Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, August 20, 1880, Image 7

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^SUSTAINING CRltT. [Inscribed io my venerable friend, Rev. Dr. Plumer.] Thou goest forth, but not alone; God’s presence thou shalt see; His pillar bright of fire, that shone On thy youth’s path, shall be Bright now thy staff tliou leanest on— Bright now thy gray hairs are a crown Of righteousness to thee. How long has been thy pilgrimage! Thy ministry how long 1 Oh! Patriarch, in thy ripe old age, Potent with pen and tongue, Tell us how unto life’s last stage, How till we turn life’s latent page, To suffer and be strong. Like thee, who when the tempest broke On thy devoted head, Though sadly bowing to the stroke, But “hallelujah 1” said, When with dark troubles called to cope, To Heaven looked up with faith and hope, Even when thy heart still bled. We’re told that when the llama’s load, Is more than is its share, No more ’twill move for stripe or goad, But, leaving life and care, It lies right down upon the road And dies; but faith to thee has showed Even how to live and bear. M. AI. Columbia, S. C., June, 1680. GRANTED. “What do you mean by love?” she asked. “I know it must be something grand; If you’ll explain a little bit, I’ll try so hard to understand.” O ruby lips! O satin cheek! Blue eyes of wonder open wide! So near your gaze who could explain? “Well, why don’t you begin?” she cried. “True love,” I answered, “is a rose That blooms when other flowers arc dead; And scatters fragrance far and wide.” “But roses have big thorns,” sbe said. “True love is like an inward fire, That bums and burns by-night and day.” “What! ne’er goes out at all!” cried she. “ ’Twould scorch one’s very breath away.” “True love is an impetuous stream That on and on forever flows 1” ‘•Oh, dear J” she pouted, “that’s too cold; I shiver to my very tees.” “True love is like a chain, that binds So close, for life and death as well;” “Love like a clanking cliain ?” cried she, “ ’Tis only fit for prison cell.” I closely clarped her hand in mine, Her wee, white, timid, fluttering hand: “Now listen—look iuto my eyes, And try to rightly understand.” “True love is like an earnest prayer, That heartfelt rises to the skies; That hardly breathed by trembling lips, And overflows in tearful eyes.” She shyly raised her eyes to mine, Then swiftly bowed her golden head: Her sweet lips trembled with their joy— “Why, one should grant a prayer,” she said. A DOMESTIC TYRANT. “If you marry Major Hunter, you’ll be trod on—take my word for it, Miss Amory.” “Do you think so ?” said the peison addressed, quietly, looking up from the handkerchief she was hemming. “Think so? 1 know it. Don’t you re member how his wife fared? If there was ever anybody I pitied, she was that one. Poor;tbing“shedidn’t dare to say her soul was her own. If she had a different hus band, she would have lived till this time.” “Very likely.” “And yet, knowing all this, you are go to take her place ?” ' “Major Hunter will find me a very differ ent person from his first wife,” said Miss Amory, composedly. “However, as I don’t wish to anticipate trouble we will, if you please, dismiss the subject.” This was not the first remonstrance which Miss Amory . had received on the subject of her ap proaching marriage, but her mind ap peared to be made up, and she was now occupied iu making preparations for the wedding. What had been said of Major Hunter and his first wife was quite true. He was a domestic tyrant, and, holding the female understanding in a very slight esteem, con sidered that the wife ought, iu all res pects, to be subservient to her husband’s will. His reason for marrying again was part ly this, that he found no housekeeper who would be sufficiently subservient to his whims and caprices. Having lost one after another, lie came to the conclusion that he needed a wife, and soon resolved to tender his hand to Miss Amory. We will not analyze her motives for accept ing bis proposal. Probably, however, re gard for Mr. Hunter's three children, who resembled their mother rather than their father, weighed with her quite as much as any other motive. But, however that might be, the marriage took place, and after a brief journey, Miss Amory re turned as Mrs. Major Hunter, to take the place of mistress of his household. Hitherto, Major Hunter had forborne “showing his hand.” Now, However, that their married life had fairly begun, he thought it high time to do so. “I have given Mrs. Hodges a week’s warning,” he remarked, at the breakfast table, the morning after their return. Mrs. Hodges had been housekeeper, and maid-of-all-work, the entire duties of the establishment having devolved upon her. ‘“For what reason?” asked his wife, composedly. “Don’t you feel satisfied with her?” “It is not that,” said the major, deliber ately. “Any difficulty about wages?” asked his wife, unconcernedly. “No,” said her husband, feeling a little embarrassed. “The fact is, Mrs. Ilunter, there is not very much work to do in our small household; no more, in fact, than one pair of hands can easily do. My first wife did her own work. “Did she, indeed ?” said number two, sipping her coffee. “I'es, that with ease, although she was not a very strong woman.” “She died young, didn’t she ?” inquired her successor, tranquilly. . “Why—yes,” said Major Hunter, slow ly, betraying a little embarrassment. “You know life is uncertain.” “So I have heard,” returned his wife. Major Hunter was considerably puzzled S the matter-of-fact manner of his wife. ir cool self-possession awed him a little. If she had only stormed, he would have felt better prepared to meet that emer gency. “In the course of the week,” he proceed ed, 1 “you will nndoubtedly-get an ideaof the course of the work, by observing Mrs. Hodges.” “I dare say I might,” said Mrs. Hunter. “Then I need say no more. This day week she leaves, and I will resign the du ties of the household into your hands.” Maj. Hunter took his hat, and was about to leave the room, when he was arrested by the simple address: “Mr. Hunter I” “Well,” said he turning back. “It appears that you have been making arrangements without consulting me.” “Without consulting you ?” “Yes.” Maj. Hunter was astonished at his wife’s temerity. “Why should I consult you?” “Because I may not approve of them.” “Mrs. Hunter,” said her husband, warmly, “it is your duty to acquiesce in whatever plans I, as your husband, may see fit to form.” “Indeed, I never took that view of the matter.” “Then the sooner you take it the setter.” “Do I understand that yon expect me to do all the work of your establish ment?”’ “Yes, madam.” “I believe you are a rich man, Major- Hunter; is it not 50?” “I am accounted so,” said her husbaud, are able to hire domestic assist ance?” “Yes, if it were needful.” “Suppose I tell you that it is needful. “I sliouid take the liberty to doubt it.” “Very well, Major Hunter, since it has been forced upon me, I might as well tell you first as last, ray decision on this point. You offered me the position of a wife, not that of a maid servant. Oil that understanding I accepted you. Yet if your Circumstances ever become such as to require it, I shall not hesitate for a mo ment to conform myself to them. I only object to assuming a burden, whicbj from your own account, appears to be quite needless. I am quite willing to superin tend the household arrangements, consid ering that a duty which my position de volves upon me.” “I have listened to your statements, Mrs. Hunter,” said her husband, some what excited, “and they are weak. They can’t weigh with me.” “It is to be regretted,” said Mrs. Hun ter, composedly. “The first Mrs. Hunter better under stood her duties as a wife. She never ventured to oppose my will. I met with a great loss when I lost liar.” “What was your loss was her gain,” said number two, with a rather curious expression. The rather obtuse Major Hunter did not comprehend the point of this last re mark. Accordingly, he look no notice of it. “It is quite needless,” he said, “to dis cuss the matter further. This day week, Mrs. Hodges leaves us. I expect you to qualify yourself to assume her duties.” Mrs. Ilunter smiled. “There’s nothing like beginning right,” said the major, as he struck his cane on the sidewalk. “It Mrs. Hunter manied me with the idea of having an easy time, she is quite mistaken. If she expects to he a lazy, fine lady, she will find it diffi cult in my establishment. I don’t intend to encourage female insubordination. I believe the man was made to govern, the wife to obey. If more husbands had my firmness, things would go on a little bet ter in the world. But it isn’t everybody tliat has any tact for governing.” Meanwhile Mrs. Hunter, left at home, summoned Mrs. Hodges. “So I hear my husband has given you a week’s warning.” “Yes, ma’am.” “And you are sorry to leave ?” “Yes, ma’am; for I don’t know where to get another place, and I have to pay the board of my little boy out of my wages.” “There’s considerable work to be done in this house, isn’t there ?” “Yes, raa’in. a good deal. Then Mr. Hunter is so particular that he wants to have everything just so. That’s why I’m sorry to go just as you come. I know you are easy to suit.” “How do you know ?” asked Mrs. Hun ter, smiling. v “I cau see by your face, ma’am. It looks so good-natured.” “Do you know who Major Hunter ex pects to get to fill your place after you are gone 7” “No, ma’am.” “He thinks I can do all the work.” “What! and you not used to work? It would make you sick in a week.” “I think very likely it would.” “Oh, and I pity you, ma'am!” “No occasion for that, Mrs. Hodges. The fact is, I have not the slightest idea of doing the work.” “You haven’t? and what will the Major say ?” “I really don’t know. I know what I shall advise him to do.” “And what is that ?” “To take you back again.” “O, ma’am, you’ll never stand out against him.” “See if I don’t. At any rate, yon mustn’t secure a place till you hear from me again.” “No, ma’am.” The week passed rapidly. “Mrs. Hodges leaves us to-morrow,” remarked Major Hunter at the tea table. “You have decided upon it?” “Yes; I believe I announced to you a week previous.” * “I thought it possible my objections might have weighed with you, and induced you to change your mind.” “I never change my mind,” said her husbaud, loftily. “I am inclined to think you will repent the exchange,” said Mrs. Hunter, rising from the table. “That is an affair of mine.” “I have very little experience as a cook.”* “You will learn. Employment will be a good thing for you.” “Have you dismissed the gardenei?” “Dismissed the gardener, \yhat made you think of such a thing?” “I thought it might be a good thing for yon to take his place.” “Such levity is unbecoming, Mrs. Hun ter,” said her husband, severely. The next morning Mrs. Hodges was paid up and sent off. At ten o’clock the marketing was sent up. At two o’clock Major Hunter made his appearance. The dinner table was set, though with scarcely as much neatness as usual. Still it was set and by Mrs. Hun ter. Her husband thought of this as a personal triumph on his part. He hardly felt so complacent when the dinner came. The beef was terribly over done, the potatoes were, on the contrary,- not done enough. In short, there was nothing fit to eat upon the table. This Major Hunter angrhy remarked. “I dare say,” said his wife, placidly, “I am not a very good cook.” With his appetite only half satisfied, Major Hunter was obliged to rise from the table. The next morning breakfast was de layed an hour, and when it was ready, scarcely eatable. Major Ilunter was quite out of humor, but in reply to his indig nant remonstrances, his wife coolly re marked : “Yon know, Mr. Hunter, I warned you that I was a very poor cook.” For three days Major Hunter stood fire, but finding things deteriorated ratherthan improved, sent for Mrs. Hodges on the fourth. One point gained, Mrs. Hunter found it easier to maintain her rights when in vaded in other quarters. She, perhaps, owed her success to the fact that she nev er trenched upon her husband’s real pre rogatives, but she respected them as she claimed respect for her own. Major Hun ter stands a fair chance of being cured of his taste for domestic tyranny through the independent stand taken by Mrs. Ilunter Number Two. TUTT’S PILLS! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. ^j^ofAgpetitojNauseajbowelscostivej UttTretcii^part^^aiPMLmclereftie BhouTSere blade, lullness aiicrma^witn a dism- ehnarionioexertio^rtTjjaS^crmind^^jrei- tabiiit 7 c,f temper, XiOW apirits, Txjas o£ 1 tothavingiu-plooted iriemor^j^ithaleelingi^ BonT^riut^vi^arinMs^DizzlnMs^lhiitter^ Ing at t^ej^enrTITEiotaTeTorelSe^year Yellow .Headache*! Restleagneesat night, highly colored dnno, THESE WARNINGS ABE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTT’S FILLS nr® en> eciolly adapted to •tick cases, one dose effects suck n change of felling ns to astonish the sufferer. A Noted Divine says: Dr. TtJTT:—Dear Sir: For ten years I havo been a martyr to Dyspepsia, Constipation ana Piles. Last Spring your Pill* were recommended; I used thorn. I am now a well man. tare good eppetita, digestion perfect, regular stools, piles gone, and karo framed lorwpoun^^r^^we^.^.1 They Tncrcaioiutnkppetltejafld cause the body to Take on Flesh, thus the system Is nourished, and by their Tonic Action on the Digest!vo Organs, Regular Stools are pro duced. Price25cents. 35BInrrnySt..N.Y. TU1TSHAIRDYE. Gray Hair or Whiskers changed to a Crosby Black by a single application of tbia Dye. It im parts a Natural Color, acts Instantaneously. So.4 by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of $1. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. POND’S IXTEAOT. Subdues Inflammation. Controls .1’ Hemor rhage , Acute and Chronic. Venous and Huron.. INVALUABLE FOR SPRAINS, BURNS. SCALDS.BRUISES, SOBENESP,RHEUMATISM, BOiLS, ULCERS. OLD bOEES, TOOTH ACHE, BE4DACHE ASTHMA, SORE THROAT, HOARSE NESS. NEURALGIA, CA TARRH ETC., EIC. Fxsfa Abbott —•'Valuable and ! eneflcial.” tUTWoOo rillTll M. D.. M. E. 0 P- ol Bng- rland.—"J have uveu it with narked brreflt.' -H. G. Ptutsiov, M. 1>„ Br-oxly--. N Y.—“I a no i f no remedy so Generally useful." ABIEV a Guianas*. it. D . F. k. O. d_ of Eng land.— "1 have preacribtd Fond’s Extract with great *r cress.” CAUTION.—Pond’s Extract is sold only in bottles with the name blown l the glass. It u unsafe to use other articles- with our dt rcctu nv. in,i»t on haring Pond’s bxtract. Re fise all imitations and substitute.. ota-u, and t the atari. ha«a net lirerae. If LOOIaVlL.LE.lKy., Jnly|l7, I860. Bwift’s S Specific is one of the fe* patent preparations io which I have confide coo. I litre told 3)9 or 400 bottlee of it, at-d bad peraoDsl supervision of several cutes in which i woe used, 'and in every instance it b.a given eutne satisfaction. A very great reoummennailon of it is, it is enttre y. veg etable. ooctair.s to mercury or paia-u, and acm a* a uraio to the system from and i. toe only medicine that I seen that would cure the horrible diaes I worn at liber y. 1 could give the names of those I l.avo esen use it and. ate now to all app and in ihbir orn belief rtdi-al ly our.d. My knowledge of its iffie-cy is baaed on a bat I have seen W. O. GARLAND. D-uggiat, MONTGOMERY, ALA., July 18,1880. We have told three grots of Swift’* 8. Spe cific with porfeot snores* in tv«rv ease JONEd A CAST, Druggists. LITTLE BOCK, ABK, July t6. 1880. I bsve tol t a groga of Saift’s B. Specific at retail in tbs last few months and bars never made a sate which wts not attended with the most satisfactory results. J B. BOND. Drill gist. f* AI-.bALAgV ersnU. AU EXPENSES 1 UimmL track.* rrmmrUr yota. SLOAN 4 A to. >N Clears* in Ciaciaaall. W- 8P8CI«L PREPARATION* OP FOLD’S EX TRACT COMBIN' VD WITH THE PUttHaT AND MOST DELICATE PrRFUstBS „ tuR LADIES’ BOUDOIR. Pond’s Extract..... 60c. gt.00 add S1.7* Toilet Cream 61.01 Catarrh Cure 75 Dentifrice so Pis,ter * Lip 8-lve. 05 Jnh.ler (Gla-s 80c)1.00 Toilet Soap (s rake-) 60 Nasal Syringe 25 Ointment, to Medicated Paper... 85 Orders amounting to i 5 vorth sent express free on receipt o' money on P. O. order. Our new Pamphlet with history of our Prep arstions seat free on application to POND’S EXTRACT CO. 19 Uurray Street, New York, by t.11 JUTKKiats. une?«deo:fowly Kidney j - Liver CURE $125 PER BOTTLE A positive remedy for all Kid ney, Liver and Urinary Troubles of both male and female. READ THE RECORD: •'It saved my life.”—E B. Laltely. Selma, A!» ”It is the remedy that will cure the many dis eases peculiar to women.’'—Mother’s Msg-zint. “It has pa-sal severe fests and won endorse ments from seme of t* e highest med.c.l talent in the country,”—N ew Y.rx Word. ’•No Remedy heretofore di-cevrred ran b- held for one moment in comparison with it,”—C. A.. Harcey, D. lb, Wubiugten, P. C. This great natural remedy is for sale by all druggists in all parts of the world. —TEYICAND TAKE NO OTHER.— JET- H. WARNED Sc CO- auCHB.-TKR. N. Y. MJDDKN* RATKS ttOOIBEHN Music House. The MusiclEouse of the South. Removal to Our NEW - ' ubU^B 1 STORE. An Immense Music Temple. Two large stores, each SO feet front and four stories high, fronting on three streets and tilled from rellar to left with mu-ical supplies. Noth- ingto corn pa'e with it in the loethrrn tt.tes. A Big Store. A Big Stock. A Big Trade. AND MOKE TO COME. Durit g the ten years since our establishment of our house -n haue doreioped the music trade o’ the Soutn t6 a wo-ideriuldegree, but as ret *e have only begun. We see. net many years ahead, a business of a million a tear, and to take c. re o' this enormous trade we have parried our pres ent mammoth waroroonta. Fall trade 1881 will be immense. We are ready fur it. For months our tcnio- partner has been at the North con- trartirg with Piano and Organ manufacturer* for instruments. He has concluded most sdvan- taseous contracts and the Pianos and Organ- are “coming, coming" 100,000 more, by every at-am- er. New Stales, New Pri-e». New Terms, New Ltock, New Store. New Departure. ■HI Special Offer, Fall 1880; *a,Cash Prices with Three Months Crelif.*S8 Dunng months of August, Septet-her and Oc tober we will re I Piano# and Organs at' Lowest Cosh Prices, pryable $75 Ca-h on a Piano or $10 Pash on an Organ, with ths balance In three montbi, without Interest. What Do You Sav to this Offer? Write for Hloi'rated Catalogues and New Prim Lilts fur Fall 1880, and prepare to be as ton- shed. LUDDEN & BATES, SAVANNAH. iDA, WIOLESLIE ’IJUIO AMD SUM DEALERS. d<sr*7-dltaw*wlT-1 GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY — Whereas Mary Aon Waablngtou, guardian of Jamea P. Washington, minor, baa made application for leave to a- II seven abases of the capita! stock of the Southwestern Railroad Compa ny < f Georgia, beln ging to eaid minor. Tbaae are therefore to cite and admonish all persona conoorned to be and appear at tbe or art of ordinaly of laid county, on the first Monday in Stpiember next, to show eauae if any th'y bwe why said application sboold not be granted. Witnrse my hand end rfflVal rirna'nre. J. A. MOMANUd, Ordinary. aac-10 P. H. MELL, D. D..LL. D.,Chv ctllor. Athens, Ga. T HE Eightieth Session cf the Pepartments a< Athens, viz: PrsnVlin College; htute C lbg of A*ricolturn and Mrchunir Ar’s: Law School— will open on Wednesday. 0th Octob«r next, full courses of instruction iu Litsr&tnre. Rrienco Agric‘Bure, Engineering and Law. For Cata logues and information apply to tbe Chancellor ° r ° L.H. CHARBONNIS*. mgS deodawOw Sec’y Family, Athens. 6«. Bellevue High School, BEDFORD COUNTY, YA. “On Ya. and Tenn. R. R„ fifteen miles west cl Lynch'iurg. leungmen and brys prepared fo- university or tor business. Beautiful and h- location. Able corps of teacher; thor ough instruct on. Liberal provision for the ac commodation and comfort of students. For Cat alogues containing information address W. B. ABBuTT. Principal. j'iy!9»odaw2m Bellevue P. O , Vo. lie Soeta Ffflile Celiep, LA GRANGE. GA Witl, a faculty of twelve thorough teachers, flue buildings and a complete outfit for all de partments, Litera-y, Music and Art. offers the nighest tvivamag-s for tbe smallest ch-uge-. Nearly double tbe usual *ime devotee to Music and Alt. Last catalogue numbers 148pupils— 107 in music. Board, literary tuition and draw ing per annnm, ZS07; with music and u e piano. 8757. Corrcsponderce invited. Write for cata logue for full particulars, Ti - inys-eo.ia»2ia* I F. COS Pras. mmmi dimnia JVLX 12. 1880. Session begins cn the first ot October and con tinue. nine mouths. Apply for Cmtaloutea to the Hcc-etary of the Faculty, Post-offiee University of VrreinL, Albemarle Co- Va. JaHRS F. HSKRltON, M. D., Chairman ot the Faeu.ty. juyl7Jeodaw2m* Mraimefl school AGENT* WANTED OPFP 150 I o {128 amouth. TJOVTT 'fltyk T}V? Law aud forms for uos- ■uUYY AU JjJU incss men, Farm-rs, YOUE 0WN&. ics C/t"l T fi lftiTTTJ'D Low Price; Great suc- JU La. VV JL £|U < cess. Une a-ent s-ld 5"0 i'. one town, another D2 in 38 dm? a. ai other 7s in 13 dais. Paves ten times Us co<t, an.! everyco y wants it. Send for circulars and terms. Also General agents Wanted. Adar-ss P. W. ZiSlGLER A .O.. KkOArch St.. Phil., Pa kmnmnv TO * cs,o ~ J,ihe d< nt and Vice President i lives of o i next Presi- Gen. HANCOCK AND Ionium EiKh Conntir Sheriff Ps1a*S w. a. cHbrryt* tbelipmassociation JUlUU WUlULby WliClilL C-CUO “ U> AMF.hICA.ct*!,-In Equity iuhibb 8u- ILL he s >ld before the court, bouse door in. Thousands ary waiting for the bo- k It contains steal portiai's of tbe candidates and other foil page engravings. Extra induces ents offered to tfco'e selecting territory ir w. « DOUGLAS BROS , 5J W. 5'h st. Cincinnati. O. COVERT’S HORSE A BOARDING S0300L FOR BOYS. T he next session will begin August 28, and continue si: teen weeks. Tbe course of in struction i. preparatory far college or business, ana is thorouga and practical. The Military Department, under the charge of a United States officer, has for its Obja c the physical Ueve.opmtnt ul the boys and the inculcation of habitantpromp’ness, order and neatness. In tbe-e particular, it has been highly beneficial, and other features v ill b* so led to increase its efficiency, To meet the de mands of the community, a department for girls oiil be opened, boor board will bo obtained in excellent families for any girls who may be sent ‘ > the school. Charges for Fall Session, $100. payable half In advance and half lsc October. Inis inch' w board, tuition, reel, washing aud light.. For particulars apply to CHA8. M.NEEL, jvyte dawtw Box 438 »tlqnta. G«. Baltimore female Collep, The only Female College in Maryland—was chartered in 1S49. with the pow-ro! conferring d-grevs, »nd libeta'lj endowed by the State in iS 0. lc has new buildings, ample grott da.gooa apparatus, an .file Faculty, and all the appoint- tu uiaot a first-. Java ui.titution. Board and tui- t oa,$z«0. Misses under twelve years, }2'0. Catalogues at this oifice. N. C. BROOKS, Li. D..President. jy2S dawlm Tax Eeceivsi’s tfouoe. M l bo-.ks are now open for reotiving re urns of taxable property tor Stale and o ua’y nurpovrs 1 woul i be pleax d to ba*e tax payer! call and make tneir returns promptly, ss the time is short. B. J. ANDERSON. Tar Receiver Bibb county, Georgi a- “ffice: No 120 Mulberry street, Macon, Ga. priidtf NOTICS- rjEORGIl. BIBB COUNTY.—On tbe fi»-t r-* Monday in September, (toe Sth.) application wnl oe mace to Court of Ordinary of raid county fo-leave to eell all the real < slate of Thus. J. ehiuhulcer, laieof said eoun«v deceased. 8,8. SWEET, Administrator. July £0,1889 td O RDINARY'S Office, Jones Countv, Georgia, June 12,1880. - Whereas David W. l.fS’er, guan-ia t for Hrry B. Tufts, minor, applies to me for divmirsion. These ate to cite ai d admonish all persons con cerned tosh.v cause at this court oa the first "Monday in Aug.tst next, if any they have, why the discharge shall nut ne granted. Witness my hand olficially- . jueiatd* RoLAND T. ROSS, Onrintry Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL person* indebted to the estate of H. B. Troutman are Hereby notified to makeia.' muJlata payment of the saute to. tbe undersign; ed;and air pet sons having claims a. ainst said estate am hereby notified to present the same dull authenticated in terms of the law. U.L. ULTHAN. Executor. J18. I860.—U-W4w O RDINARY'S Offi e lopes County, Georgia, June 76, 1880.—«ltereas John A. Johnson executor estate • f Martha M. Seabrook. deceased applies for dismission. These -re to cite and admonish all p-tians concerned to show cause at this office o i or by the first Monday in Cctober. if any they have to t he contrary, Witness my hand officia’Ir. faeS tl» ROLsNDT. ROS«. Ordinary Gray’s Specific Medicine. RACE MaRK. THE greatTBADE MARK. Biglist rem edy. 'An un failing ure for Feminal eak- r.ess, Spermat- orrhoa. Impo- t-ncy, and ai] diseases that, fol i« se- , — Before Takingqnenoe of self .After Taking abuse; ssa less of m* m„fy, universal lastitcde pain in the back, dimness of vision, pretratnro old age, ai d tunny othidiseases that lead to in sanity and consumption and a premature grave. Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we de sire to send Ire* by nail tot'ery one. The Spe- cific Medicine is sold by all. druggists at ll per package, or aix packages for 15 will be sent tree by mail on receipt cl the money by addressing the GBS.Y VBDIUINB CO, No ’0 Mechanics Blocs, Detroit. Mich, bold in Macon and every whereby all drnggiats. oct24dawly. ' For sale by HUNT RANKIN A LAM Alt. octiP-d-wlv Mason. Ga MOSQUITO CATOBEfi ^. J £K?r your com in a ‘ew minutes without smoke soii •rgease. Price 5j cm. Strid postal lor Illus- , - Ctrcuiar. Agents w-nteil. Good terms, L. T. JO.VKS. 166 LUhtSt U-ltimora, Md. $ ry ry ry A YEAR and eipensta to III -vents. Outfit Free. Address I I I P.O. VICK krv. Augusts. Ate 1EVBRT1SER8, send forour Select List of Lo ll cal Newspapers. Geo. P. Rowoil A Go, 10 Sitters Defensive Meelicaliou Is a precaution winch should never he neglected when danger is- present, and therefore a course of the Bitters at this season is particularly desirable, especially for the feeble and sickly. As a remedy for biliousness, dyspepsia, nervousness, and bowel complaints there is- nothing comparable tq this wholesome restorative. For sale by all druggists and dealers gen- erally. lm MC SPECULATION, J OHN A. DODGE A GO., Banters and Brok en, 12 Wail Street, New York, buy stocks on reasonable margin, and, when deal'ed, will oa reasonable margin, and, when dealt ed, will advise when and what to buy. Also Stuck Priv ileges in whieh-flS to $100 c.n be profitably in vested. Opportunities tor good profi’s are coo* tantly occurring. Full information on appUca- on, and Weeklv Report sent free. ani0-tua-a»t-ly CIRCULAR NO. 9. OFFICE OF THE RAIL&O ID COMMISSION. ATLANTA, GA., July .2v, 1*10. U PON careful consideration of the Report ol the Atlanta and West Point railroad, its rotation to ths "Standard Tariff” U changed as follows, via: lxt. Cotton, Fartjliitf-s and Lumber, maximum remaining rt Standard Rates. Id. On all ether classes, maximum'rates can be e.tinuted at (21) twepty-five per cent above Standard Kat-s. JAMBS M. SMITH, Chairman. B. A. BACON. Secretary. sugl-iaw4w Boru c» St.. N. Y. Best ana cnoapeet ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. Special inducements to SOUTH ERN SULD1EUS. Satisfaction given io a,l cates. First premium at Atlanta and Macon- Georgia Pairs, 1678. Best of refer* ences in your 8Ute. Apply at once for lull information iw ; *l terms, etc. Addv-ts OHAKLB8 St EVaNS. Alanutarturerior U S. Gcvetnra’t. 1S2 AGENTS WANTED FOR THE FA8TBST SELLING BOOK of the AGE Foundations of Success BUSINESS AND SOCIAL F0BH8. The laws of trade, legal forms, how to transact businesa. valuable tables, social e' tquette, parlia mentary tissue, how to conduct public business; in fact it t« a complete Guide to nnc ess lor all classes. A f smily necessity. Address, for cir culars and special terns. ANCHOR PUBLISH I' G CO.. ja!y£S-daw!m Atlanta. Ga. Know Tli^self. fjpHE untold miveries tbat result indiscretion io early life may be alleri.t- cd ant cure-1. Those who doubt this assertiou should purchase the new m-dical work published hj the PEA BODY MLDICAL iNSII TUI K. Boston, entitled THE SClnNCE OP LIFE _ . SELF PRIsSEUVaTION. Exhausted vi tality. nervous and physical oebiiity. or vitalitv impaired by the errors c-l youth or too close or too close application to hurintsa, may be restor eda’-d manhood regained. T wo hundredth edaion. revised and enlarged, jait publisued. It is u standard medical work, the b- »t in the Kngloh language, written by a physician of great experience, to whom wa» awarded a gold and jewelled medal by the Na tional Medical Association. It oontains beauti ful and vi-ry expensive* ngtaving^ Tbiee hun dred pages, more than 50 valuable presenpt’ons forall forms of prevailing encase, tbe result ol many years of extersive and succcsslul practice, either one of which is worth trn times the price of the book. Bound in French cloth, price only |1, sent by mail postpaid. The. London Lancet says: “Vo person should be without this valuable book. The author is a nob'e benefector.” An iMus’rated sample sent to alien receipt oi 6ro*t» for postage. The arthor r-.fers by permission to Hon. P. A. BISsELL. M D. president ol the National Med ical tssoei tion. Address Dr W H PAR KER. No 4 Bulfinch St, Brstcn, Mass. The au thor may t e consa'ted on all diseases requiring skill and experience. novSn wtv HEAL THYSELF IMPROVED PATENT LIVER PABI Never Gets Hard. Car rz Made STht.ioru Desired. Last Twice as Lons. Cltvuei Cttii Tititut Sru££b2 tis Syttea. CURES Chills aad Fever, liier Complaint, (enralgia, SenossseiJ, Hhexsa&m, Costiieaeaat Penalj Weaksea, Sick & Xenom Geadachfi These Ptdj Cure all Diseases by AbsorpUon. Ifo Noxiousi Pills. Oils, or Poisonous Medicines are taken into the Stomach. The Pad* arc worn over the Pit of the Stomach, covcrinf? the Great Nerve Centres, also, the Liver and Stomach. A gen tie VejreUbJe Tonic i s absorbed i nto thecirculation o f the Blood and Liver, purify ing the Blood, stimulating the Liver and Kidneys to.h* ulthy action, and strmfrthenir.& the Etomach to digest food. Prick of Pads $1 and $3 sack. Sold by all Druggists, or seat by Mail or Lxpress. Manufactured at S3 A 4> North Liberty Sr, Baltimore. Md. John Ingalls, druggist, Wholesale and Retail Agent,Ijcorner P-urth and Poplar str-ets. Macon, Ga. &PI6 d«ra WEST BEOS, ■> 63 BAT ST., S.VAXNAB, QA., Cotton Factors, Commission Merchants —And dealers in— FERTILIZERS. General Agents for the Delta Cotton Tie. LIBERAL ADViNCES ON CONSIGNMENTS W. W. Carnes, MACON, AGENT DELTA COTTON TIB. |uyi4 dawtillni vl v latpier Feanle iDstiinie. ^Wsrrenton, Va. Session begins Sept. 1st. Fend for Catalogue. jnyl8-mm RO -ERT FRtZBR. Principal. A Desirable Farm For Sale. I OFFER for sale my farm—on the Houston roan—i -seven miles from Macon, obtaining about 100 acres of go -d livel land, about 75 acres iu high state or cultivation. The place is well improved,anew cottage resident's.lino well of water, good barns, gtaolu and out-bouse*. Church and sch -ol - oonveuienr. The land is well adapted to truck fatm-ng, as well at field crop*. For terms, etc., apply on th* pboe to auflO-tnw wit* 8. B. PKA-’OCK FOR tt&Lt- propose to tell on, or both ot my plantation,. oadj-iii ’ ’ ’ I Would prefer to sell the one adjoining lands of Lane A Evans ard Dr. k;v. Patt-non, con sisting of 850 acres. being a portion of the original John B. Lamar place. Mulatto or gray land, with clay subsoil, five miles bom the incorpora tion of city of Macon. Reference, G.M. Davie, city. Addrea* G. W eHARP, auclldlwwSt Macon. Ga. UAL.L, COUNTY, Georgia JOHN CALVIN JOHNSON A CO., Managers. Open from 1st June to 1st October, 18(0. TUHMHt carriages st White Bul- P»r day g i.i 0 pbur Springs depot, dis- Perwmk 11.00 tans two miles te meet all ~ trains. Double daily mails, tel egraphic communication , Uoaside ab’e improve- m-nit since last Tear. Per mouth 85.10 Spoei-l rates to families. mySn-dlaw4w» FOR R£Hf^ A STOSS with four rooms, a well of good wa- :-*■ * ^ — - ter and garden, on the corner of Fourth and Haayl street. CHAR CRAIG, ulyitsaasf No. U Gotten Ammo. the city of Macon during the leg 1 hours of sale on the first Tuesday in Stpiember nut. tbe following property to-wit: Lot No. 8, in block 87, and all the tppurie- n-n»i thetion. Sain property ritual-d on the corner ct Fifth and Cfi-rry 6 tie it, in the city of Macon. Bitb county. Ga. Levied on as the prop-it> of nenijlilKl F. Sawyer to satisfy a fi. ia„ t-sno.1 from bibb Superior Court u .'av„r of S. F. Dunlap vs. B-ni min F- Sawyer. Property pointed out by plaintiff's -tier «y. • A -so, at the rarne time and place, that tiart or parcel ol land situated on JB-ws- it Hill, n-i r the city ol Macou, iu said county ol Bitb o.-i wh-ch there is a t wo-»to ry wooden butdii.g. s-id tract of lan t being a half acre more or less 1 - lag in the Godfrey district upj-oMt- tfiu pi ce -now. as the J.T. rriltms.n res delice. Hooting ou th., old * ■-oustnn road Levied ou as tin property ot Th -mas T. Winds T to s-tfsly a fi. fa. issued rom ii-luwin hnperior Court in tavor ol Henry C. Owens vs. Thomas T, Windsor. Property p inted out b> nlaintifTa attorney. • Also, at the same time and pla-r, 10-1 acres of land situated in the Rutland district. Bibb county, ksown as part cl lot 2' 2, in said district, lying on easieru aide of S uthweste'n r-ilioad. sounded on tbo north by lands ol Av-nt. on the east by land ot c.C. Brown aud south by lands ol tbe estate of " ill am Carles. Levied on us the prope »y • I S.'M. Brown to satisfy alt.!a i-sued from County Court of Bibb cou> ty m fa v- r oiSaulsb-ry, Bespc-s A io. vs.S. M. Brown. Property pointed out ny plaintiff's atturn-y. * A s a. at the sumo time Slid place, lots io and 19 in the city of Kacot., Bibb county, according to th-map of the Bond tstate on record in the clerx’s offi- e, Gioo superior Court, Levied on os the property c-l James T. No-bat to gatlsfy a fi fa. issued fr m Bffjb.ruperior Court in favor ct Jo se: h Bund, bearer, v*. J-m-s T. Nis- et. Piop- erty point d o-t by plaint IPs attorney. w Al-o, at the same lion and place, lot No. 9. in tUeViuerdie ciatrici. Biub county, ■co-ita-n.trg two acres m-,re or lees, aud having uigju it a three room housu'aud a kitchen, said lot ac j -in- i g the laud i-t Nancy Wli-on. L< v ed on a» tbo property of '’barley Moore to satisfy two fi. fas. uEued iron..C,uuty Court ot Bibb court! iu fa- vsr af O. O.emith vs. Char ey Moore. Property pointed out by plaintiff a attorney, levy made and ret an -d io me by bailiff of the Count) Court of Bibb county. Also, at the same time and place, tb-t tract or rarccl f land aitnaied in the seventh district, orw nally Baldwin now Bib! county containing leu acres more or teas, oounded on tbe northeaBt °y S one creek, ou the >ou‘b«e-t by Hall’s biatcb, outlie u--rih by G. M. Davis’ pl-c->, and Oeir-g part of lot No. 92. Lov.e-1 on at the prop erty el John A Davis to satisfy a 2. fa. ls.u-d from C anny Court ul Bibb county in fuvor of Kai-l.burv. Bespeso A Co., vs John N. Darn. Faid 1 -net was r -conveyed by S-ulabury. Res peas A Co. to John N. Div-s, said deed of ro-tuvey- anee being nowou file in clerk’s office of Dmb eo|«ri- r Court, t roperty jaiated out by pium- ttff’satt-.tner. * GEJ. F. CHBREY, sheriff. August 9,1883. Odp-augt GEORGIA. BIBB COLNIY-Wbeicig A B Bota, Olerk of tbo Superior Coart of said' county, has made application tot totter* of admi iiatration ou tbo estate of Iobabod M, Cox, late of satd county decoased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persona coooerned to be and appear atih'-y court of ordinary of eaid county, ou the first Monday in September next, to slow ettueo if any they have, why said lettere of admiaie tration should no: be granted to applicant. Witness my hand -nd offici i signature J. A. MCMANUS, Orfiinaty »ug. 10-pd. p-rior Court, it app wring to tbe Court that by the return of the sheriff, thit the 1 ife A s-oemtion ol America cannot 1-,; itund, and it lurthor appearing tbat ■aia defend-nta are ot tbe State of Georjrii (“rde-ed. that s-id defendants be and appear at tbe next term of 1 his Court, to be htld ou the fouitb Monday in October next, to plead, answer or dcuiurtos i d billnledin tbe above care, or the samo w:Ji be taken pro confesaoas to them: and s-id cure will proa ed ex parte. Or dered further, tbat s-td attendant be serv- d by pt-tiication once a month lir four months, iu tbe Ma-cn 1 elegra-.h and Mesietistr re'ore tbe Lext term of this court - This Jur.o 21,1889. V T.J. S’MMOYF. Judges. C. M.C. A P-oedSt, solicitor lor mm, la-nant. A true extract tram tbe minutes otflibb Supe rior Court. Juno 22, 18S0. jnci.i-lBmtm* A. B. R053. C'erk. m COTTON CM 0.FO8GTA. BI3B COUNTY.—Whereas Ben j-tir-iu C. Smith, executor ol th- e-tate ot Mrs. B iza Smith, into cf said com ly Jeeean-J. has made application for letter* of dismission lrom said esiate. Tbtse are th-refnre to rite and admonish all persons concerned to be and aproar at the Court of Otdtnary cf said county, on the first Monday hi Cctober n-*2t, to show cause if any they have why siM application should not be granted te applic-rt. Witness my hand officially. Jnlv 6,1SS0. juy7td» J. A. McMANUi*. Ordinary. Jones County Sheriff Sales \V ILL he sold before tbe rourt home door in ¥ V thi, to» n of Clinton. Jones county. G- orem, on the ff-st Tuerday in Septomb-r next, between the legal hours of s le, tho fo’lo-ing proptrty to- w : t: Fifteen hundred acres i f land.more or les- ar joining tbe lands of lothua Parris. A. H. Broa h and John Roberts and fiber-,ind known as the Buck J--1 nson place. Levied on as the property of William Johnson, deceased, to satis fy two Q fas. issued from the honorable Superior Court of said cvuaty. one in favor cf Harr oxen A Sparks (late partners in t.-ade) vs. William G. Kilpatrick, as administrator of the e-1 -to cf Wil liam theotberin favor ot D. Flanders A Fon, (late partners in trade) v*. Wil liam G. Kiloa’rick. aa adminixlrat- r of the es tate of William Johnson, deceased. Property point, d out i-y plaintiffs' attorneys and in 1-03- seasionolWiLiam Fht.hir, agent. 7his July 3j,1880. augltd W. J. GRESHAM. r her.'ff Jones Cour ty, IN EQUITY - BILL FOB RELIEF. Etc IN BIBB SUPERIOR COURx', Daniel D, Tracy vs. A.Tt. Reg*, administratorde t.oni8 non ol th- estate el T. P. Lamar, M. E. I amar et al., heirs of J. P Lnmar. It appeariior from ths reto -r.s of the Sheriff in thia muse that two ot said deftndant* to-wit., Mrs. Carrie U. Motley and Mrs. Ann T. tin tn, formerly AunT. Lamar, are not to ne f-ur.d in the ct unty of Bibb; and it luriner appearing that they do notreride in the hta’e of Georgi*, hut in the State o' Alabama : It is th-reforo or dered hy the ourt 'hat service nf -aid bt ! l be perfected upon them l-y t uniicati- n of thisor- rt„r onee a month f-.r lour m- t.ths bet-re the next term of tb-a Court, in the M-c- n 1 ciegraph *rd ueiaet-rer. n new-paper publtabed in the C'ty of Ma- on, Ga. Lolfir * Bart et . P aiutiffs attorney. iuy2 lamtni T. J.StwMOSS J. H. t). M.C- / 1 MiiUGlA. Bibo County-14 hereJa Mrs. Mar VX th* B S-rrreli. au-ruun of her minor cl-il- GE0BGIA BIBBCOUNIY—Wh-reaa Har riet A Leiure baa made application fort- tteia of adiuuiietra'iou on tbe estate of JobnL-iare. lam of eaid cucuty decesaed, under sections 249i and 2193 of the rt vised code of Georgia These aru therefore to cite and admonish alt persons cot corned to be and appear at tbe coart of ordinary of said ooonty, on tbe first Monday in September next, to show canee if any they have why said lettere of auministration abocld cot be granted to ap plicant. Witness my band and r-fii iial signature. 3. A MCMANUS, Ordinary. aug 10-pl. CROCKETT'S Iron Wallis, MACON. GA. At onr works can be seen tbe best EN GINE MADS for GINNING AND THRESH ING. We guarantee it to do alt or more tban the msnnfactcrere say it will do. We build STATIONARY EYGiXES .From 8 to 80 Horse Power, There is no E> giae made superior to it, as we have testimonials to prove. We manu facture Saw aud Grist Mills that give entire satisfaction. We keep for sale WATER WHEELS. HORSE POWERS. IMPROVED GIN GEAR. SUQARHILL PANS AND EVAPORATORS, And tbe Best Horizontal Sugar Mill made. Also, IRON RULING for cemete ries. oto. SHAFTING EULLEYS, and GEABING forall all kinds of mill work. Iu fact, we keep everything that is used about steam or water power or plantation work. Our COTTON PRESS is second to none, beiuz cheap, simple and durable, as hundreds will attest bend for citonlars and prices before buyng elsewhere. Address, July31 -ly E. OSO0KE1T4 SONS. dim, ha. made »pp'nalien tel*l-sve tore!! ei> ht .hare- ot the ct; ilal r.tccx oi th- C ntral isil- r-j*-! a d Banking Com lot-ty of Georgia btlot-s- ivf to s-id ramurs lui tbeit a'd ed ucation. ’ 7 h- su are (her, furo t-» ci'e and .dmon'sh all I* r-oiis coi-cern-a to be and »pi e-ir at the t iurt o' O-dii-sry c.f,aid county on the erst Monday in Julv next. to show rau-co if any they have «ky .aid ai p'ii-att-n should ot bo granted. Wit, e-s my band offloiallv. Jm-e Srh, 1880. j v6U* J. A. McMANUS. Ordinary. Q.HORGIA. KlBB COUNTY.—IVnereas W. 8 Holt ard J. K. Jones, admirirtrator.on tbe estate oi James Irian. late of said eouu'y doccsae ed.have made application for letters of dismisicn from said estate; These are therefore to cite and admonish al) persons concern ed to br and .ppear st th* Court ot Ordtcaiy of said county on the tiret Monday in August next, to .how ca-j-e. it any they have., whr letters ol dlsmisflnn should not be granted tu -Dplicanta. Witness my official signature. May 6, 7S30. maystd* J. A. McHANDB. Ordiaary. O RDINARY'S Office Junes County, Georgia Juuo26:h. '83<i.—Where#. Samuel Barron. administrator with the will annexed, on estate ol Benjamin narrou, decoased, applies tor dismis sion from same. Tbe-e are to cite and admonish all persons concern-*: and the legatees ol said estate to re and appear at the October term next of vbt- court, and wi'ness a selt-ement ol his adminis tration, recei- e their distributive shares, and show ranse if ary they have why ha .hall not be direhargeo from sa-d administration, Wiim-samy hand «IBcially. jutSOtd* ROLAN D T. R088, Ordinary. G EORGIA. BIBB COUNlT.~Under and-by virtue of an ordertr--m the Court of Ordi nary ot said county, rsi>Ibe »oii on the firet Tuesday in h'epteuiber next, before tbe court hense door in the city of Macon, between the le gal honrsof ral», an un'tv'ded half i tares': in parts of lotsuf laud. Not. 1 a dRinblochuum- sixt.v-one, in the south west common oftberitv cf Macon, contai’.iugone-quartero! au acre more or lets. So'd as the property of Jane A. fialone. late of «:td county deceased, fo: a division among tbe hurt of saia e-t-te. cUSANM. PERSONS. August 7,1880— Std Au rainistratrix. G hORGlA.BIUB COUNT Y.—Toad whom it may couoern: Lout-e W. Kennedy h-yrirg filed her i-eibion ill proper form to me. praying for let'ers ot administra'ion with the will annex ed. on the estate t f l-'ranna Vi. V ennedv. this is tu cite all legally interested in the execution ol this appii a 1 fop, ersdi'ora legatees, next ol kin, and any others, interested, to ho and »mim at tben-xt -et-tember term or the Cotut of Ordina ry cf said Ouunty.ant show c*u-e if. any it ey cau, w by letter, of adniiuistration.with will aunexe-r, sheu'd not begTinted t-> arid Lovne W. K-nne- Witnoss my h#Ld and official signature August S, 1280. sng5-«4w J. A. McUANUS, Ordinary. G FORGU. nlBB COUNTY.-Wherea. Sta ff - ~ . hen f’olllns, cxecut-r of the estate of An drew Pye. late of aaidtourty deo-aaed, has made pphcalinn for letters of di-xbsi n fiom said estate. These are therefore to cite and ad- moLt-h al) persons comerued to be and ap- appvar at the Court of Ordinary ol said conrly on the first Monday iu O tober next, to show caus-i, if any they have, why 1. tt- -a of di.mis a'on should not mv granted to applicant, b itne.a tuy official st-nsture J. A. Me MAN IK Ordinary. Jub >- lESl-t-l* QE JRGIA. BIBS COUNTY.—Whereas I.ou- LISEL. FOR DIVORCE. Blbh Superior Court, April Trim, 1830. . MRS. G. F. FINCK ARD Vb. J. J. PINCKARD. T appearing to the court by the return ottho . she-iff that tho defendant is not to be found in this eouuty: and it further appearing that he does not reside in the State of Georgia: Ordered, that be aore«r at th- next term of this court, or that aai- cause be allowed to pro- aeod. and that service be perfected on i-td J. J. Piuckard by public-tion hereof, once a month for four mouths, in the jlxd Mxssxir- 0*8. a public salt lie published in the city of Macon. By the Court: JOHN L. HARDEMAN. Libel'ant’s attorney. Be it so. - T. J. SIMMOVF, J. 8. C. M. C. April 29 1880. A tree extract fmm tbe minutes of Bib Su perior Court. This May S, 1880. may4-!am4m A. H. ROSS. Clerk. =23d= Popular Monthly Drawing of the I'ornsnomrealth Dlstriba- tion Go. AT MAOAULBY’8 TBEATRB, In tbe City of Loularille, on Tuesday, August 31. 1880, These drawings authorised by act of the Lsg* ’ irts islatnr* ot 1869 and sustained by all the cour ot Kentucky, according to a contract made with the owne-aofthe Frankfort grant, will occur regularly on the last day of every, Sun days and Fridavs executed, for the period of five years, terminating on June SO. 1885. The United States Uireuit Court on March 81 rendered the following decisions: lit—That the Commonwealth Distribution Company i, legal. 2d—It# drawings are fair. Tbe management call attention to the liberal sdh-me which baa met with such popular favor heretofore, and which will again be presented lor the AUGUST DRAWING. I Fnie.. n.........mi i.S V8>0tt: l Film 1 Priie..._„. 10 Prise# *1,000 each SO Prises 500 each 100 Prises 100 each too Prises 50 each 600 Prises M each -.000 Prise* 10 each 9 Prise* 800 eta h, sp’roiimafn prises 9 Pnsec 100 each do do 9 Prises 100 each do do lO.OOv 5.005 10,000 10,000 10.000 10,000 12.00C- 10,000 3,705 I^9f 90r UV60 Prise* 5113,40 Whole Tioieta. S3. Half Tickets, *1. - *7 Tickets, geo. 55 Tickets, aloe. R-mit by Po.t Otfi.-e Mo'-ty Order. Registered Letter, Hank Draft or Bipre -s. To insure asainat mistake* and delays, corre spondent* will tnease write their names and lares of residence plainly, giving number oi 'oat-Office buz or Street, aud Town.Couaty god State. All eommunlcuti -ns connected with the Di Distributiou aud Orders f-r Ticket* should br ■ . | — - ■ . i i^, — sddres-ed to R. M. BOARDMaN. Conner-Jour White Sulphur 3priugs> o*^*t »a 807 and 8(9 B*oadway. N. Y. augJOeodtuthuaa HaHGJE. 38ROON9 having business with the Buperin- . ter dent ot Public 8oboola will Bud him IN IS OKFICM.opposite the p-st office, on Hon da) a and Saturdays, buth forenoon snd after noon.' On other dar Marine the summer months, h^f< engaged in visiting the re-untry schools 1ut22-v diu U. M > r—untry .ESITL BR. Suit Notice Leave to Sell Laud. F OUR weeks afterdate application will be made to the Court of O-di-tary of Jone* o--unty for an order to sell all tho real estate of James H. Finny, deetased.' R. B. BBOWM, H. i. FINNY, July 24,18*0-17 wist* Bxocntor*. lse W. Kecn-d> ha- mset- apu’ieati-n tor >ot t. rsef adm-ni-tratio-i on theeavate uf Mary It. Ke- nedy. Me >-f said ouunty aeccasod. Tht* U to rite ail ->-d -inga^ar thr-croHtors and tt Xt of kiti of Mary L Kennoty to be and »n- p-ar a»- th.- Court of i lrdm»ry of said cou* ty, on Ihn firet Monnai in Sepura er rext. ai d show cuua- 1' any they can. »hy poimane- t a-in ii is- t-ntor sh -uM r.o - Rogra-.ted to LcuirO W. Ken- n-di on Marv L. ICei-ne y »«ia’o. Witness my tt-md and official signature Augutt M 1880. a«gq-w4w Cieans the Seed better, Runs LTjthter, Olris Faster and Costs Less Money than anw other CIn In the Mark**- Every rnaohlna fully and legalfy^narranteec:- rcacLincs are-ma*lo of tbe best materials, anf tb# \ror2anoDsbip and Sulsb are unexcelled. lI&Tebecn&vr&rde^ premiums at all tho State fairs, Georgia Alabama, Tczs^ etc. Upwards of CCW of cup Grx3 arc iu constant use JT" the southern states, over 10C0 living been sold In 1S79, Price List of CInsy Feeders and Condense* Uoxod roviyfor sblpmcnt aud delivered at our factocf CL-im. $75 00 17 tO M 112 t0 1:5 o) 00 Price with Self Feeder OJ“ Price with Scir Feeder cA CondenserJ tir Terms given on Application.-^! HBKcn, Vropoesna rnirjaufav :rror In r tbo least money, hb asthoTrolorGin. Dorih^tbo; rlace, wher*» wc have bee& * x.ncturingr Gins ercr Flnce. labor nting narhlBOT jjfl m tfigtiaolMjomal line, for producing (ho Baby wotb wr wo abut iodibj.. _ The demand last rear was so great that nearly SOU ordextf remained unfilled, but we Lave doubled our monufaetprix* capacity r*ndbo?etob© ablatomeet all demandttlf the«isebt plan to get your o.-dors In 6ari;*w for Illustrated pamphlet giving tteut voluntary te^LaaiUatt from over 503 live, sjbyprmr g planters. Prc32e?7Engl2f and GOsnpIcto outfit furnl&Iied a.-hen desired. Addrc&t lilt OWN COTTON GTS CO., NSW LONDON. COJSt A B. Farquliarp AGENT AT . -GA THEUEiFHEIf irdkOiry <JonVersatton. I HKV I-ectures, Concert*- ete., ty a w.»n icrfiti Now i HK Solcntlfio 11! vezukun, THEbENTAPHONE.S S3h For remarkable p«b!ic tesu ou tTie Dviif-siso on | the Deaf and l>«nkl>—*c« AV«e }'ork Herald. | eGS .-th; aVrro YorbClrtoia* Adeotiite, Nor. a to., fcfe. —".vil-ecarritdin the The U ehoaid send for FREB (Unstra'e-J descriptive American Z>entaphctYe Co.. 1*3 W.-ithcit.. CtucioaatA THE LUMMUS, ^PROVED TAYLOR am m This Is the seventh season of this popular Gits which combines the mertsofspeed, light draft, good sample, and cleaning the seed inugreat- er degree than any other, and is oEered with th? most perfect Self-Feeder and Condenser made, s£ the follow!ng very lotv prices, Sizes. Price of Gins Price with Self Feeder orCoedeuscr Price with Self-Feeder Condenser. 43 saw $100.09 $132.50 $165.00 45 “ 112.50 143.00 178.53 50 “ 125.03 160.00 195.01 60 « 140.00 180.00 22-3.03 70 “ 163.00 203.00 252.03 SO •' 130.00 232.00 234.00 These Gins are made with Iron Frames and ol the best materials and are unsurpassed iu finish and workmanship. Wo also manufacture Gal- lett’s celebrated “Patent Steel Brush Cotton Gin,” together with tho Favorite Light Draft, “Cotton Bloom’’Cotton Gin, with Feeders ani Condensers for each. Terms given on application. THE STANDARD MACHINERY CO., MYSTIC RIVER, COM* FBAXKILN H. LU3DIUS, Gen. Agt COLUfilBUSs GA* Tram Mdiil J. A. VC4ANUU. Ordinary. Tax Collector’s Sale. Tu-sdsy, tho atVrnth day of Septemhe rext will ho sold at t’.o court huaso door la Mo ron. in a d re unty, betaoru the UtTful hours of solo, the tuitowin- p >suna! property, which, be ing m-ct.inory, and tu-> ••xpeunv* to transport will not be rxpo-rd at the t-.-ur: hut-e door, but can be rxau.ii.ot at any lime from date until a ter sale day on the pr- ruses known as Sawyer’s Gt Work,, iu square No. 87. corner of Cherry an Filth streets, in c'ty cf Mac>n. to wit: 135 feet shafting and 15 pulleys. 1 surface planer. 1 D-niel a p'aner, 1 circular saw. pulley aud saws. 1 emery wheel. 1 sawfi er. 1 saw pumh. 1 punett for saw teeth. 1 gin saw trimmer. I tenon math ne. 1 boring uiachi: e. l twelve-horse power stations’? engine. lgl’i ribb-yrer. 1 drill press. 1 groovar for gin brushes. 1 wood lathe. Or so much of said ma-'biuery wifi be sold as will be sufficient t » satisfy ti.e 8‘ste and county taxes due by Feter C. Sawyer on and mart iuery for the year, 1875,1877. 1S7S and 1S79. Amount due b> satisfy four fi. fas., sS18 ana colts. This August 9 h, 1880. H J. PhTKR. T C.. augio-td and ex-Offlcio hher.ff. City Marshal's Sale* G eorgia, bibb 'ousty.-wiii be sold before tho courthouse door in the city of M aorn, during the legal hours cf sale, cn the first Tuesday in September, 1881, the following as shown on the map oi the city ot Macon. Ga., by A. B. Boardmsn. city eugise-r. 1872 to wit: Tlieiouihueat qua’ter of lot 14. of the north west range, fronting ab. nt 140 tret on Co Ie--e street anl running back about 16J feet in t. e city of Macon. Levied anas the property ol Mrs. Mary b. Riplt-v snd her children. L Ripley b-iog sgei t. to satisfy a tax ft fa. in favor ot and city vs L. hiple-, agent for bis wife Mar? h , aid her children (or tax tor the year i8Si. sod* fountain in store ot Iti km. Vsi.euburg A Co., corner of Mnlberry *"d Third street, city of Macon. 8aid sods fountaia tot ltd on as the property of Rankin, Mas-euburg A Go to satisfy a tax li. fa. in favor of ssil c tyvs. Kan- kin. Masseuburg A Go., for tax for the yearliS-i. Alio, ai the s-me time and plae-, one shuwea-e -in store of Rankm. Mossenborg ft Co., come-of Mu-b- rry a<-d Thiid strents, city of M- con. t-'aid shorn core lr vied ou is the piopeity of Haok-n, Masseuburg A t'o.. to satisfy a tax fi. fa. in favor of said city vs. hankin, Moaaenburgft Co, for tax for th- year 1S80. Al»-, st -he same time and place, tbe folio wing cursor si properly, which, being too expenri'e to transport, wifi not be expos- d at the ouurt hou e door, but can b- examined at any time (runt • ate uutUalter-ale dayauth-, premises known »s dswyei’a Gin 8hope, oorner Ch-rry aud Fifth slree's, to-wit: lift leet sh.f'-inc and 15 pulleys. 1 ssrtar- planer. I Dat.ii la pl» nrr. 1 ci caiar saw pulley and saws. 1 emery wheel. 1 saw cler. 1 saw punch. 1 (aw tooth put ch 1 gin saw trimmer. 1 tenon mactiiro. 1 boring machine. 1 g n rib borer. I— horse power ftatiora-y engine and dome boder and smoke-at-ek. 1 drill pre-s. 1 groover tor gin brut 1 e-'. 1 tune pu- pad piping, in the city oi Macon aa-lm^ .an I hja SiaAsusa! a aI Sla Aa W C' lam m V mV Levied on as the property of Ft ter C. Sawyer to satisfr a x A las- iu tavor of rai l city vs. said Fs'er <1. Saywer f-r taxes due by h m or tie years 1C7 878 1S79 and 1‘tW. a-.dfor balanre ol license due tor 187* and costa aug’.O-td JOHN HURLEY, Marshal. line of Cane Aiuls, Evaporatora, etc., made by cjA establiiilmientlathe World, and includes i g VERTICAL CANE MILLS, , HORIZONTAL CANE MILLS. \ SUGAR EVAPORATORS, STEAM SUGAR MA CH INERT and a’l sppnratus for Syrup or Sncrar making. Circa* lars, wltii prices, Ac., sent on application. 3LYMYER MANUFACTUR1N3 C0^ CINCINNATI, O. _ JSaftvfartnrert o/Svoar Cane Machinery. Victor Carte rotor, JStc<un£rgiAe*,ftc* Cook^ujar Zcoz*r*toT, t $5,000,000. The American Shoe Tip Co. WARRANT THEIR JLa So To OO* That is now so expensively wom en CHILDREN’S S HOES TO WEAK'A3 L0KG AS THE TCETAI-, Which was introduced by them, and bywhjf the above amount lias been saved to parents a nually. This Black Tip will mrc more, as besides being worn on the coarl grades it 13 wom on fine and costly $!. ( where the Metal Tip on account of its M would not be used. They all have our Trade Mark A. S. 7. Cl stamped ou front of Tip. Parents should ASK FOB SHOES with Gt BEAUTIFUL BLACK TIP on them when purchasing for their ehlldrea. CATIfiFIUiS DSSfEOYIR. WE have or. band a !ot of Oatf rpldar Destroy er. Farmers would do well to key a let on tbe first appearance oi the dreaded ccerpi’lsr. L VMAK, RlSKIS & LA1IAK. Turnip Seed Frtsli and Genuine, -Ar 6EOWEBS.’ FKIC'ES.- LAJ1AB, BANK IN & LsMAB. Pore Drop aa5 MeiiciBi ST. LOUIS SiRICiLY PUSH LEiD JEWEl’T’S / LINSEED L*mar, Ra*»kla & LcmiP. 0 P1UV3 BABiT By K. \j. Woolley COftB dAwlv 1 lantft. Cn Pliable erf- Ictt.on tciveti. • ref* ur»*d pstieuUMd ianj. fftr *r y hooV habit and itaeurfl. FOR SALE. T HIRTY days a'ter data app'ic-tiun w I! be ' mads to the h-morab:< the ' -roinsry of Sibk cv-unty io- )es-e to -ell the r.rales- te ot ifi ra. Jm- a. Malone. l»te*fitib; cunty deoeosei tor distr butiun among her h ir». istr butum among her h ir». kCBANM. FSBreONS, Adttintstratri*.