Newspaper Page Text
Choice Gut Flower
We WHS Have the Following
Plants to Offer:
'Soman ’ Hyacinths, in pans 50c
JAfeican-Violets 50c
- Cyclamen 50c and 75c
''Azaleas .$2.50, $3.00 aud $3.50
,J?|3J g nl e m Cherries , 50c
Chinese Peppers . . ..._. .50c
Lily of VnUey $1.50 and $3.00
Begonia Glore De Loraine ,$1.50 and $2.50
Farleyense New Maiden-hair Fern $1.00 to $5.00
Ardisias ; $1.50 and $2.00
Crotons .' 50c
Norfolk Island Pine $1.00, $1.50 and $2.09
Maiden-hair Fern .... ,50c to $1.50
Asparagus Ferns .'.25c
Moschosmos Riparia 50c
Ferns; Elegantissima Whitmani and Amerpolhi ..
-.50c to $3.00
Aucuhas ....* : 50c to $2.00
Basket Plants .$1.50
Calla Lilies 75c
Easter Lilies 50c and 75c
Orange Trees $2.00 to $3.50
Palms _. 75c to $15.00
Primroses •. 50c
109 Cotton Avenue
Phone 224 Macon, Ga.
We will guarantee to fill any
order placed with us by Mon
day night, Dec. 21st. Please
order early to insure prompt
We Will Have the Following
Cut Flowers:
White and Pink Roses .$1.50 and $2.00
Carnations, White and Pink $1.50
Ponsettia (red)* $3.00
Narcissus 50c
Roman Hyacinths .50c
American Beauties $10.00 to $15.00
.Orchids $15.00
Calla Lilies $3.00
Easter Lilies ... 5. $3.00
Steyia 50c
8nftp Dragon $1.00
Lilies of Valley $100
Asparagus 50c
Yellow Daisies, per 100 S5.0&
Mignonette, per 100 $7.50
Sweet Pens, per 100 $2.00
Parma Violets, per 100 v $1.00
Immortolles, per -bunch 25c
Holly Wreaths, each .ji*... .50c
Red Paper Bells, each .' .2VjO to 50c
Red Cowbells, (new) each .15c, 25c, 35c
Artificial Pdnsettin, each 15c to 25c
Brass Jardinieres, each -..$2.50 to $25.00
Brass Fern Dishes, filled free, each ..... .$1.25 to $3.00
Air Plants, each ’ !...50c
South Carolina Mountain Dew
for President’s Christmas
COLUMBIA, 8. C., Deo. 20.-Similes of
Cnrrlo Nation! Won’t that lady he an
gered tb the point of apoplexy when she
hears the news? For President Kooso-'
velt Is to receive, among his Christmas
presets, tv gallon of line old Boutli Curp-
llna oom Juice, and since It come* front
a close friend of the thief executive,
there la reason to believe that he may
taate a wee hit of it.
And as President Roosevelt smacks hla
Ups over the Christmas toddy Ris mind
will doubtless rev* rt to the strenuous
times of San Juan llill. one of whose
heroes. Major Mh-ah Jenkins. In the send
er of the llriunr, the snine Major Jenkins
of • courtly hearing and distinguished
South Carolina, lineage whom Roosevelt
presented with u sword in Charleston,
and who now enjoys the honors and emo
luments of the Columbia postoffice on
the appointment of the president.
But there was much agitation for a
time over the express compnny’s hesi
tancy to accept the stuff for shipment.
That agent at ilrst declined to accept the
Tho Carey-Cothran law forbids ship
ment of liquor from wet to dry county,
and the agent feared this law might nlso
apply to Interstate shipments. When the
atornoy general was asked about the
matter lie said he was not the legal ad
visor of the express company.
The company’s attorney finally advised
shipping the whisky, de. luring thnt such
n . shipment would, he in violation of no
Is Essentially a Rebate to
Truck Product to the
fineries to the trnlns are essentially
hates and In violation of the law. This
Important determination was reached by
the commission only nfter several mouths
far as the ‘commission Is concerned,
brings to an end a controversy which
has long existed between the refineries In
New X‘»rh and those In Philadelphia.
The investigation of tho subject was
h« gun by the commission on its own ini
tiative. No complaint was Hied, hut
what was regarded as the Injustice and
illegality of the allowances for transfer
for cartage were called to the attention
of the commission with a view to elimi
nating them. In its decision the com-
Four Conclusions.
“I—The commission has Jurisdiction to
make an order in *any Inquiry on its own
motion in the same manner and to the
same effect . as though complaint has
been made.’
“2—It Is not a pnrt of tho carrier’s duly
to hear the expenae of tmnsfer of goods
from the shipper to the carrier. For
carriers to undertake to compensate ship
pers for performing terlvecs which the
shippers are legally bound to do for
thomsoh’eH Is for tho carriers to violate
^'“J—Tho publication of gross and net
rates would needlessly mhi to the* com
plexity of tariffs. Wherever It Is possi
ble for carriers to file n not rato as such,
It in their duty ho to do.
Carriers Must Track Lav/.
PORTLAND. Ore.. Dee. 20.—An Inves
tigation by the Western Union Telegraph
Company, carried on during the past six
months, lias disclosed nn organized sys
tem, of theft among railroad operators
tho Padtlc coast by reason of
telegraph company and thousands of Its illy,
patrons have Wu robl*ed ©I an amount All ships In the pulrilc service of the
estimated at several hundred thousand enemy are subject, to capture except
dollars, according to n statement made those employed In purely charitable oi
tonight by an official of the company I selentide work, voyages of discovery nnO
who Is In charge of the InvgttirMtion. las hospital ships. Neutral ships employ-
Nutrfbrous eon.plaints received from i od In nnvol or military service'of the
persons who said that their messages, enemy or placed under control of the
had never been d# liven*!, nroused the 1 enemy for navnl or military service, are
Western Union officials to notion. A kc- subject' tl capture and destruction,
cret service wns organized, am) It was The right to search a merchant ship
v discovered that In some instances over 6«> | wlien under convoy of a neutral warship,
per rent of the menage* filed nt railroad , on which Great Britain differs from
Issued, but the carriers are to conform
to the law without delay.
“No order will Ik* made nt this time,”
the report concludes, “but the commis
sion will expect tho carriers In question
at once to conform their tariffs and prac
tices to tho principles here announced.
“ *” ’ ‘ “ will
lion of which is reserved for that pur
pose—or by such other means a« It may
deem advisable In the premises.”
Eyes of Nation on Fight Being
Made By Chas. P. Taft for
WASHINGTON. Dec. 20—While the
terms of• thirty-one senators expire
on March 4 next, eighteen of this num
ber already have been re-elected or
assured ©r re-election.
In addition to the vacancies occur
ring by reason of a provision of tho
constitution, there will be a vacancy
In Pennsylvania on account of tho
forthcoming resignation of Senator
Knox to accept the portfolio of secre
tary of state in the Tuft cabinet. Thero
will be a scramble for Mr. Knox's
seat, which will equc.l In interest the
contest now going on in Ohio for For-
aker's seat aud In Connecticut for that
of Senator Urandegee. Thnt Secretary
Root will succeed Mr. Platt |« con
ceded. No contest Is expected.
The republican senators whdge terms
expire ut the end of this congress, but
who are sure of being returned are
Cummins, of Iowa, now serving out
the unexpired term of the.late Senator
Allison; Dillingham, of Vermont; flal-
lingcr, of New Hampshire; Hey burn,
of Idaho; Hopkins, of Illinois; Penrose#
of Pennsylvan'a; Perkins, of Califor
nia; Smoot, of Utah and Stephenson,
of Wisconsin. Democratic senators
who will be returned nre Clarke, of
Arkansas; Clay of Qe-ngla; Gore, of
Oklahoma; Johnston.-of Alabama; Me.
Incry, of Iowa; Xewlands, of Nevada;
Overman, of North Carolina; Smith,
of Maryland, and Stone, of Missouri.
The Now Members.
By reason of defeat In primary con
tests Senator Ankeny, of Washington,
will be succeeded by Representative
Wesley L. Jones; Senator tfansbrough#
of North Dakota, by M. H. Johnson, of
Petersburg N. D.; Kittredge, of -South
Dakota, by Governor Coe I. Crawfonl;
nnd Long, of Kansas, by Joseph L.
Bristow, of Snllnn, former fourth as
sistant postmaster general. .All of
those are republicans and In addition
Fulton, of Oregon, probably -will bo
succeeded by Governor Chamberlain,
democrat, who was victorious In what
Is popularly known ns th* double pri
mary system of the state.
Of the democratic senators whoso
terms expire on March 4. Gray,
the -western half of the state.
Several names have been mentioned
In Connecticut In the contest for the
seat now occupied by Brandegcc and
Representative HHI, formally announc
ed his candidacy some time ago. Tho
legislature will decide the contest and
It is conceded to bo close,.
In Indiana.
Not the least interesting of the sen
atorial lights that wlll bu presented In
the next two months will occur In In
diana. When tlia election returns
showed beyond a doubt that Senator
Hemenwny's seat would be vacated
March 4, there were a number of dem
ocrats who were not slow In unilmher-
Ing their guns. Chief among these
were John W. Kern, cnndlduto for vice
president on the democratic ticket;
John E. Lamb, of Terre Haute; Thos.
Taggart, former chairman of the dem
ocratic national committee, former
Representative Benjamin F. Shively, of
South Rend, and L. Ert Slack, of
Franklin, all of whom are still in the
race except Mr. Taggart, who with
drew. That Mr. Kern hno more mem
bers of the legislature pledged to his
support than any other of tho candi
dates Is conceded, but It Is recognized
also that his pledges are still short of
the number needed to elect. No move
ment to unite against Kern Is yet
in evidence.
Mr. II. IT. Lloyd, now a merchant of
the city, and formerly a railroad con
ductor, has Just bo«*n granted a pat
ent for a new safety appliance for
railroads, which the patentee believes
will prevent many accidents.
Mr. Lloyd’s Invention consists of a
stand equipped with a day and night
warning signnl for the purpose of no
tifying approaching trains that the
switch Is unlocked though it still re
mains set to any track.
Practical railroad men know that It
is not sufo to pass through a switch
If It is not locked, and.a few Instances
close at homo can be recalled where
trains run into, open switches with
wrecks as the result.
With Mr. Lloyd's Invention It Is
clnlmed thnt thero will he no tamper
ing with switch-locks nor accidents by
open switches when this Invention Is
In a short time the full working of
this Invention will be given to the pub
lic. showing Its simplicity nnd mechan
ism, and then It will be seen thnt there
•d In the British
oyeiy nt the theft statement. It is held that a neutral ship
i nnd the accumulation of proof, \rkr- should not he entitled to resist search
mints were obtain.-! for the «rre»t of hy a belligerent warship on the ground
several operators In the state of Wash- \ thnt she |< under convoy of n warship
has confessed.
.win., uiay, ui |.*iii, min iii-Ti ij-t pH.-ii nun
Booth Carolina, will be succeeded by; wMI bo no more uneasiness on the part
K. D. Smith, of Columbia, and Milton# j of thq. traveler on the score of train
of Florida, by Duncan IT. Fletcher, of I w reckers tampering with switches.
Jacksonville both of the ^incumbent*
having declined to be candidates fori Moonshlnsr Die* of Wound*,
election. Offset ting the Oregon *ltua-> 'PHI MPI*I. „ w * 20.-~”Deb”
ornor w” O °Br!Sl«'''»n,,hlvln r I *hM*"^*"tlwTr'St n Sy
ornor W. O. BradlPy, republican, hav- ! n ,,,. rs ,, r;lr . wheclln*. died from Id.
Ing been elected to succeed McCreary, [ wounds at a hospital here tips afternoon,
democrat, by failure of the demo- . Moore. It Is alleged, when ordered to stop
cratlc majority In the Kentucky legls- reached for Ids owni gun*. but was shot
lnturo to agree. Teller, of Colorado, ^own before he could , use It. #
wllM>e succeeded by Chas. J. Hughes DUBLIN.
snese wsr, thit it Is the duty* of ..
Ilger#*nf captor to “bring In for adjudica
tion hy a prize court any merchant ves-
j sol which he tins, seized. Wh* re this Is
■j^HHl|tetho captured vessel If she Is
ship, may lie destroyed 'nfter
of the crew and papers, hut
nationality la neutral, or If then*
.. . doubt of tier nationality, she should
dl«ml‘ «ed. for her destruction can
UNITED STATES, GREAT BRITAIN be fustlfM e« between neutral owner ami
^ j captor hy any necessity on the part
AND JAPAN ARE AGREED ON the belligerent.*
of tYio .
— r RNWI ■ which I Miss Evelyn f#rry «l!l return homo
are assembled here to deride upon a cud". Wednesday morfung from college to
of laws for the International peace court { rpend the' holidays.
provided for at the hist Hague confer-i The friend* of Crpt. John f*. Butler
ene*. nuke a ateebkdly bulky volum-. J will r**rret to !en*-n that he has been
8om«* of the powers. Ilk** Japan, have; quite *|ek for s-veml days,
submitted their RtopoeaH h» Mk* briefest' Mr*. W. A. Goodyear, r.ho ha* been
form, while other*.. Mda My *:»*at -Britain, vl-dting hoe daughter, lire--John Hub-
tufport their views <tf. kngth. . herd who has. been very III. at Valdosta,
The United Btaten. Or#m Britain and write* that the lutfer Is n-»w out of «]un-
J*pon arc agyvid ©n tin# Ity of gef and getting along nicely.
The Amcrlean"’vlcwk in*Jude the fol-1
lowing suggestion*: • ’ !
A-neutral »bip-found tltWirHh limit
of ..Denver, whrt was endorsed by tho
democratic state convention, after Tel
ler had declined to be a candidate for
All Eye* on Ohio.
Tlie eyes of the country arc or: Ohio
bccautfe of the candidacy of Charles P.
Taft, brother of the president-elect,
for the seat of Foraker, one of the
most vigorous and picturesque charac
ters In the present senate and on« who
has declined to abanton his place with
out a fight.
The forces opposed to Mr. Taft'*
election. Including as they do. For-
nker, Representative Burton. Harry M.
Daugherty and former Speaker K«*l-
f»*r. must bo reckoned w!th. especially
If thers sltould b« a combination effect,
ed between the force* led by Hcnator*
Fovaker ar.-l I)lck and tho member* of
th« friendly fo Burton. At „
present the result must be conceded to! Mis* Mary Sallls Moffett, of Wnynss-
Mrs. Frank If. Roberson. Jr., of Ches
ter. was in the city a few days ago, guest
of friends and relatives.
Mrs. G. II. Williams and children visit
ed Hoperton this week.
Mrs. A. A. Rogers has returned from
a visit to relative* at Davlsboro.
Mrs. B. E. Tillery has returned from
a visit to Fanderwvllle.
Mrs. W. I,. Williams hn* returned from
a visit to liwlnton, where she was tho
guest of friends and relatives for a few
Mrs. .1. R. Alford nnd daughter. Miss
Comer, have be#»n visiting In Moultrie.
Mrs. Allen Whipple, of Dudley, was
visiting In the city U»la weidc. guest of
li-r sister, Mrs. Clifford Walker.
Miss Ida O’Neal, who la tenrhlng school
near Bylvanfa, I* at home for the holi
Mrs. W. H. Ehnejr, Jr., visited relativts
in Ma«on this weak.
from a visit to her sister. Mrs. W. C.
Allen, at Wrlghtsvllle.
' be In doubt. tlmro. Is the gue*t of Mis* Alpha flcliau-
Keystone 8*nator*hIp. felc. . . .
The official announcement that there *. * nd
Eanane F.
of a
’ a belligerent t-ower muv m scla»d. de-
W>*e«| ©r no# tl far Warllk* purpose*, i
it tlia proprietors mrd be indetuni-
bi rases whrr
BAN* FTTANCI’ICO. T)or. 2H.-Formr-r
i#ngre*sr.vtn Eugene V. Lobd .lied lust
u*!.r In tiibt elfy. For several months
he hid been In poor health. Ills
of war and fhe de. i I/uui
In poor
... orated by th> .
of Ms daughter five aemths ago and Ity
of h|s wife, who died on Dec. <. Mr
!n to iv. li vaf nnrv'rreaV^a’ln [ t# * r * I-'nb. have returned from a vlalt to
vanla thran(l) ihe r.»l*n»tIon of Kao* w''rT' V&VV.'aml -hlMr.n hair*
is of too rccegt date to permit; returned from n visit to relatives at
of the lining up of aspirant* for Devi-hor*
ih* Keystone senator^. Alr^dy STrlbSlSL
however, ther* have Appeared M prob. Mm^ her old MfSe. 1 * "
“ ' “*“ l Ref reaentBtlv» / * Jas. I Mbs Mai v Morgan lion ls»en vlsltllig! wVigbi#-’. ill’
latlveM In Ms-on thf* week. 4 u#« li
Mlftsen Zadu F->sll nnd f.Ms^g«urfe.
Gents' Pocket Books, Letter Cases,
Bill Rolls and Pass Cases at from 75c
to $5.00 each. Traveling Rolls, Col
lar Boxes, Razor Strops, Shavin'g
Brushes, Military Brushes and Hair
Two Doors from. Fourth National Bank
her liome In Cordele after a visit to li<
sister In the city.
Mrx. Bessie Wood. Miss Alma Stanley
and Master Bam Wood, of Handersvill*.
were the guests Holiday last of Miss
*V. h C?'.To«<»y. of Atlanta, nm! Mlaa
Mareello. daughter of Mr. uml Mrs.
Frank L. Htiuil<ta w were the gucaU of
Mrs. James A. Thomas this week.
Miss Ruby Allison hn* gone to her
home at l*oulsburg, Tetin., to spend tho
M 1 |»?Cor?l?t , 1fmHh la vMiitik riluilvea
lii Columlnis, her former home.
Mr, and Mrs. Win, Pritchett and chil
dren and Miss Hnttlo Pritchett have
gone to Jacksonville, Fla,, to spend the
• Mirlstmus holidays with the family of
Mr. If. E. Pritchett,
Mrs. If. If. Coley hna gone to Carroll
ton to spend two weeks with relatives
a, Mr? , *w!**P. Carlos and Misses Grace
and Neely Hmltli have been visiting In
*my one.#s, or •/am noun#* *»»*■
the family of Mr. Hllns Jones n«*»«r the
city. .
Mrs. W. If. Ashworth, of Mflcon, was
In the city n few days ngo. guest of her
sister, Mrs. M. L. Jones.
Misses Eliza and Mattie !,ot.K. of Rpar*
ta, arc visiting In the r|(jr.
Miss Msudlnf I*oiiK has returned from
Brenaii to spend the holidays at home.
Mrs. Clark drier spent Wetlnenday In
M K.°v n an,. Mrs. L. J. Ballard Worn visi
tors to Macon- on Tuesday.
Mr*. W. V. IliKKln. l.fl th
Jfleksonvlll#*. Fla., to visit
Miss Mamin Payne has returned to Iter
home in Allentown " *' “ “ ~
of Mr, John M. lilaekshcnr.
Miss Carrie Illsekrhear.
was a visitor
Ruth Miller Is visiting her piirent*
nt coriuth.
Miss MolRe Wlilfelieud will spend tho
holidays with relatives at Danville.
Miss * Blanche Prescott has returned
Miss Annie Hlmuns I* visiting rela
tives In Charleston.
Mr. W. L. Mason and wlfo have gone
to Pennsylvania, where they will muko
their future home.
Monday evening lust Mr. and Mrs. A.
J. Toole entertained In honor of Mr. and
.Mrs. W. L. Mason.
Wednesday aftnmson Mrs., Frank If.
Rohei son enfertjilned In Imimr of Mrs.
W. D. Crawford, of Buer.n Vista.
"•madisonT -
Mrs. Walter Jartkjo wns hostess, at a
delightful party given for the Golden
Links. After sev- ml very amusing games
a delightful luncheon Was served. ThWfe
present were Misses Kellie pat tlurney, In *\
Willie Msy Richardson, Eva Few. Helen Ml:
Irvine, Leons Jarboe. It#*## JarlHK*. Kittle Mrs.
Newton, Came (Towley, Irene Austin,
Katie I’ou, Garrla Foster, Peytona Doug
las. Mrs. Whitfield Poll. Mrs. Jennie
Mrs. W. E. thophf-rd entertained sev
eral of her friends with a *pend-the-dny
parry In honor of Mrs. Zeno Kit spa trick.
Those who were so fortunot
rletto Carbine.
Miss Pauline Houghton, who was the
uhurmiuK guest of Miss Katie Poll, has
returned to her home In Macon.
Mrs. J. R, Gunn and baby hove re
lumed from a visit to Mrs. Gunn's sister,
Mrs. J. R. Hmltli, In Atlanta.
Miss Annie Lucy Watson lias returned
from Mncon, where she Was the ad
mired guest of Miss Jennie Riley for
some lime.
Mrs. Z. I. Fitzpatrick ha* returned to „
Thomusvllle, after spending several week*
(villi Mrs. Kitty Fltspatrlcfe. •
Miss Elizabeth Epps, who lias been
teaching in Tennllle, Is expected home
tomorrow to spend tho holidays. .
Mins Mattie May Baldwin spent the
7 eck---nd In Macon the guest of Mias
onhlo Riley. •
Mbs Halllo Pat Rumey was the week- ■
cuddliest of Miss Lucilu # Ingram In
Miss Hue Reid Walton is visiting Miss
May Copeland ut her home In Greens-’
Mrs. Hue Cook, of Atlanta. I* visiting
imr brother. Col, J. .0. Barton. / ,
Mrs. H. T. M>mipin Is visiting relatives .
<s Huste Jackson I* the guest of .
is. Pierce Jackson in Athens. ,
Miss Luclle Rurruss will ge home for .
the Christmas holiday*, ft ho I* teaching
at Sylvester.
Miss Ttsllle Thornes Id the guest of
her parent*. Mr. ami Mrs. J. V, Thomas, j
The friends of Mr*. Barish Campbell ,
and her little daughter, Florida, will wd- ,
them to tnelr old home for tho
Invited to her home on this «•-*-aslon| bolldayM. Blnec September Mrs. Camp-
lay for I were Mrs. H. T. Maupln, Mrs. It. W. Trot-1 boll lios been matron ut Iatmar Hall.
Iktlves und »cr. Mrs. Kittle Fltzputrlek, Mrs. Zeiio.G. N. mid I. (Tollegi* at Mllledgevllle.
Fltxpatrfek. Mrs. Jo«le Newton and Mis*, Mr. and Mr*. Charlie W, Demtag, of -
Tulsa. Okla.,
the guests of Mr.
Fra ne'e HqrK nnd J«*m Dalgeil, ~«nd 11
fleorg* T. Ol‘v#x p|| of Pittsburg, For .
ilnquent can not tu captuc*.d c<ero may I from th« FtfGi dfetrkl.
i many y ir» It lies b<< n tlm rr >>gnlse«n . ,ht
| iK'lley In Pennsylvania to take one Mlas^Myrtle'lHmitb
Mrs. M. V. Mahoney visited Maz-on tble iGnaslo Relle , ■ ■ „ _ . — ,
week. Miss Mattie May Baldwin will leave, Mrs. E. L. Burton, near town.
Mr. George W. Parker and wlfo ora tomorrow for Klsslme**. FIs., to he t!ie| Mrs. Ren Ilollowsy and children, of
visiting In Perry this we#*k. gnevt of Mrs. Marion Carson during the Rutledge, are the guests of Mr. J. A.
Mrs I). H. Rtaekshear has returned [ hoihfavs. | H111*man,
from Wrlghtsvllle. where sne vlflted her Misses Annie Irvine, Adrian Turned,; Mil* Mam to Hunter from Cox College,
sister, Mrs. A P. Daley. RnMi Tb- rows. Mamie Brady and May; is here for the holidays.
- Mrs, L. N. Maddox lias returned from [Johnson will be the guests of Mrs. Jas. Miss Ia*o.a Illlsman. of Rutledg*. I*
Montieeiio where she spent several weeks Y Thomas during the 1'bllday*. , the guest of relatives here,
with relatives. i Ml** Little Jones has returned froml Mrs. Bara 8haw left Sunday for A»-
Mre. M. K. Burch has returned to her Atlanta. wh**re she has been the guest Unta, where she was called on account
home In Jacksonville. Fla,, after a visit of her -D'er. Mr*. J. M. Zuh-r. of tho lllnco* of Iter daughter, Mr*. II.
to relative* In the city. j M *. Will Joplin and little daughter, i L. Simmons.
Mis* Nina Msltlev. of Eastman. Is I Catherine, ©f Augusta, will *pond nex; Ml** Eliteb# th Blmmon*. of Sanders-
visiting In tlm city, guest of M:** BUnelie • week as the guests of Mrs. Mary Wln-.vllle. la the guest of her si-ier, Mrs.
Hariri*. ter. If. T. Marri**.
Mrs. H, C. I^vwfher h*a returned ftom Miss Allle Monroe, of Greenville. S. c., I M*’h. M, I*. Broughton and Mr. K-Ido
a vlctf to ftawkinsvlllw I* the attrartlva gu»at of MHnes Lillie Broughton wli spend the holiday* with
Mlsa Kathleen peu#«a-k li«* been visit-I a til Myrtle H bouse. Mrs. J, C. Bush, Jr., In Mobile,
lag Gils week In Maco, | Mr. end Mr*. P. W. Godfrey, of Cov-j Mli-s Miry Walton Tromr.u ? who Is
Mrs. J. W. Htoke* I* visiting her pA- Ington, s|»ent the week-end with Mr*..attending Randolph-M• ti C.j!--. S \lll
rents nt f.ltltonla. i M. P. G«e|frey. arrive next w«k to spend the holld.iv*
Itr. nod Mrs. A. V. DrakW are visiting I Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Winter, of At- at home.
In the »lty from Herndon. I lento, are the guesta of Mrs. Mary Win-I Mr*. I. T. Kllpatrh k
Jackson visited relative* In , ter. I the guest* of Mr. and J
IiIn w.-ek. Mr*. Kmn:a Pori, of New York, Is ihe I ter.
Pope I a visiting In Fltzgor* gue*t of her brother, Mr. Edwin Hough.: . -- — i m
Allu-rf Mobley and llttlo *on, are Ca*tro In Hospital.
>d Mi
dd (Ids <
visit in Wr
•allle John
at Jacksonvlll*. FU,
• rn«*dlthe gueria of Mr*.
tant visit tu Misses Margaret* and liar- tiuuUnciit m.d