Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, December 17, 1908, Image 5

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— — THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 17, 1503 Southern Packing Co. Choicest Native aud "Western Afcnts. 620 Cherry St. Phone 351. THE CAREFUL LADY Of the house, who closes the windows at nights and hnrs tho doors, should not neglect to look to the roof—site should remember that Mr. Bain 1s an Intruder who cun do harm as well as the burglar. JA8. C. GORMLY. Phona 531. 320 Third St. “PHONE” YOUR ORDERS FOR OIL TO OUR OFFICE CANFIELD OIL CO., Phono 637. iijfca Woftfl MEETINGS ST. OMER COMMANDERY NO. 2. K. T. Regular conclave till* iThurxday) right nt 7:30 o'clock; all Sir KnightN courte ously invited. (). K. Dooly, E. C.; W. U. ('ImptiiHn. Recorder. WANTED WANTED—1 tegular 61.00 bottle Jap Dun- . druff Cure now on sale at Palm liar* l*er Shop for 50 cents. Thin Halo lasts only a few more day*. You will have to hurry. WANTED—Furnished room In College street nelghlKirlmod by quiet young man; references. 1*. o. Box.543. WANTED—Pine lumber, sound, square edged and well mnlitifactured. 75 pieces 12x12 nnd 12 feet long, 290 pcs. 10x12 and* .12 feet long, 290 pcs. 10x12 aud 16 feet long. 630 pcs. 6x12 nml 10 feet long. 10,000 feet 4x8 nml 16 Tort long, ull the almve rough; also 50.000 feet 2x10 and 16 feet dressed four side*, delivered f. o. li. cars nt Baldwlnsvlltc, N. Y. Name price and time of delivery. Address Scott Bros., Haldwlnsvllle, N. Y. TOILET SET $5.00-Covered slop lura with every set. Cubbedgo-nodding Hardware Co. WANTED AT ONCE—A first class, up- to-dnie pattern maker; nothing but a first class man will be acceptable; steady nnd permanent work for the right man; state experience, age nnd salary expect ed. Georgia Iron Work*. Augustr, Ga. FREHIt country egga 33 1-3 cents per dozen. Oscar Bradley. Phonon G51-423. LAMPS—In many Itenutlful designs for library. Im.ll or table. CublMHlge-Red ding llmd’vnre Co. WANTED—A few select boarder*, nil convenience*. 240 Washington avo. Phone 3672. LET Miller’s Bicycle Messengcrn deliver your notes nml packages. Plume 963. I Exquisite Mountings 8 Rich in design and of the best silver the only land to be found on the Umbrellas we are showing for the holidays. The Silk is of the best quality. $5.00 TO $10.00. Don’t miss seeing our line of Silk Hosiery. DO YOUR CHRISTMAS BUYING TODAY. New 1 Crop Georgia Pecans, per pound 12*40 New Crop English Walnuts, per pound 12*40 Paper Shell Almonds, per pound 15c Fancy Layer Raisins, per pound 10c (Don’t compare our Nuts and Raisins with the cheaper grades that are being offered). New Crop Currants, per package .10c Old Stock Currants, per package' 5c New Crop Seeded Raisins, per package 10c Old Crop Seeded Raisins, per package 5c Premium Plum Pudding, 2-pound can, 60c seller (guaranteed) 30c Premium Plum Pudding, 1-pound can, 30c seller ...15c Premium Plum Pudding, individual size, 10c seller, 5c Just received fresh lot of cakes, pickles, cranberries, preserves, jellies, sauces, etc. MACON CASH GROCERY COMPANY. Gandy Sale Now On Lav in your supply now. All high grade Candy, made by the best makers. Finest Chocolates, Bon Bons, Chocolate Almonds, Chocolate Nuts, Nut Fudge, Crystallized Fruits, Marsh mallows, Toasted Mallows, Cream Mints, etc., etc. Special values:— $2.25 Packages for $1.98 $1.50 Packages for ., $1.25 $1.00 Packages for 86c 75c Packages for 59c 60c Packages for 49c 40c Puckages for 30c 25c Packages for 21c • 15c Packages for ....12c 10c Packages for 8c 5c Packages for 4c Oranges, Tangerines, Grape Fruit, Malaga Grapes, Cranberries, New Nuts, Raisins, Luscious Basket Figs, Pitted Dates, etc. Some more of those Jumbo Scliley Paper Shell Pecans to arrive tomorrow by express. You should see them. The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. Phone 1590. Phone 1590. PUTNAMITES OBJECT TO CHANGES IN SCHEDULE EATONTON. Go.. Dec. 16—The ad vertised schedule effective on Decem ber 20th, ryn the Central of Georgia railway, which cuts out Eatontonlans and Putnaraltes gpend-the-day privi leges in Atlanta as heretofore, as well as disarranging the mall schedule for evening papers has aroused a gree* deal of Interest hero and a loud, long and strenuous protest has gone up to day to the Georgia railroad commission protesting against the change from merchants and citizens generally. The greatest sufferers are the rutfil free delivery patron'* who already got their morning papers twenty-four hours old.- and have been getting the evening dailies a little over twelve hours after going to press. The outcome of the petition is being awaited with Intense Interest and It Is believed that the Central will not,muke the change aft er knowing the strong objections, nnd inconvenient mall schedules resulting. Dennis May Become President. Former County School Commission er 31. B. Dennis of the Putnam public schools, who accepted the position of first assistant of the Sixth District Ag ricultural College at HarnesvilU*. ac cording to reports recolved In E.iton- ton, Is slated to succeed President E. W. Childs, of that Institution, who has resigned, his resignation to take ef fect January first. The county schools of Putnam have had u fine year under Commissioner W. C. Wright, one of Georgia's best known educators. The schools close on the 18th instant, and ns a Christmas present Superintendent Wright presented each of the schools of the county with si handsomely fram ed picture of Joel Chandler Harris for use In the school room. Walter F. Boall. Mr. Walter F. Beall, a well-kiown citlzon of Putnam, died last week at his home near Eatonton after an Ill ness of several months. Mr. Deal! la survived by a large family or children all grown, ami his widow. Mrs. Carrie Johnson Beall, besides many relatives throughout the state. He was a broth er of Mrs. J. T. Gantt, of Macon. To Drivo Out Malaria And Bui d Up The Srtum Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC. You know what you are Inking. The for mula Is plainly printed or. every bot- tl^. showing It Is simply Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form, and the most effectual form. For grown people, oml children 50c. This Coupon Is Good for Fifteen Cents In Payment on Any One Pair of Christmas Slippers i—T in the House. No. 1.1 Man, Woman or Child. 1. "*i 171 Out Out and Bring With You. Dec. 16 to Dec. 24. Lester-CIark Shoe Company. '1 v'l l 'K-H-M’-l 1 1 I I 1 iii* | | » i I ; | Xmas Gifts That I Will Be Appreciated I Your present should possess quality, beauty nnd at the same time be serviceable. We have a line of goods which possess both. Our •• stock Is complete in variety, style and usefulness. Make your selec- tion now while the stock Is unbroken. W. W. Williams Co. Police (Joupt The Band of Pirates. There weie four or live of the little scamps sitting dawn by the fence In ll»e alley, taking the only kind of bath they ever take, that of the sun. and. their years, they were as rascally a band of trilling boys as can be found anywhere, and yet they were citizens of this country ami cut.tied to til© protection of tile government. "Doolie yer mar 'low you ter smoke slggerroots?'' asked a nine-year-old. "Hch! Wot she gutter do_>vh| hit? I kin smoker seegynr. letter line or siggerroot. Yer doan havter ax yer mar miffin','* "Wisher hadder chaw terbacc.v," si id a little fellow. "Wotcher gimme fur some?” asked a boy who could not have been over eleven years old. "Gl* yer or nlgkel w'en mer par gi' me one.” "Shucks! Yer par aint got no nickel. He de po’ls man in Macon. Look Ink yer par doan do nuffin but aoltcr roun an' chaw tcrbncc'y." "How he git terbacc.v of he doan wuk? Tell me dnt." "Yer doan havter wuk ter git tor- baccy. I lmdder whole (otter terbaccy one time. Mc'n Willie Brown Hum thoo de cracker de winder inner ato* one time an* We gits er whole pncklt fuller terbneev an* some aceg.vars an* some slggerroots an* er whole lotter ; t'illgS.” • "W'en dat time wua. boy? Youser j lyin' 'bout dnt, lease yer’d have or slg- i a inter gwlno- For Sale $2,500 A two-storv, seven-room house, thoroughly modem, newly papered; within half block of College St. Splen did home or investment. Willingham Loan & Trust Co. 461 Third St. Phone 360 For Sale $1,750.00 A hou«o with nix room and hall on Sugu.nln Height;.. If you want a AtiMK In a good location thla place will Interest* you. Can arrange terme In thla. $800.00 For a large LOT IN VINEV1LLE. You want to build a horn# In the beat i idence aection of Macon? If eo here la your chance to aocura the lot. Jno. F. and W. H. Cone, Real Estate, Insurance and Loans Jhone 206. 607 Cherry St. REMOVAL. -After today The Telegraph can be found at our new place, 452 Cherry St. MEDICAL SOCIETY ELECTS OFFICERS FOB NEXT YEAR DUBLIN. Ga.. Dec. 16—The LaurenrtI ™ hllt County Medical Society has elected tRe t cr git none, I tell yer daL following officers for the ensuing year: "How conie I alnter gwincter git President—Dr. R. J; Chappell, Dud- none?" l®> - "Knser gl* um ter liter mnr ter keep FOR SALE $2,150.00 An up-to-date 5-room cot tnge, near Mount de Sales, on car line. Terms if desired Now, hurry. Minton-Morgan Co. 420 Cherry St. L Phone 1192. LOANS Negotiated promptly on im proved farms and city proper ty on cnay terms and at lowest market rates. If you need money enll on na HOWARD M. SMITH & CO. bid Mulberry St.. MACON. QA Vice President—Dr. E. New Dublin. Secretary nnd Treasurer—Dr. Her bert Rushin. Dublin. The society met at Dudley ns the fur me." "Hoys. I tell,} or wot lets do. Jimmie Jackson gotter quarter ho mar gi* 'ln» ter go down town an* gltter beefsteak 12,500,000.00 SAFELY LOANED. During the lost 16 years we have loan ed 62.500.000.00 on llesl Estate for homo nml foreign Investors. Barest and most profitable Investment. Those, desiring to burrow or having money to Invest will find It to their interest to see us. SECURITY LOAN AND ABSTRACT CO.. Commercial Bank Building. Thomas B. West. Secretary and Attorney. FOR* SALE—Building lot on Vincvilta ave. Soventc,*-ono root front Very de sirable. Bargain. Q, M. Davlig FOB SALE—If you are thinking about building a house I will prepare vpu a careful pencil sketch, showing both In terior and exterior of house. U. C. Earle, 353 Third st. Phone No. 77. FOR SALK—Pretty bungalow. 6250 cash stop paying by putting a mortgage of 6500 on the house, which I carry. O. C. Earle, 653 Third at. Phone No. 77. prices. Posted, Box 3H. coats, leggins. Cubbedge-Rcddlng Hard- CABBAOK PLANTS. 25c for 100. 61.28 per 1,000. Apply J. W. Ammon. K53 Second st. Telephone 1397. FOR HAT.K—Fifteen horse Talbot x»ng!n and holler; good running order; 615 for outfit. Macon Telegraph. SELECTED, glossy, well-berried holly FOR SALE—Frazier buggy! rubber tires; freshly painted; price $35.00. A Tmr- guln. Mo eon Buggy Co. FOR SALE—Guts perfecting press, with complete stereotype out lit; good order; prints 4 or 8 pages; 61.250 fob Macon. Address Telegruph. Macon. Oa. FOR SALK—Sweet Indian river oranges. FOIt HALE-Sixty acres land, line for poultry, with tlinlier enough to pay for it. For price apply to W. J. Khlnliolscr, 140 Ells st.. South Macon. Initli room Ideal oil ... Hardware Co. PERSONAL IF YOl T R MACHINE needs repairing. Plain n 925. WE ARE making reductions on a lot of fine candles; 85c kind for 65c; 75c kind for 60c; 60c kind for 40c*; 40c kind for’6 30s; 30c kind for 2&c; they are pound and Imlf pound boxes. John Caserfo. Phono THE MOST DELIGHTFUL morsel tliat ever passed a lip—Merkel's Fruit Cake. Phono 738. BUTT BRINK, better than country but ter. only 20 cents per pound. Oscar Bradley. Phones 651-423. POINT ANDREW MINERAL WATER Co.—Excellent for all stomach troubles. Phona 1477. guest of Dr. Chnppel), who proved to fur dinner. wSco dat ol' duck in <!*• Im n envoi host. tv’lte folkscfc yand. Dar aint nobody lookin' an’ de one dat knock dat ol* duck bald off gits de quarter. Hyecr!” "Mer mar w'lp me offer doan git dat meat,” said Jimmie. "Aw gltter move on yer! Wotcher talkin' 'bout! Yer mar alnter rtmnln dls gang. Qttcher rocks, boys.” There wns a scramble for rocks ol all r»!xos. Now It wns a scene of pi ntles getting ready for notion. Fur tive glances were cist up und down the alley for anybody mining, or any- body looking. But all waited for Tom, royal host. The schools qf the city will close for the holidays on Friday. The fall tr.-m has been very nourishing under the management of Superintendent R. E. Brooks. It is expected that the spring term will l>e even more successful. The spring term will open on Jan uary 4 th. Handsome New Church. The First Baptist Church will ne used for the first time on Sunday next. The sents are now belhg erect ed and the finishing touches put here and there. Everything will be ready, the' fourteen-year-old leader, to cast for services on Sunday. It la expected i the first stone. When all were sup- that the large auditorium, roomy ns piled. Torn spit on Ills rock nnd tak- It Is, will be taxed to its utmost capi- i ing aim let It go nnd missed, city to accommodate those who desire "doggone dat duck, hit sho duck he to be present nt the first service held hnid w’en he teed dat In the new edifice. _Thg building "Stnn’ back, you fellers, hyere goo* fur dul duck,” nnd another rock wont balling through tho dir. "Gee! Jls did mlsa hit.” Another rock went with nil the farce n little blaek arm could put behind It, and "Dnt duck sho keep out’n de way.” Then another rock, but this rock rlcochetted and struck n pane of gin>■ In the kitchen, nnd out of the window wns poked ft head. "Gltter way fum dar, yer nasty stak in' rasklls. Y >u iJinmle Jackson. Isor gwlneter tell yer mar, an* dat you Tommie Brown! Ef yer pnr Jls know- ed wot you doin' he'd w’ar yer out, you triflin' scamp. Git right or way fum out'n dls alley, ef.vor doan I sho teller form fur de polcoces!” But as-soon ns the window closed, another rock sailed in the direction of the duck nnd went far of the mark to strike the window. The enok wa* willing to stand for one pane of glass because of the color of the boys, but two pones was the limit, nnd she sent out by the front way for the police nnd with the result that the boys were arrested. In court the cook who had relented, nnd who knew every one of them r..* her own children, said that a "passe! or boys brttk de glass,” but she didn't know one of them, and In fart bud never "seed dem boys sfo In her life.” There was no Identification, and the crowd of pirates were let go each do ing Ws best to keep from laughing. Mrs.Winslow’s Soothing Syrup Has been tiaod for over FDCTT-FIVR YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETH!NO. with 1 ERFECT B1TCCE88. It SOOTHES I ho CHILD. BOFTEN8 tho GUMS. AL LAYS all FAIN: CURES WJtfD COLIC, •nd Is tho best remedy for DIARRHOEA Sold by Drustdata in ovory nurt of tho world. Bo sure and ask for ,r Mra. Wins low's Soothing Syrup,” nnd take no oth er kind Twenty-five cents a bottle. Guarantee,! under the Food and Drugs Act, Juno 30th, 1906. Serial Number 1CH AN OLD AND WELL TRIED REMEDY Lumpkin Woodmen. LUMPKIN. Git., Dec. 10—Lumpkin Cfamp, No. .115. elected new off leers Monday night, December 14th. Tho new officers are: A. G. Cozart. consel commander. A. O. Cozart, council commander. S. O. Walton, hanker. M. R. Barum, clerk. W. B. Simpson. Jr., escort. B. F. Turner, wntchmau. J. A. Wood, sentry. The camp here was Instituted April 13th, nnd Is growing rapidly. It has now about forty members and Is still receiving new applications. This Is Worth Raiding. Leo F. Zellnskl. of 68 Gibson street, Buffalo, N. Y.. says: "I curw the most annoying cold sore ( ever had, with Hucklen's Arnica Halve. I ap plied this salve once a day for two days, when every tree., of the *o»*c wus gone.” Heals all sores. Sold un der guarantee at nil drug stores. 25c. CHANGES IN SCHEDULES. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Effective, December 20th, the following changes will l>e made In scheduled or Central of Georgia railway: Train 16-17 will leave Eatonton 7:60 a. „d.. arrive Macon »:3o a. m. Train 18-15 will leave Macon 6:00 p. m.. Instead of 7:50 p. m. as heretofore, arrive butt on ton 7:30 p. m„ dally except Sunday. Train No. 14 leaving Atlanta 11:40 p. m.. ar riving Macon 2:36 a. m„ will be abolished. New train No. 10. will Dave Atlanta 1*:30 p. m., atrlve Macon 3:46 p. m. South Atlanta Limited, new vest!baled train between Cincinnati and Jackson- vlll, FIs., commencing first train south bound leaving Atlanta December 21st, and first train northbound leaving llacon December 23rd, will run on following schedule! Leava Atlanta 11:06 n. m., ar rive Macon 2:02 a. m., leave Macon 2:00 a. m., arrive Atlanta 6:58 a. m. This wilt be through train to Cincinnati handling sleeper for Louisville and Chi- cugo. In addition to this train Macon- Cincinnati sleeping car line will bo Inaug urated on following schedule: Leave Mo. leave Mason December tm.H Train No. 4 will leave Atlanta 9:2ft j m. Instead of 1:66 p. m.. arriving Maro 1S:6o a. m. instead of 1:05 a. m. ■ m JOHN W. BLOUNT. District Passenger Agent, Macon, CJa. Forsyth Knights. FORSYTH. Ga., Dec. 16—At rcgulnr weekly meeting last night of Forsyth I^xlgo, No. 244, Knlghtn of Pythias, the following officers were elected for the ensuing term: Chancellor Commander—'W. C. Hill. Vice Chancellor—B. IT. Rumble. -Prelate—K. O. Hurd. Master of Works—O. II. If. ftfcod- worth. Jr. Keeper of Record* and Real—C. E. Banders. Master of Finance—J M. Moore. Master of Exchequer—K. J. Ponder. Master at Arms—T. B. Holland. Inner Guard—W. G. Maynard. Outer Guard—D. F. Bennett, Jr. Trustee—I. 8. Maynard. The Forsyth Lodge was Instituted only seven months ago but has a strong membership and Is In a pros perous and thriving condition. Only thro® days remain before the girls of Bessie Tift leave for their home to spend tho Christmas holiday* and tho 860 student! ore busy mak ing preparations for their departure. The session Friday r.ftemoon closet the work until January 4th, after a moet successful half year. Phone 463 and place your orders for Christmas Turkeys, dressed or alive. Leon S. Dure Banking and Investments. Blocks. Zlouila, Heal Estate. Mortg/gcl M&CUXL G(l. RENT LIST 112 Clayton Ave* 5-r 822.50 742 College, 9-r $35.00 426 Calhoun. 8-r $25.00 Cor. Carling and Humbert. H.H. $25.00 310 Duncan Ave., H II.. 6-r.... .818.00 155 Fourth. 7-r $22.50 126 Holt Ht.. 9-r $22.50 .110 H«rdemnn, 7. $25.00; posscsHlon January 1st. 140 Highland nvc., 7-r $27.50 522 Monroe. S-r $20.00 261 Orunge. 7-r $25.00 STORES. 650 Poplar St $40.00 658 Poplar (Jan. I) $50..''0 660 Poplar (Jan. M $50.00 B. A. WIRE & CO. For Sale In Vineville, on tho car line, I offer a six-room cottage, on large lot, for a quick wile, nt • $2,600.00 This is a new house and has porcelain tub, cabinet mantels, and is generally wlmt is culled a modern house. I can make terms with a fair cash pay ment Frank B. West Fweal Estate and Insurance, 417 Oherry St.. For Rent 11 Hill park Hr. 7-r ... Cleveland A VC., 6-r.. 467 Duncan Ave,, 6-r 221 Duncan Ave., 7-r 116 Cleveland Av 135 Piedmont Ave., 5-r.. 112 Laniur Ht., 6-r .« 421 Boundary St.. 6-r... 509 Hawthorne Ht.. 5-r. 138 Rembcrt Ave., 7-r.... 725 Anderson Ht.. 7-r.... ... Lilac Bt.. 5-r ....$27.60 ....$18.00 ....$20,00 r $18.60 8-r $20.00 $12.50 $25.00 $20.00 $12.00 $27.50 $20.00 $ 8.50 FOR 8ALE. A plot of six (6) beautiful lots, front Ing Bellevue avenue on car line Just beyond Log Cabin, Ilnely located and •will make aplendld home sites, beside* there I* about one-hplf acre In eich lot. We offer the entire plot of alx lots all for ONLY $600. Jordan Realty Co. Real Estate, Insurance and Loans. Phone 1136. 4th National Bank Building, THE ROUGHEST BOY OR GIRL will find Ids or her match In our Iron wag ons. wheelbarrow*, velocipedes, etc. Cub- hedge-Redding 1 lanlware Co. FOR RENT FOR RENT—A nice five-room cottage, good location, on car line. Phone 1172. FOR RENT—Ono smull cosey bed rirnin nt 071 Mulberry st. FOR RENT—One furnished room to Mercer students. 1353 Boundary st. FOR RENT—Unfurnished front room, 855 Arch st., corner New und Arch *t. A FULL LINE of first elans nnd useful Clu-lstmtiM goods for the home. Cub- hedge-Redding Hardware Co. FOX RIVER butter 15 cents per pound; fresh every dny by express. Uscuf Bradley. Phones 423-651. ALL KINDS of plain nnd layer enkes, pics, fruit cuke, etc. Merkel's Bakery, Phone 738. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODH-Crock- ony, glassware, euninel and tinware, gcnenil cooking utensils, door mala, broom*, scrubbing brushes, etc. House full from cellar to loft In everything needed In this !!ne. Cubhedgc-Itcddlng Hard warn Co. IF YOU plant roees now you get early spring lib suns; 1 sell tho best ever bloomers. Postcll, Box 814. FOR RENT—House now occupied by Mr. Oscar Bradley. No. 6.16 Forsytii street. PoHsesMlon given January 1. Ap ply A. Block. Phone No. 390. FOR RENT—T<nrge, convenient ware house, close in. H. Trie Napier. FOR RENT OR HALB—Best dairy and truck farm In Georgia; 86 acre* with 7-room house In good repair; stables, bams, etc.; line meadow; enough kwh! land to produce a world of vegetables; 10 minutes from court house. E. Trls Ns pier. LET Miller's Bicycle Messenger* deliver your notes nml packages. Phone 963. RENT—Furnished or unfurnished room*. with or without board. Desirable lo* cation. Plume 916. FOR RENT—Immediate possession. 1161 Elm at.. 110, 759, 753 Ash st. S. L. Ilnrtx, cor. Orange nnd Forayth at*. ANYTHING made of holly and more or less round, Isn't nccoHsarlly u holly wreatlt* but nice, full, well-berried one* like ours wlmt you want. Phone 45v. FOR RENT—Two A1 ground floor offices In Washington block; steam beat and Janitor, all conveniences. Apply to Ma con Havings Bank. AROUND THE FIRE—Brasa fenders. coal vase* and lire seta, beautiful and serviceable. CubbcdKe-Redding Hurd- MONEY TO LOAN. RKAL ESTATE LOANS-6190 nnd up wards; no delay; loons closed within 24 hours. IIarrold Banking and Savings Co.. 607 Cherry at. MONEY TO LEND on rea* estate, repay able monthly. J. J. Cs *b. Commercial L Saving* Bank. CHILDREN burn up every day because of no protection from open fire*. Fend ers and fire guards on bund, costing but little. Cubbedge-lteddlng Hardware Co. FOR SALE THE MOST DELIGHTFUL morsel that ever Passed a lip-Merkel’s Fruit Cake. Piion* 78$. FOR SALK—Child's sutomublle and ve locipede, good condition. Return to 107 Fleet. FOR SALK—At a bargain, a soda faun tain, only six month* in ns*: best and latent make- *wi|| wccupt_amall monthly payments. Apply O. JjFQbv Telegraph. ROSES In 60 finest aorta. Any color; bush or climbing; unequalled in health and vigor. Chaa, N. Woodruff, florlsL $60.00 per year. Term begins Jan. I HALL'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS can admit n few more pupil* after Xmas, • Appfcr now for admittance. CTwII at 207 Cotton ave., or phone 461. and ask for Mr. Hall. MACON TYPEWRITING EXCHANGE. First class stenographic work. No. 3 rand building. Phono 870. name from Cubbcdgo-Roddlng Hardware LOST Itmg cards. Phono 2596. LOST—Large St. Bernard and Orest Dame dog, yellow with wlilto ring around neck, named Rex. Return to 107 Flrnt st. and get reward. BRIGHTEN UP the dark spots around the home Indore Christmas. Come to un for palntM of ull kind* and Japalau. Cubbedge-Rcddlng Hardware Co. LOST—On Friday night last, near Gaiety theater, ladles open face gold watch. Return to office Mnron Telegraph and ro* celvo suitable rewurd. MISCELLANEOUS CABBAGE PLANTS. Garden Plant*. Grown In the open air will atand the coldest winter. Price* 1 to 4 thousand, 61.60; 4 to 9 thnuRnml, 11.25; over 9 thou sand, $1.00 per thousand. F. O. B. M*g- gottn. S. C. Wo have special express rates. Write um for agents' outfit and proposition. N. H. Blitch Co., Mrggett*. H. C.. the IftrgeHt truck form in tho world. HAITKIt KRAUT and dill pickles, fresh lot of each Just received. Oscar Brad ley. Phones 661-423. CABBAGE PLANTS of superior strains, grown by C. M. Gibson, Young's Island. S. C. Write for Illustrated catalogue and price*. Full count and satisfaction guar ■ an teed. H. Horne REAL ESTATE. IN8URANCE AND LOANS, Grand Building. Phone 454. FOR RENT. Store. 604 and 606 Fourth street; rail- Store, 451 Cherry street, road truck facilities. Fecund and Third floor Evening New* Building. Storage spaco at English Compress Hull.ling, Southern Railroad track facili ties. DWELLINGS. 7-i. dwelling near Whittle School. 7-r. dwelling, 210 Kir*t nticot. 7-r. dwelling. 457 and 469 New stieet. 5- r. dwelling. 21$ Carling avenue. 6- r. cottage South Collcg.* mh-.-i. »-r. cottage, Lynn av*., Vluevllh* (newt 6-r. cottage. 406 and 408 P.tu -ti-ct 6-r. in duelling. 661 Orang* Ebgant apartments In I*, FtasWr'a new flpmtrnent h«.i of . i 9 or if ream*. Steam heat, wa|er > »d Jantt* tervlce furnished.