Newspaper Page Text
— —» r ««“
i(toiuoppo w’s
and you haven’t bought his Xmas
present yet. Come to us today
and,let us help you out. We are
showing a beautiful line of Holiday
Novelties such as:
Bath Robes
Fancy Vests
Leather Collar
Traveling Bags
Silk Hosiery
Your Last Chance
The eleventh Hour is at Hand. You may Have already
bought your Christinas supplies but, if not, it’s time to
get busy. Remember we have a full stock of Oranges,
Nuts, Raisins, Bananas, Grapes, Dates, Celery, Cranber
ries, etc., all of which are fresh and the prices are the
lowest. i
Macon Cash Grocery Company
TWO PHONES—325 and 290.
You will Have to hurry if yon want to get anything
for your Christmas dinner. Better be 7 sure than sorry.
Think of what you want and let us Have your order
please. j
Large Fruit Cakes, 5 pounds $1.50
Pound Cakes, different sizes, a pound 22c
Raisin Cakes, different sizes, a pound 22c
Malaga Grapes, a pound, 15c, 7 pounds for .-..... .$1.00
Sweetest Florida Oranges, nice, small, a dozen .... ,15c
Sweetest Florida Oranges, medium size, a dozen ,.. .20c
Sweetest Florida Oranges, large aize, a dozen 25c
Fancy Paper Shell Almonds, etc., at reduced prices,
to clean up our stock today. Cranberries, Bananas, etc.
Fresh Crackers and small Cakes of all kinds.
Fancy Seeded Raisins, pound packages, 3 packages, 25c
Best Cleaned Currants, pound packages, 3 for 25c
Grated Cocoanut, 2 packages 30c
Fancy A&P Elgin Creamery Butter, A&P Buckwheat
and Pure Maple Syrup.
Fancy Candy.
Tangerines, 20c a dozen.
Choice Fruits at this price today. We want to clean
out everything today before our shipment arrives on
Saturday, and we will be open tonight until 11 o’clock.
The Great Atlantic & Pacific TeaCo.
the Macon dailf TEi-.mR.vpns Thursday morning, December 24, 1903
The ladles of the household of Mr.
Walter-Buchanan will receive a Christ
mas gift they were not expecting.
Along about the llrst of December,
while the family were at supper, a
thief climbed one of the porch columns
and entered the house through an up
stairs window. He robbed the dresser
of a lot of Jewelfy, and although an
aecurato description of the lost arti
cles was immediately furnished the
police nothing was heard front them
until yesterday morifing. when all but
a watch was shown to and Identified
by the lady whose property they were.
As a sequel to the burglary, a negro
named Emanuel Hampton was bound
over on the charge of burglary from
Justice Jones* court, and Ills bond llx-
ed at $500. Hampton Is now in Jail.
’Chief Westcott nr.d his detectlv.
sent descriptions of the lost Jewelry
to the police of the larger cities \
•the usual request to look out tor
Tuesday Hampton wont Into an At
lanta pawnbroking establishing to
raise some money for Christmas. The
articles wore noted and found to lit
the description sent, and an officer
called in and Hampton locked up
In Which Mr*. Smith, of Barnesvllle, Was
Severely Injured Last Sunday—Not
Dead as Reported, But Yet
In Critical Condition,
Mr. A. H. Smith, of the A. H. Smith
Company, stables, on Third street, has
returned from a visit t«» his mother. Mrs.
Archie D. Smith, the lady who was the
vlctlnuof the accident on Sunday last,
near Jonesboro, when she was seriously
Injured by being run over or struck by
an automobile being driven by the ne
gro Sam Moreland,
Mr. Smith furnishes the cmnple
tails of the affair for the llrst time pub-
liKho.1. He rays that the comlltloi
Ills mother is regarded us critical,
the family, have hope that she will
cover. She has been conscious only
0 short time since the occurrence.
last Sunday afternoon that
Mr. and Mrs. Smith started
son who lives some distance out from
Joucsh<,>ro. About two miles fr<
lyric Theater
^M-MMI-MT 1 ■!» ‘i 1 1-
Savannah Grand Prize
Auto Races
Also a Fine Vaudeville Show.
Miss Jennie Dewesse, Clever
Banjoist and Violinist, appear
ing at The Lyric this week.
WANTED—A young man stcnogmi
and assistant bookkeeper to begin \
amt January the first; must have j
icuinmeudalions; state experience
lary wanted. Address Box '270, Jasper.
straight road, with Just si little
in It. they saw the automobile approach-
lug. The horse they were driving _ba
the distance then being amply sulTleL
to bring the a halt, but they
" * pay any attention to Ills signal
Choicest Native and Western
620 Cherry St. Phone 351.
to his command, but kept
Ming to
ward him. Seeing this. Mrs. Smith allglit-
and Chief Westcott notified. Detec
tive Harrison went to Atlanta that
night and brought Hampton back and
■the Jewelry. He was carried before
Just'ce Jones and the jewelry fully
identified by the lady who lost them,
and the commitment followed.
Tho Jewelry consists of a locket
with monogram on back, a brooch of
eighty-three pearls surrounding a dia
mond, and an opal ring. The gold
watch taken at the same time has not
yet been recovered. Hampton tells tho
usual tale of having bought tho jew
elry from another negro, but ho can
not produce the other negro.
Thus Santa Claus is awful good to
some people, and sometimes surprises
Our supplies are the most complete and the qunlity
of all is better than usual. The prices are reasonable
and we can supply all orders at retail and wholesale,
for everything good to eat.
Flournoy Grocery Co.
Only Coffee Roasters in Macon.
For Sale at $2,500
. A two-story, seven-room house, thoroughly modern,
newly papered; within half block of College St. Splen
did homo or investment.
Willingham Loan & Trust Co.
401 Third St.
Phono 360
LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine, tho world
wide Cold and Crip remedy remov"
cause. Call for full name. Look t
signature E. W. GROVE. 25c.
COCHRAN, Dec. 23—One of the
most cultivated and appreciative gath
erings in the history of Cochran oc
curred last Tuesday evening. Decem
ber 15th, at the homo of Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Taylor, when Miss Annie Taylor
and Mr. James Peter Peacock were
The homo was decorated <Wth river
smilax and white tulle, relieved with
white carnations. In the large draw
Ing room the improvloed altar was
banked with Easter lilies and aspara
gus fern alternating with brass can
delabra. The library was In pink chry
santhemums and tho dining room and
banquet hall were rich in tho Chrlaf
cd from tho buggy hiiiI
other side of the road to get out of
the way. The horse was badly fright
ened and sank In Ewfc shafts. Again Mr.
Smith called out to tho parties in tho
approaching car to ‘stop, but
old tin*
and to JMPmHMHHH
veered around to where Mrs. Smith
standing, and then she was hurt. It is
Of the house, who closer the
Iglits and bars the door
neglect to look to tho ro.
should remember that Mr. Rail
Intruder who can do harm i
tho burglar.
Phone 531. 320 Third 8t.
not known exactly how slio
whether she was struck by the machine,
whether her dress was caught hi tin
heels, or whether drawn under bv the
lft |N1 co of the
suction beenuso of the i
machine. Mr. Smith
the horse, being
gy. and the machine came
work so quickly, almost ns
he had only a glimpse of tli
saw his wife as she was r
ground, turning over am
for him to say.
tvlfo wag in-
Ids mind that sho could bo taken Int
town quickly in tho machine and he call
ed out to tho occupants to stop for that
purpose, but thd machine sped on like
a shot. He called for assistance from a
house nearby, and procuring n spring
wagon the injured lady was taken up
tenderly and carried to the family resi
dence in Jonesboro. There It was found
that she suffered two fractures of tho
leg and thigh bones, besides being bad
ly bruised the body.
Mr. A. II. Smith said yesterday that
he desired to correct an Impression that
seems to have prevailed In Macon and
elsewhere as to the feeling against tho
negro chauffeur. So far as tho fatnllv
is concerned, and they are those most
Interested, thoy nro content to let tho
law take its course, believing Hint urn-
dor the circumstances tho proper punish
ment will be provided by tlm courts. Mr.
Smith learned while In Jonesboro that
the negro was warned whtlo passing
through Hapevlllo at Ills rapid rate that
he had better slow up and reduco his
speed. In spito of this warning, ho con
tinued at a rate of sj * " *
ductlve of Just such
that at Jonesboro.
Moreland and the negro Charlie Sinter
who was with him at the time, are still
in Jail In Atlanta, awaiting the result
of Mrs. Smith's Injuries.
Many Macon people nro Interested In outcome of the case, both because
of the relationship of Mr Smith, who
mas colors of green and red. i?unch
wan served during tho entire evening
in the- dfning room by Misses Edna
Taylor and Dollle Peacock.
As the bridal party as*embled and
wero arranged Into n beautiful tab
leaux, Mrs. Walter Hunt Peacock
sang, “Trusting Only Thee,” accom
panied by Prof, R. L. Walker, after
which Prof. Walker played Shurman’a
Nocturne in slow subdued tunes, and
in tho soft twilight of burning tapers
midst the hush of the gay assembly
Rev. John P. Chatfleld pronounced
tho holy vows that made the happy
young couple man and wife. Miss
Alice Taylor, sister of the bride, was
a lovely maid of honor, and Mr. John
A. Walker attended tho groom. Dur
ing the rendition of tho matchless Men
delssohn march, which thrills every
heart -with exquisite pain and Joy, the
congratulations wero received. At 10
o'clock the guests wero ushered Into
tho spacious banquet hall where thirty-
six covers wero laid and a delicious
flvo course luncheon was served at tho
close of which toasts were drunk with
frozen nectar. Mr. John Walker prov
ed nlmsclf a thoroughbred as toast
master and Introduced each speaker
with a charm and ease that provoked
much pleasure. The toasts were beau
tiful In sentiment and expression to
several of which the bride responded.
The climax was when she stood In a
queenly fashion with never quiver of
the goblet and drank to each and all.
The groom then gave expression of
his appreciation in a most appropri
ate manner.
Mrs. Peacock as Miss Annie Tay
lor, was on acknowledged hello both at
home and wherever she visited since
her debut two years ago. Bhe attend
ed Wesleyon College four years and
enjoys tho friendship of a boat of Wes
leyan girls In many states. Ro much
fineness of character and beauty of
disposition is rarely combined in ono
Mr. Peacock Is not only recognized
In business circles as a man of sterling
ability, but among all classes as a man
of Incomparable character, ono worthy
of “so noble a bride.”
The best Xmas gift for lady or qentle-
man would be Regal Shoes. Parks &
Everett, the place.
Police (°oupt
Room 13.
It was a case of the star hoarder
again. Watt Harris was his name,
and the house where ho got more and
paid less than the other boarders
located down on Bridge Row.
Tuesday night Watt tried to go to
bed. The room which he occupies Is
No. 13, and he has a roommate, “cr
gemman name LIge Thomas,” who
works at night and sleeps the sleep
of the tired in tho dbytime.
The occupant of room 14 is a bad
man. and he get* worse every time
he sees how the landlady gives eggs
and ham and sausages to *the star
boarder. He has been waiting
months to find an excuse to wipe up
tho earth with Watt.
Watt was charged yesterday mom
Ing with disorderly conduct and this
Is the story told by the Isndylady, who
was trying to shield tho star boarder
tho best sno could without losing tho
other boarders, who were also wit
“Jedge, 1U* gwlnetor tsll do trufs
'bout dls. kase de trufe im do light uv
do wul. hit sho Is. Mister Harris he
sleep In number IS in do night, an* dls
f or gemman sleep In hit In do day.
futter dunnow how come dls yor
mans ter him In an' go ter bald in de
night Wan he ail de timer steepin' in
is a citizen of Macon and because tho
negro ban been seen so ninny times on
the streets going nt a high rate of gpci *
The report of Mrs. Smltl»*s death ....
sent out, now proves to havo been Incor
do day. Any how. I rick’n hit wuzzer
’bout tinner clock las’. night w’enner
hycer dls gal wot wo calls LIT Bit,
kaso sho slcher dried up liT thing,
holler out lak do wul wu* on fl’, nnner
rund up do steps fasser kin an’ dar
wuz dcso gemmen havin' some w’uds
bout suinp’n nuvver, dunno yit wot hit
wuz. Dls hyere LiT Bit so skoery
lak, she sho holler an’ she scoot down
do stairs an* holler fur do poleeces,
an’ do poleeces dar fo yer know hit.
Seem lak dey nil ways right or roun
w’en dey any thing de matter ct mer
house. IBen any body ©Iso yor never
would fin' 'em. An’ dat all I know
erbout hit.”
“What about this. Little I3lt?”
''Jedge, er hyoerd -Mister Harris w’en
he ax LIge wot he doin’ In ho bald,
an’ tol’ 'Im dat ho sick «n’ dat ho
bald swlmmln an’ ho Jls gutter lay
down er ho fall on do flo’ anner hyoerd
LIge tell 'Im dat do no’ was ready fur
'im, an' donner hyeerd suinp’n gohlnrn!
blam! blam! anner gits sheered ot dat
an' I tell yor do trufe, Jedge, I sho did
holler fur do poleoces. An’ dat all or
knows erbout hit.”
“LIge, what about this?”
“Jedge, las’ night wuz do fusstes 1
time dattor knowed dat dls yer star
boder wuzzer s’eopln’ In mer bald In
do night. Er pays dat oomun dollur’n
ha’f or week fur dat room, barer wants
hit all ter merse’f. Iho mighty pertlc’-
lar wot klner bald er lay down on, an'
dar er wuzzer payin' fur er room all
ter merse’f an' come ter fin’ out dis
yer mans wuzzer steepin' Mi hit. Cose
er seed Watt 'bout de house, huttwurnt
nunner mer blzniss whar ho sleep nn
ner alntor nxln any quoshijns, but dar
he wuzzer sleepin in mer bald unbe
knownst ter me.”
“But tell mo about tho trouble last
“ wotter gwlnetor do right now.
Jedge. I wuz sick anner Jls couldn’t
go. t«r wuk—Iso gwlnetor tell yer do
trufe, Jedge, w© oil got some licker fur
Chrlstmiis an' w 0 r | M « couldn’t wait
fur Christrnus ter come an’ we sorter
totched de bottle /in’ hit gimme er
swimmln In do bald anner went ter
mer room anner laid down on do bald.
Rout de time er wuz gittln sorter easy
lak. hyere kirn dls man right In Ac
room an’ V* lay down on mer bald.
An’ den we had hit.”
"Now, Watt, what about It?”
“Jedgd, I git some or dat same
licker, an’ It sho did mejc mer hold
swim, anner git so sick da\ter went
up de steps ter go ter mer room ter
lay down, anner didn’t know dat dls
ver nigger wuz in de bald. He alnt
fell yep de trufe, Jedge. He tell ver
dat he font me. He didn’t do hit
neever. hit wuz dat mans dat sleeps in
14. He do mans. Look lak he got
hit In fur mo some how, kase ho do
man wot me’n him fout. Jedge. dis
yer mans wot sleep In 13 in do day bo
er swimp. I kin tek him an* th’ow
him out’n de winder. Do poleoces sh
didn't eotch do rlkht mans. Dat mans
wot In 14 ho de tnAn dat glmino dls
knock In de eye”
And that ws« the way of It. It was
all dark upstairs, nnd whe n th© room
er in 14 heard the racket In 13 he
knew bis chance had come, nnd they
say the woy ho walloped the star
boarder was a caution. But ho got
Southern Packing Co.
in is an
II as
Phone 187.
H. & H. R. HUHN,
Basement Amcr. Nat’l Bank.
Owner wishes to sell home In sub
urbs; live minutes* wulk from ear lino.
Brand new house of flvo rooms, eight
foot hall running through entire house.
Nine-foot veranda running around
three sides of the house (125 feet);
large lot. barn, stables, qtc. This house
budt to live In nnd not to sell,
which makes quite a difference In Its
construction. $2,000; $500 cash, bal
unco in payments of $25 a month at
eight per cent interest. Can get pos
session In few days after sale is made.
Will also sell from ono to five largo
beautiful vacant lots adjoining,
vated and level, nicely sod with Ber
muda grass, cheap price and liberal
terms also on these lots.
Exceptionally flno place for poultry,
slfeep, goats, hogs, etc. This Is a real
and true bargain, as you will see* on
Investigation; better see it today.
Caro Telegraph.
127 Bellovue Ave $20.00
742 College, 9-r
42G Calhoun, 8-r
221 Dungan
155 Fourth. 7-r
1171 Oglethorpe, 7-r
uro Holt St., 9-r
310 Hardeman, 7, $25.00;
January 1st.
140 Highland avc., 7-r $27.50
261 Orange. 7-r $25.00
£20 Mulberry St $60.00
650 Poplar St $40.00
658 Poplar (Jan. 1) $50.CO
660 Poplar $50.00
B. A. WISE & CO.
AMERICUR On., Dec. 23—At their
Church street home, Mr. nnd Mrs. L.
G. Council ontertulned Tuesday i
ing for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Council,
with an elegant nnd elaborate recep
No home in Amorims Is more con
venlently designed nnd arranged
princely hospitality, nnd on this oc
ension It was a gem with Us radiant
lights, rich color, lovely flowers und
handsome appointments.
Tho spnrloiis reception halt was
decorated in green and white—tall,
wavey ferns nnd palms, nnd howls
nnd baskets of white narcissus making
an attractive setting for the ladles ro
colvlng nt the doorway. Thoico won
Mrs. Brown Small und Mrs. S. II
McKee, two charming and popular
young matrons.
Pink, the color motif in the parlors,
was exempli led in exquisite Enchan
tress enrnations, nnd choice florists
roses, long stemmed and fragrnut.
Here stood the receiving line. Mr. and
Mrs, L. (1. Council and their guests
of honor, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coun
Mrs. C M. Council wag n queenly
figure in her beautiful wedding robe
of duchess satin with Its rich nnd
dainty roso point decorations. The
hostess was enchanting In a. red bro
coded silk which accentuated # her fair
In'the hall aglow with crimson
lights, flowers and holly, the punch
table was placed beneath double win
dows, lace-draped nnd hung with
Christmas hells. Charming garlands
of holly tied with broad red satin rib
bon adorned the punch table which
was also beautiful with vi
American beauty roses. Misses May
Wheatley nnd Hazel Tower served
punch and kisses.
Red was also used In the two rlin
Ing rooms. On the polished mohog
any table was laid a rich clqny cover
in tho centre of which reposed
plateau of American beauty roses.
Red shaded candles nnd gleaming
silver bon bon trays Ailed with cry;
taliized cherries and mints rested here
lea Word
REGULAR stated meeting of
Mabel Lodge, No. 255. I*\ nnd
A. M.. will Ite he|.| this (Thurs
day) evening at 7:30 o'clock. All
Master Masons In good standing
cordially invited,
J. ■
call. Regular $1.00 Imt-
eputable physician
suratico examiner, by an old lin
Pony, doing both mi ordinary und Indus-
I busluesN. Address promptly, iusur-
e, care Dully Telegraph.
i’NU MAN desires to hoi
cKsary to build
suburbs. Will paj
cat. but 11
than any hunk.
clminbernuUd; good
WANTED—Position by experienced holy
stenographer at once, or within pox
thirty days. Willing and capable to ns>
In any office work. Clerical ability
Address ltefci
suitable for light housekeeping.
WE HAVE In stock nnd
slant notice anything
ythlng thnt Is advertised and bund
led by all leading grocers, nnd the p;
always right. Alt goods new. «
reasonable. Ring 48-053-054.
VIRGINIA country cured hams, si
_ tongue und Kosher meats at
Wliltehoud's. Phones 715 and 468.
* jier
pineapples, grape fruit, and Malaga
grapes,, sweet oranges, apples, bananas
and letilons, at J. It. White I lead’s. Phones
COCOA NUTS, bananas, oranges, apples,
grape fruit and prutnqnarts, fresh lot
•reived from Florida each day.. Oscar
llrudley. Phones 051-423.
STANLEY’S Business College, Macon,
a., prepares young men for rcsponsl-
.. positions and assists them hi securing
paying positions.
•mmencement salnry $800.00; spring
examinations; preparations free; write
Immediately. Franklin institute, Roches
ter. N. Y.
WANTED—Men to lcnrn barber trade,
few weeks completes, CO chair* con
stantly busy, careful Instructors, tools
given, diplomas granted, wages Satur
days, positions waiting, wonderful d«'
niand for graduates; writo for catalogue.
Molpr Barber College, Atlanta, Qa.
WANTED—Regular $1.00 bottle Jap Dan
druff Ct
sale at Palm Bar
ber Shop for 60 cents. This sale lasts
only a few more days. You will havo to
FOR RENT—To young men, furnished
. room; hot or cold bath on samo floor.
413 Spring street.
street. Phono 3463.
Hardware Co.
WE HAVE In stork and randy to de
liver on short notice nnyihlng nnd
everything that Is advertised nnd hand*
lod by nil leading grocers, nnd tho prices
are nlwiiys right. All goods now. clean
nnd rciiHoiiubin. ***
Ring 48-963-954. M.
BUTTKRINB. only 20 cent* per pound;
good for cooking or table use. Oscar
Bradley. Phones 8Dl- ( ’
BUY YOUR TURKEY from Whitehead.
Ho will send you one guaranteed to
please. Phones 715 nnd 468.
excellent place for
FOR RENT—Large, convenient ware
house, close In. Ii. Trls Nnpler.
FOR RENT OR BALE—Best dairy nnd
truck (firm In Georgia; 86 acres with
7-room house !n good repair; stables,
barns, etc.; flno meadow; enough good
land to produce a world of vegetables;
10 minutes from court houso. H. Trls
STUFFED MANGOES, bulk olives, (ex
cept fancy), bulk sweet mixed pickles,
bulk plain sweet phkles, bulk plaln^H
deletes. saner kraut nnd dill pickles, nt
pi* 1.!'
1. B. \V
Phones 715 and 468.
FOn RENT—Two A1 ground floor offices
con Havings Bank.
FOR HALE—Three-gab*
•.‘kn old. 1363 Boundary st.
IF YOU want nice apples, oranges, ornp
fruit nml grapes for Xnwis ring 337
" * l&jdlcbrooki
418. E. A. Mlddlebrook*, Vlnrvllle.
FOR HALE—First man with $200.00 gets
beautiful lots. Pleasant Illll. *
**. i». Jaw to
and there, and from the chandlier rod I Hclssor*. shear*, snips nnd razor*
tulle wreathed with smilax was carried) „„ „„ there Is made and guurun-
to the tablesedges nnd festooned with j trod. Balk*aim
ell, mother of the host, who poured y nK on nmln business street In Ath
coffee. c-iim. Ga. Rent very reasonable. 8tool.
An unusually sumptuous supper was will invoice about live thousand dollar*,
served tho one hundred and flftjT Reasons for selling, have other largo in
guests by a group of graceful y*ung
Wo havo everything good in
tho way of Fiih, Oysters, Game,
Turkeys and Poultry. Phono
Kirin, X!ls».» Bth»l Ix>vln*.
Williford. ChrlKtlno Hooper, 5
Brown, non- Hhorloek, Chloo
Mary t/ltl.John. ....
Mr*. Council wna ably aa.lalcl by
Mr«. Henry Johnson, Mm. John Hbof.
field. Mm. Will Moreland. Mr«. Ibir-
low Council and Mlaa l.llly Glow,
this nt
Athens. Ga.
Address Guarantee
Vo^d binder,
►rue spring wagon,
ses, IncluiH “
Malaria Makes Pala Sickly Children.
Tho Old Ktandard GROVK'H TAHTK-
LKHH CHILL TONIC, drives out mo*
IsrU and builds up the system. For
grown peouie and * JiUJrau Wi
. .mm work horses, Including ni
horses for dray or heavy rarrlngc. Tl.
buggy horses, ono a good saddl* horse,
sII grtitle. In fact most anything
want for your farm. Including acet;
Mss outfit. \V. II. Young, Itoute 6, M
G«, J’ltone 1217.
POP CORN In pnrkages, for decorating
the Christmas tree. Phono. 71f or 468.
J. 11. Whitehead.
CABBAGE PLANTS, 25c for 100, $1.2f
per 1.000. Apply J. W. Amaaou. 85!
Second st Telephone 1397.
FOR HALE—Dug* perfecting press, with
complete stereotype outfit; good ouler;
prints 4 or 8 pages; $1,250 fob Macon.
Address Telegraph. Macon. Qg. .
FOR HALE—Fifteen horse Talbot engine
und toller; good running order; 3150
for outfit Macon Telegraph.
FOR HALE—Frazier buggy’! rubber-(ires;
feeshlv painted; price $35.00. Awr-
gain. Macon Buggy Co.
SHELLED ALMONDS, shelled pecans,
shelled walnuts, crystallised cherries,
crystallized pineapple, citron, orango peel
lemon peel, bunch raisins, seeded raisins,
currants, Persian dates, layer tigs and
nuts In shell; order today. J. B. White
head. Phones 715 and 468.
BALKCOM Hardware Co. bus one of tho
best assortment of pocket knives In tho
NOTICE to my patrons: I will not open
my doors for business on Xmas day.
Therefore kindly place your orders today
for unything amt everything needed In
the eating line for Xmas. J. U. White
head. Phones 715-ff.s.
cents per dozen. Oscar Bradley.
Phones 651-423.
CHRISTMAS MEATS—Dressed turkeys.
live turkeys, llvo hens, live friers,
smoked tongue. J. B. Whitehead. Phones
715 und 468.
FOX RIVER butter by express every
morning, only 35 cents per fioimd. Os
car firadley. Phones 651-423.
WE CAN supply tho merchant, hotel
and large family, celery, oranges, ap
ples. hnuunns, grape fruit and other Xmas
godies at special prices. Flournoy**.-
CABBAGE PL A NTH of superior strains.
grown by C. M. Gibson. Young's Inland,
prices. Full count uml satisfaction guar •
THE BEST TURKEYS that money can
buy. regurdlcss of cost, are the kind wo
havo provided for our patrons. J. II.
Whitehead. Phone* 715 and 468.
still In Macon, ut 657 Plum. If you
want to know wlmt it Is doing call or
write nnd get Information. It Is harm
less. painhdrugless. It will not
raise the dead, nor will It euro all dis
eases. but it cures everything curable.
BALKCOM Hardware Co. has a large
assortment of good tilings suitable for
Christmas presents.
NOTICE to my patrons: I will not open
my doors for business on Xmas day.
Therefore kindly pluco yaur orders today
for anything ana everythin* needed la
the eating line for Xmas. J. B. White-
hcnd % Phones 716-468.
FINEST dairy nnd hay farm InMho coun
try for term of years. Plenty, of, pas
ture; meadow and good open land. Fenc
ed. W. II. Young. Route 5, Macon, jGa.
Phono 1222.
WE HAVE In stock and ready to de
liver on short notice anything and
everything that Is advertised and hand
led by ail lending grocers, and the.prlcea
ure always right. All goods new. clran
and reasonable. Ring 48-953*95,4.. . M.
DON'T FORGET the old reliable place
when you need any kind of fresh fish,
Brunswick. Apalachicola, Mobile Plant*
and Blue Point oyster*. We have fat
country turkey* for Xmaa; also hens and
friers. Call tig and glvo us a trial. Dan
iel A Blaslngamc. Phones 463*683.
FINE8T FRUITS and vegetables and all
kinds of nuts of tho season, Oscar
Bradley. Phone* 651*423,
a few more pupils; second session be*
gins January 5th; If interested, writo If.
Dixon Hall, Prln., Bogart, Ga.
LET MILLER’S bicycle messengers deliv
er your notes und packages. Phono
years training to high school graduates,
$60.00 per year. Term begins Jan. 4.
Further Information apply to Mrs. T. C,
Parker, pres.
First class stenographic work. No. 3
Grand bu!!dlng. Phono 870.
BAUER KRAUT and dill pickle*, none
better In the city. Oscar Bradley.
Phones 651*423.
CRANBERRIES, ripe nnd Just nglit; also
California celery. Order today and
avoid disappointment. Phones 715 and
468. J. 11. Whitehead.
make desired, at special low prices;
nlso cartridges and blank cartridge* at
Goldman'M I'awn Shop, corner Poplar and
Third nt*.
IX) IT NOW—Order your Christmas
turkey. Wo will select tho one that
will please you und hold for later deliv
ery. Phono 715 or 468, to J. B. White
head. Plenty cholco cranberries and
YOU WILL find at E. A. Mlddlebrook*
the very best mixed nut* to to hud; try
them and *eo for yourself. Phonos 337
und 438.
REAL ESTATE LOANS-$100 and up-
wnrds; no delay; loans closed within 24
hours. Hnrrold Banking and Savings
Co.. 607 Cherry st.
MONEY TO 1J6ND on rea*. oatato, repay
able monthly. J. J. C«vb. Commercial
it Havings Bank.
LOST—Black Gordon setter bitch. Lib
eral reward paid If returned to L. L.
Williams, No. L engine Imuo.
LOST—Export rifleman pin, Wednesday.
Reward if returned to Head’s Phar
LOST—Package containing leather case
with gentleman’* toilet article*. Drop
ped between Union Dry Goods storo and
Kress'. Return to 442 Elm at. Phono
LOST—Dachshund with Dodo on collar:
description, small, black, long body and
short crooked legs. Reward for return
to Walter. II. Turpin, 763 Second at.
FANCY celery, cranborrle* drossed or
llvo turkeys; give your order now and
get the host; delivered when wonted.
Phones 337 or 43$. E. A. Mlddlebrook*,
COCOA NUTS, banana*, orange*, apples,
grope fruit und Drum quart*, fresh
lot received from Florida each day. Os
car Bradley. Phones 651*423.
MONEY TO LEND nn personal property
of all descriptions. Apply Goldman**
Pawn Shop, corner Poplar and Third *t*.
ATMORE'S mince meat and R. R. Plum
pudding for your Xmas dinner. Oscar
Bradley. Phones 661-433.
CRANBERRY sauce, ready to plat* on
tables; In quart Jars. Phone* 716 and
466. J. II. Whitehead.
FOR HALF.-Building lot on VlnevlUe
... .M(t —
venty-ono f*>ot front. Very d*-*
II wgaln. G. M. Davll.
Tho Telegraph Business Of
fice, 452 Cherry street. Edito
rial Rooms uostairs, next door.