Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, December 21, 1908, Image 2
> w. 17IE MACON’ DAILY TELEGRAPH: MONDAY MORNING, DECENfBER 21, 15)03 For men folks is an easy matter■ in a store like this. No matter what he needs—f rom a Collar Button to a Suit of Clothes— you’ll find the variety and assortment of each and every article made for men so diversified that choosing is easy, and then you have the pleasure of knowing that anything from this store will be acceptable. LETTERS TIAT COME FROM LITRE HEARTS; AND ALL ARE ADDRES8ED TO !| SANTA CLAUS. CARE OF THE TELEGRAPH. IT. If. and .Ward Sheppard, Cordele: I herd my Grand Pa reding in the tla- j grap A Letter that my little cousin Fred j Perry rote to you fur A Goat and wagon toy name hi U. II. Sheppard 5 years old 1 and tny little Bro Is name Ward we see ' that thare is Lotts of children wanting you to send them all sorts of stuff Cou- ; sin hYed Perry wants A goat and wagon tny self and my little Bro Ward will Help I hint i Brake his goat Send me and Bro A little Altomobiall and to Little Carts j and some lira crackers and Little Ponv and my Little Bro Ward wants A Little Drum we wont ask you for to ; many things for Grand Pa reads to us | In tiie telegraph of so many that Is i asking you for Plrty tilings and Pa Pa told me and Bro Ward that you * could not send many things this time as col ton was so cheep Just send us A few of what I ask for rrty Self and Bro and my little Cousin Fred and sure Fred must get the goat and. wagon as Fred is one of these kind Smith* that dont Never get over a thing If he dont get what he wants and I tell you Santle I dont want you tq foolc us Boys as you see we dont ask for lota of Plrtys Like some children we see. in the telagrkph writing for so mutch and cotton ao cheap. Santle you may send me A live cts tab- mu a Pensll as my Little Bro ruind fur ine well Mr. nnd Mrs. Santle while you hcare at Cordele come to see and be sure and call on Fred Perry iie is sure wanting to see you and thnr la something Klse you will be rite In heara while the Back and ribs and Sausage Is being on hand and you will bo sure to get severl Racks of tills forage and I will tell my Grand Pa to 'ya Posted when you get down Jit *--- * * Boys. Before the blue-jay to admire his plum age began. Or the black-cock to brow. All Utile children were up and nbout. r 'twas Christmas duy( you know. Our Store will be Open Until 9 O’clock Each Even ing. Come in. ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY SPECIAL NOTICES Jeaae U. llart. Gen. Manager. J. Freeman Hart, Sec. Jesse B. Hart & Bro., Funeral Directors Ph.nYi 4(7, >U, VU: MACON? ■8 a. OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. PURSLEY & CLAY, Oldest exclusive undertaking bout* Macon. Phone 420. Prepared to nil telegraph or telephone orders on short notice. Carriages to funeral 53.60* ” STATE AND COUNTY TAXi8. On account of the fact that Do- comber 10th comes on Sunday, the books will he open for payment of •into, county and poll taxes for year 1901. until December tint. After that date Cl fat will be Issued nnd Interest nnd costs charged. Uffleu 561 Mul berry street. ALRKRT JONflR Tag Collector. —GO TO— WESLEYAN The best instruction is the diMpoat. 10. From time to time, upon a ma jority vote of tha stockholders to Increase the capital stock to an amount not ex ceeding Two Hundred nnd Fifty Thou sand (250,000) Dollars, nnd likewise to reduce the capital stock by purchase of ,,ie corporation to hnve the power to make such purchases; and upon majority vote of the stockholders to «wnre| pr retire such purchased stock or to hold the same In the treasury »f the company ntt treasury stock and to reissue the same from time to time, pro vided the total capital stock shall not exceed Two Hundred and fifty Thouannd Dollars. 11. To Issue preferred stock and to dispose tjf the same Upon any terms ad vantageous to tho company providing for different dividends upon different classes of atoch: Tho rtglits of holders of pre ferred stock to be set forth by the by laws. 12. To subscribe for. purchase, sell or otherwise acquire or dispose of the shares, bonds or joiner obligations, secured or unsecured, of any corporation or cor porations now or hereafter organised un der the laws of sny stale of the United States or of any foreign country, aud to hold the same with all the rights of ownership thcrsln ns la permitted to nat ural persons. • IS. To sell, to lenae, to rent out or to otherwise dispose of any of Its property or tne whole thereof whenever In the opinion of the director* It Is for tho best Interest of the company; and under like circumstances to sell, to mortgage, to let or to hire Its franchises or other prop •rty for the purpose of raising money. It. No shareholder shall be liable to the creditors of the corporation except to the extent of airy unpaid balance due on hie stock subscription, nor then If ho has paid debts of the corporation equal to his unpaid stock subscription. 15. The corporation «hatt at all times have first lien »n all the share*. common or preferred, of Its stockholders nnd on dividends declared thereon, for any and nil indebtedness of every kind of such stockholders to the corporation 16. And no transfer shall he mnde of any stock certificate, common or pre ferred, so long as tbs stockholder who appears by the company's book* to l»e the owner thereof shall be lndubtcd to the corporation. 17. Fit her the board of director* or the stockholders shall have full authority to make such rules nnd regulations permis sible by law ns lo the transfer of stock nnd the creation and the enforcement of the lien of the company for nny Indebt edue's of stockholders to the compniu ;i* said board of directors or stockholders may deem proper. 1*. Petitioners prov tl*at they, t assoclntcs. successors and assigns be Incorporated under the name style aforesaid, for the above purposes nnd with the ntas© power* and hnmu Pities. MILT.KH. JON Kg & Mll.I.KR. ret It loners* Attorneys. GEORGIA. BIBB-COUNTY. I. Robert A. Nlshet. clerk of the su S erlor court. In and for said county, do rrsby certify that the above and fore- >f said County:' going 1* » true com* of the application i. in« pennon *i «*»r-e It llnrt. J. J for ••barter of t^rtNTRAl. 11KORGIA ••email Hurt and II. M. Fknuim. m [IRIOK COMPANY, ms same appears of to In tho District Court of the United State* for tho Western Division of the South ern District of Georgia. In Bankruptcy. In tho matter of Gordon L. Bonner, Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. . To tho creditors of Gordon L. Bonner, of U. F. D.. In tho county of Jasper, il district aforesaid, n hnjikrupt. meeting of his creditors will ho held nt Macon, In Bibb county Georgia. In the Grand opera House gulhllng on the 29th day of December, A. D. 1906, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims. __ nt ft trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business aa may operly come before said meeting. The nkrupt Is required to be present on that day for examination. ALRXANDKR PROTTDFT. Referee in Bankruptcy. Tills December It. 1106. ALBERT McKAY, Makor of Men’s Clothes, cherry St.. Macon, On. S. S. Parmelee Company, Carriages, Buggies. Wagons, sCarla Harness, Baddies. UUyciea, Baby Car riages. accessories Largest stock In the 8onth tq select from. A pleasure to serve you. B. 9. PAftMELCF CO- Macon. 6a. OF.ORQIA. BIBB COUNTY: To the HnperbT 1. The peitth Bibb county. Georgia, ——- v - —• ■—- ——a my oineaii star [ this Silt day of December. 1906. at**d under the iu»" ami style of «*KN-| (SEAL). Thai. GKoittsiA imifk iHJMPANT. i noivr a. nuwi J. The capital stock of said corporation 1 t^rk Superior Court, Bibb County •halP-ta Twenty-five Thousand tlSkSOOl. gin. IMlars. divided Info two hundred and 1 - . —-. - — fifty «8S0i shaves of ttie par value of! t*nder nnd bv virtue of su order passed In the District Court of the United States for the Western Division of the South ern District of Geormln. In Bankruptcy. In the matter of Faut Shapiro. Bank rupt. In Bankruptcy. To the creditors of Paul Shapiro, of Sparta, in the county of flancook, and district aforesaid, n bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that on the 17th day of December, A. D. 1606. the said Paul Shapiro was duly adjudicated Imnkrupt: and that the first meeting of Ids creditors will be held at Macon. In lilbh county. Oeorgls. In the Grand Opera House building, on tho 29th day of Do- oemifsr, A. D. 1908. at 9 o'clock In the forenoon, at which time the mid credi tors may attend, prove their claims, ap that day for examination. ALRXANDKR PROUDFT. Reft-reo in Bankruptcy. This December 19. 190*. A. D. Schofield. »t al. licitiKlC 190S. subject to confirmation by tho court. ORPWR. Ordered that the foregoing report be filed, und that a hearing thereon ta luid before me at Macon, Georgia, on tho 23nl t day of Ihvrmtar. 1906. at ‘ ‘ Let a copy of this order with j of the question Involved be pit tints each In The Macon Telegraph and live Macon Evening News before »ho day set for the hearing. Let tho receivers flic tltclr recommen dation In writing as to which bid sltali Ik* accepted ae to each parcel by Dec tar mil. l P. m. Ordered further the lntcr\'ening pc and It Is hereby advanced to the day tho hearing herein named, and let not!' of said heaving be given to tho said J. i llall at once. Let copy of this order be malted In registered utter to any one of stockhold ers' committee at once. So ordered this December 16. 190*. (Signed) D. V. WI11PPLK. J. ft. C. O. C. Presiding. Using t.f the South* the city of Malgin. «k*orgia, with "tin prlvttakc "f ematdisbtog t*rs jjm dher pia< lect of raid eceporatlc SUK "6. The leaaUryRHI *•. The )ia»D*‘ul«r * * carry the higliest bidder for cash the entire { ‘ futures of eAld store house for- bankrupt at g branch ' -too* ..f merchandise snd t the cemi'ony may, I. Paul. Bankrupt. nt the si imerly occupied by said .. 1 * I* Battalion. Gn. Hold sals to take place December, tta ?Vh. A._D. 1906. at 12 the «t nr k adders In alt Is ufadore sr!i (••Dows: i eon I (Annuity d^al' Hal elny. earth or ns foil •\i J raid sale of merchandise. •»f dry goods, shoes, clothing, j otlons nnd fixtures, to be sold hdnersU. amt especially *r, mannf.ict •el; or geneteV,y drat In brick, terra cet-'s* su •a. tldng. tooftag. Itme. plasirr. eement, jtniwtee seperatriv and’that the proi'eeds and alt butlding materiel* matte in w)»v)e . nf Hie *nlr of pie same shall with respect oejn part fr«>m clay er ether minerals. to vsld claim of evemntlon and In ah To btiv or eeh w T*>r cash. «re«itt er cn t other respects stand In lieu of said goods ©ommUslon. stl Mnd* rf prepsity. real I The balance « f the merchandise and flx- or personal* or any Interest therein, and twr* not rialm^d t-y salA bankrupt as to act aa sgept fsr others. > sn exemption stall be sold tr a separate T. rolttloaeta pray .tat they. tUIr jht. The Mgliest bkbler on both tots •«%.* 1 ties successet* and ns may be. shall drrosl: with the trustee to per cent tnciWporated for the ft»M term twenty r.f h’» kkt. and wlwn the sales are co.»- yeara with tta privltege .r renewal st nrmet shall pay !• the balance to the the end of said term. «M with t>ts rr** 1 * - leges S»J p» we»* nsutl «r lo.'l«ienf corporatl mis ia general. sa,| |a 1 ksr<to the following »*ue:* end n km T duct sueti ML? , maintain. t*-e If the sa'.ec «ve net corflrmcxt amounts mM la wth be refunded "«)' dedtic* 1 r g«ld property ts aoM • *t from a 1 ! hens ther^*ou sn | aov ‘ s ( sit st»sch tu ttie pvcv-eeds atlslngi of Do. »urp \ K i*s > th« l‘RR. Tn-steo. h suifsb:* fiinni or p!*i •* *«o.| la may t* mceraary er c»n»- • .■carrylug in Dae buaiueos off 1 * rrust- - n.r >o u» The Telegraph Businrss Of- S,Kt R!.;£,^SS .VLTSSJS 6«b *58 CUeny »treet. Edlto- ** * ,c,w * ^IriilBeosuspitain,nextdoor.i Schedule effective Dec. 20, 1908. M.&B. 8. F. PARROTT. Receiver. MACON ANO BIRMINGHAM RAILWAY. Trains leave Macon for Liao!- hi. Cullodeu. Yatcsvllle. Thomas- ton. Woodbury. Columbus. 11ar- rts. La Grange and Intermediate points as followa: » No. 41 at 4:S9 p. m. dally and No. 55 wt 7:00 a. m. Tuesday, Thursday and Bat unlay. No. 41 n.nkcs direct connec tion tilth South rn Railway at Woodbury for Warm Spring* and Uolumbus. arriving at Warm Springs 1:17 p. nt. and Colum bus 10:00 p. m. Trains arrive Macon as fol- lows: 42. 11:90 n. m. dally; No. 50. 6:40 p. m.. Mondsya WoJnesda'* and FtnUvs. Trains leate Item M. and R By depot. Fifth ard Pine sis. C. P RHODES. Gen Pm Aft. E UP AFTER SAG IN PRICE UNUSUALLY HEAVY RECEIPTS KEPT MARKET DULL DURING ' FIRST OF WEEK. SAVANNAH. Ga., Dce ? 20.—After Bug ging to 37%o last wealf because of the lack or demand and tho very large vol- of the daily receipts, the local- mar ket-stiffened up and at tho call yester day moved back to 974&a38, with various of tho exporters in quite a little scramble for supplies. The market at that time was In u better condition than at nny previous time In the entire seven days. Not all of the total offerings were taken It Is true, but several of the factors had sold out everything available and tho week Just opening up will he more to the advantage of better prices because there will be to a great extent at least no ac- cumulntlona to mar the progress of tho article, Recslpts Vsry Heavy. Tha receipts In the past week, with the hare exception of Saturday, were un usually heavy and because of the light ness of th« demand from Kuropean cen ters there whs quite a little accumula tion In factors’ hands for the seven days. I Hiring Haiunlny, however, there some speculation ao to the probable time of the arrivals next week nnd ex porters got busy Immediately, the result being the removal of the hotter part of tho accumulations from the earlier port of the week. Lrndon quotations, how ever, were Just a trifle lower for the seven days. Rosins in Good Demand. Rosins were In very good demand and dally fluctuations characterised the low er or common grades. Tile quotations oi the pale grades show no appreciable change from those of the Saturday ceiling. At the closing yesterday the lowing were the quotations: Water white, t6.n0: window glass. |6.t0: N. 96.M; M. »3.60; K. 63.19; I. 14.13; H, I3.35a3.40; O. $2,202 4«2.W»; F. $2.92»0a2.96; H, $2.90a2.92H; D. t2.90a2.92H: B. $2.»0a 1.92 ty. General statistics of both markets fol low : 190S-9. 1907-6. Receipts: Spir. Rosin. Splr. Rosin. Saturday ... 472 2.969 705 k.587 Week 3,024 20.146 4.940 19.640 Month 13.773 63,193 13.398 54.883 Benson 218.809 687.430 180,673 571.898 Exports: Saturday ... MI* 634 615 4.439 Week 2.701 9.940 9.183 27.673 Month 9.227 46.036 12,539 63.894 Season 198.097 590.534 151.675 503,797 Foreign 114.333 321.524 87,301 221.167 Stock Sat.... 44.388 142.266 35.437 100.547 Ixmdon spots 2Sa 9d. Special discount on «U Framed Pic tures. W. L. Williams Art Co. PRICE LUMBER WEAK mmmm PAST WEEK WITNESSED USUAL FALLING OFF INCIDENT TO CHRISTMAS. One little chap with cautious trend Peeped In at his mother's door. ‘Hoorah! Merry Christinas to you!” "Christmas gif'," said Pnpa dear. Av ho kissed his darling” child; While mama enquired Jf Santa were here; If of toys he had left a pile. IV. "Oh, yes." answered Bill with a joyous laugh. "He's always sure to do that! And,, strange to say. It was my Pa Who last night acted St. Pat!” ' V. was peeping.** he whispered slyly, "And suddenly thro the door. I hhw m.v dear old darling Dad With a bag like tho Santa of* yore. Oh. my! What a dear darling ‘Santa’ you make! And oh—the good things you left keep i hcare. Well Santle hope you wont for Rebecca Young. Columbus Road: Bring me a doll and tub* and board and horn nnd nuto Just large enough for a “1rl 8 years^ old. Bring my brothers a horn and a hoy doll and pony and a lit tie train you wind up and It will run around My aunt Becky and ipnmmn and papa and grandma and little sister some thing nice. Stop in If not to cold when ok and will see two mull boxes I*. S. I will have Trig to lie the bull dog because he might bite you. Gladys Young, Columbus Road: Bring me a rgtg doll, a tub a board a little au tomobile Just right for a little girl *to f et In It. I am 10 years old and In the th class, bring me n school hell and dont forget to bring my little brothers a barlow knife and a little horse a horn, a Irish nmll and please don't forget to bring mninma nnd papa and my dear old aunt with something nice and grandma and my baby sister who Is Just 5 months old. Be sure and don't forget to bring us all sofe fruits nnd nuts and candles bring me a lot of fire works. Drop In and .see us If It Is not to far, because we live 7 miles from town, dont expect you can bring every thing • Randolph Bond, Macon: boy ton years old. Win J< drum, an accordion, a Cnliler Bond. Macon: I am a little boy seven years old. I am In the Second class. Mama says I am a good little boy too.* Will you please bring me a doll, a doll hod. a ball a.horn, a little side ho.-inDa stove and a music tax? Also bring me some candy, nuts and fruits. Please don't forget my Fapa and Mama. • Rosa Bush. Byron: Will you please bring mo a big doll with brown curls nnd brown eyes, and bring my little sis ter Margery one with golden curls and blue eyes. We want a nice doll carriage Please, and some picture books, and rub ber balls. Margery wants a little basket and tea set—also a little piny Pkuio— nml a heap of good rruit and candles. Dear Jnntn—I have my doll cradle that you brought me last Christmas yet. 1 am eight years old and In the third grade. I hope you wUl not forget any of the children. Our Quality Always the Highest Our Prices Always the Lowest We ask you to compare some with any store in Ma con. These prices are good every day, every hour and every minute until after the holidays—the same today, tomorrow and yesterday. .v • ^ ALL NEW 1908 GOODS Fancy New Mixed Nuts, per pound I2V2C Fancy New 'Walnuts, per pound 12c Fancy New Grenoble Walnuts, per pound .18c Fancy New Brazil Nuts, per pound. .12c Fancy New Paper Shell Almonds, per pound .......19c Fancy New Soft Shell Almonds, per pound ... r.',. .16c Faijey New Hard Shell Almonds, per pound ....... 12c Fancy Large Georgia Paper Shell Pecans, per pound, 26c Fancy Medium Paper Shell Pecans,.per pound ...1.15c Fancy Shelled Almonds, per pound .............. .45c Fancy Shelled Walnuts (halves), peripound ....... .50o Fancy One-Pound Packages Dates, 16 ounces 8c Fancy Stuffed Dates with Walnuts 10c Fancy One-Pound Baskets Figs, 16 ounces .........18c Fancy One-Pound Seeded Raisins, 16 ounces .10c Fancy One-Pound Currants, 16 ounces ......10c Fancy Citron, per pound—16 ounces .......19c Fancy London Layer Raisins, 5-pound box 60c Fancy London Layer Raisins, per pound 10c Fancy Plum Pudding, 1-pound tins 20c Fancy Plum Pudding, 2-pound tins 40c Fancy Mince Meat, per package .. .8c Jello, any flavor, per package * 8c Knox Gelatine, per package .11c Maraschino Cherries, ■ per bottle, 67c, 41c, 21c Lownev’s or Runkel’s Cocoa, per tin 8c Pimentos, large tins .19c Fancy Shejled Pecans, per pound 7. 75c Fancy Figs, per pound, 16 ounces ... 12c Fancy Fruit Cakes, 5-pound tins, each $1.50 We will make low prices on Apples, Cranberries, Oranges and Grapes. * Our line of Coffee and Tea cannot bo matched in Macon. With every dollar’s worth of Tea or (Coffee sold to January, 1909, will give $2.00 worth of our Premium Checks. *♦+♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ »♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦ IDON’T wait too long: ► Placing your orders for your wants in our line—'■* ► the rush may delay prompt forwarding by express, and • cause you disappointment. Send ns your ordprs—we ► will take good care of them and in every instance send ► you best obtainable value. Satisfaction guaranteed or ► money refunded. ► Here are two exceptional offerings: ► OVERHOLT RYE, bottled in bond, $13.50 case ► 12 quarts. ► BLACK LABEL RYE, $15.00 per case. _ ♦ ► . EXPRESS PREPAID. -f ► Other good things-at equally as attractive prices.-f- ► Complete line of Wines, Whiskies and Cordials—from • the low priced up to the best. Send for price list. 4 SAVANNAH. Gt., Doc. 20.—Tl;* past week In tits local lumber tl«*M witnessed the gradual casing casing off in the vol- I-Inquiry was very rood, but i | ta little inclination to lo \— the holiday season and there will now be _ attcallv no. business in evidence until Harold Ellis, .corner Third and Bound ary: 1 am a littli boy two and a half years old. I can’t wrl’e but I can talk. 1 will get my Cousin to write to you sr l or thereabout. and tell you wliat to br!n~ me. Flea** bring me a Billy goat.* a too too train, a drum, a little wagon A Noah’s ark with all the animals in it, some candy, fruits and nuts and picas* don't forget Charlie he wants some fireworks. Velma Tidwell. 298 Rcld street: I am a little gl/) 6 years nf ago. I go to school j 1 love my teacher so nmen Will you pleas tiling me a Big Dot! and Carriage with a parasol on it and n bottle of eolone. a box of powder, a pad. a pencil and some fruits of all kind. Allen Tidwell. 298 Reid street: I am a little Boy twenty one months old. I cant write of corse but my little sister f SAM WEICHSELBAUM & MACK, Inc. I J P. O. Box 167. JACKSONVILLE, FLA, "T" j Mr. Ro: i Amason ia with us and respectfully solicits tha favors of *▼* his friends. ^ Match That Fine Team with a hatjdsome carriage. Coma hero and select It and then you will have a I rig you may well ta i»roud qf. Wo don't a.ik you to pay for mere attrac tiveness in. our carriages*' ethlftf. In fact wo don’t ask you to pay for It at all. We charge urtly for quality In our carriage selling. You pay only for the best materials and vrftbkmatitfhlp. The good looks we throw in- for good measure. The interior mill men report that they have all the business desired at the mo ment and are not taking any additional I orders at this time. The majority of the mills were shut ' was done to give the operators and help the holiday. but the opportunity will be taken to make necessary repairs 1 wherever needed. i General Business Satisfactory. I The general lumber business of this. ; month was urntifUrtg to the trade and I the new year alii be opened up with qll j Interests ta a happy frame of mind. ; i Price* have shown r.n upward tendency j lately and It Is l» lu-xed that a further i Improvement win l-» noted early in Jan- , wary. Shari Waf pine has alec been In I ! belter demand toe month then In many | i r“ Every SOX and BOX of candy should have* a b* CARET* |c th* bottom. Then be roer*y. but at ta«l time Perm take your CA8C.1RKT. the on cine that w!!l help >«m help n-. rid of the extrt '«wJ without gripe and awful ups* t a Ing. and have Two Uttla Kistera and wont Ton to bring us 8hoe« aud stn'klng* and bring Me nnd Sister Mary MaKdafene a dull, doll carriage and a d II piano and tome toys,, and some Apples. \>rnng*a. and Banana*, l.ittle elsti-r Leonora wants a locks; and chain apt Mama something ntci norm alarm t’l.sdt so . doll with curley hair and Black eyes and a cradd'.e and a gocart and a box of powders and Be sure and rend a Boddle of babyeas* and .send me sum candy and apples nnd nuts of alt kind and dont forget my sweat little llusben. P. C. Sawyer, Macon: It la nearly Xmas •"«* I wpiit you to come hr see me t live 814 ash *t dont forget my No Please Bring me a horn a hammer and hatchet and Are works Plea* Bring me some 1 cendys nuts end teddy Bear Iraki auto- We will be good little I*?** 0 * n <* Rocky horse. Bur n 10c GAB 1 Ada Kin ley. ft* Nona avenue: I | a little girl Just 2# years old hn liurrIH I years. Please send me a wax! IJtllan lawyer. Slwdi: US £!f nuts oranges. carriage and Maop esnoy