Newspaper Page Text
Qlcracgia UPeisgjc&pfji *mJti Jbsuctr^l & Ufejssamge*:.
Vinam^Iluil 1*8. -In fWtautt,
Mr. Windoin, from thl commitlf* ©n for-
eisn relations, repotted adversely ifeeSen-
ato m in relation totho Venexuoia'&ward.
Indefinitely fcfo ■ tponed.
Mr. Georije, from tie eotninittcc on ngri-
euttoro,fee ported, as a substitute tor several
measnves before that, an orig-
is at bill to eon'tittrto the ^Department of
AiNttenlUre an eweafivo 'department aa<l
■'■!•• Enlarge its pavers Sdi duties. Gaktr-
On motion of Mr.-Kdllogg.tho Secrslaty
The remaining portion it ns follows
“By ICio by, I wbr rpon tfcj jraint of
x>I War was diree* :d tr transmit infbrma-t writing-yon a let'er this very day upon a
|Mt to fllibns^-rin^taoUcs.Tba Senate ad- navigation of said rivets in accordance
{onmed without final action. Thovotewas w ill plans recommeaded by raid commis-
strictly a party oao except that Sena r *ior: anil said *j: lot $G,t j.CJis hereby
Dxvis. of Illinois, united with the Demo- • appropriated out of r>y money in tho
crata in voting aga ; n t Cooper’s confirms- , treasury not visa appropriated for
lion, ar.d Oameron, of Pa., and I »gao, did’ lb* pa rpnesa'oro?,td-andso inooU V ->reoF
not vote wi‘h* »eRepnWicans. but werenn- ! «a the Secretory of War may determine •
denhmd to to paired with each other, til* | be necessary is tonx-by made immediately
thoagh ia what manner was not sta' d. | available, pro,filed iimt no pact ot w’d
1 Lettf i raoM EEKWdTEi. | a.’.n he am »». »’». in -d shall i» need in
A Jong letter fiom Attornty-Gatrshal , or ivpni-’ . o(
Rrewster to Dallas Saunders, ass'Mnot I •e^eafors'mp^.pGoeofprevenvmgltUJry
United States district attorney at Charles- lUrtsoyote-Jovorfor »ny t»het ».'r-
too, *? publish :d, with Mr. Saonrle-n'raply. ^bt.e. -r, e- set rs awes us of dtem-
Ths first paragraph commends Stuniera | f7‘“S «* or «*
for Vie part be basso far taken in the cares j . c f f ~ '."! l S ew> J ? 3 tJ f ofefa i
Hey which kvs was sent from FMtadelnhta. I °l , E?,'J*** 1 v **** such ill and
rtion & RS follows: r^. JauOus m me,’ we nr raraa r to >,eca e
**» docs and eooremtjr' e .Mtdi..’ eoJ
rpersotts. Such prosecutions>1 will no*.
con«iiler >»n heir.’’ tho*# tlmt-yistico : rc-j
instituted and .1 ursu&d. Tfce
—\ <y ? n 1 31< £^ ^ ^ criminal coart house fthonla'wot be toot}
‘ 9fl ' blll -^ t 'onlyKellie panisbment of .the obscure; it
■ mint dot l>e the jioor maii’scoart hocsel
A'.', wtoc violate tbo U»v. anil erpeci.dlv the
fimitafc ental law. stcr.i ns in* right of ?»(-
frajjo. must ho u.hdo to be! -thoten* s of
tluU.iaw. Tliusibuseof the light of suf
frage such nsi> dhtergedtobave-bewi i*r-
tion of the ntooout.'of supplies, tertts end
• •-•an sport alien fdrtfished by hi* wteftadh.
ment to the several States Tor tha relief v>(
sufferers hy the fPssiasipyl ovw'Jlrtw. and
wuat farther supplies will be noce-Ttry, aw estimuto ef their cost.
Mr. Morgan chlled no his pending con
current resolat'on dec’nring for % : recil>-
rocitv treaty 'With Mexico. Mr. Sherman,
said there was opposition on'both'sidesdf
the CharoberHo all reciprowy't.-ejitir- not
moved thb 'reference of the 'frsolntion to
the committee on foreigjcelatien.i. Agreed
Tlio life Raving ser io' 'bili'V.-as a^faJti ta
ken up, fend disenssionom the ntfeodrsants
proposing new stations occupied (ho re
mainder of tho time audited' to tho calen
dar. TVo additionalsWtlbUs-prWfided for
inclndothreo on tho S6oth GaroKna coast
>near Peorgetcwn, Charfes *n and Beau
fort (inserted os motion of Mr. Hampton),
‘One near Tybeo Island/one Bear Brans-
. ’with, and one near‘il'dbabOrltlPi Island, on
lh( (icorgia cuaM M*'serteil en motion of
•Mr. Brown). The Florida Senators siioke
’hr favor of news^HbDs <te the Atlantic and |
'Gfilf coas*' of fTbrfds. Toe bill was not:'
’acted upon finally. the tariff com-,
‘mission bill casac cp, add Mr. Saotshoifi
I opened the debate ito opposition to it, fo’x-3
•lowed by Ghrlrud, Frye, Ald-ioj,.
■William- and Beck. . ’
Mr. Miller, *of New York, was awirriisd
J the floor for to-mo’rr^,' on the tariff rt-so-’
. lotion. At :i-."’TtKe’6«nate went in tor-x<w 0 -
■ tive session, WOd'Vhrja the doom were*re->
' opened adjonfnfed uh fawnorrow-
‘ 'feOUSE.
The Honse^rSet'ht 10 o’clock, in cwftiriu-
: ation of yesfarflay’s session, aod£ il.w.tcor
‘ the Chinese ■MU was r* wmni. Tu
■ Chinese debkteshisted till tb* dosir^Wed.
nesday’s sesrlbfc. After thr foriimt-openj
ingof to-day’s session,the anornWg liou?
having been dispensed with, 'tha*fH>n«tv*»
VOX, * *—“—‘
rese _
tion was ordered on Use tail and the amsadl
ments vrtUih were o«eseil bytthe vi-tiov,
Mr. Pigathen took ; <lw-floj^?ortheefies)
ing hodr of debate, tart yielded ten
ntes to‘Mr. Robiosoi, <of 'MtasnchnsAte,
and Crfrtin, of PticrmiO'rnnia. Mr. • j C»t\n
said that now Conisrefw hasnplme- fare ■ tp
face with a Fnna < 7e,.rtk<idnltRyited>qae3tion
of labor. The KOtCf t OMarte • latKM's in
California took ilhei>flace * PI 00,Cl Xtmeri-
oanlsborers, amd’-tlw-naked iqnestiar wsp
presented to Oongrass-WhSikier thu> state
of facts slioukSeoiltinne, when tbe*3>*ifij>
coast asked ttaatAtmertMnTsbof‘feb4nh<-oe
prefeired, wbilcUiav^'KtOican’peopie
inched by tbonppeal. tU’was a r i<ht
the duly of Congress to pirotcfct-Vfcnerio
citizens agnimbihe • introduction of
then Chinese Mker. Tlb*v AmcVaean-
eramenl MiodU’-t et «p fhr itsell^rad sa;
- all tlio wonld, •‘fVVe'tHwIll’ sayvwtho
• come and WMHbaU uht <’«ome-«vho
- become citbcciR.addBrho shat! -not.'
then proevathd iw etoruent twagnago t
■ pive a brief .h : story erthfr’ coU-ct of *
ainropeao anK .Indite races/urid he* >
frequently liaterojfrtrd -Witb .appbtnse
Ho bad :to ■-sneak »«rr - an<'ti
er race, the anegro •'Vnca—itwlen
from hiphtmtoin VAT iea. 1 Th n theipeo
ple of MaksaeliMettF < had•forgotten 41 e
sublime Jkculnration of tbdependsvce.
The jiecuilevwera femlliaowitt: the color id
race. Thryknewd well. -ThanegM-ea
disturb'uipatcjoaBt - in-politin wasrpaue.
When the .geurtl«Lan- fro«o - Missive >pi
(Hookesr.lvr-oko Ube’oiber'tCay, ibecntMal
and mooing »and dlasmc»hs were* tit re
marks, there wns«-mat*feJoqneace in the
wave of Jiis armlew- sleaxc, -which brought
toliiiu (Ciu(io)al:ocon«s»iontllatAmer
ica wase unit, ttndwoaltlrwriainanrit now
ard forever. -Be. protested agsinsW-om
pe liug itba ifajile of Califoi
nndergr ttbe -«*>i >cf ■ Uh<ae*f im
migration. iltnt ‘(A030 Cliinese down in
Maschr^stts>*•*displace .the enlightened
workmen of Uiateg oat State, and- u*e vio
lent e of tPuriiaa f anancisi-on would dwarf
the utterances ofrthe Sued Lotsof.Califor
nia. IawonclMiou^he stated that U would
vote fordho hiikesit stoei because it was
thought .by thearepresentatires -of the Pa
cific coast that it would rsmedy the -evils of
which they wenoiompicininu.
Aftee aibrief speech by if rJCar non, of
Illinois, in reapport of 4t*«.bi)t, Jtr. Page,
of CaUfcrnia, took tbe-ffoor M> aiose the
TlieHenee fceniA»oo»cded:43*7ote on
the amendment*. iThst.of. Mr. Kasson,
reducing thu.i e.-iod of B e sn-par don of
imiuig’idton to ten yjw«rs, ..Was r ejected.
Yens, U fc nays HU.
Mr. BulterwortVs .amondment limiting
the to m of snspension to fi fieeap srs, was
lostwilkact e_*-i!l - yea- • mil cays.
A large member of .tunundirects were
then voted tfrotf, hut were all last w ithout
a division haing caUad. Thu,bill arns then
pa-sed. Yeas- .liil: j’ay«^I.
Tho Hoiinc Ikon ad aimed.
The following is tt ewoteinideteil on the
Chinese billg IV.-u— .Ucen .Aldrirn, A. in
field, AOKns. J&ayae,-Belford- ‘Belmont,
Berry, Bingham, Blackburn. .-.HHnchard,
Bliss, Blonnt, iBretver, Brumra, Bockner,
Barrows of MiMO n ri, Bmterwjrtb, Cabell,
Caldwell, Gidkins, CmnpLell Cannon,
Cassedy, Caswell, iChaiweai. t.liapmao,
Clement*, Cobb, Converse. Cook, Cornell,
Cox of New yock.-Cox of North <Carolina,
Covingtoc, Cravens, Crlbereln, Curtin,
‘'Jarrell. Duud-ou, Davie of Illinois, Davis
_f Miweon. JJenMfte. .Dtnster,
Dezendoi f, JM-Ufr, DUMA Dowd, Ovg *.
Exentront, Ertit, J M1 0f .Blinoi*,
Finlay, Flo wee. Ford, Foncojvlinlkersoti,
Garrison, Geddu* George, .GiJbrpp, Guen
ther, Gunter, Hammond.ot Georgia. Har
dy, Hornier, HardU of New Joceci- Hazel-
tine, Hitch- Hereltan. HeiImag..'£ferndon,
Hi wilt of New To*, Hill, Hiecoulv Hpbit-
zell, Hoge. Hi.lmex, Hitr, Houck- House,
Hubbell, Hobbs, Hutabine, Jonoe of Texas,
Jores of Arkansas Jorgenseij, JJeiinn,
King, Klotz, KutiU, Todd, J^mlell,
Lomis. Marsh, Mauin, Mataon, V’eCtm.e,
' McCook, McK*-rger. McKinley, .MeLeno,
j McMillan, Milter. MiBs of Texas, Money,
, llarcy, Moulton, Mnrrh, Mitchler, v Neel,
i Pacheco, Page, Paul pl«on.Peele,Ki»)p-.
iPhys'er, Pound, BandaJI. Saacaq. Bjoe
- flpf Missouri,Richardson,B4ibert«on,Bj-b’m-
«son, Kosecrans, Scran**n, Sbalienhcrgpr,
Sheivin, Simoaton, Singleton of Mias-
iimippi, Smith of Pennsylvania,
Smith of Illinois. Sisfih .of New
York, Sparks, Spaaldinz. Speer, Spiinger,
.Steckslager, Strait, Taloott. Tho«p«..
Tjiomiison of Ktnuicky, Tillman, Town-
.sonlef Ohio, TovuscDd of Illinois, 'fuck
er, Tamer of Georgia, Tarn«- .of Sen-
iocty. Updegraff of Ob’o. Upson, Valen-
tine, \’aace, Van Horn. Washhurse, it.ob-
suhjsct that concerna Viie verv much, end I
desitt yon to convey what l now write to
Mr. Melton, and wad every word I (V,
Wrho. If I were «oft aboht to write to yea
: I Would write to Mr. Meltrtn himself,
■“An inve6t>gsi':on hasten recontlytatd
Here in Washington, <in the contest be
‘.ween Smalts-sad TiBVian in the House,
and I send wa now- forthwith, ->t this
mail, aprinxt A copy fit'tho proceed wg* and
testimony mm arfii'mant that vr*: sent t>
mo only yodterday. A desiro yorrvtttention
tr% ft nml ttw Mi.'tein'u nffmfiatnHJrv if ami
rum m uwr.tijjaiy v. '.xsugawu bhu ‘ i/*..
«ely »r^rsn6&. Kitfht of«%flrap» must • !££?
provided, bo matte* Who gutters. X " ,r >
>h Mr. Molten to 1 •atoll! Viv yon that J .5S-S5
to it, and Sr. Melton’s at f mtiento it, and
I erpresilf reque* yon to ray Vo Mr. Mel
ton that Tt is -my determination to have
these rurtt *rm ! tticr*..ishty i*. e-ciUgatod and
closely ipurtnelBk
ba p “ ’ '
wish , _'thAt b. 1 'rill proseoa' > forthwith tie
meat impOrWnt person- who have beoa
engaged in these atMAnpts to deduat
honrst eteicr.ons by fraudulent or eorc-
i'ile nreaia.res. I -say the hatjkest
uufl : most -responsible people are those!
W» o.n I A-iire to befproseoutei and first 1 „
■pursued- There wif be no exxtaple if,. 1n .| < i, r “5i. 1;
‘merely ’P-isigniftauft persons an “ta'ca
Oioldof. Those who*:vend high in The com-
munitj t-nd have thus ventured ‘t violate 1
law anffcnconrngtf others to do aie’-Usi
■verjiWrrtoDs to bo first prosecuted, and,*!
coniTi:t J, puaisJ*' d in a signal way. TUen :
tliiu^ wilt begin to change «»A veers'* ill
btf-eatouraged -to vote according to thair!
ccntfictldn, and those who Co wo to will feet
satisfied that Tveir votes hwo been Holy!
'rtwiited, ao£ surrender •cheerfullyho ani
tste.est result.
arid sum. r ad rTrJl ri-Ve i bs made aid
^aomilied • • Ooa$i: —ir.-.l iepor‘n»Iv,i
Ing detailed sta’ mert -o’ the wo.k coao,
expendilnres made «cd t .o effect o£ sadh
work, .oge.rer viih such rb '.nmendat*«e.s
and -iimstesr.» many ba necessary to r*o-
eent the whole -subject itlly' Congn v”
Mr. Oarland askedBM all three W*"0
to *ne catcnda*, ; in oider that there
bonf«ir figb,v>verllteA'itheSe«rf:e. So
AtofdO the tnr ; v 'Cwannission O’r'cussion
was resumed, r ..I M*-. Miller, of New
Ycsvc, proceeded.e.-ivo some reasons for
Ms belteftn pro' x .n— -ea.ou*, he said.
wf' ! ciiwire uel-l liy a g eat majori./ of the
people «f New Ye* L.
After a speee*i from M». : Sherman, in
recent de<es : ou of the ten-;
sugar Storing cases r<;
THE Mississippi FLOODS.
Yazoo Cm, March Sfi?—Tno rive.-Tell
two inches at this jjolnt last night, making
a total fall of four inches rip*» noouTaes-
dny. The s earner City of Yrvoo has ar
rived from tho Tallahatchee river and re-
Y>orts a fall of tec inches at Sharkey, and
that it is falling at the rate of four inches
in tiventr four hours. A heavy rain fell at
Greenwood, wb : ch cafe-ed e’f temporary
check of the decline tfcere. Ail along the
Yaroo river below Greenwood the fall has
awftaged five luches. The oxtremosrJh.r'
iwg reported on the Tal'ahrtctee river
Xros greatly exaggerated, according to the
statement of ttro officAVs of the 8‘ Tamer
Yaz ,*o. Theifeople in that section of the
country are Well provided for andin house
places preparations are being made for
planting. Tho suffering i* mainly on the
Yazoo sit-CT, where stock and tattle con-
fi-red<ohmound3andgin booses fttwwta.'r-
iag. Slany cattle wh'eh are brJtrghi here
die shortly a.-c- b .ing discharged from the
tea Kn’dRfe^Mhk'ukeeJi ^bichha^b^en^tuplnthteseouSiare
sufficient t • supply the wants of tbedesti-
odu -1 rom Yazoo Belt i has-ttl* out ended.
VtiKanuEO, March 53.—News from tfee
overflowed coun'ry continues encouragir®.
Passengers b/ tho creamer SuafkWmr,
/from the Sonffawer riveh, .o’-nish the fol
lowing pailiotta.-s ■corJ_-eiii : -ig ihe over-
“ ' ’ ‘ ‘From Be.tonia to
“f KoufcX°s“-nflOwr the Wafer t
gewrai re on or the la ff legisteuon. from twote tb reo Ret higher than ever
V iowu. Tks s «h<r lauded at every
an arrangement was w-Tected by wbieh
goberal debase on *he tall is to clovo dt4
o’clock 1 jesda), a %te wli’ch amendmer-is
■way bobfferau undec>she five mine -Tale
Aordebate. TaebiRWis Ibea Md Ufsido
informal 1 }-.
JJ The C oese b’ll wss*ecoiv«dfrrta the
I Hones, rod arwltff. by tlia Foe^id^ t pro
m._ T»*o bill, hrs ng p.evi»*lv .-received
the Mi, ia..uoo* i«o biieakerwf tbe House,
now foes to tt**l- esidao. A 4- execn-
trrti session, tbt Seaa.e adJonriRd until
Mr. Robtofon ended wtieniiin to the
SflrtPch ’jr.‘ov : ded (kit .he comra’thre
felinll report"baek readotions calling for
Cdpar.iueBtM m'o.-cation wi’hin eight
'•.flvs. Dill) ir 4 hf» Tap a(hlUTMon^ntinn wv
tjf. Mttr jrersons who wilt be proseent^ ci. izenJi a Grea. Ditiara, Imt not yet been
*ctedJ^- How temg,lhe queried, will
peawted in Sranth
is ptKCticvl
euiaros mow lmger'-qg -n
wo ntrXct or
jail ?
M Williams «f *^’ : scon<in. obeli nmr.'d
the commii’se <jr forei,a affairs,-snif! ‘
felt tattiorizod tostatelti* ttcoxmaniccti_.
was*wis f J>utly btrigihpC I’ith the vjrei.j
meat of O reav Bsiin'n byttv • Stats Btejmit
wcair. and it wss mndem o Ji tmu i.Itntn af
fewdaysthec»jitw wonld bemoleii
toe*» an int lli)jert.rajo4 on the *re. otu;
SSrJ-Robinsor—:“Tf someth’ng do n*:
lffliar baa uoWanMBtted
passport, X -shpll move Ke impeaot--
il.” 1
Mr. WFi
^ Cassedj
I®li|§^,f lra J
"AVood pi New York -167.
Noye—Anderson, Barr, Bragg, Briggs,'Bnek, Csmr, Candler, onrpejrter,
I. linao, Cr.ipp, Curtin, Dawes, JVrrjug,
Dingley. pounelt Dwight, ka’-well of
Jvwa. Grant, Hate, Hammond of New
Yorir, Hnrneibcrp, Harris of Mareachu-
aettev Haakeij. Hawk, Henderson, Hep.
boiv, Hooker, Humphrey, Jacobs- Jones
(of New .lewy,) Joyce, Kasson,
Kete'rtuw, Lqrd, >U*Cord, Morse. Norc-o’s,
Orth, Frtrker, Ibir ioy, Nice of Ohil^'Ri- >
of MiiM-scharqUs, Rich, ltichnrdson o:
New York, Kitch'e Kobiuson of Mn'sachn-
sett*, )lu**dl, M» Shultz, SVhmer,
SpooDer, bt«ie. Tnylor. Thompson, Tyler,
Cpdeg.nd U lows. Crjior, Wadsworth-
IVaite, Walker, Word, it ation, Wf ts, and
Williams of WUfpu*in—'• I
mmuxvTvx <iosy p *
Jr. B i'soo.of "Wert Virginia,'tnnembiit
>df the committee, state 1 That lire re*AIu!-
nion had not yet Ibeen reported batik;
lecarse the ceumirtoe d sired 'fo-obUia
t'l neccssarf in'o-'ma 'on, auB lihal there
urero no laches cm 3he pa., of tho -'onaiir^
Mr. Bobinscn vejilied that 'that werfd
mnkeh : sqoe*Uon<sf impeactiux'-iti>r>ptc-
eesary. The Hm« then proceeded ♦
J*At this poim I -have ixinsod and re-read
erw letter. I was abont to send it off t<>
you, and oil veaff it over-1 saw thU threoga
kt-ann prettf sharp tone >of rei robslion
•Of this ftUomitno pc race the poor nnd oh-
wr.are and *« peTmit the, proei-erous nnd
it-jportam detascape mroseeUtios, and tbx^
*tbuy merited girossenfion for.oPenses the:,*,
; T7ere chirxjefi -with .haTinrg- ootnmitted. I
• 3eo nothizrg in my’teUer thnfeaught tol'O w _
: modified, ifarUram‘deeply in earnest aboafij consideration of crcvaio bnshmss.
• all this. Yen .are t« •Demoeeat, and very* Mr. Thoma-, o'fEen.rckv, f omllho wm-
properiy Bsuzptthi*6 withyyooz iiarty, awlj mittee on the Mississippi levees, rept .ed
, I talk to you *with a little more vigor be-t a bill appropcialoig iio I «i-
causeyoeacemDemorrat, and also becr.ussi ponded accord* >gto iue plans of the .*--
we eni-jy such clo3e personal and, s sslr.pi River Ceominion for Ike ,
friendly ndlationE. I wirii to express pavement of the i>a;iga(»n .uti’d *c
my Republican convictions upon this uierce of Misv^sippi uver and ffeo con-
snbject IintendiaastempiietieaUy loin- s..oction of ww-ks of innunveiEcct,
dicate buw jini-mtant allsif ibis i* to.ixiri '. $-*,(Tl3,t 1 to be applied betow tli&moolli
sides tbalthere thcmldtibe .'lair (Jay, and; nf Ihn fTiiinf fT>- Ilinleunn the*r*cjth
fair play all • around. These is na just- of iuo Ohio am-. II, ie« iSvers.^T ff. > be-
jadgmeat«f.pqr*lar will in any election' tween the llbnois »-.d Des Moinesnwphls,
that is controlled *or birred by force -or and #7.'J,C0J be.sroen Des Moines rsoids
frand,zvd J insist.that:i oth.Democrat, and St. Paul. Referred te Gie couiuiUca
end BwabHeanoshould Jiave their'faces 1 of the whole.
set as flint agaixst apy abuses against • Tho House tier, at l:1f, went Jote corn-
free and fair one of-the baPot box. .11 mittse of the wh'ite oa tiis private caleu-
wookX mat in axjy srayimpeich Mr. Melton., dar. Two hours were ronsure* d in
aid therefore.tI.wiUnotwrfi» evena!3t , 2r‘ the discassion of the li'T.t BIB on
in tke kiadert epirit, that -n ; g ! it bo con- the ca'endar. re f erring to .the court
stewed usgliiqpcolnto soak imputations, of claims the e'l'ui ot tbs cqido s o f
for I bdieve ns the pnblio.. believe, and; Ins ram “Albemo.'a.” Wiieu at Irst iba
hope tjat l.e will do bis duty. I .am with 1 b II was *rid aside favorably, .mother
gieat respect, you- friend. . debate rese neon tne next bill, 'or uie
.BaniUirt HabbsT' Bnzwsnm. i*' tie* of the heire of Jr-aes B. Avn-s' -ODg,
Dallas 8or*ide.s. K»q., Avisiant ..District oppos".ioa ■ • t. e nseesrre bring baaed on
ARomeyiUnitedSmtcs, Chariest m, S. C: the fact that -ha heirs wared’ -Io"al..t! > eud-
Xhe (otter-is dated Manmlfith. Jnbis* ing notion the (orumii e rose anf re-
repty. dated Charlesti a, March 2>gt. Sana- po. .3d ' • (lie Rouse (tie AU>em<rrle bill,
dersezys: **I iuc’osn you a list of tne . lec- when it passed, x io Horae then aX 4:-‘
habitstien from'tHa month Up, ♦.nd made
specialrntuirv’cttnceralng the 'wants and
condiiaoVft of tho people. There was no
demand Tor provisions, as almost eve y
one JmJ-enohgVto 1 last ten days. Grain
foe weiing s'r ek seemed to be the priaci-
pul trni.’ nW'dod, and wastree.y suppKed.
The Unites Stress stsnmer An’tv arrived
from theSVnitefwer'rivfeet 12o'clock to-
da«. •bhe'feml A,4ft > pounds of meat. 21
Jimtseisdf f.oQr arid 13 barrels of Mil left,
which Was? tdttled ovbr t > the relief com-
miiieb’fitVre. 'Gaina^v the Sunflower river
•tttre distl^trptea tteo weeks’ ratio** to 1,205
ipersoBs.nttd dotoitig down to ^’t. Capt.
(bee.has Veteived tti*tructions frtm tha War
UspirVOie’jt ttf aetoff the AnitzteSt. 1 mis
’ttt OPW-. 'Bile *ri*l sreobably leawa to-nigtft.
■Rwhighret pbi»* reacheflattt's city «ty
*thertrater tliii peawn was flWthp-eight feat;
■»«»d»‘.itic iuefaes. At 8 o'clock this mini-'
'jrtC»tho garifee worked foptgvdcght feet wed
<s*i- incli, a failwf an inoh-mvl a half tat he
'•test ten-city-fOrr hoars, rtnl? n total4till<ofl
•rtffeten nttd tfcrtw-fourths tookes.
'■'bohavariTioM MUW ibp.
'Nkw Ycwk. -March -2ft.—A BJWaburg!
‘spiecialSajs: Xhi
-will 1 taka mo
•(he voopie who
lie • river (men of dMsmity
ties carta so ifar selected for li ml, the ex
tract being -eeleciod from yeeterdsy’s
CberJrsfon ■Neun xtnrl (Aiuve,*. When I
rraohed -Colombia. In’t month Jndgo Mel
ton inctrurted -mo in. my. visits to. the va-
raaoji conntirs tho - stnngest cases
apainstaho mosCimportant iuflaenffat
men nct, -to talm: little felkrtvs- Yon \ 'R
see fir the Us-, inclosed Uist-ihe men we
prop cat to tty are, excopt from .Bmwcli
count*- wmurgeri./jf elecRon—-.tbatis, o2i-
ccre who ca.rr on elections on. the day of
elec Jon, like, judges and inspectors of elec
tions in Feansyfc-nnia. have a
rose iron Snmie-mojniy against .(iio toiod
of count; cxnvassers. They a* a (lie men
who court the returns f.-am .(be va-ious
precinct* of Uieir,tesi>ecl*'v« eojolle.i and
forwa m 0 «lhemitoi*be..board of. Aztecs
us HtAjtxovre cujr
as** ircroy, Marul’ 23.—The alar rou*
easer wexe called in the Criminal. Court
to-day, before Judge Wylie, bat rs iho du-
fendantr .were, not >ead, they .were. (wat-
poned untilHaluolay.^v *en (he saiMaity
of pleailingfo tho indictments will Jje pe
nt has . signed the anti po-
lygamjr bill.
tub aaxrnFBD iytKiTWATioH.
At the opts ing of )l o Shipherd tcftn
mooy to-day before the fpceign affairs ct,*n.
triliee, Stupherd waived Jii* objections to
name tie mysterious Mau-tar nnd
was Mr. Bter, of Now Hampshire- Mr.
Blair and one other were the only Sec-.
atvsormembcM w- o had liecoree inter*
rated in the affairs of the^’e.jrian com7
pauy, or who hud been api roacbod on the;
subject. He declined to nqmo the otlieni
man or to say v Uetlior .fee .u in the Sonata
or House, bldphord then pranced a coojs
of the missing letter of May 21st to the.
President, and read by .fee. clerk. It
was quite tong nnd rehearsed ».-i detail iba
claims and plans ai the Fotyviau com-;
paoy- The letter ceferred t > inc'osnres,
naming the prospectus of the company,
the draft of on agreement a'lb
Fera, (be chain of title .of tlio-
Peruvian company, and staled that it was.
deemed beet to lay thr whole mattqr before
the President, and 11 avail of each sugges
tions as he might deem proper *3 be xnado
in the premises; that no difficulty n as on-
jicipateil in the settlement of ill differ
ence? without raking foi Jttr eoverry.ient
aid than that already indicated. It.supke
of tho magni.ude ot the inters involved
estimated the v.iloe of the geano at $1,(
ft J,f .), and indicated that Ex-President
(Grant would be offered tbo presidency of
jkl company, and that its board of di-ect-
o(« jfpn'd include gentlemen equally well
Jiiov 1 an<l capable. Hie wit. ess was nn-
well..nud to-day’s examination was brief.
Washxzoto*, March 2:..—Representative
Black is somewlust improve 1 to-oisy.
I'ht* I’resident (p.dij nominated John
H. Smyth, of North Carolina, to Up minis
ter to I-beria. , . _ ,
The Bub-committc* of t^ 0 House elec-
#tk>ns committee on Ifc® Y iond»i corJ^it
hajre agreed to re;>ort favorably to seating
U ; obee. . , , , ' , .
TLeSecistary of War to-day issued in.
atiwtioos that tlf-y addiUoasl ho*pitel
tent? »e forwsnletl from Fh"l^delphia to
Vlokabcre’. for the beneti! of fee mferers
from ilie Roods.
Tlie Senate in executive ses*ion, eonunn-
ie<l Koos J. Penny picker, of North Caro
lina. as collector of tho customs district of
Wilraing >n, N. C. , ,
The greater ysrt of todays
session was oousvjned io a contest over tne
nomination of TbOJ- N. Coojief, as nteiual
revet,lu> collector fo» lt)d rixIli district of
North Carolina. Hir confirmation w«*
earnestly opjiosed by the two
Iina Mxnqtors, on the rrrouad ihat hi* «i>-
pointmeul i* obnov’ons < j i'imo e*rtl l 1 the
insjorlly of tbs jyeoplo of the Bta.e. • be
v.v*‘» on the question •>* roe’ornintion re
sulted yeas 22, nay ? r l, tnt a motion Io re
eon?itl**r the question was lminor 'tt.ely cc-
t- re.t, end all rtffov^ o '«)’ 'be motion on
}he table were aaocnysful'y resisted by a rf.
Wjysp.HGios, March 2'..—In tire Senate,
Mr. Xcst, from the commKiece on t rrito-
ries, rrpqried favorxb'y Mr. Maxey'a bill
to aullipi jte the President in conjrucjjon-
with tbo glato cf Texas to run and mark
the lionpdqry line te.aeen a pa of Uie
territory of jite United States anil the
SUteof Tenor rud ’ 1 r cmplete the aarvjy
author’zed by the net of 1868.
TheSe ate sport a large portion of the
morning hour ut>on .the life saving so. rice
biM. The Florida Senators insisted upon
the provision 'or stations at poiu ; s on Uie
Atlantic coast of Florida ns follows: Key
West, Jupiter In ct, Cajie Canaveral and dL
Angus' ine, and one on the Gulf west of the
Apalachicola rirej^-five Jerril. Mr. Con
ger, who is in charge of thp bill, argued
that tb : s was nnnecesen.y, and fir. Jones,
of Florida, replied tqat the rcoo-d showed
one hundred and four weeks on the coast
line just indicated. The proposition was
agreed to—yeas W>, n*ys 17. An amend
ment was adopted limiting tjio pay of surf-
men to 2.70 per month. The bill then passed
—yeas -4G, cays 8.
Mr. George asked and was granted an
indefinite leave of abien> 3
Air. Kellogg, from the committee on
Mississippi nver improvements, to whom
were referred the bills for the Imp-ovement
of the Mississippi and Misvoori rivers, and
the construction, completion, repairing end
preservation of the Mississippi levees, rp-
poru:d that the committee had unanimous
ly agreed nppn a substitute for these bills.
The substitute went to the calendar, with
notice by Mr. Keljogg that he wonld ask its
consideration at AO early day. It is as fol
lows :
, “Hr it enacted, *!i., That the Secretary
1 ot IVb’i with the adv ea flud under the di-
|-ection of the Mississippi River Commis-
1 flion, is h reby authorized and directed to
| expend U,e sum of $i;,C. ),0 r J, fire millions
theieof on the Miwisoppi river and one
million thereof upon the Miss yurt river, in
f *ok a recess oi» •! 7:S0,ilbecvening s- saion
ueing for the car ?iderational pefimonbills
cn tli * p -ivata cv;eada-.
There wra bntsurll nitanJonoo Ohrrem-
kers when the Hesse .mat, at .li" this
evening, and t'ter considering and #nss-
itg tbiriy-sevea ,a<DDon bits, tlie illcuse,
at 10:16, aOio
I rniil Me
tWjrr (G73S, MkscIi 24.-Tlie .-Scato
cmr.-iiUio ou :3ie dwa]iravexaont cf the
HJtsx-’ppi rire.-xnflcistiibutarics’^gr.'cd
this morning wpan .a bill rtmpropiA'-.tmg
§6.0 '.9.1.) for die imiirevoment.of l ha Jii=r.-
j-winn,and § , ,Ca,('8S)iIar.tho Afcssoiiririvor,
to A 3-or lien ded sorer tbo <’’ree-ion of .iho
Secrelury of Wrrar.-cueordonee avtH.sJs.Ps
of «Ue Mirsissipjii liver ilrcprov.'.uvA't
Coaami»?ion. Ifer ol Che appropriata n'?si*sii-;.ijs:1bJjO inaifc- immedi
ately .uvcsIaMe in o -derborepair as <r«i££-
ly os possible sotreof ,flc damage ,caat£t!
By thvireauit tloodi.
Jacob iF. Hhiphr rds-eut' * the£touse.7ori
ei*'t> efla’ -s commi^cezkisonomicg a pby|;
steinu’sMcflflo<le ot iiinmm andrtLo i'eica:
«izn inwtjjatioo *«s ftfjoninertisubjeo^
to the call o'-Hie rhairuaan.
Tiie sigxiflUervIcd siaiian at HaUeras : ei
poite the eeboo.ier Fa’rnie £k Lesnopce
;rou. Apatac' .tola "or FUtedeMbfe, turn- ra e , ow Waterproof on the 2IM.
her-laden, «ho-e cn Hatte-ae. Tte-' Crew New Oa. ins, March 2L—The Tjxtr ■-
were saved.
Tb* Hecreteryxf War iiu ismed a «*eeiall
order dischaegmg Cadet J. C. BTdrtuker.
from the Milit,:-y. 4'*.?deiny, ox tin- ron 'm-
meudation ot (he academia bay oil, because
of deficiency ip tisvt.dies.
The Senate aud .Honse committees <on
edncatics and lrbctrtbeld a joint rncotisg
to near (he mg’ments presented by ako
rr ern tiers of then.- ontl edneatioorfeon-
vention, now it s-Mon in this city, ja
4 dvceacy of their ,<peql for a Co, g sw-
bjn’1 grant o f imrtoJinU aid to the Soulb-
et/i States to sapp'ement r'.heir efforls t j
provide for ednearixg ail ft he children in
tbf,r respective borrlere. J flmon<r those
zfl-c addressed U10 committee in advocacy
of an anp-op-Won were D”. .Dickinson,
seeinj.s.y of the United Steles board of
ei oa'.ion- Slate Superintendent G. J.
Orr. of-Georgia; O. 8. Thosupcon. city
superintendent of Chn lestou; Mayor
Courtory, of Cjr -ieston; Mr. Bremson,
Uuiled Slates district judge; Mr. Brj tn, of
8onth Xarolip’; Rev. Dr. Parke**, o’
Charleston, and ec e.*a( prominent North
ern educator?. Senator Bioir, chairman
of the Semite rommil'oe, addressed seve*-
al qne-tipnsto 'ha delegsies a 1 to the
cnionnt of government njd desired, the ]>e-
rioJ daring wnich it shorld .be afforded
aodtbe methoda'of disiribntioo. In reply
it .was stated that fifteenmillipu* a year for
ton year? would iy> the smallest snm needed
< 3 .effectually snuplcinent tho efforts ot the
Ste tcf. r
WAHHiyoioy, Marsh 2*.—In the United
Stet-? Court to day Mr, Dii.dy, of A’hany,N.
Y v Med a reqrra.rior leave to file a petition
for write of habeas corpus r’lJ csitiorari,
to bring tho case of £n.’<?e,:nt Mason before
that cam.. The Chief Jus lire took the pe-
peYs mid said ho would try to give an an
swer Mocdfly.
The S^veha-y < f War has oidered that
2.-1,003 rations be purchased in New Or
leans to- mo-row, for tho use of the desti
tute poopte of M ; k'ss ppi, and that '£ ACC)
be issued ♦■* General Morgan, commission
er for tbo State of Aritnnsa*. at Hriena.
Representative Dibble, of SoaLh Caro
lina, and Mayor Conrlonny, of Chnrteston,
were lieard by the House committee on
commerce to-Jay in regard to tbo jetty
improv>menti fo? .ho harbor of Chavles-
tou. From the si .tement submitted by
the gentlemen, it r.ipeerod thattLeoiisi-
nai cost of lue improvement was esti
mated at $1,803,C that $7H) 0C3 had been
expo -ded: that about $70,(30 were needed
at once to continue the work, and that
ip.'COf .) mere will be needed to complete
it. It was asserted by tho speakeis that
steamships with hundreds of people c 1
board had on several occ.isions been com
pelled to lie outside for fourteen hours;
that on this account not only Charleston
bnt other par a of the country are inter
ested in tho work being done. Petitions
from the New York, Baltimore and Cin
cinnati chambers of commerce and boards
of trades in 'avor of it they asserted had
been rest to Congress. A letter from Gen
Gilmore, United Slates engineer, wa
read, favoring the immedir ta nppvop.riatio.
o’ $763,. 3 to continue tho work, wbichhes
said wonld b* in tbo interest of econo my
bloods. A taeeting tcilizens Ss Io ‘be
calleJat aawarly d^.
1 Cm., Uucli 23.—Biro Cbwmbar
Commere* to-day appointed amomalib?*
of ssTrtCtemolioUsubMriptioM, andUwko
such oth«r*otion iMWPey ba deemed
sory foe 4fco reliefmf -sufferers ."roi
overflow ofithe Mts^fesippi-RHer.
Nxw <On-w s-s. Mu«h -23.—®ae inMiv.
coinodiaes .to.tlay *rlected •#. H.'Qfffllq
president, B. ’£. *V«lshe 'treerarer, *«n.
E. T. Vxwning re emetary.
r wzKB3fx.o3aecz.csxz.
WzaixHOTO*, MwrcIi 2V*5The (Stowing
ciaU basSPeeu iBEttsft:
7b.*itjlm«rsca«a ptopU:^The IFreaident
having sjgnel Utortrenty obf Uie'tCeneva
cowtereoce, aod-tho Senate*having • on the
36ih sret. ratified the vFxesidenVs ^action,
?bf Aoeuiiosn Aww ration of thoited Cross,
orgexseed lender the prervisioDs »of said onceitr sends*? agents
suvng then voffaso :s by He' recent floods,
with* .lew rt-i -the amelioration of their
ooi*dit<on-so JeTiasxuin be doneob}-human
aid nodJlie-meensathaisd will-wduiitof.
CaacributiouG.tme argeotly solicited. Re
mittance? .in money. may be matte to Hon.
Ciit*. J. Foigar.-eecretacyxjf.tbctreasury,
cnatemenof Jbehoanl ^ t> aslaesyor to b-s
I as«ociums,.Hnn.. Robt. T. Lvncol nznd Hoc.
G. U. I.orirg. crmmisEiatier of agriculture.
C vniribi’lioue of.wearing apparel and bed-
diinr. and provisions,:should .te.Eddm.sed
lo-^HedtC.-rssAgent” auAIempba, Tenn.,
! Tioksliptg AJirs., andi£elena,Artr.
' .Signed' Ci.' i.\ JU.kto.v,
Jr'anDiuitr Douglav
.Alkx. Y. P. (Ijuull.-v,
Mrs. Uuui.D. Cobsks,
A.Jd. Suuqmoxs.
Mrs.S.A. MAkaai-CANt.’-m,
1R. .D. AlrnSEY.
Sts •Gamrzxrt, Mexsli °i. Sofa r the re
lief contmCrs report $12,C He cash con-
tribntianr., besides lumber antbother sap-
plies. They jxayiose rat present to raise
$C3,C33, aaosI.uf which will be invested in
forage forelock if (Reissue of.government
raxtons is uvnlieuod. Tho. Lotu;r an a com-
miaitoae.c lime icslail .the Secret a y of
War for “ 3 mo re-ratio ne, half of them
to be delivered Aoio by jUie aiilviit taut and
the balance hy too
A crevasse ct (the Maund plantation on
Bayoa Grosse-Xete> tho eaeli bank, is
reported doinggwict' tho sugar
plaatetkms in that section. Thoioverflow
o. f Bayoa Grosse-Tate i* caused ity water
from the Pointe Coupe crevasse.
A diuatch front the president of the
police juiy of West toston Rouge parish
concerning tho levees, stye; “Tbo nver
shows half an inch decline since last night.
We are becoming well fortified all along
the line and hope to ho 1 out nsrsnst all
that may come. Constant watching is
necessary to prevent acridenL”
A letter reoeived to-Jay report* the wa°h-
* ng r.wcy of asveial houses by .ere? asses
stock scaffolded along those streams will
bo dros jed. The loss of stock is no - * esti
mated at t-IO.i ), 1 id the lo?s in fences
will amorut to $103,113. Fifty-eight thous-
aod people live (long these streams and
cr’.livaO one hutdred thoueaud acres of
The oveiflow .in Concordia parish ex-
terds from the'.Black to the Mississippi
river, a distancs of 33 miles; in Tensas
nart-h, from Tensas river and Bayou
Macon to the Mississippi river,* a d’sfance
of 50 milt-is; in FVauklin parish, from the
Tectras west to the Ouachita river, a dis
tance of 10 mite;; in Msd-'*-on parish, frem
Bayou Mft-on U the Mississippi river, a
d'SU'trce of C5 nile?; in East Carroll, from
Bay"* Macon 'i the Mia’issipp*, a dL-
tenee of ten mil*?. In the upper portion
Of Franklin palish, west of the l-’lls of the
Tensas, which starts Bayon Macon, the
flood pxie <ds to ihe Ouachita river, a dis
tance of ft miles. Tne Tensnsllver since
Saturday las‘risen five feet, and is still
rising at the rato cf sixteen inches in
twenty-four buns.
Along tha Ttnrrs end Bayou Macon the
water is tb -ee feat higher than in 187J-
The nnprecedeutel flow is accounted for
by breaks in tie levees at Milliken’s Beud
*nd Goodrich Landing. The rations
amply _
.tpte people for seme time, unless tue floods
become still more disastrous. The people
are all in good health and say that if tbe
water subside? by the middle of May they
will make a fall crop.
New Onuuxts March 2’.—The Bobasse
crevasse on bayon In Fostche has been
closed. There w now bnt one break in. the
levees of tetycu La Fourche-that cn the
Fittman place, neat the Morgan railroad
crossing. It is doing but little damage.
At Grand Gull, Miss., tbe river hnsflcclified
six inches from thek’ghest point.
Major Whitehead, by order of the Secre
tary of ‘War; jlfercoased dnrteifr the week
73,UK) pounds of bacon, 2,463' barrels of
floor sod 2,1 X) barrels of oatmeal. These
supplies liateWoen turned rtver to the Lon-
isisau comtiihsioDcrs, whs ere distributing
tbeen to auflbrers by thb overflow. The
river hero remains eight inches below the
ts-r. Ixtoie, March-Sk—Abont $8,000 in
•nonAy and a large amount of provisions
and olothiug have bren raised liere for tiie
•becefit-of sufferer* Tiy tha overflow of tha
Mississippi river. ‘Capt. Lee, in charge of
’the government 'relief exoedition, «p
the buntlower *sLd Ynzoo rivers, esti-
mdtos the loss v“t lioga in Yazoo county as
-total, and tbe toss of cattle at fully 75 par
SOS.t., and tlsa fencing, wiflx many of tbe
smaller house?, i? destroyed. He mo
'nfbnds that: (he distribution of rations •con
tinue nt leant two week? nt Johu«arrille
Wad three works in tbe tower Yazoo commie >,.
by which time he (bilks work will be be
gun in the fields, and then the people can
1 of themselves. 300,000
deeiwning the chninflls and improving the to the minute,
Special to the Ttlearaph and Metttnjer.
SiVAKNAir, March 20.—Arrived t j-day
from New York, steamship City of Colum
bus; from Baltimore,steamship Wm.Law
Spioial to Telegraph and Sfesienoer.
Aujanv. G>., March 23.—After repeated
failures,a suecess w» 1 made of our artesian
well to-day, giving eight gallons of water
rmoc-ai’s ttoncr Tensas arrived rat
.Pglhi yest.-day. Its cone#pontext jje-
gn.hsn graphic description of affaire in
tU{<‘’. i.ectlon and along the Black rixt*.
At the mouth of the Rod river ’*>formatwn
Wf joblained tlmt the Hog Point crerncse
hajtsubmerged six large plantations. The;
etpek had generally been sent ont of t'rati
Feqt^n to Ihebilla in Mississippi. Ou the
way op to Delhi the eteuner picked up
sever/1 families who were in search of
high grennd. After reach’ng tbo mouth
of tho^Steek river the entire country pre-
acnteditbe appearance of a vast ini ndsea,
not (i rpot of land being visible
nnywhere. Tho houses of the squat
tent or small fanners were abandoned,
and almost submerged- Only the chim
neys and xoqta ot the houses were seen
above the flood. Tho oocuDnn(3 had long
since removedflieir stock nnd household
good? to tbeXpgh lands further np tbe riv
er. These people, having no credit, eanu rt
furnish themselves* with provisions, and
the present di?i/-c?smnst be relieved by
ration agents at Tmy and other pointi.
Nearly all the worpey and children of t>' ; 8
section have been sent to tbe hills, bnt tbe
mnlepopnlation, whit* and colored, a e
Jiving iu gin houses and corn cribs, tho
floors of which are scaffolded above the
water. They are working herd to save
their stock by conreying them in flat boats
to high lands.
At least eight plantations' c a Black river
are submerge 1, with nothing to mirk their
locality but the house-tops. Tbe water in
tho fields was six feet dtep, and the only
means of communication was by boats,
Rafra filed with frightened cattle and
poultry huddled together on house-tops,
made the sce-ie one of otter desolation eml
difficult to describe.
After leaving tbetown of Troy and enter
ing Tensas river, no land was seen until
wo reached tbe Bayon Macon Hills, a
distance of eighty-eight mites, nnd the
trip through this section of the Stato was
more like a.sea than a river voyage By
interviewing both white nnd colored poopte
it was ascertained that along tho tensas
river very little actual gaffe* Ing for want of
food ptevai's, as the colored people have so
far been (nrnishod with food by planter?.
Slock fn m this section has generally been
sent to the hills., Prominent planters on
the Tensas staled thit they were opposed
to tbe issuauco.of government rations, as
there was no destitution along that river so
;reat that .lie people coaid not relieve, nnd
;iat tiie rations would demoralize the
labore.-s; that planters generally are able to
feed their huods until tbo flood is over,
r nd many of the negrees hid already re
fused to assist in conveying out stock, toy
ing tbe g werment wonld send them rations.
Otnor planters said many of them couldnot
get the city merchants to advance supplies,
and unless the government famished
rations there wonTd be great destitution
among the colored people. Lieat. Ran
dolph. who was detailed by order of the
War Department to investigate the con
dition of the people in this section of the
country* ha* carefully questioned those
whom he met, and from tne facu obtained
the conclusion was reached that at present
the orly general destitution which prevails
is ntnoug the white nnd colored ?i[U?tter?
who cultivate sma'l terms, have no help
nnd hnve' neither credit nor money. The
Times-Democrat's steamer is rendering
good service in this section removing
stock, etc.
A Dfihi, La., special says tbe Black and
Tensas?) ivers and Bajou Macon are rising
rapidly, and fears are entertained that
rations a week ha believes will bemeeded
‘until tbe water subside* so that the people
-can-get to work.
•Viccsbubo, Mardk 23.—Tbei steamer
'Tributary has arrived from Steak'’a bayon
Bhe reports tbe Greenfield {dentation of
CoL Ed. Richards cut as fully -ene-half ont
of water—nt leas* LC.J0 Hcrea-n-nd I hat on
Capt. L. B. Cowell's, there
am cully GOareeeout. |But*li*jhtf- : l! is re
port'd in the lower portion off the bvyon.
Tbe BDterneaent rations forwarded to
Sheriff Dennis, from New (Means, for the
distressed peonle af Medisox parish, hare
all beeudisteUMtedand contained. They
were iusufif dent, as these were only abont
15,030 ratios* SoeZfiCJ people.
The water in tbe Tallulahie four and
half feel dee*, aod rising at the rate of an
inch iu twenty-four Iiouk. Mounds in
that ragiox that have not l-oan covered by
water *ioee 1S‘4, are row iwo feet under.
At Waver ly Station the water is rising at
the rate of tan inches in twenty-four hours,
The steamers Josephine Speogler and Sal-
lie Carney and some barges]>vere at Tal
lulah yesterday taking on stock. The de
pot building at Tallulah axuLliiegin houses
on the Briscoe and Watt plantations are
crowded with people and stock. •
The steamer Deer Greek, from Es
telle’s Bridge here at 8 o’clock
las. night- bhe brings more encouraging
report* from upper Deer creek. From
Areola, which ia abont lfiO miles up that
stream, down to I’hrlj*, forty miles below,
there ia but a small portion of the planta
tions under water. Many planters are
plowing and planting corn, as if nothing
had ever happened. On Deer creek there
is much saflerirg, the scarcity of
gjivn and hay. This nvtr is falling rap-
New O k i. ex vs, March 25.—The Live Oak
Grove and Ban Secour .crevasses in Pla
quemines parisn hare been closed. A
crevasse occa-red- this morning at the St.
Sophie plantation, Fhujnemines parish, bnt
was closed ibis evening. Tne only ctevusee
below the city now is that at Story’s plant
ation. As this does bnt little damage it
will be left open until the river declines.
At a meeting of the committees repre
senting tbe various associations, it was
resolved to abandon the idea of celebrating
the bi-ccntennial anniversary of La Salle’s
discovery of tho ruonih of the Mississippi.
This action was based on the distressin;
condition of affairs in the lower MissUsipp
Vicks nuao, March 25.—Encouraging
news has been received Jrom every quarter
regarding the fal'ing riven, and large por
tions of -tillable land in some places are
reported o’ear of water.
HI* Scliool-Day Dreams and Constant
Study—His Thought* ot Greatness
To the Edit: - of the Press:—'ll.o Press
having taken up tho subject of John
Wilkes Booth nnd the “assassination of
Lincoln,” several parties connected with
tho event havo given their opinions of the
motives that actuated Booth to tbe deed.
After reading the story given by Mr. T.
Ford Mathews and others, I think a scrap
from his school-days wi'l show conclusively
to overy one the real motive f ;r his action.
Mr. Ford says admiration for Bratus, and
the fact that tbe public lird “made assas
sination respectable by applauding tbe
chief actor in the play of Julias C»s*r,”
was the mainspring of his action. I beg
(•are? to give mr views on tbe subject, and
relate some of his early life in college, to
prove what, in my view, was the proper
aod only motive he could have for the deed
that has been a source of sorretv for the
whole country, and regretted by North and
Sontb alike as the most uncalled-for and
lumen table act in the whole civil war. Mr.
Ford’s idea bears some resemblance to the
real one, yet I am sure Booth’s admiration
of Bratus aufl love of tragedy was not the
governing cause.
It was a “name in history” he sought A
glorious career he thought of by day and
dreamed of by night. Ho atways said “he
would moke his name remombered by
succeeding generations” John hid one
of tho most lively and checrfal of di?po«i-
tisns; was kind, generous and affectionate
io his nature, with an admiration for h'e
father ltd his abilities that amounLd al
most to idolatry. -
Oar first meeting was in 18:2, at St. Tim
othy’s Hill, Cxtonavitle. Baltimore county,
Maryland. From the first wo were friendB
and companions, and “Billy Bowlegs”
(Booth’s, nickname). Mortis Gram and I
were inseparable. John and I slept in
cots side by side for two ye.irs, and during
that time we three wro constantly togeth-
e*. If one of us fell into disgrace ana was
kept in study to complete some task (gen
erally writing eo many lines from “Fara-
dise Lost”) the three would accom
plish it, and then off to our
rash house iu Reed's woods adjoining
the grounds of the hall, and it was
oar delight to spend our Wednesday and
Saturday afternoon holidays in cooking
chickens, eggs and such things as a school
boy wonld procure by “ways that aro dark.”
Wo had cooking nten-i!?, nnd a gun hooked
from the nrmory of the school, and each of
us had a five-barreled Co t's revolver, with
which ?vo killed rub'ui:? and bird?, tint
were very abend ntiin the surrounding
woods. We became very expert with the
pistol, and cither of ns could kill a rabbit
running, nnd about once in three times a
partridge flying.
I have no doubt many of your readera
will recollect tbe good! times they had
at school, 1 nd ours wa? no exception. To
see the three of us io our bush castle and
bear tha boyish plans each would set forth
as their ideas of l’feandits duties, wonld
h;(Vt> shown to anyone that the problem of
life was even then a serous thing, and with
our boyish knowledge folly considered.
Morris Oram always looked forward to
either a great merchant or Iawye-, and he
never could decide exactly which, and in
stating hi? views for the future his am
bition inclined to the law, nnd said he
w-iuld like to bo a greater orator than
Daniel Webster aud a more profound law
yer than F.everdy Johnson, while Booth
thought only* of being a cam admired by
all people. He asserted that he would do
something that wool 1 hand hi? name down
to posterity, never to he forgotten even
after be had been dead a thousand years.
Booth nnd Oram liad red-clay pipes with
reed steins atx.-ut a yard long, and when
they with their pipes lay on tbe ground,
th*-se daily conversations were always in
order. Our opinions of the future were
freely di*cu«sed. I recollect when we
asked Booth how he expected to acquire
such greatness and notoriety as he was
continually talking of. one of bis answers
was: (‘Well, boys, I’ll tell you wha* I
mean. Yen have read shoot the Seven
Wonders of the World? Well, we’ll take
the Statue Of Rhodes for example. .Sup
pose that statue was now standing, and I
I should by some means overthrow it? My
name wonld descend to posterity, and forgotten, for it would be in tbe
histories of the times, nnd be read thou
sands of years after we are dead, and no
matter how smart and good man we may
be, we would never get our names in so
many histories.”
On another occasion when the Battle sub
ject was discussed, I recollect tie said: “I
wish there was an arch or stntuo at the
jnouth of the Mediterranean sea, across
the straits of Gibraltar, with one side
resting on the Rock o’ Gibraltar and the
other ou an equally prominent rock, on the
const of Africa. I would leave everything,
and never rest until I had devised some
means to ttirow it into tho sea. Then l-.*ok
out fdr history. English, French, Spanish,
and all Europe, Asia and Atnoa would
resound with the name of John Booth. I
tell you it won Id Iks the greatest feat ever
executed by one man.”
While speaking, his whole sold appea-e I
to contemplate with satisfaction\ne future
he had draco.
Oram said, “Billy* suppose the falling
statue took yon dona with it, what good
wonld all yonr glory then do yon ?” His
answer was: “I should die with the satis
faction of knowing I had done something
never before accomplished by liny otW
man, and something no other man wocld
probably ever do.”
In 18(3 there ocetmed a “rebdUton” at
St. Timothy’s Hall, caused by the principal,
Rev. L. Van Bodtelen, depriving fehe whole
school of the W-edneeday and Saturday af
ternoon holidays, because three or four
boys killed « lot of dhicken*, nnd not eat
ing them ttaiy became spoiled, and tbe
boys tied them'to a pule and marched
around the -college in iprocession, finally
leaving the .pole restin’ on the ground by
the house with the -upper end with the
spaded chicken? on it renting ngains: the
».udow ot tho housekeeper, .Mr?. Van
JtookleD, who waa the principal's aunt. No
oae wonld -tell 'who were the goilly
<eneq* snd tbe whole school were mode to
The senior department with the- sopho
more and freshman o'asses, marched out
to Reed’s woods and formed a camp with
tbe .guns from the school armory. Guards
moun-ed and all prepared for defense, we
-waited a deputation from the faculty. Drs.
Deffanderffor, Starr and Wharton, and
Mr. Arnold, the well-known confectioner
of Baltimore, were sent to us and made
speeohes. Dr. Wharton was replied to by
-hia son JesBie (afterwards shot by a senti
nel for looking ont of a window at tho old
capitol prison in Washington), and Drs.
Deffenderffor aud Stair, and Mr. Arnold
by his son Samuel Arnold, (attor-
ward connected with Booth in the Lincoln
tragedy.) Compromise was the order of
the day. It was finally settled, a-ter the
boys had s'ept in the woods three nights.
Thomas F. Bayard, the present Senator,
of Delaware, was one of the most indig
nant rebels we had. While all the boys
were bitting on the fence and looking the
•Rnatiou io the face, Baj-crd cat a pole,
and straddling it came galloping into our
midst and dismounted. He then mnde a
speech, which I feel snre he has nevir beat
en since -in the effect it created; we made
the welkin ring. He was taking the part
of Cte a-, and after he had matjehis speech,
in imitation of Ctesar to his somiora when
abont to cross the Rubicon, he mounted
his hor?e (pole) and galloped across a
small trench that bapp ned to be iu front
of him, with a stick waving in the air rep
resenting a sword; and to have heard tbe
applause and hearty concurrence of his fel-
low-ctndents was enough to have convinced
any one of his eloquence and the favor
with which his speccn was recei?-ed. The
huzzas were heard np at the Hall, about a
mile off, and we were told that the fac
ulty got ’lightened and supposed we were
going to clean ont the place. It was dur
ing this lost year that we had a dramatic
association at the college, and Booth was
one of the most active members. We gave
regular exhibitions and entertainments on
holiday occasions, and they were largely
attended by people of the surrounding
country. The young lady students from
Inglesido Seminary, about two miles off,
were often invited guests. On all suclt
occasions Booth was iu his element. He
used to tell ps anecdotes of his father, how,
when playingR chard I1L, it would be al
most impo??ih-.o for Lichmoiul lo subdue
him. Ha was a splendid swordsman, and
8S he entered w*‘tq.hi8 whole soul into the
fight, ne had been known to ran h : s
antagon-'st off tho stage when he
should have submitted to being killed.
It was often difficult to get persons of snf-
fit ient ability to play the part of “Ri Al
mond” with his father, as tie would often
have to be reminded that the play called
for his defeat, which point he admitted
wdh great reluctance.
Jos. A. Booth, a younger brother, wft3
also at SL Timothy’s at this time. He was
a remarkably quiet, diffident boy, with no
aspirations whatever for the life of an
®?'<> r * . H ? always appeared to enjoy life in
others, but lacked that dash and go-ahead-
ativeness of h-'s brother Jobr. Joe wss
ever obliging and ready to do anything to
make things agreeable to others, and kept
away from fights and broil... Joe was in
the junior department, aud only on the
play-ground did we regularly meet. John
tikes never was a vic.ous or bad-minded
boy; oa the contrary, he was noble In
muni, generous to a fault,- and honor-
^n»h m nV 113 ac M cns * He loved the
booth—all his associates were from that
section, bt. Timothy's Hall was princi-
>ally supported by scholars from south of
M»»,znd Dixon’s line, and believing I
Knew John Wilkes Booth ns well as any
other living person, I am led to bnt one
cono nsion m regard to his taking tbe life
of Abraham LmcjJn, and that is, first, his
great desire to do some deed or accomplish
some act that had never been done by any
offier man, so that hii namef might live in
® e 9° nil i '“ke his view on the con-
‘ho cjuntry at that rime, with
hts whole heart in sympathy with the
fr hi b t,’m 1< i \ ? rm ! y believe that ho thought
it he killed Lincoln the result would be c
comp ere change in the position or affairs;
«nd this B 5' n her independence,
and that independence would be sc-
cured by bts single area raised
“■u*** 1 moment, and that he
w °?' d he regarded as the Washington
of the South and the savior of his couutry.
He persuaded himself that he would be
successful, escape into Virginia, and the
whole country South, men, women and
chi.dren, would rise to defend him and
hide him from bis enemie?, anil.finally be.
when the freedom of the Sonth had been
secured, would be regarded in a high, lira
orablo light, a patriot nnd liberator. I be-
Iievc, instead of following »he Bratus idea,
hts thought* were rather after Wcshingtou,
Bolivar and Leonidas, but bis great boyish
atm would bo accomplished—“his name
known in history, to five forever.” To ar
rive at this matter finally one mast have
known the true workings of his mind. I
a *h conrirced he did not consider tho enor
mity of his act. He only recognized that
ooe man stood in tho way of hts friends,
barred the way of liberty to his be
loved South, and by helping his
friends and, as he believed, ridding
the country of a man that, ns a sectional
candidate, should never have been Presi
dent of the United States. He thought the
deed would be glorified in the South. He
did not understand the feelings of the
Southern people on this subject. Ho never
know Mr. Lincoln, never studied his char
acter, or thought howgood a man he wa»,
never for one moment imagined h's act
wo aid prove the worst blow tbe South could
tcssibly receive. Convincing himself that
tho opportunity he so long soMlitfor mak
ing himseir famoas had arrived, he seiztd
it, and tbe result we all know, and deeply
lu'B'tet*, A Mabylisdeb.
Philadelphia, Decembers, test.
lTKo?s. administrator o.'liic estate ol J<. .- ..
Kennedy, live ot xted county, dec.vxed, t-ri
madeapiMication tor leave io ieaiDu«ictl
estate bemusing to ulO *.?iaie. .
These are therefore o. cite sad uasoHl a’l
pcrxins concerned to be and appear at tl-e
April terra 1 SS-\ o? the court of tm' i uary of to Id
county to show cause, if any they can, why
said application should not tor™niod.
WiincM my tin ml and official derm tore,
Match 6, ISSA J. A. McMARLS,
marllawtw* Ordinary.
K hnve >i>onf-:i Foray.'1.
TV Grocery nnd P.-o' .?:ou i n?:
friends and the 3 tend-- of Can*
I mas who i? with 11?. wit" find a?
stand of Damns A Allen, wiki e
*'ad to see them,
ma.- Vw'Im’ W. T. MAY N' 5
G eorgia, bibb county.—wherer?, A.
Proudfll lias medo application for Ietterspf
guardian-hip of the person and piopcriy Julia
AL Everaud Allua lh-l-ktus,uilnorc.illurcnOf
John UodaMii?. deceased. ,, _
These are UMefore to cite and MdMuak all
persons concerned to ho ».id «oprar at the
April tana, IKK, of tlio court of ordinary of
?aid county to ahow cause, if any they can.whjr
said application should not tic granted.
Witness inv hand and official tiimature.MarcU
j, lssj. J. a. McManus,
raarTlawln-* Ordinary.
Riven to all pci>on*sconcerned that Rout Tice-
limn, lateof said county, deceased, died ted ate
and one Harriet a Fulton, having been duly
appointed by (he courtof ordinary tkdmlnUtr.v
tor de bonk non v.iih the will annexed, who
ha* «J*o departed this life before imbuing the
nilttlut-st ration of Robert Ree&tan’s cm a to. anil
lied for amtnlraraUon of said
the Su) c-
icr fit and proper*>
of this citatiou to-wi.: -t
110 por an hat applied
es:u!e,- that adminWraiion
non cuui. tr?taiucnto
be vested In the clerk of
rtnrCourtet'fOme other fit and . .
inter die f-VibllctUion of this dtaiiou to-wi.: :
the Aferfl term. 1SS2, of the court *of ordlnary-
■liltTmelj nwl— valid objection U made i
^^hniSsinv'halid and official signature,
mart law lur J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary.
w e»-
? X'Ot
Foi^oned Slierfl's lc .
ft EORGIA, JO.-:”3 COib.rY.-Y- .
la before the roo.t hot*«It*. a-H) co • etc
flr.t Tncs-Jay In Ar-H ne.-t, ii.i» ng’• vs._
hours of ss’c, the foUowIrs «... j*c<! j. -j
to-wlt: , .
l-h.y acres oric.t’*' in »’M coun.T.
on Ihewett or lanci of Ro'v , OfWtJ- ; . a*
south under .by land? cf Hn?u Meow. ■*.-«*
on .he 1101th by I *ut* of M 2e B>. 3. 2 - , 4 '£*
as thopiopet.y of »:"ko Kid 10 rr- .rt|
issued from treluM : ee« co.-..r ivo - —
M. Bibb cornttf lnfcvoron,*.l)*foa ^
Bi d. levy made a-.d rc : c...n'.i'o i*e»ir >«**
T. Qioicr.tif Mhtfi Mavh
maiGwlds 'X.
vXhr? applied fon-.\era-,tUm> o. ~ '
ebipgpnc7;and va! —.".on <d ImuievT ? raM
I v. 1
the «anio at I • O'drtS..
. ;u, i-:
JeffiraroeviEc. arid count.-
This February 27th, 1^*. ; .
maiMT.d C. A. SOI-OVON f • .*«
. /TeouJia, Jon'ES qirNTY.-Wlkr.-w’.
VXbecc.'. Woot.'otl* applies toxsArm.- :jar-
Tlwe r.9 tod* tM - atoswji «# irtg
eo nerned toMiow emtMSe. *”
1 he ft. : Mouileiy .le ApJl u«.v. ---'J
h' rr. why thesantc totti oes?J
Wl .teaay hand offie'aUy, -io
Fac-S«ml les of U.S.Treasury
£4 and National Bank Bills,
(jAisisting of nine exact imitations of
United States Treasury Note?, nnd nine of
National Bank Bills, Iff in all, of various
denominations. Asa rare means of detect,
ing counterfeit money they aie invaluable.
Postal oards not answered.
A. R. DAY, 311 Bowety.
marlwlw* New York City.
Plow Brand Rawbonc
Diamond Soluble Bone.
Bor sale by
son «. Winbome has applied ta me »•- **-
emptivn of per«m ..By and t • ‘OS **■ *
*nd valuation of homestead, tm ' > » •
upon tho same at 10 o'clock n • tm -'- 1
day of March, 1SS2. at my offite.
/•bllt l o; A. bOLUMON. GnTuar- u
IT inn TNeniwt o me thr:
Zlathews, Utc of sahi eo.inti
.jrt the cfl-?te nV.Drtl
cranrtv Bn . -cmfimsm- -
rep raen ed, w'uereoy lora is likely .o*r*3ta \
ltd edate:
This i? to cite all pc’senscouce-nedte tear
iw me a- t MBvhmwto
cauve, If any tlicr have, 'w tbo O- tVn .
April next why K-.teraof n.imtolsP.u'Owi
not vest lu J. W. Jack, clrik. 8n. 1- iarnt
Id count*
Willie?? 1
• Id coast,. _
Wiinc?. uy hand o"'r'>' : ». Fcbra'vy 3
ft EORGIAJOXKS lOUNTY.-V.hcrer-.Tbratr-
ITns ThomM applies to me for admte • toon
on the estate of F.ymira Itrv.v, deeivuri
These aie to dre rnd a-iiuonkii *vl x- «
concer.’oit to rhovrc.-p?c at. ihla oTicvca*? •*»
, tto *ri.<MoHdsY* tu ■ Amll rtiex. li IJI toi
• have, why ttosamoWia-l ntivbr guxntclt.
Wltuc«s uiyhunu officianv, fRnwSN^S U«.
inar’nil C. T. RtX t. Or,. u
Guano, Superphosphate
and Kainit.
1,000 Tom V., G. & Co. Manipulated
1,000 Tom W., G*& Co. Saperphos-
1,C 30 Tons Pore German Kainit,
These first-clRss Fertilizers will be sold
in quantities to suit, at VERY LOW Prices
for GASH, or on credit for approved pa
per. DEALERS or PLANTERS will find
it to their interest to give ns a call before
buying elsewhere. Send for circulars,
prices, etc.
feb23daw2t SAVANNAH. GA
TXT ILL be told before the eon .-l li»u« d*- - Sa
YV the town of Hawkinsville: nlwixsJjw-
tween the legal boon of ■few-thnMlhffih.
its. Ill April next, Hie following fe* 0 ”- v>
wit: The one-half undivided inltnvskfcts i»
202)4 seres of land ta the 24th ObfM*tfWH'
connty.GemgU.aiid known In the plsv. <ixs
.lMrietas tho north b If of each rakOxX- -- rt
and SR, and known as tho W*id ffisea. ?*•?*
under order of court of ordinary in and fte J?iu
l.askl county. Georgia, rs the proiierty tKV. x.
McVay and Linden MeVajr. Tei-uisoaSS. "V»
other half of said Internist In tuhi buds wn'-ras
hold at i>aiu»tt*Be am! place'aud title sa . */
cv.nors. Tills Febnurv •>*, uoti.
mnrJwtw J1.E McVAT, Onmffi nr?
G eorgia, TWiooe oousty.—t
Joseph II. Kay, aflmlnMrv u-r :• -vi
Tlio rf*. reiresent* to the eouit 'tu’Jti . «r=
tlitlv died and entered on record, lb.» .
fully ndmlnWcrcd Joseph Tharp’sesunc
Tilts is therefore to cite all pcrwuif nsMfll
heirs aud creditor*, to show cause, if etf *f)
can, why said ndmliilrtnitor should mi - ?fe
cli rsed from lit? administration, mil
Uuers of tUsmbatefli on the fln-t
ThUFfehra^g^se, CA-BO^Jgt
vTnud 1.11. Johnson, executors of Ota a
of F. 8. Johnson. Sr..hrve made oxro’l
letters of disuibaiiin from ;-:iie.
This ia therefore to cite andeninoniikSKgmr-.
sons concerned to lie and appro.- a* £»*? r*
of ordinary of Mid connty on (tie Si-jlI-
day iu Jnue next, to riiow can e. lfwi
C.?u, why sold application should noil
Witne-v my hand and o.Bc'ol slsostr —
umoCtnos* <.* -'>3*31
Jone* Countv Sheriff s Sniee
\Jiiefo:e the court tiouKc.iii said rernf.--
flrslTuesilay in April next durinutee
hours 01 talc, thwfoUosrlasdeny died T-
to-?7lh .
One block maromulc; one so.-rel mss
otte iwo-hotse wasnn.thice head ofivrwv:
with tmderhit In each car, forty tmxhrtv
mote or lew and 1,00 pound? oT
more or lew. Levied on as the 1
TI10-. J.MillertoKatt.fyamoiipanei
able to the Superior Comt of Mill caar~: x.j.
vorof Alex II 8tcphci>? v?. Th.-iner.
Property pointed ou? in fi .a.
_ Alroat (he same time and pi*era ■
TBy Telegraph. | *
Boston, Mnrch Si.—Henry W. Longfel
low, tbe poet, at four o’clock tuts morning
was in n dying condition and death is mo
mentarily expected. His bedside wassn--
rounded by cis family. Ho has been ail
ing for some time post, bat jesterday
sank very rapidly, and nt midnight all
Lopes of his recovery were abandoned.
Htnry W. Longfellow died at Cambridge
at 2: 6 this afternoon.
Savannah, March ?1.—Colonel William
Tapj-u Thompson, for thiity-two yenri
managing editor of the Savenueh .Vo- ninn
Sues, died nt his residence to-night alter
an illne.'s of several month?. Ho was
author of “Major Jones’ Coorl3bip” nnit
other kutcerous wo ks. He wes in |-‘e
seventieth year.
Highly Ammon-'atoJ.
Acid Fhoiphate. for compostise.
Ash Element, for Coftco, Beat, Pear, ek
Pore Ground Phosphate Eoci,
Pure Ground Raw Bone
Genuine Leopold!hail Kainit,
Bova Scotia Land Plaster,
Peruvian Guano,
Ground'Dried Fish,
Dried Blood
The above Fertilizers aro of very high
g.-ado and of uniform quality. Special 1n-
ducemenfo are offered for cash orders by
the car load.
For t:rms, Illtsstinted ilnunk O0I0--
ed Humoroos Cat us, etc., add er? the com
«iany. feblTw
We bnvo opened in the front part of onr
wholesale store a
Retail Department,
complete in every respect. We employ
none bnt ’
Gentlemen Who Understand the
Drug Business,
1 and as wo bay nono bat the -
Purest and Best Drugs ,
to be fonnd, we are sore that yon will be
pleased with ns. We sell five cenb’worth
as cheerfully as wo wonld flvo do!.a s'
wort’ 1 , ns we are not disposed io insist on
any one baying more than they need bat
we do want to sell yon ALL YOU NEED,
no matter bow much.
Come to see us opposite the AUCTION
HOUSE and DOLLAR STORE, and call
for Dr. Goodwynot Dr. Daniel, who are in
charge of onr RetrU Department. Re
Lamar R?nkln & Lamar-
L ilxillK A C3.. MW ipifc faUUw.UI,
AHIttirurtVIeirof Hherman.
Xete Tors Cimirsrcial (Ksillwi
The bill wii-. oi.jHi-eil bv Ihoe.-t
man who limelie.1 his fnllowci* ..1 «i,v. 1, 1
expense, ?rho repalre-l hi? hon«o (hn.ti- h
i-nimeut woikmen, atul through wh-.-e a.:
ixtration whlfc Seerolrry of theTren?m v
Hurts of mynterlAu? yard? of carnet w, -c
chaaed by goverumeht money.
— .rrantr
John Crockford va Mike Bin!.
S 4 ' ,S82 - B ' , * HI1
Hotios to Briclga Builder*.
TT-*j.riL Wednesday, March 22. IV.e’ .-*»
yl County Commissioners 0/ Bibb larm
JJJJW® scaled proponli for buf!i«tt}& &
Utley tatnpilio in said cour.e, (♦» rnxnWfl
e 1 bridges n-gregsting 1C! t in bra- *
ri. os anl apectficalions may boater -. r
C unrtereigtofl rt 1-n-jail
house. Ibe right to reject eo«aud allb _
is 1 eser ved. tv. G. SH-M ' r
feb‘J2 (w Clerk Eild» Co. Coma'®.-
e* , iiiliiirtt*ipr of esutto of IV. R 1W.S
ilree.ireil, o, ?af.t Cotin y, ;iaxai>feHrd Str re
of ilU.iilvlon from said him. i „I? j? , Vj --
to cite all ueisonv.ivucentea v> inos na
,b ?F t. o fln.t Mnad ,r be j
i*v>L, Hiijr atnit! npnl!w.Io,i Kltoc'tJ uoibc-tr"
o<l a;iu k’.tCis diMuin.'.’i;ig ftra»i.; tl Jon ifl
Witucm my hauil officiary, Teantar?
feb-thl VIRGIL & HOLTO.V, Oiffizjc?.*
ameR lV.lurk, atlminisirf or on ox' er, -s’
Mt*. Cordelia -Turk, decease.). a,*v»Em *
me for dzsanssioa:
These are to cite p.ud admon'sh nr,.
mus concerned to show cause *t<- V .*:
fico on or bylhe S st Monday in Mart »ra/
be f ' U ranted “ aT °’ W , hy * »o«» sm
^ vfilneoa my hand offleially Jeuntn- ;r.>i
’£>s.a -
Saarael A. itetd vs. Mary A. Pcie ra*
Jones Soperior Oonrt, October tr Kl'
It appearing to the court by reta il ^ ter
sheriff that the defendant in above -
case, Mary A. Retd, is not- to Iw fo. r d t
said connty of Jones; and HTgriVirt*.
pearin.-r that she does not reside v.lft < t,i
limits of this State : Iti-ordered ? «-ra
* ce .. be . perfected on.«aid dsfer.vr—
pubhenttor in tho Macon Trie^ -*j t.
Messenger for space of th .r 3 moatb? <*.
.to® next term ot this courf. Oe'ot; 7M.
R. V. HARDEMAN, Libelant’s A * b- -.
Approved aud «o onle-c.l.
THOS. G. LA W£GN. J. S. C. O. tt
A trae extract fiom minutes.
janlStriim •
K. V. Hardeman applies to mu f-jr M re
gion from administration, with,*- t- ^
nexed, of estate William li iseel k-v, d-raS
These aro to cite and ed urexrah at -m
sons concr. ned to show can** e‘ t;-- ■
on or by the first Mondav i,- Hay -raraJ"si
P->y they hAve, why tha same sb:-’! tso-zu-
granted. WnWBf hand ofiieiviisi*-
nary 17,1882. It. T. ROoS, OH.-hkv
GEORGIA, JONES COl^iT'".- « ’.***.-
Jraac Hardeman, admi b .rain-os w*out;
D. L. Fits, ucceaied. has aiq.K-c u.s»-
for dismission from said ridm:’- .
These are to cite and ndrno.iist. 1
sons concerned to phovr cense at
on or by the first Moad.y in May run'- A
any they have, why the seme rh.-.'l tisr»*r.
grantsd. W/tnejs mv hru J officially lam-
ary 17,1882. R. T. BOSS. OrJdnw*.
GEORGIA, BIBB COt NT v.-',\>^r*w s
W. J. Dent, ndministratu:- of C’jntaw. ?l*s,
rep’6sents io the court it. In- -raj*
filed and entered on record, that tie >ww
faily auministereit Cyntlii:, Hoy's *ma.-
This is, therefore, to cilt all ;-er»oc*^«*„
cetned, heirs aud cieiiiio ?, to sbo 1 cam
nny they cap. win* .-a d ortmini.-C: ctax ■
should cot b© di?c-harged tiie xihsuvis
tration and receive le ti- s o." uisui>iis«»rag,
the 6rt>t Monday ia April 7,
Given under my hand .">;d officialwj*?
tore this Janus /, lift:.
1rv* u h* J. a.MoM - SUB,.».-*.?.y
i wrelTTaii 1 pare ixravnae rrorttg hy th« KetT Q*pit».iiraU
ffltett wf la hlnv-ks. Full f f*« »f '*-•
Km lo AD*«4, UMO90 A Bfltaliggm, at Ecatfl J>. 1
Mail'll U, J.