Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, December 23, 1908, Image 6

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THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: WEDNE8D AY MORNING, DECEMBER 23, 1903 CHIEF OF POLICE ANNUAIJEPORT koll of Department a* Appointed Last Night—Number of Arreste During Past Year, With Other Valuable Infer motion. Varon. Ga.. Dor. 21. mi. Honorable Mayor and Council. City cf Maoon. Oa. Gentlemen—I l»«?g to present 1l»e at tainted sheets showing the number of of rsaM made during tho pant Aural yew. the same being Itemised hn to offeii***. Maxes, and color of prisoner*. 1'lie sheets also allow <l»y months) that the patrol wagon lias respond ed to calt* 1.261 THstam-e traveled in miles ...1,915 Ambulance 11.1* responded lo iiills.. 2 instance traveled In tulles 464 /hmughoui tlie year then- luive o.’fur* fir*d In this d<jmrtn.'-rii; Deaths .1 l^aalanntioiiH t g7 k ' wkhtcott. Chief of l*ollce. Police Department. G. H. Westrott. Chief. Station BrrgenntK—Arthur Jobson, W. 9. bishop. Special Patrolmen—L. B. - j llccnar Harrison, Relief No. 1. Murptiey, p.. lieutenant; Knight. R. If., brevet lieutenant: Glenn. II. K.. Walker. Relief No. 2. Golden. A . Ileutenrut: Watson. C. I., brevet lieutenant: Thompson. M. J.. Pearce. W. It.. Ilmnllii. W K.. Jones. W. G„ Jones. T. II,. Norton. W. ft., Jenkins, O.. Pierce. »». ||. f.. Knight. .!. It.. Smallwood. If.. Allen. A. J.. Hiewart, J. E., patrolmen. Relief No. 3. Lavender, I.. F.. acting lieutenant; Anderson, W. N, brevet llcutennnit Davis. J. A.. RobliiNon, J It.. IIoImtIs. A. C.. Hmlth. G. E.. Jessup. .1 .1 Wilson. J. It. Kliby. J. A.. AvenL W. F. Kniall- wood. J. J. f Rodger*. It. W.. Hodgers. A. L.. Bulllngton. W. K. patrolmei., Railroad Patrolmen. fturtte. E. J.. Smith. 1 I... Dent, 15. R.. Ilnmlltrm. O. ti. Officers of Patrol Waqon. Avant, I.. M. patrolman; llrysn. N. II., patrolman: Nutting, C. M.. driver; Stev ens. J. n.. driver. Porter -lien May. Supernumerary- Rachel. A. C. Record of Arrsita. Arson. 1; nsxault with Intent to mur der. 7; attempt nt burglary. 3; attempt at rape. 1; burglary. 29; bicycle ordi nance. 31; blind tiger ordinance. 25: bout- Ing railroad train. !t; city ordinance. 2»9; cheating and swindling. S: concealed weapons, 4k; ear breaking, 10: cruelty to Niiiiimls, 7: contempt of court. 25: de serting. 3; drunk. 3?*; drunk and disor derly. 127; disorderly conduct. 6*3; depot ordinance, ll; dlsi>oelng of mortgaged nro|M*rty, 1: desiniylng public proper tv, 2; escape, 2; forgery. 0; nghtlng. *00; gambling, 1R; hack ordinance. 15; horse stealing. 1; InterferlVK with on officer, 1*5: keeping \Icloiis dog. 10; keeping dis orderly house, 23; license ordinance. 113: 1arccti> after trust, 3*; hreeny. 219: loi tering, 224; lunacy, 7: market ordliu 1: lounlor. I; prohibit Ton laws, viol of, 43; pointing pistol at iinnthcr. 9: lie Imleecncv. 6; resisting uti officer, N; receiving ntolen good*. ll; reckless run* nlnjr of street ear. 1: frcklrss driving. 32; reckless running automobile. It; rock throwing. •; nih’iery. 13; safe keeping. 79: shooting nt nn«»ther. 9; shooting In city. 37: stabbing; 12: treangsstng. r»; va grancy. 12: witness, • ; wlf# whipping. I. Total, 3.155. Viola tin: tax and Color of Prisonara. Pee.. 1$9T 9<) II tm January 33 6 lor, Fchiuuiy X6 0 119 March r.o 9 tin April as -5 M> May 42 7 102 June «o 3 lit July 73 H |sr, August 69 11 101 September 0 78 October 73 1 99 Nat amber .... 72 c at Darcmtmr .... 37 1 43 Total %59 72 Hit Station Sar(isant.‘a Report. Of runs made In :tie n-itrol wago December 17, 190*. to December 17 _ Huns. Januarv mi kYbiuary lot March 1«»»; fifi?' l? June 104 July 104 August IDS September 97 October 77 November lo» December 77 Huns. Miles Books for Xmas Presents. BROKERS COMPANY Appl'cathm was made to the superior court yesterday for the incorporation of the Notional Hay. Grain and Stor age Company. The petitioners ur* Messrs. G. G. Toole, A. Block Hid N. M. Block. It Is sot out that the company has already subscribed 120,000 ns capital block, with share* of ton dollar* each, and •wants the privilege of Increasing the cnp’tal to 1250.900. .JTlUf company will not only htmdle JUy. grain and all provision* and feed- stuffs but carry on a brokerage office, both bu>lng and selling. A charter • Mill be granted within the next few Bibles for Xmas Gifts. Kill! alxe. holly wrapping paper lc HOW CHRISTMAS DAY WILL BE CELEBRATED COURT HOUSE, BANKS. COTTON EX CHANGE. CITY HALL AND MANY STORES WILL NOT OPEN FOR BUSINESS ON THE DAV AFTER. Nut only will practically every firm, office nnd stare In Mur-on suspend busi ness on rhrtstnm* day. but there will be a general observance on Haturday, the day after/ The freight delivery houses, ihe cotton change, and tunny of the leading firms of the city will, lifter closing for Christmas, not open their door* until Monday, lie**. 29. taking u holiday of three days. The poatofflcc will make one delivery Christmas morning, nml then How f< tlie remainder of the day. Hi ate* court offices will <«k day. A* for th" atores, It I* fart that nlrnoMt every merchant In th< city will close for too entire Christina* day. and many will not op»n the day lif ter. despite the fact that It will be Sat urday. Through the closing of the court house at noon Thursday, the l«wy CROWD IS QUIET AS THEATER BURNS HKRAIJ) KQIJAIIK OPKRA IfOUHW- -cmr AND BOUNTY OFFICERS AR BADLY DAMAGED DI KING I'EI»FOI CM A NCK. curl off Id.tin will clve all of the court* of the city. The bank* will nl*o l>«* closed for three day*, follow ing tlie atrthut of tho Macon Clearing l!ou*e Asaoelntlnn. The recorder's court will l»e the only Judiciary In session on Christmas day. Recorder I'ruuhart bring kindly diapered, II prisoner* will be given a chance to •*ve Jail on the day of all days, and It i whispered that the Judge will he more lenient than I* Ids custom In dispensing Justice. Those merchants Hint will open for buslnes* on Haturday stale that they do not expect much trade, bet In Justice to their customers, ennnot clone. An unus ually quiet Christmas Is expected by the ttollce department, on** unite free from the iiiunl disorders attendant upon the sale of liquor. The shoaling of ftrr works Irelng considerably restricted, the tire *le- lurtment apprelienda few fires from this CASTRO IS UNAWARE OF HIS DOWNFALL ni:nr.IN, Dec. 22.-f’.»Ntr>» apparently la unaware of tils downfall or tho gravity f the occurrences hi Veiiesuela. Mem bers of Ills suite Inform nil inqulrera that be sends and rtrcelvr* no dlsputche* td my kind. According to his ultendunts at tlw pil ule hospital where Ca*tro Is tindergolng treatment, he did not transmit any hust les* whatever today ami did nut even cave Ills bed or non any one. Dr. Israel twice exit mined Castro to- Jay. He lias not ps .yet reached a defi nite opinion as to tlie dlseose, hut he Is tnclhied to believe that III* patient Is suffering from severe liberation of the kidney*, which enn L-r treated without Iteration. NEW YORK. Dec. 22.—Fire broke out in the Herald Square theatre at Thirty-fifth street and Broadway to night ten minutes before the close of the performance of “The Three Twins" and before It was brought tinder control had done considerable damage to the building, had driven the actor* and chorus girls Into the streets in their scant costumes, and had caused great commotion among the theatre crowds on Broadway. . . There was no panic and no one was .^ injured, the audience remaining in u> a*surm! ignorance of the fire until most of them had passed Into the streets. The fire caught from a large elec tric sign on the front of the theatre building and spread to the executive 7 offices which are opposite the second gallery of the auditorium. The actors cut the play short on being told of the fire, and the cur tain was lowered without any an nouncement to the audience, rrotrd Was Orderly. The big crowd moved slowly out. Most of them soon reached the streets, hut some remained behind, waiting for their wraps to be taken from the coat room. As the flames began to gain headway the theatre employes urged the tardy ones to hurry and told them then* was a fire in the theatre. Some left without waiting for their wraps and braveo the driving snowstorm in their evening clothes. Alarm spread among the actors and chorus and many of the young women left tho building by the stage entrance and went out Into the storm without giving thought to their scant and unconventional at tire. With the temperature hovering around the twenties und a fierce wind driving the failing snow' Into their faces th»‘ chorus girls beat a hasty retreat for cove; at the Marl borough hotel, a block further up Broadway, where they were made comfortable. Probably $20,000 damage was done to the theatre. A saloon and cigar store next door were practic ally destroyed. DECRIED BY BLACK NUW YOHK. Her. si-IinptlliiWo !<•«■ Inin thin was «lccrle<1 npd Ibp nlcsslii** of ItUt'lllgrnt mmh'rutloii in t|ic «-nmltiei of f mbllc affairs was dwelt upon by .former lovurnnr Frank H. mark, of New York, Who «trll\>r<Ht th«v^p*Am Ijuil. uOGi-q** of the evening at the dinner rtf the New Knalanit. Society of New Yortt at the Waldorf-Astoria tonight. Aiiuuiu tlie uu«*Nts of honor wric Gov. Chae. K. ItuRlieli. Frank At. ltUrhrork, Major (h-nrrnl* t«con*rd .W«m«l and J * Plerpont «Moixaii. Former Governor It lark re sponded to tlie toast “Forsfattu-r's lmy. *" “FOREFATHERS’ DAY” IS CHARLESTON. S. C.. Dec. 25.— Forefatheia' Day" was flttlhgl.v cele brated todny by tbo New Knaland S> % - y of ChnrloNtnu nt Its el^hty-nlnt.i annual bnnqui t tonight The Rev. Dr. 'harles S. Vedder, the venerable president of the society, und tho pas tor of the only Huguenot Church tit America, presided. Mr. Melville R Stone, Kuncrnl manager of the Asso rted Pres*. Bishop WHHnm A. Guer- ry. of the Kplseopnl Church, and Mr. Wtltnot F. Evans, of Massachusetts, responded to the prlnelpul toast*. W. G, CORONER HOLDS INQUEST LONG LOST BROTHERS 8AVANXAH. Ga., Do?. 22—After having lost all trace of Ills two broth er* in the early ’.O's \V. G. Cooper, chief of the delivery department at the Havnnnah postofficc ha* found them ugnln and t«»day received a letter from one of them. They aiw It. T. and C. N. Cooper md nrc wholesale grocers In*- vllle, Ind. A new simper story to the effect that Mr. Cooper had lost hit brothers nerved to r«>un!to them. MACON REPRESENREO AT A TAFT DINNER AT AUGUSTA SSFEIY IN JfilL NEGRO V/HO FRIGHTENED MRS. DOBBS’ SPIRITED AWAY FROM CROWD. ATHENS. Ga.. Dee. 22.—Sheriff Da vis. or Madison county, arrived at the Clarke county Jail nt 5 o'clock this morning with Ids prisoner. Jake Moody, the m gro charged with fright ening Mrs. Frank Dobbs, or Puoll. Sheriff Davis last night nlxmt 8 o'clock eluded tho crowd itt Collier, while the members were u short dis tance from tho Jatl conferring. He slipped the negro out the back way and got Into the woods. He walked over nlno mile* with Ids prisoner, a largo part of hi* Journey being up a large creek. The negro admits Impropt r talk but says he doesn't know \vh>* he did It. It Is said that Moody Is not very bright. The Athens Guard* In one hour and five minute* after receiving order* to report for duty at Comer were In thtt place last night. They stayed only one hour, ns everything was quiet and the negro gone. Moody will be kept In Jail here for some days yet and will proitahlv not be carried buck until everything Is ready for his trial. BY E. B. HARRIS & CO. WILL TAKE PLACE TOMORROW NIGHT—TURKEY.8, BALE OF COTTON AND LARGE CASH PRIZES. The hundred* of customers of E. ll. IturrtH A Co. are looking forward with a great deal of anticipation to the distribution of turkeys and cash prlaca that this popular shoe firm will make tomorrow night. It behoovea every person who has made a purchase of a pair of shoe« from E. ft. Harris A Co. %lnce the announcement of their startling offer to he present at the distribution. There 111 be nearly a hundred prises, in HAST RESTED CUS GORDON ON A SERIOUS CHAROE. Gua Gordon, the negro supposed to be the one who shot Eugenia I^wi*. the negres* who was taken to the hospital Monday night with mortal wounds In flicted by a pistol,she said she was play ing with, was tuTested last night by De tective Hmlth and J>eputy hhelff* Wilson and flyrd. lie was found af s house near Lack ey'* store, on Fourtli street. He would make no statement Ing occurred. mein_ lenoe when questioned by the Mfl ... oBt.„ Eugenia I-ewls, when carried to tlie hospital on Monday night, said she and a man whom; name she would not give, were In the hoarding house on Gilmer street playing with a pistol, which was accidentally discharged. At tlie hospiuil. it wuk stated last night that sh«- was In a dangerous con dition and that !t was not expected she ould live. This Is the second affair of this kind in . short time and In u short distance df each other. Tlie woman named Toog Adn ms was fatally cut the other night by another woman, who so far has eluded arrest. Xmas Post Cards, lc. Xmas cards, calendars at McEvoy'u. AETNA COTTON MILLS HAVE BEEN REORGANIZED UNION. 8. C.. Dec. 22—The Aetna Cotton Mill* of this c’ty. recently sold at a special meeting of the creditor* to a syndicate of prominent cjplUUats, hus been re-organized and named Ot- taray Mills, with a capital of $250,000 In .common - stock. Augustus W. Smythe ha* been elected president. The mills, will resume operation on full time on January 1. FOR LUE COOPERS MRS. CHAS. H. EASTMAN WHO SAW CARMACK SHOT GOES ON STAND. NASHVILLE. Tenn.. Dec. 22—In the criminal court here today hcirlng was not concluded on the petition for ball on behalf of Col. Duncan B. Cooper, his son, Robin Cooper, and Jno. D. Fahr, charged with the murder of former Senator K. W. Carmack. After seventeen witnesses had been examined court adjourned until to morrow. All of the wmosses exJinin- ed were state's witnesses. The examination was not begun un til Judge Hart had heard argument and passed on the contention of ^ie state that the defendants had forfeit ed their right to ball In waiving an examination before a magistrate am! \w not seeking bail nt that time. The court ruled that a prisoner could not at any time forfeit his right to apply for ball. x A few more witnesses nrc to be ex amined tomorrow and it Is fhought ar gument on the application will be be gun early In the afternoon. The priuc'pal witnesses of the day were Mrs. Chas. H. Eastman bnd Cary Polk. glne. 1:-children and matches. 2: defect ive flue*. 14: defective fire places. 2; defective hearth, 1: fire falling from stove. I; friction, 1: false. 17; electricity. 3; gas stove. 1: Jus gel. 1*. ga* explosion. 1; gasoline explosion. 4: grass. 4; incendiarr. hinted stove, 2: oil explosion. 1; paper flue hole. 3; peanut roaster. 1: rats known Values of buildings. T. 3944.820.00 Values of contents 773.343.95 Insurance on buildings 625.593.00 Insurance on contents C42.450.00 Insurance paid on buildings.... 35.100.41 Insurance paid on contents.... 7,003.00 Work Done by Companies. Co. No. 1— Runs.- 72; miles traveled. 85; feet hose laid. 12.250; feet ladders raised. 74; gallons chemical, 18; time worked, CO hours. Co. No. 2—Runs. 76; mllr* traveled. 83; feet hose laid. 9.230; feet ladders raised. 259; gallons' rhrmlcnl. 27: time worked. 61 hour*. 30 minutes. Co. No. 3—Runs. 155: miles traveled. J2V: feet hose lukl. 19.»50f feet ladders raised. ; gallons chemical. 27; time wicked. 131 hours. Co. No. 4—Runs. 8G: miles traveled, 88V&: f p <“t hose laid, lY.7fli: feet ladders rals- d. 180; gallons chemical. 30: time worked. 66 hours? 45 minutes. Chemical—Runs. 169: miles traveled. 245; feet hose Int.l. 1.775: feet ladders raised. 130*; gallons chemical, 1,120; time —*«-ked. 125 .hours. gallon chemicals. 42: time worked, 116 houre. 30 minutes. Duirdlnns. Under this head I will respectfully re fer you to the report of the hull-line In- 8F HARGIS MURDER BEACH HARGIS SWEARS HID FATHER BEAT HIM AND TRIED % TO KILL HIM. IRVINE, Ky.. Dec. 22—'The prosecu tion In the trial of Reach. Hargis for tho murder of his father rested today and the defense opened this afternoon. The case of the commonwealth' was pr.ut'cally confined to testimony as to the actual killing. It is understood that the defense will go Into minute details as to Judge Hargis' connection with Breathitt county fued affairs, sensational reve lations having been promised by the attorneys for the defense. A dramatic recitnl of the killing of Judge Hargis was given by Bench Har gis himself this afternoon when he Was introduced ns « ffltnoss. Ef forts were made to get the defendant to recite the manner In which Judge Jaa. Hargis (his father) lived and to a »y the Judge was a violent man when drinking. Although objections wore repeatedly nvade by the prosecution, young Hargis usually got In h!s an swers ahead of the ruling of the court. Witness sa'd he was 22 years old and that he was drinking the‘day of the killing. He said hla father had mistreated him for years and often struck and beat him, and on several occasions attempted to shoot him. Macon Is to be represented dinner to be given Praa!dont*elsct | eliding a bide of rottonT twenty and *** Augusta on batunUv night. q* ‘ten dollar gold toll*, turkey* and other 1 4 fc? t> I «•*•»! amount*, given away. Those Htillwi ll Edward and U. Emory W In- j holding coupons with tho lucky rum- I ber* will receive these prlxtos. There will he twenty-five turkeys. bale of cotton and n hat full of C. M.xwrM. on A InvIuUon.> Wn ' molwy Tho Utter win Include a will out lo . favored .few In th. elute, j ,„,. u ty 'dnll.r MIL two ten dollar blllw. . four five dollar bill* and fifty one dol- nioi/rro rft nr nntrti nnr liar bills, over a hundred persons, cus- R&SKETS TO BE GIVEN A T of E. a Harris * Ov. will DHunLIu III UL UITLI1 UUI t»«e«U by this onerous offer, without TO BIG RAGING MEET SAVANNAH. Ga.. Deo. 28—Rev. Dr. W. N. AlnsWbrth is making a deter mined effort to kill the sixty-day race meeting that is to begin here oa Christ, mas day with score* of the country's best horse* end jockels., Today he called in turn on Solicitor General W. \V. Osborne, Sheriff Screven and Judge Walter Q. Chariton. No attempt to stop the races from any one of these has been foreshad- ANNUAL REPORT OF FIRE CHIEF Complete Report of Chief L. A. Miller, of the Doings of the Fire Department for the Year Just Closed—Cause of Fires, Etc. on or Meet Gent ftrr^depsrtment' for the year ending De* combe/ 16. 1908. with such recommenda tions as I deem necessary for the Inter- it of the department: Number of first alarms. 202; second calls, 3: general alarms, 3. still, 9. Buildings Classified. Frame buildings. 149; brick buildings. 25: corrugated iron buildings, 1; other than buildings, 24. Cause of Alarms. Accidental. 3; n*h l*x. 5; burning pa per. 2; burning trash. I: earelexansH*. 8; •hlnmey burning 1 out, 19; •coffee roaster. ' ircoal pot, 1: coals falUnr ' 1;-children and matches, to Ui< ■ of the dlff-r- houscs occupied by the department. Engines. Visit McEvoy s Xmas Store ALL THE GOOD THINGS FOE XMAS PRESENTS PINEST ASSORTMENT OF BOOKS , We have ever shown. Something suitable for everyone. Everything nice, from little Rag Books up. Fine line of Gift Books., WE ARE ESPECIALLY STRONG ON PICTURES Elegant line, from 25c to $25.00. Lots of new, pretty and attractive Pictures. Evervthing that’s good. A LOOK THROUGH Will show hundreds of suitable things for Christmas presents. DOLLS, TOYS, GAMES— Specially attractive line Dolis and goods for tlie little, ones. Everything out for your inspection. MoEvoy*s 572 Cherry St. r REGISTERED MAIL AND A SAFETY DEPOSST BOX Perhaps you are outside of Macon—deeds, insurance papers, wills and other valuable papers locked away in some bureau—where fire, thieves, cyclones and a dozen other things can find them. “Uncle Sam’s” registered mail and one of our safety deposit boxes eliminate all such risks. $3.50 a Year arid a Very Little Trouble Not nearly as much trouble as lostrpapors will give you. \£r FOURTH NATIONAL BANK MACON, GEORGIA n c^.st of 3‘t22.00. They seem to be in good condition nt pro- egt. Hore VVanons. There are five hore wngona In the de- possible. Hooks and Ladders. There Is one service truck on duty with ful c«ia|pment of ladders nnd There are twenty-three horses In the department nt ^resent, some ef them are getting old nn«l worn out. and will have to he replaced durimr tlie year. Two should be sold /ns enrlv ns possible and new ones bought to take their place. Hoce. There arc 8.200- feet or hm»o In the de- p.'utment all in good condition at pres ent. We need n 1,000 feet of new hose which should he bought at once, so a* t<> keep the reserve wagon filled In ense of an emergency. 4 Hirren • There are eleven sets of double swing ing harness, one set of buggy, nnd one set one-horse wag tn harness In the de partment. With some repairs, will last through the ye Hydrants. .There has been fourteen addition hy drants put In during the year, ranking a loM up 257. Including tho five of the Bibb Bilok Company. I hope council company to pkt ... Ms eon which has been authorlbed by the finance committee. 1 would also recommend that council make arrangement* to have hvdraiits placed in the recently annexed portion of the city, us nt present we are not able to give tut little protection to this see- Fire Alarm Te!«graph. II. HumpVrevs. wit electrician. Mr. . keens It up to the highest standard. We need several alarm boxes for the annexed section. In Conclusion. I wish to express my appreciation to his honor, the mayor nnd council, for courtesies extended. To the nollre department for the a.sslst- ance rendered, nnd to the officers and members of the department for the faith, ful performance of duty. Respectfully submitted. L. A. MILLER. " Chief Fire Department. Roll of Firs Deoartment. Miller. L. A., chief. •Williams. J. II C., assistant chief. Captains—V. E. Armstrong. J. R. Rragg. C. A. McCreary. B. A. Raby. P. L. Williamson. Engineers—T. J. Rlshop. T. B., Fcngtn. J 8. Harper, ft. Johnson. sill eon- . I Untie to sell shoe*, ami the very ln-il . Th* bMk'li of pnwUkuu nnd «t- tootw«.r, too, at th. wm, rvmark- Cnrotwr T. E. Youn, I,rid tn- r „ u . n up hy lh . «M»UooI Uta? “ vtar.ct.rlwsl < quest ovxt the body of Jim Maxwell,! \rtny. will be distributed at , — — North Carolina Put* to 8m. •n old negro, who was found dead on [ Thursday afternoon, and those lat*»r- j Insurants Companies Win. j NORFOLK Va., Dec. 22—The cfttls- tht old BhcrlJUn place on Western eated will govern thomsclrea accord- LOUMVtLLB. Ky.. Dec. 22—Dr- | North Carolina put to sea today In Heiffbla. ,n tisi.w and Mr. White d-wui.^^4 mnvtwn of the North River and Globe | a northeast storm with the. wind blow- Borne time ago the 8herld*n house i rinUi. *IU xH”t iuwS KMural! , , 0 ?S[•»* 1 «-»«<«• co,np,nh‘8 t, mu., tnihoura^Copj^Hcnrv. * •- thr ftoqnd. and Jim! Sunday. Thry it III prMCh at the!'*"' «ull, of thr t.'ackrtt-Wnko jr h .. hatii..',!,. .lorn t.V Drt.-rr.-tV, it. itiirnol,!. \V. W. Bl«by, k. A. Herrington. J. R. Jordan. W. A. Johnson. W. R. Kent. R. S. McWilliams. K P. Roberts. J. F. Rockmore. J. C. Smallwood. R. F. Sessions, A. M. Wyche. laidrtermen—J. T. Herrington. R. \\ MulHolland. J. K. Rice. J. D. 8mith. C. B. Snipes. W. H. Tharpe. Hosemen—J. * * * 1 ... StemWldge. W. H. Thompson, J. F. Wester. T. W. Wjrcbe. Substitute—W. L. McCormick. Appropriation Needed for 1909. - flatary of chief at $125 .....Il.soo.oa Salary of assistant chief at 8190.. .Salary of five captains nt 173.... 4.500.Mb I Salary of four enrlneers at 390.. 4.320.0.1 j suhtrv of four stokers «t $75.... 3.609.00 ■ salary of 12 driver* at 375 10.9*9.00 Salary of seven I adder men at $70. 3.889HM) Salary of 24 imremen at $70.... 20,160.oo • - -• •"3.. 990.00 ... 1.900.99 ... 3.100.00 ... s.tto.oo ... 1.000.99 Edward Loh, Pros. John H. Donahue. V. P. Jeromo Herman. Sec.-Treas^ Bedingfield & Co., Inc. P. 0. BOX 1098, JACKSONVILLE,-^HA, — MUMM’S EXTRA RYE. , 4 Quarts ... 8 Quarts ... 12 Qusrts ... $ 5.G0 1 Ga!. Jug i 6.10 10.50 2 Gal. Jug,..: wrmrw>..'.»»#.80 H.CO 3 Gal. Jug 23.50 OLD NICK ROLAND CORN,™,- u 4 Quarts ... 33.50 1 Ga!. jug iV.iijv.u. .32.20 12 Quarts ... ....: 9.50 3 Gal. Jug J. 9.00 WILLOW BROOK RYE. —■ — ' 4 Quarts ... 8 Quarts . 33.00 1 Oil: Jug..... .v.~. ►V..32.80 *. ;,v. .> i.25 12 Quarts . . . ’.... 8.50 3 Gal.JUg./..-7.. 7.75 IMPORTANT. - — Take warning and order now—do not wait.- Avoid tlie Christmas rush. We Carry a Complete Line of Wines and Liquors. Write For Our Complete Price List.- *evnwi<*' 1 select straight old Rye Whiskeys, and then blend them myself, personally. I do this to get the right kind of fine olcl Rye whiskjy with which to supply those patrons who want a fine Old whiskey, and are willing to pay the price which time placet op. good whiskey. “CONSTITUTION” Rye Whiskey is this brand—it is always uniform—always the same, and I w?l gladly refund your money should you not be pleased with it. Vrutjail. R. M. ROSE CO., Dstiillers Chattanooga, Tenn. JaduomrlUe, Flai New York ff« mnr utm* on fotrfd **ita • tar aUrtta Cfi fifi «a SMtWr* Eipma Ceaiuay iiae« f#r . , . . «pO.UU Salary - — .— Fttr new horse Kbr fees! for horse* For fuel wrtd repairs For new horse* rnt ttefk lo l«* *fter tb« fet»c-! Tab- rn.u le on’Sunday morning an.l j Tobacco Compapy top tosse* sustained ! id the He was nt stiff the Tabernacle *»n Bundaj morning In the night rider laid on Huasellvllle. lay. In the aftern^m Mrs Munt^ j i»mt at the First Haptlat ChMiTh on IKY. January 2. IW«. weiw upheld by u*. who l-vea next door saw the Sunday nt«M. Judge Kvans In th,' federal c.iurt hero an lying on the troun.l by Ins Railway Appamlmtala. toJay. Judge Kvans ruled that the .!*•- ’ ami II was then the discovery I noANOKF. Va.. fv, 23.-Official i fnis* of the companies, th.t the riot i lade lint he was dead, ami had | announcement was made by the N.»r-| clause cgcmplo.| them from pa>!ng rotk'snd Western lUUwgy toJa|.that l-teaes causal by the n’ght r*d ; ng or- ! sh.itne hn* t»ron apMtited gafilaathms had not bc*-n met by th * assistant in the ml plaintiffs. an.| t» c suits were dismissed , Va. I^ts Is a new offt**. The case wiu go to th# Halted State* as been upfsiint#)! | clivutt <*uirt appeal* as it is piw. “and r n a Is id Norfi* l taU Uwftoe K. L Dul> ent c sg th st in tho storm and with velocity off the Hottcms coast of 26 mile* nnd honr and high seaa prevail ing. Admiral Arnold Is sailing south- uard w .th pirt’ally aexjad order*. It w** annogneed here today that tho cruiser* Montana and North Carolina nrc now under the direct orders of Ad* rnhwl Arnold. At th* :;av>* yt.1 't Is reportM th»t the will net ntnro tu the I result •( th* FROM EFFECTS OF BURNS MRS. MURRAY IS DEAD OCIU.A. 0»„ l>o. 25—Mrs. Murray. , the wife of Mr. J. F. Murray, of this 'place, and §l«ter of Mrs, W. N. ] Flvesah and Mr. W. 11. Paulk of Wrwy Ga. died last n ght In groat 'agony and after suffering nine tmun*. from th# effects af a burn sustained ; >e*terdsy, and her remtln* were -4n* ; tarred in the r*ty cemetery th’s aft- Icrnvcs at 4 o'clock. Th# funeral s.*r. • vWis were conduc ted from the Bvptld Church at S o'clock. She leaves no children. New Trolley Line. Mr. W. F. Byrne, of kew Yorl:. a repreaentatlve of James R. Turner, of $7 Wall street. New York, was In Ucilla a few days ago In the Interest of the Fttigerutd A Ocilla Electric railway. He at <ted that the money was ready to begin and build the trol ley line from this point to Fttxgv'raid, and no time would be lost In construct ing the line. While Ocilla nnd Fitzgerald now- have two parallel railroad lines, yet this trolley line would be of groat ac commodation to the traveling public, nnd bring the towns closer together. The people here are enthusiastic over th** project. All Busy In Dougi*** , DOUGLAS. Ga.. Dec. 52.—Despite i tin* fact that a alow rain hos Ixen ! fulling ulmoet continuously for two day* and nights, the city Is Jammed I with merry holiday shopper*, nnd all the merchants report a record-break- ling trade. J The city J* further enlivened for the week with the Johnny J. Jones U'nrniva! Company and trained wild,, j animals, with two bras* bands. This I combination Is In a da** bv Its* If. The Samuels Case. DANV1LLK. Va., Dec. 2JI—Tlie caaa of W. B.'Samuels, charged with *tha murder of Sheriff W. M. Flennagan, of Draper. N. C., In this -lty on Oc tober 24th, was given to the Jury* late this afternoon. After being out for nn hour and a half Judge A. M. Aiken, of the corporation court, summoned the Jury before h'ni who reported a dis agreement. The Jury wgg th*u dis charged until tomorrow morning -when they will renew their deliberations. The Jurors are quartered tonight at a local hotel. The session of court today was. oc cupied in speeches by Attorneys kT. H. Ouster nnd It. W. Peatroos for thr de- fenre , and Commonwealth Attorney Tho.*. Hamlin, who closed for the pros ecution. Raby won’t suffer five minutes with croup if you apply Dr. Thomas’ Eclec tic Oil nt once, |t acta' like magic. * Bishop Olts. NEW' YORK. Dec» 23—Bight- Revi John Stephen Michaud, bishop of tho Romm Catholic dloe*»j«o of BurPngton, ivt , dloAst SL VlnornXflfcMAitat here today "f Br ght’s disease, ag* d sixty- Eve thi p.|o Regulates fit# howelt, promote* easy natural mmcmenta, cupe« .constlpatloa —Doan’s W**fu?ets, Ask your druggist for them. H c«nu a bog. **