Newspaper Page Text
swS* Stawciteil &
tkxnyhox’h skip voxji.
Kimwlru Winters In ratrepe.
London Ifai'y rcUaraph.
Sacwlcta wictera-bavetbeir drawback*. 1
Apart from Ike epidemic of influenza and
bronchial attentions, encouraged by IT. •
The ClinrRe or th© Ucavy Brlsndc—
L'nlithUVS. October S% 1831.'
By Cable to tho Indspendesf.
Thcehimrcof tbe gallant Throe Hundred—tho . persistent dsicp and rainless season, lot
Dovrnfhc hUlfdown tho hill thousand, of ers of the picturetqae are threatened w:i .
a grievous disappointment during tho
coming summer. It U quite true that the
Corner Broad and Euttcr Streets, Atlanta, Georgia.
With r. win* pushed out to the left, anil a whig
* "i ngl ‘
Thouumd* of horsemen drew to the valley—
a ml stayed. _ . _
For Scarlett and Searletfs Three Hundred
were riding by . . ,
When the points of the Rnaslan fauces broke
In on the sky: . ...
And he calteil "hen wheel Into the lino I" and
they wheeled and obeyed.
Then he looked at the iiou that had halted,
he knew not why.
And lie ; line d half round, and he hade tils
‘ trumpeter sound •
"To the charge!" And ho roue on aln-ad aa
he waved tits Mads
flTo the gallant Three Hundred, whose glory
will never <Uc.
"Follow, and np the hill!”
tip the hill, up fie hill foiiowel the Heavy
The trumpet, the gallop, the charge, and tjie
might of the tliglit!
Down llio hill, SJowly. thou sand, of Itinolans
Drew to llic valley, and halted at lout on the
to the right.
Bat Scarlett was far oa ahead, and he dashed
up alone
Through Hie great gray .‘•lopeof men:
And lie whirled Ills satire, lie held his own
Mkcan Miigllshnian there and then.
And the three that were nearest him followed
with force, r
Wedged themselves in between horse and
Fought for their lives In the narrow gap they
had made,
Four amid thousands: ami up the hih, up trie
bill I
Gnllop .-d the gallant Three Hundred, tli I
Heavy Brigade.
Fell Ukc a cannon shot.
Hurst like a thunderbolt.
Crashed Ukc a hurrieanc.
Broke through the mass fr-un Ih-Iow,
Iimve tliniugb tlic midst of the foe.
Plunged up and down, t» and iro,
Rode Hashing blow upon blow.
Brave lnnlskilluigs awl Greys,
Whirling their sabres in circles of light,
And some of us all fn a maze.
Who were held for a White from the flgtat
And were only standing at gaze,
When the dark-muH'cd Uu»ian crowd
Folded Its wings from the left awl the right
Awl rolled them around like a cloud—
Olil moil for the charge and the battle were we
When our own good rod coats sank from
I.lko drops of biro 1 In a dark gray sea:
Awl we turned to each other, muttering all
"Bust cm the gallant Three Hundred, the
Heavy Brigade!"
But they rode, like victors and lords.
Through tlic forest of lances and sword.;
In the heart of the Itussiau hordes
They rode, or they stood at l*y
Struck with the sword-hand and .low;
Bonn with tile bridle-hand drew
The hie from the saddle, and threw
Under foot there in the (ray;
Itagcd like a storm, or stood like a rock
In the wave of a stormy day;
Till suddenly, shuck upon shock,
Staggered the mass from without.
For our men galloped up with a cheer
awl a shout.
Awl the Kuvian. surged, and wavered and
Cn the hill, np the hill, up the hill, out
the field,
over the brow and away.
Glory to each and all, and the charge that they
Glory to all the Three Huudred, the Heavy
* The three hundred of tho Heavy Brigade
who made this famous charge were the dints
Greys awl the second squadron of the Inube
killfiigs, the remainder of tlic Heavy Brigade
sulisfuiieiitly dashing np to their support. The
three were Klliot, Scarlett’s akte-de-ounp, who
hail lioeu riding by hi* ride, and the trumpeter
and Shegog, the orderly, who had been close
behind him.
householder rejoices; bis pipes are intact,
bis roof is water tight, shoeless Urchins
have not howled at Ufa door with their
importunate odors of assistance,
mendacious mendicants have t.ot
chanted in the frozen roadway,
the vestries and the parishes have
no*, once been hauled lover the coals for
■their diUtcritess in not caning off the
unsavory refuse, and no tingle passenger
has sprained bis ankle over a a al-plalc.;
but to make up for all this, tho rivers arc
running dry, we are to have no mere
waterfall*, and the opqi winter, as it is
called, is prophesied to end in an uuu hole
scino drought. Snow, after all, has its
advantages. Xo doubt it soaks unpleas
antly through tho ■i*'»otj?st double-sole;!
boots; but, by resting in. a mountain!;
it cools the air that passes' over them,
makes a warm ncs’, for tl:o sensi
tive plants, a.4 w’ .-a melted foams
down the mountain'r. cams into the val
leys, bringing freshness and «% migration
every mile after tho glamor is left behind.
Ominous rumors alrew.y come i urn Ger
many and Switzerland. The iihine is
said to have reached the lowest level of
the preceut century, auil the navigation is
already seriously impeded. Jf we are to
have no rivers in the summer of 1882,
what will become of the tourists, person
ally conducted aud otherwise There
will be weeping at Coblentz and lamen
tation at the Lurlei. But, worse than
that, what will become cf the ship,
builders and the ptano-forte-makers
who look for their annual sup
ply of wood from the great forests near
the snow liuc ?—the mighty trunks that
by nature's water propulsion are cut down
•on the high mountains of the Black For
est, and are passed along the turbulent
torrent by village after village until they
arrive in the wider streams, wlieu they
are made into those giant rafts that we
see sailing from Bingen downward to the
sea al) through the holiday season. We
could all of us endure one week of show
for the sake of the waterfalls aud cata
racts which are to rejoice our eyes when
summer comes.
Mitchell Wagon
If you wan: ths Vest Time Keeper for the Money that
can be boucht anywhere in the World, get the
Lancaster Watch
Sold by Jeweler, throughout the United States. Its
iS grades are not the lowest in price but the best for
the money. All Quick-Train K-plate Movements.
E*trbl!shcili£74. Ask for the LANCASTER. PA ,
ftorth and South Carolina
Alabama and Florida.
The attention of dea'ers is called to the fact th^t wo are prepared lo ship r.t short no
tice these sayerb wagons in sira'l lots or by *be load. Send for special price list*
r.nd circulars. Also dealers in C. A G. COUPE PLAIN PORTABLE TRACTICU,
AND STATMN.v; Y ENGINES. Don't purchasj until jou.coufer with us. Send for
l!lu: !rate ! Catalogue. mar5eod&w<lm
Twigera Comity Tax Shorifi Sales.
W7TI.L be sold or. tho first Tuesday In April.
11 iNv*. before the court house iloor, in raid
county, within the legal hour* of rale, to tho
highest Wilder for cosh, the folio wing described
properly, to-wit:
Four hundred aeret of land, numbers not
known, but bounded on the north by land,
formerly belonging to the estate of Henry Car
ter, tint by lands •>! K. Taylor, south by land of
It. L. Harrison, and west by lauds of estate of
H. Carter, in thetyth district of said county aud
known as the f. if. Marchmait place. Levied
3 Mi
Particular Notice.
All tho Drawing* will hereafter be
undor tko exclusive supervision 8ud con
trol of Generals G. T. BEAU REG AR U
in.i hsi ' the jears .mo ; LEAN g TUESDAY, MARCH 14'ru, 1682,
«MUAo. i. . . vfAwtrtir v T>u i ivni/1
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
... . Incorporated in 1868 for 25 ysars by the
ids Stale and county'tax for isw. ' ' ! Legislature for Educational and Charita-
Also at the same time and place will be sold bio purposes—with 8 capital of $1,000,000
eight hundred lu res oj land mora or less num I-to which a reserve fond of over $550,000
iicrs uot known,, but bounded .west by Savage , m „ ginca been ,dded.
By an overwhelming popular vote its
Also at the same time and place, will be sold .
le hundred acres of land, being the southwest •
half of lot No. AV>, bounded by Tarver aud Buf
fington, In the 24th district of said county. Lev-
icdon as tile property of W. D. Coley to satisfy I
Ora. J. V*. sfe W. K. lfolrncw. Dentiltr,
No. 84 Mulberry street, Mqcon, Georgia.
Teeth extracted without pain, beautiful
sets of teeth inserted, abscessed teeth and
disoased gums cured. Dealers in all kinds
of dental material and instruments. Con
stantly on hand, a large and foil assort
ment of teeth of all kinds, amalgams of nil
kinds, rubbers of all ainds.
™ ^HuscfS^tfAiL^Stalogue
Ttie Prince Imperial's Death.
Mr. Philip Robinson, llritith li'ar Corretpon
dent, in the .Veto Fork IFur.'cf.
“Xo true story ol the Prince Imperial’s
death has ever yet been published, inas
much as my manuscript notes, which
alone contained the facts of that death,
and the conduct of the officer who was in
charge of the escort, havo-never been pub
lished in their entirety. 0 was lu the
camp at the time when the news reached
roe that his escort hail come in without
the Prince, and I reminded Mr. Melton
Prior, the special artist of the Illustrated
London Mews, how the Prince had spent
almost his last minutes in the camp in
conversation with ourselves outside of the
tent. It was ucar one of
the great anthills which abound in
South Africa, and the Prince
Imperial was trving to kick the hill
over when the news was brought to hhn
that his horse was waiting. I saw him
go, aud a few minutes later heard that he
had lefilhe catnp without half bis escort.
Tins alone was a mistake sufficient to ac
count for the whole disaster, as a compa
ny of colonists without Basuto scouts is
for all practical purposes without eyes
and ears. The sequel proved this to be
only too ' true, aud the first comment
outdo by all when they heard that the
Prince was killed, w«s ‘This would uever
• have been if tltcy iiad taken the proper
escort.’ So far, therefore, Capt. Carey
was not responsible for the tragedy that
occurred, but I am the only mao, except
Capt. BelUngton aud Capt. Sbepster,
who ever heard from the lips of tho
survivors, together at one time,
the actual fans of the horrible death of
the Empress Eugenie’s son. Xor do 1
care now to give them at any length, but
this I need not hesitate to say, that every
one of tho survivors repudiated with scorn
the suggestion that any of them, if he hail
been in Capt. Carey’s place, would have
acted as Capt. Carey did. They were
heart-broken and thoroughly ashamed al
being connected with an event which
would be at once abhorred all over the
world as a cowardly sacrifice of a brave
young life entrusted to the care of the
Queen’s soldiers."
“What about Capt. Carey’s conduct? 1 ’
“It was at first thought from his having
• concealed himself, or having been con
cealed, that he had committed suicide,
, and I actually telegraphed his death to
** England, but, from the delay of the
steamer, I was able to recall my mistake.
Hardly less general was the belie! that he
would be brought to a drum-head court-
martial and dealt with iu the most sum
mary manner, and I shall never forget
my surprise when, having ridden down to
Pielermaritzbaig for the iVince's funeral,
I saw one morning Capt. Carey
on the steps of "the post-office
building waiting for the mail cart
which was to lake him to England. 1
certainly never expected to have seen that
ofiic-T alive again. Clemency, however,
won the day, but whether this clemency
was due to a mistaken anxiety of Lord
Chelmsford about his reputation or to
powerful influence working at court It is
Impossible lo say. Whichever it was,
clemency has seldom, if ever, commended
itself so little lo the army, or 1 may al
most say to the English public—those of
" them who are acquainted with anything
like the real feels.
“I saw Lord Chelmsford on the night of
tho day or tho Prince’s death, and cer
tainly shall never foigct his iacc, trans
figured as it was with tho most terrible
emotion, and I can easily understand tbe
agony of his self-accusation. He had had
a warning only a few days before on ( a
reconnoissaiice, jvhenlhe Pnuce was ta
ken into actual pcisonal danger, of the
disaster that might befall him, but warn
ings, we Know, are useless
against stupidity, against fate. The
Prince was an expert horseman.
In vaulting upon restive horses and
performing difficult equestrian teals he
had few equals. At all limes he prefer
red vaulting oil to his horse rather than
using the stirrup. On one occasion an
officer riding by his side was bucked off
his horse, aud "the Prince Imperial, with
out a moment's h*sitation, jumped to tire
ground aud vaulted into the vacant sad
dle almost as toon ss it was empty. Yet,
with all th's, when Ills life depended upon
it, tlic boy could not reach his saddle.”
I'pmsiar* Lom or Hair
May be entirely prevented by the use ot
BunnKTY’s Cocoajve. Xo other com
pound possesses tbe peculiar properties
which so exactly suit the various condi
tions of the hnman hair. It xftftcnx the
hair irhrn harsh and dry. It soothes the
irritated scalp- It affords the richest
lustre. It prevents the hair from failin'/
of. It promotes Us healthy, viyorous
e/roicth. It is not greasy and sti t-y. It
leaets no disagreeable odor. It kills
Humett's Flavoring Extracts are
known as the best. febd-.jt
tHatlstry—Dr, M. B. BarHeld.
No. 90 Mulberry street, Macon, Georgia
office hours—8 a. aa. to 6 p. m. augAltf
And Prices of
Atlanta, Ga.
31 Whitehall St
Woman’s Best Friend I
It is well known to physicians, and alas!
too well known to snficrlng women them
selves, that they are subject to nnme-ous
liiseasot peculiar to their eex, .uch as aup-
pression of tbe Meuse?, painful and scanty
■fanatication, Congestion, Ulceration and
Fnlling of tbe Womb, attended with an
endless train of sympatbetio and constitu
tional disorders, which imbitter tho whole
life and which have long been considered
abalmost incurable. Bat at last tbe remedy
has teen found in
Dr. A nradfleld’H Female Kriculnlor
It is not a “cure-all” but a remedy for
one class of diseases, oil of which pertain
to the Womb.
Any suflerer from the .diseases mention
ed can take this remedy, and thus relieve
herself without revealing her condition to
anyone, and without subjecting he*wo
manly mede-ty to the shock of an examin
ation by ft physician.
To bring health and hairiness to the
homes of suffering women is a mission be
fore which royal favor sinks into insignifi
cance. earthly benefaction c.mcom
pare with one which protects from
"That dire disease whose ruthless power
Wittier, beauty's transient Uowcrr*
which gives ease for pain, joy for sorrow,
smiles for tears, the rose ol health for the
patjor of disoate, the light, elastia step for
dragging weariness, nights of soft repose
for heavy hours at to.'sing res lessness,
bounding vigor for languishing dullness,
the sweet lines of full-grown beauty for
tbe sharp and withered form of emaciation,
a long Iifo of mental, pbyeicitl, social and
domestic enjoyments for a few
sad days of rain and gloom,
ending in an early grave ? Such
is tho mission, such nre the results of Dm J.
Bbaufield's Female Reoulatob, which is
fence.truly and appropriately styled “Wo
man’s Best Vriora.”
“Whites,” and all those irregularities of
the womb so destructive to the health. Iinp-
S iness and leauty or women, disappear
ke magic before n single bottle of this
wonderful compound.
All who suffer from any of these diseases
are most earn estly invited to givo this groat
remedy a trial. It has cured thousands,
and will cure yon. Don’t fail to try it.
Price, small size, 75 cents. largo sizo,
Manufactured by
J. BUADFIELD, Atlanta, Ga.
For sale everywhere by druggists and
country moichants. marAsun
'reck, north by lauds of 0. J. Mink-s, south by
lauds of K. V. Tarver, and east by (he land, of
lire T«ner*ri!!e place, fn tire 21th district of
said county, aud known as the Smith Ilill
K 'acc, and levied ns the property of W. B. & B.
. Tarver to satisfy their State and county tax
for ihe years ISM and 1SS1.
Also, at the same time and place will )>o sold
twenty-six hundred acres of laud, numbers not
known, hut bounded on tho north by lands of
ff. T. Smith, \.L* ’be cast by Jf. T, Smith, on
the south by J. S. Bunn and Whittaker, and
west by Oemulgee river, in tbe 2'>th district of
raid county and known ns the Bunn Mitt place.
I-evied on as the property of W. B. & B. Jf. Tar
ver. agents for K. V. Tarver, to satisfy tier State
and county tax for the year 1881.
Also, at the same time and place will l>c sold
fifty acres of land, more or less, numbers not
known, but bounded on north by lands of if.
F. Griffin, cost liy A. D. Griffin, south by J. J.
Wimberly, and west by J. I>. Jones, in the 2'ith
district of said comity. Levied upon as the
property of U. R. Wimberly, agent for wife, to
satisfy her State aud county tax for the year
Also, nt the same time and place will tie sold
four hundred seres of land, numbers not known,
hut bounded on the north by lands of H. F.
Griffin, east by A. 1). Griffin, soutli and west by
J. It. Jones, iu the 2ith district of said county,
and known as part of the Bryant place. Lev
ied on ns the projrertyof K. It, Wimberly, agent
for children, to satisfy their state and county
tax for the year 1881.
Abo, at (he same time and place will be sold
two hundred acres of land, more or less, nutu-
ticrs not known, tsmudud on north by J. K.
McDonald, east by the estate of Thomas S.
Jones, south l>v the estate of Robert Averett,
and west by the estate of James T. Glover, and
known ns the Jones place, in the28th district of
said county. Levied on os the property of F.
A. Finch, agent for Jfnry A. Finch, to satisfy
her State and county lax for the year fast.
Also, at the same time and place will be sold
one hundred and eighty acres of land, more or
less, numbers not known, but bounded on the
north l»y Mrs. SI. E. Chappell, east by J. X.
Wall, south by Porters creek, and on the west
by Mrs. Emily E. McCiillmn, and known as
>art ot the W illis place and gtn house fields.
Levied on as the property of the estate of A.
MeCuIium to satisfy Ills State aud couuty faxes
for the year 1881. ,
Also, at the same tluietnnd place will be sold
eighteen hundred acres of land, more or less,
numbers not known, but bounded on the north
by E. V. Tarver, on the east by W. B. and If. Jf.
Tarver, on tlic west and south by 1L It. .Slnppy,
in the 2ith district of said county, and known
as the Tarver's Jordon place, and levied on as
tlic property of Gordon Fitmbruugh, Harry
Wnrulnw, Gate- Green, Jfitehull Robertson,
Tatunll and James Everitt, Anderson Williams
and son, and Frank Williams aud brother, and
Bob Lowmati and Joint Jones, undivided, to
satisfy their State and county faxes for the year
Abo, at Ihe same lime and place will tie sold
one vacant town lot in the town of Jetterson-
vitte, Twiggs comity, Georgia, number not
known, bound on north by Jt. K. Solomon and
A. Jf. Griffin, east by A. Jf. Griffin, south by
court house square, west by road leading from
Jeffersonville to Huwkinsville. Levied on as
tl>e property of L. I), shannon to satisfy State
and county tax for year lssi.
This February J7, 1882.
me.rlwlw W. U. STOKES, Sheriff.
F LINT in order named for succession;
Adams’ Early Whito. Egyptian Early
Sugar, Early Summer Whito Flint. Ever
green Sugar, Mammoth Sugar, Blount’s
Whito Prolific, Dreor’a White Prolifio, Ear
Iy Whito Dent, Golden Yellow Dent, Largo
Whito Flint, Tnscorom or Flour, Moody’s
Sugar Flint, Mammoth Gbester County
Yellow Gonrd-Seed, Etowah Valley I argo
Whito Field, for bread.
FORAGE PLANTS-Ivory or Egyptian
Wheat, Dhourra Com, Cat-Tail Millet, Am
ber Sugar Millet, Gorman Millet, Hunga
rian Gross, Enral Branching Sorghum,
Chufas, Carrots, Boots, Parsnips, Pump
27 Marietta Street, Atlanta, Ga,
(Vand J, If. Johnson, executor. Of the estate
of F. 8. Johnson, 8r.,bmve made application for
letters of dismission from raid estate.
This 1. therefore to ette and admonish nil per
sons concerned to be and appear ot the court
x>f ordinary of said;county on the first Mon
day in June next, to show cause. If any they
cun, why said application should not be grant-
Witncss my hand and official signature, this
febVhnos 5
Jones County Sheriff's Sales.
JOXE3 COUNTY.—Will be sold
_ fore the court raid county,on tho
first Tuwday In April next, during the legal
hour, of sale, the following described property,
One black piorc mute, one sorrel mare mute,
otic two-horse wagon.threc head otcows marked
with undrrblt In each ear, forty bushels of corn
more or less and 1,000 jmunds of fodder
more or less. Levied on as tho property of
Thos. J. Miller to satisfy a mortgage ft fa return
able to the Superior Court of raid county in fa
vor of Alex II Stephens vs. Thomas J. Miller.
Property pointed out In fi fa. * »
Also at the some time and place, one hun
dred acres of land fn raid county: bounded on
tbe north by lands of E. M. Mnrrl*. on the west
by lands of Patsy Jones, James Churchill and
Robert Gordon, and on the south and east by
lamk of Jlikc Bird Levied on as the nruperty
ofjflkeltrid to satisfy all fa Dsued from the
County Court of raid county in favor of Mrs.
- " - - - * “"toBlrd.
John Crock ford vs Jlikc 1
55 TARTU faC .
A victim of imprudence
freroaturt* Ia .7, N'TVoni Dcbi'^y, Lost iliu*
fcood, etc, oaring tried in vain rrerf know**
renjody.hii «1 inrorr-ro * A*;znple •el/ci.rc.nrblcu
be vo i J FltEJfi : > Li* fellow-Buffcror?. id- •
— * ’ ” ’ ■ * •' J -1 dkvn ,... r
Sofd and Silver, & How to Make II,
If not mtlkfjulorjTUm l>ook emu I
franchise was made a part of tbo present
State Constitution adopted December 2d,
A. D., 1879.
ings will take place monthly.
t never scales or postpones. Look at
. 10,000
.. 5,000
,. 5,000
,. f s 000
.. 10,000
20 Prizos of
100 Prizes of
200 Prizos of
500 Prices of
1000 Prizes of
I, 000 bn, chi’oo White Tennessee Corn.
J, 0f0 bn. very best Feed Oats,
20,<X)0 lbs. Lost Bran.
20,000 lbs. best Shorts.
400 bales choice Timothy Hay.
150 bbte. rhcica Flonr.
100 pkga. Bolter (15 to CO lbs. each.)
25 boxes best Cheese.
We have also—Irish Potatoes, Georgia
Cane Syrup, Sugar, Coffee, Segura, Tobac
co, ote.
T. J. Car&iarphen & Do.
March 1st—dCtiwlt ‘
G :
I pas. upon tl
on the 21th day of March, 1882, at my office, iu
Jeffersonville, raid couuty.
This February 27th, 1882.
mamw«d_ C. A. COLOMOX.OrdInary.
ITte-cca Woolfolk applies to me for tho guar-
dfimshlpof Lewi. Bivins, a minor orphan:
Thera are to cite and admonish all persons
concerned to show cause at tills office on or by
tiie first Monday in April next, if any they
have, why the raiuc shall be granted.
WitueVs my hand officially, this February 28,
ISSi. . R. T. ROSS,
nur'.wtd Ordinary.
son S. Winborne has applied to mo for ex
emption of personalty and setting apart
and valuation of homestead, and I will pass
upon the same at 10 o’clock a. in, on 6th
day of March, 1882, nt my office.
C. A. SC
SOLOMON. Ordinary.
G eorgia, crawford county.—it being
represented to me that the estate of Joel
Mathews, late of raid county deceased,' is un
represented, whereby low is likely to accrue to
said estate:
This is to cite all persons concerned to show
cause, if any Urey have, by the first Jlonday in
April next why letters ot administration should
not vest In J. W. Jock, citric Superior Court ot
said county.
Witness my hand officially. February 27,1882*
fet>28w4\v VIRUILS. HOLTON, Ordinary,
the power vested in me by a deed executed
J»y W. A. Wigtus of said county, on the 29th
day of March, 1878, and recorded in the office of
the clerk oi the Superior Court of said county,
in Book P, folio :17T», on the 2d rtf Aj»ril, 1878, l
will on the tlr-t Tuesday in April next, during
the legal hours of sale, before tiie court
house door iu the town of Jeffersonville,
in mid county, sell to the highest bidder
foreash. the following land: Ttiat pareekof
land In :lic twenty-fifth (27th) district of origi-
nallv Wilkinson, now Twiggs county, known
si.- tiie Alien ftcckoni plantation, being the
place whereon said W. A. Wigins resided at the
date of said deed, ansi now resides, containing
one thousand (1,000) acaes more or less, and
hounded by the lands of J. R. Cook on tiie
north, and lands of Thomas Lowe on the east:
and hinds of G. W. Faulk on the southeast, and
lands of A. F. Keekorn on the south, and lands
of If. M. Loylesson tiie west it being the place
bequeathed to said W-A. Wigins by his moth
er, Mary A. Faulk, or a sufficiency thereof
to pay this debt, and interest and attorney's
fees and costs, us per terms of raid deed; to-wit:
two thousand six hundred and eight dollars
and ninety-two cents (82,'fi08.!>2) for principal
ntm interest due up to said day of rale (April 4.
1882): and two hundred and sixty dollars and
cighty-uine cents ( 200.89), as attorney's fees
and the cost ol this advertisement, tr-wit,
twenty-five dollars, Gocd and sufficient
titles will, be made to the purchaser or pur
chasers us specified In raid deed. There is u
contingent remainder in onc-half the land end
the sulo will he sui»je"t to this Said Innd is
sold for the benefit of Ihe undersigned, tiro
ran tee in sthl deed, the proceeds to be applied
rst to the imyment of the aforesaid Indebted
ness, aud the remainder. If any, to raid W. A.
March 4th, 18Si dSOd pis.
W. McKAY, Principal.
A First-Class Business Institute for
Practical Instruction in Book
keeping. Penmanship, Etc;
We. the undersigned, merchant*, banker*,
professional men und others of the city of Ma-
con, recommend the “Macon Commercial <-ol-
lege," llofewor W. McKay. Principal, as an In
stitution worthy of public patronage, and lit
the care of a gentleman fully competent for Uio
position, and who has the Confidence of this
Felix Coiu-tt. mayor of the city of Macon.
8. T. Coleman A Co., wholesale dry goods.
Curronn Anderson, Att'y-Gcneral State of Go.
George T. Rogers' Sons, wholesale grocers.
John C. Curd, President Exchange Bank.
M. XessB.U'M A Co., wholesale drygoods.
J agues A Johnson, wholesale grocers.
Cariiart A Curd, hardware merchants.
I. C. Plant A Sox, hankers
8. Waxei.uaua A Son, wholesale dry goods.
Geo. 8. Oeeau, merchant, and patron of the
I. C. Plant, Pres. First National Bank of Macon.
J. W. Burke A Co., printers and publishers.
Henry U Jewett, Pres. Capital Bank of Macon.
B. L. A C. B. Willingham a Co., cotton ware
K. F. Lawton, banker.
J. E. Jones, President Central Georgia Bank.
J. F. Hanson, Agent Bibb Manufacturing Co.
It. K. Hines, attorney at law.
Singleton, Hunt A Co., wholesale shoes A hats.
Lamar. Rankin’A Lamar, wholesale druggists.
James II. Campbell, rectifier and merchant.
Students Can Enter at any Time.
Ample references given In any part of the
State, and prompt attention to all inquiries
to instruction, board, etc.
Address Po-t-offlCe Box 422, Macon, Ga.
I Capital Prize
1 Capital Prize
1 Capital Prize
2 Prizes ot $2,500
5 Prizes of 1,000
20 \... 10,000
10 10,000
9 Approximation. Prizes of $800.. 2,700
9 Approximation Prizes of $200. 1,800
9 Approximation Prizes of $100. 900
1,857 Prizes, amounting to $110,400 j
Responsible corresponding agents want
ed at all points, to whom liberal compen
sation will be .paid.
For further information, write clearly-,
giving full address. Send orders by ex
press or Registered letter or Money Order
by mail, addressed only to
New Oilcans, La.
127 La Salle Street, Chicago, 111.,
t»7 Seventh St.. Washington, D. C.
Tho New York office ts removed to Chicago
N. B.—Orders addressed to New'Orleans
will receive prompt attention.
r l'he particular attention ot the public is
felted to the fact that tbe entire number
io tbe Tiokota for each Monthly Drawing
astold, and consequently all the prizes iu
nch drawing are sold nnd drawn and paid.
Facsimiles of U.8. Treasury
and National Bank Bills,
Consisting of nine exact imitations of
United States Treasury Note*, and nine of
National Bank Bills, IS in all, of various
denominations As a rare roeacs of detect
ing ronnterfeit money they are invaluable.
Postal cards not answered.
A. R. DAY. 811 Bowery,
mar7w4w*New York City.
Ludden & Bates’
Sonther-n Music House.
A Mechanical
The Only Self-Acting
All the Old Theorie
Exploded at Last.
!V!acon Commercial College
3Inc*on. Gn.
For special instruction in Bookkeeping,
Penman.-hip mid Basincr.- 1 Arithmetic. l!ili-
making Correspondence nnd General Bus
iness Routine.
W. MoHuy, Prlnotim’.
F6r terms, information a* to bcr.rd. etc.,
apply to the principal. Address P. O. box
422, Macon, Go. jan!3w4w
WU mail FREE their Cat**
loeue for 18H2, cmitainjijff a
fol! descriptive Price - X.1R of
Flower* Field and Garden
U£ ti riviv. ,:k v.u- n.> .
• >Ju
Hulbs Ornamental Ornwcf,
and Immortelles, Gladiolna,
Iaillcs, Koficg, Plant*, Gnrdcn
Implements Beautifully Ilian*
tinted. Over 100 pages. Address
179-183 East Main St. 200-205 Randolph St
-A. New Slotivo Power
Discovered- Expansion
of Dent, Does it All.
ro’.ve underwater
minute; a thing
D1TSON & CO. arc tho solo agents for
tho United States for tho magnificent Nov-
ollo Inst of Oratorios, Operas, Glets, Part
Songs, etc. The separate Anthems. Cho
ruses, or Glees, cost Bets, to lOcts. each, and
are very largelv used for occasional sing
ing. Tho following are oxceltent and prac
tical instructive works, and are called
“Primers," hut are really a great deal more:
1, Rudiments ot Music. By Cummings $ 50
2. Art of Piano Playing. By Paner....l.C0
The Organ. By Stainer .80
4. Singing. Randogger 2.C0
5. Musical Forms By Fauer 1.00
6. Hartnory. By Stainer 60
7. Instrumentation. By Front 1.00
8. Violin. By Tours. 1.00
9. Musical Terms. By Stainer .50
10. Composition. By Stainer 1.00
Clark’s Anthems und Responses.
Price $1.50. By Wm. Horatio Clarke. An
thems of rare beauty, which will bo favor
ites with any choir that adopts them. ,
Mason &. Hoadly’s System for Begin
ners $3.25
Mason ,t Hoadly’s Method for Piano-
Forte .8.75
Two famonS'methodt by two of the best
pianoforte teachers in tho country. Begin
with one method. End with the other.
OLIVRR DITS0N & CO.. Boston.
Established 1834.
C. H. DITSON & CO.. M3 Broad wav V. Y
"hop BITTERS.''
(A Medicine, cot a Drink.)
, iiiirs, nur.’iu, mandrake,
Ann the TuRkst ani> Best Mrme»i.Qir.Lt-
TIE. OF AM 'tZEUllirr.RA-
All nireB.c.of tlirStomach, „owcKl’.lood,
Uvrr. Kidneys, and UrlnaryOrRans. Fcr-
vcusnri*. S!ocplc»«ncs.and c.pccUtly
•Female ComplainU.
Will l>a naM for a case thcr will not care of
hKip. r - to- anytkinir *:npirc or liijurloui
tuned in them.
A«k yonr dranclst ."ir Bop Ritter, ami try
them before you »lccp Tnko no other.
D 1. C. t. an absolute anti Irrclsl llde cure for
PruakciR.cs.. u»c ot opium, tobacco and
narco tire.
G lief Rill... MIe. Cn., Rivli.'t.r, K.
W ILL he sold before the eourt house door In
the town of Ifawklnsvllle, Georgia, be
tween the legal hours of rale on the first Tues
day in April next, the following property, to,
wit: Tho one-half undivided Interest In nnd to
202>4acres of land in the 21th district of Twiggs
county, Georgia, nnd known In tho plan of said
district as the north half of cath of lots Nos. Rl
nnd 88, nnd known ns the Ward place. Sold
under order of court of ordinary In nnd for Pu
laski county, Georgia, aa the property of W: K.
MeVay mid Linden JteVay. Terms cash. The
other naif of raid interest In raid lands will be
sold at same time nnd plaec nnd title made by
owners. This February 28.1882.
mai2w4w M. E McVAY, Guardian.
Postponed Sheriff’s Sale.
IT before tho eourt house in «*iil county on the
first Tuesday In April next, during tho legal
hours of sale, tM following described property,
to-wlt: -
Fifty acres of bind in said county, bounded
on the west by lands of Kobort Gordon, on the
south nnd eft^t by lends of Hti£h McCoy, nnd
on the north by muds of Mike Surd. Levied on
as the property of Mike Bird to *atisfr a fl. fh.
i<«ucd from the justice's court 5Clth district O.
M. Bibb county in favor of T, W, huffy vs. Mike
Bird. Levy made and returned to me by John
T. Glover, constable, March 4. M2.
mar5wtos S. J. PHILLIPS* Sheriff.
I B HEREBY given that one month after
this date, Eva Harris, wife of Jacob Har
ris, of Macon, Bibb county, Ga., will act as
a free trader in said city, tho consent other
said husband having thereto been obtained,
as evidenced by his signature to thia notice.
fob22wlaw4w EVA HARRIS.
It .
_ Joseph If. Koy, admilithlrator of Joseph
Tharp, reprexenta to the court in Ui petition,
duly filed nnd entered on record, that he ho.
fully administered Joreph Tharp's estate:
This Is therefore to cite all persons concerned,
heirs nnd creditors, to show cause, if any they
can,*whymid administrator should not be <lis-
rtiargod from his administration, and receive
letters of dismission, on the first Jlonday In
June, 1882.
Tills February 27,18S2. C. A. SOLOMON,
maridltAwat' 1 Ordiuaiy.
W* R. Kent,
Saddles, Harness, Bridles. Cellars, Whips
Etc., of every s!yle.
All made bv hand.«£E
48 Poplar street, - Macon, On
fb V.SlAwl m
A cylinder made to
40 to GO rcvolntiom
imer accomplish!
We have constru’.tcd a new Washing Ma
chine, a practical device for washing cloth
ing, as follows, viz.:
We take a cylinder in which wo place the
clothing to be wnshed, and arrange it in a
common wa s h boiler. Under this cylinder
we have arranged a system of valve? which
control the water, when put in motion by
boat or boiling, in t>nch n manner as to
make the cylinder revolve as rapidly as de
The application of this device is peculiar
and trnly wonderful.
Clothing made to pass rapidly through
water boiling hot in this manner, is cleans
ed most speedily and thoroughly. Thirty
minutes’ time is all that is needed to wash
any clothing, however much soiled it n.a
be. Nc rubbing or pSundinsr required; n
wear and tear of material. The mostwon-
derfn! labor-saving machine or device *ve
invented. A child can operate it, or one
' person can use it as well as nnotiraf. No
skill is required; it cancot get out of order
This inveution needs only to be seent
be appreciated. All are surprised at it
simplicity, and wonder why it was not dis
covered before.
Just think of it. A family can do an or
dinary washing before breakfast. Put you
clothes in the cylinder; then fill in wate
enough to cover the cylinder or clothing
about one inch; p’see it on the range o
stove, or anywhere you can get brisk tire
nnder it. As scan as the water l-egins to
boil the cylinder will resolve rapidly. Con
tinue the motion say thirty minutes; then
take out the clothing, rinse and wring ou
and you will find them perfectly clean
Tho MnnlaUanaa OF C.ntl. Clothing washed in this will wear
I fl6 MUSIC llOlISC THE wOUtn a third longer <han by anv other method.
This Washer is an article of true mer
andsells-at sight. It only requires to be
shewn in operation to make a sale, as it
ntirely different irom any thing ever offer
ed to the public. Therefore we want none
bnt good men to introduce it form: tosuch
men wo make liberal terms. Everybody
knows that clothing made to pass through
water will be washed. Boatmen, sailors
saldiors, and others have often washed their
clothing perfectly clean without the aid of
soap, by eecuring them to a line fastened
to the stem of the boat white in motion. It
i3 water (assisted by soap) passing through
tho material that removes the dirt. Any
thing that will accomplish this without la
bor, or wearing the material, is cn improve
meat long sought after but never attained
until the invention of tho SELF ACTING
WASHING MACHINE. All orders and
letters of inquiry attended to promptly.
sting Washer
in the hands of every family in tho land
and offer extraordinary inducements lo
good men to engage :n the ha rness ff sell
ing it fer a limited time. Wo will ship one
compieto in every particular, ns a sample
to any person wishing to beezme an agen
Oor New Double Store—Largest ia the Soulli.
Wholesale Southern Distributing Depot
Cliiekering, Kranicli & Bad), Mathusliek,
Arion and Southern Gem Pianos,
Mason & Hamlin .and Slioninger Organs.
SevenLeadinar Maker* of the World.
SOD Finest Instruments in Stock.
BedRock Prices for cash, or on Time.
One Uniform Price, and that the
The Ouly Piano and Organ House in America.
‘Selling on the One Price Plan.
Lowest prices printed in plain figures.
One price to all. No deviation. No over
charging. Prices fixed at the smallest per
centage above cost th it will give a living
■>refit. The poor negro in Texas buys as
,ow by tetter as the Savannah millionaire
who come9 in person. No misrepresenta
tion. No exaggeration. No 'deception or
trickery. No pretensions to bo manufac
turers when we are not No competition
with chenp makers. None but standard
instruments, from reliable makers, sold.
This, our policy for ten years past, will be
adhered to in the future, tquare trade for
U8. first. Inst and always.
Best ‘instruments for Least Money!
ilit re ura rt.oaper instruments titan ours,
but none as good for the money. Bayers
in any part of the South will save money
by ordering from U3. We aro Manufactur
ers’ Distributing Agents for the Sontb,and
place uoro instruments yearly than all
other Southern Dealers combined. Buying
from us is buying direct from tho Manu
facturers, and secures Factory Rates to tho
5000 Instruments for 1882
Under contu.cL. and must i>e sold. New
Catalogues and Price Lista ready. Special
freight rates secured. Fifteen days Test
Trial. Every concession, every inducement
that can be offered by honest dealers who
intend to keep their promises. Ludden &
Boses aro right up with the times, and in
tho front rank. None can underbuy them;
none can undersell them.
White us it xou want an Ixstbumint.
LUDDEN & BATES, Savannah, Ga.
murHwly W
N t'Y.-Wlicreas, Tli.mi
me for lulmHibtrutlou
■■■■■■■■■■■Han’., deceased:
These are to cite and admonish all persons
concerned to show cause at tilt, office on or by
the first Monday In April next, if any they
have, why tlic same shall not be granted.
■Witness my hand officially, this Feb. 28,1882.
R. T.i'
, RQ33, Ordinary.
Popular Monthly Drawing of the
In the 1 hty of liouisville on
FRIDAY, MARCH 31st, 1882.
These drawings occur monthly (Bunday’i
excepted) under provisions of an act of thi
General Assembly of Kentucky
The United’UtatcsOirsuit Court, on March
81, rendered tho followiugWecisiona:
1st—That the Commonwealth Distribu
tion Company is legal.
2d—Its drawings are f'vir.
N. B.—The company has now on hand a
large reserve fund. Read carefully the list
of Drizosfor the • *
1 Prize * 8?.0f0
upon receipt of $G. Address,
116 Smithfleld St.,
Pittsburg, Pa.
r 3 Far.eui! Kal! Square, Bcstcn,
—Agents ron—
W. & C. Scott & Sons’
Furnished by ls toBognrdca (who has shot
ono over 60,000 times), Miles Johnson, and
most the clubs. Also, Colt’s and other
makes. Now on hand some damaged and
second huuJonts. very iow. Some of high
est grndes. Fend stamp for circulars.
Price-list W.H.DlLLlNGK/V
V|2! Main Street. LOUISVILLE,
•‘Gold, SHffif
Fih© Mectri'-nv.ij*' i.
LfkJ-Siic. i , ,n J v »« JU-*
or5 iscstxt »*r» R|w.r,
Agents "Wanted. Official Life Ml
Send SO cents in a’nmpr f.,r o’.i'fir. U wk
SMdy. FOK8Ui-S<fc XirM.VKSJi.
fcVJ-.vlw • Clucimiiit:, OMa
Orciiarleston, fc*. C.
Highly Ammoifiated.
Acid Phosphate, for composting.
Asli Eluent, for CoKod, Wheat, Peas, elf.
Pure Ground Phosphate Bock,
Pure Ground Raw Bone,
Genuine Leopoldthail Kainit,
Neva Scotia Land Plaster,
Peruvian Guano,
Ground Dried Fish,
, Dried Blood.
The above Fertilizers ore of very high
grade and of nniform quality. Special in
ducements are offered for cash orders by
the car lead.
For terms, Illustrated Almana<v, Color
ed Humoroas Catds, etc., address the cora-
nany. fnbllw
Wonderful Cures Effected
Dry Heat, Medical Vapors aud Eleo-
tro-Magnetism, Rationally Com
bin'd to jffeet the Indicetioas
of Various Chronic Diseases.
J. W. 511 GHAT If,
Late of Philadelphia City,
With an experience of 10 years treating
chrohto di-ease by tho old system, will in
troduce this new metbqdof treating chron
ic diseases by giving
Trial Baths Free,
Thursday and Fi it ay, Feb. 16 & 17.
That the afflicted may test its merits. Pa
tients needing a course of tieatment will
require from ono to three weeks’ time, ac
cording to nature of disease .
Dr. Migrnth uses but little medicine with
this treatment. The Electro-Therapeutic
Bath and Electricity does what heretofore
was claimed for medicine alone.
A competent lady matron will attend
female patients.
Office honra from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Con
sultation ftoo and-strictly conddential.
ROOM 27, convenient to parlor,
Brown’s Rational Hstel, Macon, Ga
k. u iatruTcs., rat. IJiVr.bura.iu.
1 Prize...
1 Prize
10 Prizes $1,000 each
20 Prizes 500 each
100 Prizes ICO each
200 Prizes 60 each
COO Prizes 20 each
1,000 Prir os 10 each
9 Prizes 800 each, arVox prizes
9 Prizes 200 each do do
9 Frizes 100 each
do do
Half raaheta, $1.
1st Tickets, $100.
nk Draft in Lett.
1,900 Prizes
Whole Tickets, $2.
27 Tickets, $50-
Refit Money or Bank Draft in Letter,
or send hy Expre.s. DON'T SEND F I
FICE ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward,
by Express, can be sent at Jur expense.
Address all orders to
HO!) Bmadwsv. N. V.-
Wehavo opened in the front part of our
wholesale store a
Retail Department,
complete in every respect. We emp'oy
w none but
Gentlemen Who Untiers'and the.
Drug Business,
and as we buy none but tho
Purest and Best Drugs
to be found, we are sure that you will be
pleased with us. We sell five cents’ worth
as cheerfulty as we would five dollars’
worth, as we are not disposed to insist on
any one baying more than they need bnt
we do want to sell you ALL YOU NEED,
no matter how much.
Come to see us opposite the AUCTION
HOUSE and DOLLAR STORE, and call
for Dr. Goodwynor Dr. Daniel, who aro in
charge of our Retail Department. Re
Lamar, Rankin & Lamar.
Guano, Superphosphate
aud Kainit.
1,000 Ton* W., G. & Co. Manipulated
1,000 Toe* W., G. & Co. Superpho*
1,000'Tcns Pure German Kainit.
Theso first-c’af s Fertilizers will be sold
in quantities to suit, nt VERY LOW Prices
for CASH, or on credit for approved pa
prr. DEALERS or PLANTERS will fina
It to their interest to give us a call before
having elsewhere. Send for circulars,
prices, etc.
Is especially adapted to and is a positive
cure for Bhoumntism. Ncnralgi-, B'-intica,
Paralysis, Incipient Consumption, and all
I Tiie following diseases Lave been cured
by this Bath with a few treatments—;in
many ca esoue course in ail that is requir
ed : Dropsy, Liver anil Kidney Complaints,
Diabetes, Erysipelas, Sore Ey*s, Scrofu
lous afilictiors of every form and character,
Spasms, P.lee, Fever Soro-', Peine, Aches,
Asthma, Pleurisy, Conge?tivo f hills. Dumb
Ague, Catarrh, Spinal Affections,-Female
Diseases, emiaal Weakness. Throat, Lcng
and Heatt Discuses, Strictore, Gravel,
Gout, etc. Patients from tho Hot Springs
are especially adapted to this treatment.
No Shock, but a Tleasant Vitalizing
Eensatiou Imparted' to
the Patient.
For a weak end debilitated constitution
its vitalizing nnd tonic effect is wondsrfal.
It improves the cample: io , promotes Nu
trition and Digestion, remotes Con'iira-
tion. and while removing all Oppression of
the system, o vercomes Deptession and Ei-
han«ticn. It purities tbo Wood, removes j
m:lariaara prevents Typhoid conditions.
It is a tonic sweat, e’e-using tho system
into rnatlyand-exterally. teblG»3m
SX^ l ‘..i-
byUil p |
■ <SM
- >
. Fourteen different sire, r.nd Vlnifa. Sw
i z: i friUi ci.umelcv. ce x rvclr*. A JMH
f and priced lo sotl v.r^u
Iteutffe Wood Doors, Peient Wc-tI (Ht.i*. jt*.
•Uii.iWe Itaner, ImcrrhauircabVt Af. ntSa
-he!f. Broiling Door, rtvlnglng T’t it' , i Tkrai
twinging Fine-Stop, RcvcnUto <.cs7,'.:rArar
frtnx (4oct Pieeo, Doutile Short Cenkta,.Ti~rsy
ten'- Covers, IP.nminatetl Fire L’cera, 1
Knouft Nickel hack etc.
Uneenaletl in Material. In Finite, arid da
nperatfon. Mimnfacturedby
too. i. obtS.i.P.,‘g’ Chum- Smect
WBIU nura to all api.IVaaU. atwl »?• c».V
< ocrlvll It nMdM Sr* raW«4 hUUt. e^tMrtnL
jarut K0 pr**. au.l :tUld««xrI{-;l n*. «■ : V.wJtor
l tine Irarirtb < of V#-.tal ’« »r4 F U-r . , / vj s
I n-tt Tr*v*. etc. IovaIba'i Ic to ail. .. v«A*
will U timnd mt+i r»tiat.fe tort Uutjpfi i« ti.
trmmts .a a Yft mkiiiut;', . <*■»-, u «r
1'^L.lvrs, Tturk-ma tmd Uavkrt s.
B. H. FERRY & C0„ DetialT, ffS*.
8.8. bweet adn-inistrator of 1\ J. ; : -a-
holser, represents to the court in hit
tion, duly filed and entered on rocoidfn-fc
he has fully adminiilered T. J. Kv. uita
set’s estate:
This is .therefore to cite all pctsom
corned, heirs and creditors, fobcr.gff .4,.
pear at the conrt cf ordinary of nil c sure
ty on the first Monda; In April texf, fa
show cause if any they can why sud srt
ministrator should not be Jischargcd Irosc
bis administration and receive k- ■
Given under my hand and ofBdtdtC^M-
ture this, Jcnuary 7,1882.
janSw3m* J. A. McMANI S 0.-dirx»v.
mlmiuistrutor of estate of W. 5£. Tr-u.
deceased, of raid eonnly, has im.lid —-vn
of dismission from raid trust. This is fora
to rite all persons concerned to
any they nave, by tbe tirat > pj, Jfajr,
1882, why raid a)>)iH<atlon sliould not fa.grariF
ed and letters dutnissing yranB O tmahl ; jgil
cant. .
Witness my ltand officially, February 'M,
febJtd VIRGIL S. HOLTOb . OrcJnaw.
lat ho bm
s osrater
W. J. Dent, admioistrator of C,
represents to the court in his) ^
filed aud entered on record,
fully administered Cynthia Hue
This is, therefore, to cite nli person
oerned, heirs aud creditors, to t how •
if any they can, why said adiaUne
should not be discharged from nis a da
tratiou and receive letters of ditmitmortara
the first Monday in April 7, I V ..
Given under my liand and uffirislai^za!
tare this January, 188A
lawjan* . J. A.McMANUS,lOndip-.y.
Samuel A. ltotdvs. Mary A. Reid.—in
Jones Suporior Court, October ierm, ML
It appearing to the conrt by rvUtm o-" ia*
sheriff Uiat tbe defendant in abwmskaM
case. Mary A. Reid, is not to be fo:: J ta
said county bf Jones; and it furti ' ap
pearing that sli9 doe* not reside vt item too
limits ot this State : Iti ordered that ms-
vice bo perfected on said defsneat ' by
poblioation in tho Macson T^tegraph vod
Messenger for space of three r.’.omh . t»
fore next term of this court. October: Sda
ILW. HARDEMAN, Libtimt’s Ail >
Approved and *0 ordered.
* THOS. G. LA WSON, J. S. C. O. Cl
A true extract from minutes,
janlffwffm •
r*endlet« n’s
Atlanta, Os. this of. tiie l*»t pisctiral
raiwulsta the touuiry. Onuhtr. uutiisd mss-
H T toUB un e figtivd at the court Isaac HarJemfn, admit is
. 1 1. I JMIK. bou«. The ught to reject rny aud all t^ds D. L Eu,
• J.J* fa reserved. W. G. SMITH. 7 , for dirmission freut tail
W* Wili. Szss ox THIRTY Days’ Truer.
Dr. T^e’s Electro Voltaij B-'x
Su^pc-nsoiies, and other E’ectric /tetris
antes TO MEN suffering from J mjsi
Debility, Lost Vitality, etc. speedily nt-
storing Health and MoBbcod. An- har
RhuamaUsw, Paralysis, Lirer and RteMj/
Troubles nud c any other diseajer IMoo
trated pamphlet free. Addrc.'.s
Nytice to liquor SbRers.
ON February Tth instaqt, the (.icui^s
Commi'siozers of Bibb coSnty raw
order prohibiting the issuing cf county fear
uor licenses in Bibb county from and npiss:
that date. Persons selling liquor in -»iS
county outside the corporate limits o' ibe.
con will therefore take notice that exact
the county licenses under which they aim
now seliing expire (he*y wili net I«j reuaroi '
fehlfwlw Clerk Bibb (.'-mnty CoraYra
To the Delinquent Tax-Payers aft
Bibb County.
Y OU are hereby noli fieri t: av I iurve Jev
Ud all tax executions turn d over is ssv.
by the tax collector, and wili proej**<! te
Advertise the same on the first lay\eu
March. You will therefore please colt
once ou my deputy (W. Poe. Jr„> stittr*
tax collector's office and save yourself *sific
tional expense. Bespcctfuh'y.
feb'dl G. S. WE5TCO IT, ShtriS
amts AY.Tuik, administrt.tor on csiatu<je
Mrs- Cordelia Turk, deccateJ, applies to
Average val 0 for p-' t seien peats high- 1 me for dismission :
er thsn any other fertilizer—embracing the I These are to cite and r.dre :ai>»h all pw-
twenty-three old standard brands—as do- J sous concerned to show cause at this of
termined by tha State Chemist of Georgia ] flee on or by the first Monday iti May next.
Contains a largo p ; r e:nt of nnimtlbone. J if any they have, why dismission shell oat
Is not lost to the plantar when a dry year be grunted,
sonerven's. tut will produce gocd results j >\ itness my hand oflleiute .aunary US'
tho second year. { 1882. R.T. BUtc, Urdutary. Fort Volley, and any station : jnntffwtd
on Macon and Augnsta railroad at same! GgoBGIA, JOVEsCOO- T'V.—WbewMU
price as Macon. _ _ , . . - . i r. v. HardtiuHU upj.liestc for disuio.
tJ, L. 8AULSBURY, Agt|siou from administrate;;, with viil aa-
ftb'iwlm POPLAR ST., MACON. GA. nexed, of estate William Wheatley, dec’fi •
-—• j These are to i-ite film nu’L'umsh nil per-
w nt in* la MridffA Builder*. 8°«s conosrued to show cm. ■ .V this ofSet
a ouoe to flriage ounuers.. | on Cf by , htf Mc . l( . ny a» y cext . *
t 'NTIL Wednesday, March 2?, 1882, the | o-y the; have, why the s.u... shall noiht
County Commisu-ihutrs of Bibb county granted. Witner? my hm;.l qficially Jam-
invite Ktolcd propo^nls for boildiuy, nt tbo t uftrv 1*. 1^*2, li. f It' *••'>*• Oriiatijt
Wilej tuiupiiie in said county, three wcod- , jaxl’Jwtd
e i tridges aggregating JGt teet in length, f —
Plans and siteiliealicns nay besrenoy
Clerk Bibb Co. Coiem'rs.
Dealer in Produce and Staple Groceries,
Cigars, Tobacco, etc., No. GS Poplar street.
Patronage solicited and satisfaction guas-
U'»»V fob 12 dawly
Vii’ | w.viiiiWc. is
72- d ;xc: -Tdiv.; r.’^.TUD. \
dmi; i.-trator ou eetain
•jpphed io ora
T _ minUirUSair;
There ► re io cite nnd admonish all)
eons concerned to ► how tanso at Utiet
, < n e'rby ihe Srit Moed-j ;;t Mar I
! any they have, why the rams shall —
| granted. Wftcers my bend* •fflcraffy J*
! t:ry 17.1882. R. T. H088, C“ "
1 tenlSwtd