Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, June 04, 1880, Image 7
WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington, May 20,1860. GEORGIANS IN LOCK. In the bill reported a short time since by the House committee on war claims, making appropriations for the payment ol claims allowed by the Southern claims c ommissioners, I lind the following named p ersons from Georgia wlio will get the a mount of “chicken pie” set down oppo- s ite their names! Alfred Allen, $260; Matthew Almond, $314.50; Eliza An drews, executrix of John Wamock, deceased, $481.50; Sandy Austin, $162; Martha Barrett, administratrix ot Nancy Russell, deceased, $389.50; John Black man, $40S; James B. Bostick, $39o; An drew J. Boyle, $100; Mary Brogden,$2fio; James Craft, $125; Sarah Crow, $285; J antes Custard, $220; John Cutbbcrt, $40; Adam A. Davis, $260; Sidney Defoor, $300; William N. Dickson, $1,605; Stephen Dodson, S20S; Matliew Earp, $280; May- son P. Echols, $285; Catharine M. En. right, administratrix of Patricks. En right, $418; Samuel C. Finley, ex ecutor of Samuel Finley, de ceased, $2,5402>0; Thomas J. Gaddis $750; Thomas L. Garrett, $5i0; Samuc Gauldcn, Sr. (estate of), $273; Steven Gil- dersleeve, $245; Francis Gilliland, $317; Paris James, $450; Bartlett M. Jenkins, $140; Abraham Johnson, $055; Edwin Johnson, $250; Carrie J. Johnston, $300; Marlborough Jones, $43; Francis J. Kea ton, $100; Benjamin L. Lane, $1,7:10; Jas. II. Brown, $1,113; Danton Brown, S190.50; Thomas Butler, $240; Stephen Carter,$150; Ellison Casey, $439; William Collins, $268; William A. Golding, $220; Jcrusha Grillin, $808; John W. Grubb, $200; JolinS. Hanibright, $281.50; Joel Hodges, $350; JatncsM. Holcomb,$200.25; Jane Holmes, $120; Berry Houk, $100; Catharine Howell, heir of Ann Moore, $300; Joseph James, $120; David M. Langston, $230; Joshua Le:-iunt,$75; Nathaniel D. Lewis,' $483.50; Thomas Loden, S125; Willis McDow, $100; Samuel A. Mclvcr, $360; Lina McKay, $135; William F. Metcalf, $104; James Miller, $253; Peter Miller, $141; Bacciis Mills, $100; Crawtord Munroe, $136; Richard Moore, $500; Sarah Moore, $100; Mary J Mulkey, $344; Henry L. Naswortliy, executor of James Nasworthy, deceased, $180; John L. Newton, $158; W. E. Norton, $311; Mary K. Parker, $140; Asa Roberts, $273.75; Judy Rose, $106; Gray Rounsaville, $243; Mary Rut ledge, $291; James 11. Shepherd, $454; Isaac Simpson, $92; Dennis Smith, $175; James D. Stoll, $370; John Partlow, $530; John Phillips, $227.25; William Phillips, $220; Matilda Plowman, $250; George Powell, SS6; R. L. A. Pursley, executor cf James M. Plus- ley, senior, decease!, $136.70; Jacob Quartcrman, $100; John Itaniials, $220; James M. C. Reynolds, $297.50; Prince Stevens, $100; Prince Stewart, $136; Som erset Stewart, $90; Joseph Stover, $125; William N. Thomas, $224.50; Wiley J. Tipton, $125; Thomas S. Tuggle, SI,200; Granelerson F. Vaughan, $520; Elijah Walea, $360; Alina E. Walton, ad ministratrix of Isaac L. Walton, deceased, $2,164; Eber Ward, $1S0; Amanda White, $350; Sarah Wiggins, $105; Furgos Wilson, $246; Allen Witch er, $70; Elizabeth H. Wright, administra trix, $1,723; Joshua Wyatt, $250; Primus Wilson, Sr., $225; London Floyd, $155; William M. Thompson, minor son of John Thompson, deceased, $100; the same to be in satisfaction and discharge of claim allowed by the commissioners of claims, in tlieir eighth general report, to “Sydney Defoor, guardian of heir, Geor gia,” to be paid on surrender and vanccl- lation of treasury warrant, dated April 18th, 1879, No. 2291 (F 515), seiies 1874, heretofore issued thereon to “Sydney Defoor, true .name is Sidney Defoor, guardian of heir (Georgia),” for $100. NO ADJOURNMENT ,1 on the 31st inst. That fact seems settled this morning. The talk now is of the 10th of June as the earliest, probably the 15tb, and possibly tbe 1st of July. 1 think the 15th of June will mark the outside limit, for it is entirely practicable to get through most of the necessary business by that date. The Senate seems also to be of this opinion, from what I hear, and by Satur day, I doubt not, will return tlie resolution to tlie House so amended. The Radicals pretty generally want to get away to the Chicago convention, but their main reason for wanting a speedy adjournment is a dread of having to go on record on the tar- itr bills reported from the ways and means committees. They would rather face any question that could possibly come up than this. Let us hope they will be forced to toe the mark anyhow. THE APPOINTMENT of ex-Governor Brown as Gen. Gordon's successor excites almost as much talk and surprise among Georgians here as at home. Some predict all sorts of political eartliqcakes and convulsions of various kinds, while others say the excitement is only temporary, and will blow away long before frost. It is presumed, of course, that Governor Brown will be a candidate for election by tbe legislature in common with at least twenty others I have heard named, but the opinion seems pretty general that he will not, by any means, have nearly so easy a time staying, as lie has bad getting .'n. 1 understand Mr. Hill is very much pleased at Governor B.’s ap pointment and says he will “now have a colleague in reality.” I also hear that Dr. Felton is not at all displeased, and that Mrs. F. is actually jubilant—which latter report somewhat surprises me, as I was under the impression that Governor B. was not in favor of the so-called “In dependent” headquarters in tlie Seventh district. As to the effect of this appoint ment on Governor Colquitt's political for tunes, there seems to be but one opinion where any opinion at all ' is expressed. But time is a wonderful healer, and many months will elapse before the Senatorial election; and in addition to all this Gover nor B. is “a mighty smart man,” and whatever else he may lack it isn’t “judg ment.” He was sworn in this morning aud took a seat next to Mr. Hill. BAYARD AND FIELD. With Tilden out of the way, these two gentlemen seem coming to tlie front as the only real starters at Cincinnati on the 22d of June. There is some small talk of Morrison, of Illinois, but it doesn’t seem to liave much bottom, though Mr. Morrison would make quite a respectable candidate, compared with some we have bad on both sides in tlie country’s history. A boom was started for him last night at Willard’s hotel, but tlio weather was too warm for it to attain much size. A few members from the States of Texas, Ken tucky, Illinois, Missouri, Alabama and Mississippi were present, and General Chalmers, of the last named State let off the oratorical boom for Mr. Morrison. If Tilden gets out of the way, I shouldn’t mind investing moderately m tlie Field pool, especially if he is to be, as they say, Sammy’s residua ry legatee. Mr. Bayard, I take it, wijl find himself fatally handicapped by locali ty, and his strong sectional sympathies and predilections during the late civil war. But wliat a ticket Thurman and Bayard would make for honest men to work and vote for. How it dwarfs and belittles nine-tentli3 of all others on both sides. ' THE CHICAGO WINNER. Since it was definitely settled at Spring- field, Illinois, tlie other day that Grant will be the winner next Wednesday at Chicago, interest in that event languishes. Blaine and Sherman may still be bother ing tLemselvcs about the result there, but nobody else is. Grant is already nomi nated, as lunch co as if the vote had been taken and announced. It would not sur prise me, now, if the first roll call didn’t break up iu a spontaneous and irresistible sweep of tlie Grant current, and his nom ination be won by acclamation. I have never wavered in the opinion that he would win, but sometimes bave been a little shaky as to the length and strength of the fight against him. Fancy Blaine and the Ohio snake’s feelings just now. Isn’t it sweet to think of one at least of the Sherman family having to drain such a bitter cup. A. W. B. Ache ££££ At Once Cared By BENSON’S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER It is the only known remedy that never fails. Over 2000 Druggists lave signed a paper stating ttat Physicians say they are in every way Superior to the ordinary slow-acting Pcrous Plasters used for this purpose. SBABDRT A JOHNSON, t-harmacentical Chemists, New York, ianl-tus thr sa'-daw ton col n r m PRICK 45 CENTS. spam >j FerlNIUMtSandlOCCESMLuse. X SURE CURS *or all the dbcaser fur width ft fa recommended, uid always perfectly safe In the hands of even the most inexperienced persons. PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER Jm recommended by Physicians. Ministers, Mi*monarics, Mnnaaen of Factories. Wori-Shops.and Plantation*, Nunes ui Hospitals—in short by ercrj/borly ercrywherc who hfi3 ever given it a triaL _ IT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF FORTY YEARS’TRIAL. 13 A E ; *v} SC E 3 I C E3R eh.rafd have a place fn every factory, machine-rhop, ■ WBSu (V E In Ih EL irtk and mill, on every farm and plants! cn, and in every household, ready for immediate use not only for accidents, cuts, bruises, cores, etc., but la case of sudden Sickness of anv kind. O A I IU If Ei B ET O ‘he well-tried and tmsted friend of all who want I 111 IV 1 laa lw E, rv a tnw and snfe medicine which can be freely used internally or externally without fear of harm and with certainty of relief. Its price brings ft wlthtn the reach of all; and it will annually save many times its cost in doctors’ bills. For rale by all druggists at 25c. 50c. and Sl.00 'per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. tn*r’f>-d wed«t2tt(wwmit-wn r m t»’t, a rr-cr-’Pi IMPROVED PATENT LIVER PAD1 Nr.rn Gets HAsd. Car be Made axt Strength Dhired. Last Twice as Loxo. liieuei Card without Sraggifig the System. err re. ^ dulls md Few. Liter Complaint, Dyspepsia, wanlpA NerroEsuesJ, ftlKlfiH CmGMvl Femab Vethes*, Sick t Btam Eeaiiche. into the Stomach. The Pads arc worn orer the Pit of theStomsch. covering the Great Nerve Centre*, Also.the Liver and Stomach. A gentlo Vegetable Tome i s zbeorbed i nto the circulation o 1 the Blood and Liver, purifying the Blood, stimulating the Livcrand Kidneys to healthy action, and strengthening the Stomsch to digest food. Price or Pads SI and S3 each. Sold bt all Drcogists, or sent by Mail or Expires. Manufactured at SS A 4a North Liberty St, Baltimore. Mb. John Ingalls, druggist, Wholesale sad Retail A cent, corner Fourth and Poplar streets. Mac"it. Gs. apr6-d6m G EORGIA. *-IBB COUNTY.—Whereas, A. B Ro<s. auardianof Mrs. H.L. Butts aDd her minor children. Jesee u. Butts, James A. Butts and John P. Butts, hu made application for leave to sell all tho wild lands belonging to his said wards at private sale. These are therefore to cite and admonish all prrronsconcerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday Id Jure next toahow cause ii any they have, why said application should not be (ranted. Given under my hand officially. • May 8,1650. J. A. MCMANUS, maj9-td# Ordinary. PEREMPTORY SALE. attctioiTatjgtion. I WILL sell in front of my store on Cherry street, on Friday snd Saturday. May i8lh and 29<h, as ten o'clock a. m., the following Roods consisting of Baskets, Fans, Stationery, Toilet °caps of all kinds. Hardware, Cutlery, Hair Brushes, Shoe Brushes and Horse Brushes. Ladies* Hose, Halt Hose, Towels, Napkins, Fins, Buttons, and other articles too numerous to mention. Come on*, come all, if ycu wish to tecure bar gains, aa these goods must be sold regarslees of cost. majiS-It T. W.FRBEHAN. THE lio Purest and Best Medicine ever ma^N i liver J^gnlator, » WTCrJiCpHAll i Restoring Agent on earth. --—or III health can possibly loner exist ^retMro^SSSi™ varied ar.dperfect Tfccj fire n*tr life and rigor to the apM end Infirm. To all whose employments cause irregularity ot the bowels or urinary organs, or who require an Appetizer, Tonic and mild Stimulant, Hop Bitters are invaluable without Intoxicating. I Tr'!*yo«r feelings or symptoms are»l • Hop JiiiUrs- rhat the disease or ailment! ggPyOg£jjX&~jt hag Saved J Hwffl not core or sudor, but . . i id JMld uo person or family should be without them. Cet some this day. Hop Cocan Cure is the sweetest, safest and best. Ask Children. I • ^^|aa»M«thteandirrcsLstIblccurefordruBlc- ermes^ uso of opium, totaaooo acd narcotics: ^SoUtydneEfab. 1 Top KlUr, Mfe. Co. Roister, S.Y.A Send for Circular. * 7 The Voltaic Belt Ca, Manhall, Mich- Jean* Will send their celebrated Electro- Voltaic Belts to the afflicted upon 30 days trill. Speedy cures guaranteed. They mean wliat they say. Write to them Without delay. febl4dawly Is absolutely odorless, uud chemically Pure. It is snowflake white. It Is susceptible of tho highest and most lasting Polish. It possesses greater strength of body than other trade brands. It Is packed in Pound Parcels. FuU Weight guaranteed. It costs less money than any Starch in the World. It Is sold universally in America by Grocers and Dealers. Its annual consumption reachesTwcnty Million Pounds. £ It Is niannfactnred hy Andrew at Cincinnati, Ohio, In the heart of the greatest cereal region of I ^NATURE'S OWN JcEMEDV A VEGETABLE MEDICINE FOR THE BLOOD,UVER&KIDNEVS: CURATINE, Far Blood Duosses. CURATINE, For Liver Complaint*. CURATfNE, For Sidney Disease*. GJRAT2NE, For RhenmatUm. CURATINE, For Ecrotala Disease*. CURATINE, Tor Erysipelas, Pimple*, IkiptcLe*, etc. WARNER’S SAFE BITTERS In eliminating thclmpuritlesof the biooa, im natural and necessary result U the cure of Host ulous snd other null. Krupilot. including CoMCcr*. Ulcer., and other sores. it is the best Mood 1*mi-1 Her. and Btlrnu* Jaies every function to mere healthful action, and thus a benefit in all diseases. UT.peptla, Wwknws #f Hie Stomneb. Constipation. Plnlsc. “*■***! D’vlitl- li. n.r* nm.lirHl bV thi Ssfc BlttelS*_ HJt FORTIFY THE SYSTEM And yoi are armed against disesre. The finest tonic for this purpose is Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters, which renders digestion easy and com plete, counteracts biliousness and keeps the bow els in ordtr. and so genial and beneficent are its effects, that not only is tbe body invigorated and regulated by its use, but despccdeccy banished from the mind. For sale by ail Dreggist* and BeaJcrs generally. maj4-lm Hew Advertisements. AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY Engines, Cottou Presses, Mills, dec. PLANTATION MACHINERY or ALL BINDS. . SCHOFIELDS IRON WORKS, Send for Trice last. MACON, GX AGENTS WANTED TO solicit orde’s for Photosraphs, etc., for en largement A paying buslne >t. For particulars and trims addiets J. D. LBMBB, Box 167<Har- risbunr, Fa. $ |V IV IV A YEAR and expenses to 7 / /agents. OntttFree. Address | | | P.O.VIOKSRY, Augusts, Me Idveniseis by sddresting Cieo. P * Rowell & Co. 19 Spruce St, New York canjearii the exact eMtof any proposed lino of iNi ADVERTISING in Am Pa e Pamolet. fDc. mericanNewepapers.lOO- maylSwed eatlm 0 HUM HABIT CURB d&wly By B. M. Woolley Atlanta. Ga. Reliable evi dence given, and reference to cured patients sad pbystdane. bend formy book on the habit and its curs. /"I BORGIA. Bibb County —Whe’eas George R VT Barker has made spplication for letters of admiristration on the estate ot Jen. A. Malone, late of raid county deceased. . These are thertfore to cite and tdmonif h all person, concerned to be and .ppearat the Court of Ordinary of .aid county on the first Monday in June next, to show cause if eny they have, why letters of administration should not be granted. biven under my band and official airoatura, Hay J, 1880. may 2 law4w«= J. A. McMANUS* Ordinary. A LL persons indebted to the estate of H. B. -A Trofan are Hereby notified to make in.* mediate psjmett of the same to tbe undersign* ed; and ail pel sons bavin* claims against aaid estate ar* hereby notified to present the same duly authenticated in terms o! tb« law. M. L.T8 OUTMAN, Bxwuior. May 18. If80.-19-1 wsw A medicinal com pound of known value— combining in one prep- powers for the evils I Notice to Debtors and Creditors. which produce all dis eases of the JIIood, the Ileer, the AMiiryt. Harmless in action and thorough in its effect. Ills unexcelled for the cure ofaltJJfood-Dis pose. such as Scrof ula, Tumors.liotl*, Tetter,Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, 3fer- eurial JPoisai.iilj/, also Constipation, Ry.pepsia, Intli- j)rstio»,Bour Stom ach, Retention of Urine, etc. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. THE E2Q¥S CHEMICAL CO BALTIMORE, Md. O RDINARY’S Office, Jones County,-Georgia, March S, 1880. 'Whereas Samuel Ii. Chiles, sdministrator esttte Lucinda Mason, deceased, applits for dis mission. These are to rite and admonish all persons concerned to show ct us. at this office .on tbe first fit onday in J une next, if any the} hare, why the same shall i ot be granted. Witness my hand officially. marsld* R. f. ROSS, Ordinary. Ren*- p*id two and-a quar ter years buys one. Best Cabi. net or Parlor Organs in tbe World; winners of highest dis tinction at every wcrld’s Fair for IS years. Prices |51. £17 *<6. S84. !=108 to tKO i nd on ward. Also for easy pajmeuts i5 s irorith or 10.38 a quatte* and upward. Catalogues free. MA^ON A HAMLIN ORGAN CO, 151 Tre- mont street, Poston; 46 Bast 14th stnet (Union Square) Now York; 2£0 Wabash Avenue, Chica- g.. m»yl9-u4t MASON AND HAMLIN ORGANS This is the only Lottery afany Stale that ever voted on and endorsed by its people. ^Jripreoeaontecl ^.ttraotlon. Over Half a Million Distributed, Louisiana State Lottery Company, This Institution was regularly incorporated by the Legislature ol the State for Educational and Charitable purposes, in 1838, for the term of twenty-fire years, to which contract the inviola ble faith ot the State is pledged,wi it li pledge has keen renewed by an overwhelming popular veto, securing its franchise in the new constitution aaoptea Deccmbor 2, 1819, with a Capital ol S 1,00-3,000, to which it has since added a reserv e fund of imooe. ITS GRAND SINGLE NUM. BEK DR A WINGS will take place monthly. It never scales or post pones. Look at the follow ing Distribution: GB1KD FEOMENA.DE CONCERT, during which will take place tho 12l£t Grand Monthly —and the— Extraordinary Semi-Annual Drawing At Now Orleans, Tuesday, June 15th. 1880, Under the personal supervision and manage ment of Gss. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, and Gun. JUUAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. Capital Prize, $100,000. '(S.Notice.—Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, £5. Fifths. $2. Tenth,, Jl. LIST OF PR1ZB8. SIOOOOO... 1 Capital Prize of 1 Grand Prizeot 1 Grand Prize ol 2 Large Prizes of 4 Large Prizes oi 20 Prizes of 60 - ICO •• 200 600 " 10000 Sli.OOU. *1,100 10.000 5,000. 1,OOS.... too.... soo 200...... 100.... 10..., 8100,000 6'i,000 J0.C00 20,000 20.100 90,000 15.010 50,000 40.or-o co.coo 1(0.000 Daily, one year, - - §10 00 Daily, six months, • 5 00 Daily, three moths, - 2 50 Weekly, one year, - 2 00 Weekly, six months, - 1 00 Jlailj aid ; Far*ers Intb'y, me y*ar, $11.50 - 3.50 APPROXIMATION PRIZES, 10( Approximation Prize, of (200 (20,000 100 - " 100.... 10,000 100 “ ** 75...... 7,COO 11,279 Prizes, amounting to — .(822.500 Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of La. > Commiz- W M l|i tai] Vsnnrn’VmlMv Gen. JUBALA.KARLY.of Va. $ sioners. nwu J MQ ,,r * re * U * UU Jl Application for rates to clubs 'should only be made to the offloeof the Company in New Or leans. Write for circulars or send orders to M. A. DAUPHIN. New Orleans, La. or same person at No 319 Broadway, New York. N. B.—This Company has no Agent, in the British Pcstetsions, and ail persona pretend i- g to be ao and lolicitlng otdera by or other- iseare gwicdlen. daw-wed sat LIBEL FOB DIVORCE. Bibb Superior Court, April Term, 1880. MRS. G. F. riNCKAKD TS. J. J. PIMCKARD. F appearing to the court by the return of the sheriff that the defendant ia not to be found in this county: and it further appearing that he doea not reside in the State of Georgia; Ordered, that he appear at the next term of thii court, or that saw cause be allowed to pro- oeed.and that service bo perfected on said J.J. Pinck&rd by publication hireof. once a month for four monthi, in tbe TBLseaiPH \av Mbssix- aia, a public gazette published <n the city of Msoon. Bv the Court: JOHN L. HARDEMAN, Libellant’s attorney. Be it eo. T. J. SIMMONS, J. 8. C. M. C. April 29.1880. . „ A true extract from tbe minutes of Bib Su perior Court. This May 3,1880, mayA-lamtm We have secured the services of MV. S. 8. 84 W JE BT. better known to the newspaper world as “Jack Plane,” the late correspondent of the Savannah Newt, who will have personal su pervision of tba WHBKLY. Wo respectfully askfera continuation of the present generous patronage of tbe’public. ... ^ t — , IBOU, A. B. ROSS. Clerk. $30 REWARD. -Cigh about 140 pounds, about fire test sixinehes high. When last heardotwaa at.Montezuma, March 4th; she wai iu company with her mother Dafny Johnson, about fifty-five years dU. pox marked, aud her slater Sarah Johnson, a tall, likely girl who hu a amail girl child with her— .U^ thorn black, ^ey^ ^ their Macon, Ga., March 31,1880. apr 1-wtf G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereat Ben jamin C. Smith administrator oi the estate ot James Smith, d-ceued, has made application for leave to veil fifteen shares of tbe cspitsl stock of the Southwestern railroad company, one honse and lot in tbe city of Maeon in said county, and twenty-seven hundred acres of land in Hruston county in said mate, belonging to said estate: These are therefore to cite azd admonish all person* concerned to be and appear at tbe Court of Ordinary of said county on t he first Monday in June next, toahow cause, if any they have, why said spplication should not be granted. Witness ny official signature. J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary. may 9 liawlw* family, and winch, wherever used, will rave pi & t gftTo n ^Mwee,U>nd <*. *®*WARNER’S Safe Remedies are sold by Druggi»ts & Dealers in Med icine everywhere. H. H. Warner Co,, Proprietor*, ROCHESTER, M. Y. fftTEmd tor PaapU«t and SAFC LjVEB LION- ‘cirftf P Sar r DIA6F v i s C r ' . SAFf t ’trt SAff Ntbd'Nf SA1» I’H-- R* •IMORB H(1EL. BROADWAY. ■etwees 41st «A ■IS..NCW York. Three blocks from Grand Central Depot and one block from Elevated Railroad. AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS. ROOMS With Board. «S,«3J» and S* J*rdW. WITHOUT BOARD “1 per day and upward. AN E> EGA NT RESTAURANT in connection with Hotel. Special arrangements tor the »um- met. Hawley D. Clapp Ac ill, l*rrpr’d, pi 7 tu thi aat3m Scat; and Cheapest AETIFI0IAL LIMBS. Special indaeement. to 80UTH- BRK DOLDIBR8. Satiefaction given in all cased. First prewium at AtlantaandMacon. Georgia. Fairs, 1979. Beat of refer* enceefavour State. Apply at once for fall information, special term., etc. kdck-M CHARLB8 M EVANS. Manufacturer tor U.B. Gorernm’t. 153 Woat Fourth Street, Cincinnati, O. LANE & BODLET CO , CINCINNATL, Manufacturers ot Standard PLANTATION MACHINERY a .STATIONARY AND PORTABLE . Steam Engines* Saw Mills, Griat Milla, Shafting Hangera. Pul ley a, etc. Onr machinery is atroDg, simple and well made,and 1. especially adapted ta tbe wants of farmers and Planters, for Gicning, Sawing. Grinding and Factory use. Send for an lllua- rated Catalogue. LANg P0DI LY CO. John and Water Sta., Cincmnati, O. martlt tawJm-weowtsty inCIITC For the Pictorial Bib(« Com* KlitN I' mentator. 10I8„P»sea, 475 D; UlktlTCn lo.trafoni and Maps. The moat (V N If I [ u complete and eemprehenaiye Com mentary on the entire Serlntures (in ore toL) rer published. Price, •3,-70- BaAUtar, Gk»- STfow a Co.. At N. 4th at., Phils.. Pa. m!9-4t 125 A MONTH AND EXPENSE! to Agent*, send .Urap for terma S. C.roCTKa A Co-.Cincinnati, DISSOLUTION. T HE firm of Athly A Speir was toil day dia- ■olved by mutual consent. Mr. k rhiy retain ing the Btatesof Florida,Kentucky, Mississippi. Louisiana and all territoiy in Georgia soutnof tbe Une of ralroad rnnning from Coiamhusto Savannah via Macon, and Mr. Spoir retaining Tennessee* Al&ba ,s, Teias. ArktiiSai -nd all territory in Georgia north of said railroad line. (Signed) J.S. ASHLEY. 8 G. W. bPELR. March 19,1880. marts-lawisr O RDINARY’S Offloe. Jones County. Georgia, March 3,1880.—Wheroas A. A. Barfield, ad ministrator estate John J. Barfield, deceued, applies for dismission. .... These are to eito and admonish all persons con. cerced to show cause at this office, on first Mon. day in June next, If ary they hare, why the same shall not bt granted. Witness my hand officially. marttd* R. T. ROBB. Ordinary. G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Whertas Mat thew Thornton has made application for ietteis of administration on the estate ol torrula J. Thornton. late et said county deetaaed: These are therefore to cite aad admonish all persons oonccrnect to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in Juno next, to show causa, if any they bays, why letters ot administration should not be gran ted to applicant. Witness my offimaUif^ture^ tMnrnsr. May 6,1880. may8-w4w* Administrator’s Sale. T>Y authority of an order from Jones court of J5 Ordinary, will be sold at the court house door in Clinton. JoDes county , on the first Tues day iu June next, within legal hour* of sale one undivided hail interest in four hundred *crt»ot land, more or lesa, to estate of Joseph C. Barbee, deceased, situate on watersof Hog creek in taid county; good laud. Sola for distribution mid to April 30.1880.-24tai* EORGIA, Bibb County.—Whereas %. R. Kogere, guardian of Jonn N. Little, having applisd to the Court of Ordinary of said .county for a dischrTge from his guardianship of John N. concerned win,,. ——j 1 in mV of fice by the first Monday in June sat, why tbe said M. R. Roger* should not be dismisasd from hii guardianship of John N. Little and receive the uaual letters oi dismission. Given s oiler my official signature, msrfiid a J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary. G l BORGIA—BIBB COUNTY.—VYhereaa. W, fW. Carnes, administrator of the mtate of Samuel G. Bonn, isto of said county, deceased. hu mkde application (or letters cl dumi&sion from said eatata. . , , „ Thete are therefore, to cite and admonish aU persons concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said oounty, on the first Mondy in Jolj next, to show cause, if anj they nave, why aa!d application abonidnot MPJ ^itne»myomoi.I«gn.tareApril3 msr4-law-4w* •; V Maccn, Georgia, DAILY AND WEEKLY. FOB 1880-1881, The presert ye is pregnant with stirring and importerteTenti. General eiectiers are tote held for National, State, and county offices and the interest and eiritement evolved by tbe con test will be interne. -THE PROPRIETORS CFTHE— Daily Telegnph ui Metserge: are retoivtd to fulfill all tie Kqcinsfits their position by keeping abreast of the news of tbe world, ard while adrorating.wtib all thezea and ability they poascss, the principles of the Democratic parly, will yet pursue a corservatite and moderate course upon all questions. OUR lamoU Mj —CONTAINS— SIXTY-FOUR COLUMNS and is one of the best and cheapest publications south of Baltimore. It will be made even more interesting to the farmers hy the addition of an Agricultural Department, -Editedby— General W1111AM X. SHOWS*, Professor of History and AyiituHcre in the versityof Georgia. In addition to the WEEKLY, we nniish Southern Farmers’ Monthly One of the best Agricultural Journals in the South, for the sum of 93,50 per annum. THE TERMS Ofth TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER re main unchanged, and are as follows, payable in advance: MILL A FACTORY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS: BELTING, HOSE and PACKING, OILS, PUMPS ALL KINDS, IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, Ac. Send for Price-list, W. H: DILLINGHAM & CO., 143 Main Street, LOUISVILLE, KY: Sldanuawtf CLlrtBY A JONBS. =21st= Popular Monthly Drawing of the Commonwealth Distribu tion Co. AT MAOAULBY’S THEATRB, In tba City of Louisville, on Wednesday, June 30,1880, These drawings authorized by mot of tho Leg islature of 1889 and sustained by all the courts ol Kentucky, accordirg to a contract made with the owner* of the Frankfort grant, will occur regularly on the last day o’ every month, Sun days ana Fridays executed, for the period of five years, terminating on Jnne SO. 1885. The United States Ul’cuit Court on March 31 rendrred the following decis : ons: 1st—That the Commonwealth Distribution Company is legal. _ 2d—Its drawings are net fraduient. The management call attention to the liberal sdheme which has met with such popular favor heretofore, and whioh will again be presented for the 0 JUNE DRAWING. S sej>o» uuoei UN 10,00* 10,00* 10,0*6 10,00* 13.00* 10,00* 1 Prize,.. 1 Prize,,, 1 Prize... 10 Prizes (1,000 each 10 Prizes 500 each , 100 Prizes 100 each SOO Prizes 50 each <00 Prizes 30 each | i,000 Prize* 10 each. (Prizes 800eath, zp’reiimafnprize* 3,70* 9 Prize* 309 each do do 1,80* .9 Prise* 100 each da do 90* L960 Prize* (113,400 Whole Tickets, 83 Half Tickets, (L 17Tickets, (50. 58 Tickets, file*. Remit by Po.t-Office Mercy Order. Registered Letter, Bank Dralt or Ezpreas. To insure asaiast mistakes and delay*, corre spondents will please write their names and places of residence plainly, giving number of J o»t-Office box or Street, aud Town, County and AM communications connected with the Dis- Distribution and Orders for Tickets should be addressed to R.H. BOARDMAN, Cottner-Jour- nal Building Louland* Nentuckv. or at No. 307 and 369 Broadway, N. Y. augSOeodtuthuaat O RDINARY'S OFFICE, JONBS COUNTY, Georgia, May 1, 1880. Whereas Jaekvon Roberta applies to me for the guardianship of Ola, Andrew and Thomas Roberta, minor chil dren of Solomon Roberto, deceased. These are to cite all persons to show reuse, if anj they have, why letters of guardianship shall not be granted him on fl-at Monday in June next. Witness my hand cfflcially, mayA-wlm* ROLAND T. ROSS, Ordinary. TO RENT, rrtHB three-story building iu Triangular block, I cow occupied by Bingleton, Hunt A Go. at a esale aad retail baot and bat store. One of t stands in the city. Apply to G. B. ROBERT A GOOD SAW MILL FOB $200. Onr No. 1 Plantation Saw Mill !■ designed to be run by 8.10 or 12 horse power Agricultural Engine*. With this power Irom 1.600 to 4,009 e of lumber can be cut in a day. A product 25 to 80 per cent, greater thin can be cut with any re ciprocating saw mill with tbe tame power. The nulla are complete except saw, and will be put on khe ear* iu Cincinnati for tbe law price of *309. and warranted In every particular. Saw Milla of all else#, Engines, Boilers. Shaftisg, Gearing, etc. Illustrated circular* sent free. LANE & BOSLEY 00., ohn A Water Sts., Cincinnati, 0. - prl-dlawgmfiweowlgt M *rcMTlpUoB Free. Tor ininal Weak new, Lom of Mai DAVIDSON CO., 78 Nowuv Ht.K. S ;*£ *“*L r rM H JOBGIA.BL and beta een the parties hereof, ail resident* of said county and State, to form a limited co partnership, under the iawt of Georgia, and that said copartnership shall be conducted under the following provi-ions: 1. The firm name of said copartnership shall he * W. A. Doodj,” which alone shall be used in its dealings. 2. Said copartnership shall bo located in the city ot Macon, said countv and State, and its busineia shall be.the dealing by retail in Gene ral merchandise, suih as dry roods, cktbing, boots and shoes, ana other articles oi such char acter. 8. W. A. Doody shall be the general partner, and sh-11 have full direction ard management of the bu-ineas. Myron Nisabaum and Joseph Dannenberg. all oi said county, are special p rt- ners. 4. W. A. Toody has contributed four thousand dcl'ars to said partnership and Myron Nurs- baumand Joseph Dannenberg haye each con tributed four thousand dollars to the capital stock of tbe ssmr. 5. This rartnerchipf ball begin on the fOth day o! January, 1880, and sh»!l end on t* e 20th d»y of Jsnu-ry, ] 8tS. mlrsa sooner U isrolved, as here inafter provided, to wit: In caroeither party be comes disa-ti-fied with s-id partnerebip the same n ay be dissolved after the firet year, pro vided six months notice he given after said time, of such intended dissolution to .ho ether pariy or parties—said notice to be in writing, giving tin reasons therefor. It is furtb-r agreed that the said W, A. Doody sla‘1 be paid from ibo partnership a.iets, the sum of fifty dollars per month, and ibis amount to be charged to the expense account. This pay ment to contiuuc until a dissolution, unless oth- erwse agreed on. WitLess our hand*, this 12th day of January, 1680. W. t. DOODY. MYKON NUeBBtUM JOSkPH DANNENBERG. Signed this 12th day of Jancary, 1889, and sc know lodged bvlore J. T. RODGER?, N. P. Bibb Go., Ga. MkCOXT. Ga.. Jauu-ry 12,1889. I reriify that the abuve instrum-nt was signed ar d acknowledged by the thereto before me this cay. J. T. RODGERS, N.P. BibbUo.Ga. G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY—Before me came in person, W. A. Doody, who being duly sworn deposes aud says that he is tbe general partner in a limited copartnership abont to be formed in said county, under the name cf W. A Do->dy, and that Myron Nussbaum and Jose ' Dannenberg are tbe special partners there! and that the amount agreed to be contributed by each of them to wit; the sum ot four thousand dollars, to the capital stock of s-nl firm, ha« been sctually paid in. and in good faith contributed thereto. A. DOODY. Sworn to and subscribed before me thi- 20th day of January, 1899. J. T. ltGDGKRS, mart w4w Notary Hihbrounty. Georcia. J"OSHTT.A. BXTRTZ General PnWisiisi Agency, EUFAUuA, ALA. Adifitisitg, fubwiption asd Job Priatiig Effected with the bed houses in Alabama, Georgis and throughout the country, ataduoount on table rate*. mm THE SCE3E CHANGES. We Cannot Sing tlie Old Songs In the old place any lorger. Its too small. Not half laigotBOuah tor our family .household gooia aud-trade, therefore we shall break ramp July 1st, next, and e-iabliah new musical headquar ters in the handsome New Double Store. Cor- Correa ami WhMor Streets Gray’s Specific Medicine. RADE MARK. THE greatTRADE M, English rem edy. An un failing are for beminal eak- ness. Spermat orrhea, Jmpo- fancy, and all diseases that, _ . - fol ow ae- , „ Worn TaklDgquence ofssll^ftej abuse; as a less of memucy, universal llssilude, pain in the back, dinirum of vision, prematura old age, ar d many otfat.- diseases that lead to in sanity and consumption and a premature grave. Full particular* in our pamphlet, which we de sire to send free by mail to every one. The Spe- cific Medicine is sold by all druggists at (l u-i package, or six packages for (8 will be lent fret by mail on receipt of tho money by addressing the GRAY MEDICINE CO. No to Mechanics Block, Detroit. Mich, Sold in Macon aad every where by all druggists. oct24 dawly. For sale by HUNT, RANKIN A LAMAR. octl9-d»wlT Macon. Ga JONES COUNTY SHERIFF SALES. TX7 ILL be sold before tho court bouse door in TV tliotuwncif Clinton, Jones conntj,Georgia, on the first Tuesday in April next, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to- wit: Three hundred and thirty acres of land, more or lees, adjoining the ianda of John 8. 8tewart,Robt Smith and F.B. Hsskeiand o hers. Levied en as the property ot Alford G law.ou to satisfy two ft. fas. issued Irom the Superior Court of said oounty in faror of Elizabeth Glawson ai d Stodard H. Glawson, administrators of the es tate of Jesse Glawson. deceased, vs. Aliord Glawson, principal, and Hcal-on Glawson and Joseph Glawson, security. The other vs. Alford Glawson principal, and Seabon Glawson aud James Glawson security. Property pointed cut by one of tbe plsintiffs. and in poscessiou of de fendant. This February 23.1889, f«h27td .GRB8HAM. Sheriff. For feunday feckools For Temperance. THE BE8*,’ NEW BOOKS. TEWPERAHCE JEWELS, E. A. every qualification to be a standard Temperance Bong Book, Choice hymns an* sor gs and music in excellent taste, are found throughout. There are nearly a hun dred tongs. Specimen copies mailed for 85 ctt. 53 60 per down. (The older and larger book. HULL’S TEM PERANCE GLBM BOOK, 49 cts., retains it* great popularity.) White Kobes! eat and best of Sun- Wbite Robes! SONG*BOOK 9. White Eobes! ; 3 W.r dQMQ EffPERlhCE HfflT.aWSf yoss. is a perfect "electric light for radiance and beauty. Hu 32 of the very best songs by 27 ot the very best authors, and seilz lor §19 per hundred. Mailed lor 12ole. (New High School Song Book. THE WEL COME CHORUS, is noariy through the press.) OLIVER DITSON&CO.i Boston. O. H. DITSON A CO, 843 B’dvray N.Y, ianMtf BuJes of Bibb Superior Court* Adopted May 29j 1880. AT the Mssiou of Bibb Superior Court on Sat- nrdsy morning, the following rules of practice were adopted by the court and bsr. In order to expedite Ih. business ol the Court and to lessen the eipenie and inoenYenienod of the parties littcant. On motion of Col. L. N. Khiltle, Judge' T. J. Simmons u chairman, aud Mesar,.l>aac Harde man, G. W. Gustiu. N. B. Harris and W. B. Hill were appointed a committee to put the rules in form forpublicatisn. Role First. The Judge will announce at the beginaiug of each term the order in which the dockets wi<l be called. They will be called In the following order; Common Law, Equity, Ap peal, Diana and Illegality. The Criminal Dock et will be assigned lor special weeks, ot which notice will be given to the Bsr and the public. Rule Second. Cases will be set down for trial on a day to be designated by th* Judge or agi eed upon by counsel, end no esse shall be inord-r to b« called for trial peremptorily, except it it set down. Kult Third. Cases shall be set down for trial three days in advance of the day for trial, except that in special rases for sufficient cause shown the Judge mar in his discretion aetacasa (era more distant d»y; and for making public the case* that are set down, snd the day that each it to be tried the Clerk shall hare prepared and placed in the court room in a conspicuous place, three blarkboards which are to he used at daily calendars, and on each to be entered a oay and date and the cases set down for trial on auen day and date. Rule Fourth. One of these calendars shall on each day, except ik shall, in tbe opinion uf the Judge, be unxeceatary, be supplied with reset to bo tried three days thereafter, which are to bo let down lor such day by order of the Judge, on a call of the docket ler that purpose or by agraea ent of counsel announced each morning, immediately after the minutes of the court are read. Rule Fifth. All motions which do not goto the merits of a case and all exceptions to inter rogatories which go to the execution and return thereof, must bo made when a case is called on the docket and before it is set down for, or all auch motions sr objections will be contiderel as waived and after a cate is set down for t ial, tbe same w.ll not be con: iaued. except for pror idential canse, or for a reuse which arise* subse quent to tbe day the ease ia set down or for a Whore we shall have tVe largest and fine-t Mu sical kVarerooms in t he entire 80 ith. Before we go. we oiust, to save heavy expense »nd labor of romovsl. rlcsofut our entire stock of Pianos a”d Organa liowo i band snd to arrive prior to July Dt. To do this we shall inaugurate lortbwlth ADttiNlSIKA rjb&IX'S 6ALE. ? n }£ ori $ r of An <,rd<,r of the Court oi Ordi nary of ‘thatbum county, will behold before the court ho»3Ee dcor in it&rium&h.on tho 1st Tuesday in April next, within tho lo*»l hours o. bale, >h 3 to.lowing prt'perty beionjriDR to the est*tc of Ed ward b. Andernon, deotw«ed: AU thit tract land Bituate in the county of Bibb. Statv or Geor gia, neer the citj of Mscon, aud fronting on tia road leading from Macon lo Forsjth in Vineriile, known as the place oouefe* by Geo. \Y Aa- aerson from Mrs. H. it. Freomsn. rxecutr.x,etc containing acres, more or Ie«s. For iD/ormation apply tu Turpin A Ogden- agent*. maii dim wid J1NB M. ANDBR80N 1 , v Aalminigtrotrir. Bihh County Sheriff Sales? W ILL b» sold beforo the court hciH<» door in tbe city of Macon, during the lega! hour* ot aale. on the first Tuesday iu June next. th8 foliowirg: roper ty. to-Y»it: Also, at the same time and place, all that tract oi .huu bituatod on tho s*;Ut b W(*6t com icon of the city of Macon, Wibb county. Georgia, krown ae the noilhwest half cf lot No. 8, in block S3, ac- 552ft* *° }k? l ^ a P of A. A. Freeman of Joi;e 9L 1J68. bounded as follows: on the west by Lamar afreet, north by Kaael itrect, east by hali of lot No. 8, south by lot 7, la said block, containing oue-tourth of au acre, more or Ies»; uldothat par- oel cf land in the city of Macon, in *aid county, known in plan of city as lot No. 3. block M. fronting on Ta'na’i Square. Leviod cn a% the property of Junes B. Kiasingame to satisfy a fi. fa. issued frtm BibhHoperior Court in favor of L G. Fi»nt vs. James B. Blasirgame. Property pointed out by plaictifl's attorney. Also, at the same time and place, lots ot land os, 3C0,101 and 102. containing 100 acre^ each, ijingon the west aide of the Ocmulgee river ii» the Macon reserve and adjoining the lr.nd* ci K. J. Pc’er, G. J. Bl&ke. Stein and Harris Levied on aa the property if John W Woolioih, securi ty; also, lets of land lying on the ensi side of the Ocmu'seo river and known and diaticiai* hed in the survey of the landa of the estate of 1 bomaa WvO.folk made oy L. W. DuboN, as lets SO.35, 47,45,49,68, 5S. 57,68,64,€5,6 # , 6^, 63, C9. 70. 7L 72. 78.74,75. 76.77, 78, 79, 80,81.82.88. S4, 85.86, 87. *S 89. 97, and part of lets 90,91.92 OS. I ev- ied on as the propertv of Thomas J. Wootlolk to tatisfy a fl. fa. Uaued from Bibb Fupencr Court in favor 1 mniel P. Gunn, guardian, vs. Thom»f J. Wooifolk, Jamet H. Woolfolk ard John W. Wooirolk, security. Froperty pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. maj4-wlw GEORGE F. CBFRRY, Sheriff. Grand Clearing Out Sale Commercing May 15th and ending July 1st, dur ing which fame we shall sell at Manufacturer’s Wholesale Rates. 10 FAVOKITE PrANOS. 27 CHICKERINQ PIANOS. 21 LIGHETotCO PIANOS. 50 MATHUSEK PIANOS. 5 HALLET & DAVIS PIANO®. 62 SOUTHERN GEM PIANOS. 28 GUILD. CHUECH & CO. PIANOS. 41 STERLING CO. ORGANS. 100 PELOUBET & CO. ORGANS. 110 MAfiON & HAMLIN ORGAN'*. All new and just from Factory. Afao ICO Sec ond Hand Piano* and Organs. Most all ot them used only from oteto six months and precfaely as good as new. Don’t Miss This Chance To secure a fine instrument “awful” cheap. Write for Clearing Oct Sale Circuiais and Price Lists ana be quick about it. The sale ends July 1st, positively. Adcress HIDDEN & BATES. SAVANNAH. GA, WHOLEStlE PIANO AMD ORfiAM DEALERS. dec27-dltawAwly BORGIA, If IBB COUNTY.—Whereas W. 8. vJ Holt and J. E. Jones, administrators on the estate of James Doan, late of said county deceas ed .have made application for letters of dismission from said estate: These are therefore to rite and alir.onith ali persons concerned to be and appear at the Com t of Ordlnaiy of said county on the tint Monday in Auguat next, to ihow came, if any they have, why letter* of dlsmistinn should not be granted to applicants. Witness my official signature. May 6,1SS9. ■gjjj* J. A. McMANUS. Ordinary. Crab Orchard Springs, KENTUCKY. F IVE hours ran from Louisville or Cincinnati, by nil, now open for visitors. Hotel ap pointments complete. Ask for round trip tiek- vts. For pamphlets containing an-lysis of wa ters, low rate of boaid, etc. Address. J 8, FUR 8 , Manager, may8-wlm *Crab Orchard. Ky. The Littie Kock and Fort r for sale th« West _.j healthy climate, ferile soil, and not affected hy drouth. Easy Arkansas ■Writ D. BLACK, Land Commissioner, an2*wlSt Little Rock, Ark. ITsmsn iw 3 The Littie Kock ai jQ-OZUcSID. (Smith Railway offer (the best LANDS in th Western l° TSculbm ^ * ith 1 li NOTICE. B IN8WANGHR’8 G6RDBNI8 OPBN from this day on, where 1 will always keep on hand all aorta of re’reshments. such as Milk. Coffee, chocolate, Ioe Cream. Cider and Lemon ade. Aho Sappoisprepared by ordor. Respect fully, Mas. A. GRAUL. maytf-8t* Proprietress 1 BORGIA, Bibb County.—'VThereaz R. 8. X Wynn hat made application for the setting part a homestead of personalty andthevalua- .on of tbe same. Said application will be beard on Thursday the sixth day of May. 1880, at ten o’clock, a. ml Witness my hand and official signature, April 14,1880. apristd* J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary. A. O, TAlLutt) BID for relief, ttc, bibbfiuce- v». > rior Court, October Term, WK. TAYLOR J 1879. It appearing to the Coart by tbe letum ottbe Sheriff that the defendant ia not tube found it. this county; and it further appearing that he doea not reside in thii Stats: Urdertd, that ser vice be perfected on said defendant by pnblica- tientobeand appear at tbe next term of this Court, or that co-wmainant he allowed to pro ceed. Ordered farther, th »t this order be published onco a month for four months in the Telegraph and Messenger, a public gazette published in the city of Macon. By tho Court: JOHN L. HARDEMAN. Complainant’s Solicitor. T J. SIMMONS, J. 8. C. M. O. A true extract from the minutes of Bibb Su perior Court. This ltd November, 1819. dec2S-lam4m# A. B. BOSS. C’eik. cause eiistiER as the time the ease is set down S' but which could not be discovered by the exer- * VA oise ol due diligence on the part of the attorney Ot party. bale Sixth. The Certiorari and Motion Duck- eta are in order each Saturday, and where cases thereon require a jury they will be set tor trial, under the foregoing rules. Rule Seventh. If there sre eases on the calen dar of any day that are not reached, they will be first cation for assignment, on tbe lol'owing morning, when the Judge makes up tbe next dolly eJendar. G — BORGIA—BIBB COUBTY.-Whereat Ja - nl * rwa cob Dinkier, guardian ol Edward Be rend, has made applieetieu for letters of diim’Brian i These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons cozcerned, to bo snd appear at the fourt of Ordinary of said eeunly, on the first Bondar in August next,to show cause .if any they hare, .why letters of dismission should not bo granted to applicant. Witness my official signature May 8.1830 J. aTMi maS-law w4* CMANUd, Ordinary. ANY we mouth. AU EXPENSES WaGks grawpdr won. SLOAN . Ctaelaasll. u. Commissioners* Sale. G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—By virtee of an order from the Bnperior Court of saidneuntr oKBihb, granted at the April term 1880, to us di rected. will be sold at the court house door is ta<d oounty, on tbe firtt Tueeday in June next, between the legal bcurs ot sale the following property, to-wit: Tho two bri.k stores and tbe ot upon which they are built, situate on Cotton Aveuue, in square t-ecly-ore. in the ci'v o.' Ms- coo, county and 8f ate aforesaid, now occupied by Mrs. A. Bintwanser and F. Eisner, ana be lag the property bequeathed by Thomas a. Brewer hy will to Mrs. Mary L. Kinetbe ry, Mrs Matilda G, Sherwood and Mrs, Oath-Tine B- Hmry, said property sold as the property uf said Mary L.-Kingsberry, Motilda G. Sherwood and Catherine B. Henry, tenants in common, for tbe purpose of distribution among taid tenants in aernmon. Terms of aele—one-third cash, one-third at four months andone-ihird atrx months, with interest from d->te ot sale at the rate of e ght per cent, per annum; deferred payments to b secur ed by mortgage on tbe preals**. Furchaser baa option of pay Ing all cash. ISAAC HARDEW-N, AuBB&T F.8HBRWOOD JAMES Ir. HhNRY, May I, ISSO-lawlar Commi-aioners. i KUROlA, Bibb Count?—Wherere Mrs. So- ~ ihia B. Hall, administratrix of the eitate of E. Bond, late of asid county deceased, rep-e- annto to the eourt in her petition, duly filed snd entered on reoord, that she has fully ao minister ed E. Bond’s estate. This it therefore to eite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, v.’hy said administrator should not be discharged from her administration and receive letters of diamiuionon the first Monday in June, 18*0. Given under my official signature. - • - — J A McMANUS, Ordinary. THE EXODUS for handling Cotton at the Gin. SAVE LA by usiagaJONS8 FIVE-TON WAGON SCALE Prioe 900. ail Iron and8te«l, brass Beam. FRSIGHT PAID BY US. D ordered now can pay at aiming. Everybody tend for free book. Address Joses of Bin glia niton, msjlfi weowlw Binghamton, N. Y. Know Thyself, T HE untold miseries that result mm indiscretion in early life may he allevist* ed anl cured. There who doubt thi, assertion should purchase tbe new m-dicid work published hy the PEA BODY MEDICAL iNSTI- rUTB. Boston, ertitied , THBSCIbNCK OF LIFE; or, MKLF PBKSKEVaTION. Exhausted vi tality nervous anl phytis&l dehility, or vitality impaired by the errors of youth cr t-o close or too close spnlication to buiiness, may be rt stor ed and manhood regained. Two hundredth edition, revised and enlarged, Juit published. Itia a standard medical work, ' tho best in tbe English language, written by a physician of great experience, to whom vae awarded s gold and jewelled meda! by the Na tional Medical Association. It contaius beauti ful snd very expensive engravings. Thtee hun dred pages, more than 50 valuable prrscript’on* for all forma of prevailing diicnie, the result ot many yeara of extensive and euccessful practice, either une ct whi b u worth ten times the price of the book. Round in French cloth, price only (I, sent by mail po-tp*id. The London Lancet ssys: ”Vo person should be without this valuable book. Toe author ia a noble benefactor." An illustrated sample s:n» to alien receipt of 6 cents for postage. The author refers by permission to JOSEPH SFiellRK. president: W 1. P. INGRAIU1I. vice president; W PAINE, UD.t’S GAUNT!, a D: H J DuUCET. St D, R ii KLINE. JtJU RHOI.COMB S1D.SK LYSCU. M D, and 1C RM’OORBKLti, IA faculty of the PhiUdei- phiaUmversiiy of Medicine and Surgery, alto the faculty o< ihe tmerirsu University oi Phila delphia, aleo Don P A RIS-LLL. M D. pr-sident of the National Medical Association. Addresv Dr W H PAR KER. No 4 Bulllncb St, B»tcn, Mass. The au thor may be consulted on all diseases requiring skill and experience, nov3u wly HEAL THYSELF THE BROWN Cleans th6 Seed better, Rur.a Lighter* Cine Faster and Costs Less Money than an| other Cin In the Market, Every machine fully and legally %uarranteed. These machines are made of the best materials, and th* xrorkmanshipandfinish are unexcelled. Have been, anthl premiums at all tbe State fairs, Georgia Alabama, Texa^ etc. Upwards of 5000 of our Gere aro in constant use to the southern states, over 1000 liavingbocn sold in 2£72. Price List of CIns, Feeders and Condensed Boxed ready for alripment and delivered nt our Zactoq Sizes. t: bo 200 00 312 60 126* M 140 00 m co ISO 00 Price urlth Self Feeder or Condenser. $i o O.* 315 00 332 5'J 346 00 160 00 180 00 rrlcewltk Self Feeder m Condenser. 3(4 541 3C > 00 Z79 50 335 OS £2-0 Oft 2/2 Ct C3*Terms given on Application.-£5 Prom 1813 to 1358 we manufactured Gins nt Columbus, under tte firm name of K. T. Tati^h&Co., afterwxirj Clsxon3,*Biwwx & CO., and made wliat was thenIojtm as tho Taylor Gin. Durmc tbe Tear3858 we removed to’tw place, where wo have beer. excloMviy enp\ge*l la xrninq lueummr Gins evergluce. With lon^ex^x'ricnee, tLelMt labor pavIh^ machlneiy and skilled workmen, we pomem n 1 vantages not enjoyed by any other manufacturer la onS line, for producing tho best work for the xnASTmoney. Tue demand lapt year was so great that a early SOO ordenfir remained unfilled,lmt we have doubled our monulaetcrUaj capacity and hope to be able to meet all demands. stDl it ii the wisest plan to getyour orders In early. Ser^ for illustrated pampnlet grlvini? were t'etinoniata from over500 live, entcrprlslnje planter?. Presses, Engluf snd comnlete outfit furnishcawhcudeslr&d. Addiaee BUOWS COTTON GIN CO, 2JEW LONDON, OOXf THEDEAF HEAP IM PERFEcS , f.?.Hn f i7dK^r‘' f c : x. l, 'r!v:icu.J RorfnamuUi public tests on the Deal—Mia * * Dumb—see . aMhr ran 9MnM4wriiniT(l'n,lil ■! iinerioan Z>entaphone Co., i W. 4th isWj G hOr GU, BIBB tnUATY.- V hereas. Joiua P. Lei hag applied to he appointed guardian of the person and property ol Minnie, Albert, Rosa, Julia and Dssie Whitney miu:rs, under four een years o’ tte, toidents of said couDty ; This is to cite all peracn* concerned to be tod appear at tbe Com t of Ordinary oi said courts on the first Monday in Jnne cell, and show reuse,if any they have, why irid J -bn P. Los -bould rot be entrnited with the guardianship ot the persona and properly of said minors. Wit- neta my official signature. J. A. McMANUS, mayll-td* Ordinary. G EORGIA, Bibli County.—Vt be-vaa U. T Ward, executor cf the estate of O. Victoria Winter, deceased, late oi county, has m«to application for leavo to tell all tbe real gnd per gonal property belonging to gai-t estate. These are therefore to rite ard acmonhh aU persons or neerned to be and appear et tie Court ot Ordinary cf said cuunty on the Erst Monday is June next to ihow cause if guy they have, wbjr taid auplicat cu should not he granted. Witncsimj official aia-atu-o May 7.1880 miyStd* J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary. G EoEGIA-BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, L. A. Savrge. executrix cl the estato cf • a'a- deniaSavage, late of said county, deceased, has made application fer letters of cismiaaicn frova said estate. These are therefore, to cits and admonish aft lersona oencemed, to be end appear at the ionrt of Ordiitiry of raid c.-anty on the first Monday in Julv next, to >Low cause, if aDy fixer have why said application should not be grarted. Witness mj official signature April 39. 1S’9. J. A. McMANUS. Ordinary. mw4taw-4w* ' G KuKGiA. nlBB CuUNl'Y- V* bereas Si mon Levy has applied to me for the salt uc ap.rtol homestead of perscneUv a: dthe valua tion of the same, and 1 will pr as upon eaid ap- Dlicat'on at my cfliee on Thursday tbe 15lh day of Ap-i'i 19 o’clock a. in. V itnesa my official signature. March id, 11-A mar27td J. A. McMANUS. Ordinary. JONES COUNTY F03TPONED 5HEK- IFF SALE. W ILL 1 * so’.d fcelore the court louse door is the town of Clinton. Junes county .Georgia, between tbe legal hoars oi rate, r n tbe first Tuesday in June next, three hundred acm of land, cr enough of Bald land to satisfy a tax fi. la. issued bv W. J. Gresham, tax reihetor of said county f'er tbe ye*r 1879. Said isrd aojolnios the lands oi James B. Denton. Jackson Roberts and others, and known ■> the I’. V. Siwyerplsoa. Levied on at the property o’ P. C Sawyer, rroa- toe for wife and children. -This tvbruarv 36fa* IS SO. W. J. GRE8HAM. mayt-law4w Rx-officio Sheriff. STOCK. SPECULATION. J OHN A. DODGE A CO., Bsr.zcrs aid Brok ers, It Well B reefaNew York, buy atoeAe on resaonablo znarein. and, when de»h ed will •dvi»© wb4*n *nd vrbat to buy. Al»3 Prsv- ile..* in whirh 525 to Bicn on 1« profitaolyin- yreted. Opportunities to- good profl-s are co»- «tartly oernrring, Full Information on applioa- tinn, and Weeklv Report sent free, janie-tua-sat-ly