Newspaper Page Text
i?* (SeaEgtsi
3auim»l & JKes^jmgei:,
€th$t$s nnii Stomp
FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1690.
—“Twenty years ago,” says a colored
philosopher, “niggers was w<jf.a thousand
dollars apiece. Now-dey would be deah
at two dollars a dozen. It’s ’stonishifft
how dc race ain runnin’ down.”
_-l! was a lean little spring chicken,
worth about thirty cents, that strayed from
the Hammersmiths’-yard at Madison, In
diana, into the Smiths’,yar$.
mcrsmith went to get the fowl, and Smith
would not let her have it . Hammersmith
attempted to whip Smith, who retreated
into the house. Hammersmith .pnd his
wife then threw stones at the bouse, arid
Smith fired out with a gun, Wiling the
husband. \T*: ! *
A Qceeb Sobt of a Blessing.—-The
Springfield Bejrublican says that a gentle
man in a town near Boston Invited home
to dinner one day one of the deacons of
the church he attended. The guest offered
blessing at the table, which proceeding
greatly excited the curiosity of the gen
tleman's five-year-old son, whpsat beside
the deacon and interviewed him on the
subject. .11 n ,nr
“What was that you said?” he began.
“It was a blessing on the food we are
about to cat,” replied the deacon. ‘(A
what!” “Why, a blessing. Don’t your
Lather ask a blessing at the table?” “Oh,
yes, but be don’t say it in that way.”
■“How does lie say it?” “Why, he sits
dowft and looks at the table and says.
“Ob, the devil! is this all you’ve got for.
dinner?” , , •
—John H. Starih,’tbe well-known mem
ber of Congress from New York, in com
menting to-day upon the peculiarities of
delegates, very justly remarked that the
colored delegates bad more conscience in
the palms of their hands than any men
be bad ever seen.
—A St. Petersburg dispatch to the Lon
don Times says: “The Empress of Rus
sia died when asleep, and none of the
• members of the imperial family were
present, as they were not aware her death
was so near. On Satuiday the remains
of her imperial Majesty were conveyed to
the Palace Chapel in an open coffin borne
by the Czar and eighteen Grand,Dukes.”
—The California State board of equali
zation has valued the railroads of the
State, in all 2,023 miles long, at $31,000,-
000 for taxation, or about one-third the
par value of the shares and bonds repre
sented by the roads. The franchise,
which is taxed separately, is rated at $2,-
000 a mile for the principal roads,-and
yrom that down to Sl,000, r $000 and $300.
—The regular Democrats and the Tam
many men are making their arrangements
for tlieir departure for the Cincinnati
convention. The regular Democratic
delegates from New York city and tlieir
friends will start for Cincinnati on Thurs
day, Juno 17. The Tammany men to the
number of 500 will go on Saturday, June
10, in a special train decorated with Tam
many banners. - , - - / t* "
—The railroads in India run a Zenana
car, in which the nativo women ride and
enjoy it exceedingly. The lady mission
aries do a great deal of riding between
Moradabad and Lucknow on these cars
for the opportunity It gives of talking
with these women. Native women are
the conductors, and Christian women are
in charge of the ladies’ room of the sta
tions. It all comes of Zenana work.
The Increase of Imposts.—The im
ports of merchandise into Uie United
States, for the nine months- ending March
31, amounted to $408,213,622, against
$320,375,177 for the corresponding months
of 1S78-0; showing an increase of $13S,-
838,445. Of the tolal amount of goods
arrived at the ports, 60 per cent, passed
direct into consumption and 20 per cent,
went into bonded warehouse. For the
same period of 1S764), 70 per cent, of the
imports were entered for consumption and
24 per cent, for warehouse. This com
parison shows that, notwithstanding the
extraordinary increase in 'the imports
lions, a less proportion of the arrivals has
gone into the warehouse to await a mar
ket than in the preceding year. This is
a healthy indication, aud shows that, ,np
to the end of March, the imports wereVe-i
sponded to by an actual consumptive de
, Shoiung is Geexiast.—It appears
tiiat the German government has taken
.the matter of smoking seriously in hand,
the practice being carried to so great ar
excess by the youth of that ration that it
has been considered to have damaged
their constitutions anil incapacitated tliem
for the defense of their country. In. cer
tain towns of Germany, therefore, the
police have had orders to forbid .gU lads
under sixteen years of age to snioke| in
the streets, and to punish the offense by
fine and imprisonment. Moreover; -ft
Belgian pbysiciau has ascertained, during
a journey of observation and inquiry
made at the request of the Belgian gov
ernment, that the very general and exces
sive use of tobacco is the jnain cause of
color-blindness, ah affection which ;has
occasioned very Considerable anxiety $otb
in Belgium and Germany, from its influ
ence upon railroads and other accidents,
and also from a military point o r view.
Sauk of the Savannah Road—The
Charleston New . and Courier, of .Friday,
says that the Savannah, and Charleston
railroad was sold yesterday for $300,200,
the purchaser being Mr. H. B. Plant as the
representative of the bondholders, bur
understanding is that the purchase money
will he applied in payment of the bonds
of the road, in accordance with the judicial
decision to he here after made. In the
meantime, the hew’owners Will make the
,road alive and progressive concern, i * r ‘ !J
The new company was organized yes
terday, and will immediately put the road
in complete repair and' equip it thorough
ly. This, with the early completion of
tlie-rodi .from .WaycroBsitb.’Jacksonville,
which is »ow being pushed forward by
the same persons, will establish a first-
class coast lue from Florida to New
York. Cliarles-on will undoubtedly be
benefited by the «h»nge of ownership of
the Savannah and Charleston railroad. A
railroad which is onI)»hIeto drag itself
along, and has no money to spend ou im
provements or in increasihf the facilities
for safe and comfortable beveling, is of
little.valus to any port. The Savannah
and Charleston railroad lias beet. ]& this
condition for yearn, and the wocw^ r ^
that it is no worse off.
The Savannah road w»U ho worked *.
harmony with the coast line, and the ex
piM.Hon u that the trade of this city with
Florida will be considerably Increased.
It is a great gain, in any event, to have
the road in strong and capable hands.
The Public Schools.
Tlie Macon public this year seems, for
the first time, to be fully aroused to the
value and efficiency of our public schools,
which havCj all of them, displayed remark
able progress,,perfect discipline and great
enthusiasm in teachers and pupils. It may
be, in fact, that too much emulation and
ambition have been the fault of some (if
them, for children of tender years should
not be kept in a continual strain. doubt of the fact .tbit
the whole system, under the superintend
ence of Mr. Zettler, is working out great
and gratifying results in the general im
provement of the pupils and in promoting
habits of obedience, order, punctuality
and diligence iff Study.
Where all the classes are so meritorious,*
distinctions become invidious, -but we
make a deserved mention of one class in
the North Macon Grammar School—that
of Miss Clara I. Smith, a class of thirty-
five or I forty, which won two Peabody
medals, some dozen or so of annual cer
tificates, which demand eight perfect
months in the year; and numerous other
testimonials of high merit. j-
Macon and Bibb county may well be
proud of her public schools which, under
so many disadvantages, have achieved
such satisfactory results. Let the people
second the board in asking some increase
of annual appropriation to meet expenses
from a yearly increasing pupilage. These
schoob are carried on witli the least pos
sible expense. Last year it : wa3 84 cents
per month to the pnpil, or $7.50 per year.
The hoard exhausts ingenuity- to keep
down expenses, so as not to be burdensome
to the county, hut every year " more stu
dents apply! and increased provision is
demanded. Nbt a cent- is misapplied.
The educational demands of the people
must be-met. No Bibb county child can
be refused. The board work without com
pensation, but they want the moral sup
port of the people.
Sow it was Brought About.
The Republican papers and correspond
ents are very anxiously showing how the
nomination0 of Garfield .was brought
about. It seems, according to their state
ments, that it was done in Washington
on Tuesday, after the ballots begaD, by
Blaine and Sherman, who: sont out orders
to go for Garfield; which they did, but
some refused to swallow the Garbroth, and
others took it as a Gaigle. Thus they did
it; but why they should want to thrust the
Ring in Garfield’s nose is not so clear as
it might be.
The Republican members at the capi
tal, getting the news, called a ratification
meeting in the House, but failed to eit-
tliuse much. They sat and drank the Gar-
broth with faces more or less awry, and
then Windorn and Hawley named the
broth “a happy solution;'" but all admitted
that it had bad salts in it,.and was not the
broth they <vanted.
Did not Seek the AproiNXTMENT.
We are in receipt of a card from Col.
Herbert Fielder, dated Atlanta, June 0th,
which, from some cause failed to come to
hand until yesterday. The object of the
communication was to express liis thanks
to certain delegates from the third con
gressional district, and Col. G. W- War
wick in particular, for their expressed in
tention to support him for the position of a
delegate at large to the Cincinnati con
vention. Col. Fielder had previously an
nounced that he would not oppose Col.
McIntyre, of Thomas county, who bad
been recommended for the place in ques
tion by a caucus from the second district.
When he learned that they were both be
ing voted for, though not a delegate, the
Colonel appeared upon the floor of the
convention and requested his name to be
withdrawn. This explanation is due to
Col. Warwick and the friends who would
have voted for'tilth. Col. Fielder was,
neveriheless;' of the alternates
from the State to the Cincinnati
convention." 1 ' <■ '
Peksonal.—Wo had- the pleasure of
greeting in our sanctum yesterday, Mr.
Ben E. Russell, the able editor of that
sterling weekly, the Bainbridge Democrat.
The convention acted wisely in electing
him .to represent the State in the Cincin
nati convention. He is a man of his own
head, and simply unpurchasable. Up to
this time Mr. Russell, has been rather in
clined to support Tilden’s re-nomination.
But he is in no -way committed to liim,
and will co-operate, hand and heart, with
his associates from Geoigia In the cause
of Democratic unity.
Another good selection by the conven
tion was that of Col. L. M. Felton, of Ma
con county. The colonel has had much
experience in legislative matters, is a laige
and "-successful planter, and, in every
sense, may be considered a first class rep
resentative citizen of Georgia. , , 4 .
Our Telegraphic Service.—The
mostliypercriticalof our readers musthave
been satisfied with the Associated Press
dispatches during the protracted sitting of
the Chicago convention. In: point of full
ness, accuracy and promptness they could
hardly have been excelled. Bulletins at
short intervals kept the press completely
posted as to every movement, either On
the floor of the convention or at the head
quarters jOf eadi' candidate; The c Wpstern
Union copipany certainly did its whole
duty by. the public In transporting the in
telligence which was so eagerly sought af
ter with the least delay possible.
Exit the Battle of the Spirit-
Stirring Drum.—A late orde? in France
banishes from the public service tlie use
of that favorite instrument'of. martial
music, "the historic drum. It is styled a
““noise making nuisance.” Bat what
would an army he without RUs sonorous
device to brace up the courage of the liv
ing in action, and drown the groans of
the wounded and dying. Without its po
tent aid we venture the assertion that
many a victory would have proved a de
feat. The, French, of all nations, with
their nervous temperament and fickle
mood*, require the stimulus of the soul
stirring drum. • • ’
Not Right.—“Traveler,” a correspon
dent of the Blackshear News, complains
that tbe several railroad trains stopping
at Jesup do not, as is customary in such
eases, pause midway between the two ho
tels to allow passengers to take their
choice between them. He says they go
by the_Jesup House and stop just in front
of the AltamihVHbhse. Moreover; that
it is generally conceded that the fare in
the former hotel is the best of the two.
This, if true, is hardly fair treatment to
Mr. Littlefield, the clever proprietor of tbe
Jesup. _ _ _ ______
ScWmer Granges.—A new idea was
suggested by the arrival yesterday, at Cor
out o, of a lot of “summer oranges” from
Mian river, Florida, obviously just gath
er^ from the trees and some of them im
port ,;tiy ripened. They were stated to
he * -ew variety of the orange in this
Governor, in prospect, for. Illinois is
Hon. Lyman Trumbull. He was nomi
nated at Springfield on the 10th instant.
Tue “Bag Baby" has become a living
carcass. Everybody thought it was dead.
Chicago was the death of the third term
last week, and so this week, it proves the
resurrection of the greenback paity. It
took an all night seance to bring it to life,
but just as the . sun shone through the
eastern windows, Gen. B. Weaver was
nominated as a candidate for president of
the United States, and E. J. Chambers, of
Texas, was npminated for vice-president.
The Savannah News thinks the victory
achieved at Chii^go was done by adopting
Democratic principles. If Garfield is the
embodiment of those principles, why, the
necessity of going to Cincinnati? J;
The Baltimore Sun is talking about
duty on blankets, while the thermometer
is dancing above 00 in the shade..
Sun must be expecting a change of
Wno is the Democratic man of destiny?
It is npt atall certain that : either of the
promment'iiiunes mentioned can secure
two-thirds of'-the Cincinnati convention.
Have w6 got a De Golyer among us ?t
Flaxagan’s Motto.—“What are we
here for except to get office ?”
It is said Garfield is a strong temper
ance man and, if elected, will go in on a
dry ticket.
Whittaker’s ears and Grant’s Fred
have both disappeared from public gaze
Both seem to be cut. ’ -• -* ,
- Several members of the Geoigia
weekly press are terribly exercised about
the conduct of the dailies- in the State.
We want to be on. good terms with opr
brethren, and therefore invite them up to
run a daily a feyv weeks. The truth is,
brethren, we have to furnish material for
so. many issues, that it would nqt do to
say all we know to. one, . It might do td
say that we don’t like the appointment of
Joe Brown fifty-two times, but when it
comes to reiterating 365 times,,it gets to
be monotonous. ' ,j , ■
What about Mr. Jesup and the rail
road commission? Our esteemed cotem
poraries who have been boiling oyer with
i age at tho impudence of Mr. Jesup for
looking after his own interest, have
strangely subsided. Next Tuesday is the
day set for hearing of the case. The State
will bo too bnsy with political affairs, wc
opine, and another postponement is antic
ipated. . ••• -H.' I; ■ !i.' |
Ho! for Cincinnati.—Are you or
your next friend going? If so, the quick
est and cheapest route is by the Cincin
nati Southern railroad. For the sum of
$17.00 you can go from Atlanta to the
Democratic convention and rctarn. Tick
ets good for fifteen days. Passengers
leaving Atlanta at 3 p. m., arrive in Cin
cinnati at 9 o’clock the next morning.
Sleeping cars leave Chattanooga on all
niglit trains.
The convention to-day at the court
house will lie an important one. Dele
gates’ are to he elected who are to choose
candidates for Governor, and other State
officers. Also, to nominate a candidate to
represent the sixth Congressional district
in the next Congress. A new executive
committee is also to be selected. Let
everybody be present that can, and let no
one go away and say that tho convention
was a “cut and dried” affair. Every Dem
ocrat has a right to he heard, and the con
vention is the place to speak. Let there:
be a clear understanding, and then let
harmony of action prevail.’
It Is-evident from the number of aspi
rants that all cannot be governor who
want to be. Somebody will die before
their time comes. '! !
fk Cheerfel Crop Outlook.—A con
versation with several extensive and intel
ligent planters fyom Middle and South
west Geoigia, reveals the pleasant .fact
that the prospect for a good corn crop has
never been better since the way. ■
The plant is green, healthy, and well
advanced. Two more good rains would
suffice to place beyond, danger all . of the
early seeding, which comprises the hulk
of the crop. The stands of cotton also!
are wonderfully regular, and the weed,
though rather small, with average seasons-
will yield abundantly. .
Wheat is almost a total failure; but the
oat crop, under the reviving efforts, of the
rains, will yield fully one half of an aver-
Jffc. all '.. !-,i M t, MlutU 1. ii !:
The negroes are working well, hut la
bor seems scarcer than usual, and in some’
localities as much as $1.00 per day was
paid to “cotton choppers.”
Vegetables are abundant and fine, hut
peaches will be scarce. .. . . .,/ j
On the whole,, the faymers are in good
heart, and have industriously improved
the late favorable, weather for killiug
W t t%\ ■ > fit11:« .:.
Alb ant News.—This excellent jour
nal, which lias been published for the
past few years as a weekly, is about to go
back to its tri-weekly jssue., W° think-
this is wise, and are gratified to note the
prosperity that demands it. The News,
being a bantling of our own christening,
we have always felt an interest in its suc
cess, and have watched its course through
the vicissitudes of journalistic life with a
deep concern. The gentlemen who are
now at the helm have grown up into
journalism since our day, but they are
capable and worthy, and reflect great
credit upon the profession.
We wish them every sucoess in their
new enterprize, and hope that their re
ceipts will warrant farther development
in this direction.
We notice that- they have secured the
services of Hinton. A. Helper, Esq., in the
local department. He is an accomplished
and fluent writer, and will make that de
partment sparkle' with fart and fancy.
We congratulate Messrs. Evans So Warren
in securing‘his services.' -1
—A poor Irish woman went ; to a vener
able priest in Boston, the other day, says
the Vilot, and asked him to forward to
Ireland her help for the famine sufferers.
“How much can" yon spare?” asked the
priest. “I have $100 saved,”.die said,
“and can spare that.” The priest reas
oned with her, saying that her gift was. too
great for her means; but she was firm , in
her purpose. It would do her good to
know that she had helped. She could
rest happier thinking of thfe poor families
she had saved from hunger and death.
The priest received her money with mois
tened eyes. “Now, what is your, name?”
lie asked, “that I may have it published.’
“My name?” said the brave soul, counting
over her money; “don’t mind that, sir.
Just send them the help—and God will
know my name.”
Stands Rkadt^to -Repeat.—Mr.
Hicks, of Florida, must have cast a gloom
over the convention when he observed
that “as Florida had heretofore given her
electoral vote for the Republican nominee,
so in this contest he promised to deliver
the four electoral votes of that State to
James A. Garfield.” Hicks forgot that
this is not an electoral commission year.
Washington, June 10—In the Senate,
Mr. McDonald, from the committee on
Judiciary, reported adversely ton Senate
bill directing tbe committee on claims to
investigate the claims of Benjamin Waite,
of Louisiana. The Abra mining compa
ny’s claim was indefinitely postponed.
In the House, Mr. Reagan, of Texas,
submitted a report announcing the con-
ference committee on the river and harbor
appropriation bill had come to an agree
ment thereon. The report was agreed to.
Mr. Tucker, of Virginia, introduced a
bill which was referred to the committee
on ways and means, directing the secreta
ry of the treasury to causa, to be levied a
duty of 35 per cent, ad valorem on cotton
ties, which shall be shown to have been
ordered under bmtafide and absolute con
tracts entered, into prior to the 27th May,
18S0, and which shall be imported prior
to January 1,1$81, and authorizing the
refunding of the amount of duties in ex-
cess of 35 per cent, ad valorem collected
since May 27,4880, on such articles.
Washington, June 10.—In the House
on motion of. Mr. Wellborn, of Texas, a
bill was passed creating tho northem ju-
dicial district of Texas.
A motion of Mr. Tucker to go into com
mittee of tbe whole for consideration
of the tariff bills was defeated by the re
fusal of Republicans to vote, thus leav
ing the House, without a quorum.
The House then proceeded to consider
business ou the speaker's table and took
up • the deputy marshals bill. On agree
ment of the leading Republicans that
there should bq no filibustering about the
bill to-morrow,‘its "consideration was post
poned until that time. The next business
wastbe Senate electoral count resolution,
which, after a protracted debate, was laid
aside without action.
A bill to remove the political disabili
ties of Clement C. Clay, of Huntsville,
Ala., was introduced by Mr. Lowe, and
passed. Adjourned.
In the Senate, the report of the confer
ence copimittee on the river and harbor
bill was presented and adopted.
The house biH placing classical
antiquities on the free list was taken ; up.
Mr. Kirkwood offered an amendment re
mitting the duties paid on imported salt,
Used in curing meat or fish for exporta
tion. Mr. Hereford said be thought. this
was a queer mixture of - classical antiqui
ties and salt. ,
Mr. Pendleton suggested that salt might
save the bill. -' — “ > i -
Sir. Beck—Why, Mi-. President, the
first classical antiquity we have any rec
ord of was the pillar of salt. [Laughter.]
Mr. Kirkwood—If Lot’s sense of beauty
was as well developed as his piety, that
pillar might well be worthy to rank among
works of art, and if ft should ever be
found by modern archeologists, the ques
tion might arise whether it should be im
ported as a work of art. or salt. My
amendment would obviate such a dilem
ma. ' . ’ '
The amendment was adopted and the
bill passed. •
The Senate then resumed consider
ation of the-sundry civil appropriation
Mr. Hampton offered an amendment
appropriating $2,500 for repairs to and
furniture for the United States court
house at Charleston. Ruled out of or
Mr. Harris moved to increase from
$100,000 to $164,000 the appropriation to
aid local and State boards of health and
quarantine stations in case of epidemics.
After considarable debate the amendment
was rejected by 20 to 20. ‘
Mr. Allison offered an amendment to
tbe marshals clause intended to provide
for the payment of special deputy mar
shals for services at elections. Rejected
by a party vote w'tbout debate.
The bill was then reported io the Sen
ate, and the amendments adopted in the
committee of the whole were concurred
in. ■ r.
Mr. Hampton renewed his amendment
appropriating $2,500 for repairs to and
furniture for the United States court
house at Charleston, S. C., and it was
adopted. Tho bill was then passed.
■The regular order (vizr the Kellogg
resolutions) being formally before the
Senate, and Mr. McDonald having the
floor, tlie Senate thereon adjourned.
Washington, June 11.—According to
agreement made yesterday, the House
immediately after the reading of the jour
nal,., proceeded to consider the Senate
bill,' regulating appointment and pay of
deputy marshals.
Washington, JunelL—The Senate
proceeded to> consider the calendar. The
Semite .'bill for tbe' relief ol Joseph li.
Shannon, of Louisiana, was passed. The
House bill amending the bill to encour
age tlie establishment of public marine
schools, approved June 20,1864, so as to
extend It to the ports of Wilmington,
Charleston, Savannah, Mobile, New Or
leans, Baton Rouge and Galveston, was
passed. The Senate bill amending the
statutes relative to the boundary lines of
tlie collection district of St. Marks, Fla.,
was passed.
f Tbe Senate insisted on its amendments
to the sundiy civil appropriation bill; and
to the bill relating to timber trespassers
on public lands, disagreed to by the House,
■and committees of ccnferenco were ap
The House bill refunding taxes illegal
ly collected from W. B. Farrar, of Geor
gia. was passed.
The Senate bill relieving the sureties
on the bond of Felix ;G. Livingston, cus
toms collector at Fernaudina, Fla., was
passed. . ’ ' i
Tlib House Dill changing tbe bounda
ries of judicial districts in Texas was
passed. lajKir. 'i- . t j
Tbe bill for the construction of a fixed
bridge over St. Mary’s river, Florida, was
reported by Mr. Ransom and passed.
•: The Senate' then took up the Kellogg-
Spofford resolutions, and Mr, McDonald
spoke in support thereof.
At the conclusion of Mr. McDonald’s
remarks Senator Hill obtained the floor,
and after reviewing the replies to his i ar
gument on the lltn and 12th of May; said
he would have some plain words witli the
gentlemen on bis side of tbe chamber who
had argued against tbe resolutions to un
seat Kellogg. Their attitude, lie said,,
was singular and not logical. The Re
publicans believed the Packard legislature
to be legal,’and therefore believed Kel
logg legally entitled to his seat. The
Democrats who opposed the resolutions
admitted the illegality of the Packard
legislature, yet held that Kellogg was en
titled to his seat.
Mr. Butler remarked that he did not
argue that Kellogg was elected, but that
the Senate having, within its jurisdiction,
declared Kellogg entitled to the seat, no
further Senate bad jurisdiction to reverse
that action. lie thought that if Mr. Hill
sabihitted to the decision of the electoral
commission, though he believed it wrong,
and to the decision of the Supreme Court
in the States right cases, which he believed
to he Wrong, he could not consistently
criticize his (Butler’s) position in this
matter, v. ■ *.,
. Mr. Hill .went on to aigue that the jttain
dictate of the constitution, that Senators
must be chosen by. the legislature of a
State, could uot be evaded. If tbe Sena
tor from South Carolina did not believe
the Packard legislature 'ton be legal he
conldnot believe that that dictate:had
been obeyed.
Mr. Butler said he acted according to
his own construction of tlie constitution,
hot that of the Senator from Georgia or
any other Senator; j If this matter 1 now,
came up for tie first time he would vote
against Kellogg, but be was arguing on
the case now before tlie Senate,. not on
the, case which'was before it three ’ years
Mr. Hill, resuming his remarks, said
that when tbe case was re-opened, the
Democratic majoriiy in one day voted
down six resolutions which declared or as
sumed that tbe case was settled.
Mr. Butler said these votes were incon
clusive; they were on amendments offered
by the opposition to Mr. Hill’s resolu
to take additional testimony for the in
formation of the Senate—he consented to
vote for it. He did not think it was
authorized to make such a report as it
Mr. Hill, resuming, said the Senators
from South Caroliona had selected him as
a mark for', their-irony and spleen. He
was, however, their friend, and
when friends differed, plain words
should be used. When Butler’s and
Spofford’s cases came before the commit
tee on privileges and election^ tbe Demo-
sratic members had more difficulty Willi
Butler's than with Spofford’s. Spofford’s
title was better than Butler’s, but tbe
State decided in favor of the legislature
that elected Butler; therefore they acted
favorably in his case.
Mr. Bill confessed he was now disap
pointed. He had no thought when he
voted to admit Butler that he was aiding
to admit strength which would be used to
keep out a man with a better title.
Referring to the denial by Mr. Butler
that South Carolina had done nothing to
oppress Louisiana, Mr. Hill quoted an
article from the Charleston New* ami
Courier to the effect that Kellogg was not
elected but that it should not be forgotten
“our own gallant Butler” was seated ;on
condition that Kellogg should also be
seated, and the Democrats were in duty
bound to stand by the arrangement. Al
so an article endorsing Mr. Butler’s' argu
ment against unseating' Kellogg. Mr.
Hill said he thought these supported all
he had previously said on the. subject.
Referring’to ’Senator Hampton’s recent
speech, Mr. Hill wondered why the Sena
tor had spoken of his own bravery during
the war, and wby he. bad contrasted it
with the spirit of others, who he said had
been “in a safe place.” “I am brave
enough, 3 ’said Mr. Hill, “neither to boast
of my own achievements nor to deprecate the Senator from South Carolina.
It did not require war to make me a Union
man. I am and ever have been one from
conviction. I feel under no obligations,
therefore, to yield one jot of the equal
rights and privileges of the Southern
States under the constitution in order to
appease Northern wrath oir to show to the
Northern people that I have been brought
to a condition of submissive and subser
vient loyalty. . : ,
Replying, Mr. Butler said:. If the Sen
ator from Georgia had voted for his
(Butler’s) admission while in doubt as to
his election it had notincreased his respect
for the Senator from Georgia. If there
was the slightest doubt in the Sena
tor’s mind concerning his title, let
him make a motion now ‘ to vacate
the seat, and he (Butler) would join
him in demanding an investigation. He
proposed to hold Ills’ seat by no such
claptrap as that. He had made, and now
made, no reflection upon Mr. Hill’s war
record; but the Senator had no excuse for
attacking South Carolina, while pretend
ing to. defend it against slurs, which he
(Butler) had never made. Furthermore,
Butler said he was glad to learn that the
Senator from Georgia was a Union man,
and if Senators did not learn that fact it
was not because the Senator did not tell
them often enough. But there were four
years during which we did not hear so
much of it. Perhaps the Senator, had
thought it prudent to conceal his real
opinions. ’
Mr. Hampton said when the Senator
from Georgia months ago went out oi his
way to' Warn the Senators from South
Carolina, and to impute improper motives
to them, he felt justified in repelling accu
sations. If Mr. Hill had risen then to say
his language was misconceived, he (Hamil
ton) would have hastened to acknowledge
that he had been mistakSn.
Mr. Hampton went on to say that Mr.
Hill had given nearly all parties the ben
efit of his ability, aud ought not to be dis
pleased that he (Hampton) claimed tbe
right to hold an independent opinion.
Concluding he said, though the Senator
from Geoigia had found fault with him
for quoting poetry in his former speech,
he would venture to quote another bit
that might interest him more:
“Stiff in opinion, always wrong;
Everything by turns, and nothing long.”
Tho Kellogg resolutions were temporarily
laid aside, and the bill to pension soldiers
of the Mexican and Iudian wars was taken
up. Pending conclusion of debate there
on, the Senate adjourned.
Washington, June 11.—In the House,
Mr. Keifer opened the debate In opposi
tion to tbe marshals bill, and was follow
ed by Field, Lapham, Williams, Humph
ries and Hawley. Harris, of Virginia,
who has charge of the bill, replied in be-
lialf of the Democrats, and Was- followed
on the same side by Cox, of New York,
and Hutchins,, and the. bill was: then
Mr. Garland moved that the Senate con
cur in the amendment of the Home to
the bill regulating pay and appointments
of deputy marshals, sent back by tbe
nonsethis morning. Mr? Hoar objected
to its present consideration, and the bill
went over until Monday, x[(
The Senate hill for the relief of Mor
gan, of the Louisiana and Texas Railroad
aniPSteamship Company, was passed.
In. the House, Mr. Atkins submitted the
•conference committee’s report on the leg
islative, executive and judicial appropria-.
lions bill, together with a statement tiiat
the House conferees, had yielded to
the Senate conferees on the subject of sal
aries of Senate employees* Tho report
was agreed to. _ . ’fl -i«
Mr. Scales, of North Carolina, submitted
conference report on tbe -Ute agreement,
bill. He said the bill as agreedto provided'
that if there should be sufficient available
lands in Colorado the Indians shouid be
settled in that State; but, if not; then, that
they should be settled in Utah and Neyr.
Mexico. The report was agreed to. ,
The Honse then resumed the considera
tion of a Sena',a resolution proposing a
joint .rule for counting the. electoral
vote, and Was addressed by' Mr. Van
Voorhees, of New York, in opposition to
the measure. . ’ <q a ss’fl ! - ,w
Washington, June 12.—Mr. White, of
Pennsylvania, also spoke against the elec*,
toral count resolution and Mr. Huntori,Tof
Virginia, in favor of it. . ’ , mi
Mr. Bricknell gave notice that lie would
call tho previous question at 4 o’clock.
Keifer, of Ohlp*—Igive notice, yoq, will
only call it. . ,.j ,- .
Several Democrats—Wo V.uncWmaml
you are.going to filibuster. ’ j
■ Conger—No doubt, if propel" “timA
is allowed for debate, we Will convince
that side of the .House that the resolution
ought uot to be adopted, or else that gen
tlemen were unwilling to be convinced.
Sparks—Ob, y6n came back from Chi
cago resolved to count In your man-by
the Vice President ? It . is.the only Oft-,
portunity you have. .
Messrs. Brown, of Indiana,' and Cas-;
well, of Wisconsin, also opposed the ieso-
lotions. : : '’ ' ** 7t "
Mr. Bricknell demanded-the previous
question, pending t , which Mr., Keifer
moved to,adjourn. Rejected, I;
' The Republicans then resorted to fili
bustering, and by refusing: to vote Mfl tlie
House without • quorum. -Finally,! on
motion of Mr. Bricknell, the,. House,: a t 5
o’clock, tools a reces3 until.O o’clock’Moii-
day morning. ' ‘ , J * :s ‘
In the Senate, the report ofthe confer
ence committee on the legislative^ appro
priation bill, by which the House agreed
to the Senate amendments regarding the
salaries of Senate employes, was adopted.
; The report of the conference Committee
on the Ute agreement bill, by which the
Senate agrees to certain House amend
ments and disagrees tq others, was
MaflfeqC ‘ ' . ‘ | no r
The House bill. making appropriations
for the payment of claims reported by the
commissioners on claims (the Southern
claims commission), under the act of 1871
and acts amendatory thereof, was passed.
The appropriations amount to about $240,-
Tbe pending order, being the Mexican
pensions bill, was informally laid aside,
and the general deficiency bill was taken
Mr. Hill rejoined that if the Senate I up.
thought the case res adjvdicata It should { Mr. Eaton stated that the Senate coin-
bave voted for these amendments. The mittee on appropriations had made j-educ-
honorable junior Senator from South | tions in the Houas bill amounting to $230,-
Carolina had voted against them every 657 and had added by amendments $433,-
time. . 312, leaving the total of the bill as report-
Mr. Hampton explained that he had j ed to tbe Senate, $4,594,168. The Senate,
been opposed to re-opening-the case, but J as in committee of the whole, proceeded
on the assurance that it was not to bis re- . to consider the bill. Several amendments
tbe ablest
physicians all over the. country indicates
that Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup Is tbe
best remedy for all the sufferings of little
children caused by Wind Colic, Dysentery,
— . — Diarrhoea or Summer Cwolaint. Price
opened—that tbe committee was merely were made and the bill reported to the 25 cents.
Senate. The amendments were concurred
in and the bill passed.
Consideration of tbe bill granting pen
sions to certain soldiers and sailors of tbe
Mexican and other wars was resumed, as
in committee of the whole. Mr. Ingalls
moved to include “all men who had
served thirty day in tbe war of the rebel
lion.” An extended debate ensued, par
ticipated in by Messrs. Voorhees, Brown,
B1&1 ine, Maxey, Conkling and others.
The Senate in executive session con-
firmed the following nominations:
Virgil D. Stockbridge, to be assistant
commissioner of patents; Robert G. Dy-
renforlh, examiner in chief in the patent
offioe; John M. Cross, register of the land
office at Huntsville.
The President to-day sent to the Senate
the nomination of Wm.H. Smith, to be
United States attorney for the middle and
northern districts of Alabama; Col. Nathan
A. Brown to be paymaster general, with
the rank of brigadier general.
' Washington,; Juno 12.—In the Senate,
Mr. Voorhees, in the debate on Mr. In
gall’s amendment to the pension bill, al
leged that this was one of the many ways
of killing the bill. The Senator from
Kansas was not'for his own amendment,
nor was any oue on that side. Nobody
in the country would be deceived nor con
vinced by this amendment tiiat the gen
tlemen in the Republican party were more
willing to pension all survivors of the late
War than those on the Democratic side.
If the jSenator-from Kansas was anxious
to pension them, let him bring in a sepa
rate bill and test the question, but let (his
bill stand on its merits, and nbt be loaded
down with amendments imetided to de
feat it.
Mr. Brown offered an amendment to
Ingall’s amendment, providing that the
amendment shall not take effect until
thirty-three years after the close of the
rebellion. That was about the time since
the close of the Mexican-war, and if he,
(Mr. Brown), was in the Senate in 1898,
he would vote to, pension every union sol
Mr. Eaton would vote against the
amendment because it would add $200,-
000,000 yearly to the expenditures of the
country more than it couldhear. , . .
,Mr. Blaine said there was a provision
pensioning soldiers of the late war, which
would' hot apply to soldiers of the Mexi
can war and all other wars, but this hill
prpposed to do for the latter something
never done for the soldiers of the rebel
lion, namely, to jay every man Who
served, whether lie ’was wounded or nbt,
disabled or riot, impovcrislied or not. A
man inay be a millionaire to-day, and yet
entitled to a pension, whereas, a soldier of
the un;o», unless disabled, is not. pen
sioned, though he may be destitute. In
the name of the party which had done so
much to reward soldiers, not'only of the
rebellion, but of all wars for the support
ofthe government, he protested- against
this unprecedented proposal.
Mr.jVoorheeb said the Senator from
Maine overlooked one important point,
namely,tiiat these survivors of the Mexican
war were laboring under the disabilities of
great age. He favored the spirit cf the
amendment offered by the Senator from
Georgia (Mr. Brown), which recognized
this point. He did not think it an argu
ment worth noticing that here
and there a survivor ofthe Mexican sur
vivor of the Mexican war had escaped the
poor house.
Mr. Maxey did not support this biil
upon the ground held by some that the
men deserved charity. He held that these
men had acquired for the country a grand
empire, adding,, immeasurably to the
wealth of the country. • 1
Mr. Conkling asked jf it was a greater
gift to the country to wrest from Mexico
the domain he had described, than to pre
serve from destruction a nation incontest
ably the greatest that the world had ever
ML Maxey replied that he had in no
way disparaged the soldiefs of the late
war. That war was an internecine strife,
and bad added nothing to the wealth of
the country. It was like the Wars ofthe
Hoses, and, as after the Wars of tlie Roses,
Englishmen coalesced in a common patri
otism, so we should all join in supporting
the flag of our united country.
Mr. Conkiirig again denied the assump
tion of the Senator from Texas. As dust
in the balance, he said, so was the acqui
sition of all these then outlying territories
compared with the single fact, that by'the
exertions ofthe soldiers of, tne Union, by
their bravely and daring, they preserved
to immortality the: institutions nndei
which we, live, and prevented tins govern
ment of ours froiq going down in blopdlto
the sepulchre.of buried nationalities.’
Mr. Maxey—In regard to Xhat, I have
come back into this Union because the
deny this pretend-
ed fciaifti of superiority iri anybody;' Nbw
I made :no reference to tbe late unhappy
war. -Soldiers for the Union followed tlieir
convictions of, right as they understood!it,
rind I • followed 1 mine as I understood
it, and: - in that fearful vtrir- : (he
South./went / down. Rut,: sir, when,
at Appomattox Court. House, (lie
Southern ‘ Confederacy surrendered,
arid When that gallant and manly act was
done which all the South approves and re
spects—when Grant, ithe- man whose flag
some; gentlemen hero not long since. up
held, declined to receive the sword of big
gallant opponent, Robert E. Lee, we ap
preciated it; Sir, it was a i soldier’s act and
soldiers onboth, sides understood that
they wqre fighting .fqr, what they believed'
to be right, aud they are the,last men on
this earth to come in here and
ittefnpt to. raise trouble; arid it 1 is
strange. ;to " mo that-no proposition
pan. come up- not even to give a pittance
to men Who,, under the flag Of otfrcOm-
moh (kflintry, did gallant service, that all
admit—that nothing; can be said in their
behalf, citizens of the United States as
they were, fighting uuon foreign soil as
they did, under the flag of our country,
without this contrast being made to ar
ray Uniori .soldiers against Mexican sol-’
diers. * ' -.-J
. The jdebate was further continued by
Messrs. Blaine, Voorhees,' Ingalls rind
Brown.'- i* ‘‘ r •*- f
- —;
Earning Yoar Own-Living; j
vlf : your father is so situated, that
the,care, of his daughter is a burden upon
his slender resources, you ought to re
lieve him by workingfor youreeif. Every
woman should be able to support herself,
if there: - is need for- so doing; Hundreds
yypuld be -,very, much happier if they did
so when the need was not pressing. -We
are so constituted that alternate periods
of work and rest are beneficial to us.
Idleness Is the bane of existence. The
veriest butterfly among girls would lekd a
gayer life if she had something mops to.
do than to' 'flit frorii flower to “flower. I
am quite sure that tlie hard-worked tired-
out shop girls who have so few hours for
repose, are often happier, because more
genuinely, self-respecting than are some
indolent, dawdling young ladies who kill
time by reading silly novels, and whose
chief aim seems to be.the preservation
from soil of tbeir soft, useless hands.
A few years ago, teaching and sewing
were almost the only vocations open to
edneated and gently-bred wemen. Now,
all doors open at her light touch, and the
lady—not less, but more a lady if she hon
orably works—has but to lay her finger on
what iatch she pleases to choose. Work
is not ploy. If site wishes to earn money,
she must give skill, patience and unselfish
diligence to her enterprise. The market
is crowded, and only the best have a
chance. *’• , I : ' i
But tlie young woman who resolutely
and cheerfully takes up a calling, and
pursues it with 'steadfastness, has as good
an opportunity for.success as her brother
has in his field or profession. If- it be her
duty to work and earn her own livelihood,
she need sacrifice no delicacy of sex nor
lay aside any of. her beautiful womanly
modesty in doing so. She will also have
a positive and not-to-bc-measured advan
tage if, in her aelf-supportlng career, she
can live at home.. In the best boarding
bouses open to woriringwomen there is
much 1 which is -not home-like.—Christian
at Wort: 'atsnw* laslritoq sails J
River and Harbor Bill
Washington, June! 10.—The river and
harbor bill, as it passed both Houses to
day, makes the following appropriations
for tlie construction, repair and preserva
tion of harbors and rivers and improve
ments at the points named in tbe South
ern States: Harbor of Norfolk, $50,000;
Onancock, $5,000; Charleston, $70,000;
Savannah river and harbor, $05,000;
Brunswick, Ga., $10,000; Cedar Keys,$15,-
000; Pensacola, $40,000; Mobile, $125,000,
Vicksburg, $20,000; New Orleans, $75,-
000; Galveston outerhar, $75,000; Brazos
and Santiago, Texas, $20,000; improving
Tennessee river above Chattanooga, $10,-
000; below, including Muscle Shoals,
Duck river, the shoal at Reynoldsburg,
$300,000; French Broad near Knoxville,
$10,000; Clinch, $10,000; Hiawassee, $3,-
000; Alabama river, $25,000; Warrior $20,-
000; Ashley river, $1,000; Woccamaw,
$15,000; Great Pedee, $7,000; Sullivan’s
Island, $5,000; St. John’s- river at mouth,
$125,000; Tampa Bay, $30,000; Apalachi
cola bay, $10,000; Clioctawbatchee river,
$7,000; Suwanee, $5,000; Escambia, $8,-
000; passage between Fernandina and St.
John’s, $7,000;improving entrance to Cum
berland Sound, $30,000; Volusia bar, $5,-
000; Tombigbee, below Columbus, Missis
sippi, $20,000; Tombigbee, above, $4,000;
-Big Sikiflower, $8,900; Coidvrater, $4,000;
Pascagoula, $20,000; Pearl, below Jack-
Son,’ $30,000; Pearl, above; $75,000; Yazoo,
$12,000; Tallahatchie, 1 $9,000; Mississippi,
at Natchez and Vidalia, $4,000; Noxubee,
$12,000; Oustauaula and Coosa. $2,000‘
Cape Fear, $70,000; Carrituck Bay and
North river bar, $25,000; Freni* Broad
river, in North Carolina, $3,000; Neuse,
$35,000; Pamlico and Tar river, $9,000;
Scuppering,*$1,000; Trent, Tar and Yad
kin, $20,000; Savannah river, Georgia,
above Augusta, $16,000; Chattahoochee,
$20,000; Coosa, $73,000;; Flint, $30,000;
Ocmulgee, $7,000; Oconee, $1,000.
The bill also directs the secretary ot
war, at his discretion, to cause the exami
nation of,‘survey and; estimates costs
of improvements to be made of the fol
lowing rivers and harbors in the Southern
States: Tallapddsa river, Alabama;
Clinch, Powell and Holston rivers, Ten-
nessee;Lynch, Waleree and Black rivers,
and Georgetown harbor, South Carolina::
Cape Fear and Pocoson rivers and Town
creek, North Carolina; Altamaha, Ca-
noochee and Savannah rivers, Georgia;
Finhalloway, Ancilla, Wacissa, Chipalo,
Ocolockonuec, East Bay a«d Blackwater
rivers, and Holmes creek, Florida; Atclia-
falaya, BoguC, Chitto Bogue and Falla
rivers, and Bayon Maucbac, Louisiana;
harbor at Grand.Giilf,-Mississippi; head
waters of Savannah river, in connection
with the Hiawassee and Tennessee rivers,
with a vietf ti ascertaining of summit
level, so. as to unite these: streams by
canal. - ; .(> -- •’
A Remarkable Family.
•A ride of an hoar over roads not of the
best brought a Times representative to the
little village of Norton, in this county.
Norton contains a remarkable family. In
the doorway of a small, low-roofed dwell
ing stood a tall, well-preserved woman.
“I am looking for a: woffian eighty-four
years old,-who has raised twenty-four
children and is still in vigorous health,”
was tlie first query. “I suppose you refer
to me,” slie said. “I am of that age.”
She was apparently enjoying the best of
health. In all her long life she said she
had never been sick but one day.’ Brought
up on a farm and inured to the rough
work incident to farm life,-this woman
had reared tho extraordinary large, fam
ily of twenty-four children, twen
ty of whom are still alive. The
eldest is sixty-five, and resides on a clean
ly-kept farm a mile: or two distant
from the homestead.. The youngest is thir
ty, and is engaged in grape culture at
Hammondsport, New York. The entire
twenty children are in splendid health.
Of the four who are dead three met tlieir
death by accident, while the fourth died
of yellow fever in'Memphis two years
ago. The mother still does all the house
work, milks four cows daily and take-: the
produce to market?--She is the financier
of the familylandldeclareso that she needs
no lawyers to keep her afl’airs in order.
Every Sabbath finds all qiiict about the
farm, and every member ofthe circle is
required to attend the- quaint old Metho
dist church morning and evening.
“Is your husband living?” we asked.
“No, sir; lie died five years ago.”
.“Who is the man, then, of whom it is
reported that he is eigbty-one years old,
and yet-; cuts two cords of wood every
day?”, . .. . ,J;«
“Oh!” said she, as a smile lit up her
face, “that must be brother Jake. He’s
out yonder chopping away for . dear life.”
: Thp visitor . went “out yonder,”' arid
sure enough a tall, strongly-built man,
With white locks streaming over, his shoul
ders, was bending dver a wood- pile and
wielding fln Ox in a manner betokening
no lack of vigor. His four score years
have all. been spent within a radius of
twenty-five miles. He had never been
outside of HuriteVdou connty. • ;
_ “I care nuthin’ about seem’ the world,
,§ir. My own little village here and inv
small gathering of true friends is all J de
sire. I read the papereregulariy; and find
thflc'there is a heap of bickerin’ and strife
outside which we avoid in .‘our quiet
bf>me., r I:remember a good ways back,
and have watched many changessincedb
was a boy, but all ■inv affections and asso
ciations are ’round! here. 1 *1 do not have
to chop wood;: oh, : no, sir,", but I like the
exercise, ai^d- it keeps me movin’. I’ve
never been married, and have laid aside :
a'tolerable neat sum 1 In the Frenchtown
bank fqr old age;” and at the words “jold
age” the sturdy farmer chuckled, as though
eiglity-one year? did-nit bring him into
tlie period of,'hoary hairs, and declining
days.—Philadelphia Times. "1 *j •
jr Professor Carrent^r and .. His
Fxat Earth.—Professor William pars i
penter, Tate of London,- lectured Thursday
night in the Christian Tabernacle, George
street, ou “Zetetic Astronomy,” as con
trasted .with the generally accepted New
tonian system. ' Professor Carpenter’s ar
gument appeared to be based mostly upon
the fact that as water could only occupy a
level surface, according to [his theory,
therefore the. earth must be a plane. 'He
undd took to disprove Professor PrOc-
torVa stronomical ideas, saying that he
believed Procter knew bis. theory was
wrong,.but wouldj^yit -acknowledge it.
He attempted to prove the fallacy of the
simple and Well known argument ofthe
appearance of ships ataea as illustrating
the rotundity of tbe earth by stating that
au aeronaut at the height of six miles
could not distinguish a ship go down at
all, but that at all times tbe horizon ap
peared On a level - with the car, the earth
resembling at tlie time a vast concavity.
He designated Proctor’s diagram of the
ships as a pictorial lie. While antagoniz
ing the theory that Australia was under
the-London-' bridge and China under
America, he attempted no explanation of
the fact that daylight at one point beheld
darkness at another at the same hour.
He deprecated toe fact that such nonsensi
cal ideas as Newton’s theory- should be
taught in the public schools', and hopes
for complete reformation In this regard.
There,Were about forty people present at
the lecture.—Baltimore American.
Toe pronounced, opinion of i
lysiciahs all over toe. country
Honor* of the Naval Academy.
Annapolis, Md., Juue 10.—Tbe follow
ing are the names of toe Southern gradu
ates of the Naval Academy to-day, and
their order of merit r Cadet midshipman
Homer C* Poundstone, West Virginia, 9;
Ernest Wilkinson, Louisiana, 12; Arthur
C. Houze, Mississippi, 13; Thomas A.
Parke, West Virginia, 19; Louis Duncan,
Tennessee, 20; William C. P. Muir, Ken
tucky,: 21; Charles Cabaniss, Virginia,
22; Joseph M. Dickson, Texas, 29;
Prank Bowdon, Texas, 31; Francis
R. Wall, Mississippi, 41;'Horatio L. Fil-
lebran, South Carolina, 43; Thomas
Worthington, Alabama, 44; Fits A. Sul
tan, Texas, 4fi; Theo. C. Derby, South
Carolina, 53; Lewis J. Clark, Alabama,
56; James S. Brown, Tennessee, 50; Hugh
Redman, Kentucky, 61. Phillip R. Al-
f ts, at Urge, stood first of cadet engineers;
L. Wood, Virginia, .7; W. 3. Smith,
Virginia, 17- A. W.. Slohe, New York,
wits first. ; Cadet Alger and Stohe divide
the first honors.
Behove ail cause of irritability and
discomfort from tbe baby, by using Dr.
Bull’s Baby Syrup, the surest; best, and
heuce cheapest remedy in the world for
diseases of babyhood, Price 25 cents.
We see by the Indianapolis Journal, of
June 2d, that our fellow-townsman, Dr.
Thomson, has been creating some sensa
tion among his co-medicalists. who were
met in a three days’ convention in that
city. Tins following is a part of tbe re
A communication was received from
Dr. M. S. Thomson, of Macon, Georgia.
He said tiiat he had long thought that the
names chosen for the profession of this
particular school and principles have not
been definite enough. “Botanic” was a
misnomer, for they used iron and other
minerals. “Medical reform” was not cor
rect, for “medical revolution” was meant.
“American medicine” was not definite
enough, for there are numerous “isms” in
this country that could claim the name.
Physio-niedieal” is Letter, when properly
understood; but he did not like the sound
of it, and it almost takes a lecture to
show tbe difference between it and
anti-phlogisticism. The world has been
acquainted with that term for ages, and
knows that it embodies the principles of
the old-scliool practice, which it has so
often, practically applied in depletion by
bleeding, cupping, purgation, starvation,
sedation, and tbe thousand otber methods
by which phlogiston has been fought and
conquered. Phlogiston is the inflamma
tory principle which the physio-mediciuers
aid and .favor, and the old-school fight and
suppress. As an aider and abettor ot
phlogiston, or the inflammatory principle,
Dr. Thomson regarded phlogiston'itself,
as the conservative power of the system
the vis mvdicairix nalura without which,
nature hai no power to heal, and this ex
alted vitality is the manifestation of that
excess of vital energy without which no
man could survive tlie first chill, while an
attack of small-pox would be certain
death. He held that fever and inflamma
tion are not only friends of tlie system
but savers of life, and should be aided,
their ; purpose furthered by every
means; not thwarted or destroyed, as
lias bet-u tbe custom for many cen
turies, and still toe practice of old allopa
thy and young electicism in many quar
ters. Assuming the broad ground that
phologistoii cures, he held that all that
man.can do is to assist it. The results of
its manifestations being watched, he said,
it is demonstrated that the removal of ob
structing causes is the unvarying purpose,
and, when sufficient for that purpose, per
spiration or pur is-invariably thrown out.
The: removal of obstructions from' the per
ipheral capillaries that produce fever may
lie greatly facilitated hy the removal, to
some extent, of atmospheric pressure,
cither means of the air-pump and re
ceiver, or the taper of boiling water. In
the:same direction much.may be done hy
the use of static electricity, or the electric
bath. He was not sure hut electricity is
not as essential to life as phlogiston itself,
knowing that, in its absence, life becomes
.impossible. - . , JV,: ....
This communication was made the spe
cial subject for 'consideration and debate
at 9 o’clock this morning.
Hr. Tilde&’s Republican Kinsman.
A letter from Cleveland, Ohio, relates
bow Judge Daniel R. Tilden, of the Pro
bate Court there, visited lately his rela
tive, Samuel J. Tilden, in New York.
The Judge is described to be “as pleasant
spoken a gentleman as ever damned a
Democrat,” but in response to inquiries
about Ins visit, showed he had come back
with a most exalted (minion of the man of
Gramercy Park. Being asked about
Mr. Tilden’s health, he replied:
“He is in excellent health and spirits
for a man of his years. He rides horse
back a great deal, and is by no manner of
means the dead man he is represented to
be. He Is continually busy about his
house and grounds, directing workmen aud
“Do you consider him in the race for
“I do, indeed, and any talk to the con
trary is nonsense. Still, when I asked him
once what he expected to gain by giving
up bis pleasant associations and going to
tbe White House: he answered me in &
most curious tone, that he expected to
gain nothing. Hts tone only made it evi
dent that he wanted io get there bad
“What has become of too bad opinion
Jon formerly expressed as to Mr. Tilden’s
“Well, you see, I am a . good deal of a
partisan, and, taking cue from our news
papers, hadformeja pretty-poor opinion
of him. But very close acquaintance in
the'few days I spent in New York was
sufficient to convince me that I -was
wrong. J believe that be is a square man.
His managers may have resorted to trick
ery; but I dp not. believe liim dishonest.
He is -certainly one of the shrewdest
.men living. ' Take- the matter of or
ganizing. He bos a list of all the prom
inent men of all the States, with their
personal habits, peculiarities, friendships,
social life, etc., in- memorandum. When
we came to talk over our relationship ho
took out a book and showed me the gene
alogical tree of tlie family. He had me
down fine, even to the maiden name of
my’Wlfe, the place and date of our mar
riage, our family and our matters. By
this chart he-is*u»w- sixty-six years old.
I was told in New York that he was worth
$10,000,000. He lias been assailed so
much by newspaper men that, he cordially
hates the whole tribe, and lie may have
communicated some of that spirit to me,
so you had better ‘get,’ young man, for
that’s all I have to say.’.’
Not the Republican Choice.—The
Chicago correspondent of the Philadelphia
Times wrote :
Of the whole 750 delegates there
were riot a score of them who would
have deliberately chosen Garfield as the
Republican nominee; but two great chief
tains stood before each other in irreconcil
able conflict, and the weaker rushed in
hopeless despair to the only refuge from
annihilation-1 The Grant men had the
opportunity to .select Edmunds, but they
would have only victory or death to both
Grant and Blaine, and the always waver
ing and finally broken Blaine lines rushed
to Garfield to cover tlieir defeat. It was
not even the often potent consideration of
expediency that dictated Garfield’s nom
ination. It was a necessity to beat Grant,
and Garfield,happened to be the first to be
thrown to the front by tlie conflicting; and
fluctuating tides which bewildered the
opposition leaders.
Talk of perfect harmony in the Repub
lican rauks hereafter in the face ot such
antagonisms? Impossible.
The Tribune of tbe 8th says: Old Ful
ton Market, ruinous, untidy, and doubt
less unsafe as it is, lia3 received what
ought to be its death warrant, however
execution may be delayed. It is rather a
picturesque old ruin, dirty and inconven
ient; but when picturesque old ruins
threaten to come tumbling down upon
the laeads of large numbers of human be
ings, the sooner they are got rid of the
better. The report of the board of sur
vey settles Old Fulton decisively. The
bulgy and broken columns are out of
plumb, the foundations under some of
the interior columns are dilapidated, the
roofs have deflected, and there is a gen
eral rottenness about the ancient struc
ture, which it wonld be had economy to
repair!’ “We certify,” says the board of
survey, -‘that said premises should be im
mediately taken down.” Now let us see
how soon they are taken down.
Glass Millstones The idea of con
structing millstones of glass is said to have
originated from the observation that toe
finest flour was produced hy those mill
stones which have the most glassy texture;
from this observation came an experiment
which demonstrated that pieces of glass
combined in the same way as tiie French
bubr, and similarly grooved on their sur
faces, gave better results in grinding than
tbe brilir millstone. The outcome of this
successful experiment was tjie invention
of toe glass millstones now used in Ger
many with much satisfaction. Respecting
their special merits, they grind easily and
do not heat the floor as much as is the
case with toe French buhrstone. Is grind
ing grist they run perfectly cold. In mak
ing these stones, the glass is cast in blocks
of suitable size and shape, joined with
cement in toe same way as tbe French
buhra, dressed and furrow-cut with picks
and pointed hammers.
—Chicago claims that Ute weather can
change thirty-two degrees in eight min
utes, and this without any aid from th%
smells along tbe river.