The Macon advertiser and agricultural and mercantile intelligencer. (Macon, Ga.) 1831-1832, September 05, 1831, Image 4

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OOf? Aa>’yttattaaiKß &H© &(B>rea®TglhWßlV&i AH© 'i.r. j:n- •, 'i.-j-h f. Tiic •tdvcrtiscr if Intelligencer Is published on Tuesday's and Fridays at Five Dollars per annum, in advance. Advertisements inserted at the usual rates: those sent without a specified number of insertions, will be published until ordered out and charged accordingly. Cjr* Sales of Land, by Admidfetrators, Exe cutors, or Guardians, are required, ny law, to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours often in the-forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the couurt-house in the county in which the property is situate. Notice of these sales must be given in a public gazette sixty days previous to the day of sale. at public auction, on he first Tuesday of the month, between the usual Inputs of sale, at the place of public sales in the county where the letters Testamentary, of Admin istration or Guardianship, may have been granted, first giving sixty days notice thereof, in one of the public gazettes of this State, and at the door of the court-house, where such sales are to he held. Notice for the sale of Personal Property must be given in like manner, Forty days previous to the day of sale. Notice to the Debtors and Creditors of an Es tate roust be published for forty days. Notice that application will he made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land, must be published four months. Notice for leave to sell Negroes, must be pah lisrimdfcr four months, before any order absolut shall be made thereon by the Court. SOLOMON ItUMPHRIES, A* liis old Stand, lant .tinrun, CONTINUES business, and respectfully soli cits acall from his old friends and customers, who will find agood supply of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, and other Articles, which he will sell, as hereto fore, as low as any in the market. To his present stock, will soon be added, a largo and fresh sup ply, recently purchased in New-York, which will comprise a very general assortment. 'Die subscriber very thankful for past favors, hopes to merit a continuance of them. Macon, Aug 2 30-tf Jl ST ROCKIV ED AT Eternity grocery if confect ionary, “AN additional supply of the different articles in IjL his line, among which, are Old Madeira A Lemons Claret Figs Vort Prunes Sherry /’■WillP. Almonds Champaigne Olives Muscatel and Capers Malaga J Citron ClaTd Isabel-Y Filberts la anti [Domestic Fruits in Brandy Georgia Ma- f WINES Raisins dcira J Sugar Plumbs Cogniae and i „ , Preserves Prtxh > Dran,hj ' Olive Oil Holland Gin Table Salt Irish Whiskey Loaf& Lump Sugar Jamaica and > j ( , Sperm Cadies St. Croix ' ’ SacapagosPecanY Cordials and Syrups Pecan, Brazil, I Smoked Beef and Cheese Madeira, and f 5- Sugar toys, cake, &e Hickory J And most other articles in the Confectiionary line. Constanthj on hand, Spanish Segars, A. best Tobacco. ('j- The above Goods are fresh, and will be sold at the lowest Augusta wholesale prices. ♦ April 18 1-tf WILLIAM W ARD, HAS now opened and offers for sale at liis Drug and Medicine Store, Corner Cherry Street and Cotton Avenue—a large and well se lected Stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, Paints Oil, Glass, Dye Stuffs, &c. together with the following French Chemicals from Pellitures. fedine Hydrocyanic Acid Hydriodcte of Potash, Citric acid puro Acetate of Morphia Chloride of Liine Sulphate of Morphia “ Soda: Emetine, ‘ Oxide Bismuth Pipeline Ox. Mur. Potassa Elateriuin Benzoic Acid Strychnine Phosphoric Arid Quinine Solidified Dais Copaiva Denarcotixed Opiuut- Croton Oil “ Laudanum Grain Musk Pure Opium, Pure Turk Blue Pill Mass. Eng which he will sell low and on accommodating terms. AH medicines purchased at the above Store are warranted genuine. Tbe Chemical and Pharmacutieal Department of this Establishment 13 attended to by an experienced Physician. Macon, July 14, 1831. - j—tf U‘ tariff" of prices—free Trade. LOOKING-GLASSES, &r. , THOMAS J. -BARROW Cos. IMPORTERS. 68 Water Street, New-York. OFFER for sale the largest and most complete a iSortment of EA KT 11K NWA KE,G I. A SS, CHINA, Plain and Gilt LOOKING-GLASSES, &c. which the New York market will afford, composing every style and variety of the newest patterns. They return their in os', cordial thanks to their friends in the Southern States, for their support in the persecution now carrying o against them, for their refusal to.joir a combination in fixing one tariff of prices for Crockery, through out the trade. tit is mainly attributable to the in* lluence of our Southern friends that we have been i-nablcd to survive thus far, in this most trying situation; exposed to the combined inlhience, and capital of the whole trade, endeavoring to effect our ruin and expulsion from business. We pledge ourselves to our friends to give them every satis faction in out power as regards the quality of our goods, the excellence of our packers and the low ness of our prices for easli or city acceptances' and in return solicit from them a continuance ot their patronage, and particularly request thoesf who have influence with their friends to exert it in our behalf, as we trust the cause is one they are all interested in ami much benefit will acme to us from their friendly acts in this way. It has been said, the Combination was broken up. As it regards prices, this is true, and all, we think, friends or foes will allow that we have effected this change; but we doasure our friends, that at no period since we commenced our system of un shackled prices were -we in greater want of as sistance than at the present moment. This com -1 dilation of men are leaving no means untried for effecting our min, that they may revive the old system ; our credit and character are assailed in every shape, our importations waylaid and stop ped uv every instance where threats are sufficient, to intimidate the manufactures from supplying us: —in line, no vexation or trouble which the malice ol‘men could devise has been neglected -in this struggle to subdue 4is. We once more -call up n every friend of a free trade to eomo up to Mir support, and pledge ourselves-to givethem no IF,mao to repent of their liberality, I’. J. BARROW & Cos. July POCKET MAI'S OF GEORGIA, Uj Greene & Wellborn, 3T t ST recevvM, ajui for pale, price Two Dol by M. V. SLADE. K I at, tv® | SAVE received and • re opening, in addition 11- to their former stock, (next door below .1. 'J\ Howland’s Scale House, and opposite where Mr. lielveuston *• broke out afresh,” on COTTON AVENUE, a complete assort me'l of Spring a tut Summer floods: Consisting, besides oilier articles, of BrownY Work Bags Blue [ Broadcloths Linen Cambrirk Black ficCussimeres. Ribbons assorted Green J Brown and bleached Rowan do Shirting Circassians Sea Island do Valencia Vestings do Sheeting Buff, white <V stamp’d Cotton Oznuburgs Marseilles Vestings Hemp do Calicoes Apron Checks Stamped Muslins Furniture do Mhiie do Dowlas, Diaper Oanibrieks Bomhazetts Irish Linen & Lawns Bombazines Silks, Algiers And every thing in the < ■ro dr Nap Dry Goods tint, com- Sincliew Narccnett jerking u good assort- Pink and buff Beraze, merit. Ginghams Boots and Shoes of all i Black Italian Crape kinds Barage Shawls Gentlemen’s black & Gauze do .white Fur Hats Crape Veils Boy’s do Crape Scarfs Leghorns Gauze do Ladies Dunstables MusiinColorct lace do Cottage Bonnets Ladies Thread Cam- Hardware & Cutlery brick Ilhk’fs Mill Saw s Cambrirk Dimity Cross Cut Saws Furniture do Shot Guns Coloured Cambist Cutting Knives Russia Drill • Scythes, Sickles Patent Linen Li-. and Trace Chains I fosiery of all kinds Carpenters Tools Ladies white KidY de Plains Coloured j _ Crockery and Glass j White, black silk ( |; Ware Beaver j g Looking Glasses Gents, horse skin j ' Saddles and Bridles “ beaver& buckj Martingales, W hips Kid Mitts Window Glass Jackson Drill White Lead While Linen do Putty, Medicines Umbrellas Logwood, chipped & ! Parasols block Musquito Netting Wiihtemore Cards j Furniture Prints Cotton and Wool do Bordering, Madalins Writing and wrapping I Inserting Trimmings paper 1 bread and cotton lace Powder and Shot Ji'e arc expecting every day IRON, HOLLO VV- W A RE, Sugar, and Liquors. These Goods, with many others not enumera ted, were bought to be sold as low as anv in the market. M. FELTON. W. B. CONE. Macon, April 16 i-tf Coolie tV Cowles RAY E received large additions to their Stock of Staple and Fancy Which makes their assortment complete, and consists in part of the following articles.; Fine black and blue Broad Cloths, Rouen and Merino Cassiineres, Plain and twilled Linen Drilling, .Silesia Sheeting and Irish Linens, 6-4 Table Damask, Long Lawns, Linen Cambrick Handkerchiefs, French Muslins, Chemizetts, Corsets English Ginghams, new style, Adrianople do do Calicoes, new and handsome patterns Swiss Muslin Inserting, Thread Laoes and Edgings New style Crape Handkerchiefs Gauze do do Pongee, Bandanna, and Flag do Leghorn’s and Dunstables Open Straw Bonnets Palm Leaf Hats, &c. They hare also received, 4 CASES Fashionable Black and Drab Elegant Mahogany Sofas, Fancy Chairs Matrasses and Feathers Bagging and Osnaburgs Sheetings, Sacking, Ac. &c. &c. They will receive in a few days, A LARGE AND SPLENDID STOCK OP HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GLASS, CHINA-WARE AND GROCERIES. Which, with the above named Goods will bo sold at their usual low prices. N. 11.—Constantly on hand, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Glass and Patty, of the best qual ity. May 10 10-tf Hardware & Cutlery . r|XllE subsribers have received by recent JL arrivals a large and general stock of HABB YY ARE, CUTLERY, MECHANICS TOOLS, tide. —a few e given below. 50 kegs best Cut Nails and Brads, assorted 2xß (gt do*.' Shovels and Spades, 12 Anvils, and 6 boxes Axes 100 pair Trace Chains 6 dozen Sickles and 1 dozen Scythes 550 II). sad irons, 6 boxes pipes 200 sot cart and waggon boxes 4 coils of grass rope, 75 nests Iron YY’oights 1 pound* casting;*, Steel assorted, Weeding Hoes Wrought Nails, Cotton Cards Locks assorted, ood Screws -Chisels and files, do, in sets Cast Steel Brass Andirons, Shovels and Tongs Iron do Tea Kettles Augers, Steel-yards, Hinges assorted Cast and-German Steel Saws Mill Saws, Pit and Cross Cut do. Masons Trowels, Bellows, Sand paper, Hminers, Curry Combs Looking Glasses, Glass and Brass Lamps and Candle Sticks Plated do do Castors Britania, Coffee anti Tea Pots Do. Plates and Tumblers A large assortment ol’ Carpenters and Joiners Planes Plane Irons, Brads, Brass Kettles, Sugar Boilers, Waffle and Wafer Irons •Ploughs and Plough Moulds, Sdo. Together with sots of Carpenters Tools, ■Smiths’ do. Tanner's and Currier’s do Hatters, Painters and Masons do All of which wilfbe sold on reasonable terms.! at whole <ale'or retail. ELLIS, SIIOTYVELL A: CO. June 23 90- j Fruits, ’Eras, A’c. <sx4 *, boxes Bloom and Hunch RAISINS, civ t Prunes, Almonds, Citron, Preserves, Lemon Syrup, Hyson, Imperial and Black ! Teas. also, A few boxes extra CLARET WINE, be-! mg a part of a private Stock. j 10 bills, superior CIDER VINEGAR. ELLIS, SIIOTYVELL A CO. June 21, 1831. go— BLANKS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. ISAAC B. ROWLAND, H.W ING declined the Ware-House Business and rented his Ware House to Messrs. J. Goddard and Reed, .solicits for them, the patron age of his former customers, and tender his th;*>ks to them for that liberal patronage which they have been pleased to bestow’upon him. Macon, August IP, 1831. 35 IV;n;S to litre*. AA r E wish to hire, two or three good Negro *v Men, to work about a. Ware House, and will give liberal wages for them. J. GODDARD & REED. August 19. 35—tf For Sale, or Unit, r|YIIE Property recently owned by Col. Joel F Haley j and known as the mountain spout Retreat , In Units Comity. This Property is too well known to require de scription. •T. T. ROWLAND. April 23 3 To Rent. fTtHE STORE HOUSE, recently occupied by X Childers & Wiley, situated on the upper part of Mulberry Street, and next door to Messrs, liungerfords & Stoddard. Apply to ELLIS, SHOTWELL & CO. August 13, 1831. 33—tf Carriage. k NEW & handsome light CARRIAGE, for a V sale by ISAAC B. ROW LAND. August 19. 35—1 m. SPERMACETI OIL \V r M. WARD has received a good supply of v v Winter and Fall strained LAMB OlL— which he offers for sale at his DRUG STORE, Corner of Cherry Street and Cotton Avenue, Macon. August 12, 1831. 33-- i’sl Office, Ilacon. f|UIH Savannah Mail' direct, will in future . close, on Fridys, and Mondays, at 7 o’clock, P. M. until further notice. M. R. WALLIS, P. M. Elezer ,He Call \\f ILL act as my agent, during my absence' v * from tliis State. ROGER McCALL. August 26, 1631. 37-tf •Rartin Simmons \\Tl LL act as my agent, during mv absence * v from this State. P. P. ROCKWELL. Macon, August 26, 1831. 37-tf GRASS SCYTHES. 4 FEW Grass Scythes, with snaths com- IA plete. For sale by ELLIS, SIIOTWELL, & Cos. May 3, 1831. 4_tf. LOTTERY TICKETS, fIIICKETS AND SHaRES in the most of Messrs. Yates & Mclntyre's’ Lotteries For sale at T ALAI AN’S OFFICE, next door to the Post Office. July 18. ' 2G —tf, SIDE BOARDS! rrttvo elegant Mahogany BIDEBOARDS this day received, and for sale by July 1 22 COOKE 6f COWLES. R.UO.W Q C F°’ ln ds prime BACON, just re- D JAtUU ceived, and for sale by RALSTON & JONES. May 24 11-tf FIRE BOARD PRINTS. IUST received and for sale at \>y Also, Paper Hangings, of various patters. July 12. 24- __ -jj APS 0F MA con, For Sale at the Advertivc r Office. Nome few will be put on Rollers, and in frames. Those who wish them in either way, will signify the same, immediately, as none framed or with Rollers, uuless ordered. M.D. J. SLADE Macon, August 9, 1831. 32 WIM.I Ui CI RTHS, Confectioner Raker and Distiller { From Phil ad el pit in.) HAS the honor to inform the Citizens of Ma con and its vicinity, that lie lias* taken a house in Judge McDonalds Building, two doors below the Post Office,) where lie inleuds to car. ry on the Confectionary Business in all its diffe rent branches —all kinds of Cakes, Candies, Con fectionaries, Cordials, Toys, Jellies, Preserves, Sy rups, Fruits. Scgars, Soda Powdars, Wittes, Spi rits, &c. and every thing in his line of Business, ([with the exception of the retail of Spirits which j ft 'tit. C. declines keeping) will always be found in his Store—manufactured by himself and of the ! best quality..—YY’m. C. intends carrying on Iris ! business on the New Y ork and Philadelphia i plan : and hopes that twenty years experience in iiis profession, will enable him to deserve a libe ral share of jvublic patronage. • Orders for cakes, ornaments, kc. for parties will be thankfully received and executed in the best style. Country' Merchants and others who wish to purchase by wholesale will find it to their inte rest to call on me, where they will be supplied with all kinds of Confectionaries, Cordials, made to order, of the best materials and on the most reasonable terms. Aug. 19. 35-3 t. 2>2L£fii-2 i > ok Ti-Xi ELLIS, SIIOTYVELL Sr CO. HAY E received at their Drug Store by several boats. 100 packages of Drugs and Medicine, Glass Ware, Surgical Instruments, Patent xMed icines, Perfumery, &c. 1000 kegs Paint in Oil, assorted. 3000 galls. Linseed, Sperm and YY'haleOils, 500 boxes assorted Window Glass, Spanish Brown, dry. do in Oil. Y’erdigris, do do Venetian Red do do Chrome Yellow do Green. Red Lead, Umber, Terra de Sienna, Lamp Black, Ivory, do Black la>ad, Blue, Brown, and Green Smalls, Frostings, Gold and Silter Leaf, Copper do, and Copper Bronze, Paint Brushes, assorted, Diamonds, Paint Stones and Mullers, Putty, U luting, Chalk, Rotten Stone, Puiumice Stone, Bed Chalk, &c. Ac. Gfj* Purchasers are invited to call and examine for themselves. M,icon, June 21, 1631. 20— The • MtlccrUser Office IS fitted up with entire new Type, and every material which enables Printing to be execu ted with neatness. The assortment of Job and Fancy Types are of the latest and most approved manufacture. Pains will be taken to have Print ing executed in Die bestinanne. The subscriber solicits the patronage of his friends and the pub lic M. 1). J. SLADE: I'KIATIAG Of d'cry description, NEATLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE. Rank of* ffacon. VN unjust and false report liavinghecn circula . ted in Augusta and its neighborhood, in rela lion to the solvency of the MACON HANK and its ability to redeem its Bills, —we deem it our 'buy to the Public, input them on their guard a gainst Speculators, who are willing to sacrifice not only the Batik but the holders of our Bills. — W e unhesitatingly pronounce the report wholly untrue, and the holders of the Bills arc assured that they will at all times he promptly redeemed. R. COLEMAN, President, ROBT. COLLINS, Cashier. Macon Aug. 19, 1831. 3-i-lvv Ypm srjs sEEsii jxxuio lIE subscribers have united themselves in the practice of Medicine. Their shop is next door to the Repertory Office. AMBROSE BABER. JAMES T. PERSONS. Macon, May 3, 1831. 6—tf JOHN PRICE, house, sign, and ornamental MACON, GEORGIA. nriEL execute House, Sign, and Ornamental Painting, Paper Hanging, Glazing Ac. Imitations of Fancy Woods, Marbles, Ac. W alls Painted or Ornamented in Oils or Wa ter Colors. The above business executed by the subscriber in a style ho trusts worthy the liberal patronage and approbation he has and continues to receive. Orders left at John Fergevson’s,-Spring Ilill Re- Tteat, Monroe County, will be thankfully receiv ed, and promptly attended to. Macon, July 19, 1831. 26 - tf DISSOLUTION. r PIIE partnership heretofore existing under the firm of Lam ah A (In. was this day dissolved by mutual consent. The unsettled business of the concern will be attended to by either of us. JOHN T. LAMAR, C. A. HIGGINS. Macon Aug. 20th 1831. 30-3tv SWAJM’S J*. l TEJYT PER kWFFfi riuIIS well known Ant! dysenteric and worm Medicine has proved successful these 10 years past, and it is universally acknowledged by all who have tried it, to be far superior to any other Medicine ever employed in diseases for which it is recommended. It is perfectly safe and no child will refuse to take it. Sold wholesale and retail, at William Ward’s Drug and Medicine Store, Corner Cherry Street, and Cotton Avenue, Macon. Aug. 11. 33 FOUR MONTHS AFTER DATE, A I PLICATION will be made to the honora- UX hie the Inferior Court of Bibb county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, forleave to sell the real estate of Nicholas W. Wells, deceased. SUSAN WELLS, Ex’x. Auff. 1 30-1 in Four Jiioiitlu after date, 4 PPI.IOA I ION will be made to the Inferior X*. Court of Bibb county, when sitting for Ordi nary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of the heirs of Hugh McLeod and Joseph Clark, dec fur the benefit of said heirs. ISABELLA CLARK, Guardian. !> 7-4 m Fuur months after date, VPPLICA l ION will bf> made to the honotra- * hie the Inferior Court of Monroe county, when silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to'sell the real estate of Catharine Daneey, late of Jefferson county, deceased. All persons will please take notice, ami file their objections, if any they have, GEORGE YY. COLLINS, Adi nr. Ma F a 7-1 m I^*0 UR months afterdate, application will be made to the lion, the Court of Ordinary of Upson County, when setting for ordinary purpo ses, for leave to sell the negro property belonging to Jeremiah Daniel, dec. late ol Upson county- THOMAS DANIEL, Adm'r’ July 19, 1831. 26 4m ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. VLL persons having demands against the Es tate of Thos. Londy deceased,” and those in debted to said Estate are liereby notified to ren der in their accounts, and to come forward in the time, in terms of the law. THOMAS LOW, "'Administrator. Macon, July 14 1931* 25 tf ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. V%nLL betsold at the plantation of James E vt Macket,in Upson County,on Saturday the •27th day of August next, at the usual hours ol sale, sundry articles of perishable property, be longing to the Estate of Jeremiah Daniel, dec’d, sold fur the benefit of the heirs and creditors, &c Terms made known on the day of sale. J 110.Y1AS DANiELL, Administrator. July 29, 1831. 26 tds ADMINISTIt A TORS’ SALE. ON the last Tuesday, the 25th day of October next, will be sold at the residence of Thos. Lundy deceased, near Lake Academy, the person al property cl'the said deceased, consisting of Two Road Waggons, Fourteen Mules, Three Hundred Stock Hogs, Two Hundred Stock Cattle, Six Yokr Oxen and Curts, Three. Horses, also, Ploughs, Hoes, Mattox, together with household and kitchen furniture. TERMS. Twelve months credit with undoubted security. Ii 10MAS LOW, .idminintrator. Augustus 2d, 1831. 3G-tds __ Candidates* IS a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Bibb county, at the ensuing election. Mil y <‘.> Oi-jl Ml. M3. MMoiVfirff, \V E arfi authorised to say, is a Candidate for * the Sheriffalty of Bibb county, at the ensu ing election. April *29 CEO lUIE VHiJIL, Ilf K are niithomed to say is a Candidate for , . Receiver of Tax Returns, at the ensuing e'wHe”- duly IS, I S3!. 25-1 f JOSEPH G UNEP, W J ‘ -arc authorized to announce, as a candidate for theofliee of U.civer of Tax Returns, tor Bibb county, at the ensuing election on the Ist Monday in January next. 1i T. 1S liiae. It as a ('andi<•-.(c h~r~'T| K - oi HIM. t'om.ty, S],, iJP lion. lie pledges himself to his friends that he is induced to do so more lroin an earnest desire to 7"!7 'l ,c emoluments ttri.i,,,. from Z * /.tW',/A* SPRINGS. tIJHE subscriber has made largo and extensive A improvements to his Establishment at this place, for the convenience and comfort of those persons who may think proper to visit him. His best exertions will he used to render their situation as comfortable as possible. L. A. ERWIN. Indian Springs, May 26,1831. J3-B lry^e j :ig rpiiE subscribers having purchased the mill for I merly owned by Elijah Cotton, and known as Cotton's Mills, situated on Rocky creelt, about six miles from Macon, will be ready in a few days to offer at their Lumber Yard, corner of Cherry and Third streets, every description, and almost any quantity of Lumber that may be wanted.* Thefrliave already on hand, 15,000 feet seasoned Inch plank, 10.000 do ceiling, • 10,000 do rough-edge, 10,000 feet 3,3 x 4,4 x i, scantling, All of which will be sold at fair prices. RALSTON & JONES. July 9 . 03 Colton fnins. UjMIE subscriber lias commenced the manufac ture ain! repairing of Cotton Gins, at his shop on the corner of Plumb and Fourth Streets, near the Presbyterian Church, in Macon, and would respectfully invite the attention of those who may wish Cotton Gins, or have them repair ed, to call on him, as he flatters himself, that his work will hoar inspection, and give entire satis faction; and, he hopes to receive a portion of the patronage of the public. THOMAS SIMPSON. August 12. 1831. 33-tf- CH.MSEES COUPEE, CABINET <fc FURNITURE MANUFACTURER. HAS purchased of Mr. Win. R. Brown, his entire stock of materials, and interest, iu the Cabinet Business, and being prepared to execute all kinds of work in his profession, respectfully solicits the patronage of the citizens of Macon, and the public generally. lie has removed the Shop to Mr. Philpot’s house, near the Market-house. All kinds of turn ing, &e, will continue to be executed, at the Lathe, formerly used by Mr. Brown, on Bridge Street. ‘ Aug. 8. 32 tf. J. //. Ol.fJitßSil.l If* COn Mulberry si. next door to the Post-Office, j KEEPS constantly on hand a *rencral supply of CABINET FURNITURE, .Solus, Sliairst, Lr.okiiig Glasses*. AND ILVIR. MATRASSES, And being connected with an establishment in New-Y 01k. any orders will be forwarded, free of commissions, and no advance required until the articles are delivered here, and approved by the purchaser—-All Jobs promptly and neatly attend ed to- Macon , July 9 23 FOR SALE, A VALUABLE and well known woods lot of - ®- land in Monroe county, noted for its excellent natural Mill seat, lying on both sides Ichaconna, (in the 11th district, No. Ill,) with a sufficiency oi water and fall to propel a Grist and Saw Mill, at all times running. The foundation of the Creek is of wide flat rocks. A great part of the lot is a deep mulatto soil, the balance is grey and well suited for cotton, There is a small clearing and convenient cabins on it, with a good spring of wa ter. ° SAMUEL LAZE Nil Y'. Columbia co. July 29 31-3 m (fT N. B. Letters addressed tome, postpaid, living in Columbia county, Maharry’s P. 0. will be attended to. FOR SALE, #f Family of %Vegroes. ONE prime field and axe hand, 40 years of age; one negro woman, a house and field servant; aged about 35 years, one boy aged about 11 years; ‘ one girl about 8 years ; one boy about 6 years; and one girl about three years old. Also, The Otcefiiusc House , At present occupied by Alexander Bryan, near the Presbyterian Church ; and The Store House, Recently occupied by Alexander Bryan, on Cher ry Street; this Store House is large and well constructed for business. Also, A ISoitsc, adjoining, fitted up for a small business. Tbe abovementioned property will be sold on a credit of six months. If not sold before the Ist Tuesday in Septem ber next, the above property will then be offered at public sale upon tiie abovementioned terms. Enquire of PRINCE & POE. Macon,-August 8, 1831. gl tds JLfinri for Safe.- rpilE subscriber offers for sale, his valuable -I- lot of LAND whereon he now lives in the 7th district, No. 224. There is about eighty acres of fresh land, and lies well,Ure greaterpart ot which is under cultivation, with Corn and Cot ton. On tlie premises are, a good hewn log house, with two rooms, and all necessary buildings, to gether with a Peach Orchard of the best kind.— By a little labor the plantation and its situation can be highly improved. Terms will be made easy, if early application be made to „ „ JOHN M. TATOM. Monroe Cos, August 22nd, 1831. 37-tf JMtuiST.ittieisiri; button Avenue, Macon , ticorgiu.) puf’linsed out the interest of Mr. WILLIAM H. GUNN,in theConfection ary More, on Cotton Avenue, recently kept bv him, respectfully assures the public that he will esc lus best endeavors to merit a part of their fa vors—and to deserve it, lie intends, besides the present supplies ol the establishment, to add to Us stock, and render it fully equal to the wants and taste ol the community. Besides a general supp y of the usual articles of a Confectionary, he into nils to furnish J RELISHES of all kinds, and whenever he can procure Turtle will “serve” 1 urtle Soup, and other Ileserte I o preserve order and decency, and to please those who may favor him with th-> ( ...if fl , his constant endeavor. He li.-pcs ibr -i naV r iiheral patronage which has been r ° f L ht stowed on the establis‘, ment before be Macon, Aug 2 * ;Jo (f rr , Hnv . P . ~ Notice. I years IP.^nd d 18?l SuWribcrs fur that tli. ir aeeounu .!,u *’ " R r ‘ !S pectfully,notif 19 and se ... , n '?l t “ ,ld notes are now in tho pos - , 1 V aniPS Heard, who we have fully authorised to give receipts, and act for us. WM n ! ‘ ;AUD O Lute further notice. A L. pcr ?T lndebt,,d to the subscriber, are in i ' ,!!' n , n, 'V tbeir Xo,os "tid Accounts am h, the hands of Mr. James Beard for collection who 18 dl,l J' 'i'l,orr,ed to art as my agent Julv 30 WILUAM I‘- OUNN. 3 't 30-1 f Jtlontpmcr ,w: ", Hionroe comity, PrillL undersigned, after greitt hi, , A nense, is at length cnabled'’toV.ttC r c blishment to the notice cf the public t '£ In a climate like curs, where the • tluence of long and warm summers u Lx* all, inviting the operation of causi J 1 * 06 ®® to the production of autumnal diseas-'' S ’- ten *‘ object of no trilling import to the o,' 11 ,! i have recourse to a situation in which,)™* 1 ol disease may be prevented, its violent ted, and recovery rendered speedy Such a place the undersigned honcstivi e' ecfe! is offering in the Montpelier Spff } Independent c; the advantao-cous 1.. • this establishment ; situated hu, rerioft tionably healthy; the Medical qualities n f T* ter, are ol a character entitling it to W , r upon the confidence of the community ' C * The waters of Saratoga and BallstonW.. since, rendered them places of extensive * both by invalids and persons of fashion signal benefits derived from their use bv , labouring under Clironic Diseases (r : J the iligostiv e organs) have obtained fffl merited celebritv—and from a pretty analysis, by fentlemen of competent comparing the result with the analLV \V aters o! Saratoga and Bullston, as Uh’ 1 Dr. Mead, they find the waters of the M or f cl , Spring,to possess* with a trifling excewin' same chemical qualities. Asa chalybeat e , ingmore Iron than theformcr and less than tl ter, with a large proportion of the muriates' 6 f da and lime ; the most striking difference W the absence of uncombined fixed air whi V the Saratoga water abounds. Of the bin"' application of this water in disease, the can bear ample testimony. 1 In chronic affections of the Liver, S P l ee . , their concomitant functional deramrr-ment nf tK Stomach ; lie can confidently assert that I . u' seen no remedy of equal nature. 1„ dyJcLt that Hydra of modern times, it is an invalid’ remedy, when aided as every remedy must be h he temperate use of a well selected rcr'untTi ’ diseases of the skin, and particularly "fettetin itsvariety, it is a certain remedy. In dropsies t'r, visceral obstructions, chronic rheumatism - that relaxation and debility consequent upon residence in low, unhealthy situations, is, va l is riot easily estimated. Abundant testimony cot be produced to establish the truth of this sUv meat, were it necessary; hut an intelligenteoi muuity will make the experiment mid decide t themselves ; and with their award the propriet will cheerfully rest the reputation of the The undersigned assures the public would not thus recommend the use of dm Mon pelier water, liut having been extensively euga ed in the practice of medicine in Georgia for nei ly thirty years,claims the right to judge of t remedy lie recommends. This fountain is situated in one of the mo healthy and best improved situations of Georri seventeen miles from Macon near the road ieadii from that place to Thomaston. His buildiiw large, airy and comfortable, situated on an em nence, high and commanding; surrounded! springs of the jmrest water, and refreshed br 1 atmosphere pure and invigorating. The proprietor wilj hi: able to accmnmtdal comfortably oue hundred regular boarders, aids many transient p.ersons as may favor him wit their company; and as interest and liberality at inseparably connected iu such business, it ishi determination to keep as good a house in every sense cf the expression, as is kept elsewherei the up-country. His BAR will be storedwithi best; his STABLES well furnished am!atteuM His prices will be the same as those charged a the Indian Spring. Comfortable Tents will he prepared for thos who prefer furnishing their own board. NICHOLAS CHILDm Montpelier, Monroe county, May ISI/1, 1*31. 2 OLA Yi!iysl mwmm THE SUBSCRIBER THANKFUL for past favors, informs!i. friends and the public, that he si continues keeping tho above Establishment, © nor of YYalnut and Third streets, commonly ci ed the TFXIiOW ISOLDE, YY hieh has undergone a thorough repair, end: well calculated for the reception of TiIAYEh LERS with, or without families. liis rooms are pleasant and commodious, at well furnished. He also will accommodate Ge llemen and Ladies, or single gentlemen wish BOARDING. liis Table is furnished with tie best the market affords, and his STABLES wtk the best of Provender and attentive Ostlers. GEO. A. IIILLEGAS. Macon, August 26, 1831. 37—w3w ~&fIGLE hotel; MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA. * 1 1H E subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public generally! that lie has pueks* ed M. I). Huson’s Hotel, which he at present keeps as tho EAGLE HOTEL, Tho House lias undergone a thorough repair,k sides a large Two Story Building, which aid! very much to the appearance and comfort of th House. The DININGROOM is large and aiy and he will be able to accommodate from fifty t > sixty members ‘of the Legislature, besides ad transient persons who may favor him with tka company. He hopes, from his long experience in business, and the assistance of Mr. and Mrs. Manghm, that he will be able to keep a house not to he surpass ed by any in tho Southern country. Mrs. Man?* ham has been in my family and Mrs. Iluson’s, or 8 yearn, which gives her a full knowledge a house-keeping. ROBERT McCOMBS Augustl 31* mnwim vmwt'xs. HOTEL. rgMUN nev,*-, eommodin-,, and spJoiidW M- situated on Mron;’. Strectt in the midstofbM and tn the ,mmediate vicinity of the gr?- -■centics to t city, from the South, North, an I’.ast, i „ow rapidly progressing toward coinpk t* o ’’., and is offered for Eon Rent. ' . , The building will be in complete redress the occupation of a tenant, on or before tlie Ist < October next. . GC/" I’he Board will loan to the lessee of* l Establishment, the sum of $5,000, to fcpappP printed totho purchase of standing furniture.' Uor further particulars, apply (post paid) lo A. CUMMiNC, n „ r Secretary, & Tr. E. & l • Augusta, July 10, IB3L jffi (JllecksT” On the Macon, V ari,n ’ , l BANKS. Insurance, and C State -> Patent Hills of Exchange, CASHIER’S CHECKS, COTTON RECEIPTS. All kinds of Blanks and every description * Printing neatly executed by Si. 1). J. SLAC* at run AnVERTISKR OKFU e, irnro’t.