Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, December 30, 1908, Image 6

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1 THE MACON 1)AIT,V rELKGBATHt W K DSKtSDAS tSOSSISQ r IJ38CEMBE3 30, 1908 W« htr« for ■ale thl* choice lot of securities: 125, Macon 4% pi*r cent 1826 bond*. 22.000 City Macon i per cent 1*2* bonds. 22,000 City Atlanta 0 per cent 1*14 110,000.00 City Augusta • per vent, 1016. 22.000 City Augusta 4%. 1212. 22.000 city Augusta 4%. 1823. 24.000 CHy Augusta 4. 1921. 24.000.00 CHty Went Point. Qa., S per cent, 1922. 27.000 City West Totni, $ per cent, 19*7. 28.000 City Thomastan 6 per cent, serial 1910 to 1922. 222,000 city of Birmingham. • per cent. 1919. 210.000 City Birmingham, Ala„ 2 per cent, 1920. $5,000 City Mobile. Ala.. 4%. 1929 214.000 County UlBeocklSla., 6 |H>r cent. 1912 to 1911. 226,000 County Wilcox, fid., 6 per cent. 1934. 35.000 Ga. 4% 1912 bonds. W. G. SOLOMON & CO. JANUARY INVESTMENTS 350.000.00 Htato of Georgia Bonds. $100,000.00 Georgia Hallway & Hank ing Co. fours, due 1947. MUNICIPAL .BONDS. $20,000.00 City of Covington, Ga^ Bonds. 32O.C0O.OO City of Columbus. (Ia* Bonds. $20,000.00 City of Dublin. Ga.. Bonds. 316.000.00 City of Curolllon, «u.. Bonds. 210.000.00 City of Augusta, Ga., Honda. $11,000.00 City of Wayrrasa, Gm^ 326.000.00 City of Jacksonville, Fla., Bonds. Also Honda ef the following Clllos: Albany, H tales boro. Quitman, •! ; ♦ Kltageruhl, Athens, * McRae, Amerlcus, At Jan to. Thomson, Valdosta, Tennllle. Georg'u Railroad At Hanking Co., South western Railroad Co., Augusta A Savannah Railroad Co, North Caro. Iltta Railroad tV»., Georgia Southern A Florid* Railroad Co., Atlanta A West Florida Railroad Co., Atlanta A West Point Railroad Co. WflghtsvIUo A Tennllle Railroad Co. CIRCULAR GIVING FULL INFOR MATION WILL UK SUPPLIED ON. APPLICATION. NAM RANGE IN COTTON TRADING HIWEVER. MARKET FINDS 8UPPORT ON SOPT SPOTS AND CLOSES STEADY. LIVERPOOL spots closed... ...4,99 THE LOCAL COTTON MAHKET. he 2' * * ed qt follotps; Range of Prices. Good Middling 8% Hlrlct Middling «% Middling 8Vf Dee. ‘19. 1908 - 8ept. I, 1908 Stock on Hand. >, 1.172 Dee. 29. 1908 13.890 NEW YORK. NEW YORK. Dec. 29.—While trading was quiet and fluctuations were irregular within a narrow range, the cotton market ftHtnd suport on soft spots today and closed ategdy, net 2 points higher to 3 points lower. Baler for the day aero ea- tlmated at 115.WH) hales The market opei rh« market op«nfd steady at a decline °* {-points to an advance of i point, gen erally about 2 points lower (n rcqjonso to slightly disappointing cable*, scatter- ling liquidation and the absence of hull support. General business seemed to he restricted by the approaching three-day adjournment and uncertainty regarding the extent and effect of January notice* Inexl Thursday, but "there was a fair demand at the initial figures and active months soon rallied to about, or a point I or *v® over the closing figures of last ■Wht. A spurt of realising atlpped nrlces off lo a net lusa of 3*6 points shortly points sliortly w „.cli the mat ■teadled again In the late trading on keta ports of steadier southern ...... covering by January shorts, while there to be a demand for October from Wall afreet sources. Receipts of cotton at the ports today were 61,094 bales against 76.228 bales Inst week and ill.006 bales lust year. Vocalic "fk (estimated! 2«».00o tmles against 365.363 Ini lee Inst week and 321,97V bnles l«u: - enf. .r iV« H . v receipts at New Orleans were 15.610 tsi lea ngnlnst 17.437 tmles List y “* Houston 20,334 pales against 97 2 bn In. last ye 6t»ot Cotton and Future* Nh>\ YORK. Dec. *.'9.- Spot cotton closed uitltft: middling uplands 9.30; mid dling guir 9.62; rales 3,4w» bales. Futures opened and dosed steady ns follows: _ Open, llign. I^iw. dose. January 8.6H 8.73 8.«7 K.72 When cither BUYING or SELLING. communicate with JOHNW. DICKEY HARNESS $14.00 Harness at $10.00 $15 00 Harness at $10.75 $17.00 Harness at $12.75 $20.00 Harness at $15.00 These extraordinary prices for n little while. Wholesale price* at ro- * tail. Order a aet, and If you don't like them send them bnck. Bent C, O. D. with privilege of examination. J. W. SNOW WANTED For cash fwo medium priced residence* TOR SALE One splendidly Improved plantation hear Macon; very beat condition; would make grand country home. Farms In various localities, '.amber lands, vacant lots in dlffcrrnt parts of city. Beveral Improved city lots that pay well as In vestments. February .8.80 8.84 8.78 August ... Feptcniter October .., December 8.88 8.88 .8.89 8.7V H.HI 8.K7 8.80 t .OHa .10 8.24, H.lle 9.0? Receipt* and Exports. Today. Week. Exportn to Franc. Stock uu hand all ports.*.1,111,202 Since Boptrmtier I, 190$-* . , , , Consolidated receipt* .... I.J. .€.193 <01 Exports tit Great Britain..! 1,821.751 Exports to Franco 617.203 mtlncnt 1.910.478 73.072 ....» 4,403 KxjM*rtfj to Export* to Japan.. Exports ,t„ Mexico, Price, Receipts, Sales, Stock. The l*urta: Oalveoton^H Now Orleans Mobile . . , Savannah . .1 Charleston , |s:r,r. on .-l? Ittsltlmore ■'■*■ New York |Ro-t,, n I'MIadoInlil, '. .'h.'m Mr.'.'.'.'.’.T ms Riunawlck . .1 | ! 24524 309120 70017 '£??; sum 29149 29355 -1183510 Beniaruin 'Interior Movement. JONES REAL ESTATE . .|9 - ! 17801 2729)16(14 “21 “All ”'4*i4&x:3S! k..,.ttH I 9821 1101 4792! LIVERPOOL I , »■- -T-— -OI* dull with pncea 3 £.. pr, £*f i iu»luta higher; Anterl- d*tng fair I.D' guott middling 6.1?- middling 4.S*; low middling 4.79; good ordinary 4.18; ordinary The >ah of the day were 6.00* bales, of which 2t ■pevulall.m ami haW^ Including* talcs American. Futures aoened steady end closed ■tsady; American middling O. O. C.: December December-January January-February February- March March-April * . May-Jnne , June-Juty ...... July-Auguat *. £“t—i ntmiiii September-October * . October-NovcmUr . November-peoember „... December-January* * ,V„.., »•**, „ .1 V .UUM Cloce. 4.84 1:8* 4.7* 4.Tt% 4.7X8 4.7| 4.7* 4.44 ^ N * W ORLEANS. Jffl" ORLJ2AN8. Dap. 29—Spot cottn lUlet. verv IIMiK' ,n.l l.n.-k.. ^. Ca. ume. *».— spot Inlfrt' mill- lllnf m.u, a«iM „„ th .po, lie talc*, and to arrive 440 bale*. miiuiea Opened ateady at a fttiu 11 10 *, p0,nl> ®»i«5 I" the future f • - «w*ng to me iinure or Uverpool to make pr«n>er reeponse to the fluctuations on this aide late yesterday. o . . 1 ” n sioe tale ye PH vale advlcen from t .In t pool, now- * '‘•nr buiiixh ckaractar i .,/. i. . • «union cnaractor S2U r !2 » >->■ .in m« rot but and tinlshei cotton gnoda after t bandaiw. They gave the market a stea tone alt day. * v *— ——« - — tie \ ****** UR. lYicea movat over a very •* *« , ^eet. being ] M 4 points dawn and at the klgiieet 1 iwl down to J points up. n et Tlic cIom was steady with prfcea unchanre.t to 4 points MMdnuMMuni c*estwg. FMtursa .-'ember uary*. Ida «.*J v .. . it t- •Seuii.66ftye k Antf AUn fnijltl^ iruua run • oo, 04. Hubba-d Bro» A Co'» Cotton Letts* 1 ^ jf.^xVbUe tJ»rr STOCK MOVEMENT SHOWS WEAKNESS WHAT PROMPTED - MODERATION IS NOT CLEAR—MOfiEY V/AS f-REE LY OFFERED. NEW YORK. Dec-. 29—T^e fate at which prleea starieu Upward with the re- iptlon of dealings tn stocks after the Istmas holldayn was not maintained the second day of operations. Just what sentiment of oplntou may have prompted the moderating of the move ment la not <-lear. but a substantial chock was encountered In the weight of the offerings to sell at the higher prices. for the leVel at the outset today was considerably higher. At the end of the day one point losses were numerous. The realizing pressure was most pronounced lln some of the stocks, which were most conspicuous In rc-cont sudden advances, [including some of th* lower priced rail road stocks called eligible for merger, but embracing also some of the high priced speculative favorites. The copper Industrials show themselves unrespon sive to trade reports of the hopeful cltar-| Mess Pork— vnluos^l I The news of the Balkan situation also Imd some disquieting effect on ilto foreign [markets. Money was offered freely In time loans and rates decllped. The eloa-| 8hort Itlbx-— Jan. . . . 8.32% May . . . 8.45 Ing tone of the stock market was dis tinctly weak after a. day of hesitating profit-taking Influence on some specula tive bonds as well as stocks and the tone of the bond division was rather Irregular, rere sdil on n large scale. Total safes. 1-nr valu*. $9,041,000. dry goods. NEW YORK. Dec. 29.—The drv goods msrkets arc generally quiet, the chief i United Htalcs 3a declined H per cent i call. Total sales storks today 914,800 shares. tlvlty talng In the jobbing houses, where cl« aranc* sales are going on. Cotton yarns are steady and quiet. Tme ex-| port trade la steady'. Linings are quiet.'L Dress goods for spring are being asked for more freely. There Is a firmer ton* noted In the price* asked for- gray cot-i tons. NBV/ YORK STOCK LIST. Amalgamated Copper American Car and Foundry American Car and Foundry' pref... American Ice Securities American Linseed American locomotive Amerlcun lawoniolive pref American Kmcltlng and Refining. COTTON SEED OIL. I ■NEW YORK. Dec. 29.—Cotton seed oil was ftrm and higher on covering and bVR ■ipport.* Prime crude in barrels f.o;b. ■ Ills 30; prime summer yellow 389£s40; i off summer y^ttiw 37a38; good off sum mer yellow 37l&u58; prime summer white 39a4n&; prime winter yellow 44s45(4. ~ Amer. Bmelting and Refining prof., American Bugnr Rellning American Totwcco pref. American Woolen Anaconda Mining Company Atchison Atchison pref. Atlantic Const Line Baltimore mid Ohio ftnlttmore nrnl Ohio pn f Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian 1’acMc Central leather Central Leatlier pref On I ml of New Jersey 'hesupeiike mul Ohio Iilengn Great WNl« Chicago and Northwestern Chicago. Mil. and Ht. Paul C.. C.. C. and St. IxiiiIm Colorado Fuel and Iron Colorado and Sou.hern Colorado and Southern 1st pref..., Colorado and Southern 2nd pref.... NAVAL STORES. WICSINOTON. Deo. 29.—Turpentine steady at 377: reeelpts 1 Kiwln slesdy at 2,70: receipts H6. Tar arm at 1.00; receipts 115. Crude turpent! firm at.1.75. S.75 and 2.75: receipts 1J. . SAVANNAH. Ga.. Dec. 29.—Turpentine firm at 38; sales 1,057: receipts 1 30S; shipments 135. [tosln tlrm: sales 3.3877: receipts 7.884; shipments 308: stoclt 185.- 880. Quote: A. II. C. D anil B, 3.02V.: P and G. 3.02lin05: H. 3.40; I, 4.16; K. 5 10; M. 5.S0TN, 6.15; \Y. a., 6.40: W. W ., tl, 50. CHART.ESTON, Dee. 33.—Turpentine firm at 3745. Rosin firm. Quote: A. R, C. D. H. 2.90119244; P, 2.9249: G, 2.90u95: H. 3.30; t. 4 05; K. 6.00; M. 5.70; N. 6.05; "w! o', (f.30; \V. 44'..'6.40. sa lolldatcil Gas Distillers' SccurRIc* Eric Eric 1st pref Eric 2nd pref General Electric tlrent Northern pref tlrest Northern Ore Ctfa Illinois Central lutrrhorough Met Interhorough Met. pref Intermit iomiI Vupcr r.8U 44« International Paper p(d International Pump. 'n«n (Vmral Minn., St. P. and Snult St. M Missouri Pacific Missouri. Kansas and Texas Missouri. Kansas and Texas prof.. National ta-nd ... Norfolk nnd Western North American Northern Pacific I’acllle Mall Pennsylvania People's Ga* Pittsburg. C. C. and St. Louis • l4imun S* V. ' . s-m, Pnaised Bteel Car Pullman !*nlnc* Car Railway Steel 8prlng ]tending Republic Steel .. 2nd pr»'f.. 1 Republic Steel pref Rock Island Company .... Rock Island Company prof.. ‘ * nnd Snn Fran. 2i _ _____ HP Southwestern Ht. IdOUls Southwestern pref Klnxs-SheffMd Stool and Iron...*,..., Southern l*aolflo Southern Parlflc pref. Southern lUdlwny Hallway Southern Railway pref Tennessee Copper Texas and Pacific Toledo, St. Igmla ami \Vea»ern.... Toledo. St. touts and Western prof Union Pacific Union Pacific pref. United States Rubber United States Rubber let pref t'nllbd States 8teel United States Steel pref vlSllnSJKtroUaa’ Ch«nioai !! ’. Vlrgtnta-CaroHna Chemical prof..., Wahnsh Wabusli prof. Wdkttnghmiie Electric i Western Union 48 Wheeling and Idhke Erie 13% Ammniii ». ..uu * • .... Standard Oil 49S NEW YORK RONDS. IT. R. refunding 2s. registered ....lit V. S. refunding 2s. coupon V. S. 3a. registered. 1*1 ta, W8RSM American Tiitacco 4s 79V4 American Tobacco (a ..10814 Atchison general 4s ,.m% Atchison adjustment 4s 93 Atrhleon ft. 4s ...tRX Atchison cv. 5s lHTk ......... Wlk , .. wla 2s .10914 Central of CTeoigU 1st Inc. tt . 'entrnl of lluttk 2d tnc. Oniral of Georgia Sd Inc. '60 Chesapeake and Ohio 4** XHW ( l v«.i \nd Alum .V** 77 Chicago. B. and Quincy new 4a....140 1 Chicago. It. t. and P. It. It. 4s Tt\ Chicago. R- I. and P. R. R. col. 5a.. 921 Chicago. R. I. and P. Uy. rfdg 4a.. 91 C.. CZ C and St. touts rta. 4e.... W l\dorado Industrial 2« Tik Colorado MkUand 4s ItX Cidorado and Bouthern 4s ...... ...,9XS| I.* prior Urn 4s 90' e general 4s Tf Hocking Valter 4H* .....12* . IntettMNAmgU Mel. Sri *1*4 Japan 4a. t|H Jaivi 4'*. ,7.i Nuii unin«i"U!!!!i«3 reasat gold 4a W •ntral 4a an ntral 1st >2 itral gen. 314a.. ten Central general 6a.. ihr tr*<le hiniMi, .*#i il.« ,|i*.!.,i W.l feU... Mlfi || u . »»■•, I .-.I |, • • r<w IMWi Hmlr-« uf « «4e -• tha hn *4 tools tadkvwit ... tetN ♦wi ,! 4i CLOSE WHEAT STRONG IT THE TOP NOTCH ARGENTINE ADVICES FORM OASIS OF AN ADVANCE IN THE MARKET. CHICAGO, Dec. 29.—Argentine advices price o rinsed strong at the top notch. and oats r " Ion* were weak. Corn and oats were strong, but provla- Open. . 1.0244 : *•» Hfgli. tow. Close. 1.0M4 1.07% 99% 67 •0% 61 49*4 46% 49% Tig 9.70 14.17% 16.27% 16.42% 16.60 9.42% 9.26 9.62% 9.07% 2.27% 8.27% 8.C0 8.62% REGISTERED MAIL AND A SAfETY DEPOSIT BOX Perhaps you aro outside of Macon—deeds, insurance papers, wills and other valuable papers locked away in some bureau—where fire, thieves, cyclones and a dozen ethitr things can find them. “Uncle Sam’s” registered mail and one of our safety deposit boxei eliminate all such risks. $3.50 a Year and a Very Little Trouble Not nearly as much trouble as lost papers will give you. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK ' MACON, GEORGIA FOR SALE X We offer for-this price a thoruughly'% nodern 6-room cottage on Park Place. I % modern 6-roi I on a good lot that fronts 70 f< I han a depth of art acre. Tld: has every convenience and la one of the nicest places that ha.s been offered for some time. We are facilitated to give terras. , A nlc© 5-room cottage on Ross street, well located and a bargain at the price, prerms if des’red. Minton-Morgan Cow Real Estate. 420 Cherry St. Phona 1192. C. F. STROBERG BLACKSMITH AND RUBBER TIRE WORK SPECIALTY All Kinds of Building and Repairing of Carriages and Wagons. •- ■/.. PHONE 1244. (Schatzman’s Old Stand.) OLD JASPER RYE Seaboard Air Lino 4e Southern Railway Ga Texas nnd l*aciflc 1st* :. Toledo. Ht. L. and Western Is... Union Pacific 4s Union Pacific cv. < TT. H. Steel 2nd Gs Walrnsh lata Western Md. 4a Wheeling and Lake Erie 4s Wlstvumin Oentni2«4» N. Y. N. H. and R ctf - toko SHtffe -?r. New Yo-k Money Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 29.—Money on caii Arm at 3n3Y4 i»er cent: ruling rate 3%; closing bid and offered 3 per cent Time loans weaker on free Offerings; 60 and 90 days 3% per cent; six months 3%u *% per cent Ihimo rime mercantile paper 4 to 4% par Htcrilhg exchange easy. . with actual business In MuikWa* bills ut 4.84.90a 4.86.10 for 20-day hills nnd nt 4.86.90 for A STRAIGHT RYE WHISKEY l 100 Proof, Double Stamp We especially recommend'this goods to those that prefer a high proof goods equal to bottled in bond goods at 25 per cent higher prices. A trial order will prove- the •; quality. We guarantee satisfaction. 4 Full Quarts ......... 8 Full Quarts ...... SHE! FuU Quarts •• • • •• ............y..,...$3,85. $7.25 ......... .$10.25 Commercial bills 4.84%a4.84%. Bar silver 49%. Mexican dollars 45. drain and Provisions. Theso prleea ore at wholesale and not to consumers. Corrected by 8. H. Jaqucs & Tinsley Co. CORN—Sacfc'd, wlUto 3 88 Sacked, mixed Carload lots, either sacked or hulk, mado on applica tion. OATS-Whlte clipped 63 No. 2 white *3 No. 3 whit* 60 Special quotations made on car lots. HAT—Cholca timothy 1.00 No. 1 timothy 90 No. 2 timothy 1.00 No 1 clover 92 Timothy and clover mixed.. 96. Alfalfa-hay 1.20 Bedding straw 65 BRAN—Pure wheat A 1.50 Bran and short*.. 1.63 FLOUR—Private Stock, fancy pat.. 8.22 Royal Owl. best patent 2.22 Top Notch, first patent 5.00 MKAIr—Water ground Juliette...... 85 MEATS—Dry salt rlta \o Extra half riba None 18-20-lb D. S. bellies 10% Balk plates 7 Smoked . meats. %c. over above. • • HAMS—Fancy sugar cured 13% Standard sugar cured...,,. 13 Picnic hams 19 LARD—Pure tlercoa 10% Pure, in 10-lb. tins 10% Pure, In 50-1b. tins 11 Pure. In 66-lh tuba 11% Pure, la 10-lb tuba ti\ Pure. In 60-lb tin* 10% MeCaw’s compound lord..,. 7% The same additions for other sixes a* named above. SYRUP—Geora 1.x cans (new) 40 Now Orleans 2f Black ad ap 14 SALT—ion lb*, white cotton sack... GO . Imported rode salt, tb 1% CHliHSE—Full cream ............... 46 GR1T8—Hudnuta, in bbls .* .5.00 • llitdnuts. In sacks l»........ 2.62 SUGAR—Granulated. In bbls 6% New Orleans clarified.....-.,.. 6 New York yellow 4% COFFEE—Choice Rio 12 Nne Rio Medium Rk> to 12 Arbuckl^s roasted ...16 94 RICH—Choice htad ..• .• %• • 7% Medium .6% to. 4 Railroad Bonds Central of Ga. oHIateral trust... i per cenL ^WT. ......104 Central of Ga. consolidated 1946 IN Central Ga. fst toe.. 1942 74 'entraj Ga. 2nd la&, 1MB..... 24 'eutral Ga.. Sd tao. 1942 52 Centra) Ga., Atuntvrrtirrrr:.7r”iM Southern R. a. 5 po. 2994.. 108 Georgta R. R «nd 1 lank lag, Co.. 3 pc. 1991 tN Ga. R. R. and Bankti* Co.. 4 per canL 191*' 101 Ga. Sou. and FI*. 2 pc. 1942..t«< Seaboard R. R.. 4 pc.. 196$.... 3* Seaboard R R * PC. 1911.... M Express prepaid to a,ny point reached by SoiIthei^Esl^ress Co. * E'- D. F. & C. P. LONG P. 0. Box 1056 Jacksonville, Fla. C. S. & F. RY. Schedule Effective Dec. 20, 1902. DEPARTURES: 11:30 a. in., No, 1, Through Train to Florida, curries Observation I’urlor car and coaches. Mucon to Jacksonville \la Valdosta; tlon made for White r City, I’ulatka, : Springs, Lake 4:05 p. m.. No. 5, “Shoo-Fly,” Macon ,to Yaldpsia and all Jnter- Wlnts. ~ “Georgia mediate poll 1:00 a. m., No. South Suwancy” Limited,” Macon to Jacksonville via.Valdosta. Solid train with Georgia Southern nnd Florida. Twelve Section Drawing Room Sleeping Car. open at 9:30 p m. In the uplou D<^>ot. Mukf4» con nections at Jacksonville for all er,“ coadies and Pullman sleep ers,-Macon to Tlfton, en route from SL touts and Chicago, to Jacksonville. 2:07 a. m., No. 33, “South. At lantic Limited,” coaches nnd Pull- “““ Sleepers. Macon to Jaclcso • vllle via Tlfton, en route ?rom Cincinnati. Louisville nnd Chicago. ARRIVALS: • 4:15 a. m., ,No. 4, “Georgia Southern Sutvanee Limited.” from JacksonvUle k nnd Palatka. Joca! sleeper JacTcsonvIlle to Maco passengers can remain In local sleeper In Union Depot at Macon Tl 7:I|i^^H until 7:30 a. m. 3:35 a. 94, “Dixie Flyer,’ coaches and Pullman sleepers. Tlf ton to Mncon. en route from Jack sonville to St. Louis and Chicago. - 2:55 a. m., No. 32, “South At lantic Limited,” coaches and Pull man sleepers, Tlfton to Mafron, “ route to. Cincinnati, Louisville Chfciiiro.. *- from Valdosta. 4:25 p. m., No. 2, from Palatka. JackaonvIUo and all Intermediate points. Parlor Observation Car Jacksonville to Macon. This schedule shows the time- at which trains may- bo expected to arrive and depart, but such sel1%d- ule at the time stated, Is not gi^pr- Macon, Ga. GEORGIA RAILROAD. Depart: ? Arrive: No. . a,m.No. 71. dally. 11:16172. dally p.m.70. dally.,....;. 82. Sun. only.. SrlSt 26. d’ly ox. Sun. 4:io||2. dally....'\s4. 73. dally 10:1SJ * • Wi W. HARDWICK. G. A. 5:49 8:40 <409 Cherry fit. THE “STILL” npHE “STILL,” Np.,100,. COLL'At r ^^' i / DIST., TENN., is located in , v . rather a romantic 'place. Down in a valley between mountains * on our farm. ~"<■ A few hundred yards above the “still” there is a spring, the water of which remains at all times 54 degrees and is as clear as a crystal and as pure as the air that surrounds it.* A tile pipe conveys the water to this “still.” The grain we use is the best Northwestern Rye and Malt and Tennes see Valley Corn, a large portion of which we grow. After the whiskey has matured in our U. S. Warehouses it is shipped to our stores for distribution. Our product is better than you arc accustomed to—take our word for that. • With one exception six full quarts is the smallest shipment made—*-we do not assort. T^is reduces the cost of handling, packing and carriage charges, enabling us to offer six quarts at about die price we would get for four. Do not let our-Jpw prices prejudice you. They are wholesale and you . buy direct. ; • ; ! , :_ Our whiskies are always the same. EXPRESS. PREPAID—Shipment made in wooden boxes. Com Whiskies “GRASSY VALLEY”—Umdulttr- nted. Very old. No bettar Com Whiskey made. 6 full quarts, $4.N; 13 full quarts, $7.5*. "GRASSY VALLEY"—White, 100 proof, straight Corn Whiskey. We are the only distillers selling 100- ]■*r-*<*f corn at $1.52 per gallon, two gallant, $4.75. delivered. Shipments In jugv Smallest bhipmefit one gallon. Blended Whiskies “H. H. C. CLUB"—A perfect blrod of old Kentucky WhUnk It h*2 that rich oily appearance. We consci entiously- sar there is no better whis key. 0 fall quarts,* $5.75; 13 fuli- quarts, $11.00. “CATE’S 88"—A true blend of Kentucky Whiskies. A good honest whiskey.’ Will give entire satisfac tion. 0 full quarts, $5.00; 13 full quart*, $9.50. Tennessee Whiskey “PHKESTONE" — UnaiiuUtrateil, Straight Tennessee WhUkcy. 0«r leaching process makes this whiskey distinctive. None better. Very old. G full qusrts, $5.00; 13 full quarts, $10.00. Bottied-in-Bond Whiskies Following brands bottled by the Government, whocc stamp guarantees age, purity-and strength. CONCORD PURE RYE, 106 proof, 6 fall quarts, $5.50; M full quarts, $11.00. CONCORD BOURBON, 100 proof, 6 full qunrts. $5.50; 13 full quarts, $10.50. CLARKES PURL RYE. 100 proof, 6 full quarts, $4.35; W tull qusrts, $12.00. Our whiskies do not contain one drop of sp injurious substances. They are of delightful fls food properties and medicinal virtues. irits or othpr avor, high in State of Geonp, Bond* Mi R. H. CATE & CO., Distillers Chattanooga. Term. , Louisville, Ky» Order from nearest point*