The total
length of the street railroads covered
In the figures Is 736 mil?# or greater
than that of many Important steam
systems. Including sidings and turn
outs and reducing third and fourth
track to single track mileage, tho to
tal length of track Js 1.6J2 miles. In
spite of the walls from the various
car lines and their recent abolishment
of practically all transfers, the figures
for the past year show a slight in-
create In the earning* of each car per
mile, the figure as given being Just
a fraction under 26 centa per car mile.
Fifth Avenus Loses Prestige.
The announcement that two more
blocks of Fifth avenue In tho heart
of what was only a few yeara ago the
most exclusive section of wealthy
homes In the city are to be converted
to business uses marks another stefi
In the rapid passing of this thorough
fare as a fashionable residence street
For aoveral years the homea which
once lined the avenue from the mag
nificent Washington Arch to the lower
end ot Central Pork have been stead
ily dlsapearlng and this movement has
proceeded more rapidly since big de
partment stores began to Invade the
once wered precincts. It la known
that one of the two blocks Just sold
Is to be urea as the site for a local
dry goods emporium, now located fur
ther downtown, and It Is rumored that
the other haa been acquired by a
famous Chicago mercantile establish
ment which has often been reported
os about to invade New York.
five years, more. It Is predicted by
real estate men. ther© will not be a
dozen private resldcncea In all Fifth
avenue below Fifty-ninth street. Even
th* wealth of multi-millionaires can
not withstand the encroachments of
business and they are being driven
further uptown or Into the tide streets
whither the fashionable clubs that for-
merly had houses on the avenue are
following them. For a time thsre was
a tendency to build big. luxurious ho
tels on Fifth avenue but this has ccas-
Its underground construction will much
resemble that of a steamship, since
should it spring a leak It might quick
ly fill with water. For this reason the
walls will be made of steel to prevent
th* driving of nails on which to hang
pictures. Another atrange feature of
this ground-scraper will be the plmr.lng
of the boiler room And heating plant
on tho third and fourth floors Instead
of below ground, as ‘his heretofore
been the practice. It will be rather a
new sensation even for New York,
when this building is completed, to
take-an elevator down to an office In
stead of up. All six floors below the
street level will be devoted to busi
ness offices, aggregating nearly two
acres In space. Thera wlH not he suf
ficient wood In this remarkable build
ing to makji even a toothpick.
Passing Two Famous Vessels.
Within a single week New YoTk haa
lost two of its most famous marine
possessions, esch of which has been
talked of In every country in which
English Is spoken. After fifty years of
continuous service the Bandy Hook
Lightship has extinguished forever tho
light which for half a century has been
the guiding mark Jor incoming ma
riners. The retiring vessel Is the third
to mark this spot, having been In
service for sixteen years. Lightship
No. 2 served only eight years,
whll. the first one held down the Job
for more than a quarter of a century.
With the passing of the Sandy Hook
“I Caught
a Severe
Cold Which
Settled in
I Began
Llghtshlo vessels will now fake their
bearings from the now Ambrose Chan
nel Lightship which matks the en
trance of the 1,000 foot wide channel
from river to sea. The other famous
marine structure to disappear waa the
American cup defender Constitution
built to race the Shamrock II. The
yacht which has been lying high and
drv for a long time has Just been
sold for tank, of which It contains 325,-
000 worth made up of such Items *•
100 tons of lead. 30 tons of bronze. 25
tons of steel. 20 tons of sails and 20
tons of chains and anehora. The Con
stitution was built In the same year
as the Independence. Thomas W. LaW-
boat. both Intended to defend the
cun. Neither of them did so, as tho
Columbia which defeated the. Sham
rock, I was finally selected to meet the
Shamrock II In reference to either or
the new boats. The Independence was
sold for Junk some years ago and the
disposal of the Constitution In the same
manner marks the conclusion of the
almost Identical history of thtse two
Difficulties Metropolitan Policed
The recent troubles of the Bronx
Park Zoo keepers In moving Pete, the
threc-and-a-haif-ton hippo which were
followed with Interest by Now Yorker*
for nearly a week have Just been du
plicated by the police in their efforts
to suppress tho latest—and It is to bo
hoped the last—of the Salome dances
which have afflicted theater-goera dur
ing the past few months. This par
ticular lithe end willowy Salome who
was billed as Happy Louise, was en
gaged in Introducing the celebrated
dance to tho denizens of tho Bowery
and the difficulties of the police arose
from the fact that she was almost In
the Pete class weighing, according to
the veracious barker for the show,
the trifle of 780 pounds. When the
patrol wagon rattled up to the door
of the “amusement parlor” which bill
ed the newest Salome os Its chief at
traction the plate glass front of the
building had to bo removed to permit
her egress. The patrol wagon was
quickly discarded as being entirely In
adequate to accommodate her and a
three-horse truck with a derrick at
tachment was pressed into service to
convey her to the station nous* where
And Found
I Heartily
VI iss CELIA HARRINGTON, 303 Second Ave.. Detroit, Mich*
“Weakness has filled many months of my life with suffering.
"Through carelessness I caught a severe cold two years ago which
settled In catarrh and seriously interfered with the regular functions
of the body and made me nervous and irritable.
• “I began taking Peruna and found In It a faithful helper, as It en
riched my blood and Invigorated the whole system.
“I have no pains now. and am always well. . • i
**I heartily recommend Peruna as a reliable medicine.
Health and Strength Restored.
Mrs. A. E. Stouffor. Oapioma, Kan
sas, writes!
“Peruna has given me health and
strength; It Is the best medicine that
Catarrh In Bad Form.
Mrs. Jennie Darling. Moro, Maine,
writes; “I was unable to do my work
as I bnd catarrh Jn a bad form. I
coughed Incessantly, and got so weak,
and waa confined to my bed.
“Peruna came to my relief and by
faithfully using it I am able to do my
Persons preferring Peruna In tablet
form can now get them.
For Years an Invalid*
Mrs. Charles Gros Louis, Indian
Lorette, Quebec. Canada, writes;
“For years I suffered from a disease
that the doctors did not understand.
"One day I read In the paper about
your excellent remedy, Peruna. I pro
cured a bottle of it and took It accord
ing to directions. It was not long untl.
I observed a change for the better.
“I can say that Peruna has cured
me. I could not take any nourishment
except milk.
I will at all times say a good word
for Peruna. I hold it in the highest
esteem.” *
Catarrh of Head and Throat
Mrs. William H. Hlnchllffe, 20 Myr
tle St.. Beverly, Mass., writes that Pe
runa has done her a great deal of
good for catarrh of head and threat
Ask Your Druggist for a Free Peruna Almanac for 1909.
u wan found It was hopeless to think
of puttlhg her In a cMI and she had to
be guarded In the drill room. The
magistrate discharged the prisoner
when she was finally produced 1n
court, pointing out that tbo city In Its
present .financial condition could -not
wslbly afford to build a special prison
for her.
Sensible, lasting Christmas
Wood-Peavy Furniture Oo.
Invasion of Locusts In Mexico.
Consul Lesplnasso, of Frontera, reports
that a plague Of locusts has Invaded the
Mexican state of Tabasco, but appear
been extensive. As they are migrating
northward. It Is hoped that the crop#
will be gathered before suffering any ae-
orously combating the evil and are meet-
lng with gratifying results. The species
now invading Tabasco do not display th*
asms voracious and aggressive traits of
certain species which nave infested the
lower tlor of aouthsrn states. They are
easily deflected in their (light, and If
persistently attacked and disturbed by
brush burning and heavy gun Are they
become alarmed and abandon the locality
where they have settled.
.. v* • - _ .
Nos. 507 and 509 Mulberry st.. 2•
■tory brick building. . Second atory
arranged for residence. BARGAIN for
Orange at. residence, 10 rorma. T m
cently overhauled and painted. AUoy
on 2 aides; large, lot.
Two-story brick store In good busi
ness locality. Will exchange for stnall
farm. Inquire at office for particu
New Cottago; large lot, at Crump's
Six-room dwelling and 4 acre* In
35 acres near town. Plenty of wa
ter and woods, 31,160.
100 acres splendid level land. New
improvements; flno orchard of 2,000
Some splendid farms from 36-00 per
acre up.
Home funds on long time at 7 per
cent. Call on me next week SURE.
com SUPPLY IfOBifi®*?
wwlIL VWI I bl * ** an exhaustion of th# coal sutoni* to Jan-
fuary ). IMS. aggregating m
I BE _
Middle of Next Century to
Nation Without
Tills Fuol.
vrAimiNOTON i vc. II.—Th# Imres-
t'-> r i'. i .i*l resource* of the
: " th# tectlon of min-
n • ,* ft nail-r* I ron».-rv*tli>n com-
tnis.Lwi i■ • • • «; • * :j- . r i;»-p.
, . *♦!!. of Pennsylvania^
nary l.lftM. aggregating lO.JOe.t
tons. The rate of production has
steadily taoreastng.
Ths first step In extending the Ilfs of
our fust supply, according to ths rspsrt.
should be to lesssn ths waats in mining,
handling, and transportation of coal.
Hut thsre are equally great possible sav
ing*. It says, in tha use of th* coal, not
only In tha prevention of wait# now rec
ognised as such, but also In discovering
mean* of avoiding th* lo##*a Involved In
the traneformation of heat Into mechan
ical and elsctrtcai energy.
The known supplies of high-grade iron
was thirteen time* the Interest on the
S? U S8i.«.
,— construction and lire
!£*•&„«,2'.c.s-sr i is? w fr 4 m ,, n R , P i?
S*Pli»l. whll. In the eltlM of .lx lute
tCuropwn counlrlt. K n. only <1 cut.
P-r, Th. loin per <aptu lou.
Including Int.reet and rn.lm.nuc oj
fir. department.,, wm.r .up-
pile, Insurant-. premium., •«., *«•
*■ addition. 1,1(0 Mnoni lo.t
(heir Itvo. In iro, while t/ll worn In-
A notable fMIure of thl, fin let I,
that SI ptr rent wa. due to fire extend.
In, beyond th. building .hit. they orlg-
»uch loam an th. Haul! of la-
readily, eonrtned to th#_nulld]r^ In a which
jt.Mt.66ft,000 tout, which et tha present j they start If la” even mors*aotkeabki
Increasing rate of consumption can not: that only ICI.000.06o of this Inm wa* .m
be expected to »|*t the middle.of hJlck. oincret* itans sSd %!%J5
burning construction, while double that
“—ml or about iltl.aoe.toe, w# -
list beyond tl
the prvarnt century. If the average In
creare In the rrt*dueUt*»» of co*l which
in* been shown is the ba|L should be
r . of ^the seetLIa. .<*9 tons. It t* evident, therefore,
atlon confeieacs ! X * ,,h * r «!»• Pr«*d»sP«|on
nauret of th* have reached a mntimum and began
k goma of the 1 " decline, or large use must be made of
;r.mCbuU.llnt. ”ln 'th.'fx.t'iT ywra th.
total tlrs waste amounted to about four
and a half million dollars.
,\t a reasonable estimate, probably
more than onc-ltnif th# insurant'#, one-
fourth of tha city water supply and dls-
wiiMi.1 wswtto i-..n't of that 1 * 1 uecime. or urge u*e muat n# maos or trlhutlon i-haitse* thu-e-foi rth* ..r th.
- - jsi!
witti. II rnrn'.ebse our light, hfgf^BW
per cant of the
fie'* 1 1 ti i e soup try
Th# w
Other Impertant Minerals.
; . tntug.nd,r-.rn.rn «£&£ Kffi S?*h j All kind, of Plain «d Layer
*S£rH55 J?^' , '^b ^Lo_ake S , Ple», Fruit Cake, etc.
three hi
i rutii.
yt>nd the middle ef the present century.
Waste of t trust oral Metal.
il*. which Thy want of natural mineral resource*
r dome* ‘ —*
Merkel’s Bakery. Phone 738.
idete gsftmcitcn. Th#
J Th. «v
isr &
(he next
<0* Inns.
need" In building "and engineering eon-1 Greatest Festival In Mexico,
■truction l. of Jree Vlnj*. CITY OF MEXICO. Dec. 13.-PU-
nJ.h.^J ? w.l3fi*%S^awJ2{ tooUon »"«' »•»r» from lent
•» «~.1U. ... V, *truc(.; 2ST WO* «•
oral n.4trrt.i|. becettac of Ignorance of; Pllftlms surrounded with
th^ir eteeht^. durwNHiy. stc. ^ ^ _|aU th* pomp and magnificence of
aero, nt'of the Indatuinat lerhsracter ’S nd . •«*o«»Oblle*,
building t onetrvciion and inadequate i American millionaire* and Mexican
bultdirg laws, and the non-snforeyment' peneants. Spanish dons nnd blanketed
Ihvr«! I '"fitah- to motWy • crowd u nrr
pir. w.«. ing Wi— , gfitb.rod Ip. *ny city In th. urarM,
>urn,d •“'•r tuwpnl Ouxtolup. with
”{ t^fi^ in?lT31 Which to. ti' Ul * ■**» •» Mtoitog. for
to aot r«dlirrXJ3 W l” tobJS S«*H. ..ftrlwhy wu ..I .put la
All Goods Sold of the Bankrupt Stock
Will be guaranteed by us to be exactly as represented
Hxt. for lb-
6«n*ible, lasting: Christmas;
Wood-Peavy Furniture Co
it hplldlng tnaiv• honotvnT tke Virgin of Gaudnlupe. the
naMe ivnitrucikm 1 pstn>n«ealnt and protectress of Mdxt-
I whom every leynl sen of the
l tJt ^statsMMMsa i rburcb M«twhlp* nn n goddess.
l psysMht *f in-umncspreml- i to Rome, no
icciivc agencies. gAMtl «esl r«wt did eU roeda lead to Ottndnhlfe today
auppile*. etc. awpusts tn overland the slumbering village of last<
1 week rahlch has bnen showing signs
"CLj*ijjl'bf rtf* for several days, was over-i
sdLsd th* total value efI n, * hl M^nnfbnned inta n seething me-1
ppar and psinnieiist prod set Ian 1 ttegolin m
Lazarus’ -Jewelry Store