Newspaper Page Text
December Sale of HB
f We Will Continue, This Week, The Special Offerings That Caused
Such a Flurry of Buying in Our Second Floor Last Week.
A new line of Ladies’ Tailored Suits of
Novelty Striped Suitings, hard-finished Wors
teds, diagonal weaves and plain cheviots; long
Satin-lined Coats, new Skirt effects, Suits that
would be cheap at $15.00 and $17.50: to go
on sale tomorrow at, AM O CA
choice of the lot . . . . . »PlZt JU
Ladies’ Tailored Suits of hard-finished
Worsteds and Novelty Suitings in blues,
greens, browns, reds, and black; Long Coat
styles, neatly trimmed with braids and buttons;
latest skirt styles. Suits are actually worth up
to $22.50; but you can CM C AA
take your choice for ....
Very handsome Suits in new Directoire
and'Empire effects of plain Broadcloths,
fancy mixtures, Worsteds, etc., in all tlu
stylish colorings; real $27.50 tfj A Q 7 C
and $30 values; this week . ,>P 12c. I 3
Dressy Tailored Suits of fine Chiffon
Broadcloths, in all the fashionable shades;
Empire and Directoire effects, plain and
elaborately trimmed; $35 tfOC f)f)
and $37.50 value
Tomorrow we will place on sale about 100
of our very finest Tailored Suits, includ
ing styles that were priced Tip to $00:
am! offer choice of the line (tT7 Cfi
for PJI.JU
Great Values in Furs
Buy Furs as you would buy diamonds.
Go to a reputable dealer whose guarantee
of quality can be depended upon, and
whose values are known to be honest. This
Store is a good place to buy Furs; we guar
antee every pieoe we sell. Neekpiees,
Muffs and Sets, ranging in price from
$5.00 to $150.00; and good value at every
Fur Neckpieces, worth up to tfC A A
$10.00, at ■... JfJ.VU
Fur Neckpieces worth up to (40
$15.00, at JtlV
Fur Neckpieces worth up to
$40.00, at
Special Sale of Waists
Special sale of new and beautiful styles
in Waists of fine Chiffon Taffeta. Satin
Messaline and allover Lace tf 7 7C
worth up to $6; take choice for <?*/• I
Special purchase and
sale of about 80 beauti
ful Evening Gowns and
Costumes of fine Chiffon
Broadcloth and Satin
Messaline in brand new
mid-winter styles and ad
vance models for Spring,
1909—to go on sale at
l A less than value.
Dresses and Costumes
This week wo will offer some remark:!
hie values in beautiful Dresses and Cos
tumes of Sutin Messalines, Directoire Sat
ins and Chiffon Taffetas, in the season’s
choicest colorings; Directoire, Empire and
Princess styles, elaborately trimmed, many
now models, recently received, will he in
cluded in the sa|e.
The line will be divided into these
three lots:
Dresses and Costumes, worth <f <f C A A
up to $25.00; at iP1 JtUv
Dresses and Costumes, worth fft)P A A
up to $35.00; at J.UU
Dresses and Costumes, worth tf ^ 7 V CA
up to $60.00; at. ii3v
Fine Silk Petticoats
Another new lot of these beautiful Silk
Petticoats—the regular $5.00 dj 7 7 C
quality—at, only pJ. I J
And the extra wide ones, wortbtf C A A
$7.50; at, only ...; JKM/V
Special Sale of Hosiery
Ladies’fine Silk Lisle Hose, 3 pairs -J C|A
in Christmas box for only ......... "
Ladies' pure Silk Hose; 3 pairs in 7 AA
Christmas box for only
. Ladies’ extra quality pure Silk A QQ
Hose; 3 pairs in Christmas box .... vf
Ladies’ Hand-Embroidered pure AA
Silk Hose at $3.50,'$2.50 and *f.\J\J
Ladies’ Silk Lisle Hose, in black and CAp
tan; special at, per pair
Ladies’ .Embroidered Lisle Hose, in Cp
Ladies’ 50c Silk Hose, in this sale "I AA
at, 3 pairs for A»vrv/
Buster Brown Hose for Ladies, Men nnd Chil
dren; guaranteed for 4 months; -J AA
4 pairs in box for
Warm Bed Covering
Kino Eiderdown Comforts,
covered with beautiful Sat
eens and Silks—good for
Christmas gifts; various qual
ities and styles,
$5.00 to 20.00
Blankets are acceptable gifts -
to the housewife. Hero are
fine qualities; priced, per
pair, from $12.50
. down to 2.50
Specials sale of white cro
cheted Bed Spreads in hand
some patterns: •
$1.00 values at 85o
$1.25 values at . 98c
$1.00 values at $1.2,1
$2.00 values at $1.50
Sale New Fancy Linens
Union Linen 30 by 30-ineh Drawn Work*"}
Table Covers nnd 18 by 54-ineh Scarfs, A JL
More elaborate designs in Drawn WorkEJQ _
Table Covers and Scarfs at JvC
Union Linen Drawn Work Table Cov- QPp
ors; 54 inches square; Only OuL
ff by 9-inch all-Linen Centerpieces in A Ap
Drawn Work designs, only /iv/C.
All-Linen Centerpieces in Drawn _
Work patterns; size 12 by 12 inches .
All-Linen Centerpieces in Drawn WorkgJQ _
designs; size 24 by 24 ,inches ........ JvC
30-inch square Table Covers in Drawn QQ _
Work patterns; nll-Lincn sCjC
Iff by 54-inch nll-Lincn Drawn qq
Work Scarfs, in this sale at only 7UL
Suggestions For Practical Christmas Gifts
Pillow Slips of tapestry and em- 1 AA
broidered Cretonne; 25e to ... JL»vfvF
Satin Pillow Tops in floral and Q Cp
Oriental designs; in this sale at.. OOL.
Fancy tapestry Pillow Tops in APp
various styles at,from 25c to ...OjC
Velour Pillow Tops, fine sunl- 1 PA
ity and very cheap at $1.25 and. l«Jv
Pillow Cords with tasseled ends; PAp
all colors; special at 25c and ... .0 VJC.
Novelty Bags of Cretonne, in floral <jj» 4.
and Japanese designs; 25c to *JP I-
Laundry Bags, made of fancy 1 AA
Cretonne and Crash; from 25c to A »Uv/
Ladies’ nnd Misses’ Knit Bed
room Slippers, all colors
Shoe Bags of Cretonnes and
Scrims, all colors; 25c to
Pin Cushions of Scrim, trimmed
with Embroidery and Ribbons ..
Fancy Handkerchief and Glove
Boxes in this sale at 25c to ....
Hand-Embroidered Centerpieces,. PA .
Pillow Tops, Table Covers, 25e to OuC
Well , made white Aprons; 75c ^ g-
quality at 50c; .'toe quality at ... jC
Ladies’ fancy Silk Garters in 4 PA
neat gift boxes'; 25c to IijU
Great display of fine Fans foi -J (-Q
Christmas gifts; 50c to
Ladies’ and Meh’s Umbrcllus, {P AA
natural wood handles; $1.00 to
Umbrellas, Sterling Silver and 4 AA
Gold Plate handles, $3.50 to AvLvIU
Ladies’ Shopping Bags of finest (jj[1 A
Leathers in newest styles; 1 to . .«Jff A U
Stylish AutomohiloScarfs, nil -I QQ
Colors; special values at A .Z/O
New styles in Veilings, inoludinj, 1 AA
popular Russian Meshes; 25c to A»UU
Great showing of new Ruch- PA
ings; per collar length, 10c to .. DUC
I Misses' and C
Ip Special sale of Misses' and
H Children’s Long Coats, well
II made of plain nnd fancy fab-
3 ries; at thesje rednetions:
1 Real $5.00 value's 3 50
|H Real $7-50 values j QQ
jj| Real $12.50 values Y 50
iildren’s Coats•
Children’s “Bearskin’’ Coats
in white and colors; some of
them slightly soiled; to go at
half price:
The $5.00 line at, O C/j
The $3.50 line at,- 1 7C
. -choice I • I J
The $3.00 line at, A CA
choice l.JU
Some Other Seco
Tomorrow we will place on
sale a big lot of Ladies’ Ribbed
Cotton Vests nnd Pants, heavy
fleece lined and worth 39c a
garment; at the spe-
cinl price of £*JL
Ladies’ Pony Coat Sweaters
in the new styles, white and
colors; $3.50 J lyQ
nd Floor Specials
Ladies* Outing Gowns, well
made and finished with braid
nnd tucks; specinl Kfif
values at 75c and JvC
. Ladies’ Outing Gownes in
finer qualities, bean- A CA
tifuHy trimmed; $1 tiZ.Jw
Children’s Outing-Gowns, nice
ly made and C-
trimmed; 65o nnd .... 1 JC
Mall Orders Hava Prompt and
Cartful Attantion— Express Pra*
paid on Ordara Amounting to
Fiva Dollar* or Moro.
Spteial Holiday Line* of
Gloves. Handkerchiefs, Ribbon*,
Vavinga and Othar Appropriate
Things for Christmas Gifts.
Rev. J. A. Smith, the new pastor of
Vtnevtlta Methodist Church, Joined the
south llrorRlti co^mtih-o lit Decetnhrr,
list. In the cImkh with Rev. J. A.
Thomas, Itla predecessor In Vlnevlllr.
Hev. T. D. GUIs, pastor or Mulberry
Street Church, and quite a largo num
ber of other# now active in south Geor*
a preacher or niicIi uniform anernss,
Rev. 'J. A. Thomas, who lie* x<
t* VlnevUle Church for three yean
haa endeared himself to Itla mllrn
....... .. - Stanford. wjto for fltret
. cars lina had such u successful pastor-
nto of Heennd itreet Meth«>dlat churrh
ttna niadu prusldlng elder of tha t’olum
hua dlatrlct b.v the bishop, at the rerun,
salon of the south Georgia conference
Mr. Stanford came to Macon from
..... r aggrea-
i puah. Ida good Judg-
whlng ability nnd excel -
work. ho haa curried this
P—By H
ment. One in
lent pnstnrai —MP —
church to a ataudard never known by tt
tte hu« made frlcmla throughout the
city. If la transfer to Golumbtia la n
" itlnd loan to Macon nnd It* church
The Columbus dlatrlct la to be con
gratulated upon having na presiding
elder it man of such fine leadership, and
Ida frlenda predict for hint and Ida work
areal aucceas for this conference year.
(Continue^ from Page Three).
Mrs. S. J. Jones entertained tho
Forty*two Club.
Mrs. C. C. Tanner, who has been
visiting frlehds In Columbus for sev
eral days, returned homo yesterday.
Miss Agnas Jones, who la attending
Agnes Scott Institute, Docatur. will
Visit friends In Brunswick, arriving In
Albany on Christina* day to spend tha
holidays tvlth her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. L. Jones. Mlsa Jones will
have us her guests during the hollda>s
Mlsa Lillian Yon nnd Mlsa Theodosia
Willingham, of Atlanta.
Mias Alice Denison. Miss Hunts
Drown, Miss Jessie Leo Johnson and
Miss Ague* iHrownun are among the
young ladles attending college* who
will spend the holiday* at hoof;.
Mr*. F. R. Pelnt and little niece, who
have been visiting relative* In Mil-
ledgcvlllo for two weeks, havn re
turned h«»mc. Mrs. Pctot’a mother and
slater, Mr*. F. M. Oobert and Miss
Itesslo Cullawsy Oobert. of Mllledgs-1
vllle, iiceompanlcd them, and v\ll j
spend several weeks her*.
Miss May me Pons and Mr. Albert •
Henderson we tv united In marriage j
Wednesday nftornoon at 12:30 o'clock i
at the home of the groom's mother. ;
Mrs. Frank Godwin. They will be st
home to their friends at tho residence '
or Mrs. Godwin.
Mis* Eula Jones was a charming
hostess this morning st the home of |
her mother Mrs. A. D. Jone*. at * ’
bridge luncheon complimentary to the .
Lucy Cobb girls of Albany. The first |
prise wus won by Mlsa Virginia Car- I
ringtail, of South Boston. Vn.. guest of
Miss Ellas Shaffer. After the game
delightful refreshments wore served.
Those present Were Miss Ellse Shaffer,
Mlsa Virginia Carrington. Miss Iluxcl
Pope and her guest. Miss Rosalind
Wood, of Rtvannah, Mtsdsmes P. N.
Booker, P. J. Brown, P. W. Jonas.
Misses Hsr.el Pray. Mattls Bush, C«rl
dr Oraffanreld and Cena Whitehead.
Miss Fannie Reynolds will return
home for the holidays from Mllledgt-
vllle, where she Is attending college.
Mrs. E. fi. Winn flatted relatives lit
Afscon this week.
Miss Psrkl* Camp, who has been In
Allnnta for the past week having her
treated, Is expected to return to
Mrs. W. V. Means made a business
trip to Atlanta Friday.
Mrs. Ella Htrouds spent Friday and
Baturday at Musella with her daugh
ter. Mrs. Bll Harrison, who has been
quite III.
Of much Interest to his many friends
In Culloden Is ths marriage of Mr. Erie
Chambliss, of Macon, to Miss Nell Ad-
sms, of Bsmesvllle. which took place
In Macon last weak.
Miss Majtilu Wynn is at horn# from
Macon for the holidays.
Miss Imogen* Wright, of Knoxville,
spent the week-end with her slater,
Mrs. W. II. Williamson.
The Primitive Baptist church which
Is being erected here Is almost com*
pic led nnd will be ready for use by
Christmas. .
The ladles of the Methodist church
gave a bazaar gt the parsonage Friday
night for the benefit of the parsonage.
The bnaamr was quite a success finan
Mrs. C. A. Holmes spent Friday In
Mrs. W. N. Papons is visiting ral*
atlvea at Talbottou.
Messrs. A. K. Dortch and R. A.
Pate have returned from a visit to
Rev. J. D. Matthews, of Grayntont.
Is the guest of his brothers, Dds. W.
A. and J. L. Matthews
Dr. A. A. Smith has let a contract
with Mr. O. R. Willis to .•emodel
ths Institute building, on Broad street.
Thla Imorovement will add very much
to that section of the city.
Mrs. Josephine Schneider has re
turned from a visit to Macon.
Miss Husle Pardee, of Valdosta. Is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Walter Mer
Mrs. J. C. McAllister, of Mount
Vernon, Is visiting her son, Mr. W. C.
Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Mahdney. of
Dublin, were recent visitors to the
city, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. B.
Mieses Pauline and Janie Chandler,
of Waynesboro ar« the gnosis of Mr.
and Mrs. FOrrest Boyer.
Mrs. A. L. Spicer was the guest of
her son. Air. H. F. Lawson, during the
last week. . _ .
Airs. M. Wynne, of Eastman, who
haa beer, visiting relatives In the city
has returned to her home.
Mrs. T. C. Taylor la vliltlng her
parents In Abbeville.
Mrs. J. !L.Biasing*me ha* return-
d to her homo In Abbevjlle. after a
visit to her sister. Mrs- W- R. Blakely.
Mrs. I/in Kami Is visiting relatives
In Albany* <
Inflamed Kidneys.
If Any of Your Family in This or Past Generation* Ha* Had Kidney D<se«*e
Lose No Time in Findind Out If You Haver Any Trace of It in You.
8ys tern*
Mrs, Alice Hutsrnplllor, of Lawn, *W. V., praises Warner's Bp ft- 'Ours
for curing her of a severe of inflammation of the kidneys after uh»
do lor failed to give her relief.
Recently Airs. Hutrenpillec wrote:
"It has boon a long tun* sine'- you
heard from me. I want to t. 11 you
1 am alive today, wen nn ^' j Kar tv.
Warner’s 0ato Cure has saved my
"I was taken sick iro year* aco
on tho 13th of March. I doctof d
•seven weeks and two days with our
family doctor, and It weomed that ho
could not do me an v< ry much
I had inflammation of th»- kldnuyg and
also suffered from oonKtitpution at>'<
inaction of tho liver, | bud to taka <
ualt* every day to move my howelfc^j
May 4 tak
ALICE lilt r.Sl.NI’li.l.i.
uud at last they: gave <
"When I comm®fccd . r .
lug tho sample bottle of your medi
cine and pills I could not get my *
right 04-m to ray head. I have u.«ed
twenty bottles of tho large six* Cafe
fhire dnd flv« boxes of Safe Pills. \
•IcHcrlbed my case to you long ago.
It was ubout' a year before I could
tlo any work, but now' I can do any
kind of housework.
"I can recommend your Safe Cure
and tSufe Pills to cure Kidney an.i
Liver Trouble, for they have cured
Put some morning urine In * glass,'
or bottle, let It stand 24 hours. If >
there l* u ichilfdi nciIIijViii in Hie bottom of tho glass, or If the urlns I*
cloudy or inllk.x «»r If you see imrtlcles or germs floating about In It.
your kliliu’.v* «nve dlxeiiHcd and you should get a bottle of Warner's Safe
Cure at once. Analysis Free. If after making this te*t you have anv
dqubt a* lo the d'-vrlopnient of the dlsoaae In your system, send a sampl *
of your urine, puning ,'"ur name u ul uddres* on the package, to our lied*
leal Department. an«l our doctor* will analyse It and send you a ropori.
with advice, nml medical booklet free.
WARNER'S SAFE CURIO la purely vegetable and contains no harm
ful drugs; It floes not. constipate; It In a moat valuable and effective tonic:.
It is u stimulant to digejdlnn and awakens the torpid liver. It repair* tftv
tissues, soothes Inflammation and Irritation, stimulates tho enfeebled or-
gnns snd heals at the .same time.
In kidney disease tint bowul* areoften constipated and the liver tor
pid- Warner's Hafe Pills quickly relieve thla condition, and no 111 after
effect I* experienced.
WARNER'S HAFE CURE Is put up In two regular sixes and sold by
nil druggists, at fiOo. und I1.0U A BOTTLE.
TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. To convince every sufferer from dlseateii of
the kidneys, liver, bladder and blood that WARNER'S SAFE PURE will
cure them, a trial bottle will we sent ABSOLUTELY FREE to any one
who will write the .WARNER'S SAFE CURB CO., Rochrntcr. N. Y., sn i
mention having seen thl* llboral offer In Tho Mscon Dally. Telegraph.
The gciiulnciiowM of this off. r Is fully guaranteed v by the publisher. Our
doctors will uIho wend medical booklet containing symptoms, treatment *'f
th»* disease snd many convincing testimonials free.
Recently Appointed Psator of th* Vinovillo Methodist Church.
It Is the, best common sense lo provide such toys and devices
will glvo them pleasant exercise In the open nlr. .We submit in
advertisement some desirable uutflls that arc strong, durable and
Bicycle* for Bovs and Girls* $18,50 to $26. Bicycles for Adults.
$18.50 to $S0.
Tricycles $4.00 to $15.00.
Doll Carta and Carrion** 7bo to
$6.50. English Hood Tope, Collap
sible and all style*.
Singlo $ fi -0®
Double teats $9.00
Tho Only Ones That Coast.
Express Wagons, Wheelbarrows. Automobiles. Goat Waqon* and I
nets, Goat 8ulkies, Hobby Horses, different sizes and pries*.
Coll early whilo our stock is complete.