Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, December 31, 1908, Image 7

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THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 31, 1908 We have for sale .this choice lot of securities: $25,000 City Macon 4ft per cent 1926 bonds. $2,000 City Macon 5 per cent 1923 bonds. $2,000 City Atlanta 6 per cent 1914 bonds. $10,000.00 City Augusta C per cent, 1915. $2,000 City Augusta 4ft. 1916. $3,000 City Augusta' 4%. 1925. $4,000 City Augusta 4, 1931. $4,000.00 City West Point, Ga., 6 per cent, 1926. $7,000 City West Point, 6 per cent, 1927. $8,000 City Thomaston 5 per cent, serial 1910 to 1925. $25,000 City of Birmingham. Ala., C per cent, 1919. • $10,000 Clty^Blrmingham, Ala., 5 per cent, 1920. ^ • $5,000 City Mobile. Ala., 4%. 1939. $14,000 County Hancock, Ga., 5 per cent. 1916 to 1931. $23,000 County Wilcox, Ga., 5 per cent. 1934. $5,000 Ga. 4ft 1915 bonds. W. G. SOLOMON & CO. LIVERPOOL spots closed 4.99 NEW YORK spots closed 9.20 NEW ORLEANS spots closed 8ft THE LOCAL COTTON MARKET. The Macon cotton market yesterday closed quiet at unchanged quotations as wa: Range of Prices. Strict Middling ..........'...'.^^......8^ Stock of all kinds 917,000 Middling 8% Strict Low Middling £ JANUARY INVESTMENTS $50,000.00 State of Georgia Bonds. $100,000.CO Georgia Railway & Back ing Co. fours, due 1947. 4 MUNICIPAL* BONDS. Ga., $30,000.00 City of Dublin. Ga., Bonds. $15,000.00 City of Careliton, Ga., Bonds. 410,000.00 City of Augusta, Ga., Bonds. $11,000.00 City of Waycross, Ga., Bonds. $25,000.00 City of Jacksonville, Fla., Bonds. Also Bonds of the following Cities: Albany, Quitman, Athens, Amerleus, Thomson, Statesboro, - Fitzgerald, * McRae, Atlanta. Valdosta, Tennllle. Georg'a Railroad & Banking Co., Southwestern Railroad Co., Augusta & Savannah Railroad Co., North Caro-' lina Railroad Co., Georgia Southern & Florida Railroad Co.„ Atlanta & West Point Railroad Co., Wrlghtsvllle & Tennllle Railroad Co. CIRCULAR GIVING FULL INFOR- . MATION WILL BE SUPPLIED ON. APPLICATION. When either BUYING or SELLING, communicate with me. JOHNW. DICKEY COTTON NERVOUS AND VERY ERRATIC TONE OF THE MARKET TOWARD THE CLOSE DECIDEDLY UNSETTLED. being made or anticipated for to morrow. Several merchants had many usand bales on hand, anticipating a rp advance on December at the dose, It wa* known there was an uncov ered short Interest which had been grad ually covered to the last hour, when those, who have been receiving the cotton be- camo sellers, supplying all demands, so that these merchants were left with the bales on hand. On the other hand, the belief has gained ground that tho Jan uary* will all be received when tendered to one of the largest spot houses. Other Influences have had only a minor effect upon the market. Blocks at Interior towns are still increasing, whlio Man chester advices are better, leading many to expect the trade to be large buyers after the turn of the year. Liverpool Cotton Statistics. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 30.—The following are tho weekly cotton statistics: Rules. Total sales of all kinds 37.000 Total sales of American 33.000 English spinners* takings 113.000 Total exports 17,000 Imports of all kinds 297.000 Imports of American.... 200.000 Low Middling Spot Cotton Movement. «sSM Dec. 26. 1908 Recta. Sh ; p. Bales. cotton .... .ous and erratic all da closing easy at a net decline of 22 poln. on December and an advance of 8 points on January, while later positions were 4 points higher to 3 points lower. Sales for the day were estimated at 175,1"'"* largely of January and March. Tho market opened steady at a decline of 2 points to an. advance* of 7 points, December being, slightly lower undei scattering liquidation, while latei* posi tions were generally higher In spite of rather disappointing cables. It -was esti mated tliat Decomber notices, represent ing about 20,000 bales were in circulation, but these seemed to be going into the hands of the big long Interest, and dur ing tho early session the market showed considerable strength, led by January, on covering by shorts on rumors that the cotton taken up on December contracts might not be re-deliverra on January an expected. That position sold up to 8.87 during the early session, or about 15 points net higher, while other positions showed a net gain of only 5a9 points and continued relatively Arm during the iafo trading when the general market was oosler under liquidation with December particularly weak, losing all but 5 points of Its premium over January contracts. The tone of the market toward the close was very unsettled. Tomorrow is the last December and the first January notice day, and tho market will be closed from tomorrow night until Monday tnorn- juantity afloat of American 331.000 Grain and Provisions. Corrected by R It. Jaques & Tinsley Co. CORN—Sack oil. white * $ 88 Backed, mixed 87 Carload lots, either sacked or bulk, trade on applica tion. OATS—White clipped * 65 No. 2 white 68 No. 3 white 60 Special quotations made on car lots. IIAY—Choice timothy 1.00 No. 1 timothy 90 * No. 2 timothy........ 1.00 . No * clover... 9". Timothy and clovor mixed.. 95 Alfalfa hay 1.20 . Redding straw 65 BRAN—Pure wheat 1.50 Bran and shorts 1.65 FLOUR—Private Stock, fanny pat.. 6.25 Royal Owl. best patent 5.28 Top Notch, first patent 5.Oh MEAL—Water ground Juliette MEATS—Dry salt ribs Extra naif riba 18-20-lb D. 8. bellies 10% Bulk plates ,.i 7 Smoked meats, %c. over above. HAMS—Fancy sugar cured... Standard sugar cured 13ft 11% '"fin, ecelpts of cotton at the ports today - **'*"'* * *nst 67.614 .bale last year. F< -0,000 bales nu 365.363 bales lust week and 361,976 bales last year. Today's receipts at New Orleans were 17,971 bales against 9,419 bales Inst year, and at Houston 7,536 bales against 16«01Q bales last year. Spot Cotton and Future* NEW YORK. Dec. 30.—Spot cotton closed quiet. 10 points decline; .middling uplands 9.20; middling gulf 9.45; sale 3,000 bales. Futures opened steady and closed easy ai follows: FOR SALE 44.000 Wo offer for this price a thoroughly modern 6-room cottage on Park Place, on a good lot that fronts 70 feet and has a depth of an acre. This placo has every convenience and Is one of the nicest places that has been offered for some time. We are facilitated to give terms, 41,500. , A nice 5-room cottage on Ross street well located and a bargain at the price. Terms If desired. Minton-Morgan Co. March April May 8.97 Juno ——. July 8.93 August 8.84 September -— • Octobor 8.69 December 9.08 Exports to Great Britain.. 46,262. Exports to France 1.250 Exports to continent 6,978 Exports to Japan Stock on hand all ports. .1.105.423 G. S. & F. RY. | Schedule Effective Dec. 20, 1908. DEPARTURES: 4:05 p. m., No. 5, “Shoo-Fly," Macon to Valdosta and all Inter mediate points. 1:00 a. m., No. 3. “Georgia South Suwanee Limited," Macon to Jacksonville via Valdosta. Solid train with Georgia Southern and Florida. Twelve Section Drawing Room Sleeping Car. open at 9:10 p m. In the Union l>epot. Makes con nections at Jacksonville for all points In Florida. its, Macon to Tlfton, cn route from St. Louis and Chicago to Jacksonville. 2:07 a. m., No. 33, “South At lantic Limited,” coaches and Pull man sleepers. Maeon to Jackson- Tlfton. en ro* ' , Louisville am ARRIVALS: Jacksonville and Palatka, local sleeper Jacksonville to Macon: passengers can remain In local sleeper in Union Depot at Macon until 7:20 a. m. 8:35 a, m.. No. 94, “Dixie Flyer," coaches and Pullman sle+pern. TIT | ton to Macon. ' * i route from Ja & to tit. Louis anil Chics 2:55 a. m.. No. 32, “South lantlc Limited," coaches and PuH man sleepers, Tlfton to Maeon. en route to Cincinnati, Louisville and Chicago. 11:16 a. m.. No. 6, “Shoo-Fly." from VahloatA. 4:26 p. m.. No. 2. from Palatka, nd *3 intermediate Open. High. J,ow. Close. 8.88 8.72 8.80 8.80 .8.84 8.90 8.83 8.83 8.80 8.86 8.88 8.88 Pure, in 20-lb. tins Pure.: In 50-lb. tins Pure, hi 60-lb tubs Pure. In 10-lb tubs _. Pure, In 60-lb tins 10 ! McCaw's compound lard.... 7 Tho same additions for other sizes ns named above. SYRUP—Georgia cane (new) New Orleans Black strap SALT—100 lbs. white cotton sack.. Imported rock salt, lb CHEESE—Full cream GRITS—Hud nuts. In bbls 5.00 Hudnuts. In sacks 2.50 SUGAR—Granulated. In bbls 5ft New Orleans clarified 6 New York yellow 4% COFFEE—Choice Rio 12 Prime Rio 12 Medium Rio 11 Common 9 to 10 Arlmeklo'n roasted. 15.94 RICE—Choice head 7ft Medium 514 to f Railroad Bonds Receipts and Exports. SInco September 1. 1908— Consolidated receipts 6,233,561 Exports to Great Britain... 1,868.013 Exports to France 618, lot Exports to continent 1,917,455 Exports to Japan 73,073 Exports to Mexico............... 4.103 Pries, Receipts, Sales, Stock. The Ports: Galveston . . New Orleans Mobile . . . Savannah . . Charleston . Wilmington . Norfolk . . . Baltimore . . New York ... Philadelphia ..19.45 8 13-16 9-16 3214 9-16 ^ l8tck.l 224020 3259861 usm ■ 19950 29S72 interior Movement. Houston , . Augusta . . Memphis . . St. 1»uIh ... Cincinnati .. Louisville . . Little Rock.. Rects.lSales.l Stck. LIVERPOOL. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 30.—Moderate bust- ness done In spot cotton, prices un changed; American middling fair 5.53. good middling 5.17; middling 4.99; low middling 4.79; good ordinary 4.28; ordi nary 3.88. Tho sales of the day 10,000 hales, of which 200 bales wer< speculation and export, and Included 9.700 bales American. Receipts were 64.000 bales, Including 36,600 bales Amer ican. Futures opened quiet and closed steady: American middling O. O. C.': January-Februory February-March . March-Aplrl April-May Clorc, 4.78 4.78 Septemher-OetnlH-r Oetober-Nnvember November-December December-January January-February (1910) 4.CS 4.61 4.59 US* r; OVOROtA RAILROAD. dally M lI. dally r 10,79. utlly. til' l Run 4 94*11 4sl!f. i4 III W W. HARDWICK NEW ORLEAN8. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 30.—Spot cotton steady. l-l«c. higher, middling 8ft. Sales on th** spot were 1,900 bales and to ar rive 1.330 bales. Futures opened quiet at an advance of 1 to 3 points on large spot sales fn Liv erpool and encouraging reports from th Manchester doth and yarn markets. The market was steady during the first part of tlia sesalon at the highest stand ing at a nst advance of 3 to 6 points. In the afternoon the tone was essler - -jj, # influence of rains in the rei and western section* of th# te._. I they were bedly needed, end alee on noire little holiday liquidation from the long side. At the lowest price* were unchanged to 2 points down net. The riooe we# eiesdv with prices unrhenarti to 3 P*inta down compared with yester- dare rt--»inv Future# cfcead as follows: January, bid ,\\\Ml February, nominal * it INTEREST III STOCKS fm ACTIVE ELEMENT INDISPOSED TO EXTEND THEIR COMMITMENTS FOR A TIME. NEW YORK. Dec. 30—Speculative interest In the stock market was some what languid and prices fluctuated but sluggishly and Indecisively. The active element among the market operators seemed Indisposed to extend their com mitments on the near approach of the new year's holiday and preferred to await the turn of the year and what it may bring to throw light on the future of the market. The perceptible decline of tho forenoon was regarded as an effort to appraise the harm to values -which hus resulted from the calamity In Italy. Th© selling repre sented tho opinions of professional traders rather than any forced conse quence of tho disaster. Deals Involv ing minor railroads continued to cir culate In the rumor form. Tho Amer ican Smelting stocks made another dip In recognition of the formidable competition promised in the new cor poration, and amalgamated copper moved In company, tho threatened competition being considered to rep resent a rivalry between Interests in these two corporations. •Bonds were irregular. Total sales par value $6,436,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Total sales today 816,t00 shares PREDICTION OF COLD SENDSJHEAT UP FINAL QUOTATIONS SHOW GAINS OF TO K CENTS—CORN CLOSES FIRM. CHICAGO. Dee. 30.—An official pre diction or a cold wave for the winter wheat bolt In this country caused n strong market for wheat here today, final quo tations showing net gains of ftaftc. to ft ceut. Corn closed firm and oats and provis ions steady. »*ft V.‘49 ft 100 100ft 107 110 Vi 5 per cent. 1937 li Central of Ga. consolidated 1945 l; Central Ga,, *d Inc., 1945 52 C “ rnl On.. Macon nnd North- ___j. 1946 108 19 Central Ga.. Middle Ga. and Atlantic, 1947 103 lfl Southern R. R.. 5 do.. 2994..108 1C Georgia TL R. and Banking^ Co., 5 pc. 1922 105 1C Ga. R. R. and Banking Co.. 1 per cent. 1910 101 1C Sou. nnd Flu. 5 pc.. 1945..106 1( Seaboard R. R., 4 pc., 1950.... 56 f Seaboard R. R.. 6 nc.. 1911.... 93 f Southwestern U. R. stock ..107 H Savannah and Augusta stock. 107 K Atlanta nnd West Point ....149 If Atlanta nnd W- P. dnben....l04 If Ga. Sou. nnd Fla., com 15 1 Ga. Sou. and Fla., 1st prefv. R3 I Gn. Sou. and Fla.. 2d prof.... 69 \ Southern R. R., pref 60 t Southern R. R-. com 26 I State of Georgia Bonds 4ft. 1922............ 107 Ga. 4ft. 1915 104 Oa. 4. 1926 104 105 Ga. 3VS. 1928 to 1935 *99 100 108 City Bond3. Maeon 6 pe., 1910 100 Macon 5 pc.. 1923 107 Macon 414, 1926... 104 Macon 4*4, 1910 to 1914 90 A-riiaitt* On a S * 80 nent basis. 6*!I0415? g a vannah 5 pc.. 190$ 98 Savannah S pc.. 1912 105 Augusta 8ft. 4. 4ft, 8 & pc.. FI Crackers. Barona sodas, sc. Barone nlensc*. 7ftc. Barona oyster crackers, 6’ft** N. B. C. Sodas, 4ftc. NEW YORK STOCK UST. Amalgamated Copper-., MV* American Car and Foundry ...-49 American Car and Foundry prof... 107 American Cotton Oil •••••• is,/ American Hldo and Leather pfd .. 38*4 American Ico Securities American Linseed American Locomotive »]V* . None American locomotive pfd ..........Ill American Smelting and Refining .... 81% Amor. Smelting and lung pfd 101ft American Sugar Refining .... American Tobacco pfd American Woolen Anaconda Mining Company .. Atchison Atchison pfd Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore and Ohio ... Baltimore and Ohio pfd - Brooklyn Rapid Transit ••••.51’* Canadian Pacific 176 Central leather •■}}? Central Leather pref RJl Mi Central of New Jersey *••* Chetuiptuko und Ohio Chicago Great Western Chicago nnd Northwestern Chicago. Mil. and til. Paul.. C. C. C. nnd St. Ismls V* Colorado Fuel und Iron 16 Colorado and Southern jj*V* Colortdo and Southern 1st wrefo.. ft Colorado and Soutlfern 2d pfd Consolidated *Gaa *......•...l*-4 Corn Products Delaware and Hudson I Denver and Rio Orando "*ft Denver and lUo Grande pfd Distillers' HoourHIvs.. Brio 1st |.fd‘ ............"..iV.rr.'... 60J4 Gone: al Electric 157'a Great Northern pfd Great Northern Ore Ctfs ]-*4 Illinois Central ••• l jj2» I liter borough Met. Intel borough Met. pfd International l/aper *- International Paper pfd “*L lnternattonal Pump ... Iowa Central Kansan city Southern . Kansas City Southern Jmu .... Louisville ami'Nashville pfd ... Minneapolis and St. Louis .... Minn., m P. ami Sault St. M lJ-$ Missouri Pacific Missouri, Kansas nnd Texas ........ 4- MHhouiI, Kansas nnd Texas pfd...* 73 National Lend -‘1$ New York Central -•••••;••••• New York. Ontario and Western .... 45g hold lirmer ten dency. Silks are quiet, hut shipments on orders for January are largo. Ribbons have been advunced. Underwear and hosiery are generally quiet. Retailers aro placing many small fllllng-ln orders with joblters and others, principally looking forward to January sales. COTTON 8EED OIL. NEW YORK. I>ec. 30.—Cotton soed oil Was active and strong on higher crude, covering of shorts and aggreslvo bull sup port. Prime crude In barrels f.o.b. mills 31; prime summer yellow 39a84; off sum mer yellow 36a39*,i; good off summer yel low 38U39V4; prime summer white 40V4 to 44; prime winter yellow 45a46*4. < NAVAL STORES. WILM1NOTON. Dec. 30.—Turpentine steady at 37; receipts 14 casks. Rosin steady ut 2.75; receipts 174. Tar firm at 1.60; receipts 51. Cruda turpentine firm at 1.75, 2.75 and 2.75; receipts 42. SAVANNAH. Ga.. Dec. 30.—'Turpentine firm at 33n*i; sales 400; receipts 439; shipments 55. Rosin firm*, soles 3.733; re ceipts 3,044; shipments fl; stock 108,853. Quote: A. B. C. O and K. 3.02V4; F. 3.07*4: U. 3.05; If. 3.45; I, 4.20; K, B.lOr M. 5.80; N. 6.16; W. CL. 6.40; W. W., 6.60. CHARLESTON. Dec. 30.—Turpentine firm ut 37V4. Rosin firm. Quote: A ~ C. 1> and E.*2 ““** ~ ~ 3.30: I. 4 “ * W, \ D and E.* 2.92*4: F, O. 2.92V4a95: II. .30; I. 4.05; K, 5.00: M, 5.ft); N, 6.05; " Q.. 6.30; W. W.. 6.40. Southern Railway ay 5s .....110 Texas and Pacific Ists 11684 Toledo, St. L. and Western 4s “* ~ • 1 4# 1 8. Stool 2nd 6s Wuhnsh lsts Western Md. 4h Wheeling and Luke Erie 4s . Wisconsin Central 4« N. Y.. N. li. und II J.uke Shore 40 Norfolk and Western North American Northern Pacific Pacific Mall .... Pennsylvania Peoplo’s Gas 71 142ft 35 New Yo-k Money Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 30.—Money on rail firm at 2a3*4 per cent, ruling rate 3V4, •Inning hid 2ft. offered at 3 por cent. ory dull and stnady: sixty _ REGISTERED MAIL AND “ A SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX Perhaps you arc outside of Maeon—deeds, insurance papers, wills nnd other valuable papers locked away in some bureau—where fire, thieves, cyclones and a dozen other things can find them. “Undo Sam’s” registered mail and one of our safety deposit boxes eliminate all such risks. $3.50 a Year and a Very Little Trouble Not nearly as much trouble as lost papers will give you. V- FOURTH NATIONAL BANK _ MACOIN, GEORGIA For Sale A nioo two-story dwelling in the newest and best residence section of. Vineville; is in every respect u mod ern house. Call us over phono, if you are looking for a homo, and let us tell you about this place. Jno. F. and W. H. Cone, Real Estate, Insurance and Loans Phone 206. 607 Cherry St. t*! IIIIHI l-HIH H III! II HUH month.* 3ft par coat. Sterling exchange steady with act uni lUidni’ftH in bank«r»'- bills at 4.85a4.85.10 nr tdxty days and nt 4.K7 for demand. Commercial hills 4.84ftn4.84ft. Bur fdlvei 650ft. Mexican dollars 45, Hardware—Wholesale. fCnri-etert hy Dimlap TTardwar. Co.) WEI.L B'lOKETS—M.5I to Jt.EO Jo*. ROPE—Manila. 13c: Baaal, 8c; cotton. ^WlnB—Barb. 1.10 Mr pound. PUJW STOCKS—Harman, *1; *°PI.OW BI.ADE8. Bo. par lb. - ' . IRON—iMicc per lb. baaa; Swado 414c. t> °AXBS-««.W dot., b IJ.CO U-B baa*. •5c.; Fergu- pound. k#g base; out, kef base. July-Augunt 4.77ft Horse. $4.25 to $4.60 keg; muto August-Septemher 4.Gift shoes. 24 26 to .34.76, “ BUCKETB—Plain, $2.00 do*.; whito C«- dar. thres hops. $4.00. CHAINS—Traco. <4 to $1 do*. GUN POWDER—Ptr keg. Dupont crock •'S.&'ijSft aaetc. TUPS— P-Intod. $2.20: cedar. $5.00, FHOVElaS—$7.00 to 111 perdox. CARDS—Cotton, $4.10 par do*. Dry Goods—Wholesale SHEETING—« to 8c. DRILLTNO—7ftc. TICKING—4fto. to 14ftc. BI.KACHING—4ft to fifte. CHECKS—6 ft to To. PRINTS— »ft to f fto. :; ; isi *A io4ft Wttsburg.'cT.U/a” j Ht - Raiiway Steel Spring JHft Reading Republic? Ht eel J" Republic Steel pfd •••• Jj?,, Rock Ialand Co. •••••:• llock Island Co. f)f«l .»••••••;: V?a Ht. laoulrt und San Fran. 2d pfd .... lift St. Louis Southwestern ....... Ht. Louis Southwestern pfd ... Sloan Sheffield Steel und Iron Southern Pacific » Southern Pacific pfd Southern Railway jit Southern Railway pfd ®*2 Tennessee Copper Toledo. Ht. IdOtils ****** West. •••••••• Toledo. Ht. TaOUU and West. pfd.... 70^ Union Pacific United States Rubbor ',! * United States Rubber 1st pfd 106 United States Hteel United Htatea Hteel pfd HJ vlnllnS-ESrollna Chemlral ........ 44ft Vlrkinla-Carollna Chamlcal pref. ••••*]{ WestlnghouNO Electric ""ti Western Union Wheeling and Lake Brio Wisconsin c«?ntra* .iji* Amor. T. and }j3-* NEW YORK BONDS. ’ IT. 8. refunding 2s. rcglsfered ....103 U. H. refunding 2s. coupon UR U. H. 3s. registered *®l U. H. 3s, coupon J®* U. H. 4s. registered }j|9 17. H. 4s coupon American Tobacco 4 s American Tobacco 0s ..... Atchison general 4a Atclilnon ndjustmenc 4s ... Atchison cv. 4s Atchison cv. 5s Atlantic Coast Lino Baltimore nnd Ohio 4s .... Baltimore and Ohio 3fts ... Brooklyn B. T. cv. 4* .... Central of Georgia 6s ..... Central of Georgia 1st Inc. Central of Georgia 2d Inc. , Central of Georgia 2d Inc. . Chesapeake and Ohio 4fts Chicago and Alton 3fts ... Chicago, B. and 6. new 4a.... 100 Chicago. K. I. •n? U SHIPPING NEWS DHtAWARR nRKAKW'ATKR, Del., Dec. 30—Arrived: Schooner Frank B. Wltherbee, from Charleston, for Bos ton. SAVANNAH. Oa., Dec. 30-Hailed: ed: Steamer Michael Onfchkotikoff, (Dan.), Harboc, Hamhurg; Parthian, Berry, Philadelphia. JACKSONVILLE Fla., Dec. 30—Ar rived: Steamers Hhnwmut, Ilanscn, PhllndQlphlu, Huron, Staples, New York. Hailed: Steamer Apache, Staples, New York, via Charleston. • • Cleared: Schooners Mary A. Hall, Haskell, Boston; George Tuulune, Jr., Nelson. Philadelphia. Tho Telegraph Business Of fice, 452 Cherry street. Edito rial Rooms upstairs, noxt door. JASPER RYE A STRAIGHT RYE WHISKEY 100 Proof, Double Stamp We especially recommend this goods to those that prefer a high proof goods equal to bottled in bond goods at 25 por cent higher prieos. A trial order will provo the J quality. We guarantee satisfaction. 4 Full Quarts $3.85 8 Full Quarts $7.25 $10.25 12 Full Quarts jasper! . Express prepaid to any point reached by Southern Express Co. D. f. & C. P. LONG P. 0. Box 1050 Jacksonville, Fla. AS? HI I Hi.Ux.d B.»*. A C. With Ik* tagf potllMia Ua4*n vf twii <*| Cotton Seed wr ton at any roll road station In Gaorgta. Gandy lltl'V candy In boi^s. Tfte. Milck rand/ In barrsls, fe. |,.|l 7 . Cr> * »r. In j »1'. Lumber Quotation* 108*/ 101* 95 Mft 109ft Kl «l ft 50 104 77 U C. C. C. and Ht. Loula gen. 4a., Colorado Industrial 6a Colorado Midland 4a ....... Colorado and Southern 4# Delaware and lludaon cv. 4s ::»R# Krla general 4s Hockiug Valley 4s 4ft”, id*aeries'..... Ilia and Noah, unlfltt ::::: r* *81 82 ■HR:::::» ly/ulsvlllo and Nash, unified 4* 102 Manhattan consol gold 4s Maxlaon Central 4a Mexican Ontral let lac K Minn, and ML Loula «a 8»ft Mliwouii, Kanaaa and Taxas 4a Missouri, Kansas and Texas 2nda.... Natbmsl It- It. of Mexico quo. 4s... lift New York Central gen. 3fte, 95ft New Jersey Central geti. M ......ISO .Northern raoifla l« ................tit 1 Norlhern Pacific 3s tr ! Km folk and Western con. 4 s li Oregon MI*ort IJnsrMl 4f ......... 14 1225: aSru VHOH'iALt [ (long Isafj ll'lovfc «». I i an f>t 6f\ WHISKEY TN CLUB HOUSE OR HOME, always keep a bottle handy. Served to your friends, it bespeaks your Intelligent discrimination, for —MURRAY HILL CLUB is the incomparable whiskey— best for athlete or invalid—a tonic as well as a beverage. It stands alone as a whiskey of mature age and purity and with a bouquet that is an exclusive MURRAY HILL CLUB possession. “Thu Particular Brand for Particular People. ” QsmmU<4 ss4*r ska NsiImsI Para Po#4 Law, JOS. A. MAGNUS & CO. CINCINNATI. O.