Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, October 08, 1880, Image 5

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llfesklg $tt& 3a*midi & Mfcj&samgjeev Foreign. j i n Sr wbicli, be said,'were Id devise meas- „ * . _ .. , . urea for tlie relief and encouragement <»f London, October 0.—A Rome dispatch our commerce, and recommend them says the lloly Sec lias formally threatened xjongresz forappronriate legislation, to recall the Papal Nuncio from laris, it Committees were then annoin the decrees arc enforced. The Times in a leading editorial say3 the Turkish note concludes by demanding the demolition of the Danubian fortresses and Turkish occupation of the Bal kans. The Times condemns the note as wholly unsatisfactory. Sydney, N. S. W* Sept. 9, via San Francisco, October 5.—News has been re ceived from the Solomon Islands that the captain and crew of the Esperanza have been massacred,the mate and a seaman of tlie wrecked vessel Ariel have been poi soned and the second mate and govern ment agent murdered at Apli by the na tives. Paws, October-0.—A telegram received iom Vienna states .that the Turkish note is not acceptable to *11 the powers. The piw«i8 desire to maintain European con cert and await proposals from England A blockade is mentioned as a probable measure of coercion. Constantinople, October 0.—The note presented to the ambassadors on Monday says the Porte undertakes to cede Dulcigno and to cause it to be evacuated, while maintaining the status quo as regards the line of the frontier, as •soon as the powers give the assurances to the Porte demanded in its last previous note. The Porte will inform the local population that they are free to remain or emigrate. If the Porte’s efforts to cede Duleigno fail, the troops and local author ities will retire to the frontier. The Porte, however, will be in no wise respon sible for any complications which may arise at the scene of sncli failure. Londox, October 6.—The Times' Vi enna correspondent says that a general agreeir ent seems to have been come to by the powers to maintain their concert and insist upon the execution of tlie treaty stipulations. General Sews Items. New Orleans, October 0.—The city council last night concluded its investiga tion of the allairs of ex-Slieriff Gauth- reux. The only definite conclusion ap pears to be that tlie present system of col lecting taxes is defective. New York, October 6.—Hon. D. P. Dewees, of Pennsylvania, lias written a letter to the chairman of the national Greenback Labor party of Pennsylvania, withdrawing from tbe canvass as nominee of that party for judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Galveston, October 6.—A special to the Netos from Castcroville says Nolan, who was charged with murder, has been found guilty and sentenced to ten years' imprisonment. Charleston, October 0.—At court in Darlington yesterday, Attorney-General Youmans announced that owing to tbe difficulty in obtaining requisite evidence, he would not able to give out bills of in dictment against p.irties on account of participation in tbe recent Cash-Shannon duel. At his suggestion, the case was postponed until the next term, the defend ants remaining under bail. Wilmington, Del., October C.—The full returns from the State give the Dem ocrats in yesterday’s election for inspec tors 9,529 and the Republicans 8,073. The Democratic majority was 850. On the vote fer assessors, the Democrats received 9,495 and the Republicans 8,800. The Democratic majority was 089. Richmond, Va., October 0.—A body of colored persons known as tbe Annual Movable Committee of Odd Fellows of tbe United States, Canadas and West In dies are iii session to-day with closed doors. New Om.EANSjOctober 0.—Tlie French bark Alpbouzc et Marie No. I, Captain Penand, sailed from Port Eads August 12 for Rouen with a cargo of com, and has unt been heard of since. Springfield, October 0.—The first quadrennial convention of the* St. Jean Baptist Societies of the United States be gan here yesterday, with fifteen delegates and many clergymen present. Richmond, October 0.—At a meeting of a portion of the stockholders of the Atlantic, Mississippi and Ohio railroad held here to-day, there was a full discussion of the 'questions in issue in re lation to the sale cf the road in November next and remedies to be sought lookiugto a postponement or prevention of tbe sale. Owing to the absence of tbe council com mittees from Lyuclibuig, Norfolk and Petersburg, no definite action was taken, except to appoint a committee to confer witb other stockholders and tbe above named council committees as to tbe ex pediency of calling a meeting of the stockholders to adopt measures to prevent, if possible, the sale of the mail. From WasMneton. Washington, October 0.—The Su preme Court of the United States will convene for tlie October term, 1880, on Monday next. It is probable that the Louisiana and Kentucky lottery cases, which were assigned for argument on the first day of the term, will not be heard at present on account of a technical infor mality in the proceedings. The United States Supreme Codrt has twice held that suits involving application for mandamus against an officer of tlie United States, cannot be sustained after that officer lias cone out of office and ceased to perform the duties of tbe position which lie held at the time the proceedings were originally instituted. A mandamus must issue against an individual, not against his office, and since ex-Postmaster General Key, as an individual, has no power to obey a mandamus relating to the management of tlie post-office department, even should one be granted, tlie proceed ings in their present sliape will probably have to be abandoned and a new suit be gun in lower courts against ex-Postmaster General Key’s successor. South Carolina Census. Washington, October C.—Gen. Wal ker, superintendent of census, to-day sub mitted a report to the Secretary of the In terior, in which be says that the recent in vestigation conducted by Special Agent Garnett, into alleged frauds made by tbe census enumerators in South Carolina, last June, shows that the census of 1870 was very defective, and that the popula tion enumeration made in June last is correct. Fatal Accident. Chicago, October 6.—A special dis patch from Gibson, Illinois, to tbe Inter- Ocean, says: A terrible accident occurred here yesterday. While workmen were removing props from the arch of a tile kiln at Spaulding & Eggleston’s Tile Facto ry, the arch gave way, and an immense weight of brick and mortar fell upon and buried six men who were at work inside. All were seriously hurt, two of them fa tally. Kill Burned. Lowell, October 6.—Chase’s woolen factory and Faulkner's woolen mill, in this city, were completely destroyed by fire this afternoon. Loss, $300,000. Four hundred and twenty-five employes arc thrown out of employment. Trade Convention. Boston, October 6.—In response to a circular letter sent to commercial organi zations throughout tbe country by the Board of Trade and Transportation of New York, there convened at the Board of Trade rooms hero this morning repre sentatives from fifty one mercantile asso-' ciations, for the purpose of devising means for a correction of the abuses and a read justment of the trade relations and facili ties which demand tbe Intervention of Congress. _ The most important of these subjects is a proposed revision of tbe navigation laws, and the adoption of some plan ap plicable to owners and builders, for the relief and recovery of our long neglected shipping Interests. Among tlie commer cial bodies represented were tbe follow ing from the Southern States: The Charlotte, N. C.» Chamber of Com merce, the Mobile, Alabama, Cotton Ex change, the GreenvUle, S. V., Merchants’ and Colton ExcliafKe, and ton, N. C., Board of Trade. Committees were then appointed credentials, permanent organization, and rules and order. The committee on credentials reported "8 members present with credentials in proper form. After some disenssion, nine other gentlemen from places not lraving mercantile organizations, were also ad mitted to tbe floor on the report of the proper committee. Permanent organiza tion whs effected by the election of J.S. T. Stranahan, of New York, as president, with five vice-presidents. Boston, October 0.—The convention being organized, W. II. Lincoln, in behalf of the Boston Board of Trade, presented a series cf resolutions: 1. Approving the bill entitled an act repeal and amend certain acts pertaiuing to the shipment and discharge of seaman, introduced in the House of Represents' lives May Stir, 1879, by Wm. Claflrn of Massachusetts. 2. That permission should be granted to Uke foreign goods out of bond free of duty, where such goods are to be used ou board ships bound for foreign ports. 3. That all shipping should be exempt ed from local and municipal taxation by special act of Congress. 4. That compulsory pilotage should be abalislted throughout tlie United States. 5. That tbe government should encour- age American commerce, subsidizing lines of steamers to important foreign ports. C- That the government should repeal navigation laws restricting registry of vessels to such as are built in tbe United Slates, with the proviso that vessels of for eign build owned by United States citi zens and sailing under tbe United States flag be excluded forever from coasting or inland trade. 7. That all material entering into the construction or repair of ships should be admitted free of duty when so employed. 8. That Congress should provide at once for the distribution of the balance of the Geneva award. Mr. Lincoln also offered a resolution that the House bill to repeal and amend certain acts pertaining to the shipment and discharge of seamen be referred to a committee consisting of ship owners, for consideration. J. E. Buell, of Boston, proposed that Congress be petitioned to amend tbe law relating to the measurement of vessels, so that the accommodations for the officers and crew shall be exempt from measure ment, so that only such space as is availa ble for the cargo be measured, for the purpose of stimulating the growth of onr present small body of American seamen, and to find employment for many of tlie idle young men of our country. Charles Lawrence, of Philadelphia, of fered a resolution that the convention ask Congress to pass such laws as will conroel all masters of American vessels to tatre apprentices on their respective vessels in number in accordance with tbe tonnage of the vessel. Captain Ambrose Snow, of New York, submitted tbe following plan of changes in tlie laws of tbe United States: The re moval of all lax or duty on materials en tering into tbe construction of vessels; a bonded warehouse system that will permit foreign trading ships to take their stores out of bond; • permitting citizens of tbe United States to purchase ships, both steam and sail, and giviug tli“in all privileges of ships built iu this country, except the right of engaging in the coasting trade; a bounty of one dol lar per ton per year for a period of ten years from tbe date of tbe passage of tbe law ou all ships, steam and sail, engaged in tlie foreign trade—this bounty to apply only to vessels built in the United States; the ocean mail service to be tbe special right cf ships built and owned in the United Slates— the compensation not to exceed tbe price paid for like service by any other flag; such modification of our laws governin foreign consular charges as shall not him . ship to pay discharged seamen in a for- igu port a sum larger than tbe price of steerag* passage to bis own country, if that couutry is'tbe United States. Nashville Bace s . Nashville, October 0.—This was the first day of the Nashville Blood Horse As sociation meeting. The weather was rrtlier heavy, and the attendance moder ate. The first race was a dash of or.e mile and an eighth, and was won by Goldbng by a length; John Carter second, Annie Augusta third. Time, 2:02$. The second race, a dash of three-fourths of a mile, for two-year-olds, was won by Lelex; Minnie H. second, and Giguerry colt third. Time, 1:19$. The third race, of a mile and one- fourth, for tliree-year-olds, was won by Ventriloquist by two lengths; Dictum sec ond, aud Blaton third. Time, 2:20$. Episcopal Convention. New York, Octobers.—The triennial general convention of tbe Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States opened this morning, with impressive ccr- emouies, in St. George’s church. With the exception of North Carolina, every diocese in the United States is repre sented in the house of bishops. There are also present Missionary Bishops Perrick, of Cape Palmas, and Schereschewsky, of Shanghai. Old Cath olic Bishop Herzog, of Switzerland, and the Bishop of Edinburgh are iu attend ance as guests of the house of bishops. The church was UDable to accommodate the large number of people seeking ad mission. A procession of bishops and other clergy formed in tbe chapel and mardied two abreast up the main aisle to the chancel, a choir of boys singing the processional hymn, “The Cliutch Hath (Jnc Foundation/’ The venerable Bishop Smith, of Kentucky, presiding bishop, was escorted to tbe bishop’s seat, and tbe clerical and lay delegates of the house of deputies occupied seats in the body of the church. Bishop Kip, of California, delivered the discourse, after which com munion was administered. At four o’clock the house of bishops will be called to order in the chapel of tbe Church of the Holy Trinity, and the house of deputies will convene in the body of tbe same church, when tlie firet busi ness transacted will be the election of a presiding officer. Jerome Park Baces. Jerome Park, October 0.—There is only a fair attendance at the second day’s fall meeting of the American Jockey Club. The weather is pleasant, but tbe track is heavy. First race, all ages, hor ses to be sold, one thousand dollars, mile aud a quarter, had five starters. Una won easily by six lengths, Surge second, Wave of Light third, Boardman fourth, and Redman last. Time, 2:15$. The second race, Hunter stakes forthrec years old fillies, mile and three-quarters, had three starters. Glidella won by two lengths, Girofle second. Time 3:19. 'f he third race, mile and alialf, liad four startera. Harold won bv a half length, Judge Murray second, and Thomas Law rence third. - Tlie fourth race—winner to lie sold at auction—one mile and a furlong—bad four starters, and Charlie Gorham won fly two lengths; Gossip second, Ingomar third. Time S:0rti. The fifth rac--, for maiden two-year- olds, three-quarters of a mile, had ten starters. Stratlisy won by one and one- half length; Banter second, Merisack third. Time 1:21. Louisville and Nashville. Louisville, October (J—The annua! meeting of tlie stockholders ot the Louis ville aud Nashville railroad occurred here today. The annual report for the year ending June 30th was submitted by Pres ident Newcomb. The number of miles of road operated to date of tbe last annual report was 970, since which period there lias been acquired, by purchase and lease, about 1,400 miles, making a total of nearly 2,400 miltt operated by the Louisville aud Nashville company. ; ,Tho road earned a net profit for the year 1870 of about 17 per cent., aud paid a cash and the Wiluiiug- dividend to stockholders of 8 per cent-, af- | ter lLoetieg all expenses and fixed charges entire system, President Ncw- liis annual report recommends laiou of Dm Louisville andNash- stCUX into Arkansas and Texas. Capt. Ambrose Snow, of the Ne w York upon Board of Trade and Transportation, was comb Chosen temporary chairman, and iu a brief tin 1 address set forth the objects of the meet- i ville The report states that negotiations are being physician for twenty-seven years now on foot, looking to securing an inde pendent route into these States- The net earnings of the whole line op erated ibr tlie entire fiscal year of 1878-‘<9 were $2,231,771.00, or 41.43 per cent, of the gross earnings; for 1879-80 thpy were $3,227,043.63, or 43*41 per cent, of the gross earnings. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: H. Victor Newcomb, president; ^Edward H. Green, 1st vice president; General E. P. Alexander, 2d vice president; Willis Ramsey, secretary; A. M. Quartier, assistant secretary. President Newcomb announced to the directors tiiat because of continued ill- health, he desired to no longer officiate as president. He hoped his resignation would be accepted at as early a day as possible—no later, he trusted, than De cember 1st. A committee was appointed to take action upou his intended resigna tion. It is Mr. Newcomb’s desire that Mr. E. H. Green shall succeed him. The recommendation that tlie present stock of the Louisville and Nashville railroad bo increased by dividends of a hundred per cent., was adopted The following directors were unani inously elected for the ensuing year Victor Newcomb, E. H. Green, E. P. Al exander, Geo. C. Clark, C. C. Baldwin, Clarence U. Clarke, D. F. Guthrie, Geo. A. Washington, Henry C. Morrill, Logan C. Murray, and Joseph T. Woodward Whalen vs. Sheridan. New Youk, October 6.—In tlie suit of James A. Whalen against Geri. Phil Sheridan, to recover tlie value of certain personal property iu Mississippi, of which bo was dispossessed by Gen. Sheridan while in command of the depart ment of the Gulf in 1505, Judge Blateliford, of the United States Circuit Court, this afternoon handed down his de cision denying the motion of the plaintiff to file a bill of exceptions, with leave to make application to the Supreme Court, to which the plaintiff has taken ont writ of error. The bill of exceptions should have been filed before the entry of tbe judgment. The court is not satisfied that a case for relief is made out. Beil, Butler’s Belief. The Cincinnati Enquirer says: General Butler left the city yesterday by special train for Bluffton, Ind., where ho spoke iu the afternoon. He pays his own expenses, and travels with a private secretary, and seems to have but few idle moments. While waiting at the Grand he was asked: ‘General, wliat about Solon Chase’s steers bucking out of the Fusion pasture up iu Maine ?” “Solon Chase is not the Greenback par ty of Maine. General Hancock will carry Maine by 5,000 majority.” “You predicted that Maine, at the late election, would not go one thousand either way ?” “Yes. When I got there I saw the es timates of both sides. The Fusion poll gave them the State by seven thonsand. and tbe Republican poll gave them the State by five thousand or more. Afte: being on the ground long enough to form an opinion, 1 predicted that the Stan would not go one thousand either way.- “Will tlie Democrats carry any of the New England States besides Connecticut and New England ?” “Yes, they will carry New Hampshire beyond a doubt.” As to Nevada, he San Francisco Chronicle says Chronicle reporter called last evenbig ai tbe house on Pine street which Colonel Fair makes his home while in this city. “Is it as a Democrat or as an index en dent Republican in opposition to Mr. Sha rou that you are going into this contest ? r inquired this reporter. “As a Democrat,” replied the Colonel. “I understand that you have for many years now acted with the Republicans as one of them ?” “No; I haven’t been anything in a po litical way. I haven’t had anythin" to d< with politics to speak of. I shall pay most attention to mining, as usual. 1 haven’t sought this thing, but the peopl*- of Nevada, many of them, have urged me to agree to accept the scnatorsliip, and i have agreed to do it if the election pla ces it within the Democratic gift.” “How do you expect the election to go in Nevada this fall ?” “I think it will go Democratic, though parties have been pretty evenly balanced there for years.” “Tlie Republicans have always carried it in national elections, haven’t they ?” “Yes; but it has taken a great deal ol money to make it go Republican—a great deal,” said the Colonel. The Haste to be Rich.—Tho poison of covetuousness—the all-consuming ea gerness to obtain wealth without industry, and without having to wait patiently for the reward of professional excellence— appears to be rapidly pervading evesy re lation in social life. Oil! for the appear ance of a race of men among us who would practically teach us that men were not .bora to worship money, and to devote wealth to personal and house hold adornment, and the gratification of every luxurious and sensual appetite The purple and fine linen, aud silver- plate and port-wine morality and religion of Christendom, have failed in tlie pro duction of such a social system as will enable us longer to rely upon tbe stability of the virtues of the educated aud refined middle classes. There is a radical defect somewhere. The proper lime to use Dr, Tutt’s Liver rills is when you have nausea. Loss of appetite, yellow cast of the skin, rush of blood to the head, cold extremities, ring ing iu the ears, pam in the back, side am! shoulders, high colored urine, vertigo and biliousness. They afford prompt relief. As a family medicine they have no equal. If Sidney Smith, whose genial nature was a well-spring of pleasure to Ills friend*, had suffered with an inactive liver, lie would have used Portaline, or Tabler’s Vegetable Liver Powder. Price 50 cents. For salo by Lamar, Rankin & Lamar. juy20-lf The Eminent Dr. BcuJ. U. Rijcgs. I Selma, Ala., writes, * * Golden’s Lie big’s Liquid Extract of Beef aud Tonic Invigorator is an excellent preparation, whose composition is known and one that jhysicians can intelligently prescribe. I save found it of great service in my prac tice. Sold by druggists and grocers, lw y amt Tonus in every feature but tho hair, which had grown white from fever. This lady at 85 writes us: “I have used Parker’s Hair Balsam six months, and - am more than pleased with it. It lias restored tho natu ral brown color of my liair, and given it a silky softness, nicer tlian ever before. There is no dandruff, no falling hair, and it leaves tbe scalp so clean and nice and cool that I am ever so much pleased, and I feel and look like myself again.” The beautiful, fresh and vigorous hair it pro duces, together with its property' of re storing gray or faded the natural youthful color, and entirely freeing the head from dandruff and itching, surprises no less than it pleases. Sold in large bottles at only 50 cents and $1.00 by all first-cl ass druggists. For sale by Roland . Hall. Sftnmiy if you will, but be sure to use Sozodont right away, in order to carry off its injuri ous effects upon tbe teeth. All candy- eaters should carry Sozodont with them, if thev wish to keep tlieir teeth sound, lw All Dlllor'i Etfcajpe. Officeof the - “Industrial Era.” ) Ai.bia, Iowa^May, 25,18S0. $ To Whom it May Concern : I take pleasure in making the following statement: I have been afliicted with a disease of tbe kidneys for the’ past two years and have tried numerous remedies with only partial and temporary relief: Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure was recommended to me and after tak ing it the pain ami distress left me and I am to-day feeling strong and well. I am lorfectly satisfied that Warner's Safe IqmeJies are tlie medicines needed and can cheerfully commend them to others. G. W. Stamm. I hereby certify that I have been a pra- : . and for many chronic cases in my prac tice do recommend Warner's Kidney and Liver Cure. It, was upon my advice that G. W. Stamm, the editor, obtained this valuable remedy. - sep 28-2w A. A. Ramsay, ST. D. Sallie Spbiggins, one of our rura sisters, bad her picture taken the other! day, and the likeuess was wonderful to behold, but no remedy like Portaline, or Tabler’s Vegetable Liver powder has ever been prepared. It will cure you. Price 50 cents. For sale by Lamar, Ran kin & Lamar. ' jul 16 The Voltaic Belt Company, Marshall, Michigan, will send their celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belts to the afflicted upon thirty days trial. Speedy cures guaran teed. They mean what they say'. Write to them without delay. sf 3 ' He Wide Awake to Your Interest. I have just returned from the best shoe market, where I have purchased a full line of boots and shoes of as good grade as over was brought to the city of Macon, I can make it to the interest of all to ex amine these goods before baying else where. I have also doubled my force in the manufacturing department, and am now competent to fill all orders that may come in, at tbe shortest notice. I shall make a line cf pegged work as well as the very best band-stitched boots and shoes. Come and have your measure taken. Re pairing done in the very best style. I am now also prepared to put new elastic in old shoes, something that has been needed very innch in thi3 market. Come and see me. 112 Cherry street, under the Telegraph And Messenger office. J. Valentino. ^Administer Shriner’s Indian Vermi fuge according to the directions. In the morning is the best time to take it. lw Dogas Certificates. It is no tile dragged stuff, pretending to be made of wonderful foreign roots, barks, &e., and pu..M up by long bogus certificates of pretended miraculous cores, but a simple, pure, effective medicine, made of well known valuable remedies, that furnishes its own certificates by Its cures. We refer to Hop Bitters, the purest and best of medicines. See another col umn.—Republican. Sept. 2S-2w Savannah, Ga., March 25th, 1SS0.— Messrs. Lamar, Rankin «fc Lamar, Ma con, Ga., Dear Sirs:—My husband In forms me that you wish me to give you certificate on your Lung Restorer, and _ will state that I suffered two yearn with Consumption and during the time was Treated by Drs. Reid, Thomas, Charlton, and others of this city, and also by s prominent physician of Macon, Ga., with out finding any relief. My husband bought me six bottles of your Lung Re storer, which. I began taking at once, and found immediate relief. I have used the six bottles and have never felt a symptom of the disease since, and my general health is better than it has been in years. I there fore cheerfully recommend it to all who have Constunption as a Pearl beyond Price. Veiy respectfully, lw Mrs. M. Goolsby. The Fortunes ot the Crescent City. Tlie prosperity of New Orleans for the next century seems to be gradually but mrely on tlie increase, with railroads nul ling in from every direction, and steam ers aud ships from ail parts of the world, with the only port in the United States that the Great Eastern can enter. The Charily Hospital there has been main tained during the darkest days of the tur bulent civil war, pestilence devastating he population, financial depression, and all other troubles possibly incident to a immunity. The celebrated Louisiana State Lottery Company has maintained lie world- renowned Charity Hospital at in expenditure of many hundred thousand iollars. The Grand Monthly Distribution akes place on the second Tuesday of ev- ry month. For further information ap ply to M. A. Dauphin, No. 319 Broadway, New York City, or same person at New Orleans, La. Iw Ladies will find relief from their head ache, costiveness, swimming in the head, colic, sour stomach, restlessness, etc., etc., by taking Simmons’ Liver Regulator. Persons living in unhealthy localities may avoid all bilions attacks by taking a dose of Simmons’ Liver Regulator occa sionally, to keep the liver in healthy ac tion. It should be used by all persons, old and young. It is not unpleasant, is a purely vegetable compound, is not injuri- •ms to tlie most delicate constitution, aud .vill keep tbe liver iu healthy action, lw Macon, Ga., Nov. 1, 1879. Dr. C. J. Moffett—Dear Sir: We have been handling Tcethina for several years, and the demand increases as the article becomes introduced and is known Our sales average from two to three gross per month. Wo believe that your Teetli- ia (Teething Powders) will eventually become a standard and indtspensable ar ticle, for in no single instance has it fail d to give satisfaction. No complaint has ever been made to us, hence we conclude that it does all you claim for it. Merit is bound to succeed. Hunt, Rankin & Lamar, Druggists. Could tho reader be brought into con tact with the best of respectable champi ons, who regard Fond’s Extract as their greatest safeguard and friend, they must lie convinced. We have certain knowl edge that many families in this country, and in Europe, would not be without it under any circumstances. The following a< e a sample of the unreserved indorsers of Pond’s Extract: Rev. Isaac Clark, Rondout, N. Y.t Rev. Asher Anderson, FIshkilljN. V.; Rev. R. M. Stratton, M. E. Church; Rev. J. Leroy, Nashua,N. H.; Rev. J. Stamford IIome,D. D., N. Y.; Rev. J. A. Todd, Tarrytown, Poughkeep sie, N. Y.; Rev. W. F. Lewis, Peekskill, N. Y. Iw Wiien you visit or leave New York city, top at the Grand Union Hotel, op posite the Grand Central Depot. Euro pean plan. Rooms reduced to $1.00 and upwards. Restaurant unsurpassed at moderate prices. Street cars, stages aud elevated railroad to all parts of the city May ll.-e.o.d., 1 vr. A feature In the great Democratic meeting at Faneuil Hall, Boston, Wed nesday evening, was the appearance of a colored Hancock and English club, strong in numbers and in uniform. A Down Town Merchant having passed eovond sleepless nights, di»- lU'bed by the agonies and crie* of a ruff-riDg child, ani becoming convinced that Mrs Window's Soothing Syrup was Jmt tbe artl- • le needed, procured a supply tor tbe child Oa rta. biijg h-me and acquainting hit wife with what he bad done, ebe refused to bare it edministered to tbn child a» *-hi waa etrongiy in favor of bena-p »ihy. That nigh the child pzsec-c i euffsiing f.nd the parent* wfrhcm sloop. iteiu amg noma the day fol lowing,-he lath, r i. niiil the baby w-o edit worst; and whllu eoDiompIaiing auo her e’eepltes, tbe mother et' pped from tho room to attend to sime domettio dut-e* and 'eft the father *uh tbe child. D ring her sb-oEC • !.* sdminieteiod a portion of tl e Soothing by nip to tbe baby, rai e-ad noth ing. That night all haul’s slipwei:. and the lit»ic fellow awoke in the morning blight and happy. Tbe mothor was delighted wtih the end wonderful change. and al though at Brat < Bended at tbe deception practiced npan bnr, has continued to nto tin eyrop. and eefferi-g er Ing MMm and rest less nights have cisipp-tn -l A an g'e trial of the .-yrnp never yet faded to reliive tbe baby and overcome tbe prejudices of tbs mother. Sold by alt drugtla.s 25a a bottle. dei30 lw A CARD. Toallwhoare llStfluf (rum th.' error* and inaiscrouoiis of joutn, nervous ve»inr*», early decay, toss of rc»- toed, etc., l -rill .er.ji * recipe that will cum you. FK.KB OF CRARG8. This greet remedy was dtrovere l by a mis-ionary in Souto America, t’end a envelope to taa ter. Joseph T. lamu.. Station D, New Tori Ojty. aorlt-iloodawiy FINANCIAL. STOCKS AND BONDS XX MACON. CORRECTED DAILY BY LOCKETT « BOND. BROKERS. Macon, October C.-Gcorgia 6 percent, bonds, due 1889, 1O701O8; Georgia do (old) 1000105; Georgia 7 per cent, bonds (mortgage) 1090111; do bonds (gold quar terly coup) 1110112; do bonds, due 1898 ) 100118; do 8 per cent, bonds 1020115 do 4 per cent, bonds (Baby) 97$ 0-100 Northeastern R. R. bonds (endorsed) 102 0105. Central -R. R. joint mortgage 7 per cent, bonds 1O9$011O$. Georgia R. R. 6 per cent* bond 10010102. Wes tern R. R. of Ala. let mortT 1100112; do 2nd mort. 1100112. Mobile and Girard Ri K. mort. 1100112. Montgomery & Eufaula 1st mort. endorsed C. and S. W. roads 99$01O1. A.&G.K. R. consolidated mort. 1050107. Southwestern R. R. bonds 1030104$.-M. & A. It. R. 1st mort. (not endorsed) 95097. M. & A. R. R. 2nd mort. (endorsed) 1000102/ City of Macon bonds 03095. City of Savannah bonds S20S3. City of Atlanta 7 per cent, bonds 1000110; do S per cent, bonds 112 0115. City of Augusta 7 per cent, bonds 1020104. Southwestern K. It. stock 100$ 0107$. Central R. R. stock 98$099* Augusta & Savannah R. R. stock IOi)0 111. Georgia R. R. stock 1040105$. The Markets by Telegraph. New York—Noon—October 6.—Stocks strong; money 203; exchange long $4.80$; short $4.83; State bonds doll; government securities ouiet. New York— Evening— Money 20?. exchange $4.80$; government securities weak; new 5 per cents 102; 4$ per cents WSJ; 4 per cent 107J; State bonds dull. Stocks irregular, closing weak; New York Central 330*; Erie 89|; Lake Shore 109J;Illinois Central 112 J; Nashville and Chattanooga 62; Louisville and Nash ville 158J; Pittsburgh 122; Chicago aeil Northwestern IOSJ; do. preferred 125$; Rock Island 116$; Western Union Tele graph 97J; Alabama State bonds: Class A, two to five, 68; class A, small, 68; class B, fives, 90; class C, two to five, 77. Sub-Treasury balances: Gold $75,003,- 1(12; currency $5,650,921. steam 8.00. Bulk meats steady"; stioul- j ders 6.000—; clear ribs 8.250—; . dear j sides 8.750—. Bacon dull; shoulders I 5.750—; clear ribs 8.750 ; clear sides 9.250. Hams—Sugar-cured 11 IQ 12. "Whisky firm at $1.09. ! Cincinnati, October 0.—Flour firm; family $4.6004.95; fancy $5.1O0$5.CO. : Wheat strong; No. 2 Amber 95090; do red winter 97099. Corn easy; No. 2 mixed 42043. Oats steady; No. 2 mixed 38034. Pork unsteady; held at $17.00 018.60. Lard firm at 8.05005$. Bulk meats dull; shoulders 4.75; clear ribs 7j75. Bacon quiet; shoulders 5.75; ribs 8.75; sides 9.25. Whisky steady at $1.09. I Sugar steady; hards 1G$011. Hogs firm; common 3.9004.30; light 4.700 5.00; packing $4.00015.00,• butcheis $5,000 $5.10. 1 sot ansa smcr.v. •Was*, f v/.? _ *«“«“»ft a in the iwadaofcvcu me mort InaxretfaEfaa ... - PERRY D!¥!S 3 PAII ^ . ET HAS STOOD THE TEST^fVoRTY YF-^‘^V- V/’ ,St. Louis, October 0.—Flour Steady; ™ r i"™m avc * n r 8 **? ,n every !>.c::ry, machir-j-eUm. tffiohDtoftacy $4.S0®$5.6°f family $4.50 household,ready JmiSdfi&W! rali" -v— *«» -f 0$4.7O; double extra SO.6O0$3.K5. Wheat ^dien sjeknewi < f any Un.t 7 1o * acc ‘ < * enta ‘ «*** br uhes. ccrcs, eta, mu & firmer; No. 2 red fall 95J086| cash; O5$0 P Af l L L I j :Vthc -tried and treated Mend of #r. v' -» « 95f October; 97097* November; OS$09!>$ £t££5j™r^,* W ne ' v . hi '* Sft December: -0- forall the year. Com , ffipri&hrinn it withi? tho St, of all™ ofwUrf. dull at- 38$08Sf cash; 38103SJ October; I ** ■3SJ0S9November; 3910391 December:—I PERRY DAVIS & SON. Pronriofo-s. Provfdcnneu O i 0—for the year. Oats lower at 290—f "" 1 — for cash;29$@— October;29|03O§ Novem- CQMMEBCIAL. Macon Cotton Statement. Office Telegraph and Messenger, October 6.—Evening. The market to-day was dull at 10c for middling. Received to-day by rail . . . 142 by wagon. . 155— 297 Shipped 623 Sold 430 statement: Stock on hand Sept. 1,1SS0 927 Received to-day 297 previously 14,122—14,419 Shipped to-day . . . previously 4,584 DENTISTRY. fi£ S. B BABlWOi No, s»o oxulijorry St- Ornca Borae-s e. is. to c turn. buxmu Stock on hand tills evening COTTOX. Liverpool, Oct. 0.—Noon—Cotton steady; middling uplands Of: middling Orleans 7; receipts 700, all Amei- icau; sales 8,000; speculation aud ex tort 1000. Uplands low middling clause, Jctober delivery C$0—; October and November C 11-320?—; November and December 0 5-100— ; December and January (J 5-160—; January and Feb ruary 0 5-160—; February and March 0 11-320—; March and April 0 13-320 —; April and May 6 7-160—; May and June 6$0—; June and July —0—. Futures flat. Liverpool — 4:30 p. m. — Sales of American 6300. Uplands low middling clause March and April delivery Og; May and June 6 10-32. New York, October 6.—Noon-Cot ton quiet; sales 341; middling uplands 11 5-10; middling Orleans 11 7-10. Future* quiet; October 10.89, Novem ber 10.72, December 10.73, January 11.88, February 11.02, March 11.17. New York—Evening—Net receipts 263; gross 9237. Futures closed steady; sales 125,000 bales; October delivery 10.85 0 ; November 10.700—; December 10.74075; January 10.870—; February 11.11013; March 11.18019; April 11.330 35; May 11.48050. Cotton quiet: sales to-day 085, last even ing ; middling uplands 11$; middling Orleans 11$; consolidated net receipts 25,374; exports to Great Britain 30,060; to France ; to continent 5,875. Galveston, October 0. — Cotton easy; middling 10$; low middling 10$; good ordinary Of; net receipts 2251; gross ; sales 2000; stock 34,505. Norfolk, October 0 - Cet on steady; middling 10$; low midi ling —; good ordinary —; net receipts 4308; gross ■ sales 1477; stocE 29,038. Baltimore, Oct. • 6.—Cotton quiet; middling 1OJ01OJ; low middling 10$; good ordinary 10; net rccoipts ; gross 705; sates 215; stock 5130. Boston, October 0.—Cotton dull; middling 11$; low middliug 11J; good or dinary 10$; net receipts 932; gioss 1040; sales —; stock 1083. Wilminoton, Oct. 6—Cotton steady; middling 10$; low middling 10; good ordinary 9$; net receipts 050; gross sales—; stock 9278. Philadelphia, October 0.—Cotton quiet; middling 11$; low middling 11$; good on-intry 10$; net receipts 10; gross 795; sales 40; to spinners 285; stock 5,243. SAVANNAn, October fl Cotton quiet; middling 10$; low middling 10; good ordinary 8|; net receipts 5154; gross 542S; sales 3500; stock 03,944. New Orleans, October 0—Cotton quiet; middling 11$; low middling 10$; good ordinary 9$; net receipts 5267; gross 0,877; sales 2,000; stock 09,092. Mobile, October 0.—Cotton easier; middling uplands 11; low middling 10$; good ordinary 9$; net recolpts 1528; gross sales 1000; stock 11,372. Memphis, October 0.—Cotton quiet; middling 10$; receipts 1700; shipments 963; sales 1750; stock 17,561. Augusta, October 0 Cotton quiet; middling 10$; low middling 9$; good or dinary 9; receipts 1085; gross ; sales stock 1713. Charleston, Oct. 0 Cotton quiet; middling 10$; low middling 10$; good ordinary 9$; net receipts 4839; gross ——; sales 1500; stock 70,731. KACOX PRODUCE HAUKET, CORRECTED DAILY BY T. S. Jones, Merchandise Broker, Macon, October 0.—Cacen, shoul ders 6$; clear rib sides 9$. Bulk meats, boulders 0; clear rib sides 9$. Pork, strips 8$. Hams, sugar-cured 13$. Bftgging, 1{ & 11$. Ties, bundles $2/35. Laid, tierces 9$; tubs 10$; in buckets 10$. Bran, per 100, $1.00. Hay,per 100, $1.35. Corn, white,by car load, 700—;mixed, by car load 080—. Oats, feed, 55; rust-proof, 90. Salt, Virginia $1.G0; Liverpool $1.20 0—. Meal 75; bolted 80. Grits $4.50. Flour, fancy, per bbl., $8.00; choice $0.75; extra family $0.50; family $0.25; extra $5.50. Coffee, common 14$; fair 16$; ;ood 17; prime 180—; Java . Mo lasses, choice Cuba, bills.,50; do common 40; sugar-house, bhls., 30; do bbls., 33; Syrup—Georgia caue syrup 55; Golden 50; New Orleans, choice, 05; do. good, 55. Su gar, Golden 0,9$; brown 9, Coffee C 10; white, extra C10$; standard A 10}; gran ulated 11; powdered 11$. Rice 7$07$. C»udles,13. Matches, $2.85. Potash, $3.00. Tbe Markets kj Telegraph. Baltimore, Oct. 0.—Flour higher; Howard street and Western superfine $3.250$3.75; extra $4.25015.00; fam ily $5.1b0$6.OO; City Mills superfine $3.250$3.75; extra $4.2505.00; family $0.0006.25; Rio brands $8,000—; Patap- family $0.75. "Wheat— Southern active; Western spot quiet; closed firm; Southern red $1.0001.07; amber $1,080 17; No. 1 Maryland $1.110—; No. 2 Western winter. red spot October $1,090 9J; November 9}09$; December 110 11$; January 12012$. Corn—Southern nominal; Western quiet; Southern white 54055; yellow 540—. Oats quiet; Southern 41042; Western white 40041; do mixed, 38039; Penn-sylvania 400—. louisville, October 0.—Flour steady; extra $3.0003.25; family $3.5004.00; choice to fancy $5.30080.00. Wheat dull at 90002.' Cora firm; No. 2 i white 450-. Oats firm at 3GJ0—. Pork, firm at $10,000—, Lard firm; prime THE LEADING ™ip & Callaway, shoulders 5.000—; ribs 8.000—; sides 8.250—. Bacon lower; shoulders 5.750, clear ribs 8.750-; clear sides 8.80 j{» or Tffenty iliree Year * Chicago, Oct. 0.—Flour steady; red winter $4.5O0$5.75; - fair to choice—; Western spring "$—0S—. Wheat firm; No. 2 red winter 95095}; do. Chicago spring 93J094 cash; 94$©— October; 950— for November; 95J0— December. Com lower at 39J03O} for cash; —0— October; 4OJ04OJ November; 4OJ0 December. Oats active; 29|0— cash; — 0H* October; 29J0— November; —0 — December. Pork firm at 18.000—. Lard higher at 8.200—. Bulk meats easier; shoulders 6.20; short nbs 7.70; short clear 8.10. Whisky steady at $1.11. New Orleans, October ft—Coffee quiet; Rio cargoes 1OJ010. Sugar dull; prime 9$; choice 9$; yellow clarified 9$. Molasses, dull, ltice quiet at 4|06$. New sugar, first of the season. New York, Oct. O’ Coffee weak; Rio in cargoes 12015; do iu job lots —0—• Sugar heavy; Cuba 7$; mus covado 7J07|; Centrifugal SJ0—; fair to good refining 7!07f; prime 7f07}; refined fair demand; standard A9f09$; Rice weak demand at 506}. Rosin firm at $1.550$1.60. Turpentine stronger at 410—. Wool quiet; domestic fleece 30048; pulled 20045; unwashed 15035; Texas 14032. Freights firm. NATAL STAKES. Wilmington, October 6.—Spirits of! Turpentine steady at 39. Rosin firm at f $1.20 for strained; good strained $1.25. Tar firm at $2.10. Crude turpentine firm at $2,250— for yellow dip; $2,250— for Virgin. AND Debtors and Creditors. A LL per Mt inlahll tn t!.e otl»te c.'TSm; *• h late ol B bb couiity. td. p* tho law dhecis. orC-Hv 8. S.S^BRT, f^IORTDA.klRB COUNTY.—Wbcri*. O.J. ar>. lipd to me for ta^***t^ Realty ar*<! Purs nalfeS the valuation of the came i will tm-m catf 5R§£3?». {£***•* v ’ 0ctob - r «•,«* ^i t ”®J , ^' h “' d ‘ n ' 3 e® 0 -1 s:«n tore, tic J. a.Movants nnumev. OctolerS, 1S3 Middle Georgia. /rt kuRfita. BiBGi.uv,fa.-n- Va ij i-ctull, t-x-cutjr <■! J.oub >h*U -* cnrnrf. repre-Hn‘» *o*h»o urttn Muretlticn rtoty Lsa* w?jr tda *‘**^ Th» i*, th. ret„- f ,|j prrHr. ewitenW. l- S t-*-*. l fir»Ki.d ,-re i to tHw -.raas. k »>iy tlicv «•**». whe jaid otwufof sJiouM o<iA te» it *c! arpw) from hit *»:.! ►xecnt'-rnh’p. »r<. m. c-are 1-ttrj ol AhnlMi-in. -.t tbe nut c»<t- dmwytobeowrelor.ihear tllon-lnv in fo*. U *-J , ,8S « * <t to fcein s.»»:cn on th„- sixik tl sa il moots. • Witness my h-rd unit oBti-sl v-aztav Ort 5 1N> 3m. A '" AGWJTS WANTED FGK THE FASTEST SELLING BOOK of lie ACL Foundations of Success in, f *>1^0 AND SOCIAL FORMS. Jhe lav not trade, !pc*.1 forms, how to trssnS busimsn. Vi'uaHeUbin . sotial o menUry usttce. bow to'Omiurs publictMsbUM; in fact it it a complete OcMe to "uc ttsicr & clasps. A family r ev^itj. Addr««.fcr eft- Cedar* and fcpecnl Vnca. . , * Atfcnott xublubi jn’.jiS dawim * NOTICE, A , T , v ac:-x,a.„ Pep*. If l««. LI. pa«>-.» inde'aird to lha l.rm of VT.T. Unnra A Co. jx-i r to NovemVc IS. IBB. VEGETIi e i reqae-itM to come lorw-trd ana aunt • ocoe, otherwise thrjruoic*end o- cunts t 'sed In tne hand, tl nn t lUjer lor coUectioB. nere»*»ry .op- rlect e •* tt'.emont will, the estate of J. T. Jossey, dcoatsed- .op.S-oS.wSwAtt lt w. p i;t V»' K-tOtt Boy* a Boston phy.iri.n, “has norqcdasa blood purifier. Hearn jr of Its nnu.y wo:.uorful cures atlorsll ether reuedks had tailed, t visited the Isboratory and c-inviuced mjs-if of its Renuind ■berit. It it prepared from bark*, roots, and nerbs each of wbioh is bi«hl r effective and they are compounded in such a manner a* to produce astonishing results.” 1 STOCK COMPLETE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. THE BEST OiiOQS AT Lowest Prices. Xj,A0Ei.<3rSSi XsXIVXl OF FOR Special Suits. 128 8eoond St. Macon, Oa. YEGETIKE fs tbe great Blood purifier. YEUETiKE Wlli cure tbe worst case o! Scrofula. VEGET1SE Is rtcommeudod by physicians and apothecaries. yegetine riasefftoied some marvelous cures incases ol I duetr. YEGETJ5E ihire* tbe worst case* of Caafcer. YEGET1SE ilh wonderfal sucse.8 in Hercurla Ills YisGETfNE Will eralicate Salt Rheum from the system. YEGETINE Removes Pimples and Humors from tho hue. YEGETINE Ouree Constipation aud regulates the bowels. YEGETINE Is a valuable remedy for Headache. VEGtTINE • wui cure Dyspepsia. VEGETINE Rotors* the entire sy stem to a healthy condition. VEGETINE semove* the cau»e otdiziinoss. VEGETXSTE Believe* Faiutne-s at the Stomach. VEGETiyE uree Pain* in 'ha Back. VEGETIYE Bffectually cure. Kidnoy Complaint. VEGETIHE I* effective m it* cureot Female Weakness. VEGETXNE It the greet remedy for General Debility. VEGET1NE Is acknowledg >d br afi clauses of i«ople to be the best and mo.t reliable blood purifier in the world. VEGETIME. PRBPARBD BY I ot the Weekly h erel-1 gives the late.t as wall as IT D O'TtrWD ATCI n__i nr I tha most practical surgestions and dis o- erica Hi fit ulliVliDl O, Boston. MOTfti 11 nlHiip m Ihe dulieinf Uin fs—sr Mmelm nie — - I iug Cattlo, Poultry. Grains, Trees, Vegetables. :. ..n _n Tl :»t- I etc., with auggettirns lor ke-pin* Puildiuaa and V egetine IS SO'Cl DV nil Uruggis -S. I l.rmip* ►trn.l's in repair. This ir supplemented sept tut thr »st due I by a we 1 edited department, widely ex pied, ua- 1 der the head of the TH2HOMB. ! civins recipe* for practical dUh< r, hints for mak ing clothing and ior keeping np with the latest lashkmB at the loweit prim. Avery item of o.ok- ing or economy suggested in this depar mentis practically tested by experts before publication. Letters from our Paris and It udon corre.pond- ents on the veiy latest fashions. The Bone lke- psnn-iit of the Weekly Uera'd will save the housewi'u more than one hundred times tbe price ol the paper The Interests of 8AILLKD LAB R are looked altar, and everything elating to me chanics and labor-saving is ca’clul y reoorded. There u a page devoted to all the !«< e,t phases ot the business markets. Crop*, Merchandise, eto A valuible feature iafo- nd in the spenally re ported price.- and condition, cf TH1 PRODUO KMaRKEr. 8por«ing News at home and abroad, together with a S orj every week, a S' rmo» by tone rn-i- t neiit divine. Literary Musical, Dramaue. Per- annul aud s-ea Note*. T-ere i* no paper in the world whicho n tala a so much - ews miit>r every week as -.he Weakly Herald, which la seut, test- we Leo. for One IXillsr. You can rubscribe at any time. , " ;ffie H I-Her.-1MY 8 '°"41' Yoisr AudmtB W YOUK Lil>, •61897 4-* BroadWk* u Ann 8 re+t. N. Y PIANOSYOivE8T. rjvwo good Piano* to:ent at reaiorab'e jri-*-. also three se*ond hanc Piano* f*'r s-le cl cap. Ml i tl L. W SVITri t l O. Z. B. WKst-LSB. W-A Ga*. New M fully Ml One Dollar a Year. The circulation of this popular rewspapernaa inereuKed during the pass .year. It contains all tbe leading news of the Daily Herald, and is ar- rmi.e.1 in handy departments. The FORK -GN NEWS embraces speci-1 dispatches frem all quarters of the globe. Ued.r the head of AMERICAN NEWS are given the Telegraphic Despatches ot the week IroiL all parts ot tbe Union, This ieature aluue makes i THE WRBKLY HERALD the most valuahle chronicle in the world, a* it is the cheapest. E very week is given a faithful > e- POLITICAL NRW8 embracing a complete aud comprehensive des patches from Washington, including full reports ol tbs s]M echos of eminent politicises on the question* ol tha hour. THH FARM DEPARTMENT Administrater’s Sale* l?Y virtueef an order r >m the C6urt <J Oz&~ JJ nary ot Jone< c un’y, w : l! be sol* am vise fir-* Tu-day in Noveu ber na»t. wt the c«r~* bouse dcorin Cnuto -, Iws hu- dred twoarda hall (.OtJ) acres of lend, n o-e or fea-i, bemociiM locatatevf Peyton A. Hnikcom. detta-od: fmr averege pine land on the Oe t-»l mlnut. Sate mile* below Gnr*ufdri!!e-ocn leg cabin aatf pierty of water ,nl um e r. Sold firdiaetiM- tiou. Terms ca.h. sep’*-. KFLfX M BSLK-VQM. *dm> Agonts unu CanYuneew Make from S25 to $50 per week tttim sooda for «. (j Kiuceut a Uo.. 10 Barclay tteS! Y* tk. bcid for tlr^cdtiiluM ^ aafX7-vlj EXECUTOR’S SALE. * VX71LL be said before the Court Roue ^oar vf in the town of Ug^etboruo. RHCon iccotar. on the flrut Tues sy in Novunbe'.thefafiiowtar m» Thutlracto’ lardlrineiatfar Fdteenth Dis-.nct cf criginallv Hnuatoa now Macen coun y. tne same ociug lots of lied Kdt. 3* and 139, vxtept right acres in I. :> ..— corner of lot No. 133. Sc id as t -e r reperfy tS b?. a. hr ivr. acceared. m accorcanc wiched^ree from Bibb Sopcrior Uouit, in tke <«cs<* R. Brown.ex.-cuior, va. Attuad* C.£nu.o *t *1. S*ld f r the purpose of cany h£ uotAhs: terms ot (a d decree. fie ms of safe: One-third cast. csA-tOie^iB three moi th*, and one I bird in t we'.re u-oeua with intere-t at e ght per cent, on I’cfarred aty- mtnts. lilies jerhet _ ... WILLIAM r. BROWX, Ex-cutcr of estate if Mu K, Brown, sione- inequity. ,vct«-iMd>* 0 1 BORGIA, BIBB cOUN1Y.—Whereas D. L. W Bird*oog. admit istrator of th i eatatc ot H. A. Cam. late of said Cuun'y drotusod. has male application for leavo to sell tho real estate b.i longing to said e<ta'e for he pu po-ie of pa> in* d-bts and adiri-lon am ngtbe heirs of saides- ♦-t*. Throe are therefore to cite aud admonish a]] pereom c< nerrned to be and appear at the I’oar* 0 O dinars of said c uoty oil the flr-t Mon -'a.\ m Nove-nb -r nett to show caused! anythey Lave, wh] said application should n t be g-antrd to phlicant. witness my honl and official signature Oct. 2,1830. ortt wtw* J, A. McRANU*. Ordinary. BORGIA.BIBB CGUNTY.—Whereas H A. Lieure. mimini.tratnx of ih» estate ol John Lieure late ef raid comity de-eated. has made auplii-ation for leave to ie.l the real e-taie be- foo.iiig to laid estate for the purpose of division These are therefore to c* te and adiaoni.hall person* concerned to be end appear at the Coun uf'irtHiiar? of sail coun y, ou ihe Aral Monday in Nuvumber vert, to show oauae. if any they ' -vo. why said apulicati-iu -heuid not he greule 1. Witnrss my baud and official sign-tucs, Octo ber 2,1830. ectstde J. A. XcKANCa. Ordina-r. KOriCE OF APPLICATION FOR | LEAVE TO SELL LAND. 1.V >UR week* after date end during iheregu- JC far November t- rm of the Court of Ordin-rv lur Bibb eoumy. appliruMon will be made to the said Co rt i f Ordinarv for Bilib erun'y, for leave to tell all .he Iw d- belongi- g to estate of John Lama', late of said eoemy cece.sed. for the pur pose of attribution among tho heir* ol raid e*- lals. . - . , * , MART Id>UI-‘A LAMAR. I4ui sat it* ef Jobe Lwrar. deeeas* d. Oct. 8.183ft. octt-l-we* WHEELER & GIBSOii, Bibb County Sheriff Sal®- W ILL b - so.d before the court-hoase dooc-io the aty ol Macon, daring ihefig*! boczrg ol sale on the drat Tues*ay in N jivemoer sect, •he io.-lowing property. t .-wit: That tract or parcel ot laud mi ’-awett Hid, near ih-r city of Macon ou win. h .hare da s tsc story wooden building Laid tract 'euw; am- hall acre more or less lying in the Godfrey d»- trict in said ernity. opposite »hi fa erreaaeam o J.T Wilkintoa. an i frontingcn the {£«cVm road Lev ed on as ilia prortrey of Ue» C. ■Jwe s. to s-ti-fy a A fa. i »a..a from KaUwtc Superkr Oban in favor o. Thotn -.S T. Tiidw va. Henry C.livens. at the sav*e time and p’ac-. ono-haif f«- tere*t m the in the lot with on a walla a* tnai£ iHgthvreon, situated in Macon. G«gria.beir« the Lorth corner of ict No tbrrs in icuareSL bjucned on the n.-rtheart by . hoy’, m-rthweatte p.-uye ty of John A, Doug et. .-outhea* maa southweit by property of Csrba t and CurA Levied ou a> the pro nty rf tie • sto^e cfG.-Ct Oliver to satisfy w ft. la issu'd frrtn Bibb fteaws- or Courr, in faVorE. i*. lieu v,. il. if. (Alltel.aS* mint tracer of G. F. U’.irer. Pioperty i-otatcdaME. by p sut ft. at the same time and place, pari k4 Ha. three of tfu, lour f .ur acre lota. • united cc-tbo west side • f theticmulrre river it. said county w! Bii.b. fronting on Bou dsry strjet sixty foetaod running hack one boudr-d a- d fi.ty feat ftxm twenty-loot alley, said lot j iou-g the .otoin.A Williams. Lcvedon a- th* f-r.:i-r:v off. a Hopper, to s tt. tx issue! I rent Jigha. Ccmt dSistdisinrt G. 11_ ; n iavo.- U i*. Fucwse- alavs.J. R. Hopper. Levy and ftterxd to me y a co istub e. Also, at tho same ar.d-piace, lot Nn. Ig, inV:x*v vilie. according to lte recent .u-voy uvArty Collin* o: lands formerly ouuad by Lt-vic UatH ►y, boarded orilheiuubbv a -*r «t. on t&ccasT by th* ,ity line, oa the we*t cy Jut t.o. II. —- tuning snout out - alf nn acr--, more or ic'it, vx-rt two small two-roam houses th .-renn. Levied ao as ihe propert* of w. A. niu-rry. tosair-fe-zt fa. i»iu- dire mJjs'lse Court *81st cistnelG E in 1-vcr -. liver A Douglas, ami Stephen t-gUbss transferee. v ». W. A. uiien.v. Levy wa*Bsgd returned to me by a . cnatsbK A’aa at ih* same time, hot owi*g to the ex pense .n niovirg. wi l bo sold at tha giaetim: m Fetor u.Sawyer, ou iheccrafirof Uberr?cod Four h streets, in the city of Uacco. scto- ttieet of shafting, oii& drill pre*». ouo ttraiwlsial oue p wi lug in. chine Levied on us the p*»*• tyo. Peter C. Lawyer fr> satisfy a 6. i» iescAS >rom Bibo Superior Court in favor o 4. £ 6cwU vx p.urC.Sawyer. Property pointed ont te- p:ai:r id’s attoroty. ocifid uEy. F. CEEKBY, SherEb G eorgia, twxggs county.—Uufcrssste by virtne (f am hr: i>y graLted ina uedsrSg- l ist will and testament of Oa'h-riDO A. Kcna Lte of said county oo. e-red. will be soid-bMxre tb co rt house iiw.r in tn- town of feA-^-so*- nl eiasa d cJntiy.on the flr-t Tdradayus Si Vcmbcrneit. betsuen ibehg lLcn:< ol >rts.£tw lane kn-.wuxstlie bo nc p see of said Burn, -afi s nown also a* the P-c* pise*, en brarizc fevtc huiioren ace* m,rcor ire-, heloiulng to ttiC ro- »ate Sold lor a di>i ton the I-vun*e».*i said will. ru A8K18. HOLT, f xceator estate ol C*tber:ne A. Fccr. OCtSdltaS iKf* fin OisrsPaiNr «i:WaiiX. WB , nove H or Kneit *; p. -s<Jc.bS* a h.G. hli EUT A GO . (*dfi) 218 Fa’ton St .X.r, , -DIALERS IK- 8£BVANT» yew nat servants come WM Mul berry street, Intell genre office, tvpxelw L. RIPLEY. OaZeORED PEOPLE* COAL AND WOOD W A CHSRRTts fifitL m ASSO'Jf AT8S&* O el,-In Equity in Efth So- ji rior (cart. It app arinu t > the Ccnrt that by tl:o reteg wi Ihe ate.-it ih-t the l ife ae-t-curira i ! Asnecet cannot behund. audit funner sppfarim- : am ntfendsir. s are non re. items oi the h:s: rt G orriu: S'rde e>. that «*i-l dec.vdanbi be scat ni pe.r x ih-n-xttemi of . t.:s i_our>, tob on ih-< iomtb Hoiicuy m October next, ta ;4aadL answ.ror ocurer io*» d niil bled in ttryaberer cure, onh' sama w it be taken rco.oO:>ie*«e»ste. thetu an will proe csic parte, ‘jn- lorlhrr, that utfaucuid lj- PuLl.r*sion noce a moi to 1, r four mofites. J a 'J-• Macon letegra h andllc ohycr *e:ore lit. HQy term o* this ’ -curt Tit* June 21, i860. .... T.J.S MjiO.e'3. Ju«lge8.C. H.a A V’ic tor fo''neir.. A u- titrsri Itaw ‘h-- minutes of BibbSrt ri r^'tiurt June 81. 1880 i-.-i -lair4m « A B. TnOvnULm is Sea ta Medical Csii®; ATL -XTA, «Sc kg I a. tt rocks. 11 Bars**. so Cm tea Pickerr. , IS House Girl*. pr»y».o i an general rervarts. Apply to (Saaeral intelligenoe Office. M I,. RIPLBY, (cptt-dlv M Mulberry street. | Prompt a'.teution given to all orde-a: aatisfactiu guaranteed. i ;; -'rt | Yard foot of Mulberry street . OdiciD H. Howbj ! ’ Store, N 1.160 Bcooud erect, Msaon. Gi. j sap5-red1a ,i bi I Soutnern Homo iSiiiool tor Girls. • 197 & 199 N. Chariesst.. Baitinpore. Md mi •; MiS-W. M.. Cahi.HlaS OdiT. , w.i: i T Lc A err l'uIihe o' S‘-'j % ram ibMi i « t£4: t «, rvC.-exca- i!ar, L v tr-Ki 1 irnpc u%rt / t kr iboroc^^ . u r. D M*t-bl>sb«d 1842-! {French % .bo laaKuLise* of •0 ,oqL ;oul-*uw wad cocaug oept UOl.lre . D A* \sci\m yv t c'.ivu » Uftteioio oiv-ur. tH/ttsk k c. vvoici). rT^** libhu o* &)w;Lcm SCcdicftl ixku ' -U