Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, August 06, 1880, Image 7

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(Hezscgia iUj^Mg §C#l£0jefTpl? smb 3fatmt$l $e HHl&&8*n2*K+ El the blessed love of nature. Good Lord! it is a gracious boon for tliought-crazed wicbt like me, To smell again these summer flowers be neath this summer tree! To suck once more in every breath their little souls away, And feed my fancy with fond dreams of youth’s bright summer day, When, rushing forth like untamed colt, the reckless, truant boy Wandered through green woods all day long, a mighty heart of joy. I’m sadder now—I have had cause; but oh! I’m proud to think That each pure joy-fount, loved of lore, I yet delight to drink— Loaf, blossom, blade, hill, valley, stream, the calm, unclouded sky, SU11 mingle music with my dreams, as in the days gone by. When summer’s loveliness and light fall round me dark and cold, I’ll bear indeed life’s heaviest curse—a heart that hath waxed old 1 —William Motherwell. Dr. Tanners Fast. As the attention of the whole country is now fixed upon the extraordinary at tempt of Dr. Tanner to practically demon strate that a human being may fast forty dav3 without death or severe illness, any thing authentic concerning his former record and antecedents will be read with interest. The Baltimore Sun says: An inn-keeper of Lowville, N. Y., re members that some fifteen years ago Dr. Tanner, then a student, took rooms at the inn, saying that he was not feeling well and would not eat. The strange guest was carefully watched, for no one be lieved that he would hold out for a week without eating anything. Tanner kept his room very closely and appeared to pass much of his time reading. When he went out it was the custom of some one connected with the inn to enter the room to see if the eccentric fellow was not feeding himself. Not a trace of anything to eat was ever found about him, and during the week he never entered the dining room. s He appeared to be a genial companion able sort of a man, and one day he went to ride with the landlord, to whom he said that this was the way he had of curing himself when anything was the matter. During nis stay be was very quiet, scarce ly making an acquaintance outside of the inn. At the end of the week he paid his bill, remarked that he guessed lie was well now, and went away as though noth ing unusual had happened. It begins to look very much as if the doctor will accomplish his self-imposed task. In that event, if in needy circum stances, a purse ought to be raised for his benefit, for beyond doubt his experiment will be utilized by the medical faculty in the treatment of certain classes of diseases such as peritonitis, inflammatory ailments, etc. ffiiSaKjliS FcrmZHX&ndBBmUtme. \ rhESLDL* J ££77 * X3ST MDElYKXCWM fAMILTj \ SURE CUKE .'or *11 tlie di-ea-or for which it ts recommended, and always perfectly tafe in the hands of even the most inexperienced persons. ti KILLER /« recommended by nmlckaa, iKnitter*, iliteinnnrir*, Marw/Krt of Fadmia, Work-Stop*, and Plantation*, .-ortv in llivpitnli—in short hyereruhndy enmnrhert who 1ms ever given it a trial. IT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF FORTY YEARS’ TRIAL. ES&Ei&B Ef S3 8 E?ES should have vffiace in every factor;.', machine-shop, cEu fi 2-« ti. (-J. IX and mill, on even- farm and plantofon. and In every household, ready for immediate use not only for accidents, cuts, bruises, seres, etc., but in case of sudden sickness of anv kind. „ n A I KH kf Dg n rfra is the well-tried *nd tmsted friend of all who want r*B 6a B Sm sSH, fi ft sure nn.t safe medicine which can be freely used internally or externally without fear of harm and with certainty of relief. Its price brings it within tire reach of all; and it will annually save many times its cost in doctors’ bills. For sale by nil druggists at 25c. 50c. and SI.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS cc SON, Proprietors, Providence. R. I. SMI tie contalnslbis signature and a Pile o! ’atones. Mrs. Ellen Johnson. 317 Spruce St., Philadel phia, wrote April 10th, 1875: "Dr. J.P. Miller, Dear 8ir—Your DdBine’s Pile Remedy cured me in ore week, after I had used all the medicines I could bear of, and was told by a prominent aur- g.-on in this city that my only chance for a cure wag an operation, which be wanted to charge me fiity dollars for. J P. Cooper. Druggist at Favanr ah. Mo., wrote Sept. Uth, 1879: ’ Dr J. V. Miller; Dear Hir—I have b- en .elling DeBing’s Pile Remedy for sev- eral year*, always recommending it, and somc- tim. a guaranteeing it to cure, hover beard oi soothing but cures.’* w) wt f *T m n Foranycaieof Blind.Bleed- JKJBi W MJ ing. Itehimr, Ulcerated, or Protruding PILE that DbBINGS PILE REMEDY fails ti -ure. It allays the itthmg, abaorbs the in mors, gives im mediate relief, cures esses of Ions: standing ini week, ordi nary cases in 2 d»v*. ft a bottle. Bold by all druggists. ail. flaL-Prtpared OHly by Dr. J. P. MILLER, and none genuine unless the wrapper on the bot- W. B. Stewart, Practical Druggist at Canons- hurg. Pa., wrote May 5th, 1879: "Dr. J. P. Mil ler: Dear Sir—I have your medicine DeBing’s Pile Remedy, always in stock, and sell it because it cured me of a caie of years’ standing andean honestly and do moit cheerfully recommend it.* O. B. Cole, M. D.. of Drug firm of Co’e A Wick, at Ashland, O., wrote tpril22, 1879. ‘J. P. Mil ler, M. D ; Dear Sir—We are baring sales for your DeBing’s Pile Remedy through my recom mending it, I being a practicing physician. Iam confident the remedy will become very popular as it has the merits, and will recommend itself when once used." Btii.g a regular graduate of medicine and surgery, for the pait ten yean haring made th6 treat ment of Piles, fistula, t-kin and Blood Diieisea. and Nervous Debility a specialty, perrons in need of our .er>ices are ii.viud to write or call at our office. Office hours: 9 to 12a. m., and 2 toS p. m. fehlS.sttet J P MILLBR. M. D., 8. «■’. C or. Tenth and arch Streets. Philadelphia. Pa. TheEockviUe Lynchine Case. The lynching at Kockvillc yesterday morning of the perpetrator of the recent horrible outrage upon a respectable mar ried lady near Damestown, is only an other illustration of the weakness of the restraints of law to control the popular appetite for vengeance,excited by a species of crime for which the law itself seems to have no adequate penalty—and even if it have, difficulties are too often placed in the way of its effective application to give security to the public in the premises. This feeling, which overrides all law, and for the moment transforms the most peaceable and orderly citizens into desper ate lawbreakers, is naturally strong est in a rural community, where each man is tempted to look at the case as it would aflect himself if some mem ber of his own household were the victim of the brutal violence of the ravisher. The thought of the unprotected ones at home, exposed possibly to the same peril, arouses a feeling of mingled fear and rage which amounts to a frenzy, and drives men to prefer the gratification of immediate ven geance to the slower and orderly execu tion of justice. Yet it is equally obvious that as a means of deterring others from the commission of similar crimes hanging by lynch law is no more effectual than hanging in any other way. This has been demonstrated, if proof were needed, in the very same quarter of the State where this latest case has occurred. There havobeen lynchings before for the very same, but without preventing a recur rence of the crime. Even the cer tainty and severity of punishment, under the best administration of justice, only tend to diminish crime. They do not extirpate it. There have been epi demics of crime; which unfil they had run their course no amount of severity of ex ample in the way of punishment seemed sufficient to arrest. Modes of punishment have even been devised, such as the pub lic sense would now revolt .against as “cruel and unusual,” and have been found ineffectual. Of course no one need appre hend any sncli epidemic oi crimes against female chastity and honor in any part of this State, although unquestionably such offenses have oi ' late—especi ally as regards colored men against white women—seemed to be alarmingly frequent. When puaishment fails to de ter, an increase of precaution becomes the part of prudence. When burglars are common, the prudent housekeeper does not simply rely upon the certainty that the criminals, when caught, will be sent to the penitentiary. He strengthens his bolts and bars, and prepares to give the nocturnal thief a warm reception if he should chance to enter. We cannot sug- should not be left alone without proper company or protection, and it may not be amiss to have an eye to means of self-de fense, if occasion should unhappily re quire. A pistol in the hands of a weak girl, if she kttows how and ha3 the cour age to use it, is as eflectuai for the protec tion oi her life or- honor is it is in the hand of the strongest man. Self-defense is not the exclusive privilege of the strong er sex, and there is no reason why in the country, remote from neighbors and from passers by, women should not be taught ow to protect themselves in the absence of their male protectors. Even a faitlifnl mastiff has been found an effectual protec tion under similar circumstances. One such ruffian as the colored man Diggs foiled and killed in his brutal attempt, would be a more salutary warning than half a dozen lynchings, or even legal exe- tions for the accomplished crime.—Balti more Sun. The Jonesboro Murder. Atlanta, July 31.—Gov. Colquitt went to Jonesboro last night with the Gate City Guard of Atlanta to prevent any attempt cn the part of friends to res cue the parties imprisoned on t charge of murdering Millie Johnson (colored), of beating her father and mother, and of fa tally wounding her brother. Jonesboro yesterday was in great en 'lenient over the affair. The sheriff in attempting to arrest some of the parties chaigod with the crime met with some resistance. Seven prisoners were brought to Atlanta by the Gate City Guard and put in the jail here for safe keeping, and others will probably be arrested. Sam Cook, one of the prisoners, turned State’s evidence and implicated all the others, but subsequent ly retracted and said he was frightened into confession. There is an unaontpro- mising demand for a full investigation, and if the guilty parties are found i Geor gia will have a wholesale hanging. An UnuiMl Record. < The life of Mr. H. H. Warner, \f Ro chester. X. Y., was saved by the Safe Kidney and Liver Ciire, which now pears l<is name. What this wonderful- remedy did for has done forthousands^and, we believe, will continue to do for hose afliicted with kiilnev, liver or urftary troubles of any kind. If any readerhas any organic trouble, this remedy vill prove “a friend in need.v y27-2r Correct your habit of crooked walking by using Lyon’s l’atenl Metalic^ I lie 1 Stiffeners. "' ’ ” Boot Them Oat. Worms are often caused by liver com plaint. Tlie mucus or slime which forms in ill health is where the worms produce their yonng. If nature is assisted to carry off this mucus the worms find no resting place. For children and adults, Dr. Flagg's Improved Liver and Stomach Pad is the only sure cure and preventitive. No medicine used. lw Wilbor’s ComnouiKl of Pure Coil Liv er OH aud lime The advantage ot this compound over tlie plain oil is, that the nauseating taste of the oil is entirely removed, and the whole rendered entirely palatable. The offensive taste of the oil has long acted as an objection to its use; but in this form the trouble is entirely obviated. A host of certificates might be given here to testi fy to the excellence and success of “Wil bor’s Cod-Liver Oil and Lime;" but the fact that is prescribed by the medical fac ulty is sufficient. For sale by A. B. Wil- bor, chemist, Boston, and by all drug gists. A Card From Col. A. S. Hamilton. Editors Telegraph and Messenger: Allow me to correct a statement in your Friday’s issue, which appeared in your local column, to the effect that I was a candidate for senatorial honors in this, the twenty-first district. Having met prominent citizens of each of the counties composing this district at various times, to whom I expressed in tentions to the contrary, and also my cheerful acquiescence in the custom in this district of rotation by counties for that office, I deemed it unnecessary to make a public disclaimer; and allow me this opportunity of expressing to my friends my sincerest thanks, and to acknowledge rny deepest gratitude and obligations to them for those honors already bestowed, and to assure them that I will not be a candidate for those honors before the dis trict nominating convention, or otherwise. Respectfully yours, A. S. Hamilton. Clinton, Ga., July 31, 1880. Crescent spring; Water. For several years had been affected with gravel of the kidneys. My urine was carefully analyzed and found to con tain nearly half an ounce of uric acid. I had not taken the water three days until tlie quantity was reduced fifty per cent., and three weeks after, a last analysis showed the urine free from gravel. Solomon Stein, Of S. Stein & Co., 446 and 448 Broadway, New York. September Sth, 1879. For information apply at Hall’s Drug Store. POND’S EXTRACT. Bubdues Inflammation, Controls *11 Hemor. rhfigw. Acute and Chronic. Yenous and Mucous. INVALUABLE FOR SPRAINS. bURN8, SCALDS,BRUISES, SORENE38, RHEUMATISM, BOiLS, ULCERS, OLD SORES, TOOTH ACHE, HEADACHE. ASTHMA, SORE THROAT, HOARSE NESS. NEURALGIA, CA TARRH, E£C., ElC. Emma Abbott.—"Valuable and beneficial." Hetwcod Mills, M. D.. M. K. 0 P-of Eng land.—”1 have nsed it with narked benefit." H. G. Paisios. M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y.—‘‘I know oi no remedy so generally useful.” , Abthttb Guisbiss, M. D . V. R. C. 8.. of Eng land.—"1 have prescribtd Pond’s Extract with great snccefli." CAUTION.—Pond’s Extract is sold only in bottle) with tbo name blown w the glass. Is is unsafe to uto other articles with onrdi rection*-. in.i.t on having Fond’s Extract. Re- Leo ail imitations and subatitntes. SP3CUL PREPARATIONS OF POND’S EX TRACT COM BINBD WITH THE PUREST AND SIOaT DELICATE PbRFUMBS FOR LADIES’ BOUDOIR. Pond’s Extract......— 60c. 61.00 add 61.75 Toilet Cream .81.00 Catarrh Cure .75 Dentifrice 50 Platter - 25 Lip 8*lve «... .. 25 Inhaler (Glass 50c)l.t0 Toilet Soap (3 ■ ske») 50 Nasal Syringe 25 Ointment to Medicated Paper... 25 Orders amounting to f 5 worth tent express free on receipt of money on r. O. order. Our new Pamphlet with history of oar Prep amions sent free on application to POND’S EXTRACT CO.. 18 Murray Street. New York, by all Prujwfst*.une2*dcodaw1y FOR FOOD. As manufactured by Andrew Erkenbrecher, at Cincinnati, Ohio, is theQueenof tablo edibles and tbo most delicious of MaUe preparations extant. It is .ncomparablypnre,healthful and eennoinionl, and a blessing alike to tbo sick and well, fur children and adults. It .enters into tlie most recherche pastry, ices, and dessert dishes, embrac ing I,lane-mange, ice cream, puddings, eusturds, pies, etc., lending a peculiar lehicncy and nutritious quality, and Is -« a necessity and a luxury In every doii,- storehouse. No edible Siordi at rods so high the world over. £,:Td bv Grocer* every-where, [etalic Iltel july7-lni - gHjf FOR SALE, QNE 40-saw Sawyer Gin for sale. Price jSO. Taken for debt. Apply to ji • 25-dswif aS p THIS OFFICE. NATURE'S OWN BEMEOY A VEGETABLE MEDICINE FORTHE BLOOD, UVER&KIDNEYS: QURATfNE, For Blow! Diseases. cubatIne, For Liver Complaints. OURATiNE, For Kidney Diseases. OURATiNE, For r.hemn&tlsm. OURATINE, For Scrofula Diseases. OURATiNE, Tor Errjipeln, Pimple., A medicinal com pound of known value- combining in one prep aration the curative powers for the evils which produce all dis eases of the mood, the T.ivor, the Aidneyn. Harmless in action and thorough in Its effect. It is unexcelled for the enre or all Blood Dla- ettaes such as Scrof: «lw, Ttimora, Bolts, Tetter,Salt Mini mi , Btieuinattsm, Mer curial JPoteor.i,ig, also Constipation, Byapepeia, Indi gestion, SourStoin- aeIk, Brtentlon of Crlne, etc. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR 1T. THE BROWS CHEMICaL CO BALTIMORE, Md. JAM.AK, KAN KIN & LAMAR, Wholesale Druggist*. Maror. PROVERBS. w, rely on Ho? Bitten.’* f and liappy. •Xcdlea do you vant to be strong, healthy and beautiful! Thcnuso Hop Bitters. and \lrcr rcmlAtor— HopBltters.’ 7 “Clergymen, Law* yers, tuitors. Bank ers and Ladies need Hop Bitters daily.” headache and ciixri- Bitters cures “Sour ncsuHopB! with a few Bend for PROVERBS, **8300 will be paid for a caco that Hop Bit ters Trill not euro or help.” “Hop Bitters builds Up, strengthens and cures continually from the first d06C.” ‘‘Kidney and TJrl- I nary complaints of all kinds permanently i cured by liopBIttera.” Hop Cough CcbeJo tne sweetest, safest imdhfFt-T IdccMMm for and to all oth D. L C. Is an absolute and Irresistible euro for drunkenness, tiro tcboocoond All above sold br ’ ItopBittcns Oo, r.N.S . Circular. J <r % Certain aai Permanent Cure ►OR CONSUMPTION Catarrh, Bronchitis, GOLDS, COUGHS, INFLUENZA, Lamar. Bankin & Lamar, .. ACON AND ATLANTA, GA. Mawly = CATEEPILLAR DESTROYER. WE hare os hand a lot of Caterpillar Destroy er. Farmers would do well to buy a lot on the first appearance of the dreaded caterpillar. LAMAR, BANKIN & LAMAK Turnip Seed Fresh and Genuine, -—AT GROWERS’ FRfOES. LAMAR, RANKIN & LAMAR. Pie Dross aiiMicm ST. LOUIS 8TBICILY PURE LEAD, JEWETT’S “ *• 1 •« •« ««LINSEED Lamar, Bankin & Lamar. j|6Sl!!T% . Serve an Injunction on Disease by invigorating a feeble constitution, renovating a debilitated physique and en riching a thin and innutritions circulation with Hostetteris Stomach Bitters, the finest, the most highly sanctioned and the most popular tonic and preventive in ex istence. For sale by all druggists and dealers generally. lm band instrument catalogue. OattuautatomotamA f, (on* Drum Major.’ Bta.T.gB([Hi and Hats, Epaulets, Lamps, Stands, and Out- e- E eta oontnlns 85 pages or information for musicians. VtBtVffEfa MoJI-J rw-e. LT0H G BXALV, Id SUM St., Chicago, SL jae29 cc c LOUISVILLE. KY., July 17, 1880. Swift’s 8. Specifio is one of the few patent crepitations in which I have confidence. I have cold 300 or 400 bottles of it, and had perecnal unpervision of several esses, in which it was nsed, and in every instance It hos given entire satisfaction. A very great recommendation of it is. it is entirely veg etable, cont&irs no mereary or potash, and acie as a tonic to the system from the start, and is the only medicine that I have ever seen that would care the horrible disease. If I were at liberty, I conld give the names of these I have seen nee it and are now to all appearanoes and in thoir own belief radical, ly cored. My knowledge of its efficacy is base! on whit I bare seen W. O. GABLAND, D.nggist, MONTGOMERY, ALA., July 18,1880. Ve have fold three gross of Swift’s 8. 8pe- rifle with perfect snooesa in everv case. JONE3 & OAKY, Druggists. LITTLE BOCK, ABK, Jn’y 16. 1880. I have sr 1 < a gross of Swift's u. Specifio at il in the last few months and have never e a sale which was not attended with the most satisfactory results. J. B. BOND, Druggist. JEFFRAS.SEELEY&C? CINCINNATI. REPKEoEM i ED BY J. P. PET1Y, , Atlanta. Ga. jaly7eod«m FOR RENT* A STORE with four rooms, a well of good ter end garden, on the corner if Fourth and Hazel street. CHAR. CRAIG, jul.vl8»untf No. 14 Cotton Avenue. PUBLIC NOTICE- T UBbaaineush-retofore carried in by James F. B&rfirld, deoearod. will be still continued andm the name of J awes F. Barfield as formerlv, at the ole stand. Blake’s Block on Pop'sr street. ’ HARRIETS BARFIELD, Executrix Of estate at James F. Barfield, deceased. Macon, Gs., July 17,1580. 18 su ihr 5t White Sulphur Springs. HALL COUNTY, Oeorgis. JOHN CALVIN JOHNSON A CO,, Managers. Open from lit June to 1st October, 1880. TERMS : Carriages at White 8ul- Par dayS.tO phur Springs depot, dij. Per week 12.00 taut two miles to meet all Per month S5.CO trams. Doable daily mails, tel- Special rates to ©graphic communication families. Conside able improve- myS0-dlaw4w* manta ainoe last year. New Advertisements- Aimwss encyclopedia HOW TO YOUR OWN ingm*n. C Selling fait. T A WT7T?U Low Price: Great suc- JjaVl J JhXb* cei-s. One B-cnt »->!d 500 in oDe town, another 1*2 m SO da; g. another 75 in IS da; s. Saves ten times its cost, and everybody wants it. fiend for circular# and tsrms, Alto General Agents Wanted. Adansi P. W. ZK1GLER A ■ O-1000 Arch fit.. Phil., Pa iHPUVQ UTk UfprnAT ONCB to sell the nUUD 1 U Wan tblj lives of o rnextPresi- drntand Vice-Fm-irient Gen. HANCOCK AND Hon.W. B.ESGLISH. Thou sued s are waiting for tho bock It contains steal portrai's of the candidates and other full- page engravings. Extra inducements offered to tho*e selecting territory K W. DOUGLAS BROR.. 65 W. Sth st.. Cincinnati, O. COVERT’S HORSE fife 'Ai?,~ir ?q.-i •A813M3f nnw MOSQUITO CATCHER SS your room in a few minutes without smoke, soil cr grease. Price 50et«. fiend postal forlllui- trated Circular. Agents wanted. Good terns. b.T. JONES, 186 Light St.. Baltimore, Md. S fy rv ry A YEAR and expenses to ill agents. Outfit Free. Address 4 I I P. O. VIO H U RY. Augusta, Me A DVBUTlBERfi. s-nd lorour Select Liat of Lo cal Newspapers. Geo. P..Rowell A Co , 10 Hprnoe8t„N.Y. t Jf | I ! Host unaChLoupeet ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. Special inducements to SOUTH- BRN ROLD1BKS. Satis faction given in all cases. First premium at Atlanta and Macon, Georgia Fairs. 1879. Best of refer* encea in your State. Apply at onoe for fail information, por'ul terms, etc. Addf-ss OHARL18 M EVANS. Manufacturer tor U.8. Govornm’l, Ut West Pnnrth Street. fVnriuf) LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. Bibb Superior Court, April Term, 1880. MRS. G. F. riHOKABD Vg, J. J. PINCKARD. I T appearing to tbe court by the return of tbo •be-iff that tbs defendant is not to bo found in this county: and it further appearing that ho does not reside in tbe State of Georgia: Ordered, that be appear at th* next term of this court, or that »alr came be allowed to bro wed. and that service be ncriccted on said J. J. Pineksrd by publioationbereof, once a month for four months, ln tbe Tsuoa-rx Aim Missis on, a public garotte published in the city of Macon. By the Court: JOHN L. HARDEMAN, Libel'aot’s attorney. Be it bo. T. J. SIMMONfi, J. 8. C. M. O. April 29.1880. A tree extract from tbe minutes of Bib Su perior Court. This M»y 5,1880, msyi’lamlm A. B. ROSS.Olcrk. LUDMM BATESlTtfiMisni IsiS Ccilep, SOITIBERK m Music House. lid The Music House of the South. Eemovalto Our NEW DOUBLE STOBE. An Immense Music Temple. Two large stores, each S3 feet front and fo stories high, fronting on three streets and filled from rrllar to loft with mmicsl supplies. Noth ing to compare with it in the Southern fiUtes. A Big Store. A Big Stock. A Big Trade. AKD MORE TO COME. During the ten years since our establishment of our bosun we haue developed tbe mueiotrado Of the Routn tS a wonderful degree, but as»*t we have only begun. We see, not many years ahead, s business of a million a year, and to tsjja care of thisenormeusirade.we have previdedourpres ect mammoth wareroomi. Fall trade 138) will be immense. Wearereadv for it. For months our lenior partner has been at tbo Ni rth con tracting with Piano and Organ manufacturer, for instruments. Hehas concluded most advan tageous contract sjirtd the Pianos and Organ* are “coming, cominj?’100.0*0 more, hy every steam er. New 8tiles, New Prices, New Term*, Now 8tock. New Store, New Departure. Special Offer, Fall 1880. fi3.Guh Prices with Three Months Ctelit."£R During months ot August, Rcpleirber and Oc tober we will sell Pianos and i irg&ns at Lowsst Caih Prices, pryable .-525 Ca»h on a Piano or 810 Ossb «n an Organ, with the balance in three months, without interest. What Do You Sav to this Offer? ■■Jliwmii—an—bm—agasniii iitiii'ithi' Write for Illustrated ratalesu'-s and New Price Listsfor Fall I860, and prepare to be astern abed, i HIDDEN & BATES, SAVANNAH. GA, WHOLESALE PIANO AND 8R8AH DEALERS. dec27-dlU-twlx ^ , X.A-0-C3’ , S IMPROVED PATENT LIVER PADl Nevzk Gets Hasp. Can ns Manx ant Strength Desired. Last Twice as Lono. Diseases Cats! viiksat Imggiss tbs Systes. CUBES CMlIsaniFerer, Liter Complaint, Dyspepsia, _ Jfenonsnejs, BbenmsluD, Cmtham, Femah Weakness Sick t Nerroie Headache. _ Noxious Pills,Oils,or Poisonous M ijicicesare tak-n into the ntomach. The Pads are worn over the Pit ot the Stomach, covering the Great Nerve Centres, also the Liver ond StoQach. A gentle Vegetablo Tomcis absorbed into tbedrculationof the Blood and Liver, purify ing the Blood, stimulating the Liver and Kidneys to healthy action, and strengthening the Btomach to digest food. Prick or Papa $1 and U each. Solo bt all Druggists, or sent by Mail or Express. Manufactured at SS 4 si North Liberty St, Baltimore. Md. John Ingalls, druggist,? Wholesale and Retail Aeent.i;corner Fourth end Poplar streets. Maocn, Ga. BprS-dSm KlffiffOCOaiGH SCHOOL A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. rpHR next session will begin August 23, and A continue snteen weeks. The course of in struction i» preparatory for college or business, auu is thorough and practical. The Military Department, under the charge of a United States officer, has for its obje t the physical development of the bo.vs and the Inculcation of habits of promptness, order and neatness. In these particulars it ha« been highly beneficial, and other features v ill bs added to increase its efficiency, To meet the de mands of the community, a department for girls will bo opened. Good board will be obtained in excellent families for any girls who may bs sent to the school. Charges for Fall fiesilon, 8100, payable h»lf in advance and half 1st Oc’ober. This incln es board, tnition, iuel, washing and lights. For particulars apply to CHA8.H.NBEL, jnyie-dawtw Box 493. Atlanta. Gs. A First-Class Opportunity Presents itself for an active man, one eapable of managing the finances oi the badness, with four or five thousand dollars capital, to make a pay ing investment in a well established business in this city. Address, •‘BUfllNlsa,’* jolSldSt wit Care Col. H. H Jones, Jones County Sheriff Sales TYTILL be sold before tbe couit house door in VV the to» n of Clinton, Jones county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in September next, between the legal hours of s*le, the following proptrty to- wit: Fifteen hundred acres of land,more or lost, adjoining the lands of loahua Harris. A. H. Broat h and John Roberts and •■therr.and known as the Buck Jot naan piace. Levied on as the opexty ot Wtll>am Johnson, deceased, to satis- two fi. fts. iieued from the honorable Superior iurt of said oounty, one in favor of Hardeman & Sparks (late partners in trade) vs. William S. Kilpatrick, as administrator of the estate of Wil liam Johnson.deceased: theotherin favor of D. liam G. tats of point: d out by plaintiffs’ attorneys and m pos session of WiLiara Fletcher, agent. This July 30,1880. augltd W. J. GRRHHAH, Sheriff Jones County. WEST BROS., 68 BAY ST., SAVANNAH, GA., Cotton Factors, Commission Merciianls —And dealers in— FERTILIZERS* Genoral Agents for the Delta Cotton Tie. LIBERAL ADVANCES ON CONSIGNMENTS W. vr. Carnet, MAOON, AGENT DELTA COTTON TIE. luyld-dawtiUncTl A Good Chance for Men of Vim to Make Money* J Cor.trolcouLty rights for tho sale ot Key’s Lever Cotton Press. Very simple snd economical. Does its work uickl; and with little help. Every planter ap proves ot it and it will sell itself with but little talk. - Med ot push, in want of employment, would do well to secure one or more oounties at onoe. Information tarnished when desired. _ J.L. BAUL8BURY. juy8-d2w sat tees ihr-w2w NOTICE LEAVE TO SELL LAND. J~1 BOVGTA, JONES COUNTY.—Tour weeks VJ after dale I will apply to the Court of Ordi nary of Jones county for leave to sell at private sale all the a il J lands belonging to estate of Le roy Singleton, deceased. . BLLBNSINGLETON, Executrix. Jul yfi, 1880-7td* STUCKEY ‘LITTLE GIANT.’ I am agent for the sale ot this Celebrated Hydraulic Cotton Press: THE WONDER OF THE AON, If you need a press be sure and call on me or ■end for droolers. uM-dSw thr tus-wZw J. L. BAEUBUBt! NOTICE LEAVE TO SELL LAND. WlOBGIlA. JONES COUNTY.—Four weeks VX after date I will apply to tbe Court ot Or dinary ef Jones county for leave to sell aU the lauds belonging to estate of Peyton A. BslksdS dceea-ed. a VBL1X B.BALKCOM, Adtoir- Jul; 7, i880-td* f iK> , LA GRANGE. GA- With a faculty of twsiv* thorough teachers, fine building* snd s e^mrlete outfit for all de- srtmeuts, Liters-y. Music and Art. offers the igheet a-vantages for the smallest chaises. Nearly doub’e the nsusl time devoted to Musis and Art. Lest catalogue numbers 148 pupils— 107 in music. Board, litenry tuition and draw- i*g per sDpum, £207; with music ard u.e piano, ‘467. Ccrrespimderre inviied. Write for cala- igue for full particulars. iny*-eodaw2us» I. F. COX Pros. Wesleyan Female Institute STAUNTON, VA. Opens its Slit Session September 20ib, 1859. Among the first Schools for young ladies in th# United Slates. Climate unsurpassed. 8i>rround ings beautiful. Pupils from seventeen States Among the lowest terms in the Union. TBRM8 Board, Washing, Lights. English Course, Latin, French, for each halfot the 8cho lastlo year - V- $113 AU extras very low. For Catalogue, addi ess Ret. WM. A HARRIS, D. D, President, jul;7degdl0t-wlm Staunton, Virginia. OMMTlTot VIRGINIA JULY 12, 1834, Sesaiontegins on the first oi October and con>- tinuee nine months. Apply for Cataiouaes to the Secretary of the Faculty, Post-nfflee Uaiveraity of Virginia, Albemarle Cn- Vs. JAM8S F. HARKI-ON, M. D. ( Chairman of the Faculty. juyl7deodsw2m* Bslfiwe FiSHle Ccilep. The only Female College in Maryland—was chartered in 1849, with the powirol conferring degrevr, and liberally endowed by the State in 1830. It has new buiidings, ample grou’- ds.good apparatus, an able Faculty, and all the appoint ments of a first-class inttitution. Board aud tui tion, $260. Misses under twelve year*, J2-. 0. Catalogues at this c ffioe. N. C. BROOKS, L.L. D„ President. j;-23-dawlm Bellevue High. School, BEDFORD COUNTY, VA. On Va. and Tenn. R. R., fifteen miles west of Lynchburg. Young men and bays prepared to* university or for business. Beautiful and location. Able corps of teache-a; thor ough instruction. Literal provision for the ac commodation and comfort of students. For Cat alogues containing information address W. R. ABBOTT. Principal. jujl9eodaw2m Bellevue P. O , Va. Fancier Female imitate. iWarrenton, Va. Session begins 8ept. 1st. Send for Catalogue. jn>lS-u2m ROBERT FRSZBR. Principal. Southern Home School for Girls a 197 & 199 N, Charles st.. Baltimora, Md Mbs. W. M. Cast, Miss Cast. Ritablished 1842. French the language of the school. . junl-gaw and eoo aug aept wmrnn of Georgia, ATHENS. GA.. P. H. MELL, D. D, li.Ii. D., Ohanoellor. The Commencement exercises will begin on 8unday, July 18th. Commencement sermon by Kev. A. J. Battle, D. D. Oration before the Lit erary Societies on Monday by P. W. Melddrim, B.q. Oration before the Society oi Aluaini on Tuesday, b; Cspt. Henry Jackson, Wedresday, Commencement dt.v. _ Z. H.OHARBONNIER, juy4-St* Seo’y Faculty. MACON. GEORGIA. r jpBIS well established and thoroughly equip ped Oollege for girls will begin its FORTY-THIRD ANNUAL iEiSION —OH— Wednesday, September 15. Health, Economy, thorough Teaching, and the best advantages in Literatnro, Science, Art and Mueic, at moderate raths, commend it to the publio. Apply for cstaloga* to W. C. Bl8J».D.D.,Pres. jui tldlm or <1 W. SMITH, D. D- *«c’y. W. A. OHBRRYvs THR LIFE ASSOCIATION or AMERICA,et a],—In Equity iu Bibb 8u- p»rior Court. it spp^arioir to the Court that by tbe return of the sheriff, that tbe Life Aa-oclation of Amerioa cannot be fiund, audit further appearing that •aid defendants srenou-reaidents of the State of Georgia: Orde’Od. that mid ne'endsnts he snd appear at the next tsrni of this Court, to be ht id on the fourth Monday in October next, to plead, answer or demur losa.d bill Died in the above case, or the same will be taken pro conlc-soo as to them, and arn will proo ed ex parte- Or der, d further, that said Defendant be served by publication oooe a month for four months, iu the Bacon Telegraph and Mescenger re 1 ore the next term of this court TMi June 21,1830. T. J.STMMONS, Judges. C.M.O. A. Proudfit. solicitor for ccmi lumant. A true extract from ih« minutes of Bibb Supe rior Court. June 22, 1880. jne2i-]sm4m* A. B. BOSS. Clerk. Know Thyself. T HE untold miseries that result from indiscretion in early life m»y bo allevi »t* ed and cured. Those who doubt this assertion should purchase the new m>dicai work published by the PEA BODY MEDICAL INSTI TUTE. Boston, entitled TOE BOlbNCB OF LIFE, or, aKLfi FRKSBRVATION. Exhausted vi tality. nervous and physical debility, or vitality impaired by the errors of youth cr too close or too close application to business, may be restor ed and manhood regained. Two hundredth edition, revised and enlarged, iu.t published. It is a standard medical wort, the best in the English language, written by a physician of great experience, to whom was awarded a gold and jeweliel medal bv.the Na tional Medical Association. It contains beauti ful and very expensive engravings. Three hun dred pagn, moro than 50 valuable pretcript’ocs forall forma of prevailing Ci.ease, the result oi many years of extorsive and successful practice, either one of which is worth tan times the price of tbe hook. Bound in French cloth, price only $1, sent by mail po.tpaid. The London Lancet ssys: “Vo person should be without this valuable book. The author is s noble benefactor.’’ An illustrated sample sent to all on receipt oi 6 cents for postage. The author refers hypermission to Horn P. A. BISaELL, M D. president of the National Med- HEAL THYSELF ical Assccistion. Address Dr W H PAR KER, No 4 Bulflnch St, Boston, Mass, Tho au thor mar be consulted on all diseases requiring skill and experience, novse wlv G BORGIA. Bibb County—WbereaB Mrs. Mar thaB. Sorrell, guardian of her minor ehU- dten, h«s made application for leave to sell eight shares of the capital stock of the Central rail- rood a d Backing Company or Georgia belong ing to said minors for their maintsinsnee at d ed neat ion. These are therefore to cite and tilmon'sh all persons concerned to be and appear at the Court of (Winery of-aid county on the firBt Monday in Julv next, to show cause if any they.have why said Hpp'.jcsti' n should - nt be grantee. Wit: e«s my hand offlelallv. June 5ih. 1880. 1 <6td* J. A. McM'NU*. Ordinary, ft*Oi.ll a. BlbB tettUNTY.—W he;ea* Ben- VT j.i-rin C. Smith, exe-utur of the ctataol Mrs. K iza Smith, Into of said couity deceaoed, has made aurlication for letters of di,mistion from said estate. There are therefore to rite and admonish all persons concerned to be ard apreor at the C iurt of O-dinary of sai l county, on the first Monday in detoher next, to »hnw if any they have •by s-id application should not be granted ts anp'ie.rt. Wit nee* my hand oilHally. July 6.1830. inj7'd* J. A. McMANIIa. Ordinary. O RDINARY'S Office Jones County. Georgia. June 28:h. SS-*.—M hureaa 8»mn-l Barron admirt-craP-r with the wnl enr.rx-d. on e«ta,e of Hci.jamin -arron, dece-sed, applies fur dismis sion from oame. The‘0 are to cite and admonish all persons concerned and the legatees oi said estate to 1 e and appear at tho October term next of ibis court, and witness a sett.ement ot his adminis tration, recei' e their distributive shares, and show came if any they have why he shall not br discharged from said administrateur. Witness my hsnd < flloially. irnsotd* ROLAND T. ROSS. Ordinary. CROCKETT’S Iron Works, MACON. GA. At our works can be Been tbe best EN GINE MADE for GINNING AND THRESH ING. We guarantee it to do all or more than tbe mar nfactorere say it wifi do. Wo build STATIONARY ENGINES From 8 to 80 Sorso Power, There is no E»gine made snperlor to it, aa we have testimonial* to prove. We manu facture Saw and Griat Mills that giro entire satisfaction. We keep for eaie WATER WHEELS, HORSE POWERS. IMPROVED GIN GEAR. SUGARMILL PANS AND EVAPORATORS, And the Best Horizontal Sugar Mill maje. Also, IBON RULING for cemete ries, oto. SHAFTING PULLEXS, and GEARING for aU all kinds of mill work. In fact, we keep everything that ie need ab. ut att-am or water power or plantation work. Our COTTON PRESS is geoond to none, being cbesp, simple and durable, as hnpdteda will attest Bend for ohon'ars and prices before buying elsewhere. Address, JaljSl-ty E. OHOOKETT A SONS. CIRCU2.AH NO, 8. OFFICE OF THE RAILROAD COMMISSION, ATLAN fA, G A, June 19.1880. Upon a fall .ht-winr ot two months’ business by the Columbus and Rome railroad, th* allow ance of 26 percent, on "standard &atea,”is con tinued as the maximum rates aa to Cotton, Fer tilisers and Lumber; and on all other daises (too) one hundred per cent, on the "Standard Rates” is allowed as a maximum. JaMbfi if. SMITH, Chairman. R, A. BACON, Secretary. jne29-la*4w AGENTS WANTED FOR THB FA8TB8T SELLING BOOK o! the AGB Foundations of Success BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FORMS. The laws of trade, legal forma, how to transact busiuesa. valuable table*, social eoquette, parlia mentary usage, how to conduct public business; in fact It ia a complete Guide to Success for all classes. A family necessity. Address, for cir culars and special terms. ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO.. JutySI-dswZm Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. COX, 33 Fifth Avenue, TENTH STREET, NEW YORK SUPERIOR BOARD; ELEGANT ROOMS. JOSHUA BTTKTZ General PntMiif Apcy, £UFAUuA| ALA* N Advertising, Fubseriptioi aid Job Frintug Bff*. t-d with tbe be-t houses in Alabama, Georgia and throughout the< at a oioCuunt on table ral G RORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—wlmreas W.S Holt and J. K. Jones, adminirluaroraon tbe eat >te of late «-l said cqnu'y d-ceaae cd.have maCe application for letter#*-! distuisiou from said estate* These are tberef-ire to cite end Rr’mouish all persons conce-neo 10 b* a> d ftpp-— r at tbe l ourt of Ordir.aiy of rai-l nuunty ou the firrt Morday in Aiigu.' next, to show any thr-y have, whr l-ttei a uf dlau iaainn should not bo granted to gnpli-MDts. ■ , Witnes* my official signature. May #. ’.8S0. may.1,1* J. A. McM*NCfi. t'rdiv.arv. G EORGIA—BIBB O-USTX.-Whereas Ja cob Dinkier, goarciunol Edwaro Bereiid, lia* TuaJeapi-lnuti'iu lot litters o! These are, therefore, to cite snd admoni-h aU p-irsou* cor cvruid, t.< be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said coumy, on tbe first Monday in Augustntxt.lo show any they have, »hy letters ot dismission should not be granted to spolicant. Witness my official -igoahire Kay 8,1880. J. A. McMANUS. (Jrdinary: ma9 law w4» THE EXODUS fi3*>10 WbeelT: $t D#n.r. -1uly8 lawaw Notice Leave to Sell Land. F OUR weeks afterdate application will be made to tbe Court of O'di-iary of Jones •v uuty for an order to sell all the real estate of James H. Finny, deoeased. R. R. BROWN,* H. J. FINNY, July 24,1880-£Tirlmy Executor# Sale of Unclaimed Freight CENTRAL RAILROAD AND RANKING CO.. Oppicm Micoy, Ox., July 7.1S10. O N Saturday 7ih day of August next, the fol lowing art oles of unclaimed fre-ght will br sold at tbe auction house of T. W. Fro email, Cherry street, Macon. Gs. f if charges aie not puid and freight removed before the day of sale: - J. H. Spruce. 3 pkgs blinds. B. Jackson, 1 bdl bedding, I do. clothing. F. O. Sawyer, 1 old gin. •* ’* 1 cotton gin. ** 1 giu stand, 1 fender, 1 package * frames. I box Darts. ” “ 1 gin stand. 1 fend-r, 1 packagr frames, 11-ox parts, G. H. A. Ball. 1 c-isepaper, J. M. H.B yd.l bee hire. J. 8. Pecble, 1 box garden seed. W. Q. G ard ard, 1 pkg 1 w»rb machines. Adams A G., 4 »h- els, 2 arches. 2 poles “ * 1 p iron. 1 test. 2 iron standards. “ " lbdlT trees, 1 bdl levers. Pub. of Herald, 1 keg ink. Crockett A Son.. 1 bil packing. U. Green, 1 bale bedditf. Findlay’s Iren Works, 1 pc casting. Craig A T., fi pcs casting. fnyT tawlw A.O KWtPP «-c"t. tor handling Cotton at the Rm. SaVK LA BO by using a JO v AS KiVg-TON WAGON KiALB r, Priori all Iron and Ste«l,’hr88s B« a-u. FR 1GHT PAID BT US. Il ordered now can pay at Gii lting. Kyerybudy send for free b>.k. Address Jones < f Binghamton, Binghamton. N. Y. IN EQUITY-BfLL FOR RELIEF, Etc IN BIBB SUPERIOR COUR#’. Daniel D. Tracy vs. A.U. Rr>>. administrator d» bonis con ot the eBlutn r.. T. P. Lamar, H. B. I *tnar ct al., heirs of J. P I r-mar. It appearing from the returns of the Sheriff in th-a cause that two ot said defend ants, to-wit., Hrs. Carrie H. Motley and Mra anil T. t-roen. formerly Ann T. Lamar, are tot to he f-und in the r unt? oi Bibb: and it further appearing that they do not rend, in the 8ta*e of Georgia, but in the Mate of Ah-bams : It is th-refow or dered by the Court that service of said bid be perfected ur-on th- m hy i-ubitcatien of this cr- d„r once a month fur four Dimtha bet ro ibe next term otth’s Court, iutlu Macro relegrapb -nd Messenger, a newapaper pebhahed in the city of Macon, Ga. i.oftin » Barfetr. Plaintiff’s attorney. iaj2-Hm«m T. I.8l«SUN8.J.H.O. M.O, By B. M. Wcolle} ltlftnU, C a. Et liable evi deooe ^ivro. and re?* ivnre t‘ run-d patieolRmnd ph\ sician- fend for try bool nn tb* hftbit fttid it*T^RRU FOR SALE. iHIRTY days affer data spp’iratmn w 11 h da to the honorable tbe Ordinary of Bi h • Insre to sell tbe real estate oi v. re late «! Bibb cennty decease moos iasr b-irs. . MBSHIB,' Administratrix. O KT) IN ART'S Office, Jones Count v. Georgia. June 12.15811.- Whores* David W. 1 ester, guar, ia l lor Wrry B. Tufts, minor, apt lie* lo me for ut»nu.*iuu . , . „ These *>e lu cite and admonish al’ perrons con rerred torh veaure atthisoourt on the first Monday in Aua 1st next, if str they have, wh> the d .charge *b*:l not he granted. W ituea* my hand officially. 1* Rill.AVn P. RQgq.G ulna /~kRDINART’8 Offioe Jones Count”. Geo-gia, June 28th. 18M>.—Whereas Mrs. 'Marian, Moore, guardian lor Lerin snd Annie P. Moore, applies to me for dfatnUaicn. These are to cite an<i adznoniab all pemozig ccncerned to nbow CAUie at this oJSce on or by tbe firbt Monday in Angaat next, il any they ha»e to the contrary. Witness my hand officially, jneSOtd* UOLAND T. aOSP. Ordinary. O &DINAKY'HOffi e Jones County, tjoorgu, June {6, 18-90.—* her«w John A. Johnson executor estate ef Martha M. Scabruok. deceased apoi^es ford is mission. These sretocite and adtronUh all persons concerned to show caae^ »t thii office o#i cr by the first Monday in Cctobe 7 . il any they have to the contrary* Witness my hand officially. |a»3ivtd* BOLaM*T. FOfs*. Grdi r>ry; G KOK.GU, BIBB 'Whereas Hon- o u 8cha ^- executor of tbe estate cf Jacob Fcha'l, has m»de app jeation tor leave to veil one lot of lai.d in the count j of Murray, in said 8ta*e, at private »aie, the same being wild &ud uncultivated lands; snd si so to sell one house and lot in th« city of Macon, being the east half of lot No. 7, m square 81, in said city, belonging to said estate. ^ These are therefore tc cite and admonish «U persons concerned to be and appear at tbe Court of O-dinary of said ccunty or. the Monday in Angus* next to shoar* if any ihey it-ve. why •aid application should net be gvanud u, appli cant. Witness my hand and official si«cna>.ure July 7.1830. 3iy ul w4w* J. A. Me b ANU“. Ordinary. Hotice to Debtoxs and i reciters, A LL persons indebted to fhe estate cf If. B. Troutman are hereby notified to muk, itu- mediate pay met, t oi the same to the undersign* ed; and all petaons having claims a. i- nd taid estate arh hereby notified to pres-ut the same dull authenticated in term* ot the law. M.L. OBTMAN, L-ecutor. V 18.1S8U —19- W4w nhOLGIa, BIBB w.uail.-i*a'-ri«. John G E. fnliivsh has made spp'tcstion forkltw cf admiui- tration on the estate of Tbctnas O. Sullivan, late of esid county dtoesaed Tbeee are tfcereU,re to cite and a,imonish all persons concerned to be snd attpear at the Court ol Ordinary oi said county ou the first Monday ln eugust next, to show causa if any they, why letters of administration should net bs granted to applicant. Witness my official signature. _ . J. A. McMANTS, Ordinary. Julv *. 18 c 0-4td* G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY .-Whereas Ste phen Colllne, fexacuP r of the eata’e < f An drew Fie, late of said county deoesst-d. !:di rrxdo *pp!:eation for letter* el diimUskn f:om said estate. These are therefore to cite ri-dad- monnh all perstn* concerned to bo and ap- appearatthe Oouttjef Ordinary oi xsid connty on the first Monday in October rest, to show cause, if any they have, why Utters of cli,mis sion should not be granted to applicant. Witness my official signature ? . J. A. McManus, Ordinary. Jmy 2. ISSt-td* STEAM EHfiOS I am agent for several makes of Engines and am prepared lo offer as GOOD TERMS as any oce when quality is considered. Be sure and call or vend for circular* before buying. J. L. 8AULSBURY. juy9 dkwifri aunwed-w2w FINK FRESH LEMONS. 1 A Boies juat received on consignment and J.VJ for sale by augl JONES & COOK. A COTTON 01 Cleans the Seed bettor, Runs Lighter,. Gins Faster and Coat, Less Elonry man anr other C!n In th© Martel Every machfna ; tuliy and legal Sf xiviarranteed. ' These machines are made ot the best materials, arc*, tbt vrorhmanship and finish are unexcelled. Hove been avarded premium* at'all tho S fate fobs, Georgia Alabama, Texa% etc. Upwards of 5000 of our GiK3 arc iu constant uae IT* the southern states, over 1000 haviEsbecn soldlr.lSTO, Price LIstofCIns, Feeders and Condenser Boxeal ready for ehlpment and delivered at our factoy 312 50 135 00 140 00 Price with ScIT Feeder or Condenser. l ift co 132 10 m co ICO 00 ISO 00 « 00 222 00 IVicewith Self Feeder ct Condenser. ties 00 144 50 3w» 00 2 ^ 00 252 00 £P4 00 w £?■ Terms given on Application. J£X Prom 1843 to 1S5S we mannfactttrcfl Gins at Colombus, G* under the Ann name of E. T. Taxlok & Co., afterward CLEKOX8, Buowjf 6c Co., and made wbafi waa then knew? as the Taylor Gin. Duria# tho year 185$ we removed, totia place, where we have beer, exclusively ercr^pod in manfl iacturing Gins ever since. With lon^eriitricnce, tho bug labor saving machinery and skilledworknVu* possess advantages not < c joyeaby any olh«masiuiaeturerinon» line.^orproduoUnf the best work f ortLnixAST idonpy. The demand la?t year was so great that nearly fOO order* remained unfilled, but we have doubled oix.' uianufacturLcg capacity and hope to bo able to meet oil demands, ktiH it if the wisest plan to fret your orders In early.. Send for iUustraiadptODpSletgivingnno voluntary testimonial* from over soo ure, enternrisdciz planter?. Presses.Ensifif and covuplcto 0«t5t turnishodwhon dt-.-irt d. Addretso bkOwn cotton gin CO., ,tr" NEW LONDON, COlrf A B. Farqnhar* AGENT AT GA'd THEDEAF HEAP I PERFEXS’LJ.HS^inSlSry* Couvaraation, S Isooturea. Concerts, eta.Vv a wtbJerftlXwrJ SdCRlUo Invention. THE fac. N T A PHONE.) Forrem.krkablapublic t«ht# on Penf-alao oa j Deaf • “ * - aU--E!’9 Keio York Herald, I etp. 8wallfelxe—canbe caa-ried ia tho pocket. Tlie ii should jtn.lforPaEE IllnstrafoJ ieocriptiva Pamph^ Amerioan Dentaphone Co., n>3 W. 4 tu £>t„ Cincioftati “THE^UMMUS, ! IMPROVED TAYLOR cm This is the seventh season of this popnlor Gin which combines the meritsofspeed,light draft, good .ample, and cleaning the seed in a great er decree than any other, and Is offered frith the most perfect Self-Feeder and Condenser made, at the following very low prices, Sizes. Price of Gins Price with Self Feeder orCondcnaer Price with Self-Feeder and Condenser. do saw $100.00 $132.50 . $165.00 45 “ 112.50 146.00 1?J.5J 60 “ 125.00 160 00 195.03 60 “ 110.00 130.00 220.00 70 “ 1CO.OO 206.00 252.00 80 ■* 130.00 232.00 231.00 These Gins are made with Iron Frames and ol the best materials and are unsurpassed In finish and workmanship. We also manufacture Gui- lett’s celebrated “Patent Steel Brush Cotton Gin,” together with the Favorite- Light Draft “Cotton Bloom” Cotton Gin, with Feeders and Condensers for each. Terms given on application. THE STANDARD MACHINERY CO., MYSTIC RIVER, CONK FEANKLIN B. LCMMUS, tieo. Agl COLUMBUS, GA. Sa-upln Oin on *•' hibikicn ar.d sal** f t Jon £ - ««w. Of». SUGAR CANE MACHINERY line of Cane EvaDorators, etc., made by cdUblishmentiatlie World, and includest VERTICAL CANE MILLS, , HORIZONTAL CANE MILLS, \ SUGAR EVAPORATORS, STEAMSUGAR MACHINERT tad all apparatus tor Symp or Sugar making. Ctroo* lar*. wltfi prices, 4o M lent on application. 6LYMYER MANUFACTURING CO., Mantfadwrtn ef^y^mijS^meS'rutOT Cm Mm, Cosh esgar S'aparoior.Xtmmiegian.eto.