Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, April 01, 1881, Image 1

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An’sf yon 1 * wantin'fisbss, you mu.’dig your wum* an ketch sm, _ For you kin put it down M aartin dat da timo is Tong gone by, ww sassages an’"tatersuas to rain font out do sky I & you think about it kaerfully, and put it youTUiskitt*clat de safes’ plan ia einVlly da baa’; . ..... vt you .tumble on a hornet', net’and make " do critter, scatter. Ton needn't stan’ dar like a fool an’ argerfy do matter: * in’when de ynller fever comes an’ aettlee rpj, better dande ka ran teen to ahuffle out o’ town I Dux’, heaps o’ dreadful muaio in de very tines' fiddle; A rice an’ mailer apple may be rotten in de middle; Do wises’ lookin’ trabeler may be de biggee’ fool; Du', a lot o’ solid kickin’in de humbles’ kind o’ mule: Do preacher ain’t de holiee’ dat w’ars de masks*’ look. An' doe. do loads*' bangin’ on de kivtr ob de Book. WfeyHaCMNsMUibraftiyiMT. SaaalNa City. ZeadtUU Chronicle Three months ago, when 200 of the leading citizens of Gunnison City met in couvention on a street corner, there were seven or eight Michigan men among the When Colonel Parker presented the following resolution, it was a Michi gan man who supported it: sagas.b,.hio, a. BUT AB ESOLISK WMtiMrb dallgMAitljbalm,, «ud.MhHt | MMruinMl, 5p«cUlS M b7Tirr«ttUb- WITH A QVBBB13ISTOBY. fjgg 1 *** re of 0>to much fa- tween the bearandbts keeper, . towhh* —.. -^T^r— «•»««.-»« •»*«£*«»,*. bmbS Bebberr a Ml His EnlatU la b *,”» “ d , teU h®* **“ wd » valet Albany, O A., March 28, 1381—Mr. The weather consists of March winda Cbleag*. 5SJ orm 'ir** 1 7S r ^/ Wont ,tt > I Buckbaiter, one of the duelists of Amsri- and April showers tofdly intermixed „ , f Olcbt Dtmerrt] *““ke and quaff half-and-half together. cus, in company with bis second, Mr. O. _ y ,ntann “ aa - Several days ago a man, wboa^p- I Mr. Ashley said the robbery left him ID. Burnett and Hooks, brother of the Mamawwa Wr * v,—«b t —. pesrance and language denoted hlst£ »»‘ b *c*n*ly 85. His landlady told the yoanglsdy the tioubls is iSm passed 1 ■■* ** 28 — Lmt ~ ~ ~* TAimrtJiP flint shu Itviam lia l,a>l Uw A |. I .t . • . ""** Bssolved, That a iwnmittee of five be I ed H c * llon » appeared at I JJP*****j”***|** knew lie had the jewels, I through hera sit route borne yesterday) i*y, an^inentmtatoter of^tae Georgia appointed to waitnpon CalabaahBam.Ute I tbe I bec * u * e ,ba ^ “« n them ‘fluently. | having learned that Fort and his party | conference, died at this — r " *• ♦*..* I Atartlmg intelligence to Chief McDonough 1 ■ ■■ had been arrested. However, they learned He has been suffering of P «i»- When the | *VZXLE MB IBB DOCTOR'S, here that Fort had given bond and imme- sumption foTmanymontk He to A VMdia wbicb PsaetraM m Andy’s diately f«turped to the grounds. They thirty-eight years ol age, bom in this jTeot Works itaeir *nt or u«r ciuid. I }' rere me , about three miles above here place; a brave soldier, sad ia the pulpit Loui tiiu Courier Journal. I by a couple of friends of this city, with I lie had fow equals. He leaves a win and A most extraordinary natural accident, I p° nveT * a °**» *ad they are supposed to two children. S. P. G. id oue for tbe discussiou of physidsus! I “I°, re ^ r “? d the eouutiy to the | MM . Gordon, Ga., March 29. -Borne timo last fall the store of Chambers Jk Co. was sunrise to-morrow thia crowd wilLonen firs I *5SaS* b *d robbed, uuou me on him with tbs intention of famishing a I cble '. had sufficiently recovered from his corpse for our new grave yard. I surprise at this announcement, he ven- The committee of five went ont to find tured *®«k the stranger the amount of Samuel and deliver tlie.'r message. HelSS? nejr of wbIcb be bad been mulcted, sat on a bench at tbe door of his shanty a! 1116 8 entlem »n answered that it was £ . cn at me aoor or bis shanty, a I and one for tbe discussion of ohvsiclaus I D * ve ^ttfued through tbe eouutry to tbe shot-gun serosa bis leuees and apipe in his !!?? el S*** 0 ®* of 1 812,000, ^q,, t,, Ugbt a few . dayfl 1 which a *PP° int « d P*««» amr FortGalnes. In tbe mouth, and he preserved silence while tbe I “? ne ? * nd valuable I uee( u e token Into the foot of a iadv nine 4ft « rnoon »•» were iuformed that Fort, on chairman of tbe committee read tbe reso-1 Jewelry. The detective force was called I^ I »'<» (h.^. n ns. *>». 7u.* up, and tbe circumstauces were De people pays deir bigges’ bills in bnryin’ lotsan’lanb; Dey ecatter all deir picayunes aroun de reanut stan’s; De twenties an’ de fifties goes in payin' orf deir rents, .. . Bat heben an’ de organ.gnnder gits de copper cents. I r.cbber likes do cullud man dot thinks too much o’ eatin’; D«t frolics f roo de wukin’ days, and snoozes at de mectin'; Dat jines de temp’ance ’ciety, an’ keeps A-gittin’ tight, An’ pulls bis uraier-millions in de middle ob do night! Well, yon think dat doin’ nuffin’ tall is mighty sof an’ nice, Bat it basted up do renters in do lubly paradise! Toa fee dt y bofo was human bein’s jea’ like me uud you, An - de> couldn't reggerlate deinelvos wid Dey'j iiebiier’ thought o’ loafin’ ’roan an’ “1 -c-s. It may be.” ebattiu’ wid de snake! lotion. Then be asked: “That means me, does it?" “She does.” in ... « I WAAL* thaw ha«A failail »a I- f •«» Wfi«-UMiMl| HUV IIVC9 VII JK of the “That’s what they kick on.” 12 *® e»t«blUh the Identity of the'tWef: I Mbs piunno^CobTeus' 1 ^’!’^ , “Well, I won’t go. You haven’t put ^ 3y r.^* Q *^ d *. ft , uue * rth • n “die * U2SL.W2L lha 1 ’nuf men in tbe whole valley to drive fS* „ f ^ CU K, mbout i ho de *P° 1,ed ov ™ ot ^“tra Calabash Sam a rod. Return to tbecon- ‘ he , v » lu » b > e »i, ™ d now they are ready to 1 penetr4 TOntionaud report that I’m here for the | .‘S. 0 " h “ le years ago worked out of tho thigh of her I o is JI et ii l . ra u!) 6 8™ und ** ®J u “ d that burglarized aud about8300 worth of goods rh ihTiiSw cb'id, a babv of oue year. The lady in w “,. mad3 « tch tier house, fdo blood yet. ware house last it- were stolen from the 1 week. The negro was arrested and soon after “I forgot to menshun,” continued the - . on his gn’r, “I forg^ to^eMhun'that M^SnMm^oTuoSerm^ mad0tbo j ri^hreophysicUn^mad^frefuma at- I * lttlDg of th ° court ?ortbo P“^ year or [ acknoVieged ”h7lping\o“steal the goUS) gfthX^^^ sssss ss m^ .^**,<*0« situation, and it sees only one way out of J^vertisement *'inThe h naMM' 1 auccess. Miss Coblens was quite fleshy fl* d “ not ? lbrt , th ® ®f“ rs of th ® law “P 011 equally. The otherparties have not I meut- in the newspapera if. Onless you’ll agree to pick up and l l n th0 ,P*Pe»» inserted th . widen , but fell are determined to hold the next one, been arrested. Prav tell me whstwfm 1 upon'to—to”— miU ' t e ° W “^ ftel “ lled I wh“? I f«>“» b er long confinement. At lerjh | TSS* I _,‘?. fce _ , ‘ egro .9?*" «**« to the Ir-1 Thegentleman couldhsve WlTM-Wht Will «• Ike itHHSIs- Oorrmpomimm PHlmMpkU Meter* Wiamsmx, March u—It considerable diffsiwnea what manner of wo man a cabinet officer's wife is, especially in these gay daya of Washington society. Thera la a certain amount of social doty devolving upon the wives of tbe Presi dent's advisers which brings them before tbe world and from tbe seclusion which they may have enjoyed previous to tbe elevation of their husbands. It la jiwt as tuemnbent for tbe wife to be everything to everybody at it is for tbe husband, Sel dom has it been that ln the selection of a cabinet tbe wives of tbe members enjoyed such distinction apart from tbe reputation of their husbands as do acme of those of the present administration. Mrs. Blaine ia a fine-looking lady, tall, with good features, and hair well sprinkled with gray. She is rteAMQt j n ber ^q. ners, a ready conversationalist, and shrewd. Her long experience in pablic life has made her a valuable acquisition to tbe administration, or, at least to tbat Mrt of it represented by ber husband. She can keep a secret and ward off the inquisitive. Oue day, about a month ago, a fellow with a curious mind thought to ascertain from Mrs. Blaine whether the then Senator would become prime minis- 8t. Pvtsmbcko, March SO. Tbs Apence Basse confirms the report of tbe complete understanding between tbe em bassadors, aud says it now remains to bring about an agreement between Tor- key and Greece, aud everything JoatiOa* the hope that this remit will be attained: - Sr. PsTBBSBtrso, March 80.—The ■sinister ot justice is overwhelmed with applications for admlasfoe to the trial of the Nihilists. Certain rapwaaatatlias oi be press will probably he admitted on he condition or confining their reports to be external circumstances ot the caae, while representatives of foreign journals, many of whom have come here epedatly for the occasion, have not yet been «Me to sec tho minister regarding admis sion. Many anpllfihtlons will doubtless be disapproved. All five of tbs priso ners will be charged with belonging to a secret society for subverting tbe exist ing order of things end with complicity in the assassination of tbe Smneror. Public curiosity centers in the female prisoner 8opitle Pieoflsky, whom aristocratic connections, social po sition and superior education exdta general wonder. Bbe ia the daughter of a former prorinda! governor and tbe niece of an officer of high rank tn tbs army. According to the confession of Pieoflsky replied Mrs. Blaine, ln apparent astonish ment: “I have noticed considerable com- on the subject, know about it.” fellow conspirators in London and else where only knew in a general way that another attempt would be made. Roasakoff waaonly informed of what was required of “To begin shooting, you mean ?” ‘‘Exactly, Samuel, exactly I You may have already observed tbat two of tbe committee have got the drop on you ?” "*I see.” —[Scribner’s Monthly. tspknt's Assistant Jla.utipMt Weekly Col. Ballot rum a week y newspaper fi'.lrd the Union, up in Cnoduub. The Colonel »ai called away to New York on basin ss, having the Union In the hands of »u awUtam who had been iu his etu- plot some little time. Not' tin* Colonel know that the said as- listaot had tliecli-ex of a brass statue and the it illicit) of a New England fly—both ii ili.-p-iisaUle attributes to tho newspa per iu*n but, anil, after being in tbe city abuts week, he began to grow uneasy, sil tch graphed to Ghoduuk, “How’s things ? ” Bark came the answer from the Union' pru tern, editor: “Bully! Circulation of th.-eld thing’s gone up a thousand. Been griui'gupa red-hot paper, aud there’s a cans mii-ide that are weeping because ib-v rau’t hoist the shinnies oil the roof amt k.MM-K tl.e whole concern to thunder, a-' ay as long as you like.” liagslioi rlu't waste a moment after owning this encouraging dispatch. He t aiiH.l home in i lie drat train, aud reached CudUiiK before night. The Aral man ilu struck him was the ticket agent. • Look here, i 'oiouel,” he cried excited I;. "I'vr a darned good notion to punch Jou- brail, you braz -n faced old liar l” "IV!i, ?” asked UA.shot. "Bead that!” aud the t'cket agent sWii a crumpled Uni ,n into his hand, Tii-tb tva* a para * aph as follows : '■ Sew.s.—The bandy-legged ti! >: win robs the railroad company at th'- tillage lias purchased a ue w pocket ‘ 'de. More knocking down from the cnb drawer.” Barsliot bit Ids lips. ••Bill.” said lie, “that's a calumny, and 1II *ec it righted in <>ur next. It’s my ciioed assistant's work.” "1 d m’t care whose work it Is,” growled a.e'il, “but if it ain’t contradicted, so u-ho ly's gw to die—tlist’s all l” Bi;s',ot didn’t reply, but sailed down tn- street to the Union office. Ho bad toi gone half a block before he collided *dli Deacon Marsh. Toe Deacon seized him by the sboul- *■ *nd exclaimed: "JVhat did you mean, Bagshot, by ln- ^ing that scaudalously untrue item ‘bout Cei^hel'l '" Sert any llem " rC P' ied the "Don't sneak out of it In that way. Uh tcnow you did. Why, I just cut it ffih? Union. Listen:” "Ukliliods Intelligence. — The vtwed sepulchre, Deacon Marsh, was no- iast Sunday night trying to open the v«'.hole in front ot his residence with -b uigi.t-kcy. The Deacon wa3 as full “» S»at, and couldn’t tell moonshiue nom green cheese ” ‘ S'j, that’s nice, isn’t it, saying that UU| d .?o k .^ ,l,,da y “'Slit, when 1 went T? » 1 "'th a raging toothache?" - dull*. 1 , 1 * 1 r, ‘ ck less fool whom 1 left in (, ,,*'> gmaned tlie Colonel. “I’ll make on and Bagshot scurried aitm ’ ° u y 10 ba cobftonted by Major u, . tered Bl,in ,n hl » deepest tim I, * kl ' * villainous I It’s my inten- thh’tith'.t* r* 11 J° u out and siioot you < u m K 1 “'* rt - Wlut th0 deuce do r, <( n b f Publbhiug this note in tho > , «Utt)r„ A | Iri i/. OTTI;iQ9 - Ma J or B,lra . o,, r - d ^ ^ggar who hid in an R r , w “* dur,n g the battle of Bull lb the in?? *! W l S * . He onght be shot "i W , 11 , # bake d apple.” *lnia» i.ji^r j?!?V sa 'd Bagshot, t: at yd * f ',’ reb ? , ad. “it’s all owing to devil ,u t»>a oflicc. He has x ’ 1 ’ 1 I’ll fix thing!!”*' JUSt wait * Ma J° r » Ci«i!fy ly p ^|^ done so before young a bSe sM^f n »" announced, “you are I* a nice thing young lady." r black gnanl sheet about a * i do'| l sJmdff, M8 —* I,SS Cooley, the old i.f tre ?, Waltz,J 3 around in a E'Sifc hope of catching a ***• Paint— *_. can ' 1 * l«ot even if she bo*- ■ on twice as thick as she docs !?* didn’t stop to hsar it. He like . n ? uare and into tho Union *<liior. That able assistant 'tuK-n f r™ 1 oy a friend unknown, had B ai«x folri „ , r - Lying on the desk was a ®**»hot’» 80 tba - Gd* notice caught ■aipa Meus.— 1 Tho bald-headed Coue to v-P re J? Ul J« to run this paper has t t(, y We expect to hear Sio/f or ,®* nt °f his sentence to Sing Ol I tea, „/*?“ a, ‘d highway robbery. The Jbenma-., h.., od 4J lk should congratulate ®ia yiii.„ Colonel does not disgrace t bein £ bung for infanticide.” ° dl *raui*».^or intends to employ an- •earcli 0 r L edl ^ r > * n d JournalUtt. in tok **»wV£ste‘ ufindu h€&Uhy The Poblte Debt. Treas- “Corpses which are riddled with buck shot have a very unpleasant look,” con tinued the chairman, as he rested his chin on the muzzle of his guu. e fhst plant in a new burying ground.” sufficient 1 nSSffitinthe Mf^ ««"» «^ «nion.^* “«»>««« toget rations tego through J: 0 ; 8 ’’ 1 , rnnn . M eomy. Sir Charles produced a diamond ° f «’ hicU i aa b oy_named Arthur, on< And. so, take it all around, the com-1 rlng , Taluedi be said> £ t $400t and a3 Ujat who is about a year transacted was bad, Mr. Kirk said be bad consolation in the Biblical passage, Take DEBILITATEl> DIGE9TIOX, How Voltaire Cared the Omst *f His I Mtotmtch. jg<g&wSreW^iausj^tti^g5|gaBtf^^ag|»j^iS"ga5<fcari55»iga^lsga» DilTcock ‘are l LOw C lookir^v’4rht Under '^Wtohmwrt''It L.Braum“n& [ oel was asubjectof remark and plassnre W * UiDg tUo arriv * 1 of bIa ant3 «- Irore fromTho'deay o“f bwiteoadT aud s The oddest fish in the cabinet taaket is I operaUons was to terroriw 15r&ZZ Suttee b,ufffbut A ^ &2^jssaata sk b ^r , ^l““ huab ‘^’^S -i akessua iznttisasr b ° M T a Nsa sssas zssIrS: “WfKfrTobWti I satisfaction of Mr.Eirk, who handed a k rI ‘ Ildly deposition, was very restless Co’ eteamerPor feaTshowouldu* wa T of consolation, assuredher that ho »PPc a J,ance. but the manwho dallstic republic, after\be^pattern of t^ “Well, after looking the matter all over, over the SitO ucu I and cred .unceasingly all night. Tho I „ 1 1 was once for nearly avear in tho »nmp I picks hl,n U P a * a flat wil1 be mistaken. French commnim Thf nth,ri«A«.i. I™ mit^iow-crade 1 ore *fnd'¥ IUS « TllP representative of a long line of no- 0a “ so S f ' U *°.ff* l VJ!S V'i?^ * ot - dis - long rope to a tree^proJecUng out in the 8 * te ’ and «»»eve/lto be incurable, but k "°?“ of bis ***** the oners', Mlcheaioff and the woman° iFItS- a’wJv ” sr * de 0re * and 1 S u e*s 1111 b ] 0 ancestors and Mr. Kirk, who blandly Co , verfi , d Un , ul ,J be f 0 !,°^, ,ng “ orni ng« river, the other end to tho Ihjw of tlio tbat » nevertheless, a very simpio remedy 3 * a e f. t[mabl f tody.whopar- manu, seem ofless importance. Both re- keawalk. —' nned bis new-made friend, that hi I whan ^giving to a bathtbe mother dis-1 Tlie idea was to let lier drift down bad restore d hint. It consisted in taking tbe T utet ? ,a ' ln f r fuse to auswer the charges made agait»t extensively engaged in railroad oper- 5°! ured . •^ aUd J« 1 full length of thei^ then put on steam 5° olber “onrishment than yolks of eggs L e n r , ", l ± 4 n nd '* ad has a limit€d circle of them. * 8 as and controlled a line, became fast throl ? 8 ^ t , 1 f S f ” ° ^J 10 c1 ^ bo I aud see'if she wouldmaneuvre. But alasl beateu u P wbb the flour of potatoes and a0 so?rr>,?J!, C r 3 i , , „ London, March 30.—The Standard’a ‘ ft . C f" 2 r hlh0 , , i“ f . l , t ’ ‘ nd "' a3fr ^ bte “ e dwheii I a 0 1 b ,n use me n t o f t h o w d o i i ^! o t o I water '” Though this circumstance took Newcastle, Natal, correspoudentTrtporte siio found tho thing of & resisting illlh I fl ..j Hitmiif. nf nti hnurij tiiA fi-oA pliCG as far back as fifty years ago and I ^uglitsr of cs*Scnator Harlan, a j that at a routing held thfra nl Rnviiah stance. Sbo used a little force and soon g?oke teSPou The full capacity of the ~ e S tr“rdinirf a person as T™" 1 °f e<q,, i site , lovMl . Ia b " «nd D^t^h re S from t^i Trau& extracted the dark object. Imatfne ber „ bromrtS relS?bmto nS VoWSreT U to astonishing how little is y ° B U " 3 " tb M U,t ° r8 *»*»*««* petition to the Queen lranSTaa1 ' surprise when she found it was a needK |.J,, sh ™S waUziSg dSwn^the k “’ a "d b ow rarely tho remedy bta ' troubled the motiier left her even before great comfort and aid to a public mau. j latterly, have had no money; that here Mre. Windom is a fine, matronly lady, | was considerable disagreement among '^ b ? ba8 ^ a [ ^?.^M,iL ny r °, r tb0m * “d *ey probably would have dis? society and Its frivolities. While the al- j perse ii bad their last attempt failed I ways dresses In good taste, In either black knuakoa seems to be a Nihihst 11 tbe i following anecdote: “My mother, I MVbLfaSkh *°!“ e JJV* 1 ? co \°[» ^h*" 5 la pare and simple, having no pro- the Countess de Segur, being asked by »° tk l* 8 , d**hing to dUtluguish her m a ject or desire beyond tho destruction of ■ ' --- Dy lcm»,w»«.n„^room. she appears to (be existing order of things. Pieofhky , p , .. , the borne circle. I and avow tbat tbe object of their Tbe oddeit fish in the cabinet basket Is f - arwaraa i a u),e8ratntoibe u.o 1.*&$&£!**»s° unt ^^e zfjsti n . kiterkta UrertoFFtort aud his second Tn Fort take a walk, “Right off?” “Yes.” “Right up tbto trail 1" “Yes.” “Very well. While the committee feels sorry to see you go, and wishes you ail informed bis new-made friend, tbat lie | wasexi ations i _ friends. They visited several saloons ami j jollified in the customary manner, pledg ing each other’s health iu bumpers oi tvino and beer. Sir Charles 13 a rather Transvaal, SA wiiSSS:“.iigjeft*“.a*!i!!»SSLISS <»M■ -SS.JvLZ^S.f“ "ax'SlKS£&£EL“ SKSui.,,Sai' •»“■!«'K2SSS?* or "“ “ bl “ M Ia~s-»uo™.»'.» q—u guns pin tod up tho liilt until you turn.the wa J M haud&omo as ho could be about I co,,ection of tlie needle, which had caused ?. ^hAftntSi!i >fl uRhZ antX the following is the mode^f Dr^Dar* I Tll ° fact t,iat Mrs * Ma half-mile boulder. Trala-march! SofS?S?d her 80 much ** {n ' came vivld,y before ho Danube” SS2 thisvaluablf article of ?ood ST?ec 0™*™* ^ughter has L bfondo muslache; he l^ked eve^ toch I f? oU,er ’ ^ sba fe,t kaou,y f ?- r ** cb,,d -1 ?“I ommended by Sir John Sinclair: “ I ‘ atio » which has preceded her here. She AXEGItO PARADISE. An Island ot Rock Covered with Flow* | era nnd Happy Africans. XattnufX PJ Ojrretpondence of Vie Rotten \ Herald. « [lie the peer of the distinguished gentleman who accompanied him, and through whose veins courses the blood of a hundred sires whose noble names and deeds have been heralded in every court in Europe. They _ . ... n , . , created some excitement on Fourth and Right out of those 8 ,45° “Ties from the F1 a b8trcets , and when tired of being Florida coast, rises »huge rock, twenty- tlhJ cyiI0SUr0 0 , a!1 eyes , Sir Charl^ two miles long by seven miles wide. It J cordially invited liis friend to is the smallest oftlio Bahama Islands and din0 with him. The invitation was is called New Providence. It is the sec- | z*etxdilv accepted, and after a repast ond placo where Columbus landed on Ills which was plentifully seasoned with an- voyage to the Western world and the only I ecdote and general good feeling, the gen- town of note in the Bahamas marks the tlernen visited lire theatre. Plain Mr. spot. Nassau even at this season nestles j£i r j{ descanted on bis elegant home on in a wilderness of cowers, plants and Garrison avenue, and glowingly described fruits# There Is not a tree, shrub c\r [ his beautiful wife. He would bo pleased collection of the needle, which had caused I taEKl IS™ foDowing to t“ho” mode^oT prep^ I r Tbo fa0t V‘ W Ia 8I ™“ I aunexitfoSoffhe T her so much pain, came vividly before ho Danube” ftliiKflnn ilmrM Th« n.ii? in « Giis valuabh article of food as rec- Ca ; nerona daughter has given hera repu- cable, they had invested their cimra? mother, and slie felt keenly for her child. I rorneH ^ni tU t?,n° iSh J2EI omtnended by Sh Jo'bn Sinciafrf “ "°‘ I ‘ a ^ io « wbicb ba ? preceded ber here. She' | Their property Is now worthless andUuir The rememlirattce \S r SZ’«S£%£'£l "»>» lb. »teT..J ™n draS t. USIr Sl» • “ '™ ’ S !!“ pe.vtmn ,.n up to JX*3£iXSlSi & SIS’, '.raceml of figure, and, having tji imen tilrmi tin tim iippiIIp without her I *“ luu ur w “ to,., i ™ wwi. xueu pour in as muen boiling I 2““ T‘ ‘ .*T” TO ‘ ., Anos ? wuo I One colonist promised to subscribe jGl.- finding it out, P as the child would have ' v “ l ’ b “° The ere ^ ajelTy «5tWV«iu. ''ll m&Sf SirTsti'Sn£%rZ SS T't fU “ d - Th9 ,‘ ntenll ? u made it known in piteous cries as it did I - hnrft iShSmSSi ^ CT °o}^ taken alone or with the addition of a iittle ^| ,aracte r*s t ia wbiLti uQnuuiniQ Ap I mromonmg tho uatives of —Imo Ih. nMdle wortKdooj, I t .MrtlM to. tto S^‘TtoSr - AfdSSrffite I • * B~r so.—a Alto-(to r!.nrainx with that niftpd nrn.pnpppF *omo and noufishtug. Bread or biscuit I a< 5“!. r *': cd i ty _°i I Constantinople says considerable supplies A3IOXG OUtg NEIGHBORS. nourishing, may ba taken with it as the stomach gels strouger.” COX.VVXISB IN AMERICA. reading men and women at a glance; and 1 am told tbat hera has been the directing Merv, to reach which he would have had An Association Formed In Brooklyn to Prevent the Colleettoa or Bents— A Apenker Declares All Property I Mis. Hunt will be tbe belle of the cab- Cotnmos, and Is Applauded. I luet, beyond doubt. She is a beautiful Rnniinrw M.rrh 97 x blonde.agreeableinmanuerandcuitiva- ing was held tills afternoon at Germania educateTladies 1 ”! Washingtou ^ndwUh 1 1 ,0 tiaveri0 Persiaa territory—the Em- liall tor the purpose or forming a perma- al oriliiam, society woman * Her circle I P 81 ® 1, not desiring fresh embrollmenta nent organization of rent paying citizens *f acaualnunmT. ^arnl aha abroad * of Brooklyn to prevent the contemplated tam^witli true Soutberu liberLlitv Constantinople, March 30—The increase of rent from May 1st, aud resist I i» os i ma3t er JameA lias a IrwJv wlfp ambassadors have decided to sign a proto- all unjust demands o> landlords for tho W ho w"u Jo au oruameut to ^/u co1 ’ declarlu8 t b *t they regard the iLt of- future. About 500 rent payers were pres-1 b " r g wm 00 au oruameut 10 eocle ‘y fer of the Porte to be acceptable. Nego- ent, Including mauy socialists and com- The rahinei U not „„ .» . . I tiutions will accordingly be opened at munlsts. The speakers were socialists of Is is Z/.hl^ed Athens to Induce Greere to accepfit. The a more or less pronounced typo, and their beue/ t au of the rost so P fkr «I hfnk ! ,roU>co1 acknowledges that the frontier denunciations of landlords and declaration accouut U conce raed H« h« s^toi k line last oflered proves tho sincerity of of socialistic doctrines led to frequent aud haudsoraeTy fumhhSj on Fi * Turke ?' s desire for peace, and admit, that Sgsss sbAi Srs x££&ss ftSMSsssrssss after tlie 1st of May. Tho question was ^iv^wll b treiy warra n'exfraordina'rv London, Matth 30—Lord Beaconsfiold whether the working classes wouldsubmit “pSJmT In y the Us" adminlstl-ation P a9scJ a good night and his condition Is to extortion. There were no grounds for dre ary Siiwman bore tho brunt of In a oracwhat Improved this morning, tuts increaso, for tho laboring men have SSdnS on Xhalt of the m n»tera * March 30,8 p. k—£ord Bea no; yot felt the salutary effect of prosper!- u-X- o new reclme this wHl f^U to tha ^'“d^d P a »ed a favorable day aud to ty. He warned them that they would all | Srffi? RWn 8 S “ I ^proving, ne suffers less from exhaus- bo compelled to pay higher rents if they did not combine to prevent it. Osborue | El RES. Ward declared that organized resistance to tyrannical demands was the only hope P« ld haif several alUcks of spasmodic HnMnran ?w i■ a DoraaS SilnMIk lewterMr symptoms during tho day, and Ls scarcely Messrs. Joseph A. Holler and Wnt A. Norfolk, .Marcii 27. -A tiro broke out Uo well as ha was. Horane, secretaries, read in Euglish and a t, o’clock,this evening in the cotton com-1 German tue plan of orgaulzlug The I p^g of James L. Harway, situated on tho »upr*mo Court i»ecUI#n. n a, ‘>«^ tbo Wtoute. was declared to Uoslou Steamship Company’s wharf, aud w vsh’vgtov D C Marcli SO A bo “The Justttcut League of Brooklyn.” I rat ,idlv snread toa cotton ah.d o,ii„,’ i,,„ j ”vS n * Norojr > y- ft, March —A The object or the league is to unite all a s ronE P westeriy Tind wm bfowinv ft ^ 0 T 1 ;- th ? ^ Gpr ? mo inhabitants of tho city of Brooklyn who Uil ti^e wh^tennStaab^v^maLJ^ C ° Urt Un,t€d , ® tatea ^day, in a are at this time compelled to pay rent, to K Xhe I -T biab ba * 8 Sood deal of importance . "* IIC VCBIs ^ «ty o«'V a l G J d f • Ma 'ch 20—The <be tbat the reduction of »?“?,? u V, y •tU^T2.T* for »l» month of March Wr ' B,lll : ‘ Couah b >7 u P “* not be leas than $o 000 (XX) i lead, for the euro of co ’ ' 1 Prick 25 cts. W “WaiHINGTON, March 25—The state I Captain) with that gifted presence of department furnishes a statement re- mind iu time of danger that he has so gardiug the recently published report re-1 often used when navigating that little old flecliug upon Mr. Roosevelt, United I pond tho Atlantic,was seen to put his hands P States consul at Matanzas, aud a gentle-1 to his head and think for a moment, a flower that thrives in any warm climate 11 0 see Mir Charles there at any time, but man named Drake, to the effect that a I word of comfort to the eager and excited which does not grow luxuriantly there. IJ sir Charles insisted upon being the host number of Americans arriving at that I passengers, and ho rushed down on tho said It was a rock upon which these beau-I f.r one day at least, and would take no place were swindled by those gentlemen lower deck, threw a couple of negroes tics grow and blossom, and over which a I refusal to his invitation to liis triend to out of five dollars each for reissuing their overboard into a life-boat with a rope, never-ending summer breezo blows the J cpnnd tho night with hint. They went passports to them. Tho statement ex- which, after landing, they made fast to a seeds of health by tempering the warmth [ 5| r Charles’ apartmeuts in the haute plains that tho rules of the colonial gov- I treo. Everyone was prepared with im- of a tropical sun until it strikes a happy I >f 0- 1231, Washington avenue, and cozily I eminent require a visitor to the island to I proved life-preservers. After beitij, medium where ail reason is summer ami j covered themselves in the sheets of <ma pay from twenty-five cants to four dot- landed they had a pleasant walk back to mankind basks In an atmosphere practi-1 bed< j n tlie morning the nobleman, lars according to tho length of his the city of about a mile. Numerous cally invariable twelve months in as | awaking and turning to greet his guest, stay. On the occasion tn question, I were tne comments ns to the trouble— rear, and trees, shrubs and flowers thrive J discovered that ho was alone. Tlie rail- a party of American excursion- shaft was too short or too long, wheel too : n chaotic profusion all the year round. way b j n g bad possibly been spirited ists, numbering about-thirty, employed I small or large, stern too wide for tho bow, How contrary this is to what is known of a way on one of his lightning engiues, Sir Louis Drake, a clerk on tho steamer by ] too flat on tho bclton. Some said sho nature in tue frost laud and yet how I Charles thought, and then his wandering which they arrived, to obtain the neces-1 was a tri-weekly, would go down ono crudely true of what is seen hero every | j dea3 gave place to alarm. “My jewels l” sary passports for them. It was purely a I week and try to get back tbo next. But, hour in tbe year. ho cried, and jumping out of bed private ar.angemeut, and he was inform- in tne opinion of your correspondent, sha The ocean threw up this mighty rock I eagerly searched the place where he I od that ho would receive compensation I was built for running down the river and “when nature played with hills to show wa3 W ont to keep his valise, tho recep-I for his trouble, and received two dollars not up. Tbe Captain and mates refused her curious strength and greatness to j taclo of his treasures, but fouud it and a half from each tourist. Subse- to bo interviewed. We learn tbe stock- man.” It is a calcareous rock of coral, vacant. H's friend had disappeared; so qucutly tune of tbo excursionists called holders are to hold a meeting to take into soft and pliable to the mechanic’s hand, j iad 512,000. Tho huuse was searched, on the governor of tho city and represent- consideration as to whether or not a boat filled with shells anil sand and spit upon I tbe servants called and the landlady ques-1 ed that Urako had collected two dollars on tho river will pay anyway. Tho last by tho ocean until cemented with Its | tioned. None ot tlie people knew aught j and a haif for each passport as fees duo suggestion is put a wheel in front, ono in brine. Tho surface in places rots, forms 0 j jj r . Kltk, and the sad fact became ap- the government. The Governor ordered the center, one at the stern, let push, pull a thin soil and iu this, and wherever a parent that ho had neatly taken himself an immediate investigation, but it wa3 and wado and all will ba rigid. J. crack or crevico is found, tho gayest mother quarters. Sir Charles described clearly shown that it was a private trans MARCH 28, 1881—Everything as dull flowers blrom. There Is not a , bit of j t0 tbc c i,i e f the purity of his gems, de- action.” as hard work among the fanners can fancy ln this. It is the truth homely told. I tailed their value, and noted thetr set- Albany, March 29—'The above Is false I make it. The college Is iu line trim and To describe Its inhabitants would be to I ting. There was a large sapphire, bril- from beginning to end. Tho purser of the has a portion of the money to purchase parade before you a mass of colored men, j[ an t j n color and exquisite in shape, val- Western Texas, J. St. Clair Huut, took arra3 for cadets. Said money was given women and children, cheaply but neatly I ued a t $1,000: another worth $400, several up our passports before we reached tho by the merchants who deal here, among dressed, barefooted and bonnetless, but j diamonds, pearls, emeralds and other I harbor of Matanzas, staling that ha was I whom were Messrs. Geo. Jones and happy, polite. Out of a population of I stones valued lrom $25 to $i00. In addi- I compelled to do so in order to show them I G. T. Rogers Sons, to whom the authori- 25,000, more than 12,000 are negroes and tlon to the jewelry he had $300 in cash to tho Spanish officers witli his passenger I ties return many thanks. Mr. Daniel B. unusually Intelligent. Shining out from I and a quantity of valuablo papers in tho list, and that ho would leave them at the Deaton, a young man raised iu this city this darkness is now and then a native j valise, wliicji would foot up his loss to I office of tho American consul at our I and who had mauy friends to mourn his white face, intelligent and healthy, and I $12,000. Sir Charles eaid that while he I disposal. When wo called for them loss, died on Thursday last and was at this season numbers of foreign faces, I W as a hopolul scion ol tho house of Ash- I Louis Drake,clerk in the house of Hlddeger I buried on Saturday. A. which look as If In scarclt of health. | ey> be d j d not think honest work was & Co., agents of Mallory’s Steamship Tuomasyille, March 29—Truck The houses are as neat as tbe people and tba slightest spot on his escutcheon, or Liue, and the consul, R. W. Roosevelt, told fartnlug is becoming very popular In our all of them are smothered iu flowers and tbal be disgraced his baronetcy by being a us that it co3t two dollars and a half to section, tho low price of cotton having in- shrubbery. ln almost every yard, as wcllas I diamond merchant. He was too have them re-rised, that it was the govern- duced many to turn their atteuiiuu to growing wild, are cocoauuts, oranges, I much of a gentleman to traffic ment cost, and that they had nothing to do something else; anil almost every one to a guaves, safadillos, mangoes and all sorts a3 a borrower with tho pawn- with it, whereupon wo paid it—about fifty greater or less extent is raising LeOonte of fruithang, In all stages—bud, blossom, I broker, but ho frequently pur- in number. Wo were also told tbat It pears, strawberries, Irish potatoes, grape3, . half-grown and matured fruit. Tho drives I cba sed of them. How tbeso purchases I would cost two dollars and a quarter oranges or watermelons for Northern i anoa ' over tho town and through the island are wer0 made was related by the chief. Sir I more to have them vised again to leavo markets. All who liavo been in this bus- tb8 superb, smooth as a floor and ol asolid i cibarles would sco a piece of jewelry I the island, which made four dollars and luess for any length of timo have realized rock, lined on either sida with tangled I w liich suited him, and as he had not the seventy-five cents each. When we returned profits which far exceeded thoir most san- sweeping vines, stunted trees and flower- requisite amount with him, lie would se- to have onr passports vised tho second gulao expectations. One of our farmers ing plants. The oleander towers its high I cur0 the article by paying $5 down, and I time, the writer was informed by tho mado a clear profit last.year of $2,500 on head among tlie more pretentious tropi- taking in receipt a pawn ticket, which captain of our vessel and the American LeOonte pears. Anollier has sold slnco cal plants, while onr modest morning when he presented and paid tlio balance consul that unless we paid the additional last fall some fifteen thousand young glory, so dear to our childhood, peeps out duC( would entitlebiin to the jewel. This, I two anil a quarter we would be arrested trees, and this is not a third part of tho from behind tho leaves with tlie daw rest- I tb e police think, looks a little queer, and and jailed. Now, Mr. Editor, do you be- business done in this lino in tho couuty. Ing upon its purple Ups to be kissed away tbey bav0 no hesitaucy in saying it was a lieve that wo would pay anyone four dol- We predict that this pear will soon be to by tbe morning sun. No tongue can toll iC ] iemo of his to raise money. He would lars and seventy five cents to carry our Thomas and surrounding counties what or pen write of the beauties, cither of land I ae jj the ticket to some one and realize a I passports up to tho secretary of tho gov- oranges are to Florida. Tho trees begin or sea, which are every wbere_ visible. Ths I p ro fit. They base their opiniou on the ernor to receive his signature when our to bear about tlie fifth year, and then bear island makes a beautiful picture as you I f act that one of these tickets so obtained hotel was in a block oi his mansion. To every year—not as mostother pears, once approacli it from tho ooean, rising as it I was presented a few days ago to Samuel I make a long story short, onr first letter is in two or three years, does from the water’s edge by gradual in- | Mason, tho pawnbroker, at Vo. 308 correct, verbatim et literatim, and, in our I Mr. McKay, of Kentucky, lias ten acres cline to the height of 200 or 300 feet, ev-I yjjj e street, by a gentleman, who, when I honest judgment, tlio officers of our vet- I in strawberries, besides various smaller ery foot of the way up showing tho tropi-1 bo discovered a large amount to be due I sel were interested in the swindle. lots owned by different individuals. We cal plants, flowers auil fruits at thoir best. I on the ring he thought ho had bought, The facts of tills caso as I state them- have beard several farmers speak of hav- The climate and surroundings are as I aa | d no moro and leu. can be proven by men of prominence, I Ing planted as many as ten, twelve or fif- naar perfection as one onght to expect to j Sir Charles is well'known by most of | from various parts or tho United States, teen barrels of Irish potatoes. Some find upon this earth. Thasurfacoof the t he English gentlemen In the city. I wlio are anxious and willing to testify, alight injury was douo them by the late island is rolling and what soil there I ^3 tlie gentleman had been represent- I About half received thetr money back, cold weather. A good many havo planted Is is very rich. The bulk of vegetation I ed aJ b eing Sir Charles Ashley, and was Wo never saw Drake until we met him tu as much as eight or ten acres in water- seems to spring from the solid rock and ca || e ,i so by nearly every one, ho has been the consul’s office. I am ready to give the melons. actually does from the cracks aud crevices. I a0 denominated here, but iu an interview addresses of my witnesses when called Mr. J. I. Parker has 2,000 young Wherever room is found a root creeps in | bad w jth lum last night hi the parlor of I upon. * F. C. J. orange trees, but a good many were killed and the lime m the stone feeds it. This | tba boarding house No, 1,231 Washington I —— and all set back a year or two by the very lack of soil and the necessity of removing J aTO nue, lie denied his nobility, and said I Eastman, March 29, 1881—Messrs, severe weather this wiuter, thus discour- solid stone to aid vegetation prevents I y, j be Globe-Democrat reporter that be I Bacon aud Coicord, of Savaunab, aging somewhat the cultivation of them, much cultivation of the soil, and there | was p] a < u )j r . Ashley. When questioned I are about to erect a saw mill within as the work often years may be lost by are very few vegetables grown ln a cli- abou i j,| 3 family, he appeared disinclined I half a mile ot Eastman. The mill will one severe winter, while there is no such mate especially adapted to their produc- I U) S p ea k, and simply said they resided in I be the largest on tlie Macon and Bruus- daugor to any of tho above named pro- tion. Fruits are the principal staples and | Kn^ilatiil, but iu what portion he refused I wick railroad, working about oue buudred ducts. upon these tiie uatives live to a very I ^ lB ll. I bands. This firm purchased from Me- Mr. Henry Sanford has quite an exten- great extent. All tropical varieties grow I “Are you a member of tho nobility?” I Arthur B Griffin, of Eastman, 10,000 I slve hothouse, well stored with the rarest in abundance and are remarkably rich | waJ a tked. . I acres of timber. Both gentlemen come aud most desirable plants, aud will soon and nutritious. Every variety of fish is “I never said so.” I highly recommended. Mr. Bacon is the be able to furnish them to auy parties de- takcu in abundaucc and enters very I “But are you iu reality?” I present member of the Legislature from I siring tlipin. largely into the domestic economy of the .i.\ number of people have called me I Chatham. We bid them welcome. Other The Bonnie Mayor Combination onter- natires. The chief industry of the Maud j g; r Charles, aud I never said otherwise, negotiations are going on for mill sites; tained us three nights last week—the best is sponge gathering. | as it see ..ed to ph ase them.” the demand seems to be on the increase. 1 theatrical troupe we havn had in more He said ho had lost his jewels; he was I Mr. G D. Gillespie has commenced work I than a year. It was disbanded here, and In spite of all tbe new remedies which 1 an expert lu this line, and made a living I on the brick yard of Mr. J. Griffin, of tho brass band and orchestra engaged by »re eoiiatjkiitir introduced to the uublic. I in tills way. instead of finding the crimi- I this place, and expects to make one the Mitchell House for tbe refnainder of j.r.- j . - .. , . i... . ■ . — —— „— - - - still tak P s the naltbejwlice seemed to be anxious to million brick this season; but this to not the season, much to the delight of the vis- work^^fimUj^u 850°“^^nonth ot^con* blacken his character. He could not tell enough to supply tlie demand. There is I Uora and citizens. 6 d&ori ttmtZwould^tma^/andw^W S* Low long he had been In St. Louis, bat ■ fine opening here ler brick making. The ’ Yesterday we had a Urge performing remain in the same plaoe six months. ’ for having sucoeaefallyfought fire ‘frith fire. irWahW tetleitar * mmm j »* ISSSBlSK have arrived at Prevesa. Six hundred mind in many of tlio movements made by I xk* l «n ty redlfs ba . vu arrived atVolo. her husband/ Mr. MicVeagh intends to I U * moantssia road to atrongly keep house here, and his establishment - ^SSfii ?/« W4r ,^ t |' re?0S# wl'l be one of tho most noted at the capi- | ^“ennve o^ratiorl bMC f ° r A St. Petersburg dispatch saya General Skobeloff was recalled because ho asked permission to occupy an oasis south of tlon. London, March30—A bulletin, issued at 10:30 p. m., reports tbat Lord Beacons- e. As a means to earrv out its obiect , i!, “, r > prL ^’;?? . , > bufc was irona the service without a court martial, league will resort to Boycotting, bind-1 * boat’s * crew^ of^ sailors 6 irom^tlie ?i n °TT 8 !t ruff °‘ P ba3, Ulake against ing themselves mutually not to maiutaln United States steamship Yantlc and the oiurt of Clalt^ ^BtekT any social intercourse, <1° auy busiuess (irequickiy extinguished, witi! trifling loss, who to in l&i8 Dos‘chiniTin nfr™* whatever with, buy anything from, or sell I Several buildings took fire from largo' “ 8 pos. chaplain at Camp anything to any person who refuses to ac-1 p leces 0 f cotton and shingles, which were cede to the demands of tho league. Only i drkeu by the wind a considerable dis- tenants who do not own real estate can I tance from tbe point of conflagration, become members, but house owners who The Atlantic Hotel caught and tho roof possess but ono house in which they live, of lbe Landmark building was badly ma . y f ba admitted. burned, but the structures were saved by After the plau had been read, Joseph tlie aid of the flr . de p art , n ent aud volun- Franz mado a violent socialistic speech, | 0ers . Fires originaied in other parts of saying th s should po au ant -rent move- tbe city and lllto ^, 0 anxi ety was felt, bnt ment, and tuat co man bad the right to | t ij e y wcre 800n gotten under control, with charge rent for what should be common no , 0S3> Losses are as follows: Ilarway’s to all. Florrlen Faull, a German social- 0 nmpress and cotton shed, $38,(100 : 800 1st, and others followed In the same vein. balea of coltoni belonging to the Greek Finally, upon the suggestion or Franz, coUon bouse of Rail! Bros, $10,000: 150 a resolution was adopted, and the name of bales of cstton,belonging to the Greek cot- the organization changed to the“Antl-Rei.t tou gi.ipper Negroponte, $7,500, and dam- league” by a large inajority. ihe p an ^ lo lhe Bostoll \yharf and Warehouse of organization as read was tlieu adopted company’s wharf, $2,000. All are cov- unammously, aud an executive commit-1 ere d by insurance. tee appoluted. Elizabeth, N. J., March 27—The largest tire In this city for many years broko out last night, caused by the upset ting and exploding of a kerosene lamp in Anderson's corn,ce and lambrequin store. The buildings in that vicinity are old wooden structures. The flames spread How Kite Mileaeed Ulna. Lich mond Ditpatch. While Senator Johnston was speaking in the United States Senate the other day, Mrs. Johnston occupied a seat in tins gallery ( and near her stood two lioadjosters. When I rapidly, and a quarrel among the firemen the Senator bore down heavily on Mahone j allowed the fire to gain greater headway, lone of them said: “Listen to the old liar. I Anderson’s lamhrequiu store, Tucker’s He says he is a Democrat, when he was an hardware store, Bullock’s eoufectonerv, old whig and Know-Nothing. Mrs. John- Kuutzman's jewelry establishment ami ston at once turned to him and said: “You a^. vra i dwelling J,“fT, , are mistaken, sir: ho was born a Demo- I . , K i w >tn much of their COU' crot, reared a Democrat and will die a | ?fX*«Jlr ,trt,y, ; d ‘. Goss on buildings, Democrat. I ought to know, as I am hia | 4bou t $ <0,000. partly insured, wife.” I '.. * ’ ”, SimIImI Vestlmouy. George William Ourtie' Lecture. Under the present system the politics of the country are becoming more and more mercenary, and presidential elections are becoming more and more dangerous. Tlie Trouble with Krrrmt Girls la Colorado. Chicago Inter Ocean A servant girl left Minneapolis the other | coughs, cjhU, etc. post chaplain at Camp McDowell, Arizona, forwarded to tbe President during a temporary fit of in sanity what was construed as a resignation. Tho resignation was accepted, and shortly thereafter Alexan der Gilmore was nominated and con firmed ns Blake's successor. In 1878 President Hayes, upon reconsideration of tbo circumstances of Blake’s resignation, set aside its acceptance and restored him to tho service, whereupon the latter jrought suit for back pay. The question prej tented Is, whether tlie appointment of Gilmore by and with the consent of tho Senate to the office of twst chaphdn held by Blake, operated in "itself to ciis- cllarge the latter ami invest the former with the rights and privileges belonging to that position, Irrespective oftlio validity of Blake’s resignation. The conclusion of this court is, that whatever view be taken of Blake's resignation, the appoiultoent and confirmation or another man in lilt place had the efleet of discharging him from the service. Congress did not intend by the fifth section ot the act of July Ut, I860, to deny tbe authority of the Presi dent, with the advice and consent of tbe Senate, to supersede an officer of tha army or navy, by tbe appointment of an other person to succeed him. It followa tbat Giimore's appointment superseded Blake’s and discharged him from the ser vice, without any reference to tbe latter’* ’(bental capac'ty to understand what waaa resignation. Blake could not thereafter have been restored to the service without a new ncmina ion and confirmation. The judgment of Uie Court of Claims la af firmed. 5Yz call tbe attention of the physicians ta thejfaot.tliat wo have qutnquinia and wfll be pleased to fill yoor proscriptions fog ik SimUqh A Irtnysfi *