Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, November 05, 1880, Image 7

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(Skirogur Mggktg IpglggKapfr unfe 3fmmral "& ll?£3®»mg**r; *a 1 ' : m /i }r;rrrrtrt*,fj&z&—-•-^ • ~—J—£ili- - . flood Dr. Dojgett entered the Randolpb- Macon College, an institution conducted by the Methodist church, as chaplain, liere lie was a diligent student, and dur ing the years he occupied this position applied himself to his duties with an earnestness which won the admiration and respect of his professors. Afte- leav ing Kandolph-Macon the deceased was assigned a charge, and from that time till aiiout ISod lie preached In almost all of the principal churches of his denomina tion in the State. In ISCfl lie was made a bishop. Just before his last illness he was to have presided over the California conference, but was prevented by the at tack which resulted In his death. Death of Bishop Doggett. Many sad hearts were made in Georgia by the announcement of the death of this eminent divine. He presided twice over the South Georgia Conference of the Southern Clinrch, once at Amerlcus and last year at Perry. Few men so endeared themselves, in so short a time, to the hearts of our people as did Bishop Dog gett. Defined, polished, educated, and with ail the noble traits that go to make up a grand character, lie stood forth as the peer of the most gifted divines of any eouutry. We clip the following from the Atlanta Constitution: Bishop David S. Doggett, whose death at his residenoe in Richmond on Wednes day night has already been' reported, was one of the most popular as well as one of the ablest divines in the Methodist church. He was born in Lancaster county, Vir ginia, in 1810. His father was a worthy member of the bar of that, county, and practiced in the courts of that and neigh boring counties. Tlio son had all the ad vantages or the schools in the county In which ho lived, and availsd himself of them. At an early age he read law under his father, with the intention of entering that profession. This design, however, he abandoned, and before he was seven teen began to study for the ministry. Be fore lie was eighteen ho entered the pul- .. _ «it. Soon alter arriving at the age of man- *P e ,)a *‘> and grew to he a stately oak, a ~ ‘ ‘ ; Randolph- foot in diameter—CluMunooiju 'f uns. Disgraceful.—A correspondent; of the UnTadelphU Tunt»gajsJJiAtthe Re- publican demonstration held at Laiisford, Carbon county, on Saturday night, a prominent feature was a large transpa rency, carried oh a wagon, having on its front a representation <5f a skull, cross- bones and coflip, with K. K. Jf.i!,$pd be low It the words: ‘Hancock’s coat-of- arms.” On the reverse, a gallows, with ropo dangling therefrom. The other end of the rope was fastened around the neck of a portrait of Gen. IlanCock. For a par ty that pretends to be a soldier's party, and to be the friend of the Union soldier, to so represent Pennsylvania's great sol dier shows -yery plainly* that’t^e M6*by- Longstrcct'clement is strongly predomi nant. It wa3 an insult to.a brave genera! and ought to be : condctnnddi>y all holiest men, irrespective of party. The tfanspfc. rency was gotten np by a clerk in fiiein-' ploy of the Lehigh 1 Cdal and ^Tavigation Company. A Valuable ReLic.—Capt. William Rogers brought to the Times office a sec tion of the trunk of a white oak tree con taining in its center an unexploded Napo leon ten pounder spherical case shot, sent from a Confederate cannon during the progress of the second day’s fight at Chic- amauga, September IS, IS63, sixteen, years ago. The tree was on the lot of Mr. nail, on Chicamauga battlefield, and he saw the ahot when it struck the tree, tearing It open on both sides. The tree retained its vitality, however, closed on JEWELL’S JUGGLERY. r.uisht witb Cards in his Sleeve nnd n (.old Deck In his Pocket—Further Developments Concerning the At tempted Frauds In Florida. The accidental sending of telegrams from Marshall Jewell to the .Democratic headquarters, by the Western Union Tel egraph Company, disclosed a Republican plot to flood Florida with Republican vo ters. Jewell tried to wriggle out by say ing that he had heard that Democratic rci«aters had been senrthere, and sent messages of warning. "The falsity of Jew ell's excuse Is now proved by the affida vit of Mr. A. B. McCabe, of Asbury Park, which will be printed In the Sun to-mor- ruw. Mr. McCabe was a fellow-pjissen- ger with one installment of Jewell’s re- p-aters, forwarded from this city to Flor ida, in pursuance of the policy begun in Indiana. The weight of Mr. McCabe’s testimony H signally emphasized by the fact that lie could have had no intimation of the scheme contemplated by tiie Republican managers, since he left Jacksonville, on his return to New York, on October 10, or nearly a week before Jewell’s tele grams were published. He saw quite enough, however, to arouse his own sus picions, and the facts recited by him ac quire a sinister meaning in the light of the now notorious dispatches. The affidavit is as follows: “Asbuky Park, Monmouth Co., N. J.—Allen D. McCabe, being duly sworn, deposes and says that lie is a resident of Ocean Grove, Monmouth county, N. J.; that on October 1,1880, he left New York «>:i the steamer Western Texas for Flori da; that there were on board of the same vessel In the steerage about a hundred rough-looking fellows, who, according to the statement made by the captain of the vessel to this deponent, were railroad la borers, hired to work on the Waycross and East Florida railroad. Deponent says that the said railroad is a line projec ted between Femandinaand Jacksonville; that some work has been done on the Fcrnandiua end, but that no work is now doing, or apparently in contemplation, on the Jacksonville end. Deponent further says that on the arrival of the Western Texas at Femandina, on the evening of Tuesday, October 5, the alleged laborers were landed at Femandina, but that on Saturday, October 9, he saw a number of these men in Jacksonville, and that on Monday, October 11, lie saw and recog nized in the streets of Jacksonville nearly the whole body of the alleged workmen who had come down with him on the steamer, that deponent, on the Jacxsae- ville end of the Waycross railroad, inter rogated several of these men as to their business in that place, saying: ‘I thought v<>ii fellows had come down to work on the railroad.’ To which the answer was. ‘We ain’t going to work on no railroad. That to furlitcr inquiries they refused to make any reply, and walked away. And deponent furthei >a\s, that from October 9th to October lfitli, at which latter date he left Jackson ville for New York, lie saw great numbers of the alleged laborers going up to the Kepublican quarters on Bay street; that he asked the reason of their visits to said headquarters, but received no answer, and diqioneiit further says that Horatio Jen kins, Jr., is the chalraian cf the Republi can executive committee of rloriua. ‘•Subscribed and sworn to this 20tU day or October, A. D. I860, before me. David Habvky, Jn., “Notary Public, Asbury Park, N. J- ’ Other affidavits, testifying to Sir. Mc Cabe’s high social and business reputation, are attached. Also, that ho left New York on tlie steamer sailing tor Jackson ville on tlie 1st of October, and returned last week. Another Speech from Hancock. Govebsob’s Island, N. Y., October 30.—Owing to the weather, veiy few'ia- ilors appeared up to** » prominent among those who paid their »gg***£ Gen. Hancock were Admiral Dei reya net. commanding the French fleet! j Lymincton, and Generals McDot lb auregard, of Louifilana; Wilcox, of ryland; G. W- Smith, of New k ork, L of Virginia, and Ward, ot Ohio. At 3 o’clock this evening a of about 250 students of the raedical and academic classes of the University of N ew York visited Governors Island to pa. their respects to General Hancock. 1 he were received in the headquarters of tho General, where the students ranged thun selves in a double line, when General Hancock entered the room, ^hoinas Courtney, spokesman for tlio P ar H> ®" vanned and delivered an ^dress Ingbjy eulogistic of the General, and^hlngldm lngomar Is chief of the •‘Alainanni,” a band of barbarians, among whom liis word and will is law. He knows uothihg of civilization, and has no home save the forests, no canopy save the heavens. Par- thenia is the daughter of Myron, an ar morer, who strolls, too, from his native town, Masilia, and is captnred by the Ala inanni and taken before their chief. In- Porous Plaster. Hie only improvement ever made on the common Porous Plaster. Over 2,000 druggists have signed a paper stating that UESSOH’d CAP' CINE POUUUi PLUTJSh,* are s Price M cnlv. MftABUET * JOHNSON superior to all other plasters. N. WiinimMUlwl Ch*rat«M. Mew York. lR|«m*r, the Barbarian. ’ “Two souls With but a single thought, Two Learts that heat AS 0UC.” The story ot lngomar and Parthenia is pretty one, in five acts, and in former times, before the vmsational drama got possession ot the American stage, was a day universally popular, and a general avoritc with all lovers of the legitimate. It was known and announced by all man agers as the “Ladies’ Play,” and was gen erally put up on a Friday night by most stars for tneir benefit occasions. Eliza Logan and Jnlia Dean will be re membered by old theatre goers here as tbe most distinguished in the role of tho Greek maiden, and probably Edmund R. Dalton and George Karnes as the most popular in that of the Barbarian. It has not been presented in MacGn since the war, and of course is almost entirely un known to tbo younger people. As a love play it has been pronouuced by tlic critics &3 superior to cither Bulwet’s “Lady of * yons” or Knowles’ “Hunchback.” In cw York, Pliilade’pbia, Baltimore and Boston, under tbe old starring system, “lngomar” was a weekly event, and at that time found a place in the repertoire of all the dramatic celebrities, male and female, from the simple fact that both mrts are equal, and in theatrical par- auce, “who captured the house” was a question of merit. The minor parts are all good, and the plot so simple and in teresting there is little wonder that the piece jumped into public favor from its first production, and that it will keep its place in the standard drama so long theatricals shall keep a place m pub: amusements. A SURE CURE Tor all Hie disease! for which it D recommended, tad always pcrjtrjl\l tqfe lu the hand* of even the most inexperienced persons. PERRY UMV ?m KILLER rr reammeuled ly l-hyriclatu, Minuter*, ifititrmnnr*, of Ihdorie*. Work-Shops, and ltanlalimr, Sana in 1 fapitnlt—in short by everybody everywhere who has ever given it a trial. _ IT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF FORTY YEARS’ TRIAL. £2 A * 'J gFia I C? fJJ should have a plato In every factory, machine-shop, 1 tofh W IIbIb& B\ and mill, on every firm and plantation, and in every honseiio.d, ready for immediate use not only for accidcn * I ‘ ’ case of sudden sickness of anv kind. .£A|.N KJL1JE.V , ,—„ use not only for accidents, cuts, bruises, ceres, eta, but in of sudden ricknew of any kind. tho well-tried 8nd trusted friend of cu who want sure and safe medicine which cun l« freely used —;——fear of Berm and with certainty of relief. Its price bnn^H It within tho reach of ail; and it will annually save many times its cost In doctors’ billsuTpor sale i>y aU druggists at 25c. 50c. nnd fll.OO^per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Provldonco. R. I New Atfwtigementfl. To Adverttecra. GHO. P. ROWHLL A 0O*S SILECT L'ST OP LOCAL NBWBPAPER*. 4 n advertiser who spends upwards of SAMS a year, and who invested lets thanfSW edit in till. List, writes; "Your Select Local List paid nc better last year THAN ALL THE OTHER ADVERTISING I DID.” , IT 18 NOT A CO-OPBRlTiVB LIST. IT Id NOT ACUBAP1.18T. IT IS A* HONEST LIST- t The ntslorce stater sxactly whit the papers sva. When the name of s paper is printed in PULL VACB TYt'M It is In every instance the BEST. When prmt-d in CAPITALS it lathe ONLYptrerin tbe place. T<*» list atvea tbe population cf ever; town and the dreulstten of every paper. The rate* ebaveed for sdvrrtiiin* are barely ore-llltt Vie publishers’ srhedu'e The prioe for single antes rang-, fr-m S3 to S&S The price for t inch one month in the entire list it IjIBit. The regular r.tes of tbe papers Icrtbe umt spare and lime are S3 S8tt.l4. Tim list in cludes 033 newspaper* of wnlrh tH7 are is sued DAILY and 7S3 WEEKLY. They are located in 188 didercnt ritirs and to WDM, or which 2G era nute Capitals. 303 places of over 5.800 iwpul.tion, and 468 County Seats. Per copy ot List and Other lulorma'iou address OB ) P. KOW8LL A GO., inS.'rure Mt .Hew York. ELASTIC TRUSS IlMlPfcldiffuriacfroeislIolbwL Mstfiosa of tbs body, trbQs tbs Bsilin tkscupprsssMbMfc tbs IntosSUosj usi as iMnasssali wim tlisjlscsr. WUb light ^ tbs lUruUU held sseofsiy Isysadnlcbl. aaJ a ndicAleorscsrtAln. Ill* t«y ( dorAbls t&dcbesjk. SsalbyosU. OrcaUnfrac* XGGLESTOH TBCSS CO., Chicago, IIL X’HAS ’Tis antumn, and tho leaves are dry and rustle on the ground, and chilly winds come whistling by with low and pensive sound. To guard against coughs and colds you should go to Lamar, Ran kin & Lamar’s drug store and get a bottle of Coussen’s Honey of Tar. Price 50c. White’s Cream White Vermifuge is tho best worm killer. octl2tf a Canoe of gomar and his followers put a price upon tis bead, aud condemn the old uiau to menial service, at which lie is discovered by Parthenia, who comes In search of her father. An agreement is made by which Myron is allowed to return to Ills home in search of means for paying the ransom. Parthenia in the meantime remaining with the savages until the receipt of the required amount. From this point in the piece, “lngomar” and “Partheula” are prominently before the audience. “Ingo- mar,” who knows nothing of love or the finer feelings, gradually becomes so at tached to Ills fail captive that, despite the entreaties of the Alamamii, lie concludes enter the Greek city of Masilia with - Parthenia, and under her protection. Here the town is aroused, and the Timarch called upon for assistance, looking to the release of the captives. Parthenia is loved by a rich miser known as Polydor, who is univer sally despised for lift greediness and re pulsive nature, but who is most earnest with his love and his wealth il repaid by the hand and heart of the armorer’s pret ty daughter. Here we find tbat truly the course of love 1s by no means certain, and the hero and heroine arc put to many trials and embarrassing vicissitudes. But time lieals all things. lngomar becomes thoroughly civilized, Parthenia teaches love in all its excellence, the good people of Masilia begin to think lngomar a very civil sort ot savage, Polydor is given tbe cold shoulder, and that pretty sentiment of two hearts and two souls, quoted at the head of this notice, is realized in in all its force and beauty. lngomar goes do more to the forests, but becomes fondly attached to the old man and his mother-in- law, and is made a citizen of Masilia. There are many pleasing incidents in tho piece which have slipped from memory, mt the foregoing will suffice to show that a rare intellectual feast is in store for all who attend Miss Belgarde’s performance on Saturday night. The selection is fortunate one, and wo predict for the oc casion a full house, and an enthusiastic reception for the distinguished lady who comes to us for the first time, but whose reputation has been so abundantly estab- iished in tbo metropolitan cities as to leave no doubt that “lngomar” will prove one of the leading features of our dramat ic months. Macon, Ga., Nov. 1,1879. Dn-C. J. Moffett—Dear Sir: We have been handling Teetbina for several years, and the demand increases as th? article becomes introduced and is known. Our sales average from two to three gross per month. We believe that your Tecth- ina (Teething Powders) will eventually become a standard and indispensable ar ticle, for in no single instance has it failed to nice satisfaction. No complaint lias ever been made to us, hence wo conclude that it does all you claim for It. Merit is bound to succeed. t.imatl Rankin & Lamar, Druggist?. out them Oat. Worms are often caused by Liver Com plaint. The mucus or slime which fo. ms in ill health is where the worms prodnee their young. If nature is assisted to carry oirthis mucus the worms find Ao resting, place. For children and ’adults Dr. Flagg’s Improved Liver and btomach is the only sure cure and preventative. No medicine Is used. lw you visit or leave New_York Our National llenltli Thanksgiving. The past season has been a particularly fortunate one as regards tbe health of the Southern States, and especially that of tba Gult States. The plague of • modern times—the yellow fever—has been fought and vanquished, thanks greatly to the ef forts of tbe late lamented Dr. Chopin, at the head of the world renowned Charity Hospital of New Orleans. This institu tion has been miraculously, as it were, preserved in tho highest state of its efficiency by the large revenues it annually receives for twenty-one years, commencing 1608, from the Louisiana State Lottery Com pany; about the grand monthly distribu tions of which all information will be S ven on application by mail to M. A. auphin, No.319 Broadway, New York City, or saine pcrson at New Orleans, La. EplaooUc. How to cure it! The question Is solved ! by taking Simmon’s Liver Regulator as place m public below certificate: Jenkintown, Pa., Oct. 14,18S0. J. IP. Rfdpath. Apothecary; Dear Sin—In answerto yourquestions relative to my experience with Simmon’s Liver Regulator and its effect upon my horses, I take pleasure in saying that when my horses were sick with what is called lung fever last spring I gave the Regulator (liquid) in one-ounce doses mixed with the feed twice a day. They ail recovered, and speedily. At the pres- a crowning victory cn Tuesday. General, in reply, spoke as follows. “I feel honored by your visit. In your remarks in eulogy of my career, you do ine too much honor. [Cnesofmo, no. J I have always endeavored to do my duty to the best of my ability in the various positions in winch I have been place in tbe public service, but further 1 claim no credit. I spy this would be indelicate in »* **> *N»y pliments to which I am not entitled. Phe p:esence of so maay young wen from .ue schools of the city of New 1 ork no have visited me recently, many of whom will now probably cast tb.Vir * ballots for the first time, indicate*, that tbe party of con stitutional gQV*Ynment is a growing one, and I feel confident tbat that fact will be * hoff Ta in the coming election. The ques tions involved are so momentous to the reople that I have no doubt °{'y. ., n.. Tbe students were then u ^'y u ’ , ' 0 i f introduced, and when the P*^ it g handshaking was gOM' an i they gathered in front of an gave three cheers for the G ®°* * v ' caal if u i General Haucock received twobcaumu cold-headed canes, one from Biadfonl, Ku, and the other irom Norwalk, Hurp a f county, Ohio—both the result of >0»., Dg contents at fairs—last evening* —Silver Spray Cologne is the besU When you visitor _ ... ^ city, top at the Grand Union Hoteh °P* pofiile the Grand Central Depot. Euro pean plan. Rooms reduced to $1.00 Antt upwards. Restaurant unsurpassed at moderate prices. Street cars, stages ana elevated railroad to all parts of the city[ May ll.-e.o-d.. 1 vr. DR. SANFORITC iter's Sale, Kidaev s Liver CURE $1.25 P£R BOTTLE. A positive remedy for all Kid ney, Liver and Urinary Troubles of both male and female. THE 3SECOJan: • It rarod ury lift.*•—B. B. Lakely. Selma. Ala "It it the renftdy that will cure the m»ny dia- ease* peculiar to woroon."—Msth-r’a Hhg+ziot. ” It hsa pa»sad severe teats nnd w n ei.done- m- (.tatrom wane ot tl-e highest medic *1 tod out in the country.”—Few Turk World. • No Remedy heretofore ditcoverod can be held for cn- moment in comparison with it.’*—0. A., Honrey, D.l)., WahtilngtoD, D.O. This great natural _ remedy is for sale by all druggists in all parts of tbo world. —TRY IT AND TAKE NO OTHER.— . EL WARNS** & CO- ui lOHevrgg. N. Y. ofbrrtnw,* *td3.anrfdvtt $777$ MrtiiliooU Atestoreti. A TieUm ot early imoradence, mutiny n-rrout debility, premature dfc*y. etc., bevliu tried in v»inevrry known remedy, ha- discovered » ma le mein* of »elt-curp, which be will oenu free to in fellow-!.flerrr*. iddreM J. H. RKSVB8. 43 Caatham itro-t. New York. octtSeodawiy fVJW? wraSKl if jroa an arri i of letters, toiling over your nhtaJ; work to r «tore brain r.cnro anti uajtc, U3o If t-wj at3 y.winf? and cvtffvxiug or<lUii:iaIion;lf you oro mar Simmons’ Liver Regulator horse is now well. The other five were successively taken sick in the same man ner-coughing, naming at the nose, loss of appetite, etc.; but thanks to a persistent use of the Regulator, tlioy are all lrnprov- My wagons have made their regular [y trips of 20 miles all tho time, requir ing four horses constantly on the road. Yours truly, E. T. Micueneb, Frop’r Micliener’a Express. Among the t'ne’ul Toilet. Articles we notice a much-liked preparation for the hair, possessed of properties so re markable that no one who cares to own a clean and healthy scalp with beautiful hair should pass it untried. Its properties arc cleansing, invigorating and healing, and after a few applications tli« hair ceas es to fall. Dandruff and humors disap pear, and the hair grows clean, soft and silky. It keeps the head cool and comfor table and gradually restores the hair if gray or faded to the natural and life-liKO color, beautiful to took upon. It is Park er’s Hair Balsam that has won such popn- ippreciatlon by its many excellent and lUiful properties. Sold in large bottles, at only 60 eta. and $1, by ail first-class druggists. ' 1 - “Don’t Know Ilail Their Value.” « They cured me of Ague, Biliousness and Kidney Complaint, as recomnicuded. I had a half bottle left which I used for mfllj RITTPRS. my two little girls, who the doctors and InUH Dll lulof neighbors said could not be cured. I would have lost both of them one night if I bad not given them Hop Bitters. They did them so much good I continued their usenntilthey were cured. That is why I say you do not know half the value of IIop Bitters, and do not recommend them 'UcbiN, _w» Whoever you ire, wbororev yea axo. wbwvrrer you 1 “iSSE-MSaSBSfflK' 0 r&VBSSi It mar *a*c year life. It hai Micd Lnlreih. year H™e»!kC.r.l.tb«.w»a.l,.»(«l*a4>>t. SiitV’-ian. Th, IIop 1VI for Slom«h, LIva KU» l,l«wptttarU.^ • otben. CmmbyaUori'l*. Iltop-ttA AUdf««UU. D. I. aU«*» f uoDaM..oaof by Mfc, Co., Rocb* SJSf?! H E A LT.H, • SnCBE NGTTt^i i.-.-HAPPlNESS::;-! . IRON BITTERS, s I A Great Tonic. high enough*—B., Rochester, N. Y. See other column.—American Rural Home. A Doww T.ini jv-ieljnrt ,vipg pined 8»veral tleeplees nigbia, di*- rhed by tbe agouiee tndoriea of a tcttvtian child, and beoomkig canvincfd that ilie. Winslow s Soothing Byrap wia Jaw the »rti- cte needed, proceed a eoppiy tor the oirnd Oo ifcicUug Ucebo and acquainting Lis wire witb «b»t ho bad done, abo refaeed to hav i it adminietered to tbo child, ati rba was •trongly io r»vor of boioe? -tby. Tb« night the child parsed in eaffering. and the p-renta without alotp. Kota-ning bom- tbe day fol lowing, the rather fotmd tnc baliy was aull worse; and whilo conterapUung another aleeploas night, tbo mother attpped from the room to attend to some dameetu dctiea and left the f*thor with the child. During her ab«eno- be adminl-tored a pe r ft? a *** e HocthiDz Byrop to tLe Uby, and noth ing. That night all ta^da eltp well, and the little follow awoke In tbe morning bright and happy. The mother ww deUgh-ed wub ihe unuCen andwoaderfal change, and al- thoncU at first ofTeaded at the dojoption priciised upoa her. Las ronttnuod ta ace the syrup ard enffeii -g or rf icg b^hiostnl *®?*! loss n!gb»a hive dbappattSA. AaiEBletrial orthoBjrop navstyet failed to reilcvo the baby and overcome Uie prejadieee mofhi • jt t A Sure Appetixer. Af SRON BITTERS, J. Crmplet* 3Ucs{tIi-nrr. 1HGH BITTERS, A ValujLIo Mediclao. IRON BITTERS, Not SoU u • BoY«rftce. IROH BITTERS, For D-llemtl FomiUl. nigfaly recommended to the public for all dis eases requlrlngacerlam and efflcleut TOUICi especially In Indiaf* tton, Ittfmprpatn. Intermittent _ F*. verm. Slant of Ap- jss. l r f Sv. rtSk ll IO- riches the blood, streiiKtliena tlio mus- c:oe.and glvea now to tbo nerves. To — nseil, ladle*, and .-bll- dren roqulrlna rccuiwr- atlon. tbD ^ralu ble remedy con not bo too bighlr Tpcommnndod. It nett like a chnrm on tbo dlge*tl”8 organs. A tenspoonfUl before meals will removo all dyspeptic symptoms. TRY IT» Sold by all Druggists. TnEBEOJHcHiiir‘ , na GALTIMORS, Mo. mm LAMAR. RANKIN 6 LAMAR, Wholesalo Droierists. Macon. mother. Bold by al. dmg,tsis. .-—.on t 25s a bottle. .HVIBORU, OR The Only Veget» v jle Compound that acts direc^y^ipou the liver, and curcsL^ ver Co*ophuuts Jaun dice, B’^ousness, Malaria, Cos- Headache. 11 assists Di- Vestion, Strengthens the Systef. Regulates the Bowels,Punfiesthe Blood. ABooksentfree. Address Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway,NJf j-oa aits all DftUtfom**- 1 FKkBbN I’d, nee. Send address •' for particulsrs. F. TRIFEf, i7 School Street, Bolton, Massachu setts. YEAE at „ scents OntM Tree. Addrta* VICKS ET,Aaguit», Mb OcUftitMIR'lQl Know Thyself. rlv life imj bo allevi.t ed sol eorol. Tlote who doubt this stiertiou slioulH purchase tho new m-diral wors pubb-H-d b- tho FRA* HODY MKD1UAL tltbli. rum, Boston, -c titled THK SOIbNCB OF LIFE or, BkLr FahhSaVaTlON. Bzhaosted Vi tolity. neryoussnl phjt'eal crh.lit.v, or vitality Impstrod bv the errors o! yc.utb or tootlo,vor t-o close application to bittiness, may he restor ed and manhood resair.&i. Two hundredth odiu at. revised and enlarged, ust puhiisned. It is astoudsrd medic*! work, .ho o-sl iu the Bnglisb isnsuBse, wvistcn by a phvsieUus of a rest experieuco, to whom *« •warded a sold and lew-lied medal by the Na tional Medical Aasocihtion. It sustains busut)- fol and very expensive engraving*. Thiee hun dred peges, more than £0 valuable prearript'ous for *11 (onus c( pievsi.iDg oiiease. the result ol many jean ot oitersivw and auoecastul prmetiee. tiilirr one sf which n worth leu time* the price of the book. Bound in French cloth, pr.oe eUj |l, sept by mail pc-tpsid. The I codon Lsccst says: "No person should be without Ibis valuable book. Toe author is a noble benefactor.” An Illustrated sample sens to all on receipt ol 6 reels lor postage. Tbo a* thor refers by permission to Hon P. A. B18sELL. M D, president ot tbo National Med ical t aaccUtion. Address Dr W H PAR- KB It, No 4 Bulflpch 8t, Btstou. Mkss. The au thor ms, be coutuUed on alt diseases requiring skill and experience, oovSOwlv Estey Organ Co. Corn»r Frnsd s-d Msbsma Sts., Atlents. Gs. jLuents wnutod lor a aripsr ssuiaa Broz op m- xas. Foundations of Succesa. BUSINB33 AND SOCIAL POEMS. Tbe laws ol trade, legal forms, bow to transact boi'uess, valuable tables, social etiquette. Par liamentary usage, how to conduct public buti- tz-wg; lu tset it is a complete Guide to Success for all classes. A family necessity. Address, for circulars ana special terms. ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO* ocUdenJawlm Atlanta Oe LAWDBETHS 1 SEEDS The BEST are the l If not sold in your torm, you can B‘*t them by mail. l>rop ■ ' A Bastal Card for Cfttft* < The Oldest and mott exU*rt*€ S^d ssasttK!H5 DAVID LANDRKTU it SON8,Paniiii.^J WEST BROS,, 68 BAY ST,, BAVANNAH, QA., Cotton Factors, Commission Merchants —And dealers in— FERTILIZERS* General Agents '.tor tbe Delta Cotton Tie. LIBBRAL ADVANCES ON CONSIGNMENTS W. wr. Carnos,;MACON, AQBJt* BLT A COTTON UvMdswSilln-'’ / 1 ookUIa. Dlliw. wii.t 1Y. -rt hcriat Hrn- U iy Schall. ex-entor of Jacob Schsll deceased, r-prewn's to the c urt In his petition duly filed and oalerrd thit he has fully admicist-rcd the ea'ateof Jacob Kchall. This i>, th-refoie. to ci'e all persons concerned, legatees, Mcaand rreditors, to show cause, if any they ran. why said executor should not be discharged from bis said rxecutrreh' d re ceive 1-tt-ra ot dismission, at theccu-t of or dinary to be operet on tbe first Monday in Jan uary tsai, a dto bein station on the sixth day ot said month Witness my hand and official signature. J. A. MCMANUS, ordinary. Oct 5. 188a-3m* McIntosh House* Indian Spring, Georgia, B. WOOLLIER. Pnom. , THIS Beuae is now open tor tbe reoeption^of health and pleasure stvkm. _ RSTB30PBOARD: Per day W*ek Louth ... Gray’s bpecitic Medicine, RACE MARK. TUB vroatTRADE MABIC. Vi.gliah rem edy. An un failing ire for Seminal eak- ness, Spermtt- orrhaa. Impo- t, ncy, and all diseases that, _ _ _ , . fol ,« so- RcfonsTakiEgqupnce ot sell After Taking abuse: as a lei-sot memury, uciveraal laaiimdt pain in the bark, dimness of v::.ion, premmare old *ge, a< d many Othi •• dire**«i tbat lead to In sanity and consumption end a premature grave. Pull particulars in our pam: li’el, which we de sire to send free by mail to every one. The Spe cific Medicine is sold by all druggists at fl p-r , or six passage* forts will be sent fret on receipt ol the money by addressing GRAY SMPK'INK CO. No >0 Mechanics Block, DrlroiL Ulcb. bold in Macon and evet; whore by all draggiste. octal dawly. For saic by .LAMAR, RANKI.V A LAMAR. wlv Macon, Q» iJOA’ioje, Maccw.O*., Sept. 17,1V0, A LI- person* indobtvd to ihe firm ol W. P. Cannon a Co., prior to November 12.1879. are requested to come forward ana kettle at once, otherwise their note* and accounts will be placed in the baDds of an olfieer for collection. This is neresuarv to perfect a settlement with the estate of J. T. jovsey. deceased *cnlK-<Wtw2wAw« W. F. CANNON A CO _ 23)0 — ^ OO Bxenrsion'tVcketi tTom* It soon to Spring, n- cludins railroad and stage fare and one week's board, J10.6O. Tirkets good MU November Is*. Psi rst-cDsa otnng Oichastra engaged tor.the uus nelutr PATENT Liver ■■PAD With the Anti-Malaria. PIIDCC Chit In aud Fever, Dpi UUIlta pepsin, HvcrCom plaint*, Kidney Affection*. Neural Kin, Constipation, Hick Head nche, Female toiaplnlnl*, BlIlona- neon, Falpltatlon, and all Pfalarlal Disease* without medicine. No Dos ing—no inconvenience, and a positive cure. Price, including Bottle Anti-Malaria, *a.oo., E ent by mail to any address upon receipt of rice. Principal Depot, 82 German *L» alto.. MU. Sold by DruggisU generally. Buy none but FIkkk’h Patent I.tver nnd Stomach Fad, others are bulky, hard and troublesome to wear. John Ingalls, druggist, “hcleaalo and Retail Arout, corner Fourth and Pnclar stsw-t*. f}»- -i.Sin the GRa' PI «< Tl > Bad idle ^ndalldtaeas** of the Kidnoj*. BMd« and Uriaa-y Organs by wearing the Improved - Lxcetsior KitUy Pad It is a H1MV8L of HBALINU and E1LIB7 Simple. Sensible, Direct. Painless, Powerful. Is Oima 0- where all else fails. A REVBI.VfioN a-d BBVOLUriON in Medi cine. Absvrption er direct aDpUcation, a* op posed to nnsatulsctory internal medkincs. Bend for onr treatke on Kidney trouble*, sent free. Sold by<arusgt*t«.or eent by m*ll, on receipt cf price, $2. Address ‘‘Only” Lube Pai Co. Williams B<oek> Patrol*. Mich Original a-^d Genuine Kidncj Fad. -sk for it and sake t-o other. “!Tt_ , , Tns accumulated evidence of- nearly thirty v ea rs show that tho fritters ft a Ccrv tale remedy fof malarial disoatO, *2 Well as its surest thit ft Ytadii dyspepsia* coUSWaHOTfi and item ta glwttt, vine disorders, tUhl . . feeble, and clieert Ihe mind, w vigorates tho body. For sale by all drug gists and dealers generally that ftVmparts vigor to the hile it’ in- b tlio Iiiahcf-t achievement In cereal prcluclious, »ml roaoMlie.1 tl»roq«bo*d tho world n* Uxe Standard Launury starch. In aliapattJiVtrscnt* lingo dense crvat&la of »Sk8flW whiteness and smTotiicss, free, ‘frofn’tlic ***-*°*~ aad ot inoompdwWfc strength. IU su- periorlfy and economy uro the «sult of exncrtmexft ftnd improvcnient for tlilr tv-five years, rtnd Ue popularity the ro- V ^ «rvhI«-etrortol a lifetime, Koynl ward ot Tins eiiiira 01 _„ r t, c( i tn hand- ® loB * JS-”2dmid thrcJ-pound, nnd six- some otte-pounu, xiir* vi~, Groc er* ^"“ fl ^" n ManufarturLVb J y ANDREW SuSSfcCHtR. Cincinnati, Ohio. m . .^iis.oUlTI COUNTX'.-Hbermsl«g h dou S.'ih^uss ha, applied to me furtu > setllnt apart s ho • estead of real1 and nmrirty andtho v.luation of the same-1 will p si upon said application on 'Thariday thu Ch day cf N .vfc:n ! 'er liSO, at 10 o clock a.a. This °ccul-td X ' J.A. MCMAKUS, Ortinwr. • NOTICE. Th* is the only Lottery ever voted on by tbe people of a State, and ondur a ate docl •iou of tho U. S. Supreme Coart at Washing ton, to the ob y Legal Lottery now in tba United States, alt other charters having been repealed or having no existence. A IPLRXIIID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. shVBNTU GRAND DIS TRIBUTION. LLAS8 L. AT MfWORLEANS TUE-UAT.NOV. 9:U. 18SU—ISGth ilsStkir UrawiuK. Louisiana State Lottery Oompanv Ibis Inmitnllon was regulariy incorporated hj ihe Legislature ol the State tor Educational and Charitable purposes, in 1868, tor tbe term of twenty-five years, to which contract th* inviola- sle faitb ol ine Stale is olrdged.wHrb pledgohas been renewed by a,i overwhelm iug popular vote* sccuriug its traachis* is tbs new constitution Mopt-ii Deormbor 3. 1879, witb a Capita) ot 81,000,0*>, ta which it ha. sine* added a reserve fund ol 8360,009. ITS GRAND SINGLE kUM- 8 HR DRAWINGS will take place monthly,on the second T-e»d»y. It never scales or postsoces. Look at tht follow ing Dbtribation: OAF1TAL PRIZB 830,000. 100,000 TICKETS AT TWO DUL1.AB8 EACH Half-tickets, on* DuLLaE. LIhT OF FRIZES. 1 Capital Pnxs >30.000 1 Capital hlw.„ 19,000 1 Capital Prize.. 6.000 2 Prizes ot M.MO 6.010 5 Prizes of 1,000.... ..... 6.000 90 rnzes of *».... 10.0V0 10U Prizes ot 100 10,000 200 Prizes of in. 10,000 6-i0 Prizes of 20 10.009 1000 Prizes of lO..^..........^^.. 10.000 9 Approximation Prizes ot sZCO R7oo 9 Approximation Prizes ol 200 1,804 • Approximation Frizes of 10J......... 800 1.867 Prizes, amounting to..,..............slie.sot Raid. Responsible oorrespoudin* gems wanted at ad points, to wbooz Ubo-al oa pe mat ion will bo pftid* “For inither information, write deerly, giving lull address, tend orders by express or Regis tered Letter or Money Order by mall, ad- dressed only t M . A . DAUPHIN,’ New Orleans, La. or same person at No 819 Broadway. New York, all our Grand Extraordinary Drawing* .. nt of Geno- A. EAR- =25th: Popular Monthly Drawingjd the CommoDieadli Disiribn tion Co. ’ AT MAOAULBfS TBBATRY, J Tn“tb« Mtv ollLouizvjila, en 1 SATOBfiAl 00T. 80th» 1880 Three drawings authorised by l . a ® Sunday! and fMilan eloebl 11 Tha e Un^ted Stale* Uiredlt Odurt On ft*rch 31 T d t^“thb 0 oS^2S , tfi attribution d'rawings are fatf. Cure, by Al»80rp Ml Lung Diseases, Throat Diseases, s.-- Breathing Troubles "it DRIvltTNTO the »7»tem"cnre,Tlve sgentt and heaiinc medic res. It DRAWS FROM tie dUot sol parti th* poi sens that cautn dretb. Thousands Testify to it* Virtues. Yob Can Bs Relievefl and Gnre 11 £v Druggists, or sent by mail on rerolpll sSBaironifLiiiiiPiiE on r book -Mtirwe Wll- 11<msh a Year.” Sent free, WILLIAMS BLOC'. Detroit. Mlehi octkieodawSgi MILL & FACTORY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. BELTING, HOSE and PACKING, OILS, PUMPS ALL KINDS, IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, Ac. Send for Prlca*l 1st, YY. H: DILLINGHAM A CO., 143 M«l« Street. LOUISVILLE. KY. ^ 6URE CUE! RCR Oiughs, Colds, Bore Throat, Bron chitis. .-isthnia. Consumption. And all Dtoeaee* of THROAT and LCNQE. HEAL THYSELF Boar and Cheapest ■ARTIFICIAL LIMBS Hpedal inducements to SOUTH BRn SOLDI BBS. gtoenin at case*. First prewiuui at Atlanta and Macon Georgia Fairs, 1879. Best at refeP ences la youi Bute. Apply at ona for foil information, pert*' terma etc. Addi*sa UHARLR8 M BTANF ftlftoa fft^tumv lor PAGownw ft* U NOTIOJg. brewer’s Lung Restorer. Wo wonld recomiceml to all who have dis eased Lungs and Throat, th a sterling mrdiene Nuabe.s ot C<ii»umpVivc«. even In the [s-t sUgea of this terrible disease where tbwo -av but a small portion cf the lung left, testify tbs: they arrested tbo disease by u-tog only two o> three bottle* of Brewer’s Lung Restorer. The r Fbysidan pronounced them incurable and leU them to pine away and die, and desth would have soon been Ihe result but Tor the timely u»e ol this article. Wear* wti: aware that wehav" agooJ deal to contend with tnintrodncing thl* reme y, as there have been so many worthless nostrums sold heretofore, but we are so firmly convinced that we h*v- row tbe long locked for Cure, tbat we are ready to say toall who h-tre tbw disease, that vn firmly and conarienttoualy eelievR tbat no matter bow far tone thev are. if they will u-ethe medicine by the direeticns they wi t live tosgyrere aft-rwards, living witnr ot the virtues of BREWER’S LUNG RESTORER. It has norquat in Bruncb'tis. Sore Throat Ho.rseneuu, Sbortn»ss ol Brestb. fr.fiuersa. Psit fn Hide. Cl-r.1 man’s Sore Throat, Cat*rrh and other dizeases ot the Tbrost and Lungv In Asthma, it gives almost instantaneous robot. It give* tons te the whole system and every bit t o will sdl from five to ten jouhds to any rue a weight it taken reeulsvty. An infant c* n lak e it without tbo .light Minton sad we would ur«- rarenU tosive it :n cases of wbenni Cougn Bad Golds,and other disraacawtcie . uch a med icine is need Vt. Unlike tho grea-cr portion oi Cough Medic'nre. zhi* baa cot a ramee of mor- phiuo or other opiate* in It. LAMAR, RANKIN & LAMAR. Certlfloato*. If e*«r*. Lamar. Rankin A Lamar- Dear Sire: I had b-en troubled for a long time kefere nneg Brewer’s Lun« Keztcrer. with somethin* like Aslliu ft, and after uiiu* only two bottle* of your medicine 1 breathed perfectly boo and bavelelt no symptom of tbe disease sinre I am confidrnt your rnedici e cured me. and Icheeriullv reeom- mtnd it to all who are suffering wi_ h A.thm*^ Put up in Quait-8ixe Bottles for Family Use. FrientlfioUlr piepared of Balsam Tot a, crystal lised Rock Candy, Old Rye, and other ionics. Tbe'o muia is known to cur beet litljiinfsm, to highly oommei d<d by tbrm, in tbo analysis of most prominent chemist. Prof. G, 5. Marl in Chicago no, tbe libel. I every bot:!e. Il well know- to ihe medical t.rofee.ion that TOLUR CKaud RV R-w-ll afferd tbe greatest rebel for Couahs C ids, Bremhitis. Sole Throat. Wesk Lunas, also CouMin^ftion. ix "> incipient a d advanced stages. Used a. a Beverage and Appetirer, it urkei delightful tonic for fa - ily u.e. Isrla.ssrtt* take; if weak or debilitated, it rives tone, ac'.iv- and strength to the wh«.l# human f »■«. ■***! anTvn-n UONT KB DECEIVED) ■ aUUmi.tir unprineiplrd dea’orz> who try to palm eff upon you Rock and SyeJ i place of our TOL bOCR AND RT 8, Y kich is the only meeiratod article made ihe) genuine ka-ipg a Qaveinmcct btsinp on> ,<wrh bo'ile. / MUBKKCR A M1ET1.V, Proprietors, 111 JMad toon Bt, Chicago. *Yu t»k ’our Druggist for it. «%.Ask your Grocer for it. *9.4sk your Wine Merchant for it Cbi'dren, tuk your Mamma for it. >y Druggists, Grocers and Wine Her* cb « n 11 e verywhere. sapH-wty $5,ooo,ooa; he American Shoe Tip Co. WA&aaBT TBKia A.S.T.CO. SSRBSSHfi lack Tip That to now so extensively worn on ' CHILDREN’S SHOES TO WEAR AS L0HG A8 THE METAL, ■ _ ■Which waa introduced by them, and by whY the above amount baa been saved to parents a nually. This Black Tip will wave it wort-, as besides being worn cn tbo court grade* It I* worn on fine and co-ttr eb<( where the Metal Tip on account of its fog wonld not be used. Thoy all have our Trade Mark A. S. T. Q( ■tamped on front of Tip. rarest* should A8K FOB SHOES with tK BEAUTIFUL BLACK TIP them when purchasing for their childrea Tourvtru’y. Maoen. Georgia. JOQN D. ROSS. LUDDEN & BA TES SOUIBEfiN Music House. Tha Musio House of the South. Removal to Our NEW DOUBLE 8T0BB. An immense Music Temple, Two large store*, each « feet treat and four stories high, fronting on thro* .streets and filial from roller to loft with musical supplies. Noth ing to compare with tt in the fioathurn States. A, Big Store. A Big Stock. A Big Trade. AND MOkE TO COMB. N. B.—This company ha*Mow on hand laerve fund. Rrsc 1 tbe list of prises tor OCrOBKK DRAWING. OCIOBKR 1 Fn*e .-I m, i,, 1 Prise..... hand ala-gf tbe JtitOM I Pri*e...MMM.M 10 Prise* 81,000 ea--b lO.’Wt 80 Prises 300 each ... 100 Prizes 1W> teioh ...« loo Prices ■ Meuoh—m. 600 Prize* 20 each ..000 Prise* 10 each . —I-— iv,,. » Prize* 80> ea. h, ap’rexiimit c griiei tvt 9 Pnres 200 each da do l,Sf* 9 Prizes , 00 each do «to «« M.M.M. 10.C9C 10^0* UMC 10J60C During tbe ton years since oer eitahlithment al any house we haue a*veioped tbe mutio trade of the Souta tfi a wonderfuldwree. but iirit w* have began. We see. not many year, itesad. a business of a million a year, and To take carem this enonnoua trade we Save provided our proa- aut mammoth ware rooms. Fall trade 18S1 will be immense. We are ready for it. For montnx our senior partner has been nt tbe tracking with Piano *r.d Organ msnuhcture/» tor instrument*. He baa concluded roost adv»a taso-vf contracts and tbe Pianoa and Organ- are “coming coming" lOOAOO more, by every »tram- £ NewrtvIrejNew Priee*. New Terms, New Stock. New Store. New Departure. 1,960 Prtoafi 811k, W.0 Whole Tickets.S* -.Hall Tick eta.ll. fiJ Ticket*. S^0. 65 Tie***** iBVs RRKII^HV HUNKY INLETTEit. BY BkNK DkUFTORBXPKo’-'S. voR. M. BU-tHDM AN, OoBfwr'Joonifcl Buil<Jic*. \-nv.\zruic Xtn.uckv, IA7 ftodSU» N. Y jU’J'i iSAJL-fc. , G kt RG1A. JONES COUNTYj—By virtue of an ordar from tbe Coarl of Ordinary of Jorev county, wifi be anid before the ocu»t house door in the town of Cl nton, said oounty. on tbo first Tu-adar in Drromier next, within the usual hours of »‘»!e. th* tote Is mo* H. Fieiiey planta tiou. eoutainin* eisbt hundred (“Oh) sere*. »' ri or less, situate sis miles e-st o! Cnuton m saul Jones county, near railroad station on M. and A. U R. hold lu one body for distribution, f^vod lair land in a gosd sta:o of cui lira tion. well ira proved with plenty of water and timber h.r all ueoesaary purporea, in a g-jod -ocaiily aodecn- yeoicLt lo market. ~,h. H. J-FIKKKt. Sspt. 7.1880 -8 ■ Ri'N C ur.H. Special Offer, Fall 1880 t3.0aah Frioc* with Three Months Crelit."€A During months ol Augu«t,8i-ptember andOe- tob'r we Will ro l Pianos and > >rgans at Lowsat Dash Prices, pryable S25 Ca-h on a Kano or S10 t'n»h manOraau. with tho balance in three mouths, without iutereat. What Do You Sav t> thiB_0ffer ? rstalssu-s and New ■price 1 i-isfor Pali lhvO. and prepare tobsastoii' ’"ltoden a bates, avannaii- m*a, «VNLES*IC PIASO m I8SAI DEALERS. do, 27-ditaw twiv NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO rELL LAND. F /vtto wp-ft«>L?Kr i!aUi ir.'i ih* Ur NoT«*Lbtif term of tb»' O>ort \>f lor Hibb soun-y. srplira’l'.n alii »f !l ;’^r t oth* Co. no! Or, in. r- for ,i,‘.breur!-'. (or Wave >o soil all <b. : let d >*!. using to rotate J .iobu I.ama-, !u« nt -»nl county < tor the pu. cose of distr.b iiion among Ihalroirs of said** I Ut *‘ M tKY LDLT • A LAMAB. Alm'xeataieof J.a'utatata.' uooeawd. Oot. 2,1883 pctl-ltwaw '*DEAF HEAR iing, L«s. ThMUs’' tho r l vrtrtU tu tUrI iNerfrVofHwlnr. »>▼ • W«*4prf»l SHefttlfcl J P n-,!ii.“,' ->!.'iill'insTSjUtssBitel IriiOM him les tt.-ttb SU. C'larlaaafl.O.1 CKOCliBTT’S Iron Wo?ks P 2JAOOW. GA. At onr works can on *oon tb© bwt EN GINE MADE for GINNING AND THRESH ING. Wo cuarantce tt to do a'l or more than th* mai nfaetcrora *ay U will do. Wo build STATION AUT ENGINES From 8 to 80 Horse Power* Thereto noErginomedo anpencr have tostimenial* to pxove. Wemtaa- f&otnre Saw and Grist Kills that Rite entire eattofaction. We ksop fot kaIo water WHEELS, HOK*E rOWEES. IMPROVED GIN OE&B. SUGAR MILL PANS AND EVAPORAlOBS, And the Bret Horizontal 8ugar Mill made Also. IRON BAILING for comets- rie*. etc. SHAFTING PULLEYS, sod GEARING for all all kind* of mill wot*. In fact, we keep everything that to need about etssm or water power or pboMM work. OnrOOTTON FhEsjS to second <0 none, being che.p, simple and dorabia. *c hundreds will aiteet Bend for ciion’are an 1 ' price* before buying etoewlirro Adircee, JalySl-ly ” noerranv. E. OBCGKE1T A BONB. NOTICE. TTTILLbe let to the lowoit bMdrr boforeth* ►V court hou«e door >n Fstonton. Ga. on tb* second Tuesday In November. 1889, betsrtcc the usual hours of» le. tho building of a bridge over Cedar creek on the UatoMon and Clinton r.isd. between the residence* of John P Key ard John Williams, according to tbe folio* in* specific*- t,ou s . t’’f Bridge ,.oo 7 fest«inches above the wafer. 1* frot wide. f0 leet long, witb earth stmtmente ad ditional: pier timlt-rs and mud till* 12x12 inches zize: five *'rep-re llxti id-lies in kite. Hr.etk bridge, flooring two U.ehtrn thiek—srttaMe railings. The c ntractor to do all the work a a workmanlike manner, at d iu with all of the ms- temlof t oodbcartpire. iiRDjoHNsolft Judge County Lt^r:^ JgJF- *T. DSNNIS. W.F JBNK1N3. ort>7wld Com’re E. and fc- Int-iam oounty. G kOKQiA. BlBBOuUNTY.-WhereacTjT Kdw* os has «ppil'd t-i me tor the >«fa* apart a homeouad of peeaenally and th* vidga- tionof the same. I will pais upen said sp >.< w- tion al Jay office on Mon Jay tbe 8th day of N<* • vember.loSO, at 10 o’clock a. m. a hie October 18 r,etl»t'd» J. A. McMAKPS. Ordinary. • t WILSON & SONS, —HEADQUARTERSFOK— Saddlery-Hardware —AND— Carriage ^oods» fiddlers, HainsiS-Yzlcrt ard Carriage K*- ken will find in our *lock acy thing wanted. F. WILSON *80518. • ltd and 188 Ksdn ht., ClnrinrathOhia- Ilyt7-S m AIsADY a ..nt wanted t> take sola chzrre and Canvsa*. with our La-e-.Trimminss. lies'. Vt'iU, fcta. tts best sold anywhere. 88u»t be fulellig*nt aiideK- . best sold any gvtic. and give Kfuritv Address or»7-W» be f Ne ri.k: perm -.neBt. BUL1NG A GOULD. Chic go. 111. G BORGIA. TWIGGS COUNTY.-Ut.der*c« bv virtue cf authority granted me under t^ last«tli and testament ol Caihwin* A-Bwte- i-t-of »Airi couniy bo wU o-ww tb oa rt touwsdwin th*' town vtlle in said county, on ^ Timber i.oit.between ibeleg»l oours a. taje. we ]*P<i known a* the home paw of leawn aikAt tMtJte cn bracing M6I hundred aces mirwor les*. behmsing **: tale. Hold lor a divi.iou amvns tbe legatee* ut said will. yu aRK I8. HOLT-. Yxeeutore*t<.teo( Catherine A. Bunn. orttdltaSt * -4Slh YEAR OF THE- Mtdical College of Georgia. AtyoPSTA* T HIS Institu’ion©onalitote* Ihe Nediea. D- pftr*.mei.l ot tb© tw© Lntvcrklty, tbe mas are signed by its Ch»r.c*li , 'r. „ Tbe iresicn wll cou meroo a: the flrzt Mon day ol Ne-emk-ev.and will er.d on the hreS m March folloaicg. Arpi* forr««lsv to uK i i KOEGI A. BtBB OOU TY’,—Vfcerearil t 8 t Lieure. admini«tr*U;t of ihe Bfiiei.Iil Lienre late sf said county V, appiieatiun lor leav* to . -!>* real estates loosing to said relate for I . inupum otinriui T K «ft© Am thrr*lo**to c**o i o / i iwim’. -itja* persona conro rued to beret «:■ P* * r "“thi-Ol uf' irduiare oi said coun y. on the first Stood in November ncit. to shJ» esuse, if guy: w hsve, why ssid application -h mid withegranU Witnrss say baud aud tSi'ik sigu-lura, 0*4 her A 18*9. octstds J t. sr -M6SUS. Ordinary. Aiicate and Canvaa*er* Make from * to $5° J-cr _od» for -. G. nt leou* a Cj.. 10 Baroiay street. N»w York. Stud (or tie r citsltgusand t Hllf-lil