Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, December 13, 1908, Image 12

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-•r* TOE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 13, 1908 CHRISTMAS DISCOUNT r UNTIL 1 JANUARY FIRST iHare Your Teeth Filled Before Christmas -Dr.Lanier’s Dental Offices Will Give the Discount NOW IS YOUR TIME to have TEETH Filled Crowned Bridged or Extracted Without Pain Beautiful Set Inserted With= out the old Roof Plate at Dr.Lanier’s Offices Cor. 2nd and Cherry FTrK Ladiee' Aid Society. The I .adieu* Aid Society of Christ Church will hold it* unual Christmas ante in Christ Chur, h r h i pel, on Wed nesday, Decamber the i<!th. beginning at U o'clock In the mornlnjr. Home-fund* enkr*. candt**, pic*. *nln-I". etc., will 1*» furnished by «>mn of the b« «t h<MiKck* < p. m In Macon, who make a specialty of these thlt.K - ’. nnd tin* ron«cicntiou*. never. If !>*.»- Klhle, seiiiriK ft poor cake. and In never charging exorbitant price*. It In mrneKtly hoped that the people will he SO kind n* to patronise thl" anl«*. tin I ho ladles are greatly concerned mi r the larj:* debt, unavoidably con* trert-d. end hope their frlemla will think of them and give them their J About eight matron* were Invited to and nld. • meet Mr*. Wsdlejr and enjoyed the ' ' charming hospitality dispensed •*. - lira, rtolllr- ral ivnyn, potato salad. aamlwbh* < rocker*. pleklr*. coffee, tea tnd late. At each tfthlo *111 be found rd. giving the price* article of food, algo ticket* will hr Id for a regular lunch, which coat* twenty-five cent*, the lunch eonglut* Ir.g of scalloped or wtewed oyster*, Ith croeker*. pickles and coffee, te# hocolate. lunch department will ha In barge of Ihe following Hi’**: Mr*. K. Mnllary, Mr*. John In fall". Mr*. Hudson. Mr*. O. C. Conner, Mr*. William Flnnder* nnd Mr*. Luther WHIHm*: nnnlstlnr at the tables he Mr*. Roland CHI*, Mr*. Mlnter Wimberly. Mr*. L. P, Hlllyor. Mr*. 71 lllnea, Jr., nnd Mr*. J. fl. Tlur.t log. The cake futile will he In charge of Mr*. K. R. William* end Mr*. Alex ander Blnlr. n**l»ted by Mr*. «. Tt. Ulrdeey. Mr*. H. N. Parsley. Mr*. K. J. Cooke. Ml** Hines. Mr*. P. If. Palmer. Mr*. J. M. Walker. Mr*. Iiatchetor, Mrs. Hugtna Btetson, Mr*, c I.. Bunting And Mr*. E. J. Nth eon. Tha candy tibia will he In charge of Mr». B. Taaica nnd Mra. M. H. Tay. ler. mutinied by Mr*. O. W. fltrattnn. Mr*. If. C. Pohert. Mr*. T. O. Ch*«t nay. Mr*. William Nutting, Mr*. 1 P. English, Mrf. Charles Hannon. Ml** Mary Hlackahear nnd Mm. Drain. The fancy work will be In charge of Mr*. A. W. Reo*o nnd Mr*. Ho** ltoawlen. AWfeted by Mr*. J. ITIrka, Ml** Hlrdln Hlacknhmr. Mrs. Felton Hatcher, Mra. A. C. Pllnn. Mr* II. Fleetwood, Mr*. D. H. Mutllnlx. Mr*. C. H. Mlgmttr. Mr*. Stork. Mr*, fl. Cmndsll. Ml** Dry*dale, Mr*. If. An drew*, MU* II. Collin*. Mr*. R. H. I«nnl*r, Mm. Joe Napier, Mr* Check ley Show and Mra. R. Hemphill, The apron* will be In charge of Mra. D* vrlea, Mr*. 6. fl. flhlpp*. Mm. L. N. Erwin tnd Mm. J. Crandall. The Junior Auxiliary of Chrl«t Church will hire In connection with fht* *sI* s moat beautiful doll dis play. Rig dolls and little onos. fancy doll* and Main one*, bride* nnd cooka. doll* dr****d by all the leading dress makers of Maeoh. cheap doll* nnd Important Business Meeting of W. C. costly one*, enough fer each child It L U. ... . Mra. Collins. Intaraatlno Cnflig*m*nt Announced. The enRiyeinrnt ha* b-en nnnouneed of Mr. Charles Uuth r. formerly of th * elty. to MIm Kdlth Anderson, of ttptlng- Meld. O., tlta wedding to take place in April. This announcement will b« v«iy great Inter**! io the many ft Pnd* cf Mr. Ilut- hr In Miw.n nnd In (knt»li, and aUo whsraver hi ha* been In lil« extensive lour* with Dr Tomv nci M*. A’errndrr. the noted evans*1M*. «* n aoloiat. de lighting t|iou*nnd* with H! > wonderfully "W**et alaglng. >11** Anderson also S* a v»-iy sweet nger. and a charndng, beautiful young Mr. Pilfer .who 1* the brother of Mr*. Frank Mnllur>'. mad* hi* home hare for sevcrol years, and hundred* of filard* will extend congratulation* and he*t wishes, and will anticipate the pleasure k time of meeting hi* Aunrec. Parties During tha Holiday*. Two delightful affair" of the holiday reason will l»r the afternoon bridge par ties at which MIm Maud I III* will enter tain on Monday and Tuesday. December 23 and 29. Th*r will each be parties of about 20 guests, and they will be Invltod for 3 o'clock In th# afternoon. Mra. Clifford Bruton Complimented with Delightful Morning Party. Mr*. C. ft. Rnndnll entertained at * Iteautlful morning bridge party yenterdny in honor of her guest. Mr*. Clifford lint- ton. of Amorims, who I* s very charming vklfor In the city nt present. Mrs. Rnmlnll'a homo was docnrgt’d In a ml nnd green schema, the Christina* color" being effectively carried out with royal pulnsetta and branch** of holly with It* gleary green loaves and bright scarlet berries, which were artistically arranged. the honor guest, more Mrs. nrutBPRHHmppmiPI 'nutlftil gown of blue silk, trimmed with iihroMered band* of Persian color#., and n**l"trd Mra. Randall In welcoming, ths im! ... delriotiM luncheon of aeverul served nt tha conclusion nf the Interesting game of bridge, at which ■fM^lhwr Scott made top score prize, ce-covered pin cushion, b meet Mm. Rruton were Mr# a pretty liter - to mBfV ... ... ... ...... ... ... ...._ Walter P. Hou«er. Mr*. P. F. Rherldnn, Mrs. Charles If. Humphries. Mr#. Mar quis. Mr*. Arthur fl. Bcott. Mr*. D. D. Adame. Mrs 8. If. fllnaWnn, Mrs. \Vm t Fleetwofsi, Jr.. Mr*. 1-Mwln Jacob* ami Mr*, tthmuri C. Cooper. Thera will be an Important meeting of is W. C. T. IT. held on Monday after noon at 2 o'clock at tha parlor* of First the \V. noon ai . .. . Street Metltodl«t church, and all member* are urged to l»e present. , Mra. Mary Harris Armour will bo In Macon the second flunday In January, and at that tlm# will deliver a lecture at Mul- harry Street Methodist church and also 6 t Wesleyan, further notice of which will t given hafore her arrival. ..Mr*. Armqifr jylli Also meet with th* Machn W. C. T. U. on Monday after- noon at their regular January meeting. Turpin to Qlva Danes on A delightful event of tha (Thrlafmta holiday among th* young people will he the Christmas dance Mbs Eugenia Tur pin will give on the evening of the Ifth. Th* dance, which will celebrate th* fourteenth I Irthdey of the hosie**, w«ll he anticipated With much pleasure, and for th# event tlm liandsom* colonial homo of her parents.* Mr. nntf Mra. fleorga R. Tttrnln. will he thrown open, and beau tifully decorated. Afternoon Drlrfa-* Game for Vlaltor. A pretty affair of the week-and waa the afternoon brldg* party at which Mra. enlertulned complimentary to MDt flhcrlock. uf Amc^cus. Th* decorat lone for tha rooms chrysanthemums and large hunch of Ylnleti the guest of honor. th* city to have on*. These doll* Will first be eghlhlted In the f1uttenh*rger window, Becond street, on Monday nflcrnoon. and will then bo removed to rhrtat Church chapel for the sale on Wednesday. Mite Jetka Hoeteia at Club Party. Mias T^eonor* Jetka entertained fhtf Vlnfvlll* Neighborhood Club vary de- llghtfnllr at har homo on lllnea Ter' rare Thursday afternoon. An Interesting guessing contest, cleverly oonreltrd. and carried out, en. tertatned the guests for soma time, and pratty aotn»enlra were given at this. Mlaa .folks* pretty home waa very attractive, the guests being en tertsln*d In the parlor where vase* of cut flowers and fern* were effectively used. A delicious hot course waa nerved and several beautiful musical numbers added much to the pleasure of tha congenial company of ladlca conaittut Ing the club. Those Present were Mra. Frank T. Mallary. Mr*. J. M. Moore. Mra. John Y. fTone. Mrs. E. W. Gould, Mlaa ltenrlatta Olover. Mlaa LtiU Fulghum, Mlaa Dale Torter. Mr*. W. W. De- Haven. Mr*. F.. T. Mallarv, Mra. J. R. Ilavnea, Mra. aordon Settler and Mlaa Jelk*. Ml** Porter will entertain the club at thalr next meeting on January "th. Levaly Mornlnn Party far Mr*. Ragln. In honor of Mrs. William c. Ragln, ef flnvannah. a charming bride of this *ea*o n who la visiting Macon for the tint lima a’ne* her marrhge. nnd la the ruent of Mm. T. C. ffurke. Mm V**»ar Patrick entertained at card* on Friday. It waa a pretty morning affair, and an Interesting sam* of bridge was played nt the small tablet where twelve matrons wars «eated. The pretty prise, a handsome work nnrnn daintily fashioned, was won by Mr*. Jordan Maa»ce. and by her pre sented to the sum of honor. Mm. Patrick's parlor and hall wars ntractlvelv decorated with chryasnthe. mums and howl* of fragrant nannektt* and th» guest* were h**»it'fullv ed. MIm Ragln waa looking r *rcclally handsome In t blue crop* d* rht.ic. and wore with tt a big black picture hat laden with plume*. » Invited to meet Mra. Ragln warn Mra. Herbert P. Haley. Mra. Jordan Ma*aee. Mr*. T. P. ilhirk*. Mr*. Clar ence Cuhnedg*. Mrs. Joseph N. Neel. Mm. John Winn flhlnholeer. Mm. Henry Walker. Mm. taasc \Vlnsh1n Mrs. T. J fllmtnon*. Mm. Claud> Whaley and Mra. >Umey Hstcher Clarks. Halt-Rodqera. The marriage of Mr. A. T. Holt, of thta city, and Ml** Motile Rodger*, of ililfTin, tla.. took place at an In- tereMtng home wedding Thursday. Da- camber the lfth, at OrifTln. There were n<> attendant*, anil the marriage waa quietly celebrated at th- home cf the bride's aunt Mrs. Aaron Jason Purr, at 4 o'clock. Rev. J. A *eke* oPTHatlng. The bride was married In a going- a wav gown of tan broadcloth m*d* on dlmct-dr* tine*, with yoke and long sleeve* of t*n nat and a amall toque In tan el«o to match ths gown was worn with It. Only the tmmedlata family w|tne**ed th* ceremony, and Mr. and Mr*. Holt l.ft or. tn, .rfrnoon (rain for Mr- pur* row oMw with «• MorOr con. nnd ere at home to their friend# I or Tuceday and wo will soil you tho at Mr. Ilolt'a reaidmco on Vlnavlllo U'bolcost bYult wny alae. and d«Hv- fresh on any day dsalrod, at tl.M Mr. Holt waa accompantod to flrlf- « box. The prtco on Xn*s fruit of fin hr h»* *o* M» . Plew Holt, and Mr. ,cholm quality wUI bo |t.M a bos. r ,T ' nrt : . . b «t wo will book your order for two There I* no better ^now* gentleman dayo at the special prioe. Quality » »/• Holt, or on* who Lang price guaranteed or you u««d not M«t of warm nrreonal accept thV goods when they arrive. Oeautlfui Brtdqa Party Given In Honor of Tampa Matron. ' An* of the largest end moat beautiful affairs of the w**k wa* tha afternoon card party ye«t*rdav at which Mr*. Mc- Ih'ugnld Nlshet e»Ft.'rl"lned In honor of Iter *J«ter, Mra. Jack Herkwlth. who Is here from Tampa on a visit. Mr* Herkwlth. as Ml** Alice Wright, of tM* city before tier marriage, was a pop ular young woman here, and th# party afforded h.rmanr frlepnd* an opportu nity of meeting her again, and the haa- te*a horns waa thronged with beautifully gowne«1 women. Tho effective and beautiful decoration* were of white carnation* and narclaau*. great howls of tha fragrant blossoms adorning mantels, tables and every avail able place. Mra Ktsbot was gowned for th* parly In a hlu# crepe de chin# trimmed with ' lace, and a bertha of raart^- Inset* , ' eofe white £ f thread a on tho wit hwore a lovely toilet mull combined with lace. The beautiful hr*>* Jardiniere given oo " “ Intereallna gam« of John A. 8el- ■gar Set. evenina by the Week-end Club J atMcrr^? makers Ret mat. Among thoe* ureeent wen, Mlaeea Metis Cubbedge. Willie Mae Ro^ Ohambem, Mr. Marshall Kills, Mr. U’eatnf, i'.Mr..„ n Mr. Arthur n»«h«r. torv Especial attention I* culled to tho change tn data of th* next mooting of the Macon History Club. On account of the holiday ruah during Christmas week, the club will meat one week earlier, oh Monday afternoon. Decera 25c A BOX FINE FLA. ORANGES 25c a Box Saved In Mown »hao Mr. Holt or ha" * lareer _1.„ ... fr>nd* He t* one of *e aoM* cent of Macon now that bi« Vim brought Into the You don't have to pay for fruit ootll •i'* lit l« delivered, but we wont to book of Ms Worn no flvety for Ms*. Wadley. beat fruit for. Dost pay l you tee tho fruit and ore aatfto* with th« price, . bekiw this prf She Used Blue Ribbon. That's th* reason aha always had good luck with her cakes nod des serts. lilue Ribbon Vanilla la of tha highest Htrongth and greatest deli cacy, a true estr&ct. MAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE Mr. and Mra. J. C. Kill* allied from Rnizll on November 14. on* the Royal mull steamer for Portugal. England and Franco. They will reach New York on ihe 2id of December nn1 get buck to their old hum*. Macon, the 24th of December, to *penrl Christmas with their three little ones. Hovl*. Hr holy and June Hug K1IH. Mr. Kill* baa been working for the Brazilian Railway Company. (Continued on Page Eight) Best assortment of useful presents to be found in Macon. Wood-Peavy Furniture Co. REPORT ON NIGHT SCHOOL TO BE MADE MONDAY NIGHT Board of Education to Meat and Will Probably HoJd Election. night. Superintendent C. B. Chapman will submit hla report to the meeting in regard to InveMtlgatlon* recently mndo concerning the proposed night school. The report will *how what the cost will bo to operate tho school, and along what line* tho school will be con ducted. A room In the Ore*ham*fiIgh School building has been put In order for the night school purposes, and a special course of study has been prepared. Supt. Chapman'.* Idea I* to have three school nights a week, from 7:30 until 9 o'clock, and to run the achool for four months during the winter. It tho report of Supt. Chapman I* considered favorably by the board, In all probability the night school will open the first of Jnnuary. when the public schools of Rlbb county will re open after the Christmas holidays. It Is probable that an election will be held to fill tho vacancy caused by the death of Mr. C. H. Willingham. Sensible, lasting Christmas presents. Wood-Peavy Furniture Oo. INSPECTOR PRAYS; TWO PRISONERS FIT REV. DR. FLANDER8 WILL PROB ABLY HENCEFORTH WATCH AS WELL A8 PRAY. ATLANTA, da., Deci It—The RWK Dr. W. J. Flanders, former representa tive in the legislature from Johnson county, made an Inspection of the state reformatory a few days ago. He l» no# a penitentiary Inspector. The doctor being of sympathetic turn mingled freely with the boys employ ed there, y talking to and encouraging them. The reformatory authorities turned them over to him, thinking they were snfe at long as In tho good doc* tor’s care. Closes With Religious Service. The minister-inspector brought his visit to a close with a brief religious service. This was wound up, ol enurne, with prayer. The doctor lead In the supplication, and a* child-of fenders were the object of the appeal, the length nt the same waa In a meas ure suited to the hardness of the sub ject. With hi* eye* closed In plou* hu mility that hi* thoughts might center on the subject of his prayer, the in spector prayed with much fervor. In total unconsciousness of wordly things. The Birds Had Flown. When he arose, he found many of th* boya, filled with uncontrollable laughter. He knew some form of mis chief was broad, and on Investigation discovered that two of those who had knelt In prayer had disappeared during Its delivery. Tho boys departed Just as the doctor reached the second cnapter of hts sup plication. and had been able to get be- f ond tha prison grounds and hide In he woods. They had not been recap tured Friday. HEAVY SENTENCE FOR BUYING A VOTE McWILLIAMS-RANKIM CO. Some Fo 410-412 THIRD STREET Extraordinary Specials Monday's Selling! The ‘‘Specials’’ for tomorrow exceed in attractiveness even those of last Mon day. Each week more and more people are responding to these Saturday and Monday “Specials,” realizing that they are in fact the biggest bargains to be had in Macon. As we have said before, we offer these “Specials" at about cost to induce you to come into the store and learn the low prices we ask for high class, reliable merchandise. You will learn from a visit here that you can depend on everything we say—there is no misrepresentation of any sort. There is no over stating values. And there is the satisfaction of being waited on not only prompt ly, but politely, courteously. Cut this advertisement out and bring it with you Mpnday. Read it through carefully and check off those items you want. $15.00 Black Tibet Suits, all wool, .9.85 Cravenette “spocial” .... $15.00 Black Overcoats, all wool, “special” ... $5.00 Men’s real Worsted Pants, O Cfl “special” J.tJU $9.00 all-AVool Cashmere Pants, all the new O nn shades, “special”... .4.UU $3.50 Boys’ Suits, all-Wool, sizes 4 to 16, O CA “special” fa.JU 50c Boys’ all-Wool Pants, 4 to 16 years, . ^ OC “special” t-UU $3.00 Men’s Hats, “speciaP’ $1.00 Shirts, “special” $1.00 Wright’s Health Underwear, “special” .. 50c Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, OC„ “special” JjC 15c Men’s Socks, 1 A- “special” lvIC 2.00 50c genuine 79c 19c ETand- 10c 50c 25c Boys’ Vests and Pants, “special” .... 15c Men’s all-Linen Hand kerchiefs, “special” 75c Shirt in Macon, “special” ......... $20.00 Suits, “special” .. $25 Suits, “special” .. $30.00 Suits, -j r nn “special” ItJ.UU $35 to $40 Suits, “special” 12.50 18.00 $7.50 Wraps, blues, browns and tans, Monday, A OQ “special” $3.00 .. . “special” 12c Cotton Flannel, “special” 6o Calico, * C p “special” lOo Outing, “special” ... 1.50 . 8c 15o Ladies’ Hose, “special” ......... ..7c 10c MORRIS LEPIN8KY GETS 8C MONTHS OR |500, WITH JAIL SENTENCE COMBINED. 8AVANNAH. Ga.. Dec. 11.—Tha chalngang for six months, ar a tint of fSOO, rlther udded to six months In Jail, la tha reward assigned today to Morris Loptniky for buying the vote of Ike Levy in the primary of June 4. The oaae hae been threshed out In the city court and though ha waa found guilty, Leplnaky waa recommended to the court’s mercy. Caught Raffles In Time. SAVANNAH, Ga.. Dec. It—The Sa vannah police have nipped a very prob able long eerteg of burglaries In it* early atagea by the oapture of James Cameron, a negro who has already con. feased two such crime* and hae re turned jowelry stolen In one of them, which he hid in the stump of a tree. I The engro clamly told the arresting detectives: "Yon got me In time. 1. intended to tear this old town wide open and get rick quick.** Heads Ludden A Bates Heues. SAVANNAH. Oa. Deo. If—Leonard Carter, of Jemip. president or director In many camps In South Georgia ant Florida, has been elected TOOK THE SAFE AND CONTENTS Burglars Break Into Store and Carry Away the Safe So as to Open it at Their Leisure—No Clue to ths Thieves. CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE “NEARER THAN EVER” VIA SENTENCING OF ABE RUEF 60ES OYER TILL SATURDAY BAN FRANCISCO. CaL Dec. If.— ■Sentencing of Abraham Roet convict. That burglars play pranks aa well as other people, la evidenced by a visit made by them some time during Fri day night to the store of Anthony D. Kendrick, a wall-known negro mer chant, whoso atora Is at 127 tfonroe street, near Fifth avenue. They went Into the storo and not wishing to tarry long, picked up the four-hundred-pound safe and carried It away to bo opened at their leisure. Some tlms during yesterday. In some secluded place In the woods, or in some house free from observation, they worked on the combination, or opened It In some violent manner as best suit ed their meAne. When they open the saf* that must cost them a lot of strength and pers piration. they will And fifteen dollars In money, aome Insurance policies, some deed*, accounts and possibly a dollar or so In odd change. When Kendrick went to hla store yesterday morning for the purpose of opening up. he found that some one had opened It for him aome time pre viously with a crowbar. Incidentally, they broke two or three lock*. Then hs eaw that the safe wa* gone, and with It all hi* pipers of no value to any one but himself. He looked arouna to see what else had been taken, but all he could cnlss was aome plug to bacco and some cigars. The burglary was promptly reported to the police, and Chief Westcott placed It In the hands of Detectives Harrison and Smith, but yesterday they were unable to find much trace of the thieves. There was a wagon track tn the locality, but it was not certain that this wagon was used, as ths tracks led up to and melted In the main road. The question which worried the de tectives no little was whether the safe was carried to a house or to tha woods. It was evidently carried by two or morb men. end yet It Is unlikely that there were more than two engaged tn the burglary. The store 1» well pat ronised by the negroes in the settle ment around, but of all hla customers, Kendrick can form no Idea on whom to fasten suspicion. The night was an Ideal one for such work. For soma time the burglar has been put out of business by the moon light which nrevtlled and Friday night the rain kepi the people Indoor*, while the cloudy sky gave the burglars all the darknesa they wanted. The police suspected a bufglary some where, but did not look for It In the vtdnlty of Kendrick's store. The police think the safe will be found sooner or later, but that it will be a wreck. At Tabsmaele. Every young man, whether a Oiraca not. Is cordially Invited to attend the Raraca Clast Sunday afternoon at .. . — , 3 o'clock. A friendly handshake and a ><»«r •*«*» SSSftShl."" £n!?« NEW DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE BEQIININIING MONDAY, DECEMBER 21st. 34. 32. SCHEDULE. | 33. 31. 1:35 p.m. 4:20 p.m. 5:10 p. m. 10:45 p. m. 11:00 p.m. 7:55 a. m. 7:50 a.m. 3:00 a.m. 5:53 a.m. 6:15 a.m. 11:40 a.m. 11:45 a.m. 8:35 p. m. 8:15 p.m. 9:15 p.m. 8:00 a.m. Lv. Macon. C. of Ga. Ry. Ar. Ar. Atlanta. 0. of Ga. Ry. Lv. Lv. Atlanta. L. & N. R. R. Ar. Ar. Knoxville. L.&N.R.R. Lv. Lv. Knoxville. L.&N.R.R. Ar. Ar. Cincinnati. L.&N.R.R. Lv. Ar. Louisville. L.&N.R.R. Lv. Lv. Louisville. Penn. Lines. Ar. Ar. Chicago. Penn. Lines. Lv. 2:02 a. m. 11:05 p.m. 10:40 p.m. 5:10 p.m. 5:05 p.m. 8:15 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 7:35 a.m. 9:50 p.m. 3:40 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 11:55 a.m. 6:15 a.m. 6:00 a.m. 8:25 p.m. 8:00 p. m. Through Sleepers on both trains, Macon to Cincinnati Ohicago-Louisville Sleepers on 3:00 a. m. train. Louisville Sleepers on both trains from Atlanta. Dining Service (all meals). Observation Car. For Sleeping Car reservations, rates and information write J. R. Almand, Trav. Pass. Agt., H. 0. Bailey, Div. Pass. Agt., No. 4 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga. 8RESNAHAN WILL BE ST. Li FAMOUS NEW YORK CATCHER OOES TO THE CARDINALS IN BIO THREE-CORNERED TRADE. NEW YORK. Dec. II.—TVhet U on- dcubteSly the moet Imported trmde eo ter cioeed In connection with the neit i-smi EMM qua agajj M i—p —■ gpe Qaut touav wttn tha announcement by stenler Kcbleon. owner ol the SL Louie club in that Icu-uo. t hut he hldeecurcd Rocer Bretnebun. pie New Turk Nu- ticuel’e noted catcher. *e tnent«er ot undentonfuiat to cemptete the *— - and Lush, will go to Cincinnati. THURSTON HATCHER PHOTOORAPMER Sittings Made Until 9:30 P. M. See Our Art Department 614 Cherry Street. , your order and wlU lire you th* Irult ™ p Dcnoulh. will jro I *“ ioik * Posto" 1 * 4 »«“}, *»<• .".m end on. of th. moet jdt«ct ttv*. tha |T»t~ Thle. U a U.SSnoh theS t Regular $1.00 bottle Jap .•a me I ® an< ^ ru ^ Cure now on sale at i"e. "oouatry «dV.Pulm Barber Shop, only 50c. SV^« lr <UwT'ltt*nKi!r l *° J w, “ L ' This sale lasts only one more ' You wUI have to hurry. »d. 'prui f--r t hi* mm. Money refunded if not satis- k*< i upon t h , Th* Urvat -Ulanif A IV !t1c T#k C*. fartnrv . { U$ CitLiry aueeL M».vu. Ga. i**CWry. __WL »«t»on for continuance to b« *nt«r*d until h* had read UK* tha re cord cf th* If gal history of every one of th* hundred and »U days con- Attorney t. d. Doalvr. Rueft coun- a*L wa# then permitted to Intcrpo"* r. aitoru for d.-lay and tho order for nc* waa officially mad*. SEPARATE SCHOOLS FOR THE RACES IN KANSAS TOPEKA. Kan, Dec. 12.—ClUaa of Kansas may provide saparata schools for white and negro children In tha grades below tha high scbooL but tha schools for negro chUdraa must equal f.ii'Utitcs and t* as easy of aocaaa aa thoao provided for chlldron. This la a dcciatob of the athta tu- prime court rendered today casa of certain negro children In Par sons. who were compelled to attend n school surrounded by railroad _ claim that tha defense J tracks. They had pciitlonad tha court tirr* to prepare motions I to ba allowed t*J attead tha white tnaL aokooL IP« r— ■ - ({rJi iiilCKV; >v. : - ' J i. SpR.Vl .j You want really good whliky you oaa afford to waa KENTUCKY SPRAY RY£, Four full quarts $4.00. Exprea* prepaid. Oaah must accompany order. There are lower priced brands on the market but a trial will convince you that KEN TUCKY 8PRAY la more than worth the dlfteraooa. Send ui a. trial order. When you receive good# sam ple It end If It la not entirely satisfactory return It to ua at our ''xpense and wo will promptly refund your money. You *ee you run no risk In dealing with ua. FREE: Our complete Illustrated Price List a«nt free on receipt of postal card request It explains WHY we aavo you money. United Liquor Store Branch United Liqnor Store, Company. (Capital $250,000.00.) 244*246 E. Mein Street. CH ATT AN OOO A, TIN", or 830-840 Wot B.y 8tr.,t. JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Branch,, aleo ,t New Orieana, La, Memahle, Tenn, Buffalo, N. Y. Ben, order te neareet atora. — 1