Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, October 08, 1880, Image 7

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' 3fewcrt?ri $c Colonel James H. Blount It miwt be indeed gratifying to our im mediate representative in Congress, that amid the strife that the gubernatorial can vass has evoked, not a note of opposition has been raised against him. Calmly and industriously has he moved around through the district addressing both Col quitt and Norwood men on the great questions of the day and the duty of Democrats, thus silently, but we hope certainly paving the way for a thorough and cordial reunion of the discordant ele ments wbicli have been unfortunately called into existence by this pcisonal con test for the executive chair. If the Democracy can stand shoulder shoulder in support of Col. Blount, Clif ford Anderson, Wright, Barnett, Speer and candidates for the Legislature who have been regularly nominated, irrespec tive of their individual bias upon the question of who shall be Governor, sniely the grand old party onght, apd will, main Intact whether either Colquitt Norwood be elected. Let both sides then, whatever may chance to be the result of this purely personal issue, stand ready to fraternize and let ‘-by-goues be by-gones The Democratic organization must be pre served. A Noble and Able Production. We lay before our readers to-day the admirable speech of Hon. Henry R. Jack- son, of Savannah, in advocacy of Gov. Colquitt, which was recently delivered in marietta. It is a calm, dispassionate and statesman-like document, bearing the im press of truth and honesty upon every line, Had his words fallen upon the public ear a few weeks sooner, their effect upon the canvass would have been immense. As it is, wherever the speech is circulated, it will carry conviction to all who are not utterly blinded by partisan zeal. It will be seen that the General fully sustains Gov. Colquitt’s appeal to the people for vindication against the multitude of ma lignant charges which had been preferred against him. “A man’s country,” he said, “may*call upon him for the sacrifice of his time, bis limb, his life, but for the sacri fice of his honor—never! never! never!” ■s Capcine The only Improvement ever made on the common Porous Plaster. Over 2,GOO druggists have signed a paper stating that II ENSON’S CA P- C1NES POROUi Pit ASTERS .are superior to all. other plasters. Prioe *5 cent*. SKABURY 4 JOHNSON, Pharmaceutical ChemUta, New York. Burning Steamship. Washington, October 1.—The signal corps station at Norfolk, Va., reports to the chief signal officer that the slcamthip Isaac Bell, of the Old Dominion Line, is now on fire in the river between Norfolk and Portsmouth, and cannot be saved. Further particulars later. Norfolk, October 2.—The Old Do minion Linestcainer, Isaac Bell, caught fire this afternoon while lying at the com pany’s wharf in Portsmouth, and was en tirely destroyed, with her cargo of 750 bales of cotton and other merchandise. The cause of the fire, which originated in the ftr.vard hold, is unknown. No per son was injured. The vessel had discharged her cargo from New York, and was loading to sail for that port this afternoon. Efforts to scuttle her failing, she was towed to the Naval Hospital fiats and abandoned. She registered 1,012 tons, wa3 built in lfc'08, and cost about $230,000. A Confidtna: Virsrlnian. Mr. F. R. Cousins, represented by the Pittsylvania, Va., Tribune, the leading newspaper in his viciuify, living near (Callands)) Pittsylvania county, Va., to be an industrious and hird working far mer, worthy in every way, and about for- ty-fivo years of age—working with his children dally in the tobacco field—says that be always had faith in the integ rity and fairness of the Monthly Gianti Distributions of the Louisiana State Lot tery at New Orleans, and has occasional ly sent a dollar by mail to M. A. Dau phin, at No. 319 Broadway, New York City, or else to the same person at New Orleans, La., and now his faith is sustain ed by his drawing the fourth capital prize of $2,500. lw. An Editor's Escape. Office of the “Lvdcstriai. Era.” > Amsia, Iowa, Mat, 25,1889. $ To Whom it May Concern : I take pleasure in making the following statement: I have been afllicted with a disease of the kidneys for the past two years and have tried numerous remedies with only partial and temporary relief: Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure was recommended to me and a Vr tak ing It the pain and distress left me and I am to-day feeling strong and well. I am perfectly satisfied that Warner’s Safe Remedies are the medicines needed and can cheerfully commend them to others. • G. W. Stamm. I hereby certify that I have been a pra- ticing physician for twenty-seven years and for many chronic cases in my prac tice do recommend Warner’s Kidney and Liver Cure. It was upon my advice that G. W. Stamm, the editor, obtained this valuable remedy. sep 2S-2w A. A. Ramsay, M. D. Macon, Ga.—Messrs. Lamar, Rankin & Lamar—Dear Sirs: I had been troubled for a long time before using your Consumptive preparation, with something like asthma, and after using only two bottles of your medicine I breathed per fectly free and have felt no symptom of the disease since. 1 am confident your medicine cured me, and I cheerfully re commend it to all who are sufleriog with asthma. Yours truly, lw John D. Ross. Be Wide Awake to Your Interest. I have just returned from the best shoe market, where I have purchased a full line of boots and shoes of as good grade as ever was brought to the city of Macon. I can make it to the interest of all to ex amine these goods before buying else where. I have also doubled my force in the manufacturing department, and am now competent tef fill all orders that may come in, at the shortest notice. 1 shall make a line cf pegged work as well as the very best hand-stitched hoots aud shoes. Come and have your measure taken. Re pairing done in the very best style. I am now also prepared to put new elastic in old shoes, something that has been needed very much in this market. Come and see me. 112 Cherry street, under the Telegraph And Messenger office. J. Valentino. Dissolution. MACON. Oi.. Sept. *9,1840. O N ac-onnt ofoui.t nund but health, I bare thi*day aold my .nitre Internet in the fire* of ». F. Canno * Co. to Mr. W. V. Cenron.who will as-uioe all liabilil w» ol tho late Ira. fl^tarnm; my thants for tie friends and pa.rot i of the late firm. I would respectfully re quest a continuance of their f«v-r» to the new tnn. J WILKOBRM. Bo'erring to the above, 1 rwpectfully inform cur patreu* ri d the public generally, that 1 mil cji.timin Ibegroeery and provision h »inet.« aa knretcfjr-, at the name atom. No, 114 Third Ht. when 1 akall be pieaeed to meet yon and aerre too as u.ual, promising to Hive you at mod . tool! and at as low fig* res at can be lilt) in tint Mkrkut: W.F. CANNON. Macon. Ca October 1.1880. dstwlt EXECUTOR’S SALE. YT7JLL be aold before the Court Routed, or V V iu Hie town of OftKboree. Macon rounty, on the Brat Tues ay in November, the (allowing nr* petty. lo-wit: That treat or land lying in the F fteeniti District of originally Hotuion now Mm-ou rawu'y, the eame being loteof land Not. 13* and 119, except right acre* to tbe northeast corner ot lot Mo. 1S8. Sold a« tbe property of W. R. tnn, amwaied. in accordanoe with • deordo i ro-il (rum Bibb Superior Court, in tbe retool W. R. Hmwn.exiculor, n. Amende C. Brown et ai. S>ld for tbe ptupoee of carrying out tbe terms ot rad deoreo. !e ma ofaato: One-third aaab. cam third in tbr.e moBtbe, and one-third in twelve montha, with interest at erahl per otnt.oo deterred pay - mtnU. Titles perfect. WILLIAM ». BROWN. Lvcutor of estate, Brown, i—tttv - ■toner in equity, oett-Inwtw* * /% F m A M09rm—Agents wanieo ev» M (JfhllwtKre. ituiltirar honorable and! DUE S3 GOODS, BILKS, SHAWLS, LINENS, COTTONS, CPHOLSTEHY, TRIMMINGS, FLANNELS, CLOVES, . HOSIERY, Girls’ aud Boya’Suits, Ladles’ Underwear, Infants Outfits, DRESS WAKING, WRAPS, COSTUMES, RIBBONS, NECKTIES, RCCHINGS, HANDKERCHIEFS, WHITE GOODS, BUTTONS, nAMBURGS, SKIRT BRAID, SEWING SILK, PINS, FRINGES, NEEDLES, FANCY GOODS, Ac. SHY BOOHS BY MAIL Send for Samples or information, and j satisfy yourself Koto clvcaply and quickly] you. can get everything in , <• DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS cf us by Mail or Express. We carry an average ci . .. bout $400,000, all J >ought j for •prormpl cash. SSs^Try its, | Have the Children send for a set oj our t Advertising Cards. COOPER & CONARD, Importers and Retailers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Established loOi. . IRON BITTERS, A Great Tonic. IRON BITTERS, A Sure Appetizer. IRON BITTERS, A Complete Slrccftbtaer. IRON BiTTERS, A Valuable Medielae. IRON BiTTERS, :ict Soli U a Bevsracc. IRON BiTTERS, Tor Dtlicru Ftuilei. especially in Indio**i- Hon, Di/apepola, Inter,mttent ft. verm. Hunt of Ap- petite, Iom of Htrenott*, lack of £ner«y, etc. Jten- ricbca tbe blood. *’lengthen* the mu»- .cs.aml gives new life i the nerves. To Ibe seed, ladles, and --htl- dren requiring recuper ation, this valu Lie remedy can not be too blgbly recommenced. It nets like, a i hum, on the digestl-e organa. A teaspoonful before meals will remove all dyspeptic symptoms. TRY IT. Sold fcy all Druggislt. nEBMJI(5EBP' I ni BALTIMORE, Mo. ■■ana LAMAR. BANKIN & LAMAR. Wh,.lerale ‘Druggiats. Macon. POND’S EXTRACT. Subdues Inflammation, acute and chronic. Controls and Hemorrhages, Venous and Mucous. INVALUABLE FOB SPRAINS. BURNS, SCALDS,BRUISES, .’SORENESS, RHEUM VTISM, BOiLS, ULCEES. OLD frOBES, lOOIH- ACHE, HEADACHE. ASTHMA, SOKE THBOAT. HOARSE NESS, NEURALGIA, CA- TAEBH, ErC.. ElC. Y. y try Abbott.—“Valuai le and 1 enoflelal.' Day wood taint. M. I>_ M. K. 0 P-of Eng land.—“i bare used it with marked benefit." U.G. I’kkSIOit, M. D., Brooklyn. N. Y.—"I know of no remedy so generally useful." AKTnua GviHBist), M. D . F. R. O. H.. cf Eng land.—"1 have prescribed Poml’i Extract with •real success." CAUTION.—Pond’s Extract :t told only in bottles with the name bliMn to the glass. Is is unsafe to use other articles with our di rections. losut on having Pond’s Extract. Be* all imitations and substitutes. 6PKCI4L PREPARATIONS OF POND’S EX- TEAOT COM BIN ED WITH THE PURK8T AND MOST DELICATE PERFUMES FOB LADIES* BOCDOIE. POND’S EXTRACT....60c, tl.COand$176 TOILET CREAM 1.C0 DENTIFRICE 60 LIP HALVE 25 TOILET SOAP (S cakes) 60 OINTMENT — 60 OATABRB CUBE 75 PLASTEB 25 INHALES (glass 69s) 1.C0 NASAL SYRINGE 2'* MEDICATED PAPER 25 FEMALE tYBISGK —.fl.C0 Orders amounting to 55 vortb sent sxpress free on receipt oi money on P. O. order. Our new Pamphlet with history of our Prap araliods. sent free on application to POND’S EX1RACT CO.. No. 14 W. I4tb Street. New York, old bv all Druggists. uneSvdeodawly kjfrcRS bough Shnkiuff Like an Aspen Lent with the chills and fever the victim oi malaria may st ill recover by using this celebrated specific, which not only breaks up the most aggravated attacks, hut pre vents their recurrence. It i3 infinitely preferable to quinine not only because it does the business far more thoroughly, but also on account of its perfect whole someness and invigorating action upon the entire system. For sale by all druggists and dealers generally. If youareau-v iof letter*, telling overyoernddnii tcfllnfr ov*t yoor mfcZ&fcht Ae—OCth» ttomMi boicrU. blood, litm-. or n*r*e* W TgtwlffbocydUTiaujpo _ . rfroa Are simply weak and low spfrlted, try It! Bay* Insist upon 1L Your druggist koepalfc It aux MYe your life. It itvei k»lwie. Hep Coarli CbnIi tile iwcelcil, ufmon/ sHL >•¥ rk^dna. Tht Hop PmJ for atorofu-h, Llvar acd * tmptrier to nil othtru Cum by *bwrp'.kn, UUpcrftd^ Ask dr»cjiit«- P. I. C. Is an ahscluts* andirmlstabUcnfgt’wdnmkaaaM^QMoT A'jon Skill by drnjj’uU.Hop Bittsn tlfff.,Co*. t Warner’s Safe, HipLlw CURE $1,25 PER BOTTLE A positive remedy for all Kid- ley, Liver and Urinary Troubles of both male and female. READ THE RECORD: • It.avod ury lift.”—S. B. Lakcly, Bblxa, Ala "It it tha remedy that will cure tha many dia- cotes peculiar to women."—Mother'a Mag-rii*. “It hat piutul severe lasts and nr c midona- meats from acme of Ue hlglie.t mcd.o.l talent in tbe country.”—Few Y„rK Wont’. “No Remedy heretofore discovered fan h held for on* motxent in corupariaon with it.”—O. A. Harvey, D. D., Washington, V. C. This great natural remedy is for sale by all druggists in all parts of. the world. — —TKYIf AND TAKE -N;> OTHRK.— H* H. WAHNErt * S O N. Y MILL Sl FACTORY oULi L’.cL OF ALL KINDS. .BELTING ,itC-3t and PACKING, OILS, PUMPS ALL KINDS. IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, RFASS GOODS, STEAM GA'JGES. S-ING1NE GOVERNORS, Ac. Ljnu.V r'rice-list. W. H. DILLINGbrtM u 143 mit Street, LOiHSVtLLc, < ■-, Music Boskslor Schools TIb WuIcdsiis C tiers;, ‘rhisisanawandanren.r High Bchool Song Bock with advanced ales:et't°. and a great vari ety of mueic. itcnlar ar.d ir.treJ. to be auttg in one. two or four varta. llr l iiaen’s previous works have been highly approved. (sort*.) ByL.O.BMEE- _ 80N. No rccre attractive School St ng Book hot for a long time appeared. It is not graded, aud will do for any claae. Great variety cf tongs, sub- joct* selected Kith great skill, and xuuiio is of the best Song Bolls. Introduce onr new Hah oath School Song Book- IVHITB ROBI8, (SOeta.) at once to yenrSun day Bchool: No better book exists. Books for Huiic Teachers for tha Vail Cam paign. All are good and practical books. Do not lsil to examine th m. Kmeraon’s Votes of Worship (>!.), for Binging Brhools. Verkina’ Tee ple.G*'). for Singing Schools. Johnson’s New Motbod for Binging Classes. (80 rtl.) Johnson’s Parlor Organ Instruction Book. N. B. Conservatory methtd for Piano, (oa.) Also mbscribe now for THE MUSICAL REC ORD, (cj), a Weekly Musical paper with all the news. 4@-Anj book sent, post free, for tha retail price. OLIVER DiTSON &C0,j Boston. NOTICE, Wjlcox.Gi., Sept. 17.1V0. A 1*1* persons indebted to tbe firm of W. V. tX C-nnon 4 Co., prior to November 12.1879 are reqaested to come forward tu settle at once, otherwise their notes and account* will be placed in the hsods of an officer for collection. This ta tirces-e.r? to pcr'ect u sstilemont with the estate of J. T. Jossey. dei-eased. aeplS-dStwiwAw4t W. P. CANN r >N 4CO G BORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas D. L. Birdsong, admiristrator of th t estate of R. A. Cain, late of said county deceased, has made application for leave to sell the real estate be longing to said e-tate for • he purpose of paring debts andadivirion am ngtbe heirs of said es tate. Theje are therefore to cite and admonish all personj concerned to be and appear at the Pour* of O-dinarr of said e-unty on thohr-t Monday in Novemb -r next to show anythey have, why said application shoula n t be granted to applicant. Witness my hand and oSoial slgnatur* Oet. 2,14*4. octJ w4w« J. A. Mo 4ANC t. Ordinary. I ’BORGrA.BIBB COU *TY<—%'fbero.aH A, n Llenre. sdmini-tratnx of th* ext at- ot John Lieuro late afraid county deceased, has made application for Irwve to se.l the real estate be longing to said estate tor the purpiae of making titles. These ire thereh-o to cite and cdotoni.h all persons concerned to be aud aopea* at the Court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in November re«t, to show cans*-, if any they h*ve. why arid apullcstlort should not he xrante t. Witness my kaud and official sunsture, Octo ber 2,1840. ■■■ l ■ • wtatd ' J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary. New Advertisements* OLD RIP LO173 CUT SMOZINl T03ACC0 Is mild, moist, fragrant and sweet. Smokes cool, and GorsTWic* as fx* at granulated tobacco. ALLEN 4 SINTER. MxxrpiCTtTBXBS Bichkobd, fnsmi. THE BONANZA FOR BOOK AQENTS la stdhng our ajtlenataiy iiiualtatod book Life if GENERAL HANCOCK. by bis life-long friend. H»n. J. TV. FO»- NJST. anauthir oi natiornl fume Tb s work isKsPoasiD byGax. Habcocs. party 'eadera and Vkkss: i» tow pried, ininiei-aetv | opul»r. and taking like wild Flan everywhere. Outfits See. Agents arc tusking Ea-iLr SHo p«b PsY. l'o- tbe b-at l>*« (, K t best terms r,ud lull particular*, address quick, HUBB.RDBR03.. Atlan’a.Oo. $ rv IV rVA YKX It ana exuense:t to ill txeute. Outfit Free. Address 4 4 4 P.O. VICbkKY, Auguiw.Me r--*r-rt a?SW ELASTIC TEUSS Hu s Pad dl&rioc from al 1 olhnit b ccpiLipe, with S«lf*Adjastisf Ballln c«nur, adopts l ts«If to All cf tbe body, while the ^ pmsure tbe HeraUb held eeenrely ley end night, and % ndlcel cure certeln. ills euy, darehk sn^ cheep. Sect by Circulars free* ^ EGGLESTON TBUBS CO., Chicago, I1L tUVEKTlwFR* br addressing GEO. p A RuWEl.L A CO. in teruce street. New York ran learn th--xsrt coat of any proposed lino of ADVBuTIxING in Agierican Newspapers. •*t.I0O-i«xe famphlct. Ifc. SontbeFn Home School for Girls. 197 & 199 N. Charlesst- Baltimore.Md Mas. W. M. Cxal, Miss C*HT. R.tablia’ueJ 18*2. Freurh tbo language of tbs school. Iunl-r»w and -o snr sent NOTICE OF APPLICATION- FOE LEiVEtO ^ELL LAND. - F OUR urrflks after date and during tbo regu lar NtfWsber fc-rm of tbe Court of Ordinary for Bibb eoun’r. applioalion will be made to tbe Slid Co net Ordinary for Bibb reun’y, for leave to*«llallihela, d. belong!, g to estate of John Lama-, late of said county «> <ewed. lor tbe pur- on*o ot attribution an>o:.g iho heirs of said es- U *^ MARY LOUISA LAMA*. Af m’k astute of John Lamar, deceased. Oct. s.-isro. oeti-iaw4w - Organ-Co* Corner Broa.; > i.l ii:.bama%t»'.,* Atleutu, Ga. TAKE IsrOTICE. P0*TMA81EESAPD THE PUBLIC WILL take notice that tbe reotnt ora or of the Post- master General excluding from the mail*, doe* NOT apply to tho Louisiana State Lot tery, and that lettora will be tegiatered and money orders ittued to this Company as heretofore. * A (PLKNnlO OPPORTUNITY tO WIN A FORTUNE. vRVKNTH GRiNDUIB- TKIBUTIUN. CLASS K AT N K W ORLEANS. TUESDAY, (Kir. 12. i830-125ill M-wtUly llrairiBx. Louisiana State Lottery Oompanv. Thu Institution was regularly Incorporated by tbe legislature cf tbe State for Educational and Charitable purposes, id 1868, for tho term ol twenty-five yoars, to which contract thr in viol a hie faith ol tne State is pledged ,wt irii pledge hi* been ronewed by an overwnalming i>opular vof securing its traiichi.-e in th* pew constitute adopted December 2, 1879. with a Capital u S'1,000,000, to which it has since added a rot --. fund of |SS0.6ue. ITS GRAND SINGLE tt j V RERDRAWINGS will take place ment t he sec vu d T - esday. It neror scales or post pones. Look at the iug Distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE *49.000. 100,000TICKETS AT TWO DOLLAR} Half-tickets, one dull* LIST OF PRIZ1B. 1 Capita] Frits 1 Capital Price I •“ 1 Capital Pnte- 2 Prize* of SiAOO..—.......... J 6 Prizes of 20 frizes of loo Prizss of 2(0 Prizes of 5. 0 Prizes cf 1000 Prizes of 1.000.. 400 ■■maw 100 s* 20 9 Approximstinn Prises of *400 B Approximation Prises of 200....... 9 Approximation Prists of 100..,.,,, 5,000 10.000 10.900 10.000 10,004 10.000 2,700 1.800 909 LS57 Prizes, amounting to.........„. n . M .£110>4l0 paid. Besoonsiblo corresponding agents wanted at all points, to whom liberal compensation will be paid. Write, clearly stating fall address, for farther information, or send orders by express or in a Registered Letter or Money Order by mail, addressed only to M. A. DAUPHIN. New Orison*. La. or same person at No 819 Broad vay. New York. All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of Geno- rals G.T. BEAUREGARD and JUBAL A. EAR LY OFFICE OF Gcmmofiwealth DistriMtioi Co> COURIRR-JOUBNAL BU1LIING.7 • > Louisville, Ky., sept. xi. ’&j. j In direct violation of sn agreement withex- Pojtmasler Gel oral May, ordering the delivery of Registered Litters and the payment of Money Orders to tho underri-nod, pending the litiga tion In the United S:ates Supreo-e Court, tha Third Assistant Postmaster Geteral kasse-n fit, u the aba-nre ot hi* »u(«ri r», to ,«t aside raid order. Tbe grounds upon which h« justifies this action are. that all lotteries in Xentusky li-ve keen repoa'ed. and -re therefore illegal, and being illegal, are necessarily fraudulert, when, in fact, the frai.chiro under which thi* Company draw*. s nplikf that of tbe Louisiana Lottery Company, has never been repealed, and yet the Post offioo Department discriminates in . favor of that Compai y. : C- mmeut ia u-elewi. Legal action will at once betakenkytbs Company, and, until further notice, coritspond-nts are req cstod to send all remittances by plain letter or by express. Don’t send by mon-y order or registered letter, •czrSSthrzr* CPopalar Monthly Drawing of the CommoltweaUtl) Distribu tion Co. AT MACAULBY’B TBBATU, In tbe.Citr of LoaieriUe, on SATHRDAY 0GT. 30 h, 1880, Th-oe drawings antheriaad hy the T^sisiaturo Of lt7S. and sustoired l-I Tie courts of Kentucky, SunfoyaSind'"! fire ] ears. The United 8tstes Circuit Court on ilprch 41 rendered tbe foliowinx derisions: 1st—That tht> Cjn poawealth Dittribntion Company is legal. 21—Its drawings aro fair. N. B.—This company Usa now on hand ala-go resurvp lun^.,.Rrsd jtig list of prizes for Aha OCTOBEK DEAWING. 1 Pnse... n — I Prioe 1 Prise OTlMSM each 3K. f| Prise* 500eanli , lOuPrisc* 100 each 200 Prises M each 600 Pnz-s S3 each 1,090 Prise* le ouch . 1* Prites 403 MV, b. ap’rexlisat'n prises ±70# (fi-Pr.soaaOOfcoai dq • do xiior aPnses 100 each do do to* LW0 Priicg _ 8112,4:0 «t|Mcl*rt, Half Ticket*, 11. 27 Ticket*. S50. £5 Tickets, »its>. r REMIT BY MONEY IN LETTER. BY BANK DRaFTOR EXPRESS, to R. M.BOARDMAN. Oouncr-Jcurcal liujldiug. Louitnde Keatuckr. or 207 and SCO Y scplocdiUtlio»»Sireiicha» 44,000 lRbOO r.,eo<' 10,00c ICC,is 19,00. 10.00*. 12.000 10.000 IFIUML By B. M. Woolley I srAsstw Arianta, Qa. Reliable .evi- E UaiJIT derr^i;iTen t apd refer«ice to 1 > Y- '■ .riircd piitiAfctsfedibyn:<?ten8. I.CJJJ.iJEu- Nbd^ I’jr wy book or. afV9 CaBttuna iUcure. ?EL£. 1 Notice to Bridge Builders. ON TUESDAY, September 21, 1830, be tween the legal home of sale, at tb9 door of tbe court benee. will be let to the lowest Irdoer.lh*. contract fer building comp'ete enn ready for travel a wooden trnsa bridge over Tobceofkee creek, at Falton’a mill. Baid bridge to bo built in accordance abb ocm- plete and minute plana and ipeoi&iatime now on file in tbe Gonnty Commi-eeionere' oft. re. and open to the iorpeetioa of tbe pnbiio. Tbe eootraotor will, be required to give bond in double .the amonut of the bid. with two good and solvent securities, for the faiijifnl terformanee of Ibe contract, and iu indemnify the coun'y for any damigea occarioned by a failure to ptrform ihe came within tbe prescribed time. The work to be paid for on ccmplettm, according to con tract" Tbo right* ro reject any and all-bids hi reserved. . - By order of Bibb County Uommiesionera. atu 22-id W. G. BMI1H. Cler).. ANDREW FEMALE COLLEGE, CUTHBERT, GA. THIS JUSTLY CELEBRATED BOARDING School for the Mcn'al. Moral and Pby*ical train ing of gir's and young lauics. will enter into its 28TK SCU3LASTIC Yf*R—THURSDAY, SEf- . TEICBLR 1B1H PflQX. Tbe teachers «i last year are all expected to be with me again, and iq their specialties cannot be surpsised. CHARGES PHt MJPIl RAMIE FROM $25 TO $50 PLR YtAS |« »HE ilURARY OIPARTHMT, BOARD INS FROM $D TO $15 FER MONTH. AC- COROiKQ T* CIRCU dSTAKCEE. AH extra stories, such as itanc, French, o'l painting, drawing, wax works, etc., will be tbo>. ouahly lau«htat modrntte rates. Vocalization will be, made a specialty, and to that ei d a distinguished teacher from a distance wi : l bs employed. ’’Phjvical Training and llovemf nt Cure” will be looked after and practiced with, if possible, greater Tisor thin rvrnand I would beret-ae occanon to thank tbe citizens ot Cuthbert ai d surrounding country for dorating to me a hail 50x40 feet for physical training purpos.-s. Special arrangtrai nts will lie made tor tho acc-.mmoda- tion ot ladle* end children of botn sexes not di rectly conn-fted with Andrew Female Uoliege, and they wi'.l be charred to spit cir umstances. It is expected that this splendid ball will be ready (or orcupsncy by my opening. For further information with regard to the College,partus will seud fur catalogue and report of my Hoard of Visitors, both ot which are now ready for circulation. Hoping for * grand opening and a happy and prosperous session, I remain with true respect. A. L. HAMILTON. President. aug28-law4w -49th YEAR OF THE- Sledical College of Georgia. AUGUSTA* "THI8 Inriitu'ion constitutes the Medical Do- A partmrnt of the state University, the Diplo mas are signed by its Chancellor. Tne session commence on the flret Mon- dty of November, and will end on the first of March followiux. Apply for circular to senlO-wSt GEO. W. 11AIN8.Dean. G eorgia, bibb county-whereas.b. m. Brown has ap;-e«red to me for the setting apart a of Realty and Peru; nalty.and the valnstion of the same I will pass = pen said application on Monday. September 27l b > 1880,at 10o’clock a. in. This Septemlerr.. 188 . J. A. MCMANUS, Ordinary. To all Whom it May Concern. G EORGIA, bibb COUNTY.—asher Ayers having in prODor’form applied to me for per manent letters of administration on the estate of W. Fngleke, late of void county. This is to cite all and singular tbe rreditrrs and not sin of W. G. Bng’eko to be and appear at n>y office within the time allowed by 1« w and show cause, if any they c-n. why permanent administration should not be granted to Asher Ayers on W. G. Bn- glnko’s estate. W-tness my hand and cificlal signature. September »th, 1830. J. A. McHaNUS. sef-5td* Ordinary. G eorgia, bibb couNTY.-whereas. Charles Moure has applied to me for the set - ting apart a homestead of real and ptraonal property and tho valuation of the ramo I wifi pass unoa said nnptica’ion os Monday. tho 6ih day of September, 1880. at 10 o’clock a. in. Witness my band officially. August 16,1889. augl7 td J. A. HeMANUd. Ordinary. Know Thyself. T HE untold miseries fbt! result frem indiscretion in early life may be allevi *t- ed and cured. Those who donbtthn assertion should purchsso tho new mrdical work published by the PEA BODY MEDICAL 1NBTI rUTB, Boston, entitled THBSOIbNCS OF LIFE ur, SE1.P PRESERVATION. Exhausted vi tality. nervous and physical oability, or vitality impaired by the nrrora of youth or too dose or too close application to butineas, may be rtator ed and manhood revalued. Two hundredth ed U in, revised and enlarged, jtut published. It is a standard medical work, tho o- it in tbe English language, written by a physician of great experience, to whom was awarded a grid and jewelled medal by the Na tional Medical Association. It contains beauti ful and wry expensive engravings. Three hun dred pages, more than 50 valuable prescript’oni for all form* of prevailing Phrase, the result o! many years of extorsive and successful practice, either one Of which is worth t:u times the price of the book. Bound in French cloth, pno« only $1, sent by mail postpaid. The London Lancet says: “No person should be without this valuable book. The author is a noble benefactor.” An Illustrated sample sen* to all on reoelptof Scents tor postage. The author r-ders by permission to Hon P. A. BIT-ELL. M D. president of the National Med ical Association. Address Dr W H PAR KER. No 4 Bulfinch St, Boston, Mass. Tho au thor mat bo consul ted on all diseases requiring skill and experience, nbvSO wlv BEAL THYSELF IN EQUITY—BILL FOR BELIEF, Etc IN BIBB SUPERIOR CQURa’. Daniel D. Tracy vt. A. B.Rrs*. administrator de bonis non ot tbe estate at T. P. Lamar, M. B. lam or et al., heirs of J. P. Lamar. It appearing from the returns of the Sheriff in this cause that two of said defendants, to-wit., Mrs. Carrie U. Motley and Mrs. Ann T.’Gn cn. formerly Ann T. Lamar, are not to be Lund in the county of Btbb; and tt further appearing that they do nvtn-aide iu th* Sla’e of Georgia, bat in tbe State of Alabama: It is therefore or dered by the curt that service nf said bill be perfected upon them by publication of this nr- d„r a month for four months before tbe next term of tins Court, in tbe Macon Telegraph and Wevsenrer. a newspaper published iu the city of Mama. Ga. Lottie 4 Bartlet*. P aintifTs attorney. - lujZ-latnAm T. J SIMMONS. J. B. ». M, O. Tie Merc Medical Celle®, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. fTlHB second session of this institution will open 1 OCTO UEtt 13til. 1880. The Unrrioulum of Study in this school covers n wider range than most institutions iu this country. Peculiar and superior advantages, not men tioned in the annual circular, have been provided for illustrat ng the more important branches, and alt tbe facilities exist for thorough instruc tion in erery department. The annual announcement will be famished cn application to the Dean. As there are two other schools in Atlanta and misdirection is liable to occur, correspondents will please address R. O. WORD. 1*. D.. Dean ot Southern Medical College. augSt-dondawSt mmoitmm JULY 12, 1880. 8essioubegins on tho first of October and con* tinuea nine months. Apply for Cntalonaea to the Secretary of tbe Faculty. Post-otHre University of Virginia, Albemarle Co.. Va. JAMES F. HARRIvON, M. D., Chairman of the Foou-ty- jiiyl7deqdvw2m» Dost and LUeapeal 'ARTIFICIAL LIMBS Bpeclal induoemen's to SOUII B&y BOVD1BUH. Satisfaction given in ail cases. First premium at Atlanta and Macon Georgia Fairs. .379. Best o( refer* encealuyoui State. Apply at ona for fall information, peral terms etc. AddressCHARLBBM BVANP Manufacturer lor IT.a. Gnvwwnw’t. It Fanner Femile Mute Warrenton, Va. Session begiusBept. 1st, Send for Catalogue. rylS-wtra ROBERT PBtZBR: Principal. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE FASTEST BELLING BOOK of the AGB EjuiKlatioBS ofSaecasa BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FORMS. The laws of tride, legal forms, how to transact business, ralnaalo table-, social etiquette, parlia- mer.tary ns ago. how to condoct public business; in fact It is a complete Gtaide to Suoceea for all classes. A family necessity. Address, for cir culars and special t,irmi. ANCHOR PUBLISHING OO,, - ja!y£3-daw£m Atlanta. Ga. WEST BROS., 68 BAY ST., SAVANNAH, GA., CoUon Factors. Commission Merchants —And dealers iq— ' FERTILIZERS. General Agents for tbe Delta Cotton Tie. LIBBRAL ADYANOKfi ON CONSIGNMENTS W. VT. Carrios MACON, AGENT DELTA COTTON TIE: lny»4 dawtilln- vl “ 1 ’-4 jrbaiutae*. {jm WrJirwIrii AW-’«4Swe^sa*iW*erfa.>a. fr--m -_vee re!j ««r fsk Ward. »»n;y -*d 11. 1 sk'a. j’iriiwttsBSeaiifnsK j Notion to Bridge Baiiders. ON TUESDAY September 21st, 188J, be tween the legal boars of sale, at the door of the coart boose, will be let to tbe lowest bidder, tbe contract for build,ng complete and reiufy for travel, the saooretructnre for a wrought iron tines bridge over Tobesofitee creek, in Bibb county, at a point about eight miles distant from tbe city of Msoon Said bridge to ooneiBt of one span one bon dred ana thirty four feet long, with olear aoodway ef eighteen feet; and to to uui i tn accordance with complete and minnto pl*ne and specifications now on file in the County Ccmmusionera'cfilfo, and open to the in spection of tbe pnbiio. The contractor will bereanired to give bond ia docbla the amount of tbe bid. with two good and solvent securities, for the faithful perform ance of the contract, and to indemnify the bounty for any damages occasioned by a failure to perform Ihe same within the pre scribed time. Said bridge to be paid for on completion, so -ording to contract The right to reject any ar d all bide is reserved. Hy rrder of Bibb Conn<y Commies oners. aog 22-id W. Q. SMITH, Clerk. vr. A. CHERRY vs THE LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA,et al,—In Equity in Bibb Su perior Court. It appearing to the Conrt that by the rotor i of the sheriff, that the l ife Aa-ocistiou cf America cannot be found, and it further apD-aring that •aid defendants are non-residents ol the State of Georgia: Ordered, that said defendants he and appear at tbe next term of this Court, to be hr Id cm tbe fourth Monday in October next, to plead, mnaweror demur to ss.d billnledin the above case, or the same will be taken pro as to them, and said caoe will proceed ex parte. <)r- dered further, that said defendant be served bv publication once a month for four mouths, iu the Macon Telegraph and Mesteiuer Veforo the cert term of this vourt. Thi. June 21,18S0. T. J. 8TMMON8. JudgoS. C. M.C. A. Proud fit, solicitor for ccmi-luinant. A true extract from tbo minutes of Bibb Supe rior Courk June 22, 1380. Jne2i-lam4m» A. B. RQ89. Clerk. G EORGIA. BIBB BOUNTY.—Whereas lfon- jairin O. Smith, executor of the e-tato ol Mrs. E iza Smith, late of said courty deceased, has made application for letters of dismission from said estate. These are therefore to rite and admonish a'l persons concerned to be and appear at the Conrt of Ordinary of said county, on tbe fi-tt Monday in October n*xt. to show cause if any they bpve why application should not be granted te appliooPt. Witness my hand officially. July 6,1880. ju>7td * J. A. M CM A NUB. Ordinary, Bibb Comity Sheriff Sales. YYTILL be sold, before the Court nouee do >r »Y in tbo city ot Mac in. during the legal boars of sale, on the (list Tuts day iu Octoder next th following property, to-wit: One brick house, situated in the rlty of Macon, in Block (53), on the corner of Plum and Ponr b street, now occupied by T- B. Grace. Levied on x« tbe property of Mrs. Margaret W»1 sr& to sat isfy a fi. fa. issued from C.unty O urt cf B<bb county Iu favor of Jacques k Johnson vs. Msrg ret Wallace. Property po tied out by plaintiff's attorney. Also, at the tame time and place, lot No. (S) and part of lot No, (4). in Biock (15} situated in the city of V scm. on Mulberry and sixth street, in ssid ivuutv of Bibb. Levied on os the prop erty of the e-tat* of Charles Ells, to satisfy a fi. la. i.s-ed from Bibb Superior Court in (ayor of Ordinary of Bibb county, use of the children cf Roberto. M. Bcar-t- aan and Mrs. Suran M. Ell*. ex*entr'X, etc. Propetty pointed cut br plsimifi’aattorLoy. Also, at the same time, bat to the expense cf moving, will be void At the auc tion house of Thomas Frccmm, cn Cherry street, in tbe city of Macon, m said county, •ha following properly to-wit: ’ two seventy- live saws gins and two feeders, and two fatty saw gins, levied on as the proper:y of Peter O. Sawyer, to satisfy a fi. fa ieeued from Bibb superior Goutt in favor cf tbe Central Bailrosd and Banking Company of Georgia, va. Ptter O Sawyer. Property pointed out ly plaintiff’* attorney. GEORGE F. CHERRY, Sheriff. Sept. S. 1880. MACON, GEORGIA. COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Warehouse-corner of Poplar and Sec Streets. Make advances on Cofon in store at lor ank rates Bagging and Ties always on hadr tecs dawtm / 1 *< > tU, i A. c,,u:.;.y VJT tha B. Sorrell, guardian of her minor chtl- dien. has made application for leave to sell eight Shares of the capital stock of th-* C-ntral rail road a id Banking Comuanylof Georgia belong ing to said minors lor tbeir maintainanoeaLd ed ucation. These are there fore to cite and edmon ah all persona concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of raid county on the first Monday in July next, to show canoe if any they have why •aid ai .plication should ■. ot be granted. Witness my hand officially. Jane 5th. 1880. i ,>6td*J. A. McMANUa. Ordinary. Administrator’s Sale, G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Under and bj virtue of an ord t-r from tbe Mut of Ordina ry of said county, I will sell on tbe Oral Tuesday iii October nt it, before tin court hou-edoor iu the city of Macon, m oaid county, but** cjn tbe usual hours of sals, all tbe real cuUte bel nging to the estate of Thos. J. Sbinholser. late of said county, dreeaaed. It consists ol the following property: One city lot, being part of lot number th»e-* (s). square numbs twmly (20), in tho city ot Macon, with forty-fire, feet front on Mulberry slreei. and two hundred and ten fort (210) deeu, adloinlug what is known as tbe Stubblefield House property. Also part of lot number (26S) two hundred and tiity-right. containing one hundred and thirty-five ( S5) acres, more or let*. Also part of iut number (2X7) two hundred and twenty- seven, containing (100) one huudreil acres, more or loss. Also pars ot lot number (210) two hundred und ttn, couta uing fiftj (M-) acres, more or ltfs. all lying iu tho Fourth (Rutland) District of Bi>-b county, about eight miles from the city ot Macon. Said lands are ■old. for the benefit ot tbs heirs, and can be bought as a whole or in soparat* diviiton. Vrrma oath. ’8.8. SWEET, Adm’r. ; »tp7-lawtw To all Whom it May Concern. /"I BORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-M. A. R. Dyer VJI andT. F. Dyer having iu proper form ap plied to me for permanent lotto’s of administra tion on the estate of John Dyer, late of said county. ibis is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of John Dyer to be and appear at my office within tbs time allowed by Jaw and •how cusc.lf auy tbay tan, wby permanent ad- minlstr tiou should not be granted loM.A. R Dyer and T. t. Dyerou John Dyer’s estate. Witness my band aud official sigi ature. September 4lb, 1889. J. A. Me M AN US. si-pjtd Ordinary. Agents and Canyaoeers Make from 825 to $50 per week selling good* fur K. G. Rideout 4 Co.. 10 Barolay street. Mew Y-rk. Send for tFr’v catalogue ana terms. aasi7-wUr G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.-Unaer and by virtue of an ordey from tbe Court of O di- nary of said oounty, »i 1 be volJ cn the fir»t Tneiday in Feptemher next, before the court house doer m tbe city ot Macon, between the le gal hours of aal*, an undivided bait interest in parts of lots of land. Nos. la d 2. in block num- •irty-ooe, in Ihe southwest common oftbecitv of Maoon. containing one-quxrter of au acre more or less. Bold as tbe property ot Jane A. Malone, late of said rounty deceased, for a division among tbe heirs of said e*t*te. BUdAN M. PERSONS. August 7,1880 - 8td Administratrix. G eorgia, bibb cocNTY.-Toaii whom it may rooctra : Lot t e Uf. Kounedy hivn * filed her retiiiou in proier form to n,«> praying for ettersef adminiatra ion with the will annex, ed.on the estate of Francis X. Kennedy, this i, Sw oite all legally inlereated iu the execution m this application, creditors, legate--!, next of kin and any other*, intere sted. to bo and a *m,i al tben-xt Keptemberterm of the Court of Ordina ry (Hall 1 *how e-o e if anv tt ey ran why leStareet adamiotration.w*th will arnexe<- •hea d (Md begranted tr said Louise W. Kanne dy. Witness my hand and official signature Angus RUM. awrt-wdw J.S.McMAXIK Ordinary. O RDfNARVd ' ffla-Joiao Coautv. Geo-g-'-, Awgaat Slat, 8M.—Whereas Dr. W. V Glorer snpUee to ur« tor adminiitration on th cstats of G<arn B. Watt, dneaied. These an* to cite ana admoniah all perao- renre ned to be aud appear at th* Court »l Hn ( nary ofauKl county au tha first Mon-tay in Oct( tor next, and *huw cause if any they have wt same tbe shrtl not be granted. Witness my Knud officially, ser.2 td ROLAND T. ROUS. Ordina-ov |J«fl(lftbii) inve|tM , ,S!25tp$5000|irS wficljrA!!*! r»y» Iimnei.Pri proAu bjr tit* KewOxptUl!/a::rc (>Tuf>«nst!ijpfArBtot-kM. Fu!leapten«tlonTmB]>n!V* y&n to alam 4, iinowx a Co., B<uik«n« S£ Ut—l Su. *N. V. O V CS'CJK.SS A. A' ll Certain M Permanent Cere *OR coirsuMPnoiir 1 Catarrh, Bronchitis, COLDS. GOUGHS. INFLUENZA. Lamar. Eankin & T amar, EiACON AND ATLANTA. GA. O RDINARY’S Office J-lies Uuuntv. Georgia JuneSBtb. : 8S-.*.—Wb.-reas s-uiuri Karroo administrator with the will anr.rx-d, on entitle o' Kmi-ruiin barren, deceased, applies for dismis .ion from satoo. Tbe-oaretocite and admoni.h all n*raon? oonrer’i*,' and tha 1- tr-teei ol saw r.tve to .e Mid spnear at tna t’etoorr term next of xhts court, anl wi ne*» a >et> cmfl-t of hi* arlmini*- tratioti, re-ei o tb-ir dlatributive shares, a-rd .how ,-au.n if any ttl*i have why h- rhall not br di.r-bar.«*i I om sa'd adait’ i-trxt cn. Wiin-aamy b-u-f IflciaUy. itn sotde KOI.AND 5. R-vau. Ordinary. TriEORGlT HiiUsTON iiNti.-Wili lo> \ T .old b-fure :h*-ou-t bnn.e door in l’or.y, Houston <v.nn-y »n »h* first T >e*d*y in Uctobcr I.en. tan t ilo<r-tig doscnbol p-op-rty to wit: . All rbal tr .ct <r parre! of land .ituat-d on Hog Crawl crec». in Inn tewe- 'curtr-nth di-trlrt of -aide untV-and In-wp uih* Kvereti Hog Craw! place, c nv.inp g 1 4'7.M amv» mu-e n r 1**«. Said land* >o.d as tl.p ,,r. p-rt- of tbo eniate of W. K Brown..,,-en-and, by virt r cl n o- ern* made in the aup--ri -r c urt *,f Bib-* f—u r tr ir, the naan of '-V. K. KroW’.eirrnror. -a. tni«nd»0. grown et cl Koid fortbe purpooeo rare ioa out the pm visions of .a-d d*rr-e raid lands will ho soidav a » h >!o or tn tue’i parrels as m»» V deemed »d vi-nb.e Term- on* 'hird cash, ni e-ibird in three raenti a end one third in tw-’vo mo’.tf s. with 8 per rent, interest. Pur ha„ r* retiring certificatoof purchase or bond f-r ti’>*. i cssex- siou given tbo Q. s' dayr.f January. 1RS1. W. R. BROWN, Executor of W. R. Brown, deceased, and com-nwiionsr in equity. anx41-law«w» WMB B J?- W 2. S3 g &*. Adh ■ 2-3 W ssg ^ Has ||a if t»l.*KoS b fflilfl EXECUTORS’ SALE- G eorgia. JONHS roUNTY.~By Tirtne of an order from th* Court Ol Ore ir ary o’ Jones county. will be anM br tor* i he put home door In the town of Cl nten, -aido-i'-rtv. on the first Tuesday in D-c-rm-er nm, wrihiti the u.usl hours ol .air, the late James H. Ft- hey planta tion. containing right hundred (’■CO) -.orea. more orlosa. Miuat* six milr*e-at r>! Clinton in.aid Jones rounty, near railroad station o-> M. and A- R. B. Kr-Id mone bon fur dietribmion G,od fair land -n a good .tore of cultivation, w»ll im prove.' wiih plenty of Wat.r at d tmberlurall necessary .lurpo-ea, in a g-rod locality and con venient lu market. Terns cash. R. >s. KROW77, H. J. FINNEY. Sept. 7. U8 .-8* Executors. CROCK b'J' r I *?. Iron WorIss» mACQW. GA At onr worki can bo seen tbe best FN- GINK MADE far GINNING AND THRESH- ING. We suaxantee it to do all or more than tho manufacturers tay it will do. We build STATION AUY ENGINES From 8 to SO Eorae Power, There is no E-gine made enpenor to it. u we have testimonial* to prove. Warnsna- faotnro Saw and Grist Mills that Rive entire sA'tsfaction. We keep for esie . WATER WHEELS. HORSE POWERS IMPROVED GIN GEAR. SUGAR HILL PANS AND E VAPOR AI OSS, And the Beet Horizontal Sugar Mill made AloO, I80N BAILING for cemete ries. etc. SHAFTING PULLEYS, and GEARING for all all kiuds of mill work. In fact, we keep everything that ia need abent atnam or water power or plantation work. Oir OOTTON PriEsR is stsmd to not 6. being che>p. simple and darab'e. aa bStdreds will attest Send fo r ci>o ''ar* an r prioee before buying e'etwbeie. Add *m, Jnlx31 ly E OtfOKBlT A BON3. G eorgia. n>ifh county.-wh-r«*-f pben ■'ollins.(S- cut-r of the estate o drew Pye. la*e of said <oifV>ty deo-ased. ha* made pphraiinn for leftera < f hianilsai n from said estate. Ti er* are therefore to cite and ad mact-h all persons con erned to be and ap- ap;:car at the (kmitof Ord nary of Mid county on the fii>l Monday jn 0--tt>bev rtxt, to show e*uae. if anv they have, whi l.ttrrs of di>mis sisn .huuid not ** grant-.d <o applicant. VI itnoes my official ai«n*t"re J. A. McManus, Ordinary. July S. lS8)-td» O RDINARY’^ Office Jcocs Counto June 19, 1880.—• hersaa John hn execat >restate c f Martha X. Seaortxc.-ax appl'es for dunitsion. There .re to cite anl sd-eorfob all perao-•- oesoerued to show esose at ibis office i» orb, the first Monday in Uitobe-. if any they have tbe emtrary. Witness my hand offieiallT. ‘ joetltd* ROLlNDC. ROSS, Orlinar j THE GREAT Kidney Re gu]ator And DinretJo- KIDKEGFN is ln.bly iccol ruc-ii.-d c-ff mnnrp.Fscd for VFaKot FOU.jEIBKEYH. PbOP-Y. P-LIGUTH DlSF.e-A 1 ! CsM.c ENERGY. NEBVOCS DFBlUiY . r any OBSTRUCTIONS arieit g ftciu '!HA' : "L or KLADD3K DI8VA8PF. Al.o r.-r YF7 LOW FEYEB. BLOOD snd KIDNEY POISONING in infected ma'.ariai sectlcns. A»-Hy the di.ti!!:i‘.ion cf a Pore*t Lief with- Jn-ipcr Rprri*.* and E»r!ey Malt we havc-riitcov. e-ed KtDNEGBN, which sets .,eciSoa':y ca the Kid. ejs and Urinary Organa, rrroore.rg de- po.ita in the iladd-'r a- cl any aVrnirvt-g smart ing. hrator irritation in tbe water preex^e*. giv- ing tb.m strength, vigor snd c-ucir-y a healthy color snd easy flow of unco. It con be taken at all time*, m-1 climate*, withe.ol infu v to tbo •jB’*m. Unlike any other prenaratioii for Kid ney difficult), s. it hss a very plea-ant an; - , szree* able taste and Haver. It com aits Positive liiu- retlc c operti.a and will not Meccato. Ladies •u-perially will like it. and Gentlemen vilified KU NEGEN tbo b*.t KitlreyT i *r iviwnxed. ^bach boit’e Iwait :L-( »ig tutre of LAWRFbCR & MAKTiN.ah .Vr,.|r:'-ta*y Government Stamp, which pern it*KIDVbGEN to be sold (witbotit 1 c rsc) by oreg^fota, gro cers sol other peri cr.s < v.r \ wher- Pntui-m QiarUr-siie Bottus for General and Family Use. LAWRENCE &HARTIN, Prop’**, r,| icago. HI tB-Kold by Druvgijtj, Greccre anv Dealers everywhere topUwly $5,000,000. The American Shoe Tip Co. \?AERANT THBin A» S. T. Co. That Is now zo extensively worn on CHILDREN’S SHOES TO WEAR AS LONG AS TKil aSTAL, Which was introduced by them, and by wh.’f the above amount lias been saved to parents I nually. Tills Black Tip will vnvc sfi snore, as besides being worn on tbe coatfi grades it is worn on flac and costly shrf where the Metal Tip on account vf lia lo\ would no tbe used. They all have our Trado Mark .A. S. T. C| Stamped on front of Tip. Parents should ASS P0R SHOES with tl( BEAUTIFUL BLACK TIP ■■■■■■naBmaHaimsBaMawuenenissumer the Lumm&, —OR— f^PROVED TAYLOR ./. st 1 ■ 5, This Is the seventh season of thin popular Ola which combines the merits ofir iceri, Dgbt draft, good sample, and clecnlnjtthoeeedinagreat er degree than any other, and Is offered with thu most perfect Self-Feeder and Cvadcoser made, at the following very low prices, Sizes. Frice of Gins Price with 1 Price with Self Feed er Svh’-Feeder and orCondewiei! Condenser. 41 saw eioooo $132.50 8155.00 45 “ 112.50 14-0.00 179.50 50 » 125.00 liiO.OO 196.0) 60 “ 140.00 130.00 220.00 70 “ 160.00 203.00 252.00 so •* 101.00 232.0) 23100 These Gins are made with Iron Fismcx and ol tho best materials and are nnsurpvxeed In finish and workmanship. We also manufacture Guk lett’s celebrated “Patent Steel Brush Cotton Gin," together with tho Favor!to Litjks Draft “Cotton Bloom” Cotton Gin, with Feeders end Condensers for each Terms given oa appllcatincn. THE STANDARD MA3HI3ER2 CO., MYSTIC RiVSR, FEANEXIN H. LCADIUS, Gcb. COLUSIBUd, GJ>.. Sample Gtn car. Campbell & Jsnes, 2fscoa . Administrator’s ^sle* lftY virtue of au order -rout tha Court of Onli- D nary of Jone- c unty, w ! F he soil on the fir-t Tu-.-day in Noven brr t the court hottsad'erin Cl in to -. two hurdred two and a b'll (vC2S) acres of la*d. r ore t.r Jexs, belonging toe-tatoif fcyion A. Bsi .con. (imbued; fair average pine land cn th* 0--.- fa! rt.iroad, four miie* below Gris aoldvilfo- arte log cabin aud P'erty of water and tim' et. Ssid for distribu tion. Terms ca.h. t*pl44 FKL1X 8. BaLICOS. Adm’r. LUDDEN & RATES —■ rr • .;-3 -rmr, SOUTK^.S.^ H^USXG H08l88, The Misio Hcuso? of tbo South, Removal to Cur NEW DOUBLE STOSS, An Immense Music Tanp’e. Two large .tores, each '■o f<et -tot ar.d tear storifi high, froatin* on v ine -tree;* and filled from teliar to loll with si.w.-ai aoi p:i«. Noth ing to* mipa-e with ittu the death •& Stiles. A Big Store. A Big Stock. A Pig Trade. ATTD MOI^ TO COflSE. ID TjlllTMRIIII I UunrK (be teflon since onr tab list: of our hoa^e *e h»ue do.'ticp? 1 ti t* c ; of the Soutn t6 a wonderfuldej-m- > \*t tie ? htvennly beifun. ffctca iwt na'..- >cen *' a buaine** cfa million s ?iAr. a1% - thisenormojMtrsdf vo rn.v.deiiour 6 .t mwmmtf!* w* be ia»Mi>8. nr* fcf .it m. our Fen o-r^'trer liss «t lu* Xcxth tnctiLg with rl&no nvA d:>n.n >. atimfeot- nrleKlrurew*. Hebok :or. Lucoout «c*ntracer ara tho Pianos "id •ccmir w. ronint" ’flWTOmore, b.> *»: i 1 ^ i * ‘ C JJVfogMOi ItAwCssL Vr'.e s • Duj-t/ mentbe tob^r tsra rill o f Cafch l : *>■ prv?' Tftah * n O '" H . i'fsj’j Fail iBf'j ith Th*ce' Mssf> - Cr- y ‘ u<urt,W r.’wr ■ at.-; '‘wtii f What, Co V-oo. Svv t vra O^'c-r O • CA lo os s? i hhm, 1 SAVANNAH. jQy, LwntESAiE viaso m ksm kk\m* » dcc£7 d^ -ii.'.Wij