Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, December 29, 1908, Image 3
THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPHi TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 29, 1*08 9 ~ --- - Diaries Desk Pads and Blank Books for 1909 McEvoys 572 Cherry Street. We Arc Prepared To furnish anything in our line today, as usual. Come to headquarters, -where you can find ’’Everything Good to- Eat. J *- Flournoy Grocery Co, PHONE 26. The Empire Electric Co. Successors to B'nglcton-Mountford Electrlo Co‘. Now under management of WILLIAM J. MOUNTFORD, JR. Efficiency, Competency, Promptness Everything Electrical by Electrical Experts Office C14 Mulberry St. (Pythian Castle). Phono 117. Residence Phono 124 NOW IN SIGHT Low Water May Cause Big Dailies to Fall Without Supply. MOTHERS y® i snored Duty? You know.that winter months bring colds ami you know that Pneumonia Is to ho dreaded. Croup Is dan gerous. GOWAN'S ritEPA- RATION scatters inflammation. It cures. Then buy to-day and be prepared. 25c* 60c— external. All druggist:!. GLENS PALLS. N. Y.. Dec. 28.—That a famine in the news print paper market Is likely to result from a much longer continuance of the present dry spell Ip. paper making territory ts Indicated In statements made today by ttie officials of the International Paper Company.. Many of the mills which havo been compelled to run on snort time in sev eral departments owing to low water, will bo forced to shut down entirely with in four weeks unless rain falls, the offi cials say. Such a shut down, owing to the fact that the company lias no reserve supply of pap^r, it Is b.ild, cut off shipments to a number of Mg dailies. NEW YEAR GIFT IS A DIVIDEND Judge Whipple Has Authorized Payment of Another Dividend to Depositors of the Exchange Bank. “ GAGER’S WHITE LIME” Is a little'higher in price than other Limes, but it is PURE LIME, and by far the best and most economical for Brick Work and Plastering. Cheap Lime is dear at any price! ...... Write-ns for Delivered Prices. Carolina Portland Cement Co By official order of Judge U. V. Whip ple. the payment of a dividend of ten per cent to the depositors of the lSxchango Bank on Dec. 31 was yesterday author ized. This is one of the good things promised for the new year. Application was made to Judge Whip ple Saturday by the receivers for au thority to pay another dividend, one of 10 per cent, as there is now sufficient Southern Distributers. 1X111, lllCiO IB lll/W BUIllCICIll money on hand, and permission was granted yesterday morning. Since they assumed charge of the af fairs of the Exchango Bank, more than a year ago, the receivers have paid three dividends of 20 per cent each. Tho (*’•* dend on the 31st will make a total o_ . per cent of tho liabilities that will havo been liquidated. The liabilities of the bank at the time the receivers took charge was, approximately, 3680,000, and of this amqunt over $400,000 lma been paid. The next dividend will amount to about $60,000. Tho checks for the depositors are now being prepared, and will bo ready for distribution on Thursday. Dec. 31, at the office of the receivers in tho Homo Sav ings Bank. For the convenience of the depositors who iray desire to cash their checks, the receivers' officers will bo kept checks, the receivers' office will be kept all hanks close. Tho fact that another dividend will be paid—the first for over four months— will be pleasing news for the depositors of the Exchange Bank, of whom there are many. To them it Is one of tho most interesting prospects of the new year. ■ ~ COME TO SEE US FOR _ Christmas Lamps and Decorations WIRING AND FIXTURES, SHADES, Etc. „.. ’ 171 Cotton Avenue—Phone 212. •SOUTHERN ELECTRIC SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING CO. FOR SALE Prettiest cottage on North Highlands. Seven rooms and bath, with bam and stables in rear; large lot and house is equipped with water works and electric lights. Tins i's” a’bargain at $4,000.00, and we would be pleased to’ felT you mbre about this place. WADLEY INVESTMENT CO. Grand Building Phone 627. Oldest Whisky House in South ESTABLISHED 1881 CLD SHARPE WILLIAMS. Pure fine old Rye, by the “xllon gallon ...'....fl.i 4 full quarts $8.i Express prepaid. BOY BADLY BURNED; NEW PAVING IS SURE PROSPECT Council Will Make Appropriation of at Least Ten Thousand Dollait, probably 'More—The Street* That Will Do Re- TEN MEN DEAD ATENSLEY PLANT Cave-in At Blast Furnace Brings Death and Injury to Many. paired. more are known to be burled in mense caveln of a trench at the blunt furnace plant at Bnsley early tonight. Several other laborer! were injured also were two foremen who were super intending the work. Most of the dead were foreigners. Gas la Pouring In. The caveln occurred without warning nnd the bodies are bell... difficulty because of the Ian •hlch Is New paving that- will cost thb city not less than $10,000, nnd probably twice as much, is one of the best of the new year prospects* Of ail the big things the ensuing twelve-month will bring Macon, this is something in which thwpeople, clt- teens and taxpayers, are most interested. Chairman Polhlll- Wheeler is confident that an appropriation for street paving, amounting to at least $10,000. will be amount of R s which is pouring into the excavation >in the furnaces. The men were work ing in a largo trench about 8 feet below tlie surface. They were excavating for tho gas flue which Is to connect the blnst furnaces with the new buttery of boll- whlch is to run tho plant. Tho end An Electric Evening Lamp Is ono of the best Xm&s gifts imaginable. Make some one’s heart glad by providing this comfort and luxury. It is con venient to read by, to sew by,, or for the children to study by. Think it over. We havo various styles tof select from. Macon Railway •& Light Co. full temporarily bricked up whllo tho laborers made by city council. There are other members of tho street committee who think tiiat the city may be able to spare $20,000 during the year, and effort will at work on tho extension. . Causa of Accident. Mechanical curriers were used to take away tho dirt excavated and when a. carrier broke tonight a beam fell on the be made to secure tats much. As soon as the appropriation is granted tho work will begin, having will first bo laid on Cotton avenue from the city hull to Collego street; on Poplar street, from tho city hall to the Baptist church- on Washington avene, from Orange to Col lege street. As the city will upproprluto at least $10,000, there Is In prospect the expenditure of-over $30,000 for new pav ing. Tho taxpayers will pay out tho sum of $10,000, as will the street railway com pany, and the coBt to them will be still larger if the city appropriation gues be yond the amount stated. According to the present arrangement, cMy," railway company and taxpayers each pay a third of the cost. So if -an appropriation of more than $10,000 Is granted for new paving, tho expenditures ny the-other two “irtles will be correspondingly large. Tho members of council are-eery much enthused over the prospect of securing a large appropriation, nnd are determined tiiat as much money as can he spared will go towards-giving Macon'better und prettier streets. cement wall which formed ono sldo of tho trench the men were digging. The entire wall toppled over on the men. and with it tons of looso earth which had been When the wall fell it broke down the brick work at the end of the big four- foot gus main und Immense quantities of gns were poured in upon the entombed Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the senso of smell and completely derange th« whole system when entering It through tho mu cous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from re putable physicians, us tho damage they Will do Is ten fold to tho, good you can possibly derive from them. Unll's Ca tarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. c h «- nry & Co.. Toledo, O.. contains no cury, ornl is taken internally, acting di rectly upon the blood und mucous faces of the system. In buying I] Catarrli Cure, he sure you get tlio t ulne. It Is taken Internally nnd made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Co. patlon. HIS CHUM WAS HERO NEW BAILIFF WILL BE INDIAN • SUIT WORN BY WILLIAM MCDUFFIE CAUGHT AFIRE—AN OTHER BOY PULLED OFF HIS COAT AND EXTIN GUISHED FLAMES. While lighting a roman candle on Sec ond street yesterday afternoon an Indian suit worn by William McDuffie, a seven- year-old boy, caught fire und fcefore the flames could be extinguished tho child was severely burned. Two men, passing In a wagon, stopped to go to the lioy's rescue, but their ef forts were anticipated by those of a lit tle lad named Ilaynes, who heroically took off Ids own coat aud threw It over tin* helpless little McDuffie boy. In so doing he sustained painful burns about tho hands and arms. While not seriously injured, the bums received by William McDuffie, who lives with his parents on First street, arc quite severe, nnd will conflno him to bed for a number of days. A Dangerous Operation Is tho removal of the appendix by a surgOon. No one who takes Dr. King’s Now Life Pills Is ever subjected lo this frightful ordeal. They work so quietly you don't feel them. Thay curse constipation, headache, bilious ness and malaria. 25c at all drug stores. PRISONER TO AUGUSTA Peaches canned at our own cannery, at low prices for a few -days. Pure Food Grocery. Joo Dennis Will Be Tried There On Charge of Illicit Distilling. United States Marshal Clonrrje White left yesterday afternoon for Augusta for the purpose of carrying Joo Dennis, a federal prisoner, to that city to be tried on u charge of Illicit distilling. Dennis was not urrested in the Juris diction of this division of the court, but CO GEORGE J. COLEMAN. Pure Pennsylvania Rye, rich and mellow, by the gallon .$2.75 full qunrts $3.00 Express prepaid. ANVIL RYE. Ily whisky, by the galk .$2.60 I full quarts ...$2.90 Express prepaid. OLD POINTER CLUB CORN. Rich and mellow, by tho gallon $2.50 4 full quarts $2.90 Ex; Express prepaid. OLD GEORGIA CORN By the gallon Direct From Bonded Warehouses and Old. Express prepaid. THE ALTMAYER & FLATAU LIQUOR CO. 720, 722, 724, 726 West Bay Street JACKSONVILLE, • - . FLORIDA In the Augusta division, and for that reason ho must face the court there. The federal court goes to Augusta Monday, Jan. 11. for an extended c and criminal session. SPENT DAY IN MACON Here Looking After the Interests of Their Line—Just an Annual Visit Mr. J. M. Culp, vice president of the Southern Railway Company, and Mr. E. II. Coapman, the Southern’s manager for the northern, eastern, middle and wes tern districts, spent the day in Mncon l yesterday looking after matters of Inter est to thelt line. No especial significance Is attached to these officials visit This Is the time of the year that they usually moke their an nual trip over the rond, . ailing on friends L of the Southern, and looking after the [«ompany's Intm-ats in a general way. WHO HE WILL BE IS NOT KNOWN AS YET—MAY HAVE DEPUTY FROM SHERIFF’S OFFICE. It was generally reported yesterday that on the first day of January, when Mr. Walter J. Grace, the new solicitor general for tho Macon circuit, takes of- flee, ho will swear In a special bailiff, who will be one of two equally -well known cltIsons wIioro nnines arc usso- ciutcd with the position. On account of tho action of the county commiRHlnnors in reducing tho mdury of the special bailiff from a ' fixed sum U two dollars per day on only tho day: that court ir In session, there Is consid erable public interest as lo whom tho of- flee will be given. It Is not known whether tho solicitor will employ a bail iff to assist him in preparing cases und gathering evidence, or If ho will petition the commissioners to reconsider their tion. He may do tho work or the lailltfr himself, but It is not thought tiiut such Is llkdy. (t Is known that several dined to take tho office on account of tho small compensation, and it is 1 believed that, as a Anal resort one of the depu ties of tho sheriff’s off! tho position. WILL GIVE CONCERT INTERESTING RRO&RAM ARRANGED BY LADIE8’ ORGANIZATION OF ODD FELLOWS. Rowena Ucheksh Lodge will give an en- ‘ ‘ Hall In Bast Ma- iher 31 ' tcrtnlnment at Small’.. con Thursday night, December 31, for tho benefit of tne Bast MS con f. O. O. F. lodges. A small admission fee will be charged. Tho following program will be carried out; Selection—By the Macon liras* Quar tette, Messrs. Kinney. Denton, Odum und Hoyles. Reading, selected—Mr. V, M. Renton. Dialogue, "Taking the Census"—Miss Worsham and Mr. L. Oholson. Vocal Solo— Miss Alles Kenton. Selection—The Macon Braes Quartette. Vocal Duel. "The Crimson Glow of Sunset"—Miss Alitg Renton and Miss No ra Brevard. Piano Solo—Dr. Layton Drown. Recitation—Mr. F. McCullogh. Piano Solo—Dr. I-uyton Drown. Violin Trio. "Log Cabin Rag"—Dr. Brown. Miss Hinton and Mr. C. Foater. The orchestra will be composed Misses Kvio Anderson. Wlllltmson, Alios Kenton, Dr. L. Urown nnd Mr. Clarence ‘v Mr n...I U« Foster, violinists; Mr Odum, rornetfsts; Mr. cxiyira. i and Miss Nora Brevard, pianist. which is to run tho plant. The end the old gas flue, which extends tho length of tho furnaco plant, had been held up by the retaining wall. Mother and Daughter, Both Famous Actresses, Spent Yesterday In Ma- A number of tho friends lit this city of Mrs. Madge. Carr Cook were de lighted to sec her yesterday, but were surprised at her presence in Macon. Mrs. Cook made many friends ant admirers hero when she catno to this city an the stay In "Mrs. Wiggs of tho Cabbage Patch," and previously In other plays. She -was here yesterday as tho guest of her daughter, Miss Eloanor Robson, star in "Vera, the Medium." Sho will travel with Miss Robson’s company for several days before returning to Now York. A new piny Is being written for Mrs. Cook nnd she will tour On south in It next year. GASERIO WILL TELL WHY HE SHOT NEGRO Leo Caserlo will tell the recorder this morning nil about tho shooting ot Ed Graham, n small negro boy, which took place In the store of the tormcr’s father Sunday afternoon. It Is sa'.d that the shooting was ac« cldentnl, thnt the Caaorlo hoy was cleaning n 22-cullbro pistol,' Mien ' It was discharged. The negro lad was painfully but not seriously wounded. Leo Caserlo been me frightened when he saw that Ed Graham had been shot, and he Immediately looked up the store, telephoned his father of what had happened, and disappeared. He remained in hiding until yesterday, when lie suddenly appeared. He will be tried In the recorder’s court morning. PUBLICLY INSTALLED Wolllliln Lodge No. 330, F. A A. M., tlio coremonlc- Thn followlnj into office: 8. master: W. W. Howard, senior warden; J. W. Gunn, Junior warden; F. W. Wor- rlll, treasurer; G. L. Jackson, secretary; Kd Crlsscy, senior deacon; T. J. Jones. Junior deacon; .diaries Raley, senior steward; W. C. Meredith, Junior stew ard; Rev. W. M. Heutell, cli. J. A. Freeman tyler. After the ceremonies woro concluded the members of Wolllliln l/xlgo lmrtook of* repast of oysters und clgura furnish ed for tho occasion. For Sale $1,750.00 A house with »lx room and hall on Huguonln Heights. If you want u HOME In a good location this place will interest you. Can arrango terms this. $800.00 For a largo LOT IN VINIiVILT.E. YoU want to build a home in tho best res* Idcnce section of'Macon? If ao her# is your chance to secure "the lot. Jno. F. and W. H. Cone, Real Estate, Insurance and Loans Phone 206. 607 Cherry St, ’ NEAR-BEER DEALERS ON FIRST OF JANUARY WILL PROB ABLY HAVE TO PAY OUT FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS FOR CITY AND STATE LI CENSES. It Is expected that .tho llrst of January will witness a decrease In the number of licensed near-beer saloons In Macon. For tlio reason tiiut taxes aggregating $400 will probably be exacted of each dealer, it Is believed Hint u number of tho smaller places will retire from busi ness. The persons operating them now say that, with nil other expenses, n small near-beer saloon cannot make any money if $400 must i>e paid out for li censes. Thu tnt of $200 for the state will ho only recently collected the tux for tho present‘year,- the money having been held up by injunction, • Tlio likelihood ! of fflfi Impofc'tlpn of A lax of $200 by tlio city eoilliell Is tho chief hmtter .of..concern tq^tlie dealers now. it Is expected thnt tlio license will Ihi fixed nt this figure by council tonight, and If such is done tlio near-beer deal ers will thou have to pay out $400 in licenses. It Is hardly probablo that the drug stores of tho oily will continue tho sale of near-beer after tlx#* first. Those now operating soda water fountains have li censes to sell near-beer, but there Is such u small demand far tlio beverage at their places that tlio proprietors are loath to piy four hundred dollars for the privllegs of keeping it on tap. Notice to Our Customers. We urn pleased to announce that Foley’s Honey and Tar fur coughs, colds nnd lung troubles Is not affect ed by the National Pure F^od ami Drug law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, und wc re commend It ns ft safe remedy for chil dren nnd adults. 11. J. Lamar & Co., near Fourth Natlonul Hank. woffiSi Southern Railway Schedules noon; showing the arrival and departure of passenger trains at Macon, Ga., for Infor. matlon only, # ami not guaranteed. Dopurt to: No. Arrive from: II Cincinnati. Mi 7.35 . .. 59/ 16 Brunswick,.io.- x 10 Atlnnln 8.?0(I6 Atlanta 6.00 16 Atlanta 10.4J| 8 Lumber City. 4.00 .. 2.03)13 rincimntl. 7 Lumber City. 9.26 7 Atlanta, p.m.} 15 Rrunxwlrk.. WANTED FOR SALE' 1 splendidly Improved plantation near Macon; very best condition; woujqj moJco grand country home. • Farma in' various localities, lumber lands, vacant lots In different parts of city. Several Improved city lots that pay well as in* JONES REAL ESTATE AGENCY G. S. & F. RY. \\ Schedule Effective Dec. 20. 1908. DEPARTURES: iij. ruiuiHu. 4:05 p. m., No. 5, "Shoo-Fly," . • Macon to Valdostu and all inter mediate points. 1:00 a. m. # No. 3. "Georgia South Suwunoo Limited," Macon • • to Jacksonville via Valdosta.. Solid • • train with Georgia. Southern and • • Florida. Twelve Section Drawing Ruorn Sleeping Car. open at 0:30 p ni. In tlio union Depot. Makes con nections at Jacksonville for all ' * points In Florida, 12:15 a. m., No. 95, "Dixie Fly- or," coaches and Pullman sleep ers, Macon to Tifton, en route from St. Ixiuls und Chicago to Jacksonville. 2:07 a. m., No. 33. "South At- lantlc Limited,’’ coaches und Pull- tnnn sleepers, Macon to Jackson ville via Tifton, en route from Cincinnati, IjOuIhvIIIo nnd Chicago. "Georgia 4:15 . a. m., „ I Southern Huwanee Limited.’’ from Jacksonville and Palatka, local sleeper Jacksonville to Macon: passengers can remain In local sleeper III Union Depot at Macon until 7:30 a. m. 3:35 a. m.. No. 94, "Dixie Flyer," roadies and Pullman sleepers, Tlf* 2:55 a. m„ No. 32, "South Jit- ■. lantlc Limited,” coaches and Pull- mnn sleepers, Tifton to Mncon, frc« 11:15 a. m„ No. 6, "Shoo-Fly," om Valdosta. 4:25 p. m„ No. 2,.from Palatka, . p, m,, riu, uum*, Jacksonville and all intermediate K bits. Parlor Observation Car cksonvlllo to Macon. This schedule shows the tlmo nt which trains may be expected to arrive nnd depart, but auoh ached- Every Woman MR. FRIED'S SISTER DIES IN GERMANY; R. Fried received a cable- bmdiy morn ng informing him death of his a'stcr. Mra. Hablna auhi. of Wleebaden, Germany. Rosenbaum Is survived by two d two sisters. Mr. J. It. Fried, [ John 8, Hog* Drug Co.. Ml 644 Chsrry Si I Ft CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE “NEARER THAN EVER” VIA NEW DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE Beginning Monday, December 21st. 34. 1 321 SCHEDULE. 33. | 31. 1:35 p.m. 3:00 a. m. Lv. Macon. 0. of Ga. Ry. Ar. 2:02 a. m. | 3:45 p. m. 4:20 p.m. 5:58 a. m. Ar. Atlanta. 0. cf Ga. Ry. Lv. 11:05 p.m. | 12:30 p. m. 5:10 p.m. 6:15 a. m. Lv. Atlanta. L. & N. R. R. Ar. 10:40 p. m. i 11:55 a.m. 10:45 p.m. 11:40 a. in. Ar. Knoxville. L. & N. R. R. Lv. 5:10 p.m. | 6:15 a. m. 11:00 p.m. 11:45 a. m. Lv. Knoxville. L.& N. R.R Ar. 5:05 p. m. | 6:00 a. m. 7:55 a. m. 8:35 p. m. Ar. Cincinnati, L.& N. R.R. Lv. 8:15 a. ra. j 8:25 p. m. 7:50 a. m. 8:15 p.m. Ar. Louisville. L.& N. R.R. Lv. 8:15 a. m. | 8:00 p. m. 9:15 p.m. Lv. Louisville. Penn. Lines. Ar. 7:35 a. m. -j 8:00 a. m. Ar. Chicago. Penn. Lines. Lv. 9:50 p. m. | Through Sleepers on both trains, Macon to Cincinnati. Ghicago-Louisvillo Slecpors on 3:00 a. m. train. LouiBvillo Sleepers on both trains from Atlanta. Dining Service (all meals). Observation Cars. For Sleeping Car reservations, rates and information write J. R. ALMAND, T. P. A. H. 0 BAILEY, Div. Pass. Agent. No. 4 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Qa.