Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, December 19, 1908, Image 7
, 7 THE MACON' DAILY TELEGRAPH: SaTi/RDAY UoRNILd, DEUEMB-A 10, 1J08 Business Men’s Meeting if ^ • ' r Ja-.' TIjo Fourth National Bank—a business institution, rest ing upon the soundest business principles, guided by, tried and proven business men, and patronized by the most con servative business firms. '4. Bank “Facts”—not Theories—facts backed by sound -Judgment •4. It’s from such a standpoint we solicit your account Fourth National Bank 1 \-^ MACON, GA. FURTHER WEAKNESS III STOCK MARKET NOT ENTIRELY WITHOUT SUPPORT, HOWEVER—LITTLS CHANGE NEW YORK Dec. further weakness in 1 the market was not s< support us was tho case 18.—There was orks today, but entirely without >rday. La»t fca CHRISTMAS CEMENTS THE BONDS. Of good fellowship and kindly feeling. Our cement will in sure a share of yours toward us. Like all our building ma terials- our cements tro the best we can get. If you ex pect. to do any building or im proving have us furnish the materials. Quick deliveries for those m a hurry. WILLINGHAM SASH & DOOR CO., 457 Third St., MACON, GA. SOUTHERN ELECTRIC SUPPLY & MFG. GO. .Machinery, Electric and Combination Fixtures 'WIRING MILL WORKS A SPECIALTY ...... 171 Cotton Avenue—Phone 212. Edward Loh. Pres. John If. Donahue. V. P. Jerome Hbrman. 8ec.-Tre.aa. & Co., Inc. p. 0. BOX 1098, JACKSONVILLE, FLA. MUMM’S EXTRA RYE. 4 Quarts .. 8 Quarts .. 12 Quarts .. $ 3.60 1 Gal. Jug 10.50 2 Gal. Jug 14.00 8 Gal. Jug 5.10 .. 9.60 ...13.50 MM... ... OLD NICK ROLAND CORN. 4 Quarts .. 8 Quarts .. i on>; Jug e-75 z'tJ*!. JliB ...$3.20 ... 6.00 12 Quarts .. 9.50 3 Gal. Jug..'. ... 9.00 WILLOW BROOK RYE. •4 Quarts .. 8 Quarts .. S3.00 1 Gal. Jug 5.75 2 Gal. Jug ...62.10 ... 5.25 8.50 3 Gal. Jjg. IMPORTANT. Take warning and order now--do not wait. Avoid the Christinas rush ' . We Carry a Complete Line of Wines and Liquors. Write For Our Complete Price List. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY CO. rice*. in fact, were little chanced. ■orts were plainly seen during the WWy part of the day to arrest the decline. ■ The resistance shown by American melting at 80 and by United States teel at 53 were examples. When the smelting stock began to break to new I low levels the bears threw off their timidity und renewed the attack on the general list. The assumption is wlded spread that a concerted profession!! ■■ tuck is responsible for the decline L prices end the quick rallies from time to I time, indicating a hasty covering of shorts, corroborative of this view. The hostile array of great financial groups was In unpleasant contrast with the hopes recently prevalent on the financial district of a drawing together of all the great forces of wealth Into harmony and co-operation. Perhaps a rational expla nation of the pressure of Hquhlptlon in the stock market was found in the out-J ■00k for tomorrow’s bank statement, fi The rise In money rates during the week seems to 1 ulvo attracted some funds from other points, the gain of tho local I ibunks.On the balance of the Interior- movement rising sharply over last weekr to over two million dollars. This la c meager offset to the sub-treasury's abJ U<m .of 624,453,000. Hinds were Irregular. Total tales, par Value. 15.960,000. United States bonds wero unchanged 1 call. Jshftreik BRle * * t0cl(s I NEW YORK STOCK LIST. Amalgamated Copper 70 American Car and Foundry 46 American Cor and Foundry pref....107% American (!«>tto: American Hide _ American ice Securities Amercain I.lnseed IS] American Locomotive 641 ■EMBgMM'c pref 101 ] and Refining.... Southern Pacific 4s ... Southern Pacific 1st Is, utuern Hallway . It 'exas and l’aciflc 1st* ........'....1 l&H .’oh-do, st. Louis and Western 4s.. k:i% Union Paclflr 4M 103% Union Pacific, cv. 4s 106 1% B. Steel 2nd 5s 1«»2% Wabash hits 110% Western Md. 4s H0% Wheelng*an(d Lake Erie 4s 83 Wisconsin Central 4s 89% N. Y.. N. H. and If. cV. 6s 136% Lake Shore 4a 85% firm at 2a3V» ^ closing bid 3; offered ; ell ruling rau* a; Time loans’easier; Co nml" HO days 3% per cent; six mouths 3%a4 per cent. Price mercantile paper 4 t«* 4% i»<*r ^Sterling exchange firm, with actual business in bankers’ bills at 4.KI.9oa 4.85 for 80-day bills und at 4.81 for dc- ^Cmnajerclal bills 4.S4%a4.84%. Bar silver 48%. • Mexicali dollar* 43. COHOS STEADIER; CLOSES IT ME REPORT THAT 'OUTWERhi %»OT “*FFERlN2a SMALLER «IV£» TONE TO MARKS*. d LIVERPOOL tpeft closed 4 i NEW YORK spots ^losad S i NEW ORLEANS spots 'loseg. THE LO^A ) Tho Macon „ • closed nulet *it the following quotations: Ran?* o: Price* Ooo»l Middling Strict Middling Middling Strict lo»w Middling Middling Q. A. NASH. Prsssoent. H. Go A.. Nash Audit Co., 1 EXPERT ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Sank Bui’dinq. Savannah, 73* .I LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE. Expert Accounting 4U Its tranches ) The Tshgrsrh Business Of- > r ,.„. „„„„ M .v. m .nt. . , A ... floe, 452 Cherry street. Edita-, ml Sw _ decline 111 I rial Rooms upstairs, next door. ](> «* w BOTTOM REACHED IS ; TIE COTTON MARKET! BEARS ARE NERVOUS AND OUTLOOK IS FOR HIGHER PRICE* RIGHT SOON. • * Mock on Hand. NEW YORK. NEW TORK. Dec., is. Tho cotton mar ket was ei^odler today oil covering and reports that southern a|»ot offerings were • 5 GAGER'S WHITE LIME’ Is <t 'ittle higher in urice than other Limes, but it is PITRE LIME, and by far the best and most economical *ov Brick Work and Plastering , v ; l V Cheap Limo is dear at any price! ’ . • '-t« \l Write us for Delivered Prices. Carolina Portland Cement Co. Southern Distributors- Charleston, S. 0 American Hide and Leather pref,. 3< ?!■ American Loccmi . American Smelting and Henning.... 79 1 Amer. Smelting and Refining pref.. 90 1 American Sugar Refining 126 American Tobacco pref 91 American Woolen 28 Anaconda Mining Company 47% Atchison P0*4 Atchison pref ....101% Atlantic Coast Lins 10C Baltimore and Ohio 109 Baltimore and Ohlo’pfd 91% Brooklyn Rapid Transit 58 Canadian Pacific 116% Central Leather 29% Central Leather pref 99 Central of New Jersey .223 Chesapeake and Ohio 56% . Great .Western 11 Chicago and Northwestern 175 Chicago. MIL and St. Paul 148% C., C.. C. and St. Louis CG Colorado Fuel and Iron 87% Colorado and Southern 56% Colorado and Southern 1st pref 73 Colorado and Southern 2nd pref.... 69% Consolidated Gas \ .164% Com Products '... 16% Denver and Rip Grando pref Distillers’ Securities Erie NF,W YORK. Dec. 16.—Enormous re- Irelpts of cotton have at times had a do- Ipressing effect, yet It Is a fact at once singular and significant that desplts tho I Incubus of a recent crop movement un paralleled In the history of eotton culture. f irlces actually show a small not advance or the week... . Probing for tho OUtses for such a phe nomena, for ft It practically that, thfv are to bo found, first In tha enormous cun* sumption; second, as a correlative of this, the recent very heavy exports; third, tho Cheapness of The price, and fourth, an Ihverdolng.df tne short side. Thero havo been tpo many boors In all sections of I the country owing to the mammoth re ceipts. hub the price Is relatively low nnd this must be .numbered witn the most Important of the bullish factors. Then again tho quality is admftWdly suf psrloLH Sales for the day were estimated at 125,- i points in response to cove Ercl let pref. filrlo “ ' ' n cf. 157% , 144 ctfs 71% 188 ,7.7.!!!!!!!! 25% 83% DEPART FOR— Savannah md Augusta * 1:35am Saysnpah, Augusts Covington spd Eatonten *11:55am Eatonton and Mllladtsvllls. t 7:50p>n Athens and Madison * 7:40am Athena and Madison * 4:50pm Atlanta (Dixie Flyer) * 3:35am Atlanta and Griffin • 4:30am Atlanta add Griffin..-. .* 7:25am Atlanta and Griffin * 1:35pm Atlanta and Griffin 4:40pm Columbus and Birmingham. .* 2:45am Columbus and Birmingham.. e 11:25am Albany and Montgomery * 8:00am Albany and Montgomery... .*11:40am ARRIVE FROM— Savannah and Augusts 1 «:33ui Savannah, Augusta Covington and Eatonton • 1:15pm Eatonton and Ml!fedgevill«..t 9:00am Athens and Madison..........*H;00am Athens and Mfediaon * 7:45pm Atlanta, Chicago, St. Loula..*1J:05am Atlante and Griffin * liGSam Atlanta and Griffin * 2:35am Atlanta and Griffin....* *11:20am Atlanta and Griffin Birmingham and Columbua., s!!* s..* <:S5p< J6sm ,j35pm 1:25am 4:25pm 7:55pm •DAILY. tBXCKPT SUNDAY. Current schedules corrected to date. District “assenger Agent. 603 Cherry SL JOHN W. BLOUNT, General Kloctrio , Great Northern pi Great Northern Oi_ -ss Illinois Central 145 lmerborough Met Interboroogh Mot. pref. International - Paper .... Intoniatlonnl Paper prof. International Pump 0*7 Tbwa Central ..: 39 Kansas f!lty Southern 37% Kansas City Southern pref ,«fV Louisville and Nashville. 121 Minneapolis and St Louis... 48 Minn., St. P. and Sault 8t M 130} Missouri Pacific «*% Missouri. Kauris and Texas....... * jUt Missouri. Kansas and Texas prof.... 71% National T^esd 77 New York Central 118% New York. Ontario and Western... 44 1 / Norfolk and Western 8*V North American .72 V Northern Pacific 1}0* Pennsylvania ......... ...12» People’s Gns *2214 Pittsburg, C. C. and St Louis 87% Pressed Steel Car Pullman palace Car •••• Railway Steel Spring .... Reading Republic Htoel ....... Republic Steel pref. . Rock Island Company ... ia , Rock Island Company pref.......... 58 St. J.'iuls nnd San FTan. 2nd pref.. 38 St. Units Bouthwestem 22 •St. Loula Southwestern pref 62 Sloss-Shcfflehl Steel :iid Iron 77 Southern raclflc }W Southern Pacific pref 1*2 Southern Railway 2{% Southern Railway pref < 68 Tennessee Copper 44 Texas ” Toledo. Toledo, - Union Pacific Union Pacific pref. Unlu-il Statu. Kubb«r .;•] irnltea Stat,« Rubh.p l«t Jraf )«|> rnlti-a Status StM Unttmt Stiitnn Htoel pi«r ltll. VlSnSKumlinv’chwnjjjij •••••••• •|*'4 Virginia-Carolina Chemical pref 113 Wabash Wsbash, pref. •••••.: •I’* WestlnghouKO RIectric *» Western Union Wheeling and Lnk« Krlo }J% Wisconsin Central WV4 Amer. T. nnd T. 1?A' fc Stand.trd Oil newTo’pk BONDS, U B. refundng 12s. . glstered.... IJ S. refunding 2m. coupon. IT. B. 3s, registered U, a 2s. * ussee Copper 54 < and Pacific 0, St. Louis and West 39% o, St. Ismls nnd West. prtf.. IS% < Oandj- Stick candy m boxes. 7%c. Stick candy In barrels. 7e. Orocers. Mixed, pall 7%c, Cream mfxed candy In palls. lOo. Crackers. Bartna nlcnao. 7tte. rrc°Ts»?#^ *“ p - Ginger snaps <N. B. C.), 7c. Assorted cskes. 10c. . Dry Goods—Wholesale SHEETING—« to tc. DRILLING—7%e. City Bonds. »t»c«v ? E- 1J12-- Macon 5 pc.. 1922.. 1910 to 1*84.. 310 per cent basla .8 Cotton Seed tf..v.t p-ie. nf sound, dry ■ ntion H.I Ur quantit;-. |]IH t*t too .« WIT -^1- ruaj .tattoo to CMtila. . Hardware—Wholesale. fCT-. »ed by Dunlap Hardware Co.) ^i;.,..'rurcKfrr»—u.** to u <o dot ROIVi—Manila. 18«: Reset, fe: cotton. 18c. • - T'wJf P.IADES. 5 -. per Ik. ’ IRON—moo per ID.^l^aai flwcilo i’.ia. CU VXKrt—*0.00 dja.. bua _ T.«At>- !»’">*• NVUl»—Wire, »S.«0 k*l bat.; cot, kel base. ’ SHOES—Hora-. 14.25 to 14.5(1 k-u; n ’^BUCKETS —rtaln. 12.00 itoa.; »Mt, dtw POtvnKR—per tree. Oupoat «Mk TT?Bg—4**«.lnt«d. 22.30; tedaa. 2f.69 BIIOVRL8—17.00 to til par <1ot CARD*—Cotton 34.60 per «W«. Lumber Quotation*; AT V/HOLE8ALA. Iis>* Co.) ?:•«£ Mi State of Georgia Bona.; Oe. 4}*. i*tt..... tot 1M a i 4tS. nil ; t Wall Street Not DhturSti, Wall street has been buying undis mayed by the high receipts, weakening spot markets, tho pressure of southern hedges and ut times a pressure also of foreign selling. It has Ignored reports of slackening business’ tn this country, of poor trafle on the continent of Europe, diminished Lancashire business, and ittempt at India to boycott British goods In retaliation for the sedition laws dealing with the unrest existing In that part or the British empire. It has Ignored reports that the into-slght ffnovenient bv January 1 ta likely to be 600.000 bales larger than during the previous high roo- orrt reairon of 1904-05 when, according to tha cotton exchange figures, the crop was 12.Q54.000 boles. It lias paid rn at tention to privnte crop estimates of 13.- SOQ.OOO to 14.000,00ft bales, or to the In closing stock here, to liberal tenders on December contracts or to talk to tho effect that the Increasing New York stock must Inevitably have sooner or later a depressing effect on neat options even “ ough December of late has ranged at premium of from 37 to 42 points over JUnunry. CoUeves Cotton !s Cheap. Wall street has.adhered tenaciously to the conviction that cotton I* cheap, that 1909 is to bo a big year In American business In which tV.« cotton industry Is bound to share, that spinners’, taking* will be well over bales, that ths recent government efllmato of 13.909.000 bales, however sharply attacked, was f (radically correct, tiiat thero Is u short ntcrcst on foreign straddles here of any where from 500,000 to 1,000,000 bales, that another big short Interest exists on Southern hedges and other selling. Mean time reports aro being received that the spot markets are beginning to resist any tendency to wants |ow»r prices. The cur rent price is down nearly to the cost of raising cotton. Exhaustion of supplies ir. reported In some parts of ths col ton country, the "weak” long Interest has been largely weeded out here. Straddlers havo been buying January, March and other months here against sales across tho water In securing profits on a recent widening of the dlffercncs of something Ilka It a bale. • Liverpool Tone Is 6tronger. Liverpool and. Manchester havo within a day or two nliown a stronger. tone. Lancashire's trade is said to b« Improv ing. Bears are nervous about tho census bureau's report on the ginning to b# Is sued on Monday, Dec. 21. In other words, the boot Is on the other leg. Recently the market was overbought. Now It looks to many as though It wi»rn oversold. Many of the spinning Interests in tills country are bullish at the/.o prices, and K Intimated In the .outset, the market nws a restating power In the face of extraordinary receipts which orcsslous general remark. Ths Indlfforence of ths outxldo public is a drawback, but one house (dune bought 23,009 bales of March and May today. Sugar and Rice R«vl*w. NEW YORK, Dec. 18—Tho prevail ing stagnation In tho sugar market is considered by some authorities, al most unprecedented, though December Is always a dull month. Despite a re duction of 5 points in refined by tho Atncrlcan-Howell to 4.60 cents net tho local demand hss not been stimulated and granulated continues to accumu hlpments had led for. Southern houecr. wer posed to be covering recent brokers usually credited wl for the Internals long of December. wers the chief pellet’s of the later mouths. After showing a not advance of 8u10 points prices eased off from tho top under realising by early buyers, but steadied again toward the close, which wss within a point or two of the best on moat po sitions. Southern spot markets, officially re ported. unchanged to J-lGc. higher, nnd local spot people reported that their offerings wero a little higher und that tlnu-e , had boon Hiune improvement In tmde demand. Tho main factor, however, seemed to bo evonlng-up for over. tho census report due on Monday fnornlng following the recent sharp l»renl: which has created a considerable short Interest and no aggressive support developed. ltoeelptH of 4>otton at the ports today wero 77.695 halos against 70,387 bales Inst week and 80.67ft barns last year. For tho week (estimated) 380,000 bales against 410.667 bales last week and 400,716 bales ’ si year. ^ Today’s receipts at New Orleans were 16.614 tmles against 12.463 boles Inst year. buying. for u turn, which <1 by a better spot demand ...... .airly Steady English cablea and preifletlons o fa falling off la the movement us soon ns export engagements for December shipments had boon pro dded.. for. ~ood buyers suor PHVIPiMI... joent Safes, while •roknrs usually «red licit with working Spot Gotten and Future* NEW YORK. Doc. 18.—Spot cotton closed quiet; middling uplands 9.10; mid dling gulf 9.36; miles 6.70ft bales. Futures opened steady und closed . Onon. High. Low. Close. January ' 8.48 8.63 S'48 8.63 February —— -— .8.54 March . April .. May ,...8.68 June ■—r— July 8.66 August 8.56 September December, bid .... January. t*!«t .... February nt.mluiil M.rcli, bid April, nominal .... May, bid Juno, pvmiluii! July, bid Sea Island Cotton. CHARLESTON. Dec. 18.—Bea Island cotton, for week: Receipts 837; exports ‘ i 50; stock 3.tid7. Market steady: corglaa 17; choice lOall. 8ules 822. ..8,00 8.62 8.57 Jt.GI 8.63 8.80 8.65 8.68 8.68 8.62 8.64 Vtober . December .8.82 8.90 8.: Receipts and Exports. ^Receipts and Exports. Today. Week. Consolidated not receipts.. 77,5r5 294.387 I Exports to Great Britain.. 24.292 113.903 Weekly Cotton Statistics. „ LIVERPOOL. Dec. 18.—Following. are tho weekly eotton statistics: Bales. Total sales of all kinds 38.000 Tota 1 sales of American 33,000 English spinners' takings Total exports 9 000 Imports of all kinds '187,000 Imports of American .....157.Q00 Block of nil kinds '....713,000 Block of American 60.1.000 Quantity afloat of all kinds 501.000 Total sales on speculation 900 Total Kales to exporters 1.400 Quantity afloat of Amerlcau 501.000 Hubbard Bros. <& Co.'s Cotton Letter. NEW YORK, Dec. 18.—A rally In Liv erpool under.tho buying of a prominent American house just before the opening of business hero brought about a steadier market at an advance over last evening, which was maintained until ths close. Nearby deliveries warn relatively In more demand than of late, though It Is peeled that our stock Will Increase .... some 70,000 bales before January 1. Tho trade believe thnt he entire stock will be tendered on January notice day. As the glnncrs' report will be IntuW on Mont day morning, the traders expect that the market will be better after It Is Issued as that has been the usual course of the innrket this season on the nuhllcu tIon of these reports. Mranwhthi Ihe re*:- '•••d -movement continues. Weakly Interior Cotton Yown*. NEW YORK. Dec. 18.—The following Is tb»» movement of spot cotton at the banding Interior cotton towns for the week ending Friday, Dec. 18: WHEAT DUE! IS ,/EAK 10 LOWER WEAKNESS OF COARSE GRAIN HAD DEPRESSING EFFECT ON THE MARKED , v ... CHICAGO, Den. 18—Weakness of coaria grain hud a depressing effect on tha wheat market today, but buying by short# caused a steady tune at tho close. FlAab <1 notations wero upcluingcd to %c. lower, compared .with tljq previous close. /■ Corn nhd Oats, closed weak, and provis ion! steady. Optn. High. Low. C953. SR1:8* m IM July « . . 97% 97% 97% 97% sa »t an 60% 60% 60 60vC «»¥ Corn- Dec. , , f &y::; ... May . • , July . . « M»ss Fork— Jan. . . .15.70 15.75 15.67% 15. May . « .16.02% 10.12% 16.02% If. Lin'd— Jon. . ,. 9.15 9.20 9.15 9. May . t "* * '* ** •* •hurt Ribs— . 49% 2?* 45% DRY GOODS. NEW YORK. Dec. 18.—The dry goo3> market holds steady and quiet, with tha movement on orders very full. Antici pation of deliveries are common for wes tern nnd southern shipment. A mov<K meat is am Kxnorts to France.. Exports to continent.... Export stu JApn Exports to fctexl lex leo 12.000 62.353 450 Since September 1. 1908— Consolidated receipts 5.T08.190 Exports to Oreut Brltnln L£2f»ifi Exports to France Exports to Ooutlnent Exports to Japan Exports to Mexico !!!!!!! mo.m* 1.788.11* Price, Receipts, bales. Stock. The Forts: Galveston . . New Orleans Mobllo . . . , Savannah . . . Ciiarloston • . Wilmington . , Norfolk ... Baltimore . . , Now York ... Boston . . . , Philadelphia . Newport News Brunswick ,. Jacksonville . TV!ee.tRee»*.!B»les.l .'5^1-181 ‘ 9-16 _ 13-16 3% lit 9.10 9.35 ....[iSJiao 3450l270!i)6 400) 82598 1088'165641 ' 29433 I J»l?3 6321 >U46 33902 ' 6^55 Helena . . . . Llttln Rock.... ffneon .... Meridian . . . Montgomery , . 116461 60931 4»6| 1!nr !», caution. 1M '.littered 400H SBm niUHIl -UI .uw.w .. ... Atfi’hlson general 4s .... Atchison adjustment 4s Atchison cv, 4s Atchdon CV. s Atlantic Ojast Lino 4s.. Baltimore and Ohio 4s . Baltimore and Ohio 3%s fe? 4! o' o“nd» tod mi.::::,:.:: Central of OeorjU. Jd Ine. and Ohio <Vi«. 107 Chlcaito and Alum J'.Sa 77 ChlcuKo. l>. and filulnc/ new fie,. . 74' Chleano. It. 1. and 1\ It. K. eel Ca. M, Clilraico, R. !. and P. Uy. rfdif. fi. . c. C. C and St. lout. fen. fi. Colorado Industrial 5«... 71 fi.llHM.l'M/ UHM fipruiH't... Deiitwarn and Hudson cv. 4s Denver and Rio Grando 4s W Erie prior lien 4s .....83% S rle genera! 4s Interlwrough Met. 4s% ►*•••• Japan 4s * Japan 4%s. 2nd sertei.. . W} I/>ulsvlllo and Nash unified 4*.-. ..|0lj Mexican Central. 1st Inc. Mlsourl, Kansas and Texas National K. H. of Mexlco cojv Is New Yoik Central gen. New Jersey Central general 5s.... Northern Pacific 4ai Nortlvern P.vlfli* 3s l|B jr.T~fin.rmi' a::::jyp noru»ern rwim 2s *3% Norfolk and Western consol 4s..... Oregon Short Line rfdg «.......... J4% Penn, consol 4s M3% lUsding senoral K Republic of Cuba 5s M|% Kt. Idouls end Iron Moan, consol 6s.. 1U fit Louis and Ban FranHsro fg. Is., 14* h Houston , • •.: st. Emus ... Cincinnati .. Ijoulnvllle , . Llltlo Rock.. qnlet, with prices 2 points higher; Ameri can middling fair 5.36; good middling 5.00; middling 4.82; low middling 4.62: good ordinary 4.11; ordinary 8.71. The late. The Federal, an Independent, cut prices to consignment points to 4.45c net in order to movo Its sugar but with like poor success. Possibly, tills Is explained by the restlessness of the domestic beet sugar Intercuts, who were reported selling In'eastern terrl- toty *t marked coi>ccss1ons on large lines The meltings of sugar hoyo have be*n very light, it Is believed, all refiners being closed for repair** with the remaining plants shutting down tho ensuing fortnight. The refiners, with tho demand for the manufactured product light, ho,vo pursu'd a waiting policy on raw sugar. Independents who wished to «ke out supplies took Cuba’s and Porto Rico’s on a 3-77c basis, a decline of 9 points, and th^re were reports of sales later of 150.000 bags to the American at 8.74c. The more actlvo grinding In Cuba was a depressing factor. 28 cen tra’s being reported In operation, sug gesting heavy receipts for January. Cuban crop estimates range from 1.- 100.000 to 1,300,000 tons, the happy mean o r 1,200,000 being the general prediction. LIcht tt»e German authori ty. reduced the European beet sugar figures another 20.000 tons but this should be offset by tho Increaso In Porto Rico. The world's visible supply of sugar is now figured at 200.000 tons larger than In 1907, due. it ’* believed, In considerable part to the trade de« presslon. There has been some Improvement noted In the demsnd for rice from dis tributors the past week, especially from sections where of late little In terest was shown. Generally speak ing, however, business Is quiet, reflect ing a seasonable activity of grocers In holiday goods. Borne complaint is heard that poor collections are preventing buying by whot***)*rs\ whose stocks cannot be large, ft Is, possible also that the trade Is holding off in egne< Ut|on of lower pn'ees for lapan. thou eft It *r. pointed nut that this r>* is a full cent 1 less thnr. last year Brokers raporfvd I Japan’s *• good Tor* Vvmlfnl. oelpts were 16.600 bales. Including 12,200 bales American. . .... Futures opened rteedv end clossd barer ly steady; American middling Q Q. G»7j Interior Movement. \ 1v1c«.IRer«a.!»al'ts 1 fituk. 8 11-16 12fi72| 2870 14:”“ 1449 ssles of the 800 bales wero for speculation mid export and Included 4 300 bales American. Rej »mber 4.67% •mb-r -January 4.64% mry-February 4.41% February-Mitrclj 4.64 Apru-May ^,*ii’f, July-August 4 «4 * August-fisptember <. > A Beptember-October 4.5« October-November 4.1*1 November-December ............. 4.49 December-January 4.49 January-February (1909) 4.49 olumbus.. Miss 806 60111 21 IK 1533 153: fir. 1478 4U»3 ■ilisSil 45.*’4l 2848(7 2082 260«’)6 17648 11348 2962 m 8695 jk 13759 22214 1430 ;,iii 10648 13646 29808 22423 Port receipts Overland — New York Cotton Exchange LtatUtlcs. NEW YORK, Dee. Ik —Tho following statistic* on flip movement of cottun t%»r the week ending Friday. Dec. 18. ware .. . ‘ y th# York f* Weekly Movement This Tmn\ Year. Year. 408.415 400,715 v . . mill* ami . Canada . 54.989 24.602 floutnem mill takings (».»- tlmated) 100.000 63,000 Gain of stork st Interim towns . 26,428 22,679 ^5*9.88* felO, 196 Totsl Crop Movement. Port receipts 5,480.830 4,477.840 Overland to mills und Canada 581.741 332,324 Hnu thorn mill takings estimated) 838.000 684.000 Stock «» Interior towns In excess • Kept. 600.298 391.849 foot lu the wholesale district, to close, on the day following Christmas. Cotton yarns are easy. Cloths stonily. Tho American woolen Company baa gn« nountu'd Its Intention of protecting anw guarantying Its prlcoa for tnorchfcndhu for fall 1909. NAVAL STORES. WILMINGTON, N. O.. Dec. 18,—Splrv Its turpentine steady; 36%; receipts'6. Rosin steady at 2.60; receipts 149. Tar firm at 1.60; receipts 181. Crude 'turpentine grm at 1.75,12.75, 2.75: SAVANNAH. On., Deo. 18.—Tuimentlne firm, ut 37%; stiles 190; receipt* 708; ship ments 170.. . Rosin firm: sales 2,868; receipts 8.491| shipments 990; stock -69,911. .Quote B. D and K. 2.90< F and 2.92%; H. 3.40; I. 4.15: K, 5.10: M. 6.10; N. 6.16| W^ G.. 6.40; \(r. to., .4*0. Grain and Vrovlsiona. ■m TtiM,. Dil^tK »r« '1 firholMMI* nnd not 1. (lonr.:|n,l bv B. IL J.QUM fib Tln.loy &>• COI!J»-S«rko.l. -Ml. . * R S.cV«J. ....... ..._ S7 CarlMd, lot., ,'llh.r Mrknd or bulb, n.ado on nbpllca- dAtB-zXfmM *\ No. 8 White.... «f Bpnctat quotations msdo un No. 2 timothy;....; l.oo No l clover,..... 55 ’ Timothy and clover mixed.. 95.. Altalfa hay 1.20 \ Bndfillr.ff straw 65 BRAN—Bure wheat 1.60 Brrtn and shirt 1.65 Pl.OUn—I'Hvete Btock, fancy par., 6.25 Royal Owl. best patent 5.25 T«ji Notch, first patent 5,0.1 MRAL-Water grtun.1 Juliette 65 MEATS—Dry salt ribs. 10 Extra half ribs... .. None 18-20-lb U 8 bellies .... . Io% Bulk plates ... 7 Smoked hi eats \o. over •ursd.. r- 13 Brougnt Into sight thi s far for eeason 7.780.969 5.787.011 1,000 hale- deducted from tho receipts for t.lic season and 6,600 added to over land for the season. ilomnsrstlve Cotton fttstsmnnt NEW YORK. Dec. J8.-Tne following Is the comparative W.tns Statement for the week ending Friday, Net receipts TJ. B. poits 894.*9f‘ Receipts since Bent 1..6.703.190 ... . Export a for week... .. *^ild,593 8.14.694 since 1...3.W4.134 3.290,802 t U. fi ports., .1.145.241 985.873 t. 1907. f 836.47? ) 4,461,378 Stock at al Inter towns. 855.116 Block at Liverpool....; Stock afloat tor O. 14.. 617,7951 727.000 393.000 NEW ORLEANS, NEW ORI.BAN8. Die. i8. -Spot cotton quiet tnd unchanged* middling 8 11 - Iff. Bales on the spot were 6V9 bales ana to arrive 3,150 bales. Futures opened ot an sdvange of ' to 6 points on oncounulng cables from Liv erpool and ftn tn-iresss In the snot de mand In that markot Alter the first call bears furnished most of the demand as a result of a deslrn to -over over tfunday and before thn tssunnee Mondny morn ing of the census report on ginning. The covering movement supported the mar ket all day. At th» hlshest, prices st»M>d at a n»t advance of 8 to 10 points. The staiHtlc* for the weekly movement were m«»re bullish than bearish and added to port Townsend the, steady tone of tha market. Th« close ivnwicola was steady, whh prices show Ini; advance of 8 tn 9 points. Ruturas closed as foliowat r.uttur ffscslfttt. NKW YORK. Dec. 18.*.Tne following •re tha total net icceiut> oi hot too a*, all ports Slnco Sept 1*. Mobllo Wilmington. Newport News. Phlludclphla .... San Francisco . Brunswick . .186.285 , .1,037,185 . 227,44s .1.011.901 .. 141,970 .. 179.759 . . 849.591 1:t35 .. 7.727 1.183 southern mills, which owning plant* tlons Wan* .Minsequently independent In thtg matter of rough rice. Hondu • ran finds a steady market hare bain* fn mode rata supply osfH-c'aUv as fa- garfis fancy heads. Receipt* are not large and hff nfi In ennaldci»blo part sold to nrrlvc <lo not tend to awau stock* In ator- ^ha assort*ant of H l ' l L' S ‘ 1 u anti- Pori Arthur and Sabine Pass... Ji.« kxonvtlte . Esglc Pass, Tax El I A* so. Tex I ji redo, Tex •ivxii* City * Minor porta .... *9.464 36.611 10.2V3 TotaL 5.706.195 , *n-fifi*4fi tin*..'10*4 i. In GO-tb. tins.* 11 ^ in 66-lb tuba, 11% i. Id 10-lb tubs.i\ \ , In 49*lb tins, : log _ -lb tins. tfcCaw** compound . rl.e ssme additions for other sixer •j.r.o "1 8TRT7P—CI«,r«l% c»n# (n« ») k’« Oil-*r„ ,, bar.t—Re'cottm■ 'nVcii::: Importci rock «Jt, lb ..... aiumBu-ru)) ««» ■ rnirr«-ll„,ln,lt», Ir.* , JJ.T nudnuu. In HUOAn—OrmmlnlM. In btl, N.« Orliaiu claiill—l. N.w TorV T.tlow. COPTKK -Choir, ftlo 11 Prtiu, Kfio 12 Medium RIU 11 ArSutkluV rootei'.'^'/.V.. .0?llfi.5« a ' c la^.: wy < Railroad Bnudr; F Oa. lat niert fi per __ „fi» m Cenlral of On. o.nlMteriil G^P '("’di! * gjsisi'&'iii'fe isi*.■:: p Central us.,*JM Inc., 1948,.... 52 •'cntral Go., Macon and North*-• am. 1946 . .10* Centre! 0«.. MUd o Uu. nod Goortta R. K ««•' Batumi Co.. 6 pc.. 19*2 . .. .... io Ou. R. B. and Banking Co. ; ' r f-nt 19 1 .• (In. Bou. and Fla. 6 r<?. 7 MS. .105 fienboot-1 K U , 4 * H ilifijnrfi* tt. H.. 5 p uthwotb R. COTTON OKED OIL. NEW YORK. Dec. 1*-Cotton seed oil was genemfly steady with a aulet spec-1 Atla&U nrl \V P uiatlva trade. Ibrtma tcud*- Cl%; prtrae Ha and t'la. summer yuiloiv 3*a36%; off summer vtl- <la. s »j. li% low 37\31%; rwd off summer yeQo# |Ga. <oa at. t H» . 37%a28%; prime white 3«%%4l; prtmats i»-rn H R. r Winter Vallow 44%47. ^ «.»ern R tt, eu 'll ’-•1 p»*af. ., C3 .J