Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, January 14, 1881, Image 6

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C4* ®*jweg|«* ^l»0jeap4 »nif 3mmral & lKe^«»«g»Jcr. : is & woman In Lanoaster, Penn., I not lived iu vain. She has had , and every one has entered, the miaTtf tty. “War did Hoses write three coinmand- tmq'c ou ouc table of stone and seven on 6 Zbaeftkerf ” asked a Galveston Sunday* C «K£her#r a smart little pupil. “Because he treated to make ad even ten of them. Shit’s why’.” A KOU.OW tree in southern California has been converted into a dwelling. Poore and windows have boon Jmt in, sit hairs built for eight stories, the cn- to them being made by means of a ft adder. Outside tbc topmost room is a balcony, shaded by tbo foliage of s. . Harriet N. Cooper, a colored an, died in Cheltenham, one of the wafoures of SL Louis, on New Year’s day, spl Its yean. Slio weighed 400 ponuds. 3Erz. Cooper was the mother of tweuly- Src children, the youngest of whom is 62 yen aid. Her husband is 101 years old, OXtd still living. Ax architect who built a new city ball fea Western town made a botch ofitand fed im Canada, as bo left word for his tfrfeada, “to remain until the affair should Maw over.” Next day a high wind struck the (own and his friends telegraphed him: i back. The whole shebang was i ovfcr last night.” Qx the present state of Ireland a cor- 4«ut of the British Medical Jour- I writes: “l am at present attending Garfield Shows his Hand. Tho New York Tribune of ihe 3rd inst. comes out in a double-leaded editorial, of such momeulous importance that it was telegraphed to the press twenty-four hours before its regular publication. This editorial is as follows: The time seems fit for at least one statement about the approaching adminis tration of President Garfield. It is not to be used as a make-weight in pending Senatorial contests, whether iu New York or elsewhere. We are fully author ized to 'Say this, and the words are en titled to their full significance. It is proper to say, further, that the in coming administration will see to it that the men from New York and from other States, who had tlie courage at Chicago to obey the wishes of their districts in the balloting for President, and who thus finally voted for Gai field, shall not sutler for it, nor lose by it. They will not fail of honorable recognition lor their Inde pendence, their courage, their resolute pursuit of the policy they believeu best for the Republican party aud for tbc country. Gentlemen at Albany, who are said to have been threatened with a different course at Washington, may reassure themselves. The administration of Presi dent Garfield is to be an administration for the wltole Republican party. It Will foment no quarrels; it will most earnestly seek the things that make for peace, and for the best interest of the party it repre sents. Rut it will not permit Us friends to be persecuted for their friendship. Whoever lias been persuaded to doubt this may as well make henceforth a dec laration ot independence from the dicta tion of any authority, save the wishes of constituents, and bis own convictions of policy and right. All this will be readily understood. It White waiting Whittaker. 'I As to Texas. The problem raised now is whether the I Texas, with an area of more than 274,- court martial ordered for Whittaker will j 000 square miles, has a great variety of a&a laud lord’s house, he being very ill of j 3 mice to tlie stalwarts that they can’t * fsrer. A doctor from a disturbed district pay off their o!d third term grudges by UMiRgopme to see him professionally, drafts on the new administration. That *4, by way of comforting tlie family, Garfield is ready to take up the gage of antfch, it’s a fine thing for a man to be battle if tbe stalwarts are ready to throw xSesrod to dio in bis bed these times.” I it down; that be means to stand by bis Wsoar Lord Bensonsfieid first entered 1 friends of tbe anti-third term and anti ; Ilfs, the period was a fiorid one. stalwart persuasion, and doesn’t admit St wtssaii age ofvelvetcoatcollars, double the boastful plea of tbo stalwarts that vosriatcoxts, s«Ad chains, and sparkliug Garfield was a delcated nominee till they lisp lad unsast pins. From these garish | took him up and forced him through, JoaVniittenls be never lias emancipated That, it must be admitted, was about tbe dKJBHlf. They pervaded tbe iuner as well I fact in the case, as the Democrats saw -am tine outer man. They influence bis I and Garfield does, practically, owe his •'&Mt£iiU, bis language, and bis policy. I election t* the intervention, at Ik JK79 the English and American loir- '-• ,evcnth hour, of Grant and tlie stalwarts, sag* iu China waters aggregated about But this manifesto U offidabnotice that -3yer<?R00 tons each, while in 1SS0 tlie Garfield does uot view it in that light Sx^iisis tonnage aggregated 0,400,000 tons Giat be don’t mean to belong to or be the American tonnage has fallen to lised 11,0 stalwarts, but will stand by -SAOJJO? teas. At ibis rate our merchant tb e party which put him in nomination, xunue (except those engaged In coastwise Garfield, with Blaine as his premier, -**d trades upon tlie lakes) will soon be I cora * ,, S * n =n tbe Hayes footing. It «vept from tlie ocean. S°ing to be an anti-Conkling and Grant * ^ r • i _ i . . , i, i .1 administration, without, it may be, any Xx lush resident landlord went the 1 atiser Might to a dinner party thus equip- •Pc* Behind hiui, on the back scat of his • %raagham r Liy a Winchester repeating iartiee containing sixteen cartridges, and -* Iff* pocket srex a five-chambered revoi- •nr caret ally load-id. His wife, who ac- rwrepaiiiod him, carried a second revolver, very decided hostile demonstrations against the stalwarts, but with' a clear understanding that it will not be used in their interests. It is also alleged by the Washington correspondent of the Chicago Times that the new administration lias more sanguine hopes of support from the Southern Dem ed liis daughter, a girt of one-and-twenty, 1 , .. . , ■ i.T 7 r , . I ocrats than those which beguiled Hayes in tlie beginning of his presidential career. Says that paper: The other day lie (Senator Blaine) sat •was armcC with a Derringer. N« Coxvictions- Ex ducted ix Dub -The Laud Leaguers who are now ng iriL'Ui.Dublin are claiming that eight I down by tbe side of a Senatorial friend vf • be jury men are on their side, and they and ■ sked him to tell him frankly what lit* '••c’liv limit tiiar iiierv trill thought of his going into Garfield’s Cabi- 1 c.By boast that there will be no con- I liet . This Senator said to him: “Blaine, ■•n* ** the jury will either disagree or I you have nothing to gaiu here iu the Seu- AeeUre lhe traversers not guilty. Tins I ate. You hadnmcli better be a prominent tat been tlie opiuion of sensible people '!? ure u,,der the ,,ew administration, for ... I if yon want to be President you will have twrn the beginning. to wait for some time. If Garfield’s ad- &Ui. amount of bullion produced by I ministration is a success he will surely i Leadvilie (Col.) mines during the !U:c f? d pigbt years of power - - . ' . , . ' as his chief aiviser is the next year is estimated at Slo,2»a 1 000.1 best tiling to being President.” It is this Lut aud ore sliipped from the entire lielicf tliat has induced Mr. Blaine to re- $22,590,000, an increase of $4,000,- *'S» his seat iu the Senate, which he will r • 7“” ■"*■? i sjfx&xsi *:.•. farms were valued at $3,000,000; cat- I places in tue Senate. It is now tborougli- stle tkipjicd and consumed, $1,422,000; I ly understood why Mr. Blaine is so inti clipped, $1,040,000. The business I male ' vitUlbe SmUbeni leaders. As chief .i.» «... i.. I adviser of the new administration he is l D “" r for lbe year amounted *o $o2,- negotiating with ti.em for a real Southern 400,000. I policy. Such men a3 Lamar, Joe Brown ■ u,iim V w«n« new hvmns ««• •»!»«. Iand Ransom are ready to meet him more Moody wants new hymns. He gives tban , la]f j Ir . ulain0 is p , otling t0 . Ifce Scriptures rather than tracts to infi-1 day a brilliant stroke or dividing the wild Sets. He would like to seo places of I South, aud from the surface indications •wtrliip waraianil well ventilated. Fray-1 there is no doubt that the new Garfield 1 be says, should be short. He knows I ^ and progressive element in the afxboncu of grapes sent around among South. re* people ’from one to the other, and all And the Tunes thereupon proceeds to stdt people were blessed. Fault-find- mention the Sprague scandal as a very ex&tie believes, is a nuisance in the serious breaker in the way ofConkllng’s eXartii. Me says: "Have no festivals. I presumptuous efforts to dictate in advance Xk*rc Is no gambling at prayer-meetings.” the policy ol Garfield’s administration. -Skxsatiox IX tub Pexxsylvjlxia ■ «■» ■ CreciSLATUiiE.— The first biennial ses- Th* Daily Phonograph, data of the Pennsylvania Legislature was Me,srs ’ W ’ T ’ Ghristopher & Bro. have on the 4th. Tho Republican caucus | clevate d tbe Stmda, J Phonograph to the tr, ,i.» . 1 perilous position of a “morning daily” in j were elected. In the Senate _, jactation was caused by E. B. Coxe Atlanta > lhe flrst number a PI* a «ng on JxmocKt from Luzerne county, declin- Wednesday, the 5th iust. In typography take the iroa-clad oath. Ho made the P a P°^ VTiU com ^ arc with the besU re ioo£statement, abowing he had med These young men have energy and pluck, arereey in securing his own election, and ,nd<lescrTe 8UCCe3S * They seem to be ^therefore could not conscientiously allow a PP rized of tbe attending their Jiireteli to be sworn In. new enterprise. They say in tho saluta- The statistics or Chicago for 1380 show 1017: rejfoarKif rematkable prosperity In all I 1 . not he a™ 5 * 3 10 say at this . ,, , f * • I point, that a new daily paper has many - l ''' s Q ‘ * rRj ° an( t industry. The receipts I obstacles to overcome in Atlanta. There - end fl our foot up 165,594,682 I have been so many failures that the people ■bcsltcis, against 137,624,832 in 1879. are naturally skittish about paying their »*> I SS.rtl naan U8/)70,460 bushels. The receipts I every paper that has failed in this city lumber were 1,555,487,000 feet, shingles I since tlie days of the Herald, lacked two '-EV52,000, live hogs 7,055,229. Tha «««ntial requisites to ultimate success— , 11.„~ '. , . I capital and close business management. rejsregato value ot hogs, cattle, sheep and N £ ne of lhenli esc , pt pro bably tS His- .fivores received at the Union stockyards I patch, did so much as own the type reu $125,000,000. The. bank clearings | on which the paper was printed. We own our type, presses, and general out-fir, and drive our machinery by steam power in our establishment, and have come to stay. Of themselves they hare this tq say: The publishers of the rhonograph ten or twelve years ago were plow boys in tlie r the year were $1,725,084,804, an iu- t-of $108,000,000 over last year. A stay by tlie name of Angelo u se- 5eet«<J by Miss Bernhardt as her hugging-' He receives all the passionate em- Aocev *he ardent kisses, aad about his ^ week do twine like tendrils the long arms ST*? 11 ** ‘iT ^**. dwr ’. ™ the county of r . _ . ,. “ 77 I Taylor. Deprived by the misfortunes of , tae famous actress. It is said that M. I war from obtainingeven a common school .ilagaio occupies an enviable position lu I education, they started out iu the printing ■srinfj It is said that when the f a ; r business without the advantages of special -CStf, that is y.oO, to the stage manager I strangers. This bit of personal history is re * him take Angelo’s place in a single [ only referred to, to carry out tlie example, rereuin which there was uo acting, and :lt crhich his own responsibility would be tkc stand as a target for Sarah’s burning jfcfsxea. To Pk.vsion List.—To provo that re- rent/ics are not ungrateful, au exchange reiyttt ~>o nation in tlin world has been to AF/sml as tho United States iu dealing «r.‘: its veteran soldiers. Last year $50,- rj -‘0 ivie uppnprialed for ]>ensions, i j. tiiis vast sum proved insufficient under isfc-* Siberal provisions of tfie law with - < ■veilce to arrearages. There is a defi- ■3 - ocy unprovided for of $18,000,000, and -» aiuicipattd that the yearly charge jt ig reach >!<0,0‘j0,000. No one will di>- the propriety ot liberality in this V4ialf, but it may be open to question eituer the present generation is not ’ 5 benevolence run away with pro nee. fact tliat the South is called upon ■ her' fell shaie of this enormous without deriving a dollar of benefit 2r» ne -tf. seems rather hard, but of coone x-i-t. be accepted as one of the conae- fctAiKes ®f defeat. That cruel war was a y, indeed. Ocnmro and Lasdbetb’s seed In S and SOc. packages, at Lamar, Rankin A la* and is not related with a spirit of boast' ing. The boys failed to state whether they over plowed “a bull calf;” if not they need I not expect to get into tlie United States Senate soon. Nevertheless they can publish agood paper and make life a success with' ' out this last accomplishment. The sub scription pneo of tlie Dally Phonograph is $6 and the weekly $1 per annum. Makuixl Fitzsimmons.—A Washing ton dispatch to tlie Chicago Iribune charges Marshal Fitzsimmons with being a defaulter to the extent of $20,000, and intimates that Mr. U. 1. Kimball will be appointed to succeed him in office Similar reports hsve been started against tbe marshsi on former occasions, but ha has always been able - to prove their falsity and retain his situation. We trust he will be equally successful this time, and succeed in defeating the machi nations of bis enemies. The marshal hat- always been regarded as a reliabls and honorable gentlemen. The January report of pork packing will show the total number of hogs to date at ail points to be 4,875,000, against 4,615,- a year ago. be able to mix aud apply a whitewash to that colored individual which will stick, and be serviceable. The Herald* of the 3d thinks it can’t be done; but we take it for granted that the brethren of the cabi net must have pretty thoroughly assured themselves of a practicable wash, before they committed themselves and tbe coun try to the large expense and tbe disgusting tedium of another three months’ trial. The Herald says: The court martial appointed to tiy Ca det Whittaker lor scratching his own ears, tying himself to tho bedstead, accusing other cadets of these great offenses and playing ’possum and coon games general ly, is a court created to acquit if acquittal he in any way whatever possible; and yet we have no doubt <t will find the accused guilty on every charge against him. Even ii gentlemen have commanded colored regiments—perhaps even more on that ac count—they can perceive the relation of the motives involved to the facts shown, and tbe real nub of the case lies in tliat rela tion. It is not necessary, moreover, to have been brought up at West Poiut to bo able to judge “pon evidence the conduct of a hypocritical rogue. It can be plainly shown that certain acts were done; that uo person but Whittaker can he in tbe re motest degree connected with them; tliat he could have done them ; that he had a motive to do them, and that be cannot explain his relation to them on any theory consistent with his innocence. That is enough. But whatever may happen to Whittaker, the intention of tho admims- tion toward Gen. Schofield,tlie evident de sire to put that fine old soldier “in a hole,” is none the less clear. It docs not seem to be tho noblest encouragement to heroic endeavors that a man who lias fought so much and so well for the country as lie lias and rendered it such excellent service in oilier spheres should so late iu life find himself put iu a balance agaiust a shabby, cheating, scalawag school boy. Population of the United States. The census of 1880 makes the popula tion of the United States 50,182,559. This soils, but until recently little has been known of the country between the Brazos and Rio Grande, and north of the thirty- first parallel of latitude. Formerly It em braced the hunting grounds of the Apaches and Comanclics. The wild horse, the buffalo, antelope, bear, deer and turkey feasted and fattened upou the rich grasses, and were found in vast numbers. When the Fort Yuma stage Hue was started, and forts were located aud occupied, adventurous stock-men cstabUslicd ranch es. Then tlie superiority of this vast area was mauifest as a grass-producing aud cattie-graziug district. The grasses were vastly better and the water more .abund ant and lasting than iu most of the other part3 of the State. When in 1878 it be came known that the Pacific Railway Company were arranging to push their road to a speedy completion, enterprising grangers began their encroachments upou the slock ranches. They found the laud most sightly to tho eye. The wheat, corn, cotton, oats, ry e i barley, millet and vege tables yielded far better crops than they had anticipated, and In 1872, when drought had caused the great giain and cotton fields of soutii aud central Texas to wither and dwindle away, they, with poor tillage, raised fair crops, the rain fell iu season, the grass grew, and the country that nad been deemed worthless as arable laud, soon became known os the best in the State. This knowledge has extended, tho section is rapidly filling up, aud this year’s crop far exceeds that of 1870. Some Almanacs. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., of Lowell, Mass., have favored us with a complete edition of their almanacs for 18S1, neatly bound iu ono volume. Turning to its contents we find ourselves prepared to discuss the weather with our afternoon callera in j English, German, Dutch, French, Spanish., Modern Education. Too Much Cramming and Over- wohk. It cannot be denied that the curriculums of study in many of our seminaries and high schools are far too complicated and onerous for tbe mind of the average pu pil. The main effort seems to be to achieve the greatest possible results in the most limited period of time. To skim, as it were, the seething chaldron of the sci ences, into which has been cast aud cocked a very olla podrida of all the branches of modern and classic literature. This stimulating broth is swallowed hut not digested, and hence, instead of healthy progress and real nutrition to the brain and mental perceptions of tho stu dent, he is surfeited and well nigh paral yzed in his efforts to compass a thorough education. This is especially true of the female colleges of tho country. The girls, whose plastic minds develop far more rapidly than those of the sterner sex, fire taxed to tlie utmost to accomplish tasks at tho tender ago of 16 or 17 years, which are allotted to bearded men who have passed their majority. As a consequence, they flourish abnormally like hot house plants, challenging the admiration of delighted friends and guardians, but too ofleu breaking down under tlie physical and mental strain. So in tho graded high schools, also, whore asmaltcring of everything is sought to bo imparted almost by mechanical pro cesses. The teachers and pupils are aliko mercilessly drilled by tlie martinets, who seem only anxious to condense into tho smallest compass all the great truths of every branch of science, aud then cram them like a bolus down the mental throats of their scholastic victims. Of course The Death of Edward Lochrane. Edward Loclirane, of Middletown, County Armagh, Ireland, died in Novem ber last. This is all tliat may be neces sary to record the death of a venerable - . . . . . ,. i man » prompts me to add a Norwegian, Swedish, Portuguese, and ihaby reject the dose. Others are weak-J brief tribute to his memory. Behcmian. We have as yet only perused ene d and exhausted from its effects, and | Throughout a life prolonged to nearly What the Sooth Heed*. Whenever a Southern politician ap proaches, or Is approached by, an inter- i . , . viewer, he. of idurse, must say some- 1 intimate fnends has an edi ting about ’.he needs of tho South. This Uona .V on L „°. r , d K . oscoe wbi . cb is t 7 d *y lhe Conkling. Donn Piatt, who is oue of Gen. Gar- is becoming somewhat monotonous. Ours is not the poverty stricken section of which some are continually prating. Consider ing the terrible losses, counted by billions, 'which our people have sustained through the ravages of war, they have shown a wonderful recuperative power. Certainly the crops have demonstrated that tlie in habitants are hard working, ar.d consider ing the circumstances, we have cause to he proud of our manufactur ing enterprises. We have plenty of men who have tbe brains, pluck and energy. Now wo ikre in a position not to want anything that is not reasonable and just. When wo have demonstrated be yond tlie possibility of a doubt that a cot ton factory can make dividends Iu the South, while those of the North are losing money, those having money will invest in such establishments in our section. Net only must this be done In Isolated in stances but numerously. We have yet to convince tho people of the North that wo can make fine goods, but are bound to do it. Time will prove we can better than any other region. We need money and population. Give us these and we can work out our own salvation and both- can be secured. That country must possess pow er when a few politicians can scare the whole Republican party. If in fifteen years the South from almost hopeless rain has reached her present position, what can we not expect in the next fifreen? Now our Congressmen talk too much. We are heartily for tho old flag, and every time an appropriation comes for tho improve ment of our rivers we like it more. The South needs only to be treated like other sect Lins and get her due share of tbo pub lic funds. Our own success in enterprises will bring tho other needs.—Columbus Enquirer. sensation of the towu. This editorial is as follows: This scandal, although afiecting a lius- baud and wife widely kuown, and once leading lights in the fashionable world, would lose its interest in the proverbial nine days, Mrs. Grundy to the contrary notwithstanding, were it not that the cen tral figure is a “tremendous swell of the political world. Tho fact is, all right- minded, sound-hearted people would lias- ten to forget tlie painful matter but for tills central figure. Win. Sprague has a past that endears him to the popular heart. He was a gallant soldier duritig the late war, aud as a Senator, although a millionaire, he marked his efforts as a law-maker by sympathy with and an ef fort to benefit the labor of the country, and he is the only man ol that grave body, through all time since its organization, who ba3 left U3 a speech condensed into a sentence. He did this when he said: “There is nothing MOftE CRUEL, DESPOTIC AND SBLYISU than a million dollars, unless it be a million and a half.” Mrs. Sprague is tlie daughter of ono of our greatest men. She is what is left us of Salmon P. Chase,and the beautiful, charming, aud accomplished Kate Chase. Tlie men whose vulgar tongues and dirty mouths are noisy with her poor name are, some of them, men who have been seen speaking in her pres ence with bate'd breath and awkward hu mility, as if in the f presence of a queen, crowned by nature with loveliness, as by right divine, with power bom through many generations of kingly lineage. Tho fall of these two would make all men who respect their mothers and love their chil dren turn sorrowfully away with closed mouths to wipe it all out, a3 something too painful for human thought, but for the brazen-faced wretch who is the sole cause of ail this rliame. God might have made A MORE DESPICABLE WRITCII TUAN BOSCOE CONKLING, but lie never did. There have been wick Captain Eads' Return-Hi* Great Canal. New Orleans, December8.-Captain James B. tails returned yesterday from Vera Cruz as a guest of tbe Mexicau wa steamer InJependencia. Regarding the success or Captain Eads’ visit to Mexico, in connection with his contemplat-d canal across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec the Democrat to-day will publish tho fol lowing: Captain Eads’ purpose is to go up the Lsup in a pa river some distance to locate bis road and thus save a cousidera- ble distance by using this riverand the Co- atzacoatcos, into which it flows, as well as the lagoons on the other side. The dis tance across the isthmus to the Pacific will be reduced from 140 miles bvrail to 100 miles. J The Mexican government manifested a most liberal feeling. He secured for the company which he may form concessions of the most generous character. During the deliberations there was not tho sliriire est obstacle placed In the way of comm". to prompt and satisfactory conclusions! The government gives to Capt. Eads’ company the rigiit to build a ship railway across the isthmus, and grants it 1,000,000 acres of land ou tbo shore of the Pacific on which to build tho terminus of tho railroad, aud to establish an harbor, and empowers it to charge and collect a toll of five dollars per ton on freight of ships aud cargoes passing over the road. The right is also given for a railroad and telegraph line, on which only cus- tomaiy rates can be cliaigcd. In return for this Captain Eads agrees to carry on the railroad all ships of war, munitions, mails, etc., free of charge. The building of tbo roau must be commenced witbiu two years and completed in ten Years from May 1st, 1881. Ono of the remark able features or the grant is that, con trary to her customs, Mexico will allow Captain Eads to secure aid of foreign governments to guarantee dividends, and Captain Eads is satisfied that the Uuitcd States Government will endorse tills plan up to $50,000,000. Ex-President Diaz is a hearty supporter or the scheme and has been one of its warmest advocates. Cap- Christendom in respect to citizenship pro-’ P leased 10 S ive our unqualified indorse- concentrated mental pabulum and derive j his heart melted to charity; good—liis're- pendents who lun whooping after this n latent. Though Ayer’s Almanac lias long benefit from it. Iiglon soared above all creeps aud came creature for the moldy bread his political per Kussia atone ouuiumuenng its. ^ I i^c, rceognized as a staudard American Gennain to these thoughts, we extract | ff o'n God; learned and eloquent of speech | favor gives their jfamiiies. It was the work, yet it makes its advent each year j Gte following from a valued exchange: —><" /x—•*—»‘‘ J “* ‘ eder men, but never ono who covered ids I ta ' n Eads left for Washington last event wickedness with such meanness and cow- in * Iu company with Captain Vega and ardice. These words are not written in other ofilcera of tho Indepoudeucia who tho impatienco of anger. They are select- are bIs guests. per—Russia alone outnumbering us. By the census of 1800, tlie country numbered only five million people, and has therefore increased ten fold iu eighty years. Tlie same rate of increase would give us in 1960 five hundred millions of people—out numbering either China or Uiudostan, according to recent estimates. Ey the year 1000 it is not improbable we shall number very nearly one hundred Panic in England. A London dispatch of tbe 4th to the Herald of Wednesday, says: —lie was more given to pblloaophy than I Capital tliat first gave printed'eircuiation I vaH amoimthe mnftarvaut!ioriri P 3 ^n P lm words. He was passionately fond of mu- to a story tliat had long been whispered viewoff^lhM sic anil norttrv. And AVMpflAWMl nrhli amm. I with imrk nnd wlntra ahnut I U ^ ° 3 '**' WCW ol IJOSiluIO : uau tu ~ »uncuouoi uiesciiqpi i ogy—lie would praise, not criti- to quite another and a harmless a!uir. room iu life is growiug to exaggerated and I cise—palliate not condemn. In tho par-1 Hut the misdirected spark fired the maga- injurtous dimensions. In the long list of j tiality of his friends he wore their royal-1 zinc, to even our own regret and sorrow. Irish populations for the safe custody of arms. Each man is required to take the setting sun. We commend it to oar readeis as a work replete with instructive i . ',7/_r7.7'T~ ,— ~r~ •”*•» •»* »■ i w«f ui u« menus ne wore meir royat- i sine, to even our own regret anu sorrow. I P iinr*r f ,+,f hu aud valuable Information. «ch er » hav« at their ty, and many an eye was misty with tears, But if the information ofa scandal con- aro 7 i, e denrived of" their y i„w« Cf w-- „ \ Vu ^ bccu remembered by Messrs, included, and their ’sylfogViTwVl not him SuStaS? After'iifty^-eare 0 ^ iShldSJS«?thS^yS ,£X b, V ,dee ’ ZZ fhmre “S a "^eirTfebrafod aF CB&PHSTSL!%£ Sfth S T millions short of that great figure. A 1 „,aua C for 1881. It contains all tho old niuMnstemloT 1 1^ 0 ,or , al1 ? artles > her—from her grave at Tynan, spirit arms daily to find mention ofhimseif, were lC er corps have beei^reinoredn-ftheon idea of surplus of territory may therefore f f l ; I b , nublicalion ami « ! I^k'ug °i» a schoo cours® reached out to gather him to her side, spiced with the gossip. A right-thinkinar, sidcrab^priracv Ifo tl^ TWnnlmn be abandoned in tho face of sul;Il this valuable publication, and as merely tho means ‘o an ulterior end, They now sleep together, and the flowers heafthy-hcarted man would have accepted semimiM or insriilrtionsfmm TT.n/ii?, a Thereisrdeutyof th baVCbwUaddeda ^ eatVar,etyor fU ,'nT an end iu itseIt. will creep in festoons over their couimin- I the warning, and by his conduct have I sUnilarTnovement^k n^ ,ht , . new and valuable facts bearing upon matr I They act as if the child were made for the I glcd dust. The marble that points tlie I given the lie to the abuser. Not he. Tbe I Fenian airiiaiioii P * ° tbo but a fi\\ of general public interest. Tlioplan the child; and, place, would not blush at what even bis I peor, vain creature delighted, nay, rev- So far the scares that have taken nlaca b F ui«u. iwon. zuo pian i, avlng started in the wroug direction, enemies might write upon it of hi- i<»n n , I eled. in bis ■ham*. Tnii.reir «,.,i .i.-i 1.7° larlu ® scares tnai liaveiaken place - *■—r- r ^ - J aassr s SiS“ , '&-'s« SSrTS only to regular subscribers of the | The sin of modern schopl-teaching re -1 Col . McCInroln his letter fro,,, Sontb I Washington, the brother members of the temptTplare a uEer IhStow S JRAtP. flirt vnrv tnPWPIl'Tnro rr*rt?n nla <a ml I i... i 1 i . • .* ... . . « uuns unexampled increase, room for expansion just now, but a few generations will probably see a dense population all over our territory, uuiess natural increase is checked by civil dis- C °Another point suggests itself iu this view I “ f . tbe bave ZZZTu' I of the future—thc impossibility of meeting J U m 1 h ° Sin ° f “° d " all the political necessities of such a peopfo Su £° ? from a single centre of legislation. It is 1 possible to provide an efficient represen tative government for such a myriad of free and intelligent people only by sus taining the principle of home rule iu the various Slates, eacli supplying its own local necessities harmoniously with the central authority. Such a system is capa ble of indefinite expansion; but the prac- •embles the sin whiei. Wni.~.n-ii-..rI v^oi. AicLiurc, in ms letter trout aoutn 1 . t0 inpl to place a tornei'o under the bows so fond of coramittine ami Carolina, thus speaks of tho negro as a ibe ve .7 Messengers, servants and 0 f tlio ironclad Lord Warden, which cre- , teaches tlie tilings that it mmht mit tn I ruIer: “^ one l£ll o' v better than the mass- j ba< !j k ™ a “ 5“," i* tb,s " there I ated a stir this morning, proves to be to- publication from Messrs. J. W. Burke & teach and it leaves iintaii"ht °the things e ? of 5 bo co,oretl voleis ofSouth Carolina wracnwiZi taHy devo,d ° r foundation. The fires yes- Co., of thU city, entitled “Two States Al-1 b ~ e3 ’ mreibleVX^^d^i^i'noVd^^ witli U.c wile of William Sprague, Conk- Si's! tWriK SSskbSSwSS adventurers wLo tmpoveri.heTboth races | b ?5.« a ‘.‘«.. tba of the,Seu-te, j was manac.” It is published for Georgia and South Carolina, and contains tlie usual facts transmitted by the almanac-maker to posterity. Florida. Hon, IV. D. Bloxbam was inaugurated tical abrogation of State authority will | Governor soon lead to confusion and a dead-lock. Tlie suggestion of the situation awl tlie prospects it opens is not to attack the authority of the State government, hut to encourage its vigorous exercise under the J constitutional limitations of the Federal power. maliciously set on fire by cf petroleum last night, but tin-—"flames were extinguished --- lL .„„„ ‘a*■"«k;»»zii12®resas*J5S,!“is -...i —ii... f_?---® ed , ‘ - a i “'. tlea ? I suvli a race, will not soon be gained. U b ® '' lllial j l i, P>' a j8 ue O’Couor, aged seventeen and Ann McCar- guard Houses of Parliament spell indicated HI SfeTi i^ 8 , _ , at FernandIna, 22 a*. Cedar Keys, 24 I an ,i lna’i.ien.^nr'u 3 i> . , aS I ne 3ro> and a lar S° portion stolen outright I tbo . wreck, saw lib palaces, f rom being blown up. Oue writer at Enterprise, IS at Green Cove, on vague’and coherent. Yet in the opinion J Sreduratfoi^Now^feyreB'geventydire j 8, >ns^iue^ycopUanta ofthe l»mTidUway. be^iMuro U t^p^nM t ’Sf , IiIr ,, ftInien tlio St* Jolm’j, anil ^ I of AIr*£aton« our national &nnftrirtmuf»«nf. I. • « __» » _*_*• #. - y . I lf« cratitorir*ri i»w famiiv «nH iimti* nwi* I ... *■— . . P ® I anicll was an inch thick i Alas for Dear Little “Uallie.” I rin all the orauges were frozen ou tho I stoulXfaTirahiYnir ha I ers instru ct ln B G*eia under the beneficence I “®“f a coum »°t t0 iicii,be- I j tatcs tbat inquiries have been made at Moniioui.u- * | Tto ..a eT I ssasag'saa-ffs® I ssr« jaa-aa I ssyas I ssskwcsta s of anus to Ireland. Largo orders emor of the State declaring for a still I s i uootb ? d bls wa y> and this is the man, a I Xh'ere has been also a brisk demand for ... . , .si a r I im, «4uwimuo unu r ras euu a, uio uimenuon lie gravely | mentoftbe constitution adonted makinu I a ““ "ent out to battle with fate. Tbit I received uums of tlie sad and untimely end of Miss estimates that between one-third and one- recommended the study or sanitary sci-1 (j xell an( i irrevocable appropriations for was tbe bome Gonkling entered. These tation of Callie Irvin at Covington, a dauglito.’ of I jj a )f 0 f tlie orange crop has been shipped, I tb ° educat * oua ! system J f ur free and equal education, and the Gov- were „ tb , 0 ,. P^'ful circumstances that ] j ]ave jj ee and thinks that the damage to the remain-1 The result^of this pedagogic muddle r°ta5^h? thefoc^ SSSSSHtlf^1'A *££££%£ 1 1 'S der of the crop aud to the trees will be confront us at every step. • • »I S^SinJM.ff? Tl,Vv I of * State, a leading law-maker in the ™ JifS’ ,w\ ° f r r® ?oive« hee k n lets than is generally believed. venrimfor n a relfu a COn ' badness awl confidence revive; they S 0 "^, wlio could invade such a dwelling, to ’ Ire land from Birmingliam during L. A. Hardee of Jacksonville, writes to Q <- t ], e tvrannv of Hie scl'iiKUmn^e^ 0 .. 1 ^ I bavo ,nore labor and bettar PaJi they aie a'fnmi v 5 S ^ am0 and mbfortuno ou such t jj e past two m0 ntlis than during the pre- the San unii IVcssthat, in hi. c*ht!oo, mds and! " ® 1 j — the sweetorange will stand zero when the | school-boards and of bureaus of education | maliy of lllem . tr o becoming small pro- | A _ „- bE 2. E ; v ?„° I |' I’ensac'JLA.—In the J Advice to literary Ladies, cur esteemed former citizen, Col. Samuel D. Irvin. The immediate cause of her death was a severe burn received a few days previous, The writer knew and loved “Callie” in ail the days of her childhood, and can as- of Em- «» ** •“ ■?-!“ “ ■” I «ap b ..r,bh, S "that "VruL'/Vus "ivili MI StSJjtSKSrfSSli’hSi’ TI I I N.“S“ “SSTbaT^.n found on earth a brighter and more cheery inj , ire lhe fruit> atul that tbe late froeze !*t« ind,l3try to follow lbc commands of self- g b *°“3 bd » co f u ^f in outskirts piraut than the tCMC liltlo ofI spirit than hers. Possessed ofa vivacity wi u be a4>eiielit, to the "roves of south umnsm 1wt t lbc I ish leaders, aud a large proportion of the ~ tbe small seacoast vilHag,eofle^nsaco:la. erson: “If you want success, succcd.” cuhariy her own, her letters andconver- The Tailipa Tribune learns that Gov- Z Zn “ ,1,U of especially’inJninorfty , wb j s ^> ^t^TtoWYort^S^rSS sation were always unique and brimful of emor W. D. Bloxliam has purchased land d t e „ V “L e .f, ®“J y 1°, a “? b , ?,* er , r c!s< * , as sba11 counties, refuso to take any part in poli- bal1 for . I»Hnes, furuished by the Choc- ^ this moral is pointed, entreats all pee wit and intelligence. Indeed, smiles and and is going to have an orange grove £££&£ t’Z P Jn £ a # cult * es of tics. They have a majority of from twen- ta ?, and , Creck , , sons to remember that the produrt ioiVof sunshine ever HI up her presence and we started lu tbe Ticlull >’ ° f Fort Meade, in m „°, 0 f, lIie . > eac . lie “ b al' ty to thirty thousand inthe Stateon a The old manamost a hermit, ventured 0 n,ex.sineters is not, per te, in end ofhu- sunsume ever ut up ner presence, anu we p J » I be “nonmulta, tied multum;” that noth-1 strieL color line division lint there «,,n mto the sleepy little town only to supply , nan „ vl£f „ n . 0 . can never cease to remember tho period!- „ ; I ing shall he taught that shall not be taughi I ne v C r bL , another aol'id nocro votocastin ! lli3 sitn P Ie "' anl 3 at the market. A mea- em ioumahsm do U not 1 inMnde cal visits of this sweet maiden to our home I steamers Mo-^an and Achninii hail a j ami that tlio course of iu- ] this State. Superior intefli^ence ami will | 2^1* store of garlic, olive oil aud bread eon-1 th e production of of hesaxnc »„U fires',Je, wto ... we!eo»efi "SathSSSS 1 , ta £ >»"> '■««>« “ X" lurta etombaS... A toM. o, ^ 3L. K““Se U fosfi SSl as a cherished member of the family, them sailing from Havana at the same ucatfon nroBiaWa aiite^ to b fh„ C «et.M« I wor,d > and botb w ’ lites and blacks under- I “* b ‘ : , f., 1 writWn In E,, S>«»h. Tho modern editor There were salient points in her charac- hour. The Morgan won tho race by one andto thl community fn which ho 11vm I sta “ d , lt - Tbero win bo , unjustifiable fhourchlnsofthe townto beset him rec r“. a PmJ udl cc in favor of good English ter, too, of an original, practical tarn hour and seven minutes. community in winch ho lives. I methods hero to repress such negro coun- :,,® r Jr,?tt„ ii? ^ S “ rather than faulty French or limping s P ,.w,, s .fT, mp ,, un u. ,u>,„ U! » suirc-w. 1. »u «.« KgS’S'S Xtas HfSr5irS'JgXS££ai2L' ■» *■ »• D., S ''Sfiufi; tleuly been translated to her. heavenly fo r ’a winter soiourn that I Iklvc f.imui I for a copy of a piece of music dedicated to j aud of interest sU-.. nuiw , Vtt , n i v - n . lr c„^A th. u,,ie i-,,„ I **."*.’ “*• ■—»■»«■ mu us a home, but as the simplest tribute to her tll8 5oulIj> and J I have extended my re- bimself and bearing his name, which was /SSSSh^thSfSil mocked S it I P^.^TJcli-lpubluhed by Charles J. Wal.aee, of Cuth-1 I »Jgf2Sk when orcly harassed ^ 852? KS' _ frenzy of passion, like the bald-headed effort; but if the effort is the true L r °?l Ct °f°,! d i„ b ?. I soul-leading, ,t cannot be abandoned. A power stronger than her own will holds her in its course—a power - _ . ... irresislable as the forces of nature. If e^lf aV TL2b n no such* hIng U S°cha^ n I The openins of par,lament on Thursday, I ton. We are pleased to learu that An-1 supply wL pwpa^^rar^day, and how! Tito oldest Diegos shake their heads of a^rersity, oTobscuriiv 1 , Sd*ftlS and Jehovah lives and rei"iis He will I the Q ueen ’ a speech and tlie debate upon drew College was never in a more pros-1 >f spmo guest arrived, the housewife could I mysteriously, and tell you that fourteen not> «a man is not worth'muck,” says comfort and sustain you Fn this trying it, transferred the Irish excitement from perous condition, and the grounds and I ™ ako thonecess^y provision without de- ^‘ !a ! a P ro, P ent J r 11 Dr. Holmes, “who cannot treat himself to h \Dublin to London. The speech Is the buildings, too, have recently been greatly Frilaheen^he ’ douch is notTenfrallv “i!* 0 ™ 1 of Encouragement most voluminous that lias been addressed ornamented and Improved. Success to tho I lcavcneih A round hole in the ground^ I The Panama Canal. I that'iTserene'ly 6 centred? If Yoi/areTin- to Parliament by the Queen within our Doctor and Ills pet Institution. I some 1J feet deep, and the same in diam- To the Edltor of the IVorld—Sim: Will appreciated you “can stay at home in vour memory. It convey a the idea of emergen] ItKT* , lu % T'* ^dre^dre^SdentH^ 8 °* n chanci are, hoover J 1 - - i-live coal*, wl,id,. « l„ TTn«.Vs ti mP) addressed to 1 resident Uajes. I that any work which has salt enough for »>«o,7en> t^* j savor is appreciated quite as much President Hayes, Washington. I Iearn | „ jt deserves. Anyway, it doesn’t wouldbe ^ny effort tl,a[ essayed re do jfis- lhe othe%ul&"SutT^thLt of "easG ^ GC ? T °"‘ ^i ^ in lhe South “butft S tico toiler worth and loveliness. To thoso ern Florida. I remember one winter I gant,and we congratulate tlie Doctor upon | 111 tue aout ii, out it ts al view of the race issue | the truth.” parents we would only add, friends, mourn I when the month of January was steadily I tho deserved compliment which has been not as tiiose who are without hope. Y ourl - -• 1 Bread-making in the Holy L and.- hour. Fall in Prices. While we labored under the impression that the general range of prices in Macon was somewhere between fifteen and twenty-five per cent, higher than six uiLiuuijs al tuui a tue lui'a ui cniti nt il- | *" • ■**•** ■ | i. __ s **„ _ . eg. The Herald's telegram of the 4th Osk ortho growing industries of A «* I (Hosea rif. are imt illo^ed to go out from London sbowa tho existence of no lia " a cooking anu canning of rab- I night, and, when baking has to be done, . . little uneasiness in the English mind. The The ^ olaa Preserving Company, | arc again revived. The housewife first I De Le<seps still defies the United States months ago, we are gratified to find that a molion f ^ Gladstone tu Wo u M near Melbounte, had on an average 7,000 !° rll l s ,? lu "'P, d °ugh with her and proposes to proceed with the Panama summary of a Journal of Commerce ar- .. ,, . - nfMieie -.eiio r.riem« timnni.t I baud, then suddenly spreads it out Gaual work. Colombia has no right to tide in the Charleston -Netes and Courier qU !* l [° n prCCcdenC0 uuUl dIs P° sc ' 1 of « [ ,, “ ff , , , /°, S . ia CV6,y with an indescribably rapid act.on of give canal chart*™, under au existing ta - - — ' and tho address of the Popelo tho Catli-1 nlglit at the beginning of tho past season, I both lauds—which can as little be imi-1 treaty of guaranteed neutrality by the olic hierarchy of Ireland, which Is pub- and lbo su PPiy increasing, orders were I mted as a conjurer’s movement - into a United States, without the sanction of lished to-dav, all indicate a crisis ' given to limit the daily quantity to 2,700 cak ,° about a* thin as a leaf, which with a Congress. The Wyse-de Lessepe charter iiv-ftto a UU19 ‘ I . — * * I JnnUfAfnvl Holi AP rorv alia nM.en. < n U .1,« I llA< lift AlllCriC*n IftlltlCItlOll. COI’glVSS takes ail entirely different view Wheat flour, for instance, which was quoted st $5.30 per barrel iu 1870, is now quoted as low as $1.75, a gain of $1.60, even at wholesale, for the consumer, aud the gain at retail is probably 50 per cent. _ _ _ -csss sjstssii.iw | rr7*?r rr at $1.02 per bushel, and now at 63 cents. letln ' tbe total loss b y fire of tb e United matter. Tlie Point is to do work that merits anv recognition. Light writing is apt U b« Eglit reading. We get nothing more out of life then wo put into it. Measure for measure is the rule, and it is exacted at Sliylock-like rates. Good work comes only from the eternal pair. During tho season, which lasted J n ° !stened dab or > rag she presses into the ba s no American latiticatiou. Corgress | vigilance, the i.atient'i r .plieatio'Drthe" TnvFim-Tiremm iccn n.I. o- , vn,cu 183lcu hot oven, where it remains sticking. In a I shoifld therefore pass a resolution, plain I slmilated "rowHi that forms the treasure * L oy # 1 ^ 0, During I lor %, weeks, 075,000 rabbits were canned j minute it begins to move, and is at once I antlto tbe point, informing nations a ca- I of experience. Jonrralism is a Profession tlie past year, according to the carefully | by this establishment alone. | taken out to make room for the following I ua l can onorbe made through an Ameri-I j n srldfoh there is not onlv room at the one. Tho bread is now ready, not thicker can company and capital, as iudtspensa- to Pt bllt a ,. eal of 1 ' than parchment, not very relishing, and ble toprevent a foreign ju.Udictiou on the to the pinnacle, and iu , a a IBVOr . somewhat sandy on the outside, hut really American Continent and save liberty. able one for lr i neat ^ BMim Transcript. A Capitai. Number.—fho Southern L n _ bo i b :‘ b ^. arti ?!® < tbe « b ?ve. been | Slates amounted to $105,000,000. That | Panned Monthlg for January re-, very enJoyable - for anyone'who'has'a I Do Lt^seps probably dispatches a Meam- sorae fluctuations, although tho decline iu reliable journal prints a list of 250 confla- 1Iecl3 credit u P on ri£ in r i«5 ft’weKp'to^'S ? Mona ’ ,n cach ofwbIcb ,boIo!S ««« d - anJ , , al (- conuccted good appetite. Although of the size of i large plate, such a slice contains but little I er from Havre on the Clli January with men, etc., to touch at New You. Mr. The train that left Red Bank, N. J. I tor, has mad^agood*Start'for'the 1 new I Experience observation R4.50. Leather is 25 per cent lower than P***®***™ while enronte by relief engine.*, by Sidney Herbert, which i*. Illustrated by P oli W- The great seed house of n 1870, having fallen from 30 cents to 28 and seven locomotives were required to tbe Rifred pencil of Horace Bradley With 7,„ ’ j _a—i . 1 I n rtiires nr.TiiflirA J- Ts. Hnnkin^ finn up iiorn small begmumes, and we cents, and refined petroleum 70 per cent. I posh tbe snow-bound train tliroucli | pitrtrires of Juil^e J. L.Hookmsfine im- ctieaper, crude having fallen from 154 to v.Hnn. «*>,»>• m.,1. ... i , „ . juried Jersey bull, Car jioy, and tl 12 j cents a gallon, amd refined fromfiOi | Vari0IU otber TOad are s0 stl11 badly I handsomo thoronghbrOd Jersey coi . to 19f cents. Salt pork and mess beef are I blocked with drifted snow, and a heavy “Lucy.” The article refers mostly to •boat 60 per cent, less in orice. Liverpool I snow storm yesterday threatened to still salt, good sack, is more than 50 per cent. I further complicate the situation. less, being 76 cents against $1.70, but I - , ,,, Ashton sack is unchanged. Raw Cnba | . Bishop Ei-deb, of Cincinnati, said Judge Hopkins’ valuable herd of Jer seys. Populous cities are monsters tliat dc stroy life rather than nourish it. Inti city of New York, for the year 1880, there wore 31,866 deaths and only 27,55d births, Two-fiftlis of the deaths are among chil dren under five years of age. The tender. and not^fpted for the meridian of Mo- I dancing after dark and no round dancing I of^Vup SwelH^ £dm oon or the adjoining States. j at any time.” J wholesome streets. sugar is about 10 per cent, less, the price I vi. being 7| against 10J cents a pound, and I b * re< * nt e Pl s °opal letter to the clergy refined is about 30 per cent, less, being 0) I ot his diocese: “Iu entertainments given against 14J cents. I for church purposes, or in any way sane-1 These prime are New York wholesale I Uoned by the priest, there must be The great seed house of D. M. grown up f rom small beginnings, and we take It as an indication that they are a reliable firm, whose representation may be trust ed, and whose goods are first-class. Their Seed Annual for 18S1 is a beautiful book large as a magazine, and contains a wonderful amount of information. It is given away free to any who apply for it. •Send lo them for your seed, aud you roav dopend upon it you will get the best that tbe market can supply. If tii is hard freeze does nothing worse than to bite the toes off of tbe Oklahoma expeditionists much inconvenience to other people may be lightly considered.— Philadelphia Times. prevent any America iuleuds to deiend her inherited right to control on the American conti nent. I think, Mr. President, tliat you should further uotify Colombia that while the United States cannot ratify a conces sion for a canal under foreign control, no disposition exists to prevent a canal ever Colombian territory, and that a sanction will be accorded to any other conceaaion or concessions granted by South Ameri can governments, the canal, or canals, however, to be owned in the United State* under a protectorate ot directors appointed from time to time by Congress. Faithful ly yours, W. Cornell Jewett. A community of Oblate Sisters of Pro- vidence bave arrived in tbe city from Bal timore for tbe purpose of establishing themselves here. They are anxious to devote their lives for the welfare of tbe colored people. They are temporarily located at No. 700 North Seventeenth street, and are trying to raise means to getabmia*. The marriage of the Czar to his second wife took place at the Chateau of Tsurs- koe-Selo, in the presence of Count Alex ander Adierberj, General Ityteef, the m<*st intimate friend of the Czar, Count Millintinc, Minister of War, anil General Loris Meiikoff. The bride now wears tho title of Princess Yourley, which is ope of the titles belonging to the Romanoff fam ily. Nxw Haven has a benevolent man, same as Boston. A lot of them stood iu line for a long time aud paid $2 for seats at Bernhardt’s show, and then generously stood at tbe door on the night of tbe per formance and sold them for 40 cents, to people who came along. Few cities con tain men so willing to sacrifice lime and money for the benefit of the public.—Bos ton Post. A Valuable Paper for Hpemlacaem. Legitimate stock speculation contem plates small as well as Ism investments- $25, $50 or $100 often, In skillful hands, realizes hundreds of dollars in profits. Tbe Weekly Financial Report, published by John A. Dodge * Co., 12 Wall stmt New York, an entirely reputable and trustworthy firm, gives many valuable hints concerning stock speculation. It fe sent fiwei,