Georgia weekly telegraph, journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1880-188?, March 24, 1882, Image 7

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hOR THti f.'l f.s OF HOXKST
SO.V* or TOIL.
*e«:nf4 From Ont-fll-tM-ffty Soak*
in Oar ExcMncn, Drnncti up null
rrOferftetf fur Inspection.
: -f Ferch and bream in the Iottot «ouat!es
now rise to tbo hook.
The Hamilton Jo*fnxd saya: The
nrain prospect la the wist flat^rin? ever
known in the count}-.
Wheat generally Jti Hcrtnfcoa Is not do-’
ingwell. The oat crop hewever is quue
2t RentlemanftnmnearlJrayton tolls us
That bo saw an.iramoice turkey Irizzard
VauTy away a Thro plg’Chat weigbedxweuty
* or thirty ynends.
It is saitt that Mr. J61m B. McDonald,
near Yfofsia, planted a ten-acre patch of
com and R came up in a single night.
The oat patches in Stewart county hare
taken-mother start to growing ainco the
the recent ralha. The prorpcct for a good
cropwrert ndvCr better.
Messrs. -F. F. Tlojd^nd C. C. Clark,
ft HVirkcy crock, have a'fleld of com that
Is *3p, with 'three and four blades on a
SMAk. The latter -gentleman commenced
Ranting- cctton on Monday.
The wool ahipmtrts from Hawkinsvllle
'for 1881 amounted to 151 bales, azgregat-
Jing »7,TO0 pounds, and worth between
•i^pStato^wllat $3.00 per bushel,
•and can be successfully raised for twenty
'cents. No wbftder the coontry is getting
Many of'tli«# farmers are complaining of
‘the larks in their com fields. Small shot
'1a the best preventive against tbo inroads
’of these chap j.
It 1* said Yuat it Is t black bug which is,
’playing such havoc among the terpentinej
trees in Hearty county.
If yOU-ttre scarce of labor send to the;
‘ Overflowed districts on the Mississippi^
wberp thousands of hands are thrown Out
bf work.
TBtea is a growing disposition among
'•«ur farmers to plant less anil 'Cultivate
"more thoroughly.
' Tbs Hessian fly has flown 'from 'Simter
* aid the gram crop liberated from the
* ^ravages of his voracious .jaws, Is OHWtndre
*' on a boom.
' From all the informraion wcw. gattferj
"Vre judge there will be a very large acre-
: age planted in sorghinc and ribbon COD*
■ In Me
JUcSrktyf *wh teMi ^
lonroe county tlib year. ‘Bight.
Mr. W. A. Adkins, Trom'naarDrayttti
Dooly coeuty, informs 113 tliat be ate’ the
first watenwclon di tihe-season on Thurs
day last. |
Now Uttie’tlme’to or*pars yonr-pfltoh
lor Genera toII!«- There is no t>«iier
pay crop and milling 'tccre profitable
and tinsety lo-splitn oat*-stort core! 3rcp.
There is a ipksre 'in faihtsr- ctanty
where the watersnnsupii!:i—apparently.
As you go'dowi: hill, ttfecre Is ‘a rrCvine
coming -up paraCle), *ar.d you tcort the
water, seomicglyruuniog'-jp bill.
The first shipment Of (Florida frith po
tatoes «f this year's ^growth *were re
ceived in •Oolumbus-on Tuesday by Mr.
M. T. Bergan. Those «r her citi:-e::s who
had them for dinner (pronounced them
more palatable’than-usaal for early pota
The tong-wislteildor rain attdiinesville
came Wednesday night in-a- perfect flood.
Corn that is now In the ground-can come
up, aud places where it was too dry to
plant are now wet eatragb.
There is a disposition oh the pert of the
more intelHgontifannera In Hancock coun-
to to make cotton 'that surplus -crop, in
the future. Ifthis.policy should become
general throughout the .-State the pros
perity of oar people 'Will boasted.
It is astonisaing witat -a difference a lit
tie paint makes about the farm-house and
premises. The house is kept cleaner, the
front pslingc look-neater, members of the
family are more parttoalar and tho neigh
bors come oftener to see them.
“ Tiie total shipments Of - cotton from
Hawkinsvllle last season were 20.00C
hales. In this, of course, is not included
cotton shipped by boats. To March 13th,
1881,17,wo bales were shipped, ami to
March 13tb, I Si®, -15/H0 bales -were sblp-
Dr. J. f. Stovece-ou Tuesday- ia:t and
dressed the county Agricultural Society
at Sandereville by invitation upon the con
dition of our planters, its causo and the
remedy. The large court house was
crowded and She audience gave the
speaker their closest and uudi vlded.atten
tion. The addrccs was-an able one, in
teresting and instructive, and did credit to
this able
Ife-tAisera ti/r Coro,
Unitensitv op Gnchova, j
, March 1, 1*82. >
In my address to the Agricultural Oott«
veutloa at Augusta, on the 15th-ultimo, I
invited the co-operation of l.v.-mers tn au
experiment I propose to mako this year as
(o the Uulityor the reverse of ammoniateJ
fertilisers for com. My attention was
directed to this Important vacation by a
series of experiments conducted under
the direction of Prof. AtwitOyof Connec
ticut, In the report of which he says:
“Phosphoric acid took the leading place
often, potash occasionally, and nitrogen
very rarely” In thirty out of ono hun
dred and fifty trials, nitrogen was found
to increase the crop enough to pay its
cost, the pecuniary toss rising and falliug
with tho amount df nitrogen used. If
theze experiments, eitentting over three
years, with uniform results, demonstrate
a truth, namely, that com gathers its
supply of nisrogen from na’ural sources,
and is not aided by nitrogenous fertilizers
it is a very Important truth for our ’farm
ers, since nitrogen is the most costly in-
gradien In *11 ‘thsammoniated Commer
cial fertilizers. Bat we must Investigate
it fur ctirseives, si.d find whether in our
soil and climate like results will be
I propose lo make «vpdrlm'-nts pre
cisely identical with tho - cf lhof. At
water, with a view to fin;: —first, row does
com succeed with the “n'ineral” fertiliz
ers, superphosphate and potash; second,
bow dees it respond to nitrogen when
added in different farms and amounts, to
the mineral fertilizers, and third, whs* in
ferences may bo drawn as lo the feeding
capacities of corn plants, their power to
gather their food fthui soil and air, aud
the effects of different materials upon
their growth, especial reference being
made to the nitrogen supply, bltould we,
as has been the case witii those or Prof.
Atwater, find that cur experiments war
rant the inference that for corn “nitrogen
fertilizers, tn any considerable quantity,
would bo 'rarely profitable,” we sliali
have i-tfeblished a very important fact.
Individual experiments are of little value,
except ns suggestions. They must bo re-
pcatefi'for a number of successive years,
under uniform circumstances and With
uuifefth results, before they -can be-said
to establish a principle. Grit AT tbe-same
eapirinient be faithfully made -by swum-
berof persons in different -localities, the
work cau be greatly facilitated.
'To those who wiTt aiflitis in - the exper
iment, I would gree tbctfoUoWiflg direc
tions for cotmidonrgit:
First—Select an acreviMevdl land as
pearly wuvform In 'tjcaiity m possible.
Divide Kioto twenty equilirarts. snd
let the plats b* as 'Icing as 'practicable,
Mark each ipht'by 'Strong ivies, num
bered I, 2,8-,'etc., correspondin'; with the
number-df <Jsttilteert^-“W«m out” land.
If It bstmlUrmly worn oat,<(3 preferable.
Leave -an 'tsnnamrred stop, 1-20 at each
ot the long aides-df the experiment uers,
■A a-space OP three' feet ’between it'KSsJ
tBShnamreU ptat-next wit, in order to
show thereapaeisy of tbe’wxtural soil. A
piece-df^and ‘l'Cfl ^jnare «rods, 10s€ Tbds,
wi ll 'be* good skape. This soil wltl^give
39ip:a^,exchl^titt rddesoqual lo'^triare
••Sewed— Haply the ’ fertilizers In the
hr)l «r 'broalrtast as "may be p^feered,
taking care'te'apply teem evenly -bad to
vnleithorotjgttiy with tfcs soli. Iftbey are
wdMisiixedt’ith three-of four times their
butt ofgootf earth' bfcftre using, Yioy can
'be-more uss'ly'dHlrtb tted. It is of the
■lest -importance that they be applied
•evsaly,codflncd eaofc toils prejor plat,
and 'thoroughly - inesrporiteU"with the)
■soil. tlAtoaot the seed
Corner Broai and Hunter Btreht*, Atlanta, Ge irgia.
Mitchell Wagon
North and South Carolina
Alabamr. and Florida.
Tlio attention of doa'ers is called to the facxftfbt wo are preeared to ship stAort no
tice theso snfbrbjyapons in small lota or by the-car load. Send tor spemlpncolists
and circulars. Also dealers in 0. &G. COOLER’S PLAIN PORTABLE TRACTION
AND STATION All Y ENGINES. Don’t i^liviase until jou confer with us. Send tor
illustrated Catalocne. mar^od&w^m
JOHN M. PEVEY, Proprietor, Lowell, Mass.
OX'Heferencef J. F. nANSON, Agent CHbb Manufacturing Company, Macon,
Gccr^ia. mar24wly
~ v*r-'
Baker’s Standard,
Sea Fowl,
St. George,
The above aieall first clnss brands. Baker’s Standard has the highest commercin
value of any cuano analyzed in AUrnta. Ga., this year. Apply to
157 Second street, Macon, tSa. -
Z m«rl7w<t ;
Wonderful Cures Effected
Dry Heat, Medical Vapor* and Hleo-
tro-Magnetism, Rationally Com
bined to Meet the Indioationa
®f Various Chronic Diseases.
alone. VaCIVcSW
urns and Extras, m re ROaES
UKliinents (rrmr. Rtrcn-- i'f-I •
(lit,- (ItliwrcJ U'. J- ■*
HnarsirptR’s Stoma*. Bliters is the
eat household medictne of the American
pie Anirii taken everywhere as a saie-
, coma ia'rtosc con- f guard epidemics- and endemics, as
tact with the' ferUMrcr. Apply the : fer-i‘a remedy’ifor dyspepsia, biliousness and
■ .—-— a , < -he feowc’- —
The p'ne Umde-of our Southern aegar
belt are coming >into popularity for. an gar
raising, as equal if not superior to the
baummek oc .swamp lands heretofore, se
lected for that .purpose. • Cane grown on
these pine lands Is ^ud to possess.mere
saccharine matter than the same on aUi-
vial lands. This vastly oxtendc otic sugar
producing area, ami shows that we have
the capacity to, and -will in a few~iaoro
yearn, produec-our borne.
At a meeting of the Jjamter co inty. ag-
jcultural society, .the -subject -‘.'growing
f oats and oottan on ;the same land, in
be same year” was discussed. . Dr. Thor.
h Stewart didtfuII,justice to it, giving it
■ his experiencegt»r twayears, that cot
ton planted bijuae,aitesaatstgrow more
luxuriantly and'yielded.ciore tbar simi
lar land that was prepared and , planted
in the usual way. lie gives it m . hik
opinion that t&e .vegetable matter left by
the oat crop la peouUarlYMUpted. to the
growth or cotton, (ft was thoroughly diO-
Ctused by other inorol»n.
Tiie scent of gaauo Ja unknown in <ihe
Fort Creek neigkhorbaod.atul when Pcofi
Allen was in Tbsmsoa.a short time .ay o,
a breeza from the dqpot, heavily lader
with the peculiar odor, struck him be
tween the eyes arid knocked tbe£bJluwAa£
poetic sentiment out of 'him::
No scent* f nectar kesitliSS wind
Nor to^rence of the rotas;
And whlffi*. hundred brom it fans,
II olieclK* hundred tiome.
It has been a popular Jobe iiiMxaroc
f for tbo past fin; Jays to fool people «ith!
' cotten seed oil. In several instances the
oil has been used in biscuit, and tbc.fuu-
. Jly bare not known it untii itho biscuit
were eaten up. in every cue the verdict
,ha3 been: “We weald never have known
-tbo differente." Wt believe it to bn
tUexr serroral days-before ptetttiug.
Third—The foHswing are’ dlie fertlKy
•ort and tbaiqiiahtlty of eaefctn* be t»
•fiat-. *— {On mannw. ■' IAs
-•■1—Nfttale'-i.f ~y
— 2—- Sr-*orph<ur-h»0‘. w . (i ... — Sh
—.$_Morlatc off-oau-h 7g .
-"•4— i] Nitrate-*o‘*oda..._«...„„ V i
• ►anperphtmmte... _jr,
-•( Mtirtai«»r-t fioUu.lL. .7 i
> I HupcrjHv.plmto _a.-
--- «— i Murfawe- f [.otnsb .^. 7.\£
• l Hupr.ipi«Xf>t>atc>—....
-‘■.7— I Muriatnef potnsh
i i N'itnut-ci toila.™ ' 7}4
. I Siifieriiosphate f<5
- Murid, of ,iottwh
t (.Nltmtei t mmIii
••".O-Ht.-.iK-jpbtvacatc —
Xuriute r f .ix.Uuli -,y„
'Mtrate of. -£1%
( Huphcr>l«" phase ...... 15
-“its- -;.Wnrid-t of. pnt»tl:_ 7'
(( Hulpfie.oof uuLja-aiit
I Supryf-lintubatc
^‘its— Muna-eof ptan»h_„ ,y.<
((.rtulphtiloof arum-niit .11'.?
*•' lM--4vilK’rphi»phatc .15
Kurialoe. potaxh 7VJ
xRilphalot f anuaoaR. lt'.’i
f SnprsiluMphaae— 45
■“U6- -’Muriateof puna'. 7V.
l(llrl«j bloo.LT. It'.,
“• ufi—SaphertSuapbate S... z lft
Sin rift to at" potash IV,
Irriad Woixi. _.„..22VI
* Ii7--Stperpbr»plmte l.i
Sft.rimi- oi po-nsh ~y.
111? iod 14.0.1
, f HreNWihoaphaile 15
•• 54— -iMurUeoi pot»h 7's
11 Cottot seed rati
:;-S-C..''* 'Ill-IliuU-- 15
“ IS— - Muriivo of pot»h 7K
t‘ v O)ifc.« seed- k«I X
,(3iiip.7Pli'wphafc. 15
“ 30— - Murlrteof iiou»h 7‘<
'(•ifUoi: • seokjaotJ SUfl
•- oo—So itsiiim.
Fourth—Buy-the materials from a re
liable dealer to .insure gert'ng tliem^enu-
ino. Woigh.and mix them with perfect
accuracy- Thef'can he-bought for about
ten dollars.
Fifth—Those-who will kindly aid me
iln the experiment a re-re;, tested to so in
form me, audd-wlll give them directions
03 to notiBg-thc-^rowthof the crop, eca
sens,, etc n tor report of results' in
th.3 fall. Wu. JI. Bitotv-jic,
Brofcsaor of Agriculture, etc.
Irregularities of the feewels, as a 'Care foi
chills and .ever and'i&eumatic ailments,
as a sedative in nervor-s cases; abd as
general Invigorant restorative. For
ale by iC. druegirtk *nd dealers .gener
ally. - lw
Dyspepsia Cured
mtlEWent KckntMo-'repanUon will potitive-
I li ,» IX- old ehiwniv! eases of llpwisk, l»ys-
|>cptfr. TiLs. D.'Ttpctjm-^ Vertigo and PnqSIc
C.nis-J* jitlon. wheroercry other known medi-
elnehas foiled tocwi gtvc relief. 1 refer toa
few «v* the ense< sn Incurable that
linvc r-eii cured with AI'ERSIA: Mhs Katie
llofljD. ii, 873 Uond-riph street, PhUadeipiiia,
mp. u use of Uv-spnf tie Consumption: bad not
been" ut of her bon*..-for one year, or her room
-for sir months: a 41 ing skeleton, given ap lo
die »• our mostcmTieiitphysiciitUK: but etireil
wld'.oiir lioltlts iif A]K*| MftUhew Roliin-
soii.i.Vo. KM Twenr -first street, Philadelphia.—
Thfe whs a veer ningerous ease of
Veat'go of long sta nding, hut cunyi w ith only
tnv-'* oiiies-of .t^sjysia. Mr. n. A.<Xurk, rirm
Ciar<: Rros. At.u., Philadelphia, whs »a«U!
clier nle ease of n w:«ty yeurs standing; paid out
oiutiiousniiddnlicrs; was pro no* noaa inoxm-
bla; but eurea! vi : :I> three bodies of Apeptitt;
Imo-i well over a. in year. ThoaHmds «d siwiliir
le>:l muiiiiilsaui i - seen at ourottre. I refer
u it'i plertsinv. Tc - lie following gentlemen of
Savannah, win* elmnictersare fereprouclei-
bk.: Iir. J. It. ilul. iwanger (IsreKre.S. (.'..nre--
r»i. Ciij.l. (Jewns lf. Weymoulh. iviuc- • 1 per
Ur tie. Koraaledy
It msb, Ksnmv •* Lamsb, aud all druggist*.
■V. H. S / IIVR, .W. II., ofliee 39 LerauC
rboet. Pliiladolrjcia. mnrlSeodly
Particular Notice.
.AU the Drawings wiU hereafter be
under the exeiaaivo supervision and con
trol of Generals O. T. BEAUREGARD
LooiaifuutStsto Lottery Company.
Incorporated iu 1808 tor 2S years by the
Legislature tor Educational and Charita
ble purposes—with a capital of f1,000,000
—to which a reserve fond of over |550,000
ha" einoe been added.
By an overwhelming popular vote its
franchise was made a part of the present
State Constitution adopted December 2d,
A. D-, 1879.
ings will take place monthly.
It never scales or postpones. Look at
the following Distribution:
Each, half tickets, one dol
1 Capital Prize *90,000
1 Capital Prize 10,000
1 Capital Prize 6,000
e Prizes of $2,500 .6,000
5 Prizes of 1,000 6,000
20 Prizes of COO 10,000
100. 10,000
ce hyjoo
20 10,000
10 10J00
9 Approximation Prizes of $300.. 2^00
0 Approximation Prizes of ^200. 1,800
100 Prizes of
200 Prizes of
500 Prizes of
1000 Prizes of
9 Approximation Prince of 1
LS57 Prizes, amounting to $110,4(0
Responsible corresponding agents want
ed at all points, to whom liberal compen
sation will he paid.
For further information, write clearly,
giving full address. Send orders hr ex
press or Registered letter or Money-Order
by mail, addressed only to
New Orisons, La.
•rk. A. rAITKIN,
127 La Salle Stroet, Chicago,!’.!,
•iU7 Seventh St., Waahington, D. C.
The New York office is removed to Chicago.
N. 13.—Order.; addressed to New Orleans
will receive prompt attention.
'i he particular attention of the public is
called 10 tbo fact Pint the entire number
of the Tickets tor each Monthly Drawing
is sold, and consequently all tbo prizes in
each drawing are sold and drawn nnd paid.
ArtieJs of merchandise jest as much as the
AJr.Gtorge Fclbsc, of .-.Monroe, had a
Locso-' cut byrcpoing against a wire
feaceilgrt Saturday. The,Lone was run-
nkag.Ato'Hll speed, and did not
wises. ,f'i turned a diMiblc.^zmmersault,
and had to be vnallod in to sew
up the wounds. Georgs thii&r. the man
who huver.Rti a wire fuca should be huug
The county Agricultural Society of
Talbot eouiity held a meeting .-on last
Tuesday. '\Yjw-Prcsideflt J as. }F. Little
in the chair. ,Dr. W. It. NeaL -tlus presi
dent, coming in, the chair wasswrepilered
to him. The annual election of queers
iDeingUie first-thUv^in order, that matter
^ras proceeded with, and resulted as.fuJ-
o-.vs : Thomas b- ‘Luinsden, preaidei-.t,
X). j. Carreker, vice-president. The
report of Mr. J. F. -Little, delegato to
the i>u:te Agricultural .Convention, which
met at Augusta In Feumary, was received
»»nd - adopted. lion, wavid „E. Butler,
jboin.t; pusent, he was invited to ad
dress the mealing, which -ite did iu appro
bate aud interesting remarks, touching
arg.-|y op fhe advantage of the “No
‘ujiCk” lave, and on the uieof cwnincrcial
fertilizer*. T he subject for disciuzion at
tiie ineeUug was madej the regular order
for noxtoieating. Th© following^c^olu*
tion was offared by Mr- J- B Gorman aud
unanimously adopted by the soriety ;
‘IfiAolrtil, that the heartfelt gratitude
nf this tocieiy be tendered our retiring
president, I)r. W. It- Neal, whose efficient
dutn-s shall ever be hold iu appreciative
reiui-uihiance. Thsxu being no further
business, the meeting •ri'our.’if'? “W
first Tues ip April. J
Wf.T/ U- if «£flff..STO.VflE.V« K
K%mc Sear r«r«*b—Tlicfcnco qcei-
IhbOh Ilaiants.
F^Z-tYTH, Ga., Mar lli 22.—The store-
honor .and stock .ofyjsods of JclinPhinizcy,
mercbint nt Unjonvilie jn -this county,
wer*Awtroyed by fire on Sa’.zrday night,
the 18th,uist. The fire is supposed to be of
.incendiary origin. He .estimates 'hi* loss
at *1.003^->$l,.5IMabove hi* insurance, the
.amountof which was ttflOO.
Mr. TlKA.ioroFnelinglwyse _
a! this 'plsro. familirrly known a»onr*tliD
*» oys”. p» J ‘Jug-*topper," nnd Miss l’otta
.Wire married on rJi.ratthe residence
oi ike brideV father in ihuouauty.
Muxodcetnix, March 22.—Tiie waters
of $0 Hi fill -district G. ML of Baldwin
ity 19 is. of favor-of fence.
JinlfUiCf be protoetad.
The alec tion is
kelice Ut Our Friends.
-Wo hill ft* pencil at offioe over tbo ware-
.hqpso of Hon(eman A Gibson, on
Fonrih streak where we will be pleased at
iiUAines to, fri n a act Iuav-io», and shall be
the -, see par friends. Our warehouse
will be zebuilt M soon a* possible, and we
.be rzady lor the fall jt-nde in ample
time. TN unking the pnb'.ia/or their sym
pathy ip.onr misfoi-tune, we shall ever try
to msiit,their cpuCdenco in »li future re
lation*. 0. V. Andebscs A Son.
Macon, March SH, 1882,—mnr2£eod!w
A Frweral.le holorlely.
The good ■
chial Tro .
colds and throat .disease; !os given them
a favorab'e notoriety. lv
Brain will JWfT*.
Well’s Health Renewer, greatest reme
dy on earth for impotence, leanness, sex-
uni debility, etc. 81, at druggists. De
pot! Lamar, Itankin & LamarjMacou.
IriUbC-VS living in unhealthy localities
may avoid, fever, ague and biliousness,
by taking Golden’s Liebig’s Extract or
Beef and Tonic iuvigorator, in pint bot
tles. Afi- f#r Colilcn's; take no other.
Of druggiits generally.lw
W. McKAY, Principal.
. A First-Class Institute Her Fratlical
BusinessInitruction, Bcok-
-keepibff. Etc.
tET’Fine Bennansliip a SyecialtY-zCtl
-Taught by out of tlio beet Artists In the South.
■IVe, the iihri-Tsigncil, merrhnnts, IftmkeH.
profeeslonnl men nuil other* of the city of Ms.-
. cob, leeonimtud the -‘Macon (omnrereial Col-
lege,” I’rofeeeor V.'. McKny, I'rin<-ii«il, as eu In-
.vtiuitiouavorthy «( public |MtruUKge, and it:
the cure of a gradvenan fully coiujwU-Kt lor Hie
|msit!on, ftiid who luis tho coulidence of this
. Fi-l.t.x Cortot. xoApor of tho city nt Macon.
8. T. Coi.eman.A Co., wholesale dry goods.
Cuitord AN-nuftior, Att'y-liencraf State of Ga
GEoroe T. Hog Kits' Sons, wholesale grocer*,
.long C. Cnu>, rraddent Exchange Bank.
-AT. Kimuxi Co., wholesale dry good*.
. JZQl'Ks A Joiinso:-’, wholesale groc- rs.
CAKHAirr & Ct iui. hardware merchants.
lI.-C. kl.ANist Sov.bankers
8. i-u A San, wholesale dry good*.
-Gao. 8. OitKAK, merekant, and patron of the
I. -C.PLANT, l*rcs. FiratNationalBankof Macou
J. AV. ItiiLKK.t Co.. | rjntcrs and puhlishen.
IlMirv L. Jewett. l*res. Capital flank of Macon
-11. V. & C. U. WiLUNGiun & Co., cotton wure-
P_ F. Lawton, banker.
J. K. Jones, fresident Central Georgia Rank.
J. F.,Uanson. Agent llihb Manufacturing Co.
K. K. Hines, attorney at Jaw.
Singleton, IIuntA Co., wholesale shoes A- hats.
I.AMAK. hvNKiN.t I.amap. wholesaledni^gisla.
James {l.slAXnitu, rectifier and merchant.
Students Can Enter at any Time.
J*®"CIrcuJ»js sent free.
Add tins Eod-offlce box 123, Macon, Ga.
Ditaon i (2>. publish a verj' delightful series
of standard aud ,uew books, designed to gtvc,
iu an attractive literary form, all needed in
formation about musical history and some nor-
tlons of (he study of w nsic. ’
Town Libraries
nity by adding Huge book* to tbeir lists.
Is remcmliered in the Jliographii-al
Komanec “UEETHOVKN” (•
Fw*-«r<lt'te jyaiorlrlf. KOBMIfC koiaaiuie “IIKETIIOVKX" ( I.fiOl.aud
od»ion 0 rtoBrouinVRron-
C/.«” fvr tbo relief of cuuglts, Th*|*||. rs OF MKSDEI^SOHN (fvola,cach
, — IM UKUn«i TO; MOZART (2 roli, cacti 81.50)
—let us into Ibeiimer lfto of thc great masters.
IDC UVfo J»! M), of GOTT8HALK (150). of
1 HEREBY give notice that thirty day
ifter date I will apply to the mayor and
council of the city of Macon for a deed to-
a permanent encroachment of 95 feet
in front rey lots on Wharf street, between
Sixth ana .Seventh, as per plat,.end appli
cation now on file in t&e the city clerk’s of
fee. J. h. ELLIS.
February OX, 1882.—£2dlawtw
Popular Monthly Drawing of the
In the (hty of Louisville on
Those drawing? occur monthly(Holiday*e
excepted) under provisions of an‘act of the
General Assembly of Kfctccky
The UnitedVjintos Circuit Court, on Mutch
31, rendered tho following decisions:
1st—That the Commonwealth Distribu
tion Company is legal.
2d—Its drawings are fair.
N. B.—The company has now on hand a
large reserve fund. Read carefully the list
of prizes tor Die
1 Prize $ SO.OCO
1 Prize IO.OCO
I Prize. c oco
10 Prizes $1,000 each. 10,001
2J Frizes COO each. 10,000
100 Prizes ICO each 10,000
200 Frizes GO each ; 10,90G
600 Frizes 20 each 12,000
1,000 Prizes 10 each 10,000
9 Frizes 300 each, an'rox prizes 2,700
9 Frizes 200 each do do 1,800
9 Frizes 100 each do do SCO
Half Tickets, $1.
65 Tickets, $10).
1,9G0 Prizes
'iVhole Tit
27 Tickets,)
nit Money or Bank , u u»u:v,
or send by Express. DON’T SEND F i
FICE ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward,
by Express, can bo 60nt at our expense.
Add roes all orders to
.Courier-Journal, Louisville, K
or-same person Broadway. N t.
tUndmg here Im*vd cured. Intl^re-i, «• *!ron* k,
h .uitAetficaiy.tiiat f>'0 KorfUtfe
f'KiC K, lo»«lher with * VA"i/tJLATlSK
tbudyiWMloMf ntfenr. tir' u
*» “■ ~ ■
HANDEL (83), of ROSSINI (ft 75). of ScllU^
MANN (81 50k of VON 1VEBKK (3 vol*. each
M 50) and of MENDELSSOHN <81 50). ari Han-
dkr<l. exceedingly well written aud very reada
ble books.
’of CURR^lTlfis'8P
MLSIC’ til), a fine entertaftimem. Urbluo’a
BiograpliireJ Skrtche* o» Eminent Coinpotera
f'l 75), ineltuL-s the history of come hundred*
of notabilities.
Tn fiJiilraollfi’gi2 M ; Ar ‘ philosophy ( iso),
IQ s Pa-,!* * “Voter xi a Musical In-
strnmeut (*.0 cents), sndSiebt.’ji “Art of Sing
ing (50 cent*), wc ban; most direction* for the
pare and training of th* voice.
OLIVER DITSOir & CO.. Boston.
O, H. DITBON A CO . 843 Broadway N. Y.
HrorrilfK A^llinin
and Ih'RfnuM cvrrd a
yuxrhnu.r A;r"LtJiHi»rove nlact*.
_ . n>frtair.»do in r/ift thro | v \
rcA^f*n’i»VT>nc;erf»i! r**r«>-rr*****rw/jrs'id J!nc
Ifr£j# lunn: yulat.ujSt
I S HEREBY g'vcn that one month after
this date, Eva Harris, wito of Jacob Har
ris, of Macon, Bibb county, Ga., will actos
n free Under Irisart city, the consent of liar
said husband having thereto been obtained,
an evidenced-by his signature to this notice.
febS2wlawlw EVA HARRIS.
local uvaixeas.
Hr*. Jf.f. * W. B. llolnte*. VcMtlat*.
No. W Mulberry street, Macon, Georgia.
•Teeth -extracted without pain, beautiful
setrdf teeth inserted, abscessed teeth and
diseased gums cured. Dealora in all kinds
of dental material snd instruments. Con
stantly on hand, n largo and full assort
ment of teeth of all kinds, amalgams cf oil
kinds, rubbers of all kinds.
D*aUstqr~Dr. 8. B. BnrfieM
No. 90 Mulberry street, Macon, Georgia
office honr»L-8 a. m. to G p. m. aug'JL'tf
MAGUN, March 23.1S82.
Georgia6percent bonds, do lbt£Uf»)4&lU%
Georgia 6 per cenu bonds, lold) " ...1U0 Wtuv
Georgia 7 percent bonds (mortgage my&UO'A
Georgia 7 per cent bonds (gold
quartcreoupons)— „
Georgia 7 per cent bonds, due 18U0- XU f».126
Georgia S per cent bonds.. 113 <gl 15
Norm eastern railroad bends (lnd’d) US
Central It It joint mart 7per cent 113
Georgia (i per cent bonds—107
Western K. K. of Ain., Ix mortgage US
Western It It of Ala., 2d mortgage US
Mobile and Girard railroad, fmoct.) 117 _
Montgomery and Eufaula lot mort
gage. iud's'd by C. and 8. W. ItR 195 #107
Atlantic aud Gulf railroad, consoli
dated mortgage 110 riel 15
City of Macon bonds — 101 «»1Q*
City of Savannah bond*. 87 (f 88
City of AllnuLnG per cent bonds.... too @HE2
City of Augujga 0 per cent bonds... 106 ®l#d
Southwestern railroad stock. 118 tfl-M
Central railroad stock. 115 (ft 120
Central railroad ncrip 00 @ 03
Augusta and Savannah U. It stock 118 (ftl'to
Georgia railroad stock 1G6 fcyKi< j-f
X-irkets by Telejcrsph.]
NEW YORK, March 32.—Noon-Stock*
strong. Money C. Exchange—long 14.85)4;
short »4.8a. Suite bonds unchanged. Govern
ment securities irregular.
NEW YORK—Evening—Exchange 81.85)4.
Government securities—5s % lower; new »
Sub-treasury boiauees: Coin, Did,402,000; cur-
Tlie Slowing ore the closing quotations:
Ala. State bond*: Deferred 13
a A*m* Express 141
American Exp— 83
Class A, 2 to 5 81)4
~ ‘ small
Class A, smalL... 83
Chicago «tNorth.l32
do. prcfcrred..l41
Erie. 87)4
East Tenn It «... 13.
Georgia railroad.lCj
lUlnota Central... 106)4
Lake Shore 118
Louisvlc & Nash 70)4
Memp's <k Cliar. 83
Nash, and Chat 61
New York Ccn’L133J4
Pittsburgh 136
KJclnu’d & Alle. 23)4
Rich, and Dan.183
Rock blond 1X2%
W. St L. and i*. 35)4
Georgia 6s. 105
Ga. 7s mortgage.108
Go. do, gold 116
Lo. censol* 61)4
N. Carolina. 28
N. Carolina, new 18
Funding..™....... 10
Special Tex....
Tenn: new.
Virginia fe
& Ohio:. spa
jo A Alton.. 131
C. St.L.<tN. O..... 70
Consold'd coal SO
Del. L. * W. 122
Fort Wayne 132)4
Han. & St Joe-... 00
Harlem —200
Houston & Texas—68
Man. Elevated 51)4
Met Elevated.. 89
Mich. Central 8®4
Mobile & Ohio...... 25)4
N. J. Central 83)4
Nrfk& W. prf....„ 51
N. Y. Elevated 105
Ohio & Miss 31)4
do. preferred 1W
Pacific Mail 42)4
Panama 190
Quicksilver... 11)4
do preferred... 56
Reading. 60
St L. J; Tan P -40
do preferred...- 53)4
do 1st prefd.— ‘JO
8tPaut 114
do preferred...123
Texas Pacific 45)4
Union Racine- :11454
D. 8. Express.. 74)4
Wells d: Fargo -128
BX #
T-ELEQKAPn ago Mecsenokb.
MACON, Match 22.—Evening.
Gottso quiet Good middling 11)4: mid-
good ordinary
Sf - ••
” hy wagon..
Stoek oo hand September 1,1681. 1,3S7
Received today................... 352
previously.......——— 57,123—57,475
Shipped to-day.....—
The only known Specific Remedy for Epi
leptic Fits.
Cures Epileptic FiU, Spasms. Convulsions, St.
Vitus Dtnce, Vertigo, Hysterics, Insanity, Apo-
plexv, Piir*lysi->, Illieumatism, Neuralgia, and
nil Nervous Disease*. This infallible remedy
will jKisilively eradicate every species of Ner
vous Derangement, and drive them away from
whence they came, never to return again. It
utterly destroys the germs of disease by neutral
izing the hereditary taint or poison in the system,
and thoroughly eradicates the disease, aud ut
terly destroys the cause.
■ Late of Philadelphia City,
■\Ylthnn experience of 16 years treating
chronic disease by tho old system, will in
troduce this now method of treating chron
ic diseases by giving
Trial Baths'Free,
Thursday and Friday, Feb. 16 & 17.
That the afflicted may test it« merits. Pa
tients ncediog a course of treatment will
require from one to three weeks’ time, ac
cording to nataro of disease
Dr. Migrath uses but little medicino with
this treatmant. The Electro-Therapeutic
Bath nnd Electricity does what heretofore
was claimed for medicine alone.
A competent lady matron will Attend
female pationts.
Office hours from S a. m. to 9 p. in. Con
sultation freo and strictly confidential.
_M 27, convenient lo parlor,
itiocal Hotel, Macon, Qa.
la especially adapted to and is a positive
«ure tor Rheamatism. Nenralgis, Sciatica,
Piiralysif, Inrapient Consumption, und nil
Nervoas^ Female Diseases
The following diseases have been cured
by this Bath with a few treatments—in
many cares one course is all that is requir
ed: Dropey, Liver and Kidney Complaints,
Diabetes, Erysipelae, Bore Ey*s, Scrofu
lous afflictions of every form And character,
Spawns, Piles, Fever Sores, Pains, Aches,
Cures Female Weakness. General Debilty, Leu-
corrboea or Whites, Painful Menstruation,
Ulceration of the Uterus. Internal Heat, Gravel,
Inflammation of the Bladder, Irritability of the
Bladder. For Wakefulness at night, there Is
no better remedy. During the change of life no
Female should be without It. It quiets the Ner
vous System, and gives rest, comfort, and satnb'q
jw«t sleep,
, Drunkenness and the habit of
Pf DranBI
Opium Eating. These degrading habits are by
far the worst evils that have ever befallen suffer-1
lug humanity. Thousands die annually from
tbese noxious drugs. The drunkard drinks
liquor uotbecaueo he likes It, but for the pleas
ure of drinking and treating his friends, little
thinking that he Is on his road to ruin. Like
the Opium Eater, he first uses thadrngln small
quantities ns a harmless antidote. The soothing
influence of the drug lakes strong bold upon its
victim, leading him on to his own destruction.
The habits of Opium Eating and Liquor Drink-
lug are precisely what eating is to allmentiTe-
ness, as over-eating first inflamss the atomsch,
which redoables Its cravings until It paralyzes
both the stomach and appetite. Soererydrinlc of I
JL/UwHI*rPy CaUlBBl It DOAUD.-n AUlOlt; AJUiltf
and Heart Diseases, Strietire, Gravel,
Gont, etc. Patients from the Hot Springs
are especially adapted to this treatment.
Ho Shcoa, but a fleas suit Yltalixinsr
SeniatjpB Imparted to
the Patient
For a weak and debilitated constitution
its vitalizing and tonic effect is wonderful.
It improves the complexion, promotes Nu
trition and Digestion, removes Consli; a-
tion, and while removing .ill Oppression of
the system, o veroomes Depression and Ex
haustion. It purifies the blood, removes
malaria and prevents Typhoid condition-!.
It is a tonio sweat, cleansing the system
intern «Uyand exterally. .ebl6*3tn
ous tape-worm, It cries ’'Gire, Rive, give !”
rapacity <
never 'enough' untll_ Its own Fapacfty devours
Itsetr. Samaritan Nervine gives InaUnt relief
It produces sleep, quiets the
In all such „ r ,
nerves, builds up the nervous eystem, and re
stores body and mind to a healthy condition.
Cures Nervous Dyspepsia, Palpitation of tha
Heart, Asthma, Bronchitis, Scrofula, Syphilis,
diseases or the Kidueys and all diseases of tbe
Urinary Organs. Nervous Debility, cansed by
the Indiscretions or youth, permanently cured
by the use of this invaluable remedy. To you,
young, middle-aged, and old men, who ore cover
ing your sufferings as with a mantle by silence,
look up, you can be saved by timely effort*,
aud mako ornaments to tociefy, and jewel* in
the crown of your Maker, if yon will. Do not
keep this a secret longer, until it saps your
vitals, aud destroys both body and soul. If yon
are thus afflicted, take Da. Richmond's Samar
itan Nervixe. It will restore your shattered
nerves, arrest premature decay, and Impart tone
aud energy to tha whole System.
Stock on hand this evening- — 6,395
Cation Markets by Telegraph.
LIVERPOOL, March 22.—Noon -Cotton mar- I further evldehoo of the curative properties
' ‘ - - — iclose a 3-c
Is for sale by druggists everywhere, or may bo
bad direct from us. Those who wish to obtain
tet steady; middling uplands 6 11-16; mid- bamarit: — .
dllng Orleans 6%; sales 12,000; (peculation and P° ,ta S® *btmp for * copy of our Illustrated
export 1.U09: receipts 10,000; American 9,000. I Journal of HeaUh, giving hundreds of testimo-
Futures-Kinn; uplands low mhldlingclnusc, “
arch C4t >620(6 42-64: March and April 6 41-61
March 6 4t*6C£M> 42-61: Marcli anil Api
&0 42-64; April and May 6«-64@« 4!b64: iiuy
and June 646-6lt;i6 49-64; June and July 6 52-61
@6 53-64: August and September 6 60 64.
LIVERPOOL—1:00 p. m —Sales, American, 8,-
,71-t; nphtnds, tew middling cluute. July and
Aygust 6 57-61: September nnd October 6 49-61.
LIVERPOOL—gk(X) p. m.—Uplands, iowtnfd-
dlivgclause, Jitw anti July 6 54-61^46 53-65; Au
gust and SeptemDcr 6 61-64@6 60-61. Futarcs
closed dull and easier.
NEW YORK. March 22.—Noon—Cotton quiet;
sales Ota; middling upland* 12 3-16; middling
Orleans 127-16.
Future* steady; felt 12.12: April 12.20; May
12.39: Juam 12.57; July 12.74; August 12.88.
NEW YORK—Evening—Net receipts 110;
gross 6966. Futures (doted dull; sales 60,000.
as follows;
March.UjU9<312. 10
April- -„fci.4*5U2.K
t nials of cure from persons who have used the
medicine. and also their pictures photographed
after their restoration to perfect health.
World’s Zpileptio Institute,
iMay 12,24^12.351
June 12.5K-G2.5I
July I.....12.72^?12.72]
I August. l-2A5e.12.86
dliag lStow middl
Septembei -12.4t(,
October 11.73A11.74
January @
_ . 22.—cotton iiu'iet: mid
dliag 12; loir middling 11)4; good ordina
ry 11; net receipt* 614; gross —; sales 283;
stock 50.142.
NORFOLK, March 22.-Cotton quiet; middling
12; net receipts 2280; gross ; sales 415;
stock 48,239.
BALTIMORE, March 22.—Cotton stcailv: mid
dttug 12)4: low middling 11 “4; good ordinary
K>)4: net receipts 48; gross 603; sales 5g0; stock
BOSTON, March 22.—Cotton steady: middling
12)4; low middling 11^ good ordinary 11;
net receipts 1601; gross
sales none;.stock
„ Goons.—Market llrm. Print*—standard
6(36)4c.lowe r grade* 4)405toe. solids 5)4c. Tick-
8c« a eight oz. 10c. Sheenngs—standard
United States Marshal Sale.
D' \IBTUEofa writ of fieri facias Issued
out of the Circuit Court of the United States for
the western divlriuu southern district ofGcor-
favor of the plaintiff, in the following
_**«*““*Co- '•*- Hanry R. Wimlwriy,
ri A D ’ W . lm . bc . r,jr ’ Jr ” Caroline M. IVim-
.! y ; I have levied n;>on a* tho property of
rold defendant. Caroline M. Wimberly, n tract
6f land situated in the county of Twins, in the
State of Georgia, known ns the "Graddy place,’’
containing About twenty-one hundred (2,10-1)
,, Provisions.—The market ts active. Bacon—
»•Bacon—shonlders none D.
S - shoulders 8. Boston bellies,
hams U 14 n VVcstcru hams * 13J * Xtw York P'«
Lard.—Market very firm. Choice leaf, in
Heroes, t2%<ai3; tubs, 13)4. N. Y. Refined In
tierce, 13; tubs, 13)4.
. FL0, %-r? te ; k « 3-cry firm: finest patent, 19.50;
fancy. 88.50; choice family, 18.00; extra family,
17.75; family, 17.00; buckwheat, S10.50. Wheat
bran, per cwL *1.30.
CoFiTE-XUrltet qniet with good demand
raMo: g': ^ e »iSh.-.f Str ' 12: oral
MoLAffira and Syri-p.—Cuoa mclasscs, 50;
S good, 55; honey driits, 50: Georgia syrup, 55.
alt.—Liverpool, tl.lft Virginia Sl.2iayi.50.
^EnL-tTs-Apples, $5.00. Oranges, per 100
rahfns tfSa"*’ Pet bcX ’ W ‘ 0<) ^° ndon kyer
Iatsil f-OTATOES—Eastern accdllng-Srarltct
active: demand pood. Early Rose SI.75; Good-
loh W -;>: Peerless $4.50; Sr.ow Flake *4.75:
Burbanks *4.75; Pink Eye
*5.00: White Rose *4.75.
, 1 m ?tkerel. haU bbls. ,*7.00; do
kitsrSl.OO: No. 2 do., hlflf bbls., 85.75; kits, 65c.;
No. 3. half barrels, 85.50: kits. 60c.
Scoars—Market firm with good demand.
Granulated. 10)41ttondanl A. 10)4 white extra
fr 1°: « tr « c, golden C, 8% N. O. white
UB4 N..O. yellow clarified, 9)4.
MisczLLASEocA-Candy, 13c. Pickles, pints
*1.50, per quarts, 82.25. Starch 5)4c. per lb.
Bws w *sf«L®aa
unwashed, free from burrs. 20Jt23;
burry, 10j,is. Tallow. 5)4ho. Wax, 18.
Gn.UK and IIay.—Market very firm. White
com. >■ L04;t.used corn, 96. Feed oats, 65; rust
proof oaK S12K). Rye, 81.75. Western tlmotliv
, 5 i’ ? 7,' f : ,. c ^ o r lfia kay, 81.W. Com meal,
plain 81; bolteyl. *1.05.
Hardwabx—Marks* good, noiseshocs 8600
»m« to Mijr safferBr. Oi%« K^prarsa^j P.0.4d »,.»Korit for JUiiro rifpl'
vs T,^no9vn.mfmntiCvmCi-woB *•••
United State* Marshal Sale.
BY virtue of a writ of fieri ft tins issued out of
the District Court ot> the United States for tho
southern district of Georgia in lavor of Die
plaintiff'in the following ease:
Johnston Bros. & Co. et at. vs. W. B. Tarver
ii Bn>. I have this day levied the within ri. fa.
on the following denrrilied property, to-wit:
The lauds and premises situated, lying and Ijc-
Ing in the comity of Twiggs in the State of
Georgia. Uuit is to say the “Houston place,” a
S imitation containing about twenty-six him-
red acres, nnd composed of faints bought from
Houston Sfapiiy and Bunn; also the three plan-
iatiousor tracts of land known er described os
the “Home or Tarrenrilie place,” the “Jordan
place” and tiie “Smith Hill place,” said three
several plantations or tracts of land containing
in all about nine thousand nine hundred acres;
also the tract of laud known as the “Frederick
plnco,” containing about twenty-two hundred
[•J,20U) acres; also the plantation or tract of land
known as the “Mill place;” containing about
twenty-six hundred (2,600) acres; nil of which
said lands and pan-eis of lands were In the pos
session and control of W. R. Tarver ii Brothers
ns writ on the fifth dpy of May, 1880, as on me
first day at November. 1872, as In the 11. fa. set
out. Levied on as the property of said W. a
Tarver A Brothers, the defendants In fl. fa.,
this sixth day of February. 1882, and will sell
the same at public auction, liefore the United
States court house dona in the city of Macon,
on the first Tuesday In March next, within the
legal hours of sale.
Tlio above sale is postponed until the first
Tuesday in May, 1882, ut same time and same
„ _ _ , l*er E. F. Clark; Deputy.
Macon, Ga., Feb. 6,1882. mrMustd
Ludden & Bates'
@OtttlicHi Musics H«nse.
and PACKiNG, OILS, PUN-- 3 -
•ENG1NE GOVERNORS, &c. Sf - v to
'Price-list. W. H. DILLING1-L2 ’/■ i m
421 Main Street, LOUISVILLE,^-
-Gold, Silver Nicfce* ;
atrada esrtly l:?r %sd, cc»4« SlUfe l>* vAa
lb* Etectro-l’i>v> is* .ian'c, a VS cf - '*,-4
and Silver, swJllt wto lUk* t».« fe t- ■
te— oatCUJrem^re J ....... .
end kind*. Rw
•Iscs with enamele-. reft.-rv.-drs. A-lmaeff gnl
requirements, and priced to suit a.l pixsc.
Do-abJo Wood Doors, IVtcnWYc d QPO. Att-
Long Gross Piece, Double Short Centers
My Ogwsst. niumjnafad Fire DowCa&sS
Finish. *s£ hr.
•*0. J. OBEAR,
&HE tndte^ t<LBa ’
1EAR, 82 Citct^r ■Street, h aoJk.
The Music House & F G South
Wholesale Southern Distributing Depot
. — rouniH— -
Cliickering, Knskh & Bacli, Mathuslick,
Arion and Southern Gem Pianos,
Mason & Hamlin and Slioninger Organs.
Seven Toadies Makers of the World.
800 Finest Instrument* in Stock.
BedBock Price* for cask or on Time.
One Uniform Price, and tkat the
The Only Piano and Organ House in America
Ming on the One Price Plan.
Lowest prices printed in plaiu figures.
One price to all. No deviation. No over-
xharging. Prices fixed at Ihe smallest per
centage above «os* that will give a living
profit. Tho poor negro in 'Texas buys an
low by letter as The Savannah millionaire
who comes in person. No aoiaMf resenfn
tion. No exaggeration. No deception or
trickery. No pretensions to be manufac
turers when wo are not No competition
with cheap makers. Non-j bat standard
instruments, from reliablo makers, sold.
This, onr policy tor ten years postjwiil be
adhered to in the future. Square trnue tor
no, first, last and always.
BesFInsTrumenls for Least Muncy,
VTilltft ra.JUj • toev*i awanll—
« o-vtarll, It ml>hn flvt r»!«wr4 maim
itwat SOtMH. mm| full 4Mcvlptf'«*. »rt.wo PtwI.CMhuAr
;JthllacUMwirilnofVscHtUsi;m s<J..rnkarkv
I n.M Tm* ) Hr. hnliakl* U all. .V»fWwrfi.ii «*Ai
«“lll lw imirt rHlaMc % ** ~
r+rmt la a wanner dtK&ic w: wal^ftj^fda'JjLaXwkj
I'aukri, Tim Vr-.eo ar.<! I'tntrt (*\r■'.»*< . A :•!*>«,
B. H. FEES/ &C(L. Detrjtt.1
ON 30 DAYS’ TSiSli
Wz Wru, Eknd on THIRTY Days' Tten
Dr. Eye’s Electro Voltaic "Bttix,
Suspensories, and other Electric *
anc»s TO MEN suffering fictn
Debility, Lost Vitality, etc, sp
storing Health and Manhood.
Rbenmntiaai, Paralysis, Livcr nnd'K Vanaf
Troubles and many other diseases.' SXsro.
(rated pair pblet free. Address
correct rmm
It you want the Best Time Keeper forth I M.u-yfflrtt
can be bought anywhere in the "ft
Lancaster Wa*<sh
Sold by Jeweler* tlirooghcut the United r
x6 grades are not the lowest in |
the money. AH Quick-Train {
Established 1874. Ask for the L.
Will mall FREE tlictr Cat»-
Ingue for 1882, ron'.i.f-ret »
fail descriptive Price,-off
Flower, Field and Garden
Limited Copartnership.
VOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned
i.5 on the 15th day of January, 1S82, entered
into a limited copartnership, under the laws of
Georgia, to be conducted under tbe following
provisions, to-wit:
1st. Tbe name of the firm under which such
copartnership is to be conducted shall be W.
A. Doody, which aloue is to be used in its deal
ad. The nature of the business is to be that of
retail dealers in dry goods, notions, boounshoce,
hats and such like articles, the same to be car
ried otf in the city of Macon, Georgia. Capital
stock of said linn will be 825,000.
3d. JV. A. Doody is to be the general partner
and J. Dannenbcrg a special partner, and J.
Danncnbcrg as such special part tier has actual
ly and in good faith paid In anti contributed to
the common stock of such firm 812,500. which is
to be the extent and limit of his liability. The
partnership I* to expire on tbe 154h day of Jan
uary, 18f 5. unless sooner dissolved by mutual
consent in the manner prescribed by taw.
, - - _ . J. DANNENBERG.
Macon, Ga.. Feb. 22.1882. 20-llawCw
ney H. Boynton lias applied forexemption
orpersonalty and Setting'apart and valuation
of homestead, nnd I will pass upon the same at
10 o'clock a. in., 011 the 10th day of April. 1882,
at my office. J. A. McMANUS.
marl9wtU° Ordinary.
A gents wantedat^once for The
best and newest books. Figp-.y. Ad
dress W. E. THOMPSON, 78)* Whitehall
s'reet, Atlanta, Ga. mariSdaw t
Terrible Lom of I.lle.
MlUIons.oftats, mice, cats, bed-bugs,
roaches, lose their lives by collision with
‘•Rough on Rats.” hold by diusgist*.
■enU. inn 14-il v
Fcr E. jf, Clark. Deputy.
Dated Macon, Ge., M
, - —:. per I
iron 5?s «',4e. r-cr 15; refine 3)4Q4c. perfl). Plow
steel.>)..,.• i,er 18. Nails*;!.®—base of l(>p. Pow
der 96.ID per keg. Blasting powder *4.0U. Lead
8c. jeer fl-. Drop shot S2.0U per bag.
h UtTAC'.t {.• WHISIt**.
5here are cheaper instruments than outs,
but none ai good tor tho money. Buyers
in any part of tho South will save money
by ordering from ns. We aro Manufactur
ers’ Distributing Agents to; the Sontb, and
place moro instruments yearly than all
other Southern Dealers combined. Baying
from us is buying direct from tho Manu
facturers, and secures Factory Bates to the
5000 InstrumentB tor i&bg
Under contract, anil must be solo, few
Catalogues and Price Lists ready. Special
freight rate*' secured. Fifteen days Ttst
Trial Every concession, every inducement
that can bo offered by honest dealers who
intend to keep their promises. Luddcn &
Boses are right np with tlio times, and in
tho front rank. None can underbuy them;
none can undersell them.
White us ir vou want an Instbument.
LUDDEN & BATES, Savannah, Ga.
produce a safe and quick delivery—ono that
will control Daln and shorten the duration of
tabor. Such fa “THE Motiikb's IUxief.” Try
it and see what
A blessing it is to Suffering Females,
This Liniment when used two or three weeks
before confinement produces s wonderful ef
fect, causing a very easy and quick tabor, with
comparatively little pun, and leaves the moth
er in a condition to recover quickly—or in oth
er words to have a good getting up. Under its
use, tabor will ordinarily occupy much loss
than the usual time, slid the suffering bedlmin
felted beyond expression.
The condition Tor which this remedy is of
fered is of such a character os to forbid a long
array of certificates. Those interested ia its
use arc TespcctfuUy referred to the hundreds
who have used It.
Ii must earnestly entreat every female expect
ing to be confined to use “The Morata’s Rt>
ukf." Coupled with the entreaty, I will add
that during a targe obstetrical practice (forty-
four years), I- have never known it to tail to
produce a safe and quick delivery.
[_ U. J. HOLMES, M. D., Atlanta, Go.
A tady from one of the counties of middle
Georgia, who has been acting as midwife for
many years, writes: “I have disposed ofal
The Monnat’s you sent me, and I am
tiEUGitTED wmi it. In every instance w here it
lias been used Us effects have been all that 1
could ask. I coxsideb rr a great blessing.”
A gentleman writes: “Mf wife used your
Mother's Relief at her fourth confinement,
• id her testimony is- that she passed through it
with one half of the suffering of either of her
former confinements, and recovered from it in
much less time. She also recommended it to n
lady friend who wa* about to be confined for
the fi*>t time, and she says: *1 have yens
The names of all those, and many others, can
be had by calling at my office.
Haring had the foregoing remedy Thorough-
t.y Tiimkd in Atlanta und vicinity, I now offer
it t" my jmtrons «s iMusso.^ing superior merits.
I am permitted aJpo to refer to the following
well-known citizens of Atlanta: C S. Newton,
William M. Crumley. Jr.. W. A. Gregg aud I).
Ikiinrallof whom are ready to teatiiy to the
merits of the preparation.
I Tice, S1..V) rter bottle.
1‘rep.ireti by J. llKADFIELD, Sole Prop’r.
Atlanta, Ga.
For sale everywhere by Druggists and coun-
ry merchants. marjwedtkw
Bulbs, OrtmrstOntal firinrf.
and Imiuortelles, Gladiolus
Idlica, Boses, Plants, Ganka
Implements. Beautifully Rlu-
trated. Over200pages. Addsoi
179-183 East Main St. 200-205
13 Faneuil Hail Square,
—ACEST3 for—
w. & C. Scott & Sons"
Furnished Ly is to Bognr)cs (who
one over 00,000 times), Miles JohnsorcaraSI
most the clubs. Also, Colt’s sadettar
makes. Novr on hand t-omo domsaBdiaai
second hand ones, very low. Home o4*SMk.
tet grades. Fend afomn farrimihre
i> in Sheep, Russia and Turkey ,
r OICTJ0VA/}y*
j£0/Tl0Jt i
Now Edition o£ WEBSTER Kd
118,000 Words, 3000 Engrarin
4600 Now Words & Id cartings, i
Biographical Dictionut
of over feTOD Nt-.mes.
Get the SiaudorL ^
rfWTTTl S: ! in tha
ns tho silo of nnr other
"QTCrU^d in e Family-, iobefatej 'Z.
jL9JLti731‘, :: ■
I!o«t aM r r TKACIEtXtt -mg
dT-l^lT Most acceptable to Pi
VTAJl A cn*. Teacher, Child,
for HolidayBirthday, 5 VJ ion
or any other occasion.
BobU-hktiby Q.&C. MERfirtM. epringtwkc, 'Saas.
Crawford Counlv Sheriff s Bala.
Ufold before Uie court house door in e-ratn
of Knoxville, in said county, on the first Tvw>
day in April next, within the !cgai'i<.>u»>at'
sale, tiie following described property, vfcr
i >::e hundred one and ono-fourth (lrtVi nt
of land, the asme lieing the south halfsff *s:
number fifty-seven (57), in the lintdtatrasM
originally Houston now Crawford eocatr,«o«<
known a* tho .Simon Johnson ptaoe.
on as the property <-f Simon Johnsnak>w
a justiec court fi. fi. issued from tht ;-eriwe
court of 494 tit district G. M. in favorwi
Danlelly v*. said Simon Johnson. Levyjsste.
and returned to me by lVm. Reeves, t
Tenant in possession notified. lTcj-.-nj ta2»>
ed out by plaintiff’s attorney.
Also, at the same time aud place, t ar
horse wagon. Levied on f* the propc-ti
lumbus Jefferson tn satisfy * fl.L>.-o r.sau
the county court of said ci--nty, in Ii ■
B. Ilrown vs. Columbus Jcffenoiu
Also, at the same time aud place, one ttQf
amt harness. Levied on «* the )'.'>r«-r!r '*«<
F. Taylor to satisfy a fl. fa. issued :rea -2r-
countv court of .-aid county in favor 0*fe**ra
w Newsom vs. J. F. Taylor, prim ijeil. * - - t ib
I’nr-ons M-euritv.
Also, at the mids tinn' and place ft; < .me-
number fifty-five, in the - ventli Cr-v- w. «.*
Crawford count)*. L- on tin 3
Samnci If. lbi rkins to su>:y u tax 2. iftsa
Samuel II. ifawkins. ! - v\ •««•!« by rt. ft