Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, December 20, 1908, Image 24

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0 THE MACON DAILY TEI.YOTUPIIi SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 20, 1908 WATER COLOR AND OIL ALSO TECO POTTERY IN THE ART DEPARTMENT HATCHER’S STUDIO 614 Cherry Street MINIATURES OUR SPECIALTY % I DEPUTIES. SHOT ENRAGED NEGRO — i V/er® Attacked In Oark Room with an Axt—Officer* Wilson and Byrd Had Desperate Encounter, GETTING READY, FOR NEW YEAR Chamber of Commerce Starts Oft With Good Membership and Under the Brightest, prospects. Affairs at the Macon Chajnl»er of Com- AND OATHJO BE TOLD NIGHT RIDER WITNESS WILL TELL WHOLE STORY ON THE ' STAND TOMORROW. ' Deputy Sheriff* Joe Wilson and Waller Uyrd are painfully bruised and Lewli more* are progressing rapidly H»rv«, a tffro. 1* djnasroualy wounds •! b®re ur<# enrolling every day. ; an the reHiili of the la.ter* attempt* to year will find them In-a mor» re»M the officers when they entered,. hi. nouse at 1227 Fount, street at an early. , * , ® r . ?‘ hour yesterday morning In search of .rim The following standing Turner, who la wanted In Pulaski county have been appointed for the j Manufacturers—Cl. Bernd. charge. committees •ar of JJ*Q5: UNION CITY. Tenfl.. Pec. louri udjiurned this nftfi >Iond iy the state hud nearly complet ed Its case against the eight alleged night rhlrfs now on trial for the mur der of Captg'n Rankin On Monday It will put Frank Fehrlnger on tlte stand. He aava he \va* present when the murder was committed unll knows tnr nAiiie or every nun who unis pros- out. Afpr that, the slate will mure- ly nil In with corroborative testimony. The defense will depend upon alibles and for that purpose has summoned nearly a hundred citizens of the Keel l-’odt Lake disaster |o testify as to the whereabouts of the Indicted men oil the night of October 11*. Will T«l| Whola 8tory. The state through the evidence pre sented thus far has Identified «nly three of the eight as prckeirt the night of the murder. Garrett Johnson. .Tld Kurtoii and Itoy Hansom. Jt depends upon l-Vhretiger to Identify the others. Fehrlnger probably will he on the stand all dujr Monday and he is ex- peeled to reveal the oath, signs. pass- words and the ritual of the r'ders. Unusual preenutions will l»e taken in the court house while lie Is testifying to make flu re that there l» «o demon stration /.gainst him. Jiidqe Warns Ministers. Following his caution to th< hotel the night of the murder by Ward's call and the same Instant a rear window of his room whs raised, Two guns were thrurt In. followed l#y IV" black masked> h« adM. The night by 'i ntrier himself who hastily slammed ‘ A. N. JHork, W. K. Duntrody. 'rflera separated-Taylor from Rankin,'nod P»-ked the door as he saw Deputy! Hui■dwell,- H. M. Wortham and a. and Til viol- did not see Rankin from Wilson, whom he knouvs. Reeve sthen; Mallory. tlte time thev I, ft their room until he ' rs »*"e to the door In answer of the officer's I Internal TradA-T. D. Tinsley, chair- il.L i n.. mL ' /'i Tn .inr' d umuds that thev b'‘ admitted, and lie man: W. E. Small. B T. Adam*. II. K. sau hint murdered. The> told fa >'£ r -curtly refused to Jet them In. They then Puck worth. II. W. Freeman. K. b. Beane, they proposed to kill liltn. when the • ,, rok< . oup «. n lhe ,j,*, r UI ul entered. Reeves A. Grtilm and .1. A. Flournoy, night riders reached a forked a dt tree land Turner retreating Mirotigh tiie dining] River and Navigation—B. E. Small. .In the bank of the slough, they Into the kitchen, again locking the chairman: A. E. Chappell. S. R. Jacques. I Tavlor anil marched ft.-uiklri to the door In the officers' faces. and II. Mnntfort. . . , . | i ih> lor ami m.iruud itinikin io tne, ^ the f|n#t door WJIH nl80 1 Municipal Affalrs-J. F. Heard, chair-! broken open, and as the lock was released; man; .1, Vou^john?tjni._ W. O. fioloi l foot of the tree. The m>jv When Justed and thrown over tne until ni-l. night rider time to pray.’* A Muffled Appeal. "I have attended to that.” was Ran. kin's, quiet reply. Home of the masked hand seized the rope and drew Ran ' o .i.\.« ihroken open, and iim the lock was released! man; .f. ron Johnston. ... ... v r- fork, turn • Bepyty Kyra H»«h«?d Ms lantern Into tlo*, Ham Mayer, II. 3. Ford, A. J. Ixjug. <<». 'Give him room, the rays falling full upon the face! M. Adams. H. M. Wortham. Giles ilarde- ys falling full upon .... - . ..JPMBBI •ho 4tt the same time struck man and Edward Wolff, an ax<*. The blow almost Transportation and Fn*lght;-K. H»- s left hand. The negro alehurat. cliulrinan; M. I*. Kahn.* C. H. muue un attack upon Wilson, the f Rhodes. O. A.' Love. F. \V. Ilaztehurst. narrowly missing the . lattor's head • J«s. G.-Carlisle. Jno. A. Stroyer. M. striking him on the shoulder a "lane* Goode. R. Ellis and J. Hlrsch. if Re a-f Idm wit It a paralyzed Bird then made ale and striking Z m Z LT'iS il trim'. In* blo^ but one huffiolent to fell him to! Ifobik Health^!* It. R kin up. I hc tree w«h Inclined n trlflr I the flot , r iu„ V e* sprang upon him and Other doctor* when-admitted to und they mined the body until the toes i | WO trestle! In the darkness. bershlp. • liarron. aroely touched the \rouml. From the lips of the swaying figure came the I the t muffled appeal. "You are choking tne, [fro tv gentlemen; I pray you to let Wilson, however, and he When Officer Byrd threw his. light upon; Street* and Highways—A. MM ..... - I*ong, mbniailm ho mw Uiai'Uie ne-1 chairman: Oro. T. Korahaw. E Wlnalnp. almost readv to strike the pros-! H. Rudislll. II. B. Duckworth. W. E. -*fc- ] trate deputy with the axe. Then Io- fired.’ Caw. II. H. Krmlnger and DeWIt i Mi- i -Mritlnucd his attack upon Deputy Crary. • » fired. Both Pub apart. the tight first started. Turner " . , ■ _ . , . I Wilson, however, and he also fir Then one of the riders fired n nliot, t„„k ofTecf. ntwut six incn.. Into the body of Rankin, even ns he j and the bullets lodged In the stomach, 'pleaded for Ids life. Instantly a fuel- j R-J* not thought that Reeves wlHJlv lade cm me. most of the riders, how ever, shooting int, turned to Ids captoiH and eaia: ”1 j rupt am tired, gent lenient let me sit down." : Escape of Col. Taylor. He crouched to Ids knees, ready to apring. lie waited until the guns w rp.,jumped through u Window and made Ms , !>s.«pe. He is charged with selling l>ank- id said. t rupt property and Is said'to be u negro t« sit down/'; with a had reputation. For kindling, Lumber Mill In*. II** walled until tha Kun« warn I t,i np Ve of 95 load Ronm ply, then when Hie firing plopped i nl0CK » al 1Uclu , " 08ln jumped into the watcrj of the' Chips at $1.00 sack, in fact everything good in fuel line. Rcdmond-Massee Fuel Co. Phones 100 and 223. Instantly the filing was newed. Taylor dived, but heard the bullet* striking the water, lie swam under water to a big log. The bullets struck the log like hull, hut gradually tiny reused. For two hours he lay In the water, grasping the log and When nil sounds hud censed lie swam to tile opposite side and took to tho nods. He hid in the canobrakc until . , - _ i. : Winnie. o 1*1 in iiib caneoiMH'- unin sterday not to l»r.rd thg testimony j Wednesday, when thirst drove him but In the night rider cases. Judge June tedny cautioned tlu> mlnisteis of the local churches not to refer to the case in their sermons Hutidny since the Ju rors might be present. He took no further action regarding tho press, although he conferred personally with the correspondents of several’ state papers. Impressing upon fhem the ne cessity of following out the court'a orders. Col. Taylor on Siand. The Unit witness today was Col. IK. 55. Taylor, who wus thn lompanlon of Captain Quetln Rankin on tho night of the murder of Rankin Twylor Is 6S years old. « veteran of the Confede rate army and «' wealthy man. He Is tall, erect and soldierly, wears a grdy heard neatly trimmed and doep not show hla /»go. Col. Taylor was awakened at tho CHROMIC DISEASES CURED Dr.AlHinkle has the best equipped Medical Office south for the treatment of all chronic diseases. Hit Vapor and hot wtttr balht, Electric baths. Static, X-Ray, Violtt Raya and Vibratary. Maaaaqo tr**tm*nt add inur^ to the comforta putleuis mid enable* him to «se much laaa med cinea In hla practice. C'tvulnUan Is Improved tyid diseases are eliminated through the glands and perfect health Is restored In a few weeks, uh«n if left for medicine alone* b* accomplish results the pAtlrnt In many caaea would sun ly Use. and Into tho arms of.friend: Taylor Offtra Himaa'f. Just l»cforc the night riders killed Rankin Taylor said: ''Gentlemen. I am an old man. I can not expect to live many yeura more. By killing me you will not be cheating me of much. Rut Capt. Ran kin Is u young man with many years before him. Do not kill him." The leader curtly replied: "Shut up." Fob Taylor was asked only one quea. tlon on cross-examination—did ho re- uignlxe any of the riders positively the night of tho crime? He did not. Special Price* Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday. ,Wo will allow 10 per cent discount for cash on 'ill Framed Pictures; large and beuu- tIful assortment. Lome early. \V. L. Williams Art Co., 107 Cotton nve. GRAND TREASURER CHEATHAM Of THE GRAND LODGE OF ODD FELLOWS WAS BUSY AND HAPPY YESTERDAY. It Is the pleasant duty of Grand Treasurer T. A. Cheatham to send « check each month to certain widows and orphans In all parts of the state, amounting to between three and four thousand dollars n year. The*© beneflchtrk-M arc under tho sheltering care of tho Odd Fellows, and the amount so sent Insures the keep ing away or the wolf from the door. It Is Hie K«nn1 then "do, and the good that Is done on the quiet. By authority of thn Grand Lodge. Treasurer Cheatham yesterday mailed checks for the amount |mld each month to every one or these one hundred bcncllclarloa. and thus they will re ceive an extra amount to be used for their Christmas In any Way they may see tit. It Is the custom of the local lodges of odd Fellows to send a Christmas present of something .substantial to the widow of every Odd +Vllow who was in good standing at the time 01 h's death. Bibles for Xmas Gifts. Full line ltlbles. 60c up. MeEvoy’a. PEOPLE Of MACON , wanted to sell tickets FEEDING FAT TURKEYS FOR CHRISTMAS TABUS "You can say for me." said Mr. J. P. niusingnme yesterday, "that I have more than one thousand pounds of live Georgia country turkeys fn the yard hack of iny store. I have been feeding them and they are now In prime condition. These turkeys will bo killed and dressed ns they dre or dered by my customers. They are very much better than western tur keys. which have been kept for no body know* ho>w long In cold storage before being shipped to Macon." Mr. Hlnslngamc keep* hot water on band and Is prepared to butcher and 9!rc** poultry on n few minutes' no tice. He I* also prepared to supply bis customers with the finest fish, oys ters. game, celery and cranberries for the Christmas table. Clarence Cubbedge and Bill Rsdding Look after the customers of the Cub- bedge-Redding Hardware Co. Hard ware and useful Christmas articles are there In abundance, and they edit make suggestions If desired. TWO GENTLEMEN SCRAP OVER PERSONAL MATTERS Dr. A. B. Hnkle had a personal en counter with Mr. T. O. Hand yester day morning in the former's office ou Cherry street. Word of the difficulty got out of tho office and Mr. C. F. Ftroberg, who was passing at tho time, ran up stairs and separated the parties before any real damage w.ia done by either, latter Dr. Hinkle swore out a warrant f«r Mr. Hand charging him with assault. Cases against the two were made by Officer Pearce. open to all. the rich V*Ivo. the same treat- j m'* Macoii to' help My offk, and the |s nie'nV When your physician cure or benefit you, come and I call do for you. You may not like me personal!; The Ladles' Auxiliary of the Geor gia Industrial Homo want every child MPNrip II t'ckeu to th nnnot ! performance* at the Kllte for Monday, what i Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Tj l do this will be to help the ladlts give * ft Christmas tree and dinner to the < children st tli some physician who does not w sli to! Tile Udy selling endorse me may prejudice you aga'iut dur'ng tho four day me; I will not critlciso your doc! J " * J tor Or oondritm hi. trr.tmrm but will ftv „ .lollur *old rlcov. give you an honest opinion after ei thorough and complete examination. Your Health after all and the Life of your door children Is worth more than »st tickets _ x _, _ . receive <*n dollars in gold, and the child selling j the greatest number will receive a lollar gold piece. Ty child that sells n ticket and every person .who buys a ticket Is coutriVuting Just that much toward ontrlbute to By far the most attractively decorated Cakes ever displayed in Macon. Only highest grade butter and eggs used. See at 512 First street or phone 105. Newman Baking Co. STATE DRUG INSPECTOR HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS State Drug Inspector T. A. Cheatham Is home for the holidays, but will start out on his rounds as t»oon as thev ore over. Dr. Cheatham will mak'* up his re- i port for the year and submit It on Jan- j miry 4th. It will be the first of this Important office, and wilt be quite ln- I teiestlng from many points of view. Since h's appointment the Inspector has Inspected over four hundred drag elores, and has about alx hundred more to vllslt. Ho made a thorough visit to nnd Inspection of each p!ac\ and in this way Is accompll*hL*n that which sms the intention of the law and those who advocated its passng*. the friendship or good opinion of any j this cause otherwise can semi to Mr*, physician. Hew Holt and Mrs. John T. Coatv Leave nothing undone to bring back j the look of health-and happiness to your chUdrt n. and to those who are dependent upon you. I have cured those *ho arc not my friends. A phy sician's duty Is to be an tnatrunt* nt for the benefit of friend and foe. rich and poor, high and low. Call to set me. Judge for yourself and not allow others to do your thinking. • CHRISTMAS CANDIES FOR EVERYBODY A $1,000.00 Piano. Probably* the most elegant upright piano ever shipped south was received bv Mr. Irvine a few day* ago. It Is n most exquisite art rase upright piano In genuine Ran Domingo ma hogany. The design Is Pompeian and l.s most ornate and massive. 80 solid Is the construction of this exquisite musical Instrument that It weighs over half n ton. the b*ll metal plate alone idle Utilities—W. T. Hanson, chair- man; W. A. Crutchfield. W. M. Lewis. K. 8. Ilardeiuan, R. J. Taylor nnd E. Y. Alullary. New Industries—If. Horne, chairman; II. M. Smith. C. B. Willingham. E. Min- shlp, Giles Hardeman and E. A. Home. Educational—DuPont Ouerry. chair man; H. P. Bannoh, Harry Burns and John T. Moore. . , Commerce and Trade—H. Horne, chair man; l>r. E. Powell Frazier. .K. Elkin, l«eon S. Dure. £2. II. Harris. K. A. Horne, II. M. Smith. H. B. Krmlnger. J. C. Ed wards and A. M. Sewell. • Taxation—Alfred Willingham, chair man; T. C. Parker, Ralph T. Blrdsey. C. A. Cubbedge. W. H. M. Weaver. H. Wright. C.JB. Newton. N. Chrlstopbulos Dasher . _ Banking and Currency—Chas. B. Lew is. chairman: L. P. Hl!l>er, J. J. Cobb, ami II. T. Powell. Membership—Emory Winshlp. chair* man*. C. M. Adams. A. J. Ix>ng. IV. E. DunwtMly, N. U. Winshlp and A. E. Chappell. _ . • _ Entertainment and Banquet--A. J. Long, ehalrman; E Winshlp. N. Wlnkhlp, W. K. Small, R. C. Hatlehurst and Os- I >onley Stop Scrapping About light. Get you a B. nnd H. Lamp nnd a good book. The two go well together. Cubbedgo-Reddlng Hardware Co. feoeralTourfjas MOST UNUSUAL CASE H. M. JONES. OF BULLOCK COUNTY. HELD FOR ALLEGED VIOLATION OF BANKRUPTCY LAWS. WILL NOT OPEN HIS SA e E. Charged with concealing bis assets after he had applied for adjudication In bankruptcy, and with absconding and biding from tho court. H. M. Jones, a merchant of Register. Bullock county. Is held In Macon in custody of the federal officers. -The law doe* not allow Ida Im prisonment on these charges. The petition of Jones' creditors, who are mostly located In Atlanta, set' out that several weeks ago lie applied for Itankruptey proceedings, but that prior to tho Issuance of tho papers he sold u great deni of Ills stock at greatly reduced val ues. pocketing the cash ns It wax receiv ed. lie Is also charged with refusing to allow the court officials to open his safe, the combination of which h« alone knowiw It Is said that he las n largo nmouivrof money In tho safe. Tho peti tion cities that on the day before ho was closed, Jones took especial pains to con vert his stock 'to ready money, nnd that day left for Savannah, where Tie remained In hiding and thereby prevented the mar shal from serving him with the necessary ^Tho*court Is asked to make Jones show why his safe should not bo opened, and to exact an accounting from him of.the money bo received after applying for bankruptcy. Judge Speer has fixed Jan. 2 as the day for the hearing. The. do- fondant will bo exnnUnod before Referee A. A. Proudflt. . . , , o * When Jones was located In Savannah ho was Immediately arrested by a United States court official of Atlanta, who In tended carrying tho defendant to that city to answer to tho charges. As tho alleged offense'Is said to have been com mitted within the Jurisdiction of the local court. Marshal White claimed the prlso- We are showing the handsomest selection of Christmas Jewelry ever brought to Macon. It was selected to please critical people—people who will not be satisfied with anything but the best suggestions, which good taste requires. OUR GUARANTEE goes with every article we sell, and since the buying of Jewelry is largely, a matter of confidence in the reliability of the merchants it is important to lmow that what you buy is absolutely as represented. _ A WEALTH OF LOVELY GIFTS. JEWELRY. Solid Gold Stick Pins, Solid Gold Cuff Buttons, Solid Gold Brooches, Solid Gold Fobs, Solid Gold Handy Pins, Solid Gold Baby Pins, Solid Gold Signet Rings, Solid Gold Fancy Rings, Solid Gold Bracelets, Solid Gold Necklaces. STERLING. Child’s Cups, Hat Pins, . Match Boxes, ■— Cigarette Boxes, Pencil Tops, Brush and Comb, * "" Brush, Comb and Mirror, Complete Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, Table Ware. Clocks, Watches, Chains, Fobs, Diamonds, Pearls, Umbrellas, Fountain Pens,. Bric-a-Brac, etc. These items are but a mere suggestion of what may be found in our collections, which are brim full of ideas for gift seekers. Prices range from the inexpensive to the elaborate. In this store you’ll find shown the highest possibilities in Jewelry making; the best efforts of the world’s foremost makers, in quality and design, giving ns a high standing among those who want distinction in design and excellence in quality. It is a most complete and adequate showing. Ries & Arms 3/5 THIRD STREET. ..... and look him In oftaive . the train arrived In Macon, -ones has since been paroled In custody of Hear. It Is not known whet aminae- ments will bo made for keeping him until the day of the trial. , . , , . Mr. Jones denies that he has violated any of the bankruptcy laws, nnd says that he will he fully exonerated. Cutlery and General Hardware. Cubbedge-Redding Hardware Cj?. have every article for Christmas and every day that Is found In a first-class hardware store. .Present giver* can solve knotty problems In this etoro. Yankee to Be/ Floated. WASHINGTON. Dec. 19—Certainty that the* cruiser Yankee, which sunk a second time off the Massachusetts coast after having been ra'sed and was being towed to New ’Bedford. Mas*., can be again floated epd delivered safely at the New York navy yard, according to contract, la expressed by John Arbuckte. who successfully floated her the first time after the of ficers of the navy had given ap tho vessel. Mr. Arhucklc ao telegraphed Secretary Newberry today as the re sult of a survey of the Yankee with divers. THE PALACE Every day next week will be iKliin* ««>vcr«l hundred tmund. «nd 1 *1.,, V, es t New SUUTCr—Mr. I. iwnnM Mr twmy van. Th»,i“ e 0 „ , plan.. i» .iiippvd out for ihr holiday | Hurry Hunter, of Indianapolis. ARREST MADE EASY - BY THIS CRAPSTER NO TROUBLE TO GAUTURE A MAN WANTED IF LUCK IS ON THE SJDE OF THE OFFICER. Word was received at police head quarters yesterday afternoon that If an officer would quietly slip ardhnd Into the alley leading back of the Telephone Exchange something might be discovered. The message came just as Chief Westcott had turned over to Detective Smith a postal card from *.t lady say ing that she had reason to believe that a negro named-Oble Randall was sell ing whisky to her son. Placing the card in his pocket so ti?at he might investigate the mutter, the detective went «t once to look, after what was going on In the alley. Slipping around he found In'a corner, almost free from observation, five negroes engaged In shooting craps. He made n dlvq for them and succeeded In capturing'two of the men. These proved t/ be Jere Searboro, who was up before the re corder some Fme ago for violating tho prohibition law In some way. and tho other Ohio Randall, the man Whose name was mentioned on the postal card the detective had Just put in his pocket. The men were Just shooting a little craps for Christmas money, and they thought it a shame that they should be so rudely disturbed. When arrested Randall had two half pint bottles of whisky on his person, and the officers think they can con vict him with ample proof that he has been something worse than merely •hoofing craps for Christmas money. COUNTRY STORE TO OPEN FOR KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS •rail., nnd Vr. lrrlno nnturnll.v fevli an Int.Tc.t In thin |.l«n.>, finding n Idao- In one of th. hom«v nf Muon. Tin- ladle* ..perkily ar. In- \ It,'.I In in am It, wh.r. If ncrupki South.rn Railway Appointm.nt. wTSrWwR St. iM3w c ‘»«'r chrktina. baa.r and country ITl'rlch. of pT^l^u^fnr .01.1. v«r* '» E*«t Macon on nett TUMday onMctrd with ih. Bmithcrn rajlwajf. | ■ l g"; , ^ n Idac In Ihc .Infant plan.' parlor* I K’.’JJf*.” Jv|,. c |^ r f, to Vic. Pr.«l- I Tl 'c member. *111 rtpMt Which Mr. •— '* Cm*! Ciera , I k-nl.hl. from Wh mUUm „r Irvine ha. Ju.t o.mplclcd.; J.n, mid (l.n.r.1 Manager Ach.rt. ha* : Knight, from both aide, of the rlv.r i\„_ un,. «, I'Kriaima. ,4,1.11.. 1. ah. I Kf yuu have no lltn. Io call during the 1 .— >tnt..i ...l.t.nt to ih. aen.r-11® be with them on that night and bu % 5* ■JJJ « h 7 ••ur..dv..,! For few days we wiU sell ^,. 10 ^ 1 ^ & m"g' h ovn lag- fSSh. Su" .,idl Try it ton of Rood Coal. Wo Lumber Blocks at $125 per. “* «‘ th. **me urn* 1 ir I *ell that kind. load. Get yours TRULY A SAD CASE FOUND LAST NIGHT SUCH A CASE GIVES A JAR TO THE JOYS ANI» PLEASURES OF THE CHRISTMAS TIMES. Too drunk to tell his name, too drunk to tell whera he lived and too drunk to tell where he obtained his Whisky, but not too drunk to want a pawnbroker to advance him five dol lars on an clghteen-dollar ring that belonged to his mother, was this white boy, and ho only seven years old. That is what the horrified mother sa'.d to the kind-hearted . officer who managed by carry, him about on the streets long enough to somewhat sober the child to find her. Seven years old! The little fellow, wont into Kaplari & -Snotman's lust night and displaying the ring told what ho wanted. Tho members of the firm saw his condition and his tender years, and they sent for an officer—not to arrest him. but to find out where he lived nnd deliver him to his parents. The child was unable to tel’ any thing about himself, but he thought he lived In a locality where there were a number of electric lights. His mother was a stranger In Macon, had been here ortly for a short time, und the boy had not time to get acquainted with the streets. But the officer took the boy jiround to flrat one place and then another and then finally found tne locality and the mother who over whelmed at the condition of the child. The mother said that /die had a small quantity of whisky an her dross. or. And some of it was mlfs'.ng. She thinks the child must bive drank it. There was nothing for the.officer to do but to sigh and to leave the child with Its mother—to get sober. It wax DetecUte Smith who car ried the child to Ita home, and he says that in all his experience as an officer, this was the saddest s'ght he ever saw. LOCAL DISTRIBUTION NEW YEAR'S CROP FURNISHES INTERESTING VARIETY—GIVEN AWAY BY MACON FIRMS. Buy Uxful Prcenl,. Cubbedgr-Ruldlug Hardware Com pany ha. u .lock of good, that rin- bravM article, that will be In u.e when the citcltrment of Chrlntma. I* forgotten. Anything for anybody enn be found here. cllot lake a Io Redmond-Mnssbc Fuel Co. Fhoues 100 and 223. i Undraond-Matisee Fuel Co. Phoniu 100 aud 223. Books for Xmas Presents. I Kin. Una gift book*. Pot I bindings; new books, at M< ntc< WASHINGTON, Dec. It—Seruttorx Knox. Lodge and Bacon was today named by tne senate to represe nt that body on the Joint congressional on* mittce on the inaugural ceremonies. 8 p«-c la 1 Price* Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday. We will allow it per rent discount for ca«h on all Framed Pictures; Isrg* and beau tiful assortment. Come early. W. L. Williams Art Co., ill Cotton sva* The new year's crop of calendars, so far as Macon Is concerned, are of a most artistic variety, some easily being adornments on any wall. One of the DeM. perhaps, la Issued by the Commercial NutlqAdl Dank.,*,It is a reproduction of a painting of George Washington's Mount Vernon. If framed it will make'a very pretty picture. Another attructivo one is given a-wuy by the Insurance firm of Cobb, Mullary & Cone, being a miniature re- •productlon of a painting of "The Old Stone Mill," n study In dlls- and one of considerable artistic merit. For a young man’s room or a girl’s boudoir, nothing could hoiur. *utt than the calendar advertising the Commer- •einl and Savings Bank. *it*ij» a draw ing oT a girl holding In li.*r arms a big bunch of holly. Another of ihe same kind is gotten up by the Dana-tlrngg Stationery Company. It is a study uf a girl In purple, and a very pretty girl, too. She also represents the Christma* spirit. Tho Fourth National Bank’s calen dar is a photographic reproduction of the national capitol nnd Is n very faithful portrait qf one of the na tion’s handsomest structures, "Don’t Forget the Old Folks at Home" is the title of the calendar given away to. friends and customer* by 8. 8. Parmeloc Company. It rep resents a young man leaving the farm for a life in the city. Morris Harris, /the well-known In surance man. ha* a calendar'that la a clever nortraynl of modern day life, representing n hold-up of an automo bile party by officers. It Is entitled a "Twentieth Century Hold-up.” The Jordan Realty Company Is right on hand with a calendar reproducing the famous picture. "Keeping Watch. The picture shows a Newfoundland dog watching over a sleeping child. "Congenial Friends.** a picture de picting life In the olden day# of Eng land. Is the title of the picture boost ing Mr. W. D. Griffith's Insurance business. The scene Is the Interior of an old English mansion, with o number of men seated arouud a tablt on which there is a bowl of punch. A child with Its arms lovingly clasped nround mother’s nook Is tha picture on th« calendar of the Metro politan Life Insurance Company, j Two rhlktr« n. a boy and a girl, at .play, one trylr* to mend tha other** «tothlng. Is the eaten It? picture of the one isaued by tha WiUUma Buggy ' Cvwpany.