The Macon advertiser and agricultural and mercantile intelligencer. (Macon, Ga.) 1831-1832, May 24, 1831, Image 1

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ill MAfJON llffllflSiß^ ANB AIwItICIXTIRAL AMD MERCANTILE IJVrELL.I&MIVCER. printed and- published, on Tuesdays and Fridays, by Mm'mmthfke J. Slade, at Fire dollars per amm in, payable in a flea nee* VOL. f me .f deertiser # IntelHgeHtcr , ,H,hedon Tuesdays and Fridays at h ive Is f, Hb tr annum, in advance. Advertisements Dullar per al rateg . those sent without a mserUda h inst . r tions, will he published SpeC / rtred out and charged accordingly. S-dcs ot Land, by Administrators, Lxe fu or Guardians, are required, by law, to he rutons,or' Tuesday in the month, between l ‘ eU ,° Soften in the forenoon and three in the the hours ot couurt .i, ou se in the comity in . “ *■. Notice nf thee SSShU liven in a public guttle *!, <Uj* v * it* tn tllfi duV of ofm-roesmustbeat public auction, on . of the month, between the usual of E auhe place of public sales m the , n where the letters Testamentary, of Admin- t C ,Son i (Juatdiauship, may have been granted istraum* , no tice thereot, in one of the lirst gi'mg n * ) - uState and at the door of the publicgazettes .tf C °Notice for the sale of Personal Property must be given in like manner, Forty days previous to lh iticlo'the Debtors and Creditors of an Us- Court of Ordinary tor leave to sml Land, must be nuldiched four months. , P Notice for leave to sell Negroes, must be pub Ushedfor four months, before any order absoiut shall be made thereon t -^ ur, ‘ ’ More, Where the Posl-Officc was Intel} kept. If” B>. .5. SLADE T* in daily expectation of the receiptof a choice S Vu Cion of Books, comprising an ass<>rt..uurt of LITERARY and CL APICAL VVOlvK^ Ulscellaneom,(Medical & School li3 s£> 'sD Together with a supply of all kinds ot The whole being selected for this market, will be sold very low. A catalogue in a few days. April 2G fctA'THES. \FFW Grass Scythes, witli snaths on - nh tc. For sale by 1 1,1.1.15, SIIOTWELL, & Cos. May 3, 1831. *-<f. To Planters and CcQfitalists, r*Vlll subscriber, in company with several o l tbers, offers foT sale FOl 11 Ut >I>ED THOUSAND ACRES OF LAND, ]ving in Ware County, in this stale, adjoining the Florida line, on both sides the Suwunnoe river, which is navigable part of the year into tire ccnir, of these lands, and at all seasons for steam boats within 17 miles of them. There is every variety of sod peculiar to Georgia and South-Carolina, a large portion of them are river, i'tie ml, hammock and kty lands. Ti* river lianuut cits arc cover e l with r. heavy growth if Live Or.k nnd Orange Trees, and are never inundated —The Ray Lands are heavily timbered, many cf the Bay trees being four feet over —The Inland I lammocks (not bor dering on the river) are numerous, and contain from 100 to 1000 acres —The Pine Lands arc fer tile, ainl similar to the best ol 1 pland on the Sea Islands of Georgia and South-Caroiim, have been demonstrated to produce 25 bushels of c m to the acre. The company have induced a Span ish gentleman to settle on them, who is cultivat ing die Vine, and assures us he can cultivate the Olive with sticcesss —Asa Sugar country the Hammock and Bay lands are believed to be equal to any in the United States. To Capitalists wishing to take the whole, a great Bargain would he given—or it woul be sold low, in bodies to suit purchasers. Persons wishing to purchase or view the coun try will please address the subscriber at Macon, Georgia,or Messrs. Butts & Patterson, Savannah, where maps of the country may be seen and fur ther information obtained. The company not having granted the lands will transfer the Certificates, which will enable the purchasers to obtain Grants from the State in their own mini. -, thereby placing the titles beyond question. JOHN R. WICK, For himself, and Agent fur the Comjiuny. dj* X. B. One of.the Company will show the lands to those disposed to purchase. Macon, April 15 5- < oic ton ;siim HP!IE subscribers take this method of thanking their friends and customers at large lbr the li beral patronage which they have heretofore re ceived, and now respectfully inform them and 'die public that they have taken into company A MOS BENTON and WILLIAM BACON,! natu experienced workmen in different branches, having previously been employed in the above j usiu. ss at the North, and in Augusta. They j lave also purchased the stand lately occupied by George A. Smith, on the corner of Walnut and ■ "''.t'b Streets, where they intend carrying on the ‘■'i-mess in all its various branches. The business "ih in lutarc be conducted under the firm of Mino.r, fastens and Cos. ‘ bey w ill feel grateful for a share of public pa te'iiage,, and are confident that any work entrust 'lf> tlu'.Lp (faro will be punctually and faithfully ; ’’ Repairing done at the shortest no '■ ‘"e aiid upon the most reasonable terms- Harness made, repaired, ami cleaned KNOX, FASTENS, & CO. B, All persons indebted to the late firm of 1 ii'Oastens are requested to come forward - make payment, KNOX & CAS'i'ENS Ly 4, 1831. 3wo For Sale, * aF,AT and comfortable Dwelling-House, with every necessary out-building, (situated 1 unit two miles from town on the Forsyth road,) -sill ot good water, nnd five acres of cleared land. '• tract of 2g5 acres of land, attached to the a ,V“3<l acres of which are cleared, and under a 'sd fence, can also lie purchased low, on an ae iinnoduting credit. Enquire of R. K. EVANS. April 1 1 i -tf AS. 59. Mtmcavd, f \Y R nT c sitffftoiiSed to ••ay, is a Candidate for ’ the SinTiPrltv f'ClJiiiii •.-•uTitv, sit thcensu- •1 uceion Business . J. T. ROWLAND AND C. A. HIGCSIXS rPENBER their services in the above business, 1- to the public. They have Large, convenient and safe stores, for the reception of Goods com mitted to tlieir care. Liberal advances v\ ill be made in Cash, on all goods deposited, or by ac ceptance by those on Consignment. Goods on consignment, maybe made either to the address of J. T. ROWLAND, or LAMAR & CO. Macon; which will meet with attention, and all orders duly attended to. April 19 2- "STAVE received and are opening, in addition B & to their former stock, (next door below J. T. Rowland’s Scale House, and opposite where Mr. Helvensti.u “ broke out afresh,” on COTTON AVENUE, a complete assortment of Spring and Hammer floods: Consisting, besides other articles, of Brown""! Work Bags Blue ( Broadcloths Linen Camhrick" Black j tsiCussimercx. Ribbons assorted Green J Brown and bleached Rowan do thirling Circassians Sea Island do Valencia Vestings do Sheeting Buff, white & stamp’d Cntton Osnaburgs Marseilles Vestings Hemp do Calicoes Apron Checks Stamped Mtwlina t Furniture do White do Dowlas, Diaper Comhricks Bombazetts Irish J.inen & Lawn3 Bombazines Silks, Algiers .dud every thing in the Gro de Nap Dry Goods line, com- Sinchew Sarcenett prising a good assort- I’ink and lmff Beraze meat. Ginghams Boots and Shoes of all Black Italian Crape kinds Barage Shawls Gentlemen’s black & Gauze do white Fur Hats Crape Veils Boy’s do Crape Scarfs' Leghorns Gauze do Ladies Dunstables MiiuliuOelorrt lace do Cottage Bonnets Ladies Thread Cam- Hardware & Cutlery brick 1 ikk’ls Mill Saws Camhrick Dimity Cross Cut Saws Furniture do Shot Guns Coloured Curublet Cutting Knives Russia Drill Scythes, Sickles Patent Linen Log and Trace Chains Hosiery of all kinds Carpenters Tools Ladies white KidA do Plains Coloured j _ Crockery and Glass \\ hite, black silk l \\"are Beaver .' g Looking Glasses Gents, horse skin j * Saddles and Bridles “ boavcr& buckj Martingales, Whips Kid Mitts Window Glass Jackson Drill White Lead W fdte Linen do Putty, Medicines Umbrellas Logwood, chipped ic Parasols block Musquito Netting’ VVhiltcmore Cards Furniture Prints Cotton and Wool do Bordering, Madalins Writing and wrapping InsertingTriminings paper Thread aud cotton lace Powder anil Shot IFe are expecting every day Iron ifolloiv Wart*, Sugar, Coffee , and JLiqnors. These Goods, tv ith many' others not enumera ted, were bought to be sold as low as any in the market. M. FELTON. \V. 1L CONE. Macon, April Id l-‘f JLaw JVotice. fjIHE subscribers have associated themselves JL in the practice of the Law, under the firm of 13. Cl. *V J. Mannar. Their residence is in Macon, Georgia. They will attend the Courts of the Flint Circuit, and those held in the adjoiningcounties of the Oemnl gete and Southern Circuits. HENRY G. LAMAR. JOHN LAMAR, Jr. March .11 3- d'usi lleccived, at /'mi! if if grocery A' confectionary , VN additional supply of the different articles in his line, among which, are Old Madeira 'j Lemons Claret Figs Port Prunes .Sherry rTViltO. Almonds Champaigns Olives Muscatel and Capers Malaga J Citron Claret lsubel-T Filberts la ami ( Domestic Fruits in Brandy Georgia Ma- TWINES Raisins deira J Sugar Plumbs Coguiac and ) , Preserves Peach S B, ' aW J - Olive Oil Holland Gin Table Salt Irish Whiskey Loal &Lump Sugar Jamaica and > , Sperm Cadies St. Croix 5 uum ’ SacapagosPecanN i Cordials and Syrups Pecan, Brazil, f Smoked Beef anil Cheese Madeira, and ( Sugar toys, cake,&e Hickory J And most otln r articles in the Confectiiouary line. Constantly on hand, Spanish Scgars, & best Tobacco. t pj- The above (iooils are fresh, and will be ! sold at the lowest Augusta wholesale prices. April 18 A l " FKIATIAC. The Fid re r User Office IS fitted up with entire new Type, and every I material which enables Printing to be execu- ; tod with neatness. The assortment of Job and j luucv Types are 6f the latest and most aj) proved | manufacture. Pains will be taken to have Print ing executed in the besfmanne. The stihscrilrer solicits tho iiatronage of his friends and the puli- j m. 1 M. 1). J. SLADE 1 MACON : TUESDAY, MAY 2-1, 1831. I .Year the Town Halt , At tile Bij;i Of the Harp anil Engle. uOesj sauraas, ] PROPRIETOR of this establishment takes the - usual mode of informing his patrons and the ! public, that he lias completed his arrangements I for their accommodation, which comprizes ari en- 1 tire suit of rooms, (including elegant separate a partments for select parties, with tiro places, &>•.) He has erected a Cook House on an improved plan, winch will be allways supplied wiih tbe most savoury eatables that can be procured here or elsew here, including Hot Steaks, Cutlets, Chops, Boiled Fow ls, Stewed, ) Eggs, 1' ried & C Oysters. Soused Salmon, Plain j Shrimps, Tongues Jj W ith good Coffee, I Venison, & c . &c. i Mies Confectionary and Bar Are well stocked with a selection of choice W ines, French A Holland Gin, And old t Brandy. Jamaica & 5 Rum Peach > St. Croix S Fruits, Cheese, Genuine Cordials Conserves, &c. All of which he submits to the judgment of his friends, to whom he returns sincere thanks for their liberal patronage. April lti " Clinton Mold. rpHE undersigned returns bis thanks to his A friends and the public, for the liberal patron age he has received since his commencement in this place. He takes this method to solicit a coa ■ tinuance of that patronage, and to assure his friends that his utmost exertions will be used to the ac commodation of those who may call upon him. The large and commodious additions made to j this establishment, has enabled tbe undersigned jto make his guests more comfortable. Withcon- I venient pasturage and a fine vegetable garden; the i same attentive ostler and house servants; asphn [did bar; with an experience of more than seven { years in this business at this establishment, com bined with his personal attention, he’flatter? him ! self that he will he enabled to continue to give : satisfaction to all those who may favor him with a call. JOHN CARTER. Clinton, Ga. April 13 1 tf Fast'-Office, .Kucod. \ April I-*, 13131. '$ rpHE Mail from Macon, via Forsyth, Th mas- JL ton, Kc. to Columbus, will in future, close on Tuesdays at ti P. M. and is due at Columbus by BP.M. on Thursdays. The above mail is due from Columbus on Saturdays at 8 P. M. The horse mail to Forsyth only, will close at half past ! !• A. M. on Saturdays, anil is due in Forsyth at 5 IP. M. flie same day. Leave Foasyth at 4A. Sk I on Mondays, and will he due hers on the same ! days at 12 nodn. 1-tf M. R. WALLIS, P. M. Nfegroes pmTfcascd ::-u! s;;ssl. I WISH to purchase likely NEGROES, both male and female, and will give good prices for them. Those having negroes to si 11, or who [wish to purchase, vvili rind me at my Store on 1 Cotton Avenue, in Macon. M. FELTON* April 20 3 i Repository of Arts, I.ltrtnrc &, as,!i fins. : H Published hy .1. Godeytx, Cos. Philadelphia, .W. ii.,9. Slade, Agent; off aeon. ! This work is issued in numbers, on the first of [ every month, comprising fifty six large octavo \ pages, printed on tine superroyal paper with en tirely new type, and carefully stitched in colored covers. Every number will contain a piece of music, one Copper-plate Engraving, and at least four Wood Cuts, illustrative of some of the con tents ; and every three months a colored plate of the latest Fashions. The subscription price is $.7 per annum, paya ble in advance, 25 per cent, semi-annually, w ill be added to all subscriptions that remain unpaid, and the work discontinued to all those who neg lect to settle up tlu ir arrears. Great, attend n w ill be observed in forwarding the tvofk to country subscribers, that they may receive it uninjured by mail transportation. Agents, receiving subscriptions, nnd remitting the amount to the publishers, " ill be allowed'ls per cent, discount or a pr iportionatc number of of the work. Agents are requested to settle their accounts semi-annually. The publishers are aware, from long experience, that to succeed in the satisfacto ry prosecution of a w-ork, much depends upon the pn -ctual remittance of sums due on sub (scriptions; they, therefore, solicit a uniform compliance with this request. Postage must he paid on all orders sent hy mail. Notes of solvent banks, of a less denom ! ination than $5, will be received in payment for i subscriptions. Par publishing at Gainesville, 1/all County. Gea. A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, TO BE ENTITLED The Gainesville •Mdvcrtiscr. PEVOI.ED TO Intelligence, Commerce,.lgrlculture, Science, Sound principles, and the perpetual Union of the Stales. IT js not designed by the subscriber to make any parade as to the principles of .he Gaines- j vil/cAdvertiser. It. is sufficient to sny, that its po- j litical principles will bo based upon what ho con:. eeives tho true Jeffersonian creed, as understood I by Drayton, Livingston, Madison and the friends! iii the South, the perpetuation and stability ofl w hich union w ill be its grand cud.and aim. While the subscriber thus announces his folk- j cal faith—it will he Ids exerti >n to conduct the i Press in tho spirit of that forbearance and lsher- 1 aliv not inconsistent with integrity of principle | and’ inflexibility ofjiurposo. CODITIOXS The Gainsville Advertiser will he printed upon [ a medium sheet, at £2 50 payahh in.advance, or j ijk 50 at the end of the year., in- j sorted at the usual rates. 'l’he Gainesville Advertiser will be issed so soon i as the patronag will warrant—of which the un dersigned has flattering assurance*. The exertions of his friends are respectfully so-' N ATI JAMAL P .11 II AN. B.iCO.Y. If 7 Pounds prime B VGON, just re f ceived, aval fi r salo hy RALSTON-& JONES. May 10 7-tf S-’oi* or Kent, r|*HIE Property recently owned by Col. Joel -I. Haley, and known as the • llonnlain Spout Mletreat, in County* This Property is too well known to require de scription. J. T. ROWLAND. April 23 3 rytlE Members of Macon Lodge, No. 1(>, will A attend the Funeral Sermon of Bro. Thomas Lundy, at his late residence, near Lake Academy on Sunday the 22d inst. All brethren of the Lodge and transient brethren, are expected to be in attendance at 11 o’clock, A. M. By order of the W. M. S. ROSE, Seedy. May 7 . 7_ I riali J. Bollock IS a candidate for Sheriff of lfiiib Cotitity, at - the ensuing election. April Hi 1-tf Medical College, WORTH AUTOft. BV, and with the consent of the Reformed Medical Society, of the United States, the ’ new Reformed .Medical Institution has been loca j ted in Worthington, an interesting and flourishing •town on the Whetstone Rivet, 8 miles north of ! Columbus, on the Northern Turnpike. This site ; has been chosen-because it presents the greatest 1 advantages to facilitate the researches of the Bo- I tanical student; the country around it abounding with every variety of medical plants ; and the sit | nation being the most healthy and delightful in j the Western country—and because the occupancy of the large C ollege Edifice, together With ground ; of every variety of soil for an extensive botanical garden, has been presented to us bj r the board of trustees of Worthington College. There will be attached to the institution, a Dis pensary for analyzing and preparing Vegetable Medicines; and on Infirmary, where persons from j the neighborhood, or a distance laboring tinder fevers, consumptions, dispepsn, liver complaints, gravel, ulcers* fistulas, cancers 4 &o.&c. will be j successfully treated, without f,lading, mercury or j the hnfe, aud from which the Student will acquire u correct know ledge cf the nature, operation and ! superior efficacy of vegetable agents in removing j disease. The necessity for nn Institution of this kind in | the west, to be under the direction ol the ooinpe -1 tent Professors is strikingly evident. It is an insti- I union that, is designed to concentrate,and dUsern , mate nil the knowledge of Drs. of .Medicine and I empyries, sages: & savages that w ill demonstrate ! to the student and the sick that vegataliles alone afford the only rational, safe and effectual means of removing diseases without impairing the con- I stitution, or endangering life or limb. The pre sent system of practice which treats diseases of every form with nietalie minerals, the lancet or knite is dangerous as the lamentable facts which everyday presents too fully illustrate. Nor is this truth more clearly exhibited than tin; fact that vegetable substances alone, are void of dati oer, and powerfully efficient when administered; a reference to the success of our New York In firmary ami the success of ignorant botanical physicians, proves this fact. The College and Infirmary will be opened tho first week in December, where students from all parts may enter and complete their Mediial Ed ucation,, and where persons laboring tinder every I species of disease shall receive prompt and faith ful attention. The course cf study to be pursued and which ! will be taught aaccording to the OLD end RE FORMED s\’3t< ms by Lectures, Recitations, Examinations tnd statable text books is. 1j A ; nntorrry and Pl.isiology. 2d. Old and Reformed . Surgery 3d, Theory and Practice of Medicine. 4th. The old and improved system of Midwifery, i with the diseases of women and children, sth. i Materia and Medica with practical and general Botany. Bth. Medical and Botanical Chemistry j and Parmaey 7t:it Stated Lectures on coiiuter !al Science —Moral and Mental Philosophy— Phrenology —Modi-’ il Jurisprudence—-Ceinpara tive Anatomy—Medical 11 Fiery, <-.c. By attending this Institution, tJfio student will acqure a correct knowledge of present practice of Physicians—a knowledge of the use and abuse of minerals, the Lancet. Obsterical Forceps and tlie knife,and a knowledge cf the new and im proved system that supercedes their use, with '■ tenfold more safety and success. There will be no specified time tocernpletea course of stud}’; w henever the student is qualified he may grade ate and receive a Diploma—same w ill pass in one year, others will require more. Jicyuisitions Jar Admission. 1. A certificate of good moral cliarcter. 2. Good English education. Terms. —The price of qualifying a person to practice, including a Diploma, and access to all the advantages ofthe institution w ill be $l5O in advance, or $75 in advance, and SIOO at the close of his students. Every advantage given, and sonic allowance made to those in indigent eircuiii stances, Bonn! will be haxi at $1 per week, and books at the Western city prices. Every student on entering Worthington Col. lege will become an honorary member of the re- j formed Medical Society of the 1 ailed States from j whom lie will receive a diploma, and annual Re-1 port of all the doings and discoveries cf its differ ent members, and be entitled to all its constitu tional privileges and benefits. Those wishing furl' r vFormation will hlenc address a letter (post. ; Col. (f. 11. Griswold i or the undersigned, nut it hall receive prompt I attention. Kludcnta and others had better beware of Ihe slanders ot the pr. . ■ ' i.1.y.-deians’ who know no more about cm in.-rtiiuU a, limn they do about Botanical medicine. J. I STEELE, President. Worthington. O. Oct. 1831. Ante. —Editors publishing the above Circular 53 times, shall receive as compensation a cer tificate entitling tho bearer to tuition gratis, or an equivalent to that sum ($150) in medicine, advice or attendance from un or. any members of our so ciety. Th- 1 <• publishing it ' Si ti- I**, to half that compensation. May and, 183 J, q t&a* | f 9AHE subscribers have united themselves ini I. the practice of Medicine. Their shop is next ; door to the Repertory Office. AMBROSE BABER. JAVfES T. PERSONS. Macon, May 3, 1831. G—tf Agency In i*hiE.T<lcli>hi;i. I*. A. GODEY N CO. OFFER their services to collect for their city and county friends, and others, having claims against individuals.ijnd others, in Philadelphia.— They have determined to devote a Considerable portion of their time to this new branch, and are well convinced that their exertions will give Sat isfaction to tlieir employers. There are no doubt many persons at a distance having claims that might be collected, were they aware of responsi ble persons to address. The great expense in many instances paid for the Lawyer’s fees, and \ where there has been no necessity for such a pro-' ceeding, prevents many lawful accounts from be ing adjusted. They will receive bills and ac counts from any part of the country, which will be immediately attended to and the proceeds ap plied in this city, or forwarded hy mail as may be directed* No charge in any case will be made unless the money is actually collected. The com mission in every instance, to he charged on col lections, will lie 10 per cent. Postage must he paid, or all letters will be reinclosed and returned to tbe person sending. May 10 " 9 Kot .Inits. fiSilib Sdlcm. IVUI be sold at the court-house in the town of Macon on the first Tuesday in June next, ONE lot of land 0f202J acres, No. 2GG, in the -1 th district of originally Houston now Bibb, : levied on as the property cf James 11. Rodgers, • to satisfy sundry fi fas issued from Bibb Superior | Court, vs. James 11. and George A. Rodgers. One negro girl named Silvy, about 11 years old, | and the interest of 0. B. Strong, Esq. in the let ; and improvements whereon he now lives, levied onto satisfy a fi fa issued from Putnam Superior Court in fiivor of Littleton Atkison surviving co partner, Arc. and sundry fi fas issued from the In ferior Courts of Bibb county in favor of E. W. Wright nml others. Two horses and one two-horse waggon, levied on as the property of John R. Tally, to satisfy a fi | fa issued from Jones Superior Court, in favor of Leonard P. Breedlove, propertv pointed out by plaintiff, \Y M. B. CONE, Shff. Tlotiroo Kales. Hill be sold at the Court-house in the town of For syth, on the first Tuesday in dune next, C\£\6) ,1 <Jf acres of land, No. 139, in the 7th I district of said county, levied on as the property of Wm Reeves, to satisfy sundry ft fas in favor of G. W. llamil, A. COCHRAN, D. S ■JYcwlon Kales. 1177/ be sold in fie town of Covington, on the first To, sday in June next, ONE waggon and team* levied on as the pro perty of George Fan set, to satisfy a fi fa in fa vor of A. !S. Bennett & Cos. JOSEPH WATERS, Sh’lT. tpson Sales. IVill be fold ut the Court-house in the town of Tho m usten, on the first Tuesday in June next, A (J\ acres of land, lot No. 201, in the I 15th district of formerly Monroe now Upson county, the property of Wm Blake, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of A. M. VV hite. JESSE DUNCAN, Sheriff. A# above* IOT of land No. 257, in the Ist district of ori- A ginally Houston, now Upson, lvied upon as the property of John Lambrtth, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of McTyro A Bush. ' I*. G. D AWSON, D. Sh’ff. .Lines Mles. H'ill be sold a! the Cmirl-ho-ite in the town of Clinton on the first Tueed. •/ in .h ne next, | Negro man named .Lie. about, 39 years old, tak -1 enlis the. property of John Perm enter, to sat isfy a fiffa in favor of John J. Irwin bearer, am! two oilier fi fas in favor of James Cowan, surviv ing co-partner, for llie use Ac. under the contro: of John Suttle, und other fi. las. against said Per rr.ent* r. Four nt'crncc, to wit, 1 negro woman named Rachael about 17 years old, and her child Mari ah 8 months old, and one negro woman named Ruth, 15 years old, and her child Milly 18 months old, all taken as the property ot llaekaliah Me- Mait'n, to satisfy Hi small fi fas in favor of Benja min Barron, and one iti favor ol' Thomas Boswell against saiu Mc.Math, issuing but of tho Justices , Court. One yoke ofo.xerr, 1 colt, 1 grind stone, 1 reel, and a few articles of household and kitchen furni ture rend ere! in under the law tor the relief ot honest debtors, by George Jytcwart, and sold by an order of Court. O.ii) u gro girl named Ann, levied on as the property of Peter Gill, to satisfy nine executions issued out of tho Justices Court in favor of Wil liam J. Card, against said Peter Gill, levy made and returned to me. BENJAMIN 1 RAPP, Sheriff. Twisgssnicsi. Will be sub! at the Court-house ii the town of Ma rion, on the first Tuesday in Jam next, *l* * A 4 Acres of, it being the East ' 1 * f i part of lot No. 25, in the 27th j di-trict of formerly Wilkinson now Twiggs conn-! ty, levied or as the property ot John Ham to satis- < fy an execution troni a Justices court in favor ot Rennet Ring vs William limn and John Ilarn ; lew made and returned to me by a constable. Fifty Acres of land, adjoining of Coleman and Y oungblood, in Twiggs county, levied on as tho propert y of Arthur Fort, jr. deceased, to sat isty <iu execution from aXiisttccs court in ii\or of Freelom White vs Henry Solomon, administrator do bonis non, with the " ill annexed, on the es tate of Arthur Fort jr. deceased; levy made and re turned to mo by a constable. JAMES HARRISON, Sh ff. Jit fhr same pluce,on the first Tuesday in July, Two negroes, to wit: Jack a man about 40 years old, and IMauna or Dinah a woman about 32 years old. levied on as tire property ot Robert D. Sin clair to satisfy a ft fa issued on the foreclosure ot a in SMt Crawford Sales. Will he sold at the Court-house in the town of KnOx vi/te, on thefrst Tuesday in June next, ON U lot of Land, No. 188, in the 7th district o Crawford county, levied on as the property o' William Digby, to satisfy one small fi fit issued from a Justice’s court in favor of John Hannon vs said Digby—levied on aud returned to ine by N* Sherly constable. WILLIAM D. FILES, Sh'ff. t Fayette Sales). Will he sold at the Court-house in the town of Fay * ettcrille, on the first Tuesday in June next, THE north hah" of lot of land, No. 234, in the Kith district of originally Henry now Fayette, levied on as the property of Thomas ftißilandy to satisfy an execution in favor of John, Lwiabirtli and James F. Garrison, adm’rs of the estate of John j Garrison, dec. One grey stud horse named Sertorums, undone j chesnut sorrel horse, levied on as the property of James 11. Cruise, to satisfy an execution In favor of George W: Lawrence vs. James l-I. Cruisp, John Ed lleman and William Batchelor—proper ty pointed out hy said Batchelor. (>ue buy mare, about three years old, levied on as the property of William Hearn, to satisfy an execution in favor of Sophia Daniel vs, said Hearn —property pointed out hy Wm. Carmichael. A. MoBRIDE, Dip. Sh'Jf. On the first Tuesday iA July next. Will be sold as above* One grey stud horse named Sertorious, levied on as the property of John C. Erasure, to satisfy a mortgage fieri facias in favor of David Dickson vs. said Erasure—-property pointed out by James 11. Cruise* A. McRHIDE, D-p. Sh'Jf. Pike Sale*; Will he sold at the Court dm use in the town nf Zebu lon, on the first Tuesday in Jane next, T OT of land No. 21, in the 2,1 district original- S J ly Monroe, now Pike county, lovied on as the property of Recy Hamilton, to eutisfy sundry ex ecutions in favor of Win Roberts. J. R. CULPEPPER, D. Sh’ff. Balls Sales, Will be sold at the Court-house in the town of J irk son, on the first Tuesday in June nexj, IOTS df Land Nos. 35 and 47, each containing A 2021 acres more or less, and 75 3-1 acres being part of lot No. 30 in thenorthpast center; all , * the above lands are well improved for fanning,' and lying in the ninth district of formerly Henry now Butts countv ; and 120 acres of fraction No. 55 in the ninth district of formerly Henry now Butts county —all levied on as tho property of Joel Baly, to satisfy sundry ti. fas. issued from the inferior court of said county, one in favor of Mark If. Wakeman vs. Joel Baley and ond issu ed from the Superior Court of said county in fa vor of N. B. A 11. Weed, vs. Joel Baley and Stephen P. Haley. JOSEPH SUMMERLIN, Sh’ff. Will be sold as above, JOT No. 43 in tho ninth district of formerly J Henry now Butts county, containing 202i ;i --eres more or less, with a valuable set of grist and saw mills, and other valuable improvements thereon; and lots Nos. 61 and (72, each contain ing 202 1-2 acres mere less, with valuable im [movements thereon, lying in the first district,, formerly Henry now Butts county ; and 50 aero." of lot No. GG iu the fourth district formerly Moo roe now But*s county, it being the northw est cc'- ner of said lot; and 200 barrels of corn more it less—all levied on as the property of Joel Bale} ,■ to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued front tho inferr court of said county, one in favor of .Mark I*. Wakeman vs. Edward Hicks and Joel Bab - md the 6ther in favor of Charles W. Rockvu • <£ Cos. vs. Edward Hicks and Joel Baley, a: one issued from the superior court of said coup in favor of David B. Ilalsted, endorsee, vs. J 1- Baley. The south half of lot No. 17 in the first, distri ’ of formerly Henry now Butts county —levied < i is the property of Hugh llamil, to satisfy sun- 1 ry fi. fas. issued from a justice’s court of Mon. county, one in favor of 'Thomas W. Goode v Hugh llamil and Simeon llamil—levied on a: f i returned to me hy aw i ;hlo. R. W. HARKNISS, I). SlFff. • Iclmiiiistfators- Sale. ON the first Ttlesday iu July next, will bes' 1 1- before the Court house door in Ilarriscocri- I ty, under an order of the Inferior Court, one ! >t jof Land, No. 186 in the 22d district formerly ■ Muscogee now Harris county. Sold for the ben-' ' -fit of tlieir heirs and creditors of Bcnj* Buckner flatc of Putnam County, deceased. Terms mad) ; known on the day of sale. PARIIASI B UC KN Ell, -Idm'r. I April 25th 1831. 4-tf i ■■ Trsi Ilallnis Kftvard. | > ANAWAY from the subscriber a few weeks eince, his negro man PETER. Ho is or black complexion, about 50 years of age, about 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, rather spare made, and speaks quick, und is a Plaistcrer aud Brick-layer by trade. He is supposed to be making his way on to Alabama, and perhaps to Ne;v-Orleans.—• The above reward will be given for his apprehen sion and lodged in any jail. ' ROBERT D. WARE] Augusta, May & 7-3 Five Slollni’s Kfwanl. SOME time since the subscribers'’ room Vv.-rs broken open, and a Pocket Book was take from Ids trunk, containing nyo notes ofhamf—oi * dated 19th March 1831, for twenty dollars, an 1 the other, dated 23th April 1831, for fifteen dollar . both given anil payable by Leonard Adams—Be sides those notes there was also taken front tl. - trunk, at the same time, seventy eagle half dollar . The above reward will be given for the drtectic n of the thief und the recovery of the money.- ORVILLE \V. TIBB.VLL9. Alay 15 f*onr moutii* after date, \PI’I.I( AITON will be made to the honor'- - ble the Interior Court of Monroe county, when sitting lor ordinary purposes, for leave to tail I real estate ot Catharine Dancey, late of Jeffers* - l, decjftaed. All persous will please t > * notice, and file their t bjeCtiens, if any lltcv h.)' .- GEORGE W. COLLINS. Ade- May 2 7- ft*' 3VO 11.