Newspaper Page Text
Men's Fine Gs*ade Gloves
Good makes, galore can be seen at our store.
There are few stores, anywhere, in which a more
comprehensive assortment of Gloves will be found than
here—and nowhere better values, considering the high
Grays, tans, browns and gun metal shades, in the
dressed or undressed Kids.
$1.50 TO $5.00
The Children In Evidence—A Mule That
Stole Ice—Country Negro Becomes
City Walter—No Insurance—White
Robed Figure, Etc.
The little fellow was wondering how
Santa Claus, with his long (lowing white
beard, could come down the chimney In
these days of small (lues and not gut Ills
whiskers soiled.
••That Is easily expiated.” said the
grandfather, "ho doro It by a -close
ltut the explanation caused such a
Hood of question* to tie asked
it dose shave was. that
worry he made the pun.
Here is one more on the children:
The little fellow was Asking his moth-
r what the various parts of Ids body
•/were made for. and she told Idm that his
•re made to see. Ids ear* to hear,
i to smell and Ida feet to'run. and
The little fellow was all attention
and then he burst out crying and said:
“Mommer, God made me all wrong.”
“Why. how is that, my child?”
' Cause my nose run* and my feet
'Do you know.” said a man yestor-
y, “that this will be the first dry
Christmas we ever had?”
No one had thought of It, hut it was
about to be true.
"Fortunately I prepare for
. Just the things you need at just the time you need
We have the goods and make prices so very attrac
tive for the quality that our store is packed all day long,
and orders are pouring in from all the nearby towns.
Never mind the rush. Let us have your orders and
we will handle them and guarantee satisfaction or your
money back. Don’t forget the special sale all this week.
Fine, sweet Florida Fruit. A fresh carload to ar
rive Monday morning. Let us have your order early.
No present will he enjoyed more than a box of choice
fruit. Let us send it for you. The cost will be small,
compared to the enjoyment that will be gotten from a
box of the kind of fruit we will send out.
The little glove skin Oranges that slip right out of
their skin and lay loose in sections. These are dearly
loved by many and we can ship the small boxes of very
choice, rich fruit at $2.25.
We have some beautiful packages of the very best
t make’s and can please you, both in quality and price.
We have all kinds and Special Prices will be made
all this week.
Plum Pudding Figs
Fruit Cakes Dates .
Pound Cakes Raisins
Tccd Cakes Cluster Raisins
Fancy Crackers 100 other good things
A fresh shipment just received especially for the
Christmas trade, and our prices on those goods have ad
vanced considerably during the past month, but we will
sell them for less than other stores.
We have so many other good things tlmt we could
not begin to tell you about them, but invite you to come
and see them for yourself.. '
drink without
'You' remember that little rat of _
mule that Joel Ruhl. tho lee man. 1ms
been driving so long.”
The little mule was remembered.
"Well, every now and then for several
. 'are. Joo has wondered who stole
chunks of Ice from his wagon. You se
when Joe would go Into dinner, and leav
the wagon outside with the mule's dlnne
of hay. ho nearly always found that
three, four or five pound chunk of lee
was gone. He could never catch the thief
until tho other day lie happened to come
out of his house before finishing his din
and there ho found the tnule eating
o pound chunk or ice. The next day
he gave .a piece of ice to the mule, and
It ate lf%na though it had been tho
choicest Rind of a morsel. That mule
gets its its every day now without ateal
ing it."
hired the first negro that -cumo along
“ * * ippened to bo fresh fr<
country. Then n regular waiter's dress
brought out ami he was told to
get Into It quick and get to work. Hut
* • * , the suit He looked at tho
ell shirt
Why don't you want to wear
asked the .proprietor.
"Dot do berry klner clo’es dey dresi
er brovver in w'en he dnid. iti
ainter gwlneter cv'ar no dead mans cio'es
“ ie do lob.”
is finally pe
taken in tow by the head waiter
and given full instructions. Among other
things he was told that it was the rule
of that restaurant that no matter what
a man called for they had it. and If they
didn't have It to say that It bras just out
and that he was very sorry.
It was not long beforo a man came In
and seeing that the writer was green,
told him to bring u plate of pickled eel'a
feet. The waiter rushed to tho head
wnlter and asked what he should tell tho
Yer fool nigger, doan yer know dnt
Tho waiter obeyed Instructions, and
the •customer seeing the joke gave his
regular order and went on eating.
Then In came a lady for her break
fast. The waltor' -hovered over the back
of her chair awaiting the order.
"Please bring me- a cereal, waiter.”
The waiter scratched his head for A
minute, and then • he said: ,
"Look hyere, lady. Isp er noo nigger
anner doan look lakkcr got much sense,
butter got senao nuff ter know dat de
eel doan have ini feet* and doan come
oufn do *ea. Wese got Vm dat .klin
oul'n Ue river down hyere. but Uar ulnt
slch t’lng exser seea-eel."
well-known gentleman yesterday, and by
the way he 1* ono of the preserved men
In Us con. and no ono would ever tako
him to be over fifty yegrs of age. "I wa*
sorry because I nave the greatest re
spect for any man who works hard to
make a living, and 1 have a .number
of good friends who are Insurance agents.
Hut this inan kept on at me to take
policy In his company, and I kept i
telling him tliat 1 was too old and could
not afford any more Insurance, but It
Reemod the moro I tried to explain It to
lilin the more persistent lie was. This
thing kept up for u long time, ami Unally
he pulled out his rate tables to show me.
I saw at once that the limit ago was
65 years, and then I told him m.v exact
age. lie was the most disgusted man
I‘v<y seen in many a day’. Really I felt
sorry for him when I told him that I
was Gl on my last birthday.”
‘Going borne the other night.” said
anotlu r man, "the night that It turned
ofT cold and we wert* expecting a heavy
frost in the morning. I was thinking
about something that 1 wanted to do
the next day, and to Ml the truth It was
worrying me some. I happened to look
around me to seo about where I was
and I saw a white draped figure In the
front.yard of a Second street residence.
For a minute I felt the cold chills creep
over me. This wus midnight, and I could
not form any reason In tho world why
the ladv of the house, whom I knew,
should lie out In the front yard at that
hour dressed in such a way. At first I
thought site was watching for something,
but she didn't move an inch from tho
•ositluii I first saw her In. an.l then
concluded tliat I would offer my ser-
iees for perhaps something might lie
wrong. Rut she could see me. and as
she knew, me she could easily call. Hut
she didn't' call, and I went to her. Hoys,
don't you tell this on me for there are
some people who will swear that I went
home drunk. That figure was the fav _
Ite bush of the la'dy of tho house and
she had wrapped it up an that it might
not lie Injured by the frost.”
"Did you know tliat Louis Dinkier Is
the best fruit cake maker In Macon?”
nskod another man. "Well, he Is. and al
though Louts has been out of tho bakery
buslsess for many a year, ho never falls
to make a certain number of fruit cakes
for a certain number of friends. Just
so many and no more. In some way
he knows the «xaei, proportions of every
thing that goes liY It. and I expect he
learned It of lila father. His cakes aro
ono solid mass of the best things that
can go in a cake, and one tliat If you
can keep several months Is tho finest
eating in the world, but they are so good
that nobody can keep ono that long.
Some people have the nrt of making
ind Louis Is — * “ ■ '—*
cake, and
one of the few/
This Is Worth Reading.
Leo F. Zellnskl. of 68 Gibson street,
Buffalo. N. Y., says: "I cured the
most annoying cold sore I ever hnd,
with Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. I ap
plied this salvo once a day for two
days, when every trace of tho ;
was gone.” Heals all sores. Sold
der guarantee' at all drug stores. 26c.
"A Christmas Dinner Table
without a Jew flowers is a
Christmas Dinner Table that
could be considerably more at
Two Negroes in an Automobile Nearly
Kill 'Mrs. Heard Smith—Placed in
Mecon Jail and Carried to
Joneeboro this Morning.
Two negroes. Sum Moreland and
Charlie Sluter, were arrested yesterday
afternoon pi Vlnevllle, on a telephone
incssugc from Sheriff Brown, of Clay
ton county, phoning from Jonesboro
that the two men had run ovci i a lady
at that place and seriously Injured
her. Tho men were placed In Jail to
await tho arrived of the sheriff last
A few days ago Mr. Henry Jones! that we will deliver at your house
went to Atlanta In his big car. bur- ..... . , ... Illn
Roving his father's chauffeur. Ham " 1 " 11,1 03 ' r 1,0 Xma,i ‘‘ n
Moreland, for the purpose. Yesterday
Mr. Jones decided ho would return by
railroad and turned his machine over
to Moreland to bring to Macon. ^\»r
company. Moreland picked up an At
lanta chauffeur. Charlie Slater, and
they left Atlanta In tho morning,
reaching Jonesboro about 1 o'clock.
It wa* about that time that they
ran over the lady. From Sheriff Brown
who came down to Macon last nigh l
with warrants for the negroes and to
curry them buen tit 4 o'clock this
morning, Mrs. Archie Smith and her
husbund were riding in a buggy on
the road near tho town. At tho ap
proach of the automobile, the horse
became frightened and bucked away,
throwing out Mrs. Smith who fell di
rectly In the path of the machine and
wa* run over by it Tho car kept on
ItM course.
Sheriff Brown said that tho extent
of the indy’s Injuries were not known
ut the time of his leaving, but that
tho physicians hnd said that her thigh
was broken and that sho was Injured
Internally. Tho lady wan prominent
In Jonesboro, and that feeling ran high
er the affuir.
Moreland and Sinter said that tho
accident was unavoidable. There Ih a
steep hill, they said. Just before reach
ing Jonesboro, over which they could
not see the buggy, and when they
reached tho top tho buggy was coming
up tho hill, and thut the horse shied
and threw the lady out and under tiio
wheels and that it was then Impossi
ble to atop the ear to prevent It. They
saw what had been done, and put on
all the speed they could and got away
from there.
Tho first telophone message from
Jonesboro was received by Detective
Harrison at polico headquarters, and
the polico were notified to look out for
the car an It cunio Into the city. The
message was also received nt tho Jail
by Jailor Hubbard who promptly no
tified tho sheriff’s office and Deputies
McCoy and Wilson went out to Vlne
vllle at once. Deputy McCoy rode In
a buggy so as to meet the car. and
flnully met It at Lamar street where It
was stopped and Moreland made to
bring the deputy to the city. They
were taken to Jail.
Moreland has been the chauffeur for
Mr. Ben L. Jones for some tlmo, and
was fined five dollars a few .days ago
for exceeding tho speed limit.
For Sale
A house with six room and hall on J For a large LOT IX VTXRVTLLE. You
ilugumln Heights. If you want a j want to build a home In the best res-
HOME in a Rood location this Pk*cQ j idence section of Macon? If so here
will Interest you. Can arrange term*
on this.
! Is your chance to atcure the lot.
Jno. F. and W. H. Cone,
Flume 206.
Real Estate, Insurance ana Loans
607 Cherry St.
For Sale at $2,500
A two-story, seven-room Itouse, thoroughly modern,
newly papered; within linlf bloek of College St. Splen
did home or investment.
Willingham Loan & Trust Co.
The fire department had two runs
yesterday morning and afternoon.
Tho first was sent Into headquar
ters by telephone nt 11:05 In tho morn
ing, and was caused by the Inshlo of
a house, 468 Plum street, being ablaze,
caused by u defectlvo flue. In this
Instance tho fire did but little damnge.
The house was occupied by Ed Sear-
cey, and la owned by Mr. T. E. Ar-
tope.—- > "
The second alarm came also by tel
ephono at 4:22, from 915 Oglethorpe
street. This blase burned through tho
roof and on one side of the framo
house, damaging the house to the ex
tent of a few hundred dollars. There
was considerable damage to the house,
hold effects belonging to Conductor
King Hardy, tho occupant of tho
There was no one In the house at
the time of the fire. Capt. Hardy be
ing away on his run, and Mrs. Hardy
and the children out in the country
visiting. As soon as possible Mr.
Frank Hardy arrived on the sotne, but
he was. unable to do anything until
the arrival or the department.
The cause of the fire Is unknown. It
seems to have caught from the bias
ing up of two barrels of rosin chips or
kindling under the house and it |s
supposed that some small boy and a
firecracker is responsible for the dam
age, though this Is not known to bo
the ca»«.
A large turkey confined under tho
house was found after the fire roasted
to death.
The house belonged to Miss Salllo
Boone, and was Insured.
•'Doan's Qlntment cured me of eexe
m& that had annoyed me & long time.
The cure was permanent Hon. S. W.
Matthews. Commissioner Labor statis
detail of soldiery will be on duty In
the court room. Fehrlnger will In all
probability repeat to the Jury in /’Very
detail the sensational confejaUn which,
It Is said, ho has made to two grand
Tho Jury was escorted to the Meth
odist Church by the deputy sheriffs
who havif It In chargo. No reforenco
of any kind was made to the trial by
the Rev. Dr. Sellers In his sermon,
tho ministers of the city having been
asked to refrain from any mention by
Judge Jones.
Clarence Cubbedge and Bill Redding
Look after the customers of tho Cub
bedge-Redding Hardware Co. Hard
ware and useful Christmas articles uro
there In abundance, nnd they c«m
make suggestions If desired.
Negro’s Leg Badly Hurt at Reid’s Gta
tlon—Amputation May Be Necessary.
Turner Walker, - .
the Southern. hud hlu
crushed yesterday, und
the Macon Hospital. ’
The accident happened
negro employed by
“ leg badly
carried to
Station, nnd Tumor was engaged I
coupHng two freight cars, when the eri
gjno backed the train suddenly. catch luff
him between the tars, nnd crushing his
be taken off.
that it will have to
WASHINGTON, IX-. 20.—Tho bo,ml of
examiners lias certified to the secretary
of state a list of successful candidates,
made public today, who are eligible to
Appointment In the consular service,
baling passed the examinations prescrib
ed by tho board. Of Ute 71 candidates
who wore designated for the examination
last July. 45 presented themselves nnd
only i» passed the examination. In the
November examination 58 candidates
were designated and of these ST were ex
amined, out of which only 23 were
Among those successful In the ei_
nation for the post of consul were: John
A. Itny, Texas; Claude I. Dawson. Houtli
Carolina: Chas. U tatliam. North Caro-
llda: l«ewln W. Haskell. South Carolina;
Philip K. Holland, Tennessee; George B.
Mctiumucker. Florida; Marlon (.etcher.
Georgia; Albert W. Robert. Florida, und
Stuart K. Futon, Tennessee.
;le Holiday Basket
ner will b e the BEST EVER. We
showing the finest line of groceries
that we have ever carried. Prices low
ami quulity high.
You Flak No Mistake
In giving us your order. Your dinner
will be a success If you let uh send the
things you need. Wo want our cus
tomers to "cat. drink and bo merry.”
Cash Grocery
Phones 325-290. 670 Poplar 8t.
ALL KINDS of plain and layer cakes.
pies, fruit cake, etc. Merkel's Bakery,
Phon i 738.
switches, pompadours and puffs.
T. J. Bishop, Commercial Bank Bldg.
EBB THE hammered brass, Persian and
Egyptian, at half price. Wttman,
Cherry st.
FOR RENT—Four-room house Duncan
ave.; 6 room house Itoss st; 6 room
house Pink st. O. M. Davis,
FOR RENT—A desirable front room,
furnished, all modern conveniences.
408 Walnut st. *
FOR RENT - Five-rc.... ...
Second st.. and 3 rooms First, one block
from court house. Geo. B. Turpin's Bona. ;
FOR RENT—Store at 370 Second at. for*,
merly occupied by tho Equitable Bank-
Ins A Loan Co.; excellent place for a
January 1; wh. be al-
FOR RENT OR BALE—Best dairy and
truck farm In Georgia; 86 acres with
7-room house In good repair; stables,
burns, etc.; fine meadow; enough good
land to produco a world of vegetables;
10 minutes from court house. E. Trls
FOR RBNT— Immediate possession. 1161
Elm hv.. 770. 759. 753 Ash st. 8. U
Hurts, cor. Orange nnd Forsyth sts.
FOR RENT—Two A1 ground fioor office*
In Washington block; steam heat and
Janitor, all conveniences. Apply to Ma-
Savlnga Bank.
Special Prices Monday. Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday. Wo will
allow 10 per cent discount for cash
oil Ffamed Pictures; large and beau
tiful assortment. Come early. W. L.
Williams Art Co.. 107 Cotton ave
today forty-two men were arrested and
eight or ten moro escaped In u dash
through a window.
Churches wore Just Hosing their morn
ing serlvces and thousands of people
were on the streets when a special elec
tric car containing tho officers and prls
oners arrived here.
Many of the prisoner* were well knowi
and their appearance In custody crested
a sensation. In' uilditlon to towcll cltl
sens there wore men from Woburn, tow
renco, Nassau, Haverhill and surrounding
"A Christmas Dinner Table
without a few flowers is a
Christmas Dinner Table that
could be considerably more at
WAYCROHB, Os., Dec. 20.—Five young
men well known In this county Have been
arrested on warrant* charging rioting.
boi • * - ‘
4C1 Third St.
Phone 300
UNION CITY Tenn.. Dec. 20-«Fr«nk
Fehrlnger. the sclf-confeased member
of the night rider Hon. nnd one of the
state's principal witnesses will occupy
the witness stand tomorrow In too
night riders' trials. It Is expert*) for « week _
When this flirt become* known that girting. They wlllbejbe gaeat* oft*
the sthnihUK*# In the <■©•»/. rtr-m will HLualunvIM* •?!****Vi!STrw«S5r ‘mrnirL? 1 ' 1 *’
b» the «lnr» th„ Awtimln* of;
the trial and every purgation will b*ipr2ii7 exr7ii«nt spirt beisui<* nr
taken to preve.-.t nry (!»mon«trJtlon.A ut qua').
BALTIMORE. l)ee. 20.—In an Interview
at bta home In tills city tonight Attor
ney General Chiu. J. Bonaparte, speaking
of tba suit wlib h the preaidant ha* urged
against Jos. pulltxer. of the New York
World, said that It Is still under consid
eration and i*i d'dinlt* line of rvtlon haa
IKK yet Is-rn agre-d upon.
... go Friday nlgl... ....
art I**. Jack W. and Robert Hwcat, Rob
ert 1 .ce and Lea Smith.
The warranta were aworn out by Leon
ard Taylor, the father of Miss Maggie
Taylor, who waa badly wounded by a
Imllct from one of the rioters pistol*.
The preliminary hearing* will be Leld on
Friday at Beach. The quintette gave
bond, and each e.eeuned mun makes u
sweeping denial of the charges. Miss
Taylor, while seriously hurt. Is said to
have an excellent rhaifta or recovary.
Baby won’t suffer fiva minutes with
croup If you apply Dr. Thomas' Eclec-
tric Oil at once. It acta like magic.
Notiet to ttrltasra.
the Jones plant here notice has been
R ted that the fires will He drawn ua-
» the men Hum to work by 4 o'clock
Monday afternoon,
Of tho house, who closes the windows
at nights nnd bars tho doors, should
not neglect- to look to tiio roof—ah*
should reinetnbfir that Mr. Bain is an
Intruder who cun do harm us well uu
the burglar.
Phono 631. 320 Third St.
Phono 187.
H. & H. R. HUHN,
Basement .Amor. Nat’l Bonk.
Southern Packing Co.
Choicest Native nnd Western
020 Cherry St. Phono 351.
lea Word
A MACON 1/3DOB NO. 6. F. A
A. M. Regular cotmutinlca-
tlon Mondny night at 7:30
/\r\ o'clock. Annual meeting, aloe-
w lion of officer*. All Masons
In good .standing welcome. John A.
Davis. W. M. W. B. Chapman, Bee.
AGENTS WANTED to become our repre-
sontatlvcs. taking ardor* for our fine
line of custom mado suits. Iftiusers and
overcoats; spring line now readyf largo
line of sauiplrs arranged in nn attractive
mnnnrr furnished free, 33 1-3 p-r cent
commission; write for further. Intorniiitlon
and territory. Warrington Worsted A
Woolen Mills. Dept. 32. 173 Adnnra nt„
WANTED—Grading nnd nodding, tree
planting and trimming. . towln Colbert,
It. F. I). No. 2. Phone RSMr
WANTED—Good cigar drummer. Ad
dress Wholesale, care Telegraph.
.OLD ESTABLISHED paint manufactur
ing corporation can use good traveling
salesman In state of Georgia; experience
111 paint business not necessary; salary
and oxiwuncs; must furnish references.
The Kcllpso Paint A Mfg. Co., Cleveland.
STANLEY’S Bux'ness College, Macon.
Os., prepares young men for responsi
ble posit Ions nnd assists them In securing
paying |K»sltlons.
WANTED—To rent well furnished room
with nil conveniences. In a nice congen
ial home, by n. young lady of very quiet
manner*. Address M., cure Telegraph.
HELP WANTED—Railway mull clerks;
commencement sulary $300.00; spring
examinations; preparations free; write
Immediately. Franklin Institute, Roches
ter, N. Y.
WANTED -Men to learn barber trade,
few week* completes. •<) chairs ron-
Mluntlv busy, careful instructors, tools
gtveq, dlnloma* granted, wng-s Satur
days, positions welling, wonderful de
mand for graduates: write for catalogue.
Moler Bartor College, Atlanta. Ga.
\VANTEI>— Regular »L03 bottle Jap Dun-
. druff (’uro now on rule at Palm Bar
ber Shop for 50 cent*. This sate lasts
only a few more days. You wilt have to
I/38T—A locket watrh.fob, Initial on one
side with two four-leaf clovers on In
side. Return to J. 11. Williams Co. and
receive reward of full value of same.
LOST—Saturday afternoon on First st.
between Cherry nnd Pine sis., for neck
piece. Finder pleaoe return to 068 Pine
st. and get rnwsrtL
f«OBT—Male Collie pop. black, tun nnd
white. Return to 283 College it. Re
HKK WITMAN ror thi- blntrat barimln.
In !>r»»K v.-Ill Unit n lir. Uni".
8TltAVF.ll—A dnrk rnt "ow. Inut itnynl
nntn my pnnilwH nml 1. now In my
lot. O.n.r "«n rot kiim by wylnK
charges of publication and feed bill. J.
V. Heard.
MONEY LOANED In any amount on par-
Hi,hid property, strictly confidentlnf at
P,w rates. 8. Bfouensteln, Loan Office
113 Third at.
SPECIAL SALE of unredeemed pledges:
diamond rings of the line** quality from
*4 karat to karat; diamond brooches,
and scarf pins, ladles' Ilk. go!d nnd guld-
iUled watches, Elgin or Waltham move
ments. gold bracelet*, gold locket chain*,
il diamond lockets, gold signet ring*.
B. Blouensteln. 415 Third st.
UMBRELLA stands, large Jardinieres,
fern dishes, half price. Inst chance,
must be sold. Wltman's, Cherry st.
PUBLIC SALE—On Wednesday. Dec. 30,
— will soli at public outcry for
1908, ... __ ,
cash at our farm where T. C. McCollum
now resides, all of our atock und farm
Implements, consisting of 7 head tt
mules, 15 head of cow*. 20 head of hogs.
60 head of goata, 350 busle-Is of corn, 200
balo* of fine hay, wagons, buggies, hay
press, harrows, com planters, guano
distributers, wagon und plow gears, and
many other articles necessary on a farm.’
Buie to commenco promptly at 10 o’clock.
Be on hand If yovt wish some good bar
gains. . Wlmlierly & Blrdi, proprietor* of
Fulton Mills Farm, Columbus road. 7
mile* from city.
BALK—Building lot on Vlnevlllo
Heventy-one foot front. Very de
sirable. Bargain. O. M. Davis.
'ABBAGE PLANTS, 25c for 100. $1.23
per 1,000. Apply J. W. A mason. 858
locond st. Telephone 1397.
for outfit. Macon Telegrapl
ng <
FOR BALE—Frasier buggy! rubber
freshly painted: price $35.00. A
gain. Macon Buggy Co.
FOR BALE—Guns perfecting press, with
completo slereotypn outfit; good order;
prints 4 or 8 pages; $1,250 fob Macon.
Address Telegraph. Macon. Ga.
GENUINE liammered bras*, solid, no
lead fillings, Imported direct from
Egypt and Persia. Wltmun. Cherry at.
T.’ J. Bishop, (Commercial
coldest winter. Prices 1 to 4 thousand,
$1.50; 4 to 9 thousand. $1.26: over 9 thou
sand, $1.00 per thousand. F. O. B. Mrg-
getts. 8. Wo hnvo special express
rates. Write us for agents' outfit nnd
N. II. Blltch Co., Meggetta.
In the world
CABBAGE PLANT* of superior strains,
own by C. M. Gllison, Young's Island,
i. Full count and satisfaction guar
. /lee*
them. Clras. N. Woodruff, Florist.
LOOKING for a Xmas present? Here It
Is. Egyptian brass; coma at onae;
cheap. Wltman. Cherry at
JI.'HT n few mounted combs left at half
price; see them nt once. Mrs. T. J.
Bishop, Commercial Bank Bldg.
er passed a lip—Merkel's Fruit Cage.
CHRIHTMAB PLANTS In fine assortment
at reasonable rates; come and ste them.
Clws. N. Woodruff, Florist.
a few more pupils; second session be
gins January 6th; If Interested, write B.
Dixon Hall. Prln.. Bogart. Ua.
years training to high school graduate
950.00 per year. ^ Term begins^ Jnn.
Grand building. Phone 870.
Dec. 2#.—Postmaster
OIL TO OUR omcil
Thev^wlll*he the |
Phono 637.
tours, linn*»M Banking and Swings
) Co. 007 Cherry at
! MONEY TO LYS'D nu r*.»'
nhl* monthly. J. J C«
•A Bavin,;* Bank.
Owner wishes to sell home In sub
urbs; live minutes’ walk from car line.
Brand new house of fire room*, eight-
foot hall running through entire house.
Nine-foot verandr. running around
three aides of the house (123 feet);
large lot, barn, stables, etc. This house
was built to live In nnd not to sell,
which makes quite a d ft >> • in it*
construction. $2,000; $500 cash, bal
ance In payments of $23 a month ut
eight per cent interest. Chi get !>«►*-
session In few days after sub- I* made.
Will also sell from am- to live huge
beautiful vacant lot» adjoining, ele-
>d and lev
id a gras*.