Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, September 03, 1880, Image 1

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- JOURNAL AND MESSENGER. CLISBY & JONES, Proprietors. THE FAMILY JOURNAL—NEWS—POLITICS- LlY^ATURD—AGRICULTURE—DOMESTIC NEWS, Etc—PRICE $2.00 PER ANNUM. GEORGIA TELEGRAPH BUILDING ESTABLISHED 1826- MACON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1880 - ■ — ■■ 1 ■ ■ i ' ■ ■ r *' - - ■ - ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■— — - VOLUME NO—LV ENTERING IN. BY JULIA C. U. DORR. Tlia church was dim and silent With the hash before the prayer, Only the solemn trembling Of the organ stirred the air; Without, the sweet, still sunshine, Within, tho holy calm, Where priest and people waited For tho swelling of the psalm. Slowly the door swung open And a little baby girl, Brown-eyed, with brown hair falling In many a wavy curl; With soft cheeks flushing hotly, Shy glances downward thrown, And small hands clasped before her, Stood in the aisle alone. Stood half-abashed, half frightened, Unknowing where to go, While, like a wind-rocked flower, The form swayed to and fro; And the changing color fluttered In the little troubled face, As from side to side she wavered With a mute imploring grace. It was but for a moment; What wonder that we smiled, By such a strange, sweet picture, From holy thoughts beguiled? When up rose some one softly, And many an eys grew dim, , As though the tender silence He bore the child with him. And I—I wondered (losing The sermon and the prayer) If, when sometime I enter The “many mansions'” fair, Am| stand abashed and drooping In the portals’ golden glow, Our God will send an angel To show me where to go! UNDER AN TJMBBELLA. It was about sunset of a changeful April day, when a younggirl, lightly descending the steps of a handsome residence, walked, briskly down the street, which presently merged into a shaded avenue, sprinkled with modest villas and neat cottages. She was enveloped in a waterproof cloak, which revealed only the graceful contour of her shoulders, over which fell a cluster of golden-brown ringlets. Her little feet tripped daintily along tho ro.ugb road, until suddenly pausing she lifted a fresh, sweet face, with laughing brown eyes and a dimpled month. “Raining again!” she said, aloud; and stepping under the shelter of a linden, she g ulled the hood of her cloak forward over er little bat. And then, as the light. April rain was driving directlyinher face, she tied over it a thick, brown double veil. “Sunshine and shower all day,” she murmured. “ ‘The uncertain glory of an April day.’ Very proroking weather, when one is compelled to go out; but then everything looks so fresh and beautiful that it would be really a sin to com plain.” The sound of a quick step approaching from behind caused her to glance back. It was already growing dusk, rendered deeper by the lowering clouds, yet she could discern a very nice looking yonng gentleman approaching, sheltered be neath a huge umbrella. The girl walked on; but in a moment the step was by her side, the shadow of the umbrella entended over her, and a gloved hand was eagerly held forth. “Cousin Nellie, is it really you?” The girl started, and peered curiousiy through her thick veil. “I am Nellie,” she said with some em barrassment; “but I—I don’t recognize you.” “Not recognize me? and after only one year's absence! Why, Nellie, am I so much changed? And Besides, d!d yon not receive my fetter saying that you might expect me this week?” “I don’t think I did,” replied Nellie de murely; and at the same instant she thought to herself: “I wonder who it is that he takes me for?” “It is strange that yon should have miss ed the letter. But 1 hope I am not the less welcome for coming unexpectedly.” “Well, it is unexpected, I confess.” He was silent for a moment; then said, in a changed tone: “You don’t seem a hit glad to see me, Nellie. And yet, if you knew how I hare looked forward Jo this meeting!” “That was very kind of you, and I am sure I ought to feel myself very much flattered.” , Another ominous silence. “I don’t care who he is, or for whom he takes me,” thought the fun-loving girl, as she walked demurely along beneath the umbrella held over her. “What right bad liejto address me and call me his cotuin, before making sure who I was? Perhaps a little lesson will do no harm.” “Nellie,” said her companion, slowly, “do you remember the last night that we were together—alone in the library?” “I can’t say I do, exactly.” “Impossible! You cannot hive for gotten it, and what you said to me in adieu. You promised me you would welcome .me bade with those words.” “What words?” “You said: ‘Dear Charlie, I do love you!’ Nellie, dear, won’t you say them now, as you promised?” The young girl started. He spoke so earnestly that she was fairly frightened, and felt herself blushing as though these words were addressed to liersell, Nellie Caldwell. Who the other Nellie was— the Nellie beloved b7 this handsome young man—she had no idea. At auy rate, though, she began to think it was time to pat an end to tbis adventure. What right had she to suffer him thus to betray his secrets to her? So she said, gravely, yet still with a spice of mischief: “I think you are mistaken, I am quite sure I never said those words to any man.” He bent a little forward and looked earnestly under the hood,and at the brown veil. “Nellie, will you take off that veil ? I want to see your face, and to understand what you mean by talking in this strange way?” “Ob, you will, understand it presently, when we come to that green gate yon der; then I will remove my veil. But how came you to recognize me-?” she asked curiously. “How could I have failed to recognize you, rather. You have grown slightly taller, perhaps, but I know your step and your beautiful hair,' more'toeautiful than ever, Nellie. I was on my way to your house, when at a distance I saw you come down the steps, and I could not resist trying to overtake you, for just one word and look.” “Oh!” said Nellie, as a light dawned upon her; and then to put a check upon her companion^ sentimentally, she ad ded; “How it rains!” and quickened her pace. “Let it rain!” lie answered, impatient ly— “cannonballs, if it will. I want'to talk to you, Nellie.”, . “Cannon balls may suit your taste, perhaps, but would scarcely be agreeable to me, and as to talking out here in the rain and darkness, I am not romantic enough for that.” He was torced to keep by ber side as she walked briskly on. “Where are you going?” he enquired, presently.'' “Home.”, “Home? Why you are taking a con trary direction from home." “I think not; I believe 1 know where live.” “I did not know you had removed, “Did you not? Ab, here we are at the cate. Please open it, if you can, on the kuide.” He reluctantly obeyed, but raised the latch so slowly as to detain her while he whispered: • • . “Nellie, you have notgiven me the wel come you promised. You have not said those words.” “I don’t believe you really want me to say them,” she answered, very much in clined to laugh, yet almost frightened at her own audacity. •Not want it? When you know how love you!” “I don’t believe that it Is me that you love,” she returned, pushing open the gate. “Good heavens, Nellie, how strangely you talk! Who, then, do you imagine love?” “I am sure I don’t know,” said Nellie, slowly raising her veil and pushing back the hood. “I don’t know, but I am cer tain it can’t be me!” And she looked up in his face with a demure, pursed-up little mouth, and brown eyes shining with suppressed mirth through their long, black lashes. He stood gazing upon her as if petrified with astonishment. Then a deep blush crimsoned his handsome face, and his eyes flashed with an indignant light. “I beg your pardon!” he said, with cer emonious politeness. “Of course it is a mistake on my part.” “I suppose it was,” said Nellie, de murely. “I—I mistook you for another,” he said, both embarrassed and angry. ♦ “Was that my feult,” she returned. “But you—you certainly allowed me to rest under the delusion.” “That was for fun.” “Fun ?” v “Perhaps I was wrong. Indeed I now rather think that I was,” said Nellie, col oring beneath his gaze. “But, as neither of us shall ever mention this adventure, suppose no harm is done,” she added, coolly. He regarded her an instant with strange, undecided expression. “I beg your pardon! I am keeping you in the rain,” he said. “Good evening!? And, lifting his hat with icy politeness, he walked away. Nellie, as she entered the house, was met by her elder sisters with a shower of questions as to who was that elegant looking man, how she had met him, what he bad said. Unlike herself in general, she returned brief replies; and escaping to her own room, threw aside her waterproof, changed her dre3S, and, seating herself before tiie fire, gazed absently into the. glowing em bers. Presently she laughed, then bit her lips with a vexed expression, and fi nally began to cry. “I wonder what makes me do such silly, unladylike things?” she thought. “I am always getting into some ridicu lous scrape or other. What an opinion he must have of me? I shall be really ashamed to meet him again, as I suppose must if he is Mr. Gray?’ Then her mood changed. “I don’t care. He may be as dignified as he pleases, but he shall never see that I trouble myself even to remember this ridiculous walk, and the horrid umbrel la!” Presently another change came OTer her. “Poor fellow! I can’t help pitying him, for I fear this lias been merely a rehearsal of the real act. Why, Nellie Archer was in the parlor with Captain Lloyd nearly two hours this afternoon, when she must have known, from that letter, of Charlie's coming. I wonder if she ever said to the captain—or to young Doctor Bliss—what she said to her cousin? Poor fellow! And Nellie has been showing his lettere to all the girls! She could not have done so had she loved him. Nellie Caldwell was correct in her an ticipation of again meeting with Mr. Charles Gray. The society' of the little town was very gay; and what with church fairs and parlies, and other social amuse ments, it was impossible that these two should not be thrown together. Nellie blushed, despite her utmost en deavors to look uuconcious, when Mr. Gray was first presented to her; but the gentleman was so cool and composed that she actually doubted "whether he had re cognized ber. He conversed with her a little, danced with her once, and, as she observed, was chiefly interested in watching Nellie Archer and Captain Lloyd. And Miss Archer, prond to show oil'ber handsome cousin, and her influence over him, treat ed him very sweetly in the Intervals of her flirting with other admirers. Some weeks glided by, in which the acquaintance between Miss Nellie Cald well and Mr. Gray imperceptibly assumed more agreeable character. His politeness, and her equally cool in difference gradually ' thawed, and each vaguely felt that, despite their mutual ef forts to keep apart, there was something which mysteriously drew them together. Nellie attributed this to her sympathy with bis disappointment in regard to his cousin, and often expressed the wish that the latter would love him, as she was sure he deserved, and make him happy by marrying hiim It was inexplicable to ber tbqt any giyl could prefer Capt. Lloyd to Charlie Gray. Neither had ever but once alluded to their first meeting. Coming out of church one evening Miss Archer said ; “Nellie, what hive you been doing with yourself this last terribly rainy week? Isn’t such weather enough to give one the blues?” “Ob, no,” she answered cheerful ly. I like rainy days at home, And can always find something to amuse me.” “Even in the rain itself,” said Mr. Gray, on her other side. “What an enviable disposition is yours, Miss Cald well, to be able to find ‘fun’ In such a situation!” Nellie looked np quickly, and met the half-laughing glance bent upon her. Instead of answering gayly back, as was her wont, she colored, and her eyes filled with tears: “Mr. Gray,” she said, as Miss Archer fell behind with Captain Lloyd. “I want yon to promise to forget that hate ful walk in the rain, and never allude to it again.” . * ' “I am not sure that I could keep such a promise—at least the first part.” “That means that yoa haven’t forgiven me.” “I really do not (eel as though I had anything to forgive, or you to ask pardon for,” he said, pleasantly. “I was very silly and wrong, but you see I have grown older and wiser siuce,” said Nellie, demurely. “If the increase of wisdom is-in propor tion to that of age—” he commenced, but was interrupted by Miss Archer. “Nellie, are you and Charlie flirting? or what is that mysterious whispering about?” “We are not flirting,” returned Mr. Gray, coolly. “Miss Caldwell does not flirt, I have observed; and for myself, you know I .detest it.” _ . “I know you have some old-fashioned and absurd notions,” retorted his cousin, And again Nellie Caldwell felt con science-stricken, remembering that un fortunate walk, and the impression which her conduct must have produced on this very particular young gentlefnan. Some time after this, there was a pic nic at a picturesque old mill a few iniles from town. Nellie- Caldwell spent rather a tiresome day, wondering why it was that she could not enjoy herself as usual and envying Nellie Archer her high spirits. To-day, at least, she observed that she and Mr. Gray seemed to be get ting along unusually well together, she appearing radiant, and he serenely happy. “I wonder if they are engaged?” she thought, and did not feel nearly so elated as she ought to have done at the proba bility of such a consummation. He sought her out occasionally, but had little to say, seeming to prefer reclining at her feet on the turf beneath the willows, looking dreamily omthe water, or up into her face, as she talked. Several young ladies observed that they both lookecLvery stupid and uninterested at each other. As the evening waxed late, there was sudden air among the company. It was certainly going -to rain, some weather- wise prophet had declared, and the elder portion of the company, at least, were anxious to get safely under shelter before the shower came. Mrs. Caldwell collected her .dessert spoons and her daughters, who had come with her in the family carriage. “Why, Nellie,’ said one ot her young companions, “you' are surely not going so soon. It would spoil the party: and, be sides, you will miss the plantation songs, and your favorite Virginia reel." Mr. Gray stepped forward. Would Miss Nellie accept a seat in his buggy? and would Mrs. Caldwell intrust her daughter in liis charge ? If so, Miss Nellie could remain to enjoy the reel and yet arrive at home almost as soon as the carriage with the fat and laay horses. So Nellie stayed, and her spirits rose unaccountably. I The final favorite reel was commenced, when a few scattered- of rain startled the gay throng. An ltpw mediate rush was made to the convey ances. “Don't be alarmed,” Mr. Gray said, as he assisted Nellie into his buggy. “It Will be but a passing shower, probably, and we will take the road through the woods, which will aflord some shelter in addition to that of my umbrella.” A few other vehicles were going the Same way. Mr. Gray’s was the last iii the procession. “You don’t object to the umbrella?” he said, raising it, and adjusting it to its socket in the back of the buggy. “I hate umbrellas!” Nellie returned, “Do put that down—there is hardly any rein.” ■ * “Nevertheless, I am responsible for your safety and good condition, so will keep it up till we get to the woods.” “A little rain never hurts me.” “But it may hurt your hat. Are yon a woman and -uevet gave a thought to that important question ? Why, there was not a young lady on the ground to-day who did not make that the first consideration.” Well,” said Nellie, laughing, “perhaps am not much like other young women.” “Perhaps so. In fact, that idea pre sented itself to me on my first meeting with you.” She colored and bit her lip but made no answer. “Nellie,” he said, bending forward a littie, and looking her in the face, “doesn’t this remind yon of—that even ing?” ‘T thought,” she answered sharply, “that you were never again to allude to that subject.” “I can't help it; it’s too often in my thoughts. In fact, I like to think of it.” Her heart beat a little at his tone, but she looked straight before her without re ply- “Nellie, do you remember the request I made of you that evening?” “That request was not for me.” ! “It is now.” Their eyes met for an instant. “Are you sure,” said Nellie, half ardi- ly, but with a strange tremor in her voice, “that you are not still taking me for some one else ?” “Quite sure, despite your golden hair, and your voice, and vour similarity of name. It is Nellie Caldwell that I now ask to say those words!” he whispered, as he clasped one of her hands in his. “How long,” said Nellie, half mischiev ously, balf~teriously—“how long since you said this to Nellie Archer.” “I never said it to Nellie Archer. When left you and went to see the original Nellie,” smiling, “I found her to be quite a different character from the ideal which my fancy had pictured, duiing a whole year’s absence. Enough; you know what I mean. I never spoke to her of love, and to-day we came to a pleasant under standing, when she informed'me that she had engaged herself to Captain Lloyd. I love her well enough as a cousin, but not, as I must love a woman whom I would make my wife.” They were bowling along In the wood land track, where the trees made a ver dant arch overhead, through which . the raindrops slowly dripped, like a shower of diamonds. Nellie had never before telt how beautiful the world was. They arrived home in a drizzly shower, through which, in the misty east, a glo rious rainbow shone. At tho door he detained her for an iu- stant under the umbrella, as three months before he had done at the gate. “Nellie, darling, you have ri<)t said those words—!‘I love you, Charlie.’” , “No,” said Nellie, blushing. “No, I wont say them now; hut,” and she glanced up roguishly, “Ido love that dear umbrella!’, And she rushed up-stairs as her moth er came into the hall, inquiring if they had gotten wet. - *' *"'. How t<>* Get .sick. Expose'yourself day and night, eat too much without exercise; work too hard without rest; doctor all the time; take all the vile nostrums advertised, and then you will want to know HOW TO GET WELL, Which is answered in three words—Take Hop Bitters. See other column.—Ex press. The Early County News says: “Un like most of our contemporaries, we are unable to report many changes ip tavor of Colquitt since the adjoprnment of the convention, for the reason that nearly everybody favored him before. We can report, however, ‘that ;be lias lost no friends, unless they have died.” Clergymen', . bankers’, book-keepers, editors, and others that lead sedentary lives, will find much relief from the fre quent headaches, nervousness and consti pation engundered from want of exercise, by taking Simmon’s Liver Regulator. It is a harmless vegetable compound; it can do no injury; and numbers who have tried it will confidently assert that it is the best remedy that can be used, ang 31-lw Woritlugmen^ Look toyorir interests and save doctor Bills by using Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, THE HOLY BPp.R The Sew EacUah Ti i SjUnUon efthe Sew * the* are Startling. “ ,C ( ' j London, Jn!y 21.—The Queen's print er, who alone byWient*j|ktute law permitted to publish Bib}* within the realm, has pyt his signatnrafupon the last sheet proof* of the new reejsioi' of tho New-Testament, and witliWa week the first shipment of tlie boundf^Jumes will be made to America, Cana^, Australia and wherever the English tongue spoken by Protestants. Fee-.tnany rea sons that will readily occur Ad need not be enumerated the new. region is an epoch in Protestantism and ta red letter day in all Christian churches* the world over. IU advent, looked for^aj^ to for over it decade, and the hope' of thousands of Christian minds, will he ^subject’ of absorbing interest. The revision is Catholic in W nature cathedral in its form. It is the kdut work of the new and old worlds; of au£ranch. esof the Protestant church; of and piety joined, hand in hand; layman, prelate and scholar, w gether. Its origin was In that 1 Anglo-Saxon Christendom, the tion of Canterbury, presided over primate of England.” The neca a revision of the present text has imperative—how imperative cl< and scholars alone know—and ft years previously there had pec inquiry and discussion among ops, clergy, and theological prof well as laymen, in regard to means by whieh it ought to be about. The plan that has been maturing under the advice t ml most eminent minds in tbis country, and America was presented to the convocation May C, 1870, by the havmg it ]y 1 in charge. The plan was so well d^jj^—* so broad in its catholicity, yet so coi live in its aims, that it met with ] approval, and the work now com was begun without delay. The s could never have had any hopes o cess had it been cetofined to the lislied Church, and it therefore plated a union of learning and spec! ness for the labor that would em! the whole world; that would unit English speaking races and all denoi tious; that would produce atext to bej Ac cepted in all lands and among all pefc| fe as an “authorized version” and a corr jet rendering of the original text could, m agreed upon by scholars. The English co'mmittee appointed b the convocation comprised the venerahL Archbishop French, of Dublin; Lire bi»I»» ops of Lincoln, Winchester, St. David 1 * Durham, Salisbusy, Bath and Wells, Llandaif, Gloucester, and Bristol, and St. Andrews; the deans cf Westminster, Ely-. 1 Litchfield, Rochester, Lincoln, Canter bury, and Peterborough; the archdeai of Dublin, Canterbury^ Bedford,' Maidstone; the professors tt Ilebrt„, Greek, Arabic, and special theological branches in the universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh, London, Glas gow, and of the Wesleyan college at Dedsbury; the BaDtist colleges at Loudon and Bristol, the Congregational college at Glasgow, and tho Free Kirk (Presbyte rian) colleges at Aberdeen, and Edin burgh. To these were added eminent laymen adapted to to the work. The-American committee was organiz ed in 1871, chiefly from professors in the leading theological seminaries of the different denominations; the divinity schools of Harvard, Yale, Princeton; New Brunswick, Andover, Rochester, New York, Philadelphia, Trenton, Hart- 'ford, Alexandria, and other cities furnish ing their ablest scholars. Bishop Lee was the only cis-Aflantic Episcopalian, but such names as Woolsey, Dwialit, Scliaff, Conant, Dewitt, Strong, Van Dyke, Green. Day, Acken, Osgood, Thayer, and Abbott—names familiar and revered not alone here, hut in critical Holland and erudite Germany—wera hailed as an earnest of the hearty accept ance of the scheme by all American de nominations, and also tlieir intention to fully deserve ha f the credit of the work, if not more. In addition to these committees, Fis- chendorf, Kenneu, Eivahl, and nearly a hundred other eminent Bible scholars of the continent (including several Catholic prelates), placed their special knowledge, their time and their manuscript treasures at the disposal of the committee, and as corresponding members, have rendered assistance of the very highest value, new THE REVISION WA3'iIADE. The principles of tho revision were markedly conservative. “As few altera tions in the present text as faithfulness to the original would permit” was the first and great commandment; hut it was un derstood that “faithfulness to the orig inal” required a great many changes. No change was retained without a two-tliirds vote in each committee. The “original text” was selected in the same manner from the oldest and best uncial manu script. In America and here, following in part the plan of the King James translators, Che committee divided, the Hebraists taking tbe Old Testament, the Hellen ists the New Testament, these did not- sub-dlvide the work however, an<l cacii member of tbe New Testament commit tee became responsible for tbe correctness ofthe entire work. The method of labor was this: Both committees took up, let us say the first synoptic. The Americans revised it. The English revised. The work was then ex changed, ana each committee compared the revision with its own. Where they disagreed the work was again gone over, explained and exchanged, this being con tinued until agreement was had. There was very little disagreement, however, and the precaution provided for of fiual disagreement was not necessary. The progress of the work hasshceu kept secret, by special arrangement. Alarming reports of sweeping changes have from time to time appeared, frighten ing the timid anil. the. letter-inspiration- ists; hut nothing was given out by au thority until now, when the'whole work, approved unanimously by. the committee, is presented to Christendom for verdict. In considering..the changes that have' been made .it may be proper to insist upon the fact being kept in view that no more cautious and conservative body of Christian scholar}, .enjoying ’so wide a reputation and sucli high respect through out tbe world, could possibly be gathered together; that no change has . been made in the present English veision except bv a two-thirds vote in both sides; that the doubt lias always been exercised in be half of ; the present .version, the necessity for each change having to. be proven clearly and unmistakably, and that the only danger lias been from the first that the revisers would exercise undue cau- tiou and refuse to accept corrections that should be made in the interests of trgth because the evidence against them lacked some technicality, producing a work that the non-Christian would not and ought not to be • asked to accept as a correct veision ofthe original- WRY THE REVISION W'AS NEEDED." Great as has been the bulk of informa tion disseminated concerning the Scrip- Tbe editions printed'by the Queen’s prin ter for theBiole Society have widely va ried, and since King James’ day there have been many unauthorized versions strictly so-called. The American Bible Society is even in worse plight, and has of late years been adhering to a text of its own aftergiuttiug several in the market, while the other societies do not even ad here to one text. The King James translators were strict ly charged to follow the text of the Bish op’s Bible, a revision of the Cranmer Bi ble, which was a revision of the Great Bi ble, itself the Matthew-Tyndale Bible, without the rotes, which had its origin in an English translation from thr German The- • previous revisors were individuals dissatisfied with the version, and their work waa without ecclesiastical authori ty- - - •- The present text of the English version is over threa centuries old, and during that time the language has not only taken on many new words, but it has also dropp ed many-then in use, and found new meanings for old words which have lost their original significance, Let me in stance rorew obsolete words: “Doves ta- bering on their breasts,” instead of drum ming; “the lion filled his den with ra vin,” instead of plunder; “neither is there any daysman,” instead of umpire, “Ouches,” for sockets; “clouts,” -for latches; “earing.” for ploughing; “bruit,” lor report; “boiled.” for swallow, hre other examples. The changes in signifi cation, however, are much more import, ant and lead to error, contradiction, dis pute. When we read that the daughter of Heredias sa-d: “Give me, by ana by. *n a charger, tbe head of John the Bap tist,” it is natural to think that she was In no great hurry. But three hundred years ago “by an by” meant instantly, immediately, forthwith, and a “charger” was not a “war horse,” but what our housewives call a dish and yours a platter. “Give me instantly in a dish the head of John tho Baptist,” is quite different from the old form. Tho ‘artilleiy” so often spoken of in the Bible is not our artilie- but literally bows and arrows. “Go to” then meant come; “let,” to liinde ; ; “careless,” free from care; “prevent,”-to anticipate; “admiration,” wonder; botch,” an like.; “camphire,” a cy press; “pommel,” a globe etc. MISTAKES OP EARLY TRANSLATORS. The corrections necessary to bring the Engligli text into accoid with the lan guage of to-day, many as they are, are in- sign^fifgnt, however, when compared with Almost every farmer is acquainted „„„ „ , , ..Ith the' merits 'of Foutz’s Cpl^brated m MM ... _ laughing. “One must be very prudish and j Horse and Cattle Powder, so' long before tures, some facts of the first importance old-maidish to meet your ideal of perfect I the American people, therefore it Is need-1 are little known. One of them is that womanhood, Charlie.” | less for us to recommend them. i there never has been a standard text. terial for the work. Those of Victoria have the accumulated treasure of ten tnousand able workers, and storehouses filled with material. Astor'slmient must be expressed that they have found so lit tle of vital importance to Christianity to condemn in the work of their predeces sors—not that they have made ten thou sand trivial, and one thousand important changes In the New Testament. THE TWO VERSIONS COMPARED. The translation of King James was more a new revision than the ordered iof early translators. Three i *go the grammatical nice- Ureek language were uii- lebrcw studies were in their itorf published his little He- S^jrhife the translators were ,“aml hutlgrgcr one alter they had „. In many pases, so weak were fliey'IIebrew, they were compelled to Teave Hebrew words untranslated, not mowing or being able to “guess” tlieir ■caning, ^familiar instance is the word lelial, which is supposed to be a proper ame, but it siniply means unworthy, aud phrase “sons of Belial,” should prop ad “unworthy men;” “Jaiher” is proper name, but an adjective, meaning upright, and the “Book of Ja h- er” was the “Book of the Upright.” The “Gammadims” (Ezek. xxvii., II) are warriors; “Pannag” (v. 17) means a candy; “Sheth” means a tumult; “Bajith” an idol temple. Their wild “guesses” often show absurd blunders. The “mules” mentioned in Genesis as having Been found were warm springs; “pledges” they turned into thick clay; “fleet” into both piercing and crooked; “curls” into galle ries; “leaders” into avenging; “os triches” into owls; “goats” into satyrs; “droves” into linen yams; “set up” they render as cast down; *nd Joseph’s “tunic with long sleeves” indy transmogrify into a “coat of many colors.” Instances might be multiplied until patience whs exhausted of their' inaccuracy. In the New Testament they were better quali fied for their work, aud tbefr errors were not so gross, though equally 'numerous. The grammatical forms upon which so much depends, especially with Catholic epistles, where there is close logic, and the place of a wgril in a sentence may qualify its meaning, are no vet'considered, and they stumble through their work in a “rough and' tumble” way, more like a school-boy than a scholar. Still more, important than either the changes of tbe language or the blunders of translators, have been the. corrections that have been made in the original text, the comparison of manuscripts gener ally, and by tbe discovery of two very an cient manuscripts oftlic Bible in pa.-icu- A single illustration of tbis will suf- Mark says that on the cross that Christ was given wine mingled with myrrh; Matthew says vinegar. The “har mony” that gives Him two drinks is bosh for children; scholars know there is a contradiction. The natural inference ' is that the writers did not disagree, and the error rose in copying. By comparing manuscripts, the inference is foupd to be correct, the older codices agreeing upon wine. The two words in the Greek Are very much alike, ot the same length, and differing only in the middle letter. The most violent of atheistical shoemakers, when shown the manuscripts, would not hesitate in his acknowledgment that there was no contradiction, and that.tbo cause of the error was to be found in the care lessness of some copyist of the Greek text of Matthew. ORIGINAL TEXTS. Reverence for the Bible is modern. It . in fact, an outcome of the reformation. Th6 Greek and Roman churches respect the Bible; the Protcstent reveres—some times worships it. In old times copies were made with care, but not sufficient to avoid mistakes, and very few agreed. Very few agree now, except when printed from the same plate3, aud it is not safe to cast stones. The denunciation of those who “added to or took way” has always been confined to Scotland. When the present translation was, made there had been comparatively no coin- parison of manuscripts for the elimina tion of errors; there were very few old manuscripts known; the inaccurate Vul gate (Latin translation) of that day was the staff upon which the forty leaned; and texts known to be corrupt' had to be used for want of better. The oldest copy of a manuscript that they consulted was of’thc middle ages. Within the present generation two co pies 1 bf the Bible, made about 340 A. D., have been brought to light,, the pages photographed, and copies distributed among scholars. These are the celebrat- “Codex Sinaitlcus,” found by Tiscben- dorf in a convent on Mount Sinai, and tho “Codex Vatican us,” found. In the Vatican library at Rome, where for'cen turies it had reposed unnoticed dnd un cared for. These two aloud' have been of priceless value in detecting errors : of transcription and in harmbnizing discord- passages satisfactorily to tbe skenti-" as well as the credulous seeker for truth. The present version of the Bible based upon a very few modem manu scripts, not^excggcling five Jn number. That now before us is made from careful comparison of over twelve hundred, ninety-eight being ancient—from tbe fourth to tbe tenth century. Iu addition, all tbe quotations by the patristic - and early writers have been collected, aud the early translations into Syriac, Latin, Gothic, Egyptian, Celtic, Arabic and Slavonic. Three centuries ago tbe translators of King James bad few aids and little mi- translation; the revision of Victoria more a new translation than the ordered revision. In each case the exigencies of the labor compelled a departure from and compromise with the instructions, Inthe latter case there is less reason than in the former, but after the first excite ment dies away, it will not be regretted, The new revision of the New Tetta- ment issued from the University press will at first shock the Protestant world. It is not recognizable as a Bible. Tho chapters and verses are gone; the tunning head lines are gone; verses aie missing, changed, pared; familiar texts that have become engraven on the ir'nd of churah people for generations have disappeared, and in their places are for eign to the eye'and strange to the ear. Verbal and grammatical charges may be counted by tbe tens of thousands. The first general idea that will strike the scholar, however, is the delightful faithfulness with which the Greek text has been reproduced for the , English reader. The narrative is unbroken by disfigurement of chapter and verse, but the capitals, punctuation and paragraphs lacking iu the original are, of con -se, su; plied, and for convenience of reference to tho present version, the present divisions are marked parenthetically. The mis leading head lines disappear finally, without a sign to denote their improper int: js'on. The effect is striking and a marked im provement. The sequence of the gospel narratives,the logic of St. Paul, take on a new appearance and force that is not all owing to the improvement in g ?.r uati- cal construction of the text, although in a first reading it is difficult to distinguish how nun his owing to the one and how much to the other, Take this illustration (Heb. iv„ 0-7), which is a fair example of this point: OLD STYLE. . NEW STYLE, of “slept.” “If one died for all, thr were all dead,” instead of “them did ail die.” Paul did not pray the Lord to avenge him on Alexander. He said, “The Lord .‘will’ reward him according to Lis works,” not “the Lord reward him.” “Supposing that goodness were gain” instead of “gain is goodness.” “The Word became (instead of was made) firth.” “Born of a woman” instead of “made of a woman.” “For we saw hfs star," 'not “have seen” it. Such changes as the;e are to be found in every verse, and it w»H not require a very careful reading of eith er of the gospel to see how many changes have been made that do not change the spirit, yet add to its cica: ness and force as well as accuracy. WILL THE NEW REVISION BE PIRATED ? A very interesting question comes tip in connection with the new revision. The members of the committee baive given their time and. their labor. Their ex penses have been del rayed by the Queen’s printer, who happens to bo Macmillan of the well-known publishing firm. He has spent ovei $100,000, purely as a busi ness speculation, and now wishes to get his money back as soon as possible. As I have remarked before, he is safe from competition in this country, for any other person caught printing a Bible, will be severely punish ed'. That profit and prerogative of bis of fice is strictly kept and maintained; so strictly that tlie Bible Society must buy and' distribute whatever books he chooses to fumisli, or none at all. In America there is appar ently an excellent market. The American Bible Society lias pledged itself not to publish the revision, a pledge that its constitution enforces, and tbe Baptist so ciety has furnished assurances that it certainly will not “pirate the Holy Scrij tures.” The American revisers cou’d probably copyright their share of the work,, but the expression of one: “It does not appear to me seemly, for the sake of pecuniary profit, to deprive all jersons save one of the right of publisli- ug Bibles, when we are working with all our minds to bring it into general use,” probably expresses the sense of a majori ty. There is an euo<-mous fortune in it, without having to wait for it. prising American publisher who would get out immediately a cheap, piratical edition ofthe New Testament could easi ly sell, two million copies in a year. 6 Seeing therefore Since, therefore, it it remaiueth that remaineth that some some must enter enter therein, and therein, and they to they who formerly whom it was first received the glad Readied entered not promise entered not n because of unbe- in because of disobe- lief: Idience, lie again fix- 7. Again, ho lim-!eth a certain day; to- iteth a certain day, day, saying so 1 ang a saying in David: To- time afterward in day, after so long alDavid (as hath been time; as it is said: said before),To-dav, To-day, if ye will if ye shall hear his hear his voice, hard-jvoice, harden not en not your hearts, (your hearts. OMISSION EBOM-TUE TEXT. The fourth gospel suffers most at tho hands of tbe revisers, tlie synoptics lesr even than tbe Revelation,and the catholic epistles least of all. The longest excision is from the fifty-third verse ot the seventh diapter to the eleventh verse of the' next, iudusive. Tlie passage is that of the wo man taken iu adultery,, as follows: 53. And every man went unto his own house. chapter vm: Of the Adulterous Woman: 1. Jesus went unto the Mount of Olives. 2. And early in the morning he came again into tlie temple, and all the people came unto him; aud he sat down and taught them. 3. And the scribes and Pliarasees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery;, and when they had set her iu the midst, — 4. They say unto him. Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. • - ■ ‘ ■ Now Moses in the law commanded that such should be stoned; but what sayest thou? 0. This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, -.aud with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. ' 7. So when-they continued asking him, he lifted .up himself and said unto them,. He that is without sinamongyou, let-him first cast a stone at her. 8. And again he stooped down and wrote on the ground. 0. And they which heard- it, being con victed by their oicn conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last; and Jesus wasJcft alone,aud the woman standing in the inidst. 10. When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, lie said unto her, Woman, -tvhere are those thine' accusers? Hath no man condemned thee? . j , 11. She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee; go and sin no more. The following verse (12), in which Jesus declares Himself the> light of the world, is, joined upon and,is a reply to tlie scoff of the Pharisees in the preceding chapter, that out of Galilee* a'riseth no prophet. • The next deletion of importance is the angelic coloring of the description of the pool of Bethesda, in the fifth' chapter. Tho following passage is omitted by the revisers: ' I 3. * * * Waiting for the moving}of the water. . . 4. For an angel went down at a certain season unto the pool, and 1 troubled (lie water; whosoever- then first- after (he troubling of tbe water stepped in,, was made whole of whatsoever disease be Tlie famous text of the three Heavenly Witnesses (I. John v., 7-8) is, of course, thrown out, the following words being expunged: . . I 7. • • • In heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and' these three are one. 8. And there are three that bear wit ness in earth . * * i j--, I j Another notable omission of the revis ers is to be found iu- the conversion ! of Paulas recorded in Acts-ix., 5-0. The words expunged are: * ! * •* * It, is hard for thee to kjek against the pricks. '. . . * - I 0. And lie trembling- ami astonished said, Lord, what wilt-thou have inejto do? And the Lord said unto him. •' • • There are many other familiar passages that have disappeared :> “Many may be called, but few chosen,” fyoai Matthew xxii., 14. “If a man has eats hi hear, let him hear," from Mark vii., lffc”' ‘ Some of tbe happiest Changes are of a single word* as “alive” for “quiet”' ‘They had swallowed us .up'.alive”, jjaS a very different sense than “swallowed 1 us up quick.” “Hd tlnft is washed needeth not save to w.ash bis feet.” “Darkness over all the earth,” aiul.<‘Sovef all thp land” (Palestine), are very different things. In every change the revisers les sen the strain upon faith. ’*•* I fee THE GRAMMATICAL CHANGES. ' Minor changes have been hinted at. ’ It would take too Ipr.g to sort out, arrange and.ciassify them. Hera are a few that come haphazard: “As we .have forgiv en,” instead of “forgive” “pur debtors.” “The pinnacle of tbe temple,” instead cf a “pinnacle” (there was but one). “The fruits of them that are sleeping,? instead to one’s own Bands, to correct real or im- aglnaiy grievances, must be stopped, and that the negro is fully justified in defend ing himself, even in taking the life of his assailants. A few more Jonesboro and Cochran affairs will do more inii—y to oar State than can be remedied to a de cade. It is our intention leaving here on the ninth proximo, reaching home next evening. . C. A. N. From- at Summer Besort. Blue Ridge Springs, Va., August 30,1SS0. Editors Telegraph and Messenger: Vir ginia has- no summer resort where more quiet, unostentatious effoi» is made to please its patrons, assist iu making time pass pleasautly, than in this lovely vale, surrounded by nature’s handiwork. In her mountains, hills, forest, rivulets, groves and lawns, nature has been lavish in-extending her charms and attractions ovsr the place and its surroundings. Art lias come to her aid in putting on tlie fin ishing touch, aud fortune has thrown the combined interest of property-and guests into tbe keeping, of- tho gentleman, above all others, thoroughly qualified to make it a success—tlie whole pleasure and hotel machinery is admirably engineered, and runs smoothly, without noise or bluster. An impromptu theatrical performance was arranged last week,, a-creditable stage erected in the hall room, the actors select ed, rehearsals rapidly followed each other. Fortunately a rare combination of talents, was available among the guest. The Misses F. D. and F. L. G. of Georgia bore aeon-' spicuous part. Mr. A., S. of Richmond, standing six feet six inches in bis stock ings,was the comical and witty actor, per forming his part to the delight of all. His lecture on the horse,, was a delightful medley of incongruous subjects skilfully interwoven and commically expressed. Then fullowcd ,l the boy standing on the burning, deck, token all but him, had fled, ” A frightened, trembling sjbool-boy’s first effort at declamation, was more than realized in this inimitable imitator. Even the audience sympathized with bis ago nizing embarrassment, in which G'asa- bianca selection,, were inteijected frag ments of various in evelant subjects. The second evening following the the atrical, elaborate fireworks of modern manufacture were displayed, converting the grove, lawn and vale, into a fairy- scene, winding up by sending aloft a large balloon. Next come the pets. First to be consid ered, are some -twenty-five young ladies, representing nearly every Southern Stale, aud from their most prominent localities. It would be difficult to cdllect a more in telligent, bewitching company of these young.candidates for admiration and joy ous pleasure, than are now centered here. A little* grand-daughter of Jeff Davis, and daughter of Mrs. liays, attracts more at tention than any little cherub of only fif teen months’ existence. She is intcili- ;ent much beyond lier age, as neat as a oil,and as loqauacious as a parrot. Every lady seizes her on an opportunity, and is off into some shady nook to enjoy her prattle and childish ways. 'Next is a respectable sized alligator in the lake in the vale—be is' a terror to tbe children, and a curiosity to many older heads. . - Jim and Jerry must not be forgotten. They are two very tame crows, who are everywhere, in doors and out, watdhing for a crumb or some blight article, ‘to seize upon, and-instantly decamp. Mahy arousing incidents- of tbelr watchfulness Democratic Mooting in Twiggs, Jefferson ville, August 16.—In pur suant to a call of the senatorial commit tee of the twenty-first senatorial district to (toe citizens of Twiggs county in assem bly met at Jeffersonville, said county. Colonel J. D. Jones was appointed chair man, who stated the object of the meet ing, and C. A.'Solomon was requested to act as secretary. The meeting being organized, npon mo tion, a committee of three was appointed by the chair, consisting of J. U. Burkett, E. S. Griffin, Sr., and S. E. Jones, who retired and submitted the name of one citizen from a militia district as a suitable delegate to tbe convention to be held in Gordon on the 15th of September next. During their absence tbe following reso lutions were adopted: Whereas, In the present distracted con dition of the Democratic party, it is hec- essarv for all who have the good of the eo.intry at heart to so vote as to preserve the unity of tlie party. Be it enacted, 1. That as Governor A. A. Colquitt re ceived a large majority of the convention appointed to nominate a candidate' for governor it is best as there was no nomi nation for tlie recommendation of that majority to he complied with. 2. That we heartily indorse the ad- minisiration of Governor Colquitt believ ing it to be one of the best Georgia has had-. 3. That we regard tbe attack made on Governor Colquitt’s personal character as unwarranted by any conduct of his, and calculated to do no good to the integrity of the Democratic party. 4. That believing in accordance with the preceding resolutions we cannot sup port a condidate who is not in accord with An enter-1 us in the matter. The committee made tlie following re port, which wa3 adopted, to-wit: Jeffersonville district, John T. Glover; Higgsville, Stephen Jones; Shady Grove, J. K. Bums, Tarversville, W. B. Tarver; Ware’s, F. D. Wim'>erly; Marion, S. E. Jonej; Bluff. W. A. Wiggins; Pearson’s, John H. Bull; Smith’s, P. W. Edge; Hammock's, Thomas E. Williams; Mc Daniel, William H. Stokes. On motion, resolved that each delegate be allowed- to appoint a proxy to carry out the object of the meeting. On motion, resolved thai the Twiggs county delegation be instructed to vote for a candidate from Wilkiuson county as Senator, provided that such candidate be in favor ofthe election of A. H. Colquitt. On motion, resolved that the proceed ings of the meeting bo published in the Atlanta Constitution, Macon Telegraph and Messenger, aud Southerner and Appeal. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. J. D. Jones, Chairman. C. A. Solomon, Secretary. small fancy bouquets, when he was An noyed by Jerry’s officiousness, lfeeqfcent seoldiuga and an occcasional cuff, kept him at bay. In an'unguardcd moment his erow- ship raided the bouquets; aiid soared into a tree top, carrying the prettiest one. An effort to capture only resulted in a fur ther flight, with a defiant caw. Among other attractions, none afford more uniform gratification and amuse ment than tbe Italian string band, con sisting of two violinists and a harpist. They are skillful musicians, gentlemanly, courteons aUd respected by all. Mr. Brown lias in contemplation taking them to the Markham House about tbe 1st of October, to add to the gaiety and amuse ment of that well-known liostlerie. Wo a if assured nothing will be lett Un done to place the hotel in the front rank. If indomitable energy, a fixed pu-pose, with marked ability, can compass this end, tbe result will be realized. Atlanta is fortunate In 1 securing one of tbe best caterers in- Virginia, and a gentleman ’ of unimpeachable standing in all the walk3 of life. - “•*♦* That* Is sojourning here, for a shprt time, a young Austrian, rdtlsul to Gaute- raala. lie speaks English, French, Span ish, and the German language flue-nfly, is affable, sociable and enters into (be amusements with a relish-almost to be envied. Hehas recently made a tow- oflhe. 'Western Pacific States, and territories; will sail from New Orleans in a few days to resume his counsulorship duties. Why, cannot America select sucli ability for her consider service? Wo suppose tlie iply to be, that partisan affiliation must be regarded, regardless'of qualification. Among many others now here are Gen. Imbodcn, Dcs. Leigh and Claiborne and Judge Mann, of Virginia, Mrs. Hays, (daughter of Jeff Davis), and Gen. Ilunie, of Memphis, Jolin Finney and wife. New Orleans. The papers to-day bring an account of tbe homicide, near Cochran. The unani mous expressed^opinion among all South erners here is, that tbe taking the law in- IaMPOMible That a remedy made of such common, simple plants as Hops, Bucliu, Mandrake, Dandelion, etc., make so many and such marvelous anil wonderful cures as Hop Bitters de? It must be, for when old and yonng, rich and poor, pastor and doctor, lawyer and editor, all testify to having been cured by them, we must believe and doubt no longer. See other column.— Post. TO rSKYRSI ItKOWNIXG A Clergyman's. Wonderful Invention to Save Life In t)»e Water. A Wesleyan minister, Rev. W. Cowell Brown, has patented an invention which appears to be a simple and practical means of lessening the number of deaths by drowning. A chemical preparation is inserted in a portion of tbe coat, waist coat, or dress. It does not add to the weight, or in any way alter the appear ance of the garment. This preparation is inserted between the lining and the cloth; in the case of a coat it Is placed on each side of the breast, and up the back. The moment a man falls in tue water, the coat inflates, anil he cannot keep his head un der the waves. The invention was practically tested at the swimming bath of the Sheffield Bath Company. First, two small pieces of linen, with part ofthe preparation insert ed between the folds, were thrown into the water. The linen iustantiy inflated so as to form a miniature cushion, and floated about tbe bath. An attendant of the company then put on a coat- with the preparation inserted in it. He first went under tlie shower bath, where he was thoroughly drenched, to show that infla tion would not take place under the ordi nary circumstance of a shower. Under the shower bath the coat did not alter: its proportions in any way whatever. The attendant then took a header into the water. ’ He reappeared at the surface almost immediately and thw^aat promptly inflated. Entering a part of the bath deep enough to take him up to the eyes, lie could not touch bottom at all, and the water scarcely reached liis chiD. By and sagacity frequently occur. A few I struggle he dived partly beneath the sur- days ago Mr._ Brown was making sorbe surface, but came up again iustantiy. Divesting bimseif of the garment, it float ed about the bath until it was taken out. Tlie inventer then attached a piece of lead weighing three pounds to his appli ance, which presents the appearance of & short,light sleeve or lining, and threw into the water. The sleeve, on touching tbe water, expanded like a small bolster, and floated about tbe bath well out of tlie water, sustaining tbe lead weight until both were fished out. Tlie experi ments were as interesting as they were successful. The inventor states that his apparatus, which would simply form an additional lining inserted in a portion of the garment, would sustain a person iu the water as long as he could pos sibly endure the exposure. For forty-five or fifty hours it would be effective for this purpose. In tlie event of a person losing consciousness, the Hiring in the back would form a kind of bed, and that in the breast a pair of pillows, against which his head would rest.—Sheffield {Eng.) Telegraph. When you visit or leave New York city, top at the Grand Union Hotel, op posite tlie Grand Central Depot. Euro pean plan. Rooms reduced to $1.00 and upwards. Restaurant unsurpassed at moderate prices. Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts of the city,; May ll.-e.o.d.. 1 yr. F*ar ShauUux. Taking pills and potions is like shoot ing with tho eyes shut. When you are languid, gloomy, sore, with sour stomach, pains in the body and limbs, yellow eyes, skin and tongue, a bad cough, dyspepsia, diarrhoea and other miseries, take no dose —use Dr. Flagg’s Liver aud .stomach Pad aud be cured. lw. The Yotalic Belt Company, Marshall, Michigan, will send their celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belts to the afflicted upon thirty days tri:.l. Speedy cures guaran teed. They mean wliat they say. Write to them without delay. au31