The Macon advertiser and agricultural and mercantile intelligencer. (Macon, Ga.) 1831-1832, October 27, 1832, Image 4

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liißli SHERIFF SALES. yil.L be sold at the Court-house in the ! 1 ® town of Macon, liibb county, on the first j . aesjay in November next, the following pro :y: 'lne Road waggon, five mules and waggon ness levied on as the property of C. S. Lewis satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior Court of - ihbin favor of the Bank of the United States vs id Lewis. Cue lot ofland. No. in the 4th district ori ginally Houston now Bibb county, levied on as property of Isaiah E Thompson to satisf y a li , . issued from tiie Inferior Court of said county, ■ favor of Rufus K. Evans vs said Thompson. One house and lot No. 8 in the 4th square in . iacon, levied on as the property of George A. .uith to satisfy sundry fi fas, issued from a Jus tices court of said county in favor of Thomas Vic ary Adm’r. ot i’homas A. Billups, deceased and others vs. said .'Smith, levy made and returned to i.ic by a constable. Also—Samuel Moore’s interest in one half acre io? whereon the sai l Moore now lives, levied on and returned to me by a const,ible POSTPONED SALES. At the same time and place will be sold •"> /A acres of Pine land, w ith all the improve* ments thereon, among which is an excel lent saw mill on a never failing stream, and twen ty-five acres of cleared land attached, and several log buildings ; the land is well timbered and lies 3 i-2 miles from town ; also, a half acre lot in the town of Macon, adjoining the Jail, all levied on is the property of Spencer Riley, to satisfy fi fas '.sailed from ihe Superior and Inferior Courts of Bibb county, ia favor of W. Birch. Also, 48 feather beds, bed steads and furniture, 43 inattrasses, 43 small tables, 45 wash-stands, looking glasses, pans aad basins, 4 dozen Wind sor chairs, C dozen common chairs, 1 dozen fan cy chairs, 1 sdl board, 1 sofa, t set mahogany tables, large mantle glass, a lot of dining room and kitchen furniture, a pair of mules, 4 horses, one waggon, one horse, a half acre lot in the town of Macon, No. 8 m the (3th square, 3 lota Nos. 5 and ti in the in the ‘doth square, being building lots, the crop or corn and fodder on 100 acres of land, the farming utensils, li3o head of hogs, io head of cattle, all levied on as the property of 1 Darragh “ Townsend, to s.itit• sundry fi fas is sued from the Superior and Inferior Courts of Binb, in favor of the State Bank of Georgia and others, vs said Purrggh <J Townsend, and Hugh lie ix, Wm 11. Com: and others security. 1 our i’c,.-r es, George a man about 50 years old, Lucy a girt t i. T'liza a _ '1 8 or 10 years old, Joe t- boy, iqu the lot, store-houses and ware-house, (numhr-ti known, lift is the one at present oc cupied ■; Lewis J. Groce, levied on as tin* pro perty f Smith Bonnot, to satisfy exeoutions in five; o'’Oti Johnson & Cos. and others vs. 11. S Bii.nct, Alfred S. Rennet, and others. Four grey horses, one stage, and six pair of Stage harness, levied on as the property of Ed ward Varner, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Inferior Court of li .klwin county, vs. said Var ner ana John Mitchell- security. Bibb sheriff sales. Ulcr go ges. *IT/'im. be sold at the court-house in the town of vv Macon, Bibb county,on the first Tuesday in No ember next, the following property : ONE negro woman named Isabel, aged about 30 years, levied on as the property of Mar tin Simmons, to satisfy a mortgaged fi fa iJsned from the Superior Court of Bibb coutuy, in favor of Luke Ross, assignee of Janies L. Ross. One negro boy H iry four years old, levied on as tha property of Jesse Smith, to satisfy a mort gage fi fa issued fro ‘io Inferior court of Bibb, mfavor of Ralston it Jces. \v. B. CONE, I). ShlT. (5 EA t. COTTON, ofl'ers for sale on accom -3 modating terms, but pieces Hemp Bagging 500 ready made cotton bags (best,quality) 100 bb!s. Baltimo.e. N. Orleans and Georgia Whiskey 10 lihds. northern Ram (colored) 10 casks .Marseilles Madeira Wine 90 boxes manui'.'.ciured Tobacco 35 J.hds- St. Croix aud Poets Rice, Sugars 5 bids. v'opp*-,';i£ 9 bales Blankets 1 box Saddlery 1000 bushels alum Salt Also, 8 small invoice of Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Hie. suitable for a country store, will be sold on a credit of ti months. Oct. 3 1832. 25 Vf O'TICE.- In consequence of little or no de ,i.N mand the subscriber will not run his Hacks regularly to and froin the Indian and Montpelier Springs, before the first of July ; at which time they will run rugularly as before advertised . The fare is now reduced to the Indian Springs to Four Dollars, and a hack will run at all times during the month of June, by application to L. L. Erwin’s Hotel for the Indian, and Charles Williamson’s, for the Montpelier Springs. J. BENNETT Macon, June J3. 9 Niotict* tit**. rSXO the holderspi UA’3 KINSVILLF. AANK NOTES.—AII persons who are doubtful, are requested to send any amount they have to the Bank, where United States Notes, or Silver,-is Teady for their redemption, or should they prefer it, an Agent will bo on in ten days, who will take Tip said Notes. JOHN RAWLS, Fresident. Aug. 10,1832. 19-tf Uiii \TJi) V&'IKiJS&X [JKINTEIJ Lists of the Drawing in the con . templaled Gold and Land Lotteries will he TPgu lariy issued from this office. They will ap uear in Numbers so that they may be bound to gether in pamphlet form. Persons desirous of becoming subscribers can forward their names to us, post paid, enclosing the cash and they will be attended to. They should mention the post office to which the num bers should be directed. The whole workwili contain about 100 pages, and cannot be afforded at less than $5 to subscri bsrs, paid in advance. POLIIILL & CUTHDF.RT, Tits Public, AIMS cautioned against trading for two notes . of fblftjOO each, payable to Thomas Price, and signed by itaiskmfc Jones, as the considera tion lias failed lor which they were given. DAVID RALSTON. Macon Oct. 9, 1835?. 2G-3t IOY('F. 4frHl?NU\' having this day taken K. 1) VV. WALTER into copartnership, the bu stiifihf- in future will he conducted under the firm ei'-ftoyw, llmry ii Walter. HER BOYCE. (iEO. JlENlt Y. E. IV'. WILIER. Charleston, Ort. 1,1832. 27- Mt, 1J are authorised to announce George Vj *, al, a candidate ior Tax Collector of Bibb SyCtf*: * 5?Ki .. LAND FOR SALE. undersigned tiers fur sale the following | *• lots, to wit, lot No. 135 in the Gth district of j Lee, Lot No. 187 in the Ist district of Coweta,! Lot No. 205 in the Gth district of Muscogee. One I four acre Lot adjoining the Town Commons of j Macon, second Lot from Houston road. The a-, bove property w ill he sold on reasonable terms. TUGS. HOWARD. Bibb co. October 3, 1832. 25-3 t I AW...The subscribers have united their pro- 1 A fessional interest. Dire of them will be found ! at all times at the office recently occupied by , Campbell & Seymour. ROBERT A. BEALL. | ISAAC G. SEYMOUR. “ _ ‘ - Tactorage. a*tti (oinniisttitm BUHMJVEkto. f JXHE undersigned intending to remove to Sav- I annali, early in the month of October, offers his services to his friends and the public, in the j transaction of a general Factorage and Commis sion business. He will make cash advances, or acceptances on actual shipments of Cotton. In addition to which, he will continue the car rying trade between Savannah and Charleston, forwhich, he is now finishing a large nevr Steam Boat, the FREE 'TRADE, of light draft of wa ter, built of the best materials, coppered end cop per fastened, with two twenty-six horse Engines, and at the proper saason, will run one or two Steam Boats, with Tow boats, weil manned, be tween Savannah and Macon. He has large Fire-Proof sheds, for the storage of Good 3 and Produce, directly on the Wharf, to save the expense cf dray age. All articles intended for shipment by any of his boats, whether to Macon or Augusta will be stored gratis. G. B. LAMAR. Sept. 21. 1832. 25-6 t t<AUT!ON. —ALL persons are forwarned from J trading for a promissory note, given by me to J. A. B.tyn, for ten dollars, dated to the best of my recollection, the 11th June last, and due the 25th Decembor next, as I am determined not to pay said note, unless compelled by law, inas much as the consideration for which it was given has altogether failed. D. B. WORSHAM. Monroe co. Ga. Oct. 2, 1832. 25-3 t Mfott f it. W ANTED immediately a cooper to go in the country, some 20 miles from Macon, in a healthy situation,where steady employment, w ill he given for ix months or longer, eitlier piece work or by the mouth —a man without a family would be preferable—the principal work Will be making Lime Casks. I will here however remark that should any Cooper with or without a family wish to rent land and employ a part of his time in Coopering, and the balance in planting, I could make it per haps both to the interest of the undertaker, and the subscriber. J. BENNETT. P. S. Address to me at Macon. N. B. None that love whiskey and hatt-9 snakes need apply, for Whiskey I have none and snakes aplenty, and no time to kill them. Aog. 27. 20- tf. J. RKNNETT Farmer’ Bank of Chattahoochie, > Columbus , 29th August, 1832. 5 lIESOLVEI), That an additional instalment it. of twenty per cent be required to be paid on the Stock of this Bank, on or before the first Monday in November next. By order of the Board of Directors, EDWARD CARY, Cashier, i s!<) Iteward 'VYII'-' 1 be given for the apprehension of a nc * gro man named JOE Joe is about 2^ years old, roguish looking, having had his left eye injured... .his back is well marked a good evidence of his character. Joe having runaway for nothing, I offer the above reward for him, DEAD OR ALIVE. r. McLaughlin. Macon,Sept. 11,1833. 22 — 3 t PM’ 1 . KENT, and possession given on the Ist a October next, the large and commodious Store and IVare-housc, nowin the occupancy of George W00d... Also the Store, now in the occu pancy of James M. Hill, in the same building, both in good order and situated on Cherry Street near the corner of Cherry aud Second Streets.— Apply to C. IL COLE, or M. CHISOLM. August 10. 20... "VT OTlCE.—Debtors to the estats of John Bird i-N song late of Oglethorpe county, dec. are re. quested to make payment; those having demands against said estate, are hereby notified, to present them iu terms of the law. ROBERT BIRDSONG,., , GEO. W. BIRDSONG, 5 l x rs ’ Aug. 20, 1832. 19-tf A DMINISTRATOK’S SALE.—On the first im. Tuesday in December next, will be sold at tho Court-house in the town of Macon, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. all the LAND belonging to the estate of Thomas Lundy, dec’d, being 13 squares, among which are 800 acres cleared and fenced—Orchards. Mouses, Ac. also, a good Orist Mill. Particular information can be had on application to THOMAS LOW, Adm’r. Terms known on the day of sale. Sept. 25, 1832. 21-tds 4 DM IMSTKATOR’S NOTICE —All pA sons having demands against the estate of Mortimer R. Wallis, deceased, will hand them in to W. Poe, lawfully authenticated, for payment and those indebted to the said estate will make immediate payment, otherwise suits will he in stituted. SARAH ANN WALLIS, Adm’x. Sept. 24, 1832. 4 DVIINISTKATOIi’S SALE.—On the first ivLTuesday, (the 6th day of Nov. next,) the pe rishablc property, belonging to the estate of M. R. Wallis, dec. will be si Id at the late residence '4 the deceased —consisting of Household and kitchen Furniture, Horses, Mules, Waggons, and Plantation Utensils, Corn and Fodder, Ac. The llrickDwelling House will on that day be rented. SARAH ANN WALLIS, Adm’x. Sepjt. 21, 1832. 24-40d E* UR months after date application will be I edo to the Hon. the Inferior Court of Ribb Coun'y, when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell one-third of Lot, No. 151, 7th district of Henry county, being the interest which James M. Danelly, a minor, has in said lot of land, and sold for his bedefit. \\ M. E. ROREN, Guardian. July 31, 1832. 16—4 m IjjOUR MONTHS after date, application will bo made to the Inferior Court of Jones county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell 50 acres of land, being part of lot No. 9, In the 9th district of said county, for the benefit of the heirs of James F, agin, dec.’d. MARY FEACIN, Adm’r. July 3, 18Ss. 1-Mm | aa&saxr ,&mtaMgaaaa. PROPOSALS Forpuhlishing .n the Town of Miltedgeville, Ga. C During the ensuing session of the Legislature, J A DAILY NEWSPAPER, TO BE CALLED Tbc Jourual Of the proceedings of the Legislature of Geo AND Mdifory of the Times, of Macon lito. u Lrge. toturn , sci vis scir* totum —Read all, if you would know all.” rjrtHE people of Georgia are much in want of a M. me tium of intelligence which will promptly transmit to teem the “Proceedings” of their Le gislature. W e are not only generally, but indi vidually concerned in all acts of legislation, be cause these acts involve personal as w ell as poli tical rights, between which there exists a most in timate connexion. It is the interest then, of ev ery man in tliecommunity to be timely acquaint ed with the action of our representatives upon these rights. This is a desideratum—to supply which the Journal is intended. At the present we labor under much inconvenience for the want of it. For near, and sometimes more than three months after the expiration of the Session, tiie Laws of the State, with a few exceptions, are as a “sealed Book” to the great inass of the people ; and frequently. 6uch are the injurious effects pro duced by this delay, that men have been known, who, in obedience to a preceding have actually violated a subsequent law which had been revers ed or modified—not knowing that a new had been substituted for an old law. In addition to the entire proceedings of the Leg islature, the Journal and History, will contain the general intelligence of the day, and its inte rest will be increased by faithful reports of the transactions of the important Redress Conven tion of Georgia, which contemplates sitting in Milledgeville, the ensuing session. The Debates in the Convention, as well as those in the Legis lature, will be regularly and correctly reported; for which purpose arrangements are making with a capable and experienced Stenographer. The Journal and History of the 'Times, will he published daily, and the Legislative and Con ventional Proceedings ofeqch day laid in exteuso before the public on the subsequent morning, and immediately transmitted to any part of the .State to which the paper may he ordered. The large and interesting mass of information which this Publication will c a.tain, and the great expense which must be incurred to carry it into operation will require a liberal patronage, and such a patronage the editor flutters himself w ill be i xtended to him. It is unnecessary to enlarge on the convenience and important utility of such a publication to members of the Legislature, in enabling them to ascertain immediately the precise state of any measure in which they aro interested and to keep their constituents a.I vised of the progress of pub lic business, without the abstraction of time and attention from their special duties, expended in letter writing. — li,e Journal and History of the ’rimes will be published ihtily with anew type, by ma chinery, to be expressly procured for the purpose and on good paper, and will bo put to subscribers at the price of Five Dollars per session, payable on the reception of the first number. CC.jf' Those to whom subscription lists will be sent are respectfully isked to lend their exertions and influence to the undertaking, and to make a return ot any subscribers which may be obtained, by the 10/A day of October. They are particular ly requested to do so, that the Editor may be en abled to make the proper arrangements, and to furnish promptly the first numbers to each sub scriber. .Tf. i) ,i. Will continue to publish the Macon Adverti ser, as heretofore ; and assures his patrons and the public that so far from the interference or con flict of the above publication w ith theinterestami management of the Advertiser, that he designs and believes that the former will greatly improve the latter. The Advertiser shall lack for none ef that attention, which the editor flatters himself i has entitled it to the kind and cheering patronage w hich has been so liberally extended to it. The Advertiser will continue to be published j weekly in the summer and tri-weekly in the win-; ter, at the price of Five Dollars per annum, pay- j able in advance. August 27, 1832. | Lend, and Gold Region Lists of the Drawing. 1 In addition to the Legislative and Conventional l Proceedings, the JQUKN A L will contain Official i luporta of the Drawing of the Land and Gold Lot- \ tery Legions, which will commence, it is presumed about the. commencement of the sitting if the Legisla- j tare. Should the Lottery however have commented its drawing previous to that period, such days as may have dr awn,will also be published, so that individu -i als interested will have entire Lists from beginning to end. UJ' The fraternity are respectfully asked to publish the above, which, as heretofore, will he | reciprocated; and to each paper a copy of the Jour nal will be regularly and gratuitously scut. Gold and t.tiini 'it'ait OF THE COUNTY OF CHEROKEE. I HAVE now in the hands of the Engraver, which will be completed by the first of Nov ember next, a general and accurate Map of Che rokee country, drawn from the returns of the Dis trict Surveyors. Owing to the great number of Lots, into which the country has been divided, particularly the Gold Region, and the large di mension of the sheet it will require, to have all those numbers distinctly and accurutely laid down, l have thought it advisable to form the Map intoseperate and detached .Sections, which 1 designed as Gold Map and Land Map. Ail the Land Districts in the Territory are laid down on one sheet, and constitute a distinct and separate Map by themselves. ’The districts reserved and surveyed as Gold Districts, are divided into three sheets of Maps. Districts No t, 2, 3,4, 5, 11,12,13. 14, and 15, of the First Section, from the first Map. Districts No. 1,2, 3, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22 of the Second Section, form the se cond Map. Districts No 1.2, 3, 4,17, 19, 19, 20. 21, and 22, of the Third Section, and Districts, No. 12, 3,16, and 17 of the Fourth section form the Third Map. On these maps will be found each Dis trict in the Territory, with every square Lot of Land and Fraction distinctly laid down and num bered—ail Mountains, Rivers, Creeks, ltranclics, Ferries Ac are correctly and faithfully delineated. The Map will lie handsomely engraved, print ed on strong silk paper, colored and put up in mo rocco cases at the following prices, via: Land Map, $5 00 Gold Maps $3 50 each or for three $lO 00 For Gold and Land Maps, compris ing the whole Territory. sls 00 Persons desirous of obtaining this valuable Map w ill do well to inform the publisher soon, as but a limited numbercan be obtained during the drawing of the Lottery. Ail communications addressed to the subscri ber in Milledgevil! Ga. (postage paid of course) will meet with prompt attention, ORANGE GREEN. Milledgeville Aug. 23, 1832. NOTICE. PjAHE public are notified not to trade for a note i wlieh I gave to S. J. Pitman or hearer, for twenty dollars, payable on demand, and dated on the 22d August 1832, as the consideration for which it was given has failed, and I am deter mined tkerefore not to pay it. THOMAS NORRIS. August 23 20-3tp \ SERIOUS DEQUE ST. rpAKEN from the Office of the subscriber on A tin night of the 3rd inst. about Four hundred and Fifty dollars in change bills of the late firm of Hillock & Wells ; which bills are all in judgments, and will not benefit the tedder, any thing, and consequently the holder w ill do well to return them. HENRY B. MILL. Macon, Sept. 4. 1832. 21-tf GEORGIA —Burke county. Marmadnke J. Slade, applies v v for letters of Dismi.--.aion on the estate of Eli Emanuel, dec’d. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the heirs and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office within time prescribed by law. to file their objections, (if any they have) to shew cause why said let ters of dismissory should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Waynesboro,’ this'dCth day of Feb. 1832. T. G. BADULY, Clk. March 2, 1832. 90-f.m ” THE THOROUGH BRFD HOUSE “ HAS arrived at his --table in Washington, 33 tikes county, Gee. —aad will commence the fall season, on the first day of September en suing, at Fifteen Dollars the single service, to be paid at hand—Twenty Dollars tiie season, to be pail at ar.y time within the season—and Thirty Dollars for insurance, to be paid as soon as the mare may he ascertained to he in foal, or trans ferred from the possession f the person ■who en gages her; 50 cents to the groom, in hand, for ev ery mare. The Fall season will expire oil the first of November. The next Spring season will comnetice on the first of March, at hts present stand. Any gentleman becoming responsible for the season of live mares may have the season of a six h gratis. Good pasturage will be provided gratis, for mares sent from a distance; they will be fel with grain at 25 cents per day. K very care will lie taken to prevent accidents or escapes— but the proprietors of the horse will not be res ponsible for any that occur. It is our expecta tion to make the present stand of Quidnunc a permanent one— anJ every effort will be made to do justice to those who may encourage his servi ces. QUIDNUNO is a rich blooded oay, with black legs, inane and tail, fifteen hands three in ches high, six years old, next spring, of fine ac tion, bone and hair. QUIDNUNC has been purchased at Balti more,on high recommendation, with a view to improve the stock of Southern horses. Hts high origin justifies the expectation that this object may be accomplished. He was gotten by the full-blooded imported Arabian Bagdad (who was sold in New York for ♦►<.ooo.) out of the famous thorough-bred mure Rosa Carey, by Sir Archy— Rosa's dam was Sally Jones, by the imported Wrangler—he by Diomed, sire of Sir Archey — having two direct crosses of the Archy blood with thorough Arabian blood. His pedigree is not only first rate, but authentic- -See American Turf Register, Nov. 1831, page 152 : It is presumed that Quidnunc has the essential jiroperties of a racer for he uas entered for tht “American Stal lion sweep stakes,” against ail stallions in that State, and no entr y was made against him, (See American Turf Register, Dec. 1831, page 105,1 and he was sold out of training, by P Wallis, Ksq. to the present proprietors. (American Turf Register July 1832-p. 572.) D. P. HILLHOUSE, R. A. TOOMBS. Washington Aug. 21. 21—2 t PROPOSALS For Publishing at Macon, Ga. an Agricultu ral Newspaper, to be entitled tears 'g HE Southern blunter w ill he devoted exclu- JL sively to the Agricultural interests of the country; including Horticulture, managements' Stock, rn iking of Wine Siik, Gardening, Do mestic Economy, useful Arts, Household Ex penses, Health, Fruit Trees, tic. Ac. <fcc. It will bo issued (at first.) every other week — on a medium sheet, and qurto form —on good pa per an 1 new type, procured expressly for the purpose- To be improved and enlarged as the extent of patronage sh ,11 warrant. The form will be convenient forlinding; and each volume will be accompanied with a copious Index 1 Political and sectarian subjects will be ex cluded . It is the design of the publisher to make the work interesting to all classes of the community ; particularly to those in any wise connected with farming, gardening, mechanics, Ac. Communications arc solicited. Agricultural Societies, and friends of the planting interest generally, are requested to aid us in our under taking. Essays on law, medical and scientific sub jects, will be received- Fremiums will be given fjr the best written essays on particular subjects- Any well written communication on any subject connected with the objects of this publication, will entitle the author to a year’s subscription. The publisher will be assisted in the Editqrial department several liteary gentlemen. Terms. —Two dollars per annum, in advance, or $2 s(i at the end of the year. To subscribers to the Macon Telegraph the price will be one dollar and a half, in advance, or two dollars at the at the end of the year. The paper will be com meneed as soon as sufficient encouragement of fers. Editors throughout the Southern States are re spectfully requested to give the above a few in sertions. M. BARTLETT. Macon, July 25. 20 rrniE MACON ADVERTISER, and Aon A CULTURAL AND MERCANTILE INTELLIGENCEK, BY M. I>. J. SLADE, Published semi-ut ddy at Five Dullurper annum, payable in advance. The Advertiser embraces the following de partments : 1. Local and General Politics; and here its in scription is, “ Andrew Jackson—and\ the Rights of the States, and the Sovereignty of the States .” 2. Agricultural Pursuits—so f ar as they relate to Southern culture. In this department, all the facilities which our best periodicals afford, will be used. 3. Central Intelligence, Morals, and Polite Lite raturc in all of which, a strict regard is paid to correctness and taste. r 4. Commercial Xoticcs —including the state ol our market, and of such others, ns may he inter esling t.'i our Planters and Merchants. ICi’ Post-Masters throughout the State art so licited to act as Agents fertile Advertise, fki which an adequate commission (10 per cent. At i\. be allowed for every subscription they pro,, re moonipanied by the cash. 1 Or - TIIF MONTHLY JOUR L OF POLITICAL ErOAOIfIY. 'THAT a taste fertile study of Political F.cono *- my, as a science, is graduUly extending in the United States, in every where exhibited, by the attention devoted to that branch of it which relates to commercial restrictions, fry the number ■f Literary Institutions in which Professorships have been established for its promulgation, and by the fact, that, within a few years, no less than lour edition* ot Fay’s treatise on Political Econo my have been published in this country, and sold. To cherish, and to administer to, this taste, ought to be considered as an object well worthy of the regard fall those who desire to see the Legislation of the country, whether in the Halls of Congress, or in those of our State Gov ernments, conducted with wisdom and skll: for nothing is more clear than that Legislation is a complicated is a complicated science, requiring study and reflection, and not a mere gift of intui tion. H Nor is Political Economy limited to a simple question of a Tariff of Duties, as many persons have hastily supposed. It ranges the wide field of investigation which relates t > Population, to Internal Improvements, to Currency, to Coinage, to Banking, to Exchange, to Exchange, to Fi nances to the Administration of the Poor-Laws, and to many other public concurs—especially those which are connected with Agriculture, Commerce, and Manufactures—and touches so closely upon all the pursuits of life, not even ex cepting the humble but important one of domestic economy, that it may be justly entitled the science which teach the rules to make families, as well as communities, prosperous and happy. Unfortun ately, in the United States, circumstances have, of late years, occurred, to create a prejudice against this science; and, consequently, to pre vent that general attention to its study which its importance merits. Such prejudice, however, must, ooner or later, lie dispelled—and the day is probably, not very distant, when Political Economy will become a branch of popular educa tion ; being, as it is, eminently adapted to pro mote the vvelfar of the human race. It can hardly be doubted, that, to the existence of this prejudice is due, in a great degree, tiie very limited number of European works on Po litical Economy, w hich have been reput li med in this country. The English press has produced, and >s constantly producing, works, in pamphlet form, or in small volutin s, upon the various brancoes of the science, which do not reach more than a dozen or twenty individuals, perhaps, in tne United States, who have standing orders aproad for their trasniissien. Many f these works are of a high order, and contain matter as useful te an American reader os to an English one; but no publisher offers to put them t<T the press, because a sulfieisni number of subscribes cannot readily be found to warrant the expenses nf publication. It is mainly with the view of laying before the American Public the class of works which we allude, that the publication now offered to the community has been projected ; and in respect- i fully inviting for it the patronage of our fellow- j citizens, we submit to them the following TER M S : 1. The Journal of Political Economy will A j published monthly, and will contain, upon u.i j average, 80 pages octavo, printed upon paper ef the quality and size usually employed fi r the 1 Reviews, making a semi-annual volume et i-di I pages, including an Index. It is said upon or, j average, because, in some oases, the length „fa i publication may occupy more tbanllO pages ; and : rather than divide it into two, a greater number of I pages Will be used ; in w hich case, the follow id'- i publication will contain a less number. 2. It a ill be chiefly devoted to such foreign 1 pamphlets, treatises, lectures, and thei publica tions, upon the various branches of P. titicai Economy, as may he distinguished for their superiority, and to such notices of the larger class 1 of books, as may enabled the American reader i to become acquainted all the important j works which may appear abroad. •1. Ihe subjects ot Banking and Currency, will receive particular attention in the selections; j •and, as an earnest of this promise, the Editor tn- 1 tends to give, in the earliest numbers of tiie Jour nal, the celebrated Report of the Bullion Co*,,.' mittee, made to Parliament in the year Is 10, and I the masterly work of Mr. Huskisson, entitled , “ 'Em Question concerning the Depreciation of our ( urreney, staled and examined,” published iti that same year. 1. Original articles. Lectures, and Reviewsol 1 Vvorks cn Political Economy, woolly scientific, : and exempt trem party politics, cr sectional 1 views, will constitute a portion of its contents, j 5. The first No. will appear on t} )e f lrs t day j of January next. The price wilt oe Five Dollars per annum, payable on receipt of the first tiusn-! bet, annually thereviter m advance ,* and no sub- ; scription will be taken for a less term than one j year. lb The work will be transmitted to subscri hers, not residing in Philadelphia, by mail ; and i au postages are. to be paid by them, except upon t letters eucios . gfvc dollars and upwards. 1 7. All communications are to be addressed,! and all payments are to be made, direct to the subscriber who will b i> responsible for the safe transmission el money by mail, and will forward receipts therelor, free of postage, to the subscri befs - CONDY RAGUKT. GEORGIA —Bibb county. UV HERE AS, Joshua and Win. W. Jordan, V v apply to me for letters of dismission on the estate ot Israel S. Jordan, dee’d. of Bibb county. lliese are therefore cite and admonish nl l and singular, whom it doth or may concern, that they must shew cause if any they have, why sai l let ters shout i not be granted, in term., of the law V* ilness. by hand and seal, at my office, Feb 8, 1832. MARTIN SIMMONS, c. c. o. Feb. 8, 1832. 84-6ni. *jjM) RENT.—A neat and comfortable Dwell ■* ing House. For terms, apply to Sept. 25. 24 DAVII) RALSTON, The President, Directors and Cos. of the Rank of the Uni- j Rule X,si ted States, Assignees, • for vs. o’ Foreclosure, John T. Lamar and Charles j A. Higgins, Mortgagers. J r fIMIE Petition of the President. Directors and * Company of the Bank of the U. States re spectfully sheweth to the Court, that JohnT. Lamar and Louisa . Lamar his wife, and (.’has. A. Higgins and Lucy U. Higgins ids wife, the said .lolin T. and the said Clins. A. being partners using the firm and style of Lamar and Company, heretofore, to-vvit, on the sixth day of July m the year one thousand, eight hundred and thirty one. by Hour certain indenture bearing date the day ami year aforesaid, mortgaged to one Henry G. Lamar tor the indemnity and security of the said Henry C. against his indorsement of three cer tain promts a'ry notes bearing date the day and yearclorescid made by the said Lamar and Coni p..nv y; bit to the order of Cotton and ilarriv son . i the Branch Bank of thu United Stales at Sfavauuah, each of said notes being for two th-u-| i dollars and due re* - c . J-oary.Pebr^y, Ibe after mentioned r, r , ,„ r . „„ / th :. tan, parcels , I Land t ,g, ther , t, Tj and improvements thereon sit,, it, i t ?' ty, being Macon Town lorn upon *T li,b < f erected various Ware Houses known er >5 ai* Houses of Lamar and f nd3 ’“ l 1 u 1 vv! tS ’f ° iri k r ;lt ,hc cornwS': and Wl,a,f streets and described in 1; I'. 1,1 " saiJ town as Let., nui,T,„ °"! , eight in the Third Square-Ahso' 0 „e 0 > ! of Land together with the building ; ments thereon, also lying j n Btl,h „ dun ? ;a Fraeuonal Macon Town Lot known"* 1 ’ 1 enbM, in the original plan of said tow" Lot number one hundred and sixtvT mg such shape and form as are Se t fll and original grant for said Lot-p ( ., iti ” h * stales that the said tiire* premiss T M latter their making and j by the Branch Bank of Petitioner J. I and the proceeds thereof paid to t| lf " v * G. Lamar who in consideration thT' j ( ' 1111:1 in deed bearing date on the rm? k ! . thousand eight hundred and i ed, sold and assigned the said moiL *’ S am rights thence accruing to 111 thence became and now is”the W and 1!°'" : there,.f, ,11 whid, by said mortgage now in Court r. , 1 s| l unto being had. un, reference, Petitioner further states to the Court.i and every tne said notes remains w 2" to Petitioner mid are due for princinT? ?' rest from their maturity until imu] iv' 1 : petitioner pays u,e Court that a RnL , forthwith granted, ordeting tic $ Uj, Mid CtodwA hatit • f If fn. ot this Court for the use oTpe.m J amount of principal and interest of sa I gc her with the costs of this proceed?,,? * if elault of Payment, further or,1?" in the premises according to the urovi t! | statutes tor such cases made and I RAC \ & BUj’LRR ’ , GEORGI A—Bibb (wf^ 1 | Superior Court. August Ter* j 832 Upon a hearing of the annexed nekT j exhibit,oa of proofs ;it is now order? < ourt that tne said John T. Lunw. > p<*y mto the hands of the ru this i ourt tor the use of the President I? and Con.pany of the Bank of the Uiuted Z withni six months hereafter the suit ofsm sand dollars principal, with interest until paid, together with the costs of th,is doc mg otherwise the Equity of ltedeoniiiß in the mortgaged premises mentioned i„ th S uesed petition to he foreverUarredacdUrt J It is further ordered by the Court thatthe [John 1. Lamar and Charles A. Hie,ri as , special agents, or attorneys he personaliyl, with a copy of this ruit and of the annexe,! tion three months before the next tenu of Court—or that said copies be published ,1 mouth tor I oar months in one ef the public j tes printed in ihe town of Macon. A trneex from the minutes this 9th August lsh‘2. HENRY G. Rons, (Jiei The Preside n', Direct or Comma the of the United States, Asagn vs. John T. iMtnhr, Mortgager. „ _ . . IU)I.E NIM. i he Petition ol the President; Directors | Company of the Rank of the Unite.) Stales j pectfuliy sheweth to the Court ! 1h lt John T. Luinar and Louisa C. hum ! Wl *e did by a certain Indenture bearinn da I tue sixth day of July, on& thousand eight an, i tiitrty one, mortgaged to He.try (I | lllar lor the indemnity and security of the | Henry U. Lamar against his the said Hem j Lamar’s endorsement of three certain prerai notes piade by John T. Lamar and (narii Higgins partners using the firm of Damn 4 nearing even date wiili said indenture oft gage, *•?. h tor two thousand dollars payad : ■ -ottoi. A Harrison or order at the Hram-bo ; Hank ( TtLe United States at Savannah,on I said nates hoing due o:i the first day ofJan jone other note due on the first day ‘of ftbi j and the third notedueon the first day of S j next aftui their dates, the after menticiiol p : ises situate in Dihb county, to-wit; these i certain p. reels of land, together wrth tin t ; ings and improvements thereon, coftsistmgi ■ whole of Macon Town Lot, number three, i l eighteenth square fronting m Mulberry S ri ! serving and excepting therefrom twenty leti !or less fronting also on Miiiborry street, i ' n g in rear two hundred and ten feet amii ! " hich resei ved and excepted part is now si j the tenement in the occupation of i"iten & : din, and ot one third part of Macon Ton J Number four, m the s unt square eiiia thij : frcitingon Mulberry street, hounded.,!. H 1 i,y another moiety of said lot, numbril ; <J V. md oy James (, and ori the uti.t j by iot number ’Three, aforesaid and extend j rear two hundred and ten feet. I The Petitioner further shews to the Cert i.ic said three promissory notes weie atK A. king thereof discounted .y .h? JA.rcii pifpetitioner a* Sava.a ah and tire proevedsj 1 of pain to Henry (J. Laiiiui wiioil | siderattoii thereof by hi.s certain deed date on the 6th July one'thousand oi*su'hi and thiity-one, bargained, sold nid • ssjjt* before mentioned mortgage with all his I thence turning to petitioner who thus * and nowjl t lie I'cgai bona fide assignee <* all which more fully appears hv tiie saidi gage and assignment now in icftreW ing had thereunto. Petitioner further f® the Court that eacii and every, the said promissory notes remain wholly unpaid’.o) oner and are duo fur principal and interest their maturity until paid. V* lioretore petitioners prays the Court 1 rule be forthwith granted, ordt .ii.gthe said 1. Lamar to pay to the Clerk of this Court, in six months hereafter tiie amount of pw and interest <. t said notes, togotlif r with d** of these proceedings, and that in default o! payment, further order may he had on the ises according to tiie provisions of the statu such case made and provided. TRACY A BUTLER, Solicitors for FelMt G E OldGlA— Bibb County - Bi.rhuh n Court A uoust Term Upon a hearing of the annexed petiti°R| exiuhilii.ii of proofs i t i 3 now ordered by IW that John T. Lamar pay into the hands t Clerk of this Court for the use of the ! Directors aid Company of the Rank of tw I ted • s taies w ithin six months hereafter the l six thousand dollars principal witli ll |e 111 due thereon until paid together with the*® this proceeding, otherwise the Equity ol JW tion m tin; mortgaged premiums mention*® 'annexed pt lition to be forever barred anu clesed. It is further ordered by the Court that ! ,<> Jolm T. Lamar his.special agent <>r personally served with a copy of this ni‘ e ( “ annexed petitioner thice months be loro l ", term of this Court, oi that said copa* id once a month fur hui months in one id 1:1 ih; Gaacttes prime, in tlm town ot A true extract from :l.e minutes, I,l '' 1832. HENRY G. RUb.'.