Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, May 28, 1880, Image 7

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3mmtcd & SKeis^tigjet?,. WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington, May 20,1860. “A D—D FROD.” This is what I heard a bucolic looking contleman, with his coat hanging on liis arm, and a very red and angry looking face, remark yesterdav as he tramped up the avenue, in response to a question what he thought of the great boat race just finished. From his pronunciation of the word, I judged that he hailed from the land of that late eminent and accomplished statesman of the Radical party, Mr. John Covode, who, I am told, was wont to spell “fraud,” “frod,” and to insist that if it,“frod,” didn’t spell “fraud” it didn’t spell anything. Iam pretty sure this morning that roy friend voiced the general verdict on the great “IIop Bitters” boat race. A tamer affair nevertook place and a deeper or more general disgust was never felt or expressed. Ilanlan won without! half an effort. - Courtney was either sick or drugged, and no more fit to pull than a nervous girl. He had almost to be lifted into his boat and after one con vulsive effort at the start broke completely down. And yet this miserable farce' drew an audience of at least 50,000 people, who made the picturesque hills on both sides of the Potomac instinct with life and ra diant with color for nearly four hours. If the hackmcn and street car people did not make enough yesterday to last pretty well through the coming dull mouths, I am no judge of business. I have never seen any thing like it since I liavc been here, and I hope I never shall again, for I was more than two hours waiting fora car, in which there was not even standing room, to get to my dinner. Of course Ilanlan .is happy and so are the “Hop Bitters” people. The former fingered the purse of $0,000 this morning at 10 o’clock, and the latter have had teu times that amount of free ad vert is in; OESERJU. GORDON’S resignation, which was announced in the morning papers by telegraph from Atlan ta, lias caused universal surprises and comment. It came like a lightning stroke. Nobody that I have seen had the faintest premonition of it. Perhaps it was known to a few, but if so, they kept their coun sel most remarkably. The appointment of ex-Governor Brown as bis successor is nearly an equal sunwise. So far as I have heard, no one dreamed that he liad any desires or aspirations in a political direction. The two events have created a genuine surprise even in this city of surprises. I have not been able to see General Gordon to-day, so know nothing more tlian the papers state, but, in ad vance, I can safely say that his resigna tion will cause genuine and universal re gret not only amoug the people of Geor gia, but of the South. He has been tried in every crucible his country desired of him, or his enemies could devise, and has come out of ail without so much as even the smell of fire upon his garments. The people of Georgia, who have loved and honored him so many eventful years, will find it hard to accustom themselve3 to his absence from their service in the public councils. ADJOURNMENT is still declared by Mr. Kaiulall a fixed fact for the 51st instant. That is to say, old Tilden still insists that it must take place on that day, and Ills mouthpiece an nounces and insists upon the programme being carried out. There is some hope, however, that the Senate will not tamely submit to the dictation of the Mephistoplielcs of Gramercy Park. It is intimated over there this morning that it may be necessary to prolong the session until the 10th of June at least, in order to finish the public business, or at least such of it as is imperatively demand ed, and that Tilden and Itandall will be told to go to the devil and attend to their own business. This is, indeed, cheerful news. The Radicals are very blue about the results of the session so far, as they have been of the least benefit to them. They have scored no points against the Democrats this time. Not a man on our side has furnished them any ammunition. With all our fatal facility for Wandering and giving them occasion to display the bloody shirt, “flippant, flap- pant and floppant,” as Governor Vance expresses it, we have managed to steer wonderfully clear this time of rocks and quicksands. It has been hard work to keep the brakes on some of our statesmen, but nevertheless the thing has been done. THE CHICAGO CONVENTION, which will settle the fate of so many dis tinguished statesmen of the Radical party is so near now that matters begin to pass out of the shadowy domain of speculation into the sunlight of fact. I still maintain and with more confidence than ever that Grant will smash all his competitors and win on the first ballot. That prediction, which I have steadily adhered to from the first, will surely be verified on the 2d day of June. There is no mortal power, now that Illinois has spoken for Grant, that can wrest the prize from him. Blaine and Sherman may just as well haul down tlieir hanners'aml disband tlieii recruits. If, however, by any extraordinary chance Grant should go under, lookout for the Sherman star to blaze. Blaine’s friends can never go to Grant, but they may to Sherman. Grant’s friends can never go to Blaine, but what easier or more natural than for them to mass under the Sherman banner and annihilate Blaine ? Let us, in the interests of suffering hu manity, pray that the day may has ten its coming when this torturing un certainty may come to an end. _ Blaine is still in New York “helping his wife to shop,” but Sherman’s people say lie (B) is killing himself working and plotting day and night, and that he doesn’t sleep at all. Poor fellow! If his sun shall finally set on the fatal field of Chicago, I shall beg leave to walk in the procession and place a leaf upon his bier. Not that I love him or approve his ways, but because be lias been pulled down by creatures who in all the essentials of a sturdy man hood, a kindly heart and generous im pulses are as far beneath him as the mousing owl is beneath the soaring eagle. Blaine inay be a bad roan, but be that as it may, John Sherman is Hot worthy to loose the latcliets of his shoes, nor Grant to call in question either his morals, his methods, or his record. A. W. R. .French Heels. A New York letter says: I saw a tail," stately and elegant lady on her way down Broadway. She was dressed faultlessly, judging by the standard of present fash ions, and was an object of inte "cst and scrutiny as she moved through tbs femi nine crowd. She looked as unconscious as anybody whoso heart was bounding with the knowledge that her clothes were being admired. Her gait was easy, even and graceful, until, all of a sudden, she stopped, and in a flash grew two inches shorter. This shortening of her stature startled me. She rocked for a few seconds like a ship in a short sea, and tljcn righted herself, rose to her former height, and passed on. What could it mean ? I had not been de ceived as to the lessening of her length, for her dress, now as before, cleared the sidewalk on which it rested during her brief dwarfage. Determined to solve the mystery, I followed liernntil precisely the same thing happened again; and that time I saw the simple cause of the astonishing effect. Fashionable shoes are now made with higher heels than ever, and the heels of the shoes arc placed so far forward that the heels of the wearer project rearward. In fact, these French heels, as they are called, are now put as near the middle of the foot as possible and not destroy the centre of gravity. To walk on them is difficult and without practice is as danger ous as skating to a novice, but the ladies leam after a while to manage them very well. In the case of this particular lady, however, the heels were so near the counterpoising spot that she was about cvenjy balanced on them, and no exercise of skill could save her from occasionally tipping back on them. They did not overturn her, but it let her own real heel down on the ground, while her toes point ed skyward, and her stature was shot ten- hy just the height of the French heels. Bilious, remittent and intermittent fe vers which prevail in miasmatic districts throughout the summer and autumn are in variably accompanied by derangements of the stomach and liver. There is always a weakness of the stomach and torpor of the bowels. Dr. Tutt’s Liver Pills are re- culiarly adapted to such cases. Back Ache At Once Cured By BENSON’S GAFGINE POROUS PLASTER It is tlie only known remedy that never fails. Over 2000 Druggists have signed a paper stating that Physicians say they are in every way Superior to the ordinary slow-acting Pcrous Plasters used for this purpose. SB ABOUT A JOHN>ON, rharinaccutical Chem'.atg, New York. jant-luB thr »a -daw top col n rm PBICK 25 CSNTS. ft. sritK CXjTVZ nr a 13 fire dlroarer fi.r which it is rceommended, Xm(l always perfectly cafe in fim hands or even the most inexperienced pereons. - PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER 7s ream-MervUd by rhjiieian*, Minidert. MimUmarin, Mnnnmrt of Frrsfor."CT. Uori-SAoW Plantation/, Xurers in IfryulnU—in short by ererribn'ty ammhere who has evergivert u a mu iT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF FORTY YEAHS TRIAL. B A 1^1 or si I should have a place in every factory, macoiric--hop, PASliw BV ILL ClV mill, on every form and pkmta. «s.and. Ji.every household, ready for immediate use not only for accidents, cuts, bruises, ccrss, etc., but 1 case of sudden sickness of ary kind. „ fra a |BJ E/'ll a Q i< the well-tried and trusted fnenfl or h. who uant PAIeI fx. I L L C, K a sure and safe medicine which -can be freely vised internally or externally without fear of harm and with certainty of relief. Its price brines it within the reach of all; and ft will annually save many tunes Its cost in doctors’ bills. For sale by all druggists at 25c. 50e. and S1.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I., mar’S"! —d • Ijlt.-Wl't-'w rm TkicitfXconly Lottery*/any Stale that ever voted vscndendortedhyUt people. Unprecedented Attraction, Oyer Half a Million Distributed. Louisiana State Lottery Company. Thu imtiloticn was regularly Incorporated by the Legislature ot the State for Educational and Charitable purposes, in 1868, for the term of twenty-flre years, to which contract thr inviola ble faith ol the State is pledged .which pledge has bees renewed by sj-overwhelning popular voto, securing it. tranohise In the new constitution adopted December S, 1879, with a Capital o! Sl.bO0.000. to which it has since added a reserve fund of (380.000. ITS GRAND SINGLE NUN- BSRDRAW1NG3 will take place monthly. It never scales or post pones. Look at the follow* iog Distribution: GRAND PBQMENADE CONCERT, during wDich will take place tbo 121*t Grand Monthly and the- 1 - Eitraordinar? Semi-Animal Drawii it New Orleans, Tuesday, Jane 15th. 1880. Under the personal supervision and manage ment of Gss. G. T. BEAUREGARD, ot Louisiana, and Qxif. JURAL A. EARLY, ot Virginia. Capital Prize, $100,000. £3_Notice.—Ttokelv are Ten Dollars only. Halves, SS. Filths. $2. Tenths, (1. LIST OF PRIZES. $30 REWARD, TT7TLL be paid for the delivery to Bibb conn- Tv ty jail of a negro woman named Mar. Gil bert. about twenty.five years old. sup-osed to weigh about 140 pounds, about five, feat sixinch* i hiicu. AVhen latt heard of was at Montezuma, Murcia4th; the was in company with her mother Dalny Johnson, about fifty-fire yearsold, pox marked, and her sister Sarah Johnson,a tall, likely -girl who has a small girl child with her— all ot them black. They may chance Iheir names. ALBS, MELROSE. Kwo n.Ga., March SI, 1880. apr 1-wtf Walking made easy with Lyon’s Heel Stiffeners; they keep jour hoots and shoes straight. rnl-lxu We believe Foutz’s Celebrated Horse and Cattle Powders are without a rival in this country. Borne tiy to compete price, but none can in merit, may ll-2\v Pandora’* Box brought a multitude of ills upon human ity, so saith the ancients; but a bottle of Sozodont is a well-spring of joy in the j family. It refreshes the invalid by? cleansing his mouth aud fits the belle for the parlor. lw You may not believe it, but try it and yon will be convinced that Portaline, or Tablet’s Vegetable Liver Powder is the best medicine in the world to regulate the stomach and liver. Price 50c. myl4-3ml Tlie "Voltaic BeltVv. Kanliall, MIcll- fgran, Will send tlieir celebrated Electro- Voltaic Belts to the afflicted upon SO days trial. Speedy cures guaranteed. They mean what they say. Write to them without delay. feb!4dawly WnEN you visit or leave New York city, stop at the Grand Union Hotel, op posite the Grand Central Depot. Euro pean plan. Rooms reduced to S1.00 and upwards. Restaurant unsurpassed at moderate prices. Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts of the city May ll.-e.o.d., l yr. “I Don’t Want tliat Mult” Is what a lady of Boston said to her hus band when he brought home some medi cine to cure her of sick headache and neu ralgia which had made her miserable for fourteen years. At the first attack there after, it was administered to her with such good results, that she continued its use until cured, and made so enthusiastic in its praise, that she induced twenty-two of the best families in her circle to adopt it as their regular family medicine. That “stuff” .is Hop Bitters.—Standard. mil 2w. Wilbor's Compound of Pure Cod Liver Oil and Lime The advantage of this compound over the plain oil is, that the nauseating taste of the oil is entirely removed, and the whole rendered entirely palatable. The offensive taste of the oil has long acted as an objection to its use; but in this form the trouble is entirely obviated. A hpst of certificates might be given here to testi fy to the excellence and success of “ Wil- bor's CodrLiter Oil and Lime;'” but the fact that is prescribed by tlie medical fac ulty is suiScient. For sale by A. B. Wil ber, chemist, Boston, and by all drug gists. Unquestionable. The Herald, Detroit, Michigan, says of Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure: “Its efficacy in kidney, liver and urinaiy diseases is so fully acknowledged that it is not worth the questioning. Bona fide testimonials from well known citizens in public and private life, are evidences strong enough to convince the most stub born donbter.” ml7-2w Notice. Congress Water. None genuine sold on draught. Its superiority as a cathar tic and alterative consists in its entire freedom from everything bitter, acid or crude that produces headache, internal soreness and tends to destroy the mucous membrane. All mineral waters that are jerous irritants may be known by an acid after-taste. - aprl 2m pd A good Hotel to Stop at. Hotel accommodations for travelers are of the greatest importance to persons who have to move about the country on busi ness or pleasure. Just where to go is what every man wants to know when he leaves home. The Grand Union Hotel, opposite the Grand Central Depot, New York city, is a very popular resort, be cause the attendance there is prompt and satisfactory, the charges are reasonable and the menage complete. Persons arriv ing at or leavingNew York city by the Grand Central Depot will find the Grand Union Hotel very convenient.—H. Y. Telegram. mayll-3m Scriptural.—“Simmons’ Liver Reg ulator is certainly a specific for that class of complaints which it claims to cure, Of its beneficial effects we do know some thing; and from personal'experiments, it is our opinion that its virtues have not been exaggerated by the many flattering notices of tlie press. If any of our fellow- beings are suffering from hepatic disor ders, and hare doubts in relation to the efficacy of this popular preparation, we can only offer them the'simple and candid argument of Phillip to Nathaniel, ‘Come and see.’ Try the proposed remedy aud then you can judge for yourselves.” “Rev. David Wills, President of Ole- thorpe College, and Pastor of Presby terian Church, Macon, Ga., Professor University of South Carolina.” lw. Atlanta, Ga., November 7,1879. Dr. C. J. Moffett—Dear Sir: I can not too strongly recommend your Teeth- ina (Teething Powders) to mothers as one of the best medicines they can obtain for their debilitated and sickly infants. I have used it with vety satisfactory results the past summer with my own child, and while we have heretofore lost a child or two from teething under other remedies, our present child that has taken Teetbina is a fine healthy boy. Its merit is certain to make it a standard family medicine for this country for the irritations of teething and bowel disorders of children of all ages. J am, very respectfully, A. P. Brown, M. D., (Brother ex-Govemor Jos. E. Brown.) m5 wen sun Ihirfj Vrart’ Experience ol an old Ik mere. Mr*. Winslow's Soothing fymp fa the pre scription of one of tbe bfet Fsmsle Fhjei- oiacs snd Nam* in the Uniiel States, and baa been net d for ibirly yews with never failing lately »nd • moots#, by millions of mother* and children fiom the fteble mf*nt of one w.-ek old to the »dnlt. It coirect* acidity of the stemscb.jelieves wind, oodc. regulates the bowels, and give* rout, health sed comfort to mother and child. We be lieve it the biat and toil at remedy in the world, in all casee of djscntery and dur- rbroea in children, whether ,it anses from teething or from »ny other canre Fn'l dt- DENTISTJRY. S. It. BARFIELD, X>. I>, NO. 82 MULBERRY STREET, fl&.Oflica hours, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. feb21da XT* fllo. } Purest and Best Medicine ever made? and Iloaltk Restoring Agent oncartb/* aro their operations. ' TU«J *t™ new life sad riger to the aged aad Mbm. To aU whose employments cause irregularity of . 0 D ?: WCIa < - or J*no**J organs, or who require an MfBS i lick, but if you only feel io Ritters at once. It may _ trod hundreds. Jsnra^SBsss^**’-’’’ SMSfSSSi5afgS5S5““"'"“ no person or family ehould bo without Get some (Us day# m Bar Oootm fan tTiUMnrweetcat, safjst 1U1.1 best. sstsafossiftgggijjggaSZiBS D.X. Gig MuhmjBfte and Irresistible cure fordrnnlg- ennfs., uso of opium, tobacco and narcotics: RSoId bydroj-tta nopIliltor. Mf-.Co.ItocbeWor.K.T. remedy Diabetes. Urinary Disease*. «eS-Tostimon!als of the highest order In prool o (these statements. asri'nr the cure ot Diabetes, call for War Bor’s Safe Dlabetea Cnre." BiTFor the cure of Brlxht's and the othe diseases, call for Warner’s Safe KJtdne] and Liver ('are. S&fcllVB DlAkt.TL> CUF.L SA<r B'-ffr: SAfI NGtVIlJE sail pit:.. ^WARNER’* . Safe Remedies art [ sold bY Druggist! | and Dealers in Medioine every* where. tH.H. Warner &CQ" Proprietors, B0CHE8TEB, H. Y, 1 Capital Prized $100 000.... §100,000 1 Grand Prize of 50,000...... 60,000. 1 Grand Prize of 20,000...... 20,000 2 Large Prizes cf 10.000 20,COO 4 Large Prizes el S,000. 20.100 20 Frizes of 1,00’.... 20,000 60 "* 693.... 25,010 ICO “ SOI 30,000 200 “ 290. d'j.O'-O 690 “ ICO..., 69,000 10000 “ 10.... 100,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Apnroxinaticc Frizes of (200... 100 " “ 100.... 300 “ 75...... (20.0C0 10,000 7.EOO 11,279 Frizes, amounting to (522.500 Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, ot L*. \ Commix Gen. JUBALA. EARLY,of V*. } siocers. Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the office of the Company in New Or- Wiite for circulars or send orders to M. A. DAUPHIN. New Orleans, La. or same person at No 819 Broadway, New York. N. B.—This Company hzs ro Agent, in the British Possessions, and all persons pretendi-g to be so and soliciting orders by or other wise are Swindlers. saw-wed sat DISSOLUTION. T HE firm of Bedding & Turk is this day dis solved by mutual consent, C. H. Bedding re tiring. The business will be conducted in fstnre by J. W, Turk, who is alone authorized to col’oct all outstanding claims, and pay the debts cl tba firm, G. H. BEDDING, J.W. TUkK. Clinton. Ga., M»y 12.1880. 18-dlt wlm* Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the estate of H.B. _f\ Troutman are hereby notified to make im mediate payment of the same to the undersign ed; and ail pet sons having claims' a. ainst said estate am hereby notified to present the same duly authenticated in terms ol the law. M. L. TROUTMAN. Executor. May 18,1880 —19-law4w riEOKGlA. Bibb County.—Wtereas B. 8. VT Wynn has made applicstion for the setting apart a homestead of personalty and the valua tion of the same. Said application will be heard on Thursday the sixth day of May. 1880, at ten o’clock, a. ml Witcesa my hard and official signature. April 14.TSS0. aprlStd* J. A. WcMANTJ8, Ordinary. G eorgia, bibb county.—whereas w.«. Holt and J. B. Jones, administrators on the estate of Jsmes Duan, late of said county deceas ed,have made application for lettersoLdlsmissioh from said estate: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of aaid county on the first Morday in August next, to show cauie, it aoy they have, wh r letters of dlstnisiinn should not be granted to anpiicants. Witness my official signature. May 8,1SS0. may8td* J. A. McMAN 08, Ordiaary. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE Bibb SureriorCotirt, /prfl Term, 1880. MRE. G. F. riVOKABD Tg, J. 3. FINCKARD. t T appearing to the ccnrt by the return of the A Sheriff that the defendant is erac to be found in this county: and it farther appearing thathe does not reside in the Stale of Georgia: Ordered, that he nppeer at th» next term of this conrt, or that sail cause be aKowed to pr reed, and that service he perfected -on said J Piockard by publication hereof, onre a month for four montha, in the Tbizob:fx asir Mnsix- asB, a public tazeite published in the city of Macon. By the Court: JOHN L. HARDEMAN, * Libel'anVu attorney. Be it so. T. J. SIMMONS, J. 8. C. M. O. April 29,1883. A true extract frem the minutes of Bib Sn perior Court. This May 3,1880. may4-lam4m A. B. ROSS. Clerk. Commissioners’ Sale. G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—By virtue of an order from the Superior Conrt of saionuuntv of Bibb, granted at tbe April term ’880, to us di rected. will be sold rtthn court home door is said county, on tbe fir, t Tuetday in June next, between tbe legal hiurs of sale th-following property, to wit: Tbe two britk stores and the lot upon which they are bail', situate on Cotten Avenue, in square t* ei ty-ore. intbe ri'y of Ma con, county and S’ate aforesaid, new occupied by Mrs. A. Binswanter and F. Eisner, and be ing the nroperly bnoueathed hy Thorns* a. Brewer ty will to Mrs. Mary 1,. Kuiasberry, Mrs Matilda G, .Ffcerwsod and Mis, Cath-rine E. Henry, said pr -pertv sold as tbe prorerty ot said Mary L. Kiugsbc-rry. Matilda Q. the; wood and Catherine E. Henry, tenants in common, for tbe purpose of distribution among said tenants m common. Terms of sale—one-lfcird cash, ore-third at four montha and one-third rts'x month', with interest from date of sate at the rate ot e ght per cent, per annum; deferred payments to b se-n» - ed bv mortgage on the pre t isea. Purchaser has option ot paying all catli. ISAAC HARLEM-N\ Ai.oKKT F.SHERWOOD JAMES L.HKNRY, May 1,1880-1aw4w Coimni-sionera. A. O, TaYLOR) Bill lor relief, etc, BibbSune- vs. }• rior Court, October Term, WM. TAYLOR J 1879. ItanpearingtotheCourtbythe return of the Sheriff that the defendant is not to be found In this county; and it farther appearing that he does not reside in this Btate: Ordered, that ser vice be perfected on said defendant by publica tion to be and appear at tbo next term efthia Court, or that commainant he allowed to pro ceed, Ordered farther, th tt this order be published once a month for foar months in the Telegraph and Messenger, a public gazette published in the dtyof Macon. By the Court: JOHN Jj. HARDEMAN. Complainant's Solicitor. T J. SIMMONS, J.S.C.M.C. A true extract from tbe minutes of Bibb Su perior Court. This 22d November. 7879. dec2S-lam4m* A. B. ROSS, Cleik. THE EXODUS Deranges labor, malinr necessary every facility for handling Cotton st the Gin. SAVE LABOR hyusingaJO'VBS FIVE-TON WAGON SCALE Pri Ob 860. all Iran and Steel, Brass Beam. FRvIGHT PAID BY US. It ordered now can pay at Gizning. Everybody send for free bock. Adores* Joses i>( Binghamton, msyl5-weow4w Binghamton, N. Y. O RDINARY’S Office, Jones County, Georgia, March 3,1880. Whereaa Famuel L. Chiles, administrator estate Lucinda M ason, deceased, applies tor dis mission. These are to cite and admonish all persons conrerned to show causa at this offioe.on the first Monday in June next, if any they have, why the same shall rot be granted. Witness my hand officially. irfitd* R T. ROBS. Ordinary. TO RENT. T HE store bow occupied by Hunt, Rankin A Lamar, wholesale druggists; has a deep, dry cellar and two floor* above. Was specially ar ranged and used aa a carnage repository for years, but a good stand for any kind of business. Apply t0 W. G. SOLOMON. at Exchange Bank: may2-2taw3w or G.B. HOBBRTS. New Advertisements- AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY Engines, Cotton Presses, Mills, doc. RON BITTERS, A Great Tonic. RON BITTERS, A Sure Appetizer. RON BITTERS, A Ccmpleta Strecgfteaer. RON BlTTERS, A V&la&blo Medicine. RON BITTERS, Not Sold u a Btvenge. IRON BlTTERS, For Delicate Female*. Highly recommended to the public for all dis- eases rcquirlnga certain and effielent TOXIC; especially In Indiava- tion. Dyspepsia, Intermittent Fe vers, Want of Ap petite, Loss of Strength, Lack of Energy, ete. It en riches the blood, strengthens the mus-> ties, and gives new life - to the nerves. To the aged, ladles, and -hll- dren requiring recuper ation, tills vaiu Jjle remedy can not be too highly recommended. It acts like a cAni-in on the dlgestl-e organs. A teaspoonful before meals will remove all dyspeptic symptoms. TRY IT. Sold by all Druggists. THEBBOTTS CHEMF * 1 COl BALTIMORE, Mu. IUNT, BAKKIK & LAVAB, Wholesale Druggists. Macon. (LUMP) STARCH Is the highest achievement in cereal productions, and renowned throughout the world as the Standard Laundry Starch. In shape it presents huge denso crystals of wonderful whiteness and sweetness, free from (ho faintest odor and of incomyiarnble strength.‘Its su periority and economy are the result of experiment and Improvement for thir ty-five years, and Us popularity the re ward of this effort of n lifetime. Royal Gloss Lump Starch is packed in hand some ono-pound. three-pound, and six- pound cartoons, and for sale by Grocers every-wliere. Manufactured by ANDREW ERKENBRECHER. Cincinnati, Ohio. m STOCK SPECULATION, J OHN A. DODGE A CO., Banters and Brok en,U Wall Street, New York, buy stocks on reasonable margin, and, when deaiied. will rection# for will ^op.ny eac^ ^t", w‘m ^“refiSbl^iJ: tin NcLt g' uuico on e-e tbe rao uni J j yetted. Opportnsitie* for good profi'i are con- Uoit »• A i < i k Lt, ie »ii the ( at* ce w aj per. i occurring. Fall information on sppltca* r*o d t y it 11 medicine deaieta Twentj-nvo | tjon, and Weekly Report sent free. eeiaU a ooitle. . *. .'lg janl0-tu*-sat-ly PLANTATION MACHINERY - ' OF At* KINDS. SCHOFIELD S IRON WORKS, Send for I*rico List. MACON, GA AGENTS WANTED TO solicit orde»* for Photographs, etc-, for en- larcenent A paying busino For particnlari and term* address J. D. LEMES, Box 167,Har- ritburg. Fa. S IV IV (V A YEAR snd expenars to 7 7 7agents. OutltFree. Address | I | P. O. VICKERY, Augusta, Me Advertisers by addressing U60. P M Howell & Co. 10 spruce St, New York can 1"the exact cost of anv! picked line of in Arr.erlcanNewipapers.IOO- t, 10c, nmyl8wed aatlm ADVERTISING Pa e Psmoiet. 10c* G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY,—Whereas Ben jamin C. Smith admiuiatrator of tbe eatata of James Smith, dr ceased, has made applicstloa for leave to sell fifteen sharea of the capital stock of the Southwestern rulrosd company, one bout* and lot in the city ot Macon in said county, snd twenty-seven hundred scree ot land iu Houston county :n said State, belonging to said estate: These are therefore to ate atd admonish all persons concerned to be snd aDpear at tbe Court of Ordinary of aaid county on the first Monday in Juneaext, toshow cause, if any they hare, why aaid application should not be grafted. Witness my official signature. J. A. MCMANUS, Ordinary. aaj9 ltaw4w* FOBTIFY THE SYSTEM And you are armed against diaeare. The finest tonic for this purpose is Hostettor’s Stomach Bitten, which renders digestion easy and com plete, counteract* biliousness.and keeps the bow el* in order, and so genial and beneficent are its effects, that not only it the body invigorated and regulated by its use. but despondency banished from the mind. For sale by *11 Druggists and Dealers generally. may4-lm GUANO. DeLeon’s ComplejeCottou Fertilizer. I shall keep a supply of this brand constantly n hand. Perry ET. DeLeon, *pr22 deodlm Savannah, Ga. G eorgia, *ibb county.—whereas, a. b Ro-8, guardian of Mrs. M.L. Butts and her minoi children, Jesse u. Butts, Jsmes A. Butts aud John P. Butts, has made application for leave to sell all the wild lands belonging to his said ward* at private sale. These are therefore to cite and admonish ail persons concerned to be snd appear at tbe Court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in June next to show cause if any t hey have, why said application should not be granted. Given under my handoffictally. M*y8,1880. - J. A. McMANUS, may9-td* Ordinary. irntsry on tho entire Kerfptures ( ,n ote vol.J orerpublished. Price, $3,7.V BbaSlxt, Gab- sxrsoir A Co.. 86 N. 4th as., Phila., Pa. ml9-4t 0 HUM HABIT CUKE dAwly By B. M. Woolley Atlanta, Ga. Reliable evi dence given, and reference to cured patients and physicians. send for my book on the habit and its cure. STRAYED- F BOM the subscriber on the 29th cf March a incu.o-colored mare mule, aged five or six years. When she left had a shoe on the left fore foot, hada wart on ti e neck near where the ocl- lar » oiks. A liberal rewai d will be paid for ber delivery, ny information thank fully received. Address J. T. HOLT, Macon. Cara R. V. Qniley.sprll-dawlt* 3'Xj_A-Q-Gr’S IMPROVED PATENT LIVER PAD) Nbyer Gkts Hakd. Cam be Mime amt Strength Desired. La tv Twice as Long. Sinus* tawd wlthfiat Braggisg tie SjitOL CURES Chills aniFewr, Liver CopkiM, IrclRU^ia, Kemancs, ihmOtm, Miiaii FemsL' Jfabm Sick t Kami Hafafc. These PnrJs Cure all Diseases by Absorption. No - Poisonous Medicines are takes The Fads are worn over the Pit or the Stomach, covering tlie Great Nerve Centres, also the Uver and Stomach. A gentle Vegetable Torncis absorbed intothecirculation of the Blood and Liver, purifying the Blood, stimulating the Liver and Kidneys to healthy action, and strengthening tho Stomach to digest food. Price of Pads si and tt each. Sold by all Drcggzbtc, or sent by Mail or Express. Manufactured at 39 & 4> North Liberty St. Bxxtimors. Mi. John Ingalls, druggist, Wholesale and Retail A-ent, corner Fourth and Poplar streets, Macon, Ga. apv8-d6m p-o=” X” . llffpi tnmwm I Tiflfi h a MILL A FACTORY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS; BELTING, HOSE and PACKING, OILS, PUMPS ALL KINDS, IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, BRASS! GOODS, STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, Ac. Ssnd for Price-list. W. H: DILLINGHAM & CO., 143 Main Street, LOUISVILLE,. KY. j*osi3:xjjv btjrtz ffeiera! Puffisliisg Ipncy, EDFAUaiA, ala. Advfrtisirg, [nbseiiptita and Job Prutiag Effected with tbe bed hens's in Alabama, Geontia ami thronshout the country, at a discount on table rates. t 1AURG1A, Bibb County.—Wbe-eas M. R. vT Bogera, gnardirnof John N. Little, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for* dischrrge from his guardianship of John N. Little’s penon aud property. Thia is therefore to cite all persons enneernf d to show cause by fUitg their objections m my of fice bv the first Monday in June next, why tbe said M. R. Rogers should not bo dismissed from his guardianship of John N. Little and receive the usual letters ol dismission. Given i nder my officia’ aisrature. merited* J. A. McMANUS.Ordinary. f^t BORGIA. Bibb County —Whe’eaa George R VX Barker baa made application for letters of admiristration on the estate of Jrne A. Malone, late of laid coonty deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all perrons concerned to be and appear at the Conrt of Ordinary cf raid covnty on the first Monday in June next, to show cause if any they have, why letters of administration should not be granted. biven under my hand gud official signature, May 1.1880. m»}2 lavdwi* J. A. MCMANU8, Ordinary. and bet. een the parties hereof, all residents of said county and State, tu form a limited co- partuerahip, under the laws of Georgia, and tbat •aid coptnnerihip shall be conducted under the following provisions: 1. The firm name of said copartnership shall be W. A. Doody," which alone shall be used in its desllnss. 2. Said copartnership shall be located in the city ot Macon, sari counts and State, and its business rhsll be the dealing by retail in Gene ral men hsndise. such as ary sock's, ciothing. boots and shoes, and other articles ci such char acter. . 3. W. A. Doody shall be the general partner, and sh 11 have full direction and management of the business. Myron Nossbaum and Joseph Dannenberg. all of said county, are special part ners. 4. W. A. Doody has contributed four thousand doha'S to said partnership, and Myron Nuts- beam and Joseph Dannenberg have each con tributor! four thousand dollars to the capital stock of tbe same. 5. This partnership shall begin on the f Oth day of January, 1880. and shall end on tbe 20th day of January, 1883, tnless sooner dtsrolved. as here inafter provided, to-wit: In care either party be comes dijs.ti-fied ■ with s-id partnersbip tbe same n ay be dissolved after the first year, pro vided six months notice he given after said time, cf such intended dissolution to .be other party or parties—said notice to be in writing, giving Ihj reatona therefor." It is further agreed that the said W. A. Doody shall be paid from tbe partnership assets, the sum of fifty dollars per month, and this amount to be charge! to the expense account. Thia pay ment to rontinne until a dissolution, unless oth erwise agreed on. Witness our handf, this 12th day of January, 1880. W. A. DOODY. MYRON NUkSBAUM JOSKPH DANNENBERG. Signed this 12th day of January, 1839, and ac knowledged bvfcre J.T. RODGERS. N. P. Bibb Co., Ga. Macoir. Ga., January 12,1889. I ceriify tbat the above instrument was signed snd acknowledged by the parties thereto before me this day. J.T. RODGERS, N. P. Bibb Co, Ga. G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY—Before me c-mo in person, W. A. Doody, who being duly sworn deposes and says tbat he is the general lartner in s limited copartnership about to be ormed in said county, under the name cf W. A. Doody, and that Myron Nussbaum and Joseph Dannenberg are the special partners therein, and that the amount agreed to be contributed by each of them to wit: the sum of four thousand dollars, to the capital stock of said firm, has been actually paid in. and in good faith contributed thereto. A. DOODY. 8wom to and subscribed before me this 29th day of January, 1830. J. T. RODGERS, mart u4w Notarr Bibb county. Georgia. G eorgia, Bibb County.—Whereas C. T Ward, executor tf the estate of C. YI:tori* Winter, deceased, late of said county, has m>de application for leave to sell all tbe teal and per sonal property belonging to said estate. These are thorefero to cite and sc monish all reraons concerned to be.and appear at tt e Court cf Ordinary of said oountiy on the first Monday in June next to show cause it any they have, why said application ehould not be granted. Witness my official signature May 7,1880. tnsyStd* J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary. 0. 0. HAYS. Contractor and Builder. pVBALBR in aU kind* of ScDcb Ecd Diessed ■L' Lumber and Shingles. PerannEl atk-uticc Riven eIi buii esa. Goods delivered prompt* i.T*ndfne. fe*ti»fftct*on guaranteed. Comaaodl sternest Nca. 64, 66and 68 Uterrv St. majlC sun wed-lm ADM INIS 1'KATiiiX’S SaLET^ BY authority ol an order W the Conrt cf Orjj- nary of Chatham county, will bo soid be fore tfao f°®fl hou?e door in Pavanneh.on ihe lab Ti>eida|r in April next, within tlie leval hours oi sale, ’k, tallowing property belonging to the estate of BA- *•’«C.Anderson,deceased: All that tracts; land situate in tbe ejunty of Bibb, gtato of Geor gia, near the city ot Macon, aud trontipg on ihs road leading from Macon to Forsyth in TineriUe. known as the place uouafe: by Geo. W r . An derson from Mrs. H. B. Freeman, executrix,etc. contaiRing 36% acres, more or less, agents in ‘ ornl * tIott t0 Turpin A Ogderi, mart-dim utd JANS M. ANDBRFON. . AJministratriz:. G EuRGIa-BIBB COUN1Y,—Where as, L. A Savage, executrix of the estate of < als- donia Savage, late of raid county, deceased, has made applhauon for letters of dismission from said estate. These are therefore, to cite and admonish all persona concerned, to be and appear at the Conrt of Ordiusry of said county on the first Monday in Julv next, to show cause, if any they have vhy said application should not be grarted. Witness my official signature April 39,18-0. J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary. n>ar41aw-4w* O RDINARY 8 Office. Jones County, Georgia, March 3,1SS0.—Whereas A. A. barfield, ad ministrator estate John J. Barfield, deceased, applies for dismission. These are to cite and admonish all persons con» rerced to > how cause at this office, on first Mon day in June next, if ary they have, why the same shall not be granted. Witness my hand officially. marStd* R. T. ROSS. Ordinary, Bibb Oounbv Sheriff Sales. \\1 ILL be sold before the court house dooc ae » > tbe city of Mai on. during the legal hours ot sale, on the first Tuenday in June next, ska followitgproperty, to-uit: Ono-hp.lf intere.t et. lota 1 and 2, in spuare 39. in city of Aiaror. Bibb county. Georgia, fror.tiog oa Third and Ptglar etreet*. c mta ning ot.e sere, mere or lois; t!se the warehouse occupied by W B. Sparks, ant the store house occupied br Jacob 8el»el. Def ied <n aa the prrpsrty ot Firaui B. Troutmac. Ce'eaacd, to satisfy a 0. fa. issued from Bibb Su perior Court in favor (f Francis L. Upson vs. John F. Troutman, principal, snd Hiram BL Troutman, sjeunty. Property pointed c«l by plaintiff's attorney. • Also, at the same time and place, all that tract of laud situated on the aoUthwett common of tbe city of Macon, tfibb county. Georgia, known** tbe northwest livlf of Jot No. 8. in block 32, ac- oordlog to the map of A. A. Freeman of Junc% If GS, bounded as follows: on the west by Laa ar street, north by Hsxel ttrect, east by half of lot No. 8. south by ljt 7, i-s aaid block, c.utaioiog one-fourth of an acre, more or leas; also that par cel of land in the city of Macon, in said counts, known in plan of city aa lot No. 3, <n block SS. fronting on Tat nail Square. Levied on a>".k4 property of James B. Biasingame to satisfy a £. fa. issued from Bibb hi: pr rior Court iu favoroE I C. Plant va. James B. Biatirgamc. Property pointed out by plsictifl'sattcrrrcy, « Also, at the same time and oiace, lota of Un£ Boa, ICO. 101 and 102, containing ICO aero-.' catix, lying on the west aide of the Ooroulgea river rii the Macon reserveand adjoining the lands of HL J. Peter, G. J. Blake. Stein and Harris Levied on as the property 11 John W Woolfoib, atcori.- ty; also, lots of land lying on the ess; side ol taa Ocmn'gce river snd known ard distiugoirhed itc tbe survey ot the lands of the estate nl Tlxtmaa WuOjoik mad6 Dy L. W. Duboiv, a< lots S9, SL, 47 45,49.53,58, 57.61. 64.V5.6",67.63,63 70.71. 72.73.74,75.78.77,78, 79, SO, 81.82,83.84,85. £6. 87.58,89 97, and part of lots 90, 91.92 93. Lev ied on aa the propertv of Thomas J. WooiCoKc ft satisfy a fl. fit. issued frem Bibb 4tiperior Court in lavor1 anlel F. Gunn, guardian, vs. Thom»t J. Woolfolk, James H. Woolfoik ard JohuW, Woolfoik, security. Property pointed out ip plaintiff's attorney. may4-wlw GEORGE 7. CHERRY,Sherff. G EORGIA, BIBB t-OUNTY.-Whereas, John P. Lee has applied to be appointed guardian ol the person and property ol Minnie, Albert, Rosa, Julia and Daaie Whitney minors, under fourteen years of age, residents cf said county: Thu is to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at the Couitof Ordinary of said connty on tho first Monday in June next, and show cause, if any they have, why ieid John P. Lee should not be rntrutted with the guardianship of the persona and property of said minors. Wit ness my official signature J. A. MCMANUS, mayll-td* Ordinary. iroTiGE. Fine lotol Saddle and Harness Hones jnst received from Kentucky at the Kentucky .tables, on Third street, which will be sold at reasonable prices- Parties in need of stock are respectfully invited to call aud inspect them at once. A fine psir ot well broks ponies for ladies* driving and riding, for sain. Reaped fully, msylg-St BIBLE, ELDER A COGHRAN. A 1 tjtsbl iSOtli Popular Monthly Drawing ot the Commonirealtli Distribu tion Co* AT HAOAULXY’S THEATRE, In th* City of;Louisville, on Monday, May 31st, 1880, These drawings authorized fly set of tbe Leg islature of 1809 and sustained by all the court* ol Kentucky occur regularly on the last day of every month (Sundaya excepted) and are super vise! by prominent ettiwns ot the State. xus Management call attention to the gran! opportunity presented ot obtaining, for only (3, anjiot THH FOLLOWING PR1ZB8. X 171IS.HW,IWH, ..... 1 Prize 1 Prlze.....„„._ 10 Priies (1,000 each n Priies eoossoh 100 Prises 100each 100 Priies 50 each too Priies to each -,000 Prize* 10 each ..9U.0G0 - 10JXM ..... 10,000 W, 10,000" 10,000 10,000 .1X000 (Prises 300each, ap’roximat'npriies 9 Pnses HQeacn do - do ;• Prises 100 each do do A70I 1,800 ■piMH ooo LOGO Prise* * (113,400 Whole Tiokets, (S. Hall Tickets, (l. 17 Tickets; (60. 55 Ticket*. *M0 AU applications for dub rates should be made to tha home office. Full list of drawing published in Louisville Courier-Journal and New York Herald, and mailed to all tioketrholders. 0S.RBM1T MONEY BY MAIL OR. kYPREAB Address R. M. Bcardm’an Courier-Journal Build ing Loulsnd* Bentuckv, or at No. 307 and 30 Broadway. Naw York. amgSOeodtuthuastAwli 1 HOOD SAW mu fob uoo. Our No. 1 Plantation Saw Millie designed to be ran by 8,10 or 12 horse power Agricultural Engines. With this powerirom 1’500 to 4,000 " ; e of iumbor can he cut in a day. A prcduct 25 to 60 per cent, greater than can be cut with any re ciprocating saw mill with the same power. The anils are complete except saw, and will be pzt on the ears in Cincinnati lor the low price 616200. and warranted in every particular. Saw Mills of all sizes, Engines, Boilers, 8baftirg, Gearing, eto. uatTmtecjcjro ~ ' Ilia f circulars sent free. LANE & BOSLEY GO., oha & Water Sts.. Cincimiati, 0. aprl-dlawgmAweowlIt Boat; and Cheapest ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. Special indecements to BOUTH- BRft SOLDIERS. Satisfaction given io all cates. First premium at'Atlanta and Macon.' Georgia. Fairs, 1879. Beat oi refer* enees in your gtate. Apply at once for fall information, srecial terms, •tc. Adds ass CHARLES M EVANS. Manufacturer lor U.8. Govetum’t, 15* West Fourth Etreet, OinotniiaU,. O, ’ O RDINARY'S OFFICE, JONES COUNTY, Georgia, May 1, 1889. Whereas Jackson Roberta anpliea to me for the guardian thin ot Ola, Andrew aad Thomas Roberts, minor a dren ol Solomon Roberts, deceased. - Tbeaa are to cite all persons to show cause. If any they Rave, why tetters of guardianship Shall not be granted him on float Monday in Jane granted next. WitarM my hand officially may4-wlm« ROLAND T. RO 3. Ordinary. orders brought cn by iadi Preaertptiow Free. For the speedy Cure of Seminal Weakness Loss of Manhood, and aff dii n by indiscretion orexcac - - "ieate. Address 78 Nassau St., N, E t vEORGIA, Bibb Countv—Whereas Mrs. Fo- Uf phis K. Hall, administratrix of the estate of E. Bond, late of said county deceased, repie- sents to the court in her petition, duly Sled and entered on record, tbat she has fully administer ed K. Bond’s estate. [. : - This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and 'creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from her administration and receive let ten of dismission on the flnt Monday in J une, 1880. Given under my official signature. - ' - jMAB marfitd* J A McMANUS, Ordinary. G EORGIA—BIBB C’OCNTY.-Whereas. W, W Games, administrator of the estate of Bamntl G. Bonn, late of said county, deceased, has made application for letters of dismission from said estate The.o are tberefOre; to cite and idmonishall persona concerned to be and appear at the Court ot Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in July next, to show cause, if any they have, why said application shou d not be gra Witness my official signature Aprils J. A. McMANUd.O mar4-!aw in* DISSOLUTION. fTHB firm .of Ashly A Speir was this dsy dis- 1 solved by nretaal consort. Mr./shly retain* Savannah via Macon, and Mr. 8peir retaining Tennessee, Alah* a, Texas. Arkarsat .nd all territory in Georgia north of aaid railroad tin*. (Signed) J. S. ASBLBY. „ '■ G.W, bFEIR. March 19.1880. mar28.-law4w Know Thyself. fTlHB untold miseries that • JL result frem indiscretion . in early life may he allevi.t- ■! curpd. TLote who u '. doubt this assertion should purchase the new m.dical work published by thei PEA BODY MEDICAL 1N8TI- rUTB, Boston, entitled THRSOIkNOB OF LIFE: or. 8BLF PUK8B&VATION. Exhausted vi tality; nervous and physical debility, or yitalitv impaired by tbe errors of youth or too close or too dote application to butineia, may be restor ed aud manhood regained. - i Two hundredth edition,revisedand enlarged, lost published. It is a standard medical work, the best in tbe English language, written by a physician of great experience, to whom was, awarded a gold and jewelled medal by the Na« tional Medical Association. It contains beauti- msny.yeara of extorsive and successful practice, either one ei which is worth tsn times the price of the book. Bound in French cloth, price only $1, sent by mail postpaid. Tho Loudon Lancet says: ’.‘No person should be without this valuable book. The author is a noble benefactor.’* An illustrated sample sen, to aU on receipt of 6 ceitf for postage. r The aetbur refers by permission to J08RPH SFUHER. president; W. I. P, INGRAHAM, vice president; W PAINE, H D, <18 GAUNTT, M D; H J DOUOST. M D, & H KUNE. V D. J RBOUOMH. MD. NR LYNCH, HD, and M RO’OONNELL,MD. faculty of thePhilsdel- MT M phis University of Medicine and Surgery, mite the faculty of the American University of PhiU' dalphia, also Hon F A BI84ELL, M D, president of tbe National Medical Association. BEAL Address Dr W H PAR KER, No 4 Bulfinch Et, Boston. .Mats.. The au thor may be consulted on mafesasia are all diseases requiring THYSELF skill and experience, * *A * MdSlW* ncvSO wlv JONES COUNTY SHERIFF SALES. "TtJ ILL be .sold before the court bouse door in TV. tbe town cf ClintonJones connty, Georgia, VV. wa - on the first Tueaday in April next, between the AOlUSo IU 1-gftl hours of sale, the following property, to- wit: Three hundred and thirty seres oflsnd, more or legs, adjoining tbe lands of John & UtewarLkobt Smith god F.B. Haakei and o heya. Levied 6n at fh« property of Alford Qlawiou to satisfy two fl. fat. issued from the Superior Court of said oounly in favor of Elizabeth Clawson at d Stodztd B. Gtawton, administrators of the ta tat* of Jesze Glawzon. deceszed, vs. Alford Glawson, prineipsi. add 8ntos Giawion snd Joseph Glawson, security. Tba other, vs. Alford GSzwson prioripzl, and Sesbon Glawson snd Jsmes Glawson serunty. Property pointed out by mo of the plaintiffs, snd in posteasiou of de fendant. Thia February 23. 1898. febS7td W.J. GRESHAM. 8herifl. STOCK FOOD. 1 car load RICE FLOUR. X ear load BRAN and SHORTS. 1 carload FEAR. In More and lor sale by JONSBACOUK. G EORUA. BIBB COUNTT.—Whereas Vat thew Thornton has mode app ication fur letters of sdministration on the estate il orrilla J. Thornton, late of said couniy decca-ed: These are there'ore to cite ard admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at the Court ot Ordinary of said oounty, on the flrat Monday in Junenext. to rhow cause, if any they tavr, why letters ot administration should not be gran ted to applic-nt. Witless my official signature. J.A. McllANUS, Ordinary. Mavfi into.may8 w4w* Administrator’s Sale. TJY authority of an order from Jones court of JL> Ordinary, will be sold at tbe court houe« door in Clinton. Jones county, on the first Tues day in June next, within legal hours ot releone undivided halt interest in four hundred sen s of land, more or less, belcn-ing to estate oi Joseph C. Barbee, dereaavi, situate on waters of Hog creek in said oounty; good land. Sold lor distribution and to pay de' ts. Te*ms cash. A. J. STEWART, Adm’r. April 20.1880.-24ta«* AGAIN THE SCENE CHANGES. We Cannot Sing tlie Old Songs ’ In the old place any lot ger. Its too small. Not half la- go cboukU tor our family .household goo is aud trade, therefore we shall break ramp July 1st, next, and e-tabUth new musical luadquar- itn in the handsome New Double Store, Cor- Corgresi and f Aitator Streets Where we shall have tie largest and flne»t Mu sical Warerocms in tbe entire South. Before we go. we reust. to ssto heavy expense and labor of removal, efts* rut our entire stock of Pianos ard Orgaranowou hand and to arrive prior to July 1st. To do thia we shall inaugurate lorthwith a Grand Clearing Out Sale Comwe> cing May 15th and endinr July 1st, dur ing whuh time we shall sell at Manufacturer’s Wholesale Rates. 10 FAVORITE PIANOS. 27 CHICKERING PIANOS. 21 LIGHET&CO PIANOS. 60 MATHUSEK PIAN03. 6 BALLET & DAYIS PUNO'\ G2 SOUIHEBN . GEM PIANO-!. 28 GUILD, CHURCH & CO. PIANOS. 44 STERLING CO. ORGANS. 100 PELOUBEt & CO. ORGAN 8. 110 MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS. All new and-just from Factory. AltolMflee- ood Hand Pianos and Organs Most all ol them used from oce to six months and precisely as good as sew. Don’t Kiss This Chanc*. To secure a line instrument “awful’’ cheap. Write for Clearing Out Sale Circulars and Price Lists ana be quick about it. The sale end* July 1st, positively. Adcress LUDDEN & BATES, 8 1VANNAII. GA, WIOlfSAlE ?IM0 AND 6R8AI DEALERS. doc*7-ditowAwiy. . Crab Orchard Springs, KENTUCKY. F ITE hours run from Louisville sr Cincinnati, by rail, now open for visitors. Hotel ap pointments complete. Ask for rouqd trip tirk- «ta. For pamphlets containing analysis oi wa ters. low rate of boaid, ete. Address. J S, FURa, Manager, may>-wlm* Crab Orchard. Ky. Western Arkansas ) „ The Littie Rock and Fort f Smith Railway tfftr for sale 1 »Le beat LANDS in the West ' or Southwest, with healthy 1 climate, for ile soil, and Dot [affected by drouth, Rasy [ terms of sale. Full informa- ) lien. W. ft. SLACK, Land Commissioner, aaSfwlSt Little Rock, Ark. Rent ptid two and-a quar ter years buys one. Beat Cob • net or Parlor Organa iu the World; winners of highest dis tinction at every worm's Fair for 13 yean. Prices (61. $47. (56. £84. $108 to (590 and up ward. Alao for easy payments, 56 a month or (6.38 a quarter aud upward. Catalogues free. MASON A HAMLIN ORGAN CO, 734 Tre- mont street, 8oat on; 46 East 14th stftet (Union Square) New York; 250 Wabash Avenue. Chica go. m*yl9-w4t mm AND HAMLIN mm Gray’s Specific Medicine. HADE MARK. . THE greatTRADE MAta. E: gliat rem edy. An un failing trefor heminal eak- ness, Sjiermat- onhea, Impo- t- ncy. and sll __ diseases before Tab'ngquence ot After abuse; as a loss of mem-ry, universal lassitude, pain in the back. dimDijs of vision, prematnvp old age, at d many othi •• diseases that lead io in sanity and consumption and a premature grave. Full particulars in our pamphlet, which wo de sire to rend iree by mail to t very one. 1 he Spe cific Medicine is sold by all druggists at (l nee package, cr six pact ages for (5 will be sent freo by mail on receipt cl tbo money bv "sddresssne the GRAY MEDICINE CO. No ’0 Mechanic* Block, Detroit, Mich. Sold in Macon and every" whereby all draeghts. cr;24dowl7 For sale by HUNT, RANKIN A L i M AR. octl9-d»wlv Macon. Ga am COTTON OIN Cleans the Reed better, Runs Lighter, Cine Faster and Costs Less Money than m%f otherClnlntheMnrkfPt, Everymachln® fully and lecalif^ftarranteed. ” v SF These machines are made ot the best material^ and the vcrkmansliip and finish oro unexcelled. Have been ammiafi premiums at all the State fairs, Georgia Alabama,Tcza% etc. Upwards of 6000 of our Gdts are in constantuseto the southern states, over 10(0 having been gold inlST*. Price Ustof CInSf Feeders and Condentsi? Boxed ready for shipment and delivered at our Zaetoc* rricewHh Self Feeder Condansor* lTDifWl itofil enraged la msns With long*cxperlene*', ihe labor saving machinery and skilled WGi*:nen. vopaaon nd vantages not enjoyed by.iny other ir.^r.ufariturerln. vwS line, for prodacingtheBXSTvrork for the least nxmx * The demand last year was so great that nearly 3J: erdrt» remained •unfilled, but vre hive doubled Moranor — — capacity and hope to be able to mc< t all demand the wisest plan to set your orders In earl] for Illustrated wunphlet giving neu vclur.toi'ptc*U from over 600 live, enterprising planter* Pr®»s«*. •nd COaAVlete outfit furniahedwheu desired. ae BUOWS COTTON GIN CO^ ^ 2TXW IfONIXXrr, oast THEDEAF HEAP I Sc(e*aac'ln vtuUoi T HE t» % N TA P H OftS-, Seps^’.-th; .Vf» York ChrUti.;n A I. iWsgor.l _tc. Smaligftc—fsnl,ccarrir<lmthopcckct It- 11 fhoalj ,en<t fnr FREE fltastralcl ucstriniive 9svrq...M Amvrioan ftentapbono Oo., 1S3 W. 4lh $ c., G eorgia, bisb county-whereas &- mon Levy baa applied to me for the iett ns ap-rtof homestead cf personalty aid ihe talcs tionof the same, and 1 will pass epen said op- plieaVonst my office od Thursday the 15t». du? of April, 10 o’clock a. m. Witness my official signature. March 26, K -C mar27td J. A. McMlNUB. Ordinary. G eorgia—bibb coukty.—whero&s <t- cob Dinkier, guardian ot Edward Bercsd, has made application for letters cf diam'arioa: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish zH isrior.s cotcerncd, to tie and appear at \r i four* of Ordinary of said county, hi the Sr* Monday id August next,to show cam?.if any th«v bare, why letters ol dismission should oat be granted to applicant, witness my official -ignature May 8, 1889 J. A, McMAN L'S, Ordinarr- ma9-law w4* .- M turn of muiic for Sunday Schools has appeared. If we consider the Hymns, we fled tbe best act fill \rn A V t 00 ** or.ginsl thoughts expressed in pure poezry of good lyr cal character. Such phrases as “I'ito- iue Favior, look with blessing,” "'Trust bia. ever." "The better year* besin, "Only a little while,” ."Precioui love,” "Ere the sun goes down," "The Eden hills,” aud "‘A home, wear? pilgrim;’’ taken almostw* CM at random from its Uv D. 1M J I i p) pages.indicate its tenderness and beauty. These are 125 songs; all gcod ones. White Robes writ be mailed to any address for 20 cents (stamps3 By A. J. Abbey snd H. J. Hunger. Price S0ct« or $3 per dozen. TKMPER (XOB JKWBLtf, (35c. cr $3.60 a deal TEMPERANCE LIGHT. (I2c. orS10 hundreds These are extra good Temperance Song Beoku diff ring in price ami size, but no: in quality. Temperance Jewell is by J. H. Tenney ant Rev. E. A. Hoffman, and Tempo ranee Light is t» Geo. C. Hugg and M. E. Servcss. THE SUDDS’ NAIIONALSCHOOL FOR T3X RE8D ORGAN. By W. F. gudds. (^L5CJ Mr. 8. is well known as creotour best com poser* fur th • Pianoforte. Hi* r.ew School con tains a great deal c! fine nii'ic, and a good in structive course, snd has the recommendation* a moderate price. OLIVER DITS0N&C0., Boston, JONES COUNTYFOSITONED SHER IFF SALE. W ILL v e sold before the court house door in the town of Clinton, Jon. a, between the legal hour* of sale, on the INI Tuesday iu Jane next, three hundred acre* 01 land, or em ugh of aaid land to satisfy a tax it. to. issued by W. J. Gresham. tax collector ot said county tor tbe year 1879. e-ia land adjoining theianda of James B. Durtou, Jackson Robert* and others, and known a» the P. U. Sawyer place. Levied on as the property of P. C. Sawyer, trus tee for wife and children. This February ISO 1880. AT. J. GRESHAM. »*yl-law4w Fx-offictoBiwrff,