Newspaper Page Text
<Dfcxr£gi«r (EjclccjcatJl? »uSst iSuitcmxl ^ SK«sus«ng»sr,
the jf ovk bars.
Mob*! Thcr are trumps to many a one
i fad an * '
M elderly bachelors pad nnd forlorn;
(kali merits In
Even ladles are now on their merits Intent,
Aa a place where they modern ideas can vent.
And there many an offspring of suffrage la
I born.
Hearts! Their dominion la vanishing fast,
For Cupid's supremacy Is but a name;
A wen!ill of affection, though earnest and
For the most of our young modem belles will
not do.
Unless one can offer tlicm fortune and fame.
Diamonds! They hold in their glittering
The mystical key to the hearts of the fair;
licfore must fade e'en the glories of dress.
And muny a swain owes hu greatest success
To the tremendous cluster of dazzlfftg soli
Snadc* are the last, but then not the least.
Mires may vanish and fortunes may fall,
All will lie uncertainty, sorrow and shame,
All will tie itnccrtafnty, sorrow and shame,
llut the s|«dc, when the spirit has gone from
the frame,
Will send forth a dirge o'er the graves of us all.
Boston, February 18.—A fire slatted ia
the basine.-a portion of Haverhill, Mass.,
last night and spread with great rapidity, j
The small fire department was unable to
copo with tho flames, which soon got be
yond control, and assistance was telo-
graphed for to Lawrence, Newbnryport and
other towns adjacent. The first direct re-
pprt from Haverhill says the First National
bank, tho Central Savings bank and ail of
the lower part of Washington street have
been burned, nnd there ia no knowing
where the fire will stop. The operator at
tho depot says it is ge'ting uncomforta
bly close, and he is afraid he will be
forced to desert bis poet. The fire, he
Popular Monthly Drawing of the
says, covers at least ten a ores, pretty tliick-
A Massachusetts man has put up a
spittoon on canton and ia asking n patent for
Thk body of llie late Ko-Kun-Hua,
iirofeiwir of the Chinese language at Harvard
University, will lie inclosed in a leaden casket
and sent to China.
Oscar Wilde feels disappointed that
he lias seen no mina in this country. He
should get Mr. Robeson to show him the Amer
ican navy by moonlight.—Uotion Vial*
.Large numbers of people who have
been hanging around Washington wailing for
prises of tho “lottery of assassination" have be
gun lo refer to President Arthur as ohl-maii-
I tiiougrt, Jilts $., that you hated
that dirty minx. Yet you went up and kissed
her." Miss f>.—“I no bate her, and that is why
I did it. baik nt the lilg freckles on her cheek
where I kissed the powder off.”.
Tuk high-backed and beautifully carved
oaken chair, formerly used by the Speaker of
the f rlsli House of Commons, was sold at an
auctiou in Dublin a few day s ago for £'J0. It
waa purchased by Mr. Cecil Uniuiiesa.
Indeed, there is no accounting for
tastes. A nfgm man in Christiansburg, Va., is
a habitual coal oil drinker. He says in cold
weather lie ofteu drinks u pint or more at one
time, and that the sensation produced is simi
lar to that of whisky.
Dcni.NO the year Just passed 822,034
tons of coal was mined In flic State of Ala
bama. A few years ago the output could have
been expressed in ciphers. This industry has
progressed more rapidly than any other within
tho borders of the State.
One hand was thrust through the hale
Into a theatre ticket office at Columbus, Ohio,
and It held a cocked pistol. Another hand
readied In and clutched a pile of money. The
dumbfounded treasurer made tio outcry, and
the audieious thief escaped with $V>.
Tin; Uon. Mark Alexander, of Mecklen
burg county, Ya., who is the only survivor of
the Virginia convention of 1WD-30, celebrated
his ninetieth birthday on Wednesday, Mb lust,
fie was a represent!:live 111 Congress for 1G years.
He is reported to be in excellent health fur bis
advanced age.
Mrs. Stewart was alone and unarmed
when two tramps took forcible possession of her
house, at Krw Vineyard, Me. While they were
. eating and drinking In the kitchen, she whit
tled u stick into the shape of a pistol, blackened
it with soot, ami then mode a tierce onslaught
on tile rascals, who lied precipitately.
Senator Jackson introdne d the bill
presented by Mr. Morgan In the lost Congress,
for the relief «f the book-agent* of the Metho
dist Episcopal Church South. It appropriates
the United States in Mil or at any other time.
A great blast, which has been prepar-
ng for ueorlr a year at the limestone <iuarrv
of the Glendon Iren Company, near Easton
Ha., was tired recently. Four tunnels, each .V)
feet long, were run Into the hillside, aud nt
thelf end two ehambera were Imilraul right
angles, each 8 feet long. Ten tons (•powder
were used, and upon igniting the charge hi.'UU
tons of ruck were dislodged.
The last trip of the Cunard steamship
servla to Liverpool is said to have been the
-flatest across the Atlantic yet accomplished.
Late apparent time of the passage Is 7 days, 12
I iiuura uud SO minutes, aud the actual time of
■the passage from Sandy Hook, 7 days, 7 hours
and II minutes. This is l>y several minutes the
shortest passage on record, notwithstanding
that the (uniud route is ulncty miles longer
than that token by most of flic other lines. On
several dayazbe sSevin had easterly winds.
At Mine. Guicbard'a fancy dress ball in
I'aris last Wednesday, the most attractive cos
tumes were these of n cock aud hen, worn by a
young married couple. The cock, whose face
was entirely coscealed by his head-dress, strut-
ted proudly in, giving bis arm to the hen; lie
wonts yellow push coot, a tremendous jabot
of white feathem, breeches covered with brown
feathers, silk stockings, red-heeled shoes, a ruse
in his button hole, aud a field-marshal's hat
with goldeu plumes no his cock'* crest, thus
thoroughly personifying the martial Gallic
cock. Tlie hen wore a white satin pettionat.
with long rows of snowjr-white feathers, a white
bead she had a coral uat, and site carried a
bosket of eggs on her arm.
A telegram from Lafayette, Ind.,
says! “Last Thursday John Raker, an old
aoldicr, was married to Mrs. Anna Smith. Ba
er was perhaps 55 years oQsgc. He had been
.r months afflict®], dropsy ^ing one of bis
k ..«i He made his home with Mrs. Smith,
d liUle of this world’s goods, but was pension front the government. The
^Wht suggested itself to him last week, as he
f , m ivery imporaibfp. that he would fix it
that Mrs. Smith should uot lie entirely
out compensation for tier care of him.
ic asked her to marry him aud thereby
i herself in a position to have his pension,
woman aceotiicd hi* offer of marriage, and
i t!io 3th Inst, they were wedded. The next
ay he died."
There is*a saloon in Eighth avenue,
tlio proprietor of which is of(cn presented by
admiring friends with specimens of natural his
tory. Not long ago the saloon-keeper was given
a .< tndsomc game cock. The next day he was
sent au enormous rat that had been caught in a
neighboring stable. At the time there was no
dog on the premises and the cats would not go
near the rat. The neighborhood was scoured
fur a dog of sufficient courage to attack the rat,
which bad been placed in a cage, but no such
dog could be found. It was then noticed that
the game cock had been indu.-iriou-lv picking
nt the bar of the rat's cage. Then the owner
of the saloon tlod a string tightly about the rat's
tail nnd let him out of the rage. The game
cock nnd the rat flew at each other at the same
moment: the game cock struck tho rat once in
tin- ribs and once on the head and tbe rut was
The original order Issued by General
Hancock tor the trial of Sergeant John A. Ma
son, battery R, Second artillery,* on the charge
of shooting at the prisoner Gnitcau, at the
Washington jail, white he (Mason) was on
guard duty at the jail, was dated September
21st, 1881. and tins afterwards held up. Several
of the officers originally detailed lor tlie court
martial having resigned, or been transferred
toother military department*, the court has
been reconstituted by Uen. Hancock, inan order
dated the 13th Inst, and will meet at 11 a. m
Monday. February 20. at the Washington bar
racks, Washington, for the trial of Mason. The
following are the officer* of the court as it will
then stand: Lieut. UoL Henry IL Mtruer, 10th
. i*. .'iizucr,
Infantry; MajorL. L. Lnngdon, 2d artillery;
CapL K. II. Hall, 10th infantry; Cnpt. C. It.
Throcmarton, 4lh artillery: < - npt. J. U. Itawles,
■ ‘ .nillery: CdpL J. N. Craig, 10th Infantry;
. a V. Weir, 5tb artillery; Cant. John «.
a-, -Ith artillery; First I.fcnt. H. J. Reilly,
as, pretty t
ly built upon. The Smith block, the Fin
ney block, the Tilton block, the Prescott
building, the Bishop building, the Uuion
block on Washington street, the Pilling
building on Wibgate street ate burned,
The loss will be several millions. Engines
are coming from Nowburyjort nnd Do
ver. A number of families on Wingato
at; eot have been burned out. This ia the
biggest fire that lias ever occurred in this
vicinity. The streets are Iinod witii mer
chandise and furniture. There is uo doubt
that anmnbcrof pcolpe a-a rendered home
less, although, oviogtoiha pat iciy feel
ing, no really authentic report can bo got
from an" person in Have. till. Tim main
telegraph office lina been Lamed, ilo con
nection between tho cen’re of ti e city
and tho depot telegraph cilice being thus
At 32V) a. m. tho flro was got under con
trol. But one block remains on Wingate
street, end t?;o at t’>e upper end of Wash
ington street. AU else in thesqunrebound
ed by tho Merrimao river on the south,
Washington Square and Essex street on
the east, Wingato street on tho north, and
Railroad rquare on tlie west, is burned to
tneground. Tho territory embraces tho
largest part of the boot and shoe manufac
tories. The loss carnot bo estimated at
present. What yesterday was the finest
street in the city, and the principal busi
ness mart, is to-day a smouldering, shape
less moss of ruins. Some eighty shoe
firms are entirely burned out, and ethers
suffer more or less damage. Men who
we e last night worth thousands are this
morning penniless, while Hio losses of
others are fully or partially covered by in- Two thousand people are out of
employment, and several families home
less. . Tho losses anmstim ited at 82,0 0,000.
The most dreadful feature of the calam
ity is the loss of life, nnd the awful uncer
tainty has caused many anxious hearts. It
ia feared that tbe bodies of a score or moro
prominent business men are buried in the
ruins. Thus far three are known to be
dead. Most of the buildicgs burned were
brick blocks, nbout sixty of which woro oc
cupied by eighty-six firms. About tweuty-
five hundred people are thrown cut of em
Latkb—'The loss will bo fully_up to tho
first estimate, aud wil
'jfcMjytan'l ia
mnov cifS^^wero but partially insured.
Many firms have already located in new
quarters, and Till resume business on
Monday. The employes of many of the
firms wero paid off as usunl this afternoon.
The banks which were burned have
procured funds for the use
of their depositors. Several of
their safes were opened this afternoon and
tho contents found to be but little in
jured. The vaults of the banks will be
reached hr Monday. Mr. Whittier, who
was injured, lies in a very precarious con
dition. Owing to the excellent police reg
ulations, tho bestof order prevailed daring
the day and night. The directors of the
First National Bank to-day voted to re
build at once. The Merrimac Bank will
also bo immediately rebuilt. There wero
102shoe manufacturers and over 250 other
firms burnt out.
In the CJity of JLouisville n
These drawings occur monthly (Bnndny’s
oxcepted) under prorisione-of an not of the
General Assembly of Kentucky
The UnitecTStatos Circuit Court, on March
81, rendered the following decisions:
1st—That thp Commonwealth Distribu
tion Company is IegaL
2d—Its drawings are fair.
N. B.—Tho company has now on hand a
large reservo fund. Read carefully the list
of orixes for the
1 Prise % 80,000
1 Prize 10,CC0
1 Prize, 5,OCO
10Prizes $1,000each... 10,00)
20 Prizes BOO each 10,0(0
100 Prizes ICO eaoh 10,000
200 Prizes 00 eac) 10,900
GOO Prises 20 each 12.0C0
1,000 Prizes 10 each 10,0C0
9 Prizes 300 each, op’rox prizes 2,700
9 Prizes 200 each do do 1,800
0 Prizes 100 each do do 9C0
1,360 Prizes $112,400
Whole Tioket?, $2. Half Tickets, f 1.
27 Tickets, $50. 65 Tickets, $100.
Remit Mone^ or Bank Draft in Letter,
or send by Express.' DON’T BUND P j
FXCli ORDER. Orders of $.7 and upward,
by Express, oau be sent at Our expense.
Address all orders to
309 Broadway. K. V.
Take little annoyances out of the way.
If you are suffering with cough or cold,
use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup at ouce.
This old and reliable remedy will never
disappoint you. AU druggists sell it for
25 .cents a bottle.
fremslnra Law of Hair
May lie entirely prevented by the use ct
Burnett's Cocoaine. No other com
pound possesses the peculiar properties
which so exactly suit the various condi
tions of the human hair. ILsoftens the
hair tehen harsh and dry. If soothe* the
irritated scalp. It affords the richest
lustre. Jt prerents the hair from fidling
off. It promotes its healthy, riyorous
yroicth. It is not greasy and sticky. It
leans no disagrttuhle odor. It kills
BwmetCs Flacoring Extracts are
known as the be3t. feb3-5t
Dr. Wm. F. Steuart, marine hospital,
Port of Baltimore—• * * “I take
pleasure in recommending Colden’s
Liebig’s Liquid Extract of Beef and Tonic
Invigorator as a most excellent tonic and
iuvignrator of the system. I have tested
it with universal success.” Ask for
Colden’s, take no other. Of druggists gen
erally. feb7-lw.
On. J. p. A W. U. Holme*. Dentists,
No. 84 Mulberry street, Macon, Georgia.
Teeth extracted without pain, bcantifnl
sets of teeth inserted, abscessed teeth and
diseased gums cured. Dealers in all kinds
of dental material and instruments. Con
stantly on hand, a large end fall assort
ment of toeth of all kinds, amalgams of ail
kinds, rubbers of all kinds.
DvaUitry—Dr. K. B. Barfield.
No. SO Mulberry street, Macon, Georgia
.thee hour*—8 m. m. to 6 p. m. aug2tUf
In Contagious Diseases,
Small-pox, Diphtheria, Scarlet, Typhoid,
Yellow and Malarial Fevers, expose in
the sick room Darby’s Prophylactic Fluid.
It will attack ail impurities and odors.
The Fluid will draw to itself the germ
poisons in the atmosphere and rcch&rge
it witii ozone, tho mysterious agent by
which Nature vitalizes the air. lw
nth artillery
CapL & V. 1
Roder, 4th artillery; rim uout. ll. J. Reilly,
flUiartillery; Second I.IenL H. A. Snringett,
till artillery; Second Lieut. AVilliston Fish, 4th
artillery: Second Lieut. E. T. Brown, 5th artil
lery, judj; advocate, ;
•i'UK freshmen of Yale arc allowed \?y
tho znplidmorea to ctrry .-tout caries, called
•'liangere," iiicr Washington's birthday, but
hot before. If a freshman breaks this rule the
sophomores make it a point to try to take the
“lianger" away, and the freshmen as a body re
tire. For some time tlie freshmen have had
"bangers" sent to their rooms privately, and
yesterday tlie sophomores learned of this and
made a raid through tho freshmen's rooms,
capturing between forty and fifty "bangers."
The freshman resolved to resent tills indignity,
and early last evening formed in line and left
the college grounds, singing their class songs,
in watch ol the sophomores. The latter hod
notice of their approach, anil before *85 bad
gone a block, directly op|x»itc the college, they
were, to their astonishment, surrounded hr the
••sophs.” Then came ;t rough and tumble light.
The street lumps In the vicinity were extin
guished that tlie faculty might not K- able to
recognize any of the belligerents, who shouted
and cheered alternately !• .r -1 and *85. The
sophomores forced the freshmen backward
through College strecL every inch of the way
being stonily contested. .Then the freshman
m.ele a determined s-aml. Men were thrown
ipto the gutter*, brawny fellows grappled and
went <loti u t'tgcthcr in the street and bad to lie
pulled apart by their classmen, hue freshman
hud a tineisttil torn fp.m iiim and it was snipe*
uuentlyeut into pieces lo furnish memorials
for the sophomores. The struggle lasted for
about lmlf an hour when a cry ot "Police!"
was raised and a dozen policemen came across
the green mi tlie doulds quick. The students
scattered at once, repairing to tlie college
grounds. No Hrresu were made and uo action
Is reported by tlie (acuity. The-
tug detected in n rush is raapetu
Th a Only Vegetable Compound
that acts directly upon the Liver,
andcuresLiver Complaints Jaun-
d.ce, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos
tiveness, Headache. It assists l)i
gestion, Strengthens the System,
Regulates the Bowels, Purifies the
Blood. ABookseutfree. Address
Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway,N.Y
Ity of be*
Notice to Liq.uor Seller*.
ON February 7th instant, the Connty
Commissioners of Bibb connty passed an
order prohibiting the isstungof connty liq
uor licenses in Bibb county from and after
that date. Persons selling liquor in said
county outside tbe corporate limits of Ma-
coil wtii therefore take notice that when
the oonnty licenses under which they are
now selling expire they will not bo renewed.
feb!4w4w Clerk Bibb Connty Com’rs.
son S. Wiuborae has applied to me for ex
emption of personalty and setting apart
and valuation of hoiaeetoad, and I will pass
anon the same at 10 o’clock a. m., on Cth
day of March, 1882, at my office,
feblltd O. A. SOLOMON, Ordinary.
Notice to Contractors.
F.ALED proposals will be received until
U March 1st, 1882, by the trustees of the
Georgia Hate Lunatio Asylnm for furnish
ing five million good merchantable brick,
in addition to those already contracted for,
for buildings to be erected; the quality to
conform to specifications, which can be
seen by application to J. Fuss, architect, at
tho tutylum. Bids most be addressed to
John mmmond, Esq., steward at the ary.
lum. The trustees reserve the right to re
ject .11 bids.
janlSdlawflw Steward Go^Lunatm Asylum
MiUedgeviile, <
White Bronze Monuments,
* Manufactured at
Krivlfjeuort, Conn.
Having accented the agency for the
above, I am now prepared to show designs
wed receive orders. For price, beauty nnd
durability they surpass anything ever of
fered to the publio for monumental pur
poses. Their price puts them within the
reach of all.
For further particulars send fifteen cents
in stamps for illustrated catalogue and
price list, or call on
O. P. HEATH, Agent, Macon, Ga.
Offico with J, J. Clay, undertaker. 97
Mulberry street, febneodlmwlt
But bo sure yon receive the original and
only true
For the Pianoforte.
It is the most successful instruction book
ever published, and Plthcugli it has been
belore the public for nearly a quarter of a
century, during whnh time trore than a
Third of a Million
copies have been sold, it shows no signs of
losing its hold as a public favorite, bnt is
still nsod nnd recommended ky the best
teacheis. It it n
Book Without Errors,
having been mrny times revised, and by
the addition, at various times.of much val
uable material, is conceded to be most
complete, thoroughly practical and pro
gressive, and without a snpsriov as an in
struction book.
Price, - 13.26.
OLIVER UITS0N & CO., Boiton.
Established 1884.
O,H. DITSON *<!"« *43 Broadwr.v N. I
Brightwood House \
ter. Fast 11th Klrcct anil Irving Place
Orao3:TZ Acadzmy oy Mctio, New Yoke.
A N exclusively respectable family hotel.
1m. Most central location in the city, near
all places of amusemont—Broadway. AU
largo stores, (wholesale and retail.) Cars
to Coney Island, and all placos of summer
resort. Just tbe placo for parties wishing
a quiet, inexpensive home in New York.
EDWARD WOOD, Proprietor.
Refer in Maconto CapL S. S. Dunlap,
Emory Winsbip, Esq,, W. H. Burden, Esq.,
Mr.O. B. Willingham. doc30d7cs
iciana. Send
lanta, Ga. Reliable evi
dence given, and reference
to cured patten a and
book ~
A Mechanical
: on The
•aditsOars. Fist. dsoWdsveomly
y|li:i..toc.' h.r vrit ha VA nj^BLB TRRAT1.S hi on
Ol’Charlcstou, S. C.
Highly Ammoniated.
Acid Phosphate, for compostincr.
Asli Element, for Colton, Wheat, Peas, etc.
Fore Ground Phosphate KocV,
Pure Ground Raw Bone,
Genuine Leopoldshall Kalnit,
tfoYa Scotia Land Plaster,
Peruvian Guano,
Ground Dried Fish,
Dried Blood.
Tho above Fertilizers are of very high
grado and of uniform quality. Bpecial in
ducements are offered for cash orders by
the car load.
For terms, Illustrated Aim snare*, Color
ed Humorous Cat ds, etc., address the com
pany. feblfw
Wonder! S
The Only Self-Acting*
AJ! the Old Theorie
Exploded at Last.
A New Motive Power
1>; veuve veil. Dxpaasiou
of Ileat Does it All.
A cylinder made to revolve underwater
49 to 60 revolutions per minute; a thing
never accomplished before.
We have constrmted a now Washing Ma
chine, a practical device for washing cloth
ing, as follows, viz.:
Wo take a cylinder in which we place the
clothing to he washed, and arrange it in a
common wash boiler. Under this cylinder
we have arranged a system of valves which
control the water, when pnt in motion by
heat or boiling, in such n manner as to
make the cylinder revolve as rapidly as de
The application of this device is peculiar
and truly wonderful.
Clothing made to pasa rapidly through
water bailing hot in this manner, is cleans
ed most speedily and thoroughly. Thirty
minutes’time is all that is needed to wash
any clothing, however ronch soiled it n.a
be. No robbing or pounding required; n
wear nnd tear of material. Tho mostwon-
derfnl labor-saving machine or doviuo eve
invented. A child can operate it, or one
person can cse it as well as another. No
Bkill is required; it caurot get out of order
This invention needs only to be seent
bo appreciated. AU are surprised at it
simplicity, and wonder why it was uot dis
covered before.
Jnst think of it A family can do an or-
y i
dinnry washing before breakfast Pot you
clothes in the cylinder; then fill inwatj
enough to cover tho cylinder or clothing
about one inch; piece it on the range o
stove, or anywhere yon can get brisk fire
under it As soon ns tho water begins t J
boil the cylinder will revolvo rapidly, ton-
tinue the motion say thirty minntes; then
take out the clothing, rinse and wring ou
aud yon will find them perfectly clem
Clothing washed in this manner will wear
n third longer than by any ether method.
This Washerman article of trnemer
and*ells«at sight It only requires to be
shown in operation to make a sale, o» it
ntirely different from anything ever offer-
c I to the public. Therefore we want none
bnt good men to introduce it for ns: to such
men we make liberal terms. Everybody
knows that clothing made to pass through
water will be washed. Boatmen, sailors
soldiers, and others have often washed their
clothing perfectly clean without the aid of
soap, by securing them to a line fastened
to the stem of the boat white in motion. It
is water (assisted by soap) passing through
tho material that removes the dirt. Any
thing that will accomplish this withoat la
bor, or wearing the material, is en improve
ment lung sought after but never att'-’ned
nutil the invention of the SELF ACTING
WASHING MACHINE. All orders and
letters of inquiry attended to promptly.
We wish to place this Self-Acting Washer
in the hands of every xtpnily in tho land
and offer extraordinary inducements to
good men to eng.ygo'tn the business of sell
ing it for a limited time. We willship one
complete in every particular, as a sample
to any iierson wishing to beccme an agon
upon receipt of §G. Address,
116 Smithfield Si.,
Pittsburg, Pa.
Particular Notice.
AU the Drawings will hereafter be
under the exulusivo supervision and con
trol of Generals G. T. BEAUREGARD
Louisiana State Lottei7 Company.
years by the
incorporated in 1808 for 25 years by the
Legislature for Educational and Charita
ble purposes—with & capital of $1,000,000
—to winch a reserve fund of over $420,000
hps since been added.
By an overwhelming popular vote its
franchise was mode a part of theprosent
State Constitution adopted December 2df
A. D., 1879.
ings will take place monthly.
It never scales or postpones. Look at
the following Distribution;
1 CAPITAL PRIZE 330,000.
1 Capital Prize $30,000
1 Capital Prize 10,000
1 Capital Prize 6,000
2 Prizes of $2,600 6.0CO
6 Prizes of 1,000 6,000
20 Prizes of 600 10,000
100 Prizes of 100. 10,000
200 Prizes of 60 10,000
600 Prices of 20 10,000
1000 Prizes of 10 10,000
9 Approximation Prizes of $800.. 2,700
9 Approximation Prizes of $200. 1,800
9 Approximation Prizes of $100. 900
1,857 Prizes, amounting to $110,400
Responsible corresponding agents waul
ed at nU points, to whom Uberal compen
sation will be paid.
For fnrther information, write clearly,
giving ftdl address. Send orders by ex
press or Registered letter or Money Order
by mail, addressed only to 0
New Orleans, La.
127 La Salle Street, Chicago, 111.,
The New York offico is removed to Chicsgo
N. B.—Orders addressed to New Orloaua
will receive prompt attention.
The particular attention ot the public is
felled to ’he fact t mt the entire number
io the Tickets for each Monthly Drawing
aseold, and consequently all the priz * in
nch ilrawinn are sold and drawn and paid.
Wh#n It* y cure I do not mein mvrelr to stop thsna
lor «timo and then lias them return main, 1 ueaa ft
radical cure. I hare made tho duoae* of ^
Fits, Epilepsy or Falling Sickness
ft rife-loo* etudy.
Administratrix’s Sale.
BY virtue of an order from tho court of
ordinary of Monroe coauty, will be sold on
tho firzt Tuesday of March, )8?2, at the
coart house door of su’d county, between
the legal hours of sale, the following real
estate, to-wit: Part cf lot No. 8, in square
42, in the plan of the city of Mnoon, corner
of Poplar and Third streets in said city,
said ; .mi erty fronting U94) one hundred
and four fe et on Third street, and (104)
ot e hundred and four feet on Poplar street,
containing oue-fou'th acre, more or le-s,
Sold ns the proper'y of the estate of John
F. Jaugstetter, deceased. Terms cash.
0 of John F. Jaugstettcr, deceased.
GEORGIA, RI3B COUNTY.—Under and by
virtue oi nn order from the court of ordinary
of said county will be mid before tbe court
house door in tho city of Macon, on the flret
Tuesday in March next, between the legal
Tuesday In -March next, between tho legal
hours of sale, the following tract or parcel of
land in Bibb county, in said State, anti known
as the lauds of the estate of Lunsford Heath,
deceased, in the Warrior district, and bounded
south and east by lands of F. M. Heath and ini
IJcnnings; north nnd west by Tobcsofkcc
creek, George Tidwell and F. M. Heath, con
taining three hundred and forty acres more or
tlie property of Lunsford Heath,
deceased, for the purpose of paving debts nnd
to divide among tne heirs of said Lunsford
Heath. 1 Terms cash. F. M. HEATH,
Administrator estate Lunsford Heath.
Crawford Couatr Sheriff Sale s.
G eorgia, cbawford county.—wm be
sold before tbe court house door, in tho
town of Knoxville, on the first Tuesday in
March next, within the legal hours of sale, tho
following described property, to-wit; (25) twen
ty-live acres of land fn the southeast comer of
1.222, known as the Knight place, 108
ot lot No. 227, all in tbe 7th district of said
lot No.
acres ol
connty. Levied ou as the property uf W. 3.
Scarborough to satisfy a 11 fa Issued from tbe
County Court of said county in favor of McCra-
k Allen vs. the said W. S.
ry & Allen vs. the said W. S. Scarborough.
l*roi>criy painted out by plaintiff’s attorney.
Tenant iu possession notified.
Also, at the same time and place, thirty (30)
acres of land, more or less, the same belli
south half of sixty (fit)) acres in the northeast
comer of lot No. &l. Levied on as the property
of tbe estate of Simon Johnson, to satisfy a tl fa.
issued from tlie Justice Court of 401 district in
said county, in favor uf K. 1). Smith vs. tlie
said Simon Johnson. Levy made by Wm.
Reeves, constable, aud returned to me.
Also, at tlie same time and place, the west
half of lot of land No. 65 in the 1st district of
Crawford county. Levied on as the property
of W. E. Collier, to satisfy two cost fl fa.'s is
sued from the Superior Court of Crawford
county, one in favor of Joe Itoss, for use of olli
of i
eers of court, vs. W. E. Collier, attorney for
Patapeco Guano Company, non resident. The
other fit favor of K. M. Robinson, for use of of
ficers of court;, vs. W. E. Chiller and A. L. Mil
ler, as attorneys for J. R. Graves, non resident.
Tenant in possession notified.
Also, at the same time and place, lots ot land
Nos. 10 aud 11 in tho old ngem-y reserve in the
7Ui distriet of said comity, containing 22!) acres,
more or less, levied on as the property of Hattie
I.Wade to satisfy a tax fl. fa. vs. tne said Hattie
I. Wttdo. Tenant in possession notified.
Also, nt the same time anil place, lot of land
No. 192, In tho 1st district of Cratvfanl county,
levied on os the projierty of F. K, Dorrotigh, to
satisfy a tax fl. fa. vs. the said F. E. Horrough
Levy made by John W. Hammock, constable,
and returned to me.
ALso, at the same time and place, lot of land
No. 126 in the 3d district of Cmwfoul county,
levied on as the property of Thomas Dickson,
to satisfy a fl. fn. issued from the Superior Court
of Crawford county, in favor of Green Thur
man vs. the said Thomas Dickson. Property
pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Tenant in
possession notified.
M. P. REVIERF...sheriff.
February 4,1882.fcb7 law jw
Administrator’s Eale.
rt EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Under and by
VXvIrtue of an order front the court of orilina'-
ry ”t said connty will be sold before tho court
house door, in the city of Macon, on the first
Tuesday iu March next, between th« legal
hours ut sale, all that tract or parcel of land
known and distinguished in tlie plan of the
city of Macon, county and State aforesaid, us
wharf lot No. twenty-four containing two
roods and twenty-four poles, more or less. Fold
ns the property of Mary Ann Dortou, lute of
said county, deceased, for the purpose of pa'
ing debts ami expenses of administratioi
Tcrmseash. A. IS. ROBS,
foh71)iwlw J Administrator.
Bibb County Sheriff’s Sale.
WILL lie sold before the court house door in
the city of Macon, during tlie legal hours of
sale, on the first Tuesday in March next, the
following property, to-wit: Lot No. s, in square
' ted fn the city of Macon, on the
No. 42, situated
corner of Poplar and Third" streets, fronting JC4
feet on Poplarstreet and 1UI feet ou Third street,
containing one fourth of au acre, more or loss,
levied on us the property of John Juugstcttcr,
dcceutcd. to satisfy a fl. fit. issued front Justice
Court 71Cth distriet G. M., in favor of Lamar
Cobb vs. John Jaiigstetter. Levy made and
returned to inc by E. P. Smith, constable.
. G. S. WESTCOTT, Sheriff.
February 6,18.82. feb? lawow
We WrLt, Send os THIRTY Davs’ Tbiu,
Dr. Bye’s Electro Voltaic Belts,
Suspensories, and other Electric Appli
ances TO MEN suffering from Nervous
Debility, Ix>3t Vitality, etc, speedily re-
atoring Health and Manhood. Also for
Rheumatism, Paralysis, Liver and Kidney
Troubles and tr any other diseases. Illus
trated pnirphlet free. Address
VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshal), Mich
To All Whom it May Concern.
in p.-o]>cr form applied to me for iiennunen
letters of administration on the estate of John
T. Glover, lute of said county, this is to cite all
and singular, the creditors uml next of kin of
John T. Glover to tic and appear at my office
within the time allowed by law, and show
cause, if any they can, why i>crmancut admin
istration should not be granted to F. W. Glover
jin John T. Glover’s estate.
Witness my hand and official signature this
January 28,1882. - C. A. SOLOMON,
fcb2td Ordinary.
IX cr, rest - - - ...
residing in the State of Georgia, having
” off
applied to lie «pi>oliited guardian ortho pe r.xni
mill proper.}’ of Ada M. Glover, John T. GIov-
T, Sr., Jain - — — ~
James L. Glover, CIeo]Hitra E. Glover,
Charles L Glover, lY'ter Strozcr Glover and
Goo. W. Glover, minors, residents of said coun
ty, this Is to cite all persons concerned to be
nnd nmicur at the term of the court of Ordina
ry, tone held next after the expiration of,
from the publication ol this notice, nnd show
cause, if they can. why F. W, Glover should
uot be entrusted with the guardianship of the
persons uml property of Ada M. Glover, John
T. Glover, Jr., James L. Glover. Cleopatra E.
Glover, Charles I* Glover, Peter Strozcr Ulovet*
and George W. Glover.
Witness my official signature this January CO,
1882. C. A. SOLOMON,
fob2hl Ordinary Twiggs county.
(A Medicine, »'t a Drink.)
norB, nrcnr, mandrake,
TIir.Y O'TTClb
Liver, KMaevs,and Liinary Organs, ecr-
Youtaevs, Slceplesucssaml especially
Female Complaints.
85000 iN COLE.
Will lie paid tor a cate thev will not care or
help, <r to* mythlur Uitr-nro or lujurlom 5
found in them.
A.kyoar druggist tar flop Plilcrsn- I try
them Icforu you sleep Tul.o uo oilier.
D t. f. 1» an atmolntonm: Irreslsl IMe cure for
Drnekeuaeel,uta ot cpluiu. tobacco and
KBTXruZS Sxxn roc Ci-rrun.
DR. THEtl^hJSg
Formerly assistant to tlie celebrated Pc
Fourth St,
Formerly nssfstant to’ the eelennitcd’Professors
Mueller and Jaltr iu Europe, GUARANTEES to
CURE, "ALSO BY LETTER," without full or
any bad results, disease of both sexes in all
rtages. whether conbiglous or inherited: nil
TETTERS IN GENERAL no matter of how
long standing. FALLING OUT OF 1IAIR. The
result of abuse of mercury, iodide ofpoturil
and quinine drugs which are prepared nml pre
scribed by quacks, nnd ndvertbed by them as
stab! *
1 mre vegetable medicines; also low of XNUuroou,
melancholy, loss of memory, the result of fast
living, etc. TAPEWORM removed In three
hours by my own remedy, which is tlie mild
est treatment jet discovered. Dr. Tlicel cau
tions patients in hi« writings against all hooks,
punipmcts; circulars tlmj advertisements that
nre. In true mountebank r-tyle. inserted in tiie
paper*. Such writings, condemned hv the
principal aathorUiex of medical science, nre
brimful of barefaced lies, nnd ruin those unfor
tunate patients who consult them, ns is suffi
ciently shown by America’s and Europe’s most
distinguished proh-s-,.rs; r. by audaelous’y
exaggerating the consequences of youthful er-
roA, they deprive the i>oor sufferers (who are
already tormented by llicir own consciences) of
all Iiojk?, so that they become victims of it dan
gerous melancholy. Beware of the "free pre
scriptions," "reverends.” vendors of luiteiit
medicines, and suclt like individuals, who,
with their one "remedy,” pretend to euro all
Imaginable diseases; whereas true science
teaches that tlie remedies cannot remain the
sumo, hut must change according to the difl'er-
ent stages of the disease.
Address G. F. T11EEL, M. Ih. 538.N. Fourth
St., Philadelphia, Pa. feblwcdsatAwly
• mtnutsr. I warrant my remedy to care tbs
want cues. Bmhw ether* bar. failed is no rc-aou
*— Dot now recoirin* a core. Bead at com Air a wait.
gJJlj JETfftft I * af ■«!■ fa.4atl.Kta m m ■ i a rita.
Da. JL<
■ a. - e .w
Tnesa rurc*i it
.yomrh'ime. Grta*.Improve
- w Jiat-nta roudo in tiirc*
De^erfol rftrra aflrrothOTa fukd. Ca<
uSa. t: Tir
»« trial. h«’d lot drcaiar*. Al
f. I UICK am.I.KB, Al. D..#is Arch bL,
Macon Commercial College,
Macon. Ga.
For special instruction in Bookkeeping,
Penmanship and Business Arithmetic, Bill-
making Corres[>onde;;co aud General Bus
iness Routine.
W. UloHay, Principa'.
For terms, information as to board, etc.,
apply to the principal. Address P. O. box
422, Macon, Ga. jaul3w4w
Farm, Garden and Flower Seeds
Direct from the Fnnu,
Warranted fresh, pure aud good, or money
refunded. Catalogue FRP.E. Please tend
for it. Address, JOSEPH HARRIS,
ji9w4t Moreton Farm, Roctester, N. Y.
- SEED .;
Will mail FREE their Cat*,
loiruo for 1882, containing a
fall descriptive Price - UK off
Flower, Field and Garden
Bulbs, Ornamental Grasses,
and Immortelles, Gladiolus,
Lilies, Boses, Plants, Garden
Implements. Beautifully illus
trated. C ‘
Over 100 pages. Address
179-183 Erst Main St 200-206 Rudolph St
Thi'ty six varietiea of c.tbbagof 21 of
com; 23 of encumber; 4t of melon; ::i of
peas; 28 of heuus: 17 of squash; 2d of beet
atd 40 of tomato, with other varieties in
proportior, a large portion of which wero
grown ert my fire seed farm 0 , will be found
in m> Vzgktadlb and Flowkk Seed Cata
logue fub 1882. Sent vuek to bit who ap
ply. Customers of last season need not
write for it. All seed sold from my estab
lishment warranted tc be both fresh and
true to name, so far, that should it prove
o<hoiwUe, I will. refill the order gratis.
The original introducer of Early Ohio and
Burbank Potatoes, Marblehead Early Corf,
the Htibb^i Squash, Marblehead Cab.
bage, PinKTey’s Melon, ard a ssore of oth.
er ni-w^Bcctable?, I invite tbe patronage
of th^Bbiic. New vegetables a specially.
Eeow4t Marblebecd, Mas?.
13 Faneui! Hal! Square, jP?en,
—Agents toe
Large and fine Stock Fruit trees,V incs,
eta, for the winter and spring saler. of
W. & C. Scoter Sons’
Furnished Ly ts toJK-ardcs (who has shot
i,0C0 tiim), Miles Johnson, and
one over 60,KK^L
most the clubaft&Iso, Colt’s and other
makes. How qfband seme damaged and
second hand qgm. very low. Seme of lush
est grades. ME#d stamp for circulars.
1882. A large stock of small one year-old
Poach Trees, early and la’e, full rsrort-
ment—2 to three feet—at S..40.00 per thous
and, packed; just the stock for planting
largo market orchards. Send for Cata
logue. Correspondence solicited. Address
J. VAN LINDLEY, Proprielo-,
drcSlvri’xn Greensboro, N. 0.
buntv Commissioners’
before the couft lioure door of said" county, on
■ Purchwr‘1 MlraUon, L.WlleJ. Strra Frrmlttm* worth 1220
ftreo with crery order, purtbu*n I ft* p»cUh* ui
lH'illlU Uiu Luum ntrtira; uuui wi emu tuuiiir, wi
the first Tui-'Jy in March next, to tbe highest
bidder for casf, one house and lot iu tlie vlei
lage of JcffersteiYilie. said lot being one-hal I
acre off the wjktheast comer of wh it is known
otSthe Nntlmw Berry lot, being the plate
whereon Mry.M’ace now lives—said property
Isold for tlie ptMiHwc of partition lietweeu the
■teteiaffiliiteiBaiteNBBi an
P«l»re. w c*l*lof*e, para ». . -
O wwraa Comulet,. coUrctlra of llower-iadrrf«.
OtCUOl Ubie lOWMt irlCM.
ta*t*lo«»e * tin ll.Kilptlom ony.M«up.rb r.drtl.i otpUnt,
and otodo, Dm to*11 on oppllattloa. XxtniwiUioreryordw.
liBDDS rto OO.,
joint owners bK virtue of an order from Twiggs
Joi _
Superior Corn
This Jan
G eorgia, crawford county.—h. c,
Bowers, executor estate of David Bowers, de
ceased, of said county, applies to me Tor letters
of dismission from safd trust:
This is therefore to cite ull poisons rnnecnicd
to show cause, If any they Jtavc, within the
law why said at.
time prescribed by law why mi id at. plication
should uot be granted and Tetters of dismission
issue. Witness my hand officially this Februa
ry fi. 1882.
feb8-w4w VIRGIL S. HOLTON, Ordinary.
Will tosagtJ «*.* ta r.3 »,plkxr.:../-'t t? C-:!z::r C/.
erdfrin* U. It raatrl*. lour <- l-C.d i'li C.Q crarti;.,
s)«ct WO wn, r-:.; (all .1 sotafcbi, T**-* led OrnUoa. f r
ylasfi*C Ike mstk. .1 Vrawll aa-t I !,r ,r Sena, I’-.i-Ii.
jt*«W,«<». l*.*lu.U,l.*lC h*il..,L A hints
B. H, FIRRY & CO., Detroit, liich.
... Jessup, administrator of the estate of Wi
iam F. Jessup, deceased, of said county, applies
to me for letters of dismission from said irust:
This is to cite all persons concerned to show
ruusc, if any they hove, within the time pre
scribed by law why said application should not
be granted nnd letters dtsmissorv issue to said
applicant. Witness my bund officially.
February 8,1KS2.—v.lw
Samuel A. neid vs. Mary A. Reid.—In
Jones Superior Court, ()■• tuber tens, 1881
It appearing to tho court by telu;u cf the
sheriff that tbe defendant iu above, stated
case. Mary A. Reid, is not to be fonr.d in
said connty of Jonez; nnd it farther ap
pearing that she docs not reside within the
limits of this Slate ; It i- ordered that ror-
vico be perfected’ on said defendant b;
vice ne perfected on said defendant by
■publication in the Macon Telegraph
Messenger for spneo of three months be-
Administrator’s Sale.
BY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordt
nary ot Jasper county, will be sold on tbe first
Tuesday In March, 18*2, at the court house door
in said county, tho place of Sin-riff s sales, be-
tween the legal sale hours, the tract of land ini
said county whereon James M. Darden resided
at the time of his death, containing twenty-three
hundred aud twenty-fire acres, more or le-s,
adjoining lands ol James L. Maddox, Waiter L.
Znchry, Green ta MeMichacl, Mrs. l*yc and
others, the same being atiout oi'Mbint in orig
inal woods, about seventy-five acres fresh lauds,
and about three hundred and fitly acres of finei
bottom land In a high state of cultivation, and
fore next term of this court. Oo’ober 18th,
R. V. HARDEMAN, Libelant’s Att’y.
Approved and »o ordered.
A true extract from minutes.
bottom tuna In it high state or cultivation, uud
all in good repair, with a good water-power gilt
Also, nt same time and place, will he sold
32 shares of the stock of tlie Central Railroad
and Ranking Company, and one bond of the
Central Railroad and Ranking Comdany for
twelve hundred dollars, payable in lssil, bearing
interest nt six tier cent, interest, pavable setn
annually at Savannah. Ucirgia. l*ropertv sold
for the puiqiose of {wying tlie debts of, and for
the purpose of distribution lietween the lieirs-
at-law of said James M. Darden. Terms rush.
Administrator of James M7Durden, deceased.
February' 0,1882. feb8 lawlw®
Avorege vnlno for r? t seten jeats high
er thsn any oilier fertilizer—embracing the
twenty-three old standard brands—as-de
termined by tho State Chemist of Georgia.
* Contains e largo per crnL of r.nimnl bone.
Is not lost to the planter when a dry year
supeiven- s. but will produce govd results
tbo second year.
Delivered at Fort Valley, and any station
on Macon and Augnstn rriiroad at same
price os Macon.
:oy, GA.
It. V. Hardeman applies to mo for dismis
sion from ndministtotion. with will an
nexed, of estate William Wheatley, dec’d :
These are to cite nnd admonish nil per
sons conosrned to show cau-e a* this office
on or by the first Monday in Mey next, if
a"y they Imre, why the same shall not be
granted. Witness my hand officially Jan
uarv 17,1882. R. T. ROSS, Ordinary,
Isattc Hardeman, adminisirator on estate
D. L. Pit s, deceased, has applied to me
for dismission from said administration :
These are to cite and admonish all per
sons concerned to sitow muse nt this office
on or by the first Monday in Mny next, if
any they have, why the sair.e shall notbs
granted. Witness m\ band officially Jana-
ary 17,1882. R. T. ROSS, Ordinary,
Martha L. Ellis, of said connty. widow of
said John W. Ellis, deceased, has applied
for netting apart ard valuation of home
stead out of the realty belorgiogto her de
ceased husband's estate, for the benefit of
herself and minor children, and I will pass
upon the same at 10 o’clock n. m., on the
Kith day of February, 18.12, nt ray office in
Knoxville. Witness my hand officially, this
January 17,1882.
• jan20w4w V. 8. HOLTON, Ordinary.
febffwlm POPLAR ST., MACOY,
To All Whom it M&y Concsrn.
Hughes having in proper form npplied to
me for permanent letters of nripiInl-Lrution on
the csta.c of Haywood Hughes, lain of said
county, tills is to rite ail and singular tlie cred
itors and next of kin of Ihivwood Hughes to be
nnd appear nt my office wll hi tube time allowed
by law, and (.how pause, ii nny they can, why
permanent administration should not be grant
ed to Mrs. Khulna Hughes on Haywood Hughes’
It'Witness my hand and offieial signature this
January 80,1882. C. A. SOLOMON,
fcb2td Ordinary-
Guardian’s Sa’e.
virtue of qn order front the court of ordinary of
safd county, will l>c sold on the premises, on
tlie first Tuesday in March next,; hetwecu tlie
legal hours of sale, one-fifth undivided Interest
in nineteen acres of land, more or less, situate
nbout three and one-liulf miles from the city of
Macon, on the Forsyth road, in raid county,
nnd known as part of the lands formerly
^wtrciniyJotanterkne^m^nominiorcj .ar
ticular as the lands lately recovered from
J. Franks by the hclts of Bcrkner, a plat of
said land being in tbe ordinary's office of said
connty Sold as the property of Willie, Maggie
and Robert Holmes,' minors. Terms cash.
Inwliv Guardian.
Bi •ewer’s
No Other Remedy
In the market has ever made one-half tbe
care a tbit Blower’s Lun-f Bwtorer lia3
since we have beftnmacnfactoring it.
For sale by all druggist’.
Lamar, Rafrkin & Lamar.
N._S. Glover, guardian for Thos J. Green,
minor, applies to me for dismission:
These are to cite and admonish nil per
sona concerned to 6how cause at this offico
on or by the first Monday in March next,if
any they hate, why dismission shall not be
granted. Witness my hand officially Janu-
ry 17,1882. K.T. ROSS, Ordinary,
a junlffwtd
amts W.Turk, administrator on estate of
Mrs. Cordelia Turk, deceased, applies to
me for dismission:
These are to cits and admonish all per
sons concerned to show enuso nt this of
fice on or by tbo fi at Monday in May next,
if any they have, why dismission shall not
he granted.
Witness my hand officially January 17th,
1882. ll. T. ROSS, Ordinary.
T. J. Melland A. F. Hunter, executors of
the estate of EcdocttfE. Hunter, represent
to tho court ic their petition dnly filcd,ilmt
they have fully administered Eudccia E.
Hunter’s estate. This is therefore to cite
all persons concerned, legatees and credi
tors, to show cau e, if any they can, why
said executors should not be Uiseharg n d
from their executorship and receive letters
of dismission on the first Monday in March,
Witness my hand and official signature.
dec4ld* Ordiunry.
guardian of W. S. Ryals, having applied to
the conrt of ordicaty o> said cour ty for a
discharge from hia gent diauship of W.L.
'J his is therefore to cito all persons con
cerned to show cause why (he said B. T.
Ray should not be dismissed from his
guardianship of W. L. Ryals and receive
the usual letters of dismission.
Given under my hand and official signs-
tare, this January 7, 1882.
innS-wtd* Ordinary.
hereby given that I will after the ilext session
of the county court of Crawford county (vlx.,
third Monday in February) hold m.v monthly
cessions on the second Monday In each month,
and my quarterly sessions on the second Mon
day in May, August. November aud February,
rrapeetlvcly. That the first monthly rerrina h id
utter the change will be on the second Mon
in March. 1 S-'J. and the liret quarterly session
held will 1(0 on the second Monday in Mav,
1882. February 1,1882.
febCwtw Judge Crawford County Court.
Price-list. W. H. DILLINGHAM ■:'!
'421 Main Street, LOUISVILLE •
107 Third SL, Mt*con G&.
—Dealers in's
lron,ieel, Cutlery, Belting
Carriafo and Wawon
Plows,', Plow SLo:ks
Traces Hamas”
nirfrar R
kJl vtA*
Wears l^sadquartersfor
Dxtmar and other Fine Fowder
We also keep a
Select Stock cf Fishing Tsdftfc.
Sold, Silver snd Nicfis!
1 trade «•*!!/lt*«r i.*d,sCr.-t. : :C
rUa Kloetrol'l itcr<* Owts!#, a T» »;•- hm-k,
e l Silver, hyy 5* >vV,*.c«i
*5 3^dut .ifU’fiKtAmsa Even* i;tti?»4«v’r*4Pteft-jr^»
pens Jixrjio desire to »Urt la ikhi UuUuet. Ohm-
Affects Wanted. Official life arc
In stamps for outfit. ImiiMr
ClnelnnetS, Ohio..
„ „ fOVB
r...a|een JWte.rt end lrindi fc
1£T< w !th cnamclit. re. ervcl.A.s
^qalrcmcnts, t.ivl priced u- t;:U f.U j
..uu,, ■ — (.UU-uKCW!
—dtUg Fine-Stop, Reversible Gc-t-Dcwreni
t-ing Cross Mere, Double Short C-uters, niam
'«»■" Covers, Illuminated Flro Door% Mdd
Ivnoos, Nickel Panels, etc.
Uncqualcd in Matc-iial, In llubte, n) j
'.‘ncraiipn. Mamiftctarod by
ISAAC A. SHEPPARD & C0.8a.^fnaaS
And fur rale by
0E0. J. OBE.VK, t)2 Cherry Btroei, V.tranp
' i pjrak ffU
sa_ dti ji vi
man 1882
WMS Mnaib4 nun t« »il -r.; Tcnnt*, *r,4 (
latealRrtLk t® all.
will U M ta— r«lu».u f■« plsfcl'iM iu ut’.iJ.&j
rownlaawanawtlLiutf; Wt
rrauUra, Ttmrkmsu and Mzri>: CanlAtrs. /k 4
D. U. FERRY A CO., S. '.roIL^iA-
S. 8. bwcot, administrator of T. J. Wita
holser, repreaenta to tho court ia hi* pet*
tion, duly filed and entered on record, that
he has fully adminhterej X. J. P. nlm
ser’a estate:
This is therefore to cite all pers.-ns ICT *
cerced, heirs and creditors, to be and a»
pear at the court of ordinary of affidrajoix
ty on tho first Monday in April next, 4t
6how cause if any they can why eafc :*Z
ministrator should uot he Jirchargod tree*
his ndmmtetration and receive lotto?, a
Given under my hand aud offictal «-,Trt
tore this, Jrnuary 7, J882.
janSwSm* J. A. McMANUS, OrtBna.^-
whom it may concern. Stephen L. th*
gett having in proper form implied to a
for permanent letteisof administration<
tho estato of W, \\, Bozeman, Jr*, deoeoei
Into cf raid connty. this ;s to ejto iU er
singular tho creditors ardmxtof kis<
W. VY. Bozeman, Jr., to he azd ar-na-r-
my office within the time allowed by l~
and show cause, ir any they can,
ent ntinritii-tralion rwt
gianted to Stephen L. Padgett oa W.^
BonmV, Jr„ estate. Witness my ha
anil official aignntcre.
0. A. SOLQMAN, Orvlia ary-
jin." wtd
\T it u *— * ‘ “
It it appearing to ine that Urccuute
W. Whltington. deceased, is tinrci
whorclg Ins* 1» likely to accrue to t
ft This a therefore toeite all perrons conararaB
to rliow eau«c, if any they have, before ■
the first Monday in March next u hv
tlie first Monday iu March next why Invar •
•dmlnktratioii should not vyst in J. W. tt&
Clerk Suiwrior Conrt of Crawfnn’ emtitr.
Witness my hand officially, Febrtanr'l.'rtsa
febS-til Greltw.-/.
administrator of estate of W, E. Tl> r - ■
deceased, of said county, has applied lor I
of (Hsmi->ioti from said trust. Tnlsisi) ■.-.■»■m
to cite all persons concernoi to show
any tiiey have, by the first Mowin' ia Hay.
1882, why said npidicatlon sbotTld not b ■ grav
ed and letters dismissing granted to mid,J ’
Witness my hand officially, Febriary it.
1882. ^
fcbStd VIRGIL 8. HOLTON, Ordzeror
. T. Purs’ey, guardian for James A. 8tcw-
rt, njinor, applies lo mo for diatniaxion:
These nre to cite and admeui- h all pae
hodsconcerned to show canre nt thin o:&*^
on cr by the fiist Monday in Mtwch rust,
if nny they hove, why diernirsion eh »!l rest
be granted. Witness m. i .t.J offiorilW
Jrnmsrv j". UK H. T. I;■ l SS,'Irdiavr;
WhereBR.An.anda Oavel/nd ££..«!
her petition for the probate iu sohsuo
form, of the last ni and tcstz.ta.-ja.
Virginia Bailey, of mid county, 0o.xc.xmti,
end it appearing in raid petition ins; Vt . p
inm Bailey, Charles L-iky nd V:
Bailey are r.crt cf kia o: paid te.-u.'-oc, irsci
their residence is mi known:
Tins is therefore to c.-e ihe er.'ff Widmi
Bsiley, Charles Bailey and 1' . s
to be and appear at the regulir March vwa
of court of ordinary of p-.:d count/ toisn
holdeu on the first Monday iu March. i*Y.
to attend tlie prabuieof euid with
my luind officially, this* January 1 'ta
VIRGIL S. HOLTON, Or -iiucrj.
janl8-law ii»*
Administrator’s Sale.
WILL be sold before the court house door in
thp town of Hnvrklnsvtlle. Ga.. tieiuccn lire le-
soil tmars of .,*!*■. .,n ih.- lir-1 T:u -.i,i> In
next, the onc-fimrth undivided Inlerest m anil
to tlie North half of each of ihe full..'.ving lots
..l t.u.,1 > ... . *l (in.l No. efehlr-eight
■ s' , total rc> two Imn.lrt 1 two .in-! re.e-hali
in-res. more or K-->. in tire'll!, ii-brei oi Ty. iggo
is.iiniT, <>». cs.hl riyor*tcr <-*mi:of ordinary
of i'*11.* > t;i edUitv l..' iienelit •(•' ereilitora and
lieirv the lute Goo. T. MeVny. of rui-l eonnty,
and sold us the profieriv of bis estate. Terms
cc .b. This Junuur* :»). P.v‘.
feli'i-.r lw I). ( .•\VAJ.KKit, Adutliilstrctor.
Os.ui.nabx s Office, Jokes Co^ Gi.-osfc
I nary 17ih, I8h2.—-Wreit.... Mre. rdurtaz ta
Ross applies io me for ;.J;ni :istrfA:ca
the estate o r B. F. itosn, Iato of Joijxc.rxxss
t. deceased:
These are to cite and to admonj** «S;
peraons coccen.t-J to shew euuso .it tie®
office on orby the first Monday in litaSs
next, if any tiiey hare, why the tuavj iteH
not bo granted.
Witness my hand, officially.
*janlb-td R. T. BOSS, Ordioarg.
Y a>4 l»AU>
— - — >M —4 to«4wtea. »■
GEORGIA. BIBB COhiis l Y.—Wborea*.
AY. J. Dent, administrator of Cynthia Ska*,
reprer-ents to the conrt in h - petition, rfaftf
filed end entered on record, that hs baa
fully administered Cynthia itoy'e
This is, therefore, to cite ail personscju-
cerncd, heirs u<-.d ei editors, to show esaz*.
if any they cep, why add adre-.s.v<ytre*«:
uhonH not bo discharged fi r-m htaednaa^e-
tration end receive letters of dismisstas Ok
the first Monde y in April 7,1882.
Given undf r my hand and offic
tore tbia Jhi;na»j-,
lavgm* J. A.Me