Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, August 13, 1880, Image 7

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sm& 3msetral & Slfcj&iumgj*** —“Ella," said a fond mother, sticking her bead out of the bedroom door, “it is one o’clock. Tell the young man to please shut the door from the outside.” Wasijixotox, August 4.—General Sher man po3itivoly declines to furnish for pub- . lication, copies of the letters written by him iu December, 1S70, to which the let ter of General Hancock, recently made public through the World, was a reply. —When young 3e(F first came up to town his father told him that it would bo polite when lteing helped at dinner to say to the host: “Half that, if you please.” It so happened that at; the first dinner to which lie was invited a suckling pig was one of the dishes. jThe • host, pointing • ilh his knife to the ypung porker, asked, ••Well, Mr. Jeff, will you have this, our favorite dish, or'haunch of mutton?” Upon which, recollecting his first lesson, he replied, “Half that, if you please,” to the consternation of all pres ent. Garfield and Nast.—A correspond ent of the World says: I see that yonr reporter who inten'iewed Nast failed to get an expression from him concerning General Garfield’s Credit ilobiiier record. Turn to your file of Harper's Weeki/ for 1873. There, in a double-page cartcon of the issue of March 15 of that year, Nast has Garfield and other Credit Mcbilier “statesmen” arranged under a placard reading as follows: “Disgraced in the eye of the public for owning Credit Mobil- ier stock, which was in fact and latent a fraud upon the government. Also for deceit and evasion.” We have the car toon conspicuously posted in our club- rooms here, and it furnishes a cheerful study to the Garfield boys who come around to see how we are getting along. Nast can feel for the Tribune and Times. —The Diitish channel between Dover and Duugencss is in a dangerous state from sunken wrecks. The Spanish steamer Lavonia, sunk five miles east of Folke stone in February, 1875, is now lying in a dangerous position; the Strathclyde is now lying two miles south of Dover, with the sunken sl.ijfHarbinger on top of her; the great German ironclad tlio Grosser. Kurfurst is still under water four miles southwest of Folkestone; the German pas senger ship Pomerania, six miles south east of Folkestone, as well as a great many other wrecks. Particular and con stant complaint lias iu vain been made of the danger caused by the Grosser Kurfurst, lying on her broadside in the track of all large ships, in fourteen fathoms of water, leaving only twenty-four feet over her, and being especially perilous to British ironclads. The Pomerania sits upright in an equally dangerous position, and the Bokhara is veiy little under water. —The question of relative endurance between horses and men is an open one, hut the opinion preponderates that no horse could go 550 miles in six days. In a Saa Francisco test, not long ago, the horses won, but bad to travel only 450 files to do so, their human competitors Lot being of tire best. Daniel O’Leary has now arranged for a race between six horses and as many men as choose to en ter, at Chicago. Ha says: “It is but a comparatively short time since 450 miles i.i six days was considered an extraordi nary perfoi mance, while now, In order to command the attention of the public, a man must cover 550 miles or. more; and the Cay Is i>«,t far off -xiiun sotua one will go the COO. Now, taking the greater speed of homes as compared to men, the lioise Can find longer periods of rest, and it be comes a simple matter of experiment and proper training and handling, to make horses go the greater distance of the two.” The conditions of the contest allow two riders to each horse, and the animal} may be either ridden or led. The Bender Family. CmcAGO, August 7.—A special from Omaha says: Yesterday Mrs. Bender was visited in jail at Fremont by a re porter, to whom she said the first munler committed by her air! her husband was in Illinois, on their farm near Jackson ville. The victim asked for lodging and supper, aud en paying for the same in ad- varce, exhibited considerable money. While eating supper Bender cut his head In two from behind, and he was dumped into a cellar through a trap door, ar- ratiged by Benda . wbo got bis money. The corpse was buried next morning back of the house. A few weela after this they went to Iowa, remaining eight months; then to In diana, all the time living on the mur dered man’s money. They went from there to Kansas, where Bender’s children, John and Kate, by his first wife, were liv ing with her cousin Maggie. They kept a resort for travelers there, and called it Bonders’Hotel. They had committed no murder prior to the old folks’ arrival, but in the course of time old Bender arranged a trap door and then the murdering op erations began. Kate at one time had a man in bed with her. She ent his throat and slept till morning beside his corpse. His money was divided. She never in jured the horse thieves and cut throats who came to the hoose, but entertained them well with her cousin Maggie. No murders were committed by the family alter they fled from Kansas. Old Bender has confessed, believing that the old womau has escaped. His story tallies with his wife’s exactly. Ho relates her story of the whole family and tbeir crimes. A sheriff from Kansas is now probably at Lincoln obtaining a requisition from the governor, and will be at Fremont to-day. Wno Wrote Hancock’s Letter to Sbeiuiax ‘.’—Siva the World of Thurs day: Some time ago the Republican journals were q'.rfe certain that Judge Black diil General Hancock’s political writing. The Judge, they asserted posi tively, wrote for the General those letters and orders to Louisiana and Texas poli ticians which are so famous. Hancock, they were sure, was unable to set down sufch sen^nienta. “A mere soldier, you know,” they said; “what does ho know absnt such questions?” Well, here is HahcoclM letler of acceptance—an abler document than Garfield's in the general opinion; who wrote that? And then cones Hancock’s letter to General Sber- mat, wri-ten in 1870, from a country town in 3T sours. It would be delightful to tlink r.h it Judge Black also wrote that; but.uuibi'iinatcly the Judge was not tiierj. Unlike the Irishman’s bird, he couH not! two places at once. Yet it :s;a very .••*od letter; strong, sensible, Conferv&Mv', showing as accurate an tin- dersaitJ- i - an Hancock’! pa;» of the" as the famous Louisiana order. So life is we l ave noticed the Republican orgaas accept this letter meekly as Han cock!: own. This is encouraging; per- liapsioy and by they will give him also the cfedit which belongs to l >! m of tbe authorship of the Louisiana orders and letters The theory that General Uan- tock fi a mere dummy does not seem to trosptr. LiTVEi.t.'sLiving Age.—The numbers bf T,.fL'tipg )&ge for the weeks ending July S4tb and Slat respectively, contain : following articles: The Slavonic Men- jacc to Europe, Quarterly, A Few Weeks |upon Ihc Continent, , Conteniporary", lieisip a<-d lli-pentance, a Familiar Col- jloqny, by W. H. Maliock, Nineteenth ICcntury; Fishing ami Fisl-'ug Literature, niaeXtrood; Victor ntigo, Temple Bar; Sterne, CornhlllScientific Results of the Uowgate\Expedition, 1877-78, Sir John Lubbock on the Habits of Ants, and Sign Language Among the American Indians, Ncljrc; HcHsy l n Science, Pail Jfail Ga- ictiVvlEUpe Nature of an Oath, Spectator; with in$a<ai^nt3 of Mrs. Olipliant’s Story, “He tbat^vlll not when he may,” and the usual amount of poetry. A new volume began with July 1st. For fety-two numbers of sixty-four lw S® pt»es each (or more than 3,300 a y ar)J the subscription price ($8) low; w.(ie for $10.50 the publishers offer to senyhy one of the American $4 monthlies * weeklies with The Living Ayefotayei i nc ludiug the extra num |?°V| I > 1 T* r r both postpaid. Littell , • the publishers: _ 1 .' , * t “ t «i»l Kooord. The l-fe jf Hrjj t Warner, of Ro- chester, N. Y-, gavWl jjy the Safe Kidney atid Liter Cure, fehj3tf*0W bea’S thiawondSw remedy did for him it *ss done forUioufcids, and, we believe, wit continue to those afflicted with kidney, liver ordinary troubles of any, kind. If any re any organic trouble, this remedyV prove “a frond la jn*m ‘ ■ ' \ ‘ > Dr. Tanner. \ New York, August 7.—Dr. Tanner is in good condition and will undoubtedly complete bis fast at noon. A large crowd is in attendance. At 11 o’clock he stood at a window on Thirteenth street locking at the crowd iu the streets. A few min utes previously, he walked one lap around the hall. His brother-in-law, M. M. Gar diner, called on him this morning. His visit seemed to make the faster nervous, and he complaiued of a “goneness in his stomach.” At 7 o’clock this morning, he had of vomiting. He then got up and dressed. At 7:30 he was much ex hausted and lay down on bis cot. He re mained in this position until 10:15, when he went into the lower hall. After a walk he again lay down and was covered with a blanket. At 10:50, lie arose and walked into the front room. A large table of wa termelons, fruits, bread, eta, is spread in the hall. Dr. Tanner completed his fast of forty days at noon to-day. As soon as the time was up, the crowd cheered Tanner enthu siastically. About one thousand persons were in the hall, and an immense crowd on the sidewalk. He at once drank a glass of milk, and called for a Georgia watermelon. This he tapped, dug his baud into it, and ate heartily. When remonstrated with he asked to be left alone, saying, “No, my lord, I am run ning this now.” When he placed a glass of milk to bis mouth he remarked, “Gentle men, yon don't believe that’s good.” The signal for the expiration of the fast was a whistle from a factory In the vicini ty. When it blew, Tanner had a peach in bis hand, but before he could put it in to his mouth, somebody snatched it away from him. In response to the plaudits of the assem blage, Tanner, who was sitting upon a le table, raised his hand- chair placed on the kerchief off his head, At a quarter past twelve, Tanner got down from the table and left the hall in a coach in charge of Dr. Gunn, win took him to his own residence, where he will un dergo careful medical treatment. D .r' ig the morning about 2,000 persons visi &: the hall. Just before noon bis tempo. tare was found to be 00, pulse 02 ami res piration 17. Tanner's weight at the end of his fast was 121 \ pounds, showing a loss of 36 pounds during the forty days. New York, August 7.—On leaving the hall the doctor walked unassisted down stairs, with a slice of melon iu his hand. He received an ovation from the crowd in the street., shops and windows and exhibit ed much gratification at the hearty recep tion. He ordered the cover of the carnage thrown back and joked and talked with the crowd that surrounded the vehicle. After two or three dozen persons had grasped his hand, two accompanying phy sicians had to grasp him by the arm and hold him in liis seat to prevent them from tiring him out, as they feared serious re action from over-exertion. On reaching the residence of Dr. Gunn, Dr. Tanner at once lay down in the front parlor aud endeavored to sleep. Milk and watermelon Lad not disagreed with him. At 2:30, he was resting quietly in good condition. He has eaten of watermelon in small quantities three or four times without any deleterious effect.. At 3:30 p. m., Dr. Tanner drank one ounce of light Hungarian -wine, after which he ate a small slice of watermelon. At 4.30 p. m., lie was eating with great relish a piece of beefsteak. He did not swallow the fibre, but only partook of the juice of the meat. IIs saw no visitors duriug the afternoon, and it was reported he was in excellent spirits. Mrs. Wisslaw'aSonibinK limp. Be?. 8y non* Uobb thus write* in the Bos ton CIbiietitc Freemen: We »ca:d by to mesas recommend any kind of medicine which we did not know to le good—parties* Jail? for infanta Bat of Ur«. Winslow's Soothing Byrnp w» can apeak from knowledge; ir oar own family it has proved a Meeting indeed, by giving an infant troubled »itb colic pain?, quie* sleep, and its parents un broken real at r.ight. Slot | (rents can *p- piecUto iheae biei.icge. Here is an article which wotks to perfection, and which is harmlees; for tbe nie-p which it efforda tbe infant is peifesiiy natural, sad the huleobe- mb await* as "bright a« a button.” And daring the process of teathieg, its value is Uioalcuble ft# have frequently baud moth ers aay they would not be without it from the birth of the dull till it had finished with the teething aiega, on any consideration what ever. Bold by all druggists. 25 cents a bo- tle. dac23 Iw DBS. .1 P & W. B HOL11E3, L> ENT18Tci, Ho 5* Mulberry Street, Macon, Oi>. Teeih extracted without pnin.beautiful sets of Te-th io«ert« S. Abrce-Kd Teeth sad Diseased cured. 1) a.ere in all Linda of rental Materia!* ai d Instrument*. Constantly on hand a large and lull aaiortmeu: ot Teetb of all kinds. Gold of al kin la. Amalgam* of all kinds, Kubbets ot a kinuS. icar Urn w OR. I). S. WRIGHT DEIMTIBT. FOND’S EXTRACT. Subdues Inflammation. Controls all Hemor rhage*. Acute and Chronic. Venous w and Moron*. invaluable fob 8PRAIN3, BURNS, SCALDS,EBUrSES. SORENESS, RHEUMATISM. BOILS, ULCERS. OLD rOEES, TOOTH- ACHE, HEADACHE ASIKYIA, SORE THROAT, HOARSE- • NEaS. NEURALGIA, CA TARRH. ETC., EiC. Emwa AsBOIT.— 'Valuable and leneflriaL” HaTWton t-niTH. M. D. M R O P.ofHr.g- land.—"I t.a»e umat it with n arked ber.eflt." H.. fl. Paasios. Jt. 1>. Bruoxlyi', N. Y.—“I know of vo remedy so severally u.elul.'* Ahraua Gcisaxas. II.U.K. ft. I*. of Eng land.—' l hay-prescribed Tond’a kxtract with great aroctsa.*’ OAUTIkN — Fund’* Extraat is sold only in bottles with iho name blown to the gia*a. It is UDsala to u»e other articles with our dt rectirn*. in-i.t on having Food’s Extract. Re lose all imitations and sutxtitatea. BPBOIlL PREPARATIONS OP FORD’3 EX TRACT COM KIN »D WITH THK PURBbT and UOsT DKUOAI B PkRFUXkd FOR LADIB8’ BOUDOIR. Pond’s Extract—„.......tvc. si 00 Toilet Cream -1.0) Catarrh Cure....... 75 Dentifrice W Plarter — ** Lip Salve 35 Inhaler (Glass 50c) I CO Toilet Soap (S take*) 50 Nasal Syringe 15 Ointment. 40 Medicated Paper... 16 Orders amounting to :‘S worth sent express free on receipt of money on P. O. order. Our now Pamphlet with hiatory of our Prep oration i sent free on application to OHIO'S EXTRACT CO.. 18 Nanay Street. Hew York, bj all Druggists, oneSadeodawly PERFECTLY SAFE III flifi MOST INEXPERIENCE]) RAMS. For Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramps, Cholera, troubles of the Stomach and Boweb so preva- And all those numerous troum ^ va . v-dfeal Profession hai been in use to long and with tuch uniformly Ho Bemtdy known to the neapuldsctory results as PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER. It iTbaennse with e uch in all part* eftto world in the treatment eftheae difflcmc^thst tt b,» «mo Cor0 f or All Summer Complaints. and su^it really Is when tSen in time and tcoording to the T ry plain dictions inclosing LUDDEN & BATES SOU I HERN Music House. inclosing each . the attack is usual.? sudden and frtquent.y voy acute; hat with a safe remedy feSft&SSiSriM there is aelJom danger tf the fatal result which so oitin follow, a few at hand for immediate nsa. K Itha»a^ m tte , “”°‘*“^ rj "y : “”’ c0IU ‘ antnl,3ia a11 coant,ie * “d dimitia" and is perfectly safe in any P er£0 5' , . h v “t.l‘ it is recommended who bare bad The’useSone bottle will go farther toi ronvin'ceytu of its merits than columns of newspaper •vi.-fislnr Try it, and ycu will rever do without it.. Pr ; ce35c.£0c. and Si CO per bottle. You ran ohtain it »t any drug-store or from tilioolwed eat PERRY DAVIS A 80S, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. Mi’s Sale, fflneislmr CUKE $1.25 FEB BOTTLE A positive remedy for all Kid ney, Liver and. Urinary Troubles of both, male and female. READ THBEECORD: '•It fared ury life.”—E. B. Lakrly. Belma. Ale. ’•It la the remedy that will cure the many dis ease* peculiar to women."—Mother’s Magazine. "It baa patsod severe testa and Win endorse ments from some of the highest medicil talent in the country."—Hew Yurx Worn 1 . "No Remedy heretofore discovered ran tv held for one moment in comparison with it.’’—C. A.. H»r*ey, D. 1).. Wa»hlngton, D. O. This great natural remedy is for sale by all druggists in all parts of the world. —TRY IT AND TAKE NO OTHER.— H. H. WARNED & CO- ROCHESTER. N. Y. y'k, / Faipfcf Female Iastitnte. 'Warrenton, Va. Reaalon begins Sept. 1st. Rend for Catalogue ju>lS-»2ta KOhEBT FB>Z2It, Principal. IRON BITTERS, A Great Tonic. IRON BITTERS, A Saro Appcthwr. IRON BITTERS, A Complete Strengthener. IRON BlTTERS, A V&lnftblo Medicine. IRON BlTTERS, Not Soli u a Bevtraft. IRON BlTTERS, For Delicate Fexe!*«. Highly recommended to tbo public for all <1U eases requiring a cerwii n and eClolent TOXIC; especially In JEndtgc#- tion, IPpmj>epaia 9 Intermittent^ Ye- rera, HTnnt of Ap petite. Xow of Strength, JLach of JEnergff, rtc. It en riches the blood stmipthep* th(- i-.i..- cles.and give* new life to :no serves. To tbe aged, ladle’s, and jLH- dren requiring recuper ation, this vain..bit remedy can not bo too highly recommended. It acts like m charm on the digeatl w e organs. A teaapoonful before meals will remove all dyspeptic symptoms. TRY IT, Sold by a!< Druggists, TEE BBITJlf CHEST* 1 BALTIMORS, tea. LAMAR, RANKIN & LAMaR. Wholeaala Druggiata. Macon. D. I. C. Is an absolute and irresistible euro for DRUNK- Iraaed. Intemperance and the TWO of Oplam,To-| IbMOOk'SuMW and Mmalnt^ removing all Jtaito, derire and habit of twing any of !deringtbota»teordc*ireforanyofthei_, T odious ar«4 di*g»i8tlng. Giving every one perfect landIntriitlhla ccatrol of the sobriety orthem- I set res and their friends. vent* that abfldhito physical and .moral| Jon that follows the eudden In > from using stimulants or narcotics. rackage, tkirpald, to cure 1 to 5 pereens, $2, or at your druggists, $lw5 per bottle. v Temperance societies should recommend It It Is perfectly harmless and never-failing. Hop Bittors Mfg. Co., Rochester, N.Y. Solo Agents Hop Cough Cure destroys all pain, Innssns the cough, quieu tha nerves, produces rest, and never Stalls to euro. _ The Hop Pad for Stomach, liver and Kidneys, I Is superior to all others. Cures by absorption. It I is perfect-aak druggiaU. Thi Hop NUiriHfc. Ca, ef Radnicr, N.T. m/v, pn- g pare these remedies, al*# th* H#p Blturt, whkli arslnot- ItenM ab*r«ragsorIatoxicsnt,batthsPiimlaad BnlMtdi- I nu ever zuaJe, raxk’ag more cores than all other remedies, [FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Xa-O-E^Csi-. Certain aai Psaaeat Core coiTsuimoisr Catarrh, Bronchitis, coys, GOUGES, IFLUEBa. Lamar. Baukin & I amar, MACON AND ATLANTA, GA. IneS9 BAND IHSTBUMKHT CATALOGUE* Our nrjo tataiogif or Dani *™ Instruments, Music, Suits, Caps, Delta, Pouches, Poos* pons, Drum Majors* -**--• ma Hats, gpauletfi Lamps, Stands, and Out* cw oocUloa 6S pw of fal/bnaaSoftftffMwtctafW. IbUodbco. xairos* — LtoSCSExlt, la sum ft, cuc*^, Ek RECttCAJ THE EXODUS f tr handling Cotton »t the Gin. BAYB LABOfi. byuaingn JOVfis KIVB-TON WAGOA 8CAL3 I'rioe 8GO. all Iron and Sterl. arassEcum. FB IGHT PAID BY U3. i! ordered now can pay at Ginning. Everybody send tor free book. Addters Joaes uf Binghamton, Bin ghamtci!. N. Y. IPIUM HABIT o.™ dfcwly By B. M. Woolley Atlanta. 7a. Sellable eri- dcnce given, and reference to cured patient* and pbystriaca. cend (ornty book on tbe habit and its cure. FEEH. =r23d=: Popular Monthly Drawing cf the Commonwealth Bistrsbo- tion Go. AT VAOAULEY’S TB FATEH, In tbeiClty of Louisrille. on Tuesday, August 31, 1680, These drawings authorised by act of .the Leg islature of 138V and sustained by all the courts ot Kentucky, according to a contract made with the owners ol the Frankfort grant, will occur regularly ou the last day o! every mouth, Sun day* and Friday* excentod, for the period of five year*, terminating on June SO. 1635. The United States Uircuit Court on March SI rendered the following decisions: 1st—That the Commonwealth Distribution Company is legal. Zd—Its drawings are fair. The management call attention to the liberal tdh'un which ka. met with such popular favor i eretofore, and which will again be presented for the AUGUST DRAWING. 1 Pr»*e..—... ...... mniiia’t J8.000 lPri« , — 10,000 1 Prise....— 5,000 10 Prises each 10,003 10 Prixee 500 each — 10,000 100 Prixct 100 each ......................... 10.000 KiO Prixes 50 each 600 Prixes 90 each ^coe Prixee 10 each . - 10,00* 19,000 10,000 rJ rnsOi AM PMu , Mi,*H**nlt**aMt(,iiiH iU,JW V Prise, SOOeaeh. ap’reximaFa prixes 9,70* VPnxes 900 each do do 1,30* V Prise* 100 each de do 10* LMOPriics 8119,400 Whole Tickets, C J. 97 Tickets, f». 55 Ticket*, 5)00. Remit by Post- Office Monty Order. Registered Letter, Rank Dratt or Rxpreia. To insure avainat mistakes and delays, corre spondents will piease write tbeir names anti places ot residence plainly, giving number ol I’c-t-Office box or Street, and Town, County and State. a ft communications w nneefed with the Di Distribution and Orders for Tickets should b* addressed to E. M. BOABDMAK,«r nxt Building Louiwiii* X»ntuck». cr at No. So7 and 509 Broadway. N. Y. augSOeodtuthusat riS’Xr^-G-O’S IMPROVED PATENT LIVER PA»l r Nxvss Guts Hans. Can ax Mans am Stcemgth Cusikbu. hurt Twice as Loss. tiisiisj Cured VtUaut the Syetss, CCEES Chills and Fever. Liter CoapUkt, Dysptpsis, Kunlpa, Ktnonneu, CostiitMsj, .Fenalj Wtshess, Eici & Ifemai HeididiA These Pad* Cnre all Diseases by Absorption. No JSoxlcui 1‘ilU. Oils, or Poisonoas Jledicioesore taken Into the Stomach. The Pads are worn over the Pit of the Sumach, covering the Great Nerve Centres, aiso.the Liver and Btoama. A senile Vigctabla Tonicla absorbed into thedrculatlonofthe Blood and Liver, purffgiiyr tho Blood, stimulating tbe Liver and Zs absolutely odorless, aud chemically Pure. It is tmowflake white. It is susceptible of the highest and most lasting- Polish. H _ It possesses greater strength of body i Manufactured at to & M NoiEth Libbbtt Sr* than other trade brands. liaPTiMoas. Mu lt Is packed iu Pound Parcels. 1'uU . Weight guaranteed. It costs less money than any Starch ln the World. It Is sold universally in America by »s-?^t5V*". ,lI>ea « crs ' _ /^.kOAGiA.BIBE COUNTY.-Toall whom it lU «n,7 a I '““"“pUon reachcsTwenty (J mayroncom: Loct^ W. Kennedy having H . _ # filed her petition in proper form to ma. praying It la mannfiacturoa by Andrew Erkenbrscheq for letters of admini.tratkn with tho will annex- at Cincinnati, Ohio, In the heat-toC ed.ontbe erUtecf Francis M. leBnedT. tbUis the ^greatest cereal region of th# to dte all legally interested in the execution of 1 tlili himllrhirnsi AFftfti'fini ftdit At kin Kidneys to iiealtliy action, and strengthening the Btomach to digest food. Pntci or Pads $1 and O **01. Sold bv all DarooiaTa, or sent by Mail Mamdkrt soaa John Ingalls, druggist, | Wholesale and BetaU Arent.Koorner F.urlh and , Poplar streets, Maocn. Gs. aprfl-d63t The Music'House of the South. Removal to Our Jones County Sheriff Sales W ILL be sold before the rout t house door in the to« u of I’liriton, Jor.-i county, G. o'l.a. on the TistTuetdav in-Srptembar next, b-nween the legal boors of sJe. the fo lowing property to- wit: Fifteen hundred acres of land.more or less, adjoining the land* ot Io»hu» Harris, A. H. Broa b ani John Boborio* Jil t ther 1 , I’.a koosrn sa tke Buck Jo! nson p ace. Levied on aa the f iropertyol William Johnson, dececs-d. toratis- y two fl taa. i»ued from the honorable Superior Court of said c' untv, or.e in favor r.fHaroeman A Sparks (fate pr.rtuera in t'ade) w. William G. Kilpatrick, a» adininiatratcr cf the c-tate of Wil- liatn JihnsOE.dew-sseJ: th-other m favor of V. Flanders A ron. (late partners in trade) vs. Wil liam G. Kilpa>rirk, as adminialrat^r of tbe es tate of William Johnson, deceased. Property pointed out Vy plaintiffs’ attorneys oudinpos- seision of Wil.tam Fletcher, agent. Thu July 90,15V). augltd W. J. GB88HAM, eheriff Joues County. NEW DOUBLE STOBE. An Immense Music Temple. Two large stores, each 58 feet front and four stories high, fronting on three streets and filled from rellar to left with muiicsl supplies. Noth ing to compare with It in the Southern Stales. A Big Store. A Big Stock. A Big Trade. AND HOKE TO COME. Duricg our establishment of our houao «e haue d«-eloped tbe music trade of the South t3 h wonderful degree, but as »*t we have only begun. We we, not many years ahead, a business of a million a y ear, and to take carepf this enormous trade we hare provided our prel ect mammoth warereom* Fall trade 18Sj will bo immense. Wesrereodv for it. For months our senior partner has been at tbe Ncrtb con tracting with Piano end Organ manufacturers for instruments. He ha* concluded mo>t advan tageous contracts and tbe Pianos and Organ* are "coming, coming** 1C0.000 more, by every steam er. New stvle>, New Frite*, New Terms, New Stock, New Store, New Departure. Globe. tbis application, oredilors. logatees. next of kin. ! and any otherf, interested, to be and *r«e.r at . the next September term of the Court of Ordina- ! ry cf said countv.and chow cau.e If any they can, i wby letters of adminivtratiou.with will annexed, I aheu'd net be granted tv said Louise W0nano- I Wifeces my hand and official aiguature August I S, 1830. ; aag5-w4w J. A. MCMANUA Ordinary. . Special Offer, Pall 1880; KSuCuh Prices with Three Months CieJii."K* Duriug months ot August, September and Oc tober we will *ell Piano* aed Organs at Lowest Cash Prices, pryable r-i5 Cub on a Piano or slO Hash on an Organ, with the balance in three months, without Interest. What Do You Sav to this Offer? Write for Illustrated Catalogues and New Price Lists fur Pall 1350, and preptte tobeaxtOZD shed. LVS3EH & BATES, SAVANNAH, GA, HKOLESAIE P!A«a AMD CR9AN DEALERS. dec27-dlt»wAwlj New AdTertisements- Eh’CYCI OPEDIU HOW TO BE&S. f rv££S; YOUR OWN iuvm-n. SsiliDg fa*t. T AtlfTtPR D°w Price: Great suc- ■UJXW X £lA* ce*s One a.ent *ild 600 in one town, another 1.-2 in Sfl daja. soother 76 in IS daja, S&ren ten Us coot, and ererybody wants it. Bond for circulars and terms, Al«o General Agents Wanted. Adcr*-ai P W: ZEI6LER A 0.1«>.0 Arch ««.. Phil, P* AGENTS WANTED 0!SCBto ** utho dcctand V:ce-Fre*ident I lives of ov r next Presi- Gen. HANCOCK AN I» Son. f. H. EBGLISE Thousands ars waiting for the book. It contains steel portraits ot tbe candidates and other full- page engraving*. Extra inducements offered to tbo-e selecting terntiirv X w. DOUGLAS Bjt)*.,65 W. Sib »t„ CineinnatL O. •Aai3M3f 3im4 MOSQUITO CATCHER « your room in a few minutes without smoke soil cr grease. Prico 50 css. teed postal lor Illus trated Circular. Agent* wanted. Good terns. L.T. JO.NB8.166LUht8t. Baltimore. Md. $7TT: A YEAH and expenses to •sent*. Outfit Free. Address P.O. VICK >KY. August*, Me A DTBRT1HEK8, send fortur iielectLltt of Lo cal Newsp.pers. Geo. P. Bowed A Co, 10 8t>ruce8f.,N.Y. IN EQUITY—BILL FOR RELIEF, Etc IN BIBB SUPERIOR COURu. Daniel D. Tracy vs. A. B. Res*, adminietrstor de bonis non ol tbe estate cl T. P. Lamar, M. K 1 umar et al., heirs ot J. 1\ It appearing from tt>6 returns of the Sheriff in this cause that two of sud defendants, to-wit., Mrs. Currie U. Motley and Mrs. Ann T. Green, formerly Ann T. Lamar, are Lot to be (tund in the county of Bibb; and it farther appearing that they docotre.lde in the Stare c* Georgia, but in the State of Alabama: it is therefore or dered by tbe Court that service of said bill bo perfected upon them by publication of this or- d-rontes month for four months bolero tho next term of this Court, in tbe Macon Telegraph and Meisenger, a newspaper published iu the city of Macon, Ga. Loftin A Harriet*, P’aintlff’s attorney, jayi-lamsm T. J. SIMMON'S. J. 6. C. M. C. G BORGIA. Bibb Connty—Whereas Mrs. Mar tha £. Sorrell, gonliin ol her minor chil dren, has made application for leave to sell eight •hare* of the capital stock of tbe Central rail road a. d Banking Cooioany of Georgia belong ing to said minors lor tbeir nfaintxriiar.eeacd ed' ueation. These are therefore to cite and xdraon'ah all persona concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of .aid county on tn9 Cist Monday in July next, to show cause if any they have why said application should v.ot be granted. Witness my band offisrully. June Stb, 1530. jotSld* J. A. MCMANUS. Ordinary. W. A. CHERRY vs. TBS LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA,et al,—In Equity in Bibb Su perior Court. It appearing to the Court that by the return cf the sheriff, that the Life Asportation of America cannot be found, and it further apin-.iring that aid defendants are non-residents of the 8tate cf Georgia; Ordered, that said defendants be and appear at tbe next term of tbis Court, to ba hi Id on the fourth Monday in October next, to plead, answer or demur to said bilinledin the above case, or the same will be taken pro conteaso as to them, and said rase will proceed ex parte. Or dered further, that said at feasant be served by publication once a month for lour mouths, id tbe Macon Telegraoh and Messenger keiore the next term of this court. This June 11,1330. T. J. SIMMONS. Judge S. O. M.C. A. Proud Et. solicitor for complainant. A true extract lrom the minutes Of Bibb Supe rior Court June 99, 1550. jneSfi-lamStn* A. B. £088. Clerk. /'1HOKGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—ft hereas Ben' vX janin C. Smith, executor cl the estate ol Mrs. Erixa Smith, late cf said county deceased, has made application lor letters of dismission lrom said estate. These are therefore to rite and admonish a!) persons concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in October next, to show cause if any they have why Skid application should not be granted it apphoert. Witness my hand officially, July a, 1830. Juy7td* J. A. MCUANU8. Ordinary. /"i BORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas W.F vJT Holt and J. E. Jones, adminiatiator-on the estate of James Doan, late of said county d*cesae ed.have made application for letters of dlsmimon from said estate: These are therefore to dto and admonish all persons concerned to be aud appear at the Conrt ol Ordinary of said county on she Bret Monday in August next, to thaw came, if any they have, why letters ot dlsmis*inn should not be granted to applicant*. Witnrss my official signature. May 6,1830. mayfctd* J. A. McMANUS. Ordinary. O RDINARY’S Office Jones County, Georgia, Juno 96th. 850.—Whereas Samuel Barron admiaWtrator with the willannexed, on estate ot Benjamin Barron, deceased, applies for dismis sion from same. These are to ate end admonish all persons concerned and tbe li gxtees of said rotate to ’ e and appear at the October term next ot this court, and wii ness a aett.emeut ot lux adminis tration, recei-e tbeir distributive shares, and •how cause if any they haTo why he shall not bv discharged from said administration. Witness my band ifficiaily. jnrSOtd* ROLAND T. ROSS. Ordinary. G EORGIA, bibb COUNTY.—Under and by virtue of an order from tbe Conn of Ordi nary of said county, will be fold on the first Tuesday in September next, before tho court house ducr in the city of Macon, between the le gal hours of tale, an undivided halt icterus* in parts of lots of land. Nos. lard 2, in block num- sixtv-one, in the southwest common ot the city of Macon, containing one-quarter of an acre more or leas. Sold as the property ol Jane A. Malone, late of axtd county deoesxed, for a division among the heirs of said estate. rtUSAN M. PERSONS, August 7,18S0— 8td Administratrix. Notice to Debtors and Creditors* Troutman are h-reby notified to mullein.- mediate psymoot of the same to tbe undersign ed; and all petson* having claims aiainst said estate are hereby notified to present the same duh authenticated in terns of the law. M.L OUTM AN, Executor, y 18.183-J.—IS-wrlw O RDINARY’S Office Jones County, Georgia. June 56, U80.—w hereas John A. Johnson executor estate • f Martha M. Seabreok. deceased applies for dismission. These are to cite and admonish all person* concerned to show causn at this office on or by the first Monday in October, if any they have to the contrary. Witness my hand officially. JneSotd* ROLsNDTr ROSS, Ordinary. KMffOOD eiSH SCHOOL A BOARDING 80HOOL FOR BOYS. T H ■ next session will begin August 93, and oantinue Buteen wreks. The course of in struction i- preparatory for college or business ana is thorough and procueal. The Military Department. under the charge of a United States officer, hot lor its obje t the physical development of the boys and ilio inculcation of haoitsof promptness, order and neatnesa. In tbe-a particulars it ho* been highly beue3ciai. and other features »ill be sudeii to increase its efficiency. To meet the de mands of the community, a department for girl* will be opened. Good board will bo obtained in excellent families for any giris who may be sent to the school. Charge* for Fall Sesmon. S1C0, payable half in advance and half lat October. Tbit indu es board, tuition, tuel, washing and UgttA For particulars apply to CHA8.M.NBBL, jnylC daw9V Box -iSi. Atlanta, Ga. Southern Home Sohool for Girls* 197 & IS9 N, Charlesst.. Baltimore. Md Mes. ft'. M. Cast, Mias Cart. FilshHaTtnd If It French the language of tha School. j uni-taw and eooaug sept Bsltioie tale Oollep. The only Female College in Maryland—was chartered in lSli>. witnthe power ot oonterriag degreyr, and liberally endowed by the State in ISiid. It ha* new buildings, ample grounds,good apparatus, an able Faculty, and all the appoint ment* of a first-class institution. Board aud tui tion . $160. Missus under t waive jeare, Ji .0. Catalogues at thia office. N. O. BROOKS, L.L. D..Proddent, jyfii-dawlm. Bellevue Eigh Sohool, BEDFORD COUNTY, VA. On Ya. and Tenn. It. R., fifteen miles west of Lynchburg, ioung men and beys prepued for university or lor business. Beautiful and h aKhy location. Able ccrps of teachers; thor ough instruction. Liberal provision for the ao cunimodstion and comfort ot students. For Cat alogues containing information address W. JR. ABBOTT. Principal. jujl9eodaw2m Bellevue P. O., Va. Best and Chenpest 'ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. Speclat inducements to SOUTH ERN SOLDIERS. 8atiefaciion given in ail cote*. First premium at Atlanta and Macon. Georgia Fairs. 1873. Beet of refer ence* in your Stata. Apply, at once for full information. por»l terms, etc. Addktss OUARLBS fix EVANS. Manufacturer tor U.S. Guvertim’t, Ul WEST BEGS., 63 BAY ST., SAVANNAH, GA., Cotton Factors, Commission Merchants —And dealers in— FERTILIZERS. _ General Agents for tbe Delta Cotton Tie. LIBERAL ADVANCES ON CONSIGNMENTS V. W. Carnes, MACON. AGENT DELTA COTTON TIE. luytSd-wtllln-Tl , /2J.EORGIA, BIBB COUNTTg—Whereas Iou- i , VJiia W. Keun.-riy ba* iced; application forle>- t rsof adminiatratiou on the ee’ote of Kory la Kennedy, late of said county deceased. This it to cite all and singular the creditors and mat of kin ot Mary L. Kennedy to be and ap pear at Ihe Court ot Ordinary of told county. on »ho Bret Monday In Soptem-er text, and ihow cau»-t'any they can. why permanent n4n jnix- trater should not be granted to Louise W. Ken ned* on Mary L. Ktumeuy estate. W itnoss my hand and official signature August S. 1880. augj-wSw J. A. McMANUB. Ordinary. Gray’s Specific Medicina KADZ MARK. THE greatTRADE 2*. Jfrgiisb' rem- edy. An un- LgarJJ foiling urefor , r i7f Seminal ear- VU £5f ness, Spam at• tf>. 5; -*V orrhea, Impo. tenry, and all ___ diseases that. 'MJ» fo) ') $ *• |(, — lefoftj TaJringqueuce o'««After Takiae-s. abuse; oa a loss of memory, uni vert al laasitud£ pain in the back, dimnris of vision, premat are old age, at d many oth, di*eawi that lead to in sanity and consumption and a premature grare. Fall particulars in our pamphlet, which we de sire to send tree by mail to »v»ry one. Tho Spe cific Medicine is *old by ail druggists at *1 ptx packag-b or six pac»agM for 35 will be seat free by mail on rcc >:pt of the money by addressing th* GRAY MRDiCINE CO. No 10 Mechanic Block, Detroit, M::h, hold in Macon and ivery where by all druvei-ts. octS* dawly. For nl; by HUNT RANKIN A LAMAR. oo*l9-d.*lv Macau Os THK FAIR Of The Ocmcluee Farmers’ Club Will bo held for one day only, THURSDAY, AUGUST 12th. The program me m advertiied will be cerried out in the onodej. ▲ GRAND BABBBOUB Will bo given free to all. Speeches will be reu* by prominent Georgians upon tho topic* of the Admission, odulto. BSe.: Children. uniter 14. SSo. asgSdavsd W.D.R. JOHNSON, S#o*y. THE BRIGHTWOOD, Corner of Ba*t Fourteenth St. and Irving Piseo. opposite Aoademy of Music, Now jfora. Mo*t oentral location in tbe city. Near Broadway, all plsees of amusement, all large stores, (wholesale end retail), cars to Brighton aid Manhattan Roach, and all plsoes of summer resort. ^TWmsvtCTmoderate. An sxolosivelyrespeo- _ . . B. WOOD, Prjphr. Refsr in Macon brperalation to Emory Win- ship, Bsg.. firm of WJnsbJjt A Osllesray; S. T. Odteman, Esq. jneSsunfim Tax Receiver's Kotioe. M I books are now open for receiring returns of taxable property lor blare and county purpoars. 1 would bo pleased to bate tax-pay ere call and make tneir returns promptly, ax the time is ahors. R. J. ANDERSON, Tax Receiver Bibb county, Ge < rgi a Office: No. 120 Mulberry street, Maoou, Ga. prXldlf Notice Leave to Sell Land. F OUR week* afterdate application will be made to tha Court of O disiary of Jooes cunti for an order to relf all tho reu ettate of James H. Pinny, deceased. R. R. BROWN, . H. J. FINNY. July 9*. 18S0-t7wlm • Executors. NOTICE /71EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY —On the first VA Monday m fceptember, (tha «th.) application will be made to Conrt ot Urdinaiy of aaiu county te'leave to Bell all Inereal relate of Ihos. J. khinholrer, late of said county accessed. S. B. SWEET, Administrator. July 90.1835-td O RDINARY’S Office. Jouva Countr. Georgia. June 13,1331.—Whereas David W. Lester, guardiaa for Mrry E. Tufts, minor, applies to me for dUmi.sicn. These ate to cite and admoui.h all persons con corned to she v cause at this court on the firs’. Monday in Ang.iat next, il any they have, why the discharge shall not be granted. Witness m. hand officially. , JnelJtdr ROLAND T. RO * 1. Onrin a G BORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.-Where** Ste phen Collins, executor of the estate of An* drew Pyo, late of said gouty dowasad. has made spplirstion for letters ot dismission fiom said estate. These are therefore io cite and ad- monish all persons concerned to be ana ap- appearatthe Court of Ordinary ol said connty on the first Monday in October next, to show cause, if any they have, why letter* of dismis sion should not be granted to applloact. Witness my official signature J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary. Jtuy 2. lSSihtd* LX BE I* FOE DIVORCE. Bibb 8nperior Conrt, April Term. 1830. MRS. G. F. riNCKABD VS, J. J.PINCKARD. P appearing to the court by the return ot the she-iff that the defendant is not to be found in this connty: and it farther appearing that he does not reside in the State of Georgia: Ordered, that ho appe-r at the next term of this court, or that *si- enure be allowed to pro ceed, and that service be perfected ou *aid J. J. Piuckard by publication hereof, once a mouth ter four month*, in the TgfinaaxrK asd Misiag- gbb. a public gaxcite published in the city of Maeon. By the Court: JOHN L. HARDEMAN, Libel’ant’s attorney. Balt *0. T. J. SIMMONS, J. S. 0. M. 0. April 9) 1880. A true extract from the minute* ot Bib Su perior Court. Tbis May 3,1880, mayS-Um4m A. u. ROSS. Clerk. CIRODXAR NO. 9, OFFICE OF THI RAILROAD COMMISSION. A TLA * TA. GA., July », 1SS0. U PON careful consideration of the Report ot the Atlanta ana West Point ’railroad, its relation tw the "Standard TariB” la changed as follows, vli: 1st. Cotton, Fertiliser* tnd Lumber, maximum renaming at tnondard Rates. 2d. ’ On ill other classes, maximum rate* can be *.tiaate« at (25) twenty-five per cent above Standard Rate*. J «MR8 M. SMITd, Chatman. Jl. A. BACQR. Secretary. auglriawSw FOR SALE. T HIRTY days alter date application will be made to the honorab'e the Ordinary ol Bibb county for leave to tell the real rotate of M rt. June A. Malone, late of Bibb county deceased, tor distrholion among her heirs. SUSAN M. PARbOSB, Administratrix. Tie Mta Female College, ZiA. GRANGE. GA- With a faculty ot twelve thorough teachers, fine building* and a complete outfit for all de partments, Literary, Music and Art. offers the high?** aevantages for the smallest charges. Neatly doub<e tuu usual lime devoted to Musio ■no Art. Last catalogue cumber* :4S pupils— 11.7 in music. Board, liter.r> tuition aud draw i -K per annum, .5207; with and u-e piano, i(il. Co rreep-moerce mviied. Write for cata logue for foil particulars. luyS-tio-I. F. COX Proa. Wesleyan Female Institute STAUNTON, VA. Opens its Slst Session Septeml-er iOth, 1S59. Among th* first Schools for young ladies tn th* United Slates. Climate unsurpassed. Surround ings beautiful. Pupils from aeveuteeu States Among tbe lowest termain tho Union. TEEMS:—Board, Wa»bing. Light*. Bnglish Court*, Latin, French, for each half of tha Hclto. Sals year. ' $11S All extras very low. For Catalogue, address Bev. WM. A. HARRIS, D. D . President, jul>7deodl0t-wlm Staunton. TirginU. fllMSlTYolVMIA JULT 13, 188*. Session begins on the first of October and con. tir.ue- nine mouths. Apply for Catalacges to the Secretary cl the Faculty, Post-Mflc* University of Virginia. Albemarie Co.. Va. Ja.MKS t. HARRIvON. M. D., Chairman ol tbe Facu ty. ja.yl7deod*w2ai» Bf P. H. ZJELL, D. D.,LL. D., Cliai caller, Atliens, Ga. rjPHB Eightieth Sroslon of the llepsrtments at JL Athens, viz: Franklin College; State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts; Law School- will open on Wednesday. 0th October next. Full courses of instruction in Litarature. Science, Agriculture. Engmrerirg and Law. For Catx- locut-s and’information apply to the Chancellor L. H. CHARBONNIRR. »ug8-deodaw8w Sec'y Faculty. Atheu*. G». CR OCKETT’S ir<m Worbs, MACON. GA. At onr work* can be seen the beet EN GINE MADE for GINNING AND 2HBEBH- ING. We guarantee it to do all or more than the manufacturers say is wifi do. We bciia STATIONARY ENGINES From S to 00 Horse Power, There is no Engine made superior to it, ae we have teetimcniala to prove. We mana- faoture Saw and Grist MU Is that give entire satisfaction. We keep for dale WATER WHEELS, HORSE POWERS. IMPROVED GIN GEAR. SUGAR HILL PANS AND EVAPORATORS, And the Beat Horizontal Sugar Mill made. Also, IRON BAILING for cemete ries. eto. SHAFTING PULLEYS, and GEARING for ail all kind* ot mill work. In faot, we keep everything that is need about atosm or water power or plantation work. Our COTTON PRESS is second to none, being cbe.p, .imp’s and durable, as handled* will attest Send for circn’ars and prices before buying elsewhere. Address, JuljSl-ly E. OROCKE1T&SON3. JESZnow Thyself* rpHB untold miser.-.- that JL result from in early life may be alteri-i-i e>l and cure!. ILo,-* •).* doubt thi* assortian «hon!d purebaee the new oi.d.-c*! work published bv the PAA RODY MEDICAL i>Mi rUTE. Boston, THRSOTaNCB OP LIFE or, Sr.LK PRdeRMVA‘1 ION. Bxhauatnl vi tality. nervous and phy»ical cehility, or vitality impaired hj the-m.n> <4 youth or tro close or t o clone application to bimnt**, may be rtstor ed ami manhood regained. 7 wo hundredth «Tiion, revised acd enlarged, initpubli.-ed. It re .standard medical work, the b-st in tha En*ii*h language, written by a phvsieisn of great experience, to whom -Si awarded a gold and jv welled medal by tke N*. lionsl Medical Association. It oonU'.n* beauti ful and v«ry expensive engraving*. Three hun dred pages, more thiiR 60 valuable prearript'ot < for all form* of prevailing diiec-e, the reiu’t ot many years of extensive and successful pract-*. eitberonool which is worth ten time* the price of the hook. Bound iu French cloth, pnoe only SI, sent by mail postpaid. The London Lance, saja s “.Vo person ahon.'d be withont this valuable book. The author ia a noble benefactor.’’ An illustrated sample sen* to alien receipt of 61 cot* ter postage. The author refers hypermmlon to Hon. T. A. BIShELL. M D. prisident of tbe National Med ical tssecistion. Address DrflTHPAR- KKR. No * Bulftnch St. Bat... Mas*. The au- rhor may he consulted on oil dise-wea requiring •kill and experience, novso wlr HEAL THYSELF AGENTS WANTED FOR THE FASTEST 8ELL1N 3 BOOK of the A 3E Fcundations ofSaccess BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FORMS. The laws of trade, legal form*, how to tramict busters*, valuable tables, social etiquette, p iniK- mentary usage, how to - ooduct public business: in fact It la a complete Guide to Hue, ess for .11 classes. A fsmiiy necessity. Address, for cir culars and special teems. ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO., - ju!j!3 dawlm Atlanta, Ga. Whit8 Sulplmr Springs* HALL COUNTY, Geotgia. JOHN CALVIN JOHNSON A CO., Managers Open from 1st June to 1st October, 1380. TKKMrt t Carriage* at White 8u'- P»r day..,.9.10 pbur Sprinaa depot, dm Per week 1X.OO tent two miles to meet a I Per month...... S5.C0 trains. Double daiiy mails, tel Special rate* so egraphie communication families. Couside able improve mvSo-dlawSw* meutt sinoe lost Tear. •STUCK SFECUiiATlON, J OHN A. DODGE A CO., Bauiers and Brok Street, New York, buy stock oi. reasonable mars in. and, when drolied. wii -dvne when and what to buy. Also Spick Priv ile*«a ia which c-25 to SM6 can be profitably in vested. Opportunities for good prefi a are con tautly occurring. Full information on apphea os, end Weekly Report sent Dee. an,t-tns-sat-ly intotic: . Thi* is ffce only Lcttcry er-r vr’» . ;-v '-y be p ecple of a State, and under a /a;*, dtii* elOQ of the United Statee Sopren " C' ri W.rhington, is tbe onir Legal L . • ■ iflr in the United States, all other eh-...: .11 g- ing been repealed ot hs ?iug no ex sic, -y. A SPLKNBin OPPOKVO I - T» WIN A FORTUNE. SEVENTH Iff . ’Nr- TK1BUTION, CLASS ». AT NSW OA1 .- tBS, TUESDAY. AUGUST 10.1980-Ai3d .L„,..Arty firswia*. Lcuisiaiia State Lottery CoaipAuyi This Icttituticn sva* regularly inco—.vrt .-.i-s? the Legislators of the Steie for Edu-*c<owt v-sl Uharitabis purposes, ,-u 18SS. for :t :in, -o’ tsi'caty-dve rears, to which contract • - -uyi bis faith ol the State is pledged ,wl irfc c- • i re .-ob been renewed by a a over, bslraing npslu TtSfi, securing its frsnehite in the m» ccrs*-Vv-* -x-j o-lopted Deotmbor a. ISTe, with a Capita Tit SI,000,000, to which it ba. since iddei a re?--we fund of $$50,000. IT8 GRANDSINril-N > *a BERDRAWINGS- will take place iMatkljsa the secondT ead.y. It never scale* or postpones. Loot aV the ing Distribution: capital prizb fsa.ooc. 100,000 TICKETS AT TWO DULL.U’,5 RACES. HALF-TICKETS, ONh DtjLl A S. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prxj 1 Capital Prixe...... 1 Capital Prize...... 9 Prize? of S1.JC0. 5 Prizes of 1,000, 90 frizes of 100 Prizes of 200 Prizes of 5C0 Prizes of 1000 Prizes of ...if9!O0 INSSO __ o;<o __ A it* 500 W0 M 20..... 10..., 15.469 MJO i’OS 1S.«5 isjne S Approximstion Prizes ot$300^.. „ J. rtv 9 Apliroximatiui, Prilt a of 100 2,SOD > Approximation Prim of loo .Cj LS57 Prixes, amounting to SlYy.iW paid. Write, clearly stating full addre**, 'or fx-liser inlorication. cr send orders by exprero or .sa Eegistered Letter or Money Order by smiL addreseei only to 11. A. DA UYH1H. New Orlcc la. or same person at No 519 Broadway, New lewA. Allour Grand Extraordinary Dritumgs utm under ihe sup-rv;-. -n and hum.- . .. : , - rals G.T. BEAURAGaRD and J URAL A. EAR LY wm 00TT0 Cleans ths Seed better, Runs 1 _ Cine Faster and Costa Less Honey other Cln in the Merits^ Every me YUlly and Icsallff^rcrrs.'iteccU £ a a. Ifmso machine* are mdo of ths b-iri mater's?^ and ttaS vrerimacshlpandCnisharecBexciJlcd. EarebecRowsriMl premiums at all tho State faint Georgia .tithmroyW ^ «tc> Upwards of CCS9 cf our Grrsa-etacoash-ufiOBeRr the southern statro, over 1000 having beer. roldtnJSffi Price List of Gins, Feeders and nrr.dercsqi Eoxcd xrodyfor ahlpmentonddafirorodaZcmrl si: 60 « 2 “ Price vltt Sell FMNi.T or Conder.js?. £100 00 118 00 i:o co Ifi'J 00 cr Te rms s’Ycn on Apr:neftt?on.^E* Trrm 3 Stoto IS3 vre u^nufeetmWlG Cctoaabcfr-J *nder tie -na name et E. T. lUU'B *fc Cur* e 'X8t I^-vnr & C3., wilt mado vu tf oaC. tbe tn-iur Gia. During tio year 1IZS Vfo rL*ncfvetl'£c »Jice, wht.ft we tAve becik «cctarfvely Imb XRCturiag Gins evoreJaae* Vlth lor^r fan'crlener, tf~ i&bur eaTlnif machine rv andtkilledvc'rVcmL. w«i jvdvanta«c*noicaj3Tct: L jany other a V’dicluw;. line, lor producing the SiST wui k. ter inar ■ *r- • Tbe demezkd lest year wee source t V.ul nccrlrJt^erSsSl remeined unflllc<!»but vo have doul jftl cy^nafcjrs :g cnir-city tnd hope to bo ahlo tom*? :« rdl«tuzi^r 5 r > tTTJBaa the wi»eat plea to got your arvte* s In earM. t»..eQ for ffluitoTOnaapnlelglTlagwe ecir-* .’.'iry tor— lrom over 503 Lve, enterprislnc: cf- Pwr— tmd eo*4picte outfit fura'shod djelrr>CL BROWN COTTON GUX C<W . 2ZK& ZJBttXSB+OQOal A- B. Farquhar*. AGENT AT <*Y -% THEDEA SSSSS5E»l»e?? the Des&f end l)nmb-*ei >• pt. -Vffio York CJiri-: . • -'Si-** .£ .•..etc. S m all >bee—ean be carried in th ■- AD-ftd ihoud acwlf»r72lEB I1tn«tiw*ed t’vB’iri. * v. Aniorioan Z>entaphono Co.. l<n THE Lmmus 9 —OS- improved g j|y| TAYLOR CaIPIw This ia the seventh season of dn > pe-puter which combines the merit*o! .)>cr-?, T.* ( good sample, andcleanin,--?L:orcertir:a(mfifr' er desree than any other, an-, is c."*rod *rlehtliss most perfect Self-Feeder and Oor-dircKT rvidc,, aS tho following very low pricer, • Sizes. Price of Gins Prico with i Self Feed er jg orCondex x v | Fxlea uriftfii If-FceAw *3 Couiicnsen. 43 85W $100.00 $132.&) j. tmm ' 45 “ 112.50 145.00 1 12R5J 60 “ 125.00 160.00 1 95000 . 60 “ 140.00 130.00 i 233J» . 70 « 100.00 208.00 j xew - 80 " 183.00 • 232.01 1 . ■j&Ufir These Gins are made with ton Frames arid od ; the bcstmatcrlals and are nr snrpr tod ta XaWir and workmanship. Wo aln maTinfhetaso CciJ- lctfs celebrated “Patent Steel Bntb do* Gin,” together with the Faverltff T,Igbt ] “Cotton Bloom’’ Cotton Gin, with Condensers for each. Terms given on application. THE STANDARD HftHfiKER? Sffi, MYSTIC HI’ * R. COfJU FRANKLIN H. LUX*.VS, l.m ^ C0LC2HJUS, CIA. »Aiop!e on f>xhtb',tio Vf PRFLi k J• . O* !^5 ; ooo;ooO.‘! The American Shoe T^ Cai WARRANT TEian A.S.T,Cc That 1* now so axtaaelvdy • ra et■ V CHILDREN S TO WEAK AS LONG AS THE ME” ‘ ' Which was Introduced t. : s the above amount has beer.. J t reri.u • nnally. Thia Black T . ■ > marc, aa besides being . grades It is worn on dir: cr i :< where the Metal lip on tee would not bo used. They all have our Trade Mr.; ' . ‘ . (tamped on front of Ti p. Parent* should ASK FO? r i, £, BEAUTIFUL 1. M* on them when purchasln, ; O. O. H&.¥, Contractor an.; D BALBR in a') I'ri.i- - Lumber and ifcinme- t-jall buai ore. (,v v aud tree. fSa>Lf*«r . • • • meat Nos. 5k tfiand 58 dhcir :- may 2 8 sun woi-fm .1