The Macon advertiser and agricultural and mercantile intelligencer. (Macon, Ga.) 1831-1832, March 16, 1832, Image 1

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VOL. I WISDOM r j , ® BT,CB MODERATION. TIIK ADVERTISER & INTELLIGENCER Is published on Wednesdays and Fridays at Five Dollars per annum, in advance. Advertisements inserted at the usual rates: those sent without a specified number of insertions, will be published until ordered out and charged accordingly. (jj 3 Sales of Land, by Administrators, Exe cutors, or Guardians, are required, by law, to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the conurt-house in the county in which the property is situate. Notice of these sales must be given in a public gazette sixty days j previous to the day of sale. Sales of negroes must be at public auction, on j ho first Tuesday of the month, between the usual ' hours of sale, at the place of public sales in the i county where the letters Testamentary, of Admin- j titration or Guardianship, may have been granted,! frst giving sixty days notice thereof, in one of the j public gazettes f this State, and at the door of the i court-house, where such sab. * are to be held. Notice for the sale of Personal Propcrtv must begiven in like manner, Forty days previous to tie day of sale. Notice to the Debtors and Creditors of an Es tate must be published for forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land,-must be published lour months. Notice for leave to sell Negroes, must be pub ['.shed for four months, before any order absolut mail be made thereon by the Court. DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING purchased the interest of Messrs. KIMRERY & CHISHOLM, in the Mer cantile establishment, has located himseifin the tew house below the corner, on Cherry street, re cently occupied by them, where lie will cell Goods as low as any other house in this place, for lash orCotton. His stock is now very complete, comprising fiiost every article for the country ;it consists „ a>ira<iH>®3>s) 9 .. Hats, Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, Salt. Irm', ■*“ The old customers and the public generally, are respectfully invited to call, as the same facili ties heretofore given will still exist. in the rear of his Store is a New W are House, just finished, and now ready for the reception of Cotton, which he will take on Storage, and make liberal advances on the same. GEO. WOOD. Macon, 24th Oct 1831 53-tf SIDE BOARDS. fit WO elegant Mahogany SIDEBOARDS this day received, and for sale by July 1 2-3 COOKE Z£ COWLES. 5() bids. SUMMER STOCK ALE, 25 cases Lupec Wine, 23 do Claret, in pints, to kits MACKEREL, 5 casks POUTER, 83 qr. boxes Itaisius, 70 $ boxes do 30 whole do 10 doz.' Congress Water. Tamarinds and Soda Crackers. Also, a large and fresh supply of all kinds of Confectionaries, for sale low —by L. ECKLK”. Macon, July 23. 1331. 20—tf. ELLIS, SHOTWELL & CO. HAVE just received and for sale, a fresh sup ply of V*r arflen Seeds* Raised by the Shaker’s Society, Lafield. Conn. A lute 4 ♦Early Spring Flat do, fellow and ✓ ONION { Long Hanover do. j i*od j { Rutabaga do. Blood {White Fiat do.' Lirly Turnip J Cauliflower ir.Sugar I {Squash Pepper Man. Wiirscl J .Cayenne do Orange Carrot J Double P^ppergrass Il'ood Carrot | Vegetable Oyster Guernsey Parsnip sTonurtocs Long White Parsnip 'Solid Celery Jan" -i | Summer Savory tang Green , . {Curled Parsley Early j. rt { l M , Dwarf Curled do. Earl} cluster ! KKK " } New Zealand Spinagc Gherkin J \ Round Spinage Watermellon J Long White Oak Muskmellon {Asparagus Nutmeg-melon {Nasturtion * antelope nit lon < Ro jiicttc, a line salad Outcli Sum. Squash {Garden Cross Cookneck do do 5 English Sorrel do Winter do j White Mi -lard hliite-head Lettuce \ Drown do foe Head do ; Leeks lcc Coss do 5 Early Sugar Corn Imperial Sugar loaf do* Early Washington pons Cabbage hoad do {Early June do Salmon Radish \ Early Charlton do Scai let do } V/hito Marrowfat do •Scarlet 1 urnip do. ' Strawberry Dwarf do Scarlet short top do. { Dwarf blue imperial do llnmi head Cabbage j Early China Dwarf - wly York do \ Deans •;recn Savoy do {Eurlv Mohawk Dwarf i'-llow Savoy do \ Beans -irlv Sugar loaf do j White Kidney Dwarf ceon Glazed do 3 Beans •cd Dutch do t Superior white pole do • orfulU i 1 lat Turnip {Cranberry Tolu do Li urn l’qlc do ri THE MACON ADVERT!SER, .t&nOTWTO*I AJtDMEJKMmE HmufiEKOTU PR — N " n " D ’ ° X T ™ AND Fn ‘ DAY I:M:VW nv 1"" ™ t AT dollars per Dry (iiofliN and (.roocnex, Ml. lx. lY>r.V< A' it). 1 Mdll M their friends and the public in general that they have received their rail fititl Winter Stock, PnneisUng of a general mcortmrnt of Din GOODS, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, CROCKERY, SHOES, Hot >TS, HATS AND BLANKETS. Also, 1 JO prices heavy HEMP BAGGING, and expect in a few days by the boat Eliza, and short ly by other arrivals, 200 bags COFFEE, 3 teirces do 15 hhds. St. CROIX SUGAR, 10 tierces Loaf do 1 pipe MADEIRA WINE, 10 bbls. .Malaga do 100 bbls. GIN, RUM,and WHISKEY, 10 “ Rectified Whiskey, ONE FIFE JAMAICA RUM, ONE do HOLLAND GIN, ONE do COGNIAC BRANDY, j RAISINS, ALMONDS, SUGARS, &c. ! 1 ogether with au assortment of ironmongery, &c. j consisting of •and LBS. of flat and square Tim Iron Germaa, Gust and Blistered Steel , j Miik, Nail Rods, Shed Iron, Blacksmith ’a Bellows , Anvils, | Hummers, Powder, Shot, Lead <Scr. I OCj* ihe above articles were selected in parti icu,ar reference to the up-country and will be sold | as cheap as they can be had in this market. __Waean, October ID, 1831. 48 y \ Bismuel T- lloivtancii AT JUS STOKE, Next door to Misers. Cooke Ci Cowles, OFFERS FOR SALE, LOW FOR CASH, The following articles: | hhds. prime N. O. Sugar, 5 hints do. St. Croix do. £5 bags Ccffee, 3 pipes Cogniac Brand*', Si do Holland Gin 10 bbls Malaga Wine, 1 qr. cask superior Madeira Wiae 1-2 pipe Teneriife Wine 1 box Ohampaigne Wine 5 casks Porter, pints mid quarts 20,000 lbs. Sweed’s Iron 000 bushels Salt 50 pieces Hemp Bagging, together with a variety of other articles in the Grocery line. ' ALSO, •>*. w **'*>. - —- Jan. 9.1832. IG-tf s NEW AND FASHIONABLE €l ot hiiiy hi® re 9 •ANI) TAILRING. THOMAS J. UK.Hit), [I ESPECTFULLY acquaints his friends and the public,that ,-e has taken the Store 2d door to the corner,on Mulberry street,recently occupied by Mr. Isaac 13. Rowland, and designs carrying on the Tailoring Business in its various branches, and also keeping’ cloths, cassimcres, Ac. of the best quality which he will make up, in the best and most fashionable style; and hopes to re ceive a portion of patronage. February 1, 1832. 81—tf ttnf'tis It. temitfs, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELLER, HAVING had his Shop burnt by the late fire, would inform the public that he has taken the shop adjoining E. L. Young A (Jo. and is now prepared to attend to ail calls in bis line. He ha just received and is now- opening, anew supply o Watches, Jewelry, Silver Spoons, Dirks, Silver Mounted Spec tacles, &,c. which, together with his former stock, makes his assortment quite complete ; all of which are of fered to the public at very reduced prices. The public are respectfully invited to call and and ex amine before they purchase. Macon, Jan 3. 7.7 rjUIE subscriber has taken the store formerly occupied by Air. Isaac D. Rowland, on Mill* berry street, opposite the Washington Hr'!, where he is now opening a general assortment at DRUGS, MEDICINES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, AND DYE STUFFS. All of which he proposes selling upon the most reasonable terms. _ Prescriptions from Physicians in Macon, will be attended to with much caro and promptness. W. 13. BALL. I>ls. Il llili Also, tenders bis professional services to the citi zens of Macon and its vicinity. ' Macon, Feb. 11,183-3. 85-om. mllE Howard insurance Company ot JNew -1 York, continues to insure Cotton when load ed on good Boats or Boxes. Rales ■ i premium moderate. Apply to CHARLES DAY, Agent. Macon, l)e'c. 31 tl ' , ~ JUST RECEIVED. 1/TUSKEY, N. Rum. Hyson Tea, Coffee, t ▼ Sugar, Molasses, Muskatel Raisins, Inverness Cotton Bagging, Best quality Dundee Powder, Shot, &c. M. FELTON. Macon, July 39, 1831 HIDES—COW HIDES. 10,000 wa'ntS:; which the highest prices will he given, by E. L. YOUNG & CO. ■ Macon, Oct. 20 MACON : FRIDAY, MARCH Hi. 1832. IZdfffc fintf M*Biwiiix AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. j fJUIL subscribers having leased the new and ele gant Hotel, known ns the ilftfilc anct Vhacni.r Hotel , , In this city, beg leave to inform the public, that it is now ready lor the reception of their friends and customers generally. This establishment stands on the sue of the OLD CITY HOTEL, on Brood street, and in point ot comm odiousness is exceed ! ( ‘ d y no ne in the Southern Country. It is pleas antly situated, and contiguous to the points of ac | live business in the City. Oft! ir own services, they shall say nothing, leaving them to speak for themselves. It is, however, due their friends to say, that no personal exertions or expense shall be spared to render their visitors and Boarders cotn lortable, and give universal satisfaction. They have the usual means, attentive Clerks and ac commodating Servants, and w ill provide all the variety arut luxury which the market can afford.— I neirStable is very spacious, provided w ith ca pable ostlers and filled with the best provender. I hey offer their services to the public and expect a share ol liberal patronage. COSNARD & BYRD. • at ' ona l Intelligencer, Charleston Cour ier, Savannah Georgian, Georgia Journal, Macon Advertiser, and Columbus Enquirer, are request ed to publish the above once a week I‘ur five weeks. January 11 07 <lobi; iio rix, •JssffHst a* iHcorflia* subscriber, (late proprietor of tlip CJlobe Hotel, and more recently of the Mansion House,) begs leave to announce to his friends ! and the public generally, that lie has taken that ; elegant and commodious fire proof Brick Building | un llie corner of Broad and Jackson streets, and | immediately adjoining the Masonic Hull. It is | situated in the most central part of the L'ity, a : d iis in the very heart of business—being in the vi [ finty of the Augusta Bank, and the Branch Bank (of the State of Georgia. i I his establishment is known as the Globe Ho tel, and in the interior arrangement and general construction, unites in ail eminent degree, spaci ousness, neatness, and comfort. To the hi 111 of 1 family, the individual traveller, th • daily hoarder, or the fashionable visitor, the Globe presents ac connnodia'.ioiis, inferior to none in the Nuuihern States. ! Having conducted for a number of t ears,’two • among the most popular Hotels ill this citv, he tlatti r-5 inmselt that his experience in business, ■added to the superior advantages cf situation and i l ’ne resources under ins controul, will enable him may honor hitn with their patronage. I Its Stables are spacious and well ventilated, and amply supplied with the best of provender, and attended by experienced and steady Ostlers— in addition to which, the subscriber will bestow his own personal unremitting attention, and in bis charges, will not forget the presume of the times. *„* The Charleston Stages arrive at the Globe Hotel every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, at o o’clock, ami depart every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning, at half past t) o’clock. The Washington and Athens Stage, departs every Tuesday and Saturday morning,at 3 o'clock, and arrives evt ry Wednesday -and Sunday even ing at (i o’clock. The Elberton Stage departs every Sunday’ mor ning, at 4 o’clock, and arrives every Friday even ing at 6 o’clock. The Pendleton Stage d-parts every Tuesday, at 4 o’clock in the morning, and arrives every Monday at 2 o’clock in the evening. The Millt dgevillo Stage arrives every day ex cept Thursday, at 7 o’clock in the evening, and departs every day except Wednesday, at 2 o’clock in the morning. The Savannah stage arrives every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 10 o’clock in the morn ing, and depart every Sunday, Tuesday, Thurs day, at 2 o’clock in the morning. WILLIAM SHANNON. Augusta, .Tan. 0, 1832. 75—tf 151 LLS ()E EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, CHARLESTON, SAVANNAH, and AUGUSTA. In sums to suit purchasers, for sale by WILEY, BAXTER & FORT. Macon, Nov. 10, 18.71. 58-tf I'rnifs, Teas, 9 Vine, A'r. £\t \ boxes Bloom and Bunch RAISINS, Prunes, Almonds, Citron, Preserves, Lemon Syrup, Hyson, Imperial and Black Teas. also, A few boxes extra CLARET WINE, be tn"- a part of a private Stock. lobbls. superior CIDER VINEGAR. ELLIS, SUOTWELL A CO. .Tune 34, 1831. 20- LEWIS FITCII, DR 1 PER AND TAILOR. IS now opening, at the Macon Clothing Store, • anew and splendid assortment ot consisting of superfine Bombazines —brown,slate black, mist, white and Imff merino cassimeres— plaid do. (anew article for Pantaloons,) while and brown drilling, brown grass linen, Princes cord, Nankins, buff and white Valencia vesting, spotted and white marsailes do. Satin and Floren tine do black and fig’d Velvet do. with agood as sortment of cloth, velvet, and bombazine stocks, fancy do. SpitalfielJ hdkt’s. silk net and cotton double end suspenders, English silk half hose, Random do white and brown linen, figured cra vats, Italian do. Bosoms, collars, stiffners. buckskin giovea. black do. silk and brown linen do. Kpaulotts, Ball Buttons, &c. A*. D. L. Fitch will receive in a few days a handsome assortment of summer clothing. Tailobino carried on in all its branches asa bove—having the latest New York and /.ondon fashions,his work shall not bo inferior to any. He returns bis sincere thanks for past favors, and solicits a couimuance of public patronage. I March *.; ‘J® yiiMTllancous AdvrrliM’mriilK, MSoot and Hhoe Making. 13® v&e (SKEtvff&dNEi M7MLL continue the Boot and Shoe Making, n all its branches ; and having, in conse quence ot the late Fire, been obliged to seek new quarters, has collected together the remain;, of the late splendid establishment, and taken the Store 111 the East end of C. J. McDonald's bufldhK where he will be happy to serve all the old cus tomers, and as many new ones, as will honor him r“ r , elr r St rr nol I ' or Kt‘ttn;g to tender his grate hi! acknowledgments for the liberal patron age hitherto extended, and hopes, by assiduous at tention tolas business, to merit a continuance of 1 10 same. At the same time, he would observe that it is now past Christmas,” believing ne nough to add that “a word to the wise is stiffici fcnl, Macon, Jan. 2. 1832. ltd.ureal to i'hcrry St. •/lacon. SJiACLKa. for w. t. sage, (SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER,) lntorm the same liberal public, that notwith standing lus misfortune by liie late fire, he will continue business in all its branches, at his now stand on < berry Street, where he w ill be thank tul to receive patronage. Amongst the Goods res cued from the lire of the 28th hist, are some ar t.clesol the best maruifi.j.ure; and an assort ment of HARDWARE AND SADDLERY: I .j!' 1 ' 4 ' B an< * Lents, plain and quilted Saddles, ■ Silver mounted Carriage Harness, I do do Gig do ■ Plain Japanned do do | <:a do Carriage do ! f ’° < n Jersey \\ agon do. ; Bridles cm! Martingales . \elises and .Saddle Barrs i Housings and Saddle Cloths , Collars el all kinds, Travelling Trunks i oac'i Lace, Trimmings and -Morocco, Ac. (). S;e~ hopes that his past exertions to merit, ! sopt-’.adncd with his Into misfortune, will five mm a liberal patronage. Dec. 30 " 79 _ imt riToiii:." ' r |IHE subscriber lias taken the (stand next door 1- below tin' Post Oliice, in McDonald’s build mg, where he has on hand a large assortment of BE AY Lit d w Wfe v (Of the latest iVew Fork fashions,) which he warrants, if not superior, at least not surpassed by any in the place—lie has also, a largo assortment of HATS of all kinds, suitable tor town and country dealers, which he offers at wholesale or retail. GO™ lie will furnish the Citizens of (he place, with Hats by the year, or quarter at n a snnnble rates ; old hats received in exchange for in w. ( ash paid for Fursr of all l intis. 11. WORTHINGTON. January 5, 132. 75-tf TIN WARE •tlanutfiel urer. MULBERRY, NEAR THIRD STREET. rglH E subscriber manufactures and keeps con stautiy on hand a general assortment of TIN WARE, which he will sell Wholesale and Retail, at Sa vannah or Augusta prices. .ran n ame done at the shortest notice at the shop on Thir street, next door to Ellis, Shotwell ii Cos. WILLIAM S. ELLIS. Orders sent to Ellis, Shotwell Zi Cos. will re ceive prompt attention. Nov. 18, 1831. tin—tf. a/.//. OIMTIK&U*! n c i ytiMT Ta \wi:is, COTTON AVENUE, MACON, Georgia. f RESPECTFULLY informs die public, that w he continues business, notwithstanding, his being “burnt out” at the late fire, and lias remo ved to the building three doors shove Wiley, Bax ter & Fort, where he has on hand and will keep, a handsome assortment of all kinds of Furniture such ss Side Boards, i Work Stands, Bureaus, 3 Sofas, Book Cases, { Chairs, Dining Tables, { Bed Steads Tea do J Writing Desks, Card do s Looking Glasses, Centre do Secretary’s, &r. lie will warrant bis work to be of the best ma terials and manufacture, and will be thankful for orders, which will have his prompt attention. He hopes to receive, and will endeavor to merit a share of public patronage. January 4, 1833. ’'3-lt a&razsntKg Shop. rrtJIE undesigned having purchased the interest 1 and taken the shop lately occupied by Mr. C, Coupee, in on Che.ry Street, a few doors a bove Clark’s Hotel, take this opportunity of ten dering totheir friends and the public their servi ces in the CABINET MAKING BUSINESS. They will at all times keep on hand a good supply of Materials, and he prepared to execute every description of work in their line. Sideboards, Bureaus, litdsteds, Bookcases, Chairs, An. A:c. made to order. • Every description of TURNING done as a bove. Having a large and excellent Turning Lathe, (the only one of the kind in the place,) they will be prepaicd to turn House Columrs,&c. at short notice; JAMES A. HAI.L, JOHN MORELAND. Dec- rdC . ST>—is: . lYarc-HojiKt’M. AXD T f 'ommisfiion MStminots. “V Buhscnbers respectfully inform flieir lrietids and the public, that they continue the : above business, and renew the offer of their ser vices in that line. 1 ha * Immi the WAR E-fiOUSIk lately occupied by Mr. John T. Rowland, eligibly siL uated on the bank of the river, just below the Bridge, end remote from danger by fire. For the convenience ot their customers, iu the upper part ot town, they have a . SCALE HOUSE in Cotton Avenue. The usual advances will be made on Cotton,J stored with or shipped .by them ; and their cus-j turners can have the choice of the Savannah,! Charleston, Ncw-York, or Liverpool markets. „ DAY & BUTTS. Maeon, Aug. 12, 1831. 33—tf ISAAC B. ROWLAND, ING declined the Ware-House Business S SI and rented his Ware House to Messrs. J.l (■ odd aril and Reed, solicits for them, the patron-! age ol his former customers, and tender his thanks! to them for that liberal patronage which thev nave been pleased to bestow upon him. Macon, August 13,1831. 35 AND COMMISSK )\ BUSINESS, j *T ,II E undersigned will continue to transact the! i 4 above business in all its various branches—l with strict attention to business and the facilities! which they will be able to render their customers! and the comparative .remoteness of their Wake-! House from the dangers of fire; they hope to me rit a continuance pi that liberal patronage which they received the past season. In addition to our former Watt-House, we have (for the convenience of our customers up town,) rented the Ware-House on the corner of Mulberry and Second Streets, formerly occupied bv Mr. Isaac B. Rowland. All COTi'OA stored there will be delivered at the boat landing, free ofdrayage. (CJ* Liberal advances will he made at all times "u Cotton in store or shipped by us. CO' < upon stored with us, will be insured ot low rates if res/ucsied 1 J. GODDARD & REED. Mat ton, August 11), 1831. J34tf W ill £i -Niil COMMISSHOY If USLYESS, IllAtWrV, UJ3URUA. 17HE nndersigued lias taken theNewWARE - HOUSE now building on Cherry street, be low the corner occupied by Messrs. KIMBERLY (J CHISHOLM, where he will take Cotton on Storage, and make liberal advances on the same. All Cotton stored at tins Ware-House will be delivered, if required, at any of the Boat landings in this place, free of dravage. As his whole 'ime and attention will be devot ed to the above business, ho hopes to merit a share of public patronage. GEO. WOOD. August 1, 1831, 31-tf 'i oY VdJa H AVING relinquished the Ware House Busi ness, improve this opportunity of returning their sincere thanks to their ftiends, for the lib eral support extended to them. They have leased their Ware Houses for a term of years, to Mr. James C. Morgan, for whom, they wovld solicit a continuance of patronage, believing from his knowledge of the business, he will give general satisfaction. July 28, 1871. bi-mots t: AND font hi iss ion ft ns in ess THE undersigned having leased from LAMAR & CO. their Ware-Houses for a term of years, tenders his services ti Ids friends and the public, irrthe above busi ness. He will be prepared to extend the usual faJ cilitics to his customers, by making advances on Produce, stored with him, ur on Shipmentt) to iiis friends in Savannah and Charleston. Connected with the Ware-Houses are safe and extensive close Storages, for the rccep tion of any (iouds that may be consigned to him for sale or otherwise. The situation of the se Ware-Houses, as to convenience and safety, are not surpassed by any in the place : should additional security be required, Insu rance can be effected at u very lotv rate.— The subscriber’s attention will be devoted exclusively to the above business. ITe there fore hopes to receive a proportion of public patronage. JAS. C. MORGAN. Macon Julv 28, 1031. i: subscriber having sold his stock of goods i to Mr. SAMUEL T. ROWLAND, and dc] Mined business, solicits for him the ; atronage of bis friends ami former customers, and requests all who are indebted to him to call at the Store of S. T. Rowland (next door to Messrs. Cook and Cowles,) where he will be found for the purpose of making settlements. ISAAC B. ROWLAND. Dee. Cl, 131. . M-tf COMMISSION' R USIA'ESS, BP.IKIILY. rgXJIE subscribers would Inform their [friend -l and the publie that they continue the COMMISSION BUSINESS, in Darien and are supplied with large Store -1 louses and Wharves. Any business intrusted to them they will endeavor to transact to the sa tisfaction of those interested. KIMBERLY & IIALL. Darien Nov. l*t, I*3l. (10-3 m V DIGEST of the Laws ot Georgia, b\ Arther Foster—just received by J ELLIN* SUOTWE-LL & Cos. ' l- A-d, f bt- ( 'smrjLz iKKBQun# Merchant Tat lav, 11 8 now opening, at the Macon ( totfop ■ ' /orf anew and splendid assortment ti* Goods and Ulothh*#. m his line, eoirsfetiua-rif Super. Blue, \ “ Black, “ Brown, " otecu, i.nvilnv " Olive, g “ Claret, f CBotfirs. ** Mulberry, “ Invis. green, And Mixt J Stiped Cassiniere, anew arf.icto, I’etersham’s Oxford mixt, Satinet, first Bfe I'as-li. figured and plain Velvet Vest! rfr (Satin Florentine tlo ° iMarseilles and Valencia do I Blue, *X Black, Orange, Drab, LCASSIMEMS. Buff, r White, [ . f steel mixt J j'slk Italian, and fig. fancy A: white Cgiva English and India Handkerchiefs .Buck, horse and lined Gloves [Black and white silk Stockings pilk, cotton and worsted RauUem half R’rencli fancy velvet suspenders pilk, w ebbing and cotton do (shirt bosoms and shirt collars (Velvet and bombazine stocks, and SfiftTlcrs [Linen cambric handkerchiefs jSilk Umbrellas, Arc. , j* Both caps, children’s fancy 'o. hair Seu? [Flannel, brown shirting & sheeting, Gold and silver epaulets, stars, ■ l ii 1 assels, lace, buttons, &c. READY-MADE CLOTHING. Fine blue, brown, green& olive Frockeoafcr *l° do do do Dress do do do do do Coatees Mixed over-eoats and pea coats i'ine blue, black, brown, drab, orange- aru* mixed pantaloons Blue and mixed Sattinet pantaloons Cord and Berenline pantaloons Fine figured, plain, velvet, Florentine, sfaa seilles, bombazine and cloth Vests Drawers, shirts, monkey jackets, short do Browsers, Fustian pantaloons Goat’s hair Cantoons, Indigo blue &. Cffm iilet cloaks Ladies goats hair, oamldet, silk and plaid do All of which are made up in the best man ner, and will he sold cheap for CASH. TAILORING, in allJLttj not be inferior to any. I solicit the pr tronage of my friends and the public getie mlly. All orders thankfully received tend promptly attended to. October 31 .viiii’ nwnus. r J7HE Young Duko by the author of i Vivian Gray, Haverhill ur Memoirs of an officer in (f.o army of Wolfe. Persian Adveuturer. Destiny by the author of .Marriage, Cdc. Pile Talba, a rorpance, The Seperation—The Heiress of Bruges, I'he Incognito or Sins and Peccadilloes, I'he Dutchman’s Fire Side, l)r. Gardner's Cahinet Cyclopaedia, VoL England, Ireland, and Scotland. Mary, Queen ofS’eotts, of the family ry, by Henry Glassford I|ell, Esq. Journal of a Naturalist, War in Germany and Franco. Just, received and for sale by ELLIS, SHOTWELL September li, 1831. i<t-- LEYI ECKLEY fAS in Store, and is <. .O mtly r-.. a I ceiving a general assortment or Fari.o. Liy Groceries and Oonl'cctioiia’.i'es : arnru." Jtlieni, are . fUI Madeira A [Lentous laret J Vigs (Port I PruTnei* kWillC, AlmofCfe iOhampaigne Olives jVluscatel and Gayer-s (Malaga J V'itr< A C laret Isabel-A Filkierts la and l Domestic F/uJtsin Eatuly Georgia Ma- f \V Cx ES ’/taisins V deira J /Sugar Pinnies ‘-ogruac and /. j- Preserves Pencil j Brandy. ()Uve QH , Holland Gm {Table Sal* [lrish VYl.istaey [Loaf& Lump Jamaica and i „ Sperm Cadies t'j- L. r< ; ,x $ * Saeapagos Pecan * ordiale and Syrups Pecan,Brazil, Smoked Beef and Xtlieesc Madeira, atnl Sugar toys,dike,Hickory A'uft And most other articles in the. Conli-cßfotTa. t y line. Constioiflfi on h(nnf, Spanish Setears, fie besi T<i haeco. Lj* The above Goods are fresh, enif 'Will be sold at the lowest Augusta whole* Isale prices. Jan 18 ryc-tf: CHECKS, ' Gn (lte®Macon, _ Darien, . ? TttMr^ Insurance, ami (f "ANiv’ State Patent Bills of Exrhangir, CASHIER’S CIIE<IKS, COTTON RECEIPTS. All kinds of Blanks and every lion of Printing neatly executed by M. D. J. SLADE, AT THE ADVERTISER OFFICE* Maeori, Geo, NOTICE. VI.L persons indebted to the subscribers. either by note or book account, ara requested jto come forward and settle thtj, Same. J Jau U.-lailK 1 NO. 94.