Newspaper Page Text
Virginia City, Mont., Shak
en Severiy Late Yes*
_ *erday.
BUTTE. Mont.-Dee. 27.—A dlspatcl
from Virginia City. MonL. says that a.
4:30 o'clock this afternoon that region
was shaken by the severest of a series of
many seismic disturbances that have
been going on for more than a week.
The electric plant was put out of com-
Deaths and Funerals
„ . 8TRAYER.
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Horace Q. Strayer will regret
learn of the death of their llttlo
daughter, Nina Clair, aged 18
Her death waa the__result of be
ing, burned on Christmas' day while
ehe was In the room playing with
other llttlo children before the flro.
Ldttlc Nina was the Idol of her
parents’ hearts, and was laved by
the ; whole community In which she
The funeral will occur- this (Mon-
-d»y) ‘afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at
their-reel deneCr-No. 2505 Second
street. Rev. _Mr. Domlngoes of the
Second Street" Methodist church will
officiate, and the Interment will bo
made In Oak Ridge cemetery.
The following young men will act
as pallbearers: Messrs. L. David
son, w. H. Horne, Clarence email
ing and Clifford Gibson.
Mrs. Beulah Pender, aged 34
years, died at 3 o’clock yesterday
morning at her residence in the
Warrior District.
Mrs. Pender had been tn baa
health for several months, and her
death had been momentarily ex
pected. She Is survived by her hus
band, • Mr. J. I,.- Ponder, and threo
The" funeral' will occur at 10
o’clock this (Monday) morning at
Bethel, church.. .Rev. J. W. Tittle
will Officiate, and the Interment
will be made-In the church ceme
Mr..Bon. A. Bassett died very un
expectedly at his residence on Strat
ton street yesterday about 12:30
o'clock. Mr. Bassett had been In
feeble health for several months,
but on 7£esjerday morning ho arose
as usual and felt bettor than ordi
nary. He went to to his dinner
about 12 o'clock, and while sitting
at the table he suddenly fell over
and expired before'medical aid could
be administered. ....
Mr. Bassett was a member of the
Carpenters and Joiners' Union, and
was .an .employe, of tho Massee-Fol-
ton Dumber Company, He was be
loved by all' Who know him. Ho Is
survived by...his wife and two
children, a father. Mr. G. W. Bas-
sott, T root'brothers, Messsrs. J. M..
P. H., N. M.-and O. R. Bassett, and
ono sister, Mrs. B. T. Thomas, of
this city 1
Mr. Bassett was only 33 years
of age, and his death will be
mourned by all who knew him.
t The--funeral will occur at 3:30
O clock this .(Monday) afternoon at
their residence. No. 126 Stratton
street. Rev. M. -Pyle will officiate,
nnd the Interment will bo mado In
JoneB* chapel cemetery,
was received in -Macon last
nlirnt of the death of Mrs. T. E. Me-
Collum, which occurred yostorflay aft-
ernoon at s o’clock at the family home
on C?Qlumbu8 Boad.
Mrs. McCollum was alck only a few
flays nnd her sad demise will be a
shock to her many friends. She was
only 25 years or age, and besides her
Husband is survived by her parents,
air. and Mrs. TUwajuud one little
Funeral services ‘will be held et
Bethel Church.' of which she was a
devoted .member slrfce ]lor g | r ih 0 od
days, nt 2 o'clock this (Monday) aft*
J } tv - Mr. Young will officiate
g* the interment will bo made In
Oethel Church cemetory,
The funeral of llttlo Margaret Plant
Hatcher took place yesterday from the
ramily home on Hardeman avenue, and
conducted-by. Rev. j. g. Bunting.
The eympathles of the community
went out to the parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W.-Felton Hatcher. In the loss of this
sunbeam, for such she was.
200,000 LABOR MEN
NEW YORK. Dec. IT.-riannlns .
drimjn.tTdU o/ mo.000 labor non neat
mm'Siv in -roiejt against >l| oontanca,
Impo’.o.r'Mfa R» mu o, Oompon
Mlyhe'lPrank Xf.irrl,ti.o (>,,
r,t * r • 'lvniK*il LMon today ApikiintH] ,
r,f thirty to male, krrjru:*-
adept foMoUoQB In l.'.U *QU-
*vi n which a ropy whr *«nt to
1 T.*.h axrrutl'.s
nutt»*e announced It bad ►ent a lelwam
defe/fUats a*»inin K t)#-m that . v. ry
..L’AfmSll'M SSSm fTr
P:wT3lKlSn UkVn«*»£ saff’.K
* 0,il 6 u* e*»k i srfoa
Matrimonial Mix-Up With
Plenty of Puzzles
WASHINGTON. DSC. 27.—Bewildering
relationships among member* of two
Kmrt. Finley township families have re
sulted from the marriages of a father an!
aecond wife died nearly a year ago.
Raged Mrs. Marla Richmond as hi#
housekoeper. It was agreed that two
daughters of Mrs: Hlohmond. Lucy,, aged
16. and Jennie, aged 19. should live In tho
Dllllnger homo with the father and his
two sons. Chas. and DavUl. After a tlmo
the aged farmer married Lucy Richmond,
and the two families continued to ocu-
py tho samo house. A few. weeks -after
the first marriage, Mrs. Richmond be
came tho wife of David Dllllnger. tho
elder son. Jennie Richmond and Charles
Dllllnger were next stricken with tho
matrimonial fever and were married last
Thb three families now live In the East
Finley township home of the elder Dlllln-
Ker. all apparently happy and contented.
Watched Fifteen Years.
“For fifteen years I have watched
the workings of Bucklen’s Arntoa
Salve; and It has. never failed to cure
any sore, boll, ulcer or burn to which
It was applied. It has saved its many
a doctor bill,” says A. F. Hardy, or
East Wilton, Maine. 26c at all drug
Eugenia Ldwls. the negro woman
who was shot by Qus Gordon, another
negro, out in Tybeo about ten days
ago. died at the Macon Hospital yes
terday about noon.
Before dying she made a written
statement, duly witnessed by two of
the physicians at tho hospital, to tho
effect that she and Gordon had been
quarreling, and that ho had shot her,
but that she did not know whether it
was accidental or not
When Gordon was arrested and
taken -before the recorder, he said he
did not deny the shooting, but that
he could not aay In what manner the
pinto] was discharged.
The woman’s father said that Eu
genia informed him that Gordon had
shot her. He further stated that at
the hospital his daughter told Win that
she and Gordon had quarreled the day
previous. Sunday night.
Gordon was committed to Jail, bond
being fixed at 62,000.
Coroner T. E. Young will hold an In
quest over the remains this morning
at 9 o'clock, at Hubbard’s undertak
ing establishment on Cotton avenue-
And Now a Guessing Contest is On as
To Whst Hs Will Get
Mr. Dan Sulllv&n la conductor and
motorman on tha North Highlands
car. He nins the car from the monu
ment on Mulberry street to the pa
vilion, and he keops the schedule, leav
ing both points on tli 0 half hours. This
he does rain or shine, and the people
on North Highlands set their clocks
by his going and coming.
There never was a more obliging
street car- man than Dan Sullivan. If
there is anything ho can do for a pat
ron of his lln© ho does It, and he has
such a happy way of doing It.
So on Christmas tho ladles in that
part of tho c!ty thought he ought to
be remembered, but they didn't know
what to give him- He was always go
happy and contented that he didn’t
appear to want anything. This being
tho case, they hit upon an unusual
plan. They made up a purse of 620.40
and deposited it in a first class cloth
ing store, nnd gave Mr. Sullivan the
order on tho store for anything he
wanted to that amount.
Now the ladies are thinking of get
ting up a guessing contest as to what
he will buy. Some aay an overcoat,
some say a suit of clothes, some aay
a -bath robe, and some one thing and
some another. In the meantime tho
North Highlands car goes back and
forth Just the same.
How He Tried to Bring ths N«xt
Meeting of American Hospital As
sociation to Macon.
Dr. Eugene B. Elder, of the Macon
hospital, has received a copy of the
annual report of the American Hos
pital Association, tho laaf meeting
held in Toronto, Canada. October
In tho report Dr. Elder I* men
tioned a« chairman of the board on
admission of eligible hospitals Into
the association, and special mention is
mads of his effort to bring the next
meeting of tho association to some-
point in the soutli.
"Ths association has a membership
of 437 hospitals in the United States,
•da, Mexico, and other Amerlaan
‘tries. Georgia is represented by
three cities, Macon. Bava&nab and
is next meeting of the nnso< fatfon
be held In Washington, D. C„
September 21-25, 1999.
Graft Prosecutor Employed
to JProbe Big Steal
PITTSBURG, Pa., Dec. 27—Officially
there were no developments In Pitts
burg's municipal scandal today. That
tho Voters’ League has evidence to
warrant other arrests nnd that there
would be mado when the time was
deemed propitious was all that any of
ficer of the league would aay.
There is a rumor tonight that Fran
cis J. Honey, who uncovered the Ore
gon land frauds and was conspicuous
in the San Francisco graft prosecu
tions is coming here shortly at the re
quest of President Roosevelt to inves
tigate the alleged bribery bo far as it
la connected with federal Institutions.
According to Washington reports,
Mr. Ifeney was in conference with
the president yesterday on 'the Pitts
burg situation. If he comes here It
-will be In the capacity of a special ex
aminer. it is said, to Investigate the
alleged use of money by officials of
mtlonal banks to have their Institu
tions made depositories of the city's
A statement was mado at the pre
limlnary hearings of the men under
warrant that 6176.000 had been thus
While there was no official develop
ment today the alleged corruption In
municipal affairs was forcibly brought
to th© attention of thousands of citi
zens. Nearly every -minister, at either
morning or evening services in his
church, olther devoted all or part of
his sermon to the subject.
DETROIT. Midi.. Dec. 22.—A Detroit
Neva special trom Frankfort. Mich., my,:
-The 15-ton fish tu* Rhino of Frankfort
was wracked against ono of the lArbor
plere here last night trying to make the
heritor In a strong southwest gale. The
little vessel was broken In two and tho
four men comprising her crew were
“•'The dead: C*Dt. Henry Ilanrath,
Julius Dorry. Chas. Kirby and Uus
until today when the csbln of the boat
was found on tho beach. The cabin
clock had stopped at the hour of vrvea.
was the only unmarried man of the crew.
SAN DIEGO. Cal- Dec. 27—In re
sponse to urgent appeals by wire from
New York, Theodore V. Johnston to
day started for Trinidad, lower Cali
fornia, to render aid to Wm. G. Morse,
under arrest ther© on a charge, It is
said, of killing a Mexican. Morse, a
son of Prof. E. F. 'll. Morse of tele-
graph fame, was a member of Presi
dent-elect Taft’s class nt Yale. He
went to the Campboll ranch, near Trin
idad. some time ago for the benefit of
h!s health. Nothing (s known of the
trouble which cauuc^ Morse’s arrest,
but his friends In New York are anxi
ous that some ono go to Trinidad In
his behalf, and Mr. Johnston, who Is
a New Yorker, consented to go.
Unknown in New York.
NEW YORK, Dec. 27-The name ot
Wm. G. Morce. who la said to bo un
der arrest in lower Cal'fornla charged
with killing a Mexican, does not ap
pear in th© New York city directory
nor in tho social register, and he could
not be Identified tonight. Samuel F.
B. Morse, who is said to ue a descen
dant of Prof. Mors* of telegraph fame,
lives at Delano, Cal,
r”’ Plant Discovered.
IMS. I*a.. i*c. IT.--John
Unit HI flat-a secret i
lot of p.-lir* j. K. fShn
PHILADELPHIA, Dee. 27.—The Cen
tral Labor Union of thla city, at a meet
ing today, adopted a remlutlon bearing
upon the decision of J union Wright of
the supreme court of the District of Co
lumbia. In tha Buck, Stove end Range
Company'S* caae.
The resolution aays that "Thl. attack
upon the rights of organised labor Is
hut another step In th, general move
ment against free speech, free press, the
rights of assembly and trl.l by Jury that
Is nor^ being waged by the ruling class
of tho country."
Some of ths delegates declared that
Oompsrs° r Vtee
wS?*ti>e Federation!
C*ttl« D'»«aa« OI«app«ars.
BUFFALO. N. Y. Dec. 27.—No case
of foot und mouth dlsoaso In animals
hat bean found In New York stale la
mn8 >eer. d»yi and both sut«
and f’-dcral authorities are no confidant
that thay have tho outbreak smother-
cd that orders have bom issued mod
ifying tho quarantlno regulations. The
chan». s go into offset tomorrow. Th»y
permit ths Int^rMtiit© shipment of hay,
Mrftw and hides from any part of Sow
JOik a?aia except the counts r»f Erie,
Niagara, Orleans. and M
She Promised His Policy
Soon to Be Crowned
With Success.
ROME, Doc. 27.—The Italia publishes
I , report which lias caused a sensation
n ecclesiastical circles, that Joan of Arc
recently appeared In a vision to the pope
and addressed to him oolenm word* of
encouragement, exhorting hit holiness to
continue his present policy, which she
promised .would shortly be crowned with
. SAVANNAH, Qa.. Dec. 27.—Rev. Abra-
ivam Krupper, J>. D., L. L. D., prime
minister of Holland, will be one of the
principal apeoktrs at the Presbyterian
assembly to bo held hore in May. His
subject will ba-"Calvin, the Theologian.’
and will-be delivered during tho cele
bration of the four hundredth anniver
sary of John Calvin’s birth.
Rev. Charles D’Aublgne. of France,
and Rev. James Orr. D. K.. of Glasgow,
Scotland, will be other speakora.
Revs. Ren. J. n. Warfield, Princeton.
K J.. C. It. Heed. Columbia, 8. O., T*
C. Johnson. Richmond. R. A. Webb, of
Louisville, 8. A. King. Austin, Texas.
Dr. E. A. Alderman. University of Vir
ginia, and others are on the program.
John Story will have to tell the
story- of how he came to blow an
engine whistle at the Southern depot
yesterday morning.
The train was at the depot, and
there were more or less passengers
about, ooine scurrying around looking
after baggage, and some telling the
goodbyes, and some buying tho tick
ets. All of a sudden there was a
shrill blast of the whistle, and such
a hustle is rarely seen, beeauso It
was five minutes in advance of tho
leaving time. /
Officer John Smallwood was around
tho depot seeing that the hacktnen
were keeping straight, and ho rushed
around to find the train standing
still.. Then ho thought of tho ordl-
nunco against blowing locomotive
whistles in tho city limits and ho
piled on tho engine to find John Story,
a negro fireman. In the cab, the en
gineer being on the ground looking for
loose screws, or whatever It is they
look after before a train starts.
When Story saw tho officer ho be
gan to explain that he mistook tho
whistle string for the bell string and
he pulled it. Ho swore he did not In
tend to blow tho whistle, and that he
was only trying to ring tho bell. Tho
officer Is not an engineer, but ho
knows the bell cord Is on one side
and tho whistle cord on the other,
and that no fireman would make aueh
a mistake as that, and Htory will tel]
his story to the recorder this morning.
WASHINGTON. Dk. 27.—To (unlllar-
Ira IhwnnlvM with condition, undo- tho
present form ot government of th. Pan
ama canal non# and to ron.lder what
ebanxea, if anjr. art d«-almhla.-*lwelva
nicmbera of tha houoa commit)** on for
eign and Interstate commerce will l«n
Charleston, B. C.. tomorrow for Colon,
ft I* not thooxht that any measure hay-
Ing for Its Object a cluing* In Ut* lonn
of cIvU government for th* gone will
revolve the conaidcratlon of con,res* at
the present session, but ,• all but two of
tha members of ths commute* will Ira
member* of th* hotu* In the slsty-tlrst
-oner***, th* rommltu-o will find M
formation ucured now of value latt,.. j—.„ m , msounshm of tha
advisability of attaching tn* so*, to one
court* * ouUl * rn c “CUlt* ot tho federal
The congressional party not only wilt
Investigate thla matter, but also will look
tbs’ cansl****" “* u * conatruotlon of
. Tha com miff— has not ha, under con
sideration any suggestion to Includo the
courts on th* non* In on* of th* federal
circuits, nor has there been any sug
gestion mad* to It that labor conditions
(her* are unsatisfactory. It has before
“• JntpkfcctA by Repre-
sentattve Mann, of Illinois, railing for
certain change. In th* form of govern
ment and th# abolition ot tha Isthmian
a chief counsel and a governor of th*
canal son* It also nkt<•* provision ft*
the appotntm. nt of a supremo court for
[the sons, wttb a fixed tenure of office.
In Behalf of Rudcwlte.
■ OlffCAOO, Dec 27.—William J. Cal
houn, who served several years ago as
pertst investigator for l>rs.ld*nt Roose-
"•II‘In Panama and \'tneiu,|». was Uie
chief spesker at a tnss. mcrtlng held
today In Iks lutar-st of Christian lludo-
wltr a it>.solan refuges, who In rsapooic
to tne <l«m*n4 of th* RucxUin guvi-ra*
tnoaty ehininf f# arson, roM*ry xn4
intrrdar, Rns >**n ».*• -uu.\
Freight Train Rolls Down Embankment-
Engineer Archie Van Evera It Hurt-
Three Engineer* on tho Engine.
Nows of the wreck a mil* and a quar
ter from Lumber City reached Macor.
varlr yesterday morning, the aocMont oc-
cunlug ut 12:li Saturday night.
Th* news u received was that by rea
son of an open switch a freight train
was thrown down an embankment, and
tlwt Engineer Archie Van Evera had a
leg broken and n gosh over the oyo and
was tadly scalded; Andrew Walker, an
engineer, living on Lovejoy street, in
Atlanta, had hts leg broken, and that Dan
Bklppor. another engineer, also of At
lanta. had his leg mashed.
It was told by those coming up the
rood In the morning that Engineer Walk
er and Engineer Bklppor were roccntly
transferred from tho Chattanooga divi
sion to the line between* Macon and
Brunswick, and were learning the road,
**}•* h» why they were on the engine
with Engineer Evera.
Mr*. Walker had Been telegraphed for.
and sho arrived In MucuiirjuM mat “her
husbund nt Mueon. and ImI on tho m
Inn train for Atlanta.
Mrs. Rvera went on the first down
train to b* with her husband, who. with
Engineer Skipper and Fireman C. K.
I gangs ton, who worn also hurt,* had been
left at Lumber City. Engineer Evera
will be brought to Macon todhy.
Engineer Evera la one of tho best
known of th© Southern engineers. IIo
has many friend* in the city who learned
of Ids accident with sincere regret. The
otner englneern were strangers, this be
ing their first run over the mad.
Borne of tire passengers on tho t,,,,,,
from Jacksonville, due to arrive yester
day morning, did not reacli Macon until
long after the time of arrival.
The Erstwhile Manager and Pennant-
Winner of Macon Cornea Down
to See Newt Ethridge nnd
See the Other Boys.
Who should blow Into Tho Tole-
fntplt office last night but Unite
What! Don’t know Uillle Smith?
Dllllo, tho little fellow who played
center—now, was It center, or wag it
short? Center, that’s It. Don't you
remember Billie, when he used to pad
dle out there on the dlnmond, yank
a hank of star tobacco from the
bosom of his blouse, awlpo off a qunr*
tor plug and keep moving around the
bags, here, there and cverywhere.'^no
eyo on this man and tho other on
some other fellow, and keeping tab on
the whole bunch?
That was Billie.
Remember the ill tie fellow who used
to skip up to tho bat. bunt and run?
You remember how he used to run
around the base* und looking all over
creation at the game tlmo?
That wM ’Billie.
Remember how the boyg on the
bleachers uoed to k<wp quiet until a
little fellow ran out from tho benches
to the coaching line, spit red, grab a
lot of dirt, rub his bnndg. spit again,
and holler?
That was Billie. /
Remember that little fellow who
always received an ovation from the
Judies In tho grand-stand whenever he
went to tho bat
That was Billie.
Remember the little fellow who won
ihe pennant for Macon, nnd wan the
happiest man In fourteen states?
That was Rllllo.
Wall, Billie came in last night Just
to say that he wanted to sen his old
chum, Newt Ethridge, nnd to say
howdy to the boya und wish 'em well.
But he looks fat and fit. "I* always
got fat In the winter." he said, und
ho sure does. And he looked splen
did. Homo of his best friends didn’t
know him. or rather they didn't rec
ognize him at once.
Four timoa manager of the Atlan
tis, and still at the head. And no
wonder. Ho Is the gentleman through
and through, honest as tho day is
long, nnd a worker—there |»n't a man
that wears a ball suit that works
harder or more conscientiously.
That’s Billie.
This morning he will arise early at
the Lunler, jump Into hie good clothes,
nnd go do\Mr to the park 'In a Jog
trot Just to see how the old diamond
looks, and to see.If it glitters now as
It u*ed to with tin and tags ripped
off the plug* of star tobacco he used
to eat up when ho was excited tbyer
the game going the wrong wuy.
BUile has lots of friend* In Macon,
lots of people think ho lg one of the
moat capable ball managers in the
That's Billie.
PEORIA, III*., Dec. 27.—A large, lean,
gray wolf gaVu Frank Kelffor an excit
ing five minute* today when It attacked
him near a lumber yard In the heart
of the city and chased him tour blocks
through the streets to his home.
Kelffer entered his ho>i*« In time to
•lam the door In th* •iilmel'g face. H«ix-
Ing a rifle he put a bullet through its
brain, shooting through a window.
ROOIIKHTKR. h. r.. IMC. «7.-T*tl
«**M ot wtiat Is silapectM to be tbs foot
“■<1 <1 Isons, hav. anstsao, in
rblMrea of live fun I llu In tha town of
jg&Tn 'infant.' has died. Ttis
5 had symptoms that ft-
toll Ins out nt inr ludii,, urns
sn ! dlr» tii.WUn In * ,| >, th* Uo’sf*>d I
’**-*:k ef Mrithew K list*ton, M eatt^n-
•till In to
j • 'unlsrfeit d.
*e V% *<lr «tdfiy „tah» by
»»o a cbeig* oi iMtdMia*
The Telegraph Business Of-
flee, 452 Cherry itreet. Edito- „ ]
rial Room* upfUiri, next door jtl
Ph*ip» ttokM and Socialism.
P^jjpMI Tr~Cbnn . Uc. 27,—After
* lecture given by J. it. i'liclp* «tofc**
berore a oocUHat gather Ins here tonight
■•JN* MNm ’Mliy h* fUdn’t give the
mlUPm* he tfiherif<..| p, tk* p*opl»V‘
In reply Mr. tttofcee sold hs hod
Usd tfwt hr rrtrSfc **"**"**•
Iff WM'osrnJMr hi* Mr*
V* t" 1 V* 1 of hr scl I eg as a
'LIT Vj \ m » ‘WfkfS 11 * Motk* sA
All Kinds of Building and Repairing of Carriages und
PHONE 1244. (Schatzman’s Old Stand.)
An Electric Evening Lamp
Is ono of the best Xmas gifts
imaginable. Make some one’s
lienrt glad by providing this
comfort and luxury. It is con
venient to read by, to sew by,
or for tho children to study by.
Think it over.
Wo have various styles to
select from.
Macon Railway & Light Co.
For Sale
A house with six room and hall on
Huguenln Heights. If yuu want a
HOME In a good location till* place
will Interest you. Can ummge terms
on this.
For a large LOT IN VI NEVILLE. Vo'i ' 1
want to build a home In tho best res.-
ldcnce section of Macon? If so her*
Is your chance to secure the lot.
Jno. F. and W. H. Cone, •
Real Estate, Insurance and Loons
Phono 206. 607 Cherry St.
Edward Loh. rr<V John II. Donahue. V. P. Jerome Herman. 8eo.-Treu,.
Bedingfield & Co., Inc.
4 Quarts $ 5.(10 1 Qal. Jug : $ 5.10
8 Quarts $10.50 2 Gal. Jug $ 9.60
12 Quarts $14.00 3 Gal. Jug $13.50
4 Quarts ....
8 Quarts
12 Quarts I.
4 Quarts ....
8 Quarts ....
12 Quarts ....
We Carry a Complete Line of Wines and Liquors.
Write For Our Complete Price List.
$ 3.50
1 Gnl. Jug ....
... .$ 3.20
$ G.75
2 Gal. Jug ....
$ 9.50
3 Gal. Jug ....
$ 3.00
1 Gnl. Jug ...,
$ 2.80
$ 5.75
2 Gal. Jug ...,
,..'..$ 5.25
$ 8.50
3 Gal. Jug ....
$ 7.75
To tho Buticrivr Court of i
Is The pefltloi
^rvetnnu Hart and li> M. Farnsir
IJlbb county, Georgia, Mhowe that
fleatro for tlicmeelyee, th*4r a**oclates,
successor* and assign*, tu be Ineurnor-
atftd under tho ham* and style or ClflN-
2. The caplt/d. stock u said oorpomtlon
hundred ant
•hall b* Twenty H\<> 'i hou.H«nd
Hollars, dlvldtm. Into two hum
fifty (2601 share* of tho par
__ value of
Ono Hundred (6106) Dollars each.
3. Alt of said raplfat stock fuur been
paid in.
4. The principal office olid place of
jalncss of Mid enmpuny shall be in
the city ot JCacmi, (Joorsla, with gkd
privilege nr esfabufhlng branch of
ijt such other place* ae the company
fi. The okjent of said corporation la
pecuniary gain -for tho klockhnlficr*.
• : I ■ i ut »,•■* It 1 ' 11 llicy
desire tn i^rry on is as follow*:
To manufaotur**. s*-il and generally deal
In all thing* ninde from day. earth or
iitlnrmls, and ^specially tu manufacture,
sell »»r generally deal In biick, terra cot
ta, tiling, rooflnf, ilnie. plaster, cement,
and all building matarlal* made In whole
or in i»*rt from day or other urinersl*.
To buy or sell, for c*#h. credit or on
rommlssloa, *11 kind* of properly, real
o r personal, or any Intcreat Uiercbi, and
to act as agent for other*.
7. Petitioners bray that they, tbeir
associate*, successors and assigns may be
Incorporated for the full term of twenty
years, with the privilege of renewal at
the end of said term, nnd with tho privi
leges and powers usual or Inoidaut to
corporations In wenerst, and in addition
thereto the following powers and prlvl
y% erect, maintain, operate and con
duct such msnurectortre und workshop*,
together with rut table plant or plants and
machinery as may be neceeeary or con
venient for carrying on the bualuese of
the company.
I. To borrow money, to l««u* bonds
or other negottabte securities, to secure
the asm* by mortgage. Pledge, Cruet deed
or any otberwtee end to provide for
the payment there*>t
12. Fnim time to lime, upon a ma
jority vote.of the stockholders to Increase
th* capital stock to an a mount' net ex*
reeding Two If (/mired and fifty Thou-
■and (200.000) Doflsr*. and hkewise to
reducr the capita) stock by purctw of
Us own stock*, tb* corporation to have
the power to make sdeh purchases; and
unpn majority vote of the. stockholder*
to tan re) or retire even purchased stock
or to hold ilt/t samo In the treasury at
the company •a treasury stock and to
lelsrue the aarno from time to time, pro-
VMed the total capital stock simfl not
exceed Two Hundred and fifty TlMjuaond
II. To Issue preferred stock and to
fllsposi> of th»* smne upon any tense ad-
Vantage/,us to the company nrpvldlng for
different dividends upon different classes
S stock: The rights ofi bekftsaa ot pro-
rrefl stock to be set, d*th by the by-
12. To subecriha for, purchase, soli or
other wise aerndre or dispose uf the share*,
bends or other ohlixatloM. secured or
usoecured. uf any corporatkm or cor-
poratlonn n»W of hcrearur organised tin-
der tha lews or any etat* of the United
Hat*-* or of any foreign country, nnd to
.old the same, with ail Uw rights of
own»rsiilp therein is la pormltted tu nat
ural persons.
It. To Mil; to taase, to rent out or to
otW*Is* dispose of any of Its oroparty
r»r tho Wh'ds thsreof whenever in the
Mdnlon Of the directors it to for tha be*t
lntere.1 of tk# tornMny; sad under like
t in emetancee to Ml), to mortgage, to le t
Or to sir* Its franchisee or other prop-
*r»y for ih* purpose of rs!»J money.
H. Me obafataMM ehail Im« itohi* to
the creditor a uf the corporal I n c; ■'■pi
to tha extent of any unpaid balanoo due
to his unpaid stock subscription. ■
15. The corporation shall at all tlmos
liftv** first lien on all the share*, common
or preferred, of Its stockholders and on
dividends declared thereon, for any ami
all Indebtedness of every kind of such
stockholders to tho corporation..
16. And no transfer shall be mado of
- t"' k rtifV tl.\ ■ "iiui.'ji: <>r pro*
ferred, so long hs the stockholder who
unpeur« by tho company's bonks to be
the oh ner thereof shall be Indebted to
tho «•>! ii'iiAtlon.
IT. Rlthar tho board of directors nr ilm
stockholders shall have full authority to
mako such rules and rcsulittlons permis
sible Ly taw ns to tho. transfer of stuck
and the creation and the enforcement of
the llc-n of the company for any tndebt-
odnese of stockholders to the company
oa said board of directors or atockhoiders
mr dreta proper.
II. Petitioners pray that they, tholr
nsHocJatce, successors und ttatlgns may
bo Incorporated under tho namo und
style aforesaid, for the above DUrpogM
nnd with the above p<)wcrs ana Imimi-
<> iwiwii a, ciuik oi n* su
perior ooart. in and for said county, do
hereby certify that the above mid fore-
jftdng Is a tru« copy of tho application
for »barter of CsNTRAL GEORQ1A
ItitiCK COMPANY, as sstne appears of
file In ttits office.
Wltneui my Uifricial signature and anal
of omce, this 6tb day of December, 1603.
<’tark Superior Court. Bibb County, Oeor-
Notion.Is hereby given that applies-
tlon has been made by tho Central of
Georgia Railway Ca to the mayor and
council of .the city of Macon for an en
croachment as follows:
All those portions of etroeU and alley*
lying between the north line of Division
street, and the north line of
etreet. aud.lhe rest right of way line of
tho Southern Hallway on th* w< *i. on
tiio east by tig wc*f line of tLo proper
ty of th« Central of ffeoixl.i Itajfway.
purehastfd from the city of Macon a* de-
serltad In deed, dated March 27 l')07.
nnd record* •( in Bibb County. Georgia
No, 136, folio No. *4J7. April 17!
ThU property U more pirtlculariy dc-
■crlbtd an follows: Being the next half
ef-Tupelo etreet. betmeea oi nouii line
of Hlvlalon ftn» t and the north Mm- of
itommoed afreet. All of ciimoi' street
betweeo Ihe east lint of way line of
“ Houthern ftallw.iv nnd tho hoi lin.*
of Tu
Um M the Southern itai
moad street lying cast el
way lino of tin* Kmthorn l
All that portion of i>
/#4 t aprtton of Di
'f I *1 vision strict
> street and Haw-
h- kJ'uth 39 feet of
I Hue of block No.
lmlf of Hawthorne
• Ian !■ street on
•l’ ,, "‘ , 'i remaining :i
6 *’’ ’ lutcly aast ul and
' Hu- of ht-H-k If«» UT.
I liming e.knt and West
"*Kh raid block No. 47 fn>m
*»n tt»v w*«t t*» Ifawtimine
(V day* frem thl* data the
report*.! u*w>n by the e*-