Newspaper Page Text
(Continued from Pare Four.)
Rev. W. F. Smith and wtfe. of Dublin,
expected In the city Tuesday en rouU
» their new home In Quitman.
Grace and Neely Smith, of Dub
*- Mlaa Rub]
6ix-Day Bicycle Grind Cori-
dudcd Amidgf Applause
of 12,000
Trick Played on Porter of Wholesale Oro*
eery House With Ouecess— Had Meat
and Raisins.
Catohlnf a thief by moans of a slgoal
wii the trick played at the wholesale
grocery house of Adam a ft Johnson la at
in* tha afternoon the member.. „
During the afternoon the member* of
nr>n aaw something going
‘ look. ~
their Muaplcic
One of the
1 I» r< 1?—Floyd Mnrl'rtrlnnd, the
veteran blm
the slxtHiHi
ifortLe ^rn of MacKarixad and Moran ! t be •»r*P^rtus«lty came, tho cellar was In
1,1 •/ r * ror of California, won , j M u ltl cellar, and when he came up be
'•• nth international ris-day race | lurdu-d as tli-nigh lie was anxious When
t' jtn of MacKariHUd and Moran ! the opportunlt
at Madison Square Ganl.-n tonight and J vcstlgnted. an
*•: » l'" r»eor.I. h.rf' 1 hSK °L
P.utt, Of U,. Rutt-SK,,, G'-rmnn-HM- j' „""J;
acod In
found that
and a box of raisins
In a convenient pUco
... the •Id*' of tha a lore
naual grated opening" to tiie cel*
e meat and ittislpn had been so
. liiMt 1*. waa an easy manor to
11 down from the aide walk and lift
fltuff and go off with it.
~dra thought of u plan to
I'M team, finished aorond. snd Do
rn a rn r-1 the r>emara*H:ll combination, hn
the former of California, ymd th« lnt- l’l.
Ur of Bouton. was third.
The final uprlnt of one mile waa hr- j 1,1
tv,’em the i’epretcntatlvia of thrnr ' r *
thr <* teams which were '••ti equal lerrna i\l
• :• to dlrisncn covered. t»,<» others with- i r.l
tfraw/nr to giv,. them i clean (rack. |
0*he three trnms that took part In the I OJrt ,. rt rn(1 piece of chain ‘and In aueh
flnsl dash covered 2,737 mllea. 1 lap. In a way that the chain Would ruttle by
142 hours which la three mllea 7 laps j pulling the stilng. Then when night
ahead of the record art by Miller and came on and with It quitting time, ho
waller in list took a position where he could watch
fit and in,, •» rirtl.t, unyl served, and ut the same time, by
ih ‘ • «k minn* of bis slrlnr and chain, give the
Following Is th* *1 a riding of the : signal to tli« toon In the office wh> n to
■ tha-t finished ihe race. In go out and nab the man.
named: j The plan wuikcd Just ns Mr. Johnson
Mile* Ling I thought It would, lie saw II
M ° rA ? llll J work'waa^done!"Ss w "MB
nd Ktol .......y..,,.2787 1 m„. corner nnd look arVBMMi
him go to the opening nnd ranch
She '
llsnry. or Wtfbever It might Ihj
wanted to get the m at and raisins
mu paying for them. During the r.ft-
u long Hiring through thn
office, ettec.ulng to the
Stanton-Moore Wedding Plane.
As Interesting event of tha week will
be The marriage of Mlaa Defile May
Moore, and Mr. George Grimes Stanton,
which will occur on Thursday, Dec. 17,
at tha brldt's £oma, HI Vinevllla ave-
Shell* rfl ln lh# clly vialtln #
S & b
Hill and Homo
Wndhour and Root
C' itn* nnd Mitten.
Galvin and Wiley.
‘’Anderson and Vann
Palmer and DrobttrS WR■■ ■
former record 1733 mllos. 4 laps.
All the riders e*r-j.t MiePnrlsnd.
3 utt and Dntnarn |ef> the trnri{ „t m
r.’ lock nndd one minute inter these three
'rider*, who had left tho other by one or
WOP* laps for the »:• *! three days be-
■ ...2737
the decisive
u good clip find
ted d**i*ratojy f'T the Inst three
MacFarlond got the lead and
•'ll iw*rrol? five feet abend of
who wjh tha r une dlalnne© ahead
the store after the day’s
* ns he turned
ed by quits a number of ln teres tufl
lower floor of the homo to be thrown
tha bride will be married In her go*
lng-oway gown of sage green cloth, e
tailored suit, the coat worn over a waist
of soft white lacc, with touches of oM
rose. She will wear with It a email
toque, trimmed with wings to match the
suit, having touche* of the old rose also
and will curry a shower bouquet of
bride roses.
The groom will have as his beat man
Mr. Eugeni M'-lliJInn. of this city, and
Miss Lucille Adams will be the maid of
Th# bridesmaids will be Miss Luclle
Ray. Miss Elizabeth Knowli
man. Oia.. nnd Mias
lJufaula. Ala.
The maid of honor will carry white
carnations and ferns, and the brides
maid* bouquets will be of Enchantress
... Hamit.
and Neil Flts-
>m a delightful
1 children have
ellghtful visit to
.umber City,
teted from Agnes
ya with her par*
ho has been
now;ea. of Pkut-
« the ot*
_ jftor the loot, it
»ii« chain In the office rattled the signal,
ln a nhort time Henry and his ‘
wetr In baud
a report waa aant l..„
genrl M offlco and this was followed by
tb** Muck nmrla, and Henry I* now awn It-
In* trial before the recorder tomorrow
■s thnt went to the
Te dlvded ssfollows.
ond Sl.rnn; third
fifth 3200* sixth
In the c
*'-vd gathered In
nl hours of
st keonlv ronttsted blcyelo
In the ten year*' history of
•tests I'robably 12.000 per
••very »• at In the garden
ed c.-rry foot of standing
rifTorded h \lr\v of the el Ipse
Sell i »>#. rider* of the eight
teams ete«dUy sped until
tho final sprint
• the lea*
“• lap.
sign of
>d when the night
ilber it was a vlr
th.« teams re pro
esperato dash of i
•clde the race and
hiimplonshlp would
.MclHfland- Moran
romldRatlons. At-
ce.itered upon tha
ms who were tied
wound around tho
ung etch other for
n uttnmpt to gain
Three Leaders o
At the name time tls
o Alert.
r three leaders
iioft to prevent
their i>^se»at rivals, thu Wallhour*
Kent team, from gaining the one short
(••nth of « mile that mtsipt the addi
tion of a a oilier mun »•» the Hat of
the atartern In the do* Ming mile rash.
, There vrerq many sh«rt sprints during
i *i!
wning under flie
e big. enthusiastic rrmv.
frultlesr, ns there v
hr relative |v»*;tlen«
Thirlng a hwnl "print si
Walthour **n11lded with
»>eih fell but neither w
no one gahaed or lost 1
inspiration of
but nil prov*
ns no change
•>f the tesins.
ted by Moran.
Detnara and
s Injured nnd
The psre Was n rust «>nd Ifom open-
In* day. Throughout th- Week almost
every succeeding hour ghowwd new
record* over those «-»tnhl!|hed by Mll-l
jer and Waller In MM. nml Klkoa and
McFarland In !*«♦>. The pare waa too
fust f«ir several of the teams and they
were 'freed to drop out under the pres
Xmas Books.
•vo tho most attractive tins of
r have ever shown New hooks,
ok*. Children's .HcHka by the
thousand at MeRvoyV Mil Cherry HL
Tha Birdsong Cass.
HAn.KHtJRHT. Mlaa. Dec. 1*.—Dr.
•Miotniw Hlrdaong. slayer of Dr. A.
* Pitt*, waa IndtctcJ »t a special
■gessi.m of the gmnd Jury, convened
hv Judge Pettor. Homer ftmlth. who
Vs* fJi*nc«d with being ah accessory
as** gi»*en Ms liberty. The Birdsong
•tr«*e will he planed on trial next week.
Prof. a. R Glenn, so well-known
*4n Macon where ha connected with
Rt'taUyan and I Mar by hi* visit* a*
^tptta school eommlaaloner, is in the city
•pending Hunday.
• Prof. Glenn u now president of the
blarth Getirgi* <Tollefe at! iv’alloacd to aetl ilnn
* much larger IIomm thru th.y now
Th. pcddl.r, they My. take, .way
great dMl of their by .topping
on th. .treat, nnd vy going to th.
rt.Idrtie*. along tho .traat, wharaaa
the dail.r ramtlna at one point and
mint wait for tha cuatomar to coma.
Doll*, Toys, Games
flrat value*: thn good, reliable kind
at Mrgvoy'g, R7S Cherry Ht.
niJTTB. Mont.. Deo. 12—The audden
death yesterday at Manhattan of "Ham-
my" Jones, aged 10, disclosed the fact
thnt Instead of being a man. as every
one In the vlolnlty of Manhattan for
tho past t8 years had believed, Jones
was a wonun. .
Hhe chewed tobacco and drank and
associated freely with men.
Special Oar and Houseboat Thay
Lived a Weak of Oanulns
Mr. W. J. Masse* tad his party of
friends who spent a week at Homoaaassa
bnv* returned to the oity, and delighted
with the outing.
The party went down In a special ear.
which was well Blocked with everything
that a party of gentlemen ran enjoy, and
left It at Homnssaaaa to enter a noust-
b«at on the lake that wa* well provided
also. There In this comfortable houae*
boat tha party lived, flshel when they
wanted to. nta when they wanted to nnd
smoked and Idled When they wanted to.
The weather was a trifle warm, hut rath
er that than the eold.
Messrs. Campbell, of New York, and
111* Messrs. Ixwch of Chicago enjoyed the
ely. They aat In their shirt-
the lake apd fished, nnd
thought of their home* with It
and they shuddered at the thought.
• return home, they stooped over
MAY ASK THE COUNCIL TO, Claim That Th.y Should b.
Prot.ot.d Ag.lnit th. Man
Without R.nt,
Tha ragul.r fruit da.lar. of tha ally
at* up in itmi agalnn tha ntra.t pad-
illar of fruit. Th.y will probably pra-
»ant a patltlon to ruunrll at It. nail
moating a.klng that tha llranM on
•uih prrlpatatlo da.lar. bo
Th. dagl.ra rl.lm that th.y pay
rant, ln.ur.nva, and for all Uia prlvi-
lagaa .nd Inrldont.l axpanaa. of con
ducting n legitimate bu.lnoa. in the
city. Th.y »f* t|t*p»yarfc paying tax
on their .lock, odd thl. >n addition to
tho Mean... They claim that tho pad-
dlar m.raly pay. the price of . Ilcania,
ha. no .lock on whim to pay Lx. ond
yd enjoy, to th. fullo.i extant • .11
the privilege, of th. .traat .ml police
protection. They have no rant, end
none of tha Mpanw of * dealer, and
the deter, think lh.1 th.y should not
they paid •
i’nr nations.
The bride's brother, Mr. Aiken Moore.
And Mr. A. R. McNelce will. be ‘
Mii' h pleasant Interest centers In the
'Vint ns the bride end groom-to-t>* nre
»*oth popular imioqg their circle of
friends. The maid of honoi
Adums, will ontortnin at
the bride this
■BBS-.— I par*
borne on vttie-
vllle avenue.
Amotitf the out-of-town guaata
will l»o In Mnoon to Attend the w
Miss I.iiIa Ftewellen. of Kufnul
ty after rch« i
Itaunton. Va.. Mrs.
IS» ti: s as
nteshoro. Ga., Mrs.
... . who
Maoon to Attend the wedding
I.uIa Flewellen. of Kufnula.
Ml** Klizfthrih Knowles, of T^astman,
Mr. H. W. Akin, of Htaunton. Va. “*
II. W. Kirby, of Chariot 1 “* -
Marie Shotwcll. of Oxfoi_. ..
W. II. Atdredge. of Btnteshoro,
Hug —
Theater Supper for Mr. Tatum, of New
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Schofield enter
tained at a theater supper after the piny
Friday evening In honor of Mr. F. O. Ta
tum. of N*w York. Among those pres
ent were Ml** Schofield. Mlaa Converse,
Mr. end Mrs. R. C. Payne, of Baltimore.
Mr, prentlco Udwarda and Mr. George
Moore entertained at I
Pfuutmii luncheon In honor of Mrs
Samuel C. Cooper, at her home on Chor
ry street ller parlors and dining room
were very bright and attractive, decora
ted With 1mm ui I ful Richmond roaee,
which filled vaoca everywhere, and also
with beautiful cluster* of poinsetta.
red and green predominating In
decorations, nnd all the details o
luncheon, which waa an unique and
chnrtiilng affair.
The ladles were Invited for 11 o'clock.
... _ oca.
and after all were assembled, pnpera and
peuriln were given each, and th* host***
--- — ftots^ th*y. would
announced that for <
all 1m- children again,
waa done to carry out this Idea,
hostess as teacher made a humor
tie talk. In which she stated that
scientists claim that the left side of
brain Is not equaly developed with the
right, because of that aide not
used as much, they would begin by
a humorous llt<
their pencil In the left hand, and a* th*
copies she gave would be easy none of
the little girls would mind trying. Then
followed tne copies.
L am a little girl.
y name la Ann.
I have a dog.
Ills name la Jack.
I have a cat.
Her-name I* Puss,
A fight.
1 love my teacher.
1 love Santa Ctaus.
1 hope he will bring me a little baby
The matrons all entered Into the fun,
and almost forgot they
* * 1. for the *
time, such peals of
ed ‘'teacher," and so n ..
water." tha* the hostess want out and
Home of them '
brought In a water bucket andWPH
to supply them. At the end of. the gama
the little girl writing moat perfectly.
Mary lliigurnln. (Mrs. F. I). Huguonlol
waa given a little work basket tied with
holly ribbon, and In It was a slip on|
which was written. "For a good girl."
Bach guest waa given a little red and
green atrtped basket filled With striped
stick candy, and peanuts, such as little
glrla like, and the center table wa*|
piled with hunehes of groen grapes and
the reddest of apples. I
Aftor the Jollity nnd and fun
to this episode had subsided, thl
were Invited Into the dining roJBBBBP
where a delicious luneheon of severs
courses waa served.
The table waa Uld with Cluny lace
mat* and had a beautiful floral center
piece of Richmond rosea.
Mrs. Moore's gueata were Mr*. Bam-
uel C. Cooper, Mrs. llenrv M. Wor'ham,
Mr*. Cecil Morgan. Mrs. Alexander
Ptoudfit. Mrs. Kmmett Karnes. Mr*. B.
P. O'Neal. Mrs. Walter latmar. Mrs.
Minor I^wla. Mrs. Mallory TAidor. Mrs.
- * ell Printer. Mrs. J. 11 Hhortar.
T. Small. Mrs. RSfry Kendal!.
J. Willingham. Mrs. Georg*
er. Mrs. Walter Houser. Mr*
R IVwell Fritter. MraJ
H. Small, Mrs, Ollxy Orr, Mr*.
W, Randall. Mrs. Clllrard Bruton,
Mr*, ft. T. Miller. Mr*. I^on I>ire. Mr*.
George W. Rowell Mr*. Wallace McCaw,
Mra Joseph K Mardre, Mrs. fiurbert
T. goloy. and Mra. A. J. Orr.
Lovely Affair for Charming Matrons.
- —-* * TT -
at a lave-
_ Bean*, ot
Martin. Jr.,
Ttor -
f Don't to be reminded too LATB
Ito order your HOLIDAY 8u.t from Al-
{Bert McKay. Cherry 8t.
Mlaa Meta Irwin waa host „
lv »»arty at which Mra. Frank Beane, of
Augusts, and Mra. Win. N.
two charming matrons, were
An equal number of matrons and young
women were Invltrd for th* party, which
waa one of the moat thoroughly enjoya
ble affaire of the week, a wry delightful
hospitality being dispensed by tho bad*
* *o*.
ller parlor*, decorated with exquisite
bridesmaid roae* and. asparagus Jern,
carried out a pretty pink and green mo
tif. which was emphasised by Ihe dainty
— *"-—— ‘nTek wifi
Thorn top Is re-
!ochran. She la
ms Ellis and Mrs.
dr. nnd Mrs.
know that tt. ..
le. wno has been
a* returned from
• several weeks
i* the gueat *
sire delightfully
‘1lB“ *"*■
ollna, where
r, of Gainesville.
, and Miss liear
are guests o
e week-end.
returned to her
after being
i Macon an the
id Maud Htubba.
Round Onk. has
ileaaant vial
ud Stubbs
Macon en
Ina after a visit
Urmlngham. one
of Macon, and
i all hla heart,
village. Is '
of Mra. Charles
College street
vent to Tcnnes
r and sister to
me with them,
thsjr new hom*
III are rejoicing
1st mas presenf
In the shape oi
ng. If hung up.
pple. but will In
daughter, Mlaa
visiting their
nuch to the
and Mlsa Ula
Itlng Mrs. J. J.
are expected
h and Camille
nd the holidays
expected home
Mr. 1
< lifi -tni
Mr. and
on axtc
who la
i will be pleaa^
friends of thlff
no will be given I
tr long absenoe.
left Wednesday
•r spending a
ty with M fa.
r friends.
attanooga for
tlcbmond. M
Ith friends
expected home]
to spend the
hla parents,
hip. and will be
n friends afterl
i, of - Quitman,
a Willi* In CoJ
aeon on FHdny
1 will be the
fcht for a few
rrb are visiting
Ungleton. at the
th her
c;r h v....
represents the
will anend the
BMi, Jr.
D. Brook*. _..
m dut his hlg
to eat hla slice
lhat he may be
Pampa. Is visit-
phew, Mr. Har-.
*et. Mrs. Car-
iron for aeventl
Mra. Car-
..... for seven?,
rr husband, the
o waa paalor of
i. and has a
n the city and
* her a cordial
Best assortment of useful
"guMtx presents to be found In Macon.
“ ■“ Wood-Peavy Furniture Co.
Tattnall Square Presbyterian Church.
Regular aervlcea at 11 a- m., con
ducted by Rev. EL L. McFadden. No
night service.
Christ Church.
Walnut street, between Second an«J
Third. Rev. John S. 'Bunting, rector.
Third Sunday ln AAvent. Holy Com*
mtinlon 7:10 a. m. Sunday school
9:20 a. m. Morning Prayer and aer*
mpn 11 a. m. Evening Prayer and
sermon 7:30 p. m. Good music by
vested choir. The church Is close to
hotels and visitors In the city and
everybody cordially invited. Usher*
will provide seats for all.
N*EW HAVEN. Conn.. Dec. 12—Am
munition to be used by President
Roosevelt on bis African hunting trip
ha* been prepared here and forward
ed to Washington, together with the
weapons which the president will use
and which were sent bore to be ex
amined by experts.
The ball cartridges are In varying
weigh la. the largest oring deemed of
the right caliber to bring down
Xmas for Everybody.
Macon folks are fortunate in having
*o complete a Xinas store as the Mr-
Bvoy Book A Stationery Co. store In
which to shop. Here something can
bo found for any one. They have books
by the thousand, books to suit children
and grown-ups. uveethecctB and friend.
Books show good taste on the part of
the giver.
Eastman Kodaks and Bibles make
f ;ood gifts. Pictures are there in pro-
ualon: dainty little pictures from 25c
u pto $25.08. They always have-some-
thlng attractive and new In pictures.
In the line of dolls they have all the
different kinds as well as all tho good
reliable toys xnd games; no shoddy
goods; the best and most satisfactory.
Vou con spend a day at McEvoy’a, 572
Cherry 8t.. and still find things you
wish to buy.
Deputy Sheriff Joe Wilson took In an
other blind tiger yesterday, or rather he
arrested two negroes charged with run
ning one.
It reached the deputy's ears that the
negroes at the phosohute works In East
Macon were being supplied with an arti
cle of corn that would, come under the
head of blind .tiger whisky, and he went
Glover. It looked as though there
something doing In that pit
* •* ** L It
looked as
ng, and furthermore,
though it wav serving the purpose of l.
bgr£ of supply.
with this much to start on he watch
ed the performance of one Taylor Mc
Nair, and It was,not long before he was
satisfied that Taylor was supplying the
phosphate hands with the corn. He
therefore nabbed McNnlr and sent him
to jail. Then he went to the restau
rant and found the base of supply, as
well as an express package marked for
McNair. The package wns taken to the
sheriff's office and McNair to Jail.
. Party who took Overcoat
from Elks’ Club by mistake,
please return same.
Five Convictions Before Judge Hedges
Yeaterday—Heavy Gang Sentences
AFT)rlcf *cfalon_ofjYie city court waa
holtj- yesterday^ morning for the pur
pose of trying criminal cases. Thera
St. Paul’s Church.
College and Forsyth streets. Ser
vlets for the third Sunday In 'Adventi
1:45 Sunday school. 11 Morning
Ifraycr: lay service. Church open daily,
jurats five. All welcomed.
tempting a fslony and given twelve
months on the gang.
Ftyyd Jordan pleaded guilty to the
chkrge of cruelty to animals and re
ceived a fine of $40. He beat a mule
too severely.
Simple larceny was the charge prov-
I against Joe Bryants, and twelve
onths wan his sentence.
For gaming John Scott was given
Th* same offense netted Pat Flannl-
gan a fine of $55.
Tomorrow fnorntng the civil session
of the December term of tho city court
will begin. There'are a large number
of cases assigned for Jury trial.
Bibles for Xmas.
What more suitable present. 25c to
$10.08 at McEvoy's, 672 Cherry St.
Employed to Help the Solicitor in Im
portant Murder Trial Which Be
gins at Tiften Tomorrow.
About 8enssttonsl Chrges Said to Hava
Been Brought Against Him—Said j
to be Outcome of Factional j
'IJ* K\ Fi ° ht n
It was stated last night that chargee [
had been preferred against United |
States Marshal Georgs F. White, whose H
term of office expired yesterday and 11
whose nomination for re-appointment 11
Is now In the hands of the president. |
These charges were indefinite, and *
while the marshal's numerous friends
In Macon knew that they must be tech- i I
nlea! and couldn't bs otherwise, they
could not understand the nature of
It developed that reports had been
made at Washington concerning the
conduct of Marshal White during the
trip to Cincinnati in September last to
national headquarters. A party of ten
gentlemen from Georgia visited that,I
city, all remained together and fht.
conduct of one was the conduct of all.
According to the affidavits
members of the party, the conduct of
the marshal was that of a gentleman,
as those who know him in 3£acon will
believe. Just what that conduct was
that gaVe rise to the report sent to
Washington is not yet given out, but
it is said to bq the taking away of
three or four glasses, worth ten cents,
from th* hotel. Xt is also said that the
marshal's deference to Judge Speer of
the United State* Court as the presid
ing officer of the court, la such as to
offend some of the republicans In the
These matter* having been laid be
fore the department at Washington an
examiner was sent to Macor. to Inves
tigate and report. Ittc Inspector or
examiner has finished hlv work, and
his report Is probably In tfle hands of
tho president by this time.
When Mr. White was seen lost night
and asked what the charges were, ho
did not seem to.regard the reports sent
on as being charges being filed, but
rather In tho form of statements made
to the president with a view of pre
venting him from making the ap
Mr. White said that hn was not now
In a position to talk bout the matter,
except to say that the statements were
absolutely without foundation. The
report of the examiner was In Well
ington. nnd he believed that would be
a sufficient refutnl of all that might
be said about and aglnst him.
His application for re-appolntmcnt
was accompanied by the strongest of
endorsements. He was endorsed by the
members of the bars of Macon, Savan
nah. Brunswick. Albsny and other ci
ties, by two United States court Judges
and all the prominent officials In tho
various cities and towns In which he
has connection.
, From all appearances tho wholo
matter comes from a factional fight
among the republicans.
Committees Have Been Appointed to
Form Plana to Complete tho Shaft
Begun By the Veterans.
In pursuance of a resolution passed by
the , Woman's Monument Association
some time ago. tho various organizations
of tho city that have connections with
the veterans, nnd in sympathy with the
effort to erect a monument to the wwnen
of the south during the civil war.
-1-4 Sizes >
Regal Shoes
Make It Easy to Get Your Exact Fit.
Have you ever experienced the convenience, comfort and economy
of Regal quarter-sixes? Tou can obtain your exact fit In Regal
Shoes without any delay—you don’t have to take a *hoe
that ip a little too loose or too tight. Regal quarter
ages supply those "in-between" sizes that are lacking
in other shoes. The perfect fit of Regal Shoes means
better shape-retention and longer wear
—to say nothing of the perfect com
fort from the start
The 243 new Fall Models pos«s
every style-feature of the highest,
price custom shoes.
Regal Shoe* are sold directly from -
the Regal factories to you. with all
intermediate profits eliminated.
Nowhere else ’ ln the world can^
you obtain equal value at any
where near Regal prices.
New Fall and Winter Stylo
Book sent free on request
Mail orders promptly filled.
One of the
models. Cor
rect for this
Regala art
made ini alt
458 Third Street, Macon, Ga.
mlttecs have been appointed, and the
task of completing the monument for
which the base Is already laid will —“
be undertaken.
The commute* os irapolnted are:
From Camp R. A. Smith, United
federate Veteran*—Messrs. J.
From Camp Hardeman. United Sons of
Confederate Veterans—Messrs. J. J.
Cobb. Robert L. Anderson. W. E. Dun-
W From Sidney Lanier Chapter .United
aughters of the Confederacy—Mrs S.
, Moore. Mrs. W. T. Morgan, Mrs.
W Thera°wfil soon be a meeting of these
committees, nt which time the matter
of the completion of the monument will
be; taken up, nnd plans looking to the
ulSlng of the necessary funds will be
ifrmed nnd put Into execution.
While no provision has been made for
calling this committee together. It has
been suggested thnt inasmuch ns Col.
Preston Is thoroughly familiar with the
wants of the association, and has taken
a more prominent part In the movement.
that he <wm1 a meeting J “*
‘ e selected by him. BO 1
°It d is'believed that with th* help of the
Indies, the monument can be completed
as to have th* unveiling ceremonies
the 28th of next April In connection
th tho usual commemorative exer-
cs of that day. It Is suggested that
soon a* the exercises are over at the
score cards u«ed at the K*mf, which were
handpainted with pink resM. and tha
RUtMs each drew from a large bound*l
a tingle rose bud. the number attached
designating their table. ’
Mlaa Krwin'* Kuests were Mr* Frank
Beane. Mrs. Wm. E. Martin. Jr.,. Mra.
Jack Brckwlih. of Tamna, Fla.: Mrs.
Mr Pens* I NUbet.. Mr* v Pi ere v
Mra. Harry C. Robert Mra
over: but the seed of the wlrkq-i shall
=--v C ‘L*P*. ° u * ; be rut off." PaGm *7:2*. Testimonial
lags: us "?*''.»«• - ww L""" ,,y
M. Krartn. Mra. John A. g»M*n. Miss lot*
. ... .. M!«s 1.1111a Converse. L- _ .
Davto. Mlsa Marv Winchester. .....
Jranto Craig. Miss Ruts Riley. Miss May.
who !-.gve not yel! ,0 J!» ** !l kl * n ' 1 ‘"<lnrd of exceUenca
... , The coffee r.vtMlng department of
Ftoumoy’s t« a fratnr* of which they
;7. TV, * 7 !rt *** »• it »• claimed
..i | '"otfragv A# ihe werk. that (his etote has the osilr coffee roast*
W#f 7L. " •y r >«*‘ , ng,in K pleat In middle Georgia. Every brand
appet • <»f tne tnustjnf fine eoffee u krpt on hand, and* Cl ra. At Flour. ; roasted and ground dolly as required by —...
»5S ! h « ,r oueiomsrw This laser*# to the cue., benefit of
>our ton.*r coffee with Its full etr “ *
' - n claimed that
•5*1 daintiest; invented which
tdutnri. tor coffee for weeks
““ “ trohg pmt
Ah* absolute j*. that their farai
looks cl#«n • of their customers
f.wn The! and blend th<
Of :he en.w- ; of Ibis aevtl,
Mlsa l.*ura Baker. Mlsa Mary Pierson.
Mlsa Katharine Crump, Mlsa !41ly Grlf-
Mwlnttr glory,|business conducted by title store could! -■ ■ ■— ■
enable them to keep this department up Mrs. Wallace McCaw InterUlns lets
— rsu Sigmas.
A most enjoyable affair waa Ihe after
noon tea at which Mrs. Wallace McCaw
entertained the lata Tau Sigmas. A very
delightful hospitality was akpaneed. and
the glrla had an enthusiastic discussion
at to setting up an entertainment for the
_ --. a 1 .benefit of the free kindergarten.
rtti It* fun strength. It _,Thl* they propose to do, and It will be
*K>fier*Ms ha* ever been given some time in January, perhaps the
will held the full strangth litter part of th* month.
Itn tins*, rAnother
y tho Mournoj—
illy with tho
urnoy store
be ti
m to i
suit tho P,
and veterans, nnd gather around the
monument that It may be urvplted.
.Tho veterans endeavored to build this
monument tliomnelves. and they 4ld all
they could to that end. but the passing
years arc not only reducing their nuro-
Mr. John R. Coo^ir. M«con-. welt- ti«r hut w«)jh. mart
khiiwn vrintlnal lawyer, will Sava to- !*’"’SSL* 0 “ 4 * h ' y “*
0»y-tor Tlfton whew ho will awlit In * to th“ b»u«hter. ot th. Confctoacv.
the prosecution «>f Doc Roden, u white ; b^nuec It Is to their mother* and grnnd-
uian charged with murder, whore trial • mother*, they want the monument
commences Monday before Judg-' i '■ffctcd.
—! MltrhHL Mr. Conner has been c.iv-
v Christian Science. i ploy»«j by the relatives of Will S^n-
Firat Church of Christ, Scientist I dsra. the deceased, to assist Sol Id to!
Service* nr* held on the second floor j W. E. Thomas,
of the Macon Public Library building. 1 . About six week ago Doc Roden shot
opposite the Grand. Sundav morning and killed Will Fanders. n boy, nnd it
at 11 o’clock. Subject, "God the Pre- ■ *nld that he did not have any provoca-
' ‘ ‘ * tlon. Tho trial is expected to be one
of the hardest fought in the history
ot the Tlfton circuit.
it la
server of Man" Qoldcn text. "For the
!/>rd loveth judgment, and foraaketh
pot his saints; they are preserved for-
o’clock. Rending room on the second
door of the same building la open every
day from 16 to 13 o'clock and from 3
to 6 o'clock n. m. AM are cvrd'aHy
InVlted to attend all services of the
church and to visit the rending room.
Mulberry 8tre«t Methodist Church.
Rev. T. D. Rills, D. D.. pastor.
Sunday school 9:30 a. *n. o. A.
Park, superintendent organised ctaaoo*.
Auditorium class taught by C6’,. N. E.
Harris. Preaching 11 a. m. by the
unitor. Rev. T. D. 15Uts. Epworth
League t:4S p. m. H. D. Marshall,
first vice president. Preaching 7:30 p.
ra. hv the pastor. Rev. T. D. v Ellis.
Good music. m«Is quartette composed
of Jos. O’Boone Bam Orr. Monroe
Ogden and Jo*. McCardle. Mr*. C. H.
‘ ^"Vt * ‘‘’A And this : in the north. sMtqe 1 tvre snj’allowed tuI work for the tiki ktndergsri
LiL il'I*' raustn for n^*k» b. f**rr l*rlng m. d iln M«r,*n. an the t'tover i*-
They have decided on n ktudergartou Ogden and Jo*. McCardle. Mr*. C. H.
play an the order of The tVestrtch Hall, organist. A cordial welcome to
■kuler 7 and they art I begin prhegtee fee I all.
it Immediately aftor the holidays, under t • \
mim' j.Iiii"a^wfS i« # {gvSidrnt or r ^ Huvler's Xmas Candies;
' " Park * Tilford’* fine Ci K ars;
rick Out Glass.
J. S. Hoge Drug Oo.
Dolls! Dolls!
Rng Dolls. Jointed Dolls. Kid Bodied
Dolls, Dressed Dolls at McEvoy's. S73
Cherry Bt.
Mseting Was Held Yesterday, But
Only a Few Members Were Present
ee ‘ letter name.
m tha ismiot vntertal
•vthv eanrar
to realise s nice suns st their
swsnller I they oasis
kte they The t r
setlls* j Mlsa Ju
have ror Wright. Hi* 1
NMkate a jpee
Tht annual meeting of the Macon
Oar Association was held in the su
perior court room yesterday at noju.
after soragdifficulty in sccurtmr a quo
rum. For some reason, there were
only ft few members present, and
though effort was made not a dozen
attorney* Could be located.
The election of officers was he'
. however, and those who had served the
1 past term were re-elected. They are
Si an follow*:
President—John P. Rosa.
Vice President—W. J. Grace.
Secretary—M. P. Calloway.
Treasurer—F. U. M^rtip
the wish of their fathers that the monu
ment be erected to the good women who
encouraged them. .... .
no the gen-'ral public because such a
monument will be an ornament to the
City, and show to the world the appre
ciation of the old soldier of the sacri
fices and aid given by the noble women
of tho south during the civil war.
The ladies nnd gentlemen who have
been appointed to further this cause
have been selected bemuse of their pe
culiar fitness for the duty, nnd It la be
lieved that they will do all in their pow
er to have the monument ready for the
unveiling on the 28th of April. They
realise the fact that the veterans are
fust passing away, and that tt Is the
wHh of their hearts to see It erected be
fore they go.
A*_soon as Col. Preston names th#
datrof the meeting notice will be given
In The Telegraph.
The Indies la the vicinity of High
street *avrd two tree# from being eon-
' * * wood yesterday.
on High street
verted into cord
os were on High
that they had evil
The Georgia State College of Agriculture
Offers the following special courses for Farmers and Farmers' Boys. No
tuition, no entrance examinations, courses practically free.
The Cotton School, January 4th to 15th, Inclusive
Sixty lectures on soils, fertilizers, farm machinery* cultivation, seleo-
jars, ronu r „ — r ,—
tlon and Improvement of cotton, diseases and Insects attacking cotton,
warehousing and commercial handling of cotton.
Twenty hours on grading of Cotton. Classes In charge of three experts.
The farmer must understand -how to distinguish and classify the grades
of cotton. Special emphasis laid on this feature of tho work. The first
Cotton School was an unqualified, success. Tho second one offers much
better facilities. A summary of the latest and best Information on cotton
production given free to all students.
Farmers’ Conference, January 18th to 23d, Inclusive
Representative farmers who appeared bofore the Country Life Commis
sion in Athens stated tha greatest need of today was Agricultural Educa-
Fifty addresses will be delivered during the week by successful farm-
■ -*'-** new Agricultural College Building will be dedl-
vlll attend from a|] sections of the State. Come
and take part In the round table talks. Enter the corn Judging and cotton
grading contests; $150.00 ln prizes. The conference will be an Inspiring
occasion. A personal experience meeting on Agriculture. You will be
benefited and uplifted by attending.
Good Roads School, Jauuary 25th to 30th, Inclusive
Fifteen lectures on all phases of road construction and Improvement.
Demonstrations of road machinery. Examination of roads of all types as
constructed In Clarke county.
scientific and
day for' board while in
An opportunity to obtain the latest and best sc
formation on a subject of vital Importance to the welfkrd Of
living In the rural districts. • ,
‘Coat ot above courses: Railroad fore; $1.00
Athens; registration fee $1.00. .
Special Rates on all Railroads on the Certificate Plan.
Dates of Sale, January 3, 4, 17,18, and 25.
that proper pro-
President State College of Ag
riculture, ATHENS, GA.
signs on two venerable oak trees that
stand In front of the residence of Mr.
Holmes Johnson. They were there with
their axes and were about to let the
trees become martyrs to the cause of
emenL when the ladles started
...iprovem—„ ....— --- -- , - .
out. For several minutes the telephones
In the Brunner Drug Company's store
and th* mayor’s office were not with
protests. Aldferman Brunner ~am-
pealed to and so w;aa Mayor
spare those old oaks. The ladles were
determined, and the city officials saw
that if those trees were cut down there
would bo a storm of wrath that would
overwhelm them.
The result may be Imagine-
as In all cates where the ladles set their
heads at anything. They said the trees
should not com# down, and the trees
still'Hand to give cooling shade In tho
hot days.
% ADEL, Ga., Dec. 12—The home of
Mrs. P. S. Simpson, seven miles from
Adel, eras destroyed oy fire Thursday
afternoon. The house and contents
were destroyed, with no Insurance. It
Is not known how the fire originated.
The bsrn of Mr. A. A. Hendry,about
seven miles from Adel, was burned
last Wednesday evening. It contain
ed a large quantity of corn, fodder,
etc., most of which was consumed. It
la believed that the fir* was caused
by rets.
While pUying at the school ‘house
Friday, little John Huff had his arm
broken by several children falling on It.
Cards are out announcing the mar
riage on next Thursday of Miss Ids
Parricu. of Adel, to Mr. Carl Rent*, of
Perry, Flft, the event to occur at the
home of Mrs. Dora Peeteway. sister of
the bride-to-be.
Mr. Mansfield Knight, formerly of
Adel but now cashier of the bonk of
Blackahear. left this week for Omaha.
Neb., where he Is to be married to Mlsa
Edna Peterson, formerly of Norman
Park, Ga.
Mr. W. O. Roberts, formerly of
Adel but now cashier of the bank at
Guyton. Is to b# married on Decem
ber 23d, to Miss Ruth Cubbedge. daugh
ter of a prominent Savannah druggist.
At the conference at Quitman Ust
week Adel eras made a elation and
Rev. C. E. Cook returned hare for an
other year. Rev. Cook is very popular
with the people of the town.
,A big deal this week waa made here
when Mr. J. C. Tnomaa purchased
the plantation of Mr. B. W. Goodman
near Adel. The trade was made
through Mr. W. F. Floyd, the well-
known real estate man, and represent
ed an outlay of $10,000.
Fair Store
320 3rd Street.
Finest line 25c and 60c and $1.00
Dolls, just received; bright and new.
Tennis Raquet 10c.
Brass Beds and Cradles 10c.
Novelties, Paper Dolls 10c, origin
and unique.
Atlas Balls 10c. \
Toy Guns 10c.
Ships that pass ln the night 10c.
Tedd>< Bear Bisque Figures 10c.
Big line Gold Decorated Ware 10c.
Opalescent Ware 10c.
Decorated Plaques 10c and 15c.
Decorated Salads 10c gnd 16c.
Fins Japanese Cups and Saucers 15o
After Dinner Cups and Saucers 6c.
White China Dishes 5c. 10c, 16c, 20c,
and 26c. 1 • *
Enamel Boilers with Covers 10c, 15c,
£0c and 23c.
Special Brand new $1.00 Shirt* 50o
Bear Skin Baby Capa, worth 76c,
at 26c. Do you read The Telegraph?
Bilk Baby Caps 26c.
Bazoo Horns 10c. ' . .
50c Chairs 3$c, If you take with
$1.00 Chairs 76c. if you take with
Fine Water Bets $1.00 and $1.25.
Christmas Bells lc to 10c.
76c Decorated Sugar Dishes 25c.
76c Decorated Tea Pet* 25c.
41c Decorated Pitchers 25c.
sms is 11
redU lottuth Otssrry.: Mis* l;
I sod Miss f.ucm'ltay.
First Presbyterian Church.
E Douglas. %H*stcr. KtbMth
I at 0:41 a. m. J j. McKsr.
lefts Arsens. I superintendent. Preachhtg at 11
• ' ' *** | oVieek bv the pest w. Subject. *Tbl-
. uT— i It-. I wfttffff Christ." RYmtftg subject. "All
gltiAC yii|) W Christ." T** church |s rlra
«»«: Qsteefta the pews all fra. A cftrdlal
.-v -1 coots for iiNTprii- >
Oh l»t£ Shoe*. Mercerised Strings 10c.
A 25 per ceut.
The meeting was a'djmiVned untllTJ^Hfi
rarvoat in hlb stags Is
next Saturday when all unfinished bus-, „ r , 4l ■
In ms. Including the Hearing of the; today’a^TrUi
that it *>««
Wa.'htel off-
jeer’s repgria. will be acted urayt.
r Is still In front of them.
"I would Juf; as
ow as two «r three
meat .... . . .
i the middle of tVi'eudwr, into
k _ _■■■»!# season t*i \umrtlcalty I no si
•AVf Mr. acute! says (he M»ath*r has aplsn
been unfavorable, end that M bos-bought sed 4
' >e latffee stock _ He^ Ptbpoeee j "•
Pictures for Xmu.
. **^* < j[ | * line! fye PI -- i murar we i««wv ■ now na >i"i» wa reme wm dm
A*krais »• zethlng MW rt McKvoye. to «w* his lustetnsrs the hyntfit of this; offering tht public sts
172 Cherry 8t. t $0 per cent saving whlie the cw wrath- 1 os they have net hod
Red- Table
Crepe Paper of tht fine 5c and 10c.
Big .rillue Men’g Undervest tOc.
Baby^ Undervest 10c. 0 for 50c.
e Fair Store
320 Third Street, Macon Ga.