Newspaper Page Text
©fcj&egfe Hlaeklg ^e-l©gc«tp!j imi&t 3oumsl & Wht&&tenQ«**
nit: uuiDf?* I'.M \ i:k.
Lowly tho young l>t+le knelt in pruytr. One
One l-.-'i i .in.T M fount hour, upon tier hr >w
Tlie in .uigcUnwirts boil rested, and ** vniec
Low, ri: It ii’-d bow Intensely dear, In ta
Oi r.- cp iin ■r c Vil tcmieniera.
llud enllM her by tlie swere-l r*tne, "My
Wife! ’•
A time r . I tigered 'mid the plcssr.nt guests,
Win. iilh’d !<■ overflowing the whlv bulls
And prinrely pn.l'itaof her father’.-* home.
K!u> siwli iimi.l the crowd of laving friends,
Pun-ourM* *1 by her fair your* bridal train.
With env small hand, tight as a pure snoiv-
Vpen her InwlianiVu am*. A sparkling ring,
’ The sacred xlgnet of her wedded love,
<ilcem*'d*m her linger, Ctke a small, bright
t the rieh Anisic rr.t the laughter ligh*
And ( lure of many bmps and dancing gay,
OjjI'itS'. d Ihe -joU"»)Und hunt of the young
1*1 id**,
'O! tv hut had xliete'vo with laughter light.
And music am! gay inl’tii 7 The solemn
Of 1dm who lrafitnrononnccd intones so deep
lb r iiri Vrc*d«:tl<m on her cur
Stiil lingered. So she stole nwny an*’, went
To tlu hnnilhc. room, where all die hours
OI mditilde be: heart had ever known
Hud all UW passed. A smiling aiui’oe
Shot li _rS| .ilumd turned, as bis d*arhcrd
tins* e’i, r. ■"•'giii detaining movement tn«ilc,
,\v h tv '• , mill that she should quit hlsrfdo
The In i. •' u Idle.
The hri,‘--..l*me with God ! Lowly sirr knelt.
And Ilf**'! her meek brow, while as the
WhichV. sted on it; closed her violet cy-
And ‘ i: long lashes rested o’er a diet k
As ros it" •' the noun's pllr.ot shell.
«»! fir too It'.-iU'lfiil for uiirdit of i-.'.rli
Lock- ! young creature in her snowy
Will- th: iv their silken foldr around her
I' sin.
K\»,ui-iie In its statue like reporc,
Til.' III! n ii.e veil swept uiooitd Iter like a;.
An l fin .1 lier rnnride Iitow tlie golden riplt
Fell i i''b!* I, .• k, confined by ? : i»-jil'l j" .i’!-'*
And *. *r t heat: her s.C'dl fair u. .ids wvte
That u in. true, loving heart, whose every
Was mi "fd' alhless love *ud eonsVncy !
OI the not 'i .iitty of that utigc! I.roiv,
fitihllm r .: 'i trusting fallh. 1 lie cor.:! lips
l*,.ri«' I, .■ u| vines of silvery melody
Whis: r. 1 ■ it.ilit. .'** the wolds, "My 11ns-
b't.vl : ''
A light or " <o Ilfl'Sl her pale golden curls,
’Tun- t!i -quirk Ibiilcrofan angel's wing,
A mini- in g spirit liatered near
Tlie fair young bride, and waited lier pure
Fresh from her Up*. wp through the emerald
And urly portals «f the heavenly world:
And at th-’footstep* »f the Urea: White Throne
Veiled hl« bright wings end told It meekly
’Twiis answered. When amid the hiida!
Tl."yoiIn - wife luovi'd rpdn. n tranquil light
Hholie in her azure eves, ai d lier young lord
Read on.her snowy brow n indy joy.
Rut never dreamed it w«« ihe brvntli of prayer.
Prayer deep and fnrvcut, for liis rake
4 til f «
Leaving lb* hle»»c.l arowrr on her face.
! lias taken good money treat pecket.
* an’ paid it, out fur bad whisky. He
, wasn’t a man when I found him. lie
i was » hog—a great big hog. I could
j smelt his breaf six feet away, an’ i' would
j have made a dog sick. He bad is' his
: hat, tolled m do slush, an’ den fallen into
j a stuporish slarji. I got help an’ toted
! him home, an’ to-night ho comes to di.s
mietin’ to have a worn among turn who |
j work hard, respect denwelves, an’ lib
’ saber lives.”
I “Ize sotry, sail.”
i “No doubt of it, but dat am no defense.
! A fool excites pity, kase God made him
I dal way, A lunatic draws sympathy Vase
bo has met tvid iiiisfurtuiie. A drunkard
arouses nothing but contempt. He dc-
; Itbcralely goes at it to make a bruta of
! liis* elf. You hub heard me st eak of dis
[ matter on several prevus occashu'-s, an*
• you know how do majority of dis club
i feels on de sutjfafic. in do ias’ two
j months you bah been drunk fo’ times.”
‘•Yes, sab ; but I'll quit.”
! “I hope you will, but I doubt it. Yon
I bad ebryiing lo lose gettin’ drunk do lust
'time. You have lost!character,respect,
{ money andsia.idhi’an* dar’s lectin hope
i dat you wit! see viy reason to quit. We
! kin guard agin thieves by lockin' up our
m*ui»y; w« kin p it <1- murderer in prison
an’ liave ivm outer *'a way. we kin expose
de liar au’ tetver bim wid 'infusioti. Hut j
do <l:iit.—do liog—■' * 1>aast—who J
kin trust him Who kin t "iiovu fi him'.' |
Who wai ts his soci-ty ? Ivi air. ie ' de- ;
graded by •.* alkin, beside 1: *i ? I). •! ier j
Seolt, ynn am a bounced man! Your |
name will bo crossed from one rolls, y
One «*f dm Wittiest scincs Zrtr Wlt-
»Ks«seit on n Hscti Truck.
Jtom er A'"t»».
Tlie wildest. Iiorse raw eve. known took
place on the Ileiiver track on .September
lOilt, IS®**. Tlie horses were Border Knf-
iiaii and Kock.v Mountain Chief, the purse
in gold. Uiiiria.i was lucked by
Tom Utm!, bis owuer, and Jim Harrison,
notorious "amblers, -bluntly liefore, Hunt
lia*l murdered a prominent Mormon, and
after a brief trial - be was condemned to
bang for h*3 'Crime. The scail-dd was
elected on the outskirts of bait Lake,
near the overland roaJ. aiul the murderer
was i*> swing amid ail tlie ]iomp
of le-giti eaeculion. In the excitement at
tending the preparations on tho morning
of t he expected lumgiog,'Harrison entered
KuiSiuii’s swblc unobserved and spirited
tlie ir.eor away. Mounted on another
lioise and leading Kt»Uian r Harrison rode
to the .gai lows unsuspected, slipped two
six siio-iters into Hunt’s hands, and liefote
the ollieia's or mullitudc hail recovered
from their surprise the outlaws
Wore charging down Ilia Weliher
Wtnvon i rad at a speed which defied
capture. -One ofa numlier of parting rilb:
Shots •killed JIarrison’s hone, and it be
came necessary for Hullian to Ary both
iscn. The Mormons pursued the despe
radoes night and nay, but were powerless
to overtake them, so wonderful was tho
speed cud endurance of the stolen bay.
Xol till 100 miles had been covered did
iKcti or hesst eat or res', nnd on tlie
morning of the tenth day tbev arrived at
Henveri'fiUO miles from the Mormon capi
tal. '!’! vac facts once circulated, Hullian
became Ihe hero of tlie lioar.
in th" Denver rate the (Sreer boys, wb»
owned C’liiof, backed him. Thousands of
Utelt ami women (locked to the track.
There was long delay, but at last, amid
frenzied clwers, the horses got a start,
iiclltan forgiug ahead from tlie stand.
Chief .How the track, went over a steep
embankment, and, before be could re
cover, tlm beat was practically decided iff
RvJltan's lead. A yell of disappoimment
went up from the multitude, and a rush
was made to lynch tlm man who started
Chief. He succeeded in escaping the luob
unharmed, however. More than $100,0.0
changed lunds on the heat.
An even start was obtained in the second
beat, the horses passing into the ijuarter-
strotcli neck and neck. At tlie half
pole, JL'uflisn, in response to a lianl whip
ping, slowly took the lead. All this time
Chief had been giveu a free rein, but had
bceu spared tho lash, diaries Hamilton,
a desperado, who bad all his earthly pos-
ksessions staked on Chier stow! at the
Shack stretch polo »s the horses approach-
Hjka navy .revolver in either hand. “Lay
*1 whip lo that hors" or I’ll drop you
mo saddle,” he shouted lo
aga.e. Teals, Cbicfs rider, sighting
. dii of his weapons. Teats knew that
7 5miJu»u would keep liis word unless
Jueorder was obeyed, and although bo
■ was conliileut that Chiel would win the
second beat without urging, he lost no
time iu applying the whip. iHe drew
blend at every stroke, and Chief wen:
under the wire a winner of the heat by
1U0 feet iu IMS.
Then commenced a riot and Itirmoi! the
like of which was never before or since
witnessed on a raoe -course. Men .pulled
their six shooteis wid fired madly, indis
criminately, aud gold dust, in the tiuarrel
for stakes, was scattered reckles-ly in the
gaud. Human was -completely broken
down after ibis heat, aud the gamblers,
appreciating that they were beaten, be-
• came frautlc with tage. Con Ocam and
Charles Switz, who afterwards became
noted prize fighters, stood at the door lo
the stand and held the uiob at bay until
the judges bad giceu their decision.
Chief was ordered on tlie track, and after
making tlie half mile was declared tlie
winner of lie race. Tiie judges had
to be escorted from the
track to town by su armed eseirt com
posed of volunteers from the winning
. "Mounted on broncho ponies with pistols
and bowie-knives drawn, the Gteer broth
ers and a party of friends made ilteir
way to the $Ub,000 nugget and cut it to tbe
ground. It was loaded into a wagon and
take.t to town, a guard accompanying tlie
precious freight. Tliers were it Itrge uum-
ber or people stabbe J and shot iu tbe me
lee, but foitnuately none died from their
wounds. That night Denver was one blaz
ing revelry, one gorgeous orgle. The im-
iuciise nugget was cut up intosmsilerand
more commercial commodities. Tcata
was presented with $5,000 worth of these.
Tlie balance of tbe winnings were equally
divided among tlie brothers, and iu less
than forty-live hours they bad squandered
*11. | . l
Brother Ncolt Bounced.
«Ani Hr udder Abraham Scott in de ball
dte evenin’ T" inquired the president, as lie
looked down tbo Aisles.
“Ye, ash,” answered a voice from the
northweit corner.
‘•Den please step dis way.”
Brother Scott scuflled forward, bead
down, and bis countenance betraying
about seventeen different emotions, and
when lie readied tbe niaik tbe president
continued: ...
“BrudderScott, in gwinc ’ober to deold
man Johnson’s las’ nito to borrow a bunk
o’ butter for breakfast, I discovered some
one lyin’ onde sidewalk. My first thought
was to yell marder. .My next thought
was to smell oh his bref. Dat settle de
case at once. It wasn't a murder, bnt a
case ob dead drunk. I turned de subj-*k
ober to git a look at his face, and whod’ye
Brother Scott gazed straight at tbe bust
sf Vcrus, and l ad nothing to say.
"It was Brudder Scott,” whispered tbe
President. “Although two of bis chil
dren am bae’fut, bis wifs needs cloze,
gu’ hasn't a dozen talers'n dc house, ha
Aer. tV-* ilr.ll tin-l br.'odinr ii'tjht
A "i ”ii j:ii*i. with demon Ugh',
breath of wreathing -mote:
.'. mr.inl him whirls the reeling plain.
.•.—I with a dii-H of grim disdain,
if: cleaves tile sundered roc!:.
In ionci” swamps the low '.v!nd stirs
•Xlsc belt of black funereal lira,
That murmur io the sky.
Till, startled by liis mad carter.
They .-reini'd to keen a hush oi feat,
As if u god swept by.
To rough many a dark, wild bfs'1 of hcatri,
O'er Looming bridge*, where beneath
A mighty river brawls;
Itv ru ; n>, rei.nnnt* of tlie nasi.
Tht'T ivies trembling in tbe blast;
By lingi'ig waterfalls.
The slnmb'rer on his silent bed
Turns to the light bis lcneiy head,
invested of its dream. , ,
Rons leaguvs of gloom are liurrlcl o cr,
Through tuuuv’ sheaths, with ir-ci roar,
And shrill, night rendingseream.
Past huddling 'iu'., past flying farms.
High furnace Haines, whose cninson arms
Are grappling with the ni'dit.
He tears along receding lands.
To where the kingly city .' lands,
i a ro!>e of ligi.t.
Wrapt in!
cad, wide ni.d gushing gate.
f carer file*
s known.
We ank tL"* O. tlmn Tuan train,
From Our (irifflu Correspondent.
G.ost.'N, G/.., February 25, 18H1.—Our
community wi.s very met: shocked, at tho
*?**{,^ r<k ‘ ,n f! adn ‘ ,ssio " ; ’ a, ‘f w '. . s;;J 'ntelligenco of the sudden d-alii of **r.
tiliall forgit .tat you war eb«*r nmubjroil ... , . ... _ .,1. ....
wid us Lei us now attack de r-g’lar or- j ” ■ *■ ^ ci t! ‘ ,J c “>’ w " : _ ch
der o’-fcasiuess.—Lime Jiiln Club.
Rnrmstbiz'iMisd Slsnil in ibtsr liltl
Rizhnrd //. Clark in Sunni' South
ln-mysl'Oll tbiough the cemetery, bat
Iu a dilforent portion from thrt about
wbieli I have been writiug, I found a mon
ument which surprised me. I knew that
tlie gentleman whose memory it was erect
ed to .perpetuate wa3 dead, but did not
know, or suppose; ids grave was iu Macon’s
cemetery, for ho was not “a dweller iu that
city.” His name with mo has been asso
ciated witii a residence in Charleston nnd
b'ewYork, or so mo of his many planta
tions, but not with the city of Macon. A
known fnct, however, must overcome any
-supposition, or even a plausible theory, and
I had to realize that before me was tbe
grave aud monument of
non* is iun.\'ogk cocxtv, oa., oozosec iWni,
i>ie*> AT'azr. IC:
h njVIttl
seen lmn
once, atnrnover heard from others his per
sonal characteristic!*, therefore regret my
iticomi eloncy to write of them. Bet from
his success in life, and n public reputation
whicli was scarcely limited to the bounds
of tho nation. I lime no donbt bo was dis
tinguished for his privato vir ties, nnd
•domed the role of Southern gentleman.
He was dist ngnished for oc u[>ying a
, financial status for wl'ich I cannot recall
! nn analogous case. He was a Southerner,
I but o prince of a merchant in the great
I Northern commercial center of New York,
i While ho was there n merchant, ho owned
many plantations and hundreds of slaves iu
the States of Georgia, Alabama, Mississip
pi nnd Texas, Tho latter were imiuly
tho investments of his mercantile ac
cumulations. Tims he was at the same
tlmo u merchant prince at the North, and a
lordly planter at the Sonth. H-im-j when
cil, r,u on Tliuisduv lest, at tbo residence
of Dr. Armstrong, of Jonesboro, under
w'.'.ose treatment Mr. Warren was at the
lime of bis d.mvo. He was ono of tbo
first members of the Sptfidiug Greys dur
ing ;he lute unpicasAtitness, as v/eli us one
of tlie (il ’.-.s: membt is of Stonewall Fire
Company, and his remains liaving been
brought here, wera escorted to their last
osting place by both companies.
Mr. T. W. Timrnian.oar new postmaster,
expects to n.-s'iico tho responsibilities -of
oiUco on March 1. It is probable that
lie will move the office to a moro central
Bishop Beckwith preaches hero to-mor
row aud will also administer the rite -of
confirmation to several applicants. As a
pulpit orator ho is very popular here nnd
always pleaches to very large congrega
The Brooks’ Automatic Car Coupler now
on exhibition here is creating a good deal
of excitemout, and tho owners of the patent
covering it have organized n stock compa
ny for tlie itmnnficicre of tho same.
The Griffin Light Guards have received
their new gun. 3 and will shortly show thc-ir
pretty uniforms on the streets again after
a sci-son of rest. Stonewall Fire Company
contemplate purchasing a handsomo new
■ftyifprm for tho slicing cnmp"igu.
' r,‘fiU:ii was represented by about a do/. n
of onr young people at tlie late grand
“partie a la mas*pie” at Batncsville, nnd
all ovpressed themselves highly pleased
wi'h their trfp.
Tfie spring season, or rather the spring
fights, have commenced. Two of ourjeot-
tu;, buyers had a “set to” yesterday even
in;:, but no damnge wits done.
1 have just heard of the death of Mr. ,T„
T. Ransom, one-of Griffin’s oldest and hon
ored citizens, which occurred at his re-i-
dciii'O this morning, after a very brief ill
Tho office of tho Southern Express Com
pany will be moved from its present loca
tion to its old homo in the western end of
•he passenger Uopct, in a few days.
J. L. M.
A leehasilea!
Wonder! I
The Only Self-Ac ling
Ail the Old Theorie
Exploded at Last.
Eclectic Ungnzlne.
Tho March number of tlio Eclectic is at
emancipation aud recourtruclioii came,do-i hand, nnd presents a copious array of in-
si royiug tho values iu slaves and nearly de- j tereetin*'articles. The table of con Unis is
stroyiug tho values inlands, he was yet, for d;,,*,, on vivRcc-
our section, a very wealthy msn. Thodif- “* fo!,ow * s 11,9 Biologists °n vmsoc
ferenco betvvttfU him n:iU Joseph Bond was,! tiou,” by It. U. liuttjn; ‘Morley s Jjiio Oi
that tho investment* of the latter were en- ] ColnleD,” by A. J. B.tlfonr, M. P ; “How
tirely in Sonthern plantation property. thc3ura0ot thoir Kama*;” “At Anohor.”
Ju^t beforo thovTiir Mr. Uileyrt whole prop-: . , , .. ».
erty must have aggregated from two to j hy li'c authar of oausolations, Ihebe-
thrcc millions of dollars. Notwithstanding | treat of the European Glaciers,” by I’ro-
ench destruction of his Sont'iern values, I ftfsor c. Dttfour; “Wcstininster Abboj,” a estate,after his deuth, realized I Kair-
pSrft. tto 'SJ.n ta of Mary Queen of.HeoU ” by Algernon
1|,„ n Charles Swinburne; “Fiiotographic on*on-
Anotoerpeea iarilyo* Mr.’ViVy, with his jcles froui Ohjlfiiiood to Aite,’ by I raucis
large wealtn iu botli sections of tho Union, " 1 ,J„ er • H!,n »’ ediiLil
is that he had never married,*nd when in j “j!" „n,l Hi- Snc
nurniiccil yen's stood e
bachelor,” and porimps
bachelor “in tho world '
property went directly c
numerous niece*.; nmkrtej
marens, but that the lowc:
IF. DiullUti* ILtlllSt Ul .ultwa • bllu ; j 1 •' ,
Kobt McKay«./ Baliimore. The latter is a i “ iree months $1.
brother of Hon H. ’i. McKay, of Atlanta.
Mrs. Baxter, of A then-*, was one of his sis
ters. A year or two before tho war, Mr.Wi
ley had withdrawn from active participation
in liis commercial enterprises iu New York
and li M taken up his abode at liis plantation
thaMradied aftar«iingmingiUneM.'ftndhis 1*000 TofisWt, Q.&Co. Manipulated
remains ware removed to raaoon for inter- Gu?.HO.
meut. Ashe was a native of Georgia, and •
G uiino, Superphosphate
and Kainit.
had runny near relatives at Macon and vi
cinity, it wnn n thoughtful appropriateness
that consigned his body to its mother earth
in KoseBill cemetery. 1 hero lie rests m
his n**ti"o soil -there his grave will bo ten
ded by loving bands, and there every Geor- ,
gi«c can be reminded of his life, aud the j in quantities to suit, at VERY LOW l’rices
honor that life has been to Georgii^ Mr.. for CASH, or on credit for npproved pa-
Wiley was trae to h«s native State aud soc-1 r,«. r . DEALERS or PLANTERS will find
lion daring the timo of their troubles, and j {»to their interest to give ns a csll before
as a there were proceedings < buying olsuwhoro. Send for circulars,
instituted in the courts of New York to prices, etc.
1,000 Tods W., G. & Co. Superphos
1,000 Tons Pure German Kainit.
There first-class Fertilizers will be sold
confiscate bis large property there. These
proceedings, through tlie intervention of
porsonnl frieuds in New York City liugered
iu the courts, nnd before final judgment
could bo obtsineJ, the tortus of peace ar
rested further proceedings, and restored
bin property to him. iio was descended
from rovointionr.ry ancestors. Tlie
family on his mother’s side wore from
North Carolina. Soma of them were sign
ers of tho famous Mecklenburg declaration
of the independence! made in May, 1775,
from which some of the phrases in tbe
general declaration of the Fourth of July,
177*5, wore taken by Thomas Jefferson.
The undo of Leroy M. Wiley, (James
Jack) volunteered to carry that declaration
to tlie Continental Congress iu res don at
Philadelphia, and did so, making tho jour
ney on horseback. Bnt tbe Congress was
not then an far advanced as tho patriots at
Mecklenburg, rina it took them more than a
year longer to nflirin the Mecklenburg
declaration, and thus crown with success
tho long, laborious, fatiguing ride of the
patriot James Jock.
Mr. Wiley began bis career as a mer
chant at MiUcdgeville, Gn, then he went
to Charleston, then *the business was ex
tended to Now York city, nud a house was
iu operation at both places, and so coulin-
nod unlit his retirement. Tho firm styles
from time to time were Wiley, Banks &,
Co., Wiley, Line & Co , Leroy M. Wiley &
Co., and others not remembered, hot they
are yet familiar to the merchants and other
business men of the South nud North of
twenty-five and more years ago.
Down lain*: Parson, PulpU uul All
London Daily Telegraph.
A singular accident tiefdl a Scotch clergy
man untie preaching in a Noneimlcunifst
dispel 0} Shepherd's Rush on Sunday lust. He
hod a vigorous style, and showed himself zeal
ously fervent In driving home to liis intcrcrtcd
hearers tlie solemn wonlsuud moral of lib text.
Hands and
preacher... _ _
lib whole weight on the reading stand, gazing
Intently into tee fares of his uudilors to <lec|*cii
the impression of lib counsels, While lie was
once thin gazing tbcuudicuce were startled by
seeing the readfitg-staiid topple over the plat
form, followed headlong by .the energetic
preacher hira-clf. it*uy rushed to Ills assist
ance. liut. although the fall was one of about
seven feet, the minister quickly regained ills
footing, and at once returned to nb place at the
restored reading-stand. Before resuming the
awkwardly interrupted discourse, however, the
picacher remarked, with aquuint "pawklness,”
which the congregation seemed to appreciate,
that "those who leaned upon the Master woulQ
be better sustained than ho bad been while
leaning upon the reading-stand of Hbscrvaut."
On. t. P. * W. K. Holmes, Dentists,
No. 81 Mulberry street, Macon; Georgia.
Teeth extracted without pain, boantifnl
eels of teeth inserted, abscessod teeth and
diseased gums enroll. Deatera in all kinds
oMental material and instrnments. Con
stantly on hand, a’ large and full assort
ment of teeth of all kinds, amalgams of all
kinds, rubbers of all kinds. »
Dentistry—Dr. N. K- Bmrfleld.
No. 90 Mnlberry street, Macon, Georgia
iifice hours—8 a. m, to 6 p. in. aag2Ctf
me solemn worn* auu moral oi ins lexi.
ind eyes were both bmuglit into play in
iglhe “winged words” of the portly
r. au*l now and again be would lean
f«b?Mttw2* SiVANSAU, GA
D1TSON & CO. are tho sole agents for
the United Statee for tbe magnificent Nov.
olio list of Oratorios, Opem«, Glees, Part
Songs, etc. The separate Anthems. Cho
ruses, or Glees, costfiets. to 10cts. each, nnd
are veiy largely u«od for occasional sing
ing. The following sreoxoeliont nnd prac
tical instroctive works, and are called
“Primers,” but are really ivgreat deal more:
1. Rudiments ot Music. By Cummings $ SO
2. Art of Piano Playing. By Pauer....l.00
«. Tbe Organ. By Stainer 80
4. Singing. Randegger 2.00
5. Musical Forms By Bauer 1.00
6. Harmory. ByStaiuer.... 00
7. Instrumentation. By Prout 1.00
». Violin. By Tours 1.0D
li. Mueical Terms. By Stainer -M
10. Composition. By Stainer 1-GO
Clark’s Anthems and Responses,
Price $1A0. By Wm. Horatio Clarke, An
thems of rare beiuty, which will be favor
ites with nuy choir that adopts them.
Mason £ Hondly’s System for Begin
ners $3.25
Mason £ Hoadly’s Method for Piano-
Forte 3.76
Two famous method* by two of tho best
pianoforte teachers in the country. Begin
with one method. End witii tlie other.
OLIVER DITS01T ft CO.. Boston.
Established 1834.
O. H DITSON £ CO . Ht3 Broadway V. T
Brightwood House I
Cor. Es«l lilli Htreef nnd In lag rloce
1 N exclusively rcspectablo family hotel.
A. Most central location in the city, near
all placet of Amusement—Broadway, All
Urge a tore*, (wholesale and retail.) Cars
to Coney Island, and all places of summer
resort. Jnat the place for partiee wishing
a quiet, inexpensive home in New York,
EDWARD WOOD, Proprietor.
Befer in Maconto CapL 8. 8. Dunlap,
Emory VVinahip, Eeq., W. H. Borden, Esq.,
Mr.O. B. Wiilingimm. deo30d7m
lanta, Os. Reliable eri-
HABir I deuce given, and reference
■w Cure. I to eared patlen* and phva-
iciana. Send for my book en The Habit
and iU Cure. Free. Mwfly
Pink Eye, Early Rose
ing just received by
February 1C. OEO. 8. JONES.
.Y Xevr 3I.otlvc Power
Discovered- Exi»acsion
oi Heat Does it A.11*
A cylinder made to revolve under water
40 to (>U revoiutious per minute; a thing
never aecomplished before.
We have constructed a new Washing Ma
chine, a practical device for washing cloth
ing, as follows, viz.;
Wo take a cylinder in which wo place ihe
clothing to be washed, and arrange it in a
common w.wh boiler. Under this cylinder
wo have arranged a system of valves whicli
control the water, when put in motion by
heat or boiling, in such a manner as to
mako tbe cylinder revolve as rapidly as de
The application of this devico is peculiar
and truly wonderful.
Clothing made to pass rapidly through
water boiling hot in this manner, is cleans
ed most speedily nud thoroughly. Thirty
miuutes’timo is all that is needed to wash
any clothing, however much soiled it n*a
be. No rubbing or ponnding required; n-
woar and tear of material. The mostwon-
derfnl labor-saving machine or derice eve
invented. A child can operate it, or cue
poison can nso it as well as another. No
skill is required; it cannot get out of order
This invent ion needs only to be scent
be appreciated. All arc surprised at it
simplicity, and wonder wty it was not dis
covered before.
Jast think of it. A family can do an or
dinary washing before breakfast. Pot you
clothes iu the cylinder; then fill in wato
enough to cover tlie cylinder or clothing
about one inch; piece it on the range o
stove, or anywhere yon can get brisk fire
under it. As soon as the water begins to
boil ths cylinder will revolve rapidly. Con
tinue the motion say thirty minutes; then
take oat the clothing, rinse nrad wring ou
nnd you will find them perfectly clean
Clothing washed iu this .manner will wear
a third longer ijian by any ether method.
'This Washer is an article of true iner
and sight. It only requires to be
shewn ip operation to mako a sale, as it
ntircly ditto rent from anything ever offer
ed to the public. Therefore wo want none
hut good men tointroduce it for us; tOoUrh
men we make liberal terms. Everybody
knows that clothing made to pass tiirough
water will be washed. Boatmen, sailors
soldiers, and others, have often washed their
clothing perfectly clean witnont the aid of
soap, b.v eccnring them to a lino fastened
to the slcrn of the boat while in motion. It
is water (assisted by soap) passing through
tlie material that removes the dirt. Any
thing that will accomplish this without la
bor, or wearing the material, is an improve
tueul long sought after bnt never attained
until the invention of the bELF ACTING
WASHING MACHINE. All orders and
letters of inquiry attended to promptly.
We wish to place thi3Self-Acting Washer
in the hinds of every tamity in tho land
and offer extra?' liuary indnceuients to
good men to engage in tbo bn-iness of sell
ing it for a limited time. We wilt ship ono
complete iu every particular, as a sample
lo any person wishing to became au agen
upon <receijit of §C. Address,
116 Smithfield Si.,
Pittsburg, Pa.
To sill "Whom it May Concern.
/i nonniA, twiggs county.—f. w. mover
V T iu pv*|KT form np|*1ie*l to me for in-mmncu
letters uf administration on the esuice of John
T. Glover, late of raid county, tills is to rite all
and singular, the creditors and next of kin of
John T. Glover to be nnd appear at my office
within ihe timo allowed by law, and show
cause, if any they ran, why (icnnniieiit admin
istration ihould not be granted to F. W. Glover
<m John 1C. Glover’s esUite.
Witness my lmiid mid official signature this
January SB, 1SS2. C. A. SOLOMON,
febJtd Ordinary-
Ladies and Gentlemen!
We have opened in the front part of our
* wholesale store a
Retaii Department,
complete in every respect. We emp’oy
none but
Gentlemen Who Understand the
Drug Business,
and as we bay none bat tho
Purest end Best Drugs
to bo fonnd, wo are sure that you will be
pleased with us. We sell five cents’ worth
ns cbeorfulty ns we would five dollars’
worth, as we are not disposed to insist on
any ono buying more than they need but
wo do want to sell yon ALL YOU NEED,
no matter bow much.
Como to see ns opposite the AUCTION
HOUSE and DOLLAR STORE, and call
for Dr. Goodwyn or Dr. Daniel, who are in
charge of oar Retail Department. Bo-
spccl fully,
Lamar, Rankin & Lamar.
H. L. C00E,
Dealar in Produce and Staple Groceries
Cigars, Tobacco, eta.. No. CS Poplar street.
Patronage aolicited and aatiifaction gnar.
anU«d f.iiUdawly
iSK s hi: :u> ,
h« raw toll to It /»? ««C|
*V»jwP.4a«. 'tok '•■ai.J > «wto.» ;-.* y ; \..,i
—..ratorgaea^. A. L. SJIITU ft Cfl., *ml% AgCZ r»UH«». flL
Sofd and Silver, £ How to MaKe ft
A new irsbie tW* U • m» d, and paj* we]
▼cetmcntR. A 06 |ip. book conteJuirur lie
fore publi*hrd. If not mtlcfartory tho
Crawford County Sheriff Sal* s.
47-Mud l«;fore the enurt house door, in tho
!«\v:i of Knoxville, on the Hist Tuesday In
>lare;i next, within the legal hours of sale, the
f »h.,v. !:;g deserttoa property, to-wit: (Si) twen-
t y-fi re ceresonabd lr the rnuthc.t«t comer of
a,t No. sta known w the Knight place, 198
acres of hit No. tn, all in the Tih dintriet of said
count;'. Levied on as the property ufW.S.
tenrtorm'gh to satisfy a fl fa issue*! from the
County Court of Mid county In favor of McCra
ry «k Alien vs. the said W. S. Scarborough.
1'roiH'tty jh,lilted out by pluintlXs attorney.
Tenant in po*ses»!on nod fled.
Al«o. ut the same time and place, thirty (SO)
acresui land, mo.-eorlers. Ihe same being the
sonth iiaif of alxty (ijOi acres in the northeast
corner of lot No. t;i. Levied on as the proiierty
of the estate of Simon Johnson, to sullMv o ti fa.
i-sueil from tbe Justice Court of 4(tt district in
raid county, in Lvor of R. D. Smith vs. the
Kiid Simon.'Johnson. Levy made by Wm.
Reeves, eonrtnble, nml returned to me.
Also, «t the same time and place, the west
half of lot of land No. 65 in the 1st district of
Crawford cotinty- Levied on as the property
of)). K. Collier, to satisfy two cost fi fn.’s Is
sued from the Superior Court of Crawford
c* >unty, one in favor of Joe Ross, for nse of offi
cers of court, vs. W. E. Collier, attorney for
l’alapsco Guano Company, non resident. Tlie
other fn favor of K. M. Robinson, for use of of
ficers of court;, vs. W. E. Collier and A. L. Mil
ler, as attorneys for J. R. Graves, non resident.
Tenant in possession notified.
. Also, at llie same time nnd place, lots of land
Nos. to and 11 in tiie old agency reserve in the
7ti« district of said county, containingttA* acres,
more or less, levied on as the property of Hattie
I. Wade to satisfy a tax fi. fa. vs. the said Hattie
I. Wade. Tenant In r<osse»fon notified.
Also, nt the same tune and place, lot of land
No. P.U, in the 1st district of Crawford county,
levied on as tlie properly of F. E, Do Trough, to
sel sfy n lax fi. fa. vs. the said F. E. Dorrongh.
la vy made by John W. Hammock, constable,
and returned to me.
Ah o, r.t she same time and place, lot of land
No. isi in the M dl -irict of Crawford county,
levicl on ns the property of Thomas Dickson,
to satisfy a 11. fa. issued from tlie Superior Court
•of Crawford county, in favor of Green Thur
man vs. the raid Thomas Dickson. Property
pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. Tenant lit
jxissv-sion notified.
M. P. SEVIERE. Sheriff.
February 4,1 *>‘J. feljf lawow
It. V. Hurtleinun nppliesto me for dismis
sion from administration, with will an
nexed, of estate William Wheatley, dec’d ;
These are to cite and admonish all per
sons conosrncd to show cau-e a' ibis office
on or by the first Monday in May next, if
any they have, why the same shall not be
granted. Witness my hand officially Jan-
nary 17,1882. It. T. ROSS, Ordinary.
Isaac Hardeman, administrator on estate
D. L. Pit s, deceased, hirs applied (o me
for dismission from said administration :
These are to cite and admonish all per
sons concerned to show cause at this office
on or by ihe first Monday in May next, if
any they have, why the same shall not bs
granted. Witness my hand officially Janu
ary 17,1882. R. T. ROSS, Ordinary,
N. 8. Glover, gnardian for Thos J. Green,
minor, applies to me for dismission :
These are to cite and admonish all per
sons concerned to show cause at this office
on or by the first Monday in March next,if
ny thoy have, why dismission shall not bo
runted. Wituess my hand officially Jann-
ry 17,1882. R. T. ROSS, Ordinary,
Particular Hoticft.
All the Drawings will hereafter be
under the exclusivj supervision and con
trol of Generals G. T. BEAUREGARD
Louisiana Btata Lotteiv Company.
Incorporated in 1888 for 25 years by the
Legislature for Educational and Charita
ble purposes—with a capital of $1,000,000
—to which a reserve fond of over $420,000
has since been added.
By an overwhelming popular vote its
franchise was made a part of the present
State Constitution adopted December 2d,
A. D., 1879.
ings anil take place monthly.
It never scales or postpones. Look at
the following Distribution:
1 CAPITAL PRIZE *30,000.
. 10,000
. 5,000
1 Capital Prize
1 Capital Prize
1 Capital Prize
2 Prize* of $2,500
5 Prizes of 1,000 5,000
20 Prizes of 500 10,000
100. 10,000
50 ItoOOO
20 1(1,000
10 libOOO
tt Approximation Prize* of $.800.. 2,700
tt Approximation Prizes of $200. 1-800
tt Approximation Prizes of $100. ttOO
10J prizes of
20u Prize** of
*%0 Prises of
1000 Prizes of
1,857 Prizes, amounting to $1X0,400
Responsible corresponding agents want
ed at all points, to whom libera! compen
sation will be paid.
P'or further information, write clearly,
giving fnii address. Send orders by ex
press or Registered letter or Money Order
by tnaii, a zuressed only to
New Or’-eann, La.
127 La Salto Street, Chicago, IIL,
The Now York office is removed to Chicago
N. B.—( irttort* addressed to New Orleans
will receive prompt attention.
'I he particular attention ot the public is
felled to ihe fact t *at tbe entire number
io tbe Ticket* for each Monthly Drawing
asvold, an*l consequently all the prizes in
ach drawing are sold nnd drawn and paid.
guardian of W. 8. Ryals, having applied to
the court of ordinniy of enid cons ty for a
discharge from his guardianship of W.L.
T his is therefore to cite all persons con
cerned to show canse why the said B. T.
Kay should not be dismissed from his
guardianship of W. L. Ryals and receive
the usual letters of dismission.
Given under n y hand and official signa
ture, this January 7, 1882.
hereby (riven that I will after tbe next scavion
of the county court of Cran ford county (viz.,
third Monday In February) bold my monthly
sessions on the second Monday in each month,
amt my quarterly sessions on the second Mon
day in May, Almost, November amt February,
rc*|*cetivciy. Thai the first monthly so si m held
after the change will be on the second Monday
in March, 18*2. und the first quarterly session
held will be on the second Monday in May,
1882* February 1,1882,
febSwlW Judge Crawford County Court.
Notice to Liquor Sellers.
ON February 7th instant, the O.'nniy
Commissioners of Bibb coanty passed an
order prohibiting the issningof county liq
uor licenses in Bibb county from atid after
tbatdrto. Persons selling liquor iu mud
county outside the coritoraie limits of Ma
con will therefore take notice that when
the county licenses under which they are
now selling expire thoy will not he rcewed.
fcbl4w4w Clerk Bibb County Cotn'rs.
well on cm&n it *
fore pobliehril. 'If not mtaf«rtory~th'' boolean *lf
•’ auSX
To the Delinquent Tax-ravers of
Bibo County.
Y OU arc hereby notified Prat I have lev
ied oil tax executions turned over to mo
by the tax colleotor, and will proceed to
advertise the same on the first Tuesday iu
March. Yon will therefore please call at
once on my deputy (W. Poe, Jr.,) at tho
tax oiillcotor’s office and save yourself addi
tional expense. Respectfully.
feb21 G. S. WESTCOrr,
Hotioe to Bridge Builder?.
U NTIL Wednesday. March 2?, 1882, the
County Commissioners of Bibb county
invite sealed proposals for building, at the
Wiley tmnpile in said county, three wood
en bridges aggregating 1C1 feet in length.
Plnns and sreeifica'ions may be seen by
applying to the nn-’c-signed at the court
house. Tho right to reject any nnd all bids
is reserved. W. G. SMITH,
feb22 4w Clerk Bibb Co. Comm'rs.
WTTEt. -Kent.
Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Cellars, Whips
Eto., of every s’yle.
A11 made b* hand. -€&
Administratrix’s Sate*
BY virtue of nn order from theconrtof
ordinary of Monroe county, will be sold on
the first Tuesday of Mirch, 1882, at the
court bouse door of said coanty, between
the legal hours of sale, ibo following real
estate, to-rrit: Part of tot No. 8, in square
42, in the plan cf tho city of Macon, corner
of 1 oplor end Third streets in said city,
said properly fronting (10() one hundred
nnd four feot cn Third street, and (101)
ot e hundred and four feet on Poplar street,
con'aining one-fox th acre, more or !e*s,
hold as the property of the estate of John
F. Jaugstetter, deceased. Terms cash.
of John F. Jaugstetter, deceased.
virtue of an order from the court of ordinary
of said county will be sold liefore the court
house door in the city of Macon, en tlie first
Tuesday in March next, ta-tween the legal
hours of sale, the following tract or parcel of
land in Bibb county, iu said Stale, and known
ns the lands of the estate of Lunsford Heath.
<1001*01*0*1, in the Warrior district, nml bounded
routh and east l>v lands of F. M. Heath aud Ira
Jennings; north nud west by Tobcsofkee
creek, George Tidwell nml F. M. Heath, con
taining three hundred ami forty acres more cr
less. Sold ns the pmjertv of Lunsford Heath,
deceased, for the pur|>o*c of patting dcbfaaand
to divide among the heirs of said i.HRord
Heath. Terms cash. F. M. HEATH.
Administrator estate Lunsford Heath,
48 Paplar atrott,
fb lt UAwlm
Haoan, Ga
Administrator’s Sale.
/•1EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Under nnd by
vTvirtue of an order from tho court of ordina
ry of said cotinty will !>e sold before the court
house door, in the city of Macon, on the lir-*
Tuesday in March next, between the legal
hours of rale, nil that tract nr unreel of laud
known nml distinguished in Use plan of the
city of Macon, county and Stale aforesaid, ns
wlmrflet No. twenty-four containing two
roods and twenty-four poh -*, more or lcs.-. Fold
ms the property of Mary Ann Horten, late of
raid county, deceased, ior the purpose of pay
ing debts aud expenses of udmiiiistnuroi
Tcriuseaah. A. B. ROSS,
foh7law4w* Adminislrat
Dibb County Sheriff’s Salej
WILL lie sold before the court lums-Arir in
the city of Macon, during the legal jcilrs of
rale, on the first Tucsdnv in Mnrrl^BFxt, tlie
following property, to-wit: Lit N<iMi square
No. 12, sluiateil in tlie cliy of Hi, on tlie
comer of Poplar and Tliird stn^Krontlng 104.
feet'on IVipInrstreetand 1(M fei^^TTIdrd sltvct,
containing one fourth of an^Hp, more or less,
levied on as the property *;^RIm Jaugstetter,
dcceated, to satisfy % II. fu^Pfue*l from Justice
tkiurt 716th district G. Wi favor of Lamar
Cobb vs. John Jaugst^BF. Ix-vv made «r.d
returned to me by E. IdTilih. constable.
, y^VESTOOTT. Sheriff.
February C, 1882.Mf fehTlnw.lw
on 30 Jays’ ml i
W« Will o» THIRTY Days’ Tbial,
Dr. D« Electro-Voltaic Belts,
SuspensoiW. and other Electric Appli
ances TUmlEN suffering from Nervoa-'
Debility, list Vitality, etc, speedily re
storing HJulth and Manhood. Also for
Rhenmiitisra, Paralysis, Liver ant’ K-dney
Troubles and n-any ether disenses. Illus
trated pnnr phlet free. Address
VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshall, Mich.
Charles .
Geo. W. Glover, minors, residents of said coun
ty, this is to cite all persons- concerned i^be
and npi*ear nt the term of tlie Court of OrdTmi-
ry. to be held next after the expiration of,
from the publication of this notice, and show
cause, If they can. why F. IV. Glover should
not be entrusted with tho guardianship of the
persons and property of Ada M. Glover, John
T. Glover, Jr„ James 1. Glover. f'lcopatmK.
Glover, Charles L. Gl**ve*r, Peter S'.rozer Glover
ami George W. Glover.
Witness my official signature this Januarv 30,
1882. C. A. SOIDMON,
feh'Jtil Ordinary Twiggs county.
OfpIiarleMfoo, S.C.
Highly Aminoniatod.
Acid Phosphate, for composting.
Asii Eltuient, for Colton, Wheal, Peas, tie.
Pure Ground Phosphate Bock,
Pure Ground Raw Bone,
Genuine Leopoldshall Kairit,
ITova Scotia Land Plaster,
Peruvian Guano,
Ground Dried Fish,
Dried Blood.
The abovo Fertilizers arc cf very high
grade and of uniform quality. Special in-
uncemcnts are offered for cash orders by
the cor load.
For terms, Illustrated Almanac.-, Color
ed Hnmore-13 Cauls, etc., nddrefs the com
pany. f-*bl7w
Wonderful Cures Effected
13 A. r X’ II.
Drv Heat, Wedioal Vapors and Eleo-
tce-Hagnetism, Rationally Corn-
bin d to iSeet the Indications
«f Various Chronio Die ease >.
Kacon Commercial College,
Macim. Ga.
For specinl instrnettoft in Bookkeeping,
Penmanship and Bcsines* Arithmetic, Bill-
making Correspondence mid General lits-
incss Routine.
W. McKay, Principal
For terras, information as to board, etc.,
apply to the principal. Address P. O. box
422, Macon, Ga. jaal3w4w
Late of Philadelphia City,
With nn experience of 1G yearn treating
chrome disease by tho old system, will in
troduce this new method of Heating chron
ic diseases by giving
Trial Baths Free,
Thursday and Fxifay, Feb. 16 & 17.
Tbni the afflicted ntav test its merits. Pa
tients needing a conrse cf treatment will
require from ono to three weeks’ time, ac
cording to nature of disease
Dr. Migrath uses bnt little medicine with
this treatment. The Electro-Therapentic
Bit’ll nnd Electricity does what heretofore
was claimed for medicine nlcue.
A competent lady matron will attend
female patieu's.
Office lionra from 8 n. m. to 9 p. m. Con
sultation free and strictly confidential.
ROOM 27, convenient to parlor,
Brawn’s National Hstel, Mucjn, Ga
Is especially adapted to and is a positive
enre for Rheumatism, heurulgir, Sciatica,
Poralyris, Incipient Consumption, and all
Tbe following diseases have been cored
by this Bath with a few treatments—in
many ca<eso»o course i* all that is re-mir
ed : Dropsy, Liver nnd Kidney Complaints,
Diabetes, Erysipelas, Bore Eye, Scrofu
lous afflictions of every form and character,
Spasms, IMes, Fever boie-, Pains, Aches,
Asthma, Pleurisy, Conge-trie 1 hills. Dumb
Ago**, Catarrh, Spina! Affections, Female
Diseases, erninal Weakness Throat, Lnnj
and Ucatt Diseases, Btrictare, Gravel,
Gont, etc. Patients from the Hot Springs
are especially adapted to th*3 treat mint.
No Shocw. but a Pleasant Vitalizing
Sensation Imparted to
the Patient.
For a weak nnd debilitated constitution
its vitalizing nud tonio effect is wonderful.
I' improves the cstnyexion, promotes Nu
trition and Digestion, remotesCon-tbu
tton, and while removing all Oppression of
the system, overcomes Depression and Ex
haustion. It parities the blood, removes
malaria and prevents Typhoid conditions.
It is a tonio sweat, e’e using the ry**tem
internally and externally, fellGattm
Thi'ty-six varieties of caobnje: 2*i of
coni; 23 ot cucumber; 41 ot melon; .9 cf
peas; 28 of beaus: 17 of squash; 23 cf beet
aztd SO of tomato, with other varieties i’>
proportior, a targe portion of which were
grown or. my five reed farms will bo found
in m> Veoztxule akd Fiowt.u Szhd Cata-
i/xiuz F.*n 1882. Sent i-azs to nil who ap
ply. Customers cf last atarcti need not
write fer it. All t-eed sold from my estab
lishment warranted to be both fresh and
true to came, so far, that should it prove
otherwise, 1 will refill the order gratis
1 ho original introducer of F.ariy Ohio and
BurbanU’oUtoes, Marble! ivi to Early Corn,
the l^Kard, Mnrble’ivad Cab-
bng^Blirincy’s Melon, and n .-core of vth-
V Vegetables, I invite tho pattonago
public. New vegetables a specialty.
c22cow4it MarbtohenJ. Mass.
To All Whom it Hav Concern.
T Hu.-lies having in proper form applied to
me f*>r permanent letters of administration ou
the estate of Hay wood Huglies, late of said
county, tills Is to cite all ami -ingtilur llio cred
itors and next of kin of Haywood Hughes to l*e
am' appear at my office within tbe time allowed
by law, and show cause, if any they can, why
|*cnmiiicnt administration should not l*e grant
ed to Mrs. HI m ina Hushes on Hayuood lli'^tie.*.'
estate. .
".Witness mv hand and official signature Ibis
January 3t', ia<2. C. A. sol* *MON,
feb-’tl Crdinary.
Guirdian’* Sato
virtue of nn order from tlie court of ordinary ot
said coumv, will lie sold on the premises, ou
the first Tuesday in March next, between tlie
' hours of sale, one-fifth undivided interest
iu nim teon aere-s of inml, more or less, riiuatc
nlsmt three *.'.n*l nue-lmlf miles from the city of
.V iron, on the i'-udih r*.a*!, l:i said enmity,
nud known us part of the lands formerly
owned by John Berknvr. and knout, more jrnr-
tlenlar ns il.e lands lately recovered from J. li.
J. Franks Vy the heirs of lierktier, a pint of
said laud being in the ordinary's office of paid
county Bool a-the property of Wiilie. Maggie
ami Robert Holmes, minors. Terms curb.
laivlir* t * i - ’ i ;■ n ■
W1U mail FREE their Cata
logue for 1882, containing a
■ full descrlptivo X'rice-iWt ot
full descrlptivo A-rice-tiW*i c
Flower, Field and Ganlen
Bulbs. Ornamental Grasses,
and Immortelles, Gladiolus,
Lilies, Koras, Plants, Garden
Implements. Beautifully Illus
trated. Over lOGpages. Address
173-183 Eut Kain'E**. 200-206 Rincolyh St
13 Far.euil Hall Square, Boston,
—Agents ton—
W. & C. Scott & Sons’
Fr.rntrhcd by ts foBognr?es(wlio has Fhot
one over L0,0>'0 times), Miles Johnson, nnd
most the clnbs. Also, Colt’s and other
makes. Nov. on band some damaged nnd
second lmn Jones, very low. Some of high
est grades. Feud stamp for circulars.
»nl4u2w-w2 in _
Twiggs Ccuntv Gomnistiouers’
before the court home door of said county, ou
the first Tuesday in March next, to the highest
bidder for tosh, one house and lot in the vil
lage of Jeffersonville, raid lot being one lml
acre off the sonthen-t corner of what is known
oiflthc Nathan Berry lot, lieitig the place
wheream Mrs. Face now lives—said property
sold fonlie ouri-ose of j. art i I ion between the
Joint ownersby virtue of an order from Twiggs
Sii|K'rior Court.
This January :W, lwA
J. Tt. NKI-80N,
f ltmvers.exe* utor estate <*f l’uviii Bowers, dc-
eeaseil. of saul county, applies to me for letters
of dismission from safil trust:
This is therefore to cite all persons concerned
to show cause. If any they have, within the
time pn-eribed by law why said application
should not lie granted and letters of ilismlssion
Issue. Witness my hand officially this Februa
ry fi, 1882.
fcLs-wlw VIRGIL s\ HOLTON, Ordinary^
I f Jessup, administrator of tire i*stu!c of Will
iam F. Jessup, deceased, ot said county, applies
to i. ic for letters of dismission from said trust:
Tlds is to cite all iien-ons concerned to show
cause, if any they hove, within tlie time pre
scribed by law why said application should not
be granted and letters dismissory issue to said
applicant. Witness my hand officially.
February 8, lutt—» W
, Onllnaty.
Administrator's Sale.
BY virtue of an order from tlie Court of Ordi
nary of Jasper county, will be sold on tbe first
Tuesday In March, PM, nt the court house Hour
in raiil county, the place of Sheriff's rales, be
tween the legal rale hours, the tract of lninl In
sold countv whereon James M. Durden resided
at the time of liis death, containing twenty-three
hundred and twenty-five acres, more or less,
iidjoiuing lands oi James L. Maddox, Walter L.
Znchry. Green L. MeMiehael, Mrs. I’ve and
others, the nunc being alxiut ouc-Uiint In orig
inal woods, about seventy-five acre* fresh lands,
and about three hundred nn*l fifty acres of fine
bottom laud in a high state of cultivation, aiul
all in good repair, o itli a good water-power gin
Also, at same time and place, will be sold
32 shares of the stock of the Central Railroad
nnd liankiug (ompauy. and one bond of the
Central Railroad uml liunklng Comiiany for
twelve hundred dollars, payable in 1891, bearing
interest nt six per cent, interest, joiyable rcml-
amuudly at Savannah. Gclnrio. 1‘rnperty sold
for the purpose of paying Hie debts of, aud for
the purpose of distribution lietween the lielrs-
at-law of said James M. Pardon. Term* cash.
Administrator of James JL Darden, deceased.
February 6,1K"2. * febS lawjw*
Administntor’s Pale.
WILL be sold before the court house door In
the town of Hawkinsvillc. Gn.. between the le
gal hours of rale, on the first Tuesday in March
next, the one-fourth undivided Interest in and
to the North half of each of the following lot*
of land No. eighty-one (81) and No. eighty-eight
(88). total acres two hundred two and one-half
acres, more or less, in tlic2!th district of Twiggs
coumv, Ga. Sold byorder of court of ordinary
of 1'iilnski county for Is neftt of creditor* and
heirs of the late Geo. T. McVay, of raid county,
unit sold as the proiierty <>f hi* estate. Terms
cash. Tilts January :«>. 1882-
tcb3w4w D. C. WALKER, Administrator.
sines W.Tnilr. adrainistrator on estate of
Mrs Cordelia Turk, deceased, applies to
me for dismission:
These arc to cite and admonish all per
sons concerned to ehow cause at this of
fice on or by the fi-st Monday in May next,
if any they have, why dismission shall not
bo granted.
Witness tny hand officially January 170
1882. H. T. ROSS, Ordinary,
The only e*tabil*hin,■_•. rraU'nr; uJSr-rtOlAt
qrpa m.a tltriu. met; Robes tfaioa cl*:*
Eshavi'iU grew, t tron--1 *>t l ionti sulUblalcr rai-aa-
dlote bloom iWlfewt .ate! y, vattpaliLManyport- tra.
B iplcadid v*notk.<. you-eho'eo, all Jal^'* u.lvr Bfa
I2-0CS2: (P for C3t RJioraAi UU l*'rtl„; 2 A To*
■let IDO for Bl£*Dur NEWtoDipt, *
SV*art#*o*,/*',A''W.-.?i*l-o.*« w*i/,'.' t* r'-' i * , -^
fa,A s P,WCE£
Price-list. W. N. DILLINGHAM A CaY
421 Main Street, LOUISVILLE, KY.
Gold; Silver snd HioRei
its# Elwtr .
tad diver, mill, w« » v .r. . rum
forJ 3-c-ii*. • • . - -uk
fonerv* ■!* i*. *..* . r I- —.
AcBTits Wasted. OJIciAl Lifi
form.* .
\ TT.
Sc 1*1 30 ccnt.i",
rc'.dy. F(':t
fc'o'Ju I v
PPM \\ k PfV
TH’: OSST m Tf!S f ’ V
Firarfaca clubrent vfl ' 1).,
Isa with CUrrHc*. re i-rv* i- . .' •*; ."I
requimnenta,and mu,.; t., * n <.
Dmihlo Wood Doers. Patent W;-' C .
•ii-iiUc Jwrrqier. iiuerehaigreabl.
fficlf. Bn,it in,T B-rr, i IP* • :
Nwfrtgit: t Flue-Stop. Ri-vcrsfi .. . .'
l/*ng (trriW Flo o, Don) 1- Mi *rt C-. t ' .;;•*.
••in'- Covers, IlUtniicat 'A r ire J, ,
k-W'.8, Nickel l‘cneL\<tc.
Uneqnaicd In Material, In l'ii n .-5 fa*
operation. MannCtcturc'l by
ISAAC A.SHEPPA.1D4C0.8. : cr:
__ And for rale by
•SO. S. OL'EAR, 92 Chcrrv Stror! M •i -a.lfa.
f&F Aw-.? iSlamlb*j JrW
• w t v-r»s. I f^!l
-aulrgtafaki: tie. v(
Iv.t *!
• :».Fc W*l ;i
P.K.FESKi fcUO.I'*
• i.V*
S. 8. Sweet, administrator of i. hiiin-
h-ilser, lepreseuts to tbe costti*oti-
tion, cioly filed and entered or. v to, tbak
be has fully administered T. J. 'N'tohca-
scr’* estate :
Tliis is therefore lo c.ile ail re: -fas coo-
corned, heirs and creditors, to - id ap
peal at the court of ordinary of * oenry.
ty ou tho first Monday in April _..vv, to
show cause if any they can why to ad
ministrator should cot be 3iscl-t.r.• :d front
his administration receive !: tiers of
Given under my hand and off' vd
tore this. Jrnttary 7,1882.
janhwiim- J. A. McMANl J., Ordinary.
whom it irny concern. Step .
Kelt having in proper form ui ,*?i«
for permanent leltoisof admii u-
the estnto of \V. W. Bozentnu. -I ■.,
late of *aid county, this stu *-:ii
singular the creditors and ti- v
W. \\. Bozeman, Jr., to he a
my office within tho time* all-,
and show cause, it any they c ip,
mnnent Rdn.ini«tratfon ton - . i
gravted to Stephen L. Fiiuccit. •
Bozemnn’s, Jr., estate. Wita* ---*
and official signature.
j-inl* wid
VT it appearing to me I'r.t (lie i
W. Whstingtrm. diw* ■*’-. S-* ■
whereby 1.***. is likely !*, nerrue >
Tliis i» therefore tocltc nil (XT
to show cau.-o, if any the v have.
t!:e fi:>t Mr.mVjy in JTiire ii next
a.lininMnitlon shoulil not v*to 8* '
Clerk Superior Court * ••' era ., for-i
Witness lay lmrnl oC'-cialiv. F* ‘ -
ndministralor of estate of W. i i
dereased, of raid eorniv, ha«an:
of ilfamisslon fromsaM tm*'.*. ’ll.,
to cite all persons comen: -! to
any they have, by Uie first M*'. .i*
1882, l' l.y raid applies*!*'" -h'.u: 1
ediind letters dtzmlsring grautc .to'
Witness my hand cfSehilty. F*-t
fcbStd VIRGIL fi. HOLTON, f
. T. Parsley, guardian for James A. 8*tw-
*t. minor, applies to mo for dismission:
These are to rile and ndraonit-h all per
sons concerned to show cause at this wj
on cr by tbe first Monday in Moreh nett,
if any they have, why dismission shall not
be granted. Witness my hand official lx
Jaou. r» 17. tssy. It. T. ROSS, Orafcnry
Whereas. Amenda Cleveland having filafl
her petition for tho probate in soleum
form, of tho lost will and tcele.ment Of
Virginia Bailey, ot raid county, tlooeftsaff,
and it appearing in fa’d petit;,>,i that WiB-
inm Bsiiey, Charles Bailey and Bnoai
Bailey are next <*f kin of said testator, awl
their residence is nnknou n:
This ie therefore to cite tho said Wi Ban
Bailey, Chariea Bsiiey and Thomrs BAy
to be and appearnt the regni irMarch (era*
of court o' ordinary of said connty to be
holdcn on the first Monday in MareU. 18R2.
lo attend the probate of said will. Witness
my band officially, this January 2, ISSi
janlfi lav.Gw*
OnntNABi’a Omcr. Josks Co., G*.—Jan
uary 17th, 1882.—'Whereat Sirs. Martha L
Ross applies to me for administraticR an
the estate of B. F. Ross, late of Joneaeoro-
ty deceased: .
These are to cite and to admonish aR
persons concerned to show c**U6e at this
office on orby the firs' Monday in Match
next, if any they have, why tbe same aba!
not be granted.
Witness my hand, officially.
*jaalS-td R. T. BOSS, Ordinary.
T. J. Mel! and A. F. Hunter, executors of
the rstnto of Ecdocia E. Hnnter, represent
to tlie court in their petition dal.C filed, that
they have folly administered hud*.;in E.
Hauler’s estate. This is therefore to cite
all i>ersons concerned, lcgaltn-s nnd credi
tors, to show run e, if any they can, why
said executors should not be discharg'd
from their exeenton-hip and receive letters
of dipinUsion on thefiist Mondai in March,
Witness my hand nnd offictul signature.,
d ccttd* G rdinnry.
W. J. Dent, admitifotrator of Cynthia Has.
represents to the court in bis petition, dob
filed nnd entered on record, that he hoc
folly administered Cynthia Hoy’s estate:
This is, therefore, to cite all persons oatv-
cerncd, heirs and creditors, to show euoaa,
if any they can, why said administrate
should xot be discharged from his admuaa-
tration r.nd receive letters of di.-m;asioq oo
the first Monday in April 7,1882.
Given under my hand and official tigas-.
tore this January, 188?.
lawpni* J. A.MciIANUo.iOrdiaagy.
Samuel A. tteui vs. Mary A. Reid.—b*
Jones Soferior Court, CMober term, 18SL
It appearing to the court by return of the
sheriff that the defendant in above stated
cose. Mary A. Reid, is net to be found in
said county of Jones; and it further M-
Pcoring that she dec* not reside within iha
limits of this State : It i ordered thateoe-
vice be perfected on said defendant by
publication in the Macon Telegraph and
Messenger for space of ihree months be
fore next term of this court. October ISiii
R. V. HARDEMAN, libelant’s > u*.
Approved and 'O ordered.
THOS. G. LA VlfcON, J. S.O. O. a
A true extract from minutes.
VcttmCc <>*;