Newspaper Page Text
® dSunKgia IBbsMg %%l%Qcapif a«3bt 3f«tm?ul & lifesxitttgjex:.
Washington Correspondence.
Washington City,
April Htb, 1680.
reply to tlic lata attack upon him by tbe
Hon. A. II. Stephens of the Eighth Geor
gia district, has reached here and gives
great satisfaction to his hosts of friends, by
whom it is regarded as a complete vindi
cation of himself lrom Mr. Stephens’
charges. It is also considered as fixing,
without the possibility of escape, the onus
of McWhorter's appointment as census su
pervisor instead of Dr. Casey upon Mr.
Stephens. Well may Dr. Casey exclaim
after reading General Gordon’s proofs on
this point: “Save me from such friends as
Mr. Stephens.” I suppose, however, Mr.
Stephens in this matter only acted on the
theory of many politicians that it is wiser
to placate your enemy than to take care
of your friend. This is a great mistake
which I never would have suspected such
an experienced politician as Mr. Stephens
notably is, of making, hut perhaps he is
losing with advancing years and physical
suffering some of that singular acuteness
in such matters which formerly distin
guished him. How he can make fair
weather with Dr. Gasey after that gentle
man has read General Gordon’s letter,
rather puzzles me..
Has, it is extremely gratifying to
know, been virtually knocked
in the head by the Democrats
in the Senate. With the exception of Mr.
Hill and one or two others, the brains,
wisdom, and conservatism of the Demo
cratic majority in that body, has pro
nounced most emphatically against the
move to unseat Kellogg, now, and thus
give the Radicals another weapon to use
against us in the next campaign. What
sense is there in doing even the right thing
at the wrong time? In short, why com
mit a political blunder when it can ix; $e
easily avoided? It will not hurt us to
Jet Kellogg call himself Senator and draw
Spofford’s pay until after the Presidential
election. When that event is over, then
we can relegate him to the shades of pri- !
vate life. Kellogg is as venomous as a moc
casin, and will worry Mr. Hill by every
possible means in retaliation for the lat-
ter’sslaud against him. In my judgment
he (Kellogg) could fully explain the true
inwardness of the Jessie Raymond busi
ness if so minded. If there is anything in
physiognomy, “Brindlc Rill” is fully capa
ble of any cognate villainy, so Mr. Hill
had better keep the sharpest sortof a look
out on his movements.
In the Democratic caucus, it is under
stood that Messrs. Thurman, Bayard, La
mar, Gordon and Garland, Wallace and
Randolph were the most prominent oppo
nents to the policy advocated by Mr. Hill
and a majority of the committee on priv
ileges and elections. Messrs. Bayard
Thurman and Lamar spoke with unusual
earaestness, declaring that the question
was, instead of being as Mr. Hill cliarac-
ized it, a very narrow one, one of the
broadest and most important ever presen
ted to the Senate.
of the post-ofiice ‘department has been at
work recently, and a -Georgia head has
rolled in the 1 sket. Mr. Howard Wil
liams, former’) of Columbus, but more
recently oT Atlanta, is the victim this
time. He held, 1 think.a $1,000 place, and
at the same lime, was a correspondent of
the Atlanta Constitution. As represented
to me, his dismissal was the result of a se
ries of attacks in that paper upon the
Hon. Emory Speer,who,regarding them as
entirely unjustifiable and uncalled for, re
sented them by demanding and securing
Mr. Williams’ dismissal. Such is the for
tune of war. I presume the vacancy will
be filled from Georgia, and that a draft
will not be necessary. Should, however,
that be the case, I will give your readers
the benefit of early telegraphic informa
tion to that effect.
speech in the House yesterday, on the ar
my bill, fluttered the Radicals badly. I
do not have any special admiration for the
Ewing family, and especially this particu
lar one, but he did make an admirable
speech—one worth hearing, worth read
ing, and worth preserving. It was strong,
earnest, logical, and full of the lire that
always shines through true oratory. It
put old Couger into such a rage that it
was worth about a dollar a minute to
study his face, and inspired the rotund
Robeson with such a lively desire to put
in his oar, that I thought he would have
apoplexy. It was very much like what
happens at the menagerie when the band
begins to play. 1 he elephants commence
to walk around, aud the smaller fry of an
imals to jump, ami screech, and cut up all
soils of shines. Ewing, however, refused
to ease their agony by yielding the floor,
and went right on. When lie finished there
was great applause on the Democratic
side, and several howls of “Mr. Speaker 1”
from the Radicals, but the latter shnt
right down on them—they had held the
floor for two drys on the bill—and it was
pretty soon pushed through by a nearly
strict party vote. I say nearly, because I
lind that Mr. Nicliolls, of our State, soli
tary and alone of all the Democrats pres
ent, voted with the Radicals against the
bill as amended. Why, I do not know,
l’ossibly the amendment forbidding the
use of troops at the polls was not put
strongly enough for him.
are still riding the loftiest horse they can
mount.- Some of them show §igns of
weakening on account of bad news from
Illinois, but the managers say just wait
and hear from John Logan’s strongholds
in the middle and southern portions of the
State, and it will show who is mas
ter in that State.' I have not lost
the least particle of my faith in
Grant’s luck, but sometimes I run
against one of your boomingest of Blaine
boomers, and get a little set back. Lord!
how those-cliaps do blow! They beat all
my past experiences in that line. One
reason, I suppose is, that they all pretty
nearly worship Blaine personally. He is
one of the most magnetic men living, and
his friends not only are devoted to, hut
really lotc him. I don’t wonder at it- A
man with his hearty, hail-fellow-well-met
manners, who never forgets a face or a
name, shakes hands, slaps you on the
shoulder,*or calls you by. you Christian
name in ten minntes : aftcr he knows you,
and really means if, Is bound to have a big
following. '
He can’t beat Grant, and he won’t get
away with the blue' ribbon at Chicago;
but all the same, he deserves everything
fe‘ I A.W.R.
To prolett the public against imitators we specially caution all purchasers ot
To tee thst the word OAPCI NS on the label is spelled correctly.
To not allow setns oth r Flatter to be palmed off unde' a similar sounding nemo, with the assur
aceo that it is as good—bear in mind that the only cbjict such dealers can bare, it tbe (act that
thev cm make a few per.n'es eztra pibSt by. aelling the spurious,
janl-tus thr «a:*daw top col n r m
X SURE Ct'ItZ ."or-nil the disease* for which it is recommended, £jid always perfectly soft
" In tbe mm’a even the most inexperienced persons.
It Ttamnkhd'd by Physicians, Ministers. Missionaries, Manana* (>f Factories, Work-Shops, and
Plantations, Xurscs in Hospitals—in short by crertHtOflj crmprhrrc who lias ever given it a trial:
IT HAS STOOD THE TEroT ab xnnrv vcsns> TBI&I ' 1
household, ready for immediate us<
IKcLTitolious, ATktki
. should have a plate in every factory, machine-shop,
and mill, on every farm and plantar cn, and in every
. ready for immediate use not only for accidci ' ' to *~
case of sndden sickness of.anr kind.*
ents, cuts, bruises, sores, eta, but In
13 A I fly Sf IS 9 I? E5 is Jhe well-tried and trusted friend .of all who want
* trA a II le, BlaEa LL-o wZ a sure and mi ft medicine which esh be freely -used
Internally or externally without K— *' am ...
Jl fear of harm and with certainty, of relief.
Its price brings it within the reach of all; and it. will annually save many times its cost
in doctors’bills. For sale-by all druggists ot 23c. 50c. and $1.00 per bottle.
PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I.
mrrlBdittdfifO-t-afiat ecvr nun . .
his party has to give.
Given up by tbe Doctors.
“Is it possible that Mr. Godfrey is up
and at work, and cured by so simple a
remedy ?”
“I assure yon it is true that he is en
tirely cured, and with nothing but Hop
Bitters; and only ten days ago his doctors
gave him up and said he must die!”
“Well-a-day! That is remarkable! I
will go tliis day and get some for my poor
George—I know hops are good.”—Salem
Pott. apI4-2w
Injustice to Grant.—The Utica
Ilcrald exposes this attempt to degrade
Grant in tjie house of his friends:
“I am for Grant for King, or for that
matter, I am for his son Fred to follow
him, so long as there is any danger of the
Democracy ruling.” These are the words
of O. M. Wilson, an Indiana advocate of
a third term now In Washington.
This attempt to reduce Grant to the
level of a mere King, will excite the in
dignation of his friends. . An Emperor,- or
nothing! The whole movement looks to
imperialism—something grand, stupen
dous. None of-yonr one-horse -Kings, if
you please. l •*«
itff «a*l parn.Anrwnf
!c of treatment^ vtiifc
_ _ THE
Garmore’s Artificial Ear Drums
•■•Id perform the work of iR* Ratanl Bran.
Always m po-sitioB, but Invisible to others
« onr.* and «-\en whispers heard <JiMinci 4 v
refer to thoMiaclBffthom. "
refer to thoM ntlBff th«m. 8*-nd for descriptive cirrulni,
The Bitters invariably remedy yellowness
of the complexion and whites or tbe eyes,
pains in the right side end nndr-r the right
shoulder bfede, furred tongue, high col ore
urine, n.-nsea. vertigo, dyspepsia, eonatipa
tion, beaviuea. of tbe bead, menial despon
dency. and every other manifestation or ee*
oompaniment of a disordered condition of
tbe liver Tbe siomacb, bowels and kidneys
.'so f xperiecce their regulating and tonic in
For sale by all Druggists and Dealers gen
erally. mar2 lm
Bibb County Sheriff* Sales
W ILL be told.before the court houre door In
thncitj of Mac n. tiering tbe legal hoar, oi
FOR $200.
Our No. 1 Plantation Saw Mill is defined tn
-e run bj 3,10 or 13 hor>e power Agricultural
Engines. With this power lrom
1-500 to 4,000 Feet
of lumber can be cut in a day. A product £5 to
SO per c-nt. greater than can be cut with any re*
ciprccating saw mi l with the same power. The
nulls are complete except saw, and trill be put on
tbe ctri-in Cincinnati for the low price of J2C0.
and warranted in every particular haw Mills of
nil sizes. Engines. Boilers. Shafci' g, Gearing, etc.
Illustrated circulars sent free.
John & Water Sts., Cincinnati, 0.
aprl diawSm&weowlst
Gray’s Specific Medicine.
Brglish rem
rdy. An un
failing ire for
beminal eak-
near. Spermat
orrhea. fmpo-
tincy, and ail
diseases that,
_ „ , fd i* *e ^
%Fore Takingquenee of srifAfter Taking
abuse; as a less of memory, universal lassitude,
pain in the back. dimn,js of vision, premature
old age. a> d many othi.- diseases that lead .o in
sanity and consumption and a premature grave.
Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we do-
sire to semi tree by mail to t very one. T he Spe
cific Medicine is sold by all druggists at St per
package, or six paesaget forts will be sent free
by mail on receipt efthe money by addressing
the GR\Y KEDIOINK CO. No -3 Mechanics
Blocs. Detroit. Mich, told in Macon and every
whereby all drnggi.ts. octlidswly.
For sals by HUNT, E ANKIN A LAMAR.
octlfl-cUwlY Macon. Ga
P. Fort, eiecutor of the estate' of George
W. Fort, has made appliration for leave to sell
all tbe wild ai d uncultivated lands be ong-ng to
said eatate at private sale. . . „
These are therefore to cite ntd admonish all
persona concerned to be and appear at the Conit
of Ordinary of laid connly on I he first M onday in
Slav next, to show came, if ary they have. Why
said application should not te graded.
Witness my official signature.
J. A. MCMANUS.Ordinary.
April S.H80. apj* ltawlw*
BORGIA. Bibb County.—Whereas R. 8.
Wynn has made application for the setting
apart a homestead of personal tj andthevalua-
- - 8aidr m— J
t ion ot the same. Said application will bobeard
on’Thartday the sixth day qf May. If 80, at ten
o’clock, a. ml
Witress my hand and official signature, April
aprlStd* J. A. McMASUS, Ordinary.
Aa manufactured by Andrew Erkenbrecheq
at Cincinnati, Ohio, is the Queen of table
edibles and tlse moat delicious of Main
preparations extant; *
It is incomparably pure, healthful and
economical, and a blessing alike to tbe
sick and well, for children and adults.
It enters Into the most recherche
pastry, ices, and dessert dishes, enbras.
ing blano-mange, ice cream, paddings^
custards, pies, etcl, lending a peculiar
lellcacy and nutritious quality, and It
. - -e a necessity and a luxury In every
don..*> storehouse. No edible hi Arch
stands so high the world over,
gold try Grocers every.where.
GOVERNORS, A«. Sand for Price-list.
W. H. DILLINGHAM & CO., 143 Main
. 9 ~
•ale onthef!-st Tuetcay in May mic, the fol
lowing pr ptfrty, 1 o- wit:
That t-arc-l of land ii:uat;d in Bibb county,in
tbe third district origiua ly Houston now Bibb.
ruui ty, being the east half of lot No 241, and
ai-o a part if lot No. S l.e-iet
on as the proper** of I’avjd Clay to satisfy a fl.
f*.i*.|ied iro-n Bibb Superior Court in f»v rof
Jusbua R r-cliofleld v., David C*aj. Property
pointed out by p uiutifl’s attorney. #
Also at the sums imo and place, lot No. fa d
part cf lot No. 4 in block IS, situated in the city
•fMscnu, on Mulberry ant tix'h streets, in
Bibb county, la Tied on as the i rop'rty of the
estate of barles A. Bill to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
from B-fcb fcupirior Court iafavrrof Urditary
of Bibocoumy.ureof the chit ren ofRobescO.
Usher, d, reared, ys. Joseph M. Foard man and
Susan M. K’ls executrix, etc. Property pointed
out by plaintiff’s atUrpcy. #
A'so at tbo same time and placs, lot No. 6. in
square No. 70. in the city cf Mscon, Bib'i county,
aith improv meats thereon, also tritnguWr
piece of land on Mrahicgton Avenue fronting
said tot; also atrip ol land i n Spring tt*. et. forty
fee: wide, enclo td b> p.mission of Ui'y Coun
cil of M coil Levied pn as tie property of B. V.
ver.-on trustee, to satisfy a mortgage fl. ta. is
sued from Bibb Super;or (’on t in faver of James
B. r.rajbill vs B. V. Ivers n, trustee, fur Mrs.
Juliet A. Iverson an 1 tor children. Property
poi t'd out in said ft a. *
Also at the same time ■ nd place, all that prep ■
erty known as the tanrard. property belonging
to theesra eof Jacob8chap, set forth m Henry
Hcball’.- cross b ll, >o wit: Lotsl. 7 and 8, south
west commons, in block 87. and fractional lot 6,
in block 31, iu the plan if the ci y of Macon,
Bibb county. Georaic, and a so all the personal
property ol ki don sail lota used as material in
■ he taunina business and all tools so used in.aia
tannery. Letted ou as tbe property of Jacob
Hchall. deceased, to sati-fya A. la. issued from
Bibb gnoerior favorof Reuben Go'so v»
Henry echali.admiui-irator. Property pointed
put by Diaintiff's attorney.
Q.BORG1A. BIBB COUNTY.-Under and br
vrttue of an order I- om the Oourt of i uri
nary ef said county, will be sold onth" fir*!
Tuesda in Mat next, beio-e the court hou
dior in the city sf Macon, during the legal hours
ol saM,.tbe following property to witi .
One undivided thiid interest in thirty-ore
acres of land lying in Godfrey's district, in said
county, bring lot No. 88, bounded nortt by let
No. 37, en the esst by lot No 89, m tbe Kulh by
lot silt-- and on the went bv the land former v
owned by the < st>te cf Bailey- Also one hall
acre < fluid on tbe east side of the Ocmulgee
river and known as pirt of four acres of land No.
fi • in the Macon reserve and. deeded to Tabetba
Wright by k. F Wool'olk. said iot Ijirgontht
Miiiedgfvilie road. ; Sold as the property of-De
quol'a W<«lfolk. deces-ed, for the purpose o
paving the debts of said eitate and for distribii
lion. Terms cash. April s, 1880,
sprfiftswtw Admiaisirator.
Know Thyself.
npti E untold miteries that
JL m
remit lr. m indiscretion
ib early life may be allevi rt-.
ed and cure-1. Those who
doubt this assertion should
purebsse the now m-dical
work puhliahed by the PEA
rUlE. Boston, * "-ntitled
—, nBtig FHXeilikYfiTlON. Exhausted vi
tality rrrvons anl phytical crbility.or viuiitv
impaired by the errors of youth or tro close or
t^o close application to bmintia, may be rt stor
ed and manhood regained.
Two hundredth edition, revised aod enlarged.
Just published. It is a.-tandard medical work,
the b*st in the English language, wntlen by a
physician of great exoerience, • to whom was
awarded a gold and jewelled medal by the Ha-
tional Medical Asscciation. It contains beauti
foral?torm --of pievailine
many years of oitersiva an-1 successful practice,
either cne ef which i« worth trn times the price
of the hook, hound in French cloth, pric; only
$i, sent by mail po.tpaid. —
The London Lancet says: “No person should
be without this valuable bock. The author is a
noble benefactor.”
An illustrated sample sen, toad on receipt ol
6 cer.ig for postage. "
The author r-lers iby permission to JOSEPH
8 FItn'fR, presidmt; W. 1. P, INGRAHA M,
vice president; W PAINE, M D<«’ 8 GACNTT,
M D; H J ROUChT. M D, R if KLINE.» D. J
R F OT.COM B. M D. N It LYNCH, W D, and X
R U’CONN BLL, M D faculty of the Philtdel-.
phUUmyersitv of Medicine and Surgery, also
” ’ rsity of f
al Medical Asscciation. it contains oeautl-
ind very expensive mgrartngs. Three hun-
I psget, more than JO valuable prescript'ons
ill form- ot prevailing oina«e, the result of
the faculty ot the American University of Phils-,
dolphin,also Hon P A BIS'ELIaMD, prtsident
ol the National Medical t sscebtiou.
Address Dr W H FAR-
KER. No 4 BulSncb Ft,
3! is ten. Mass. The au
thor ma* re consul^ ^cn
all diseases nqut-'Bg
skill and experier.r-.
novSo wlv
A. Savrge. executrix < f the estate ef « a'a-
dcniaSavsgi, isle of raid county, deceased, has
made appli- alien f r letters of eismiaaicn from
Said estate.
These are therefore, to cite and admorishall
leisons o"ncerited, to be and appear at the
lonrt of Ordinary of said county on the Orst
joun oil viruillir.v u Ram uuutiijr im ti.c uisi
Monday in Jul next. 10 show c -use, if any they
have vhy aa'd application should not be
gra'tel. .
Witness my official signature Aoril 31,18:0.
J. A. McMANUS. Ordinary.
R. Jones has made arp'catton for letterso
Also |at the tame time and p’ace, the following
lo-wit: Pert of the two-acre lut, northwestern
ranro. No. 22, in squ n 84, frontin, 190 fiet.
lcoro or less, on Geoigta Avenue, ad
cluing the property of Mrs. Boy
kin, and runni-g back 800 feet, more or less,
to tbe alley, in the City of Macon. Levied on by
U J. Wrier, Tsi Collector and ex-officio sbrrilf,
to satisfy tie taxes due by .ames F.Nisbet, trus
tee, f -r the year, 18i8aod 18-9
A lso, at the same time ami place, the following
to-»it: Partof the two acre lot. No. 24. rorth-
western range, i.i square No,84, in ti e city of
Macon, fronting ICO feet, mote or Geor
gia Avenue, adjridrg the property of Mrs.
Boykin, and running back 300 feft. more or less,
to the alley. Letietl cn by H. J. Fetir. 'lax
Collector, to satisfy a tax ft fa., held by W. F
uoodall, transferee, Fr taxes due by James T,
Nisbet. trustee, for the year 1879.
Also, at ih* saiu-rtimo snd pla-e.the 'ollowiog
to-wit: Fart of lot No, 4 in tquie No 72, c r-
nerol Pine and Spring stree .at the inferiee
ti ■ n of Cotton venue, in the City of Macon, and
being tbe store bouse new occupied by L. J.
Sbapleigh. Levied on by H J. Peter. Tax Col
lector, to satisly iJie tales due by W. L. Ellis,
trustee for wife, for the year 1879.
A so, at tbe tame time aud place, the following
to-wit: Fart of lot No.3. in iquare No.87,
fronting 50 feet on Fine street, neur the comer of
Fourth, running b- cs 1 0 feet and adjoiniu* tie
Julius Pettr place, in the city of Macon, levied
on bj H.J. Pe er, tax collector, to satisfy the
taxes due by An zander Matbews.agunt for Mrs.
M. K. Mathews, said taxes being for tbe year
A Iso, st ths same time and plsci. tbe following
to-Wit: Part of lot Nos. Sand 6, in iquure No.
76. fronting 75 leet more or less, ou seoind
street, running back 210 feet to the alley, and
ao joining the property of Sabers and others, in
the irty of Macon. levied cn by H. J. Peter, tax to satisfy tho taxes due for the year
187'.by Mra.E. A. Clark,executrix ol the estate
of D: F.o'ark.
Alto at the tame time and place, thefo'low-
ine, to wit. part ol lot No. 4. in square No 71.
New street in city of Mi
lacon, occn-
fronting on Now street in city
pi.dhy H. L. Co.k ar.d pjichated by him Irem
Mrs T. A. Harris. Levied on as the property o!
tbe Macon Bmldirg and Loan Association ta
•wtkfv three fl. t s lor state an t touuty taxes for
tho tears 1*7 ,'S 6and IS77. Property pointed
ont by G. W. Guitiu, attorney for county.
Al>o at t’ e same time and place. tb» followir g,
to t7it, th*t part of lot No 202 in the fourth dis
tiict ot origin-.ll? Hour ton,now Stttlaud district,
Kibh county, hing on the eastern aids of tbe
Southwe: tern rai-iosif, at.u bounded on tbe north
by lands of Aiaot.e. st by lauds of B. C, frown,
and south by lands of iheettste of Wm. Carlos,
containing ICO acres, more or less, and being the
tract c ort)!Rg--d to Dvitl B-.llard, by 8. M.
Brown. Levied on by H. J. Peter, tax collector,
to satl-fy tbe taxes due on said property for the
year 1879. amountof tax and costs, s 12.65.
Also at tho same time snd place thefollowitg
to-wit. Teree fourths of an aqre of land and
imoroveaents thereon in Godfrey Diitnc*, on
Windsor liill fronting HO ffimore or less on a 60
fvotstreet,betweentheohl ad new Houston
roads, sr.d udjoinii g the lanl of Collins and oth
ers, an . being tie property lo/mtrly own-.d by
James M. Fagley. lr-vied ones the prot erty of tbe
City Building and Lean As oeiati n. to satisfy a
tax n fa. vs. lr. W. Bunt. President of sa d Asso
ciation, lor taxes due on the capital stock of said
Associ -tion for the yea' 1679.
Also, at ths same time and place, ths ‘.following
to-wit: Let No. 4 in, art Mac n,on tbe lite tf
the Citv lint ts, lying between J. A. Nelson arid
the Metbcdist.Church, containing oce had acie
m re or les<, levied on hy H J. Pete', T. C , to
aa’isfy four tax ft fas. rs. Peter C. Havrjer. Trus
tee. for his children, Blanch and Irwin, (or tbe
taxes due cn tbe above dt scri- ed property for the
yearslS75,18 7.lS7S.?n. 1879
Also at tbe same time and niece, the following
property ty-wit: That part cf lot No. 8 in square
No. 22 in Iheciir Of Macon, county and State
aforesaid, adjoining lot No. 4 in said square,
fronting 25 2-# feet on Cher* street, and run
ning back the same wioth2!0 feet to Wall street,
containing 1-8 o! an acre more or Ie-s,and b-irg
tbelqtand improvements lately owcecCby-W. A,
Ch-rry. Levied on ts the pioperty of'the Homo
Building and Ikj.ii Atsociaticn, to satiafy four fl.
laa. ti r Kate and coolIv taxes for the yean
1871.1ft C. 1877 and 1873.' Property pointed out
by G W. Gu.-tin. a.porney for count
Also at tbe the same time and pi- ce the foil ow
ing, to-wit: Lots 1,2,8, 4 aud 6 n block No H,
betwrtn H«wthotne and Tupelo streets ih tbe
city of Macon, contain ng i'A acr a, mors or les*.
Levied cn sa tbe pioperty of the Meohanict’
Building and Loan Association, to satisfy, five fi.
fas. for state and county taxes for the years
1875.1876.1877,1878 and 1879. Property pointed
out by G. W. purlin, attornev for county.
Also, at the tame time aid pltoe, tbe follow
ing, to-wit: Thst rarcel ol land in acounty,
near the boundary lice of tbe city of Macon,
formerly owned by M. 8. Thomson, and known
in Tbtmson’s plan of survey as Jots No.
l td 16 .inclusive in block No.. JS, but
da Bo*rdm*r/s map cf the City of Maoon
at block No.12, situated act ween a continuation
of Mclut'sb and Elbtr: streets, levied on as the
pro erty of Lcmnlgco uuilding and Loan Asa*-,
elation, to sa irty & tax fi. fa. lor the year 1873'
Property pointed ont by G. W. Gustin. atterney
lor county. ■ GEO. F. UHKRRY,
aprl6-law-4w feberiff.
O RDIN ARY’8 Office. Jcnes Cooniy. Georgia
March 8.168-j.- Whereaa John P. Chi Ida
guardian for Jesate J. and Madison (j. Barfield
ap lies for (iiamis>ion.
These so to cite and admonish all persona
concerned to show esure if any they have, at this
office, on first Monday in May next why the same
shall not be granted.
Witness my hand officially.
marttd* BOLAND T. 1088, Ordinary.
Host and Cheapest
Special inducements to SOUTH-
*R« soldiers:
Satisfaction given in a'lhvn
First pren inm at Atlanta and Manor.
Georgia Fairs, 1879. Best of refer
ences in your State. Apply at once
for full information speoU) terms,
etc. Addr ssUHAKLBft hi KViNft
Msnufartur-rlor U.8 Govaram'l. 152
West Fourth etreet. Cincinnati. O,
By B. M. Woolley
Atlanta. Ca. Reliable evi
dence given, and refer* nee to
I urt-d patients aid pby stciana.
centf for icy book on the
hah it and its cars.
Kuardianvhip o' tbe person and property or W
L. ar.d 1 ula E. Jones, minor.children «! Susan
Jones, deceased. . , ,
These are there rro to c te and admonish all
Teraona c-tncerne t to bo and app-ar at tbe Court
otOr'inary of the fir*t Monday
in May next, to thow cause, if aty ihoy tav ,
whv said appfic-tion should not be grautad.
Wituesa my official signature.
J. A. MoMAK^TS. Ordinary.
April 8,1889. npr41favr4ws*
G KORtila, B1BBDUUA1Y —Wneteas. K, A
I'iisbt-t.sdminirtratorot the estate of Flor
ence B. Ni-bet. l*te of raid county dccea-rd.has
made appltcit-on for leave to sell tbe wild lands
be.cuginw to said estate at privatesale.
Tbi* is tberefure to cite aud admonish all ptr-
ronscoaternrd to beendnprB-rat the Cocrtof
Ordina'y of avid o«iunty, on tbe firat Monday in
Mav next to show caute if any they have, why
said at plica* ion should n** be granted.
Given under my hand officially.
Auril 6.16S0. J. A. McMANUd,
apr7td*. Ordimry.
TH K r
Cincinnati Packing
Packers tf ’
aKD . r
Extra Sugar Cured Hams,
Shoulders and Breakfast
.. » Bacon.
Cincinnati, Ohio.
.vIS wfim • V *1o l'Z ; ;
ifsraw go
=2l<S5 I-«
ag* IfsS S i
isflir n
F BOM the subscriber on the 29th of March
meu-e colored mare male, aged five or six
yean. When she loft bad a thoe on the 1* ft fore
f.iot, bad a wart cn tl e neck rear where tbe cel
lar • orks A liber: 1 rewa- <1 will bo paid for her
delivery. Any informut on thanSfullj received
Address J. T. HOLT, Maco
Care B. P.'Qns’cr.iprtt-dawltw
Rattle-Snake Water Melon Seed,
/"'kN.X hundred pounds of genuine s'riped or
vy Ra\)le Snake seed, to fce sold
for melon growe.s, by -
44 Poplar 8t.. Msood, Ge.
l8far Bier. Peace DecM
Bel Sifei YistoriBBS.
.marts dst vtl
M°rtgage Fale ot Land-
\J t«e of the power vested in m, by two mort
gages executed by AnnicVariah Harper, 'o-wit:
. One ssortgsre giver, to 1 ecu re a e-rtain pr im-
issory note lor rtwenty-flve dollars due the 18th
October, 1879, hearing inteiest at 12 per cent, per J
annum, after "maturity. Said mortgage dated [
18th day of May. 1879. and recorded in tbeClrrk’}
office Superior Courv of said eonnfy, in book J.
And one ether meets-ge given to -coure a cer- ]
tain promissory note for fi-ty doflars. due No-
▼ember 1, lf79, bearing interest at 12 per cent,
prtannum after maturity. Paid mortaaredat-a
6th March, 1879, and recorded in Cle'k’s office
Kiperior Court of sa.d county, in book J. I will I
On tbe fit st Tuesday in Anri*. 1880, before the I
Piano Blockade Raised.
| rEOBGIA, Bibb Ocunti-vWhereas Mrs. 80-
U phi* B. Hall, admlnistra.rix of the estate
of E. Bord. late of arid county deceased, rip-e-
sonta to the court-in her petition, duly filed and
entered on recoid, that she has fully auminisf
cd K. Bond's estate. 1
Thlsis therefore to cite all persons concerned,
kindred and creditor*, to show cause, if any
tbry can, why said administ-xtor should not be
dlasharged from her sdjwtalsnatiOB and receive
letters of dismission on the first'Mondsy in June,
Given urderimy official signature.
J AMCMANU8. Ordinary.
of a
" virtue of an order from the Court of *>rdi-
naryof said county. will be sold onth* ftist Tues
day in Ma* next, before tb* court bouse door in
the city of Mat on. daring the legal hours of sale,
one bout* and lo* in the cilV of M-nm, anown ns
partof lot No. 19 in tbe city o! Maco-i. in said
county,b unded on tbe east bj the reside: ceol T.
D. Tinsley, on the west by the res dent eof tl-rry
Davi*. north by Johnson stn et and esutb by the
lot of A. B. Boss, said lot containing one- quarter
acre more or less. Bold as the property ot Sarah
G. Tins'ey, late of said county, deceased, for tbe
purpose of distribution. Terms cash.
April fi, I8S0. T. D. TINSLEY,
air61taw4w<= Administrator.
W> ILL be sold before the court house door in
V v thet -wncf Clinton, Jones conutj. Georgia,
on the first Tuesday in April next, between iho
I-gal hours of salr, the following property, to-
wit: 1 hree hundred and. thirty acres of land.
more or lees, adjoining tbe lands of Jch-i S
Btewart,kobt Smith aud F.B.
| J JMBHsakelardo hers.
Levied on a* the property of Alford Glawron to
satisly two ft. fas. issued Irotn the Superior Court
of said oc-unly in tavar of Elixabeth Gbtwacn at d
Stod&rd B. Ulawson..administrators oltbecs
tat* of Jesse Glawson. deceased, vs. Alford
OlawBoa, principal, and Pealon Glawson and
Joseph Glawson, security. Tbe other rt. Alford
Glawson principal, and Beabon Glawson and
James Giawson serunty. Property pointed out
byorooftbe plsintilla. and in possession of de
fendant. This February 28. 1880. •
feh27fd -W. J. GRESHAM. Sheriff,
B Y virtue Of a power of sale conferred.upon tlqe
undersigned by mortgage de«d, executed on
Jl, unuersigueu uj
the 11th day ol February, 1879, by Mrs. Elizabeth
Simmons snd Bufflu R. R. Barr, (said deed beirg
recorded in tbe office of the Clerk ot.the Superior
Court of Twiggs county. Book P, folio f48). wo
will sell b-rore tbe court house door, in tbe
tovnot Jeffersonville, in the county of Twiggi,
at public outc-y, to the hkhest bidder, for cash,
o* tbe first Tuesday in May n-xt, between the
usual hours of ssle, all that tract or parcel of
laud, situate, lying and being In the twenty-
eighth district of originally Wilkarson, now
Twigrs county, and known and distinguished in
the plan of said district as part 0! lots No. 79 and
99. containing seventy five acres, more 01 le»»,
being the premises whereon said Elisabeth Sim
mons and said Barr resided upon said 11th of
Feb-nary, 1879. Bold for tiro purpo-e of Paying
a debt created by tote on February 11,1379, a- d
ipeeffi din said deed on which there is a b»l-
a. ce due of fifty dollars and interest) and expen
ses of this proceedi- g. Good and fee simple t -
ties made to purchaser on day of sale. „„„„
mchI81aw4w. COLEMAN 4 NBW80M.
Offlee s»f she Raiurasa 4i«iumia«t»M
Atlasta, Ga., March 26.1880.
CIRCULAR No. 2. • . . jj -
T HE following changes are made m ths Stand-
- ard “Schedule ot Maximum Rates” for Pas
sengers ana P eights, established by the Commis
sioners, ior each Railroad Uomrany in this State,
1st. The several Passei ger Bates now in use on
th* Hartwell Railroad, the Cherrkee Railroad,
tbe Borne Railroad, and the Pandersvilleand
Tennille Railroad, may be continued as mati-
mnm rates on ssidioads re-pectlve’y until ching
ed hereafter by the Commis ioners.
2d. Tbe Brunswick and Albany Railroad Com
pany is allowed to make its maximum rates lor
freights by adding SO per centum to the said
Standard hates established by the Commissioa-
3d. The ColumWs and Borne Rai'rord Compa
ny is allowed to make its own maximum rates for
freights by adding 21 per centum to the said
Standard Bates ot the Commissioners.
♦th. The Northeastern j-aflroad Company is
allowed te make its maximum rates for freights
by adding 10 per e*ntum to the ssid Standard
Rate*of tbe Commissioners. ! i.j
Ttis Circular will b« published as tho law re
qnires. and a copy cf ths same is diro-ted to be
sent to each Railroad Otmpany in the State.
- JAMES M.. SMITH, Chairman
- R. 2. BACON, 80c'y. mari8dlaw4w
$30 EEWAUD..
TYTlLLbe paid lor the delivery toBihb coun-
TT ty jail ota necro"woman hsmedHsr . Gil
bert. about twenty-five years old, sup-osed to
weigh about 140 pounds, about fly* test sir inch- s
higli. When last heard of was at Montezuma,
March 4th; she was in company with her mother
Dafny Johnson, about fifty-five years old, pox
marked, aad her sister Sarah Johnson, a tall,
likely girl who has a smalt girl child with her—
all ot them black. They may change their
names." ALBa, MKL&OSB.
Maoon. Ga., March SI. 1830. apr 1-wtf
An old physician, retire 1 from practice, hav-
ng had placed in bis hands by an East India
missionary the formula of a simple vegetable
remedy lor the speedy and permanent ctirefc
Consumption, Bronchita*,Catarrh.Asthma, ard
all Threat and Lung Affections, also a positive
and radical cure, for Nervous Debility ana all
Nervous Complaints, alter having tested the
wonderful curative power* in thornands o' case*,
has felt It his duty to make it known to bll
suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive land
a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send,
free of charge to all who desire it, this recipe
with full directions for preparing and using, iu
German, French or Bnglitn. Seat by mail by
addressing with staa, ■amiagtbhi paper,'V. W.
BARBAB 149 Fewer*'4 Block- Rccheater, N Y.
rjtHK firm of Ashly A Speir was iitii day dis-
solved by mutual eons'rt. Mr. J shly retain
ing tbe States cf Doric a, Kentucky. Mississippi.
Louisiana and all territo>y. in Georgia souta of
tbe line of tai toad running from Colamtus to
"Savannah via Macon, aad Mr. 8petr retsining
Tennessee, A labs a. T-xas. A rksrssi .nd all
territorv in Georgia north of said railroad line.
(Signed) J. 8. A8BLEY.
^G. W. BFE1R.
March 19,1880. mar28-law4w
For State Treasurer.
TUB friends of D. N. SPEER of Troup coun
ty, announce him as a eandi late for the office of
8tate Treasurer, sutjrct to the action of the
Democratic convention. apr!4td
BORGIA, BIBB COUNTY—It is agre-dby
and hots ecu the parties hereof, all residents
said county snd State, t* form a limited co«
partnership, under the laws of Georgia, and that
said cop-inner,hip shall be conducted under the
following p-ovirions:
1. The firm name of sa-t? copartnership shall be
W. A. Doody,” which alone shall be used in its
3. Said copartnership shrilly* located in the
city of Maron, sari countv and gUte, and ita
business shall bo the dealing ny retail in Gene
ral mere handise. such as dry roods, clothing,
bootB and shoes, and other articles ol snch char-
8. IV. A. Doody 6h«ll be tbe general partner,
and sh 11 have full direction snd management of
the bu-mes*. Myron Nusabautn and Joseph
Danneuberg all ol i«:d county, are special part
4. W. A. roody has contributed four thousand
dt-Fars to raid partnership and My-on Kusg-
baumand Joseph Daunt ubtrg have each con-
tribetrd four thousand dollars to the capital
stock of tbe same.
f. This parturrshipr hall begin on the 70th day
of January, 1880. and shall en-i on t^r 20th day of
J*nu«ry, 18y3, units* sooner dissolved, as here
inafter prov-cHd. to-wit: In caseetiher party be
comes diss li-fled with svid partnership the
nme n ay be dissolved after the first year, n-o-
vided six months nctire be given after ssid lime,
cf such intended dissolution to ;he other party or
parlies—said notice to be m writing, ginug tin
rea»ona therefor.
It is furth-r agreed that the asid W. A. Docdy
sl.a’l be paid from the partnership attels; the
su-u of fifty dollars per month, and this amount
to be charnel to the expense account. This pay
ment to ix-nti-.ue until a dissolution, unless oth
erwise agiocd on.
Witness our hand', this l£tb day of January,
W. 4. DOODY.
Signed this 12th day ot January, 1837, and ac
knowledged batore
N. P. Bibb Co.,Ga.
5TAC02V Ga.. Jaou.ry 12,1889.
I rer'ify that the xb.vo mstrum-nt was signed
a- d arkn- wledged by tbe part cs thrrelo helore
ms this e ay.
N. P. B.buCo.Ga.
_ in person. W. A. Doody. who being duly
sworn deposes at d svy a that he is tbe general
partuer in a limited copartnership abont 10 be
formed in ssid county, under the name if W. A.
Do rdy. aud 1 hat Myron Nussbaum and Joseph
Dannsnberg a*e the special partners therein,
and that the amount agreed to he contributed by
each of them to wit: the sum of fear thousand
dollars, to the capi'al stock < f S- id firm. ha« been
actually paid in. and in gooi faith contributed
thereto. . A. DOODY.
Sworn to&nd subscribed before me thuSOth
day of January, 1830. J. T- RODG8RS, .
mar2 vt4w Nntsr* Hihb county, Georria.
Whereas Samuel li. Chifea, administrator
e tute Lucinda Mason, deccas-.d applies fordts*
mission. ,
These are to cite and admonish n’l persons
concerned to show esu-o st th ! s office.on the flirt
Monday iu June next, if any they have, why the
ssme shall - ot Becraniei.
Witm as my hand offic ally.
mar5‘d* R T. ROS3, Ordinary.
G 1
Th« long strike snd lockout in New York
_ _ __ Piano fsotoria# ended . Ail factories open.
ecu-t-house "door in Kroxviile. Georgia, expose I 6.000 Ucied on*, workman azain at work. A
as public sale, to ihehighe-t-bidder, for cash, the! new p ano furred out eyor; ton m>nn'es."
following described proiN-rty, to-wit: One hun-I Workmen happy. Porchaaers who wanted
fiSFjSS *;rtyu«0) Sd-c.of land, wore or less, p -: tDO g and oomdn’t get them also happy. We
fkFgallo'H No.42, norihof the Macon r ad, h . j M . n vrv rima fertile naat two
mlbe tilth district ol Crawford countv, Ga. Ti- I °* Te , m “ t0 VT V m . I ° t , ,n9 P M ‘
ths in fee simple will be mode o tho" purohusfr f ®"'ret}-8 ’o far-icb piaDCB to impatiecl pure
as aathorixed in svid mortgages. Baid iract of I ebaecre who won wi unueratand that pianoa
'and wlll be nold to tail fy the pri-tcipal, interest, I had to bi made hoiora dcl-vered. and it hu
and s'tono- y’s fe- a,-to-wit, stven‘y-flve dollars I worried n« muchly, bnt the “winter of oqr
pr-neipal, 1 with interest as abort discrired.andj rii-c-'nient** ie w over, and we are
twenty dollars attorney's fees, as expressed in
»aid mortgages. Ihs.ssM mortgages m&de and
delivered to me. the undersigned, to secure said
notes with tbe power tipress-d therein to sell
said property in tbe eveut default war made m
All Bight Again
the payment thereof, and default having boon I B ck ord- ns will be filled in short metre,
mode, us the day of sale I will execute titles in and aew ones hy l.ghtDiug express Oar stock
lee simple to the same.
February 20.1880.-td
Executors’ Sale.
now on hind ie veiy largo, end it is, only cer
tain styt. e that we have t er n abort of. There
I are *”C(.miog, coming,” 390 090 more and
[ don't yon for. et it Bert of all,.read this:
rTKDHd snd by virtue cf an o-der granted by
U. tho Hon. James F. Broadawsy, Oroinary
iu and for the csenty of Baker, bfr.te of Georgia,
will be s. Id bef re the court h-use doer cf Ha- t-r
county, town of Newton, within the le. a! hour.
Prtsent Prices Guaranteed*
Hav ng made new cont'v ts with leading
maiufaetnrera. whjrh ' good until Ju y
HHUH let UeX', SCO engageisat*. <nJdWrt6ei»*d
ot rale, inlbe fl-stTueadav in April 1 ext,a? the I by that date at on--' ->t price a (feme
property of .tbe estate of W. D. William-, late of what will sre shall not a prices again nn'-i
Baker county .deceased, thre-lnndrtd and'rev- r - - - ..... - - ■
enty-threeard one third t*7. r ' “
siiratrd in Howmro’s district.
and knqtan»»lotiNoa.2*4. 2t , W - .. . , , .. . -
ing IOS731 8 acres, void for divirion among the aivsncexfi wholesale ooat, and oar present
EGRGIA. flibbCtnotv— Whereas Mrs Ma;4
lha L. Harris, guardian o! Mattie J., Ann's
L. snd Jimmie A. Hsrris, has applied to ih
Uourt cfGrdinaiy of-aid ecu ty fer :: rliicharg 8
from her guardian»hipof said Ma'iie J . Anni,1 L.
and Jimmie A. Harr's of tbe-r ie son and prod-
ersy, tl. 1- i* Inere'or* to cite all persons concern
ed to be and apt-ear at the Court cf Ordinary .
said county on the first Monday in M».r licit
show cause, if sn* they have, why the said Mar
thaL Harris should not be dismi-ied 110m he
guan'i»n.-hin cf sail Mattie J., L.and
Ji-*mfe A. Harris and receive the usual letters
of dismission. -
Give- uuder my official signature,
febltd* J. A. Me MAN 116, Ordinary.
Home s in
Apply u
1b« Lilti* Ro- a snd Fort
fur sale
th- West
_ healthy
ciima'e, fer ile roil, sud not
affected by droulb. Easy
terms of sale.* Full inferuta-'
W H. SLACK, Land Comruifiioner,
m2* - wist Liit-c Ktrk. Ark.
Manufacturers ol Siundurd
Steam Engines*
Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Shafting Hangers. Pul
leys, eto. 1 Our machinery is strong. Mmj-le aud
well made andiv especially acanted t* the wants
ot farmers and Planters, for G11 niug. Sawing.
Grmdiug and Factory use. Btud f-r an rilua-
rated catalogue.
Joh" and Water Sts., Cincinnati, O.
May b: realized from small investments bv ope
rating in GRAIN or COTTON J-UTUkBS
through the MOB. Lh rOBLIO COTTON AND
GRAIN LXCHANGR. Small operators have
equal facilities with tie largest Bt siceis con
ducted by mail or telegraph. and c’at.-y report
trailed to 111 ensfomer.-*. sio baya or soils ten
batec Cotton or 1,000 bushela Wheat, etc. Send
for rxnlaliato*y c,reulsr«, etc.. To *
F. alT .UINS ACO..
4« St. Francis St., Mobt.e, Ala.
4. l 7 l 7 r 7 A YEAR and espouse* to av-uta
.4 4 Outfit Free. Address V O VlCK-
8RT Aurasta, Maine,
heirs of said W. D. Williams, deceased. Terms
ea*b. .: c - n . '-.a...
feb24 law4t J. H.'A.W. W. WIL1 JAM?,
| prices Are sfill extremely low.
Bakers - Can Never Buy Cheaper
/"ARDlNAfiY’S Office. Jones County. Georgia,
Lr MarchS, 1880.—Whereaa A. A. tarfioW, ad- |
mmUtrator estate John J. Barfield, deceased,
applies for dismisa-lon.
Tbe 0 are to cite and admonish all persons con
certed "to • how cause at this offi e, on first Mon
day in June next, If ary they have, why tho same
shall not be .granted.
Witness my hand officially.
marfitd# ' R. T. R0S8. Ordn n-y.
and tb*y will lcee time and money by wait
ing. We have special bargains to cffercaeh
buyers New i-eirumeuta, new atvies, new
prilee. new te.-tsu. 8ecd for Catalogues and
DeacriptiYe-Illustrated Price Lists, giving
fall information 'Address,
OBiiANS ******* F - ng *
Stool, Bock, only '9i. FIANOSl"
Stool, Cover and Book, ssl to writ u. 11 nitrat
ed Catalogue FREE. Addre s, DANIEL F.
BEATTY, Washington, N. J.
mm & bates,
O RDINARY’S Office, Jones County, Georgia,
-_.,u March 3,1880.
VT mon Levy has applied, to me for the sett ng
_ , ■as*0L T p(pwpt_
ticnol the same,and lwill piss upon saidap-
Dlicat'on at my sffice on Thursday the lG.h day
Of April, 188-1. at 10 o’clock a. m.
V* itrrss my Official signature, March 26,.1830.
mar27td J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary.
Citatio of Heirs
J^lEORGIA. Bibb County—Francis Eisner as
aj the administrator ol M. Eisner, lute of sa d
county, deceased, havig filed his a-niuat : on in
thlscourt for a citation of the heirs of the do-
ceased for a distribution of the e,tate now in his
har els.
These are therefore tocite the next of kin*f de
ceased to be am appear at the Court ot Ordinary
lor said county on tbe first Monday iu April
next, then and thore to show their relationship
Witness my cfflzial signature, this March 1st,
mar6td* J. A. McMANUft, Ordinary.
Bespeclfullv announce to tho citizen of Ma-
_.oon and tho public generally, that lhave
opened on Mulberry street, osposi'.e the Lanier
House, a Dental office, w here I will practice den
tistry in all its branches.
1c r llally invite my friends and former pat-
rent and the eublio g-rerally who neon the ser
vice of a dentist to call on me.
Very respectfully,
». B,BiRPIELD, D, D, 8.
iailR-dlm-wSm* ; . *> o
G EORGIA. Baker Courtly.—Ou and after this
d»te unt’l tort her not ce. the lersl adr.rlisc
rasnts ol the Sheriff if kakercounty will be pub
lilhed in the Albany News.
J.H. ROWELL, Sheriff.
Newton. March S, 1885 -It*
A. C, TAXLOR^ B 1 to: re{ief. etc . Bibb Sut-e-
, rior Court, October
WM. TAYLOR J 1879.
It anpearirg to the Court by the return of the
Sheriff that the defendant is not lobe found 1%
this ooouty; and it further'.tlist he
doe* rot Reside ih this Stat-: Order-tf, ihatser-
viou be forfeited od said defendant, by publica
tion to tie and appear at the next term ef this
Court, or that co-ar’ainaut te allowed to pro-
Ordered further, tint tkla o der be rullilhed
once a o onth fer lour mon;ht. in th- Telc-granh
and Measenser, a public gazette pubiiihed in the
citvof Macon.
By the Court J ‘1
re*, Comp'ainant’* Solicitor.or
A true extract from the minutes ol Bibb bn-
perior Court. This 22d November. .1879. -
dec23-lam4m*. . . A, B. ROrtft. Clerk.
alter date application will be m-de ,t i the
Court of Ordltaryof Jones ouunty, lor an > order
to .ell *14 tbe lands Xnd undivided interest in
lands beloogi-g to enate of Joseph C. Barbee
deceased, in thi county of Jcnes. Marchl.TBSQ-
marstds* A J.-STEWART,
; 1 11 r : ■ >:tl ■-■• l.iAldministralor.
'non* enneernrd
ir objections in mr of-
fleo by the first Monday ih Jose next, why tbe
■ — ■“ - —— rot h-ihiminapri-fm-w
thtmisKi ,
bia guardianship of John -N, Little and irecettre
the usual letters. cJ dismusion- • J i."v,- ■'
Given efficia' signature. - -
marfitd* J. A. McMANU4. Ordiutiy
G eorgia. 'Jones coUNTY-wh-roT,
Charles L. Ridley applies f jr sdm!ni»*ra-
• ontfiet ‘
tion with the will annexed,
leitste of Mil
Susan A. Ridley, deceased.
These are to ti e aud admonish all person*
cr ncerned 1o show calls* it any they ha-e wh»
_ hy They ha-e why
the same .hall not be granted at '■ tbe next term
of th's court, 00 fir.<t Monday in April next;
Witness my hahd ofllciMly. ' '
ifai8it*» EOLANDT RO88. Qrdlrary.
G EORGIA, bibb County.—Whereas William
L. Abbott baa n ado application for letters
ol guardianship nt the property c* JphuXsrlj
Thrathcr and Ahn-e Lee Tbraiher, resident ot
Fit rid a, and minor children of Bsrly W. Thrash.
«r. late of the State of Florida', deceased.
This is therefore to cite and admonish all per
sona ror eerned t- bo end appear at ihe Court c-f
Ordinary on tbe firit Monday in April next, to
show cause limy they have, why letter* of guar-
dianvhip should not • e granted** the applicant.
Given under my official
fficial signature , u{ ; ,;
. A. McM aNUS, Ordinary.
G BORGIA. Bibb Ooahty.—Whe-Ga*
A. B.
.lost, administrator ol the raUte of Dequiha
Vi oolfulk, late of said county decerned, has m de
application fer leave to sell all the real estate be
longing to ssid estate. t ud Ifr. ;vjj oc‘.
This is therefore to rite and admonish all rer-
sons concerned to be and appear at the Court of
Ordinary cf said county on tbe first Monday in
April next to show reuse if - any they tare, why
said application should net be gratoted. tin nd
Given under my hand and. official signature.
I* J. A. V CMANU8, Ordinary.
KDINAEY’ft office, Jones county, Georgia.
January *0.1889.—Whereas Robert H. Par
son guardian for tlicminor children of Samuel
T. Morgan, dsceased, applies to me for dismission
from said guarJisnshlp.y «.-r. ;v .»..jl r-,-
These are to notify an persons concerned to
•bow cause at this office ou or by tbe firat Mon
day in April cert, if any they have, wby the rents
shall not be granted.
Witness my hand officially,
j»Bt4:d* BOLANDT. Bogs, Ordinary:
hDLNARY’8 ofbee jetnes *
ntV, Georgi*,
.irhard Jdm-
_ January 99.1890.—Whereas Ris
son. sdmiatatreter of estate of Toliver Hares de
ceased, applies to me lor tUstnitnom
These are to cite aad admonish all parsons
cog eerned to show muse at this office en Or by
ihe firat Monday in May next, if <07 (bey tibe,
winr tbe same shall cot be granted,
itneos mv hand iHctaL^,
lanto td* ROLAND T. ROSB, Ordtnarr.
virtue of an order from , the Court ot C
nty. will he sold cn the
nary of said county, will ha sold cn the flt*t
Tuesday in May neit, before the court koosa
door in the eltr of Maoon, daring ihe IrgaJ boars
of sale, thirty-five share* ef the capital stack of
the Southwestern railroad company belonging
tbe ratal o' of James D. Carhart, deceased. Hold
for tbe.pari ere of distribul ion. -Terms cosh,
April 4.1880. JOHN tf. OU RD,
ipr6]tawtw* Administrator.
HIRTY days after date the nndersignei will
A niake Application to the Mayor and Council
of the oity of Moron fora Ieareot the reserve at
the c rnerol Fonyth and Jyhuson streets, being
a part ot the cut of the Macon knd Western rait-
road.'forkhe purpose of erecting a sbureh there*
on.' • ‘
... I WM. HAZl.EHURftT,
A. it. TLN8I.KY.
aprjdlawlw Warden* ol Ft. Pauls church.
rt BORGIA. B bb County, 1 —M hereas F. M
AT Heath has made app'ici
_ ,. leat ion for t jesters'o
administration on the esta.e tf Lunsford Heath
late of taid-c tn'y de earad. • -
1 Thii is lhereJoie to cite and admonish all per
sons concerned to be and apueerattbe Court of
Ordinary of snd counlv on the first Monday rf
April 1 ret. to show c*uier.if auy th-y hare, why
left' rs of tdminht ration shculd rot be granted to
tbe applicant.
Given under my official signature,
mkrfftde J. a Me viANDS. Ordinary.
ASIA, BIBB COUN t’Y.—Whereas Ben-
G jt^ii-i T. Kay hss mad t appli ation for lot-
tersot diamisaiun as administrator ftotn the ba
tata o' Talentiua Nasb, late, of su'd, qounty(de
The e are ther. hra to cite and admonish all
persons eoreerned to be and 1 pi rae Ht thet.00rt
Ot Ordinary of sa-d county on the firat Monday in
AngB nest to' show caute. if any they have, why
letters of dhmission should not be granted to
applicant.' ’ - ' ' ■ 10 '
Witness my official signature. c
• lan4- 1 J. A. McMANU-ft. Ordinary.
O BDINART’fiOfflre. JonesConntv, Gtotgia
MarchS 1880.—Wt* ~
ertaa Martha Pitts, guar-
' Fitts, applies to
_ MarchS 1880.
diau of John A. and Martha D.
me for dismission. . ^ „
There are to cite .and. admonish all persons
concerned t« show iwwl'm* th»y have, at this
office, on first Monday ht.Kay next, -hjtWame
shall not be grautou.
Witness my hand offic'ally.'
.—.. . - q*.
irarStd* j!j,
! I'
RQ«fi. Ordinary- i
T. Johnaan ne* male applioatian for letters
ef administration on the estate of John W.
Bryan, late tf the State of Ter nassee, deco n«d,
and it being shown tb'me that said JohnJW.
Bryan hss an eitate in the oouaty-ot Bibb, in
tald fttate of Georgia.; : : • *■'
have, wby Jettsrs ol admmistntioa shou duot
, granted to applicant. .
Witness my offifta! signature Aonl 3,1889
- J, A. MOVANUft, Ordinary.
mar4 law 4w* :
Footer, administrator of the estate of A. B.
Footer late of told coun'y deceased, has made ap
plication for leave to sell all the wild landsbe-
looeing to said t state at private ss'e.
This Is t» cite all perac ns concerned fobs and
appear at the Coprt of Ordinary of said county
on tie firat Monday in April next, to thow
eamo. if any they have, why said application
should not be granted:
Given andtr ay official signature,
marttd* J.A.Mc«ANP9.Q4di»ary.
B Y authority ef an order o> tbe Coart i t Ordi
nary of Chatham soonty. will "bs told before the
eosn hocie door in ttavannab.on the 1st Toe-day
In i pril next, within the letal hours o. sale. < he
following prupsrty belonging to th« estate of Bd-
wa d 0. Anderson, deceased: All thst tract of
land situate in the e .untjr of JBibb. fttate of Geor
gia, near the city of Macon, au-t fronting on the
road leading from II con to Forsyth in YineviUr,
known as the place oought 6y Geo W. An-
deraon from Mrs. H. B. Freeman, eieentrlx, etc.
containing MS acres, more or lass.
. For information apply to Turpin A Ogden,
RD XF O fhoA/Al a
! dMuitatOn
ie*. administrator ef the
„,mntf G. Boan.lste tltaid county,
hss made application Jor Istteu of '
* l Tbe^ < »^^iwef<ira*'. t* eto afii sdmoniili all
t#»rsea*s*4K*ra»S-to bound aupnjr *t thrOoart
‘ ~ mazy 91 sahf county, on thy first Monday
xL In show causs, if any they have,
application Sbfto d not be g-anted.
toy Ofitslalsiltnatu-e April A 18*0,
V J.-A-MoMASUi.OrdinsiT.
mart -law 4w* ,
VXmay Ck.n
ext, apnlic
aid county
s tni: On the firat
cation will be made to ll)eoj
in May
>11 be made toUteoydinaryof
•aid county far ’ease to soil sn tbs,-property not
Berateto#e disposed of. real and personal, ot the
estate of John 8. Rea*, late tf Said county, de
ceased , told tor tbe purpose of paying the debts
cf tne estate and f-r distribu ion.
WM if . ROSS.
R. H. FLAbT,
mart-law-4w Administrators.
. »W-
T’JE'DAY. MAY U. 1380-120ih Jluntluy
Louisiana State tottery OompanT.
This Institution was regularly incorporated by
she Legislature of the State for Educational and
Charitable purposes, in 1868, for the term ol
twenty-five years, to which coutrart thr inviola
ble tai'th ol the State is pledged,w! ith pledge has
heen-rfnewed by an overwhelming popular vote,
securing its franchise 'fii tbe new oonvtilntion
aoopt’d Deoembor 2, 1879, with a Capital ol
51,000,000, to which it baa since added a reserve
fund of $150,000. ITS GRAND SINGLE NUM
BER DlhTRldUTIOFS will take place mcnthly.
on the second T-iesday.
ItuHTtr scales orpostpenee. Look at the follow
ing Distribution:
OAF1TAL PRIZE $80,000.
1 Capital Prizi... <8<j;f00
1 Capital Prize.... 10,000
1 Capital Pnz3 ... 3,000
2 Prizes cf 82,400 5,000
5 Frizes tf 1,000 6.0U1
500 10.0O0
vnh ,• ...v 30.000
M 10,000
20.„..._. 10,000
10 10,000
9 Approximation Prizes of $800
9 Approximation Prizes of 200..
20 Frizes of
100 Prizes of
200 Prizes of
500 Prizes of
1000 Prizes of
9 Approximation Prists of let)..
1,857 Priies, amounting to „<uo,400
Responsible .r -t.utiU , ,, rtts want'd at
all points, to K . no-rat conoenustion willbe
Write, clearly stating full tddiess, fur fartb* r
information, or send orders by express or in a
Registered Letter or Money Order by mail,
addressed only to „ . n ,
NewOrleang, Ls."
or same person at No 819 Broad way, New York.
A11 our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are
under the supervision and management of Gene
LY •
S. B.—This Company has no Agent* -in the
British Possessions, and all persons pretendi g to
be so ana soliciting oidera by circal rs or other
wise asraSwindlers. 0aw-wed sat
1st. Th.t tbe Poet-Master General has
RESOICCED hie order against the delivery
of ITaftEfio th e Company.
2nd. Tuat this is the only Lottery Compa
ny which has ever beau declared legal ly a
United St-te* Court.
3rd. That United States Omit Court
Judge Brown has declared its drawings cot
4.b, That Registered Letters will hence
forth fce delivered and Postal Orders paid aa
j t r
POjmlv Mont 1; Dnwinir ol the
Commonwea th Distribu
tion Co.
In the City of Louisville, on
Thursday, April 29,1880,
islstara of 1869 and sustained by all the coo:
or Kentucky occur regularly on the last dsy of
lb * t* 11 -
every month (Sundays excepted) and are super
vised bv prominent ettisens of the State.
The Management call attention to the grand
* ' —' ‘ ibttfc
opportunity presented of oOteining, for on
1 Prise,
166 each
50 each «
10 each U—w
. 000-Prizes 10each , ....... r,,-i,irinim.i
1 Prizes 800 each, sp’reximsYn prises
9 Pnoes 200 each do da
.* Pruet 100 each do do
10 Prises
10 Prizes
100 Prises
100 Prises
000 Prises
$ 30.006
U 60 Prise* $112,4 0
Whole Tickets, $2. Half Tickets, $1.
17 Tickets, $10. 81 Tickets, r«
Ali applications foe dub rates should be made
to rite home offlee.
Fall list of drawing published in Louisville
Cornier-Jos rnel and New York Herald,* and
mailed to all ticket-boldnra.
AddressR M. Bcardmsn Conner-Jcuffilial BuildS
in* Lealsvnie Fen tuck». oral No. *07 and 3(9
Broadway. New York. angSOeedtnthuaetAwU
By addres-ing Geo, I*, ltowolI ife
4- 0. 10 Sp ucoftt.. New York, rsn learn tbeex-
act cost of anv proposed liueof ADVERTISING
n Ac erican Newruspeis. 9@_10u-poge Pam
phlet 10c.
41A tfl sled in Wall street stocks
tPIU tu DMJU roskts forlunestrrry montn.
Book rent free rxplait iLg everything. Address
BAXTER A -O. Bank era, 7 Wall »lrcet. New
rPE*EM?.HS*i7ffi H u E at; £ C E oI^a.ion.|
“ ‘ ^ - a, oto., by » wotiJerfal New I
Lecture*,Oonoerta, ,
8elesitlfle Invention, TH £ bENT A PHONE J
ForremarkaMo public testa on tbe Irmz—tilso on
the nntl mimb—?eo A'etc York Ucmld,
Sept. S^th: -\>id York Chriitian Adcoratc, Nov.
90., eto* Smnll^ljce—can he carried in the pocket. The Deaf
(should send f*>r FREB Illiterate 1 de?criptiv c iV.inph.let to
Amatiorna Z>entaphone Co., 163 W. 4th tit., CiuciaaaU, Q*
• Price of
Price with
Self Feeder
or Condenser.
1 30 saw
So 41
49 “
46 1
60 *
70 “
--SP ”
£75 00 U
87 60
100 00
112 60
125 00
140 00
ICO 00
ISO 00
£100 00
116 CO
as* 60
144 00
360 00
180 (O
232 CO
Price wltli
Self Feeder an
» 00
114 50
165 00
370 50
325 00
2V0 00
2..2 00
tF*Terms sivon on Application^ JEI
From ISIS to 1858 we mnnnfactnrvd Gins at Cokjmhu3,0®
ander tiie firm, name ot E. T. Taxl'P.^Co., afterward
CLKiaOKR, Bbovs & Co., and made whats was then know]
XL3 the Taylor Gin. Pnrlrgar the year2868 ••xesnoTed totM
place, where we have beer, exclusively ensncod in manfl
factoringf Gins ever since. With Iotvexperience, tho bet
B I “ ^kAAfll ■ !■! 1 pip t
labor flavins machinery i
pnA ooauplete outfit furnishedwhendosirutl. Address
KW i^oiirDQir, coKfit*
For Eloisd Disease*.
For Liver Complaint*.
• For Kidnej Di*ei
For HheumatiMin.
For Scrofula Diseases.
For ErTtiptte, Fiaspit*,
A' medicinal com*
pound of known value—
combining lii oue prep
aration foe curative
powers for the evils
which pmi :era ?.;] dis
eases ot the. 1 Htood, the
L/rer, the nitinrp*.
llarmiess in action and
thorougli in its eCTe*it.
Jt'Ls unexcelled for the
cure of all Mootl 13^#-
etZKCJi KUCJ its Scrttf-
tit a, Tvajorr*. iioitm,
T+t1<^-a3titt Jthmn,
curtol P^i/o-pi./siiir,
also (\>2t*!iptttion f
geniion* Sony ¥/<>*»•
tir A, Brtmtiot* c>f
Vrine, ote.
Cleans the Seed better. Runs Lighter,
Cine Faster and Costa Less tfoney than any
otherCln In the Marked Every machine
fully and legal If ^sarrantood*
Theae machines are raado of tho best materials, and the
workmanshipandiinlsh are unexcelled. Have been awarded
premiums at all tho State fairs, Cccrchx Alabama, Texas,
etc. Upwards of 6000 of our Grs’S aro In constant c*e la
the soutlicm states, over 1000 having been sold in 1S7L'
Prloe List of Cine, Fecderc and Condenser
Boxed ready for shipment and delivered at our factor*
ncn, we pomes*
iao ueuutuu v cur kha pu . timturiti./ ot^ututtw
remained unfilled, but we have doubled oar manufacturing
capacity and hope to be able to meet ali demand.% btill it l*
the wisest plan to get your orders In early. Send
for illustrated p&mphlet pivin;r runv voluntary testimonial*
from over 600 live, entearprifinw planters. Pres so?, En trine#
and complete outfit furnished when tYr^Ln*!. Atidrosa
Wkbloasta t> •>
rj’.t-. \l ■ rv r.
If you arc a maw of business, weakened by the strain ot
K2 your re'tec, avoid •timuUnfce and urn as
SViSfY* ottos!
If you are a tea i «f Ie
HR) v»»l*to«»"s*s«'*s»s»*«« 9^ restssn™!.
Oh L C, Uta ab—maai
MHU opium, tobacco or saruetk*. ■IK
iitoTt «blAby drogrirta.Hep'BmtnMf#., C».,StftckKVir.hJ. Y
ddtV4«V it iia.
' y Formerly Dr. Craig's Kidney Cure.)
, vsfftfteble praperailoQ end tbe only a
itsisSl in tbe world for Itrlxbt'. Due
DlabeMS. nnd A LX Kidney, Liver, i
jRa^estgionisJAof tbe Uigbcs, order la proof
S^Pcof 4 fbe'ooreof Dlnbetes, roll fer Wm
to* otbj
diseases, • coll for Winart *u.e KlttoeS
Safe Remedies art
H.H. Winier&Cs
SOT’Hm.iT'p • "y'