Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, December 24, 1880, Image 7

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♦ V * •*- r & Jfejewjeogjetr* SENATOR BROWN’S SPEECH Oo the BUI Appropriating Part of tbo Proceed* of the Nnla of Public Ijiudo to Public Education. Mr. Brown followed Mr. Morrill in support of the bill. He pointed out tliat nearly all our prominent men from Washington to Garlield, had been of poor parenlM* 1 ! ami had, by their thirst for knowledge and their industry, worked their way. up to the top. Doubtless thou sands of boys of equal capacity with those he had mentioned bad remained mute and inglorious through absolute impossi bility of overcoming unfttforablt; circum stances and obtaining'the necessary edu cation to lift them above tlie mass. It was wise to do away with tliis lack or facilities and enable every boy to sharpen ins fac ulties to the utmost. Mr. Biown referred to the great advantages enjoyed by New England in comparison with other sec tions of the country by reason of her su premacy iu education. She had furnished or educated most of the men who had controlled our public affairs. The growth of Prussian and German preddminancc were explicable by the education of the whole mass of the people, making every individual, man , , an intelligent aid to the state . In war or. Mime. There was special reason why the South should lavor this hill. The Senator from Vermont (Mr. Mqrrlll) had referred to the alarming amount of illiteracy in the United States, but had ' not analyzed. Unfortunately, it, was. unpruporlionately great in the South', due' reason for this was, that under the system br Southern society more attention was given to the education of tho ruling classes than to that of the whole mass. Auotucr reason was, the uon-cducalion of slaves. He did not iutend to discuss the moral aspect of slav ery. In former days everybody believed it to be right. The peoplu of New Eng land, wjio imported the negroes, as Well as the Southern people, who bought them, believed It right, lie merely wished to point out that there seemed to be a provi- denco in tbe way the black, race had reached its higher plrce. They had greatly advanced intellectually before the aboli tion of slavery, but there was necessarily a limitation to sucli progress under the old system. , There was but one way to abolish siarcry, and the two sections were arrayed against each other ou the subject. If tho Aiioliiionlsts liad offered to buy and pay fur the slaves, the offer would not have been accepted, nor would the whole people Lave submitted to taxation for that purpose, claiming tiioir right under the constitution to hold slaves. Providence knew liow to carry out bis own designs. The passions and prejudices oi both sides were aroused, and the only way to eradicate slavery was to tear it out by the roots. Tlie institution was staked ou the result of tlie war, and, while neither side contemplated the aboli tion of slavery at the beginning, the ter mination of tlie st niggle was its abolition, and thus another step was taken in this wonderful development 1n reference to tliis race. Front tbs prisons of 'African cliitfs they became American citizens. It was dangerous to enfranchise so much ig norance, and the danger was continuous. All are now agreed that the blacks should be educated, but tlio South was too poor to do it alone. They lost two billions of dollars in the value of slaves which they held constitutionally before the war; they spent two billions more iu maintaining their armies, and Immense amounts by the destruction of property. He thanked the framers of the bill for providing that tlie greater amount of the money appro priated by the bill should go to Slates where there was the most illiteracy. Ho complimented tlie teg roes upon their self- control and peaceableness under their new political condition. He had more be lief than he had once iu their future ad vancement among the races. The whole country was interested in tlie intelligence of the colored population. There was complaint tliat negroes were cheated at tlie polls ^ignorance can be cheated any where, know and will be less and less danger. He hoped tlie blacks and whites allko would be educated iu a love of republican institu tions as originally framed. They must be taught to preserve not only the in tegrity of the natiou, but tliat of tlie, .States, since this lias been and must be a union of States. Wliatcvei might be thought ofllie merits of tho war, let all now do what can be done for the common advancement of the country. Tlie National Surplus. “The Secretary of the Treasury, in bis annual report, says the Charleston itoirs and Courier, shows that the surplus reve nue for the fiscal year ending June 30, 18S0, a as $03,883,0-VJ. This was applied to the redemption of outstanding' govern ment bonds. For the fiscal year ending June 30,1881, the surplus (excluding tlie amount duo the sinking fund), will Jbe §90,000,000. The estimates for the fiscal year ending Juno 80, lt>82 ; Mve a surplus of$00,085,117. SinceISOotlic principal of the public debt, less cash iu tbe treas ury, bos been reduced hum $2,730,48!,- 071 to $1,890,023,740; a reduction of 8800,405,830. Tim refunding of tbe debt, since March, 1677, iias resulted in a sav ing Of $14,200,453 in the Interest on the debt; arid the payment of $109,489,830 of principal saves annually $0,144,737 more. The interest is likely to be still further re duced during next year, in an amount es timated at $12,101,420, by the refunding of the maturing debt. To the extent of tlie total annual saving, amounting to $32,539,020, tlie public expenditures will be permanently diminished. “No country in tlie world can furnish a financial parallel to the United States. In no other country, at any time, lias there been equal lapidity in reducing tbe prin cipal ot tbe national debt, and equal ra pidity iu reducing the rate of interest on tbo debt, by establishing and improving tbe public credit. Withal there is an enormous surplus. After providing for tbo sinking fund, tbe surplus revenue for tlie fiscal years 1880-1881 and 1882 is es timated to amount to $120,595,402.” Tlie Courier appends to this statement an appeal for the reduction of taxes, but a strange and anomalous condition is pre sented by Congress on this subject. Con gress is tbo only representative body since tlie days of Adam unwilling to reduce tax ation and lighten the burdens of the peo ple. Tbe reason is, that taxation in tills country lias become a money-making ma chine for tlie favored controlling few, while the voice of the tax-paying masses Is not hearth Attempt to Leap from the Capi tol Dome.—An cx-District attorney of Washington, while suffering from delirum tremens, attempted to commit suicide by leaping from the doom of tlie Capitol this afternoon, but his effort was frustrated by one of the Capitol policemen, wbo observ ing bis condition, fo.iowed liim up aud overtook him just as lie bad gotten astride the upper raf.iug, near tbe top of the dome. Mississippi Levers—'The House com mittee on Mississippi river levees met Thursday. Kepreseutilive Gibson, of Louisiana, alluded to tin fact that much opposition to the bill nov pending in the House bad been devehped, and that ■tany wbo lavorcd tie improvement scheme would vote against tbe bill be cause of tbe large amount, six million dol lars, which it proposes b appropriate. He was of the opinion tliat tbe amount proposed was greater than oonld be judi ciously expended, and that it might bo well, in order to remove objections and secure tbe passage of tbe bill at this ses- ••on, to reduce tbe amount. A general discussion of tbe subject ensued, resulting In an agreement to fix lie amount at $1,- 800,000, to be expended \j tbe Secretary of War, under the supervkion of tbe Mis sissippi river commission, In aetordance with their plans and estiantes, and upon rich works as they may select. Tlie chairman was instructed v> invito tlie Missbaippi liver commissioners to coma bn'ore the committee and give their views spon the subject. . i ‘tee-t. IISElfi* .A- Plantation!, An IT HAS STOOD A rouoh estimate of tjic extefU, of . the. tiade i:i wild game of St. Louis for the past year places the whole amount of transactions it $1,000,000. A single firm have exported for the holiday season to Loudon markets J,400 dozen .quail, 1,400 dozen prairie chickens, and 000. dozen wild turkeys; aud to the Liverpool mer chants, 2,000 wild turkeys... There', J* more Missouri venison this year [ip . mar ket than was ever before known. Bear meat comes chiefly from Arkansas, ante lopes from the far West,: the,borders of Kansas and Colorado, and deer is quite plenty throughout Missouri. :;..e 4 , . : The projected ship canal across France from tlie Atlantic to the Mediterranean will have a uniform depth of 27£ feet and a width of from 115 to 250 feet. The great majority of the French ironclads will therefore be able to pass through the canal in sea-going trim, though a few ot the lieavleat armored ships .will have to be lightened before making use of it. Tbo total length of the canal from the neigh borhood of Narbonnc, on the Mediter raneans to Bordeaux, will'l>a219 nautical miles, and it is calculated tliat, including tbe time taken to pass through the locks, a ship will be able to- traverse tbe whole length of the canal iu forty-eight boon. Garden Seed. Buisf's and Laodreth’s^ced fresh from the growers, iu five and ten cent papers, by the ounce, quart, gallon, bushel and barrel. Lamar, Baskin & Lamar. Win In want of drugs, medicines or fancy articles, the place to buy them cheap 1 is at the drug store of Roland B. Hall. He gives you a ticket with each dollar’s purchase which may win the silver lea service. tf We are now prepared to fill prescrip tions at all hours of the night. Tho night bell will be found under the right hand window of our retail store. ■ tf Lamar, Rankin & Lamar. BromtlfhU ■sagaw i Of everlasting flowers, together with an endless variety of straw and grass work baskets, sea oats, pampas plumes, crosses, wreaths, etc., just received and handsome ly displayed at tbe drug store of Roland U. Hall. The most elegant stock of holiday goods in tbe city Is at Hall’s drug store. His liberal oiler of a silver tea scrvico has made bis store the ceutreof attraction. If i Charles Hartman, Toledo, Ohio, says: I know it cured roe, and I hope others similarly troubled with pain in the chest may be helped by tbo “Only Lung Pad" as I have done.—See Ade. 10-1 w The North Carolina Cherokees.— From tho Adtocale, published at Tabie- quab, Indian Territory, we gather the fol lowing in reference to this tribeoflndians in North Carolina: “Wo learn from re liable authority that our brethren of North Carolina, numbering over eleven hun dred, are very anxious to remove to this country. Some of them are iu camps at London, on the railroad, awaiting trans portation which it seems was promised them by certain Individuals who we pre sume had authority to give the promise. Up to" this time no arrangement has been made, but a bill is now before tbe national council providing tlie ways and means to have them ail transferred to the country pnwsys pythaist or for improvement or progress. We say JL uillJ ft# IIAAmQVaI by all means let an arrangement be made - I fjr their removal West.” Subdue3 Inflammation, acute and chronic. Controls and Hemorrhages, Venous and Mucous. INVALUABLE FuK SPRAINS, BURNS. 8CALDS.BRUI8EL SORENESS, RHEUM ATISM, BOiLS, ULCERS, OLD SORES, 700IU- AOHK, HEADACHE, ASTHMA, BORE THROAT, HOARSE NESS, NEURALGIA, CA- , I TABEH, ETC., EIC. •./ -- : msimciiyKi r=^ Frftinfc£iri£m31Musi. -s,c. • r*mY tcacmc '4 ItnF. CTTIr! 'or ah tliedi*e,-xx tie vUeh U Sj rertirroie&deri.uid'always Jxrjtdly tajt ... -IVI» nil In ate-lnui-U c?i;y»i < lhc,iao!,t im*nef:*nocd.i)U>oi:s. PERRY DAVIS* PAIN KILLER •Jj Tfcommauicd by MiyxUlan*, AMMC Zfitttoxarl**, Ifanaprr* cf Work-Ohoi*, and » i» IwfpuaU— 3pcttem.<. -in short hr otyiyfryhi «rrjnrhcrt wl:o in’.-* ever given it a trial. . _ _ THE TEST OF FORTY YEARS’ TRIAL. D A ICJS f/|| I EFO 'BbnTil have ft place In every factory, laachlno-ihoft IV RlmLtC-Fw »nfl Sml.'cm'every farm anil plnntaVcn, pad in every' hon-i'lioh;. reedy far fiamod.ate WHMrKMlf doeakculent*, cut*, broke*, sores, etc.,but in. caw of sadden ticknes* of any itindj ,i«.n.. ,, .(*' 7L j- Q A | ISM If 11 a f* re in the v. cli-trfod and trusted friend of all who want ■ AVI 11 IVIIm|UE|Iw a tnrr nr.d safe medicine -which can he freely tsae<l Internal I y or externally'-wllnont fear Of harm rr.d with certainty of,relief. It* price brings it -within the reach of all; and it will ntmcnlty save many time* Its cost la doctors’ bills. For sale by all cruggL'ts at 25c, 50c. and 81.00 per bolUc. :*!»{,.,PERRY DAVIS Ac. SON. Proorioto'S. Prcvidenco. R. I- With. cotton , option. & Up-, Agents for Georgia..; And Lotal Agents thrcu&faout tin S ato. "■74 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. OA. declSwtf Varner's Sale, lifleev s Liver CURE SI 25 PER BOTTLE '* A positive remedy for all Kid- 13T, Liver and Urinary Troubles of both male and female. J READ THE RECORD: • It laved ury E B. Lskrij.Seltr*. Ala- “It ii tbe remedy that will rone tha many dis- »ie* permi-ir to wo a. on,“—Mother’s Msyzlet.- “Iths.rnWl *eT*tolesta and wet? endorse ments bom some of the highest medical tal-ut la the country.”—hew Y„rx World. j , “No Remedy heretofore dUeorcred ran b- held (orons' in comparison with It."—0. A.. llarrey, I). 1>., Wsthington, t*. C. This great natural remedy is for sale by all druggists in all parts of tbe world. H -TRY IT AND TAKE NO OTHER.— . H. WARNEd 6c < <» K'ichR'-tbu. w y A Down Town ar redan bavioa paraea eeveral tleepleee nlRbla, dis- tu bed b, the aaouioe aod cxia« of a tufferiug clu.d. and b<-couiio« ooovmced tU»t Sir*. WinelowV Boothm^ Syrup was just tho arti- clo needed, precu'ed nupply for the child Oo rc-aobu r home sad acquainting hie artfe with what he bad done, sbe refcacd to have it administered to tho child, as ehe wee strongly in fay or of hoc cepuhy. Thai Dight tbe child peered in Jufjtrimi. and tnc parents without ele< p. lletuicing home the day fol lowing, the father found me baby «ae ciiil woric; and while contemplating aLoihcr ■leepieaa night, tbe mother stepped from tbe room to attend to aomo do meat in duties and left the falhbr wnh the child. U. ring bar abaccct ha adminlitered a portion of tbe Hoolbinz Syrnp to U.8 baby, and eaid nutb- mg. Tbst ntgbt all tasafs rlrpt wall, anS the little fellow awoke in tbe morning bright end happy. Tne mothor waa deligh-ed with tioecaoen and wonderful change, and al though at first offended at tbe deception practice! upon her. h*i -ont-uoed to cas tbe sjrop, ar.d .ufferiLR cr, ing babies and re*t- lees nights have diaappeated. A siegie trial of the cyrup cover yet failed to reiieve tbe baby and overoom* the prejadices of tbe mother. Fold by all drngeUts. S5o a bottle, dea^lw «ri «4»»i ■ — I’onoiiH of Sense . Now concede tliat Wall street speculation Is as legitimate as speculation in grain or land, or-any other commodity, while it is often immeasurably more-profitable. How to speculate wisely can be learned from John A. Dodge & Co.. 12 Wall st., New York, who are every way reliable men. i.'lomatLi '■ .i. •'.] r- V. i A OARD - .if. To ail whom aulTenog irom tha error* ega -ndisereii-jtis ot joata, nerroa* woaknc**, early decay, 'o»a or mat boos. etc.. 1 will lend * reeipo tbU will cure you, KRKK UP CHARGE. This great remedy wax disi-orerel by a mi»ihmary in loath America. Bend a lelf-addresurt enretope to the Kev. Joseph T. Inman, Station 0, New Tork City. _ aprll-rtaodewly DR. D R WRirHIT DENTIST, BECOND 8TRBBr,...„_.^...MAOOIf. GA DBNriST RY. OB> S. B BARFIELD' rvo. oo Mulberry Ft. Omca House-> a. m. to « o. ta. an Mil HOLMAN ’S PAD Cirei WiM dei. TXADEMAUC. . ^ The Only True Malarial Antidote Ue Holxi* * P.H i» nogueai-work remedy- no feeble imitative expa-Uneot—no pariotnad I odge-nodgs of tome oib r inventcr'. idea*: it i* the Orgitiil ar.d only GBNUINK CURATiV* FAD, tbe only remedy that hit an honcrtly »c- qnirod rbtbt to tiaa the titi.i-aord' < PAU”incoii- ■ art Ion with a treatment (or chrome dbeaaaa of Xhe HiomatA kiotramil SpUtx. My a rotxnttv perfected laip.-i rement ( fleeted bv th ■ addition ot -ve«»Ubla mgredia ta of nee ly diicovcrrd remedial Talae and at I' rp'.lre adapt- abilitj. Dr. Holman h«# greatly tnerraard tbe acopeof th* Fad’a ureialnefi. and aporeeiablj acjmtutad ila active curativj power. . 1 Tlili areal imnrovemaut give* HOnVAN a ’PAD (with it* adiavanta) comp'elo and nnfailim control over the tnmt per.lstent and UDjMd- ir« l-jru n t.f Ciirouu- Uiwaw ol ih» sto*a«n and Liver, a* * ell a* Valarial blood toiaooimr. HObMAN’S PAIM lave cored, andaredallr rvicg: die*, tea of »o y kind*, that tbe lial 1* well uuh itteraiinable. It lneiooea Malar a Ponton of even tvp*. from Aching Bone* ona Lotc fixer* ta Chil’t an d Dumb Ague, MlXia- v:H Ill.Sa t**S. *uch at Ditpeptia, Iniligei- Hour Stomach Chronic Diarrhoea PUttm- Icticg. Heartburn, etc..etc: L1VKR “1-oR- llf.-V fit- flihiit'nest. USloni Colie Danger,' oan Fevcrnt tuck Headache Paine in the Atie Iti u.ct J)mere, Torpid Liver, He , etc Well doea this mieht" romadv Jortlfy the emin,nt Prof-uor' hub anouminm; ”XI la nearer a Univer al Pai.arca than anything In Medi- The auaen* af Hoi man’* Pad* ha* Implred Im itator* who oS« Pad* aimilar in Porta and Odor to tha gDOuina Hoi aan Pad. B*war» ft.Oueo begot and imitation Pada gqttea nb only to *en on th* reputation of tbe GHSUIaB Holman Pad. Bach genuine Holman Pad bear* the Private Revenue Stamp ol tba HOLMAN PAD COMPA NY. with the above Trade-Mark printed in *reed. giLg » y 4 r L firpC-CLAB DRDGGnT Pmme Abbott.—“Valuable and beneflei*L” Heywood Smith. U.D.. U. P„ of Kcg- laril.—“I have a,ed U with markrd beueflt.*' 1. G. Preaton. M. D.. Brw.klyn, N. Y.—“I >w of no remedy to generally nrefal.” _,rtbiir Gainnuc*. H.D..F.K O. 8., ofBei- land.-*»’.‘ib»verre*cribo4 PtpO’f Extract wiih griat aucce.fc.” CAUTION.—Pond'* Extract it rotd only m Lot Me, with tbe n*m* blown in glam:'.. - ]tisun*«f*tow>artberartfcie< with oar di rection*. Inutt ou Having Pond’s Extract Re fine all imitations cud tubititufti. , , u 8Pd0IIt PREPARATIONS OP POSiyaRX- TRAUT CUUBINBD WITHTH8 PCKB4E AND MOST DELIOAIB Pa PLUMBS L forladibs buUDm S, POND’3 EXTRAOT....590, fl oo and $1.75 60 25 50 .1 O' TOILET (JUEAtf. DEN1IPBICE LIP HALVE ......c. TOILET 80A1' (» cker).;.. OINTMENT — ....* OATABBH CUBE 1..., PLASTER a.i HtHALKB (glaas 50c) fttRAL' BVtllNQE MEDlOATEp PAPER E bYb PE o HALE cVBlNGE . 75 .. 25 ....1.00 :... 2- .... » ...........i—.'flM .rder* amounting to £5 worth ter.t expreva free on rnxiptot money on H.O. order. • Our new Pamphl*! with bktorj of our Prep-, arations sent free on-application to P3ND’3 EXTRACT CO. No. 1A W.nthBlreet,New York. 1 i by all druvgi.ta. r enrit to-Iow t The rarest and BcatMedlcineevrrmadc, A coroWnntlon of Hop*. Baclra, Mnudmk*, isti liunUoUvB. with All the bot.1 and mo l cum- ▼CTOoperttes of all other Kittci a nukkef tto creftt- € KIm4 Pirllrr, Liver Kefnlater, smd Life hil li.-mitii luwtorixur Accnt ou cfiit h. Wodheaaeortnbcaitncaa poertblylotur exist here Hop Hitter* are uaod, so varied and period are t’aclr ojerutuins. Tksy *tra asw II a aad xtfw-to f&# av«* am* lamna. To all whoso emptojinsQta cause Irregularity of iu bowels or urinary oryaoa, or a l.o n-quin> an Anpctlwr.Timlc and ml!J Stimulant, Hop Bittern are invaluable without iatavloattag. No nu-Oi r » hat yoar fodlrwi or symptom* are. ■hat the dlsea.-^ or aihr.rutT*. use Hop Hitters* i*on t wait ualii you are sick, but if you only t—‘ l«ulori3i<raUc,u.-u the Blttcrsatoncu. Itn save your lire, ft haa saved hundreds. do person or family abould be without tlmm. this day. VhoTTor for .Stomar h, liver and Khtncr Is nr—. (tor toall others. Cures by atoorptlon. Aak drilgylst. H.LC. Is an absolute andirrodsttbleeurefor drunk ennria, use of opium, tobaooo and narcotics: So^tvdmerku. i lop M f c . Co. RodmUr.N.Y. There is no civilized nation in tlie Western Hemisphere in which tlie utility of Hostel ter’s Stomach Bitters as, a .tonic, corrective, and anti-;bi!ious medicine, is not known and appreciated. ’While it Is a medicine for all seasons and all climates, it is especially suited to the complaints generated by the weather, being the purest and best vegetable stimn- Jant in the world. For sale by druggists and dealers, to whom apply for Hostetler's Almanac for 1881 - v ■ x* With tho Anti-Malaria. China nntl Fever, Dyi UviikW pepxts. I.ivcr Coai plnlnts. Klilncy .Vircctiim-i. Neural gin, Conatlpnfien, 8lck Head iielie, s-viuntc iomplulnln. ilillou*- nfoi, I'nlpilntion. nnd nil mnflnrJn! Dist-r.seN ivifliotiX inrdlclnn. No Doe. - ing- no inconvenience, nn-J a posilive cure. ■ Pnee. inetodfng-ilestto'Anti.Ms lam, f : oo. ' Ssnf by mail to any address upon receipt of ■price. Principal Depot. IIS Uernlnli At., im: to., Kill. Sold by DrufcIsU generally Huy none but Pines’* I’aicnt I.ives nnil Nfnrnnrh t'nri, others arc bulky, hard end troublesome to wear. JOHN fNOALLBJ^drnggist, Whole'als and Retail A.oLt, earner Kurth and P.|-l»rstreet*.;• ■ ■ ■ ■ - MUSICAL CHRISTMAS i j GKF1S. Mot (c eptable gift* to player* or ringer* will bd tbe following elegantly uound books. •A- in; one mailed pcit-tree, for tho pnee heru mentioned. ttOBBRTVRANX’S BONG ALBUM. GBUS OF ENGLISH SONG. HO It B CIRCLE. Three volumes, WORLD OF SONG. 9 PLANO AT BOMB. 4-band collection. Situ\VEd OF PEARL?, CRBMK DE l.A CRBMB. t VoIj r OPS RATIO PEtRLS. GSRS OF STRAUSS. GEMS OF THE DANOB. CCU.-TE l OF OHMS. MJNBHINE0P805G. ^ K «h of tbe above in Cloth £259; Fite Gilt £3(6. bTUTSNrS LIFE IN SONG. <LS0. CURIOSITIES OF KU8IC. £1.80. DEETUOVEN. A Bo nance by Ran. $I.M. RUXME3 AND TUNB8. Cbrittmm Offg. -I 80 hUI.LlViN’S VOCAL ALhUR. !:l 80. k'llit T FINGBR8- For Piano. $1 Aik 0:.<VER DITSON4CO.,Boiior. 1 | 0. H. DITBON A OO. gR’dway S.Y DR. SANFORD'S Ths Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, andcuresLiverComplaintsJaun- dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos- tiveness. Headache. It assists Di gestion, Strengthens the System, Regulates the Bowels,Purifiestho Blood. ABooksentfree. Address IDr. Sanford, 162 Broadway,N.Y : FOR SALE Vg AT L SBVOOZBn’- EOOKAWAY FOB SALE- ^ Borkaway carriage will be told Unapplied for »ood al a great bargain. Apply at octWHf . TUIKOFPIOB. If CHOICE FLORIDA ORANGES. Ju*■ received and lor tale cheap by declT JONB8 A COOK. FBUIT TREE8. A Select lot of Peaeh Tree* of all tbelewdlng *ort<; alw Peer tree*, (including thele Conte), Apple and Plum treat, GrapeVinea. Shrub*. Roaea, etc.,for *eleby DlTID MILNE, decS-dlw Reeeairunt Nureery. Macou, Ga. Le CONTE PEAR TREES. ■pOR *»1e, two hundred chiloe tree* of-above variety; raised near Thomaiviiie, and at Thom- axville price*. du*15-lw T. B. JOHNSON. mi 11 for Sale. T>E1NG dreirou* oi eloring out one of my **w I » mill* cn iccountol tbe icarcity of timber, 1 offer for Mle the entire mill, eoeririing of one artj-boree power engine, boiler and Arturo*, rewi. t’clt*. cart* tool*, etc., and in' fact allne- reul’ie* for carrying on the law rail! Onune-i. I will veil tbe miU or any ol tbe flxtnreiaepa- reto. end xiill lead on car*. Anv one wi*hing to onrehaoe a mill will do wed to corre*pond with me, for I xriah to aril “eoember 15th. and will toll atagiea MCnOce. Addre**, W.W.THOBP30N., Bmithvilie, Ga. t«S dtw and «uwt> *** | ■ ~ NOTICE. rpHIRTY day a after data th* lwtal adverti*ln« JL in the Abend** office will be done in the T- Irgraph and Memeoger for Crawford county. Oeo.gia. ^ BOND, Sheriff Crawford Co. He*. •. lMM-wlm C. M- DuPreet *- ATTORNEY AT LAW. BYRON, HOUSTON COUNTY, GA. ■ - ssw®- TAEE NOTICE. All o rr.;*pondd.oe should >e w.lh M. A. Daa- phin a> below, la ail ca e< iLe TICK8TS tbem*-lvc* are tent, and neve- < ircuUia cCerlng errtillcate* or anything dee :n*tead. Any one proiotlng t* offer anything cite bv circu’arir other wi*e, on hi* oan beiuuf or that (A the Com pany, i* a * windier. A •PLAN 1*1 B ePPURIIINIIY »0 WIN A FORTUNE. FiR*T GRAND Olff- TR1BUTION, OLAAA A. AT NBW ORLEANS. TUESDAY, JAN. 11. l«l-12Sth fiesthir J0prawk»K. lotri-ul? »!T ;kiton> Louisiana State Lottery GomptDV. tbi* Init'.tnticn wa* regularly incorporated by lh- Leeulature oi the State tor EducaUuo*! an* Ohantable parponea, id 1148, for the term of tweuty-Ov* year*, to wl-irb contract th, inpiola blefaitb «l the Statu U pledged,wl Uh plulxehti been renewed by a.i overwhelaing i-opular rate* •ccuring it* iranchUe in tbe hew cui.atitution aooptrd December 3. ISIS, with a Capita.' of -l.uOOtOOO, to which it ha* *mee added areoeere fund of tmooe. ITS GHAND SINGLE aUM- BSBDRAWINGS will take place mootblyoa tie sect nd Tuc day. vk aidul It never isJe»o> po*tnon**. Look at th follow ing Dixtrlbutior,- - ,1 *' - -1 rJtr.i • ■ OAPiTAL PR12B 13JJXKI. :/■, ■06,000 TICKETB AT TWO DoLLAB‘ EACH Hal F TICK8TS. ONE DOLLaR. I LIST OF PRIZRB. f * ^ -l 1 CapitalFnu.......... ......... i-SOOOO 1 Capital Fklre^. JO,060 1 C«pDai.Ft)M..|^ mmr+mm-n 8 0*0 A Pnvst of /r --i| i •, 1.010 5 Prite* ot l.wo..-.,’ s ooe Id 'rixuvof ttl) m! 10.0U0 10J Hrixv* ol 1C0.M, lo ot*; »i0 Prite* of v 10.1*10 SOI) Pr.t.r* I.r SO 10 (**) 1)00 Pmre of 11- — lo.ow 0 approxlmaticD Prite* of 1300 *,7ou 0 ipiiruiimation Pnu * of 300„..„„.„, 0 a-.,.intimation Prite* of i.88’ Pritea, amounting to SUC.401. pakt: p y . -. - . Kreiwiiiible o-ropo-dlnr *renffc wanted at a I point*, t j whom libeial compensation will be ptld. \r.’ r.J in For furth-r Inforoiatio.-i, wrily clearit. riving full add ret* coed order* by otpre** nr Reg!*- tered Letter or Money Order by mail, ad- d---e-i or.l< to YVnlo for circultrt or •<-nd nnjrya to Jf. A. Danpliln > New oneam, La. Jio. 310 liruadtt iiy. Sew York. AM our Grand Kitr», ruu.ary l>r»ou x* are under ibe aupervi«icn and munirempp: ot Gen- • «t> a. T. ME lUKLQaltD and JUBAL A. MtRLY. • ... . • „• IT —27th.— Popular Monthly Drawing of tee Cnnmaliii DisiriMtion Co., AT MACAULBi'8 THKATKM. In tbe City of Lcuiivlile, on FEIMY DECEMBER. 81st, Theaedrawing*occur monthly (Sunday* ex April 0, 1878. «B-Thi*is a ipecixl Act, and hat cav er been repealed. The United Btates Uireoit Conit on March 31 rendered tbo foliotring decirion*: let—That the Commonwealth Distribution Oompery is leg* 1 . id—It* drawing* are fair. Tbe company ha* now on hand a la-gv reacrVe nnd. Read oarel lly the list OT prizes for tbe DECEMBER DRAWING. 1 Pmr..—....... M. I Prime J Fn*o...n 10 Prize* 31.O.-0 each M ..„, 13 Prize* 300 each 100 Prize* 100 each ICO Prize* tOoach I3(t Prim* tOeeeb. i.000 Pritee 10 each. 8 Prite* SOOetoh, ap’roximat’n prim* 0 Pruea too earn do do 9 Prise* 100 each dc do LMOPriiee OlUoO Whole Ticket*. r>3. Half Tioket*,3L £7 Ticket*. .<80. 85 Ticket*. floC. emit Money or Bank Draft I* Letter, or reed bv Exoret*. DONTitKND «Y HKGl’Ti'SBD LETTER OR PtfST-OFFlCE ORDER. Order* of (8 and upward, .by Express can be tout a* our expense. >■ K. M.BOARDMAN. Courier-Journal Huildiog Louisville Kentusk*. 807 and *nu B-nadwav N T T.i. parry. AManta. Gs. .4“. tHE | giant fl SAW • ’ VUs Wondo-.-ful XmpMvad SAW MACHINE Every Farmer aid Lumberman need* one. ’ AGENTS WANTED-CImUraad tanas Free. - AUfam f AIEUt MAMFAITMIM CA, 1 1V8 Kla* ■<>«»<, thaaiaaaH St 6v*d Kens for Traveler* to sr iron Carepe. ALLAH LTN£ Royal Mall Steamers Will perform tbe following service during Win ter season lSbO-SLs From HALTIMOKB on Tuesday. November 13. and PVKRY ALTER NATE TUESDAY far* Qaneaa-r town. From BOSTON every THURSDAY tor LIVERPOOL via Londonderry. T l* Line of fer* superb C -bin accommodation, and mate* a specially as to kind treatmsnt to Rteeraoe Pss- seugers. Rates for ftterrege and iutermvdlate a* low at by any brat-class Line. For o-itwsrd acu Prepaid Tickets apply to HENRY B. UEES. Ctahier Lawton’s Bank; I •* igeht at Maeoa, Georgia, t nil or to LEV4 k ALDRN. General Fassenger Aa’lt *97 B o«dwty,Ne« York: 103 South Stb St. Phti- adriphis: 8 Stale 8t. Boston. uortt Manhood Restored. A rictim of early imprudence, causing nerroa* debility, premature decay. et« . having tried in fain every kmwn remedy. ba< diseovered a sim- E ie mere* of self-cure, w teb be will tend free to ft fdlo<-*!'ffer»rs. Address J. H. REEVES. 43 Chatbaontrert New York. nctlteodawiv Brew® Loog Besiorer. THE ONLY RBLUBLS AGENT KNOWN FOR THE Cure of Cousumpticn. No more hemorrhages from the lungs after using the first bottle. We woo’d rccewroeLd t- k'l who tsv»il ; je**. ed«* and Tho*'. lid* s’.rnnir me irir e Mumber* of euosumnt v», ever in the las' * taay* of Ibis te'riole dioeaaa *rl > r.> there x» hut ■ •mall portion'd tie iunc left, tevtif.v that U-ei arre-led the dlrea-e by using • two c.r thr e toule* ol Brewer's Lung R»» Their ph\ «- ici ns pran.:uncrd them incurable and leftiiwa to plus away and die. apd death wauhl have soon b*en the reiul;but fu* anmtl.v use of lhii a ti da. Weareara I aaarethat wehavea gnat deal te contend with in Irtrodurinr tf ia remedy, at Sh*re b»»e b o-i ,ro nsaii? wcrlhleM u< •truma *c|1 h- retofore but we are Gruiiy coi vin cd th«* lgo new have the long looted for L'cr--, that we are resdy to say to mil who ham tbla dweare ib»f Wdflimty and (ouaricutnuab believe that no matter bow lar gone they are, if Ihet wi ) i te tbe medie-ne by the dlisctiiou* tney will live long vt are giterwards, livb g a itne: set of th-. vtr toe of .as • •• Brewer’s Lung Hester 'u ha* no equal in Brecehitia, Sere Throat, Hcara-neat. ebortneiaof Breath, Icfluenz* Pair gXS r:nrt ' L — ^ * 3-< a — •? §?g||> pig | : @ wgf’' Slf-*' H fa 1 » In Kid*-, tl- rg>-n«u'« f*oroTnio*t. Catarrh, and ^ ? i-- 3 " 3 er er § «9 » ^ 3 othirdiaeaai a of the threat and lungs. In An h- ' SfraS^.®*" ma. it glvn alm<,*t inita- t-.ipou* relief. Itgivra s - c 5 9 “ — toi.e to the whole ajklem. aud < very hot-lo will add from five to ton uound* to auy one's weigh if taken resularlv. An u/sut can take It with out tbe »'lghle*t iniurv and we would urwa pa- rents to give it in case* cf W hooping Cough. Bad Colds, and other diteiae* wb-re x- cb a tn -.Urine is leaded. Uni ke therfe* vr po-tionCough Medicine*, this has not a par ide ul morphine or other plates in it on ■ HUNT.RANKIN* A LAM’R. ■ ■■ v . Xacir, Ga. Administrator’s Sale- G EORG IA. BIB P. COUNTY -By virtue tfsn , erd«r from M e Coart o* Crd-itarv, I wiU sell before »> e .curt h-«i* door -ifi said Bihb ojunty, on the first Tuesdiy in J«nu*rv.lfiaf, between tbe lrgsl lour* of sa’e, the fullswing property, to-w t: The ooe-b>If undirided inter cut iu s.b(.m thr. c hundred acre* o! lain! mo e or less. Mtuaied in Jlihb cou.-.ty, juttbclpwjhe rity of Macon, which land wan in 18 3. sold by W. A. Cherry to Little k Smith, of Macon. Ga., and afterwards said Smith sold hi* half interest therein to Edwird Wing o' said county—adjoin ing the lithls of H. J. Pe'er, a-rt other*. Sold a, the property of Davids, i.itile. dec'd for thepurpoae of settling aiih hi*h*l «! A B. ROBS decTwlw Adra'r of David 8. Lima, dee’d. Administrators Sale- TTTII.L be cold before tie court bouse door in V V the lowu of Clinton, atnn count). IWr gia. on the first Tuesday in Jat uaiy next, witl in tbe legal hours of sale. O'e bnnnrrd (l(O)actea of land in Jonee county, eight miles west ol Clinton, bel-Eging to retata of G. B. w» ocas- d—good land, two lo* bouses, good (curing and plenty watersnd pine timber—adjoint Lnrg. Glover, and other*. 1 hold to pay deb. a of estate. Term* essh. Tbi* Derembi r 1. Iipn. - d c7td<* , . |W. P. Gt.OVER; Adm’r, G eorgia, bibbc- uniy.—t 0 *ii *hom it roiy . on-vin . J. M. Parker haru g hi p ion to lbs fur permanent letters tf admu.istrstioD on tf e .aiato ol J. V. Gor-Jou. late o. mid tount; Je orae*d. This is *o cite all and siogulsr toe creditors acd klu of said J. V Gordon to bo and appear at my ciUn- within tbe time al nwed by isw.tx-wit, onlbe Aral Minday in Jtnusry r.cit to show cause, if any ibey cun. why permanent lettered adiainirtratt'.n should not be granted to slid J. M. Parker on (aid J..V. Gordon’* est-te. W Uness my baud end cQlcal signature this Dcoember 4, t8!0 dec3std> I A.KoMANCP,Ordinary, JONES COUN I Y 8HERIFF SALE W ILT, 1^ ,old before th« «urt homo doer in the town of Clinton, Jnms county during tbe legal hear* of aale, on tbo first Tuesday n Jsnnary noit. lot No. U3, conlsin:ng ’.wo hur- dred acres, more rr less, adiciniug thehndsof Jerry Lowe. Levi K'mlAw. and others. Levied on ss th < i-roperty ot Bicbard T. Gib,ou to satire Ivafi. fa. issued fiout the Puperior Court ol June* county in favor^ofTh-nra-John.or. against “icbsrrt T. Gibson. Propo*ty poinffdentbv ifenifanf. 8. J. Piill lPE. n-itt wfq Deputy Sheriff. a S mm- rr c.a. g. ^ "nf- I £a • 1 s» m Cft JEXEOOIOJl'8 SALE. B Y virtue of Authority con'erref upon us bj tho will of William P. Mathews, late of Talbot county. Oeorrio. we will sell r.t the place of bolding pub>i* sale* in the cits of Msooo, Kit.b county, on the first Tuesday in Jsnu n next: Tnirlt-twn shares of if e capital stock of tho Ceoiral Balfroad and Banking Company o' beur * Hi ky shares of a o- thwe*trrn bsflrotd stork. (to <1 tor tlie purpose ef distribution scue.o' th - hairs of said deceased; Terms cash. JOXItH B. PARSER. I-- RODRJOK LEONARD. Dec 1. 18t0.-w4w Ex cutois THEGREAT Kidney Regulator And Diur*t?!c. K DNEGT.N i* h.gliiy reson-iB'r df A aw8 at»orp«M»d for WB\K or F Xu Ji*I>N£j» DHOP Y BsIGRt’d oi-iEt:'!’ LC8M*HF KNEKGY. NERVOUS DMJtLr-Y -,r urw OniTHOOriOia xrtoitg from OBNVBi aw tLSDD 'K L'I-i-£AS?8. Alro 'or 7KLLO« FfcVitH BLOOD and KIDNEY POISOKU® •n lu’ected mthriv. tecti n* A9*By Ikedislillatlo > of n »n—-t f-'.-f a At jueljier Berries and Bariev M. t aehav. o’xmjr e*d K'DNMKN. wtiofc a-t* i.r lo.-a.’ty «w Hie Sifi.ets uel Urinary Orgin . r t n;. -rzgtft. posi'atn the Martdarn ri an/ ai-a-.u.* -, erkii inr, h*ator ir. itetiou ill the w*ti p . - v». i-». yiw ins Ibtm atren<th. vigor aiiic 1.1i; -- ,-v- ^ oiior aud east flow of urine 11 . -i ho rtwsr^ all rlmea. ia » 1 rIimalea. wiSboat ir.far tw Otm ►y»:em Unlike an) other pro;- n. te- net diificnlti t 1* h*a s very pV..-. -< *r, r ajtaare^ a'ie Usiean.l fliror. Itoonur* P^-i.rve Piz> rifle p oi-e-li-s «rd will not eeiroate. tisdBM- e-perpillv will l:l(> (t, an-1 G-< - (ven wjl - Ki' N KG hN 7 K e h st Kufi.ey T'-t.:c f ret mrik N‘*T ICK.—Kach la>: i'* h*-a. a p.e aig, atosw efif IilWg-Mlk A M\hTiN.;.I'o h OruwneWanr Gov~mrrowt Stamp, which wn mKir/tl (MW Prbesold (wilioot 1 c rre) bv crugf .ii*. grt>- eer* and ot her perrons evr r * wfinre. I’utnun Boitlis for Gw.aam and Fanoiiv Use. LA.WrtRNUS k MARTIN.Pio.-'C. —-r. S' w hy a I druRgutr, g-oc. r-, a:..i t or, w.-.ere. rrp'Swyy- LAMDBEIHS! 17Q1 SEEDS KSBEST1 l/o4jw«issl IflRtMUdPrietl. The OldrM cuul gno* aXUnsix* Seed Gnnterk in tha United. St-ites. UAVIDIaANDKBTB a- HONSwPHILADjL^A. BliimjiE AOTIUE. G B"RGIA, JONK8 COUNTY.—Tier* will be -et iefore Ibe court hmsed nr in the own ol Clinton, thrice tho legal be ur» t.i a 1-. on the flrss Turaday in January neit, to the low est bidder, a contract lo build a Siidge. ver ehnal Orer-k.near U. J Marthails lull, on the preseni brill e •«- *n *a‘d county, »o ording to t'efolio»mv aiecificatlon*: The bridge t-> K* oi.o hundred fertlcng with sidu rail:n»*of4i4scantling, thrro ai.d ab*ll Iret ali"Ve Or g. wpilh |v<lre fe-’ btlwsen rail lng«, rills a- c *Wpa-snot le?a than lPili fl.o ing lit -pla-k with dir*, nhulmen a Tn aholp itruciurn in b- oi Q-at.clk-* Lew msteru 1 . bond in douife tho aoio-int-bl th* bid w th twogiard auc stive t rc-untiea will be nqu red to- theco'uip'eti- nnf t> eeon rarf b> tl.e lSthd-y of Kenruary lol'osin*.and tok-epthr bndseiu a good a-,d a.*’* cio-ein* ccnauiaii fer v-hiclcs * l all kiud* for Seven yrars Irom tbe day Ibe bridge is turned uv*y. The money will be paid cash o.t finlih'ng the bridge. RtuHARD JOHNSON , nQ’g0w4w • County Judge doiiea County. G n EOBGll. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas Geo. O. Freeman.admlnistrttor of iheestaleof 1 alhenne A. Knoraan, Isteif said de ceased ha* msdo application for leave to sell two K fin the city of Macon, with impr-vemrr.t* iiereon. snown )n the plan ofsaidcliy asloti number three and four, mb'oek many three; snd • wild lot of laud of forty acres in Tumpkih ct unty, Georgia, and known aa lot 8 3. in 12tb district, first section; also threesbarea t.f the cap* -tal stock Of the C-ntral Uallro d and Bsnlinr “on pany, and fin snare* of ibe rapttsl stcck af the Krchauee Parker tbe city of Mactn, all be longing to rotate These are, therefore, to rile and admonish all nursocs cot rented, to be snd appear at tbe Court of OrdiDsrj of sa d c.-uniy. oi ths first Monday ia January next, to stowcan**, if any they have* why sail spplieation should tot be granted ■Wltncee asy eOeisl signs tor*. J. A. MCMANUS. Ordinary. aecTwtd# Kp. 1 Lot ofLoLil tor Sole. B Y virtu* cfsn order from the Court of Ordi nary of Naton county, will be told to tbi bis best bidder .Ik tbe town of Clinton. Jonei county, witblo th* legal hours of sale, lot ol land N* 16. in tie truth id inf riot or ongion’.-y bald- win now Jones oo'-nly. and sdj-iiuing lands of J. PjBanf. Mr*. IA. ■ Hu* f, - John St iwatt et al, the first Tuesday. In January. IS Jl. said loi tain'rg’ one hundrel and ninety-six acres, mere or 1ms. The land lies imo»di»'ely on the leocnt survey of the Msoen and Ilrui.Bw-ck rail- ro d i xti n- ion Bold for the pu rpcsj uf reinvest • ing in other lards. ... oeitwtd* TT.H.1BFEE Trustee. ri S0RG1A.CRAWFORD OUNTY.—Will b» (j told before the curt bonre doer ta Knox ville. Crawlord county. Ga , on tin Out Tuesday in January i.eit, the followit g nroperty. to-wit: The east half ol lot one hundreo a d tweity- six, -IS) situated in the.seventh district of Craw lord county, o-iginally Homtu ecunty: biurded the north by tbe land* of J.- R Luko* _ the west east and south by the lane's ol B. W. Kand'oed.' Eaid land told at the properly o! lb' (state of W. R. Brown, deceased by vir tu-of a decree made in the Superior Court of Ktbb county, in tbe case cf W. R. Biown. cave ator, vt. Amanda O. Brown etal Sold for the purpose of earrj Ing out tbe provision* of a* id de cree. Terms: one-third casb.o e-tbird in three months and one t lrd ;n twelve mo ths. wiih eight per cent, interest. Purchaser reeciting bead for titles or c-f (ideate of purchase* W. R. JIROWN, kxeeutoe *«t*** vr. B. Brown, dec’d, and com. ia equity nov»w4w* ‘ ' EX,EOUTOK*a SALE. I N accordance with an order of ths Court of Ordlna y of Bibb county, will be told at Lbe Court Hou-e of said county, on tho first Tnra- riay in January 1UI. between the usual hsure of saio. tbe undivided one half of spa-cel ol land in therity of Macon in said county, known in A B. Board man’s map ol mid city a* part of lot No. 4 in sqnare Nos 10. and being that part of said lot on which tbe brick building fronting on Meeond street stands occepird chit fir as a iob printing office by Meeers. Heifert k Co., snd the round immediately in the rear of said bouse. To be sold as the property uf the estate ol Mrs. _>rah A. Weed. I*ie of said county, deceased, to pay the debit of dreeaaed Terms cash. . CLIFFORD ANDBR80N. • 1 xecutor ot will ol deceased. d*c7w4w r ri ■- ■; - .g/I q - f, rc FOE SALE. M Y FARM in Houiton county - 89) acre*. 186 doored; thirteen miles aoc'h of Macon on Factory road. Will sell stock, farming in p e- mnntt. corn, fodder, etc., enough to run the place. Come and ace it. W. P. Bllf MOKE. declOdfifarise Byron. Ga. $tw gUU’crttemntt*. A HOUSEHOLD NEED. Bend3-cent St*mp for an 80 P*ffs Book on “Tlifi Liter, its Dlieam and th*lr Tnatraeat.” ' 3 1 -* w INCLUDING MALARIAL TROUBLES, Btc. Addieu DR BANFORDi 162 Brcmdway, New York- VSTBai S7 7 im YEAR Ontfit VICKS BY. Augusta, Me 'A E uanruedat'. N. , for ear Oco. P. Rowell A Cm, » PIU ft ■ABIT B M. Woolley Atlanta, Oa. Reliable evi- dnee given, rod refiareneaM H*hii mv4 itamra Fftll $ lOOO REWARD For anv rare of Blind. HlgreHng. Itohlug. ri—- r*W. or Pro* rod ing PILE'S that »* Mart Pile Seatady toils to cure. IT spared by J. P. MILLKR. M, D.. PbiladelpUa. Ps None •ooiue wiihcut bU si.nmtura. declUa th atom G BCRGI* BlHB COUNTY.—Wkeeeas Beti- l.mln Gram* ha- applied to me tar the sui ting sp rt W bomgswad of acid the valuation (t the tame, i will paas anon said ap plication at toy oltoion Saturday, January tth, ml. at 18 0*0(00* a. m. Tbi* Deeembcr 17, tfiafi. drollwto* J.A McMAAiU9.OrdirogF. RDINARY’B OFFICE JON 88 COUNTY, \J GMORGU, December U IMO.-Wbereas Willie Bober’s baa app.ied to me for dismission from gaaidUnahipef Mrs. V. C. Roberts. These tre thereio-e to die all persons conne-n- Od to show eaaie at this office oi the first Mon day in January pest why Ue same shall not b gHUlftd* ess my band officially. dec Sid* ROLAND T. ROSS, frdinaiy. i r. Bicord’s Bestoratlve Fills re a specific tor Exhausted Vita’itv. physical Debility, ate. App-oved by the Academy of Med Idas al Faria, and by the medical celebrities ef tbe world. Prepared after the fcrn.ula of the relebiated Da. RIGORD,containing no phoepho- ros or eantharidr*. but are purely a Vegetable, Sugar Coated Plll.L Pxsis, IM Rue de la Rambraa. T have been recommending Da. RICORD’fi BRfifORlTIYB in my practice to hundreds of pet ent* lot fiexnai Debility, acd never beard uf a single failure. DR.C. CHETaLIBR. Da. LTSRtG. tbe great German chemist, says -Dm. BIOOBD’d RESTORATIVE ir organic. u> A UborttoTT (OfaDound.** Da. RA8VAIL write*: -In debility of theses nal organ* it never fails to cure." Price i Boxas of filty, si so, buses of 100, *a 00. Sent per meil in sasled box on reoeipt o* price. For sale by LAHaR. RANKIN. LAMAR. Atlanta, CAUTlONl A spurious article is advertised as Rirord’s Yi til Restorative, do— is pills per dev. which pre tend* to he from Paris an made tome, and not from Dr. Ricori’a f ■ mala octU dif) ’as lhrs 3m A BEAUTIFUL HOLIDAY PRESENT I vi*l send pmt.paid tov On. Dollar a hand- row* Corot Pin .nd Drops a«t Pair of ■ »vh a is. autd plated tnaa rg Oaniwt im eeught rf a jews sr (or *t.*0. Money refended if nos setlafoesory. A- PALMER. Manufacturer, docwiddawSa**^'**^ N*W Y°rk Oitv. M Bibb County Sheriff Sales. W'll be raid before tbe Coutt H nee door in tbe aty of Mscod, dr.img tbe legal honra of rale, on the first Tnmday in Januxty l8Bl ibe folloariog properly, lo wit; Lota rf laud Noa 114 ai d 141 eaoh lev taipinc 2 2’-£ so’ee, more oil lera a.toa’ed in the third dulitct of orglnUly hoadtii now Ribb ooomy. Lbviec. ou ns tie proptri; of Peter June*, deceived, to sati.f. a 11 f * la- ■ned from Monroe fcbp-rior Court In favor J. bn D lloce'cj tf. uniiib Waller, admieix- traior uf Pd er Jonee. d'ceaeid Ptoptrty piiatod oat by plsinfiO ’a xttornoy. Also, at the axme time aid place, tbe noriiieni half of lot No. 2 in block No 21. aocoiriogto lbe p:s& uf of Stsoou, inaaidounoly ot Bi^b, said l--t No 2 coc> tainingooe-Lalf ef »n note, divided i. ; in twj lo e, onusebuf which tbort- ia a S-room frame dwtlliujf tome. L*.t ed no aa lhe piupe.iy or Elion Cronin to eathfy a A fa. i-»u d from Uibb Bnperlur Gcurt u. f .vor of Poter a A Oa. Ta Flien Oronia an . John H *rley. aecnrity. Properly pointed out Ly plaintiff's attorney, pd Also, at Ibe tame lime an 1 trlaoe, all that (raot or psros 1 ol laod -ai'ua'ed m the ct'y of M«ciu il > b coimy. Ga . xiid suo c in .L-- plan of eaid <s(y M lot No 3 'n bU^k 12 coo tainloft ops acre, mo e or Its* b-itg the aamep ticbaaed by W llisia fi . p> <-u j'r.m. John J. Gresham, xnd d*e,l for esmo record- *d >'■ U>erk’• offlo* of Bibb ttapiuor (JiUfi— P*4«27J. Feb narT US 1172. Levied only virt e uf 0>.e mor'gas-e fi f> teau.d f Oo. 11',bb Bn-enor Oun-t in favor uf M. Loti, f jr- mer anmtni-trator of M Elmer, decs-red. forth* use c-f Frxirto Eisner, the prts*nt admiidetralor or taij ’•.- Eieu»r, d ceuel, va. WiHiaic Utephoo -Property, pointed int iu arid ruuTfcegc A fg.- . .. • . K , . • Al o, ‘h* •-raet’mo aid p'tee orebixek mare ram.', named kluilie, abs-nl seven « ears o'd Lvvied ou at 'h* yrupetly of M U. Wadaworib to astia’y a morlg*j.e fi fa. i* •ued from BiLb Hnperior (ctitt in favor of Thoms* B-gby va M. O Wadaworib. Prop erly i-utnttd out iu attd mortgage fi f«. •■.'iVfl.a pfl. Ml ’ GEO V: OWERRY Sheriff. • ^5,000,000. The American Shoe Tip Cst- ' j WAJiUAKT TiiEIK A. S. T. Co. That is now so extensively worn on (( CHILDREN'S SHOES TO WBAB AB LONG A3 THE iTETAL, » Which was introduced by the:n, r.-,d thealiove amount lit* been aave.l t-, i. nnally. This Black Tip wilt save >4 msre, as Ixeidcs being worn on Hit* eou. grades it ia worn on Mae amt csrettyr atoa where tbe Metel Tip on account ef Ua tat would not be used. Tlrey all have our Trade Mark A. S. T. C) stamped on front of Ttp. Parent* should A8K FOR SHOES wiih «t BEAUTIFUL BLACK TIP Otj^toemjrhryinrchluiDjrito^Wj^ctojjljmr. MILL & FACTORY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. BELTING, HOSE sss£ PACKING, OILS, PUMPS ALL KINDS, IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, Ac. Sand for Pr'ca-lw#. W. H: DILLINGHAM & CO., 143. Maim Street, LOUISVILLE, K Y, BANJO IScDdsa txts pspre lattraclioa* — --ar-ar.r Csiatoswior.-,t.ui:r>a.*,uwartw si Banjo* and all oth* r VowtUn, mbs aD'l Trimmer, inrUsais, TtatlmaDlslf sn.r Ci.aarSaa. How Baato *ada«w. Bozroltoa BJ.. Itn illiu g O RDIKAJY’S OlDci*, 1 Jokss Couulv. Georgia, November 1. lfau.—Where** Andrew J. Htewart. administrator ef estate fo«eph C. Har- brp reore ad. »i>o)ie» to me for di»u:aaior.Dom l-l-t a-ministration. . Tlxte are lo cite ard admonish til pcracni coh- rrrned to show caare at this Oeurt^ on the firs! Monday iu Fetrasry nrxo, dan* they fate, why d stall uo( lie granted to sppinsni. . . Wituess ray htnd • fflrUli„, i-ov*v R'H.‘ MIT. WOS1. Ordinary. I’T vli toe of a dt-rrea from stie Suis-ritr (’ uri JL> of fiuui'ce Cjuntv Geo gia, wt.i be sclJ In the oily of Mreon. hibb roomy, -a., on she first Tuesday in Janutry mat. ialyrrrn the hour* of a*le. tbefollowiur uroierty t.-w:t: Th* e'athaif .4 totof lard n mtier otr handled Slid elrven ort.inirg fifty »crvs; ssij IsAd MMsa a soon nverv*. and »n(-anlng lands «.( G burn, licit, ar d ol Iters 8*1-: as tb« proi trly ol II. H. Hyland* r, droeeard fori ho beoofit oi heirs and Terms of *• 1* cash. norw td I f, MAIKETr Adm*r- NOTlOE lO DEBlOlfs&UliElHlOHr G BOROf A. RIBB OOUSTT.-Natke is here by sivrn to ail persons baring demands S«ein»; Ca hrr-na A. r-rercsn, of a a i-'. declared, tr reoent rhrnr to m- prrpcrlv mene out wiiMn tbe lima prescribed bv l*w. a. «k*il perrons hidebied lo said daorered are brreby re gnirud to rnaka immediate payment. „ GBO.C FRbFsAN, 4dm>. Dec. 7 w*w<* f BXEOUTORS’ SALE. I F not sold privately, will be sold on lb* Erst Tnwdey in January vuxt. in Cirri’* n J- im. county, Georria, one hundred acre-of land mere or lea*, belonging to the oatateoi Ts. A. Riddle- bnoka, deceased, whereon W k. IbUntno* Uvea; bounded b. W.T. Niddlabrooka Mrs Jane Holland and Wm. Child*', nod dwa’hrg and well water on Ihu plaeo. Cold for lbe purchase monev of said ia cL Terms cash. Th s Novem bert, 1*00. A J MinDLBBROOEM. ' ... W.T. KlDDi.KBRJUKd, WM. CHILDS, rovU-wiv Eve rotor*. G eorgia, bibb county.-wi.e,re** w*i ter B. Holme* has made application for 'rt tore of administration on Ibe estate ol James T. Holme*, late of said o deceased. Tbeee are tberei. re to oi'-e snd admm.i-'b ell peraona c direrned to hesod rppeer tth* Court ofOrdinarv ef aald conn } on the 8rat Mond-v in Deremher rest to show enure, if any ihry have, why said applketiin should not be rrsn'od 8*id application will he be rd on December 13, 1(30. Witnee* my band r tonally. Boris d- J. A. MOW AMU*. OnMnery. G B- RGf.t, B SB OOUNTt — Under and by virtue of en order'ron the Court of rirdi. vy of said reunty. wi.l be s Id he oro ort house door in the rity of M.on, on the fi Tuesday In Jenuarv nest, brtw-vn the I gel boar* of sale, the foil'wing pe-nerty. tr wit: O ehons**n1 lot iu the Yinenlle district known in the eubdin ion of lbe iaudt known a. the Bsven Cansev*. hci- g part of lot nun her fwenty-flve f-onri *y ou Cle ry • reel invid Yioevilledi 'net. rout I-ing or»-gn«rlcr of *rr •eve mor*or»e** <U-|d as the penpetSv o' Dan iel N tson. let. of arid *o.i. t\ do rased, fo- :h. enrnn e of psying 4. hi* sn! a ein ion among tbe heir* deend* R K NIXON. Ada.’r. CROCKETTS Iron MACON, GZL, ~ °%a Ai o*rr amlka o*ri l» aeon ibs l^xi FSCf- GINB MADK for GINNING AMD ING We f nvreniro it to do all or m jr» Vdsao the njsi n'ectvnr* *ay ir will do. >Vo toaAd STATIONAKY EN81HSN From 8 xn GO h’orac There U no E gtno mxifc enpeitcr >x k. ta wo have ttaiimunial* lo ■ ’V>i nun facuro , Saw and Grist Mills thr giro tutire igitefsctou Wu k«ep !b> laid WHEELS. nOB?E FOT7-ESS IMPROVED GIN OEsK. FVRABJOU PANS AND EVAPOQATOBb’. It* - ; And lhe Bisk » , Horizontsl Sugar 2CiD made Also. IRON fiVILIMO N cexaatp' rie*. eta. BUAWING. , rCLLKYS’. sag. GE AhING for all all aiuiTg ct s,ul work. Ia feet, we keep overythteg fhsl li mi; steam or wafer p:«i r rr i iankarix WJrk. Oar COTTON rREsa in -r«ad kkr not a. being rhesp. eimpie xr.d .iaratir, ar hruidreds will attest br-tid to mr^-iren xw’ price* before bejiog «Vtwl f re. Ja’1.11 • • y K ORt C’erinT A S'.W. |i0MES IN Tf X&S.. lathe title of a new-Uuslra'ei 1’ewoVnJ-Af- ac-ri; live of ibe co-imry ricn< ard 11ibw’.sry tae- tha line of the hitrsLfini! nd Cr-st '»rik? truJ podIaIiii a roed OOT'NTY JaAE'C /TW STaTH. J: wltooroi.taifiA lb* r -.•r •> hc? Mhtratu t Fnnf s Hintumii. I. jux aLo biw nm m she or mx. •nd tkosi who wi?f Ka *i« brud jOAr. A ol ihu hcok vi 1 ! H© m.v.led . floM Wb »aMdre rrlUb’e int- rrc*A»ion Am upon Appiw-uon by biter or mnI A» ALLEN MeOOY, : { GrneratFreiglri raid Pssv 11» r i*r»?.’ nnvtlwZui : . tv: mtiss. Tiina O KDIN3BY*8 Uffiro, Jem Cecnrv. 0r*aram» Norembarll. 18SC.—Sot ire is h-rvey jprop. that fro. hiarev Chrpavii wif. ! 17. Ot Ckay man. haa appli-d to motor vstodtlon isid svr- empiioT. of personalty, an-i I an i <»« 04 -a >snii appacatioe at this offiee on Die at k day «< la- c|e bar next at 10.3d o clock a. <n. Wltnrrs n.j band offles ’ . neviawit BGLANDT. POSH Crdsaery Know Tiayselil T HS untolJ rsverrj*»tbasa raw It frirn . r j issrsfiausu lo earlj lilsir-i bs sksraV ed arid coral. Hue vie di-ubtlhi: xsjrrtren rsesdri perebs-^ thr uew sardsiM work puhi'.l.rd bi lks PSttr HdllY MFD1CAL IJDvyjS- rUTB. 8.;»:<u. sssiMoc. . THE8CIoS> b uf HPXh. or. eELF FRI-eF KY.lTll'N. ’il.-aesfud si te] itr- 1 rrvoos and phyii.'al debility, or tfaMa impaired toy tha errors <4 ytullicr furlije re W-ocibse spplieation to bur.nts*. v.if be Mlap ed and manhood result cd. 1 wo hundredth cd .1 .n, rvire,I ard tuleneA. tn-lpubbaned II 11 a lUnlrni nediral wat*_ the b-svin tho Rnglish lar.susyr. villll *y s. phisintan of rreat experun ra, to whets warn (warded a gold and lew-lie 1 nrertal ay Ik a Rare tioual Medicel Xasc.ciatioa. it sonlsid* btaaakr ful end wry rzpensire • rigravi ...a. less ksa- dred pages, more then 50 vtltri'./e pr. si nyriuro fcralllormsof prevailing civ rear. Ills rsudttdl mauy year* of extertivo an.l lacoivial psxbaeu •11b r one cf »biih iv worrb tfti : :rz, • Iks p»- ol 1 br book, hound in French el. th. pnta rokgp f, rent by mail povtpeid. Tbe Loudon Lencm ssia: “ >r. p .son akaakfi be wlibuul fbli valuable Cock. 1 he an:her torn - noble benrh-Ctor." An lllnstratvd sample sen t kasfPon nnalS! 1 ( rert* lor Dtstase. The aatbavrefers by permission to lien f.A Bit ELL. If D. prwidenl 01 ibe fiai oul SeA- ical A aw rial (on. Address Dr W H ?AR- ft If R. No * Baifim-h ht. Gvl n. Msm. Tbe au thor we. 1 eev nsulled on all diseuaoa requiring •sill and rzperirnce. DOTH* •!» HE.4L THYSELF / 1 fOXHD. BlBrt CriUNl Y.— « bere-w 44r»- VJ ty Scbeii. n rot..r w Jvrob -( hell Cgsnvfc. rrpre-ns to lit* c art in UsveliUcii dgly.JksI arid entered that br hu fsl'y adiuinuteteA tro ee' ate uf Jacob Hchslf. This i ,Jh-ref. re. i« .d e*H persons etomni lrgstv-ra. 1 elreend erne itors, to show c&oar a any lbe? cwtvwbyaotd erreuter sfioald mud dteci atgrd Dom bis Mid t-xccnP rshijk Used reive I tc-ra of di»a.i,v'*>n of IkaeivtM dlr.sry to bo orened vu r hb Uh- r lf-ondey hr Wary I3W. a d to but. stasgr en Useful fit At acd asouth. Wilnese my b«nd and offleal svcnatM J A. McUAAUJ. ' Ot g rgvame’ JfiNEv CO'INTY f-HKKIFir SAS W ILL be *> Id b«f re IU- court bo a*door! the Vkiva of Olmtun. Jonea ajunty. dur Jl lire i-gel bo rt ot on tf n flr.t Tumdsya Jrituer* ant. eevro'y acres of lai d msdw vrrasxaw udl'.lnlng lends of B U. Ho !» .c on l.V.-i ust* end J«So Jarred on tbooettaud Ibe doorer kwad* id Berth* Hear d m. i cried oo asIna pro>»V •( Gvonm W. Ho* rod on to a*t,>fy a A. ft. 1-rwedf f-vwa Jones s«ierior Con t iu Uvt rofe.f r b’ebrooks, guudl.n. ageinvt George W. Bi sun P-ov-erty luibtei out by defendants notioe given to tom «s tenant to ggrewtow-