Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, January 28, 1881, Image 2

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fiOl* uviix Jmxttud $c 2fl*5S5tjmg*T. GEORGIA PRESS. Tim fearful matrimonial epidemic which hMteUcked the editorial fraternity recently la explained by the veteran com modore of the Clipper Warrenton. He aaya it cornea of tbe bard times, and it requires two to bear it. He ia a disciple of Mr. Stephens, who believes Georgia is getting poorer. Mb. Ha* O. Hughes, of Wilkerson county, is dead. He was <55 years old, a most excellent cltisen and a good man. Mb. H. M. PACE, or Twiggs county, died on tbe lAtb lost, ot pneumonia. Tbe race for city officers in Savannah passed olT on Tuesday last with bnt a slight skirmish or two. Only apart of tbe vote was counted that night, but the indi cations favoc tbe re-election or Mayor Wheaton. Our old ftiond, S. P. Hamil ton, leads the van on the alderm&uic ticket. A trip to Hew York Is not attended with any serious delay, provided you take the aplendld Central Railroad Steamship Line irom Savannah. Tbe .Yetc* says the steamship City of Augusta came to anchor at Tybee Monday evening, having made the run from Hew York in forty-nine boars. This Is tbe quickest time re corded. * A BAB at Whitestown, Georgia, be lieves that tbe air is pure at the height of a hundred feet, and he has attained per mission to run a pipe to the top of a village church steeple in order to pump a supply into his house. Ax,Barer Hetcs and Advertiser: Col. Tift has, as intimated in ids report to the creditors of Welch & Bacon at their meet ing on Saturday last, tendered his resig nation aa tbe assignee of the Arm, and his resignation was accepted by Judge Flem ing yesterday. An order was then passed by the court appointing Capt. Jno. 15. Da- vla receiver, with the concurrence, we un derstand, of a large number of the credi tors. Dublin Post: Dr. W. J. Kurtz, an aged aud respected citizen of this county, died last Saturday of consumption. Hia death was probably hastened by the break ing of his leg and other hurts received a year or so ago from the running away of hia horse. Ho was buried near his home on Sunday. Sumter Republican: We regret to learn that Mr. Joel J. Reese, a most esti mable citizen of Schley couuty, was, on Friday hut, adjudged a lunatic and sent to tbe asylum at Miiledgeville, on Saturday last. Mr. Reese bad for some time suf fered from paralysis and neuralgia, which finally reached the btaiu. lie was sent to tbe asylum on Ids own motion, thinking to bo benefited. Mr. Reese 1$ a noble specimen of true manhood. Tub Rome Tribune man is having his revenge. He says: We learn that legal steps will be taken immediately to prosecute 3 -- s—--■ ■—»«i in our is sue of yesterday who so cruelly treateit a poor horse. The ease will be prosecuted by a talented lawyer free of charge, who, with the assistance of the prosecuting at toruey will, it is hoped, teach these inhu man people a lesson. Those who so bar barously treat horses and mules ii» Rome may rest assured that such conduct will no longer be tolerated, and it the city coun cil will order every vehicle in tbe city- numbered, they will greatly aid ia this much needed reform in behalf of the poor dumb creatures who are uuable to com plain pf their Cruel masters, who too of ten with whip and lash urge them beyond their strength. We learn that there is a law upon our statute books upon this sub ject and it should he enforced rigidiy. .* nnu -—Superintend old bridge crossing the railroad track at the foot of Nelson street with anew one at the expense of the Mkcou and Western railroad. For doing tins Mr. Raoul has the thanks of the citizens of Atlanta, aud especially those living in the viciuity. Wabre.vton- Clipper; Mr. Samuel Hail, a highly esteemed citizen of Wa-- ren, died on the lath inst. His seventieth year would have been completed in March —but severe odd contracted upon a con- stitution already broken by several years of suffering and the infirmities of age,sud denly terminated his useful life. Only one week was lie confined to his bed, but the messenger found him waiting. For forty-five years lie bad been a consistent member of the Baptist church. Tbe Argus gives tbe following circum stance of the uaming of tbe couuty site: The battle of Buena Vista bad just been fought between Gen. Taylor aud Gen. banla Anna, aud ibe bloody scene was the subject of comment over the breadth and width of tbe couutry. Mr. Uigbee, of Randolph county, fresh from the battle field where be had lost an arm, came to Miiledgeville and was elected messenger of the House of Representatives. Oaac-li r nr„." "/’.“m - count of his connection with that battle I ’ Vl s **• Bruce. We com- tbe represc.itaves nicknamed their ines-1 mend these young gentlemen to the pub- SSfc Iff?”,?* Mr- Wiggins I he and wish they may be successul In sttssn th i s r * tbe r w e w ey bave • Mumed - introduced a bill making a towu in tbe I ® 01 " doHS F. Wheaton was re-elect* county of Mariou which should be the ( ed mayor of Savannah by a majority of 802 couuty site, but bad left the name blank, I over 11 is competitor, Hon. D. G. Purse, f™' tl ’° I>ur P£ se ' wc PJ e s«nie, or corre-1 Augusta Neva: A abort time since an On ^mTnr t nr SOm h ° f hl ? °“ Ilstitu ents. elderly^lady of this city startled the honse- U ?i t °f ,n cban S e iu Ihe order of I hold with a piercing shriek and the infor- busmess, the bill came up before Mr. I mation that there was a mouse in her Wiggins expected it, and ho was called I pocket. The girl rushed to her rescue »} IC b ‘ allk wi0 ' anama f °r his j hastily assisted her to divest herself of her new town. He an *u, somewhat confused, I wrapper, firmly grasping the mouth of the 0 mnT 1 Bi shee near him, pocket to prevent the escape oftbedan- Buena V li« *T my tOWn after you > p roua . The garment was then •om Buena \ Ist.». I turned over to the man of the bouse, and The following are somo of Granberry’s I “ e » armed with a club, proceeded to tbe recent discovers • wo ropy from tbe Co-1 b *ck yard, followed by tbe audience to luinbus Enquire.-: Ail ladies know that I w * tnes8 him dispatch tbe offender. The the common s'... tracking u a terror I P° cket wasopeueda little, then wider, but to washerwomen, v en it come- uo mouse appeared. Finally, nMn ing ladies’shoe.- x adyhas g: r. us a I cour *&> he ventured to investigate, aud recemt, warranted to soi) skiit*. It is IP* tbe cause of all tbe excitement to simply to saturai- a due piece of cloth I ^ a pocket tape measure, from which tbe with sweet milk, rab the shoes aud then {*P rJu S had become detached and bad he was'observed by several gentlemen to suddenly fall, and then make an effort to rise. They hastened to his assistance, but upon being raised be heaved a deep sigh aud breathed bis last. His heart was ob served to beat rapidly for a few minutes, and life was over. His colored friends say be bad suffered from heart disease a long while and bad several times fallen but re covered. An inquest was held and it was decided that the excitement caused by bearing of bis master’s death and tbe expectation of seeing him a corpse was too great—be sank under it. CoviHGTOX Star: It coats about $1,- 500 a year to feed tbe paupers of Newton county. We bave long endeavored to in duce our couuty authorities to purchase s farm to he used as a pauper's borne, but hare failed to convince them that it would be a saviug to tbe county to do so. lu uur opinion it would be the best invest ment the oounty could make. We trust our new board of commissioners will take the matter into consideration. Swainsbobo llerald: Thera has been about tSd per cent increase in the popula- i ion of Emanuel in the last decade. It seems to us that parties owning large tracts of land in Emanuel will be inde pendently rich within tbe next ten years —if the value of land should increase in the same ratio in the future as it has in the past. Sparta Jshmaelile: Numbers of the colored laborers of this county are dnft- iug down into Washington county. If they can do better in that county than in Hancock, it is all right. It is their privi lege to go where they please, and, as a matter of course, in so doing they have only their own interests to consult. The difficulty of procuring farm hands pre sents itself to our farmers every year. It is a growing difficulty. It will soon reach such proportions as to put an end to the plantation system of farming in the South. Tne tendency of the times is to small farms. It is fortunate that tbe in terests of our section lie in the same di rection. Small farms well cultivated and highly fertilized, should be tho answer to scarcity of labor. The farmers of Georgia had as well prepare to meet this question, and we do not know a belter way of doing it than the one suggested. Atlanta Post-Appeal: Edward Mer cer, of this city, has received letters patent on the boss cotton compress for plantation use. It is a light press, cheap and dura ble, but so supplied as to power that one inau can bring a five hundred pound bale of cotton down to twenty inches. He will manufacture the ptesses jn this city, and they ought to make him a big lor- tune. Savannah Hews: The many friends <>f Capt. Herring iu this city will regret to iiear of his death, which occurred last evenin'' at seven o’clock at the Savannah hospital. Ho arrived here several days since on the Juniata quite ill, having been sick some time previously. It is probable his family will reach here in the steamer C. \V. Lord to-day from Philadelphia, having been telegraphed of his serious ill ness. The remains will be sent to Phila delphia for interment. Mil IV. S. Tennant and Miss Addie Cauthsm, were married in Griffin on tbe l'Jtb. It was a brilliant affair. x uc poiiM of Griffin are quietly abridg ing the pleasures and enjoyment ot tiio Griffinites, by interfering with the crowds that assemble at tbe depot. It is cruel to takeaway tbe only privilege of excite ment vouchsafed to a free people. Afteb a long, but patiently borne ill ness, Mrs. Emily Hook, the estimable wife of Judge James S. Hook, died yester day at the family residence in Summer- ville, near Augusta. The Savannah river rose fourteen feet in ono night at Augusta. The water backed up into the canal, stopping all the mills aud shops. The trains on the Geor- having the city canvassed, to see if ttie people want them to take the press dis patches. Oun old fnend, Mark Newman, was duly installed as ordinary of Washington county this week. Gen. Lee’s birthday was celebrated in Savannah by the Chatham Artilleiy, Georgia Hussars and the Savannah Vol unteer Guard battalion, under an invita tion of the First Volunteer Regiment of Georgia. They had a parade and review iu the park extension, after which the sev eral companies repaired to their armories, where refreshments awaited them. The Oglethorpe Light Infantry of Sa vannah, celebrated their twenty-fifth anniversary on the 10th inst. The Here# has a very full account of tbe interesting proceedings. A magnificent banquet was enjoyed at the Pulaski House. The Talbotton Standard has changed hands, Mr. W. J. Hall selling to Messrs. mencemeut of Mercer University to the beststudeut iu general excellence, deport ment and scholarship. This interest iu one of our beet colleges on tbe part of our distinguished frieud Judge Rodgers Is in every way commendable and worthy o imitation. Gbittin Hew*: We are glad to notice the press generally are giving the present state of tbe ballot box some severe rapt across the knuckles. This is no corpse, gentlemen, aud tbe music must not slop with a mere discussion of tbe matter, lor we bave a real, live, genuine kicking ani mal to deal with, aud it will take some awful whacks to annihilate iu No use to try denying the base usages our boasted free ballot has been put to. Whole cart loads of suffragist* have been toiled be hind a wbissy jug like asses with blades of fodder, and we’ve seen them succumb to tho “Sweet Bye-and-Bye” of a dollar note-t-yea, by tbe hundreds. This thing called “sugar,” offered in a dark corner, is one of tbe most tantalizing pieces of dev iltry on record, and yet men continue its lavish use. It’s a fine sweetening, but is there anytblug viler? Ob, bow low is that man who will sell his pure rights as a free American citizen, for the paltry dol lar offered him by some miscreant with out a soul, who has less regard for bis country’s honor, than be has pride left by bis mother for bis own name. It is uo less treacherous to buy an ignorant voter’s privileges than it is dishonorable on tbe part of the voter to accept the bid. Tbe ono is villainous, tbe other unlawful. Lei’s have done with iu Atlanta Post-Appeal: Tbe factory turned out 00,000 yards of cloth on the first day of this week. Experts say that It is the best material that is manufactured Iu this couatty. Baunesville Gazelle: We regret to chronicle the burning of tbe gin bouse be longing to Mr. W.I. Williams, of Monroe county, Thursday night week. With the house were consumed six bales of cot* ton aud tlio seed from that part of the crop which ho bad giuned. He made a veryfair crop last year, and did not sell any until the crop was gathered, and hence he loses nearly all hia labor for last year. Auousta News: Ten carloads of non, one hundred tons, arrived yesterday for the Augusta and Knoxville railroad. Tbe weather is very much against the laying of iron or any immediate work, but all wanted is a fair day and several more like It, and the Augusta aud Knoxville will be itoned and in running order to the river. As soon as this iron is down tbe r.' bridge will be hauled up aud put morning. He was a prominent member the hothee shiroi FnfiHR. of the Savannah Volunteer Guard* Band, i _ —> having been connected with it sines tbe ! Owssins ms a Moo**, organization, fourteen years ago, and was, From the vast quantity of rain that has fora time, manager. During the yellow recently fallen, as might have been ex- workw?*uuiderthe^late’captain ^ 1“' G «*|? a Johnson, and rendered good service. He dow i n 8 0T *r their banks. The Ocmulgee was appointed by Mr. T. F. Johnson, the at 7p. m. yesterday, had risen to one and present collector of customs, to the poai- one-half Inches of the highest water-mark » f uSf‘orWa, ,b n , . , ;“i.z *> ™* active member of tbe Forest City Light WM reached in 187«, and was chron- Iufautry. He was an industrious man, ided by the late A. R. Watson, local edi- no 5 e d, re *P* ct fi , l demeanor and I tor ot this paper, as the “Centennial fresh- I <* the South. I pillar of the bridge, two spikes denote the Gainesville Eagle. On last Monday highest water in tbe river since the con- morning, at 2 o’clock, the store of Mr. W. I struction of the bridge in 1820. ?i* EuOB ^- * Fo «j> in The first freshet of note occurred in Fj^tSSS&tSSlE&S »«* -W “•> “Uanlaon Mb- the fire was under such headway as to I et.” There were three freshet* in Geor- make it impossible to stay tbe flames, gi* in 1840 and 1841, and each was called 2SJ8.S: “In order u, him to enter, and the house and entire I proper discrimination, we quote from stock was consumed, including tbe post- Butler’s “History of Macou and Central office and all the fixtures, records, etc., Georgia,” the author having obtained hU *«»««»**» been no fire in thestove since Friday af- obaph and Georgia Messengeb of that ternoon, and Mr. Barnes has no doubt I n*te, wbicb, on reference to old files, we that the fire was the work of an incen-15 U<1 , to k® 5? rr ?5 t ’ ,* nd w °r&T of repro diary. The loss to Mr. Barnes in goods I Auction. Mr. Butler says: was about $1,000, exclusive of tbe build-1 “Two memorable fresbets occurred,one ing. He had an insurance of $550 on the I in March anu the other in the latter part stock, but none on the bouse. of May, 1840. The freshet in May oc- Augusta Heats: The railroad com- curred while the Georgia convention, as- missioners bave ordered that all baggage I wmbled at Miliedgevilie, that nominated be checked by the depot agent before tbe General William H. Harrison for tbe arrival of trains. Tills law goes into ef-1 Presidency of the United States, was in teefc February 1st, with the reduction of I session, aud it was therefore called by the fare to three cents per mile. But, if tbe I people east of tbe Oconee river, “the Har- rains keep up, there will be no use iu I ™ on freshet.” In that portion of the checking for anywhere. It’a a difficult I country, and beyond the Savannah river matter to get out of town already. I * n Carolina, the rivers and other streams Athens Banner: We learn that a very I SSJmSSS d ? st ™ c r disastrous fire occurred iu our neighboring j * Dy , ot ^®'L fr< ^l efc town of Jefferson, on Monday ni^it about I*, v* 1798, The 9 o’clock. The fire originated in what is f..,?! were P ar - known as the Venable bouse, a large two-1 \ story building on one corner of tbe public J frt.of Maith, 1841, alter square, which was occupied by Mrs. I Hwrwou • inauguration, the Veuableand her daughter, Mra. Thomp- I oc ^ lm> ^ we *t or the Oconee, son, as a residence, and by Dr. William I. ■ ■ Ocmulgee, Flint and Cbatta- Wataon, with his office, and by Mr. I booc ^ ea rivers, and all other smaller Wm. Waddell as a shoe shop. From water andpro- theuce it spread to an adjoining building, “mage than ever known, occupied by Hon. J. B. Silman and P. G. «>tase<Aion the last inundation was *1- Thomsou as law offices. It then took in I ~® Harrison treshet; hence the —•—• .. I confusion that arose many years after- WELCH a BACON. BRICK MAKING. ipertaat Iadulrjr sad UetMMi EmIkuIIm of tbe XmIssm end tbe Appelatesent ef a Receiver. Commercial failures are not generally I one of the most important industries of discussed m detail in tbe public prints,! , ... „ r .. , the proviuoe of the newspaper usually be- Hacon is the manufacture of brick. Con ing limited to tbe mere announcement of the failure of business houses whenever they take place; bnt the failure of tbe firm position. wuou, ana wnen xue me stasi— iti '~ _ r —_ Columuus Enquirer: Yesterday Mr. | progressed very rapidly. From what we I »v e 1 me ? , eoc ^o^? nc ?* The fresh of Sawyer, the contractor for carrying the I can learn very little was saved from any of I w ,!? tiia conven tual! between this city and Lumpkin, I tbe bouses burned. The type of tbe Forest I ^ Miliedgevilie, was named Florence, aud other places arrived in j Hews was saved, but it was iu a state of I D ,I \ 0C . r ^ 8 ’ ‘‘The Harrison Nomi- the city. He is here for the I pi, and the presses were destroyed. We I ?oH 0n .* re , t, and *h 0 fresh of March, purpose of locking after the. differ-1 regret very much to hear of this calamity, I n . atnef l by the same “un cut lines, and to see that tbe mails are I and the suflerers have our sympathies. I temUe ., *“;tbority, “The Harrison In- —... - . ... - ‘bey I Mrs. Thompson, one of the ladies burned I au S urat ]°p Freshet.” An iron spike was ring I out, is the mother of Charlie Thomson. I Vi* 0 *® 8 western abutment of the i it. .uu 4. UV UIU.D .UftU UC UUUUb W UU» Hfi | ... H.V.. . — —J j.Hll. VI4U4Cia 111 IUO I *1. .. ., took the contract, for which he is paid by I State. I l “at time, March 1841. The spike a.i.. thagovtfnmant, aud it is his duly to see Albany Hum and Adcertiser: Sealed UuheOcmulmi ” SPCCtCd * ° Very freabet that it is done, llie people have 1 ecu | proposals are invited by certain citizens I x K * put to a great inconvenience by the fail- of Early county for fumUbiug crossties During the Centennial freshet of the ure, and the blame rests ou the contractor. I for the railroad from Arlington to Blake-1 ®pring of 1879, the water rose six inches Now lhat he ia here, it Is hoped every-j ly, and for clearing and repairing theeu- above the mark of Mr. Butts Itisbeliev thing will be satisfactorily arranged, and tire roadbed for the reception ofthe rails; L, I U13 beli<n that tim annoyance will cease. I au d it is stipulated that the work is to be " a ’ however » that tliere was more water Augusta AVics: Col. E. R. Dotsey, I finished by tlie first of Juue next. Judg-1 ^ le r l ver In 1841; the filling of the general passenger agent Georgia railroad, I ing frouTthis it seems thatour Blakely j channel and the railroad embankments on has issued a circular making a rate over I friends are soon to bo connected with I both sides of the river nroduco more hark that line, to go into effect February 1st, as the world of rails. This is a good step, water “ d . , follows: Agent’s rale, 3 cents a mile; I and the extensiou of the road will build I W x ,5 , 8 P rcatl - train rale, 4 cents; children between 5 and I up Blakely and the rich farming country I Like In 1878, the basements of the J2, half of above rates; minimum rate for I surrounding tbe little town. I houses near the river in East Macon are an X < y a ™»g«” ta :, , . I jAwlia M - Elliott vs. Western and submerged. Thousands of people visited B. H. bCHNELL, who was anxionsto Atlantic RAILKOAD—Cartersville Free the city bridge vesterdav which solid^ marry a little girl by tbe name of Hattie I Press: This case has been on tho docket J , y> d y G. Posey, in Columbus, has come to grief ofour co . u . rt for of ^ eight ^*°***°* w »teis in Atlanta Hr taV-n t n ih. ycara > and has cost the county a good deal I lhat 10,1 *g»Iust its granite pillars. ‘ k ? l « tb , 8tel on . or trouble and expense. Capt. Elliott re- The water at present appears to be at a house, and tho child placed in charge of j ceived the fourth verdict in his favor last I stand, and it is thought before morning tbe lady of tbe boulbera hotel. Mayor] week. The two first awarded him $5,000 j it will begin to recede. as »,5TA , ss to «!4ssa’£fi: be a man of good sense, and we know he I ?® nt fro 1 I ? t “ c P' ainti11 ' 8 cars the river! Two hnntfretl yards oflrcstie AN old woman near Norwood pnt a j tjte road lrom ail damage thattbetrainscan n°t pass over it. Shoii.„ lighted pipe in her pocket the other day, | lllat 1 mI ? bt occur to him wliile lhere bo no further rise in the river the and set fire to three twenty-dollar bills |dS^3Sa < SS^“a K ! , .% 1 dam *S e wiI1 soo » «moyed and trains twentv-doliar bill* I , lDe i raln> Gaptain Elliott was presi ^ntained therein. The notes were so boaf ^ [ ^“5 regularly. mnUated tliat they had to be sent on to j over the road, lie having given officers of I Tho h®* 1 * ° r a colored man, taken to tho ° Ter Washington for redemption. | tiie Western and Atlantic railroad like cemetery yesterday for Interment w- n <. “ ‘ ‘ P«ses over his steamboat line. Wo are deposited in the hearse house in’eonso- The leading papers in tbe State are speaking out in unmistakable tones in fa vor of a registration law. Mb. Chables B. secretary for Hoa/A. IL turned from Washington. surae his duties as stenographic reporter of the Rome circuit. We take the following from the Ataeri-1 himself off as a railroad man antf " I cus Recorder: “The demand for money I jug the cab of a freight train which be-1 part — — uw emra and credit until fall ia unprecedented. Is | Ion §* *® tlie . Western and Atlantic rail- the water was near two feet deep, this not a most unfavorable sign of the I r °ao>, slola a double-barrel shot-gun, two 1 ~ * times? Does it not portend trouble? Un- I P ut0 «i ^wo hats and a heavy, black over- der the drcumsUnces, does it not behoove I coa f* Tbo thief i» ahr ut six feet liigh, of Welch A Bacon is a matter in which many of our readers are directly interest ed, and is surrounded with such circum stances as make it a legitimate subject for discussion in our columns. No failure has ever taken place In southwest Geor gia in which so many of our people of all classes were interested, either as creditors or debtors, and aa all tbe official state ments of the firm and ot the assignee have, been published in the Jeics and Adver tiser, those interested in the failure look to our columns for information of all de velopments in the premises. As announced yesterday, Col. Tift has resigned bis trust as tlie assiguea of Welch & Bacon, and the honorable judge of the ’Superior Court, to whom he resigned, has appointed as his successor in the settle ment of tbe business of tbe firm,a receiver, Captain John A. Davis. Now there are doubtless many of the creditors of Welch A Bacon who do not know the difference between an assignee and a receiver, and how the7 will be af fected, if at all, by the change that has been made by the resignation of Colonel Tift, as assignee, and the appointment of Captain Davis as receiver; and for the benefit of such as these we will state that tbe manner in which Capt. Davis will proceed with the settlement of the business will, necessarily, be altogether different from that usually adopted by an assignee. By the execution of a deed by Welch A Ba con, Col. Tift was made their assignee, ducted very quietly and in reality outside the corporate limits, bat little ideals gained of tbe extent of the business by residents within the city. People passing along the streets see piles of smooth, red brick, and beyond a general knowledge that they are made in the swamp know nothing of their history. Only those who have connection with the railroads and witness tbe heavy shipments are aware that an endless employment is famished a large number or laborers, and that a fortune lies in tlie shaping of those trim little blocks of clay. The land below Macon in the Ocmulgee swamp, aud a tract extending away arouud across the Brunwick railroad, fur nishes to tho brick-maker a material said to ho unexcelled in the world for parity and firmness. A manufacturer of steam brick machines told a Telegraph re porter recently that the clay in the neigh borhood of Tutt’s Springs'had no equal in the United States. That he had sold his machines in every State iu the Union, and knew from actual test that such was the fact, since the qompany always required ramples of tho clay to be used, the ma chine not being adapted to coarse mate rial. The quality of the clay is wonderfully pure; it is of the variety known as pipe ZZi.L , . . . , 1,UB “ “i"", r» lc ,“ *» 01 mo variety Known as pipe lion; hu^with Cap™ Haviiasrecei verbis ***!'“ l ° ““ , iu ineabaustibIe quite different. Col. Tift was appointed q . uantltie3 ' Arouud the lower edge of the by Welch A Bacon, but Capt. Davis is j i fl <he iu list of the deposits of clay, appointed by tbe court, and is, therefore, some six or eight brick yards are beii'e au officer of the court, lo do as that court worked One of them h« > directs. He has no discretion whatever K, r * * t!,em bas , a sUsel m3 ' as to how and when the creditors of | cbIn£ for nuking pressed brick, and the Welch & Bacon shall be paid, and can pay ] capacity is 28,000 brick per day. Tho out money only upon the order of the others have the old fashioned wooden ap- bU ‘ d -and in paying off the creditors, and the latter I canl,ot 00 luet * At this particular time in paying off the creditors, and the latter will have to await the order of the court Albany Hew# there is a demand for more than 2,000,- 000 brick while tlie supply doss not ex ceed 500,000. The importance of Macon’s brick man ufactories will bo seen, when it is known Death af a Public Nerraut—-Another Tribute to Worth. Editors Telegraph and Messenger: !■ ———, .. ... .. trust you will make room for a brief trib- that on the Brunswick road forty miles »>*!».«3u»*- only name by which we know him), who I 0,0 I,e produced, and that up the served for years at the passenger depot as | couutr y» av ’eu as uear us as Atlanta, the general porter aud who was followed lo I material 18 inferior. There is no reason his grave by many friends or his own I , y V‘ e “ um ' cr of our manufactories race, was well known to thousands whose I sbol J ,<l IJOt ”* increased and enlarged to business or pleasure made them travelers I Produce pottery, pipes, drains, etc., for the to, from or through our city. I enUre blate * Hurrah's capacity for his position was great, and his position required capacity of no mean order. I have often been struck with wouder and admiration at seeing him check the baggage for ten or a dozen persons, goiug ou different routes and to different points on the same route, without coufusiug cither the trunks or the checks. In this difficult aud compli cated sort of work, of course, experience I'iKM nULITlCS, A Word or Two ConccrutoR tlie Hca- nous, and a Knr Point# in Practical EmhIos. Tbe opinion of many is that the late extensive reins will be followed by dry weather, and tliat 1881 will be a hard year for tho fanners. What arc we to do ? Be v. ;—r~’,— —. —, — I discouraged ? Certainly not. The same IkUPtaftfefm iV* Y 26 measuie f<, . r his providence exist?; there will be the same ° one au '°ng a bun-1 succession of reasons. Let us bo more fjnli «i l iHt T ono a,uon 8 a tb hu- attentive, more diligent, more in earnest, ' vhj would capable I and begin at < uce to do all we can to in- ol acqunng such accuracy even oy long jmre succe&i. _ , . tl j Frost is the best pulverizer known. The onireahrat'n'in i°.-in.o d li-i 10 l , t . H0,1 ^ b *rd freezes ol the season have been of Quires brain suid W iwu Ibo world I iiioro valuo to nloushcd latnl than m«nv come to nnderstand that there is as much Sd* of fertilizer y aud mental power displayed ^PlowSdb^put in motion as soon miwSin botals » lar fi« commercial I as the soil will admit, and deep ploughing fn buhiness generally,*# iu the should be the rule, that the moisture no# so-called learned professions and in Con- j„ t j, e earth may bo retained. This ,10 i l so “ nd strange to say tliat should be followed by good harrowing in soi- ofi2Snt COl ° red tUaU nas tlie P 05808 * j ord r to fertilize the laud, and prepare i! which offered frequent ami easy opportui, I in this part of the country are not calcu- He wa, miobliging to save labor or properly cultivate ^heitd ui^fJAfilSE^Stten'Juig to your re- j the soil. Take any county you please, »»b unuum-ed dun for a gnWilly! vl, iY5? the farming Implements, you realize that his employers put I harn>ws‘*boR?f.f*fcKii! t 2 1,orea P Io ' V8 and ■»for the public accouinuMa- urns. employers put I Imrro «.l P 10 »’S and P° i: for the public accomntoda-1 t „ .^,1,’ _ tn oivrumin t^GiMnitable. tion, and his perquisites were by the wav ! , ri f t ', r other localities would as Dumb at last has handed iu his ot/n ‘ e3pect , t0 fa ™ without a team as check*. ,May Cliaron give safe passage I 1 « be ^ C ‘ orator Is over the darkstieatu to one wliolighrened ; , * , P ortanc e- Ten are needed the cares of so many travelers on their hv ,s now in ^ I* journeys here. Circuit. todn^i^i ? r°. ! i° man 15 onabled to do tho work of three, would it not be _ . . — i iuc iirvuia increosea bv the line t\f Val© V\wm — n i~i— appearance of a eabiuet oi^an, but is op- J labor-saving machine* we are blind to The Itafiln riB ?* r ' eraled by a cratlk ‘. *nd the number of our imercsts to ignore them. t0,f.,? b ', ema 1’ ^o.^twhlle j tuues Is illimitable. With this 0.1 hiJ farmers succeed? I Vne -Jy opinio.t w that the cause is not tbe extend *^ii^aul»M^vT , tb^e7C f Savan'na^ H^T"dSTS» com-1 fr ° m lhe Mtknaa< « bo^ls of hi. hand-1 iudaeem^'‘\o °! Ul!r I Itwlf t,raes i b , ut t!lc of our- aud tbe country much threatened troubte I ““jfy will be deeply pained and shocked 1 0l » aD » haa ,ow grip on our admiration, when others’ an ^ d *. 7 ' bim or at the^c^^mi^" 1 ^ 8 ,f penttown Ego-testers are now In order, U eggs | Slued Ini mo ?J I °ur jSSwiSSSTSS^S I Who Drew tbe'^ iloo .ooo ? “ VEIT GDI IE? Said a smu wtnao wo« bagooa eoutao- aaea aod teokeo down eoMiitsticu nUialy ahowad trooas of dUcaaa-a »of« tear with Narroos Djtptpsia, in wboae atowaoh tbe moat dalteata monel lav Ukeleed BefreeUng »l«*p and quiet nerve* were atrencen to him, ami h. deapohed of aver baisgwaU. Weed, vwedbimto take SIMMONS LIVES BEGULATOB, wfaiah be did,and in a abort time waa not only relieved but eared. Header, if you are coffering with Dy». a pepeia or Liver Disea** in any form, do] I not wait 4uttl tbe disease bus taken a A fast bold upon you, but use too Bogota- n ter when toe symptoms first a’-.ow them- ■ aaivaa. It baa rauaved ootoid coffering, j Simmoos Liver Regulator ia not aa aioobolio ctlmolant, bnt A Pure y Vegetable Remedy! that will core when every thirg ebe fob. lit* a fanlUeaa family m-dioinj Does not dual rang• tbe system. It is lo vio’ent, drastic purge, bat nature's cwu remedy. Tbe friend of everyone, and will not dis appoint you. A tingle trial will oonvioeo yon that it ia tbe cbeap-wt, parent am Mat Family MsdMaeia the world. ~Atk tbe recovered dyspeptics, bibone acffmwra, victima of terse and ague, the merearial diteastd patieata bow they recovered their health, cheerful spirits and good appetite—they will tell you by taking Simmons Liver Regulator* An EffVetual Specific P )ft OON5TIPATION, HEADAOHE, PAIS IN THB BHODLDKBS. DIZZINESri HOUR STOVAOO, BlDTkdTK IN THE MO0TH, BILIDD5 ATTACK4, PALPITATION OP THE HEART. PAIN IN THE BBOION OP THEKIDNET8. DB8PONOENOY, GLOOM AND POBBBODING OP EVIL. ALL OP WHIOE ABE THE OPP3PB1NG OF A DI3- EABED LIVES. RELIEVED COLIC IN CHILDREN. PREVENTS CHILLS AND FEVER, CUBES MALARIAL DIEASES. Ask Tour Draggit t for 8IMMOK8 LITER REGULATOR. See tbst you pet the genaine ia dean, a bite wrapper, with large, red Z. Prepared only by J. II. ZEILIN & CO. tftfiBKBMMaaMMMSHami | D. I. C. . I '] It cc absolute and irresistible cere for I ftUNKII r > «uumm Int*»m?vr»nr« Mad tbe am of Oplmr, To bacco, NatcoUcm nut Stlmulaci-v remorlnff all 1 Lajte, do-:ro nnij hftbit of twixur anjrcf tbcui.rtn U<‘ria^ th-2 tasto or defcirr for any of them perfectly Odlou* an ! «ll*^xulirinr. Qirintf trvrr ono jx’rfcct andirro i-tlble control ot tba oobriuty ot them* * iclvw and tbclr friends. It prevent*-that absohits phvwical ami moral prostration that follow* tho stufdea brua^ir.j off ^rom tiblnj stimulants or narcotics. rackaire, prepaid, to care 1 lo 5 persona, $3, or at your drugjpsU, per bottle. Tempcmare aocietlce ahoald rcconxmendR. It U perfoctly harmleM and nevor^ailinff. Hop 6ittert M Ig. Co., Rochester. N.Y. $o(e Agenti Co* CMgk Can dekroyi all pain, loowm* the ou^ t, quieu tho norvea, pnxluct* rvait, and C CaiUtocure. Tbe Jtmp I*md tor Stomach, TJrer ttad KMoejv, .j »■ perl or to ad cthern. Corea by absorption. It la ptaMHM an&pSSe jirawii apu ntu »vtr mskU, mekiaf more asm then all otter reni«dW«. FOR 8ALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Wa made fr^m a Simple Tropic! Loaf of Sara 8IT1V8 Remedy for all iha {! jy*** <a 5 8 palna It tbe lower part of the Vojpid Liver—Headadmr — iinitlgt— Uiitfreaa. aai all dlfBeoHiea el tK« KMneya, C ^F* ,u - For/SEAtSDa- Reptely Menatra.itoca, and daring Pregcacey.ltbaa novqae). It reatorea tie or- BiiMSSa.^L*lgteet benee la the bert ..TvJ^^ u * 1 Hia tbeenlykno.urea- jjjtt f#r?$ BriibtV IHmim, Pop I)uVfi>» *ESaf DregidaU and all Daoiera at IMS " telle. Largest bottle ia Ike market* Try H- WARMER $ CO., Rochester. N Y oj fHaix two j’ears in succession. ! POND’S EXTRACT apply ^® i ,ar * a «> d of the egg to j cellent, wax last evening in particuiarfv I <onrtruction - Howbeit, the band aeeks Stete-tte ^“gbouUlw United l^.^ al needs no aigument. Shall 1 sav I - , , , Chrome, tbe tongue. If it is warm it ls fresh and J cheerful spirits, aud retired to hia room I out tbe dry soots noon our Icrand ^ > °^ < j ara °i tenths of the i see ds of all kinds? There may be ex- J Controls and Hemorrhagae. Venous will hatch, or if cold it ia not aafe to use all0rtly M&r 11 oVlik l,, a Xes.naTl^T ° urmud cu^nts, g«nd rapital prize or $100,000, reakilug I know of none, -aat venous for any puroote Thii u.7™.V .u ute8 afterwards he wax seized with*, fit of * , opena,r ’ KOM-you-pieasa MZ ,U , iam ? bl ^’ Y > 011 « in Chel- ^ advocate a change very rei . " Adis wit can at ill I _» or J serensde. After vhi/*h tho h-t u MM«.,two in Ft. Wiviw. Im). mm f. I til© SAU10 latltildf*. Tlifl sithia/ti unwound with a whirr in tbe lady’s pock et, greatly disturbing tbe peace of mind of tbe entire household. Dalton Citizen: Mr. J.G. Jeffereon, one ofour old and esteemed citizens, met with * severe and serious accident on Monday morning. In going to bis place of business, uear the railroad, be was rub with a dry cloth. It gives a hand some polish. It will soon be the season when an egg tester that is worth anything will be at a premium. The sim plest test for sound eggs of which we have heard is to take a box two feet high, ■ 1 ... u „ p ,»co * open one side large enough to introduce a ] of business, near the railroad, be was candle; bore a hole nearly as large as an I ltrucl£ hy the engine of the incoming egg in the side through which the light of | P»*e«nger train on tbe Western sad At- the caudle will shine; to this aperture I i antlc railroad, and dangerously injured, hold the egg; every good odo will have a I ^ avia ff received several bruises iu the transmission oi rosy light; had ones trans-1 back “d rib*. Mr. Jofferson is old and mit no light at all. ! infirm, but we earnestly hope he may re- Col. Hochtrasser, who is the largest I cover from hit injuries. We sympathize dealer iu the city, says that tbe orauges | with the family in their trouble and afflic- hrouglit Iiere now were frozen on tbe trees, I lion3 - a " d “ w*ter would do no good. He | Babnesville Gazette: The press, all V* i n w C i C0Ullt °^» a vi * 1 10 ^^°rida I over the State, ia clamoring for a registra- 2S5. 1 ? , ,i\? l ? m nent OTan 8f grower I lion law. The good results from such* stated to him that during a cold winter j law cannot be doubted. The Macon several years ago he bad four orfive thou-1 Telegraph published tbe figures last ThAv 10 ? a a tb 1 trees -1 week wLich a fearful truth. It was They were pithjr. ali thojulee havlin left made evident that for the past three or them and gope back lnto tbe trees. He I four years not one-half the voters of Bibb let them hang on the trees until next j county have paid their taxes, notwitb- year, 'when the orangci again filled with I standing tbe plain law in regard lo paying A£££ not awee t, their taxes before voting. This state of We A?'m. , ir» el v 0U *. an re d “ efrn i t * {affairs no doubt exists, more or less,iu . i ‘ tM 40 edit °r omits ] every county in Georeia. The figures be ia lazy. If he speaks of things I given ty the Telegraph showed that a *ro, an 6Ty. If he majority did not pay their texes, and that i?^'? 00 re , i. d0 ^P 4|? TOU gb I efficient and diligent officers were power- bfjbed-. If . he cal 1 * things by I less to collect. Thu* it will be seen that UtMr pintjtenames, htls unfit for tbe po- J those who pay to support the comity can ST“ ,u i * eTer ,au ’ | and became very weak. A messenger was | around . The GMnesrilie Eag,e baa been ro- h* ODce dispatched for Dr. J. B. Read, I ^li the skill, cunning and ingenuity oi I wno seeks information will ' duced from a $2 paper to $1A0 per an- ^Promptly resnouded, hut bis sorvices a “nny Itelywas couceatrated in the con- application to M. A, Dauphin N ‘ num. It may be- wise, but we think it XAS arrival f ew this marvelbus baad. Broadway, New York, ufty N.'i CoTu^us Times’ Mr F P C .1h «»ee membets. | ,a,Ue ^ at New Qri^ns,* who, it will be remembered, was cut by a’ mau named Maphing In Hamilton in Oo- tober, 1679, died at nis fatbeFs residence In Reynold*, Wednesday, the 19th inst. He was about twenty-eight years of age, Rod leave* a wife and one child to idoiitd his untimely death. Hia health has stead ily declined since the unfortunate affair above mentioned, and his death mar be directly attributed to it. Genial In his dis position, he had many friends who will re gret to learn of his death. The Summerville Gazelle says that two weeks ago Frank Strickiand, a fourteen-, r „ ,, -r—i r year old son of Liie Strickland, of Chat-1 ln lbe dealh of this estimable citizen, tooga couuty, went hunting on the moun-1 tains with Billy Harper and JeffCieckler. I . —> - ^»ir»ct I'emu*. .. - —» i -*-v» As be did not return when experted, his J f*,* 011 *® of mwvelous fame; of this many! A . Anawben the versatile bass- . B.T. Hatcher, father and brother went in search of him. I will vouch, the halt and/unie. None olh- I ^““^bagplplstjtrlanglULbell-ahakist I of "CGehee & Hatcher, Ware- i brother found him kneeling in the I er ,s lrue » bettet Jet them alone, don’t I *>d catarrhlat combined, who. like au.. I and Commis8i °n Merchants.) J*nI0-Im , —- pwuMuj curnes 1156 •.oy have, be they good or bad., matured cotton seed will give a lor plant; while a plump, ripe i ■» produce a healthy, promising . ASTHMA, SOBE THROAT, HOARSE NESS. NEURALGIA. CA TARRH, Ere., EIC. site!) A bail sickly. seed One* necessary in farming, i H«,*ood e a cachofwhich when considered separately I lead.— 1 "I have m veiy important, but when taken to-1 v Freoteta. m . v„ Brooklyn, • ier they have in them the bone and ■ si *w of success. They are: good arenar- >-33S a V. K. ofKcr- ar» ,oa of the soil, good seed, good cultl- j xiyai aueoeoa.” ‘ 0 *°‘ witl1 w® learn to make our own ! .Extract ia , 0 !d only in -mUh. lt. D.. k. R. p , ^ HEg . H d 'G ** with marSM btneflt.- H. u. Praateo. M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y,—“I Married. sitlou an of editor. If he does not furnish his readers with jokes, he ia an idiot; if be doe3, he Is a rattle head, lacking stability. It be condemns the wrong, he is a good fellow, bnt lades discretion. If he lets wrongs and injuries go unmentioned, he is a coward. If be exposes a public man, be does it to gratify spite, is a tool of a clique, or belongs to the “outs.” If be indulge, in personalities, he to * b Jack- StetrcSto”r XSTTd sni*rd: if lie doe* not. )■!« n$itfr U/inii I 1..^$ a * • _ . .. ^ guard; if lie does not, bis paper is dull and very insipid. And so ou to the end of tbe hapur, Warrenton Clipper: It is a remarks ble occurrence, that wbile tbe body of tbe late Mr. Samuel ilall was awaiting burial, Moses, a colored man and former slave of the deceased, approached tbe bouse to see ids old master once more before they laid ba outvoted by those who pay nothing. Let every taxpayer use bis influence with our representative and Senator in behalf of aucb a law at the adjourned session ln July. CoLVMaca Enquirer: Not for a long time have some of the principal luxuries of life been so costly as they are at this time. Eggs are unprecedentedly scarce will fall from the bones. Jeff Bleckley had one of his feet frozen so that some ef the nails dropped off, and he cannot wear a abo.\ Rome Tribune: Yesterday morning, as the down freight on the Selma, Rome t- —vajrv. HlLillillJUIl was unconscious from the time lie called i —- «». mree members. for a glass of wa,ter, aud Dr. Read pro-1 008 • ® a »i Mined with Out usual number I , .... „ — ‘be cause of death to be conges-1 of fogs and eq|oylng theme of the reiru I Dr C ^ ov - 2 ®» tiou oi the lungs. The suddenness of this I latlon nnm^r u j , . regu * *• Hoffett—Dear Sir: Siuce blow ha* fallen with crushing effect upon 1 OH, 00 D '* mb ? r ° r band,-manipulates fl ve I foaming it* value, I always keep your all those near and dear to the worthy de- I dlffer8nt iMtniments at the same time. I .•* ® et bfo a {Teething Powders) in my ceased, and who will have tho heartfelt | ^be hand* are engaged in taking care of I * v C01 “ lde ^ 11 an indispensable sympathy of this community, by whom be I * bagpipe; -the elbow nP i«#v l! aedlci “, for small children. I have was so honored and esteemed. At this I t„u? f? \ ■ * °* Hie left arm j I no ion ft to remove worms when all other time it were impossible to prepare a no- I 1118 ba “ ‘ ,nua 00 bis bade; the remedies failed. H. M. Moore, Be® *“<* as tbe life and services of Capt. eR fooi ““ijpufote* a string with which „ c,er k City Council. McMahon deserve, ahd In deference to the 10 »<>»* tha triaagle; his bead shakes the n- r r Feb - °< 3878. wishes of the friends of the deceased, we ! bells on hia hat • hi.auaah o. u .v I ur r ‘ ^ Hojfett—Dear Doctor. will defer it to. our next issue. We cau | batmln. an a w * l 41 * “““ib troubles the I Wo can commend your Teelhina (Teeth- 0 j only reiterate our deep and unfeigned re-1 P® and bis nose thrums tbe light ca-1 iD S Powders) as the most satisfactory pre- ,! gret at the loss that has befallen our city | ■ rrh " He Is ably assisted by two other I !f. n j^ oa wa ever “sed for the loose bow- , "r* 1 "* 1 | AMD Moat DBmi'aVb V^itVrrw k« 0> (In tbe death oftbls estimable citizen, 7 1 French counU in disguise who blow their I w- t L,-I U > pt0U3 ofo J ur children. They y ® sterd a y morning, at the residence of j po t'^Lk AU1E3 »»UU?u PD - - “> Esq., of the firmofJsqnes A Johnson, MUTMapW"'!”; 35 Kev. Chauncey Williams, of Auguste O?MtSSt"' { * 2 officiating. The bridal couple left »t once SfTtS?# 75 for an extended tour North. I Inha r.iV''-iAi;*V » The bride is one of the most charming | KAS *L STRING<2 ofMacon’s fair daughters, beautiful, gifted, "" » and universally admired. The groom is o». of ou, Wbol-»olo0,poeroua »"bS"T’- to - ~ is uue uo more to hi* fine business talent f fertilizers, pioduce our gucp°icx'i economize labor by improved machfoe^ !>&&?*& success inGeorefo. 1 ^ 11 W1 “ v 6 a “ a. J. r.D. | IPjNnAL PBEPAAATIOra OP hum a T *A 4 Vn U?#T ^ITR THE I'URHftY wuer ana Drotner went In search of him. I w, l* volICU , me nau and lame. None olh- i uagpipist, iriangiut, bell-ahakist His brother found him kneeling in the | er 3 t ™ e » bettei let them alone, don’t ( m*** catarrhlst combined, who. like Atlas snow, his gun on his shoulder, and hia I S*’ er a ifow them a place In your home, j carries a world of music on hia ahoni,L»« hands clasped over it. When he was Sound advice you should fiver respect. tunM nn »bou« dar «, brought home bis feet and legs were so I H*baustiou aud anguish, which evergo I ““I* n P h “ ,ndivIduaI orchestra and per- j stiff that hia boots and socks bad to be I disease, xerodlai sores which deprive I aaa< fo* lu* several instruments into split to lbe toes to tret them nfT. HI. h«n.i. I you of ease, throat alBictmna. e>r«i—i. I foimanea du u «■--- '■ ... . Cause and Effect, anu inas nis doois and socks had to be j wnu “'»easc, xerodlai sores which deprive I *“* uc * *“• ••verat instruments Into per-1 The m«tn «, IU „ . . , spi it to jbe toes to get them off. Hi* hands I you of ease, throat afflictions, catarrh, or <bi mane*, the air is heavy with dulcet eeatlonand ner Y 0 , usnC88 B indi- were clutched, his face wa. perfectly | «?«. rheumaU.m, pain, and tbe | strain* and the STa 4 ™ toe stomach No 0^0^* ^ U1UUI.U. ma ieet ana leg* are now a mass i ‘•‘ 1D wuu wonuerrut skill, com-1 —4,..™ x/amug oua nanu RiiZ^^!! < i,^it ealt b, witl,out “sfoff Hop of «>res f and it is fearedthat ail the flesh ™ eDdad by thousands beyond dose or pill. 1 0T ^ a *8*10. Blttcra will fffill frr\m ftm l\Atiee f«4P sn t.t I Thil ikftvinrv bIiaiiM anbLa amn a This showing should make you respect. I The musical triumvirate are doing Ma con with all tbe pomp and pride of the faded and now lost grinder. When they have eitjoyed our hospitality and our mud, they will proceed to Atlanta, where, I Thirty Years' Experience at sue *M Xnree. hard to get at any price, and the scarcity puts them beyond tbe reach oi any bnt the wealthy. Other country produce is not plentiful and it takes a long puree to get it. Fortunately they are not Indis pensable to the masses and they can do without if necessity demands. Augusta Ninas: Judge A. M. Rodgers, of Waynesboro, haa offered a handsome — — 14J, nijrauuiu, uaa uuereu foiw ** ay, aud before reaching the gate * gold modal to be awarded a BrjKaea.*isr»s. s heavy rain* had caused the j feeble infant of One week old to tbe adult! j -u. ^’ fc * rl ** < * Th*mpeo«i. avw thefo^^SuiSf w “b«d I It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves L TW * diKia * ofah * d ,ad ? will occupy hvM were f Iret d brid ^ No wlnd collc, regulates the bpwel. and give* Bal *°0 Hall on Wednesday night next, lives were loot. 1 ^ bteio, an fl comfort to mother and when will be nreaented the , Jonksdqqo Newt: Tom BeUs will I C HI1<I. YVe believe it the best and surest «The Planter's wir* » 1 tv** not be hung Friday. Failingto gets. I re,ned y rn tha world In all cases of dysen- ^Jf** 1 -* * p,8C8 that btLS new trial before Judge Hiilyer last week ] ^ aod d '* n ' b(la iu children, whether I "*“* wal * ^ceived throughout tbe coun- an appeal waa made to tbe Supreme 1 ari * 1, * ! l from teething oy from any other ^T. *nd which has been pronounced bv Gourt, and the banging postponed indefi- j Full directions for using wifi ao- competent critic* to be one of the ™»rv nitely. • I compenyeach bottle. None genuine un-' he.* m -.JIT . . tBe ver > „ _ M11 A „ I fom the/ocaflffif^of CurtU A Perkins h best ol our modem dramas. It is of tbe 8a TA*w-ah New*. William A. Garey, | on the oataida wrapper. _ Sold hy all med- ««M>Uonal order, in which Miss Thompson *_« - *- Mtifa fi kidtla MmI* anal will L. j a. . WUjwtolengthen the stom^h,^ the blood, and keep the liver and kidueys active, to carry off all the poisonous and " >at il e # ° f tbe V*tem. See other column.—Advance, dec 14 2w Death in the Flame* Is easy win pared with the torture of Dvs- P a P* ia ’, Headache, Rheumatic Fains, Dis ordered Liver. Bowels, Stomach aad Kid neys, Bilious Fever, Belchings, Sleepiness Nervousness and other distressing com plaints that drugs will not cure, but yield at once to Dr. Fiagg’g Improver Liver And btomach Pad* | v a handsome a »»1 ' W1 *! m . ■' °? roy i 00 *** oataida wrapper. Sold by all med- «®o«o«tel order, fo which Miss Thompson w efficient company of her own selection. 910,000 Awarded. n S l c } c a,,d fow-spirited that I thought I would give anything to get well' andif anyone had ensured me tbe good health produced by using Simmon’s Liver Regulator, and charged me *1,000 1 would willingly have paid it if I had had it: in fact, $10,000 would be worth less to me I than what it has done for me. I r ,n»Ii—T . Geo. F. Barrett, cann f £ ™/—f h ,,7 m ’* J 00 ** 4,14 * >oe » Macon, da. ' StiffetrT^^d. *'* * ** —— viuiucsi Muant tDan to his courteous, gentlemanly bearing and open-handed liberality—qualities which have done much to build up Macon’s extensive trade and to extend her popularity. We congratulate Mr. Jacques with pe culiar pleasure. Not only has he won for himself a reward, than which no greater could be bestowed, but Macon has pro vided the reward, and in so doing ac knowledged and met tome of her many obligations, at tbe same time parting with nothing. We welcome our friend into tbe ranks of benedict., and if any of our readere feel disposed to smile at the blandly writ ten pronoun, they are welcome to the smile. lw [POXO’4* EXTRACT CO.. No. M W. lath Street, Nov Y01 k. by *** sraagieta. nueS4eodavIy ?X«] 3SESBBSSSfttstttfe JSunlnod Bestured. imnmSmeae, caoaios aervoea jraaktn 4*8*7, #ta . imrisu triad to "■••ds. k»* itaeevawd a siei- F* yg— M wtf-rere, w leS hrZtli tret to Q.rfcBe.^ fcry, i a. BSCVSS, tern terete, lev Terfc. eatteteeavl