The Macon advertiser and agricultural and mercantile intelligencer. (Macon, Ga.) 1831-1832, February 28, 1832, Image 1

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THIS ItSACOM AIIV EBtTISE IS — ox WEDNESDAY MORXIXOS AND FRIDAY KVEMXOS, BV 7. if M”'- A1 JUC DOLLARS PKR ANNUM, PAYABLE IN ABVANOB. VOL. I. I MODERATION - . 'iff, ADVERTISER & INTELLIGENCER ; published on Wednesdays and Fridays at lullars per annum, in advance. Advertisements iserted at the usual rates: those sent without a lecified number of insertions, will be published ati! ordered out and charged accordingly. tjj’ Sales of Land, by Administrators, E su itors, or Guardians, are required, by law, to bo id on the first Tuesday in the month, between e hours often in tfje forenoon and three in the temoon, at the couflrt-liouse in the county in hich the property is situate. Notice of these les must be given in a public gazette sixty days evious to the day of sale. * Sales of negroes must be at public auction, on efirst Tuesday of the month, between the usual iuis of sale, at the place of public sales in the nnty where the letters Testamentary, of Admiu rttion or Guardianship, may have been granted, ;t giving sixty days notice thereof, in one of the d?iic gazettes of this State, and at the door of the art-house, where such sales are to be held. Notice for the sale of Personal Properly must given in like manner, Forty days previous to i day of sale. N Notice to the Debtors and Creditors of an Es must be published for forty days, votice that application will be made to the :.rt of Ordinary for leave to sell Land, must be t lished four months. [Notice for leave to sell Negroes, must be pub :.ed for four months, before any order absolut; ill be made thereon by the Court. DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. THE UNDERSIGNED ~ iAVING purchased the interest of Messrs I. KIMBKRY & CHISHOLM, in the Mer c lie establishment, has located hiinseifin the v ' bouse below the corner, on Cherry street, re rtly occupied by them, where he will sell sods as low' as any other house in this place, for r,nor Cotton. llis stock is now very complete, comprising K.)St every article for the country; it consists , ®jß'X„Jt©©S>a s . Huts, onoes, Hardware, Groceries, Salt, Iron, tkc. <• teold customers and the public generally, luvDcU vw < viic sdiu.- ■* .f. s heretofore given will still exist, fa the rear of his Store is a New Ware House, it finished, and now ready for the reception of itton, which he will take on Storage, and make tral advances on the same. CEO. WOOD. Hacon, 21th Oct 1831 53-ti’ SIDE BOARDS. it WO elegant Mahogany SIDE BOAR DS- L this day received, and for sale by July 1 22 COOKE COWI.ES. 50 .bis. SUMMER STOCK ALE, 25 cases Lupec. Wine, 25 do Claret, in pints. 80 kits MACKEREL, 6 casks PORTER, 85 qr. boxes Raisins, 70 i boxes do R 0 whole do 10 doz. Congress Water. Tamarinds and Soda Crackers. Also, a large and fresh supply of all kinds of snfectionaries, for sale low —by L. ECKLKY. .Macon, July 20, 1831. 20— tf. “liT.l.lS, SHOTWELL & CO. IAYE just received and for sale, a fresh sup si ply of Uartien Seeds, itiscd by the Shaker’s Society, Enfield, Conn. V:hite Y $ Early Spring Flat do. it low and > ONION 5 Long llanover do. tel y 5 Rutabaga do. liood 5 I White Flat do. fely Turnip ! TJt , rT ,sCauliflower fcV Sugar | J jSquash Pepper Wtn.Wursel j ! Cnyeuno do G'ange Carrot i Double Peppergrasß Blood Carrot \ Vegetable Oyster Guernsey Parsnip sTomotoes Long White Parsnip J Solid Celery J jon ? __ "] 5 Summer Savory Long Green ? Curled Parsley {kty rrM J Dwarf Curled do. Early cluster W!K * j Now Zealand Spinagc jerkin £ Round Spinage Watcrmellon ; Long White Oak Ytuskmcllon i Asparagus Nutincg-nu lon \ Nasturtion Cantelope melon ; Roquettc, a fine salad Dutch Sum. Squash 'Garden Cress Crookncck do do 5 English Sorrel do Winter do } White Mustard Lettuce 5 Brown do tee Head do 5 Leeks Ice Coss do ; Marly S%ar Corn Imperial Sugar loaf do; Early Washington peas Cabbage head do; Early June do Salmon Radish ‘ J Early Charlton do Scarlet do ; White Marrowfat, do Scarlet Turnip do. J Strawberry Dwarf do Scarlet short top do. ; Dwarf blue imperial do Drum head Cabbage j Early China Dwarf lirly York do ; Beans Green Savoy do ' Early Mohawk Dwarf Yellow S :i ,07 do $ Beans Early X -nr Irvifdo {White Kidney Dwarf Green Glazed do ; Beans fled Diiieh rh J Super ior white pole do A’urfolk L lat 'Turnip | Cranberry l’olo do LLima do \}>+W * 7! *>r> „uo(K ni l( | Groceries. Y# t.\ '* *V i 'O. l^l!lV!l M tbeir<rien,ls and the public in’geneial “ that they have received their b J i'flU snisl IE 'inter Stock, DRY iSx'Sf IliSinMS'cmtFßY obockery shoes, wxrre"?iA™ Y ’ and blankets. 100 peires heavy HEMP BAGGING and 200 bags COFFEE, 3 teirces do 15 hhds. St. CROIX SUGAR, 10 tierces Loaf d 0 1 pipe MADEIRA WINE. 10 bbls. Malaga do iOO bids. GIN, RUM, and WHISKEY, 10 “ r Koct,fied Whiskey, Pli ’ E J AMAICA RUM, ONE do HOLLAND GIN, A , a.2 S L. .aSK'AC BRANDY, V< ticivo ~V e UiIANIJV, RAISINS ALMONDS, SEGARS, &.c. t ogether with an consisting ot ° a '~ ‘ DBS. of flat and. square Bur Iron (. : rmao,taxt and Blistered Steel, AtuA', J\ a ,j n <u i Sy Sheet Iron, Blnckemtth's Bellow,, Antils, icSS Hamnen, Powder , Shot, Lead &r. J the above articles were selected in narti- reference to the up-countrv and wul be' sold dS cheap as they can be bad in'this market. Mo< on, October 10, 1831. q-j v Seem ne t TSSoerldiut, AT HIS STORK, Next door to Meters. Cooke V Cowles, OFFERS FOR SALE, LOW FOR CASH The follow ing articles : 1 N hhiis. prime N. O. Suo-ar. 5 hhds do. St. Croix do. 25 bags Codec, 3 pipes Cogniac Brandy, 2 do Holland Clin ■ 10 bbls Malaga Wine, 1 qr. cask superior Madeira Wine 1-2 pipe I'eneriffe Wine 1 box (.’humpaigne \\ ine 5 casks Porter, pints and quarts So, ooo lbs. Sweed’s Iron 500 bushels Salt 50 pieces Hemp Bagging, ogether w ith a variety of otlior articles in Uic Grocery hue. 9.000 Sbs. Bncou Jan. 9.18112. 70-//' i\ I'. >t — Ci othi n & Si or fi AND TAILRING. THOMAS J. BEARD, RESPECTFULLY acquaints his friends and the public,that ne has taken the Store 2d door to the corner,on Mulberry street,recently occupied by Mr. l*aac B. Rowland, and designs carrying on the Tailoring Business in its various branches, and rlso keeping cloths, cassimeres, &e. of the best quality which he will make up, in the host and most fashionable style; and hopes to re ceive a portion of patronage. February 1, 1832. 81—tf liafits If. Smith, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELLER, HAVING had his Shop burnt by the late tire, would inform the public that he has taken the shop adjoining E. L. Young A Cos. and is now prepared to attend to al! calls in his iine. He ha just received and is now opening, anew supply o Watches, Jewelry, Silver Spoons, Dirks, Silver Mounted Spec tacles, Ac. which, together with his former stock, makes his assortment quite complete ; all of which are ol fered to the public at very reduced prices. The public are respectfully invited to rail and and ex amine before they purchase. Maeon, Jan 3. 73 ffil£U® BVGSIB. rjIHE suhsenber has taken the store formerly occupied by Mf. Isaac li. Howland, on Mul berry street, opposite the Washington Hall, where he is now opening a general assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, AND • DYE STUFFS. All of which he proposes selliug upon the most reasonable terms. > Prescriptions from Physicians in Macon, w ill be attended to with much care and promptness. W. B. BALL. Dll. BALL Also, tenders his professional services to the citi zens of Macon and its vicinity. Macon, Feh. 14,1832. 85-2nm^ COLLINS’ HILLS. ALL persons holding any of the Bills signed by myself, will please bring them forward as early as convenient, and they will he promptly redeemed, either by myself, or at the store ot A R, Freeman & 00. CHARLES COLLINS. Feb. 11,1832. JUST RECEIVED, WTHLSKEY, N. Rum, Hyson Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Muskatel Raisins, Inverness Cotton Bagging, Best quality Dundee ppi TON Powder, Shot, Arc. M. I EL I UN. I Macon. July 21>, 1831 HIDIdS—COW HIDES. 10,000 i&SSS which the highest prices will he given, by E. L. YOUNG Ac CO, Macon, Oct. 'X / MACON . TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28 1832. Eagle aa ft ritanU AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. : T”*! , 9u i scr i b t r 8 havb S leased the new andelo : S aut Hotel, known as the Jingle anil JPhemix Hotel , n this city-, beg leave to inform the public, that it * n , ow ™ d 3- Or the reception of their friends and customers generally. This establishment stands Strit anV/ the OL P CITY H °TEL, on Brood i ~1 ’ anu *. n P olnt °t commodiousness is exceed ed by none in the Southern Country. I, i i££- Wht bllUa,e< ' a! , ld con,l guous to the points ofac hVt shMiT “ U l‘ Ci V‘ °f their own services, hey shall say nothing, leaving them to speak for themse ves. It is. however,"due their fSs£ civn’r f no Personal exertions or expense shall be for ,hl render . lbe,r visitors and Boarders com jortable, and give universal satisfaction. They •omV h f r SUaI 5 C “ Can3 ’ altonlivc Clerks and ac- Servants, and will provide all the Timl.rn UXUry wh,ch the market can afford— heir Stable is very spacious, provided with ca pable ostlers an d filled with the best provender. pul "‘ c COSNARD & BYRD. ■ Tbe „* ati ? nal lo'clligeneer, Charleston Cour ler, Savannah Georgian, Georgia Journal, Macon Advertiser, and Columbus Enquirer, are request week” > Ile above ,mee o week for five January II s HOTIX. rnu**?*** I **' f€Groia, ~ subscriber, (late proprietor of the Globe * Hotel, and more recently of the' Mansion House.) begs leave to announce to his friends and the public generally, that lie has taken that elegant and commodious fire proof Brick Buildin*r | on the corner of Broad and Jackson streets, and immediately adjoining the Masonic Hall. It is situated in the most central part of the Cifv, and is in the very heart of business—being in the vi emty of the Augusta Bank, and the Branch Bank tf * the Mato of (eoria* This establishment is known as the Globe Ho tel. and in tlie interior arrangement and general construction, unites in an eminent degree, spaci ousness, neatness, and comfort. To the man of l.milh. tbeitidtvMual traveller, the daily boarder, or the fashionable visitor, the Globe presents ac- I eomniodiations, inferior to noun in the Southern St.ilCS. Having conducted for a number of years two 1 among the most popular Hotels in this citv, he ; batters himself that his experience in business, j I, e, ‘ to thn superior advantages of situation and i tne rc9. i.rccs under his commit, will en.dde liiin ! to give the most decided satisfaction to all who' may honor him with their patronage; Hi- Sf -ddes are spacious ami well ventilated. 1 in addition^?/wfarh? irffetiUbshffiW'f ftfiirsfow I his own personal unremitting attention, and in 1 his charges, will not forget the presume of the I times, *,* The Charleston Stages arrive a! the Globe Hotel every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday j evenings, at ti o’clock, and depart every Tuesday, j Thursday and Saturday morning, at half past 9 ; o’clock. The Washington and Athens Stage, departs every Tuesday and Saturday morning,at3 o'clock, and arrives every Wednesday and Suudny even ing at f, o'clock. The Elbcrton Stage departs every Sunday mor ning, at i o’clock, and arrives every Friday even ing at 6 o’clock. The Pendleton Stage departs every Tuesday, at 4 o'clock in the morning, and arrives every Monday at 2 o’clock in the evening. The MUledgeville Stage arrives every day ex cept Thursday, at 7 o’clock in the evening, and departs everyday except Wednesday, at 2 o’clock in the morning. The Savannah stage arrives every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 10 o’clock in the morn ing, and depart every Sunday, Tuesday, Thurs day, at 2 o'clock in tlie morning. WILLIAM SHANNON. Augusta, Jan. 6, 1832. 75—tf tr xT f|sliL Howard Insurance Company of New- York, continues to insure Colton w hen load ed on good Boats or Boxes. Rates of premium moderate. Apply to CHARLES DAY, Agent. Macon, Dec. 21 CO DILLS OF EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, CHARLESTON, SAVANNAH, and AUGUSTA. In sums to suit purchasers, for sale by WILEY, BAXTER & FORT. Macon, Nov. 10, 1831. 58-tf notice^ THE partnership heretofore existing under the firm of It. TURNER & Cos. is dissolved by the death of It. Turner —the business will be set tled by the Subscriber at the store on Cotton Ave nue, All persons having demands on the late firm may present them for liquidation and those indebted must make speedy payment or their ac counts will be put in suit. B. R. WARNER, Surviving Partner. } Jan. 6, 1831. 74-Gtv mllH subscriber having sold his stock of goods 1 to Mr. SAMUEL 1. ROWLAND, and de tuned business, solicits for him the patronage of his friends and former customers, and requests all who are indebted to him to call at the Store of S. T. Rowland (next door to Messrs. Cook and Cowles,) where he will be found for the purpose of making settlements. ISAAC 11. ROWLAND. Dec. 21, 1831. 74-tf COMMISSION BUSINESS. Fa’ll IK subscriber will attend to the purchase of -■ Cotton, and sale of Merchandize, and hopes by strict attention, to merit the patronage of those who may favor him with their confidence. JAMES REA. M v\rgn. Oct. r 47-law3m TliceHnn<‘ous Advertisements. MSoot foul Shoe Making. ~ Win alM, n a ll . nUe V* Boottod Shoe Making, T ,n “V >*? hranches ; and having, in conse! quenceof the late Fire, been obliged to seek new late sXnd M col leet l together the remains of the in the 1 ItabJ,1 tab J , , s i , * ent ’ and taken the Store wherff n n u ?* C * J - McDonald’s building, JjJ,” 1 7* be ha FUV to serve all the old cus wTh HT/ aS ?‘ any " ew one3 ’ as will honor him .h their custom—not forgetting to tender his grateful acknowledgments for the liberal natron SHanS iJ .r 0 "’ 10 r at iM n - bo ““f * ne t he would observe that t i„ now .“past Christmas,” believincr it o noucb toUdt fi* ' Macon, Jan. 2. 1832. Hemoral to Cherry St. Macon. <£l£iX7iißa (SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER J THANKFUL "ia standTn^his^is’r 1 T J ,ublic ' tbat notwith standing his misfortune by the late fire, he will stand on Ch‘ neS v n a " * tS at’his new stand on Cherry Street, where he will be thank ful to receive patronage. Amongst the Goods res- SiW7 oflhe r 2iW aresome ar ment of ° “““lactur.; and an assort- HARDWARE AND SADDLERY: Ladies and Gents, plain and quilted Saddles Silver mounted Carriage Harness, tlo do Gi<r ’ I’lain Japanned do do f ’° do Carriage do i> <! fi <! ,°,, Jtracy Wagon do. Bridles and Martingales Velises and Saddle Bags Housings and Saddle Cloths Collars of all kinds, Travelling Trunks Coach Lace, Trimmings adfl Morocco, die. > Nage hopes that his past exertions to merit. iiiiu n liberal patronarre, w I)-C. 30 “ 7n - - . H.4T STOUIi. T'lj r subscriber ha, taken thi; .imd next door 1 h ‘; ow " e Dost Office, in McDonald’s build lnir, w here lie has on hand a large assortment of {Of the latest New York fashions,) " hich he -w arrants, if not superior, at least not >' 7 i' ‘V*rvtTCtihu *K ii | at wholesale or retail. n {jfr He will furnish the Citizens of the place with liats by the year, or quarter at rea sonable rates ; old bats received in exchange for in w. Cash paid for Furs of all l itule. 11. WORTHINGTON. January 5, 1832. Y5-tf TIN WARE Manurttctnrer • MULBERRY, NEAR THIRD STREET. rjXIIE subscriber manufactures and keeps eon *- stantly on hand a general assortment of TIN WARE, which he will sell Wholesale and Retail, at Sa vannah or Augusta prices. JOB no UK' done at the shortest notice at the shop on Thir street, next door to Ellis, Shotwell & Cos. WILLIAM S. ELLIS. Orders sent to Ellis, Shotwell li Cos. will re ceive prompt attention. Nov. 18, 1831. CO—tf. -sjxmYLiitf wimrjrji&ws'JHa j. //. r> /./> #;/£*//./ if* CABIN IST JIAKEK, COTTON AVENUE, MACON, Georgia. UESPECTFULLY informs rhe public, that he continues business, notwithstanding, his being “burnt nut” at the late fire, and has remo ved to the building three doors sbove Wiley, Bax tef & Fort, where he has on hand and will keep, a handsome assortment of all kinds of Furniture such ss Side Boards, j Work Stahds, Bureaus, ? Sofas, Book Cases, $ Chairs, Dining Tables, $ Bed Steads Tea do j Writing Desks, Card do > l/ookiug Glasses, Centre do j Secretary’s, Ac. He will warrant his work to be of the best ma terials and manufacture, and will be thankful for orders, which will have his prompt attention. He I hopes to receive, and will eudeavor to merit a share of public patronage. Jaauary 4, 1932. 73-tf Shop. fa'll!E undesigned having purchased the interrst l and taken the shop lately occupied by Mr. C. Coupee, in Philpot’s building, near the Mark et house, take this opportunity of tendering to their friends and the public their services in the CABINET MAKING BUSINESS. They will at all times keep on hand a good supply of Materials, and be prepared to execute every description of work m their line. Sideboards, Bureaus, Bedsteds, Bookcases, Chairs, &c. &e. made to order. Every description ol' TURNING done as a- Uove. Having a large and excellent Turning Lathe, (the only one of the kind in the pl ac e,) they will be prepated to turn House Columns, at short notice: JAMES A. IIALL, JOHN MORELAND. Dec. 20. 80—l v BLANKS I*cm SAt-ti AT THIS (IFPJPD. w nr(*||oiiM>s, AND rmn* °” in, ** sf <> n B u nine ft n, I Irion f iT M rp,, P ectfull y inform flieir *- friends and the public, thatthey continue (he STiiTlSk** 4 ™ cw They have leawd the WARK-HOTTSF UteK. ] U - T- HowLd st Bridge, rom' “*?Z Tzz:Zyi i^T 9iom^ 4,l the u,cr p a SCALE HOUSE in ( otton Avenue. The usual advances will be made on Colton tomprs" lt ' °, r b y tbf,ra * their cus tomers ean have the el.oice of the Savannah, charleston, New-\ork, or Liverpool markets. _ , , DAY & BUTTS. Rincon, H 4 ISAAC B. ROWLAND, A> Nt. deeMnpd the Ware-llouse Business and rented Jus Ware House to Messrs. J. a r ,ld Keed ’ solicits for them, the patron- KJ’ 8 / I ™* customers, and tender Ids thanks them lor that liberal patronage which thev have been pleased to bestow upon him. ° Macon, August 19,1831. 55 AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, lii “ndcrMgued will continue to transact the I' 1 abv business in all its various branches w ith strict attention to business and the facilities which they will be able to render their customers! and the comparative remoteness of their Wake- House from the dangers of tire; they hope to me rit a continuance oT that liberal patronage whieh they received the past season. In addition to our former ft W-7/ooae, we have (for the convenience of our customers up town,! rented the Wore-House on the corner of Mulberry ?r and *'T S ’ formcrl y occupied by Mr. Isaac B. Rowland. All CUT’JVN stored there will be delivered at the boat landing, free of dray age. (CT Liberal advances will be made at all times on Cotton in store or shipped by iif. 'Tj‘ 1 otton stored with us, will he insured at low rates if requested- J. GODDARD & REED. __Macon, August 19, 1831. 34 tf AND COMMISSION business, {Cherry Street ,) ___ MACON, GEORGA. yilE undersigned has taken the New WARE- Storage, anthriMWhi)U/ii. n s.Ai-f'Jierrv street, be- All Cotton stored at this Ware-House will bp delivered, if required, at any of the Boat landings in this place, free of drayage. As his whole time and attention will be devot ed to the above business, he hopes to merit a share of public patronage* GEO. WOOD. August 1, 1931, 31-tf HAVING relinquished the Ware House Busi ness, improve this opportunity of returning their sincere thanks to their ftiends, for the lib eral support extended to them. They have leased their Ware Houses for a term of years, to Mr. James C. Morgan, for whom, they wovld solicit a continuance of patronage, believing from his knowledge of the business, he wili give general satisfaction. July 28, 1831. ItViRJMIOIAfi AND CUmtmission Business THE undersigned having leased from LAMAR A CO. their Ware-Houses J for a term of years, tenders his services to, his friends and the public, in the above busi newt. ! lie w ill he prepared to extend the usual fa- 1 cilities to his customers, by making advances on Produce stored with him, or on Shipments to his friends in Savannah and Charleston. Connected with the YVare-Ilouscs ure safe and extensive close Storages, for the rcccp tion of any Goods that may be consigned to him for sale or otherwise. The situation of these Ware-llouses, as to convenience and safety, are not surpassed by any in the place r should additional security be required, Insu rance can be effected at a rery low rate.— The subscriber’s attention will be devoted | exclusively to the above, business. He there fore hopes to receive a proportion of public patronage. JAS. C. MORGAN. Macon July 2*, 1831. fruits, Teas. If *hu\ <*v. CMA boxes Bloom and Bunch RAISINS, Prunes, Almonds, Citron, Preserves, Lemon Syrup, Hyson, Imperial and Black Teas. also, A few boxes extra CL ARET WINE, be incr a part of a private Stock. 10 bids, superior CIDER VINEGAR. ELLIS, SHOTWELL & CO. .Time 24, 1831. *>-- . it. nv// OFFERS for sale at his Store on Cotton Ave nue, a large and general assortment ot DRYGIXH)*,GROCERIES, HARDWARE, HATS, SHOES, Ac. &c. on terms as low as at any other establishment In ■ Macon. Jan. 5, 1831. 75-fw FOUN D, tN the streets of Macon, a small pocket Wallet. contaiuing a sum of money, which the owner can have by satisfactorily describing it— compen sating ho "finder for his honesty—and paying foi tills advertisement. to the hereof. ■v „ , •Merchant Tailor* I opening, at the Macon Clot fog a ’L ew and H picndid assortment of in hUv * ,S “ tU * < fOthl2l&, ,n * ,ls Jino, consistin'*of *** s iper. Blue, ** Bhack, I “ Brown, Greon, Y.O-XDOJV " Olive, > “ Claret, T.OXriB. " Mulberry, In vis. green, “ And Mixt J •Stiped Cassimere, anew article, I etersham’s Oxford mixt, Satinet.’BrgfTade lash, figured an d plain Velvet Vepring oiatin 1 lorentine .g 0 Marseilles and Vafenfiia do Blue, *v Black, P range, Buff’ j cas simeres. White, | •Steel luixtJ Silk Italian, andJTg. fancy & whhe Crnva Lnglish and India Handkerchiefs buck, horse and lined Gloves jßlaek and white silk Stockings £7’ °“ on a 11,1 worsted Randemliairfloso 1 rein li fancy velvet suspenders >uk. webbing and cotton do .Shirt bosoms and shirt collars V elvet and bombazine stocks, and STifllmra Linen cambric handkerchiefs Silk Umbrellas, fie. Cloth caps, children’s Fancy do. half Ae-,1 Mtmncl, brown shirting & sheeting, Gold and silver epaulets, stars, 1 risseis, lace, buttons, An. READY-MADE ULOTHESG. 1 me blue, brown, green A olive Froefccoatt j® ° do Dress do vt; and a do do L’oateea Mixed~skr-coatsand pea coats ine blue, black, brown, drab, orarunmiKl mixed pantaloons * Blue ami mixed Sattinet pantaloons Lord and Berentine pantaloons fine figured, plain, velvet, Floret, seilles, bombazine and cloth Vests Drawers, shirts, monkey jackets, short do ’ l rowsers, > usttaa pamaloons Set doS Ca " toons ’ Indi So blue & <Ara- Ladies gogts hair,camblel, silk and phkTdo All of which are made up in tbe bestman ner, and w ill fie sold cheap for C.iSU TAILORING, in all its branches,-car ried on a* usual. Having the latest fhsli -1 J 0 ? 3 ? ood workmen, my work shSJI not be inferior to any. I solicit the ua tronage of my lYfands and the public gem>- npHE Young Duke by the author of JL Viviau flray, Haverhill or Memoirs of an officer fnARe army of Wolfe. Persian Adventurer. Destiny by tbe author of Mhrr!h<rev Zi<z. TheTalba, a romance, ’ The Seperation—The Heiress of Unjges, Tlie Incognito or Sins and PcccadiSoes, The Dutchman’s Fire Side, Dr. Lard Tier’s Cabinet Cyclopiedm, Vol. England, Ireland, and Scotland. Mary, Queen ofScotts, of the family Tilt ? ry, by Henry Glussford Bell, Esq. Journal of a Naturalist, War in Germany and France. Just received and far sale by ELLIS, SHOTWELL £*€o. September (i, 1831. 40 LEVI ECKLEY HAS in Store, and is constantly yc~ reiving a general assortment of Fami ly Groceries and Confectionaries : Bmong them, are Old Madeira Y ILemoirs Glaret Figs Port Prunes Sherry Wine. AJraontia Champargne Olives Muscatel and Capers Malaga J Citron Claret IsabelrT Filberts la and {Domestic Fruits in ffiapiy Georgia Msr- | INKS,Raisins deira J Sugar PfhjJiJls Cogniac and ) Preserves Belch \BranJy. , )Uve Holland Gin fTable Sail Irish Whiskey ’Loaf& Lum-p Su Jamaica and i A Sperm Gadk-s St. Croix 5 ’ ?>acapagoe Petfia Cordials and Syrups Pecan, Brazil, Smoked Beef and Cheese Mioleira, aird Sugar toys, cake, Ac Hickory Huts And most otiier articles in the Contirt'i&jn*- ry rinc. Constantly on hand, Spanish Seears, & best To bacco. (fT Tiie above Goods are fresh., gr.d >vi!l be sold at (bo tot vest Augusta l.vfffiV pale prices. Jan 18 77-Jlr' CHECKS, On The JMaeon, _ Darien, ? Tt'vNl'^L Insurance, and v State ■J Patent Rills of I'rrhanw, CASHIER’S CHECKS, COTTON RECEIPTS. All kinds of Blanks and every' ibtrsCrip* ion ot Printing neatly executed by M. D. J. SLADE, at 'rim ADVERTISER OFFICE, Macon, Geo, NOTH K. VLI, persons indebted to the subscriber; either by note or hook account, ere jroquested-j to onie forward and settle 0 * ' v.ime. 1 ELLIS, SHOT WELL A cc. ; i b no. m.