The Macon advertiser and agricultural and mercantile intelligencer. (Macon, Ga.) 1831-1832, May 17, 1831, Image 1

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'csss Mac oitf iuownxtnsßxt, a™ ACwRSCfJ LTUItAIa AJSTI> MERCANTILE INTELLIGENCER. printed and published on Tuesdays anti Fridays, by mllarinaditlte J. Static , at Fire Hollars per annum , payable in advance • VOL. I. - , ...titer & JntelUgencer The % and Fridays at Five r s published <m Tu f® jvance. Advertisements Doirs f cr sent without a inserted *t will be published specified nitinbe haTgei i accordingly. out aid b J= A j m inistritors, Exe- Sales of Lana- > - reJiby law> to be ouurs,or ( :uaruian,,arc /I th , between held on the jir & . fxjrenoon and uiee in the s—wriisu. i-wjs ifternoon, -t “ s , tu ate. Notice of these which *e proP£ “ a public gazette sixty day s Svioustot’aeday of aucrion, on ■ Sales ofneeroes r ctween , he , hefirstTuesilay ofthc os . übUc the hours Testamentary, cf Admin county where the |etw hate been granted, jstrationor a ‘ 8 n ‘ u re thereof,in one of the first giving sixty day and t thc tloox 0 f the public gazettes of tius^taU^ a ■iourt-house, where sucn^ onal p ropcrty must Notice for the sal days previous to be given in like manner, > the day of sale. , n d Creditors of an Es- JSSttS&ggafr.* ■ - cSSoiSw ?' * u ” d ’ bt ' published four months. . must be pub SisS— j.-dl be made thereon by the Con . ' S# 7? \w*soofc Store , yp-™ he Post-Office w Inlelv kept. BL fi>- J SLAI>E r s 1. > cp> “j°rl'SS kSm'S'cedsiciLivuiiKs '3&S>'&3o „,. ■ f Toother with a supply of all lands ol 71,0 whole being selected for this market will be sold very low. catalogue in a few days. April 20 ' CJRASS SCYTHE** , few Grass Scythes, with snaths on - A,-!* SU9TWELL, 4- Cos. ' May 3, 1331. 4 ~ t - 1 — ~To planters and Capitalists. iiliK"riber. in company with several o- I'L s offers fcr sale FOUR HUNDRED A THOUSAND acres of land, Ivincr in Ware County, in this state, adjoining the Florida line, on both sides the Suwannee river, IS is navigable part of the year into the centre Af these lands, and at all seasons fur steam-boats ii£n miles of them. Them m every variety of soil peculiar to Georgia and Sonth-iCarolma, a w e portion of them are river, inland, hammock ‘ Ib‘ v lands. The river Hammocks are cover .-,1 with a heavy growth of Live Oak und Orange Trees, und arc never inundated—The Hay Lands are heavily timbered, many of thc Hay trees being four fee* oxer—Thc Inland Hammocks (not bor derintr on the river) are numerous, and contain from 100 to 1000 acres —The Fine Lands arctcr tilc, and similar to the best of I pland on the Sea Islands of Georgia and South-Carolina, and have been demonstrated to produce 25 bushels of corn to thc acre. The company have induced a Span ish gentleman to settle on them, who is cultivat ing the Vine, and assures us he can cultivate the Olive with suecesss —Asa Sugar country the Hammock and Hay lands are believed to be equal to any in the United States. To'Capitalists wishing to take the whole, a '•Teat Bargain would be given—or it woul be sold fow, in bodies to suit purchasers. Persons wishing to purchase or view the coun try \\ ill please address the subscriber at Macon, Georgia, or Messrs. Butts & Patterson, Savannah, where maps of the country may be seen and lur tlier information obtained. The company not having granted the lands will transfer the Certificates, which will enable the purchasers to obtain Grants from the State in their own names, thereby placing the titles beyond question. JOHN H. WICK, For and Agent for the Company . (tj- N. B. One of the Company will show the lands to those disposed to purchase. Macon, April 15 5- f'OAC'll JIAKIY• TUI’ subscribers take this method of thanking their friends and customers at large for the li beral patronage which they have heretofore re ceived, and now respectfully inform them and the public that they have taken into company AMOS BENTON and WILLIAM BACON, both experienced workmen in different branches, having previously been employed in the above business at the North, and in Augusta. They .alive also purchased the stand lately occupied by George A. Smith, on the corner of AA alnut and Fourth Streets, whore they intend carrying on the business in all its various branches. The business will in future be conducted under the firm of Knox, t astem* and Cos. They will feel grateful for a share of public pa tronage, and are confident that any work entrust ed to their care will be punctually and faithfully attended to. Repairing done at the shortest no tion and upon the most reasonable terms. Harness made, repaired, and denned KNOX, CASTENS, & CO. r N. B, All persons indebted to the late firm of Knox & Hastens are requested to come forward and make payment, KNOX A CASTENS May 4, 1831. Sws - Sale, \ NEAT and comfortable Dwelling-House, -A with every necessary out-building, (situated about two miles from town on the Forsyth road,) 1 wdl of good water, and five acres of cleared laud. A tract of 225 acres of land, attached to the a bovo, 30 acres of which axe cleared, and under a good fence, can also be purchased low, on an ac commodating credit. Enquire of R. K. EA A NS. April 11 1-tf M3. BS. ItowanT, \V 2 are authorised to say, is a Candidate for • * the Sheriffs;!ty of Hihh efevaty, at the ensu elec'iort. •luctibn Jl us in css J T. ROWLAND AND €. A. IIIOGIYS TE NDEIt their services in the above business, to the public. They have large, convenient, and safe stores, for the reception of Goods <?nm mitted to their care. Liberal advances will be made in Cash, on all goods deposited, or by ac ceptance by those on consignment. Goods on consignment, maybe made either to the address of J. T. ROWLAND, or LAMAR & CO. Macon; which will meet with attention, and all orders duly attended to. April 13 2- HAA'E received and’are opening, in addition to their fornierstock, (next door below J. T. Rowland’s Scale House, and opposite where Mr. I lelvenston “ broke out afresh,” on COTTON AVENUE, a complete assortment of Spring and Summer Goods: Consisting, besides other articles, of Brown") Work Bags Blue 1 Broadcloths Linen Cambrick 1 Black f kCassimcres. Ribbons assorted Green j Brown and bleached Rowan do Shirting Circassians Sealsland do A'alencia A-'estings do Sheeting Buff, white & stamp’d Cotton Oznaburgs Marseilles Vestings Hemp do Calicoes Apron Cheeks Stamped Muslins Furniture do White do Dowlas, Diaper Cambiicks Bombazetts Irish Linen A Lawns Bombazines Silks, Algiers Had every thing in the G rode Nap Dry Goods line, corn- Sinchew Sarccnett prising a good assort - Fink and buff Bcraze meat. Ginghams * Boots and Shoes of all Black Italian Crape kinds Barage Shawls Gentlemen’s black & Gauze do white Fur Hats Crape Veils Boy’s do Crape Scarfs Leghorns Gauze do Ladies Dunstables MuslinColoret lace do Cottage Bonnets Ladies Thread Cam- Hardware A Cutlery brick Hhk’fs Mill Saws Cambrick Dimity Cross Cut Saws Furniture do Shot Guns Coloured Oamblct Cutting Knives Russia Drill Scythes, Sickles Patent Linen Logand Trace Chains Hosiery" of all kinds Carpenters 'Pools Ladies white Kid') do Plains Coloured | _ Crockery’ and Gfces AVhite, black silk l N AA'aro Beaver | ? Looking Glasses Gents, horse skin I*’ Saddles and Bridles “ be:iver& buck J Martingales, AA’hips Kid Mitts AVindow Glass Jackson Drill AVhite Lead AVhite Linen do Putty, Medicines Umbrellas Logwood, chipped & Parasols block Musquito Nettmg Whittemore Cards Furniture Prints Cotton aud Wool do Bordering, Madalins AVriting and wrapping Inserting Trimmings paper Tii re ad and cotton lace Powder and Shot We are expecting every d:,y Iron ISollow Waiv, Sugar, Coffee, and Liquors. These Goods, with many others not enumera ted, were bought to be sold as low as any in the market. M. FELTON. AV. B. CONE. Macon, April 16 1-tf Law .Yotirr. mHE subscribers have associated themselves A in the practice of the Law, under the firm of It. G. 4*/. Lamar. Their residence is in Macon, Georgia. They Will attend the Courts of the Flint Circuit, and those held in the adjoining counties of the Ocmul gee aud Southern Circuits. HENRY G. LAMAR. JOHN LAMAR, Jr. March 31 3~ Just Received , at Family grocery *V confect ionary < A N additional supply of the different articles in 1 \ his line, among which, ate Old Madeira ~j Lemons Claret I Figs Port I Prunes Sherry NWIIMN Almonds Chanipaigne Olives Muscatel and Capers Malaga J Citron Claret Isabel-") Filberts la and \ Domestic Fruits in Brandy Georgia Ma* j W INKS Raisins deua J Sugar Plumbs gsr-*i-* SSTSf Holland Gin Table Salt Irish Whiskey Loaf& Lump Sugar Jamaica and ? n Sperm padlcs St. Croix 5 H ' SacapagosPecan'A ( Cordials and Syrups Pecan, Brazil, tg- Smoked Beef andClifecsr Madeira, and [ Sugar toys,cake, Ac Hickory J And most other articles in the Confectiionary line. Constantly on hand, Spanish Segars, X best Tobacco. The above Goods are fresh, and will be sold at thc lowest Augusta wholesale prices. April 18 L.ll rillNTlACi. ■ - The Advertiser Office IS fitted up with entire new Type, and every - material which enables Printing to be execu ted with neatness. The assortment of Job anri Fancy Types are of the latest and most approved manufacture. Pains w ill be taken to have 1 nnt iu.r executed in the bestmunne. 1 he subscriber soTicits the njt-onage of bis friends ami the pub |iCt M. D. J. SLADE: MACON : TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1831. SlilvSi&i? (SdUKKKB ] *Year the Town Half, At the sign of the Harp and Kittle. sm® ‘ 1 PROPRIETOR of this establishment takes tbe | - usual mode of informing his patrons and tbe i public, that he has completed his arrangements j for their accommodation, which comprizes an on- i tire suit cf rooms, (including elegant separate a-1 partments for select parties, with fire places, &c.) He has erected a Cook ILiuse on an improved plan, which will be allways supplied with the most savoury eatables that can be procured here or elsewhere, including Hot Steaks, Cutlets, Chops, Boiled. Fowls, Stewed, A Eggs, Fried & C Oysters. Soused Salmon, Plain j Shrimps, Tongues AY ilh good Coffee, Venison, & c . &c. it is Confectionary and SSar Are well stocked with a selection of choice AA'incs, > French Holland Gin, And old > Brandy. Jamaica & > B Peach j St. Croix A Fruits, Cheese, Genuine Cordials Conserves, Ac. All of which he submits to the judgment of his friends, to whom he returns sincere thanks for their liberal patronage. April 16 1-tf € tint on Hotel . riMIE undersigned returns his thanks to his *. friends and the public, for tbe liberal patron age he has received since his commencement in this place. He takes this method to solicit a con tinuance of that patronage, and to assure his friends that his utmost exertions will be used to the ac commodation of those who may call upon him. The large and commodious additions made to this establishment, has enabled the undersigned to make hk> guests more comfortable. With con venient pasturage and a fine vegetable garden; tbe same attentive ostler and house servants; asplon did bar; with an experience of more than seven years in this business at this establishment, com bined with his personal attention, he flatters'-him self that he will be enabled to continue to give satisfaction to all those who may’ favor him with a call. JOHN CARTER. Clinton, Ga. April 18 1 tf Post-Office, Ufa con, ( April 18, .1831. $ fTMIE Mail frc.m Macon, via Forsyth, The.mas i ton, Ac. to Columbus,[will in future, close on Tuesdays at 6 P. M. and is due at Columbus by BP.M. on Thursdays. The above mail is due from Columbus on Saturdays at 8 P. M. The horse mail to Forsyth only, will close at half past !* A. AI. on Saturdays, and is due in Foray th at 5 P. M. *he same day r . Leave FoasytSi at lA. M. on Mondays, and w ill be due here on the same Jays at 12 noon. 1-tf M. R. WALLIS, r M. YeifvocM imrt'hasrd rikl *olil. IAVISII to purchase likely NEGROES, both male and female, and will give good prices for them. Those having negroes to sell, or who wish to purchase, will find iiie at my Store pn j Gotten Avenue, lu Macons M. FELTON, April 26 3 SKEER K. i:o Uor>- of Art, I.itc ruture & Pauli ions, g Published by L. Jl. Gudey & Cos. Philadelphia. FI. M 9. Jf. Slade, Agent: Jtlaeon. This work is issued in numbers, on the first of every moLth, comprising fifty six large octavo j pages, printed on fine superroyal paper with en tirely new type, and carefully stitched in colored covers. Every number will contain a piece of music, one Copper-plate Engraving, and at least four AVood Cuts, illustrative of some of the con tents ; and every three months a colored plate of the latest Fashions. The subscription price is $3 per annum, paya ble in advance, 25 per cent, semi-annually, will be added to all subscriptions that remain unpaid, and the work discontinued to all those who neg lect to settle up their arrears. Great attention will be observed in forwarding the work to country subscribers, that they may receive ituninjured by mail transportation. Agents, receiving subscriptions, and remitting the amount to the publishers, will bo allowed 15 per cent, discount or a proportionate number of of the Work. . Agents are requested to settle their accounts semi-annually. The publishers are aware, from long experience, that to succeed in the satisfacto ry prosecution of a work, much depends upon the punctual remittance of sums due on sub scriptions; they, therefore, solicit a uniform compliance with this request. Postage must be paid on all orders Sent by mail. Notes of solvent banks, of a less denom ination than $5, will be received in payment for subscriptions. For publishing rit Gainesville, Hall County, Gea. A WEEKLY NEAVSPAPER, TO BE ENTITLED The Gainesville Advertiser. DEVCI.KD TO Intelligence, Commerce, Agriculture, Science, Sound principles, und thc perpetual Union of t/u States. IT is not designed by thc subscriber to make any parade as to tlie principles of .he Gaines vilie Advertiser. It is sufficient to say, that its po litical principles will be based upon what lie eon: eeives the true Jeffersoni m creed, as understood by Drayton, Livingston, Madison and the friends in the Fouili, ihe perpetuation and stability of! which union will be its grand*cud and aim; While the subscriber thus announces his polit- j cal faith—it will be his exertion to conduct the ) Press in the spirit of that'forbearance lsber- • ality not inconsistent with integrity of principle and inflexibility of.purpose. CODITIONS The Gain'ville Advertiser will be printed upon i medium ftheet, at $2 50. payable in advance, or !*;{ 50 at the end of the year. Advetisements in serted at the usual rates. The Gainesville Advertiser will be issed so soon ai th* patrouag will warrant—cf which the un dersigned has flattering assurances. Tin* exertions of his friends are respectfully so* NATHANLYI, B. JUHAN. Georgia, ttonston County. ! rgMHS Indenture, made this 27th of April, in the j X year of our Lord 1830, between James G. Parks of the county and state aforesaid, of the one part, j and John Fletcher, of the county of Jones and ; state aforesaid, of the other part, witnesseth:— j That the said James G. Parks did on the fifth day • of February 1830, make and deliver to the said John Fletcher his two certain promissory notos, subscribed with Iris own proper hand, and bearing date the said fifth day of February, 1830, by one of which said notes, the said James G. Parks pro mised to pay the said John Fletcher or bearer, the sum of twenty-one hundred sixty dollars, on or before the twenty-fflflfi cfey.of Tleccmbor next ensuing the date hereof, for value received : Ami bv tW other of said notes, the said James G. Parks promised to pay the said John Fletcher or bearer, the sum of twenty-one hundred and fifty five dollars on or before the 25 th of December 1831, for value received: And also that the said James G. Parks is indebted to the said John Fletcher in the just sum of five hundred dollars by opon account, for goods, wares and merchandize, sold and deli vered to him by said Fletcher, and for money lent and advanced to him by said Fletcher, and for money had and received by him the said James G. Parks for the use of said John Fletcher. Now, for and in consideration of tbe sum of five dollars, by thc said John Fletcher to the said James G. Parks in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, as well as for the better seevring the payment of the aforesaid two promissory notes and the said open account, the said James G. Parks hath granted, bargained and sold, and doth by these presents grant, bargain and sell unto the said John Fletcher, his heirs aud assigns, all that lot or tract of land, lying and being in the fifteenth district of said count}’of Houston, and known and distinguished in said fifteenth district of Houston county, by number two hundred and three, toge ther with all and singular the growing crop of corn, cotton aud sugar cane thert on, consisting of sixty acres of corn, eighty-five acres of cotton, and one acre and a half of sugar cane, three negroes, Judah a woman about forty years cfage, Charles a hoy (Judah’s child) about ten years of age, John a boy (Judah’s child) about seven years of age, three head of horses, two sorrels bought of Chappcl A Holcomb of North-Garolina, one a chesnut sorrel bought of AA’illiam Cole, one road waggon, one ox-cart, one yoke of led steers, fif teen head of stock cattle marked with a crop and split, in each ear, forty head of stock hogs mark ed with a crop and split in each ear, four beds, bed-steads ami furniture, one dozen chairs, four ploughs and plough gear, five axes and six weed ing lu es, and the remainder of a stock of goods, consisting of cloths, calicoes, muslins, hats, shoes, spirituous liquors, and other articles cf merelian j (iizc, amounting to two thousand dollars m there abouts —To have and to hold said bargained pro ! perty to the said John Fletcher, his heirs nndas j signs, to his and their own proper use, benefit and I behoof forever: And the said James G. Parks for • himself, his heirs, executors and administrators, tfi riid bargained "property unto the said John Fletcher will warrant and Forever defend against the cl-i L-t cf himself and liir heirs, and against thc j , claim of all other persons whatever: Provided ne- ) verthc’.ess, that if tire said Janies G. Parks, his j heirs, executors and administrates, sliajl, and do I well and tfuly pay or cause to be paid unto ths said John Fletcher, his heirs and assigns thc afcie menlioned notes and account, (amounting inclu sive to the sum of forty-eight hundred arid fiftct'i j dollars,) on the days and times mentioned and j ' appointed for the payment thereof in the said pro- 1 misscry notes mentioned, with lawful interest for] thc same according to the tenor of said notes, j then and from thenceforth, as well this present | indenture, and the right to the property thereby i conveyed as to the said promissory notes and the j said open account will cease, determine and be! (void to all intents and purposes: And the said ; Jpha Fletcher doth hereby covenant and agree to i ! and with the Said James G. Parks that he the said John Fletcher will not foreclose this mort gage before the first day of January in the year 1832, and that he the said John Fletcher will; permit the said James G. Parks and family to re- \ main in the houses now occupied by them, and out of the profits and income of the property here by conveyed, the said James G. Parks and fami ly axe to bis supported until the said first day of January eighteen hundred ami thirty-two: Provi ded, that the said James G. Parks is not to exer cise any controul or management whatever over any of the said property hereinbefore conveyed, but the same is to remain in the possession and under the controul of the said John Fletcher, who is to conduct and manage the same to the best 1 advantage and to apply the incomes aifll profits, other than what sliall be necessary to support j said Parks and bis family as aforesaid, to the! payment of said promissory notes and the said account, and after paying off the said notes and account, if there should be any of the aforemen tioned property remaining, then the said John Fletcher is to return the same to the said James f G. Parks, his heirs or lawful representatives. In testimony whereof, the said JatncsG. Parks hath hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year first before written. ' Signed, JAMES G. PARKS’, (L. s.) Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of ) WILLIAM MIZELL, C ROBERT PEACOCK, J.P.> Gcorgin, Houston County. Personally appeared before me, AVesley AA'il liams, who being duly sworn, deposeth and saith, that He as agent for John Fletcher, was in pos session of a mortgage executed by Janies G. Parks to said John Fletcher,of which he believes the instrument hereunto attached is a true copy, and that said mot (gage has been lost, mislaid or destroyed, so that he cannot find it. This Ist July, 1830. WESLEY WILLIAMS. Sworn to and subscribed before o ROBERT PEACOCK, J. P. 5 Ccor;ia...Honstoi County. Personally appeared before me, AVilliam Mi zeU, who being duly sworn deposeth and saith, that he was a subscribing witness with Robert Peacock, Esq. to a mortgage executed by James G. Parks to John Fletcher, and that tbe instru ment hereunto attached is a true copy thereof in form and substance, so far as bis recollection serves him. This Ist day Julv, 1830. ' AVM. MIZELL. Sworn to and subscribed before me, } ROBERT PEACOCK, J. P. S In IIouUoM Superior Court, October aejjourn cd Term, 1 S./J. John Fletcher ") te vs.. U Tim representrtives, heirs and creditors of | £ James G. Parks,dec. lateof 1 louston C minty.J % IT appearing to the Court, on the petition of John Fletcher, that he by his agn.; W esley AA illiams, was in thc possession of an original deed of mortgage, which had been-duly executed by the said James G. Parks in his life time, of which original mortgage deed the annexed is a copj* in substance, and that the said original has been lost, mislaid or destroyed so that it cannot be found. It is therefore, on motion, ordered, that the representatives, heirs and creditors of said James (J. Parks, deceased, show cause atthexiext term of this Court, why the annexed copy should not be established in lieu of the said original deed of mortgage, which has been lost, mislaid or de stroyed as aforesaid: And that this rule be pub lished for the space of three months previous to the next term of this Court. GEORGIA, i I, Edward Welch, Clerk of Houston County. 5 the Superior Cxmrt of said County, do hereby certify, that tne above aVid foregoing is a true, extract taken from the minutes of said Court. E PAV’D AYEf.CII,CI’k. •Tiedleal College , WORTIIIATOA. T> Y, and with the consent of the Reformed 11 Medical Society, of the United States, the new Reformed Medical Institution has been loca ted in AA’orthington, an interesting and flourishing town on thc Whetstone River, 8 miles north of Columbus, on thc Northern Turnpike. This site has been chosen because it presents thc greatest advantages to facilitate the researches of the Bo | tanical student; the country around it abounding j with every variety of medical plants ; and the sit uation being the most healthy and delightful in the AVestcrn country—and because the occupancy of the large College Edifice, together with ground of every variety of soil for an extensive botanical garden, has been presented to us by the board of trustees of Worthington College. There will be attached to the institution, a Dis pensary for analyzing and preparing Vegetable Medicines; and an Infirmary, where persons from the neighborhood, or a distance laboring under fevers, consumptions, di.spepsa, liver complaints, gravel, ulcers, fistulas, cancers 1 Ac.&e. will be successfully treated, without bleeding, mercury or the knife, and from which the student will acquire a correct knowledge of the nature, operation and superior efficacy of vegetable agents in removing disease. The necessity for an Institution of this kind in the west, to be under the direction of the compe tent Professors is strikingly evident. It is an insti tution that is designed to concentrate,and dissem inate all the knowledge of Dr*, of Medicine and empyrics, sages; h savages that Will demonstrate to the student and the sick ihat vegatables alone afford the only rational, safe and effectual means of removing diseases without impairing the con stitution, or endangering life or limb. Tbe pre sent system of practice which treats diseases of every f rra v. lth metalie minerals, tbe lancet or knife is dangerous as the lamentable facts which every day presents too fully illustrate. Nor is i: friirh mere clearly exhibited than the fact that vegetable substances alone, are void of dan ger, end poiv. I’ully efficient when administered; a reference to die success of our New York In iirm.ery and thc success of ignorant botanical phv: ieians* proves tins fact. The College and Infirmary will be opened the first week in December, where students from all parts may enter and complete their Medical Ed ucations, and where persona laboring under every r ries of disease shall receive prompt and faith ful attention: The course of study to b? pursued and which will be taught aarcording to the OLD end RE FORMED systems by Lectures, Recitations, Examinations tnd suitable text books is. Ist A natomy and Pliisiology. 2d. Old and Reformed Surgery 3d, Theory and Practice of Medicine. 4th. The old and improved syston; of Midwifery, with thc diseases of women and children. st}i. Materia and Medina with practical and general Botany. 6th. Medical ami 15 itanical Chemistry and Parmacy 7th. Statni Lectures on collater al Science—Moral and Mental Philosophy— Phrenology—Medical Jurisprudence—CeiHpara tive Anatomy—Medical History, Ac. By attending this Institution, the student will aeriure a correct knowledge of present practice of Physicians—a knowledge of the Use and abuse of minerals, the Lancet. Obsterical Forceps and the knife, and a knowledge of the new and im proved system that supersedes their use, with tenfold more Safety aud success. Thefe will be no Specified time to complete a course of study; whenever thc student is qualified lie may gradu ate and receive a Diploma—some will pass in ohe yeur,- others will require more. acquisitions for Admission. 1. A certificate of good moral chare ter. 2. Good English edueatioh. Terms. —The price* of qualifying a person to practice, including a Diploma, and access to all ihe advantages of the institution will he $l5O in advance, or $75 in advance, and SIOO at the close of his students. E very advantage given, and some allowance made to those in indigent circum* stances, Board will be had at SI per week, and books at the Western city prices. Every student on entering Worthrrigton Col. lege will become an honorary member of the re formed Aledical Society of the United States from whom lie will receive a diploma, and annual Re port of all the doings and discoveries of its differ ent members, and be entitfed to all its constitu tional privileges and benefits. Those wishing further information will please address a letter (postpaid) to Col. (J. 11. Griswold or the Undersigned, and it sliall receive prompt attention. Students and others had better beware of tlfe slanders of the present physicians’ who know no more about our institution, than they do about Botanical medicine. J. J STEELE, President. AVorlhington. O. Oct. 1831. Note. —Editors publishing the above Circular 52 times, shall receive a compensation a cer tificate entitling the bearer to tuition gratis, or an equivalent tq that sum ($150) in medicine, advice or attendance from us or any members of our so ciety. Those publishing It 26 times, to half that compensation. May 6, 1831. 6 •Yoticc, PI'IUE community, pefftp<, is not generally in- K. formed; that Benjamin H. Stir - , K ;. who has long since been soliciting pul *r •• for a“ A r itJ< and richly ornumt’, td Jl. . ”of .7 vi Georgia, is at this ti : eomribv;.- 11 • tv j ngong the Golden Region* of Ilttll, Habersham, Ac. and that said M.'p is soon expected to to brought outbva writ of habeas carp’is. O. GREEN. April 28 4- PROriPECTIS OF THE Jnd Agricultural and Mercantile Intelligencer M\" recent of a participating in thc editorial labors of an old and well established journal, would seem to require but lew preliminary remarks, in the proposed under taking, were it not, that they are usually deman ded by public expectation, and sanctioned hy custom. As there is no good reason why tins' “time-honored observance” should be disregard ed in the present instance, I shall submit an epit ome of my principles, and the course, which shall be observed in conducting anew journal. The ooject of the proposed publication beiier purely what its title implies, supercedes the necessity of that political Commentary which the doctrines ol the day have usually demanded; yet, asm former professions are held with unabated a: tachment, and there being no neutral ground, i the conflicting and varied sentiments, which da, ly arise, as to both men and measures—it follow that I should not only make an exposition of i political tenets, but also, that they should 1 boldly set forth, and fearlessly defended. Iha ever indulged an ardent devotion to Republic ism, as the term was understood by its advoca in ’3B—a sacred rqgard to the letter and spiri the Constitution, and a determined and fixed I. tility to every thing like constructive or imp powers—an extension of equal justice to all j ties—that all power is inherent in and Ueri from the people, as the original source and i. . mate tribunal—the independence and distinct > vereignty of the States, and their Confederac a Union, under a government limited and actu •y defined in its powers. These are - nent articles of my political faith, and bclievi in their correctness, shall abide by them in eve trial. Among the many tobies of* deep interest th: agitate the people of ail classes, is the exeri: i of unwarrantable governmental influence on t' •' industry and resources of tlje country; and t <f unconstitutional expenditure of the public tre. are to objects of Internal Improvement— moasurt too frequently destitute of general benefit, and - marked by a spirit of par; i.ility, selfish ness and injustice. It would be criminal lor oe “seated o*l the watch-tower,” and in theexercisd of the duties which belong to the Press, to ob Serve, with callous indifference, thc causes which have produced, and the effects which have ro suited from the l,,titudinary construction of the Constitution. The dangerous consequences which may ensue, are already indicated by the excited feelings of the Country. lam deeply impressed that wrong has been done, Siul evil tolerated— yet, with a spirit of forbearance, it Would be bet ter for the oppressed to bear their evils whilst they are tolerable, than “fly t*, those they know not of.” J The present is an ora in the history of our gov eminent, distinguished for improvement. I'he lover of his country beholds tt on its “return march” to its original purity and principles.— Already has. the distinguished head ot the o*ov crument, said—“ Tho successful operation of the federal system can only be preserved by confin ing it to tho few and simple, but yet important objects for which it was designed.” This is guarantee, that the purpose of the present Exe cutive of the Union and his supporters, is an ef fort to restore the Constitution to its ori'nuai healthy and uniinj* ired condition. lam happy to accord with the Administration and its in the wise and well directed course which it pursued by them. The lime was, when to dissent from the mea surcs of any of the prominent parties of our State* by un attachment to any of the others, or to their then distinguished organs, implied an hostility and acrimony which frequently had no bound- , and rendered “ IVladdin, Justice, and Motivation, ’ an empty and absurd profession* The times an . circumstances have now become me re eongeni. I to better feelings: the perplexing difficult ; which have surrounded us—those emanatin'* abroad, and fostered at lining have subside.' with the acknowledgment of our rights, and t! successful accomplishment of nearly all the end which we have contended for. I can review ni ■ past course in relation to State affairs, with chee ing approbation; my future efforts will be in' mafely connected with the past; and it is hope. , without offence to an adverse party. The w rit. does not believe ia the infallibility of man, m - in their perfection as a party; it will therefore b. . my endeavor to support Worthy nien, and ap prove such orthodox measures as may emnnat. from genuine patriotism and unadulterated re publicanism—such measures as v ill best answer the ends of our free government, and of our State’s interest:—such men as will “defend the rights of the People, the Sovereignty of the States, and the CotiititiMonal authority of tho Union against all encroachments.” It shall he my studious endeavor in render the intel/iffenetr ztt Agricultural and Mercantile ve- I hide: to effect it, I shall hasten to possess my self of all the necessary materials which these ample subjects furnish, to unfold every specie# of information which will be thought to instruct, to interest, and to please. It is believed, that •the mutual conjunction of interest, between tho Merchant and Planter, cannot fail to render ac ceptable to one, wlratever may benefit the other. My efforts shall be used to procure tho earliest and most useful mercantile information, and lay it before the public; and it will be my desire to tro into Rrtfal Affairs, and garner the choicest and best offerings for my Agricultural tead- rs. MARMaDUKE J. SLADE. Mxcorj, January 1, 1831. HlfOY wmim & sis4ißs, On H \tlntit St. near thi' bridge. KU E P on hand Carriages of sll grinds, and a numbor-of excellent horses, for hire. They w ill also take horses to keep, on the most reason able terms. Travellers’ horses also taken by the single feed, night, or longer time. Their sta ble shall be well supplied with Grain and Proven dnyitml with a good Usticr. They hope, from the strictest attention, to merit patronage. April 22 2-tf Four months nfti-v dote, VPPLICATION will he made to the honora ble the Inferior Court of Monroe county, wheu sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to'sell the real estate of Catharine Dancey, late of Jefferson c deceased. All person's will please take uolic., and file their objections, if any they have, GEORGE W. COLLINS, Admr. M_.y2 7-1 tip NO. D.