Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, December 31, 1908, Image 5
THE MACON DAILY TELEGEAPHi THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 31, 1903 > Our (Slotting Wins Reputationv ON MANY POINTS OF EXCELLENCE Of course quality is pre-eminent. But style, work manship and finish receive the amount of attention their importance calls for. Our Suits present an opportunity to the careful, stylish dresser, one that should not be overlooked. It will be to your interest to visit our store and) see what we can show you. $15 to RECORDER REFEREES DOG FIGHT IN COURT AMUSING CASE THAT WAS TRIED YESTERDAY—AND ALL ABOUT HOW IT WAS SETTLED. ‘MY FAULT.' YOUR NEW YEAR ORDER for fin© Groceries Is Invited. Give It as a test of our ability to supply you with better groceries for less money than any one else. WE DELIVER ALL GROCERIES promptly, it mokes no difference whether your order be largo or small. What wo want Is your steady custom. We’ll get It too if good groceries, mod erate prices and prompt service will Penn!© Robinson faced Recorder Ur- quhart yesterday morning accused of profaning the peace of Paradise Al ley. Annie Bams made the complaint and was first on the stand. "Well, my dog and her dog had er fight yestlddy, yo’ know," she began. The recorder was forced to confess that he had not heard of the difficulty between the dogs, but said he was will ing to be Informed. Annie declared that the Robinson woman had called her to her door and began abusing her In the strongest terms for not separating the combatants. Thoconv* plu’nnnt being of a peaceful disposi tion told her to talk to the dog about It and slammed the door In her face. It seemed that this action was op portunely timed, for Fearl Flanders was Just coming'around to land a com plaint against Annlo’s dog also and rot herself summoned as a •witness. She declared that Annie’s dog was a terror to the neighborhood and that she suspected Annie of abetting by moral support and encouraging by word of mouth the hostile sallies of the dog. She even declared that An nie clapped her hands and "slced*’ the dog on when he had unused her chick ens around through the alley. She insisted that these outrages were reg ular occurrences and so intense was her recital that the squawks of the chickens In very terror 6t their lives and tho victorious bark of the dog could be heard by a little stretch of tho imaglnat‘on, Pennle practically admitted that she had used strong lnngungo in talking to Annie about the dog. especially aft er Annie had told her to talk to the dog about it, but pleaded as Justifica tion that the throat of her pet had been cut by the teeth of Its burly satlant and thnt she thought for tho time that the altercation had termi nated fatally. Tho recorder decided that since the officer had neglected to make a caso against the dog that caused the ttou- ble, the only thing he could do would bo to fine Pennle $6 or fifteen days. Pennle said she hadn’t seen that much money In so long she didn’t know what It looked like, and pleaded for leniency. The sentence was suspend ed on her future good behavior. Don’t let It be said It was yottr fault that Death entered the household. QOWAN’S PREP ARATION cures colds, croup and pneumonia. This fact has been established. Then it Is manifestly your duty to have It bottle In the home. External. All drurglsts. TO DAY. win it. Don't forget that trial order. Macon Cash Grocery Co. •Phones 325—290. 670 Poplar Street, N New Arrivals For New Year 1909 Fresli Malaga Grapes, a pound 15c Cranberries, a quart Ido Florida Oranges, 15c, 20c and 25c Largo Fancy Tangerines, a dozen 25c Grape Fruit, ehch 6c and 8c Found Cakes, a pound 22c Fancy Cakes and Crackers, all kinds. Apples, Plum Puddings, ^ - Etc. Best Granulated Sugar, 25-pound sack $1.25 Fancy A&P Elgin Creamery Butter. Remember you cannot get A&P Elgin Creamery Butter at any other store. , New canned Vegetables, Fruits, Marmalades, Pro-- serves, Jams, Sauces, Pickles, Relishes, etc. Closed half day tomorrow account holiday. Kindly let us serve you today or tomorrow morning. The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. For Sale at $6,750 A splendid piece of home or investment property, in good condition. Renting for $60.00 per month. Enough room on L lot for another house. Close in and centrally located. Willingham Loan & Trust Co. PHONE 1263. 461 THIRD STREET. ELLIS—AUTOMOBILES—MACON Mm*** REPAIRED The pioneer In the automobile repair business In Macon, will occupy his new Mace on SECOND STREET, Just off of Mulberry, January 1st. ThU is the best equipped and most centrally located garage In Macon, with up-to-date facilities for the care and keeping of automobiles and ample build ing constructed for the purpose. With everything for automobiles and with fred ELLIS at the wheel We will l FOR SALE Prettiest cottage on North Highlands. Seven rooms and hath, with bam and stables in rear; Inrge lot and bouse is equipped with water works and electric lights. This is n bargain at $4,000.00, and we would be pleased to tell you more about this place. WADLEY INVESTMENT CO. Grand Building Phone 627 HH-M-M-H H Notice to Our Customers. We are pleased to announce that Foley’s Honey and Tnr for coughs, colds and lung troubles Is not affect ed by the National Pure Food and Drug law’ as It contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we re commend It as a safe remedy for chil dren and adults. H- J. Lnmar & Co., near Fourth National Rank. FARMERS LOSE MEAT ACCOUNT HOT SPELL LOWNDES COUNTY LOSSES TO BE HEAVY — KILLED HOGS EARLY IN THE SEASON. VALDOSTA, Ga., Dec. 30—The farm era of this section have had large losses recently to their meat c»*op from the warm weather. Tho weather has been so warm that tho meat would not keep and much of It had to be thrown away or burled. -Most ol the farmers kill hogs on the first renl cold spell before 'Christmas and save enough meat then to last them until later in the winter when they put up their year’s supply. Those who killed some weeks flgo have had much trouble In saving the meat, ns it has not been cold enough to get the animal heat out of It. In the meantime, the farmers find It ex pensive to keep their hogs, so they are losing both ways. The com crop In Lowndes Is the largest the county has ever known and tho crop of porkers Is also large, though It will be largely reduced by the losses to date Nurainq Mothers and Malaria. The Old Standard GROVE’S TASTE LESS CHILL TONIC, drives out ma larla and builds up the system. For grown people and children. 50c. MOONSHINERS SHY IN COFFEE COUNTY OFFICERS HUNT IN VAIN FOR IL LICIT PLANTS—WHAT A WO MAN SAID. VALDOSTA. Oa., Dec. 30—Deputy U. S. Marshal Sutton and Deputy Col lector Williams have Just returned from Coffee-and Ware counties where they s went to ra’d moonshine stills, but they did not have much success. They got In a neighborhood where they ex pected to get them, end they found many signs, but th© stills were not to be located. One of the. places they raided In Coffee county was owned by a woman, who watched their search with a good deal of interest. 8h« also appeared very much rejoiced by their fkilure to locate a still. After watching them awhile, she called out; .’’If you fel lows find anything to drink, I would be glad If you yould let mo on to It as 1 haven’t had a dram enduring the whole Christmas.” The officers say there have been many evidence* of moonshlnlug In Coffee and Berrien, but it la getting hard to locate the stills. STREET DUEL CASE BEFORE THE RECORDER BUT MARSHAL APPEARED YESTERDAY BURGAMY WAS NOT PRESENT—BOTH TO TE8- TIFY TODAY. S. M. Marshall and H. Burgamy, principals in tho shooting uffray on Fourth (street Monday morning, will appear before Recorder Urqulmrt this morning to answer to the charge of shooting within the .city limits. Tho hearing was set for yesterday, but Burgamy failed to appear when his name was cjlled. Marshall was In court, and pleaded guilty to tho charge, stating that he shot In self-defense. The case went over and an off'cer was Instructed to have Burgamy In utten- danco this morning. •Marshall told the recorder that two small shot penetrated his leg. Indict ing wounds that ore a little painful but not serious. The contents of both barrels of the gun went into the par tially closed door behind which Mar shall fired his pistol. FOR SALE New five-room home, cabinet mantels, large hall, long, wldn veranda, on large lot with barn, stables, buggy shelter. AFTER THE FUN ftnoad in. Mawnitfl shop, large im house, two vacant lots between dwelling and atore. nil for $1,160.00; $749.00 cash. In lance $30.00 month. Store mid shop will rent for $15.00 month. leaving your payments only $15.00 month. Properly located at McBirpy, on Forsyth road, about two blocks distance from Bellevuo Address J.’ B. ODOM, care College Hill Sober days of work will begin again. Here’s hoping there wilt be plenty of work for all—plenty of tinning and plumbing work for me. Grocery. H. Horne REAL E8TATE. INSURANCE AND Grand Building. LOANS. Phone 454. FOR RENT. Store, 604 atul GQC Fourth street; rall- 8tore, 461 Cherry street, road track facilities. Second and Third floor Evening News Building. Storage space at _U$ld* ties. Compress 7:«\ dwelling, 210 First street. 7-r. dwelling. 467 and 469 New sireer. 5- r. dwelling, 24S Carling avenue. 6- r. cottage South College street. 6-r. cottage. Lynn nve., Vinevlllo 1qo«) C*r cottage, 4(M» and 408 Rosa street. In dwelling, 661 Orange street. rooms. Southern Kailway Schedules. This Is Worth Reaoing. Leo F. Zellnakl. of 68 Gibson street, Buffalo. N. Y.. says: “I cured the most annoying cold sore I over had, with Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. I ap plied this salve once o’ day for two days, when every trace of tho sore was gone.” Heals nil sores. Sold un der guarantee at all drug stores. 25c. SLOGAN OF NEW REGIME ALBANY, N. Y. t Dec. 30.— “Hughes and Harmony” Is to bo tho republican slogan during the new administration of tho chief execu tives, which .will begin Friday, when Govornor Hughes will be inaugu rated with coromonics or an Impos ing character;'The 1 an!moflltlbs which marked the governor’s campaign for re-election hnvo died out, nml It. is likely that Mr. Hughes will have the almost undivided support of repub lican members of tho legislature at the next session. The only cloud on tho horizon of harmony at tho present time Is on account of tho governor’s wishes for changes in the election laws, partic ularly about direct primary legisla tion. State Chairman Woodruff Is on record as favoring the direct pri mary system. Many of the leaders around the stato do not agree with him and will oppose new legislation on this line. Chairman Woodruff denies that there Is any cloud on tho Now York republican horizon, and declares that the coming, administration of Governor Hughes will bo the most successful In the history of tho state. GEORGIA, DIDO COUNTY. '130 tho Superior Court of Halil County: 7 1. Tho petition of Richard F. Law to Robert O. Jordan and John C. Holmes, nil of Bibb county. Georgia, and John F. Lewis, of Lowndes county. Georgia, shows that they desire for .themselves, their associates, successors and assigns, to bo Incorporated under the name and style of LAWTON, JORDAN & COM PANT. 2. Tho capital stock of said corporation shull he Twenty-five Thousand ($25,000) Dollars, divided Into Two Hundred nml Fifty (250) shares of the par value of One Hundred ($100) Dollars each. * 3. All of said capital stock has been paid In, 4. The principal office and place of business of said company shall he 111 the city of Macon. Georgia, with thfc privilege of establishing brunch off I Jim tho company may A Dangerous* Operation Is the removal of the appendix by a surgeon. No ono who takes Dr. King’s New Life Pills Is ever subjected to this frightful ordeal. They work so quietly you don’t feel them. They curse constipation, headache bilious- ness and malaria. 25c at all drug stores. PEI TO PURCHASE “SNAP BEAN FARM” UNCLE REMUS MEMORIAL ASSO CIATION I83UES AODRE88 TO THE PEOPLE. ATLANTA, Gg., Dec. 30.—Secretary J. G. Lerter has Issued the following letter to the people of Georgia, ap pealing for aid to suitably honor the memory of Joel Chandler Harris: Socretary Lester’s Letter. The Uncle liemus Memorial A*so elation makes this, its first appeal to tho people of Georgiu, for assistance In Its effort to suitably honor the name and memory of Joel Chandler Harris, who did more to charm, In terest and Instruct the children, not only >3t Georgia an (Jtho (southland, hut of the world, than any other writer of any age. They purpose to buy and preserve his old home, “Snap Bean Farm” so that In years to come, all who loved the writings of IJncle Remus, may have an opportunity to visit the scenes of his best labors. The plan Is to raise the needed fund .ty a popular augscrlptlon. so that all rnay have a port In the movement. All contributions will be acceptable. Some can and will give more than othera; all can give something. Let every ono who reada this and Is In tcrented In the movement and wishes to see It a sucre**—send his or her amount to Col. R. J. Lowry, treasurer, care of Lowry National Hank, Atlanta, Ocurglu. Yours, truly. J. G. LUSTER, Secretary. Georgia School of Technology RE-OPENB JAN. 4th, 1908. This school in butt):;’ cquipimd and organized in every diqmrtmont tlmu ever before, and is prepared to do the beat work in iU history. Advanced eouraes offered in Mechanical, Kleetrieal, Tex tile and Civil Kngiueering, Kagiawring Choinititry, CIimiim- try and Architecture. Many free acholarnliipa nro atill avail- iblo for Georgia Htndent*, For catalogue and full information, nddreaa, K. 0, MATHKSON, A. I.I., LL, D., President, Atlanta, Ga. Showing the arrival and departure of passenger trains at Macon, Ga., for Infor matlon only, and not guaranteed. No. Arrive from: a. m ' “ No. Depart to: 13 Jacksonville. 2.6; II Cincinnati... 2.0, 7 Lumber City. 9.26 p.m. 15 Brunswick. Atlanta 7.C6 p.m. ,14 Brunswick,. 10.60 .. 8. 0|15 Atlanta 6.00 ..10.43| 8 Lumber City. 4.00 MACON, DUDLIN «. SAVANNA RAIL- No. 18 7:00am| No. 19 11:05am No. 20 3:!i0pm| No. 17 4:40pm Trains nrrlvo and depart from Southern Railway Depot. J. A. 8TRBVB .. General Paeeenser Au»nt* at sued other places as desire. The object of salt! corporation (s po- purtlculnr business they denlro nn la na fnllowrt? to carry on Is ns follows: To pnrehnse, manufacture, buy, sell, Import, export nnd generally to deal In candy, ccmfoctlonery, sugar, glucose, ices, chocolates, chewing gum. soda watar sup plies, biscuits, cokes, crackers, preserves, pastry, broad of all kinds, and generally to buy, sell and deal In such goods, wares and merchandise ns are ordinarily carried or manufactured by dealers In a similar Unc of business. 7. Petitioners pray that they, their soclntcs, successors and assign* mn* ho Incorporated for the full term of twenty years, will) tho privilege of renewul at Southern Packing Co. Choicest Native mid Western Meats. 620 Cherry St. Phone 351. THE CAREFUL LADY Of the house, who closes tho windows ut nights and bnrs the doors, should not neglect to look to the roof—aha should remember that Mr. Rain Is an intruder who can do harm as wel the burglar. JA8. C. GORMLY. Phono 631. 320 Third St. Phono 187. GUNS, LOCKS, SAFES, Etc, REPAIRED. H. & H. R. HUHN, Basement Amor. Nat’l Bank, FOR SALE FOR BALK— Six lots on Houston rc 50x165; worth $3co each; will sell or all for $200 cash. Address Need, c Terrace, Vlneville. FOR SALE—A few pretty brown leg»;«.. cockerels, $1.00 each. Address C, 13. Newton, Macon. Ga. writers at $65; three $18 desks at $10 each: one second-hand Rom- Ington at $36; all In good condition. Ap ply Business Office, Macon Telegraph. ROSES—Should he planted now for early sell them. J, • G. REMOVAL BALE—Barred Rocks; choice J. G. Coile, Montlcello. Ga. iff lot on VI Seventy-one root front. Ve Hruble. Bargain. O. M. Davla. CABBAGE PLANTS, 25c for 100. $1.25 per 1,000. Apply J. W. Amuson. 858 Second st. Telephone 1397. FOR SALE—Gusa perfecting press, with complete stereotype outfit; good order; prints 4 or 8 pages; $1,250 fob Macon. Address Telegraph, Macon. Oa. for outfit. Macon Telegraph. LOST LOST—Somewhere In the city, largo pearl ring. Ten dollars reward U returned to Tho Telegraph. WANTED LOST—Child*h Muffed hull dog with col- WANTED—fluartl for mother; givo terms, j o Telegraph. gentleman and Address Hoard, WANTED—Few select boarders at 210 Washington nve.; also table boarders; prlvato family. Phone 3672. 240 Washington nve., Phono 3672. TEACHERS WANTED—Teachers want ing work, and schools wanting teach ers, write us. Many fine openings for .lununry throughout southeast * WANTED—Occupants for a nicely fur- 353 First st., Phono WANTED—Two gentlemen or couple for nice room with board. 663 Second st„ Mrs. Mnrtln. W^TED-Occunant. for opportunity for proper parties. Apply Garland Refining Co., Cleveland, O. commencement salary $100.00; spring examinations; preparations free; write Immediately. Frunklln Institute, Roches- FOR RENT Illrsch, 610 Fourth st. 8. To erect, maintain, operatn nnd < entent for carrying on tho business of the romnnnv. 0. To apply for. obtain, roglster. lense. -. iur, uutuui, I buy, sell, or tilliarwlse acquire, hold, use, own. operate or dleposn of patents, patent rights or privileges. Improvements, erot processes, trade marks, trade name* or Inventions or any Interest In any of tho same, or to use. exerqjse, develop, or grant licenses In respect or, nr other wise to turn to account any of wild above named properties «».- rights. 16. To buy or seM for rash, credit or on commission all UlmlM ut propeny, reul or personal, or any Intercut therein, nnd to net as agent* for others, II. To borrow money, to Issue botidn or other negotiable securities, to secure , From time to time, upon a majority rote of the stockholders, to lug One Hundred Thousand ($100,060) Dol lars. and llkewlso to reduce the capital stock by purchase of Its own stock, the power to make upon majority vote ■ecu purcnnscs; i __ . of the stockholders to cancel or retire such purchased stock or to hold the same In the treasury of the rompnny as treasury stock, nnd to reissue tho Hundred Thousand Dollars. or tho whole thereof whenevwr In the opinion of the directors It Is for tho best Interest of the company; nnd under like circumstances to sell, to mortgage, to let or to hire Its franchise or other property for the purpose of raising "*14. No shareholder shall be liable to the creditors* of the corporation except to tho extent of any ur*»ild tialanoe due on Ida stock subsivli .»n, nor then. If he has paid debts of the cernoratlon equal to Ills unpaid stock subscription. 15. Petitioners pray that they, their as sociates, successors and assigns may bo Incoiporated under tho name nnd style a forma Id for the above purposes and with the above powers and Immunities. MILLER. JONES A MILLER. oeorota. nrnn county: I. Robert A. Nlebot, clerk of the su perior court of said county, do certify r ’ * -* * - — ■ - - *—*——- of tbs that the foregoing Is a true copy of th; aupUcntlon for charter of LAWTON. JORDAN it Co., an the'same appears of file tn rny office. Witness my offlelsl signature and seal of office, this 20tl» day of December, 1908. ROBT. A. NI8BET, Cleric. (REAL). BANKS CLOSE FRIDAY; NEW YEAR OBSERVANCE Not Likely That The Day W^ll Be Generally Observed Here—Sunday Houre at Postoffice. The bank* of the city w'll be closed for another holiday Friday. Tho flea ring House Association has not yet announced whether they will be doe- ed Hal unlay. but It Is »*Heved gener ally that they will nut* The poslgJVIe* will observe Hnnday hour* Friday, and a fair other lines of business will be I closed, bat H Is not likely that there I will b# any gonersl observance of K*f I YsiFa day. FOR RENT—Two connecting furnished • — rooms for rent. Phono 30i FOR RENT—Ono nice furnished IF YOUR cook or mold wishes a room dose to her work on High st. or Plum st. or Wajflilngton nve,, call phono 3016, she will find one of the best. FOR RENT—Two or three rooms for rent, first floor, cheap; seo these! conveniences, 221 Tattnall at. FOR RENT—Store at 370 Bccond st. for' merly occupied by tho Equitable Bunk' lug & I*oan Co.; excellent place for » bank; possession January 1; will bo al tered to suit tonnnt. Apply to Bon L. Jones, YOUR EYES tested freo of charge and cyo glasses sold at half prices at Groom’* Bankrupt Jewelry Hulu on Fourth *L FOR RENT Olt HALE-Rest dairy and truck form In Georgia; 86 acres with 7-room house ... bams, etc.; fine meadow; enough koc land to produce a world of vegetable 10 minutes from court house. 1C. Tr Napier. PdeeeesU/.i, , Elm st.. 770, 769, 753 Ash st. H. Harts, cor. Orange nnd Forsyth sts. FOR RENT—Two Al ground floor office* In Washlngtou block; steurn boat and Janllor, all convenience*. Apply to Ma con Havings Bank. FOR RENT—I*arge, convenient ware Ull HEirt l—•'•Ill Wfllrni h(iiis*. does |n. E. Trie Napier. PERSONAL MHO. IIKUDINOKIBLD'H Hchnol of Htc nograpliy opens t Monday, Jan. 4th; day night school. THE TOXO-ABSORBENT REMEDY Is •till In Macon, at «r»7 Mum. If you went to know wliat It Is doing write and get information. It Is less, painless, druglcs*. It will raise the deoil, nor will It eure all dbt ease*, but It cures everything curable. harm' FRUIT TREKH nnd other nursery stock, budded pecans, peiir-heM, plums, clier* rlrti. J. O. Postell. 354 Spring. HALL’S 847HOOL FOR HOYS can admit a few more puplla; second sesalon be- E lns January 6tli; If Interested, write B. Uxon Hall, Prln.. Bogart. Ge. 150.00 per year. Term begins Jan. LOHT—Dachshund with Dodo uu ruun. description, small, black, long body and short crooked legs. Reward for return to Walter H. Turpin, 763 Second at. MISCELLANEOUS CABnAGE PLANTS. Garden Plants. Grown In the open nlr will stand the coldest winter. Prices l to 4 thousand, $1.60; 4 to !) thousand, $1.26; over 9 thou sand, $1.00 per thousand. F. O. B. Meg* gelt*. H. (’. We havo special express rates. Wrlto. us for agents' outfit and proposition. N. H. Blltch Co., M«*ggotta. H. C.. tho largest truck farm In the world. prices. Full count and satisfaction guar For Rent No. 742 College st., 8 rooms $40.00 ** i. $82 Clinton st., 4 rooms 10.00 i, 215 Clinton at., 4 rooms 10,00 No. 419 Duncan ave., 6 rooms 20.00 No. 762 Plum at., 8 rooms 85.00 No. 9G6 Elm st., 6 rooms 12.50 No. 406 Rosa at., 7 rooms 2S.00 No. 408 Ross at.. 7 rooms 22.60 No. 109 Mill at., 6 room* 12.00 No. 601 Walnut st., 5 rooms, furn.. 25.00 No. 302 Carling ave., 6 rooms 15.00 IMMEDIATE P08SE88I0N. SOLICIT YOUR INSURANCE. Frank B. West REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, 417 Cherry 8treet. For Sale A very attractive suburban farm about four and ouc-balf miles out, fronting on ono of the beat publio ronda. Contains 25 acrea and has good five-room- framo dwelling, large barn, crib and other out- buHdlngn. Would mnko n splondtd dairy, truck or poultry farm or nlco country homo, Georgia Loan & Trust Co. 565 Mulberry Street. RENT LIST 117 Ilollevuo Ave I2K.00 742 College, 9-r 773.00 424 Calhoun, S-r 720.00 221 Duncan 217.20 128 Fourth, 7-r J22.80 1171 Oglethorpe, 7-r 722.00 126 Holt Ht.. V-r 122.:,0 210 Hardeman, 7, $29.00; poaaeaalon January tat, 140 Highland ave., 7-r 727.90 261 Orange, 7-r $25.00 STOHBS. 420 Mulberry 81 760.70 650 Poplar St $40.1,0 656 Poplar (Jnn. 1) 750.00 660 Poplar 750.00 B. A. WISE & CO, l-H-H-H-H-H-fc Schedule effective Dec* 20, 1908. M.&B. S. F. PARROTT. Receiver. MACON AND BIRMINGHAM RAILWAY. Trains leave Mac la, Cutloden. Yatvsv ton, Woodbury. Co ria. La Grangi* and points ag folio Llzel- No. 41 at 4:20 p No. 66 at 7:JO a Thursday and H; No. 41 n.aket