Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, October 01, 1880, Image 7

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aJm Ham tftltgrn^ m) 3Ht00tngtr FRIDAY OCTOBER I, 1880.' Charles Warner’s Tiret Appearance. Saturday came,, and I amvcd at tie theatre to meet the manager on his return from his tour; for he had several small theatres, and uand to visit them in turns during the year. As I stepped upon the stage, he kindly introduced -me to the stage manager, Mr. T-,—. “Oh, Mr. Warner!* slight mistake in the bill. Your name did not appear; but 1 have two parts for jou this evening.- That was a cheerful announcement for a voting hand at this difficult work. I trembled with fright. “What, sir! It’s 3 o’clock now, and two parts for to night.” “Oh, yes, you’ll be all right. Here you are,” he. said, placing two parts iu my trembling hands—Bras Rouge, in “Mys teries of Paris” and Saib, in “Castle Spectre.” “Bnt sir, it’s imposible, I can’t do it.” “Can’t do it! Nonsense, my boy; you must do it. Clear the stage, we’ll run through them.” We did run through them; and if ever a . poor fellow regretted adopting the stage tor a profession, I d jd that afternoon. Bnt I had a wonderful study; so I went home and swallowed the parts with* cup of tea. My sister arranged my little properties, and all seemed well. But I musttellyou, Saib, one of the parts assigned, was a black but virtuous slave. My calves came into requisition, as I was to wear only black fleshings or tights, with only a loose Indian shirt. When night came I was dressed for Saib, and I heard remarks any thing bnt complimentary from the actors who all dressed in one long room, my legs —flannel legs—being specially selected for cliafT. I must have looked awfully funny, a tall raw-lioned youth, with very little flesh on my bones, and those enormous legs, Well, I got on the stage, and my first scene nearly over. I had a terrific struggle with Earl Percy in the piece. On rising from the ground, where he had thrown me in the terrible encounter, there was. a loud laugh from all parts of the house. I could not tell, In my nervous excitement, what had happened. Karl Percy pointed to my poor legs, and there were too huge calves in front of my shins. In the struggle they had slipped round, and deformed my other wise very straight legs. Oh, if I could sink through the stage! But no I must finish the scene. And finish it I did, amid the laugh or the whole house, linav add that they made me double a pan in tin's S iiece, from Saib to a Captain of the Guard, t was a very quick change:, and on resum ing the dress of Saib, my right calf was no where to he found, I wo3 in dispair. “Sir, there is a stage wait for you,” cried a voice; and in my terrible excitement I rushed on the stage, with one hey; stuffed leg, and the other a poor spimU>sliank, shrivelled like King Richard's arm. Xcversliall I forget the peals of laughter as I entered. Speaking was out of the question. After many vain altomps, I made a most ignominious exit. I never wore fiannel again.—The Stage Door. A Bomastic Beunion—Loring, the Boston bookseller, tells a very romantic story as follows: “At one time I had pre pared boxes of fancy paper with a fancy initial or pet Liiuc embossed in it, and I put this paper up at $1 a box, and adver tised it widely. One day I had an order from California from a Miss Susie — The box was done up, addressed to her and lay about here, when a young En glishman came in and wanted to write a letter, when his eyes caught the address on this box. “ ‘Have yon the order that came for that box of paper?’ he asked. “‘Yes,’ I replied, ‘’tis about some where.’ “ ‘Would vou mind sending’it tip to my hotel? If it is what I think, I shali leave for California to-niglit.’ “I found it and sent around and heard no more of it for perhaps three months, when one day the young man, with a lady on his arm, walked in. ‘Mr.' Loring, I want to present you to my wife,’ he said. ‘We could not leave this country till we had thanked you for your partin bringing us together.’ The denouement was quite a romance. The young man was the son of an aristocratic family, and the girl the daughter of a gardener. But love levels ail distinctions, and this young man felt this girl to be the chosen companion of his life. To break oft' the attachment the father had sent liitn to the Continent and dispatched the gardener and his pretty daughter to America, where the young man had ’followed them ig norant of their address, and at last finding it through the chance of the box of paper.” A Young SEA SEJtrEXT Captured.— A Victoria dispatch to a Sail Francisco paper says that a genuine sea. serpent, s!x„ feet in length, with the orthodox mane, head shaped like a panther’s and tail whittled duwnto a sharp point,was brought in by Indians yesterday, who caught it in the straffs. Its appearance creates intense interest amongst savants, and old fisher men cannot place the monster. The ser pent has been photographed, and the body will be preserved in spirits and sent to Ottawa for classification. appeared- on the track for • the first trial heat, and was received with re newed demonstrations ct approba tion. Mr. Hickok nodded for the word on the thifd start, and St. Julien sped away for the quarter pole, which he readied in 32} seconds, 3\ seconds quicker than in his previous heat. From here to the half-mile post the same time was recorded, passing the one-lialf mile in 1:04} or 2:09 time. The next quarter was made in 331 seconds,'the three-quarter-pole be in'’ passed in 1:38. From here the horse thundered down the home stretch at a rattling pace, and, as he passed under the wire in 2.-13J, received a perfect ovation from the exdted crowd. After another heat of the 2:25 race had been trotted St. Julien was brought out again. The start in this heat was rather a disappointment, as was the entire heat, tlie horse not seeming to exert himself to the utmost. He madetbe first quarter in 34}; half mile, 1:01}; third quarter, 1:41}, and the mile in 2:lo. St. Julien was then led to the stable amid the plaudits of the spectators. » Beanlifiers. Ladies, you cannot make fair skin, rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes with all the cosmetics of France, or beautifiers of the world, while in poor health, and nothing will give you such good health, strength buoyant spirits and beauty as Hop Bitters, At. ial is certain proof. See another col umn.—Telegraph. sepl4-2w DENTISTRY. DR- S. B BARFIELD, JVo. OO MulborryHt. OlJicn Houas—S a. xn. to C o. m. aug26tl A CARD. Toall vhoare suffering from tbs errors ir.d fndiserenoiiscf jqq:c, nervous «ethes>, early decay, 'o-a of icartKrd. etc., l will tend a recipe that wi;l cure you, PRRK OP CHARGE. Tbis great remedy was discovered by a nmiionary in Soutu America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman. Station D, Now York City. aorlt-doodawly Why the Republicans Cannot Cabby Virginia.—A letter from Rich mond, Virginia, by Howard Carroll, ap pears in the New York Times of the 27th, giving reasons why Republican success is out of the question in Virginia. For three years there lias been, virtually, no Republican organization there, and though an electoral ticket has been nominated this year there lias‘been absolutely no canvass, no speakers, no documents, and no money. The capitation tax of 51 is an indispensable prerequisite to voting, aud the Republicans, mostly negroes, are so poor that 50,000 or 00,000 will not vote unless these taxes are paidier them, and beside, the disro/daqt wings of the dem ocratic party would promptly coalesce if there wer? tjie jsligjitest danger.of :the State being carried by the Republicans. As it is, the Democratic leaders know that even were tlieir vote divided be tween the “Readjusters” and “Funders” in equal parts, each faction would still have from 10,000 to 20,000 more votes than can be cast by the Republicans. The Republican organization is now kept up for the control of the local offices. Celebrated Dr. Win.. H. Stokea, Baltimore, writes: “I confidently recom mend to tlie medical profession Coldeu’s Liebig's Liquid Extract of Deef for con sumption', depression, weakness and indi gestion.’? Sold by druggists and gtoeere. l\v * The Voltaic Belt* Company, Marshal), Michigan, will send tlieir cclebrafcu Electro-Voltaic Bel.s to the afflicted upon thirty days trial. Speedy cures guaran teed. They mean what they say. Write to them without delay. »* St Jalien’s Race. Boston, Sept. 25.—St. Julien to-day at Beacon Park brought together the largest crowd ever assembled at the trotting park in the vicinity of Boston since tlie dav of Smuggler’s race in 1872. The chief at traction, of course, was St. Julien, who was to improve his last chance but one this season to lower his record of 2:11} to 2:10} or lower, and he appeared to be in an excellent condition for doing so. His flue appcarauce elicited many noisy com mendations from the multitude of spec- tutors. »-* To make the occasion more attractive, the Driving Association arranged two more contests, procuring some of the quickest steppers-ipO-ha country; "trtfAiefy, Daisie Dale,' Wedgewood, Driver, and Sheridan, iu the 2:10 ciass, aud Nancy. Golden Girl, Walburg and Lady Martin in tlie 2:20 class. : The race in the latter class was the first called, and after .the first heat had been trotted,St. julien ap peared upon llie track, and was received with thunders of applause. lie trotted up and down several times, making ready for his warming-up heat, which, after two poor starts, he commenced in good M vle, though well held in by Mr. Hickok. He trotted, tlie mile 2:244- Tlie second heat of the 2:25 class followed the warm ing-up heat of St. Julien. ■ When this had been decided, ibe king of the turf again Warner’s Safe, Kidney s Liver CURE $1.25 PER BOTTLE- A positive remedy for all Kid- •tey, Liver and. Urinary Troubles of both male and female. * •> - t READ THE RECORD : “It raved ury life.”— E B. Lakely, Selxi, Ala “It is the remedy that will care the many dis ease* peculiar lo women."— Slather's Magazine. “It bu pa>sot severe tests and wen endorse ments (tom some of the highest medical taleut in tne country ’’—Now Y„rk World. ‘-No Remedy heretofore discovered can be held for on; moment in compaiison it."—O. A Harvey, D. D., WAbington, B. O. • This great natural remedy is for sale by all druggists in all parts of the world. —TRY IC AND TAKE NO OTHER.— H. H. WARNER Sc OO ROCHESTER, N. Y. A j VEGETABLE ! MEDICINE FOR THE ! BLOOD, UVER&KIDNEYS: GURATINE, For 2!ooJ Dkeaacs. GURATINE, For Liver Complaints. CURATiNE, For Kidney Disease.. CURATINE, For Rbeoxuatism. CURATINE, For EcrofdaiSisMses. CURATiNE, for Eryii|*U>, 1 .a*!.I, i filptcSes, etc. A medicinal com pound of known value— eomblnlim In one-prep aration ifce curative powers for the evils which produce all dis eases or the Alomf. the WArer, Uie Aftfncitt. Harmless In action and thorough In Its effect. It Is unexcelled for the cure of tU! Bloat tils- eases such ts Scrof ula, Tumors. Hollo, Tctter,8altMheum, Illicit mat ism. Mer curial FolsotAaa, also Constipation, Dyspepsia, Indl- ,j< stioo-fSour Stom ach, Bctentlon of Lrlne, etc. ASK Y3UR DRUGGIST FOR IT. T2EBF.3W5 CSESQC1LC0 BALTIMORE, Md. LAMAB, RANKIN & LAMAR, . Wholesale Drujorists. Macofi. m n HOP BITTERS. (A Medicine, not a Drink,) Cj-:taj::s UOU.S, BPCIIC, MANDRAKE, DANDLXJCN, . Axo rmPcrar jxj> BaorHrsmri. Qpxxmxs or stiomcE UrrrrBs. *-.iMWjl minrsr otrEtEJ AH Hfxju-i ot Lw-Ctcmnch, Lowslz, Blood. Liver, K dneyt. c-n! trioscy Cr^nir, Kc-iroura&m Seep- Icssnerr sod cpochdly Tcrsiis Complaints. SlOCO IN aOLD.'- J . fiabe poll fern tote they wi3nctcUTOorbclp,cr! forarythhix-tnTnroorlrJasPnsfoandlntSrm. j Acti ycsrrtrxcjht f.-ilopBUtors and try than] brfcA yea sleep. Tale no ether. Hot poosa Cues lathe mudest, safest and hoot. Ach Children. The Bor Pan for Stomach, Liver and Hlney fc tape.] rfertf aUatocra. CureahyahMrrtlpn. Ailcdn^Kljt. D. L <t U in aou irmLklblocore fordrunh-j cwjur.tuc of apt •MBCI Send lor. AUwyelChyeosrhlolbypaur.Mtalh, Bo.»,rt|r.N.T. II—Ml >1 rrrw >e-»aM>gaatBagi it, TASS 3STOTXOE- TUa la the only Lottery ever, by hop eople of a Bute, and under a late dic tion of tho Unitod Btatee Boptome Court at Warhlostcn, Is the only Legal Lottery'now io the United States, all other charters bay leg bean repealed or having no existence. A IPLKNBIB •rPO , KTt!NKTY TO WIN A FORTUNE. sRVBNTH GRAND DIS TRIBUTION. CLASS K. AT NKW ORLEANS. TUESDAY. OCT. 14. lS30-12Bth XnBtklT nrawiBg. t , Louisiana State Lottery Company. Thu Institution was regularly incorporated WJ the Legislature of the State for Educational and Okaritabie purposes, in IMS,1 for tho term oI twenty-five years, to which contract thr inviola, ole faith hi the Slate is pledged!*! ich pled so has been retewed by an overwhelming popular vote, securing it* lraschfte in the new constitution or opted De& mbor S, lfttV, with a Captad ol r!,WS.000.1o which it has since added a reserve fund of tseoaoe. in GRAND SINGLE NUN. UKR DRAWINGS will take plaoa month!) on thoeecendT-esday. , It never scales or postpones. Look at the fcuov- leg Distribution: . . •' • ,, CAPITAL PRIZB JW.Mli. " “ :00,000 TICKETB AT TWO DOLLARS RACK- HALP-TKJSETS. ON!i DOIAAR. List' OP PR1ZM8. 1 Capital Prta* taws 1 Capital Prise..... 10,0(0 1 Capital Prise - ..._, .• t.nOO S friS; St 1 ‘A-z.-.viir.r.r: I5S tor rises of saa g lu.toC- Use Prizes of . 100 It-.(*.<- too Pr.zea of (f HM • Aopro*i3*ts*o Prmsa at J50OA.1 .i J A.* am • Approximation • Appro sinatk* __ U857 prises, ammmtingM...,^...JllC^I-X ReMonsiblcocrrespocdir^ UKM wanted at ail points, to whom Ifcc’.’ ■ rr -i:i-.ti«: w:P nr paid DVnKTftVEnR hy addrcss.r.c'GEO. P j Rr J W BI.L A CO, 10 Bpruce street, New York cao,i.-«irii the exact ooet of any proposed line of ADVERTISING in Aooncan Newspsper*.. *a-VX-phr-J Pamphlet, 10c. Write, clearly statu *.-!' add.-= •. fer fuithc* information, or send c.*den br express or if. a Registered Letter or Order • by maii. addreeeedoclj to ‘ ! i !4 M. A. DAUPHJW^-. ■ .a ^ NiwOrlaoa. la.. , or same person '<o 3!i Src-*direr. New Ycrl. VT i All our Graf I .'.xcreurdi»vy Drawing! arc order the sap-r- -r : -j.'prr tcIG.iic- nsl* G.T. BEd t-iLGAilD ltd #URAL A.'HABt I ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 9m ■’I : .... cgim-tdi odj honjfls Shaking: Like an Aspen Lear with the chills and fever the victim of malaria may still recover by using tWs celebrated specific, which, not only breaks up the most aggravated attacks, but pre vents their recurrence. It is infinitely preferable to quinine not only because it does tbo -business far more thoroughly, but also on account of its perfect whole someness and invigorating. action-upon the entire system. For sale by ail druggists and dealers generally. > - ■ POND’S EXTRACT. Subdues Inflammation. Controls all Hernor* thsgec. Acute snd Chronic. Venous ' and Sfurou-. INVALUABLE FOR f SPR4IN5. BURNS. SCALDS.BRUISKS, SORENESS,RHEUM4TISM, BOiLS ULCERS. OLD FORES, TOOTH-’ ACHE, HEADACHE. ASTHMA, SORE THROAT, HOARSE NESS, NEURALGIA, CA TARRH, ETC., EIC. Ehwa Abbott.—“Vslua'lo and leceflcfal.” lisrwoop pizirn, V. U, 51. B. C. P.of Kmr- Iand.—“J baveuieu it with marked bonoCt.” H. G. Paucxos. H. D., Bruoklyn.'N. Y.—“I know ti no reord; so reaeraily bmIuI.' 1 AkTDCE Guifsxsp, VS. D f F. H. C. S., cf Kne- Ian.1.—"1 have prescribed Pond’s Extract with grxat sacceBs.” CAUTIuN.—Pond’s Extract is sold onlyin with ibe name blown in tho glass. It is unsafe to use other orliciea with ourdi rcctir-np. insist on bavin); Pond’s Extract. Re- fuse all imitations and substitutes. 8PKCI«L PREPARATIONS OF rOID’8 EX TRACT COM BIN LD WITH THB PURHbT AND HOST DELICATE PHI’FUBES FOR LADIES’ BOUDOIR.. POND'S PXTRAOT... .50o, $1.00 and *1.75 TOILET OWEAM DESTIPKIUE ' LtP BALVE TOILET SOAP (3 oskee) OINIDENI’ — I OATABRH CUBE PLASTER INHALER (..lose COoj"! *' NASAL SYRINGE...: aiL DICAT ED PAPER 1.00 60 .... 25 .... 50 ....' 5d .... 75 .... 25 ....1.00 .... 25 .... 25 Orders amounting to f-E worth sent express free on receipt ol money ou v. O. order: Our new Pamphlet with history of our Prep orations sent free on application to POKD’S EX1KACT CO,. No. 14 W. 14th Street. New York, old byalt Drukidsta. > uiioSedeodawly TESTIMONY OF DKU3GIST3, We Certify that we have been selling'‘Swift’s Syphilitic Specific” lor many year*, and rezard it farsnperiar toanyltinc known to science, for the dLra'et for which it rs recommenced. We have never known of aaicelr loilnrc. S. J. Casseiv.Tborra.viDe, G*. I* F. Greer A Co.. Forgytb. Os. Lamar, Rankin & Lamer Atlanta, Oa. Pemberton, Samuel, A Eevoolds. Atlanta, Ga. Daniel A M»nb, Atlanta, Ga. _ _ _ Atlibts. Ga..July 1,1874. Me. f.T. Fwiyi—Dear sir. ffr haTe bsen ustck rour.’ s* ill’s St phililio Spet ific" .he treat- merit cf convicts for the last year and believe it .is the only certem known romedy thot will ef fect a permanent rare for diseases for which you r.comuend it. GRANT, ALEXANDRE A CO. *1000 rJwvrd. Will be paid to any chemist who will find on analysis of lOo bottles ot S. 8. B., one particle ol mereury, iodide potstsiom or any mineral sub stance Prepared only by the SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. Atlanta. Ga, .Sola )by Lamar Rankin A Lamar.and all drug- gists. i IAG0H GOT AIM TO THE LUCKY TiCKB'C HOLDER. A LL CITIZENS OF - GEORGIA. Farmers, Merchants. Profciicual Men. ac., are re quested to call at our efflee and Reris'er their names and Post Office address, and vet a ticket which entitles them to one chance in the Finest & Beat Wagon aval XXKIUITXD 13 GS0ZGIA. This Wsgor is to be dispo.od of by Lottery in JamiaiT, 1881» and the Mau that h-.M, the lucky Number, get* the WAGON, free of —t .i any Charge. NO CHARGE FOR TICKETS! COME AND REGISTER And alto see the F nest 8tock ef CARhlAGES, BUGGIES, SPRING and WAGONS ever seen in Georgia. , . coilins & wurar, taw-4w-wst ■ Jioccn. Georgia. Gray’s Specific Medicine. RAPE HARK. THE grealTRADE M4HIC. Etguch rem- ' ~^ *" • * edy. An nn. failing urefor Seminal rak- ne»t, Speroi&t- errhea, Jmpo- trnry, and all dises sea tkuH .BsSjtb Tatiagquence ofself^Jg^^y^ abuses ana lots ofmem^.y, universal lassilnde pain in tue back, dimness of vision, premature old age, and many otht .’diseases that lead to in- smity and consumption and a premature grave. Full purtlculask in our pamphlet, wb-uh we de- 25? to send lrae hy »aU to every one. The Sps- d5c Medicine ia sold by all drawn*ta at $1 per package, or six packages for $3 wfil ba sect free mail on..receipt o* tho Eoonej by addressing S»GR\Y ILBDIClNfi CO. Xo 10 Mechanic Biock. Detroit. Mich, Cold in Macon and every ISaortn.C* HOTIOE, Hacob, Ga., Sept. 17.1SE0. A LL persona indebted to the firm of W. P. XX. CannoD A Co., prior to November 1*. 1S73 are requested to come forward ana settle »t once, otherwisetfcehuiole*and aoeounts will be placed In the hands of an oiftcer for colieetica. This is necessary to pt Meet a settlement with the estate of 1. V. Jossey, deceased, sepl S-dStw2wA W45 W, F. CANNON A CO NEW friU^iC BOOKS I THE ANTHEM HARP-(-l.«j. By Dr, w. O. PERKINS. (Inst out.) A new book intend ed at a encecssor 6ir “Per kins Anthem Book,” puoiished come years ago and which was a decided tueex-s. The new book .onta ns music perfectly within the rrachof i-cmmon choirs, snd is destined to h&vo a gr-at aae. . DITSON a CO. also eaflntteationlto their three bouky for SINGING OLA-SB8: rorently pub lished. already Tery popuUr, and worthy ol uni versal adoption: THE TEMPLE- (»»»)• ByDr.W.O.PRR Tho Voice o; Worship. (?1.C0.) ByL. O. ia JlKcCSiV/M. Johnson’s Method for Singins Glasses (0* cents.) By A. N, JOHNSON. _ ThSTOmpiaoontainran excellent Singing Kenooi Couraoa and a large number oC Gtoes. bongs, Sscrod Tunes am! Anlbemi for practice, jjw (ot use in clif«ni. L. O. Emerson's Voice of Worst ip h^s rx»ct!j tho s»a*uc end in view as the othrr. bat has a diir-renfc method, and entirely different mnaic. Jenson's Mothod » for those who wiaii a low-priced nook; is aamirtbly aimpln’aud clear, haj plenty of munio, and baa a thorough cjurb« in hoto R^adin^. Any book mailed for retail price. OLIVER DITSON AGO,a Boston. AGSHTS WANTED FOR THE FASTBST SELLING BOOK of the AGB Foundations ©f Success BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FORMS. Tba laws of trade, local farms, how to transact busicoss. valnunle table., social etiquette, parlis- meatary usage, how to tondact public business; in fact It it a complete Guide to Success for sli classes. A family necessity. Address, for cir culars and special tunas. , ANCHOR I'UKLISHIVG CO.. Iuly23-daw£m Atlanta, Ga. New Advertisements. ’ THE OLD RIP LONG CUt StfOKIffJ TOBACCO Is miM- moi«t. fragrant a:.d sw« t. Smokes oool, and COS TWlCa as van ar gror ulated tobacoo. ALLEN A SINTER. IfASCPXCTCeriis, EKffiaouO. VlBOIXIl. £ ' »“-5!»2S™IWL^2-=So1. 1*. THE BONANZA FOR BOOK AQENTS is seilBia our aplrBAldiy -iUuatrated book Uls ml GENERAL HANtOCK. by bis life-long riend. H u. J. W. FOK- NK t. er> auih- r of nstmtal famo Th.s work isBMvmsKD b> Gsx. UASCcCX, paitj leaders '•'IV. >'r> tne »>.-•, li.»<-*, bc-t term., and full carticufer.. address quick. HUBE.RI. 15ROS . AtUn’a. G«. . $ 7 7 IV IVA YlH R and expenses to / Outfit Fred. Addn-ss | P.O.VICabRY,August.,Me ,. *rac=c~. xsvr ELASTIC TfiCSS <rtt*i press*bask tba lBttwUqa*JBe*aafep<**oa »ool4 .viiii tke Vtogtr. \Mtb ilgfcl paanire the Harviat* b*W wecvnlf , aaJ % r»<Ui*d cute cerutia. -it le ioiatk _ SeallymiJU Cirouairf free. itGOf.ESTON TRUSS CO., ChfoBSO, IlL \*A&m*m9Het*** I J ». •> •-■( *.--s'C.«rf, rrtf* au’L'.:'.» Lf curr«, ?«»*! ■S'TsA-G-G-’S IMPROVED PATENT LIVER PA51 Nxv» Gets Hard. Caw sz Mao* awv Stbxusth Dxsisxd. Last Twice as Loxc. ru«t:ei Suit viitssi Cmjgssj *hs SjsUa. ecus' Chills and FeTer, LinrConplikt, Dyspepsia, hesnlpi; Kertoiiiesj, RheinasGiBt Costlveaea*, Feaal} Weakness, Sick t Nervoni Heajecbe. inw theStomacIi. The Farts arc worn over the Fit cf the Stomach, covering the Great Nerve Centre?, Ur Kidneys to healthy action, and strengthening the ‘ digest food. Paics or Pans Si an; ft each. Sold by au. Drcocists, or sent by Mai Manufactured at 89 A M North Libxrtt 8t« ilatTinnaa. .Mb John Ingalls, druggist, Whc!c«*le»nd Bxst&il Arent. Ioorner Fourth and Foplitr *t«wet«. Slaoon. Ga* »pr«-d6m WEST BROS, 63 BAT ST., BAVANNAH, QA. ( Cotton Factors, Commission Merchants •—And dealers in— FERTILIZERSy General Agents lor the Delta Cotton Tie. liberal advances on consignments W. W., Citrnss, MACON. AGENT DBLTA COUWN TIB. )uyS4-dawtilln.yI Southern Home-Sohoohfor Girls. 197& 199N. Charlesst..Baltimore.Md MM- w. U. cast, Miss Cast. *Batftbliahod 1S43. French $be of Ibf school.janl-&Kw xnd cortsug sent fanper Female Institnte . Warrentoae Va. 8o4?ian begins 8ept. 1st. Send far Catalogue. ■ ryl«;wtm ROrfBRT FRSZRR. Principal. we. ' TO RENT. T HB r-usley place, opposite Flo None College. will be to rent October 1st House eight rooms, kitchen, good water. Rent 810 per month Airuoedlul repairs will ba made. Ap ply to L. w. Smith, en .Cotton Avenue, R. F. Ousley.noar Macon, or by letter to keyM lawtilloctl G. G. SMITH. 'Gaineovliio. CampM I Jobss, MACON, GEORGIA. COTTON FACTORS > 1 AND— • COMMON MERCHANTS. Warehouse—corner of Poplar and Sao ttreeta . - klako'iuiysnoci on Cu>'on in store at low hank rates. Barging and Ties always on hat i. aoi* dawlrn ON TUESDAY, Beptembar .21,21139, be tween the legal home of sale, at tbo door of the euart-bouse, will bwlsttoahe lowest b'dder.tha contraot for Lmluirgcomplete acc ready for iravei a wooden trass briUgo over Tobesofkee creek, at Fulton** toil], 8*id bridge to be built in accordance' with com plete and uiente plane and. speoifijaiiune now on file in tho Oonnty ConuniresioneiV oftro, and open to the iorpecticn of the pafflio. The conlraotor will do required to pyq bond in double the amount of. the bid, with two good and solvent securities, for the' faithful. performance of the oontract, and !o indemnify the coun>y for any damages occasioned by a laiicre to perform the same within the prescribed-time. The work to be' paid for pa completion, according to oon^ trset Ins right to reject any and all bida is reservol ' -’*■•- . By order cf Bibb Oonnty Commission are an* 22-id . W. G. SMITH, Cler)., rzz24thr=: Popular iloniulj Drawmg of the vomaiotiTFsacii BlsiHbu tiou C©. . A?' MAGAULhf’8 THEATRE, > J In the City of LoodsriUeCon THURSDAY SYP1*. 80tli l880, These drawings authorized by the Leslsluturs of 1878,and sustaines by thcrourtiotKentucky, oicur r.-gularly cn thu lastduyof every ino^tn, Hundays and Fridays cieettsd, for the period of’ live years. . , ■ - - The Untied States Circuit Court on March 31 rendered the following decisions: 1st—That the Commonwealth Distribution Company ia legal. 8d—Its drawingsaro lair, I N. B.—This company has now on baud a la-ga reserve tund. '-Brad the list ol piisualortho SEPTEMBER DRAWING. 1 Pme... lFriun 1 Prile I0 P/iiea #1,000 each , « 10.000 .„ 6,000 IM _ KkOOO SO Prises' JOOcach ............ ................ 100,00 100 Prises 106 each 10,06c >'00 Prises 60 each lO^XW 460 Prizes• tdn.rh j/ ... .. 12.00c. ..OOOPrisi# JA fooh. 10,000 VPnses t Prise* 100 each LV WJJ . SOOeMh, ap’reximss’n prises S.70C SCO each do- do I,$3t ?« do b«o , S1.H, ■Whole Tickets. .?*. Half Tickets, tL r, Tickets, (60. 66 Tickets, si ec. Remit by Po .t-Oifice Morey Order. Registered Letter, cans Dratt or Express. To insure axainst mistakes and delays, corre spondents will please write their names and places of T8<idenee plainly, giving number ol Post-Office box or Street, and Town, County and State.:. All communications connected with the Dis- tribntion and Orders for Tickets should be addrecsedtoR- M. BOARDMaN, Courior-Juur nal Building Louisml* Kentuekv, or 367 .and SCO Broadway, N. Y. septoodtuthussSwuachm ■ ' ANDREW FEMALE COLLEGE, CUTHBERT, GA. THIS .JUSTLY CKLFB RATED BOARDING School for the Men'al. Moral and Physical train, ing ol gir’s and yciuig Italics, will enter into its 28TH SCHOLASTIC YEAR—THURSDAY, SEP’ TEMBLR 16LH PROX. The teachers «f last year are all expected to be with me again, and in their specialties cannot be surpassed. CHARGES PER FUPJL RAN9- FMH $25 TO $50 P£R YEAR H IHE LITERARY DEPARTH-BT. SOARDiNS FROM $13T0$15 PER MGHTH,AC- COIIOING T0 CIRCUilSTAflGES. All extra' studies, such as music, French, oil painting, drawing, wax works, etc., will bo tbur. ougbly lansht at moderate rate*. Vocalization will be made a specialty, and to that ei ds distinguished teacher bom a distance will be emn’oyod. •’Physical Training and Movement Cure” will be looked alter and practiced possible, greater vigor than ever: and I would bereUke occasion to thank the citizens of Cuthbart and surrounding country for donating tomes hall 50x66 feet for phtaicsl training purposes. Special arrange minis will be made for the acc-.mmoda- tionol ladies and children of botn sexes not di rectly connected with Andrew Female College, and tnoy will be chawed to suit circumstances. It is expected that tbis sploudid hall will be ready fpr otcupaney by my opening. For furthor information with regard to the College,uartivs will send for catalogue and leport of my Hoard of Visitors, both of which are now ready for circulation. Hoping lor a grand opening and a happy end prosperous session, I remain with true respect, A. L. Hamilton. President. auc26-law4w -49th YEAR. OF THE- Medical College cf Georgia, AUGUSTA 2 T HIS Institution constitutes the Medical De partment of the btate University, the Diplo mas are signed by its t ..accellor. The session will commence on the first Mon- day ot November, and will end on the first of March following. Apply for.circuWr to seo!3-w!t GEO. W. RUNS, Dean. (~l BORGIA, BIBB COUNTY-Wheiw.s. R. Ml ' Jl Brown has appeared to me for the setting rt a Homesle-d of Realty and Pcmnalfy.cnd valuation of the samn 1 will pass.spon said application on Monday. September z7t“- 1850,at 10 o’clock a. m. This Scptemher*. 188 . J. A. MCMANUS, Ordinary. To all Whom it May Concern. G EORGIA. BISS CCUNTY.-Jaher Ajert ■ hcvinr in prooe r form snoiied to me tor p> r- manent letters of aduicDilation on the estate ot W., lite of said county. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and cezt sin of VF. W. A. CnKRRT vs THB LIFE ASSOCIATION OF al,—In Equity io Bibb 8u- p-rior Court. It appearing to the Court that by the re'ur cl the sheriff, that the l-fle As^ocralion of America cannot be feund. and it further appearing that •aid defendants are non-residents ol the State.of Georgia a lirdoiel. that skil defendants he*nd appear at thefiext Mrjo of this Court, to bo held on the fourth Monday In October next, to plead, answer or demur to sed bill filed in the above cose, or Lhe some will he taken pro conissta as to th.», and Soto case will prop wl tx parte. Or- dc-r.dfurther.ihatgaid' defendant be served bv ’tmbliaation ones a munth for four months, l.i the Macon Telegraph and Messenger re.'ere the nest term of this court. This June 21,1550. T. J. SUMMONS. ■' ' , Judge 8. C. M.C. - A solicitor for romplamant. .- A trpe extract from the minutes of Bibb Supe rior Court Janeij, 1530. jneis-lamsme A. B. KOS9. Clerk. ffi FOKGIa; BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas Boa- Ik' C- .Smith,, executor of the e tateof Mta. o jm Smith, late of said courlv deceased. haamadt? application for letter! of diamissitva irott said estate. . Thc«e are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at the C -art of Ordinary of soid oofanty, on the first Monday m October next, to show cause il any they bare * by said application tbould not be granted to applicant. * : -JfH®** my band bjOMtt, JaJy 6,18S0. Ioj7td* QFf, J. A. McMJLN Ld. Ordinary. JS EQUITY-BILL FOR EELIEF, Etc IN BIBB SUPERIOR COURP, 'Daniel D. Trsry vg. A. B. R'i,s. administrator do bouis non ot the estate of T. F. Lamar, M. B. lOBuiret al„ heirs of J.P Lcmar. It appearing from the returns of thaSheriff in th’semsethatoof ssiI defendants. to-wit„ Mrs. Came H. Motley and Mrs. Ana T. Green, formerly Ann T. Lamar, ura tot to bo f-.ur.d in the county of Hi'ob: and i« further appearing that they do nut reside in-the Sta’e.ol Georgia, but Lithe State of Alabama: It is therefore or dered ly the ■ ouxt that service of said bill tc perfected upon them by publication ol this ur- d«r once a month fer four mouths before tha next term of th-.s Court, in the U«con Telegraph and S tsseogar. a newspaper published in the city of Macon, Ga. Loftin A Bartifat., Plaintiff’s attorney. , iujd-lamsm T. J. SIMMONS. J. B.'U. M. C. SOD.GTA. Bibb County—Whereas Mrs. Mar yX thl E_Sorrell, guardian ol her minor chil- cien, has made application for leave to sell cUhl shares of the capital stock of th> C-ntral rail road a. d Banking ComDkny cf Georgia bvtonx- irg tj said minors lor theii maiutsinanoe and ed ucation. These are therefore to cite and tdmon'sh all persons conreraeu to be and appear at tho Court of Ordinary of .aid county cn the first Monday in July next, to show cause if any they have wliy said application should ■ ot be granted. Witness my hand oifielalty. Juno 5th. 1880. iceetd-* J. A. McMANUfi, Ordinary. JJotica to Bridge Builders, ON TUESDAY September; 2I«t, 183), bs« tween tho legal hours of sale, at tbo door-o! the court home, will be let to the loweet bidder, the oontract for building complete and ready for travel, the sup6retrnctwe for a wroagbt won trees bridge over Tobetofkee creek, in Bibb oonnty, at a paint about eight miles distant from tbe oity of Macon Bald b. idge (o ucnslet of one ep&n one hun dred and thiriy four feet leng, with dear woodway ef eighteen feet; and to be bai t tn accordance with ccmpltte and minute plane and specifications now on file in the (Jaunty Commiesionrib’offlm, slid open to the in spection of tbe public. The contractor will be requited to give bond in doubla the amount cf tho bid, with two good and solvent securities, for tbe fatthfnl perform ance of the contract, and to indemnify the oouhtyfor any damages cccssioaod ly a failure to perform the same within tbo pre scribed time. fisid bridge to be paid for on complsiioD, aomrding to oontract. The right to reject any aid all bids :s reserved. By order of Bibb County Commissioners. ang 2'2-td W! O. SMITH, Clerk. /''aRDINARY’3 Office Jones Uounty, Georgia Yr June 20th, 1830.—Wlieroas S.mutl Barron administrator with tbe will annexed, ou eatate oi Fetijamin Matron, deceased, applies for dismu sion from same. Thute are to cite and admonish all parson, concerned and the itgatces ol said estate to -e and appear at tho UctoDer term next of this court, and witness a settlement ot his adminis tration, recei-e their distributive shares, and show cause if aoy they havo why he shall no; be discharged from said administration. Witness my nand < tflciaily. jn»30td* ROLAND T. ROSS. Ordinary, £T CPUI^-ES Geriaii aai Feisaieit Core • rofl COUSUMPTm - Catarrh, Bronchitis, COLDS. PEC.33,JFLim Lamar, liankin & Lamar, MACON AND ATLANTA, GA. /~\RD!NARY‘S OfBaeJones County, Goorg ; ’i. VJ August 31st, 1S50.—Whereas Dr. W. 1> Glove-sr-plie* to nw»?ov administration on lb- estat- of G-«m B Watt, deceased.. Tbete are to cite sci admonish all perso- (v nco-ned to he aud appear at the Court of <>rd.' .’mryblsa'd ronsty the first Monday in Octt fcef nett, and -how cause if any they ba- same the shall not bis grant- d. Witceso my hand 'ifBcially, — — snt. ave wj S>>. S td ROM f HORS. Ordinary G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.-Unaer and by virtue cf an order from tbe Court of U-di- nary of said county, wi'.lbe tola cn lhe flr»t Tuesday in Xeptember next, befere the fours house door in the city of Macon, brtwton the le gal hours of sale, an undivided half interest in parts of lotsof d&inbloc'* 1 silty .one, in the southwest common of the city cf Macon. ccntai».ingoiie-quarter of an acre more or !ess. So’d as tbo proportv ot Jane A. Malone, late pf said i ounty deceased, to c a diyisioa among the heirs of said ecUte. SUSAN M. PERSONS, August 7,1884—8cd Administratrix. ✓21.ORGIA.BlBB COUNTY.—Toa’,1 whom it ’JF may concern: Louise W. Kennedy having filed her petition In proper form to me. praying for letters ct administration with tbdVill annex J the estate of Francis M. Kennedy, thu is to cite all legally interested in the execution uf this application, creditors, legatees, next o: kin. and any others, interested, to be aud aiuesrat tbe next September term ot tne Court cl Ordina ry ct said county am I show csu>e if anv ttey can, why letter, of adaniniatration.witb will annexed, should but beg-anted t-> said Louise W. Kenne dy. Witness mj hand and oiflcal signature Angus: aag5-w4w J. A. McHANUA Ordinary. Q. Engleke to be and appear at ’> y office within ... the time allowed by Is w and show cause, if any ' anurncy. Bibb Con&ly Sheriff Sales. "TY/'lLl, bo sold, before the Court Houee do ir v I in the city of Macon, daring tbe legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday InOModor next th L.flowing pruporty. to-wit > • One Pri.-k house. sitoaieJ in tha city of Macon, in Aloak (M), on the corner of Plum and Pour’ll street, now occupied by T. B. Groce. Levied on as tbe property.of Mrs. Margaret Wal.sce. to sat isfy a 0. fa. i-sued from Gunr.ty O art of B>bb county in favor ot Jacques A Johs-Bon v*. Marga ret Wallace. P/up-.-ity ponied out by pl»ial:-J', they c-n, why permanent administration should not b-r granted to Asher Ayera on W. G. Rn- glide's estate. Witness my hand and official signature. September 4th, 1650. J. A. McMANUS. ier,3 td* Ordinal.?. G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-Wherras, Charles Moore has applied to me for the set ting apart a homestead of real and ptrsoual rropertyand the valuation of the same. I will pass unoa said applira'ion oa Monday, tha 6:b ' »y of September, isso, at 10 o’clock a. in. Witness my bund officially. August 16,1880. aoxl7 td J. A. McHAKUJ. Ordinary, a. Know Tb'if&elf. T HB untold miseries that result from indiecretion {nearly life msy bo allcvi.t- od au< cured. Those-who doubt this assertion should purchase tho new medical work published hy the PEA BODY MEDICAL lKSTl. rum Boston, entitled . THBBCInKUB OF LIFE ur, eKLE PRESERVATION. Exhausted' vi tali tv. nervous, end physical cebility, or vilalitv impaired by the errors of youth or too close or too close application to business, may be nSte ed and manhood rezainod. ►, . , . J . Two hundredth edM 4b revir'.d ar.a eiirarged, ust published. It it mitandard. medical work, ibe best in tba English language, written by a physician of great experience, to whom was awarded a gold and, jewelled medal by the Na» tionol Medical Association. It contains hvsuti- many years of extensive and aneucasiul practice, either one of which is w»rth l*n rime# lhe price ot the book. Bound in French cloth, price only <1 tent by mail postpaid, •. <.• The London Lancet saj s: “No person should be without tbit valuable book. Toe author lea noble benefactor,” . An illustrated sample sen, to nil on receiptof certs for postage. ., The author refers by permission to Hon P.A. B19 SELL.MD. president 01 the Nations! Med ical AsMciation. ■ Address Dr W H PAR KER. No 4 BoMncli St, Boston, Mass. The au thor may heoensuHedan ail diseases requiring skill and experience. novSOwlr HEAL THYSELF S piff® HABIT CXJR3S il&vl? Bj J?. M.. Woolley Atlanta, Ca, Reliable evi dent* given, and ruen-noe to cur^-J Parier.,.innd pdysiciar.s. Send lorm.v book on the habit and itaciira. FRKB. Tin Sowisera Medical Colleje, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. fl^HE Second session ol this institution will open JL OOXO BED 13th. IS HO. Tho Curriculum of 6tudy in tbit school covert wider range than most inatitatiocs in this country. . , Peculiar and superior advantages, not nen- ttuse-iin t'-u vir.nal circulsr,have been provided fhr' tho mure important braacbes, uudnlithe facilities exist lor thorough instruc- tiou in evny department. The acnuai enoOcncement wifi be furnished <m'.ion to the Dean, As there a.-o two other schools in Atlanta aad misdirootlon is liable to occur. oorn-spondenM wfll please address &. O. WORD. *. D- Dean of Southern Medical Coffee*. acgSI-deodawVt ■ ■ - - ,- . i . OITlffiMlA • - * " r “ ‘ eUXT 12. 35W. Session begins on the fint ot October and con tinues nine months. Apply for Catalouges to tbe Secretary of the FantHy,- Part rifle* University of V.rsmia, Albemarle Uo„ Ya. JAMV8 F. UARRlaON, M. D., Chairman of tha Fadbity. juyI7dooJ.«wSE “ Host unachvapeat ABTIFIOIAL - LIMB? Special indweements to HOUTK BRM BOLD IB B8. batisfaetiefi given lo BU cates. First pt-emrum at Atlanta and Ma-wn .Georgia. Fairs. 1670. . Best of. refen eocesiuyoui State. Apply at ono( for fall iuforai.iticn. oec'el terms ere. Add.M* CGATLES Jr EVANJ' Also, at tie stma time-end place, lot No. (S) ar.l tar: cf lot .Nc. (4). in Biook (1?) situsted m the ci>y of Kuooa. on Mulberry aud sixth street, in said County of Bibb. 1 evied on as the prop erty of the estate of Charles Rlis, to satisfy a 2. fa. i,sced from Bibb Superior Court in layer of Ordinary of Bibb county, use of the Children of Rubert U. U,h*r.deceased, v,. Joteptf U. Bcar i- li an and Mrs. Suraa M. £!!<• executrix, eto. Property pointed out b pl-iotid’s attorney. Also, at the ( ime rime, bnt to ti>o expense of movieg, will be sold at th* auc tion Louse of Thorn m Fictmsn; on Cherry etrtot, in tbe city if llscon, in said oonnty. the following proytuy. tc~wit: twoaevi-utj- five os we gins and two feeders, and two forty eatr gins, levied on as the propery of Peter O. Sawyer, to satisfy a fi. fa leaned from Bibb npanor Court in favorof the Oential Railroad and Banking Oompany of Georgia, va. Peter O Sawyer. Property pointed cat plaintiff’s attorney. GEORGE P. CHERRY, Sheriff. BepL 16,1830. Adrainisirator’s Sale. G eorgia, bibb county.—By virtue ct an order from tbe Ordhisry of said SAid io*nty, will be told before tbe court bouse acor in Mac n. within ibe ’em! hours of sale, oa Taesday. October 5. 1880. all the land, and plantation ol J. H. Cowart, decea<ed, situat ed in3lit;siid district, Bi’b county, and about 5i 0 veres across the river in, couety, tho whole together, containing thirteen hundred acres, more or less, and being all th»land t own ed by yitd J.H. Cowait, in Bibb and.Twbroa county. At the time of his death, except about 5!U an es a, si gee t to she * idow at her dower, joining UolmeS.- Miiichew and others in Sibb, and Phil lips aud Small in Twiggs, to d for the purpose cf paying tba debts o< the deceased, and ler dia- tnburiou among the heirs. Terms cash.' H . . J.J.IOWART. ' , Z W. COWART. Adm'rs ot J. H. Cowart. Macon, Ga., Sept. 0, 1880. F6r further information apply at tbeclflceol am Mil - - - E.t*RG!k HOUSTON n.iUNTY.—Will u V3T sold b-fars 'he r-urt hn.tee door in Pe:ry,;y on th> finti Tuesday in October next, the f. ihi< mg described p-op-rty to wit: : All that tr,i t cr.-wrea; nflsnd situated on Hog Crawl creek, in ihn Iowe-l<-.irte-nth'di»trir* of eeicl r-unty and known ambn.hver.-ti Hog Crawl place, fnitnim- g l -I T.; aero- more or lc*.. t>a‘d Iwii to rt n«‘(ho pr-p r’v 6i the estate of W. H Krottu. Jtcfi’«eu, by Tii-toe"! a d-c-ec made in th- ripwkeetan ol BiL'i ccti"ty ia the case of W. R, Brown, axecu'or. ,s. A man Ja O. Siown et al. Safe for the purpose o rarr'inx out the pro visions of ,a-d d-erve. v no* fends mil be *orin« a whole or m tnch parcels as rnav bfrteemed srt- vi-abo. Terms on--th : rd cash, cre-ihirrt in t> row mcntlis end cue-third in twelve montls, with 8 per drut. inlerut. Pnr-hax r- recriving certificate of pnrelias* or bond b-r title. .I casas- Mon given 11 o firs' rt»y of January. -AS!. W. R. BSOWN,Execu*or of w. R. Brown, deceased, and cooi-nissionerin eqnity. . augSl-lawsw* gel off |lwM wiiri5„|o_ il -* Ifisis! i s s^g s n 9t B if! IP si 2 Whittle A Whittle. *.p7-law4w* Administrator’s Sale. G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-Under ar.d by virtue of an order Dorn the court of Ordina ry of said com tv. 1 will sell on the first Tuesday in October nut, before th) court hoa.edoor in the city bf If aeon, in esid ooucty, between the usual hours of sal*, all tho real, ostste bet nglng to tbs e*Uve of Thot. J. 8hmbolser, late of said county, deceased. It consists of the Mlowirg ; One city lot, belo* part of lot nnisb-r square numbe twenty <»), in the city _ with lorty-fiv. feet trout on Mulberij street;, and two hundred and tan feet (810) deeu. edit infant what is known at the StubbleSeM House property. Also port Cf lot number (ACS) tyr-j hundred end lixtyeight. co. Uiuic.g one hundred aad thirty-five ( 86) acres, more or leas. Alto part ol lot number (2Z7) two hundred and tw«niJ-eOTeu, containing (too). ne hundred scr-s store or lest. Also part ol lot number (219) two hundred and ten, contaning fifty (tt) acre*, mom or ku. All lying iu 11* Fourth (Rutland) District of Bi-b rwuuty. about sight mil's frost the city o. Macon. Said ltnds are sold far tha bvtvfi: ot Abe heirs a> d can be bought at a whole or in separate divi.iou. Terms cash. •toS.SWUBT, Adm’r. ssp7-law4w ... . To ill Wh wit Mar Oo&cero, mdafTB Hat •' G ROs.GIA.RIBB.COUNTYverH. A. R. Df*r snd T. W. Dyer barilla buDruper form ap plied ts me (qe permanent latter sol administra tion oaatrts estake of John Dyer, late of and MsatotF.aerafwE fiouawaflSl asm sHMse ansi I hut* to side all atod ringular the etadUcrs and LUtcf kra of John Urer to baaed appear at toy ofis. e Within th* time allowed by ikw and show eadse.Wany they «aa, why pwnaanth t 04- u>iL]»tr.tle-.i showht nas hegraosod swK. n. K TTBistoai Dye)and T, i John Dyer's eaiata. >rpt«eaber 4th, lfito. o ipsl.t J. A. MCMANUS, Ordinary. [i(U oil ao teiru. ivj oii ^■IU( fit«A Ton?iC Urn rnipij . gntyteuLcj yh ft Lflochrinn* Los .rusifithf Attonts and COnw Muk* from R3Q to |M p«r week selling goods for- h. CL Ridepat A Co.. 10 Barclay street. Bew York- Send lor tkeU oatatogu* and lei H*ttUlaotUlw4#rUJ9.Go»Wflfl»!t»I3..i '--V.. : a U ilt 4o *oO .ruxal tewws ] iaxxmuiI o-il tUiw sasl-udci e riftotL Riifi Utid < UnUltKD ,\as EXEGtTTOBS’ SALE-. G eorgia, jonesoounty.—By virtue cf an orderIrom the r.,urt o! Ordivory of Jones county, ’.vill be sold befo-e tho o u-1 noose door in the town of Cl cton, .aid o*ur»y. cn the Brat Tnesffat in D-'cvm.-er nan, within the usual lionrsol safe, tbe late Jsmo, H. FiT-cev planta tion. ooutoimna »wht ii.ur.irert (-Co) aeres. more or Ipbs, si.a*to six mrtrs c-st ot Cunto-i in .aid Jones cqunvy.near railvoed sidf.on on X. and A. R. R. H.-Jd in'ono bodv for dbirisution- Good IsiT bnid -n *gojd rts'f ol cultivation, well im proTwd aiih plenty of wat.rsr.d t.mberlc-rall neocsssry purpose, in a good locality and con venient tii market. Terms roth. R *t. PRQWN, . ’ H.J.FINNBY. Kept. 7.1886.-S'- Executors. aUBE i; CUBE C-ba^lis, Colds, Sore Throat, Bron chitis,' Jsthma, Conscmptiot, And all Discae. s ol THROAT and LUNGS. UP in Quart-Size Bottlrs for FhmpyUaa. ► rfentinraily prepared of Ba’sam To.u. cry stal- j-Kd^Eock Cendy. old Kye. and other' cuics. The o»mul» is -cosa to our best phyrifCaos, Is bi*h.y commei d-d by th.m, m- t'-e of onr mart i-remm-nt <h*ais). I'rct tt, A. Mari- J*. in is or tbeiabc) otov.rv botiki. It ^3 rceiiral liLit B.TE w-Jl (kffrjrd ili*s *reattist ntlo/ft-yr Ccughi Cold ft.- Ix.ft lessa, Konchitii. e a ^ L«lc£p. t! ro CoYis&n?pSion, in th*» liiHp cnta d ndmcivti hUgt b, F“i and ^.peiizer, TC m^kes a rieunhtful ton to for ily ol» le ntnt to tsie: :£ weak or debilitstcd, it chives tout*, aciiv- ity and stiength to tho wBSh lnncaal-un e. - -- en»lTrirtr» FONT KB DRCBITBm y by unprinciofert ifeslersy («to tty to pa'm off upon yon Rock aril Rr-eJ _ ... 1 ~T ~A~ , m -«“•••• vsi wsasa.v t’M CO tile)*) -xcniEBe ta^icK m GaYernment htusn on > Coich bottle. * ) LiHBEM’E & M»RTIX, Proprietors. Ill EC&d.sop fet.. Chib? go. 93U A y oar Druggist for it. your Grocer far It. to- > *W *» • ii-A'k Juur Wice Merrho.Tt for iv . ta-tUi.drep, ask jour Msmina far It, ' «3fe^!d by Druexiits, Grocers snd Wine Mer- cnfnl*everywhere. s e It wty ^ 5,000, OCO. The American Shoe Tip Gq k WARRANT THEIR A.S.T.CO. 'LACK 1 IP That Ja now so extensively worn on 'S| CHILDREN’S SHOES TO WEAR AS LONG AS THE 1EFAL, ,, ■Which was introduced by them, and by wbtf the above amount lias been saved to parents to nually. This Black Tip will aavo it more, as besides being worn on tbe cosna ’ grades ft la worn on fine and costly sbn - whero the Metal Tip on account of its fa? would not be used. They all have our Trade Mark A. S. V. CY stamped on front of Tip. -, Parents should ASK FOR SHOES with a} BEAUTIFUL BLACK TIP n on them when purchasing for their ohilrtrd ' ' ——■! IIIIII I Administrator’s Sale* 3Y virtue cf an order >ron the Court cf G.iil- A) nary of Jones c:uni.v, will be s-jm on tbe firof Tuesday in No»eu b.r urx*. sc ’he court boueedeorin Ui,,nnjlm-dr—i i*>uda h ill (iKt) acres of laro!.» ofe ur fea. -.clou/ting to estate of Hoytbn A. Batkcom. orca. ert, fair everoge pine lanrt on the Ce .t-al rarircad, four mile* beluw Griswoidvrtle-one jcg cabin and u -i ty of water snd timbe-. Sold for distribu tion. Terms ou-li. repft* Fk L1X B. B1LKCO H. Adm’r. THE LOMMyST -OR- ' , 8KSPROVSD . TAYLOR This is the ecventh season of this popelnr GJa which combines the mcritsofspcc.i, light draft, Rood sample, and doming the need inacrefif- cr degree than any other, and la c i'crcd -ertth the most perfect Self-Feeder ana Condenser made, at the following very low prices, Sizes. Price cf Glue Price with Price with SelfFecdcr iStlf-Ftedtr and orCo-idetiser Condenser. 41 saw 45 - 112.™ 178.50 RS am 160.00 -m 105.00 220.00 70 “ 206.00 252.00 60 “ Y 91.00 , 233.00” 2S4.00 CKOCKETT’J# 137^22. Worbafi MACON. OA, Atourwotka setn the best EN GINE MADE f..r GINNING AND THRESH ING Wo cuarantee U io do all or more than the uanafsetarera eay It will do. ' We bniid STATIONASY ESGlSES I'rom 8 to 60 Uoros Power. There is no E- gine made euperior to it, as wt have testimonials to prove. We manu facture Saw and Grist 5Ti]l3 that give entire tatiafaction. We koep fer snje I WATER WHEELS. H02SE P6WBRS ; IMPROVED GIN GEAR. SUGAR ?JILL PANS AND EVAPORAIORS, And the B.-zt ' ' " l \ ' ' Horizontal Sugar Mill made. AUo, IRON RAILING for cemete ries. etc. SHAFTING PULLEYS, and GEARING for all all kinds of mill work. In fact, we keep everything that ie used about steam or water power or, ptsntatiun wjrk. OtrOOTTCN l'^K-8 u .--court to none, being cheep, simple and durable.' as hnndrede will attest. Bend fur ci’cafers and ptioea before btiying efeewtu-re Add ess, jalySl-ly £. OBOOEE1T 4 SONS. G eorgia. mr« gountv.—whc»e«f rhon OeQlnt, tx-cnV r. of the estate o drew Pye.'lsieo! asidiburtyrtee-tse l. has ma te • oplic»ti"n tor letter* of di-n hs: n f-om said emote. Tie*e im thcefoM to cite snd »d rnent h sll persons con. erne J tube «nd sp- uppesrstthe Court of Old i'iar,v ol said courty on the flr»t MoutsT in O -tobor rext to sbow 0 mse, if suy they have, why- feitc-a ct dim:* s on khoaid not Hn xrar-ted to appl.e-int. Witness my ofiloial afen-ture J A- McMASUt, Ordinary. July $ I83.VU* /"VRDlMAkY’fi CMee l<vies Coaato U June 18, 1880.—* horess John fin exeeatwestat* cf Martha M. Seabrotoru applies fpr dMiNlosK Tbe<* >10 10 018* snd admoaith oil pcr»en« eoMsrtwd to show eausn at this office on ur by the first Monday in October, if any they 1 c the oratrary. Witness ws band officially. JaaSJt^* ROLAMDT. BOSS. Ordinary - These Gins arc made with Iron Frames aud of the bestmitcrids and firo unsurpassed in finish and workmanship. We also maacfacturc Gut. Jett’s celebrated “Patent Steel Brush C ittna Gin,” together with tho Favorite Ught, “Cotton Bloom” Cotton Gin, -.villi Fceeers and Condensers lor each. Terms given on appffcatlnon. THE STANDARD MACHINERY CD., - , MYSTIC RIVER, COP*K FEAXKLIN H. LU3IMUS, Sea. Agt COLUAISUS* GA. J" Sainple 6m ctn Campbell &. Jo err, ISucaa LIIT)DRN & PATES" SOUTH ESN Music H&iiss. Tba Music House’’ of tha South. - ♦-fa»j BemovaitQjh? S '&W DO UHL? ,ST01l>i An Immense’ Mubv; Temple, Two larx> stores. e»c'- Si tot front end ‘our ttoriea hfeh. fronimr cn tbre-' dm-ti and died from • el'ar lo loft with mu-icri *'t plies. Noth in* to c.impute with it m lhe . ixthern Stste*. - A Big Store. • i A Big Stock. ' ■ ~ A. Big Trade. AND MO HE TO COM3. Dorit it t&a ten jetr*re; i-tabJiahment <>f cur hcu»e - e h*ue *u#»esO':r.} tr.«* mu5ic triido o r 'he Ko*:ta td % tronclor/i: 1 hut lie jet »e hivc • lilj h«cun. VS> hu jcirs kLead, a btasiue** of a million P r, *>**& to take n*tt of thiMwnormaut’rsJCc we pt\ vlicd oar pres* e t c,fcTnraoth «rmru?cc«i:* rcll fririo lit) will be 'or it. ForiQfefctha hts vw: the Ncrtheoo- wi*h mHo Ora^n m^nufuct^rera lor insurmvMM* most luiv^ia- 1 ***** touirdctt h* d lirt.Pi*:-.* 0 Md Orgfto *re :• *c cc-iinf V- - ’• i:«"if y-> kt- xm- rr. :•*(»? Tics V*.v -.i • • .* r Terms N«v hLock/ Nrw 8to»c. . . DKU^WW_^_ ; - Special Cftr; TOl X8S0;. IKl;u-.^ ri'jnTh U>b* r •-*©») ‘C i Cto>’ Vrirrtw. pr.‘i <t. pz ur**: ?:i*! zvi I f Iss ■ 3 bcfVL: C> >: - itiS n). l »v. tt a » 1 f»r:c o. <10 ivana id tercu s[ T?o You S27 u this Ofi“r? ** -?r«n5Sf5iS^E •v'‘Lt ■>:» jt rfcjj 5 «;o tU lW V i iiUi'ZMi PiASC . hsc^rditowAwly .!-* >.Yi. SiALEi!?,