Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, July 16, 1880, Image 7

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i£jse£ji<* smfct 3fctmt«tl $5 SJjejsjmtg*!:*. Tito Telegraph and Messenger Will be scut by mail, postage paid, to 1. any address, until the 12th of Norember, covering tfie political campaign and its > results, for $2.50. This proposition-will stand open ntilil the 1st of August, 18S0. Let everybody begin at once. —The New Orleans Times says that private advices from the country indicate a visit from the cotton worm this season. Refusing to Pay.—It has been deter mined in the Common Pleas Court of Al legheny county, Pennsylvania, that the county is not liable for the interest on * riot' claims' losses. The question is to be carried to the Supreme Court. A .‘Big Flouring Mile.—The new Washburn, a flouring mill at Minneapolis, Minnesota, is completed, and said to be the largest and finest in the world. The floor space is 18,400 square feet of surface, or about four acres, and 2,735,000 feet of lumber were used in the structure. —London Life says tliat Prince Bis marck remarked not long since: “I some times wish that my father had carried out the idea of making me a parson. It was very nearly done, too. One of his rela tives had already a place in sight where I should, at the end of the first year, have had at least $750 a year. I should have been a much better man had I turned parson.” 'But the Princess deprecated this view. • 1 —A cable’ dispatch from London says ■ that Sarah Bernhardt and a complete company will sail from Havre on October ■ 16 for New York, and that she will make her debut at Booth’s Theatre on Novem ber 8 in “Adrienne Lecouvreur.” Jeanne Bernhardt, her sister, is among the mem bers of the company, which is now form ing, and the stage manager will probably be M. Belvaux, who was Rachel’s stage manager during her American tour. Paper as Building Material.— Paper is looming up as building material. The dome of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute observatory at Troy, New York, is built entirely of tins material. It is re duced by pressure to the hardness of wood, and is laid on in sections one-sixth of an inch in thickness. The weight of the structure is only about one-tenth of what it would be if made of the usual materials. It is said to give satisfaction in every particular. —Jim Brown was a Texas desperado of the Currie sort. He rode on horse back into a saloon at Cambridge, amused himself briefly by a ping tumblers off the bar with his whip, and then inviteil the company to drink with him, adding that he would shoot whoever declined. Mr. Dawson, as it happened, had lately taken a pledge of total abstinence, and positively refused to break it. “Then I’ve got to kill you,” said Brown, putting his hand into his pistol pocket; but Mr. Daw son was quickest to draw, aud the despe rado tumbled dead from his horse with a bullet in his brain. Jerome on Hancock.—In a second letter to the World, Mr. Jerome says that “as to my support of General Hancock, I see fresh evidence daily of the propriety of my course. I have no fears whatever of the preponderance of “Southern influ ence,” so loudly bewailed by the Republi can papers in case of his election. His administration will open an era of con cord and good feeling North and South. The ragged ends of the great civil war will be swept away and buried in oblivion, ne wiu ". — around _bim a class of statesmen freed from the sickening aniT tiresome cry of sectional warfare and all its bloodysliirt remembrances. We shall have an administration like Washing ton’s, intent solely upon the grandeur aud glory of the great republic, knowing no South, no East, no West. That, I think, is a thing to be desired by all good men.” —It is rumored from Berlin that the Grand Duke of Hesse, the widower of Princess Alice of Great Britain, is to take for his second wife the Princess of the Asturias, King Alphonso's eldest sister. The London Globe says: “The Grand Duke, made much of during his recent visit to the Emperor of Austria, is assert ed to have offered his hand to the Princess at Weilburg, a small country place in the picturesque neighborhood of Vienna. The Princess of the Asturias, who previ ous to her brother’s accession was known as Countess Girgenti, is a widow, having lost her husband under most painful cir- cemstances. The Count, a brother of the ex-King of Naples, whose hopes of resto ration to the throne of his ancestors were blighted, wantonly destroyed his own life in a fit of desperation.” —The Emperor William is described as looking better than he has done for years, and wearing a robust and hearty air. ne regards himself at Ems as a soldier on leave of absence. He seldom wears his customary uniform, but generally appears in plain dress, which is, however, less be coming to him than his well-known regi mentals. His mode of life at Ems is rather monotonous. He rises early, visits the “Briinncn,” takes his constitutional walk on the promenade, aud then sets to official work. Any distinguished frequent ers of the famous Spa may bo sure of an invitation to his Majesty’s ever hospitable board. The evenings are usually spent at the Royal Theatre in the Kurbans, where he sits among the audience with out any particular box bciBg set apart for him. lie del'ghts in listening to come dies and iarces whose wit never fails to evoke a smile or arouse lii3 laughter, which, ringing with unaffected pleasure, is always a treat for the whole house. Robbing the Clerks. •A Washington telegram to the New York Sun of the Sth says the despeiate situation of the Republican party is well illustrated by the methods which have been adopted to raise money for the cam paign. Several weeks ago a notification was sent to the employes in ; the depart ments that they weie expected to contrib ute to the campaign fund. Many of the clerks refused to pay the assessment, be lieving that they were justified in their refusal by. the civil service rules laid down by R. B. Hayes. It appears that a system of downright robbery is being practiced upon such of the clerks as refuse to contribute volun tarily. When one of the $1,200 clerks in the treasury department, who had refused to contribute to the campaign fund, went to draw his salary a week ago, he was handed $80 by the disbursing officer, and informed that $20 had been retained for his subscription to the campaign - fund. This clerk says that his is not a solitary instauce, but that six other clerks who had refused to contribute were to his own knowledge robbed of a portion of their pay in the same manner. None of the clerks so robbed will make an affidavit of the fact, for the obvious reason that it would cause them the loss of their posi tions. It is said that this system of rob bery is practiced with the knowledge and consent of Mr. Hayes, and extends t hrough all of the departments excepting that of the interior. Hancock as a Rebel.—The Brooklyn Eagle prints also the. following report of 3 conversation between General Hancock and one of its reporters: “Referring to the statements made in some of the Re publican organs tliat alter the decision of the electoral commission lie still consid ered Mr. Tilden the legally elected Presi dent, and would obey any orders ema nating from him after March 3, and that he wrote General Sherman to that effect, the reporter asked the General if he had anything to say concerning the statement. “ ‘It i3 hardly worth while,’ said the general, ‘to reply to these stories, there are so many of them floating around. Now, suppose I did write such a letter as is spoken of to General Sherman? I have not read the story to which you refer, but l understand its purport. If such a letter was ever written, it must be in the hands ot (Jen. Sherman. It would not be proper for me to give its contents to the public without the consent of General Sherman, even if such a letter was written. If these gentlemen who are clamoring for such a letter want it so badly, why don’t they go to Gen. Sherman for it. If there is such a letter in existence. I shall be very happy to have its contents given to the public. I have never written any thing that I am ashamed of.’ ” • A Fins Fall Trade Expected. The New York Bulletin says: The purchasing ability of the country at large promises to be exceptionally am ple. The grain crop and the cotton crop, so far as can be judged at this stage, may be expected to prove large beyond all pre cedent; aud the large agricultural major ity ot our people wifi have ample means for supplying their wants. They have had three successive years of unusual pros perity ; during the first two of which tlicir savings were largely devoted to paying off their debts; and it is reasonable to sup pose that the profits of the third will be liberally devoted to supplying the wants of their homes. The industries are gen erally actively employed, and the large operative population will have more to spend than in any year since 1S73. The fall in prices within the last quarter will increase the demand for goods, which in turn will give the more active employ ment to labor. Indeed, there is no class of the community nor any section of the country that can be pointed to as likely to be exempt from a common prosperity. Even the iron trade which has suffered so iovereh’ from the late breakdown in prices, CilTi nanny nm i*? r.\pcnrucc an early recovery when all classes of the community are in a position to want its products. We trust the hopeful outlook may in deed be realized, but it is too soon to speak with anything like certainty concerning the cotton crop. Worms, rust, excessive rains, or au early fall, which many predict, may cut off the supply of the staple very materially. But the trade industries of the country seem to be doing well, and the people are in good spirits. The nomina tion of Hancock, also, and his certain election will doubtless exercise a very healthful and conservative influence upon public affairs generally. With his admin istration will come retrenchment, civil re form, the complete restoration of constitu tional government, and a genuine recon ciliation between all sections of the Union. On the whole, therefore, the future seems radiant with the promise of better days, whereof we are glad. X SURE CURS *or nil the disease.- for which it is recommended. c.:id alwavs perfectly teft in the bunds of even the most inexperienced persons. PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER Better Times. The Democrat, New Orleans, La., says: “Suffering among such as have been troubled with diseases of kidneys and .iver, lias been perceptibly better since the introduction among us of Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure.” j29-2w Savannah, Ga., March 25,1SS0. Messrs. Lamar, Rankin & Lamar—Gen tlemen: My husband informs me that you wish me to give you a certificate on your Lung Restorer, and I will state that I suffered two years with consump tion aud during the time was treated by Drs. Read, Thomas, Charlton and others of this city, and also by a promineqt pby- ciaus of Macon, Ga., without finding any cure. My husband bought me six bot tles of your Lung Restorer, which I began taking at once, and found immediate re lief. I have used the six bottles and have never felt a symptom of the disease since, and my general health is better than it has been for years. I therefore cheer/ullg recommend it to all who have consump tion as a pearl beyond price. Very respectfully, l,v Mrs. M. Goolsby. Thirty Icon* Experience o! au old Nurse Mrs. Winslow's Soothing 8yrup is the pre scription cf < ne of the best famsie Ihjti- cIslb and Nunes in tbe Uni!of States, and ba» been uai d for thirty years with niver failing safety and sccaese, by millions of mothers and 1 hiliron from tl e ftcbJa infant of cue w<-ek c!d to tie rdult. It corrects acidity of the ctomacb, relieves wind, code r.pul-tea tbe bowels, and give* rest, health end comfott to mother and tbil 1. We ba- IUv« it the beat and eu-cst remedy in tb< world, in til rates cf dysentery and diar- ruosi in cl ildrtn, whet :er. it trkes from te< th;cg cr tram any other cune Full di rections for usingwiil acoomp»ny each bat tle Rone genuine unless tbe fac simile of Curt « A firkins, is on tbe outside w a per. he d ly all medicine dealers. I went -it.- t li a etlt’e. This is no apology for whisky drinking; it is a medicine that cannot be used to in toxicate; it produces a tonic effect, as well as acts as a cathartic. In fact Simmons’ Liver Regulator is pronounced an unex ceptionable medicine. lw Love rules the court, the camp, the grove, But this we find wher’er we rove, That Sozodont alone supplies The dazzling teeth and ruby dyes, •- That lend a maiden half the charms' That win her to her lover’s arms, lw DRS. J. P & W. R. HOLMES, DENTISTS. No $4 Mulberry Street, Macon, Gp. Tenth extracted without pain, beauti'ul arts of Teelb inerted, Abice.sod Teeth and Diseased Gums cured. D-alcra in all kind* cf Pcnta’ Materials and Instrument*. Constantly cn hand a large and foil axscrtmeni of Teeth of all kind*. Go'd of al fcinda,'Amalgam* of all kinds, Ruhr 06 ot a ScinuS. mn4ifcw DK. l> S WRIGHT DKNTIDT, t dc2we unit No S3 Swnnit street. Dg&rflSSTRY. td. IS. ii>t.t: FIKi.1), D. D.H, NO. 92 MULBERRY STREET, Cg-Offiw timnr. a a. ir. lot- m Wf 4 POND’S EXTRACT. Subdaes Infhmmaiicn. Controls *1' Hem cr- ihager. Acute and Citron'c. Venous and Murr.ur. INVALUABLE FOR SPRAINS, BURNS. SCiLDS.BRUrSE3. SORENESS, BHEUM*TISM. BOiLS, ULCERS. OLD FORES, TOOiH- AOHE, HEADACHE. ASTHMA, FORE THROAT, HOARSE NESS. NEURALGIA, CA- TAREH Et'C., E C. Em HA. Abbojt —■ Valuable and ler.ficial " UaYwcon smith. M. U. M. B. C P- of Eng land — 'I t a»r used it with r arlrd b i.elit " H. O. PnasTO*. 51. !».. Braosly". X. Y.—”1 know of ro remedy to generally useful.” ABTnraOruaaas, 11.D . F. R. U. Fne- land.—”1 have prescribid-Pond’a Eittact with great ancersa.*' CAUTIttN.—Pond’s Extract is aold orly in bottles with the name blown in ih* ala**. It is unsafe to use otter articea with oardt rectum-', maist on having Pond's I x.ract. ho Lae all imitations and suo»titutes. SPKCHL PREPARATIONS OP PQNB’3 (Y- TRACT COM 81N ED WITH 1 UK HUaKsT AND MOST DE..ICA1 E PeKPU-UKS FOR LADIES' BOUDOIR. Pond’s Extract........... 50c. f?l CO add 81.75 Toilet Cream....1.0) Catarrh Cure 75 Dentifrice M> Plaster 25 Lip Salve.............. 25 Inhaler (Gla-s 50c)l.M Toilet 8oap (3 take*) 50 Nasal Syringe 25 Ointment............... 50 Medicated Pnp<r .. 25 Orders amounting to 85 worth sent express free on receipt of money on P. O. orde-. . Our new Pamphlet with history of our Prep orations. sent free on appiicatfon to POND’S EXTRACT CO, 18 Murray 8met. New York. So c by all Druggists, Junefideodawly Is rtammavM by nytieituu, Hirii-im, 3fl*rionaries, Htnutgen of Factories, Wort-Shops, and IKanlalimis, Runes in Hospitals—in short hr cvcnjhrsl'j errrinrhere who has ever given it a trial. IT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF FORTY YEARS’ TRIAL. D A E ^ af 13 R c 55 > bntiM liavb a place in every factory, machino-shOR ,1 MLCatS i\Iawtalat% and mill, on every farm and plantation, and in every household, ready for immediate use not only for accidents, cuts, bruises, cores, eta, but iu case of sudden sickness of r.nv kind. DA B SUj Iff 0 i B is 1,10 well-tried and trusted friend of all who want I m. 11 Ti aV IbrLs U, ft a sure and medicine which can be freely used Internally or externally without fear of harm and with certainty of relief. Its price hrings it within the reach of all; and it will annually save many times its cost in doctors’ bills. For sale by all druggists at 25c. 50c. and Sl.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVES & SON, Proprietors, Providence. R.!. rrarlS-dwed astSSr n teow-vsnm m REWARD Protruding PILE that DsBINGSTILB REMEDY Ms to -uru. It allays the ltcting. absorbs the tumors, gi ves im mediate relief, cures cases of long standing ini week, ordi nary esses in 2 days, si a bottle. Sold by all druggists. by mail. sa-Prepartd only by Dr. J. P. MILLER, Phtla, Pa., and none genuine unless the wrapper on tbe hot tie contamslhis signature and a Pile of Etones Vis. Ellen Johnson, SS7 Spruce Ft., Phi'adel- wrote April 10th, 1875: "Dr. J. P. Miller, hia, wrote _ Jear 8ir—Your DxBing’a Pile Remedy cured me in one week, after 1 had used all the medicines I could hear of, and was told by a prominent sur geon in this city that my only chance lor a cure jras an operation, w hten he wanted to charge me fifty dollars for. J. P. Cooper. Druggist at Favanrah.Mo., wrote Sept, ltth, 187*: * Dr’ J. P. Miller; Dear Sir—I have bten selling DeBing's Pile Ren. edy for sev eral years, always recommending it. and some times guaranteeing it to cure. Never heard of anotbing but cures.” W. B. Stewart, Practical Druggist at Canons burg, Pa, wrote May 5th, 1679: "Dr. J. 1*. Mil- ^ > ear S ‘ r -I have your medicine DeBing’s Pile Remedy, always in stock, and sell it because it cured me of a case of ye&ra* standing and esn ooncstlj and do znott cheerfully recomnieEd it.* G. B. Cole. M. D.. of Drug firm of Co’e A Wick, at Ashland, O.. wrote lpril 22, 1879 ‘J. p. Uil- ler, M.D; XlearS r—We are having salea for your UeBing s Pile Remedy through my recom mending it, I being apract-iing pbysieian. I am confident tbo remedy will become very popular as it has the merits, and will recommend itself when once used." Bring a regular graduate of medicine ar.d surgery, for the past ten yea-i having made tb6 treat ment of Piles, Fistula, rkin and Blood Diseases, and Nervous Debility a specialty, persons in need oi our ser .ires are invited to write or call at our ofl!ce._ Office hours: 9 to 12a. m„ and 2 to6 p m (ehlS—t {At J. P. MILI.ER. M. D-, 8. w. cor. Tenth and arch Ftreet*. Philadelphia. Pa.' NATURE'S OWN 2 w^^emeoy V VEGETABLE. MEDICINE FOR THE BLOQaUVER&KiDNEYS: CURATINE, For Blood Disea CURATSNE, For Liver Coppla ClsRATiNE, For,'Kidney Diseases. Dheuuiatbm. CURATINE, For Scrofula Diseases. CURATSNE, A medicinal com pound of known value— combining Inoneprf-p- aralion the curative powers for the evils which produce all dis eases of the Jifoort, the hirer, the Miitlneua. Harmless in action and thorough in its effect. It is unexcelled tor the cure ct all niood ef/t/ea rmch as- Scrof ula. Tumor*. IloitK, Tetter.Salt Jtheutn, Rheumatism, Jler- curial JPolvoi:i»tff. also Constipation. S>U8jiCpcia. J lull- f/vstlon, Sour Stom ach. Hr tent ion of Urine, etc• ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. TIE BROW CHEMICAL CO BALTIMORE, Md. BUNT, RANKIN Wholesale & LAMaK, Druggists. Macon. . |aa SN S i 1 R'S 1 if- REI iweaeaggi mm is =r22ndz=r Popular Monthly Drawing of the Commonwealth Distribu tion Go. AT MACAULEY’S THEATRE, In tbe^City of Louisville, on Saturday, July 31st, 1880, These drawings authorised by setoi the Leg* lflr.turo of 1809 and sustained by all the courts oTACectucky. according to a comm t made with mC owners of the Frankfort grant, will occur regularly on the last day of every mouth, Sun day* aud FridaTS executed/for the period of five years, terminating on June SO, 1885. The United States Circuit Court on March81 rendered the following decisions: lst-That the Commonwealth 'Distribution Company is legal. 2d—Its drawings are fiir. The management call attention to the liberal sdhrme which has met with such pbpuiar favor heretofore, aud which will again be presented for the JULY DRAWING. 1 Price....—_...... 1 Pnid 1 Prize 5 10 Prizes (l.OCO each 20 Prizes 500 each ~~*'~***'***" 100 Prizes 100 each ................. 200 Prizes 50 each 600 Prizes 10 each ..000Prizes 10each. , ® P r ' ,ea !00ea*b, sp’roiimat’n prizes 9 Prizes SCO each do do V Prizes lOOcaeh do do .S 39.000 „ 10,000 .. 5,000 . 10,000 . 10,000 . 10,000 . 10,006 . 12.000 10,000 2.70c WOO sw U‘60 Prixcl xjjo zen Whole TicJets,«2- Half Tickets, (l. t, • »Tickets, (50. 55 Tickets, «?«e. U»mit by Pori-Office Mot ty Order. Registered Letter, busk Druli or Exprcts. To insure against mistakes and delays, corre spondents will please write their names and whence plainly, Riving number of State ° r Town, County and 111 communication* ccnneotrd with the Di Distribution and Order* fur Tickets ehouldbe addressed to ii. M. BOARD SIAN, Couner-Jctfr nal Buiiiii’i* Louisville Kentucky, or at No# Xf>7 »n«l Sl’ft B^osifway. N. Y »urSc«vuf«i)tiiUhat Wesleyan Female Institute . STAUNTON, YA. tilvcucss, Drnieptin, BUionsncss, BIB ■ loirs Diarrlicen, Malaria, Fever ana ! Ague, and are useful at times in nearly all diseases to cause a flee and regular action of the Bowels. The best antidote for all Bids* rial Poison. Price, 25 cents a Box. iranier’s Safe Xervhia qulcklygives Brat ami Nleeo to the suffering, cures Read, aebeand Neuralgia, Prevents Epileptic Fits, and Is the best remedy for Nervous Bros, (ration brought on by excessive drinking, over-work, mental shocks, and other causes. It relieves the pains of all diseases and is nev- Opens its SUt Session Sepieuilier sotli, is‘0. Among the first Schools for young laditsmtba United States. Climate unsurpassed. Surround ings beautiful. Pupils from seventeen States Among the lowest terms in the Union. Course, Latin, Fienth, for each lariio year , $115 All eitras very low. For Catalogue, address Rev. WM. A. HARRIS. D. D , President, julj7d«u410t-wlm Staunton, Virgin!v. all diseases am er injurious to the sys tem. Tbe best of all Nervines. Bottles of two sixes; prices, 30 cl*, and 81. CJ-WARNKK’S Bare iemedtea arc sold by Dealers la I’LAGG’S IMPROVED PATENT LIVER PAD\ Never Gets Hash. Cax be Made axx Strength Desired. Lam Twice as Long. Xitiitci Curii vkhret Cragglfig the Eyties. CUBES /Vais' \STK E H.H.Warner&Co. Freprletors, ROCHESTER, X. T. Cysend far pampMct and dulls and Fever, Lher Complaint, ' MAY Dyspepsia, Ken tralirurnuli. mOYEKBS. PROVERBS, “For sinking spells, riness.ptJpita- fits, didoes!* tica and low Vpfrita, rely oa Bop Blttcra.” aMn«E£ and you will DC strong “8509will herald for , a caso that Hop Bit ters wfil not euro or ip Bitters builds ienralgia, Kenoasnesj, Rheumatism, Costiveness, Femab Weakness, Sick & Nervosa Eeafoche. ; Pads Cure all Diseases by A bsorption. No r Pills. Oils, nr Poisonous Medicines are taken nary complaints of sll *TIg> greateet appe tizer, Korach, blood and llTur regulator— Hop Cough Cube Is the sweetest, safest andbert. Ask children. “Clergymen, Law yers, Laiton*, Bank ers and Ladies need | >1 nn TMHpru riailT ** Hop Bitters daJj.* “Hop Bitters has re- i otorca to sobriety ana Tho Hop Pad for Stomach, Liver and I Kidneys, is superior to all otLrr?. Cares ! by absorption. Aaic j Drcggists. D.L C. is an absolute and irresistible euro | for drunkenness, tuo I of opium, tobacco and : narcotics. Scad for a AH aboro soM by druggists. Hop Bitters Manufacturing, Oo., r,N.Y. [ Uocixcster, ] Dlrwdar. FOE FOOD. As niuntifaclareil by Andrew Erkcnbrectter, at Cincinnati, Ohio, is tlio Queen of table edibles and the most delicious of Maize prepnratlons cxtnnt. It is incomparably pure, healthful and economical, nnd a blessing alike to tire sick and well, for children n:id adults. It enters into tho most recherche pastry, ices, nnd dessert dishes, embrac ing blanc-mango, ico cream, puddings, custards, pies, etc., lending a peculiar lelicacy and nutritious quality, and is a necessity and a luxury in every don,. • storehouse. No edible SI vreit stands so high tho world over. Sold bv Grocers cvery-where. J. KA.RINS «5c CO. Manufhcturen and Importers of These Noxious .... into the Stomach. The Pads are worn over the Pit of the Stomach, covering the Great Nerve Centres, also the Liver and Stomach. A gentle Vegetable Totueis absorbed intothcci rculationof the Bloodand die Bleed, stimulating the Lirerand Ithy action, and strengthening the tfood. Price of Pads *1 and $9 ch. Sold bv ail Druggists, or sent by Mail or Express. Manufactured at 39 & 4* North Liberty St. Baltimore. Mn. John Ingalls, druggist, Wholesaloand Retail Arent, corner Fourth and Poplar streets. Mae°n. Ga. apr6-d6m G EORGIA. Bibb County.—Wheroaa L. W. Hollingsworth has Hade application for letters ot guardianship ot thn person and proper ty of Roberta Rates, a minor under fourteen years of ore, resident of said county. This is therefore to cite and admonish al! per sons coccented to he and appear at the Court cf Ordinary on tho first Monday in July next, to show cause 11 any they hare, why said L. tT. Hollingsworth should not be intrusted with the gesrdianship oi tbe person and property of Rob erta Bates. , Given under my official signature. jneStd * J. A. McMANUS. Ordinary. G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-Wheress Ste phen Colllna, executor of the estate ci An drew Pye, late of said county doo-'ssed. has mado application for letters ef dismiss!- n from said estate. These are therefore to cite and ad- mouith all persens concerned to be and ap- appear at the Court of Ordinary of said conrty on the first Monday in October next, to show cause,if any they have, why letters of diimis- tden should not be granted to.applioaut. V.ituets my official signature, J- A. McMANUd, Ordinary. Juiv 2. lE8t-ti* B PIITM UAB1T By B. M. Woolley Atlanta. Ga. Reliable evi dence given. and reference to cured patients and physicians. Fend for my book on tbe habit and its cure. TREE. uni new cauuoffu* oi n Instruments, Music, Si Caps, Bulls, Pouches, I — , poos, Drum Majors’ Staffs J jne£9 , Epaulets, Cap-* Lamps, Stands, and Out fits oontains 85 pages of infOTTMtlon tor muticians. Mailed free. Address . K0K £SE4iY, 1«3 eu« SW CMesp, IB. Pieced Colton Ties. F IS fo: FTY thousand bundle* pieced Cotton Ties _ for isle to the trade in lots to suit purchasers. They ara made from carefully selected alo-k: are ■Jl double rivrt»d, and have the second hand epen slot brckles. They answer every purpose o the new ties and can be bought for about two- thirds the price. Providence Cotton Tie Co. W. W. SIMMONS. Agent, No. 7 Market Equsie, Providence, R. I. july7-d6t FEED YOUR STOCK. MONUMENTS LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. Orders for Marble Monuments addressed to J. Karins A Co., 78 West Green street. Louisville, Ky., will receive prompt atteni.n. jeS-Sm GOBDON’3 hoese food. FEED MEAL, RICE FLOUE. CORN, OATS AND HAY. Particular attention is called'ta Gordon’s Horse and Cattle Pood. jttLl JONES A COOK. HOUSE FOK RfiKT. O NE four-room house on Johnson street, with all necessary outbuildings, good water, etc. For part-culars app y At juy lOdtf THIS OFF CE. Tie SGGtbers Me Collep, LA GRANGE, GA- With a faculty ot twelve thorough teachers, fine building- and a complete outfit fir all de partments, Litera-y, Music ar.d Art. offers tbe highest aovantages for the smallest chaises. Nearly doub'e the usual time devoted to Music and Art. Lust catalogue numbers 143 pupils— 107 in music. Buard, literary tuition auu draw iog per annum, &207; with music aud u e piano, >267. Ctrrespondcrce invited. Write Icr cata logue for full particulars, in.vx ez>Raw2m* T. P. COX. Pr«i. IN JiQUl 1Y- BILL FOB RELIEF, Etc IN BIBB SUPERIOR COURa. Daniel D. Tracy vs. A. E. Ross, administrator de bonis non ot the estate of J. P. Lamer, M. E. 1 amar ot al., heirs of J. P. Lamar. It appearing from the retuns of the Sheriff in this cause that two of said defendants, to-wit., Mrs. Carrio H. Motley and Mrs. inn T. breen, formerly Ann T. Lamar, are not to be Lund in the ccuuty of Bibb: and it further appearing that they do not reside in the Bta*e of beorgiu, but in tbe State of Alabama: It is therefore or dered by the Court that service of said bill he perfected upon them by pnblqgtiou of this cr- d-r once a month for four m»r.ths before the next term of th<s Courf, in the Macon Telegraph and Messenger, a newspaper published in the city of Macon, Ga. Loftin A Bart'et'. Plaintiff’s attorney. iuy2-iamim T. J SIMMON’S, J. 8. O. M. C. W. A.CUKRHY va THIS LIFK ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA,et nl,—In Equity in Bibb Su perior Court. . . it nppeariag to the Court that by the return o! the sbenlf, that the 1 ife Association of America cannot be found, and it further appearing that said defendants are non-residents ot the State of Georgia : Ordered, that said de'endants be and appear at the next term of ibis Court, to be htld ou the fourth Monday inOrtober next, to plead, ausweror demur to svd bill nled in the above case, or the same will be taken pro coulesso as to them, and s*id raw- will proc- ed ex parte. Or dered further, that s» id attendant be served by S ublication once a month ti r four mentbs, in the lacou Telegraph aud Uesrenger re:ore the celt term of this vourt. Tl.Wune21.iSS0. T. J. S'MMOXS. JudgeS. C. M.C. A. P ordft, saUcito- for ri-rni lainsnt. A tru. extract Irotu the cm.uteo oi Bibb Supe- riorCourt. Junu22, 1880. - jne2>-Iam4m* A. B. ROSS. Clerk Bellevue High School, BEDFORD COUNTY, VA. “On Va. and Tenn. R. It., fifteen miles west rf Lynchburg. 1 oung men aud be ys prepared for university or lor husiness. Beautiful and h-alihy location. AM* corps cf teacher*; thor ough instruct: on. Liberal provision for the ac commodation and comfort of students. For Cat alogues containing information address W. R. ABBOTT. Principal. juyl9eodaw2m Bellevue P. O , Va. A tiood Ohance for Men of Vim to Make Money. I Control county rights for tho sa'e of Key’s Patented Lever Cotton Press- Very simple and economical. Does its work quickly and with tittle help. Every Dlanter ap- pzoves of it and it will sell itself with bat little talk. Ved of icf-h. in wantot employment, would do well to secure one or more counties at once. Information furnished when desired. . „ , . J, L. SAULSBURY. juv9-d2w sat lues »hr-w2w TH£ BEST New Music Books! O ' aillNiKY'aOrtloe Janes Ucunty. Georgia June 26ih, 83i.—V bereas 1 liartoa, sdminis./atcr with the wtUaunexed. on esta o.of Benjamin ‘•arron, deceased, applies lor dismis sion from same. , . „ Thc-e are to cite »nd admonish all persons coniernec and the 1‘ gatees ol said estate to t e and appear at the L’ctouer term next ol ■ his court, and wi nes* a sett.ement oi his adminis tration, receive their distributive shares, and show cause if any they have w by h-. * hall no, bv discharged from said admmistrat on. Wilmas my hut f - flicially. . jniSOtd# ROLAND T. RO^B. Ordinary Host andineupeBt ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. Special inducements to SOUTH ERN 80LD1ERS. Satisfaction given in a 1 cards. First prenr-ium at Atlanta and Macon. Georgia Fairs. 1879. Best of refer* oncc9inyour 8tste. Apply at once for full information AioeSI terms, etc. Ad(k?si* CHABLKS M EVANS. Manufacturer for U.8. GJovemm t, 152 Went Fourth Stn^t,CinHnr.flti. O O ttDiNAKY’dOltbe Jones Uouniy, Georgia June 16, 1680.—° hereas John A- Joutiton. executor estate < I Martha M. Seabrook. deceased, applies for disiriss’cn. , . „ lbese *retocit3 and admonish all pf2sons concerned to sho\r c#iu8rt at tbit office oil or by the first Monday m Cctobe*. if any they have to tbe contrary. _ , „ Witness u>y hand officially. _ _ ineSAtd^ KQLANDT. ROSS. Ordinary. Notice to Debtors and Ureditors. A LL persons indebted to^he estste of H. B. Troutman are hereby notiticd to makttn.- mediate p»ymet t of the same to the undersign ed; and all peisons having claims against said estate a*« hereby notified to present the same duh authenticated in terms of the law. M.L UllTMAN, Executor. . v!8.1389— l.-wtv KDtNARk’Stifitce, Jones Countr. Keurgis, June 12.1S80.- Whereas David W. Lester, guardian lor Mrry E. Tuft*, minor, applies to me for dismitsion _ .... These ate to cite ai d admonuh all persons «in- cerr-ed to show cause at this court on the first Monday in August next, if any they have, why the discharge shall not he granted. Witness coy hand officially. ’ . jnelktd* ROLAND T. ROSS,Ornmary. Gr For High Schools. ►The Welcome Chorus, (il.00). By W. 8. Tilden. Just out. For Seashore or Mountains. Gems of English Song; Cluster of Gems; {.f 2.00). Or one of SO other Vocal or Instruiren* t»l Bound Volumes of Sheet Music. AU the tamo price. For Sunday School Conventions. WHITE ROBES, (SOcts ) By Abbey and Hunger. Very popular. For Choirs, Conventions, Singing Classos. Voice of Worehip. (*1.) L. O. Emerson. The Temple. _ , (*1J Bv W.O. Perkins. Examine for your Fall Classes. For Amateur Performers. SORLBHEi,$1.00. BELLS OF CORNBVILLE st-50. PIN'AFuRE.tOc., and many other Ope ras and Cantatas Any Book sent, po»t-fre6, for the retail prico. OLIVER DITS0N& CO., Boston, O. H. DITSON A CO, 845 B’dway N.t. lsnlttf jnKORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas W. 8 V-1 Holt and J. B. Jones, administrators on the estete of Jsmes P*an, late of said coun'y decesae ed.have made application for letters cf dlsmisiou from said estate; These are therefore to eito and admonish all persrns concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county on tbe first Mouduv in August next, to show cause, if any they havo. why If tters of dismission should not be granted to-Dplicnts. Witness my official signature. May 6.1SS0. T A VfTu * mav*td«s * ' "j~ a7m~cMa'nTi>L Ordiwarv. JOSHUA. TBTJJ-LTZ Geseral FnlsMai ipicj, EUFAUuA, ALA. Adfeitisisg, Fubseriftioa a&d Job Frinlug Ffleeted with Ihe best houses in Alabama, Georgia and throughout the country, at a di-count on t.blo rates. STUCKEY ‘LITTLE GIAET.’ I am agent for the sale of this Celebrated Hvdraulic Cotton Presst THE WONDER OF THE AGE, hOtiOlA, BIBB i.«-UNT1.-Whereas, John E. fullivan has made application for letters ■’ of admim tration on the estate of Thomas C, Sullivan, late of said county deceased. These are tkereicre to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and aorear at tho Court of Ordinary ol said eouuty on the first Monday in auguat next, to show causa if any they have, why letters of administration should granted to applicant . , ’ Witness my official signature. J. A. MCUANBS, Ordinary. July 2.1830-4td*j f G E'iRGIA, BIBB COUNTIapWhereas Jos eph Wilhourn. executor of tBh last will sbd testamoit of C. J. l-amble. late of said county dece »oJ. has made application for leave to re- b’eas a suitable urson lobe appointed assd- miuUtrator do bums non cum testamento an- nexo upon >aid estate. . , ,, These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerred to bo and appear at the Court of ordinary o' said county on the first Monday id August next, to ‘how cause if any they have, whv said Joseph Witbourn should not be al lowed to resign and Mrs. G. V. Gamble appoint ed aduiinifirator a, Witness my official signature. July S. 188:-4td* J A. McMAMJS. Ordinary. White Sulphur Springs. HALIz COUNTY. Georgia JOHN CALVIN JOHNSON A CO,. Manager*. Carriages at White Sul phur Springs depot, dis- t.r<s two miles to meet all trains. Double daily mails, tel egraphic. communication CoDside ab'e improve ments sinoa Inst vear. G EORGIA, BIBB uOUNTY.—Whoreaa Ben- jaw in C. Smith, executor of the estate of Mrs. E iza Smith, late of said oourty decea»ed, has made application for letters of dismission iron, said estate. . - „ Theas are therefore to cite and admonish all persona oonci mod to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county, on tho first Monday in October next, to show oause if any they have why ssid application should not be granted to apMie-pt. Witness my hand officially, July 6,1SS0. juy7td* J. A. HcMANU*. Ordinary. NOTICE LEAVE TO SELL LAND. aillflrjr Cl 4UUC9 cuuubjr xur tu kii an iuo laud* belonging to estate of Peyton A. Balkcom deoea-ed. FELIX B. BALKCOM, Adm’r. July 7.18S0-td» C r BORGIA, BIBB COUNT Y.—Whereas Hon* I* ry Scha l, executor of the estate cf Jacob Echa’l, bas msde app'tcation tor leave to sell one lot of lai d iu tbo county of Murray, in said Staio, at private sale, tho aaire being wild aud uncultivated lands; and also to sell one house and lot in the city ot Macon, being the cast half of lot No. 7. in square 91, in said city, belonging to said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons ccncerued to be and appear at tbe Court ol Ordinary of said evunty on the fir*t Monday in Auguat roxt to show. If any they bare, why •aid application should not bo granted to sppli- cant. W itnesa my hand and official signature July w4w$ J. A. McH ANU J . Ordinary. Ceitaia ad Permanent Core UOIl CONSUMPTION, Catarrh. Bronchitis. COLDS, COUUHS, INFLUENZA, SOKE THROAT, SHORTNESS OF BREATH, CLERGYMAN’S SORE THROAT —And other diseases of—— TM ait Loom, DIRECTIONS INSIDE, Price $1.00 per Bottle. Large Size $2 OO. If yen need a press be sure and call cn me or send for circulari. ul9-d2w thr tus-w2w J. L. SAULSBURY. NOTICE LEAVE TO bELL LAND. G eorgia, jonbs couNTY-Four wo.ks alter date 1 will apply to tbe Court oflirdt- natvot Jones county for leave to sell at private sale all the wild land* belonging to estate of Le roy Singleton, deceased. BLLKN SINGLETON, Executnx. July C, 18S0-7td* SHEEP. A “ ■'’“"—middle wool grades—ior sale in lots of from five to twenty. Will sell also a few young Bucks single. Apply to or address july7d!awawtf WM. LUNDY. Macon, Gn. O BltlNART’S Offio-Jones CuuLty, Georgia. Jure 2Gth. I860.—Whereas Mrs. Mariam for Lerin and Annie P. Moore, appliea to me for dismission. ,. ... , These are to cite ana admonish alPperatm* ccnce-ned to show cause at this office on or by tbe first Moil-lay in Auguat next, if any they have to the contrary. Witness my band officially, jueSUtd* R’.LANDT, ROSl, Ordinary. KOKUlA—BIBB COUNTY.-Whereas. W. I W. Came*, administrutor of the estate of Samuel G. Bonn, late of said county, deceased, has made application for letters of diamitsion fromaaid estate. The-e are therefore, ta cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in J uly next, to show causa, if any they have, why said application shou d not be granted. Witness my official signature April ,3.1SS0. J, A. McHANU*. Ordinary. mar4-law.4w* Know Thyself. T e I HE untold miseries that result from indiscretion iu early life rr-»y be alleviat ed and curol. Those wLo doubt tins assertion should pure In Bo tbe new m-dical work published by the PEA BODY MEDICAL INSTI TUTE, Boston, entitled THKBClnNOB OF LIFE. or, SELF PRESERVATION. Exhausted vi tality. nervous and pbyrical debility, or vitality Impaired by the errors of youth or too close or too close application to busintas, may be restor ed and manhood regained. Two hundredth edition, revised and enlarged, juit published. It is a standard ns4*al work, the best in the English language, written by a physician of great experience, to whom was awarded a gold and jewelled medal by the Na* tional Medical Association. It contains beauti ful and vary expensive engravings. Th:ee hun dred pages, more than 50 valuable prescript’ons for all forms of prevailing ditcase, the result u! many yeara of extersive and successful practice, either one •! which is worth ten times the price of the book. Bound in French cloth, prtoe omj ft, sent by mail postpaid. The London Lancet says: “No person should be without this valuable book. The author is a noble benefactor.” An illustrated sample sens tonllon receipt ol 6 cents for postage. The author refers by permission to Hon P. A. BI33ELL. M D, president ol the National Med ical Association. Address Dr W H. PAR KER, No 4 Bulflnch St, Boston, Mass. The au thor may be consulted on all diseases requiring skill and experience, novSO wlv HEAL THYSELF Proposals to Do tikePub- lic Printing. fTNDER tie authority of an act of the General U Assembly in compliance with article 7, sec tion 17, paragraph 1st of the Ccnstitution. ap proved 23 r ot August, 1879, proposals will be re ceived to do the Public Printing for two years from the expiration of the term of office of tbe present incumbent. Sealed Proposal* will be received for thirty days from the first of June, 1880, at the office of tne Secretary of State in At lanta. On the first Tuesday in August next the Public Printing will be awarded to theloweet bidder whose bid is filed in compliance with law. Stipulations, specification aid require ments ran be procured on application, at tbe of fice ol Secretary of State in Atlanta. ti. O. BASN’ETT, Seo’tj ol 6tate W. A. W RIG s-T. Comptroller Geu'l. J. W. RhNFROK, Trea-urer. jnc3-law4w Commissioner of Public Prlbttn . Gray’s Specific Medicine. RAPE MASK. THE greatTRADE MARK. Er-glisL rem edy. An un failing are for heminal oak- ness, Spermat orrhea. impo- t»ncy, and all diseases that, fol 'iW so- _ % „ Before TaKngquence of wi'After Taking abuse* as a lots of mf vaorj. mrneraal lastitudo pain in the back, dimnjw of vision, premature old age, a: d many Otht j c iht awa that lead to in sanity and consumption and a piemature grave. fnl! nartioulaN in nir Tthmt.iiis-t shiVli va r’u. Lamar. Bankin & Lamar* MACON AND ATLANTA, OA. jaetldavrly Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we de sire to send I roe by nr ail to tvary one. The Spe cific Medicine is sold by all druggists at (1 per package, or six pac* ages for (5 will be sent free by mail on receipt c-f tho money by addressing the GRAY MEDICINE CO, No '0 Mechanics Block, Detroit. Mich, Sold in Macon and every whereby all druggist*. oct!* dawly. For sale by HUNT, RANKIN A LAMAR. octl9-dawlr Macon, Ga New Advertisements. ADVERTISERS By addressing ueo. P- Rowell & Co. 10 Spruce St, New York,can lear i tbe exact cost of any proposed lino of ALVERTX-tING in Amer ican Newathpers. |00 Pace PamohleL 10c. S ry ry ry a year »na ill “eb's- Uut-.t Fr S 1 I P.U. ViCaiiRY. expenses to Free. Addrrs* August*, Me WANTED. An JctiTO, Intei!lg‘-n», RcFabie Man, In this and other localities, to handle a recently patented article that seli* re oily to travelers, mer iPants.dcn'ists, barbers and famines. Tbe right party w ith small r- n‘tal can secure a valu able ag-mey WORTH 510 TO S25 A DAY. Address THE TAYLOR HEAD REST C*>.. 1:9 Lake Street, Chicago, Ills. Ladies’ Co-opgrative Dress Association, 112 Fi.tli Ave., New York. (Incorporated under Laws of Mato ot New YotV) Capital, s 250,000; 10,000 Shares, S25 each. Shares to receive six percent, dividends,out cf profits, ptrar.num. Shari s trni s'erable. Trustees: Geo. B. RIsncbsrd. L. M. Bates, Mi-si Kate Field. Egbert Guerrsey, M. D., asivs Juli* Ward Howe, IIuu.K. O. Mcloraic 1 ', Rich ard IleaTes, W. U. Reynold*, Geo. A. Scott, J. N*Lon lappsn, John D. Townsend, James F. Wenm&n. Banker*: James M.Drake & Co. Trarsfer Agent-: Fanners’ Loin a-:d Trust Ca Solici tors-: Blatchford, Seward, Griswold and Du Cos- Ohjeif- To estaolish a Co-operative Store, well stocked with Ladira’ and Cbilonn’a I nst Goods. Sriiinery, etc.. »nJ the nisru'acture of tho same, and o! materU’a furnished by Shate- ho'der*, to vbom customers will bn cunilned. Rcsrossihle c-nv«srri fer the seleof Shares wanted in every town- Send to Secretary of tbe Association for pro pectus giving full inform-turn and opinionsl tbe press. jncl8eodamw G Eu&GlA-BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, L A Savage, executrix of the estate of Ca n doniaSavage, latent said county,deceased.baa made applU alien fur letters of dismission frem said eiUte. These are there'o-e. to cite and admccisball persona concerned, to bo and appear at tbe Court ot (irdiu-rv of said county ou the first Monday in Jul- next, to show c«uso, if any they have -by said application should not be grar te t. Willies* my official signature April S', 18 5 0. J. A. McMANUS. Ordinary. rnar4lnw-4w* mm THE SOEB CHANGES. We Cannot Sing tlis Old Songs In the old place any lor ger. It* too small. Not half la> goer-ouch tor our family .household pools and trade, therefore we shall break ramp July 1st. next, and e.isblish aew musical headquar ters in the handsome New uoubie r-to.’e. Cor* easiest M Sire els Where we shall have tbe largest and fine>t Mu sical Warerooms in the entire So tth. Before we go, we must, to save heavy expense »nd labor of removal, cl- so rut our entire stock of Piano* and Organ* now oa hand and to arrive prior to July 1st. To do this we shall inaugurate forthwith a Grand Clearing Oat Sale Comire: cme Msy 15th and eudin* July 1st. dur ing which time we shall seil at Manufacturer’s Who!o»ale Rates. 10 FAVORITE PIANOS. 27 CHICKEKIN‘1 PIANOS. 21 LIGHET&CO PIANOS. 50 MATHUSEK PIANO J . 5 HALLET & DAVIS PIANO-'. G2 FOUTHEBN OEkl PIANO*. 28 GUILD. CHURCH & CO. PIANOS. 44 STERLING CO. ORGANS. 100 PELOUHEf & t O. ORGANS. 1X0 MAtON & HAMLIN OP.GAN?. HBaOSM All neve and ju«t from Factory. *. l-o 100 sec ond Hand Pisroi and Organa Most all ol them u-ed from oce to six months aud precisely as good *s new. •Con’t Miss This Chanc?. To secure a fine instrument “awful" cneap. Write for Clearing Out Sale Circulais a=d Fnre List* ann be quick about it. Ihe solo ctids July 1st, posilivi-ly. Adzresa LTODSN & BATES, SAVANNAH. GA, WHOLESALE PIASO AND CRSAN DEAURS. dec27-dltawkwli IilBEIr FOR D1VORCS. Bibb Superior Court, April Term, 183.'. MRS. G. F. TINCKaRD Vtf. J. J. 1TSCXARD. IT appearing to the ccurt by the rtlumofthe L sbe-tfl that the defendant i* not to be found in thia county; and it further appearing that he doea net reside in the State of Georgia: Ordered, that he anroir at th- text term of this court, or that sai. caure be allowed ta pro ceed, aud that service be perfected on said J. J. Pinckard by public.tion hereof, onre a month for four month*, in the TBLEaRtPH asd Msssttr- oaa, a public caxetto published in the city of M*con. By the Court: JOHN L. HARDEMAN, Libcl'ant’s atiorrey. Be It so. T. J. SIM'iO-fP, J. 8. C M. C. April 29.18S0. A true extract trim the minutes of Bib Su perior Court. This May 3.1SSJ, maj4-lam4m A. K R0 5 R. CLrir. G EORGIA— BIBa CuUATk.— Wher-ia Ja cob Dinkier. guardian ot Edwaru Berend. ha* made application for litters of dism snon: These are, therefore, to cite an l adment-h a'l pjrsocs oo: corned, to be and appear at tbe Court of Ordinary of said ooumy, ot the first Monday i-i Augustnex-.'oihowcaui-.b any they hare, why letter* o' dismission th-ud cot be * ranted to spplicaut. Witness my cIH-mkI *ig atore Vav s, 1830 J. A. MCMANUS. Ordinary. ma9 law w4» STEAM ENfiOS Iam'sgent for sereral makes o! Engines and am prepared to ofier a* GOOD TERMS as any oce when qualify is considered. Be sure and call or send fur c'rcul-r. before bujlug. J. L. SAULSBURY. ju}6 d2w fri sun wsd-w2w FOR SAIE. T HIRTY daj« a'ter «7ate Bpp'ication w ! llbe to tbe honorable tbe Ore inary ol Bi*»b cv>unty lor lea v e to well iho real est teoi Airs. Jan** A. Maione» late of Bibb county dccc&iedy fof fliitr*bnti n amonjr her heirs. hU^AN M. PUReONS, Adminiitratrix. ja’y7 dlaw4w SOMMER SCHOOL I WISH to inform my friends and patrons that my sc! col is still in seas on and trill continue in session through Ihe summer. jn<29-lw Mu* J 3. LINES. notice. This ia tbe only Lottery ever voted cn by he people of a State, and under a late dt eion cf the United States Supreme Court at Waahirgtcn, is the only Legal Lottery now in the United States, all other charters hiv ing been repealed or having no existence. A »PLFJIItlU OPFORTl'NItY TO WIN A FORTUNE, t EVE NTH GRAND DIS TRIBUTION, CLASS I». AT NEW ORLEANS, iniDUiiJii. ULAB5 IV. A 1 r, \V UiIUiAdc, TUESDAY, JULY IS. lSSO-iaZod Mom Uly Uruwmg. Louisiana State Lottery Oorr.panv, Thia Institution was regularly incorporated by tne Legislature of tbe Stato fer Educational and Charitable purposes, in 1S6S, for the term of twenty-five years, to which contract thi inviola* faith oltbe Stato ia pledged .which pledge has bten renewed by aa overwhelming popular vote, securing its franchise in the new constitution a-opted December. 2. 1S«9. with a Capital of Al.nOQJIQO, to which it ha* since added a reverve futd of toco,000. ITS GRAND SINGLE NUM. HER DRAWINGS will take place month!-, on the second T* esd*y. It never scales er postpones. Look at the fellow* ing Distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE (83,000. 100,000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACH. HALF-TICKETS, ONB DOLLAR. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Friz* 1 Capital Prize 1 Capital Prize ..... 2 Prize* of S2.CC3. 5 Prizes of 1.0C0. 20 l-rizes of 100 Prizes of 200 Prizes of SCO Prizes of 1000 Prizes of «S0»r« 10, COO 5,000 J.000 5.CC0 10.040 10,600 10,000 10,000 10.080 0 Approximation Prizes cf J500........... s.700 9 Apprcxiraation Prizes of 200..1,800 9 Approximation Prixta of 190 903 iOO 100 50 20 1,857 Pr.ies, amounting to ...„„.„e!10,406 paid. , Write, clearly stating full address, for. further information, or send orders by express er in a Registered Letter or Aliney Order -by mall, addressed only to i M. A. DAUPHIN. New Orleans, La.' or same person at No S19 Broadway-, New York. all our Grand Extraordinary Drawings aia under the supervision and management ol Gene rals G.T. BEAUREGARD and JUBAL A. EAR LY ae'ponslble correspen ling agents wanted at al! point*, to whom lineral compensation will be N. B.—This Company has to Aeent, in the British Possessions. wed rat' THE EXODOS Derange* labor, making neressary every facility for handling Cotton at the Gm. SAVE LABOR by usiaga JO\RS KlVB-TON WAGON bCALH Prico SGO. all ironanu Stet-l, Eras* Beam. FR'IGHT PAID BY U3. It ordered now can pay at Ginning. Everybody send lor free bock. Add: era Jones (f Bingkamtoiis Binghamton, N. Y. G KOKG IA. Uttm County— W horeas Airs. Mar tha E. Sorrell, guardian of her minor chil dren, has m tde application for hare to sell eight shares ol the capital stick of the C-utral tail- road a. d Banking Comt any of Georgia belong ing to said rumors for their maintainsnee and el* u cation. These are then fore to cite and admonish all persona tonrcrneU to be and apporr at tho Court of 13 dinary cf said county on the rirst Monday in Julvnexi, to show cause if any they have why sard arpiicatt n should - ct be granted. Witness my band offlziolly. June 5th, 1880. J OHM* J 4 VctfANU*. Orriinsrv. THIS mmn Cleans the Bead betteri Runs Lighter* Ctns Faster and Costs Less Money than art-? other C!n In the Mark** , Every machine* fully and lesaiq *oarranteed. - These machinea are made ot the best material*, and. tht wrrkmanshlpandfinishareunexcelled, liavcbccnawarded premiums at all tho State fairs, Georgia Alabama, Tez*% etc. Cpwards of 6CC9 ot cur Grss are In constant usotr the southern states, overt COO having been sold In UTt, *rtra*[ Ljg^fClngj^Feeders and Condenser Sixes. Price of G.iua. Price with Self Feeder er Condenser. ""»)aaw 85 44 40 44 II s: jrito && 112 50 HO 00 100 00 100 CO S3 8 123 50 ns oo 88 £00 00 C32 0-) Price with 3eir 1'redtr cn Ccuderuer.' (USDS lit 50 2C5 00 ID CO JU C3 scow S'ri OO £81 W ETTerma given on Application. jEI From 1S13 to 1S»*S wo matfrttwJ Qinaat* ColombiUj 6a antler tho firm name cf E. TL TAXLcadcCo.,aftci%vanJ Cmaxoss, RiO^- Co., m l made whas was then knor» ns the Taylor Gin. During the year 1K5 wo removed to tli place, where wo have beer, exclusively engaged in mans factoring Gins ever since. With long experience, the bog labor saving machinery and skilled workmen, wc-pcasest advantages not enjovea by any other mnnaCaotaror in ouF line, for prodndng {ho B3T work lor the LEAST money*. The demand last year was so groat that nearly remained unfilled, out wo have doubled ou. t vc. ii - . t .-,1.? capacity and hope to be able to meet alldcnmd i-.fctUiic *a tae wisest plan to get your orders In early, bend for Elnstrated pamphlet giving> voluntary tul.icMr.iall fron>ovcr5Mlivo,enterprising phmtera. ProzJcs,Enfrtar and couiplctooutat furnished when desireU. .Adores* BROWN COTTON GIN CO., KEYS’ LONDON, CON? A B. Farquhar, . AGENT At GA PEKFlicS5Y,H!a , iJSmry E <l>nver*att03,| faabSss^iiisisi^M | For rv-markrtl ou liio T 2»ithel)eaf and JVfa* For* Ut*gld. S ■aq Sept, rah; Item l’urh {Christkin Adcocate. 1% or. S ?0..cic. 8mi»USlre—can be earned fa the poexet. The li fliculd kr4for VBJCB Iiln>s:rA*ei dc*cnpuv* Pamph o AxnQtionn tfentaphono Co., 1&3 \V. 4that*.Ciaunaatt THE LUMMIIS] -OR- 1IMPROVED TAYLOR cm. This is the seventh season of this popular Gin which combines the meritsofspesfi,light draft, good sample, and cleaning tire seed in a great er degree than any other, and is oTcied with tho most perfect Self-Feeder and Condenser made', at tho following very low prices, Sizes. Price of Gins Price with | Price with Self Feeder'Self-Feeder and orCpnilcnaer Condenser. 43 saw $100.00 $132.60 $165.00 45 “ 112.50 liz.-OO 175.50 60 “ 125.'JO ico.o-o 193.00 80 “ l-iO.'DO 130.00 220.00 70 “ 150.00 206.00 253.00 SO * 130.00 232.00 254.00' These Gins are made with Iron Frames and ol thehestmaterialsandaro unsurpassed In finish and workmanship. Wc also manufacture Gul- lctt’s celebrated “Patent Steel Brush Cotton Gin,” together with tho Fnvorito Light Draft “Cotton Bloom” Cotton Gin, with Feeders and Condensers for each. Terms given on application. THE STANDARD MACHINERY GO,, MYSTIC RIVER, CONf( FEAXKLLtf H. LUXJirS, Gen. Agi COLUMBUS, GA. mmmmsm line ol Cana feugar iiilis,; pofators, etc.. n:au« oy cstablishmenUnthe World, and includes: VERTICAL CANE MILLS, HORIZONTAL CANE MILLS, SUGAR EVAPORATORS, STEA M S UGA R MA CMINER T and all apparatus for Syrup or Sugar rr.anng. Circu lars, with prices, Ac., sent on appiicatun. BLYMYER MANUFACTURES CO., CINCINNATI, O. Manvfacturem of Sugar Cane Machinery Victor Cm« JHU, Ga*k Sugar £'apcratvr. Steam £nguetc•