Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, December 17, 1880, Image 7
<HI?£ (§£jscgm mtb Jotmtal & Wna&anQitx* CROSBY, The Heroic Engineer. Written for th* Tel graph and Messenger. , lie wh more than a slinplociisfinecr, Employed by the Central road; More than a man who worked for wages, And the bread on Ida humble board. Qe was a man of lion heart, it matters not bis name, Truth‘ will Inscribe It upon the hero's page of fame. . The cloir that a plumed chleflaln wins, Who dips Ills flaming sword in gore, And rides bis foaming cliargcr ou Where muskets ring and cannons roar, Is echoed and re-cliocd from hilltops far and wide— r * s “" Goes out with the ebb, and comes In with the flow of tide. But the man begrimed with engine smoke, And his hands begrimed with grease, Was nothing, at best, but an engineer; lie teaii killed. Put him away in peace. But let me tell you this: A martyr hag gone to rest; ' A nobler heart than Ills ne'er throbbed in manhood’s breast. The rattle of care, tbo roar of tho train, The clatter of the iron steed, Were the sounds he trained his ears to love, And the music he most obeyed. He followed its thunder through iife on to death, As for the life of his fellows he gave his last breath, Never more will the hiss of driving steam, Or the rumble of pond’rous wheel, Fall upon the care of the engineer Who died ou his charger of steel; For the God of the brave sentinels the night of his sleep, And tak>-s charge o'er his slumbers, n and d and three times U ied to get iu, and each time lie was shoved out by Mrs. Kennedy. Finding that he was determined to get in, she opened the front door, ran through the yard, and was just going through the gate when Vance snatched up a hoe lying in in the yard, overtook her at the gate and knocked her down. She implored mercy, and told 1dm she would give him ail the money she had if he wonld only spare her life. He cursed her and said, “l’se been wanting to kill you a long time,” aud at that struck her two more blows, in at tempting to avert which it is supposed her hand was broken. Just then Julia came up with another hoe and 807ercd her bead. When Kennedy returned about three hours afterward, he found his wife lying outside or the front gate, mutilated, cold and stiiT, her bead almost severed, aud her entire cranium cut open from car to ear. leaving her brains scattered around on the; groynd. A jury of inquest being bad, returned a verdict of murder in the highest degree by unknown liands. On Tuesday the colored boy Joe Barnes was arrested, aud he showed so much con fusion ou being questioned as to Ids where abouts on Sunday, that only a few ques tions served to bring out his full confes sion, from which tlic above account is taken, end the examination of Vance and Julia elicited evidence showing that the? were the murderers, marks of blood and brains being found upon their clotliiug.' The horrible character of the murder cre ated intense indignation iu the neighbor hood, and a crowd of 130 white men and fifty colored men assembled to punish the murderers. The negroes begged the whites to permit them to take the prisoners aud burn tliero alive. This was refused, but a vote was taken whether they should be jailed and await a court trial or be lynch ed. Only twenty-three voted to await the law, and it was determined to hang them to the tree nearest the scene of the crime. Halters were obtained and fastened to a limb of the tree, a cart was placed un der the limb, handkerchiefs being tied over then- faces, the cart was pushed away, and the trio were soon dangling in the air. Their victim was enclerUe with twins, and was near her confinement. “I have been tiling Tutt’s Fills for Dys pepsia, and find them thesiiest remedy I ever tried. Up to that time everything 1 ate disagreed with me. I can now digest any kind of food; never have a headache; perform my duties as bookkeeper with satisfaction, and have gained fifteen pounds of solid Uesli. The value oi these pills cannot be over-estimated.”—W. C- Scliultze, Columbia, S. C. Poor SliiwtlnK Taking pills and How n Laudloril In Donegal Re- ’ |ng with the eyes vcngrsl Use aturder ot Ills Mew- J languid, gloomy, sour, with sour stomach, unbroken i deep. He was not one of the men by fortune, Who was blessed with a title of fame, But the glory of bis life and his death Has made him immortal in name. And though no marble shaft be raised to mark bis fate, Ilis grave is grander than the grave of a potentate. But the man begrimed with engine smoke, And bis liamls begrimed with grease, Was nothing at best but an engineer; lie was killed ! Put him away in peace. But let me tell you this: a martyr has goue to rest; A nobler heart than his ne'er throbbed in manhood’s breast! •— EVICTING A WHOLE VILLAGE. > potions is like shoot* shut. When you are h sour stomach, nrd. pains In the body and limbs, yellow eyes, ski it and tongue, a bad cough, dyspepsia, diarrhoea, and other miscriesjake no doses —use Dr. Flagg's Improved Liver aud Stomach Pad and he cured. lw Eminent Wilmcr Urinton, 51. D-, Baltimore, writes: “I have used Golden’s Liebig's Liquid Extract of Beef in my practice. In consumption, debility, weak ness, anemia, chlorosis, etc., it cannot be surpassed.” Sold by all druggists and grocers. Van Stone & Crosby, wholesale and re tail druggists,Toledo, Ohio, says: We bare sold large quantities oi the Excelsior Kidney Pad, and have lieon surprised at the unvarying satisfaction given by them. Stop it nt Once. If you are Bilious, have no Appetite, oir. auair miucu wgnuu an a./a.c- ( Sore in the Joints and Limbs, Sour of uient, aud the rent was paid in full. Sow, Stomach, Gloomy, V eary. Oppressed ill to enable you to understand the signifi-i Chest and Stomach, your liver is out of cance of the last paragraph, I will relate a »n\er* Use Dr. Flaggs Improved Liver little story. Mr. Adair is a gentleman and Stomach Pad, and bo cured without owning property iu several counties in Ire- medicine, land. Just aud honorable iu liisdealings, A Dublin correspondent of the SI. James Gazelle says: In the Daily Experts summary of news there are two consecutive paragraphs well worth noting togellicr: “Land meetings were also held in vari ous parts of the country, and hints were tiirown outtiiatifthe prosecutions of the Land League should end in imprisonment the peasantry would resort to assassination of landlords by way of reprisal.” “Mr. J. G. Adair went oil Saturday from Moiitmelliek, Queens county, to bis es tate at Graigue, to collect bis rents. He was accompanied by two armed consta bles, and it is stated that other constables were stationed at intervals along the roads. The tenants demanded an abate ment, whicli was refused, and then they paid iu full.” Mr. Adair refused to grant an abate- and a keer man of business, he refuses obedience to tlio wishes of the Land Will prove it or rorreit s-iuu. w outfit ‘ -- free K q IUdkout & Co., 218 Fulton League. And that lie lias courage is well known to bis tenants, who do not forget under what circumstances lie evicted an entire village. Iu 1858 Mr. Adair pur chased the property of Glenveigb, a lonely mountain tract in Donegal. Having re stricted the liberty hitherto enjoyed by the tenants or grazing their cattle aud sheep over the mountains as commonage, dittl- eulties arose. A Scotch sloward was ei ther murdered or grievously wound ed (I forget which) near the village of Derry vcigb. T be people who did tbe wrong were known, but, as is usual iu such cases, no evidence was forthcoming. Another steward, James Murray, was found with sufficient hardihood to take tlie place of the first, but be thought it ad visable to carry’ a revolver. Ou the ui< £55.00 Agent's Profit per Week. Will prove it or forfeit $300. $1 outfit street, Hew York. ScPEiuon articles in universal request are aln ays counterfeited, aud tire pirates of trade, who pick up a living by depreda ting upon the rights of others, are con stantly trying to cheat tbe public by sub stitutin';, imitating and falsifying Sim mons’ Liver Regulator; but beware! take none except under our copyrighted, en graved label, with seal, signature, and stamp of J. H. Zoilin & Co. lw BnrneU’it Cocoalne. 27<e Best llalr Dressing- in the World. Burnett's Cocoaine allays irritation, re moves all tendency to dandruff, invigor- visable to carry a revolver. Outlie worn- atestbe action of the capillaries In tbe 5 SS te On highest degree, and has earned a deserved found on tlic mountain, his brains dashed out by a stone. Beside him was his re volver, the stock broken upon bis skull. One barrel was empty. Tlie bullet bad s! ipped so far out or tbe next chamber that it would not revolve. Mr. Adair visited tlie spot with tlie resident magistrate. Near the top oi the bare mountain could be seen clearly marked in tbe peat, ou which no heather grew, tlie tracks of two men who had evidently approached Murray where lie stood. Tbe whole story was written on tbe mountain side. There was the place where tlie tracks repeated them selves—there the men stood while Murray stuck his stick in tbe pest, where it was round still standing. He had evidently done so to free Ids right band, with which lie took out liis pistol and fired one shot— probably over their beads to frighten them; possibly with erring aim at one or other. Then, Ills weapon failing him, lie turned and fled with great strides down the mountaiii-sido. Step by step the tracks could be clearly seen to tbe spot where lie had slipped, and fell to rise no more. Step by step could also be traced—tbe booted pursuer on one side, the barefooted on the otlic-—to tbe spot where they broke his skull and battered bis brains out as lie lay. But more than that; step by step Mr. Adair followed these two tracks until they mingled witli tbe footmarks in tlie village of Derry veigli, and there aDd then be declared that if within one month tbe murderers of his steward were not banded over to Justice lie would evict ev ery man in tbe village and would not leave one stone of it standing upon an other. At this time tlie village was under notice to quit, as a preliminary to squaring their farms, which were hitherto held in separate patches, and reinstating eacli one as a tenant on a consolidating holding. But tlie threat was unavailing; tlie murderers of James Murray dwelt safely in tlie val ley. Possibly the people thought the threat would never be carried out. But Mr. Ada 5 r was as good as his word. On tbe 8th, l)th and 10th of April, 1S01, every tenant in Denyvelgh bad to leave tbe place and the houses were levelled. Tills was, indeed, a terrible act of retribution—so terrible that nothing but extreme necessity could justify IL But no steward was murdered on the property-afterwards. The South Carolina Lynching. Cqaiu-rstox, November 12. — Tbe Jfem ana Courier lias received tbe de tails of tbo murder of Mrs. Kennedy, in Clarendon county, and of the subsequent lynching of tlie three murderers last Sun day. Mr. Tiios. Kennedy, living near Salem, intending to visit Charleston, went over to Iris father’s bouse, a short distance from bis own, to ask bis mother to stay with wife during Ills absence. Kennedy’s wife was formerly Miss Ada Wright, of Darlington, and liad only been married about a year. She was a young lady of only about nineteen or twenty years—intelligent, refined ami highly re spected. Wliun her husband left she shut tlie door and sat by the window to write a letter to her mother. As she sat there slie saw in the yard Joe Barnes, a colored boy about sixteen \\»ars old, who hid been employed by Kennedy tbe previous week. This boy bad been induced by two negroes living near by, Vance Branl*. ami bis sis ter Julia, aged respectively eighteen and fifteen, to bang around tbe premises and when Kennedy left the place to give tlie signal to Vance and Julia, wlio kept them selves concealed in the thicket. Tlie couple had beard of Mr. Kennedy’s lutenliou to visit Charleston, aud think ing that lie would have a good deal of money la bis house, determined to break, in and get iu Wh-ii Joe gave the signal, Vance went immediately to tbe window reputation for promoting the r and preserving the beauty of the an Uair Ladies dressing their hair elaborately fo tbe evening will find that it imparts a healthy natural gloss to the hair, and will cause it to retain its shape for hours. Burnett’s Flavoring Extracts arc used and endorsed by tbe best Hotels, Confec tioners and GrOcets throughout the coun try. They are perfectly pure. if. A Pastor Mod* Happy. I have been greatly troubled with my kidneys and liver for over twenty years, and during that entire time I was never free from pain. My medical bills were enormous, and I visited both tbe Hot and Whito Springs, noted for tbe enrativo qualities of tbe water. I am happy to say that I am now a well man, and entirely as tbe re sult or Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. Not only this, but my little daugh ter has been cured of St. Vitus' Dance by Warner's Safe Nervine, which I always keep in my family. With such glorious results, I am only too glad to testify re garding the remedies which have made me so happy. Rev. P. F. Majikleic. Coal Run Crossing, Arkansas. nov30-2w • To tbe Consumptive. Wilbor’s Compound of Cod Liver Oil and Lime, without possessing tbo very nauseating flavor of tho article as hereto- before used, is endowed by tbe phosphate of lime with a healing property which renders the oil doubly efbcacious. Remark able testimonials of its efficacy can be shown to those who desire to see them. Sold by A. B. Wtlbor, chemist, Boston, and all druggists. lw When you visit or leave new York city, top at the Grand Union Hot*], op posite tbe Grand Central Depot. Euro pean plan. Rooms reduced to $1.00 and upwards. Restaurant unsurpassed at moderate prices. Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts of the city May lL-e.o.d., 1 vr. •_ •Tib autumn, ana tne reaves are cry and rustle on tbe ground, and chi if winds come whistling by with low and pensive sound. To guard against cor ghs and colds you should go to Lamar, Ran kin A Lamar’s drug store and get a b /tie of Coussen’s Honey of Tar. Prior Ac. White’s Cream White Vermifuge a the best worm killer. octl2tf iu adults is often caused by worms. The change from childhood to manhood is not sufficient to rid the system of this awful plaguo. Slirlner’s Indian Vermifuge will expel them and restore health and a bright complexion. lw Tbo \ oltaic Beit Company, Marshall Michigan, will send their celebrated Electro Voltaic Belts to the afflicted upon thirty days trial. Speedy cures guaran teed. They mean what they say. Write to them without delav. •«**” jjSSlb iKIISELf MUSICAL CHRISTMAS 'm A SURE CURE .'or all tlie ilisdisca'fir Wlikh it b recommended, end afaMf* perfectly eoji In the hands of even the most inexperienced perns la , PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER J» reeon nen-1~l l;t l-h-pletw, Mini*:*, -. ,v.• u-.-vr. ot Pulorte*. end Eantatioiu.Sarses In ITospltole—In short hrmrrerybody everywhere who ha« ever given It a trial. IT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF FORTY YEARS’ TRIAL. •braid have n place In every factory, roachlnc-rhort . end mill, on every farm and plantation, and in every ..ready for immediate ire not only for accident.- cuts, bruises,rerss,etc.,but la rare of sadden rieknras of nnv klrid. • - r “ Is the well-tried and treated friend of aft who want a rare and >»ft: medicine which can lie freely used ■■PHI t fear of harm and with certainty of relief., Its price brings it within the reach o' *11; nnd It will annually rave many times Us cost in doctors’ bill*. For sale by all dxnggisu at 23c. 60c. and SI.00 nor boitle. PERRY DAVIS A SDN. Propri -to-s. Prndrinncn. R. I. ■ i naa siuiiu I lit QafKe rare of sadden sickness of nnv kind. PAIN KILLER internally or externally wJtnout “HOME FERTILIZER" CHFAPEST $15 per ion cash IN USE* With cotton option. KETCHUtf & CO., Agents for Georgia. And Loial Agents throughout tbs Slate. 71 BiY STREET, FAY ANN AH. GA. dtcl6vrtf GlPlfi. Bret as-rptable gift* to players »r rinsers w ill be the following elegantly oound bcoki a*-tn> one maJcd poat-iree. lor tbe pnee here mentioned ROBERT FRANZ'SrONG ALBUM. GKMSOF UNCI,I'll BONG. HOME CIKCLL’. three volumes. WORLD0? BONG. PIANO AT HOME. 4 bind collection. SIIUHKA OS I HAUL'S 0KBMBDE ACttKMS. I Volf. OPJKRATl'l PEARLS. G8T80F STRAUS*. GEMS OP TH B DANOfi. CLUSTER OP GBM8. 8UN8111XE OP KO'O. Each ot the above in Cloth f 8.50; Pine Gilt £3.(0. BTUISNT’S LIFE I* SONG. *’.30. CURIOSITIES OP MUSIC. £1 CO. BKKTHOVKN. A Roi arec by <t*u. 3150. UHXEliS AND ’ UXS8. Christmas OlT’g. - 1.S0 SULLIVAN’S VOCAL ALbUM. £1.50. FAIRY PINCERS. For Piano. 31.50. Oi.lVER DITS0N*CO.,Boston. O. H. DITdOW k GO. 843 H'dway W.T Ml cures Absorption (V » turt « ~Tung" Diseases, Throat Dlscas s, Breathing Troubles MEENT Liver ■wad With iho Anti-Malaria. Chills end Fever, Cy> UvRfiV pepsin. Liver Com plaint*, Kiili-.-y Afitoctlons, Neurol gin, i'onatipntiou. Sick Head nchc, Femnte Ctoamtelmta, Billons- ness, Pnlpitnllou, rim* net IHninrinl Diseases without medicine. No Dos- lng~so inconvenience, and a positive cure. Price, including Buttle Auu-h'.rlarii Sent by mail to any add DENTISTRY. DR- S. B- BARFIELD ’ No. Oil MnlborryHt. Orncx Hops*-> a. m <o«t» m au U t A (UHTi To all whotre sufTenng from tbe errors trd ireiireretiocsuf joutn, nervous weakness, early decay, 'os* of m»i Iwy-d. etc., i will tend a ree i e that will cure you, FREE OP CBAUOB. This great remedy was discovered by a misrionary in South America. Send a teif-tiMressod envelope to the Rtv. Joseph T. Inman. Station D, New Ycrt City. anrlt-deoriawlr Itrrr mas. IMPl'l NEW YKAlti a Pt'liUPUi A IB MU31CA L ti IF 18 FOB MUSICAL PEOPLE farasr'sSals, [itoUifsr CURE $125 PER BOTTLE. A positive remedy for all Kid- ley, Liver and Urinary Troubles jf both male and female. READ THE RECORD: “it raved cry life.”— E. B. Lakeiy. Selma, Ata “It is tbe remedy that will cure the many die* earea peculiar to women.”—Mother's Msg,lint. "It has pAltai severo tC9ts and wen endorse- mecta from tome ot t*-e highest medical talent ia tbe country > ew Y„rx Worid. ‘-No Remedy heretofore discovered can be beid for on) moment in comparison with It.”—C. A.. Harvey, D.D., Washington, D.O. This* great natural remedy ia for 3ale by all druggists in all parts of the world. -TRY IT AND TAKE NO OTHER — . H. WARNEii & CCS K()CHR‘TER. n y ‘stand Best 3WW^mr»^^ naaMgai sffisseF'™® health can poriMrtaf edrt arx> used^ao varied and perfect flu, sKUSSSSSSES?®® 3 SISMBS no person or family should bo without them. Cct some this day. - ■MB! jiior Cough CBaaRttaraasDsI, safest and bret rStomsrh.L!vcrandKldceyI«ii,j>»- . Corea by abcorptlpn. Aik druggist. ftSMssssr ^ H,T>I:UUriMljr.Co.nocl».l«,N.r a d Permanent relief for dyspepsia, sour stomach, biliousness, and all diseases of a disordered livwr can belutd by using Port- aline, or Tabler’s Vegetable Liver Pow der. Price 50c. White’s Cream White Vermifuge is the best worm killer. For tale by Lauiar. Rankin A Lamar. octl2ti When lips receive a rosy flush, And teeth become a dazzling white Bem-aili the efforts of tbe brush, When SOZODONT is used aright; The mouth becomes swset, pure and warm, • | And tlic fresh breath an odorous charm. lw * : '•» • ' i POND’S EXTRACT. Subdues Inflammation, acute and chronic. Controls and Hemorrhages, Venous and Mucous. INVALUABLE FOR SPRAINS. BURN8. SCALDS.BRUrSES, SORENESS,RHEUMATISM. BOILS, ULCERS, OLD SORES, TOOTH ACHE. HEADACHE, ASTHMA, SORE THROAT, HOARSE NESS. NEURALGIA, CA TARRH, ETC., EtC. Emma Abbott.—'“Valuable and benedolai.” Heywood Smith, M.D..U.R. U. F., of Vrg- lard.—-I h»vo used it with tnarlrd bsr.oDt H. G. Preaton. M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y.—“I know of no remedy »o generally ureful.” Arthur Guinnct*. M. D., F. R- O. 8., of Eng land.—“1 havs prescribed Fend’* Extract with cn at mrce-fi." CAUTION.—Pond's Extract is sold only in bottles with tbe name blown in gists. It ii UM-fa to li e • tber artic.e* with our di rection*. In«i»t on banrg Pond's Extract. Re fuse all imitation* and substitute!. 8P iCI* L PREPARATIONS OF POND’S EX TRACT COMBINED WITH THE PUREST AND MOST DElICAIK F&K vtTMES FOR. LAIHE8 BOUD'I ft. PON DM EXTRACT.... 50o, tl.uu and $1.76 TOILET CREAM l.fO DENllKRlCE 60 LIP SALVE 25 TOILET SOAP (8 oskes) 60 OINTMENT — 61 O.YTABRH CUBE 75 PLASTER 25 INHALER (slats 60c) 1.00 NASAL SYRINGE 23 MEDICATED PAPER 25 FEMALE SYRINGE fl.tO Orders amounting to (6 worth sent txprets free on receipt ol money on t*,0. order. Our new Pamphlet with history of ourPrep- arat.ouaaiDtfrecoa application to POND'S EXTRACT CO.. No. U W. lath Street, New York, by all drutaitt*.oi elieodaw.v U. SflNFflB NVIGORATOR Tlis Only Vegetable Compound that- acts directly upou the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints,J aun- dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos- tiveness. Headache. It assists Di gestion, Strengthens the System, Rcgulatesthe Bowels,Purifies the Blood. ABooksentfree. Address Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway,N.Y BOS SALE ZjV AI L DBUOaiSTD. BEST OF ALIa? IsarSsmecooPRono urns will kivc - mem*- of eiqoisit** pleasure »nd improvement. Price* specially rwAncad for holiday*. Good Reli-hie Pianos *179. JJ07; Kimerb Pianos *250. *»76; Very Res: Pia * *300. fS7S. All grade* ami P-leia 'rnm 'ourflrit clrs- instera. Sold on Fasy Terms. Parlor Organs. Next best, and many preferred, is an elegant Parlor Organ, costing from $38 to $100 7 stop Organs, $55. 9 stop Organs, $59. 15 stop Organs, $65. *ub Has, and Uctavn Coupler. Tlie Sew Mesicel Weeier jifusic and Musician Cbmbineo. Monthly.,!** already amount to 3 Out) lust mo't slmp’c. r*rfert. i.u-tracU T o, tiijoyabtoand amu ing antbmatic musical in itrument in the world No telioa ■ and e pen sive lessors require A child can play at alabt all style* pi mn-ic upon an OrynheMe better than iwo-iblnlaof the pUno player*. an pUv th* a ase « uste after years of practise. A11 me rav ing, labor savit g, money raving instrument. Prices $10 $11 and $15. Gall are. Violin*, Aooordeon*. Cornea, Dina's, Flat**. Harmonist*, Z there, il-.eie B-xee, Mnaio Folio*. Piano Cover-, Metabo- phonee. Children’* Piano*, or a years anb- icrii tlsa to the Soothers MaeicU Journal. fend for catalogues lMes & Bate >’ Samitem Music House SAVANNAH, GA. FOR THEJOLIOAYS. I respectfully call attention to my selected atcck HOLIDAY GOODS. I buveaveiy nice selection of Toilet Articles consisting tn part ot TOILET EETB IN GLASS. TO SILVER. ODOR CASES, WORK HOKES, EOaP AND COLOGNE CASES. HANDKERCHIEF and GLOVE BOXES VASES OF ALL KINDS. FANCY COLOGNE and BXTRAOT BOITLBS CASES w th COMBS, BRUSHES, Etc,, and many other nice good* suitable for Christ- maa Treat nts. Will be glad to bare you call at my Store: to trouble to *bow yon the good*, and if you with to porcaae, think I can please you in beta good* Ana price*. Hunt’s fmjHOTed Bel! Cologne A SPECIALTY, X*.W. HUNT Old Wooden Drug Storei Corner Second and Cherry Sts. price. Principal Bnlto., MU. “ Anu-Mctarla, 53.00. iy address upon receipt of it Depot, 02 <Jt-t-t;mu Nt., Sold by Druggists generally bay note but l inirtf's TaU-tit Live* nnil Nloumcb I’icU, other* are bulky, bard and troublesome to wear. John Ingalls, druggist, Whrleaaleand Retail Agent, corner F.urthand Pnpi.r »<reet«. FOE SALE. »,1 Y FARM in Houston county- 600 seres. StO LM olosrrd; thirteen mile* aouth of Marou on Factory road. Will sell stock, fanning ta ph- mouts. corn, fodder, etc., ctiuuli to run the place. Come and ste it. W. P. P1MMOWP. dcelMefwtw . Bvren. Ga. fflUulHod Restored. A victim ot early imprudence, reusing nervous debility, premature decry, etc . baring tried in vain every known remedy, bat discovered a sim ple mn\n> of seif-cure, w leh he will sent free to h'a f. Ilo »•* ffo'-rs. address J. II. RKKVEH. 43 Gi-alhani.tract. New York. net!lend."lv Good News Tor Tnsvclorr* to or frous Europe. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers Will perform the Wowing aervire during Win ter season 1830-81: From K<IUUKH ot Tuesday. November 18. und EVKRY ALTER. NAT8TUR8UAY fnrLIVBRPOOL.via Queens town. From RUbTflN every TflURSHAY for LIVERPOOL via Londoreerry. Tl ia Line of fer* superb Cabin arcomnodation, and manna specially S3 tc kind treatment toRtevrsto Pas sengers. Kates for Steerage and Intermediate aslow at bv any Urst cisst Lice. For o-itaard a- u Prepttd Ticket* apply to HENRY B.RKEi, Cashier Lawton’* Back, Agent at MaAin. Georgia, o- to LBV8 A ALTiKN. General Pamenger Ag’ts £07 ii o»dwav.No»York: 103 South StbBt, Phil adelphia: S (Stale St. Bo.ion. covSS THE GIANT mg SAW r,d, *machine. 1^1 Impro SAW MACHINE ti warranted to ?awa . foot log la three snln- astea,aud mere cord wood or log* of anyalse Iu a Slay than two naess can chop or raw the old way. Every Farmer aud Lumberman needs one. AGENTS WANTED-CIreaUrnad term*Free. ' f AM I IT HIISFACTBtllO 68^ ITS Elat Street. SB 0 Fin 04 HABiT CUBE dAwly ) M. Woolley A'Ucta. Ga. Reliable evi dence given, and reference to eared patients aud physicians *end for my book on tin- J. G. WEISZ, M M jpROFB8iOR of organ, piano, violin, guitar wind Instrument!, harmony com "vlt:on and ifenr>in’ Pir Novo ooiJ.t GK O RDINARY'S Office. Jonea County. Goorgia, November L 1480.—Where** Andrew J. Stewart, administrator of estate Joseph O. Bar bee deceased, applies to me for dlsmhtlon from laid a ministration. These are to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to show cause at thia Court, ou the first Monday in February next, if any they bare, why d amission shall not bo granted to applicant. Witneaa my band tlfiriallv, nov* * B-ILAND T. a OS*. Ord Inary. A GOOD BUSINESS: T HE 8C4RROROUGH HOTEL property. Haw! 1 uville, Ga.. comprising House of 24 rooms, kitcbe-i. atorehouie, large barn and two acre, of land, ia offered for isle or rent. For far ther information apply to Mu*. B.F.PAR-ON8. Hawkinarilte. Ga.Nov.*7th d80t • Saw Mill for Sale. TJEING desirous of closing out one of my raw _D mills cn aoocnnt ot the arurcity of timber. 1 offer for sale the entire mill, coaslattng of one rrty-horse power engine, boiler and flvturos, raws, belts, c-rts tools, etc., and tn fact allne- eeast'ie* for carrying on the raw mill besinets I will sell tbe mill or any of tbe fixture* sc pa- rmfco and will losul on cat*. Anyone wishing to purchase a mill will do well to correspond wish me. for l wish to tell before neoember tsth, and will sell at a gre* ■ftcnfioe. i dd*eoi* W.W. THOMPSON. SoilhvlUe. Ga. eels dim andawH *" W» ■ Mee ineofStockholde s. CEXIB4L XILUOID AgD B4X11X0 COUPSHT, Bxvxaain.Gx,. November 15, 1880. rrtHB annual meeting of. the dtockh-Wers of A this Company wiUtukeptace at the Bsuginx House in Savanosb, on Wednesday, December lttb, at 10 o’clock a. m. Stockholder. aLd tneir famllie* will be passed Irreoverthe Cjmpsni’j road to the meeting from tbe lttb to tbe Ittb.und will be paaaed free returning from the 15th to tbe 18tb, on preeenta- tiu of tbe'r stock certiorate*to tbe eondneton. notSd-Xw T. M. CUNNINGHAM,Cashier. SiffER- There Is no civilized nation in the Western Hemisphere in which the utility of llostetter’a Stomach Bitters as a tonic,'* corrective, and anti-bi!lous medicine, is not known aud appreciated. While it is a medicine for all Masons and all climates, it ia especially suited to the oomplaints generated by the weather, being tlie purest and best vegetable stimu- lant in the world. For sale by drnggists and dealers, to whom apply for Ilcstetter’s Almanac for 1881. WHISKEBINE SrSS < thews U-v f* grew em ft A HI ftwra mi ft*Ut 1 Notice to the Creditors of the City of tfftcom OFFICE OF THE CITY TREASURER,! November l*. ISM. S All parties holding rlaimt of any kind against tba nty i f M«eon will find it to their interest to pnarnt tbe same for payment, tr regLtraiton, at nay c (Doc imitediitelf. Thu notice la intended tc aupiy to tbe bolder* of oien arcounfa. vtuebers, past doe bonds, past due coop-nt or ludsmenta obtained on same, or any other eialtaa which may be no* span agu'nlt tba city ol Mae n. Any party homing then claims will do well to pre-rut tbrm at ones, aa any delay suay be damaging to their lute;rat. no-to O. f ADAM* T’raaurar. BEAUTIFUL HOLIDAY PRESENT I will send post petdtorOn* Dollar ebuad- ~ a uojf Pair of turns rg. (LM. “ ra»e Coral Pin and Drops refunded if re* satisfactory. R.A- PALMEk. Manufacturer. 383 Broadway. Now Toik Oit* • tUawlm ) |!S^iSp3/W\ It DRIV88 INTO theirstem curative agents and healinx meuic r. i t ItJIRAVrs FROM the dlfetted parti thi pot tons that cause death. Thousand. Testify to its Virtu Yon Cin Relieved and Cnrc 1 Don’t despair unlit you hare tried this s-n.ibl Easily Applied and RLDIOALLT EFFECTU! Rime to. bold b» Druggist*, ot lent by mall on receipt price, #3, bv SSSft8“lldi”lmPJE WILLIAM. BLOC Detroit- Mich. octXS-odsafim our book “Three Mil lion* a Yenr,” Sent free, Bad Ache And all diseases of ’be Kidnejs. BIsdder and Urinary urgan* by wearing tbo Imuroved Fxcelsior Kidney Pad It u a MARVEL ot HBALING anl RBL1BF. Simple, Sensible, Direct Painless, Powerful. J' OTIRHtSS where kU else fail*. A BMVibCriUV a d REVOLUTION in Medi cine. Abrorutionr-direct HurUration. as cp- p>t>rd to un*ati»fact>.-y iutoinal modhines. Bend tt r Mir treatise on Kidney trouble*, eentfreo. Sold by oraxglit*, or tent by tasU, on receipt o price.^2. Address ^S3L“oiriwM« itk for it and Williams B'ock. airetpother.Hafroit. Mlc This t* the onto Lottery ever voted on and en- . doreed by the people of any State. lISFUKCKUENlEi) ATIiUcrid.Y. u over Haifa Million fiisirlbuied. Louisiana State Lottery Oompaov. This lutUutkm wa* regularly Inoorpor»i-d by :ho Legislature oi the State for Edutat.oual and JhartUMe purposes, in 1868, for the wnn ol Swonty-aveyears, to which contract tht Inviola- tie faith ol the State ia pledged .w! it It pledge ha. •teen renewed by a.l overwheitairtg pop.Uar rot*s securing its iraHchiso in the new constitution aooptrd Deo-mbor 2. 7879. with a Capitr? of *1.000J»0, to wbleb it has since atided a reserve fund &(_*350,000. ITS GUAND8INGLB NUM- itttRDRAWiAUB will take piece monthly, ft nevertcalotorp->*tect»a. Looks! tbs follow- in. I>|stri button! GRAND PR0M3NADE CONCERT, Hurinr which will take place the 127th Grand Monthly —and the— Ei'rsorJiiuj ^mi-iuoal Drawi^ AtXewOrlennisTuciwlsy, Dec.Id, 1880 Under tbo j>ur»oi,fcl lupcrrision aud cauaKO- ment of Gen. G. T. BEiURBOARD, of Lonlila&i, and G»n. JUKA1.A. 8AHLT,of VirKinm. Capital Prias, $100,000. MuNotioo.—Titkets are Ten Dollar* Wily. Helves, :6. F.iths, 32. Tenths, $1. LIST OF FRIZES, 1 Oapit.l Prise ol 1 Grand Frfaaof 1 Grand Priznf « > 53 ' 3 o „ rr E e HI ■§ i h X U i?iaj > a iff rn « itlKPfS-y-. NOTICE. T HIRTY da;(after date tbo legal advertising in tbe HhertS's office will be done in tbe Telegraph and Meatrnger for Cra*ford aunty. Georgia. R. M. BUND. Sberifl Crawford Co. l'e:.S. 188t wim O RDINARY’), UKF1CK JONKB CULSTY, GKOKGI4. December 2, 18SO.—Whereat. Tilhc Boherta h t app ied to me for dltmistkn urn suapii.t >."t pci Mr. U. C. R berts. the-efore to ci’oall p-r.oua oonne-n- e<l t • show rau.e »t tbi> office o-> the first koti day tn January nest why toe same skill not be graned. W tress mi band officially. • — * - - •»<»• -‘Df derSMO ROLAND t. RQ88, Crdlnary. EX SeC V TOIL'S SALE. B Y virtue of authority conferred upon u» by the will oi William P. Mathews, late oi Talbot rounty. Oeor.i*. we will sell ot tbe plete ol holdiug public ut et u tbe citr of Macon, hilt, county.i n tbe flutTuet-d-y in Jttnu ry next: Tdrtt-two shire, cf tbe c*|i>al atock oitf-e (iei.irx! Bni!?o«d t.t ii Banking C.m[j»ny o’ Omr gla. Filty .hares of ’*6 tliwestsm Htiirotd atock. Bo d for tne purpo.e of distribution among th* heirs of sa:d deceased: Terms e. .ah. B. PARKER. K0DB1CK LE"NAKD. Dec 1. IS’O.-wlw Ba cuto.a LANDRETHS’ Jogu. and IMoe*. Tk. OU.* inuf mow tzlaeiit M Cr xrers in th' J’nile-e Vn. PAVII> LAXDRETH 8QX8*Pptt-«"» HK1DGE NOTICE. G B- RG!A. JuNF8 COUNTY.—Ttore will be let ielore tbe court hi used xiria the town of Clinton, during the legal hours ot nk on the first Tuesday in January next, to the low est bidder, a contract to build a bridge over Khoal Creek, near H.J Marshal! a m l!, on Hie present brid e sit* in ra’d county, according to >- e folio *imr.(ecifiraticn.: The bridge to be oue hundred feet long, with side rallin<sot4s4mantling, three and eh.II l-et above Ilx-r. wid'h t«»lve '*•' iictwern rail ingv, tills a- c iln-pert rot lr-v than 1Ui12 fijo-- tug 2il-‘ plark. with dirt abutmrn a. Tb whole attueture to b-oi first.cla.g t ew material. Bond in double tbe urau-iiit ot<hs hid w th two good and st Ire-1 securities will La r< qu red fo-tberomp'etiinof t’eron r-«t b-. the ISibd-y of February loiloainr, and to keep the br.d.c in a goal and rare crossing ennauion fur vehielea i.| all kinds for seven years (rem the day th; bridge it turned over. Tbe money will be paid cash oj finishing tbe bridge. RIUlIARD JOHN'ON. no.SCwtw County Judge done* County. lkUKbld.uKAWFUt-D OU.NTT,—Will hr sold bcfoie the c -uri bouse dtor in Knox- lie. Ciawlord coun<y. Go .onthn firit in January next, the lollo* "~~ I lot ville. ilrgproprrty. to-wit: ► onebULilrca a d twenty-xix, ihit axVAttiH niaflirt nt f'ram. 2 Large Prists of * Large Prize* of 10 Pr.a.s of SlGO.000 S1CO.OCO 5 V*C0 60,000 >0.000 20010 10,000 20,(U0 6.000 X0J>M 1.00J ?0,(00 600 Ji.OlO 300 30,(00 201 40.400 100 C.1,000 Approiimslion Prircj:"**” ll0,M 100 Approximation Prises ot £-100 £10 000 iwi •• in. V0 200 f.-J 10.0(0 ICO 7#., 11) (UK 1M 11,279 Prize*, amounting to «6t2 too Gen. G. T. BBAURBGARD. olL*.7Con>mis- Gen. JUBALA.EARLY,ol Va. j aionera Application for rates to rluba should only be .do to the office ot the Company in New Or leans. Write for circular* or rand order* to M. A. Drtuphlu New Une-n*. La. or rame person at So. 319 Brondway, New York. V. B — AUcorre-poudonon snuuld he with M. A. llsuuhin si Iu all out* tbe TIC'K- KVM tbemrelvea are sent, and i ever circulars ofleiin; tenili sus < r am th ng else instead Any one prepoaing tu ofier any thing else by circular or ctnerwiae, on bla own behail or that of the a awtudler tfew Advertisements FORMS GUIDE TO 8UCCE&8, BUSINESS AND MOOIETY. I* BY FARtbebor Bu«ire.tand Social Guide andliana-nook ever oublLbed. Much the lat est. It tells HOW TO HO EVERYTHING in tbe belt way. How to be yonrosm lawyer. How lode business rorreetly and tneoerafnl'y. How to act in acri-ty and In .very part of life, and contain, a gold mine it vailed information indis pensable to ail for eon stint ref,renre. AGUNTs WANTED for slloe spare time. To know why tb a book of R8»L value and attrao tiuu sella ) etter than sny oib-r. apulv fnr term, to DOUGLASS BR(J8., Phdadelph a Fa., and CmoinLati. O. AXLE GREASE. Best in the world. Lasts longer than anv other. Always in good condition. Cure* sores, cots, brui-es and corns. Coats but little mere than tbe imitation,. Every package has the trade be genuine ana I mark. Call lor the gen i take no other. QT 7 7 I | | PO. VIOSkRY. expenses to Free. Add raws Ancuat«.Me. El A STIC TRUSS lla. • Pwl Jiaww, hem >11 «tw rwMom *f Ska My. akUt ikt was tba Flaew. WUS IkkS —■ h ENMmkdHenlAli^Urawae)* layaaJalakt, aaAa laSbal can cTrt^a. Isis mtj, (aO^ aaAckasyu MkyaSI. CSwkaliw. MCUWOI TBC88 CO, Cklcage. IU. fTO ADVERTISER E.-Send Meta, for our A i On page pamphlet, all abost N rlisipg. Address OKO P. R ) 10 Eprate It. N. T. abost Newspaper Ad - WELL A CO JONES COUN • Y SHERIFF SALE. nriLL be sold before the crurt boom doer in v V tbe town of Clinton. Jum s county, during the legal boars of sale, on tbo Drat Tueodey n January neat. k.t No. Its. conttiirng two hun dred arrea. more or less, adjoining tbe landa of Jerry Lowe, 1 evt K'n low. and othosa. Levied M aa the property ol Biefeard T. GiU-Ou to satis, frail, te. lasoed Item the Superior Court of Jooen oouLty *n furor of 71 win a* Jchn^m against Richard T. Gi soa. Frope-ty poiDied nut br B.J. PHILIPS Ceputv gbeiiff. EXECUTOR’S SALE I N aerordanee with an order o' the Court o’ Otdlua y of Bibb county, a ill be sold at tbe Court Hou-aot said eouniy. on the first Toes day In January 1ML betwren tbe usual bears ol Hk tbe undivided one tail ot a pa-eel at land In tberity of Mar on In .aid eountr. known in A B. Baardman’e map m said nty a. part of le« No «in square No. 1*. and b-ing that pert of raid lot an wniob the hrirk building fronunc on lieond |trMt tti Tubes Berah A. Weed, tele of said county. pay the debt* of dr <r»«d Terms rush. CLIFFORD ANDBtRON. Faaetttac a* wilt of deoaaeed. deoTwAw The east halt of | , ,2fl) situated in the seventh cistiirtof Craw, lord emniy. oiiginaily Houston ooun'y; bcurded on tbe north by tbe lands of J. R Dukes nn the Wot east and wiulii by I he lands c,f B. W. kaiidlopf. SaiJ lend sol-I ae the prvperlj of th-tststunf W. R. Brown, deceased by vir tu* of a d.-erco mads in tbe Superior court of Bibb county, in the case cf W. tt. Brown, uec- •utrr. vs. tmarda C. Brown at .1 gold lor Ui# porpore o? carry ing out tbe provisions of tsid de cree. Terms: one-third casb.o o third in three months anl one t lrd‘n twelve mo th*, with e:sht per cent interest. Pur.-hsrer retiring bend for titles or o-rtificatn of |i-.irebate. W. R. BBO'drN", txecjtor estefe W. B. Frown, dec'd, and com. in equity novSOwsw* G eorgia, bibbi.uln*wtrnu uuf. fold Anderson, executor of tbe last will and testament of Ssrah A. Weed. Isle o: said rounti a Cleared, has iu»de application for leave to sell *n undirjoed half intcreet of apis cel ol land in the city of M-won know- R . K Koarumwn’i map ol this city ol M«" M p '• of lornumlei four, in squa-e niml- n Jbe. .h-part ou which i* tlie brick uii' - tn <„-i .vcond »<r«t. and i sad in |art ‘FM ,rt A Co. Li a Joj piint- lrg office. Ihesc-r. then' o to die ard admont-h all pcrmiiic- tn. .0 bewr.d apticar at (he Court of Ordinary oi ..ia county on the first Mondss in December next, te snow ctut. if any they hare, why g|ld application should not be grant d. Wilmas my hard offidafir mflot J A. McKANUa. Oidir.i ry. JEXfiOUAUKS’ SiALfi. I F not sold priv.tely. will be sold on the lint Tuesday in Jai uary rext, in Cinton. Jones Oiuntv.Geor ie.oaehuudrsd acre-ol land, mere or 'eas. beioi-ging tothe estHlei f Wm. 8. Ml idle- br-oks, deeea-a-, whereon W u. Ch id, no* live*;bcundo-lhi W.T. wicdleb-ook-, w« Jtne Ho Ut d and Win. ChUtlt; awd dwe’Iitg and well water on ihn place. Sold for tbe purchase monev of said la d. Terms cash. Thu Novem ber 9, IkSO. A. J MinDLBHROOK*. W.T. MilJDl.KBR K.-KS, WM. CUILUH, rorll-w4v Ktfruiora. G KOhQtA. Bill It COUNTY.— W here*. Wal ter K. Holmes hat ol)plication for Ut ter* of administration on tbs eita'e ot James T. Holmes, late of tsid c untv deceased Tht-kn are thernl re to ole and •dmoi i-h all pe-nom c rr.cerurl to he and appe»r t thw Court ofOhlinsry of raid county on tba first Mond v in December rest to -how (»««•, if any they have, wby said app'icstion abould not be granted Said application will be heurd on Docemcet is, ISStl.* my band officially. * norU d* J. A. McW ANTTU. fl^Hnary. No. 1 Lot of Land lor Sole. H T virtus cf an order from tbe Ci ort cf Ordi nary ot Vawn county, will be sold to sht highest bidder in the town of llmtoo. Joun county, within toe legal boars of sale, lot ol la no No. 16. in the tenth diutrut of orairsily Bald win now Jon** county, and adj ining lands of J. V. Hunt, Mr*. IA B- Hmi, John giawartetal, on (be drat Tuesday In January, 1SU. tudlm co< tain-ng one hundred and muety-sia acres, m- reorlaas. The land lies imn *diafely on tbe reran! survey of the Usocn and Brunswick rail* rc d extentiou. Sold ior tbe purpoaa oi re nveat- ing in other lap da. a eclwtd* W.H.BBRSB Trustos. :27th: Popular Monthly Drawing el tbe Ctinmalib Oittrilitiei Ce„ AT XAOAULBY’B THHATRB, Ia tbe City of Louisville, on FfilDAY DEOEMBEE. 8ht. These drawings occur arouthly (Sundays ev- ceptec) under pr visioae of so Act of tbe Gwr eral Arrembly of Kentucky. Incorporating Ike New port Priming aud New*paper Co., approvid April », 1871. • Wft-Thlsis a tpecial Act, and has nev •r bean reoealed. The United Bute* ci-euh Court on March II rendered the following decisions : 1st—That tbe Commonwealth Distribution Company is legal. M—Its drawings are fair, Tba company bas now on baud, a )* -gr reserve und. Ueml card lly tbe list of prises ior tbe DECEMBER DRAWING. o Prises Ueuoh - »6 Vrises 70 eae’-i u • Priaas 300 eat t, ap’rauiroaS’c pruea.. • Pnaea *00 each do do • Prise* 100 each do do Whole Tteket* *2 Half Tmkate. IL 1 ** 0 27 T:akeu.*00. M TiekeSa, floe. Remit tfocej or Bank Draft in Letter or swari bv Vxureas. DON’T BEND BY UB81 T8RBD LETTER OR P'fBT OFFICE URDER. Orders cf »* and upwa d, by Exprea*. e>n bo sent at R. M.BOAXDMtN Can -nr-Joereal BuikM-m. Leo mule r au7 andMMBroedway.N. Y A sent* nnd Cnnvaaaers ” Maks from R25 le|M nr ufrartt selhag BStef - •MElY-VlV THEGRKAT Kianey Regulator And Ditrref'o. h. DNEORN fa bLlily reor-rtne- rrk -9 walB nntnrpsated for WEtE orP/UL l/iftRSEU DHOP Y BHIGflfB DIBEA8K LCWit » E.N’KKGY. NKRVODd DkBiLIiY )**■ sum OtHTRUOTIONB arisii g Noui GliA XXia. am i-L\DD«R DISKA8FB. Al-.i fi.r Y»>"2Jfc«P FEVlfJt BLOOD and KlKSrV I’ftl- in infectod malarial eecti. ur •W-B.r the distillarion of a Forays rtraf wj*- Ju'-Iper Rerrir* and !!>:'.-> Ms': * i L. *■ J mow eed ^K’IINtOKV. eh:cb ait* ,.r,-:i-ei7r m the Kidi.eya »iid Urinary Cigm .\n seteaih. noil's in the Ha<ld-»r ard anr alfanv-sw. vsmsge lU*, h-ator ir itMion in tic witrr uu>u<«kw* ine them airenrth. vigor ourr * Jri c-ilor and eas.' flow of u-ino It asn NeSaimcarag all timer, tn -* l 11.mates, w-thout *i :.- i au>dks- *yalero Unlike ary other pr,; -in,a .W Sure n-y dilfircHI * it has a very pies w-.-aiUii able t*s*e and (Isvor. 1: ovs:i i y.-> . gretic n opertPs and will not *, *1- ~p*cj»llv will liteit, and Genii,e.-p vJtes- Kl< NttUtN the a-st Kidiey Ton » , — — - N'niCE.-Fteh hoi tie iv-ni * * he Mi LdWRkbCR A MAKTiN also » ''r*aravsr*. Govermrent Ftamp, which pei-r it* Kf'y'.TtCRQR tube sold (eitkous lc i»r) hy triffikk, gvw cers and other por-om r vi n wtiere. Potumn Qiarterce BnitVs ter eTss».ia and Family Um. LAWKRNCR A MARTIN.Pio re, Ftmw, Sold by all druggists, * oter,, n. -J . , '-e- ne- where. -IKT $5,000,600. The American Shoe Ga. WAKBANT TUKiSt A^SjTjCo. lackTip That It now to extensively warn an. t| CHILDREN'S SHORES TO WEAR A3 LONG AS THE METAi* a Which wo* introduced by them, awt by -it^ the above amount lias been sav-it tu tesree^sm- r.ually. This BIsack Tip wall soser ft more, aa besides being worn on tbe <emt grade* It 1* worn on flate and euxety- aS*v, where tbe Metal Tip on account cf >Va Job . would not be used. Tbey al 1 have our Trade Mark Aa ML T-ffiV •tamped ou front of Tip. Parent* should A8K FOR SHOES w*tat* BEAUTIFUL, BLACK. m^hem^when^urchaain^oreLheir^^^g MILL &. FACTORY SUPPLIES C0F ALL KINDS. BELTING. HOSE k*Eir PACKING, OILS, PUMPS ALL lUttBL. IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, BRASS. GOODS, STEAM GAUGES, ENfiBfiE GOVERNORS, Ac. Send for Pr.c«-**I4. W. H. DILLINGHAM A CO., 143 Mu&i Street. LOUISVILLE, KY. BANJO B£r tticn Oil* ] np«r. H *RGShtbym«r kutruciiofui u t • •>AJo*n*cr»,-n» t ere •f Banjo**tv!«ui rfiicxH mdu aadTrsotfaucra TaMlntoDiaUajtrfi. ~1*»r tlarijo M ti iJ- u.sou at., ktta CROCKET! Iron MACON. Gi. ; o -j. Atonrwotk* on b-i ect-nih - beef 3HSb GINE HADE for GINNING AND TllfcKivie- INQ. Weguarinue it to .'.u . r i'kar. the mil ufactoreia eay i» u. i -u tx.t STATIONARY ENSlKaUS * From 8 to 60 Horjo Powb , There is no Engine msdn rnpctior H> it, * we have teaiimcciahs to- rrn;-*.. We reuu— faoinro Saw and Grist Mill® lhal give entire ta'itficPoo. Wo U »: :k» •ale WATERWHEELS hor^f. FO'TOBY IMPROVED GIN GEiR. SU<3A3tBAK3 PAN’S AND IVArOBAKlMk , And (be li :(■_ Horizontal tiagar ^iiS mtJe Alcb, IRON BMLT'.’O fnr era ode> nee. eto. BatPTINI nUXlB, sg, UKABINQ for*JI-»!i kit ds of mUltferh. In f.ct. we keep evriytMra that t aw. abcnteloamor water pjser or p.'vwscr® work. Oir COTTOIU P'iRS8 i* Mco-nStcr: note, being choip. simp's and -innH* ». bni dredi. sill attest, ti cd for oi:s(i'ay»aK$" prices before trying d’k-hI i » .IJ->w. Jn'iii«iy B OtCCniTkBKi* HOMES IN fl-ZMte f • the title of a qgw I InatraleJ ’.'amnVsiS#*- arri:tl*e of the coamry along ard tac tile hue oithe httmtiml atfl Gnat Kcilium >nd rout$!ns m iwtl OOINTY iSi? STATcJ. It ultorurliins Ine r.r«3JC4 f P*rac f> aud Hu.tcr»in f Zti+s FkRvis for sue )h mi, and tboss who will want Farm liana* IBeewsolff. ye«r. A eipycf ikisbnfik sill ho mslltri Jb»ka- tkost whs'esirerrliab’e ii-fumaiion sm»%'JS9e at upon application by l*lti r or pj*tai rud k» ALLEN McCsTT, Ofneral Freight nnd noviiw^m Kri’.'.t p *. 7>»a. November 11. )8bC.~Retire ie !*Tff j$-yhb! that Mm. N«not Chapman. V. * lip niii, hn* ippli d to we (vr Yslot;^ tad nr eruption of per* r »li* etr*l 1 v : ; ^ bafeL. • pp’irftiion ftt thi office ou the <s-> afXfc* 05^ b«r i»ext «t 10 to o’clock a. m. Witn«5*-ft iz.j hmnd oiBciaUv. novUwit HOI. a NUT. ROW Know Th^sed^, inphrl) liN mkY ol nnt cured. doubt thn uuertpu. f taral p'lrrjiftD^ th«j nsrtf aspIV^. wort pubitched bT HOUY UED1CA& rUTF. **-€8flNLw _ _ THF SOIthNCK «*£*§£• or. MlLP PRKoRliVATIOX. nerroua and pb.vki'R! erhil;*;,. ; r kopftlrcd by the error* cf ycuib c«- tr i too do»e application to ')u*i.u8j, n.ajr be : ed arid ts»nbood rrt»i'.«J. 1 mo hundredth ed -i »n. r*rif«d « r J Jo>l piftbhstied Uh aatfti:d<rd xsxh lb* b»*lin th# Kr.»f‘»'b irfUKu*,*.*, vosfco’% pbik j'.Rn of rroftt*, X* -m^ • trartipd ft atol*f and jcvp.'lul iicdkl )l* tionivl Medicfti AMrrCiftticn. )l iisyp. ful »tid rprjr «‘Zi*en>i?n • nffnmnx*. IbiwfenDr dml vagea, moi tbftn v«tua>>>o $« f or ftiNorm* of i»rc»ftiiiu«c t&* v>M> yeoea of oitot *iv« **n i cuere * eith rcf #hit b i« mot eh trn of the (took. Found in Krcneb cloib, jLXAr 9 1 , by mmil po Tb# Lufadon Lidwi »ajij "Vo *« nem »*>^i bo wnb ui $bu ptIuh! lc book. T!.e nobV kfiMbetor." An I'luftifftit ti fftaipio *-u* toftll os 6 re tilor pciUre. T b«* r tiers be pcrroi»*ion to K« . HIS hist. M O. pr siacci o: iLo StBtmA icm! a •« riaifon. Aridreift Dr W H PAR- KHR. No 4 Ettlfinrb M, BjiKr, Mffts#. Tbe «u- iht/r n a- r-o cocun’nd on ftll dtftoftse# rtqui^iij^ •kill lad (xperieuofls novX4) wlv HEAL THYSELF / v IUIOU. U»fi« CoUriT.-tiinra.Mkx, VJT lySeluill eisrut .-r r( Jacob *-j- i*l team m ) irpreun-* to ik-c ul in hi-ie'iticu te) jtrtt and eiiieif.l tb t h- his f:l'y i-s»»»a sa'.te r.f Jaeon e.hail This i , tb ref re. to ci e al, -r* rsosws*. ieg*>*«a> f eir* and ernu iters, jo show aae>3 any ibev ran. why vneeiiir -houl< mpfo d,wi aig-e) from hi. »aii cavnl- ikni|, aud-Wre omve l-ts-rs of dUn Urinn. at •.•»-,* rowt <Wta dinary tuk.orered o, in, t»' tiwedey te uary IW. a d to by ins men c-yihaoiatR, ot so n mouth. Vilstusa my h a nd -mi olfiria! J A ilcMif.U?. Oct A tteo-feu* JONEt cOUMf rUEKIFW &MUI YYTltL he eels h-J re th* -oort ho aodeawrw VY tbr sow* of Rlintoij. •'Siut/.d^kte tbe 1*3*1 boars of l-u Hu first Tbs-A-yJa January neat, aatwn y e. res ul l.-d mere oxkmm •djetetegtends ot K 1.. Ho lea-l or, llte s ia*HTi .ad John Jura'I on tbe east a. d shodowexlawdke of Vartka Heenst.n. lime' n aa tba-prenratea ot G-e*«a W. Hs-rnd-e iu t.rrl, a ft. fadmH CreteJoaoeUugerlorCoa tini-r.ref <t. AMki b’ekresMe. guard I «e, assimt Georgs temm fkA F-wwrty imiotot out by de'e- daakemte. MUee siren to him at teurnt iu pmwnataa. n* * *»d a t DecakiMtoME-