Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, September 03, 1880, Image 2

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The Nort! m npwspaprf^ mail jailed t)Q Saturday' —Bishop ularedlhatn be allowed gregatich. ' Cincinnati, has de-, ------jr •| ZZ fedha^ Will he women (Aids cou4| [ —It has beau ascertained ’that fifty- three out of-fifty-six young mbn who will vote in Cairo, Ill., for the first time next November will support Hancock, _ —Lord Brougham, once when he was in a facetious mood,‘being asked to define' —alawyer,-said: “Alawyer is a learned gentleman who ie;cues-your,es yonr ehe’mies^aid'keeps It ; —Last Saturday~igTIrs. SaralfiMarBle was about to leave Lenoir, N. £., oh a- a visit, and her friends aud relatives i'ere gethered around to hid her farewell, ’ her sister-in-law, a vdry large woman, throw ing her arm around her, embraced her, but with such force that she broke on If of her ribs. 1 ' * ' J —The rush of Americans from Europe has commenced, and from now until 'Oc tober the incoming steamers will be crowded. It is very difticull'iu*l5ver ool to secure a passage by any popular ine prior to that time, and the majority of those who have bertlis engaged are the possessors of excursion tickets. Blaine Counting Noses—A govern ment official, says the Washington Cor respondent of the Baltimore Sun, who has just returned from-Maine brings hack word that a complete and very accurate canvass of the State has been made under Senator Blaine’s direction, and that these figures give the Republicans 7,500'majori- ty. j Indiana.—The Nashville American says the New York Times gives up the contest in Indiana. Whenever a paper begins to whine about the use of money by the other side it confesses defeat. The Times says Mr. English is laboring se cretly and effectively in his own way, and that it is not a question between honest argument and Mr. English’s money. In terpreted, that simply means beaten ^nd offering the explanation beforehand. —A workingman in Glasgow, whoso wife is a confirmed anif violent drunkard, has hit upon a novel device for pacifying her and protecting himself and his family. In the morning he passes a chain around her ankles as she lies in bed, and secures the chain with a padlock. He then goes forth to his daily work. On returning in the evening, lie releases his captive and allows her to remain at liberty until morning, when he chains her up again. The neighbors have seen fit to interfere and to have him arrested, but as his wife has acknowledged his persistent kindness to her in the face of her own glaring mis conduct, the magistrate has dismissed him after admonisl ins him. publ moon, ihe De: Wewjlip^he changes—mostly wTorwbpd. They forget to state that this effort *wi$s directed to the “refractory minority,” and that they spurned the “old man eloquent’s" last appeal. John - ' Bran tly, who was ‘carried to Savannah from Johnson county on charge of illicit distilling, was discharged, mere ' being no evidence against him. The in justice and wrong done this gentleman cannot Be too severely reprobated. ~ ■lyiTii all the prudence that. can be ex erted by tbe wise men of the Domocracy to lieal the breach oeused by the guberna torial scramble, we fear some indiscreet partisan will yet carry their personalism into theelection of members of the legis lature. We see this disposition cropping out in some directions, as, for instance, the following from the Sparta Ishmaelite: If the nominee for Senator in the twen tieth district should be in favor of sending Joseph E. Brown to the United States Senate, we do not intend to support him The Joint Discussion.—It is suggest ed that the local committees at the vari ous points where joint discussions- are to take place between Mr. Norwood and Governor Colquitt and others, so arrange as to make the speaking come off at con venient hours for those desiring to visit the points alluded to. Let tbe time for the speaking be arranged to meet the schedules of the trains. Gen. R. W. Cassjvell, of Louisville, Ga., has been .endorsed by his local bar, and spoken of by others, as the successor of Hon. H. V. Johnson, deceased. Hon. W. L. Lane, of Worth county, was nominated in the 10th senatorial district, at Albany, on the 24th inst. The following item has been going the rounds of the Norwood press for the past two or three weeks: —The crown Princess of Prussia (Queen Victoria’s eldest daughter), is said to be now the most popular woman in Germa ny. She would have gained the good will of the Berlin population twenty years ago had she not held, with invinci ble tenacity, to the idea of an English establishment at Potsdam. She wished to retain her servants and to introduce the English style of household management. But only a few English sailors, with an officer, who form the crew of the minia ture man o* war on the Havel, are left to represent English service. Washington McLean.—A Long Branch telegram of the 25tb, says it -is thought that Washington McLean, editor of tbe Cincinnati Enquirer., whose life has been despaired ot for several days, will recover. Mr. McLean is suffering from a combination of diseases—acute Bright’s disease of the kidneys, a disor dered lung and blood poisoning, whifcb has somewhat* afleeted the brain. Dr. Hunter says his' pilfenf is ‘dttimds seized with spells of dilirium, when it is almost Impossible tp^alm him, thopgb-his condi tion was thought critical, last night, iir. McLean dressed himself, this morning, and in tbe absence of the nurse and fami ly stole dow tairs and took a seaton tlie piazza. The proceeding alarmed the at tending physicians, who did not succeed in persuading their patient to return to his room for several hours. Drs. Hunter and Metcalfe think there is every chance of McLean’s recovery could he be safely removed to his home in Cincinnati. Interesting Experiments.—The Northwestern Lumberman mentions an experiment which many have important results for lumbermen and grist-millers. Sawdust and bran were compressed at little cost into a space which will much reduce tbe cost cf their transportation. Into a block of compressed sawdust an eight-penny nail was driven so firmly tliat it broke in tbe attempt to draw- it.' Yet the block was easily friable. Three pecks of bran were compressed into a roll si: inches long by six inches in diainater, capable of enduring roach handling, yet easily broken up by the fingers. The pro cess wiU.probabIy bring sawdust largely into use for bedding horses, and will re duce tbe cost of bran to consumers dis- ant from tbe mills, The Color Line at Saratoc a.-*A Saratoga dispatch to the New York Trib une says: “All Saratoga is talking of an incident which happened last Friday night. Two young colored men. one- a student in Howard university at Washing ton, the other attending school at Denni son university, Ohio, went into an ice cream saloon kept by a man named Ains worth, and called for ice-cream. A wait er pointed to an apartment in the rear, and asked the men to walk in there. They refused, and maintained the right to remain where they were. The propri etor then came to v them, told them that he did not entertain colored people in that room, and ordered them out. They again refused, and the proprietor threatened to call a policeman. They sat two or three minutes awaiting results, when Ainswojth came back with a heavy cane in his hand, took hold of one q! tbe men, jerked liim out of his seat, and pushed him toward the door. Tbe man who was seized snatch ed the cane from his assailant, and during the struggle Ainsworth’s eye was blacken ed, but whether intentionally or by acci dent is not shown. Ainsworth says that he has kept a hotel, and knows how to' do such things, and that- he has neverallow- cd colored people to bo served in his parlors.” Wicked for Clergymen. Rev.' , Washington, D. C., writes: **1 believe it to be all wrong and even wicked for clergymen and. other public men to be led into giving testimonials to quack doctors or vile stufls called medi cines, but when a really meritorious arti cle made of valuable remedies known to all, physicians use and trust in daily, we should freely commend it. I therefore cheerfully and heartily commend Hop Bitters for the good they have done me and my friends, firmly believing they have no equal for family usru I will'not do without them.”—Two York Baptist Weekly, aug!8 Dr. H. V. Miller is making the name of Norwood reverberate in the mountains. This is one of their “facts” by which they hope to carry the State for Norwood. Dr. Miller declares that he has not made a speech at all in the present campaign; that he did not leave the city with the intention of speaking in the mountains. The whole thing was hatched out of the fertile imagination of the Norwood au thorities. This “fact” is about as true as many other of the reports going the rounds of their papers. There is a great deal of thunder, but very little lightning. The grand old mountains remain in perfect stillness, so far as the reverberation of Norwood notes is concerned. From the McDuflie Journal: We learn that there is not a Norwood man in the Dealing district, out of a voting popu lation of 250. And yet the followers of the “committee of eleven” say they can’t find a Colquitt man. They aint looking for one, much. Editors Telegraph and Messenger: For the sake of outsiders I would beg you to answer the following question: “Do you represent the sentiment of a majority of your readers?” I think not. I would like to know also if you endorse Joe Brown for the Senate? Yours, Andrew Crawford. Question first—As to the majority we can tell with more certainty after the votes are counted; but have now no doubt whatever, that a large majority of votes will be cast for Gov. Colquitt. Be the majority one way or the other, ortr persuasion is strong that the proper po sition for the re-establishment of Demo cratic harmony, (if it be a possible thing) is the support of Colquitt. He had the too resolute preference of very nearly two- thirds of the nominating convention, and, in our opinion, there has been nothing in his personal character or administra tion to demand or to justify that inexor able hostility to him as a candidate,which defeated a nomination rather than give it to him. Question second—The “endorsement of Joe Brown” is none of our business. That devolves neither npon us nor upon Governor Colquitt. Tbe constitutions of the State and of the United States, have vested the duty exclusively in the-'General Assembly, and we are sorry to see a dis position to make tlie election of Senator a popular election—a movement at war with the whole theory of our governmen tal system. -If we were a member of the legislature, we should not vote for Gov ernor Brown for Senator unless, after a careful review of all candidates in the field, we should conclude him jo be the best and safest representative of the sov ereignty of Georgia in the Senate, then obtainable. But if, nevertheless, a ma jority of the assembly should differ from us in our estimate of Governor Brown, we should still stick to the assembly, and not bolt because of the difference in opin* ion. We should try to live through it, and take the best and most encouraging view of the facts. If there is any other sensible or practicable course, to pursue, we fail to appreciate it. Here isthe way “things are workirv in one of the Republican strongholds of western New York. A letter to the Democratic State committee from Judge W. H. Henderson, of Cattaraugus, N. Y., says: “In 1870 in no one of thirty-three towns of this county was there a Democratic club or a Tilden organization of any kind or name. In 1880, at mid-summer, and before the doors of your committee-room were opened, in all tlie villages and in many of the more rural townships large Hancock and English clabs were formed and organized, and soon every election district in tlie county will boast of its Hancock and English club. In every neighborhood there are Republicans who never acted with us before now advocating the election of Hancock. As a specimen brick, in the adjoining town we had forty- eight votes for governor last fall, and a Hancock club was orgauized there the otlicr night with ninety-six names on tbe roll at the start. I know of .not a single voter in the county who acted with us in 1870 that is not now for Hapccck. ^ the State for a governor, and if they failed to make one by a majority of the popular vote, the legislature could have supplied the omission. The public man, accus tomed to meet all Democrats as friends, would not have been placed in the unwel come position of battling against them as the champion, of a chosen alternative, it self unsatisfactory. We believe the peo ple would have settled the matter with less division and excitement than they will do it now, if the people settle it at all. But viewing.the situation as it was, aud as it now stands, we are compelled to think that the test course is to conceuter on Colquitt as far as we may. A letter from Macon to a prominent citizen of Atlanta, says: “Xine-tentlis of the people of Macon and Bibb county are anti-Colquitt, and we don’t know what to think of tlie action of our dailies, un less they are subsidized.” “Subsidized!” subsidized! Ah! that's the word they apply to “bargain and sale,” aud rneaus swapping principles for pelf.—Seaport Appeal. There can be no other warrant for such charges than the suggestion of a corrupt mind. The position of the Telegraph is dictated solely and regretfully by the miost intelligent judgment we can exercise of the Democratic future of Georgia, In forty years of editorial life, the editor of the Telegraph never received a penny in the way of reward for any course of political thought or action. Sherman’s letters commit him to noth ing worse than a warm desire to escape responsibility in the contcropIatcd.Haycs usurpation. Colonel Harde: We'^jreisftially sy asons whiSi Induce man to okpline^ny p'adl picture f tiiis Ivueiitable^StadB caftans. Noth ing is to ne-won by 7t^f promise to the future of Georgia, whoso solemn charge it was to guide her destiny in accordance with her motto: 1 Itcisdom, justice, and moderationAll these granSi qualities seem to haveitcen 'forgotten by the late Georgia convention, there was wilfuluess. Instead of justice, injustice was rampant. Instead of mod eration, fierce words came from flaming lips. _ We believe that Colonel Hardeman, stands blameless in respect to the unhappy issue of this personal warfare. He stood ready at all times-to retire his own claims in the interests of general harmony, aud we think liis attitude, to-day, would per haps be far more conducive to harmony than the course which events have taken. The convention, being unable to agree on a candidate, might have left the question just where it was—with no nomination or pretended nomination. With no attempt by party enginery of committee-men and stump-speakers, designed to marshal the party against political enemies, to have crystallized tlicir ill-advised dissensions into intestine war. Then the people might have rummaged on which was'po&pbnrtl. A communication from E. T. Byington,. sefcreUry Fort Yaltty NorwooibCl®, vFas* ® al ^ c ^ ® a _ l -A comimfeicAtioh-Tiem Dr. Demis, rof. jnJd&J.he Instead oif Wtotorn,- I«di»««rwas-referred-to4he-finauce com- Tlic nn business, Messrs. Hawkins, Hardeman, Avery (proxy for Shumate and NewmanXfuade* ttsn tlfroUgh' Colonel HaWkiuS, Umim -follows: Democratic ExecutJtf*/ ContinftWe. A meeting of tfio SajjnDehmcraMc ex ecutive committee -wxiW.Wjaat tbe break fast room of the KijntSft HtS^se yesterday at 1 o'clock. CotfL.N.Tr|mmell, chair man, presided. &9L. 1? » Mr. J. II. MitcfiW; of Pilfo county, ten dered his resaUjgQ^Rfih'lfcSRidSfi)bei^ action the orders i Ruger, ' coi lie South, 1 Q,*as iluthbld, Iq The Colquitt Rally en Triday Night. Up to the present moment tlie support ers of our worthy governor have remain ed passive, in the hope that tlie noise and pother of his opponents would subside, and no public discussion become necessa ry. But tills forbearance has beeu con strued into a confession of weakness, aud hence the demonstration alluded to. And right nobly did the gallant Democracy respond to the call. Despite the pealing thunder and falling rain, a goodly num ber of the best citizens of Macou braved the darkness and unpropitiou3 elements, and by their presence evinced their sym pathy with the action of the majority of the convention, and the people of Geor gia. It was a graceful act to place that old ,, Roman, whose name is honesty, Hon. L. N. Whittle, in the chair, and the preliminary remarks that he made, counselling his fellow citizens to stand by the good and pore Colquitt, aud defend him from the -ruthless attacks of his enemies, were eminently appo site and just. The speakers, too, acquitt ed themselves handsomely, and by their lucid arguments and the logic of incon trovertible facts, spiked every guu of the opposition. There is not a solitary charge or insin uation against the integrity of Gov. Col quitt’s administration that has uot been triumphantly refuted. To err Is human. Aud we . do not pretend to say tliat he made no mistakes whilst guiding the helm of the ship of State through the stormy period during which he has held office. But the errors committed were insig nificant, and did not emanate from the heart. We believe him to be scrupulously conscientious in all things and full of the milk of human kindness. _ _ tnm have been harder to get than ever. Tbeaddress~ iff Colonel Stewart showed 1 frteTO&fSi him to be an adroit and experienced stump orator, calm, imperturbable,-and ever ready to meet every interruption and all tbe exigencies of debate. Hia defense of the governor was most conclusive. Nor did he' fail to show that Mr. Norwood would have enough to do from henceforth until the election to vindicate himself from the damaging statements which were go ing the rounds against him. The maiden effort of Mr. Walter B. Hill, also, as a political sneaker, like everything that proceeds from that talented young barrister, was bold, incisive and, at times, really eloquent. • j Many Were the reasons be adduced why the people should continue to give an earnest support to their able and much slandered chief magistrate, and featful was his arraignment of Mr. Norwood. The senator, ere this, has doubtless found out to his cost what are the perils of a candidate for office before the people. True dr not true, these chaiges must be a source Of unspeakable humiliation to the gentleman, and we are sorry for liim. Both speakers were cheered to tbe echo, and the meeting adjourned after appoint ing an' Admirable campaign central- committee, and pledging itself to promote, by every honorable means, the success of our national standard bearers, Hancock and English. The Colquitt men are now fairly aroused, and-despite sensational tele grams and letters published elsewhere, will carry Bibb county by a handsome majority for tbe choice of the majority of the convention and the people of Geor gia. The Athens Banner, the Independent organ of tbe ninth district, says it will publish some extracts from Gov. Smith’s* speech, recently delivered in Columbus, and remarks: Take it all in all, it Is about the strong est presentation yet made of the case against Gov. Colquitt. We agree with the editor, that it is far more dignified than the efforts ofthe would- be Governor,at Atlanta or Savannah. And yet Gov. Smith did not present a single charge but what was promptly answered, and thoroughly explained by Gov. Col quitt in bis recent letter. If the Banner would deal fair, let it publish Gov. Col quitt’s reply, and then we will be willing to submit the whole controversy to a just public for their decision. . If this is the strongest presentation that can be made, why not submit both documents to your readers! Will the Banner do this! Of course not. It is the plan decided upon by the Norwood papers to admit nothing in their columns, but that which Js in favor of their own candidate. This con duct exhibits but little confidence in their subscribers. No one can tako Dr. Tutt’s Fills and remain long unwell. They increase the powers of digestion, and excite the absorb ents to action. The old stereotyped opin ion that calomel must be used “to carry off tlie bile,” has given away before the light of science. The vegetable kingdom furnishes a remedy free from ai! deleteri ous effects. Such are Tutt’s Fills. aug24-lw adoption of the following resolutions: Whereas, Since the last meeting of this committee, a member thereof* i Hon. Miles W. Lewis, of the county of Greene, who was then in vigorous health, lias been suddenly removed by death;. . ' llesolved, That iu the death ofthe said Hon. M. W. .Lewis, this committee lias lost a valuable membei, society a worthy citizen, and tlie State an able, patriotic and influential sou. , For years he has been one of the prominent men of Geor gia, distinguished for Integrity, public spirit and capacity. We profoundly : re gret his.decease, and pay this tribute; to a memory of worth aud excellence. Besotted, That these resolutions - be published, andthat a copy be sent to his family. ji. : Which werpunanimously adopted. ‘ 2. The committee recommend the- fol lowing resolutions: • I vi It being the opinion of this committee ’.hat the majority rule should obtain in nominations for State officers, but in or der that the will of the people may be ex pressed on the subject; therefore, [ Besotted, That the next election; of delegates to a State convention be by pri mary elections; Besotted further, That in said primary each voter indorse on his ballot his choice, majority rule, or two-thirds rule, andthat the executive committee of each couiity forward the number of votes east for each rule to the State executive committee for consolidation, and that whichsoever ride, has a majority of the votes so indorsed in the State, shall be recommended to lfo'J .convention as the rule for the uoininat oii of State officers. Which resolutions were adopted. 3. The committee recommended that the Democratic newspapers of the St ite be requested to revise the electoral tickej, in order that some slight errors now ex isting may bs corrected. Which was agreed to. 4. The committee recommended that a committee of fire be appointed to issue an address to the people of the State’on national issues and the support of the claims of Hancock and English. Tlie chairman appointed the following committee: -Willis A. Hawkins, R. | J. Moses, Tyler M, Peeples, Arthur II. Gray, Win. T. Newman. . ' J The appointment of a finance conimit- tee was recommended ami' agreed to, aiud the chairman appointed the following committee: A. D. Abrams, LaGrange; W. M. Low ry* of Atlanta; S. M. Inman, 1 ‘Of‘Atlanta; B. E. Crane, pf Atlanta; Johp White, of Athens; Wilberforce Daniel, of Atigus' J. L. Hardeman, of Macon., 1 ' j Ou nlotion of Mr. Shumkte,it was— ^ Besotted, That the chaWS an appoint a member to fill the vacancy caused by death of Hon. Miles W.' Lewis, and other vacancy that may‘occur by resij tion or otherwise until the coni 1 meets again. Tlie ciiairman appointed Hon. Fi H. Coley, of Wilkes county, a inembu the committee in place of Colonel Le deceased. • x ’ On motion of Mr. Newman, the g man was authorized to appoint a tie er for the committee. 1 ' William U. Patterson, cashier Citizens Bank of Atlanta, was appointed. The committee adjourned subject to the call ot the ciiairman.—Atlanta' Constitu tion of the 201 h. Gherman Letters. August 20.—The “. ck,” published by fonlains his correspo of Decem.' the cours to the pubiT iVor, December 28, was ten.-Sherman. The latter wrote "December 4th, granting General ritcatton fcir^rleaveroft'ab 1 CaAndcltfry ana Ins lelte jbwifcg All<6iQuaj‘(tke on!’ ones) In |^g.Hral affaire.—Rnferrillg-t.0 enf to hire, Uiwurii tb»mwlwyM*** recommended . the* -They aie*not nitlttaryv-T~dislrkc very much tffiiye -omYypiffierfrpiscd iu coi cert with tueTegislatlve ooay, out orders (om. ing from the President have to he obeyed-: They fprm a bad ’nreeedeut, but thus far have prevtareff”h coHisltirt of arms be tween the iqflamed partisans.” The letter from .General Hancock (not included In'the ‘correspondence) expres-' ses so'me-nueaslrfess on account of a news-' pader report Which he had seen, I'statirig that he was ordered firom New York, and which appears to have furnished; an occasiqu Tor the following letter from GeneraUSherman: ' “Headquarters Army of nife lJxiT- ed States, Washington, D. C;*.JDe- cember,187(i.—My Bear General: Best your peace of mind may be disturbed by a fooliin report, bandied in the newspa pers about your being : oiidered from New York,-I (will tell you that there is not bne . word of. truth in it. Neither the Fresi dent nor the secretary of war has ever! in timated td me such a propose,;and I know I h'ave never said a word or written a syl lable to that effect.. I see in the Bepubll- can, of St. Louis, that : not only was the order made, but I destroyed it and tore OuS the leaves of the record book contain ing the copy. The whole thing was, and is, an invention' py somebody who wanted to create d sensation. The same is true about John Sherman’s (in triguing to be President of the Senate, that lie might be President ad interim. 'Ke lias thld me that he ba3 ijeVer heard th* subject broached; that he would hot accept the place, as lie preferred to be what he is now, chairmati of the Senate committee on finance.”’The letter con cludes : “No serious changes in the com* mand are being contemplated, and -when they are, you may be sure that I will give vou.flie.earlicst notice. Inhere are men on mischief intent, who would gladly sow seeds of discontent among us Of the army.” Truly your friend, (Signed] W. T. SHERMAN] • This letter is followed by the Caronde- lfet lettbr, to wliicli'Gen. Shnrman replied, as follows:. '* . “Headquarters of' * the UNnpD January 2, 1877—'Gen. W. S. Hancock, ew York—Bear General: I did liotjre- live yoiir pmst interesting letter of De- ber 2Stli, froiii Carondelet, Mo., fill terday. I am very glad to,have your ws in extenso upon a subject of such .vital importance. Our standard opinions are mostly formed Qn the practice of (mr predecessors. But a great change was ’riiade,after tlie close of tlie civil war»by the amendments to the constitution, giving ^ to fredd slaves certain civil and poIUtcal •rights, dnd empowering Congress to make laws necessary to tlie enforcement; of these rights. This power is new and absolute,' and ‘Congress has enacted laws with which we are not yet familiar and accustomed. [See pates 348, 84‘.) aud 350 Revised‘Statutes, section 1080, edition 1873-4]. As a matter of fi J I dislike to have our anny used in th ch'il “conflicts, hut the President has tlie lawful right to use the army and navy; bill for oved by ’gmfcnt, all- . - .. „ jr disorder m connection with tlie|presi<Rfoi4al ern- broglio. I feel certain tlut th^Zhal gov ernments in South Carolfca amr*Louis- ipna will-be decided by the same meau3 hicji (fctennines who is to be the next Tesfdehtrof the United States. I tliere- fore (with tlie consent and approval of ty The remainder of the letter relates td the disposition of the troops to he ordered back from the South. UNCLE JIM’S NEW HORSE l -i .. «rt- • • How Me Stayed in Cialuegville on Fri day, and His Adventures by tbe Way. 1 ' It don’t take' Un'cle Jim very long to resurrect another equine carcass' when he loses his steed. Scarcely had the buz zards gouged out the remaining eye of his last Bucephalus when lie hies into ,the country aud returns with a steed wor thy of his taste. This last acquisition is a dark bay, where' the hair.isn’t' rub- bed off, and is constructed after the dia gram of a fine-tooth comb. His tail lias been gnawed oft’ by some hroigry calf, he is hump-backed and hip-shotten,lias a cancer ou the back and the iuilamma- 1 tory rheumatism;- and would iuake a striking sign-board for some bone facto ry. His hoofs are at least nine indies long, and turn up at tip end like they had been cnee barbecued. There ain’t meat enough on that horse to fatten -a n.usqulto. We don’t believe he’s dieted at auythibg but chestnut bark in overfif- ly years. From tbis'fact as soon as Uncle Jim pranced into town like a dyspeptic .cyclone the Lazy Club convened and dubbed his new purchase Tanner, t Alec Ifoebuck sayg.j?udge Gilliam don’t weigh nothing but a pajr of ragged pants and a court lipuse key; i;pd we don’t suppose thattliis equine Tanner wyuld put down tbe scales at more, than a bridle-bit and a few leather strings—besides that sore'on bis bock. Where Uncle Jim keep3 his horse manufactory the boys would like? to know. In the past few years he has own ed five steeds that doubtless did cavalry service in the Revobitionary war. They were then condemned by the gov ernment aud sold to; some grave-yard. The. buzzards refusing, to touch- them, knowing |faey wflujd starve to deatji while picking tl;e.bongs, these old animals mail- aged somehow to exist until again brought Jqto requisition by our, aged friend. ••headquarters oi ajue as Uncle. Jim got his new ani- nr. .9 Vr™ J*! m®l lie started to Gainesville on Friday. J bn Brow-res sure Oun at Hi iday ruiJprs ot a tragedy ijm were«g|artf ib& city, ifr TelegraphiccommUHcations having-been brought into play, soon laid bare the fact for us. As near as can be ascertained, two white men—Mack and Frank Dykes, lost their lives in an attempt to commit an outrage npon an old darkev. John / °«Wonience. English Capital Seeking Investment. “It is said that there are £200,000,000 -Of British capital now waiting opportunity for investment. That is to say, the'pro fits and accuminulatcd savings of the in habitants of these islands duriug the last, few years are estimated at this enormous total; and during that time sound invest ments yielding anything like a good tc- be had at prices that will give much mqre than three and a half per cent., and even preference and ordinary stocks are only purchasable at prices that yield.a fradtiou more. In time we shall no doubt have plenty of new projects; and it is a moial certain ty that m the course of the next few years we shall have a repetitiofi of the ‘old, old story’ of clever decoys and plun dered dupes. If the British invester were not made to be the prey of tlie spoiler, )ic would strike out courses of his own. There is an happy laok ofinitiative,begot ten of a habit of waiting to be led and guided instead of striking out paths, -which -is probably more conspicuous among those who- have money to invest than those who are without it. The ciy Among thfem tof a new field for invest ment is as clamorous at this moment as was ever the cry. of the despot of old for tlie invention ‘ of a new pleasure. -We hope there is more chance of a satisfacto ry answer in tbe modem case than there was in tbe ancient.”—Mete York World, The Republicans of Vermont are tear ing the State upside-down lest the Demo crats may reduce the old Republican ma jority. Their State election will take place before that of Maine. A Vermont correspondent of the BoatonTterald hojds forth as follows: “It is estimated that during the few days remaining uot less -than a total of 1,000 political speeches will be made throughout the State. It is the idea of managers on both aides to have oue -or more meetings in every city and town, irrespective of those which had already been held- TheDein- ocrats feel that they will make an effec tive reduction in the majority of 14,23S wbicli was thrown for Hayes iu 1870, and it is an indisputable fact tliat tbe Republi cans are very much of the same way (of thinking. The enthusiasm for Ilaucock is very great among the Democrats of tlie time-honored sort, and it is apparent that the Republican soldier element .of the State is cordially for-him. In the town of II ardwick, for instance, where tlie Democratic vote two years ago was only seventy-tlnee, there is now a a Hancock club of ICO voters. So it is in Newport, where the Democrats bad only 100 votes votes two years ago, there is now a Hancock organization of 200. Con cerning the general result of the natioiial election the Deuioerats are kept confident by cheering reports from the New York headquarters, aud Col. Hooker keeps up the spirit 'of the Republicans * by their as surance from the national committee that Garfield'will sweep tlie country. The nomination of English in Connec ticut fills tbe Democratic heart in Ver mont with a confidence that at least one New England State will go for Hancock and perhaps two, if Frank Jones should be nominated for governor in New Hamp shire. The Republicans have finished a canvass of the State, tlie last of the towns having reported to-day. I have been unable to obtain the official result, but understand, from Ji source that ought to be reliable that it indicates a loss i of nearly 6,000 from the majority cast for Hayes In 1878. * 1 Glad to See lint,—The Marquis Tseug, tbe Chinese plenipotentiary, wnen he arrived at Berlin the other day, went through some odd courtesies with Li Fong Pao, tlie Chinese ambassador to Germany. On arriving at the hotel the two gentlemen began their formal Asiatic salutations. They folded -their hands, fell on their knees, and threw themselves on the ground with outstretched arms. The members of the two embassies sa inted each other in the same manner, and then they all exchanged their visiting cards, which are strips of red paper a foot long and half a food broad. sincerjty. As to tbe presidential election, we are, in Jno manner required to take tlie least act’6n, but recognize him!as President, whom 'lawfully appointed .of ficers declare to be such person. I hope and pray that Congress will agree jon some method before the day and hour ar rive. But ixa case of a failure to elect by or before tlie 4lh fjfMprch, there wijl be a vacancy in botli the office of Presi dent and Vice-President, in which event the president' of the Senate becomes President pro tempore, and a new 'elec tion will have to be held, under ihe law of 1792. [See title S, chapter 1 1, pages 21, 22, 23 of the Revised‘Statu' It is well We should compare notes , agree before the crisis is upon us; but I sliv- cerelykope we may pass this ordeal safely and peacefully. I will be pleased I to hear from you at any' tinfe. J [Signed.] W.'T. Sherman: The next letter published is from Gen eral Hancock to General Sherman, dated New Yoik, Januaiy 2. It is as follows a “General IV.T. Sherman; United States Arms/, Washington, B. U.—General: An anonymous communication to‘the secret tary of war, dated Louisville, December 20,1870, reached ihy Headquarters on the 27th of that month, from the office of fie adjutant general of the army. It repre sents that'in the ‘contemplated uprising of the people to 4ntorcc the inauguratioroof Tilden and Hendricks, the ■depot at Jef fersonville is to be seized, and is expected to arm -and clothe an Indiana army]of Democrats.’ The endorsement on communication, made at the United Si headquarters, dated December 20, 18JG, is as follows: ‘Official copy referred|to Major General \V. S. Han cock, commanding the division !of tlie Atlantic, who may draw a company from General Ruger, commanding the de partment of the South, and post it at Jef fersonville depot, with orders to protect it against any danger.'- The terms of the endorsement imply the exercise of discre tion on my part, which leads ine to write you before taking action. In my judg ment, there is no danger Of-the kind the anonymous communication sets forth, or other kinds at the Jeffersonville depot, to justify the movement of troops to tuat place. Such a movement, it seems' to ine, would involve unnecessary expense, anil would treite or increase the appre hension, for which there is no real foun dation. There-are no arms or ammuni tion at the Jeffersonville depot, andi if such force as is referred to can be raised for rebellious purposes, It is not likely that it would begin by seizilig the depot of army * uniforms, and, therefore, if there are any grounds for the action of the government, I see no danger in the delay which will result from this presentation of the subject [to you. If, however, in your better judg ment, the company should bo sent tl it shall be promptly done, as soon as you notify me to that- eflfect. As I baVe al ready said, I do not act at once because, in your instructions, you say I ‘may’ send a .company there, which I construe as leaving it somewhat discretionary with me. I returned on the 31st of December from 8t. Louis. I am, very truly yours, “[Signed.] W. S. Hancock, : Major General Commanding.’! On tlie 19th of January, Gen. Han cock wrote to <4en. Sherman that he liad been so busy that-be bad “nbt yet written as he intended.” In reply to the ac knowledgment of tills letter ' from Ca rondelet, he says: “I wished to notice simply ybur refer ence to the revised statutes, and one or two other points, in a brief way. I will do so yet, but nbt to-day, as I am house hunting. “Hie proposition for the joint commis sion insures a peaceful solntiou ofthe Presidential election if it becomes a law, and in my opinion gives it to Gov. Hayes —chances he did not have before. I have considered that Mr. Tiideil’s chances were impregnable, uot so Mr. Hendricks. Now, it seems to me that Gov. Hayes haa something more than ab equal chance, but definite results cannot be foreshad owed. Fortunately, trouble need not be provided against by the use of the army, should the bill become a law. If tbe bill passes, and Gen. Grant vetoes it, Mr. Tiiden’s chances will be stronger than before. Certainly if he and his friends support the meas ure, public opinion will strengthen his position. The danger in the compromise question or joint commission plan, is that the defeated candidate might appeal to tlie Supreme Court on the grounds of ille gal and unconstitutional decisions. I am very truly yours, W. S. Hancock. The first day he made Crawford, the next Col. Pope’s; two more, by bard driving, carried him to Athens. Ten days after he left Lexington found him sale and sound, within seven miles of bis destina tion, anil getting out bis old spelling bii be read with pride tbe sentence: “Friday is as lucky a day as atiy othe But just at this auspicious piemen crash was beard, and. oueqf his bu| wbeels’dropped to pieces with tbe dry i Thus was bis cherished theory again I niolislied. He cared not- for the inconvc nience, for with a chesnufrail and a hicko ry withe, he, in ten minutes, makes good a wheel as Tucker or any one el but the idea of his Friday’s start ag coming to au untimely end was.mort: ing, to. say the least. But Uncle Jin not the niau to grieve over spilt milk. Jl a few moments lie had a bran new wheel made out of an inclined rai!, the old q being strapped behind Ids buggy likj wheel or fortune, aiffi was moving towai Gainesville at tne lightning speed of five hours a mile. He says he didn’t mind tlie accident so bad as the sympathizing re marks of the mountaiu lioosicrs he passed, such as: , - “Don’t ’low them gambling implemehts in this county, old man!” ■ ! i “What do per ax tor spinning-wheels ; my fieri ?” “Hello 1 Got a nqw patent tliar, hev ye.? What’s a fam’ly rite worth?” “Itidiu’ on a rail, is ye? Boys, fetch Out the tar and feathers.” “Mister, what saw-mill you draggin’ that fog to?” “Captain, you carry in’ that rail, along to feed your - boss on ter night?” Starting to the next Centennial, are you?” < n ■ “Markin’ off another railroad, eh?” “Mister,’ I’ve got a good billy g(iat' at home I’d like to swap for that turn out.” “By jingo,.I’ll bet that old mania go ing through tlie country lecturing in favi of no fence! He’s advertised.” “Judge, what railroad you are coin’ [to sell that locomotive to?” Uncle Jim spoke not a.word, but lie looked concentrated blue blazes. At nooir on tbe fourth day after the -break down, he drove into Gainesville. He Iras his wheel tieibup, and says bn pest Friday week he intends to stirt again for Gaiuesvillee.—Oglethorpe Echo The Wrong Leg.—The Portland Advertiser tells tlie following story: Therfe was art eminent sergeant-at-law some years ago who had a cork leg which was a triumph of artistic deception. None but Iris intimates knew for certain ‘which was‘tbe sham limb. A wild young wag of tlie “utter bar,” wlio koew the sergeant pretty Well, once thought to utilize knowledge of tlie sergeant’s secret to t in a green, uewly-fieilged young barris' _ The sergeant 'was addressing a ‘special jury at Westminster in his usual earnest and Vehement style, and the wag whis pered to Iris neighbor: “You see h‘ hot old - Buzfius is over his cil_, now, M bet you a sovereign Pll run this pin into his leg up to the head, and lie’ll never notice it, he’s so absorbed in his case. He’s a most extraordinary mart'in that way.” This was more than the greenhorn cduld swallow, sdlic took tlie bet The wag took a laige pin from his’ waistcoat, and leaning, forward drove; it up to the liead iutb the sergeant’s leg. ! A yeH that froze tlio blood of all wlio heard it, that made the hair of the jury stand oh end arid' caused the judge’s wig almost to. fail off, ran through the court. “By JoVe! it’s-thewrong leg, and I’ve lost Uiy money,” exclaimed the dismayed ahd conscience-stricken wag, quite regardless of the pain he had inflicted upon the learned sergeant. The Future Qi een of England, The Londoii correspoudeBt of the Boston Herald, writing -of- the recent grand fair at Kensington house, 'says: “I-hare seen her royal highness more than once, but never admired her so much as when die came up the steps surrounded by her shy- little daughters. No wonder the English love and revere the Dapish Princess who has made so good a wife and mother. What man would not die for Alexandra, as he-saw-her* -leading- her three little ^rls, the personification of all that is almost' clung to. their mother’s they mounted in* a group to the terrafce, dad in their simple blue dresses. Tlie Princess of Wales wore an exquis ite costume of heliotrope silk, shot with ;old and trimmed with white Jace; in aer land she carried a large bouquet of camel- ias and other white flowers. She ac knowledged the sweeping courtesies of some of the ladies and the respectful salu tations o| the crowd of visitors with a dig nity in which (here was no trace of stiff ness. Her sweet face, still fresh rind al most girlish, despite of her wifehood and maternity, made all other 'beauties’ seem pale or'common beside her, for it is truth, and not flattery, to say that tlie princess remains the prettiest woman in England.’. When you vlstt or leave New York city, top at the Grand Union Hotel, op posite the Grand Central Depot. Euro pean plan. Rooms reduced to $1.00 and upwards. Restaurant unsurpassed at moderate prices. Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts of the city; May ll.-e.o.d., 1 yr. Lyon’s Patented Heel Stiffener is the only invention that will make old boots straight as new. Ini And Stilt They Come. Editors Telegraph and Messenger}— There was it grand mass meeting of the citizens of Twiggs: About seventy-five met at Jeffersonville yesterday to'seiid delegates to. the senatorial convention ’ at Gordon. A resolution was intrpdueed aud carried, instructing the delegates to accept no man in the Gordon convention who is opposed to the re-election of G6v. Colquitt: . It is Wilkinson coqnty's time to name her mau for Senator, provided he he a Democrat, and the duty of Twiggs and Jones counties is to endorse her candidate. she has already named E. J. Massey, ahd as a citizen of Twiggs county I feel in honor bound to support him, whether he is for Colquitt, Brown or Norwood, and the.“tagging” of Twiggs county deje- ;ates with that 'resolution is a gratuitous insult to Wilkinson county and her can-: didate, and will create discord in the con vention Sinless Jones county secs to it that .oi anairs we have need of your aiU-iw i ttat y , ou meet us at the “K* tbl ? evening at S o’clock. Shall it be sard that all of our leaders have deserted us? mauers A. G. Butts, " E. P. Taylor, — hi S~B*Pjaee,~ —« C- E. Campbell, -N> M. HodginSj and Olliers. Maqon, Aug, 2?, 1880. Brown by name. — About fire ' edge ofGum Swamp, lives John Brown, a respectable and respected colored man. ^ ~ -— What were his oflhnre. ---Tin ■ n * eur *'Butts. E. P. Taylor, S. upon Thursday night, with all the lights «»»***■*■“ “ JfE -\* ToUr f a out, the old man sat up in. his lonely cabin, awaiting the approach of a body of men, who had threatened to whip him. While thus awaiting he heard stealthy footsteps upon the outside and . then the tramp of a crowd. , The hour had come and the man felt his danger. Arming himself with a heavi ly loaded shotgun he crouched in a cor ner, and waited. Without a word of warning pistol ; shots came through the door and the blows of heavy instruments fell upon it. There was no demand for surrender, no chance to explain or. im plore; a murderous crowd was upon him, and desperation was bom in his heart There, in the night, the crowd and the man confronted each other, with only a fra[l door between, one crushing down the division, the other crouching in a • dark comer, with his burning eyes fixed upon the door, and his finger upon his trigger. It was a picture soon to change; with one last crash the door fell in and the crowd pressed forward. ■ At that instant a dark form within stood upright and two sheets of flame leaped forth into the night; the crowd scattered right and fell, leaving the two brothers upon the thresh old, with their brains scattered in every direction. The next instant a dark form glided across them from within, anil was lost in the night. He fled, but no one blamed him for his defense, and the coro- ltersjury which assembled around tbe defid, justified the killing. Correcting a Correction. A prominent merchant in Macon writes: “Another county heard from! At a pri mary election held in Wilkinson county Sat uni ay a Norwoodman was nominated. Some of them tried to get him to say ‘ iie would support Joe Brown, but • he "said: “Gentlemen, I am against both Colquitt and Jce Brown.”—Atlanta Post. Messrs. Editors: Seeing the above in tbe Herald of this evening, forces me to ask that you put these few lines in your paper, that tlie people may knowhow old .Wilkinson stands. She is almost solid for Colquitt. The man selected on last Saturday to represent the people iu the next general assembly, Mr. Benjamin Fordham, is a Colquitt man, had bis tick ets beaded “Colquit.” I am Colquitt, and most all the county is for Colquitt. This is not another county heard frdm, but from Old Wilkinson. • Editors Telegraph and Messenger ,* As the above, which appeared in your paper of yesterday, may create a wrong impres sion upon the minds of some of your rea ders, I respectfully ask that you give pub lication to this. The election of last Sat urday, to which “Old Wilkinson” refers, was a primary, held for the purpose of nominating candidates for the Senate and House of Representatives. One of the tickets was headed “Colquitt ticket,” and ou it Col. R. L. Storey was the cand'date for tlie Senate, and Mr. B. Fordham for tlie House. On the other ticket Dr. E. I. Massey was the candidate for the Senate, while for the House there were two can didates, Dr. D. R. Fluker and I. W. Da vis. The vote stood: For the Senate— Massey, 019; Storey, 597; majority against candidates on Colquitt ticket, 22. For Representative-i-Forilham, 560; Fluker, 473; Davis, 19S; majority against candi date on Colquitt ticket, 111; hjs plurality over opponent having highest vote; JB7. Tiiis-is the result, as officially declared,' and from it our readers can decide wheth er Wilkinson county is for or against Col- quitt. Yours respectfully,« . | A Norwood Man: t . communication. Editors Telegraph .and Messenger: Our attention has been called to. the card of V7. S. Whittaker, in your issue of yes-, terday, relative to tbe Senator from this district, in wliich the following language fo employed: “It bas become very ‘appa rent that the rumors which have beeq, freely circulated, fo the effect that efforts would be made to send delegate* frpiu Bibb and Monroe, determined to ignore any suggestion that 'may He made by the county qf Pike, and to nominate no can didate but such as will bind himself to never vote for Joseph E. Brown for Uni ted States Senator, are true.” , i Therefore, Mr. Whittaker says He with draws from tlie race, leaving the impres sion that Pike would present his name to the convention for nomination, as tlie choice of the county. 1 I ; We deem it our duty as delegates, rep resenting the county of Pike, to ask space iri your paper, in which Mr. Whittakfir’s card appeared, to say that the delegation from Pike haye never contemplated flie idea of presenting Mr. Whittaker’s name to the convention. T. E. Murpaey, ; “ E. F. Dupree, Pike Delegates^ . Garland Head never was for Whitta ker. • L P. S.—J.E. Madden, who resides in tjhe western portion of [he county, has fioj. seen Mr: Whittaker’S card, but will en dorse the above. . “ I Tovidy and "admirable in woman! The justice prevails for Wilkinson county. Princesses Victoria, Louise and. Maude Respectfully, C. A. 1\ Southerner and Appeal please copy. British Food and Trade. An interesting statement bas lately been published in the Journal of the Sta tistical Society on the quantity of wheat imported and grown in England during twenty-eight harvest years, from 1852 to 1878. During the first eight of these years foreign imports supplied 26 per cent, or the total national consumption of wheat; dining the next eight years, 40 cent.; dur ing theTiext eight yeans, 48 per cent.; and during the last three years of the period, 57 per cent. The minimum of imports was three million quarters in 1854-55; the maxi mum, including the harvest year not yet closed, was 14[ million quartern in 1877- 78. The highest yiehl from British fields was nearly 17 million quarters in 1863- C4j the lowest is five million quarters for the late disastrous autumn. These fig ures would seem effectually to dispose of the question, if it is a question, whether England is again likely to return to pro tection. When more than half of the most necessary food ot the people has been supplied from abroad, it is absurd to imagine that restrictions will be our upon the means by which it is obtaiueiL vor of this’date, staringlhS thJJS s 1 P oHa “! atlairs . we have need °u y a l e ad ~ d bCg J0U 1vi!i ,,ieet us at the court-house this eveiiin-” hnn been received, and while I would "ladfo advise at any time with my friends in Bibb, who have so often honored mo with their confidence, I confess iu this instructs my inability to give you a satisfactory re sponse. The condition of the Democrat ic party m Georgia is indeed deplorable, and Will require tbe patriotic efforts of the respective w.ings to restore it to a healthy state. It is useless now to dis cuss upon whom rests the responsibility of this disaffection and division. Tlie fact of disruption is upon us, and while we stop to enqu're who are blameworthy, the seeds of discord and dissolution are taking root and will, speedily mature a harvest of injury to our material indus tries and of damaging results to our body politic. I assure you I -was sorely troubled at the result of our State convention. I was pained, that the majority, at the- risk of dividing the Democratic p.arty, should press (in tbe _ face of an oppo sition so determined and represent ing so large an element of Demo cratic strength),' their single candi date, when so many good men—true Democrats—bad been offered them, who would have commanded the united sup port of tbe organization. I was pained that the minority, after the failure of the convention to mane a nomiuatiort, did not plant themselves on their Record in that body, and patiently await tbe judg ment of the people and their verdict upon whom rested the responsibility of disor ganization arid disruption, rather than follow the suggestive result of the ac tion ofthe majority, to-wft: a recommen dation of one of their ring, to the peo ple, as a candidate for governor. Thus far I think both the majority and minority- delegations were at fault— neither risiug do the irop&femcc and danger of the situation, aud neither evin cing that spirit .of patriotic sacrifice that was necessary to save the party from the dangers that environedit. The conse quence is— With no. regular ap pointed head—is divideddrito factions, in which' jealousies,.-dislikes arid personal isms arq entering; .which will estrange them for yearsumdiperhaps.sesnU in final disiuptidiw..Ihe:3V»q^K- of tlie party, (even theirowwfsoUufen^iweri* riniated by the.majoiity, w bus they adjourned the convention; noounathci, when a nomination was dri their ‘pssrer at any time, had they manifested a spirit of com promise and not - restricted themselves and the conventionrtau the one mair.pjatfomi. Disaffection resulted from this course, and as the majority bad. nullified by their acts their own resolution to nominate un der the two-thirils rule, tlie minority fol lowing the example of disorganization, thus set them, reconiiuendcd also a candi date of their own, thereby' giving us two candidates; neither of them “the reg ular appointed standard bearer of tlie par ty.” While I did not syinpathiro with the majority, nor approve their course. I was deeply impressed with the conviction that it was unwise and unfortunate for the minority to place before the people a candidate. Iff widened the breach the majority had made, and gave tbe old par ty over to discordant factions and un friendly elements. I desired and urged a different colirse of action, for I saw little hope of electing tlie candidate of the mi nority, and therefore saw no necessity of jeopardizing tlie life of the party by fol lowing the unwise and dangerous exam ple of the majority. As was sajdbya •distinguished Geor gian, in the action of the na tional Democratic party that ' split in Charleston, bringing disaster upon its Cause, and revolution upon the people, “the action of the convention, instead of stopping tlie break in tiie levee, only made it deeper and wider,” and 1 fear with him, that “notliiugbuta subsidence ofthe waters (of passion and strife) will ever arrest it.” God grant that there is patri otism enough left among the people to still those waters and allay tlie storm. I adopt the language of Georgia'* great commoner in I860 as my own on this oc casion. “hi tins state of things, so far as I am concerned, I am satisfied tlie best course I can take is to leave (ho whole matter with-those who have itudertakep the management of tlie crisis. Should it turn otit well, no one will be more re joiced than myself. Sllbulil it turn out badly, I shall fendeaver to do whatever the dictates ol patriotism may point out, whenever an occasion shall ariso when 1 see any prospect of doing any good. At this time I see none. l expeef, therefore, in this contest, to be perfectly silent. I see no good to be accomplished by any word that I can say. Tlie popular fever must run its course. I do not wish any one to be influenced- by my views, one way or the other;” for deprecating as I do personalities in a political campaign, and especially between men of the same party organization, I could riot consistently enter into a canvass where it has' al ready shown itself embittering feelings that should never exist, and estrang ing relations that should be none other than fraternal.' I have no heari for such service, and shall therefore not en gage in it. I love peace, and am no discord andj$3trifc. Hating run in tlie convention, and having been voted for by some of the minority delegations, whose generous and constant support 1 shall never forget. I can oniy say they will bear testimonv to the fact tliat I was willing, at any time, to retire' to secure a harmonious nomination. I did not want division in the party. I had worked loo arduously and too long with other good aud true men to place it In power to see it broken into fragments, its unity des troyed, its power weakened, its existence threatened. “My destiny is with the party.” In the dark days of reconstruc tion, when good men doubted and bold oues hesitated, I enlisted wider its banner, and from that day until tlie present, “whenever duty required me to speak I have not been silent, whether in legisla tive hails or the hustings, whether before party, friends” or military rulers, . I have- espoused its principles and men, and I am not disposed to despair of it now in ite hour of gloom, but will cling the closer to it, earnestly praying that the patriotic recollections ofthe past will silence the dissensions of tbe present, and unite its warring factions iri tbe bonds of a close union iu the future. I am, gentlemen, with great regard, your obedient servant, Thos. Hardeman. Too Much for Even a Goat.—The Boston Journal says: A troublesome old marsh goat which has been the pest ofthe neighborhood in which he has foraged around the past twenty years, ended his vicious career in a somewhat tragic man ner last Tuesday noon. lie crawled through a broken fence down in Brook- liue street and ate up a tin-pailfullof plaster of Farts which bad just been mix ed up by a mason, who was plugging up a fitsurt in a cellar wall. A few moments after bis stolen lunch he commenced act ing in a funny manner; he blinked fierce ly, and his under jaw swung from right- io left with .terrific swiftness. Then, .with a furious bellow of agony, lie went ibrough a kitchen window, searing a ser vant girl on to a hot stove, making his egress through a screen door into the back yard. Then with a wild glare in his eye and a hot steak-broiler dangling from his horns, he made mad strides for the Back Bay and plunged at once and forever be neath the waters ot the Charles. —No fragment of the great Bibb county meteor has ever been found.