The Macon advertiser and agricultural and mercantile intelligencer. (Macon, Ga.) 1831-1832, May 04, 1832, Image 1

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' _ - &&W Alt© soJß©Aasm2a : - i>v. .iin.ugii, {p.uaoicm aovniKT. A j ve i4ispment3 inserted at the usual rates: those gent without a n f * n .TiV-,re , , „ ~ ~ ■ _ fieri iu theforegpon.and tliree in the afternoon, at thecouurt-hoase in i’- P ft P*khed. until,ordered out and charged ilfco'rdingly. Sales of Land hv Almim-ir if ■ : ■'■ i;" mV “ *s<.* Mrsesawcaa ss^aafehsagSaffP^^ V01.9* ■ " j.vviS’S HOTEL, Macon, Georgia. IV. 1 ti,.‘subscriber lias removed to Macon and i Vh!/!Ue recently occupied l.y Mr. little * taken; <r( , uera i)y known as the \ ellow House, H pas. ''!>■ = con'inue to accommodate transient ■ "■'w 'mVlc ardors. Hts house will continue ■ TlS |‘l kf'H at the Indian Springs, by a young man 9 1J ?, „ 'lifted to do so,and m thy summer, he will IS®?*-* A - KRV £ ,,N \ I "'-'f: 3 *: ItiL I TiONTFELiER SPRINGS, Monroe County, I iyi Geo.—'The subscribers have become the 1 „ r ;o,nrs of the above establishment, situated I mto tan *." '■' I from this place to Thomaston, Upson county, and I 18 beautiful, abundant and healthy country as I "an be found in the State. Great expense has been I laid out in the improvements of the Springs. For mile* around, tl.c country is deeply shaded by provesof Oak, Hickory, and other umber ; and a the proper seasons, is plentiful')' supplied With Peaches, Apples, and other Fruit. The anr is DUTP Hry ami elastic. On the premises, has been erected on an elevated site, a three story Mansion, spacious, roomy and airy, and other buildings comfortable and convenient, sufficient to accom modate from two to three hundred persons, resi dent and transient. Independent of tlvb advan tageous location of the establishment, the rnin rmf ami chemical qualities of the water are of a character entitling it to high claims upon the confidence of the public ; they are found to be similar to those of the Saratoga and Ralston Springs. Chalybeate and the muriates of Soda r.iul Lime predominate. The medicinal effects are aoerient—tonic and diaphoretic, imparting cheer fulness to the mind, and hilarity to the animal spirits; they have proved remedial in chronic af fections of the liver and spleen, in dispeptic and cutaneous diseases, and other morbid dispositions of the system —all this lias been tested by the most scientific Physians and t. e experience of invalids who have resorted there—As interest and liberality are inseparately connected in such busi ness, it is the determination of the proprietors to keep as good a house jn every sense of the ' ex pression, as can be kept in flic up country, and from the long experience of one of the proprie tors, they (latter themselves to be able to give j general comfort and salifaction 'to all who may | favor them with a call. Tents will be prepared | fir those who wish to furnish their own board— chargesfor board will be reasonable. CHARLE > WILLIAMSON. KOBEK'I’ K ELTON. X. B. In addition to the above advantages, the proprietors have laid the foundation of a (.'las- i sicul Seminary, under the superintendence of Mr. j F. I). Cummins, whose qualifications by education j and long ixperienee,in this and other States, are I well known, and place him among the first of our j Teachers. The institution will open on the first day of April next for the reception of pupils.— j Board can be had In the neighborhood Oil mode rate terms, also with the proprietors. inilK WASHINGTON HALL IN MACON, L will still be kept open for Travellers and Boarders, by CHARLES WILLIAMSON. March 13. 1)3 J IHTpSON HALL, Macon, Georgia. *1 The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he has opened a House ef Entertainment in Macon, under the name of the Jeffersgn Haul. This House is large and Commodious, and is situated in a healthy, high part of the town, on the corner of Mulberry-Street and the Court- House square, immediately on the opposite side .ef the street from the Mansion House, and has formerly been known by the name of the Conimer- | cial Hotel. From the subscriber’s experience in I the business, and his attention to it, hehopes to I receive a liberal share of the public patronage. His rates will be low owing to the hardness of ; the times. His Stables always well supplied v.i'.'.ichoice provender and unexperienced Ostler. His Table and Bar with tlie best the country affords, and his Beds inferior to none; his Kates will be as follows : Board and Lodging per month, for man " fti l 00 I)o without Lodging 12 00 Bo per week with Lodging 5 00 Bo do without do 4 00 I>o per day with lodging 1 00 Do do without do 75 Dinner 50 .Supper 7j Lodging 05 Breakfast 37 j Horse per day 50 I Bo per moth 10 Man and Horse all night with Supper and Breakfast I 50 Man and Horse without Supper 75 Do do do with do 100 „ SPENCER RiLEY. Macon, March 2d. 6m~90 J’his Town has been recently f laid off on the Eastern hank of the Chatta .tcoclue, in the heart of a healthy, fertile and po puloni? neighborhood, about thirty miles below Columbus and JO above Fort ( aides. 1 ossessitfgas it does, the advantage of a land mg which lot convenience is not excelled by any <jii this river; together with that of bring located •it the junction ot the main road leading from Co nimbus to Apilachicoln. and that leading from Hartford via Traveller’s Rest and Lumpkin to le hattahoochie; and being so situated as to the trade of an extensive back country ' he fertility of soil, rapidly settling by a UMnhyand respectable populace, .Milton can ',o a “ to become a place of considerable com* '■•t ree; and the acquisition of the adjacent Indian firmcr y (which will probably bo soon effected) greatly increase its importance, its local nation is truly interesting, being on an eleva* ,V, I 1 ki) °r 70 feet above the surface of the Mattahoochic, affording an extensive view of the . *! n H the opposite country; and entirely re {• °. e ' ron ‘ swamps, marshes nr any thing indica . ' ll Mcknea*. Two kiw mills are being orec place and will ho in operation in the LD i'N are offered at private sale on ac '- ■•nuodating terms. •ERIN T. LAMKlN,Proprietor. ?. ,an * *• ls , 3s * l-eowl.n •' ‘tlunilitis Eiujuircr and Augusta Con -1 '• ill publish tlie above 4 times weekly, th* ir accounts to Lumpkin. 'V PostOllieeat Kings RltriT. Ceorgia, is * T , r< tiove.l to Post Master. JAMES Af.'MIL • appointed Postmaster. • Ci>, 21,1 - i ;i?' ———-—— "=■ r*‘ “== * " M,Sh<,<! ' <M * *33 33>? ■Wrm.*wl..l„* J. *!.•!<•.l l-ivc Dollsn MM,. l; , vaW< .ln tes: those sent witfirmi n o.i i • . .... ~— BLANTON & SMITH offer for sale, 30 hhds 00 bbls. ) &t * { rolx an ‘l N. 0. Sugar • r, ° do Loaf and Lump do 50 do Rye Whiskey, 2000 bushels Salt. Ami a variety ot' nHier Goods. LAN TON U SMITH, agents for the sale of a® Sugars manufactured at the Charleston Steam Refinery, will keep a constant supp'y and good assortment thereof. See Proprietors advertisement below. piTARLESTON Steam Refined Sugars. —The x-c Charleston Sugar Refinery, in Anson st. is now in full operation, where can at all times he had a complete assortment of Refined Sugars The quality of these SUGARS will be found equal, if not superior to any manufactured in the Dm!! 1 States. The prices arelow and terms ac commodating. The subscriber lias been at considerable ex pense in perfecting the above establishment upon an entirely new and approved principle, and confidently looks for a share of public pa tronage. EDWARD BE ME NT. Charleston S. C. Dec. 1. 70 CAMI.EL ,T. ROWLAND, at ms store, ft next door to Mexern. Cooke if Cowtex, offers lor sale, low for cash, the following articles : (fi ,*f hhds. prime N. D. ' r 5 hhds do. St. Croix do 25 bags Coffee 3 pipes Cogniac Brandy 2 do Holland (Jin 10 bbls Malaga Wine, I qr cask superior Madeira Wine 1-2 pipe Tenerifie Wine 1 box Champaigue Wine 5 casks Porter pints and quarts 20,000 lbs. Sweed’s Iron 500 bushels Salt > 50 pieces Hemp Bao-gin", 20,000 Ibr. Bacon, Together with a variety of other articles in the Grocery line. Jan. 9 70 50 bbls. SUMMER STOCK ALE, 25 cases Lupe c Wine, 25 do Claret, in pints. 80 kits MAOKERE, 5 casks PORTER, 8.5 qr. boxes Raisins, 70 h boxes do 30 whole do 10 doz. Congress Water. iamarindsand Soda Crackers. Also, a large and fresh supply of all kinds of Confectionaries, for sale low—by L. KCKLEY. Molasses, rum, gin, whiskey^. lOhlids. N. Orleans Molasses, 20 bbls. Rum, 20 do Gin, (best brand and good proof) 20 do Whiskey (N. 0. high riroof.) IN STORE. 10 Bbls. Mackrral, No. 1. 50 do Whiskey. 50 do Gin, 10 hiuls. St. Croix Sugar, 10 do N. 0. do 25 bbls. Manheaden Fish, 5 Tierces superior Rice. For sale by C. A. HIGGINS. March 27. 07-tf 4 FEW barrels of Irish Potatoes expected ; T*. daily and for sale by C. A. HIGGINS, j April 3, 1832. 99—tf | 4 || HMDS. New Orleans Sugar, AU 27 bbls. St. Croix do 12 bbls. and. 3 boxes loaf and lump do 30 bbls. Whiskey, 15 do Plielp’s Gin, 20 do Northern Ruin, 17 pieces Bagging, 40 boxes Tobacco, 25 hhds Molasses, 20,000 lbs Bacon (Midtings) 1,000 bushels Turks Island Salt, For sale by . f REA & COTTON. DOMESTIC LIQUKOS, &c.--Received and for sale, 25 bbls Gin, 20 Crates Cookery, J 25 I)o Rum, assorted, 50 Do Whiske 20 Bags prime green ; 15 hiuls N. Oh Sugar Coffee, 15 Bids Fish, (Salt 20 Bbls Mehaden water Trout) Fish, For sale, in lots to suit purchasers, by (’. A. HIGGINS. April 2 82- 1 1 AH D WARE AND CUTLERY—The sub ! A sribers have rec( ived a large nnd general I stock HARDWARE, CUTLERY,MECHAN-i ICS TOOLS, c^e.—a few are given below. 50 kegs best Cut Nails and Brads, assorted 283 (21 doz.) Shovels and Spades, 12 Anvils, and (i boxes Axes 100 pair Trace Chains (i dozen Sickles and 1 dozen Scythes 550 lb. sad irons, (! boxes pipes \ 200 set cart and waggon boxes 4 coils of grass rope, 75 nests Iron Weights 15,000 lbs. Castings Steel assorted, Weeding Does Wrought Nails, Cotton Cards Locks assorted, Wood Screws Chisels and files, do, in sets Cast Steel Brass Andirons, Shovels and Tongs Iron do Tea Kettles Aimers, Steel-yards, Hinges assorted Cast and German Steel Saws Mill Saws, Pit and Cross Cut do. Masons Trowels, Bellows, Sand paper, Ilainmqjrs, Curfy Combs Looking Glasses. Glass and Brass Lamps and Candlesticks Plated do do-Castors Dritania, Coffee and Tba Pots Do. Plates and Tumbler's A largo assortment of Carpenters and Joiners Planes .. , Plane Irons, Brads, Brass Kettles, Sugar Boilers, Waffle ar.d Wafer Irons Ploughs and Plough Moulds, &V. Tiiin-ther with sets ofCurnenlcrs Tools, Smiths’ do. Tanner's and Currier’s do Hatters, Painters and Masons do Ml if which will be sold on reasonable terms, at wholesale or retail. L'LLis SIIOTWfiBL CO. 1 I4J A. YOUNG & GO. inform their friends , , an<i e public in general that they have re ceived their I all and V* inter Stock, consisting ot a general assortment of Dry Goods, Hard ware Cutlery, _ Crockeir, Shoes, Boots, Hats, -iankers. Bagging, Ac, They have also received 21)0 bags CUFFE E, 3teirees do 15 hhds. St. CROIX SUGAR, 10 tierces Loaf do 1 pipe MADEIRA WINE, 10 hbls. Malaga do 100 l.bls. GIN, RUM, and WHISKEY. 10 “ Rectified Wl^skey, Ji)ma*'a Ruin, Holland Gin, Cog. Brandy Together with an assortment of Irunmonaeru, &c. consisting of l BS. nf flat and square liar Iron German. Cast and Blistered Steel, Nails, Nail nods, Sheet Iron, Blacksmith’s Bellows, Anvils, ices, Hammers, Powder, Shot, Lead, &c. GJ’ Ihe above articles were selected in parti cular reference to the uy-eountry and will be sold as cheap as they can be had in this market. October 10 $ & GOVVLES have just received their W tall supply of Goods, consisting of a general stock ot Fancy and Staple Dry Goods: Carpeting of the newest style and pattern Inearth Ilujjs and’ruble Covers 111 Mtkets of every descri|)tion Hats and fine boots and shoes A large stock of Negro shoes Saddles, bridles and leather try nits Hardware, brass andirons and fenders Crockery in small packages, assorted for the cjuutry trade Groceries of every kind Old Madeira Wine, a very superior article Best Spanish Segars, Salt and llaggin <T V hit, round, square, and sheet Iron German, blistered am] cast steel Blacksmith's tools, nails, and nail rods W hite lead, .Spanish brown, Copal varnish I.inseed oil, window glass and putty Paper hangins, beautiful patterns and borders Handsome lire board prints Just received , a large supply of Feathers ,■ also 6) K Joy.. Cane and Rush .Seat Fancy Chairs i<5)4A boxes Bloom and Bunch RAISINS, * Prunes, Almonds, Citron, Preserves, Lemon Syrup, Hyson, Imperial and Black Teas. also, A few boxes extra CLARET W INE, be -1 mg a part of a private Stock. 10 bbls. superior CIDER VINEGAR. 1 ELLIS, SHOTVVEf.L k, CO. WE have just received a variety of Musical ! V v Instruments, consisting of a number of Ti . r.llO Fortes of different prices nnd qualities, the ; Spanish Guitars, Bass 5 iolin, double and single Flageolets, German Flutes, lined and tiped with from one to six silver keys, do plain, octave do. J iolins extra, do common, Bass Drums, kettle do Childrens do, Fifes, tuning forks Ac.—also, Pi ano wires, do keys, Guitar and Tiolin Strings, Instruction Books, music, sacred do. ELLIS, SHOTWELL & CO. BILLS OF EXCHANGE on New-York,| Philadelphia, Charleston, Savannah ami j Augusta, in sums to suit purchasers, ibr sale by j WILEY, BAXTER A FORT, j Macon, Nov. 10, 1831. 58-t; I? ILLS on Savannah, payable at sight—For 15 sale by DA}' if BUTTS. Mae.oll, Dec 21 95 PgUIE Howard Insurance Company of New-' York, enntinuesto insure Cotton when load ed on gotid Boats or Boxes. Rates of premium ! moderate. Apply td (.IIARI.ES DA\, Agent, j rgMIE subscriber having sold his stock of creeds i to Mr. SAMUEL T. ROW LAND, and de mined business, solicits for him the patronage of 1 his friends and former customers, and requests all who are indebted to him to call at the Store ol'S. T. Rowland (next do',r to Messrs. Cook and Cowles,) where he will be found for the purpose of making settlements. ISAAC B. ROWLAND. Dec. 21, 1831. 71., f 1 (1 ARDEN SEED. —EI Hr, Shotmii'if Cos. have 1 J just received and for sale, a fresh supply of j Garden eed, raised by the Shaker’s Society, I Enfield, Conn. White } Early Spring Flat do. I Yellow and ONION Long Hanover do. Red S Rutabaga do. Blood 'i White Flat do. i Early Turnip | ( ' al, * l^0 " or Fr. Sugar J Squash Pepper Man.Wurselj Cayenne do Orange Carrot Double Peppergrnss Blood Carrot Vegetable Oyster Guernsey Parsnip Tomotoes Long W hite I’arsnip Solid Celery Long T Summer Savory Long Green j . Curled Parslcv Early 1;j 1{ Dwarf Curled "do. Early cluster ' ’ New Zealand Spinagc Gherkin J Round Spinage W’aterrijt llon Long White Oak Muskincllon Asparagus Nutmeg-melon Nasturtion Cantelbpe irh lon Roquctte, a fine salad ; Dutch Sum. Squash Garden Cress Croakncck do do English Sorrel do Winter do Wliite Mustard W’hifo-head Lcttude Brown do Ice Head do Leeks Ice Cuss do Early Sugar Corn Imperial Sugar loaf do Early Washington peas Cabbage head do Early June do Salmon Radish Early Charlton do Scarlet do White Marrowfat do Scarlet Turnip do, Strawberry Dwarf do Scarlet short top do. Dwarf blue imperial do Drum head Cabbage Early China Dwarf Early York do Beans Green Savoy do Early Mohawk Dwarf Yellow Savoy do Beans Early Sugar loaf do White Kidney Dwarf Green Glazed do Beans Red Dutch do Superior whito pole do Norfolk Flat Thrarp Cranberry Pole do Sago Lima Pain do BT'iday, U;iy 4,3 EW SPRING GOODS.— Lewis Fitch, X' Draper and Tailor , is now opening, at the Macon Clothing Store, anew and splendid assort ment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting of stmerfme Bombazines—brown,slate black, mixt, w *'-e aud buff merino cassitneres plaid do. (anew article for Pantaloons,) white and brown drilling, brown grass linen, Princes cord. Nankins, bult and white Valencia vesting, spotted and white marsailesdo. Satin and Floren tine do blftck and fig’d Velvet do. with a good as sortment ot cloth, velvet and bombazine stocks, fancy do. Spitalfioltl hdkt’s. silk net and cotton double end suspenders, English silk half hose, Rnndeni do white and brown linen, fu tired cra vats, Italian do. Besoms, collars, stiffners. buckskin gloves, black do. silk and brown linen do. Epnuletts, Ball Buttcns, Ac. iV. R. L. Fitch will receive in a few days a handsome assortment of summer clothing. Tailobino carried on in all its branches asn hove—having the latest New York and London tashions, his work shall not be inferior to anv. 1 ie returns his sincere thanks for past favors, ami solicits a continuance of public patronage. March 2, 1832. 0 99 N EW’ and FASHIONABLE CLOTHING STORE and TAILORING.—’THOMAS.!. BEARD respectfully acquaints his friends and the public,that ue has taken the Store second door to the corner,on Mulberry street,recently occupied by Mr. Isaac B. Rowland, and designs carrying on the Tailoring Business in its -.arious branches, and also keeping cloths', cassitneres, Ac. of the best quality which he wiil make up, in the best and most fashionable style; and hopes to re ceive a portion of patronage. February I, 1832. ° 81-tf IE WIS FITCII, Merchant Tailor, is now o -4 pening, at the Macon Clothing AV.ov, a now and splendid assortment of Goods and Clothing, in his line, consisting of super, blue, black, brown, green, olive, claret, mulberry, invis. green, and tnixt. London Cloths ; stiped c ass ime re, anew ar articlc; Petersham’s Oxford mixtntinet, first rale; tashionabie figured and plain Velvet, Satin, Flo rentine, Marseilles and Valencia vestings; blue, black, orange, drab, buff, white, and steel mixt Cussimcees; silk Italian, and fig. fancy & white ere Vats ; English and India handkerchiefs; duck, horse and lined gloves ; lack and white silk stock ings; silk, cotton and worsted rartdem half hose; Trench lancy velvet suspenders; silk, webbing 1 and cotton .suspenders; shirt bosoms and shirt collars; velvet and bombazine stocks, and stiff rier-,; linen cambric handkerchiefs; silk umbrel las; cloth caps, children’s fancy and hair seal llanui l, brown shirting A sheeting ; gohbiuid sil* ver epaulets, stars; assels, lace, buttons, Ac. READY-MADE CLOTHING.—Fine bine, brown, green A olive frock and dress coats,.and coatees ! mixed over-coats and pea coats ; fine blue, Mack, brow 11, drab, orange and tnixed pan taloons ; l.ltfe and illlXctt satfinel pantaloons; cord and tmreu tine pantaloons ; fine figured, plain, velvet, Wirentinc, Marseilles, bombazine and cloth vests; drawers, shirts, monkey and short jackets; trowsers; fustian pantaloons; goat’s hair Cantoons, Indigo blue and Camblet cloaks ; ladies goats hair, catnldct, silk and plaid cloaks; ad ot which are made up in the best manner, and will he sold cheap for CASH. 1 AILORLNG, in all its branches, carried ori as usual. Having the latest fashions and good workmen, my work shall not be inferior to any. I solicit the patronage of my friends arid the public generally. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. 55tf JELLING OFF CHEAP., —The subscriber C 7 will leave for New York in a few weeks, and offers bis remaining stock of Goods at very reduced prices for cash only, consisting of 1 Catches, Xenix, Keys, Ear and Finger Kings, Breastpins, Shirt Studs, Medallions, Silver Spoons Plated Castors, Candlesticks, Snuffers A Trays. Dirks, Knives, Coral arid W ax Beads, Brittania V are. and a large assortment of Watch Glasses, materials, o'e. well worthv the attention of the trade. RUFUS It. SMITH. March 29, 1832. 98 N. B. Persons having Watches with the sub scriber will please call and take them away by the first ot May, as his shop will be closed during the summer. R. R. c rHMNWA ft 11 MA NI FACTORY, on Milter * ry, near Third Street, —The subscriber ma nufactures and keeps constantly on hand a gene ral assortment of Which he will sell Wholesale and Retail, at Savannah or Augusta prices. JOB WORK done at the shortest notice at the shop on Third street, next door to Ellis, Shotwell if Cos. william p. Ellis. Orders sent to Ellis, Shotwell if Cos. wiil re ceive prompt attention. Nov. 18, 1831. 60— tf. 1 1AB1NET WARE-HOUSE.—/. If. Older - J sham, Cabinet Maker, Macon, Georgia — j respectfully informs jbe public,- that he conti nues business, notwithstanding, his being “burnt out” at the late fire, and has removed to the build ing three doors shove Wiley, Baxter & Fort,; where he has on hand and will keep, a handsome , assortment of ail kinds of Fumitute, such as j Side Hoards, Bureaus, Book Cases, Dining, Tea, ! Card and Centre Tables, IVdrlc Stands, Sofas, Chairs, Bed Steads, l Vrlting Desks, Looking Glus- | see, Secretaryii, lie. I-Ie will warrant his Work to be of the best ma- \ terialsand manufacture, and will be thankful for I orders, which wiil Itave his prompt attention. He | hopes to receive, and will endeavor to merit a i share of public patronage* Jaauary 4, 1932. 73-tf VEW CABINET MAKER’S SHOP.—’The Jlx undesigned having purchased the interest! and taken the shop lately occupied by Mr. C. i Coupee, in on Cherry Street, a few doors a- j hove Clark’s Hotel,take this opportunity often* j dering totheir friends and the public their servi- ■ ces in the Cabinet Making Business They will at all times keep on hand a good | supply of Materials, and he prepared to execute ! every description of work in their line. Sideboards, Bureaus, Bedsteds, Bookcases, | Chairs, Ac. Ac. made to order. Every description of TURNING done as a bovft. Having a large and excellent Turning Lathe, (the only one of the kind in the place,) they will be prepared to turn House Co!miis,Ac. at short notice) JAMES A. HALL* ’ ;ohn Moreland. Dec. 2*l. ly 1 H A ‘ ‘ s J () EE.—The subscriber has taken the . * ■ stana next door below the Post Office, in McDonald’s building, where he has on hand a I urge assortment of BEAVER HATS, of the I latest Ncw-Xork fashions, which he warrants, it not superior, at least notsurpassed by any in !ii'iv' Ce LjY " as ;I ' S C> alargo assortment' of HA i Sot all kinds, suitable for town and coun try dealers, which he offers at wholesale or retail. Vll ' VIII lllrnis b ’be citizens ef the place with Hats by the year or quarter, at reasonable rates; old hats received in exchange for new. Cash paid for Furs of all kinds. 11. WORTHINGTON. rgMiK undersigned having purchased the inter * estot Mess. Kimberly A ChishClm.iu the mer cantile establishment, has located hlmseifin tpe now house below the corner, on Cherry street re cently occupied by them, where ho will sell Goods as low as dr.y other house in this place, for Cash or Cotton. His stock is now very complete, comprising almost every article for the country ; it consists ot Dry (.cods, Hats, Slices, Hardware, Groce ries, Iron, Salt, Ac. The old customers and the public generally are respectfully invited to rail, as the same facili ties heretofore given wall still exist. In the rear of his Store is a New Ware I louse, ptst finished, and now ready for the reception of Cotton, which he will take on Storage, and make • iberal advances on the same. ~ geo. Wood. Macon, 24th Oct 1831 s,q. t f Q'gJ hl)ds. Prime New Orleans MOLASSES, for sale by C. A. HIGGINS. JUST received and for sale by EL IS, SHOTWELL k CO. Eugene Aram, by Bulwar, The Smuggler, Memoirs of the Empress Josephine, 28th No. ot the Family Library, Life and Death of Lord Edward Fittc-erald, by Thomas Moore, Sir E. Seaward’s Narrative, by Miss J. j Potter, Lives of eminent British Statesmen, A view of the Progress of Ethical Philoso- J’hy, by Sir James Mclntosh, Castle Dangerous and Count Robert of Pa ris, by Scott, Harmony of the Divine Attributes. April 5, , on _ a ft QUARTER casks Marseille Madeira At/ 12 boxes. (2 doz. each) choice old Madeira 12 do (1) doz. each) 1 *rt Winfr\ tor sale by REA k COTPON. Aprils, 18t‘il* 104—if j 4 SMALL lot Pure Curl’d Hair Mattresses, Im. just received nnd for sjilb by COOKE COWLES. April, 17; (03-Cw 'S'IIE business heretofore conducted bv D t , WOODBURY, in this town, was closed ttio Juth January last, in terms of the original contract between the subscribers. All persons indebted to said Woodbury, will please make im mediate payment to him, or to Daniel G. Wood bury, who is authorized to settte all demands. TANARUS). WOODBURY, G. C. CO IT. Macon, April 20, 101-tf WARE-HOUSE and Commission Business. ▼ ▼ The subscribers respectfully inform their friends and the public, that they continue the above business, and renew the offer of their Ser vices in thatline. They have leased the WARE-HOUSE, lately Occupied by Mr. John T. Rowland, eligibly sit uated on the bank of the river, just below the Bridge, and remote from danger by fire. For the convenience ol their customers, in the upper part of town, they have a Scale House in Cotton Ave nue,, The nstial advances will he made on Cotton, stored with or shipped by them ; and their cus renters can have the choice of the (Savannah, Charleston, New-York, or Liverpool markets. . DAY k BUTTS. Macon, Aug. 12, 1831, 33—tf \ Y AK EHO USK and Commission Business, V 7 Cherry Street, Macon, Georgia.— The un dersigned has taken the New WARE-HOUSE now building on Cherry street, below the corner occupied by Mess. KIMBERLYU CHISHOLM, Where he will take Cotton on Storage, and make liberal advances on the same. All Colton stored at this Ware-House will be delivered, if re quired, at any ol the Boat landingsht this place, free of dray age. As his whole time anil attention will be devot ed to the above business, he hopes to merit a share of public patronage. GEO. WOOD. August 1, 1831, 31 -tf BLAN lON k SMITH. H ore-/Duse cud Com mission Merchants, Macon, make liberal ad vances on Cotton in store, ami on Shipments, and afford to their Customers all other reasonable accommodations. Their Ware Houses are mote convenient to tUe business part of town than any other, possessing the advantages of a wharf, andare more exempt from danger by fire thanany other in Macon. \\T AP E-HOUSE and Commission Business. 7 7 The undersigned having leased front La mar A Cos. their Ware-Houses, for a term ofyears, i tenders his services to his friends and the public,; iu the above business. He will be prepared to extend the usual fa cilities to his customers, by making advances on Produce stored with him, or 011 Shipments to his friends in Savannah and Charleston. Connected with the Ware-Houses are safe! and extensive close Storages, for the recep 1 tion of any Goods that may he consigned to \ hint for sale or otherwise. The* situation of these Warehouses, as to Convenience and, safety, are not surpassed by any in the place: ’ siiouid additional security be required, Insu- ■ ranee can be effected at a very low rate.— j The subscriber’s attention will be devoted! exclusively to the above business. He there fore hopes to receive a proportion of public patronage* JAS. C, MORGAN. Macon Jhily 28* 1651.* 1 T'mn > irrcp " t cheaper than ever! J \ li ~'**■' is just opening a very exleu-< sivb andsplenuid assortment of Goods, wlnftU has been selected in the New York market hr himself, trom the latest importations, which art* particularly calculated for this market, and which w ill ho disposed ot Jelly twenty five per cent, cheaper than ever. These goods are of the k- U-st style and most fashionable patterns, and art* ottered to his friends and the pnhiie with confi dence Fully assured, tfiat not only the style but prices will tally mret theirtupprobatioo. Their attention is requested to the same—a few of tnu articles are mentioned, viz: ‘J(M pieces calicoes and prints, mme very rich. I.xtra fine furniture callieoesand common. .>0 pieces fine parish muslins and plntn and striped,figured and striped mandarines saragoses black and purple GrodestViss and hull lnm si Us watered grodenap, black and brown colored do. hernatii gauzes, Orleans robes, paint ed pal marines ami crape deleon, black and color r ? d s “ k ’ cnblctsand princettas, fine french,bom bazines, blond gauze veils (some extra sizes.) Satin straws, scarfs, fancy handkerchiefs am! shawls, very rich, sett cap and belt ribbons row* patterns, thread laces and insertin',’s, also r:dc "igs and footings, checked and striped muslins, jackonet, Swiss and Cambric do. one case grass bleached insh linens assorted, long lawns, linen cambrics and cambric handkerchiefs, super, vest - lags, plaid and plain drillings and fine frencli linens,pongees and pong, handkerchiefs, bandan na and lings, gloves and milts assorted. 50 dozen silk, cotton, rundon hose and half nose assorted. 100 parasols and umbrellas, very neat and rich. 100 pieces mosquito netting. liead bags and purses, shell Mick and side* I combs, camhnc-and furniture dimities and cotton fringes 0, 7,8, 0, 10.11 nnd Isi by dnmaSk ta ble cloths, tank r vers, dimstahle ami straw bon nets, palm leaf lists, black and drab beaver Irata, latest' fashions, traveling caps and truhks. 10 bales sheetings and shirt:ngsj*md plaids. 500 lbs spun cotton, tickings, osnabufog, cot ton cards Ac. “ Also, an extensive assortment of perfumery’, soaps, oils, powder, pow.h r boxes and pulls, (nrasivo balls, cologne, honey and rose Waters, otto of roses, &c. Ac. Also,. .1000 pair shoes arid pumps assorted, and 100 pair morocco aiyd calf skin boots, sam i very neat and line. And a very large supply of I saddles, bridles, irtarlingala, saddle and travel ; ung bags, &c. Sic. Ae. i ogether with a general assortment of hard ware and cutlery of ail kinds that is wanted in this market; also carpenter’s tools of all kinds. Blacksmith’s tools, cross-cut and mill saws, guns, rides, Ac. j Also a supply of crockery, china and glass ware, j AlsotO doz. superior calf skin, gining and ; binding skins, sole leather, gin band leather, Ac. and a supply of groceries, family medicines, &c. Macon, April gy, j_ u - Si A VANN AH A NEW r VOLK PACKETS rsxtubhxhed line. Tho Ship ine of New \ork %!.,*• having resumed their regular trips. I ive day of sailing from this port, wifi hr* every Monday during the balance of th season,af mr the arrival of the Augusta Steam Packets ; ami on this arrangement, passengers from tlm in terior may rely with certainty. The vessels composing the line are Ship Emperor, J. If. Bennett, Master. ** r lorian, T. .1. Leavitt “ " ‘Siatira, T. Wood “ “ Macon, D. 1,, porter • “ Queen Mab, J. Hailey New Ship 1). Wood “ All first class New York built ships, Imvinw excellent furnished accommodations tor passen < gers, and commanded by men well known,' and ot great experience in the trade. HALL, SHAPTKB fc TCPPEH,./ - Savannah, April 11, 183;.’. j__ \ I‘‘' ■' 1 A.’CJ’IiW.-C. .1. Iftyp'lu? Judin' Hoorn is cortstatly supplied with Dry Hood* Hardware, Hats, Shoes, Jewelry, i **: Ac- winch Will be offered at his night sales i Persons wishing to get gnat Bar w iU do well to call iti Goons sold at this establishment are fresh art f in pprtect order. | POUND a pocket book, confiiinitig a sura of 1 A money, which the ownercan have by describ mg it, paying the f,.r,der, and fur rnent. Apply at the , t’O.SI' OFFICE, Macoiv. 'larch 30, l!?32. j VVANTI'.D immediately, two or 'three Jour , neyinan Jailors, to wh m liberal wanes and constant employment will be .riven, b ' 14 ' ILL. MOTT. L liL persons indebted either by note or ac - V count to M. Felton & (Jo. are requested to ( come forward and settle up by the Ist of May, „ z i their Notes and Accounts will be placed in th.i hands of an officer for collection. M. FELTON’. Macon April 10, 1832. j 0 BRAVO, by COOPER, T* A ROXOBKL, by Mrs. SHERWOOD Just received, and (or sale by KU.IS, SHQTWKLL r|MJi HIRE, a negro Woman, good WanbmT A Ironer and Cook; also a negro fellows Car penter—also a first, rate fellow about a Tavern either by the month or year. * Marcl>2 ?- P 7 W. 15. CONE. B 1 M received by the subscriber, kegs ” prime Goshen Batter, prime Olteese, Irish Potatoes m prune order, picket’d Salmon in small kegs, srnokd Herrings, tigsin small drums, and one barrel ot Plantains-all of which will b., sold low lor cash at my store. n. n. smvAiJE. Ili.iid of L'otcon dvenuc. A P r ‘l 2 . ioi—3t rnvHK Macon Mvcrtiecr'Ofin is fitted up whh J entire now lype, and every- material which enables Printing to bo executed with neatness 'l’he assortment of Job and Fancy Types are ri“ the latest and most approved manuf.wture. p ;llrr ', will be taken to have Printin'! executed m tb-K beat manner, fhe subscriber solicits the ago ot ltti'Rtcndff anJ the public. K t). J-StAJMCp* TY*>. 8.