Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, December 14, 1908, Image 4

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_ r THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14, 1908 1 , The Macon Telegraph Puktlehed Every Mernmo by TOE MACON TELEGRAPH PUB. CO. MB Mulberry Street, Mecon, Oe. 0. R. Pendleton, President. Olrectere—C. R. Pendleton, W. T. An- dereen, P. H. Oembrell, Mecon; A. 8. Pendleton, Veldoete. Oe.i Louie Pendle ton, Bryn Atnyn. Pe. THE TELEORAPH IN ATLANTA. The Telegraph een be found on Mle at the following plocoa In Atlanta; Tho TAKINO OUR BEARINGS. II lo the duty of eli«- good mariner nfler tho ntorm to right hit thlp. uke hit hearing. end pet hip rouroe by the cngipdeo. It Ip ■ -frond Indication to eeo Eoulhern Democratic leodere and newspaper. to toon, Mltnwlng upon the recent nttlonal election, canvas*- Ing ‘the altuetlon and advlelng upon the future eouree of the party. In io fnr Pe tho South Ip concerned. The letter of Senator A. O. Bacon to Editor Plcaaant A. Stotalt. of the Savannah benefit to our people except a few Federal officer. Commercial politics.urhtcch took to Individual and material advantage primarily cannot be a aafe guide for elnteomanehtp. Senator Bacoa le a atateoman thoroughly grounded In the conalltutlonal framework of our Oovomment and capable, of clearly perceiving the deetractlva tendencies of the polldea that dltregard It. He and other leodere of hie elaas are aafer counaallora concerning tha Preaa, on thi> xubjert, printed In Sun-|South'a proper courte In national pol- daya laaue of The Telegraph, la anjltlcx than leaders. no matter how admirable and template chert for the well-mnenlng, who view the question party at thla Juncture—one which It from tha standpoint of monetary en- can make no mistake by conforming' lerprtse. Pledmont Hotel. the Kimball Mouse, the "" ■'' ,ur "' ,n ln particular. B n- THE EXECUTIVE AND THE JUDI- Oragoo Hotel, the Termlaal ttatlon end a'or llecon. In n eltnple and hicld by the World Newt Company. mnnner. ro. all* the cardinal prlnel- • Linotype For Sale. Model No. 1. two yearn old. two-let ter Uargaathalar Linotype machine; ;n good order; 11.300. f.o.b. Macon. Ad dress Tha Telegraph. Macon. On. WORE POWER FOR THE EXECU TIVE. CIARY. ln his message tha President states plea of Democracy. that fundamental | <hat , he | u! e!M flon certain lead- tenet of free government, equal Hahta! ,. r , nf 0 „, an |« d , abor made a violent to all and special privileges to none; | a „ d , WMpln| , atUck „„„„ lhe an , lre tha asperate and Independent opem-1 JudWary the country, nn attack tlon of the three co-ordinate depart-, Much , d „ uch trrm . .a to Inolude menta nf government, the legislative. tha mMt uprlgh , and broad . Judicial and eaeeullve; the malnten-i mlndM ]ud(ei< no than thoH of of the conetltullonet relatlona. I narrow , r mlnd and rt<lr |cted powers and limitation* of ths State outlook. 1 end Federal Governments; the prno j Pretumab | y thli refara eapeclally to tic# of economy and the levying of|, ha c0ntrovar , y bftwr « n Mr . boom- vi*It and Idiibor-leader Compere. If so, we fall to recall any “violent and awceplng attack upon the entire Judl- Amona the many rocommemlatiune | on jy aUr ), taxes on I hi* people and pronouncements In the President's necessary for the Government «eo- measaca. ths most characteristic Is to' n0 mlosilly Administered, lie points be found In his demand tor a Govern. ot|1 lho f t || ocy n f |he frequently | r | ar> . n f the country.” but merely the men! control of cdrporntlona that assertion that there la no dlfferenro | father mndly put c)atm nt th , M | d ahall -give to aome agency of the na- lha principle, of the Democratic | | ab „ r kadar that injunction had been tlonal Government full power and „ mJ B rpuhllcnn pnrtlea by the rug- |unju»tl y resorted to In labor dlaputea control and supervision over them--j gc ,„ on patent to every Intelligent I by oerta ,„ p> dera | judge*. Including the power, not by judicial but by j person, that the Republlrnn pnrly he- i Judge Taft. Thera Is, Indasd. mors of aeutlva action, to prevent or put a ltevea In and practices giving special the , ut g t „i a „ of an attaok on the atop to every form of favoritism orj t , r | vl i cf „ lo , omo , thua enriching a ceurta ln , he president’s own lan- olher wrong ilolng." few at the expeneo of the many; that j guage , for after pra lalng the ex- The old-fashioned Amarioana who| )t (n and practice, encroach- j j udg( , and president-elect by name, saw danger to the waning right, »fj mrn t of the executive power upon th# i, r goci on | G iay . State, In a Federal law over «»•-1 legislative and Judicial departmental “Thereare.however, some mem- porsflnns, arc likely to *im» even mors |of government: that It bellevg In and j here of the Judicial body who have peril to existing Institution, In this I practice, taking away tho oonatltu-1 '’“throe '"gran? "and'^vltal pro,man I to transfer these power, of'lion,I rights and pnwera of the States! change, In tho body politic, whiae the Judiciary lo the executive. Mr. tnytaferrlnE tho.o rights and Roowvelf, desire for more Federal | power, to the Federal Government, power ,eem, lo he second only lo his (blld that It believe. Ip nnd practical longing for more power for the ex- j extravagance In the expenditure of re,ittre—although It la generally eon-! Oovomment nnd I, commuted to thla ceded that Ihe President nf Ih* United pn.Ulgaey for the reason that the pnr- Rtntea already has tiy virtue of hlaj ,y **" bold together by the cohesive offlco far more power than the hered- j l’ cw ® r ot public plunder, and would “go.lo piece. In n twelvemonth" "If It should abandon Iho principle nnd practice of using the Government for itlie benefit of tha privileged clnssss ttary king of any constitutional mon •rchy In Europe. The nir**nire continues; ‘•Tho railways of lli*' country should tm put completely under the Interstate Commerce Commis sion nnd removed from the domTln of ths unll-trust Inm. so thnt It could sxsrdso complete mtpervli country Ion awl control over tho Issue of securities as well m* over Ihe rais ing nnd lowering of rates. As re tards rates, nt least, this power should bs made summary.” The meaning, m mo understand It, Is that the Interstate Commerce Com et the expense of hnrge.” j Thua It will bo seen the principles land practices of the Republican pnrty lure diametrically opposed tn those of • .Tcffersonlsn Democracy, and Benator Raeon counsels a return to these fun damental principles of free govern ment as opposed to tho silly and se ductive suggestion that Routhcrn mission. Which I. appointed by and I Democrats break away from their par rcaponalble to th* executive, shall have unrestricted powrr to tlx rati fy and Join force* with Republicanism at tha Invitation of th, leader, of thll road rataa, and rate bond muss, and| party wM( . h flnit a(tMnpt , d ind f a ii«a the whole matter shall he removed from Ihe Jurlnllctlnn of Ihe court,. Tha practloat dimoultle* that would confront the cnmmlaalnn, notwllh Blinding Ita plenary powern. are brushed aside with tha ganeral ,ug Be,tlon that all eoncerned should elm- ply do Their duly and thru rvrryhody would br happy. "The Intercut, nf the shareholders," My, Mr. Roosa, veil, "of Ihe employe, and of thi shipper, should nil he gunrdr d agnlnat one another. To give any one of them undue nnd Improper ronaldrrntlon Is to do Injuatlco to tho others. Rataa mint be tnado as low as la oompatthta with giving pmpor returns to all tha employee of the railroad, from .... highest to tho lowest, nnd proper re turns to the shareholder*; hut Ihey must not, for Inatnnce. he reduced tn surdi fashion gs to nereasltate a cut In the wage, of the employes or tha abolition nf tht proper and legitimate profits of honest _ shareholders.” Low votes for alilppere. good wages for employe,, eatlsfnrtnry dividend, for ntochhnldera—Ideal enndlllnn, deed, as overy elllsen. even the unde sirable eltlifn. Will admit. But then Is nn tnformaHon ns to the prnetleet methods whereby ths executive and his commission nr* to work th* prob lem out with such perfection, nor do we learn what In to happen should they fan te do ee. Mr. Roosevelt’s general attitude in thl, and other matter* may be Justly expressed as follows; Put an executive who atande for righteousness In supreme e mand. let Mm be responsible only to Mmaelf. and an dlfrtrultlea .Including human error nnd personal greed. wM disappear like mist before the rising It la generally admitted that there should he a certain sort of govern ment aupervlalon over railroads and all other corporations, and a van over private basin***. But hitherto th* Ideal haa been, not msmagement, hut only the prevention of abuneo—lane te cover abuse* being enaoted tad the court* punishing th* breaking ef tke lawn. Surely thlp existing eye- tem. though Imperfect Ilk* an earthly things. Is wiser than th* axtraordl- nary plan of far-raarhlnc executive utarpatloo now proposed. Th* feet that th* ami-trust law Is Imperfect end largely falls at Ita trua purpose dors not pro** that Bit executive should tn porno* take th* plan* of statute absorbing th* fanettoae of both th* legtslatlva sad Judiciary; <t merely prove* that th* law should he amended or a batter ax ease ted ir Its pi Ihe literary Ol io force negro domination on ua nnd would now exploit un In view of tho fnet thnt, despite Ihe oppression w* hnv* undergone an n section from the general Government for the last forty years, ws have prospered nnd pro gressed materially beyond our most hopeful dreams, under lha fostering Influence of our Democratic Htnte nnd municipal Governments. "Th* pro- sumptuous claim that Republican pol icies and Republican rule arc noces- nary for tha development of th* South are th* veriest rot.” enya Senator Ba con. "Where in all time has there ever hern such developments of' th* wealth nnd reeourcee of a country na there haa been In the South during th* last forty year* of uninterrupted Democratic rule? "Who that turn, tho pagan that tall of thla wondrous wealth of many thousands or million, of dollars, who that passe, through our fruitful land nnd views our cltlr, and towns, our broad fletds with their whit* and gol- dan harvests, our warehouses and herns bursting with the garnered cot- inn nnd grain, our store, of merchan- die* nnd myriad Industrie*, eta fully the new applications of the old principles insite necessary by the new conditions.” Whether tho President refers here to Judge, who have aroused his dis pleasure by ruling contrary to hla wishes, we can not say. but It would seem sc. for further on he declare*: "Anything like frivolity or wan- tonnras In upsetting clearly taken governmental action la a grave of fense agnlnst the republic. To protest against tyranny, to pro tect minorities from oppression, to nullify an act committed In a spasm of popular fury, la to ren der n service to the republic. P.ut for tho courts to arrogtito to them selves functions which properly belong to the legislative bodies la all wrong, and In tho end works mischief." ft would almost seem that Mr. Roosevelt haa chafed because he could not remove the Judge* and Justices who hnv* been guilty of tho "frivolity” and "wnntonneae" of ruling contrary to the Administration’* policies, for ho adds: ’•When a President or a Gover nor behave* Improperly or unwlst- jy. the remedy le easy, for hla term Is short; tho same Is true with the legislator, although not to the rams degree, for ho Is one of the many who belong to some given legislative body, and It la therefore leas easy to tlx hts per sonal responsibility and hold him accountable ■ therefor. With a judge, who, being human, Is also likely to err, but whose tenure Is for life, there la no almllar way of holding him to responsibility.” Dissatisfaction with tha court, and th* law, as antiquated, as well as with too many Judge, as "behind tho times,” soeme to bo expressed In the following; STOCK MARKET STILL THEY HAVE HELD SWAY SINCE THE PANIC—8TOCK8 BULLED TO A STANDSTILL. NEW TORN. Dec. II—Th* artHlelel character of tha stock market Is no longer to b* concealed. Manipulation haa now controlled the movement oi prlcee for many week*, nnd at no time has it been so apparent as during the week Juet closed. In the effort to stlmultte buying first one and then an other of the second and third rate stocks wire Jerked up. but without any satisfactory results. These epaamodlc lnovpftlftnta SAAmeil tn sri'rtm ti’fnh little inovetnant* Mamet) to accompHah lltti •xcept to axclte further apposition agalnat tha attempt to carry price* alUl higher at ibJa time. Apparently tha market has been bulled almost to .*i atandatlll. Investor* look askance at the prices which the beat stocks arc bringing be cause they And no Attractive offering* and seem Inclined to await a reaction. Saw Issues of Importance are pending, nnd these If offered at suitable figures ara receiving the Inventors* preference. Whethar tha January investment do* mand will bs at brisk as usual or not remains to b« seen. The amount of. funds seeking Investment will cer tainly be larger than a yeir ago. and mny be larger than usual: but. if tho disposition to postpone purc hases con tinues ar strong as at present, this market will lack this important ele ment of support. Much will depend, of courts, upon the development in business. Msanwhlle the speculative buyer faces decidedly eon Hiding con ditions. He recognises that all na tural Influences are in fnvpr of reae- The decisions of ths courts on economic and social questions de pend upon their economic and so cial philosophy; and for the peace- run juiiiwNuiMiy, »*»» yvaiv- ful progrea* of our pooplo during the twentieth century wo shall owe moat to those Judge, who hold tn a twentieth-century economic nnd eoclal philosophy, end not to a long-outgrown philosophy, which was Itself the product of primitive economic condition*. Of course, a Judge’s views on procreative social philosophy are entirely second In Importance to hla possession of a high and line character, which mean, the possession of such ele mentary virtue, aa honesty, oour- age and falr-mlndtdness. tn other word*, n Judge ahould not realise that this sotnt of present roar- rule according to tho statutes, but ac- veloua development and abounding enisling to twentieth-century ethics, wraith was forty ymrs ago but a bed and If there be difference ot opinion of desolate ashesr* as to what are the true ethic* In a Yet notwithstanding thla material' given connection ths judge who advanoement under honest and eeo- virtuous and of n "fln* character" will nomleal Slat* Democratic Govern- bo lately guided to hla decision. Ken. meats, th* attempt la being mad* to ita th* Prealdaat unconsciously reveals •educe Southern men on the plen of,how Instinctively antagonistic ho la our commercial needs—th* demand* j toward th* accepted and aafe Judicial at capital and ot kuelnes*. A few' method of not going ahead ot tha law men who hanker after the flreti pete ot Federal patronage and' gat-rleh- quick by legislation methods are commissioned to preach th* doctrine of commercial demands and divide up the Southern Democrats, In th* face of tha fact that commercial politics la tha curie of th* eouatry today and ta feat carrying It onto th* rock whereon all fra* republican govern ments tn th* past hare epllt. There ta no fact more patent than that tha Federal Government ta l n tha hands ef th* moneyed Interests and ta being exploited for tha pecuniary txtieflt of Wall street, of th* "high tariff thieves and hogs- and of tha trusts, to tha Injury and oppression of th* people. And yet w* have Southern men among UA posing as loaders in th* Interest of business and Progress, counselling Us to Join tn tfi* m.l folly of boosting thl* governmental policy. It war* far hatter that Southern Democrats n*rar rated for a xueoeeaful candidate for Froetdent. Thor* wSI at twit bs one ef the country left In which the cause ef alrt* virtue and popular but ruling according to th* existing statutes until these ere emended to meet changing condition*. W* may add that though some of the labor leaden, or tom* of th* apostles ot social unrraL may have been more "violent" or "twccplng" In their crtUclauiA w* doubt It any ot them aver have or ever could do as much to breed distrust ef th* Judi ciary as Is dona by President Roose velt In his last message. It Editor Roosevelt keep* up th* same lick tn The Outlook that char acterise* hla onslaught on Senator*. Congressmen nnd Federal Judge, and a few ether* In hit last annual mes sage ha will take rank from th* start ta tha class In which ha placed Editor* Laffan. of th* New York Sun. and DclAvan Smith, of th* Indianapolis News. tlon, yet cannot Ignore the fact that the market la still In the Arm grip nf thi most powerful and reeourcaful manipulators the market haa ever seek. These parties have held their sway over since th* panto nnd were chiefly responsible for ths rise following Mr. Tafi's election. They hive been stead ily feeding out stocks at evary oppor tunity. and still seem determined and able to maintain the market at the present artlllclal level. Cheap Monty an Aid. Th* abundance and cheapness money la a powerful aid to such pur poses; In fact; present high prices are largely Inflationary and the aequen-e of a redundant currency. Tn addition to these sources of strength there ts the backing of many of our leading hanker, and financial Institution* who arc Interested In tne placement of numerous new Issues. It Is a neces sary part of their policy to keep the market In condition favorable to the absorption of those Issues, which will amount to many million,. So long as buslnssx continues to Improve and no unfavorable developments occur. It :• easy, therefore, to see why no reaction comes. While buyers are scarce sell er* ar* equally ao. and the market would b* threatened with stagnatlnn were It not for the operations of ths big professional traders, who have been the largest real buyers nnd arc In aomi cases anxious to lighten their bur den. NO doubt activity would be pro moted nnd the techlncal situation much Improved by a decline of 6 to 10 points. This would bring In a now class of buyers, eapeclally aa th* short Interest Is Increasing, broaden the distribution of stocks and revive the Investment demand. But until the present lead era step aside or unfavorable condl Ilona develop. It ts useless to antldpit* nny Important break In prices. Tho Investor een, of oonrse, afford to wait for batter opportunities, while the speculator will have to be satlsfled with the quick turn, and amall profits which tha aotlvltlea of big traders may offer. Congress Affects Market But Little. . The opening of ij>ngrass, as expected, had little effect. This Is a short ses sion. and Mr. Roosevelt’s valedictory ex cited lass comment than usual, for (he reason that hi, tsrm of offtee shortly ex pires. nnd the enrrvtng out of his poll- eles will then depend upon a man of lea* nrarearlve and more Judicial tempera men*. ..Congress and ths will nf ths peo pie will once mere he the final authority In legist#tlon and reform. Aside from tariff legislation, the present session of congress and ths special session expect' ed to fotlnw will be comparatively fret ot discussion disturbing to financial In- terasts. Thera has been a noticeable subsidence of Indiscriminate hostility to railroad and other corporations, and for- tunatelv n more rano treatment Is to be expected from state legislatures and others In nuthnrtty oyer great corpora- OEOROIA. Bibb County.—To th* SUP*- Th* petition cnWdf,.. c. c. r oor. fcotti ot aol4 ftata and count/, and H, Waterman, of Duval county. atat«, thslr associate, and successors, to be In corporated sad made a body politic under the name and style of Ethridge, Poor A Company for ths period of twroiy years. Second. The principal office of raid corporation shell be in th* elty of Mecon. In said state aad county, but petitioner.* th* right to carry *n builnee. as •uch corporation at any other place with in th* said statA or elsewhere, whenever the holder, of a majority of th. .tock I. ao d-tertnln*. Third. Th# objeot of raid corporation Is pecuniary gala to Itself ana stock- Fourth. Th. business to b. carried on hy said corporation la that of raanaglnr and conducting a ganeral hotel boslntts In all ths branch., thereof, whether for Itself or as agent for others, and to dral pplles rasra tlon a. Tariff agitation mar temporarily but not seriously unsettle business Uncertainty will do more harm than any rartston that ts likely tn be mads. No doubt many nf the schedules that are unreasonably h'lch"wlU^acalcddownF hut It con be taken for granted tho^o euta will be ntad* that will seriously threaten Amarlcsn Industry; In hirt. the reductions most likely to be enforced will be such ns should be s positive stimulus to manufacturers. , Tariff revision should cause no frar. Foreign Exchange Rules Firm, Foreign exchange rules vary firm and conditions favor a renewal of gold ex port*. Europe ha* been returning our securities more freely than usual, and owlag to th* srarally of commodity bill* R id would have cone earlier hod It not en for the nrnroech of largo remit tance, for January dividend and Inter est payments. The exchange situation li further complicated by new security IsstwA * fair proportion of which will And a market abroad: also by the ma nipulations of some of ths principal drawers of exchange. The gold move ment, therefore, la still Involved In un certainty. with prospects of larger ship ment, later an. Much of’the gold re cently sent ha* gone to Paris: the ex traordinary accumulations of ths Bank of France hiving given rise to muoh com meat Nothing Is positively known of is for this policy of that great . ; and aa It cannot be explain ed by any known financial operations the Inference Is that France la quietly accumulating a great war fund merely aa a protective measure agnlnst Ger many. Thla ot course Is con lecture, and cannot tn th* nature of the res* be Money Slightly Firmer. Th* local money market shews ’ htlT firmer tendency, which may ,Januarydls- ,Jff,000,flW—proirtu __ January, however. •a•/ rate* aboalt acaln prevail. Tha undartona of butlnere atrediy improve*, though tho volume Is not Just now In* creating. Drcfmbrr la usually a portod of Qultt, especially In mercantile dr- doa. whore atock-takln* and plana for tho coming year ofton aboorh attention. Tha year lo now rapidly drawing to a clooa and ta In moat pleading contraot to tho situation twelve months ago. Then wo ware tn the daptha of dopalr and suffering from tho conoequencr* of dts* aator. Now tho outlook la bright and a saner, more hopeful oplrit prevails ev« errwbare. Big strides nava already been made on tho road to recovery, and our riilof danger lo that ot jfolng too foot. Prudenco and modarqtton are still tu* B rneZy necessary In financial at well aa «atrial and oommarctal operations. Ths loreona of ths panic are atil) vivid in recollection. HENRY CLEWS. Tho Now Lord Mayor. Doctor* differ. Prorotdent Roots* vail iWaUa on tha enormous gov ernmental expand It area ta mbs* thing io ha proud at vhflo Secretary •f lha Treasury Cartalyoa la his aa- btllty ■Th^reree^MSnS?* latest lord may- or 9tr Oforvo wy-ttt Truavott. miyorally rvnnmencod cn Monday, af fords a not InfraaUMt example of hered* Hary hencre. he Wing ihe eldest gur* Vtvtng eottof a former lord mayor. Sir n\\y»tt Truoeott. who held office| in the lady mayo rate fir * - ay ha re- end hla w»y irvr.d hla year of SMB *• 'y well read, a >d a splendid or- • ”a man vha haUarat that lha vnvoraaieat caa take rafuga vlti be f riesd la tha Interrat of j time wt will ha deprived Of aa amts- jaf enforcing economy In tha admlali* i ns utnar.” 4 null report eprekt ef of enforcing at nanj tel boAsiU that cauid i* of general I Craltea of lha aovar •fnarawa pef. in hotel supplies of ovary kind or na- Bald corporation further wishes to be Impowered to do a general h »ici broksr- aro business and to buy and aell, and have and toshold. hotel property of every kind or nature and to do a general real estate business, should It desire so to do. nnd to buy and roll notea or other evi dences of Indebtedness. Fifth. Th» capital slock of raid cor poration shall be $14,000. with tho priv ilege of Increasing th« wine to the. aum of $100,000 l.y a majority vote of the stockholders, said atock to be divided Into shares of one hundred fflftO.OJ) dollars each. The entire amount of nald capital stock has b* en actually paid In. Sixth. Petitioners desire the right to sue and be sued, to plead and be Ini- pleaded. to hsva nnd ti«e a common seal, to make all necessary by-law* and regu lations. and to do all othar things that may ba necessary for the aucccasful car rying on of retd business. Including the right in buy. hold, and sell real estate nnd personal property suitable to the purposes of the corporation, and to exe cute notes and bonds as evidence of In debtedness Incurred, or which may he Incurred. In the conduct of the affairs of the corporation nnd to secure the same l»y mortgage, security deed, or oth er form of llvn, under existing laws. Seventh. They desire for enld corpora tion the power nnd authority to apply for nnd accept amendments to Its charter of either form or substance by n vote of u majority of Hr stock outstanding at the time. They nlso nsk authority for ssld Incorporation to wind up Its affaire, liqui date and dlrcontlnue ita business at any time It may determine to do so by a vote of two-thlrda of lt« stock outstand ing at the time. Eighth. They desire for the rnid cor poration the right of renewal when and as provided by the laws of Georgia, and that It have all other rights, powers. iirlvUcgdfl and tmmunitlec as are Incident to like corporations or permissible — to like corporations or permissible under the laws or Georgia. Wherefore, petitioner* pray to be In corporated under the name ana style aforesaid with the powers, privileges and Immunities herein act forth, and na are now. or may hereafter be, allowed a corporation of similar character under the laws of Georgia. NAPIER ft MAYNARD. Attorneys for Petitioners. GEORGIA, Bibb County.—I, Robt. A. Nlshet. clerk of the superior court of •Aid county, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true end correct copy of the application for charter of Ethridge, Four ft Company as the same appear* on fllo In this office. » Witness my official signature and the seal court, this 2nd day of Decem- h^Seai): ROBT. A. NTSRET, Clerk Superior Court, Bibb County, Go. S. S. Parmelee Company, Carriage,. Buggies,. Wagons. Cart* e*s.eea C-.AAU. Dlnvn'aa P lVitl Pan. fin me* f, Saddles, Bicycles. Baby Car riage*. accessories. La neat stock In th# South to select from. A pleasure to eerve you. t. 8. PARMELEE CO„ Macon, Go. ARCH’TECTW CURRAN R. ELLIS i ARCHITECT Office Phone :3i. Residence Phone lltl, ■"Office's—Ellis BMg. Cherry St. and Cotto,, Ave. MACON. GA. Honey lo Lend on Real Estate Well rated commercial paper and very low rates on Mar ketable securities. Macon Savings Bank Brown House Opposite Unioq Depot—MACON, GA. American Plan BARTOW STUBBS, Proprietor. AouQTtmNQ. Manaaer. For Rent No. 414 Fourth St 160.90 No. 378 Orange St 360.00 No. 453 Second St $65.00 No. 666 Poplar St 360.00 No. 742 College St $35.00 No. 270 Columbus St. $25.00 No. 615 Poplar St $50.00 $25,000 To Loan GEORGIA, BIDS COUNTY* To the Superior Court of eald County: 1. The petition of Jerne B. Hart, J. Freeman Hart and H. M. Fftrnam. ol Bibb county. Georgia, allows that they AJ1IFO LtIUlliy. UV'lhWf inn. .MV, desire for tnrmselves. their OMOclatcs, successors and asalgna, to be incorpor ated und#r the nnm# and slyta of CEN TRAL GEORGIA BRICK COMPANY. 2. Thp capital stock of said corporation ahall be Twenty-five Thousand ($25.000> Dollars, divided Into two hundred and fifty (250) shares of the par valua of One Hundred ($100) Dollars each. 5. All of oald capital atock has been paid In. 4. The principal office and place of business of said company shall be In the city of Macon. Georgia, with the privilege of establishing branch offices nt such other places as the company n desire. I. The object of told corporation pecuniary gain for tea stockholders. 6. The particular business that they desire to carry on is as follows: To msnufacture. sell and generally deal ln all things made from clay, earth or minerals, and especially to manufacture, ■ell or generally deal ln brick, terra cot ta. tiling, roofing, lime, plaster, cement, and all building materials made tn whole or In part from clay or other minerals. To buy or sell, tor cash, credit or on commission, all ktnds of property, real or personal, or any Interest therein, and to act as agent for others. 7. Petitioners pray that they, their associates, eucceaaora and assigns may be Incorporated for the full term of twenty years, with tho privilege of renewal at the end of said term, end with the privi leges and powers usual or Incident to corporations In general, and In addition thereto the following powers and prlvl- 8? To erect, maintain, operate and con duct auch manufactories end workshops, together with suitable plant or plants and machinery aa may be necessary or eon- -enlent for carrying on the business of he oomneny. 9. To borrow money, to Issue bonds or other negotiable securities, to secure the same by mortgage, pledge, trust deed or any otherwise and to provide for tho payment thereof. 19. SVom time to time, upon Jnrlly vote of tho stockholders to Increase the capital stock to an amotmt not. ex- reduce the capital atock by purohaee of Ita own atock. the corporation te have the power to make auch purchases: and upon' majority vote of the stockholde.. to cancel or retire such purchased stock aa treasury vlded the total capital atock shall not exceed Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. It. To Issue preferred stock and to dispose of the same upon any term* ad vantageous to the company providing for different dividends upon different classes of etock: The rights of holders of pre ferred stock to be set forth by the by- 12. To subscribe for. purchase, eeli or otherwise acquire or dispose of the shares, bonds or other obligations, secured or unsecured, of any corporation or cor porations now or hereafter organised un der the lew* of any state of the United States or of any foreign country, and to hold the same with all the rights of ownership therein aa la permitted to nat ural persona, II. To sell, to lease, to rent out or to Otherwise dispose of any of Its property or the whole thereof whenever tn the opinion of the directors It Is for the best Interest of the company; and under like circumstances to sell, to mortgage, to let or to hire Its franchises or other prop erty for the purpose of raising money. U. No shareholder shall £? liable te the creditors of the corporation except to the extent of any unpaid balance due on hla etock subscription, nor then If he has paid debts of the corporation equal to hie unpaid stock subscription. II. The corporation shall at at! times have nrat Hen on an the shares, common or preferred, of Ita stockholders and on dividend* declared thereon, for onr an Indebtedness of every ktnd of pro- such stockholders to the corporation. 1$. And no transfer shall be made of any stock certlfloats. common or pre ferred. eo long as the stockholder who appears by the company's books to be the owner thereof shall be Indebted to th** r-'-r ratl-'n. 17 Either tha board of dtrsotors or lire stockholders ahall have full authority to ■■tel rate ruloa and regulations permit- -M by Isw as to the transfer of stock and the creation end the enforcement of the lien of the company for any ln«l**ht- *11 Petitioner# pray that they, their associates, eeeeoraen and assigns rosy be Incorporated und*r tho name and stvle afore»ald. for the above purposes and with the above powers and immu nities. MILLER. JONES ft MILLER. Petitioner* 0 Attorneya petlcr court, tn More people come to us for loans than go to any one else. The reason* are plain: We always have the money ln tho bank ready to pay. We make examinations promptly; that means no delay for you. Wo havo ona charge to everybody. Geo. B. Turpin Sons FOR SALE I2.COO.OO—Four brand new four-room houses renting for 132.00 per month, close in, and In good renting section. Good investment $2,250.00—Will buy & nice flve-room dwelling on Ros# street, which la now renting for* $22.60 per month. Thl* house hat cabinet mantels, porcelain bath tub, gas, and nicely papered throughout. Will ghow a good inveat- ment or make a nice little home. Hoe ■table on the lot. $15,000.00 local money to lend at *7 and 8 per cent • Murphey & Taylor Real Estate, Loans and Insurance PHONE 267 Citizen’s Nat’l Bank Building For Sale A plot of tlx (6) beautiful lots, fronting street car llna on Bellevue avenue, Juat beyond log Cabin, fine ly located and will mate splendid homo attest -beside* there lx about one-halt acre In each lot Wo offer tha entire plot of «tx lota all for ONLY $600. Jordan Rleaty Co. Real Estate, Insurance and Loans. Phone 1130. 4th National Bank Building. WANTED FOR SALE Ona splendidly Improved plantation near Mtcon; very best condition; would moke grand country home. Farms la Various localities. linite row ee various kgoMUeo. :*fmber Tandi. wSaK tet» te dUferept parte ef city^_ Several JONES REAL ESTATE AGENCY *70 MULBERRY STREET. No. BEORQtx railroad. Arrive; Departs rir dally. if-UID 0 ' dally Vft n Bun. rat,., fa* d *" r W. W. NASD wick, 0. A.I J WICK, O. A.■ ■OS Cherry K rflfv that the eb*v« and fore* a tru* eo*v et tbs a-ir' utlmi teriee of tentral GROKaiA i roMPANT. SI Mma tepearf of BHICK dW U> this this i MACON, Dublin a eavsnna rail ROAD COM-ANY, Arrival eso Dteerter* Q t Faseesg* Trains at Mason. Kffsctlve March is, not. FRANK R. HAPP, ' Architect. Offlssi Rooms 22 and 2$ Fourth Na« tlonal Banw Building. Telephone—Res. 532; Office 990. ALEXANDER BLAIR, Architect. Office Pnone 71. Residence Phone 1479. 67$ CHERRY 8T. MACON. GA. pHARLES A. CALDWELL, Civil Engineer. WASHINGTON BLOCK. Room 1«-1t. Water supply, water power, sewer age and municipal engineering. Re ports, plans, specifications, estimates and superlntendance. Office Phone 1142. Residence phone 328& P. E. DENNIS. Architect* Rooms 703-4-6-6 American Bank Bldg. Phone 962; phone 2747. CARLYLE NISBET, v Architect. Office Phone 459. Grand Bldg. Residence €4L Macon. Go. CONTRACTING AND BUILDING. W. W. DeHAVEN, PROFESSIONAL CARDS Classified advertisements under thl# head are Intended strictly for the pro fessions. Da M. M % STAPLER, Eye, Bar* Nose and Throat. Doctors* Flr-or. American National Bank Bldg. Office rhono. 2742; residence. Ui3. OCULIST AND AURIST. DR. J. H. SHORTER, Phones: Office. 972; residence, 950. EYE. EAR, NOSE. THROAT. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. DR. MARY E. McKAY. Grand Building. Phones: Office, 2554; Residence. 1465. DR. W. H. WHIPPLE, Office, 572 Mulberry ct., rooms 4 and 5, Washington Block. Hours: 9 to 10 a. m.. 12 to 1 and 6 to 6 p. m. Telephona oon« ildence. nectlons at office and rask DR. J. J. SUBERS, , Permanently located. -Ml. In tha special- -jergy restored. Female Irregularities and poison oak; DRS. J. M. ft R. HOLMES MASON* ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 701-107 American National Bank Schedule effeotive 8«pi 20* 1908. M.O. S. F. PABROTT, Reeetver. MACON AND BIRMINGHAM RAILWAY. Trains leave Macon for Xitiel- la. Culloden. Yutesvllle, Thomas- ton, Woodbury, Columbus. Har ris, La Orange and Intermediate points u follows: No. 41 at 4:25 p. m. dally and No. 55 at 7:00 a. m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. No. 41 makes direct connec- tlon with Southern Railway at ' • Woodbury for Warm Springs |, and Columbus, arriving at Warm .. Springs 8:17 p. m. and Colum bus 10:00 p. m. Trains arrive Macon ae fol lows: 42. 11:35 a. m. dally; No. 66, 5:40 p. tn., Monday*. Wednesdays and Friday*. Trains leave from M. and B. Ry depot. Fifth and Pina ats. '' C. B. RHODES, Gen. Paat. Agt. * Phone 1800. •H-H-t-M 1 1 I M-H-fr •H-M-l ’M I 1 ft t-I ’I 1 i 1 11 I 1 i I I H- III IH Leave. Ye. «. .. rittero, He. -a » i aopml Na l?."". sVE;™ peat's affairs. ‘ bsfore bar #4 tks tts—ioa heea* § Cle 0*4 era art frsrn louthsr* J A •TAIVg* Braerai Feaeenser AeraL fl. S. & F. RY. ]: Schedule Effective Oct. 11,1IOL ■ > DEPARTURES: "S 0 •• m.. No. i. Through Train to iturnla. urnea OosuvaUon l-sjr- l°r Lar and coaches, Macon to * Jacksonville via Valdosta; con-. - A "8h*o-Fly," Mi- "• JO Valdosta and all Inter- + .“•fhate points. 12u» «. m., NS. 0. "Georgia South- .. era buwanss Llmlked," Macon to JackaanviUs via Voldoata. Solid train wiUx Georgia bouthsrn nnd Florida. Twelve bsctlon Draw ing Room k!««plng Car; opan at »:M P. m. in ths Colon Depot Makes connection at Jacksonville for ail points ln Florida. 4, 12:15 a. m.. No. 06, "Dixie Flyer.**, . coaches and Pullman eleepanL ■ » Macon te Tlfton. en route from St. Louis and Chicago to Jack sonville. ARRIVALS! 4:16 a. m.. No. A, "Georgia South- «te. Suwon00 -EfmltetL** bra Jacksonville and Faiatka. local sleeper Jackaonvllls 10 Macon; paaaengera pan remain in local gram to Depot at Maeen until 7:g9 a. nr. S:26 e. m., No. 94 "Dixie Flyer,” coeehes and Pullman eiepers Tlfton to Macon, en route from Jacksonville te »t. Louie and Chicago. No. f, "thoo-Fly," from Valdotta. 4:29 p. m.. N Je - Mn* "it No. 2, from Feletka. a*ra all Intermediate ps:"ia. P%rlo' Observation Car jMfcoenvh # 10 Moron. C. B. RHOOKi. Oen. Fats. Agent. Oa. 4 4